Spubs 2006 Vs Spubs 2014
Spubs 2006 Vs Spubs 2014
Spubs 2006 Vs Spubs 2014
Abu Mas'ud 'Uqbah ibn 'Amr al-Ansaaree al-Badree, radhiyallaahu 'anhu, reported that the
Messenger of Allaah - صلى هللا عليه و سلم- said:
"Among the things that people have found from the words of the previous prophets: 'If you
feel no shame, then do as you wish.'"
How sad is it to see those who claim Salafiyyah and claim to love the scholars and preserve
their honour act by the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what the scholars have called to for
How sad is it to see those who claim Salafiyyah transgress the limits of Salafiyyah?
How sad is it to see those who claim Salafiyyah have the audacity and nerve to persist upon
Let these perpetrators be warned and take heed from the words of our noble prophet
- صىل اهلل عليه و سلم:
و إياكم و الكذب فإن الكذب هيدي إىل الفجور و إن الفجور هيدي إىل النار و ال يزال الرجل يكذب و...((
Upon the authority of 'Abdillah ibn Mas'ood - radhiyallaahu' 'anhu - that the Messenger of
Allah - صلى هللا عليه و سلم- said: ...and beware of lying; for verily lying leads to disobedience
and verily disobedience leads to the hellfire. And a man continues to lie and strives upon
lying until he is written as a liar with Allah.- Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.
ﭽﯻ ﯼ ﯽ ﯾ ﯿ ﰀ ﰁ ﰂ ﰃ ﰄ ﰅ ﰆ ﰇ ﭼ
[[ Till, when they reach it (Hell-fire), their hearing (ears) and their eyes, and their skins will testify
against them as to what they used to do.]]
Indeed from the clearest attestation of a person's becoming misguided after having been
upon guidance is his traversing opposing courses; preaching something and practising its
opposite. Never does a person pursue the shameful act of lying, persisting upon it without
repenting and returning to Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa except that the days manifest that
which his breast conceals; commonly the case that he is subjected to unveiling his hidden
reality with his own hands! As has become the case with SPUBS who upon fabricating
and/or translating and transmitting fabrications only entangle themselves further in their
world wide web of contradictions.
Ponder the statement of the great Sahaabee Hudhayfah ibn il-Yamaan - رضي هللا عنه-:
أنَّ أبا:- وكتب به إلي أيوب السختياني: قال معمر- أخرج عبد الرزاق في مصنفه عن معمر عن قتادة
أما جاءك: فقال حذيفة، أوصنا يا أبا عبد هللا: فقال،مسعود األنصاري دخل على حذيفة رضي هللا عنه
: قال، بلى وربي:اليقين؟ ! قال
وأن تنكر اليوم ما كنت تعرف قبل، أن تعرف اليوم ما كنت تنكر قبل اليوم:((فإنَّ الضاللة حق الضاللة
)) فإنَّ دين هللا واحد، وإيَّاك والتلون،اليوم
(( Verily misguidance - true misguidance! - is that you approve today of what you used to
reject yesterday and you reject today what you used to approve of yesterday and beware of
duplicity 1! For the religion of Allaah is one.))
لسان العرب- إذا كان ال يثبت عىل خلق واحد- فالن متلون
Talawwun - Not maintaining a steady character, assuming various personalities/faces.
Duplicity - contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; especially : the belying of one's
true intentions by deceptive words or action - Merriam-Webster.
- Deceitfulness in speech or conduct, as by speaking or acting in two different ways to different
people concerning the same matter; double-dealing, two-facedness, deception.
Wallaahu a'lam.
Now let us take a look at SPUBS eight years ago:
On the same page by another writer:
ال ندري ما هي ديانتهم وال، أن الدعوة السلفية قد نكبت بفئة من املجهولني اجلبناء: ((واخلالصة
))...ً ويبدو أن بينهم تناسباً مع أيب احلسن أخالقياً ومنهجيا، أخالقهم
" ..And in summary: The Salafee Da'wah has been been afflicted by a faction of
anonymous cowards! We do not know what religion they're upon, Nor do we know
anything about their characters, And it appears that there is a resemblance between them
and Abul-Hasan; in their character and in their manhaj..."
And the statement of Shaykh Rabee' in his book " at-Tathabbut fish-Sharee'atil-Islaamiyyah
wa mawqifu Abil-Hasan minh" :
ثم يبني عليها هذا الطعن هل سمع هذا بنفسه عىل منهجه أو هو يقبل أخبار الكذابني أو املجهولني... ((
))... والذم الشنيع يف خصومه السلفيني
" ...Has he heard this himself - As per his own manhaj? Or does he accept the reports of
liars or unknown narrators, establishing upon that [this] attack and horrid censure against
his adversaries; the salafees..."
