Bell (1977)

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Compaction Energy Relationships of

Cohesive Soils
J. R. Bell, Department of Civil Engineering, Oregon State University

The energy requirements of laboratory methods of compaction that pro- LITERATURE REVIEW
duce similar results with a sandy silty clay soil of low plasticity were in-
vestigated. The purposes were to provide insight into compaction energy Considerable, but still incomplete, information about the
relationships, to give a preliminary indication of the possible benefits of compaction-energy requirements of cohesive .soils is
improved field compaction equipment design and operation, and to sug-
gest directions for future studies. Three methods of compaction-impact, available in the literature. Some of this is summarized
static, and kneading-were studied. The soil was compacted at three en- briefly below, and a more complete review has been given
ergy levels by the impact method, and for one energy level, nine combi- by Johnson and Sallberg (2).
nations of rammer mass, number of tamps, and height of drop were Several investigations of the effects of the magnitude
used. The moisture versus unit weight relationships for the basic impact and distribution of compactive effort in the impact test
method were reproduced by a static compaction method and by a are reported in the literature. A study relating compac-
kneading method and the compaction energies determined. The com- tive effort, dry unit weight, and compaction moisture
pacted specimens were tested for as-compacted undrained strength. The
static method is always the most efficient for the soil tested, but the rela- content by Dhawan and Bahri (3) showed that, under con-
tive efficiencies of the other methods vary with the moisture content of ditions drier than the optimum- moisture content, in-
the soil, the ram mer force per unit area, and the rate and duration of load- creased energy per unit volume results in higher densi-
ing. In this study, the most efficient method was always at least three ties. This is true even at high compactive efforts.
times as efficient as the least efficient method with respect to the energy Under conditions wetter than the optimum moisture con-
required to produce the same dry unit weight. A view of the compaction tent, however, increasing the energy input above some
process for cohesive soils that considers energy and distinguishes between
penetration due to densification and plastic deformation is presented.
relatively low value does not increase the density be-
cause the additional effort is consumed in remolding the
soil at constant volume. It is this remolding that pro-
duces the different grain structures of cohesive soils
It is frequently possible to meet a given set of compac- compacted above and below the optimum water content (1).
tion specifications with a wide range of equipment and There have been several studies of the details of how-
field procedures. To select the most efficient equip- a given effort is applied to the soil. Sowers and Kennedy
ment and method requires knowledge of the inputs of (4) fourid that the most important factor influencing the
compaction energy per unit volume of soil that are re- effectiveness of a given impact compactive effort was the
quired to produce end products having comparable prop- percentage of the total energy that was applied in each
erties by different compaction methods. It also re- tamp. In studies of the effects of force, velocity, energy,
quires knowledge of the efficiencies of different types of and momentum of the rammer, Proctor (5) showed that
field compaction equipment and of the procedures used for constant compactive effort per unit volume of soil,
in applying useful compaction energy to soil. This re- the variation in dry unit weight due to rammer force was
port presents the results of a preliminary study of the small. Maclean and Williams (6) also found that for
energy requirements of various laboratory methods of constant applied energy, the effect of the force of the
compaction that produce comparable results. The pur- rammer was very small. Contrary to Proctor, however,
poses of the study are to provide a better understanding they found that the lighter rammer gave slightly higher
of the compaction energy relationships for cohesive soils, unit weights. Maclean and Williams also studied the ef-
a preliminary indication of the possible benefits of im- fects of rammer force at constant momentum and found
proved field compaction equipment, and information for only a sli~htly greater effect than !or constant energy.
planning further research. Sowers ancl Kennedy (4) used ramme1·s ranging from
Three laboratory compaction methods-impact, static, 24.5 to 111.2 N (5.5 to-25.0 lbf) and heights of drop from
and kneading-were studied using one soil. The soil 76.2 to 457 mm (3 to 18 in) and concluded that neither
used was a sandy silty clay of low plasticity. The re- rammer force, velocity, nor momentum had discernible
sults from this soil are compared with data from the lit- effects on impact compaction effectiveness with respect
erature by other investigators for other cohesive soils. to dry unit weight.
From the point of view of efficiency in field compaction, There are no known data for the moisture and unit
it is necessary to consider equipment factors relative to weight versus energy relationships for static compaction.
the efficiency of transferring energy from some source Some factors affecting efficiency may be the ratio of the
to the soil as well as the energy that must be applied to diameter of the specimen to its length, the rate of com-
the soil itself to obtain the desired results. This inves- pression, the time of load application, and whether com-
tigation considers only the relationship between the de- pression is from both ends or one.
sired end product and the energy applied to a unit volume Several studies have been made of the effects of the
of soil (the compactive effort). number of layers, the number of tamps per layer, the
It is traditional to compare compaction on the basis foot pressure, and the dwell time on the kneading com-
of density. However, with cohesive soils, different paction process. Typical of the results of these studies
methods of compaction may yield different soil grain are those of Seed and Monismith (7), who showed that in-
structures at the same density (1), and different densi- creasing the number of layers or Of load applications per
ties and moisture contents may be required to obtain layer has the same general effect as in the impact test,
comparable end properties by different methods. A and increasing the foot pressure has the same effect as
comparison of the energy per unit volume to obtain a increasing the rammer force in the impact test. McRae
given density may not be a true evaluation of relative ef- and Rutledge (8) found that increasing the time the foot
ficiencies. Therefore, the compactive efforts required pressure was maintained on the soil shifted the line of
by each method were compared with respect to dry unit optimum toward the zero air-voids line.
weight and as-compacted undrained shear strength. Sankaran and Muthukrishnaiah (~ have compared the

