1st Phase BoQ 14

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Construction of DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-storied+ 2 Basement including Civil, Sanitary & Water
Supply, Electrical, Fire-fighting System, CC TV System, Gas-Connection, Sub-Station Equipment &
Diesel Generator, Solar Panel, Deep Tube-well & Lift etc. at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

Sub-Head Phase – I: Construction of 2-Basement upto 1st floor including Civil, Sanitary, Electrical &
Fire-fighting work etc complete at Mirpur-2, Dhaka)

(Area = 3828.60 Sqm)


A. Civil Works = Tk. 0.00

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works = Tk. 0.00

C. Electrical Works = Tk. 0.00

D. Fire-Fighting System = Tk. 0.00

E. Furniture = Tk. 0.00

Total (A-E) = Tk. 0.00

In Word: Tk.

Page 1 Summary
Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
1 Preparation of work site including dismantling of RCC / Semi L.S L.S.
Pucca structure, RCC & brick pavement, excavation of water
& sewerage line, Cleaning the site by cutting and removing
grass, bush / cutting of tress etc. Mobilization of man power,
materials and equipments, cleaning, removing of spoils of
un-suitable materials as per specification and direction of the
Engineer-in-Charge including Temporatory. electricity
Connection, Water Connection, Those needed for work will
arrange by the contractor the charges will be paid by the

2 Supplying, providing, fitting & fixing of temporary C.I Sheet L.S L.S.
Boundary wall including G.I Pipe, joist, angle, F.I. Bar,
painting & all necessary accessories etc complete as per
direction of E-I-C.

3 Supplying, providing, fitting & fixing of Safety measure for L.S L.S.
protection of lives from construction material & Equipment
etc for construction of the project work providing G.I Sheet
with angle truss, joist, F.I Bar, G.I Pipe, M.S Net/ Plastic net
etc which will be used around the periphery of constructed
building above the ground level with all necessary
accessories etc complete as per direction of E-I-C.

4 Earth work in/c giving layout excavation in stable & hard soil
of foundation trenches in/c. leveling, ramming and preparing
the base providing centre line and bench mark brick pillars,
fixing bamboo spikes & marking layout with chalk powder,
removing the spoils, etc. providing necessary tools and
plants as per direction of engineer-in-charge. Excavated soil
shall be the property of the contractor and the contractor
shall remove the same from the site and to quote against
this item accordingly.

a) Upto 1.50 metre depth 2500.00 M3

b) From 1.50 to 10 metre depth 9000.00 M3

5 Earth filling in foundation trenches and plinth in 150mm 2018.00 M3

layer, watering, leveling and consolidating each layer upto
finished level as per direction of engineer-in-charge.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
6 a) Sand filling in foundation trenches and plinth with fine local 2500.00 M3
sand having minimum F.M.-0.80 in 150mm layers including
leveling, watering and consolidating each layer upto finished
level as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

7 One layer of brick flat soling in foundation or in floor with 1st 1300.00 M2
class or picked jhama bricks in/c preparation of bed and
filling the interstices with local sand, leveling in/c the supply
of water, electricity and other charges and costs of tools and
plants as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

8 Supplying and laying of single layer polythene sheet 1215.00 M2

weighing one kilogram per 6.5 square meter in floor below
cement concrete reinforced concrete in all respect as per
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

9 (a) (1:3:6) Mass concrete in floor with cement Sand (F.M. 1.5) 140.00 M3
and stone chips including breaking chips, screening, mixing,
laying, compacting to levels and curing for at least 7 days
in/c the supply of water, electricity and other charges and
costs of tools and plants etc. all complete as per direction of

(b) (1:2:4) Mass concrete in Raft and work over water proofing 122.00 M3
felt with cement Sand (F.M. 1.5) and stone chips including
breaking chips, screening, mixing, laying, compacting to
levels and curing for at least 7 days in/c the supply of water,
electricity and other charges and costs of tools and plants
etc. all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

(c) Cement concrete 75mm thick (Screeding) on parking floor 160.00 M3

slab in basement with screed finish top with cement, coarse
sand (F.M. 2.5), 12mm down graded crushed stone (1:1.5:3)
with 28 days ultimate cylinder crushing strength 21 Mpa in a
maximum section 3mx3m and filling the 12mm thick
expansion joints with premixed sand bitumen filler including
preparing sub grade, centering, shuttering, pouring concrete,
breaking stone chips, screening, mixing, compacting,
leveling, curing and finishing etc. all complete including the
supply of all materials and labour as per drawings,
specifications and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

(d) Supplying, fitting and fixing compact engrave cement 900.00 M2

concrete tiles model CPC-CT-114A or approved equivalent
on 20mm thick cement plaster base (1:3), curing etc. all

10 75mm thick damp proof course (1:1.5:3) in cement concrete 440.00 M2

with NCF with Sand (F.M. 2.5) and stone chips in/c breaking
chips, screening, centering, shuttering, casting, curing and
finished with a coat of bitumen in/c the supply of water,
electricity and other charges and costs of tools and plants
etc. all complete in/c as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
(Mix. design is to be done by the contractor).

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
11 50 mm thick reinforced cement plaster (1:4) to the shore pile 1000.00 M2
surface by providing 16 SWG expanded metal wire mesh
with 20 x 20mm diamond shaped opening. Expanded metal
net to be fixed with 10mm dia M.S. bar placed horizontally at
an interval of 750mm c/c. and horizontal bar to be tied with
vertical 10 dia bars at an interval 1500 mm c/c. Total system
to be fixed with shore pile surface by anchoring M.S rowl bolt
of 10 f into the of shore pile. The metal net shall be placed at
the mid of thickness of plaster. On completion of plastering
works, the green plaster to be scratched well with steel brass
for the purpose of fixing water proofing felt. The cost of the
reinforced plastering works shall be inclusive of the cost of
supply of all materials, labours, tool and tackles complete in
all respect as per design, drawing and instruction of the

12 Making provision for dewatering upto 6 months, as and when 6.00 Month
necessary, to keep the ground water level at minimum 1.5m
below the ultimate foundation level of raft and maintaining
the same till the completion of construction of basement upto
ground floor level including cost of all materials, machineries,
arrangements, labours, incidental charge etc. all complete as
per design, drawings and direction of the Engineer.

