College of Agriculture and Forestry: Vee Larise P. Bali Visitacion T. Aguilar, PH.D

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Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

2nd Semester SY 2015-2016

Final Examination


Name: _____________________________ Score: __________

Course & Year: ______________________ Date: ___________

Instruction for demonstration:

Given the necessary materials, tools and equipment you must be able to perform the following tasks within 3-4 hours:
1. Prepare and bake butter-cheese bread using the straight dough method
2. Prepare and present vanilla chiffon cake

Scoring Rubric
During the demonstration of
skills, the students: 10 8 6 4 2 Score

1. Select and use appropriate Appropriate Appropriate selection, Not so appropriate Inappropriate No attempt to
equipment, tools & utensils selection, preparation and use selection, selection, use tools/
preparation and of equipment,tools & preparation and use preparation and equipment
use of equipment, utensils of equipment, tools use of
tools & utensils all Most of the time & utensils oftentimes Equipment, tools
the time. & utensils
2. Select, measure and weigh Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follow No attempt to
ingredients according to application of application of application of systematic follow
recipe requirements procedures in procedures in procedures in application of procedures
selecting, selecting, measuring selecting, measuring procedures and
measuring & & weighing & weighing need close
weighing ingredients most of ingredientssometime supervision at all
ingredients all the the time s w/ constant time
time supervision
3. Prepareproduct according to Demonstrated Demonstrated good Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
standard mixing procedure. excellent preparation skill and satisfactory basic a limited level
preparation skill able to follow the preparation skill and preparation skill skill in the
and able to follow standard mixing able to follow the and able to kitchen and
the standard mixing procedure standard mixing follow the requires
procedure procedure most of standard mixing constant
the time procedure supervision
4. Select oven temperature to Able to select the Able to select the Able to select the Inappropriate No attempt to
baked products in required oven required oven required oven selection of the select the
accordance with desired temperature of temperature of baked temperature of required oven required oven
baked products all products most of the baked products temperature of temperature of
characteristics &standard
the time time often times baked products baked products
recipe specifications often times
5. Bake butter cheese bread Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follow No attempt to
and vanilla chiffon cake application of application of application of systematic apply
according to recipe procedures in procedures in baking procedures application of procedures to
baking all the time most of the time with sometimes with procedures and project
specifications, techniques
w/o supervision minimum supervision constant supervision need close
and desired product supervision at all
characteristics. time
6. Decorate and present bakery Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follow No attempt to
products application of application of application of systematic apply
procedures in procedures in procedures in application of procedures to
decorating & decorating & decorating & procedures and project
presenting presenting products presenting products need close
products all the most of the time with sometimes with supervision at all
time w/o minimum supervision constant supervision time
7. Apply food hygiene and Observed Observed workplace Observed Does not Totally
safety principles workplace hygiene hygiene & most safety workplace hygiene & observed disregards
& all safety precautions most of sometimes some workplace workplace
precautions at all the time safety precautions hygiene & safety hygiene &
times precaution precaution
8. Demonstratetime Work finished Work finished meets Work finished close Work finished No concept of
management skills ahead of time deadline to deadline way beyond time
Maximum Score- 80 points Total Score _____

Prepared by:


Instructor Checked by:
BAT Chairman
Noted by:


Dean, CAF

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