energy consumed in laboratory impact and kneading 592.5 kJ/m 3 (12 375 rt•lbf/ft~), which is the energy of the
compactions under moisture contents drier than opti- standard test. The number of blows per layer, the
mum. They concluded that the impact method is more heights of drop, and the rammer forces used are llsted
efficient in terms of both dry density and strength. They in Table 1.
also found that, for any given molding-water content For the impact tests, the gross energy applied per
drie.r than the optimum, there was a critical compactive unit volume was calculated directly from the product of
effort for each compaction method. Below this critical the force, the height of d1·op, the numbe1· of blows per
compaction effort, the as-compacted undrained strength layer, and the numbe1· of layers divided by the volume
was a linear function of the compactive effort. Above of soil.
this effort, the strength increased very little with in-
creased compactive effort. Static Compaction

LABORATORY STUDIES Specimens were compacted to the desired moisture con-

tent and unit weight by mixing the soil to as nearly the
This is a preliminary study; therefore, only one soil and desired moistw·e content as possible, weighing the re-
only each method of impact, static, and kneading com- quired amount of moist soil into the compaction mold,
-paction were studied. Because of tlte lai·ge amount of and compressing it to a known volume. After compaction,
data (nearly 90 specimens were compacted and tested), the sample was extruded from the mold, weighed, a
typical results only are presented. moisture sample taken, and the moisture and unit weight
computed. The moisture versus unit weight relationships
Test Soil obtained by the basic impact tests were duplicated as
neal'ly as possible by static compaction, and strength
The soil was sieved through a 4. 75-mm (no. 4 U.S. stan- tests were performed on these specimens. The results
dard) sieve. The portion passing was air dried, thor- of tyPical strength tests are shown in Figure 3.
oughly mixed, and stored until needed for testing. This The soil was compacted in a steel cylinder by com-
soil had 61 percent passing the 0 .074-mm (no. 200) sieve; pression from both ends. The compacted specimen was
its liquid and plastic limits were 24 and 19 percent re- the same size as that obtained in the impact method. The
spectively. The soil was a sandy silty clay of low plas- compression force was recorded at each 2.5 mm (0.1 in)
ticity having a unified classification of CL-ML. of displacement, and the total energy required for com-
For all tests, the air-dried soil was carefully mixed paction was computed as the area under the force versus
by hand with distilled water to as nearly the desired displacement curve. The energy relationships are shown
moisture content as possible and stored in air-tight con- in Figures 4 and 5. The normal procedure was to com-
tainers for a curing period of not less than 24 h before pact at a constant rate of 5 mm/inin (0.2 in/min). Tests
compaction. A fresh soil sample was used for each of the effect of the rate of compression showed that the
specimen. compaction energy did not increase significantly until the
compaction rate was more than doubled.
Shear Test Method
Kneading Compaction
The undrained strength relationships for all of the speci-
mens were measured to detect any differences in soil The kneading compaction tests were performed with a
structure that might result from the different compaction manual press similar to the University of California tyPe
procedures. A direct shear test was used for these in- (2). The soil was compacted in a standard AASHTO
vestigations because the sample could be cut from the compaction mold, which was placed on a rotating base
center third of the cylinder of compacted soil so as to under the ram of the press. A triangular tamping foot
not include the contact planes between the layers in on the ram was pressed into the soil, the foot was raised,
which the soil was compacted. the cylinde1· rotated 30~ and the foot again p1·essed into
After compaction, the soil was extruded from the the soil. This process was repeated as required. The