13 Supplying, best quality pliable, cold applied pre-formed self

adhesive rubberized/ bituminous water proofing membrane
from an authorized local agent or manufacturer having
minimum thickness 1.5 mm, lined with 2 ply cross laminated
high density polyethylene film performances and properties
all conforming to ASTM standards and laying, placing, fixing
on made up firm and dry surfaces free from hollows, sharp
protrusions, contaminates etc. laid over-lap by at least 75
mm along the edges and 125 mm at ends ensuring good
initial bond with the surfaces all complete under the strict
accordance with the manufacturer recommendations and
instructions providing all safety provisions in all respects and
as per instruction of the engineer-in-charge.

a) Water-proofing membrane of approved quality on external 1200.00 M2

surface of inclined or vertical wall including all materials,
accessories etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer-

14 Supply, fitting and fixing PVC water stopper in wall 900.00 RM

construction joint as per drawing & direction of Engineer-in-

15 Supply, fitting and fixing PVC water stopper in floor 900.00 RM

construction joint as per drawing & direction of Engineer-in-

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
16 Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:6) in 300.00 M3
foundation and plinth, filling the joints/interstices fully with
mortar racking out the joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks
at least for 24 hours before use and curing at least for 7 days
etc. all complete (F.M. of sand 1.2) including cost of water,
electricity & other charges as per direction of the engineer-

17 Placiding work by M.S. Section, M.S. Pipe, joist, wooden 1170.00 M2

balli to protect the soil including placing, fitting, fixing with all
necessary material, labour etc. and dismentaling the same
as per direction of engineer-in-charge.

18 Boring/Drilling for cast in situ pile upto the required depth

and dia with minimum 6m long temporary steel casing, true
to vertical, providing bentonite slurry and maintaining water
level in the hole, washing the hole for at least 30 minutes,
clear the hole and make the hole ready for steel cage and
concreting including hire charge of rig set with winch
machine, tripoid stand, termite pipe, cost of fuel lubricant,
mobilization, demobilization, maintenance, spares, standbys,
insurance coverage, water, electricity & other charges all
complete as per design and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

(a) 600mm dia (Shore Pile)

i) Up to 21m 3450.00 RM

(b) 500mm dia (Service Pile)

i) Up to 20m 5352.00 RM

19 Reinforced cement concrete works (1:1.5:3) in bore-hole for 1693.11 M3

making cast-in-situ pile & shore pile having minimum
compressive strength 19 Mpa at 28 days on standard
cylinder with cement conforming to BDS 232 & ASTM
standard mixed with best quality coarse sand [Sylhet sand or
coarse sand of equivalent F.M.2.5], 20 mm down well graded
crushed stone chips including breaking chips, screening
through proper sieves, making, placing re-bar cage in
position, placing & removing tri-pod as per requirement,
pouring the concrete in bore-hole with the help of a trimie
pipe, maintaining the trimie pipe immersed in concrete by at
least 1 meter throughout the period of concreting,
maintaining required slump etc. mixing the aggregates with
mixer machine with hoper, casting in forms, all complete in
water, electricity, testing of materials and concrete etc &
other charges as per design, drawing and direction of the

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
20 Providing and making point welding at contact point of the 629508.00 point
spiral binders at reasonable intervals with the main
reinforcements by electric and welding for construction of
cast in situ bored pile carefully with highly oxidized
electrodes making the points prominent as per direction of
the Engineer-in-charge. The rate is including of cost of all
materials. Labour, tools, plants and equipments cost of
power mobilization & demobilization of the same.
21 Providing and making joint welding of minimum 300mm 15769.00 point
length at the lapping portion of main reinforcement where
necessary by electric and welding for caging of cast in situ
bored pile carefully with highly oxidized electrodes making
the joint prominent as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
(The rate is inclusive of all materials labour, tools plants and
all equipments. Cost of power, mobilization & demobilization
of the same etc. complete in all respects.

22 Labour for breaking head of hardened cast in situ bored 51.00 Cum
pile/pre-cast pile up to a required length by any means but
without damaging the rest and removing the dismantied
materials such as concrete to a safe distance including
scraps and cleaning concrete form steel / M.S. rods,
straightening and bending of pile bars, preparation and
making platform where necessary, carrying.

23 Pile Integrity Test: 10.00 Per

Conducting low strain dynamic testing of pile as per ASTM Pile
D5882- The standard method foe low-strain integrity testing
of pile by a qualified and approved PIT expert, preparing pile
heads and providing all relevant meterials, alalysis,
preparation of results in standard forms and compiling final
report with recommendation on test etc. complete in all
respects approved and accepted by the engineer.

24 Supplying fitting, fixing of M.S steel section, steel truss, 600.00 Qtl.
channel, joist. As per design for protection of shore pile
including, cutting to proper sizes, fitting, fixing in position,
welding, dismantling etc. complete.

