Foundation Design Methods For Poles and Towers

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Final Report Foundation Design Methods for Poles and Tovers wy Kent A. Healy, Associate Professor Richard P, Long, Associate Professor oR TTL Project T3-1 December 1973 This research was sponsored by the Joint Highway Research Aévisory Council of the University of Connecticut and the Connecticut Department of Transportation, and ves carried out in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Connecticut. Introduction ‘The purpose of this project was to examine all the available infor mation on the foundation design methods used for poles and tovers and to make recommendations to the Connecticut Departnent of Transportation. ‘The published literature was reviewed and several utilities and an oil company were contacted for information. ‘The conclusions and recomendations of the authors are presented with design examples. Backeround Figures 1 through 5 illustrate the various types of foundations that are used to support towers and poles. The design methods for the foundations shown in Figures 1 through 4 have been presented in several ‘texts on foundation engineering (9,10,11) and the reader is referred to these books for more detail. The foundation type shown in Figure 5 is widely used for the support of highway signs and Lighting, but the de~ sign methods are largely enperical and sometimes inefficient. The major effort of this project was spent in evaluating reported field data and theories concerning the behavior of rigid poles enbedded in soil. POLE FOUNDATIONS ‘The foundation for poles mst be simple, inexpensive and adaptable to a wide range of loads and soil characteristics. The primary forces are applied relatively high up on the poles and the pole and foundation must be designed to resist large moments. In order to keep deflection within tolerable limits, the pole and its foundation structure must be stiff and can be considered rigid relative to the soil. A common type of foundation for this type of structure is made by augering a hole 1-3 feet in diometer into the ground and filling the hole with concrete, reinforcing, and tie-down bolts that permit the attactment of a steel pole. Designing this type of foundation consists of determining the diameter, the depth of the hole and the reinforcing required. Design Criterie F. E, Behn (1) describes several full scale tests on steel poles supported by augured in concrete piers 30-36 inches in diameter. Typical plots of applied moment versus auguler deflection for two of Behn's tests have been reproduced in Figure 6, These plots show that the soil has considerable reserve strength at deflections well above those that can be tolerated in the field. This is a very important characteristic of the behavior of rigid poles embedded in soil. As the applied moment in- creases, a greater amount of soil reaches its ultinate strength with resulting increase of deflection. Abrupt failure does not occur even at very large deflections if the embednent to diameter ratio is more than five. A very good discussion of this phenomenon is given by Davison and Prakash (2). This behavior aictates that any design criteria be based on allowable deflections not the ultimate load-carrying capacity. Design Methods ‘There are two general methods of designing pole foundations for Limited deflection. The first uses the coefficient of horizontal sub— grade reaction as described by Terzaghi (8) and elastic analysis to Predict the deflection (6,2). The second assumes a pseudo-elastic stress distribution (3,5,4) and limits the maximum stress in the soil to values that have given tolereble deflections in the field. This maxi- mum s0i1 stress is based either on the soil type end its consistency or the unconfined compression strength for clays and the friction angle for sands. Both methods assume rigid rotation of the pile and the resulting’ stress distribution in the soil as shown in Figure 7. The point of rote- tion and depth to maximum stress are dependent on the soil characteristics and the relative values of P, e, D, and 3. EVALUATION