con1paction mold, and a sample 63.5 mm (2.5 in) in di- soil was compacted in three layers with 24 tamps/
ameter by 25.4 mm (1.0 in) high was carefully trimmed layer at a foot pressure of 3861 kPa (185 lbf/ft 2J.
from the center of the cyliJlC!er. The sample was placed These conditions were selected experimentally to ap-
in the direct-shear machine, a normal stress of 47.9 proximately duplicate the moisture versus unit weight
kPa (1000 lbf/ft 2 ) was axiplied to it, and it was sheared curve obtained by the standard impact method.
at a rate of 0.01 mm/s (0.025 in/min). A hydraulic cylinder and pressure gauge in the ram
assembly indicated the force on the foot, and an Ames dis-
Impact Compactiou placement dial measured the foot penetration into the
soil. The foot was pressed into the soll as rapidly as
Equipment and procedul'es were as specified by AASHTO the displacement and the corresponding forces could be
T 99 procedm·e, except as noted. In the basic series of read manually. The energy for each tamp was computed
impact tests, only the compactive effort was varied. In as the area under the force versus displacement curve.
addition to the standard 25 blows/layer, 12 and 55 The total energy was the sum of the energies of the in-
blows/layer were also used. The moisture content dividual tamps.
versus unit weight curves obtained from these tests are The strength results for the kueadhig compaction
shown in Flgure 1, and the stress versus displacement method are shown in Figu1·e 6, and the energy relation-
curves obtained from the undrained strength tests of the ships for method are shown in Figures 4 and 5.
specimens compacted at standard conditions are shown
To investigate the effects of rammer velocity and
force on the impact test method, a special rammer was The compaction results of the basic impact tests at the
made that allowed varying the height of drop and the three energy levels and the undrained, as-compacted
force. The general design, clearances, and shape and strength data are tyPical of this metJ1ocl. The data given
area of the rammer face we1·e the same as the standard in Table 1 for constant energy with different rammer
rammer. The compactive effort was held constant at forces, velocities, and energies per blow, however,

show that the way the energy is applied is significant. 133 percent respectively. On this basis, the most ef-
With respect to the maximum dry unit weight, the max- ficient combination is approximately twice as efficient
imum variation is only about 0.5 kN/ m 3 (3 lbf/ ft 3). How- as the least efficient procedure.
ever, when this is translated into energy considerations, With respect to dry unit weight, the most efficient
it becomes s ignificant. Figure 7 shows the relationship method was the use of the heaviest rammer with the
between the maximum dry unit weight am! the compactive lowest velocity and the highest energy per blow, and the
effort for the basic procedure and the range of unit least efficient was the use of the lightest rammer with the
weights obtained at 592.5 kJ/ m 3 (12 375 ft•lbf/ft 3) of higbest velocity and lowest energy per blow. Energy per
energy with various rammer forces and drop distances. blow was the most important factor: The lower the en-
The least efficient combination gives a dry unit weight ergy per blow, the lower the efficiency.
that could have been obtained with only about 402.2 kJ/m 3 The strength test data show that these a1·e also sig-
(8400 ft•lbf/it 3 ) by the basic method, and the most effi- nificantly affected by the details of the compaction pro-
cient combination corresponds to a unit weight that would cedure. Table 1 shows that the peak strength at the op-
have required about 790.0 kJ/m 3 (16 500 fMbf/ft3) by the timum moistu.r e conditions for the specimen compacted
basic method. These are relative efficiencies of 68 and with the lightest rammer with the highest velocity and
the lowest energy per blow is about equal to that for the

Figure 1. Impact compaction: moisture content versus

unit weight. Table 1. Impact compaction variables and results .

