Feedback and Control Systems: Activity No. 2 - Time Response of Dynamic Systems

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Feedback and Control Systems

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Feedback and Control Systems


Activity No. 2

This activity aims to
1. demonstrate the use of computer aided tools to determine the poles and zeros, and the response
of the system to various inputs of dynamic systems;
2. equip the students with the knowledge and skills in obtaining the pole-zero plot, time response plot
and information, and determining the relationship of the time response parameters of the system in
relation to its pole location; and
3. provide the students with the knowledge of designing component values to meet time response
objectives and simulating the design to verify its correctness.


At the end of this activity, the students shall be able to:
1. determine and, on the complex s-plane, plot the poles and zeros of a dynamic system;
2. plot the time response of, and interpret the time response characteristics of dynamic systems
represented as transfer functions; and
3. design components of dynamic systems to achieve time response parameter objectives.


After obtaining a model of the system, the system is analyzed for its transient and steady-state responses.
It was learned in the discussion that the response of the system is highly dependent on the location of the
system poles. Thus, the location of the poles gives a vivid picture of the form of the response, as well as
how fast the response is.

For first-order system, or system with only one pole and no zero, the response has only one form and is
given as
c(t) = A + Be

where A and B are the residues of the partial fraction expansion of the rational Laplace transform of the
response of the system. In the discussion, the parameters time constant, rise time and settling time are
defined, which are all dependent on the pole location – a.

For second-order system, the response depends on the location of the poles also. In the discussion, a
second-order system with no zeros can have an overdamped, underdamped, undamped, or critically

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damped response depending on the location of the poles. Two related specifications: the damping ratio and
the natural frequency are defined in order to relate these to the type of the response of the system.

Higher-ordered systems containing dominant complex poles as well as with zeros can be approximated as
second-order system when certain conditions are met. These approximations can be validated using
computer aided tools. This activity shows the use of MATLAB and LabVIEW in obtaining the time response
parameters of dynamic systems.


To perform this activity, a computer workstation with MATLAB R2012a or higher and LabVIEW 8.6 or
higher installed is required. For MATLAB, the control systems toolbox is required and for LabVIEW, the
control design and simulation module.

Activity 2.1 – Poles and Zeros
1. MATLAB. Use the command pzmap()to determine the poles and zeros, as well as plot the pole-
zero map of a system whose transfer function is defined in the object sys. Use the following format:

>> [p z] = pzmap(sys)

and MATLAB will return the location of the poles in vector p and the zeros in vector z, as well as a
figure will show the pole-zero map.

2. LabVIEW. Create a VI called Build the FP and BD as shown below.

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 For the Pole-Zero Map, set the upper and lower limits of the imaginary axs to +10 and -10
respectively, and the real axis from +10 to -20. Then disable the autoscaling of the plot.

3. Compute for the poles and zeros of the transfer function given in the table below, then plot them on
the complex s-plane. Complete the table below.
Transfer Function Poles and Zeros Pole-Zero Plot

s + 2s + 2
G(s) =
s + 6s + 4s + 7s + 2

4. Use MATLAB and LabVIEW to determine the poles and zeros and to plot them on the complex s-
plane. Record the results below.
Transfer Function Poles and Zeros Pole-Zero Plot

s + 2s + 2
G(s) =
s + 6s + 4s + 7s + 2

s + 2s + 2
G(s) =
s + 6s + 4s + 7s + 2

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Q1.4(a)Complete the table below, using MATLAB and LabVIEW. Verify the results using hand
calculations on separate sheets of paper.
Transfer Function Poles and Zeros Pole-Zero Plot

G(s) =

G(s) =
(s + 3)(s + 6)

G(s) =
(s + 10)

s + 7s + 24s + 24
G(s) =
s + 10s + 35s + 50s + 24

s + 2s + 10
G(s) =
s + 38s + 515s + 2950s + 6000

Q1.4(b) Using the poles and zeros obtained in the previous questions, write the general form of the
step responses of the system whose transfer functions are given below.
Transfer Function General Form of the Step Response

s + 2s + 2
G(s) =
s + 6s + 4s + 7s + 2

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Transfer Function General Form of the Step Response

G(s) =

G(s) =
(s + 3)(s + 6)

G(s) =
(s + 10)

s + 7s + 24s + 24
G(s) =
s + 10s + 35s + 50s + 24

s + 2s + 10
G(s) =
s + 38s + 515s + 2950s + 6000

Q1.4(c) How does the location of the poles and zeros relate to the general form of the step response
of the system?