OF DESIGN METHODS Coefficient of Horizontal Subgrade Reaction Of the two techniques reviewed that use the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction, only Brons’ (6) method is simple enough to make it of practical use. Several typical situations of soil and loading were assumed. The deflections calculated by Broms' method were considerebly more than deflections measured in the field according to data given ty Broms (6) end Behn (1). The main source of error lies in the assumed coefficient of hori- zontal subgrade reaction. In addition this method shows no increase in stiffness with increasing pile diameter, a fact that is at odds with field observations by Anderson (7) and Kinney (4). These two problens led the authors to discard the horizontal subgrade reaction method as too cumber- some and conservative for general use. Yaximum Stress Method ‘This second method is used by Czerniak (3), Ivey and Hawkins (5), Rutledge, as discussed by Kinney (4), and also in an alternate method by Broms (€), This method assumes that a large amount of deflection has occur- ved when the stress in the soil in front of the pier exceeds the passive stress. In order to limit deflections of the pier under vorking loads, the maximum stress in the soil must not exceed some fraction of the passive stress. Based on field observations, Kinney (4), Ivey and Hawkins (5) end Czerniak (3) indicate thet for piers one to three feet in dianeter, a maxi- mun stress of from one-third to one-fifth of the conventional Rankine passive stress for walls will not cause "excessive" deflection of the piers. For piers whose depths are more than about twice the diameter, Brons states (6) thet the ultimate passive stress is approximately three times that for the case of a long wall. Several typical situations of soil and loading were assumed and the depth of foundation required to limit deflection at the ground surface to 1/2" was calculated using the maximm stress methods (3,!,5,6). The results were compared to the deflection under similar situations reported ‘by Behn (1) and Broms (6), These comparisons indicated that both Broms’ and Rutledge's maxim stress methods gave reasonable results, whereas the other maximum stress methods were very conservative. All these methods are sinple to use. For cohesionless soil, Broms gives the following equation for the ultimate lateral load capacity: D3 1/2 ¥_B oe fa ult e+D where D is the depth of eabedment, y_ is the effective unit weight of the soil, B is the diameter of the pier, e is the height above ground surface tmnt the lood P is applied and K, = }+ S12 ¢ where ¢ is the friction angle of the soil. Broms also states that the pier rotation under this loading will be from 0.002 to 0.006 radians. If the pier is nine feet deep, this represents movenent at the ground surface of approxinetely 0.2 to 0.6 inches. Rutledge's method is represented by the equation: uae Fat Zips abe where P,, 15 that load that will cause 6 pier movement at ground surface of 1/2", and 8, is the lateral stress on the soil at e depth of approxi~ mately 1/XD. The maximum allovable stress S,, thst can be permitted, is a function of soil, and ranges from about 900 psf for very soft soil to 4500 psf for very hard soil. This method is applicable to both cohesion less and cohesive soils. Brons' and Rutledge’s methods yield similar results, if in Rutledze's equation it 4 ensued that 8, 1s equal to 1/h D x yell, x 3. The factor 3 is due to the fact that the ultimate passive stress against a relatively narrow pier is approximately three times the Rankine wall passive stress. ‘The main discrepancy between the two methods is that Broms states that at rotations of 0.002 to 0.006 redians the ultimate load capacity has been reached, whereas Rutledge feels that there is considerable additional load-carrying capacity at this deflection. The latter opinion is supported ty Behn's field tests and 25 years experience with this design method by the billboard industry. SUGGESTED DESIGN PROCEDURE Based on review and analysis of the existing literature, the authors suggest that the following