Optimum Conditions
19 Blows Height Rammer
,,,_ Water Dry Unit Peak
per of Drop Force Content Weight Strength
Layer (mm) (N) ('1>) (kN/ m') (kN/ m' )
s: 18 55 152 22.2 13.6 18.3 218
c 25 610 12.2 13.6 18.6 239
::J 25 305 24.5 13.4 18. 7 205
25 152 49.0 13 . 5 18.6 205
Cl 12 610 25.5 13.9 18.5 217
12 305 51.0 13.4 18.7 165
12 152 102.0 13.2 18.8 174
8 10 12 14 16 18 Note: 1 mm= 0.04 in; 1 N = 0.22 lbf; 1 kN/m 3 = 6.37 lbf/ft 3 ; 1 kN/m 2 • 20.89 lbf/ft'.
Water Con tent (%)

Figure 4. Compactive effort required to obtain

Figure 2. Shear stress: displacement relations for AASHTO T 99 dry unit weight.
AASHTO T 99 compaction.
Not"! I kN/m 1 = 20.89 lbf/ft 2 ; 1 mm= 0.04 in; and 10,
12, 14, and 16 are water contents (percent) ,
Notes: 1 kN/m 2 = 20.89 lbf/ft';
1 mm = 0.04 in; and J
"' E 10, 12, 14, and 16 are -""
'- water contents (percent}.
,,,_ 200 .e
w 400

( /) u
a. 200
~ 100
.t: 0
(/) u

00 10 12 14 16 18
2 3 4 5 Water Content(%)
Displacement (mm)

Figure 5. Compactive effort required to obtain dry unit

Figure 3. Shear stress: displacement relations for static weight of 17.9 kN/m 3 (114.0 lbf/ft 3 ).
compaction equivalent to AASHTO T 99 compaction.
300 ,--~~r-~~-.-~~~~~~~~~ Note: 1 kJ/m' = 20.89 ft'lbf/ft'-
Notes: 1 kN/m' = 20.89 lbf/ft 2 ;
"' E T99
:::; 800
"'E 1 mm = 0.04 in; and

'- 10, 12, 14, and 16 are

z water contents (percent), Impa c t ~
.:.:. 200 600
> 400
Y ~


~ 100 0
a. static
QJ E 200
.c 0

08 10 12 14 16 18
Water Content (%)
Displacement (mm)