Activity 2.2 – Time Response of Dynamic Systems

1. MATLAB. To obtain the step response parameters of systems represented by transfer function sys
use the command step() and stepinfo()which plots the step response of the system, and
provides the step response parameters of the system such as the settling time, rise time, peak time
and percent overshoot. Enter the commands in the following formats

>> step(sys)
>> stepinfo(sys)

The command damp()gives information on the poles of the transfer function, as well as the
associated damping ratio and natural frequencies. Enter the command in the following format

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>> damp(sys)

The command ltiview() can also be used to plot the time response of linear systems. On the
command window, type in

>> help ltiview

for more information on this command. In this case, use the following format

>> ltiview({‘step’,’pzmap’},sys)

to display the step response, as well as the pole-zero map of the transfer function sys.

2. LabVIEW. Replicate and name the other copy as Add components as
shown below.

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Q2.1(a) Use the MATLAB commands and the LabVIEW VI to complete the table below. On a
separate sheet, roughly sketch the time response of each of the system.
Damping Ratio Time Response Parameters
Transfer Function / Natural
G(s) =

G(s) =
s + 20

G(s) =
s + 6s + 144

G(s) =
s + 9s + 9

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Damping Ratio Time Response Parameters

Transfer Function / Natural
G(s) =
s + 100

G(s) =
(s + 15)

G(s) =
s + 4s + 24.542

G(s) =
(s + 10)(s + 4s + 24.542)

G(s) =
(s + 3)(s + 4s + 24.542)

G(s) =
s + 3s + 36

G(s) =
s + 3s + 36

s +3
G(s) =
(s + 2)(s + 3s + 10)

s + 2.5
G(s) =
(s + 2)(s + 4s + 20)

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Damping Ratio Time Response Parameters

Transfer Function / Natural
s + 2.1
G(s) =
(s + 2)(s + s + 5)

s + 2.01
G(s) =
(s + 2)(s + 5s + 20)

s + 2s + 10
G(s) =
s + 38s + 515s + 2950s + 6000

Q2.1(b) Comment on the results for the system (a) and (b). Check the values obtained using the VI
with the results of the formula. Are the values for the damping ratio and the natural frequencies
valid? Comment also on the validity of the values for the peak time and percent overshoot.

Q2.1(c) Comment on the results for the systems (c) through (f). Determine the form of the response
with respect to the value of the damping ratio.

Q2.1(d) Systems (g) through (i) have additional real poles, aside from two complex poles. Comment
on the results. Which exhibits a near second-order response? What is the relationship between the
dominant complex poles and the real third pole for a third-order system to exhibit an approximate
second-order response?

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Q2.1(e) Systems (j) and (k) have zeros. Which of the system exhibit non-minimum phase behavior?
Discuss the non-minimum phase behavior based on the time response plot.

Q2.1(f) Systems (l) through (o) are systems with additional poles and with zeros. Which of these can
be approximated into a second-order response using pole-zero cancellation? What general rule can
be established which will allow such approximation?

Q.2.1(g) Plot the responses of systems (a) through (o) on separate sheets of paper. Screenshots for
such plots may be provided.

3. Complex systems can also be modeled and simulated in MATLAB and LabVIEW. As an example the
system whose block diagram is shown below has the transfer functions G(s) = ( )
and H(s) =

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4. MATLAB. To obtain the closed-loop equivalent the above transfer function, use the command
feedback(), as in the following format

>> T = feedback(G,H)

where T is the object representing the closed-loop transfer function, G is the forward transfer function
and H the feedback transfer function. Read more on the commands feedback(), as well as on
the commands parallel() and series() by using the help command of MATLAB.

Q4.1(a) Using MATLAB, determine the poles and zeros, plot and analyze the time response
characteristics of the system given above. Complete the table below.

Closed-loop Transfer Function Poles and Zeros Pole-Zero Plot

Time Response Characteristics


Time Response Plot

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5. LabVIEW. Modify and rename this as Add a CD Construct Transfer block to define H(s) and connect G(s) with H(s) using the CD Use the
Help to obtain more information about the Model Interconnection palette.