25 Reinforced cement concrete works (1:1.5:3) of specified

compressive strength f'c 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard
cylinder, with cement conforming to BDS 232 & ASTM
standard and stone chips using steel material as shutter,
best quality coarse sand [Sylhet sand or coarse sand of
equivalent F.M. 2.5], 20 mm down well graded crushed stone
chips in/c breaking chips and screening through proper

(A) In Raft/Mat foundation

(i) In Raft/Mat foundation (Batching Plant mixing Concrete 1930.00 M3
will be used)

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
(ii) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 500.00 M2

(B) In Foundation beam

(i) Concrete 80.00 M3

(ii) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 300.00 M2


(C) In pedestal, column, capital, lift wall and RCC wall, wall
i) Basement B1, Semi Basement with Gr. Floor
a) Concrete 1000.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 8000.00 M2


ii) 1st floor

a) Concrete 160.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 1500.00 M2


(D) In Tie beam, lintels

i) Gr. floor

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
a) Concrete 30.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop& necessary supports etc.(steel) 1600.00 M2

ii) 1st floor

a) Concrete 8.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 1280.00 M2


(E) In Tee beam, Ell beam, Rectangular beam

i) Basement B1, Semi Basement with Gr. floor
a) Concrete 90.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 1100.00 M2


ii) 1st floor

a) Concrete 70.00 M3

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 500.00 M2

(F) In floor & roof slab

i) Basement B-1, Semi Basement & Gr. Floor

a) Concrete 890.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 4000.00 M2


ii) 1st floor

a) Concrete 220.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 1700.00 M2


(G) Sunshade & cornice, railing, drop wall, parapet false slab
i) etc.
Gr. floor
a) Concrete 80.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 400.00 M2


ii) 1st floor

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
a) Concrete 20.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 400.00 M2


H In Stair case slab, steps & ramp etc.

i) Basement B1, Semi-Basement & Gr. floor

a) Concrete 100.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 1200.00 M2


ii) 1st floor

a) Concrete 30.00 M3

b) Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. 300.00 M2


26 Supply fabrication and fixing to details as per design

deformed bar reinforcement in concrete in accordance with
BSTI standard in / c straightening and cleaning rust, if any,
bending & binding in position in /c supply of G.I wires etc.
complete in all respects in all floors.

a) 60 grade deformed bar with minimum fy = 525 Mpa, ultimate 12088.00 Qtl.
strength 620 Mpa

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
27 Brick walls of width one brick or one and a half brick length
with 1st class bricks in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:6)
in super structure in/c raking out joints, filling the interstices
with mortar, cleaning and soaking the bricks at least for 24
hours before use and washing of sand, necessary
scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days etc. all complete
including cost of water, electricity & other charges
(measurement to given as 250 mm width for one brick length
and 375 mm for one brick and a half brick length) as per
direction of engineer-in-charge.

i) Ground floor 170.00 M3

ii) 1st floor 70.00 M3

28 125 mm brick work with 1st class bricks in cement sand

(F.M.1.2) mortar (1:4) and making bond with connected walls
in/c necessary scaffolding, raking out joints, cleaning and
soaking the bricks for at least 24 hours before use and
washing of sand curing at least for 7 days in all floors
including cost of water, electricity & other charges etc. all
complete as per direction of the engineer-in-charge.

i) Ground floor 600.00 M2

ii) 1st floor 800.00 M2

29 25mm thick artificial patent stone (1:2:4) flooring with cement 800.00 M2
best quality coarse sand (50% quantity of Sylhet sand or
coarse sand of (F.M. 2.5) and 50% best local sand (F.M. 1.2)
& 19mm down graded picked jhama chips/stone chips in/c
breaking chips, screening, laying the concrete in alternate
panels compacting and finishing the top with neat cement
and curing at least 7 days in all floors in/c cost of water,
electricity & other charges all floors as per direction of the

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
(i) 38 mm thick artificial patent stone (1:2:4) flooring -do- 900.00 M2

30 Minimum 12mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:6)

having with fresh cement (conforming to BDS 232) to wall
both inner and outer surface, finishing the corner and edges
in/c washing of sand cleaning the surface, scaffolding and
curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity & other
charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and
direction of the engineer-in-charge.

i) Ground floor 1000.00 M2

ii) 1st floor 1400.00 M2

31 Minimum 6mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4)

with fresh cement (conforming to BDS 232) to ceiling R.C.C.
columns, beams, surface of stair case, sunshades, cornices,
railings, drop wall, louvers, fins and finishing the corners and
edges in/c washing of sand celeaning the surface,
scaffolding and curing at least for 7 days, cost of water,
electricity & other charges etc. all complete in all respect as
per drawing and direction of the engineer-in-charge.

i) Basement B1, + Semi-Basement with Gr. floor 11000.00 M2

ii) 1st floor 2000.00 M2

32 Minimum 12mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster with 800.00 M2
neat cement finishing to dado (1:4) with cement (conforming
to BDS 232) up to 150mm below ground level with neat
cement finishing in/c washing of sand, finishing the edges
and corners and curing at least for 7 days, cost of water,
electricity & other charges etc. all complete in all respect as
per drawing and direction of the engineer-in-charge.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
33 Curve-Stone (1:2:4) with stone chips, sylhet sand, cement, 100.00 M2
making in steel formwork 500mm thick placing, fixing on CC
below 150mm of ground, etc. complete as per drawing.

34 Supplying, fitting and fixing glazed wall tiles on 20mm thick

with water absorption within 11-15%, modulus of rupture
>_220 kg/cm², scratch hardness 3-5 (Molt’s scale), should be
crazing resistant, chemical resistant, absorption resistant,
true to length & width, thickness, squareness straightness,
flatness & cement mortar (1:3) base with cement and raking
out the joints with white cement including cutting and laying
& hire charge of machine the laying in proper way and
finishing with care etc. & water, electricity & other charges
complete all respect as per direction of the Engineer-in-
charge. 300mmX600mm/ 600mmX600mm (in toilet)

Approved size & coloured, shaded, printed wall & floor tiles
(A grade)
i) Ground floor 65.00 M2

ii) 1st floor 270.00 M2

35 Supplying, fitting and fixing mirror polish floor tiles of

approved colour with water absorption within <5%, modulus
of rupture 300Kg/com2, scratch hardness 5-7 (Molt's scale),
should be crazing resistant, chemical resistant, abrasion
resistant, true to length & width, thickness, squareness
straightness, flatness on 20m thick cement mortar (1:2) base
and racking out the joints with white cement including cutting
and laying the tiles in proper way and finishing with care etc.
all comlete as per direction of the Engineer in charge.
(600mmX600mm)/Approved size.