heaviest and slowest rammer and the highest energy per This table also shows that in the kneading method, the
blow, even though this condition yields higher density. greatest energy is applied by the first tamp. There is a
The highest peak strengths were those of intermediate great difference between the first and second tamp and
conditions. Evidently, the high-energy rammer ac- then a steady decrease with succeeding applications of
complishes more remolding and shear of the soil and the tamping foot: Approximately two-thirds of tl1e total
develops a more ordered arrangement of the soil par- energy was applied during the first 12 tamps (one cover-
ticles that reduces the strength. age of the soil). For the conditions of tl1is kneading
The table below for measurements made at a com- method, the energy applied during the first coverage ac-
pactive effort of 526 kJ/m 3 (11 000 ft •lbf/ft 3 ) shows that complished about 97 percent of the compaction under
there were sigi1ificant differences in the energy applied moisture conditions drier than optimum and virtually
to the different layers in the kneading test (1 N •m = 100 percent of the compaction under moisture conditions
0. 74 lbf/ft). wetter than optimum. The energy in the second applica-
tion was consumed almost entirely in remolding at con-
Energy (N·m) stant volume.
Tamp No. Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Figure 4 shows the energies required to obtain the
1 15.8 17.2 19.7 standard AASHTO T 99 moisture versus unit weight re-
4 7.5 7.6 9 .8 lationships by the three compaction procedures studied,
8 5.9 5.9 9.4 and Figure 5 shows the energies required to obtain a dry
12 4.6 6.6 7.8 unit weight of 17 .9 kPa (114 lbf/ft 3) by the three methods.
Subtotal 88.1 93.8 117.6 For the soils compacted under moisture conditions
16 4.6 6.1 6.5 drier than optimum, the energies required to approxi-
20 3.B 5.3 8.0 mate AASHTO T 99 compaction are constant for all
24 2.8 4.8 7.0 methods. Of course, for the impact method, the energy
Total 131.7 159.2 205.5 available for compaction is held constant, but for the
other methods, more energy is available if required.
Layer one consumed less energy because it is underlain Under moisture conditions drier than optimum, the den-
by the unyielding metal plate, but the other layers are sity obtained for a constant energy input is essentially a
over soil, which deforms when the foot is applied to the linear function of the water content for all methods, and
soil. This trend is much greater under conditions wetter the static method is the most efficient, with respect to
than optimum. the dry unit weight, and the impact method is the least
efficient of the methods. The difference between the
kneading and impact methods is probably due, for the
Figure 6. Shear stress: displacement relations for most part, to the different rates of loading in the two
kneading compaction equivalent to AASHTO T 99 procedures. The kneading load is applied more slowly
compaction. and is, therefore, more efficient. If the kneading loads
were applied more rapidly and the dwell times reduced,
the energy required by this method would be about the
same as that in the impact method. AB discussed pre-
"'E Note: 1 kJ/m 3 = 20.89 ft-lbf/ft'. viously, changing the energy per blow in the impact
'z method will change the efficiency of this method.
Under moisture conditions wetter than optimum, the
II) relationships are quite different. The efficiency of the
static method compared to that of the impact method with
en respect to density becomes somewhat higher. This may

100 be because the soil tested has a relatively high perme-
.c ability and some of its water was squeezed out during
static compaction. This trend might be slowed or even
be reversed if a more impermeable soil were tested.
00 2 3 4 5 Under moisture conditions wetter than optimum, the
Displacement (mm) efficiency of the kneading method is lower than that of
the impact method. This is due to the greater remolding
of the soil, which consumes energy, but does not increase
the density. This greater remolding is also due to the
Figure 7 . Maximum dry unit weight versus compactive slower rate of loading. If the tamping foot of the knead-
effort for impact compaction. ing compactor is pressed into the soil more rapidly and
the dwell time is reduced, there will be less remolding,
and the relative efficiency will probably be increased.
It is also probable that efficiency could be increased by
'z reducing the foot pressure so that the shear resistance
"" of the soil is not exceeded .
.c 19
In all cases, the most efficient method is at least
Q) three times as efficient as the least efficient method with
;;:; respect to the compactive effort required to produce the
same dry unit weight at a given moisture content.
For both the impact method and the kneading method,
there are distinct optimum moisture contents. These
E 18 Nate : 1 kN/m' = 6.37 lbflft';
optimums are well defined in Figure 5 where they cor-
1 kJ/m' = 20.89 fHbf!ft'. respond to the point of minimum energy required to ob-
E tain the specified dry unit weight. This figure also shows
0 that there is no optimum moisture content for the static
::!: 200 500 1000 2000
compaction method. Efficiency increases with increase
Compactive Effort (kJ/m 3 ) in moisture content all the way to complete saturation.

Figure 8. Relative peak strength per unit compactive All of the static compaction specimens have lower
effort for compaction equivalent to AASHTO T 99. strengths than do the corresponding impact specimens.
a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is inconsistent with the work of Seed, Mitchell, and
Chan (10). The reasons for this were not investigated.
c However, even though the strengths were low, the low
:::l energy required by the static method made it the most
~: 6
efficient with respect to strength as well as to dry unit
Q) 0
With respect to strength, the question of efficiency is
~ .::: 4
" ' Q)
very complex, and the data of different investigators are

- (J
(/) 0 contradictory. However, with respect to dry unit weight,
the trends appear to be fairly well established. These
:= 0 2 trends suggest a view of the compaction process for co-
x- -x- -x hesive soils that may be helpful in understanding field as
a:: Impa c t well as laboratory compaction.
As a compaction device is applied to a loose cohesive
10 12 14 16 18
soil, the load overcomes the ability of the soil to support
Water Content (%)
it, and it sinks into the soil. As it penetrates, the soil
directly under the compaction device is densified. Large
deformations are restricted to the zone directly beneath
the device. Almost all of the input energy is used to
Figure 9. Idealized force
versus penetration curve for
densify the soil. As the soil is compacted, its bearing
compactable cohesive soil. capacity is increased, and if that becomes equal to the
applied load, penetration and compaction stop. An ideal-
(J ized force versus penetration 1 curve is shown in Figure 9.

