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3rd Quarter Observation Feedback

Bowman Cochrane, Ciosici, Edwards

Teacher: _______________________________ Observer: ______________________________

Lesson/Topic: __________________________________________________________________


Date: ______________ Class: _______________
Senior Seminar Time In: __________
8:40 Time Out: ___________ 9:15
Y = Observed N = Not Observed

Goal #1:________________________________________________________________

Goal #2:________________________________________________________________

Goal #3:________________________________________________________________

Excellent rapport with students and clear individual knowledge.

Moment(s) of Excellence: ________________________________________________________
Guidelines for graduation speech were clear and given on a handout. Good management of a large group.

Clarity and organization of announcements would aid in student understanding.

Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________
Providing a visual of announcement topics or a checklist of them would be helpful to keep students on task.
Maybe an announcement in Canvas would be helpful?

Thank you for letting us observe you!

Additional Comments: ___________________________________________________________

Sign Off
Observer: ______________________________ Teacher: _______________________________
Administrator: ___________________________________

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