i) Ground floor 1000.00 M2

ii) 1st floor 1000.00 M2

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
36 Supplying, fitting & fixing (600mmx600mm) mirror polish 100.00 M2
special quality (Foreign made) wall tiles (foreign made) on
20mm thick cement mortar (1:2) base and racking out the
joints with white cement and coloured pigment including
cutting and laying tiles in proper way and finishing with care
etc. all complete on lift wall as per direction of the Engineer-

37 Marble stone flooring with 20mm/18mm thick marble stone 900.00 M2

(Pakistan) of approved quality, texture & size over 25mm
thick cement mortar (1:2) with cement in/c placing cement
slurry below the stone, cutting the marble stone to desired
size, grinding and finishing the edges, setting in position in
proper level filling the gaps with white cement and colouring
pigments including supplying all necessary equipments/
materials and finishing the top by pumic stone and
necessary auxiliary materials & water, electricity & other
charges complete in all respect as per direction of the
Engineer-in-charge. In Lobby at all floor, grand stair in fornt
of lift, lift wall in all floor and ground floor other places
directed by consultants.

38 Supplying and making door and window frames with natural

seasoned wood of required size including painting two coats
of coal tar to the surface in contact with wall, fitting and fixing
in position and mending good the damages if any as per
direction of engineer-in-charge. (All sizes of wood are

a) Ctg. Teak wood 3.00 M3

39 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38mm thick well matured (min

10" wide plunk) solid wood door shutter having top rail style
of section 100mm x 38mm lock rail 125 mm x 38 mm and
bottom rail 225 mm x 38mm closed joints and provided with
best quality 4 Nos . 100mm iron hinges 2 (two) Nos. best
quality 12mm dia 300mm and 225 mm long iron tower and
socket bolts. 2 (two) Nos. heavy type nickel plated handle,
hinged cleats. Buffer blocks and finished with sand papering
for all floor as per direction of engineer - in - change (single
leaf door, All size of wood re- finished)- in Toilet.

a) Ctg. Teak wood 53.00 M2

b) Partex 80.00 M2

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
40 Supplying, fitting & fixing of Aluminum composite swing
doors with fixed partition as per the U.S Architectural
Aluminum Manufacture’s Association (AMA) (AAMA standard
specification) (BTA/FU-WANG section) standard
specification having 1.8mm thick wall frame (size 101.60,
44.45m 86kg/m) 2.33mm thick shutter side (size 54mm,
46mm, 1.2kg/m), .99mm thick door glass bit (size 16.54mm,
14.49115kg/m), 2.5mm thick closure section (size
101.60mm, 42.93mm, 1.20kg/m) 106.60 thick closure cover
(45kg/m, 4mm thick floor bottom (size 101.60mm, 12.70mm
1 kg/m), 1.8mm thick shutter bottom (size 82.60mm,
43.99mm, 60 kg/m), 1.8mm thick shutter top (size 51mm,
43.99m, 1.88 kg/m) 2.3mm to 4.01mm thick handle (short)
(size 101.60mm, 38.10mm, 25.40mm,

1.35kg/m) section of all Aluminum members will be anodized

to Aluminum Bronze/Silver colour with a coat not less 15
microns in thickness and density of 4mg per square cm. etc.
(total weight min. 69.699 kg.) keeping provision for 5mm of
glass panes with cost including all accessories like swing
door closure, swing door lock, swing door mohair, flush bolt,
bolts & nuts in/c. sealants, labour charge for fitting, fixing by
angles, screws, mohair, washer, machinery, cost of
fabrication, making the grooves, mending good the
damages, electricity etc. complete in all respect as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

a) Bronze Colour/Approved Colour 84.00 M2

41 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminum sliding doors as per

the U.S Architectural Aluminum Manufacture’s Association
(AAMA standard specification) BTA/FU-WANG sections)
having 1.5mm thick outer bottom (size 75.50 mm, 17.79mm,
528 kg/m), 15.mm thick outer top (size 75.50mm, 26.80mm,
78 kg/m), 1.5mm thick shutter top (size 33 mm, 26.80 mm,
536kg/m), 1.5mm shutter bottom (size 60mm, 24mm,
736kg/m), 1.5mm thick outer side (size 75.50mm 19.90mm,
616 kg/m), 1.5 mm thick inter lock (size 34.40mm 32.10mm,
665 kg/m), 1.5mm thick shutter divider (size 31.75mm,
535kg/m) sections all Aluminum members (Total weight
14.789 kg/m) will be anodized to Aluminum Bronze/Silver
colour including all accessories like handle, sliding door key
lock, sliding doom wheel, sliding door mohair, sliding door
neoprene, bolts & nuts.

a) Bronze Colour/Approved Colour 12.00 M2

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
42 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium sliding window as
a) per the U.S Architectural Aluminium Manufacture’s
Association (AAMA BTA/FU-WANG sections) standard
specifiction having 1.5 mm thick outer bottom (size
75.50mm,32mm) 1.5mm thick outertop (size 75.50mm,
1680mm)1.5mm thick shutter top (size33mm.26.80,
22mm)1.5mm thick shotterbottom 9size 60mm, 24.40mm)
1.5mm.thick outer side (size 75.50mm,19.90mm)1.5mm
thick shutter lock (size 49.20mm26.20mm) & 1.5mm thick
inter lock (size34.40mm, 32.10mm) sections all Aluminium
members (Total weight kg/sq.m) will be anodized to
Aluminium Bronze/silver colour including all accessories like
sliding door key lock, sliding door wheel, sliding door mohiar,
sliding door neoprene, bolts 7 nuts in/c sealants keeping
provision for fitting 5mm thick glass. Including labour change
for fitting of accessories making groves and mending good
damages, carriage, and electricity complete in all respect as
per drawing and direction of the engineer in-charge.

i) Bronze Colour/Approved Colour 180.00 M2

b) Supplying fitting and fixing of Aluminium fixed partition wall 200.00 M2

as per the U.S. Architectural Aluminium Manufacturere’s
Association (AAMA) standard specification having 1.5mm
thick bottom cover (size 17.4mm, 31.70mm), 1.5mm thick
bottom (size 76.20mm, 38.10mm), 1.5mm thick grouve cover
(size 57.15mm, 15.88mm) & 1.5mm thick top & side (size
76.20mm, 38.10mm) sections of all Aluminium /Bronze
colour ncluding all accessories neoprene, sealant etc.
complete in all respect as per drawing and direction of the
Engineer in charge.