0 The process described above is represented by that por-

tion of the curve to the left of the dashed vertical line.
In this region, almost all of the ene1·gy applied (which is
equal to shaded area) is used to compact the soil. As
long as densification is the dominant process, the pene-
tration curve will be concave upward.
If the compaction pressure is increased, compaction
will continue until the resistance to densification is ap-
proximately equal to the shear resistance to plastic de-
This is a logical extension of the tendency of the line of formation. If the pressure is increased further, the
optimums to move toward the line of zero air voids with curve will become concave downward, and penetration
increased dwell time during kneading compaction (8). will be largely the result of shear of the soil beneath the
The optimum moisture content is a function of the compactor at essentially constant volume. The energy
compaction procedure and can, for a given soil, be var- represented by the area beneath the curve to the right of
ied by changing the procedure. It appears to correspond the dashed line is largely expended in remolding at con-
closely to the highest moisture content at which there is stant volume and is wasted as far as compaction is con-
no significant remolding of the soil at constant volume cerned. For a given soil, the exact shape of the curve,
during compaction. If all of the factors were fully under- the area under the curve, and the position of the inflec-
stood, it might be possible to adjust the kneading com- tion point depend on the moisture content and the details
paction procedure so that the optimum could be made to of the compaction procedure. The greatest efficiency is
correspond to any soil moisture content. achieved when compaction is accomplished by a few
For the procedures and soil used in this study, the slowly applied loads without excessive remolding. From
peak strength for the same conditions of moisture ver- the standpoint of equipment design and operation, it is
sus unit weight was very nearly the same for the impact necessary to obtain combinations of factors to allow com-
and kneading tests at all moisture contents. This does paction in the region represented to the left of the inflec-
not agree with the results of Sankaran and Muthukrish- tion point in Figure 9. In general, it appears that the
naiah (9) who found their impact method more efficient most efficient will be that which uses heavy equipment
with respect to both density and strength for' moisture with large contact ai·eas, high co11tact pressures, and
contents below optimum. Evidentially their soil, which low rates of travel (which approximates static loading).
was more plastic than the one used in this study, and For dry conditions, the use of slow, heavy, high-
their procedures resulted in more remolding in the pressure compaction equipment does not have serious
kneading method at low moisture contents. inherent problems. However, for wet soils, high, slowly
Under moisture conditions drier than optimum, in applied contact pressures cause inefficient remolding. If
this study, the kneading method yielded about the same it is not possible to approach static compaction for wet
strength with a lower energy input; therefore, it is more conditions, then an impact procedure is the next most
efficient with respect to strength than is the impact efficient. This could be approximated by compacting at
method. Under moisture conditions wetter than optimum, high rates of travel, but heavy equipment is difficult to
however, the strength ratio remained near unity, but the operate at high speeds; therefore, lighter equipment with
energy requirements increased for the kneading method, smaller contact areas is better for compacting wetter co-
and the impact method became more efficient. These hesive soils. If constant contact pressure is used, effi-
relationships are shown in Figure 8 in terms of the rel- ciency will probably be improved by operating at slower
ative strength per unit energy input per unit volume with speeds with subsequent passes of the roller. Or if more
respect to the impact method. This was calculated by than one roller were used, the use of higher contact pres-
dividing the strength of a given specimen by the strength sures on subsequent passes would increase efficiency.
of a corresponding impact specimen and then dividing the [These general observations are supported by numerous
answer by the corresponding ratio of the compactive reports of actual field compaction (11).] Specific pro-
efforts. cedures for selecting appropriate contact pressures and