And the statement of Shaykh Rabee' in his book "al-Majmoo'ul-Waadhih fee raddi-manhaji
wa usuuli Faalih" :
لدليل عىل جبنهم و خورهم و- و هو التسرت حتت أسامء جمهولة- ((و ّإن ججل َوءهم إىل هذا االسلوب
)) إحساسهم بأهنم عىل باطل
" ...And in their resorting to this method, [of] hiding behind unknown names, is a clear
indication of their cowardice, weakness and sensing they are upon falsehood..."
Now, to SPUBS in 2014:
So all in all we have as the narrator of this supposed statement ( whose falsehood, deceit
and non-credibility have all been exposed by the real, identifiable, ahl-us-sunnah of Dammaaj; see
Ahl al-Sunnah in Dammaaj, the residents, the families, the individuals of
end of article):
Dammaaj and finally we have 'they'.
Are the principles of the religion - according to the philosophy of SPUBS - applicable
to all but the trustworthy advisor, Shaykh Yahya?
Or is it cooperation upon that which you agree and excusing one another upon that
which you disagree? [the innovated principles of the ikhwaan-ul-muslimoon]
The trustworthy advisor, Shaykh Yahyaa, spoke the truth when he said this
calculated onslaught was nothing but the application of the innovated principle of
Hassan al Bannaa - Cooperation upon that which we agree and excusing one
another upon that which we disagree.
ﭽﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣ ﭼ
[[ O you who believe! Why do y ou say that which you do not do?]]
ﭽﮤ ﮥ ﮦ ﮧﮨ ﮩﮪﮫ ﮬ ﮭ ﭼ
[[ Most hateful it is with Allah that y ou say that which y ou do not do.]]
Verily Allah has said: “Oh ye who believe fear Allah and be with the truthful”. [Tawbah:
For indeed we are the Mashayikh, notables and sons of Dammaj, we recently came across a
declaration that was ascribed to us wherein the writer and from whence it came from was
unknown. The one who has transgressed the legislated etiquettes and what that which the
tribes are known for in terms of their behaviour and their decency. Furthermore, he tried to
stir in murky waters.
And we see that which was mentioned in that declaration as a part that doesn’t separate itself
from the oppressive war against the pure Salafi Da’wah that has reached the horizons, and all
praise is due to Allah, in addition to besmirching the image of its figures, the head of them
being the Shaikh the ‘Allamah the Muhaddith, the trustworthy advisor, Yahya Ibn ‘Ali Al
Haajoori (may Allah preserve him) the successor of our Shaikh the Imaam the Reviver
Muqbil Ibn Haadi Al Waadi’ee may Allah have his widespread mercy on him.
And this is nothing but another attempt to besmirch the image of the blessed Salafi Da’wah,
and to deface the reputation of those who embrace it and establish it.
As for what occurs from mistakes from here and there then this is from mank ind’s condition
and it is dealt with according to its level and it doesn’t manifest itself except as the opinion of
the person (who made the mistake). And from here we call upon Shaikh Muhammad Al
Hakami to apologize to the people of Dammaj regarding the e rror he made in a short lecture
that he gave.
And upon this: Verily we totally reject that which has been reported in that declaration. The
residents of Dammaj and the students of knowledge, the head of them being our virtuous
Shaikh Yahya Ibn ‘Ali Al Haajoori are united. Their blood and bodies were mixed (with the
dust) in defending this blessed Da’wah and below the dust their martyrs, as we hope they are
and Allah is the one who will take them to account, are buried. And we have seen during the
siege the affection and co-operation between the people of Dammaj and the students of
that Allah knows about. And it will remain upon that insha allah until death.
With this we call upon the author of those statements to repent to Allah from clearly lying
upon Shaikh Yahya and his students.
And we remind him with the statement of the Messenger of Allah ()صلى هللا عليه و سلم: “And
beware of lying for verily lying leads to sin and sin leads to the hellfire. And a man would
continue lying until he is written as a liar according to Allah”.
And his statement: “And if anyone makes an untruthful accusation against a Muslim, he will
be made by Allah to dwell in the corrupt fluid flowing from the inhabitants of Hell till he
retracts his statement.”
And from here: Verily we call upon those who wish to put forward a declaration to do so with
his name and signature and to not include everyone.
This was what was compulsory to clarify and with Allah is the guidance.