43 Supplying fitting and fixing of Aluminum fixed fan light as per

U.S. Architectural Aluminum Manufacturer’s Association
(AAMA) (BTA/FU-WANG section) standard specification
having 1.5mm thick bottom cover, 2.5mm thick groove cover
section and 1.5mm thick top & side section fixed with above
mentioned frames and all Aluminum members will be
anodized to Aluminum Bronze/Silver colour including all
accessories, neoprene, sealant, nut & bolt etc. complete in
all respect as per drawing and direction of the Engineer-in-

a) Bronze Colour/Approved Colour 130.00 M2

44 French polishing to door and window frames and shutters 240.00 M2

three coats over a coat of priming including cleaning,
finishing and polishing with sand paper etc. all complete in
all floor.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
45 Curtain wall with natural anodized aluminum section with 160.00 M2
126.5 mm x 64 mm section thickness 2.50mm both for main
and sub-mullion of Alcan Thai, Thailand or equivalent, fitted
with galvanized angle, Rowl bolt, gasket galvanized Jointing
sections at vertical joint, aluminum angle at horizontal joints
etc. all complete to withstand maximum wind load of 200
km/h. arrangement of framing is to be done so that no frame
will be visible from out side the building after installation of
glass. The contractor must prepare and submit shop drawing
for approval from Client / Consultant before start of
work and after obtaining approval fabrication works would be

46 a) Reflective Glass: 80.00 M2

Supply, fitting and fixing of 6mm thick Arctic Green or as
approved colour, Reflective Glass of USA/UK/Belgium origin
to withstand maximum wind load of 200 Km/h, fixed with
sealant, Norton tape at joints for curtain walls, weather strip
gasket, making 100% watertight. Payment shall be made
only for the actual quantity of glass fitted and fixed in the
aluminum frames upto required level and in specified vertical
surface of the building. No wastage and breakage will be

b) 5mm thick colour / tinted glass 800.00 M2

47 Supplying, fitting and fixing in Aluminum frame. 450.00 M2

Partitions/windows distortion free 5mm thick colour tinted
glass foreign made and of approved quality and shade
including cost of fitting. Fixing all necessary accessories etc.
complete in all respect as per drawing and direction of the

48 Supplying, fitting and fixing window grills of any design made 50.00 M2
of mild steel section (20mmx5mm) with outer frame of F.I.
bar (25mmx6mm) (BSRM/Benz/EIS) fabricating, welding,
cost of electricity, workshops charges, carriage, cutting
grooves, mending good the damages with c.c. (1:2:4) & all
necessary tool & plants etc. complete for all floor as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge (Total wt. per sqm should be
min 15.2kg. for each kg. excess or less add or deduct as the
case may be @ Tk. 9.04 per Kg.)

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
49 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium top hung/easement
windows as per the U.S. Architectural Aluminium
Manufacturer's Association (AAMA) standard specification
having 1.5mm thick casement outer (size 38.86 mm,
36.36mm, 0.395kg/m), 1.9mm thick casement shutter (size
47.62mm, 28.57mm, 0.692 kg/m) & 1.245 mm thick shutter
glass clip (size 15.87mm, 27mm, 0.188kg/m) sections of all
Aluminium members will (Total weight 7.584kg) be anodized
to Aluminium Bronze/Silver color with a coat not less that 15
micron in thickness and density of 4mg per square cm etc.
including all accessories 4 bar hinge, casement handle, bolts
& nuts keeping provision for fitting 5 mm thick glass including
labour charge for fitting of accessories, making grooves &
mending good damages, carriage, and electricity complete in
all respect as per drawing and direction of the engineer-in-

a) Bronze colour 150.00 M2

50 Supply, fitting, fixing of 2'-6" high stainless steel (SS) barrier 100.00 M2
for protection of curtain glass made of top and bottom rail
with 1½" stainless steel (SS) pipe, 1½" vertical support at
±5'- 0" C/C, and 2 nos. of 1" horizontal member in between
top and bottom members, fixing the vertical member with
R.C.C floor with clamps/rowlplugs etc. all work complete as
per approved design, drawing, specification and
instruction of Engineer-in-charge.

51 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminum corrugated curtain

wall as per the U.S. Architectural Aluminum Manufacturer’s
(AMM) (BTA/FU-WANG Section) standard specification
having 1.5mm thick bottom cover, 1.5mm thick groove cover,
1.5mm thick top & side & 1.8mm thick spandrel sections of
all Aluminum members will be anodized to Aluminum
bronze/Silver colour including all accessories like rivet, screw
fixed neoprene, etc. complete in all respect as per drawing
and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

a) Bronze Colour/Approved Colour 500.00 M2

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
52 Cement Paint of approved quality and colour made from 70.00 M2
water based paint powder (Snowcem Bangladesh) mixed
with (1:1) applying first coat, waiting for initial setting time of
six hours curing the same six hours intervals for 24 hours
second coat is applied and curing the same after initial
setting of six hours for 7 (seven) etc. Days taking care before
appling the coat that the surface is free from grease, oily
materials, old paints, lime wash, fungus, algac and must
become hard rock after initial setting time of six hours, must
withstand air blow pressure 20-25psi, must not concentrate
more then 3% sodium chloride during salt spray test, there
must be no erosior blistering, glazing, should be intact after
fifteen months of coating storing in sealed container with
manufacturing & expiry dates embrossed in the container
etc. complete in/c cost of electricity, water & other charges
as per direction of engineer-in-charge.