procedure be used in the design of foundation piers for highvay sign poles. ‘The maximum stress method of Broms or Rutledge is recommended as the best design method with modification of the allowable maximm soil stress, In the case of cohesionless sofls, the equation for the required depth of enbedment takes the form of: Prog * 2) rea” YB KIS For cohesive soils the equation takes the form of: P(2sh Dg + 2-66) et rea 5,8 where 8, is the maximm allowable soil stress and should be one-hslf of ‘the stress S, reconmended by Rutledge in order to limit deflections of the pier to 0.25" or let Sp vill vary from 450 psf for soft soil to 2250 pef for dense glacial till. For clay, if the undreined shear strength (S,) 48 known, the maximum allowable stress 8, should be equal to 2 S,. ‘This 4s approximately one-fourth of the yield stress and limits the de~ flection at ground surface to approximately 0.25". It should be recog- nized that the stiffness and strength of the pier varies approximately as ‘the square of the enbedment depth, and where doubt exists as to the quality of the soil, the strength and stiffness can be increased consider- ably by increasing the depth ty a few feet. It is also important to recognize thet the method of construction will affect the behavior considerably, and care must be taken to reduce @isturbance of the soil adjacent to the pier or to compact the soil properly if it is disturbed, In order to calculate the required amount of reinforcement in con crete piers, it can be assumed thet the maximun moment in the pier will not exceed 150% of the moment applied at the ground surface, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS After considerable review, both Rutledge's and Broms’ maximm stress methods, with some modification, are recommended as the simplest and most eccurate methods for determining the required depth of embedment for pole foundations. Very few actual full scale load tests have been reported in the literature so that some uncertainty still exists concerning the stiffness of embedded pole foundations. If additional load tests become available, these recommendations should be updated. 10. n. REFERENCES Behn, F. E., “fests of Tilting Moment Resistance of Cylindrical Rein- forced Concrete Foundations for Overhead Sign Supports", High- way Research Board, Bulletin 247, Jan. 1959. Davison, T. and 8. Prakash, "Review of Soil-Pole Behavior", High- vay Research Board, Bulletin 39, 1963. Czerniak, E., “Design Criteria for imbedment of Piers", Consulting Engineer, March 1958. Kinney, Bawin E,, "Correct Eubedment for Pole Structures”, Wood Preserving News, Oct. 1959. Ivey, Don L. and Leon Hawkins, "Signboard Footings to Resist Wind Loads", Civil Engineering, Dec. 1966. Broms, B., "Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesionless Soils”, , Jour. of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE, May 196). Anderson, W. C., "Foundations to Resist Tilting Moments Imposed on Upright Cantilevers Supporting Highvay Signs", Highway Research Board, Bulletin 247, Jan. 1959. Terzaghi, K., "Evaluation of Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction", Geotechnique, Vol. 5, 1955. erzaghi, K. and R. Peck, "Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice", John Wiley & Sons, 1948. Teng, W. C+» "Foundation Design", Prentice-tlall International, Tne- 1962. Sowers, G. B. and G. F. Sowers, "Introductcry Soil Mechanics and Foundations", MacMillan Co., 1970. APPENDIX Design Examples 1. Given P = 2500 1b water table @ 20 ft e = 20 tt dense sand ¢= 37° K)= 4 y= 130 pet B=3ft Pp eee Pee) req”, BK try D= 6 ft 2 = 2500 (20 + 6) _ De = 130 x 3x byk = 167 D=5.5 tt try D= 5.4 ft = 2500 (20 + 5.4) _ 2 = DY 130 x 3 x U7 163 Prog = 5:5 tt 2. Given 3000 1b clay Su = 500 psf 30 ft use S = 1000 psf 3 ft ® woe oe P (2.4 Dag + 2-6 €) req. 858 try D= 8 ft = 3000 (2.4 x 8 + 2.6 x 30) _ » 1000 = 3 oe D= 9.8 ft try D= 10 ft = 3000 (24 + 78) _ p= 1000 x 3 102 Dreg 7 210 ft Figure 4 ‘TOWER ON SPREAD FOOTINGS case 1 IN THIS DESIGN TRE WEIGHT OF THE TOWER, 1S SUFFICIENT To OFFSET ANY VPLIFT PRoDuceD By THE LATERAL FORCE. —> PF