Shaikh Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Hamood Dhaafir/ Shaikh Faisal Ibn Naaji Al Laum/ Shaikh
Mu’awadh Ibn Saalih Saumi’ 2 / Shaikh Mahdi Ibn ‘Abdillah Harbaan/ Shaikh Suruur Al
Shaikh Mutlaq Ibn Muhammad Dibwaan/ Shaikh ‘Abdullah Ibn Naaji Al Laum/ Shaikh
Haadi Ibn Ahmad Ibn Faayid/ Shaikh Mas’uud Mulhii Naubaan
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Az Zinaami/ Musfir Ibn Muqbil Abu Aayidh/ Ahmad ‘Arfaj Manaa’/
Sadaam Ibn Hussein Rabee’/ Saalih Ibn Mujahid Al Laum
From what is known he conducts classes in Dammaj right now.
بـيان صـادر عـن
مشايخ وأعيان وأبناء
مـنطقة دمــاج
حفظهم اهلل
بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم
فإن اهلل سبحانه وتعاىل يقول:
ي{ ]التوبة[111 : } يا أَيُّها الَّ ِذين آمنُوا اتَّ ُقوا اهلل وُكونُوا مع َّ ِ ِ
الصادق َ َ ََ َ َ َ َ
فنحن مشايخ وأعيان وأبناء دماج ،اطلعنا على بيان منسوب إلينا؛ جمهول الكاتب
واملصدر ،والذي تعدي كاتبه اآلداب الشرعية ،وما تعارفت عليه القبائل من املروءة
والشهامة ،وحاول فيه الصيد يف املاء العكر.
وحنن نعترب ما ورد يف ذلك البيان جزء ال يتجزأ من احلرب الظاملة على الدعوة السلفية
النقية واليت بلغت اآلفاق حبمد اهلل تعاىل ،والنيل من رموزها وعلى رأسهم الشيخ العالمة
احملدث الناصح األمي حيىي بن علي احلجوري حفظه اهلل خليفة شيخنا ووالدنا اإلمام
اجملدد مقبل بن هادي الوادعي رمحه اهلل رمحة واسعة.
وما هذه إال واحدة من احملاوالت املتكررة للنيل من الدعوة السلفية املباركة ،وتشويه مسعة
من احتضنوها والقائمي عليها.
وأما ما حيصل من أخطاء شخصية من هنا وهناك فهذا حال البشر وتعاجل بقدرها وال متثل
إال رأي صاحبها ،ومن هنا فإننا ندعوا الشيخ حممد احلكمي إىل االعتذار ألهل دماج عما
ورد من خطأ يف كلمته اليت ألقاها.
وعليه :فإننا ننفي ما ورد يف هذا البيان مجلة تفصيال ،فأهل دماج وطالب العلم وعلى
رأسهم شيخنا الفاضل حيىي بن علي احلجوري شيء واحد ،اختلطت دماؤهم وأجسادهم
يف الذب عن هذه الدعوة املباركة ،واحتضنت حتت تراهبا شهداءهم -فيما حنسبهم واهلل
حسيبهم .-وقد رأينا أثناء احلصار من اإلثار والتعاون بي أهل دماج والطالب ما اهلل به
وسيبقون على هذا العهد إن شاء اهلل حىت املمات.
هذا وإننا ندعوا كاتب هذا املقال إىل التوبة إىل اهلل من االفرتاء والكذب الواضح على
ِ ِ
ب، صلَّى اهلل َعَلْيه َو َسلَّ َمَ (( :وإِيَّا ُك ْم َوالْ َكذ َ ول اهلل َ الشيخ حيىي وطالبه ونذكره بقول َر ُس ُ
ِ ب يَ ْه ِدي إِ َىل الْ ُف ُجوِرَ ،وإِ َّن الْ ُف ُج َور يَ ْه ِدي إِ َىل النَّارَِ ،وَما يََز ُال َّ ِ
بالر ُج ُل يَ ْكذ ُ فَإِ َّن الْ َكذ َ
ويَتحَّرى الْ َك ِذب ح َّىت ي ْكَت ِ
ال ب عْن َد اهلل َك َّذاباا )) وبقوله عليه الصالة والسالمَ :
((وَم ْن قَ َ َ َ ُ َ ََ َ
ال)). اْلَبَ ِال َح َّىت ََيُْرَج ِِمَّا قَ َ
س فِيهِ أَ ْس َكَنهُ اهلل َرْدغَ َة ْ
َ ي
َْل امَ ِيف ُم ْؤِم ٍ
ومن هنا:فإننا نطالب ِمن أراد أن يصدر بيانا فعليه أن ميهر ذلك بامسه وتوقيعه ،وأن ال
يعم اجلميع بذلك.
هذا ما لزم التوضيح به واهلل املوفق.