53 Applying 3-coat of weather coat in exterior wall surface 60.00 M2

54 Synthetic polyvinyl distempering prepared from alkali

resistance pigment/mineral extenders, vinyl acetate /acrylic
copolymer emulsion cellulose as binder, fungicide
/bactericide & alcohol, water as thinner, matt finish, viscosity
in paste /30-35 poise at 300C, Storage life 12 months in
sealed container with manufacturing & expiry date, touch
drying time 30 minutes, hard dry 60 minutes, recoating time
2 hours manufactured in a plant having testing laboratory
with spectrophotometer to wall & ceiling 2 coats over a coat
of brand specified primer or sealer matt finish including
cleaning and sand papering making the surface free from
loose and flaking materials, dirt, grease, wax, polish,
scraping all chalked & scaled materials, applying the paint by
brush/roller and necessary scaffolding etc. all complete in all
floor as per direction of engineer-in-charge.

a) Berger or equivalent 3000.00 M2

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
55 Painting to door and window frame and shutters two coats 100.00 M2
with synthetic enamel paint highly water resistant, hard,
flexible made from pigment organic/inorganic pigment of
good light fastness, alkalied resin as binder,
aliphatic/aromatic hydrocarbons as solvent prepared in the
manifesting plant equipped with laboratory testing facilities
with spectrophotometer (Berger-RSE) or equivalent having
viscosity 80-90 (bsb4)/130+10sec (Fordcup-3 300c, ASTM-
D-1200), specific gravity 90-1.14 approved gloss shade,
surface dry time 3-4 hours, hard dry 12-24 hours after
application of each coat, 22-26mm film thickness using
priming brand specified including cleaning substrate, dust,
finishing and polishing with sand paper and necessary
scaffolding etc. all complete in all floors as per direction of

56 Plastic emulsion painting prepared from alkali resistance

pigment /mineral extenders, vinyl acetate /acrylic copolmer
emulsion and cellulose as binder, water as thinner, viscosity
100-105 KU a semiliquid paint, matt fish, louch dry 60
minutes, hard dry 2 hours, recoating time 2-4 hours,
processed in a plant having testing facilities with
spectrophotometer & other testing equipments for storage
life 12 (twelve) months with embrossing of brand rame,
manufacturing & expiry date in inseald container, of best
quality and approved colour to wall and ceiling two coats
over a coat of brand specified primer or sealer including
cleaning, drying, making free from dirt, grease, wax,
removing all chalked & scaled materials, fungus, mending
good the surface defects, sand preparing the surface and
necessary scaffolding, spreading by brush/roller/spray etc.
all complete in all floors as per direction of engineer-in-

a) Rbb. Berger or equivalent 400.00 M2

57 Supplying fan hook of 16mm dia M.S. rod (one meter long). 150.00 Each
Fabrication and fixing in position in all floor as per direction
of engineer-in-charge.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
58 Constructing 300mm clear width and depth upto 1000mm 450.00 RM
brick masonry surface drain with 250mm thick check wall in
cement mortar (1:6) on over one layer of thick cement
concrete base (1:3:6) over one layer of brick flat soling. The
surface having minimum 12mm thick cement plaster (1:3)
and neat cement finishing with cement having cement
fineness min. 2800cm2/g, initial setting time min 45 minutes,
final setting time max 375 minutes, gypsum <3% mixed with
clinker, free from ash & any other foreign materials to give a
minimum cylinder crushing strength of 20 Mpa concrete from
a machine mixed typical batch with fresh cement
(conforming to BDS 232), curing at least for 7 days in/c
excavation of all kinds of soil, back filling with fine sand,
consolidating and dressing, cost of water, electricity, other
charges as per direction of engineer-in-charge.

59 Providing apron with 50mm thick cement concrete (1:2:4) 300.00 M2

with cement having cement fineness min. 2800 cm2/g, initial
setting time min 45 minutes, final setting time max 375
minutes, gypsum <3% mixed with clinker, free from ash &
any other foreign materials to give a minimum strength of 19
Mpa for 7 (seven) days concrete from machine mixed typical
batch with fresh cement (conforming to BDS 232), coarse
sand and picked jhama chips in/c breaking chips and one
layer brick soling at bottom with 1st class or picked jhama
bricks in/c cutting earth for preparation of bed and filling the
interstices with local sand in/c finishing. Curing at least for 7
days etc. all complete, in/c cost of water, electricity, other
charges as per direction of engineer-in-charge.

60 Supplying, fitting and fixing 100mm dia PVC AZIZ/BRB D- 80.00 RM

grade or equivalent (approved) rain water down pipe
including supplying of all sorts of specials such as bend,
junction, off-set, fitted with 25mm×6mm size MS. flat bar
screw, mending damages and etc. as per direction of the

61 Stair railing 900 mm high (or as per drawing) providing 150 x

75 mm wooden hand rest of best quality well seasoned
Chittagong Teak wood free from knots, saps, cracks and
worm holes, 38mm dia stainless steel balustrades 2 Nos. in
each step including 75 mm clement in stair concrete and 25
x 6 mm F.I. bar welded along the top of balustrades having
screw holes @ 450mm centers, necessary screws and
hardwires, 3 coats of clear synthetic varnish paints
(Elite/Berger) to the wooden surface sand 2 coats of
synthetic enamel paints (Elite/Berger) to all the steel
surfaces over a coat of anti-corrosive paint, surface
preparation, scaffolding making handing rest as per drawing,
pucca putty and hardware etc. all works complete as per
design and drawings in all floors.

a) With Chittagong Teak (C.T). wooden hand rail 37.00 M2

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
62 Supplying, fitting and fixing 25mm dia SS pipe stair railing of 65.00 M2
any standard height of any design & shape with
50mmx50mmx6mm M.S. plate at the base of 25mm dia SS
pipe and fitted and fixed by welding. Placing the pipes
vertically @ 250mm c/c (1 No. in each steps) 150mm
embedded into the R.C.C. step of step of stair case after
cutting grooves and mending good the damages with C.C.
(1:2:4) & SS pipe hand rail of 60mm in/c polishing painting
etc. all complete. Exposed area of railing will be considered
for measurement.