CASE 2 IN THIS DESIGN THE WEIGHT OF THE TOWER Cul COUNTERACT THE UPLIFT PRebuceD BY THE LATERAL FORCE, THEREFORE THE welEHT OF THE FOOTING MUST BE INCREASED AND/oR BuRED To PROVIDE SUPFICIENT PROTECTION AGAINST UPLIFT. —- P La THIS VOLUME OF Som, PRovipes UPLIRT Pe ReaeTance. Fieues_ 2 G@uyeD MAST : THIS DESIGN METHOD RELIES ON THE WEIGHT OF THE ANCHOR AND Son. RESISTANCE To ORPSET ANY Tension PRODUCED IN THE CABLE By THE LATERAL Force. Fioure 3 Tower on PILES TMI METHOD UTILIZES THE CAPABILITIES OF THE PILES To RESIST ANY DOWNWARD AND UPLIET Feeces BY SKIN FRICTION. Ficure 4+ POLE EMBEDDED IN MASSE FOUNDATION > THIS DESIGN RELIES ON THE AGTH of WEIGHT oF THE FOUNDATION To oRFSer Ady OVERTERNGING WHA IS PRodoceD BY THE LATEEAL Force « —-P Fioure 5 RIGID POLE EMBEDDED IW GROUND = THIS DESIGN UTILIRES THE LATERAL STeROTH OF THE SOIL To RESIST OVERTUENING « Pp th. er x 10% APPLIED MOMENT COHESIVE SOIL: GRANULAR SOIL, Dat Beat "| MAXIMUM DEFLECTION UNDER DESIGN LOAD. ° 2 4 e 8 ANGULAR DEFLECTION (RADIANS x I0 FIG. @ ‘TYPICAL MOMENT VS. DEFLECTION FOR RIGID PIERS. CarTER BEHA i959) APPR: MAXIMUM SOL STRESS Pont Of ROTATION te FIG. 7 SOIL STRESS DUE To PIER ROTATION NATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PAKISTAN (PVT) LIMITED GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIORNMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM From: Sohail Kibria To: Mr. Tahir ur Rehman V.P.(Incharge Overseas / Head F & P Sec.) GM/Head GT & GE Division SE Division Ref: 024/SKIO1 20414 Date: September 21, 2016 SAFE CITY PROJECT (Job No. SA-319) Recommendation for Four (4) Poles with Static Signs This refers to geotechnical input requested to verify the provided design depth of pole footing and check expected lateral displacement. We have checked the adequacy of for four (4) pole foundations for the embedment depth below fill material for the provided loadings conditions at base plate level. Undrained cohesive soil strength of 40 kPa below fill material is taken from Safe City Project’s geotechnical information. The provided depths are sufficient for the given loading conditions and lateral deflections at ground surface are within the permissible limits of 12.5 mm (as per SED) for the following pole footings. 1. Drilled Pier for 12 M Gantry with Statie Signs (4 SQM) Shear= 7.44 kN Moment =39.24kN-m Dia. 750 mm. Embedded depth below EGL= 3.3 m Signs (4 SQM) Dia. 750 mm 2, Drilled Pier for 15 M Gantry with Stati Shear= 6.99 KN Moment = 37.30 kN Embedded depth below EGL= 3.3 m 2. Drilled Pier for 18 M Gantry with Static Signs (4 SQM) Shear=8.12kKN Moment =41.50kN-m Dia. 750 mm Embedded depth below Ei 6m 2. Drilled Pier for 20 M Gantry with Static Signs (4 SQM) Shear = 8,66 KN Moment = 43.30 KN-m Dia. 750 mm. Embedded depth below EGL= 3.6 m Further stability checks may please be done at your end. With regards 6 x wks Ce: P.M, Job no. SA-319, P & M Division MES NATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES ‘SHEET. OF... PAKISTAN (PVT) LIMITED fees NESPAK HOUSE. 1-0, BLOCKN, MODEL TOWIN -3/ AR Sess GOBNO. SAF. By: PROJECT, Safe ciley ef CHK = eT, eee OE debe av enlen OQ I8™ Gantry Pole culations are Perfermes! using Final Prey y Dyeqg * PS Dveg +722 x Dreq — [-Bpveqg — 7-2 28 PROJECT. SUBJECT. NATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PAKISTAN (PVT) LIMITE SE ey) A ccN MODEL TOWN TFENSER hide PakisaN JOB NO. BY: gt Cal dealin) Dregs PCY Dyeq 4 260) e ae at = S)2 4k Sp Bb = e Sy) = 20kPa Dieg = TUG QU Dreg 26 XS:27) Lox oe >» 2 InG6 Bree 410? 15 2 Drey = | Deeg — f-2 42 227m < De 3 ok 3m b Fot PRA BE MATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES SHEET... Reson AOUSe 12 aoc, MODEL TOW <-> PRR aeons" 4B NO... A: PROJECT. { suBJEcr. = bse sae OF 4 20M Ganhy pole Sve heay = @66Kr keno Deflecliee Oh trovrd fete I be’ lexs han’ 825mm (o:0e”) fro Frew oaels 3 ee fore pole» onclyp td om thie Calestatim Chet: oI pavameters F oR H=6.8m Ground Line 3m for sweet soil of green belt + fil alerial to be decided by geotechnical engineer Resisting Surace Pole Foundation ID=0.7m|

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