Q5.1(a) Using LabVIEW, determine the poles and zeros, plot and analyze the time response
characteristics of the system given above. Complete the table below.
Closed-loop Transfer Function Poles and Zeros Pole-Zero Plot

Time Response Characteristics


Time Response Plot


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1. In typical conventional aircraft, longitudinal flight model linearization results in transfer functions with two
pairs of complex conjugate poles. Consequently, the natural response for these airplanes has two
modes in their natural response. The “short period” mode is relatively well-damped and has a high-
frequency oscillation. The “plugoid mode” is lightly damped and its oscillation frequency is relatively low.
For example, in a specific aircraft the transfer function from wing elevator deflection to nose angle (angle
of attack) is (McRuer, 1973)

θ(s) 26.12(s + 0.0098)(s + 1.371)

δ (s) (s + 8.99 × 10 s + 3.97 × 10 )(s + 4.21s + 18.23)

a. Determine the poles and zeros of this system and plot them on the complex s-plane.
b. Sketch the step response of the wing elevator deflection to a step nose angle input. Determine the
time response parameters.
c. On the plot of the response, label which is the short period mode and which is the phugoid mode.
Which of the poles cause the short period and the phugoid responses, respectively?

2. Assume that the motor whose transfer function is G(s) = ( )

is used in a position control system.
a. Obtain the system’s pole-zero plot, the type of the response of the system to the step input, the plot
of the step response, and obtain the system’s damping ratio and natural frequency, and if
applicable, the settling time, percent overshoot, rise time and peak time.
b. It is wanted that the time response of the position control system be improved. In order to do just
that, an amplifier and a tachometer are inserted into the loop, as shown in the figure below.
Investigate the effects of the addition of the amplifier and the tachometer on the response of the

c. Find the values of K and K to yield a 16% overshoot and a settling time of 0.2 seconds.
Determine the rest of the time response parameters.

N. Nise. (2011). Control Systems Engineering 6th Edition. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons.

R. Dorf& R. Bishop. (2011). Modern Control Systems 12th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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A. Assessment rubric for the activity’s intended learning outcomes (70%)

1 2 3 Points

Determine and, on the

The student was able to
complex s-plane, plot the The student was not able to The student was able to
determine and plot the poles
poles and zeros of a dynamic determine and plot the poles determine and plot the poles
and zeros of the system but
system. and zeros of the system. and zeros of the system.
there are some errors.
(MP1a, MP2a)

Plot the time response of,

and interpret the time The student was able to plot
The student was not able to
response characteristics of the time response The student was able to plot
plot and interpret the time
dynamic systems characteristics of systems but and interpret the time response
response characteristics of the
represented as transfer was not able to interpret the characteristics of systems.
functions. characteristics.
(MP1b, MP1c, MP2a)

Design components of
The student was able to design The student was able to design
dynamic systems to achieve The student was not able to
some of the component values component values of systems
time response parameter design the components of
but does not achieve the and achieves design
objectives. systems to achieve objectives.
design objectives. objectives.
(MP2b, MP2c)

Total Score

Mean Score = (Total Score /3)

Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%

A = 70% of the Percentage Score

B. Assessment rubric for the conduct of laboratory experiments (30%)

Performance Indicators 1 2 3 Points

Members follow good

Members do not follow Members follow good
and safe laboratory
Conduct experiments in accordance with good and safe laboratory and safe laboratory
practice most of the time
good and safe laboratory practice. practice in the conduct of practice at all times in the
in the conduct of
experiments. conduct of experiments.
Members are able to
Members are able to
Members are unable to operate the equipment
Operate equipment and instruments with operate equipment and
operate the equipment and instruments with
ease instrument with
and instruments. ease and with minimum

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Performance Indicators 1 2 3 Points

The group has complete

Analyze data, validate experimental values data, validates
The group has complete
against theoretical values to determine The group has experimental values
data but has no analysis
possible experimental errors, and provide incomplete data. against theoretical
and valid conclusion.
valid conclusions. values, and provides
valid conclusion.
Total Score

Mean Score = (Total Score /3)

Percentage Score = (Total Score / 9) x 100%

B = 30% of the Percentage Score

Laboratory Rating

A B Total

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