travel speeds do not, however, yet exist. search on soil compaction funded by the Hyster Company,
In real situations it is necessary to consider practical Portland, Oregon, and conducted in the Department of
factors other than energy efficiency in the selection of Civil Engineering at Oregon State University, Corvallis.
the best equipment and procedures for a given job. Also,
in compactor design, the mechanical efficiency in ap- REFERENCES
plying the energy to the soil may be more important than
the compaction energy required by the soil, but the re- 1. T. W. Lambe. The Engineering Behavior of Com-
sults of this study suggest that there are opportunities pa cted Clay. Journal of Soil Mechanics and Founda-
for significant improvements in design. tions Division, Proc., ASCE, Paper No. 1655, May
CONCLUSIONS 2. A. W. Johnson and J. R. Sallberg. Factors Influ-
encing Compaction Test Results. HRB, Bulletin
Much more information than is available from the liter- 319, 1962.
ature or from this limited investigation is necessary to 3. C. L. Dhawan and J. C. Bahri. Stable Density.
provide a thorough understanding of the energy require- Proc., 4th International Conference on Soil Mechan-
ments of soil compaction., some prelim- ics and Foundation Engineering, London, Vol. 1,
inary conclusions about the compaction of cohesive soils 1957, p. 149.
appear justified. 4. G. G. Sowers and C. M. Kennedy. Effects of Re-
peated Load Applications on Soil Compaction Effi-
1. For all moisture conditions, static compaction is ciency. HRB, Bulletin 93, 1954, pp. 61-64.
the most efficient. 5. R. R. Proctor. Relationship Between the Foot
2. Either impact or kneading compaction may be next Pounds per Cubic Foot of Compactive Effort to Soil
most efficient, depending on the details of the procedures Density and Subsequent Consolidation Under Various
used. Loadings. Proc., 2nd International Conference on
3. The optimum moisture content is apparently the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rotter-
lowest at which excessive shear of the soil occurs during dam, Vol. 5, 1948, p. 223.
compaction. 6. D. J. Maclean and F. H. P. Williams. Soil Me'-
4. The most important factors controlling the com- chanics for Road Engineers. Her Majesty's Sta-
pactive effort required to obtain a specified density with tionery Office, London, 1952.
a ~iven cohesive soil at a given moisture content ai·e 7. H. B. Seed and C. L. Monismith. Relationship Be-
(a) t he magnitude of the compactor-s oil cont.act pr essures tween Density and Stability of Subgrade Soils. HRB,
(the highest contact pr essure that does not cause exces- Bulletin 93, 1954, pp. 16-32.
sive shear is most efficient) and (b) the r at e at which the 8. J. L. McRae and P. C. Rutledge. Laboratory
load is a1lplied a nd the length of time the load is held on Kneading of Soil to Simulate Field Compaction.
the soil lthe slower the rate and the longer the load is Proc., HRB, Vol. 31, 1952, pp. 593-600.
applied, the higher the efficiency). 9. K. S. Sankaran and K. Muthukrishnaiah. Efficiency
5. The data for energy efficiency with respect to the of Compaction of Soil Structure. Journal of Ma-
strengths of compacted soils are contradictory. This terials, Vol. 5, No. 4, Dec. 1970, p. 739.
question needs more study. 10. H. B. Seed, J . K. Mitchell, and C. K. Chan. The
6. Much more information is needed, but significant Strength of Compacted Cohesive Soils. ln Shear
improvements in compaction equipment design could be Strength of Cohesive Soils, ASCE, June 1960, p. 877.
made that would increase efficiency of operation and 11. A. W. Johnson and J. R. Sallberg. Factors that
yield a compacted soil with better engineering properties. Influence Field Compaction of Soils. HRB, Bulletin
The problem is certainly worthy of additional study. 272, 1960.


This paper has been prepared from the results of re- Publication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Compaction.

Mix Design, Durability, and Strength

Requirements for Lime-Stabilized
Layers in Airfield Pavements
John J. Allen, Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, and
Materials, U.S. Air Force Academy
David D. Currin, Strategic Air Command, U.S. Air Force
Dallas N. Little, Jr., Texas A~M University

Laboratory and field evaluation programs leading to the development of The entire process can be completed in 3 to 7 d. The design procedure,
a design process for lime-stabilized airfield pavement layers are described. which includes selection of the optimum percentage of lime, rapid cure,

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