63 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality heavy type 19mm 25.00 Each
dia and to 300mm long brass hasp bolt in/c cutting grooves
in door shutter and frames etc. all complete as per direction
of the Engineer-in-charge.

64 Supplying, fitting and fixing of rolling shutter any design & 25.00 M2
shape made of 24SWG G.P. sheet unit minimum 69mm
width having 10mm & 12mm dia Circular folding at ends,
rolled in machine, locked together properly to form rolling
shutter, top of the shutter to be fitted with circular spring box
made of 22 BWG sheet, containing best quality spring made
in China, nutted with 38mm G.I. pipe at end and the other
end nutted to shutter in/c fitting the G.I. pipe again with
375mx300mmx6mm Pankha at ends with side guide channel
(side channel consist of 50mmx100mmx6mm M.S. plate with
2x19mmx3mm F.I. bar, middle channel consist of
2x150mmx6mm M.S. plate with 2x19mmx6mm) Fixed to wall
or column with clamps (minimum 3x25mmx6mm) mending
the damages bottom end of shutter fitted to folded G.P. sheet
(minimum 125mm width two layer) which is again fitted to
25mmx25mmx3mm angle, providing handle both sides (with
F.I. bar 25mmx6mm riveted) and locking arrangement both
sides, ainting two coats with approved colour and brand of
synthetic enamel paint over a coat of priming etc. complete

in all respect as per drawing, design. Rolling shutter must be

revered at sides with G.P. sheet and patty.
65 Supplying, fitting and fixing False Celling of 12mm thick 160.00 M2
gypsum board laminated by mechanical hot press with a milk
white PVC membrane with aluminum T-bar frame in natural
anodized finish at 600mmx600mm in grid, suspended from
ceiling by 12SWG double ply wire fixed to the ceiling by
rowel plug, screws, hooks, nails etc. maintaining straight
lines and desired finished level a bottom face with vertical
wooden strut as required in/c making holes in slabs. or
beams by electric drill machine and mending good the
damages, if any during execution of the work in/c cost of all
materials, electricity, accessories, scaffoldings, labour for
installation, screws, nails, etc. all complete as per drawing,
design and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
66 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting, fixing S.S. pipe gate having 2.00 M2
50mm dia S.S. pipe outer frame and 25mm dia S.S. pipe
vertical member placed @ 75mm c/c by welding at top and
bottom of S.S. pipe frame, cutting the pipes in proper shape
and size including making semicircular band at the corners
of the outer frame without damaging the pipe, providing 6
nos. huskle domney with R.C.C. or brick pillar with cement
concrete (1:2:4) including making provision for minimum
0.61mx1.4m pocket gate having its outer frame and inner
vertical members made with 25mm dia S.S. pipe, making rail
for horizontal movement including wheel and necessary
locking arrangements, painting the gate with two coats of
approved quality of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of
anti-corrosive priming, welding as and where necessary,
locking arrangement and providing 2 nos.16mm M.S. socket
bolts etc. all complete as per drawing, design and direction
of the Engineer-in-charge.

67 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing collapsible gate of 2.00 M2

any design & shape made of 20mmx20mmx3mm chanel
placed @ 112mm c/c vertically and and connecting the same
with each other with 20mmx3mm M.S. flat bar scissors
525mm/600mm long provided in 3 rows in/c cutting the
different M.S. members to required sizes, fabricating,
welding, riveting with required size rivets, providing required
1.5” size wheels, pulling handles on both sides, suitable
locking arrangement, electrodes, grees and finally placing
the same in position in between 2 (two) Nos.
50mmx50mmx6mm M.S. Tee rail made by welding 2 Nos.
50mmx6mmx M.S. flat bar fitted and fixed at top and bottom
with R.C.C. lintel/roof slab floors and side wall with required
Nos. 150mm to 225mm long 38mmx6mm M.S. flat bar
clamps one end welded with the gate member and the other
end bifurcated and embedded in C.C. (1:2:4) in/c cutting
holes and mending good the damages, etc. complete
painting 2 (two) coats with approved best quality synthetic
enamel paint over a coat anticorrosive painting both end
carriage etc.

complete as per drawing & design as per direction of

engineer-in-charge. (excluding cost of paint)
68 Providing 38mmx38mmx6mm corrugated brass angle to the 70.00 RM
nosing of steps of stair case in/c supplying 3 nos. of 75mm
long 12mmx3mm F.I. Bar clamp with bifurcated ends in each
steps in/c fitting and fixing with the angle by welding in/c
fitting and fixing the angle after cutting grooves in R.C.C.
finishing and finishing and fixing the same with C.C. (1:2:4)
etc. cost of electricity all complete as per direction of the

69 Supplying, fitting and fixing of best quality magnetic door 40.00 Each
shock absorber etc. all complete as per direction of the

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
70 Supplying fitting and fixing M.S flat bar clamp 175mm x 100.00 Each
38mm x 6mm bifurcated ends to door and window frames
with necessary screws and encasing inside the wall with
cement concrete (1:2:4)as per direction of engineer-in-

71 Average 100mm thick finished lime terraching with 20mm 10.00 M3

down graded 1st class brick chips (khoa). Surki from 1st
class bricks and lime (stone lime to be brought at site and to
be slaked in presenceof Engineer in-charge and to
measuredin volume three ans after slaking for using in the
volume there days after slaking for using in themix0 in the
proportion 7:2:2 (brickchips suriki : lime) including
preparation of the mix on heground by makjng a suitable
platform unde proper cover.Cutting themix twicedally with
lime. including preparation ofthe mix on the groundby
makinga suitableplatform unde proper cover poly
theneCuttingthe mixtwice daily with limewate (1:10) at least
for 7 days until themix attains desirableconsistency. laying
the mix in properslope. Beating the same with standard
koppa for minimum 7days to gain maximum conslidation
making good and neat finishing withlime mortar (1:2)
9lime:surki and curing for 21 days providing polythene cover
after each day work and cleaning etc. complete in all repect.
as per direction of engineer-in-charge.

72 Supply and Installation aluminum ceiling (600 mm x 600 mm 500.00 M2

size) of thickness 0.8 mm approved equivalent foreign made
including all the fixing accessories for ‘Clip-in’ system e.g
adjustable hanger and hanger bolts @ 900 c/c, carrying
channel @ 900 c/c, New Clip and New Clip bar @ 300 c/c
including necessary edge and corner finishing molding
applicable for ‘Clip-in’ system as per manufacturers
recommendation and specification and wherever specified
including fixing of hanger bolts to ceiling concrete in
approved method and all work shall be completed in all
respect incorporating light fittings in panels with all
necessary hardware, edge profiles etc. as per
manufacturer’s specification and recommendation and
instruction of the Engineer in Charge.

73 Concrete Water Proofing:

Supply and applying of cementation water proofing materials
of products water proofing coating (Germany, USA, UK,
Canada) or equivalent approved local applicator as per
manufacturer’s specifications including construction joint
water proofing, surface preparation, curing and necessary
site facilities (water, electricity, safe storage space,
scaffolding and hoisting), etc. all complete as per direction
and approval of consultant.

a) Basement wall- Two coats of Vandex Super or approved 1661.00 M2

equivalent each at 1.5kg/m2 Brush or Spray applied on
exterior surface (Positive Side).

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
b) Construction Joint- Vandex Super at 1.5kg/m2 applied in a 185.00 Rm.
slurry or dry-powder consistency, immediately prior to placing
the next lift/bay of concrete.

c) Water Reservoir slab- Vandex super at 1.5Kg/m2 applied 75.00 M2

one slurry coat to hardened concrete or dry sprinkle and
trowel applied to fresh concrete when it has reached initial

d) Water Reservoir Top Slab- (Ceiling)- Vandex super at 5.00 M2

1.0Kg/m2 applied one coat to hardened concrete or dry
sprinkle and trowel applied to fresh concrete when it has
reached initial set.

e) Water Reservoir Wall- Two coats of Vandex super at 10.00 M2

1.5Kg/m2 by Brush or Spray applied to harden concrete.


Supplying & mixing of SELOPROOF/ FEBPROOF water
proof Admixture of UK, USA origin or equivalent integral
Water Proffer, mixing the same with concrete in basement
floor, basement wall, water tank, water reservoir and water
body’s walls and floor etc. The admixed shall be mixed @
(Approx., 10 litre per 100 cft. concrete) or as per
manufacturers specifications and recommendations.

75 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12mm thick BT veneered board 100.00 M2

in walling with best quality and well seasoned Garjan wood
frame of section 75x38mm at 600x600mm in grid, fitted and
fixed to wall by plugs, nails, screws etc. in/c treatment of
inner surface with termite & damp proofing agent maintaining
leveled and finished exposed faces in/c. making holes in wall
and mending good the damages. If any, during execution of
the work in/c. cost and carriage of all materials, electricity,
accessories, labour for installation, scaffolding, screws, nails
etc. in/c. French polishing 3 coats over a coat of priming as
per item No. 137 of the schedule all complete as per design,
approved sample and direction of the engineer-in-charge.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
76 Supplying, fitting and fixing steel grill fencing of any design & 50.00 M2
shape made with 19mmx3mm tube (angle box made with 2
Nos. 19mmx19mmx3mm angle in by continuous welding)
placed vertically @ 150mm c/c and welding the said vertical
boxes with two Nos. horizontal 25mmx25mmx6mm angle
box (made with 2 Nos. 25mmx25mmx6mm angle by
welding), placing one at bottom and another at top and again
fitted and fixed by welding the said horizontal tube box (with
vertical 38mmx38mmx6mm angle box post made with 2 Nos.
38mmx38mmx6mm angle by welding) provided 1800mm c/c
in/c embedding the tube box post in brick R.C.C. pillar or
core wall upto 375mm depth after cutting grooves in
wall/pillar in/c mending good the damages with C.C. (1:2:4)
and finishing, curing, 3 coats of anti-corrosive paint etc. all
complete as per design, drawing and direction of the

77 Mild steel (Grade –A36) work in roof truss: supplying and 40.00 Qtl.
fabrication of mild steel sections as per design. Hoisting,
fitting and fixing in position with bolts and nuts or rivets or
welded and providing two coats of anti-corrosive paint over a
prime coat of red oxide paint (measurement to be given for
solid steel section only).

78 Supplying, fitting, fixing uPVC plastic/glass partition in plastic 400.00 M2

frame fabricated by 70x50x2mm T and 50x40x2mm /
50x30x2mm L-sections, providing partition with 156x25mm
uPVC hollow section having wall thickness 2.5mm /partition
with 5mm thick glass. Physical, chemical, thermal, fire
resistively properties etc. of the materials as per BSTI
approved manufacturer standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS
standards, fitted & fixed in brick wall/R.C.C. wall with 6 Nos.
G.I. clamp, 4 Nos. inner joint G.I. clamp, 2 Nos. outer GI joint
clamp, 16 Nos. rivet making necessary grooves and
mending good the damages, finishing, curing, carriage etc.
complete in all respect as per drawing and direction of the
engineer-in-charge. With partition uPVC hollow section

79 Homogenous Stair Tiles of required size in horizontal tread 10.00 M2

300 mm and vertical risers 150 mm corrugation at Toe for
steps Nosing, the approved origin of tiles shall be of
FUWANG/RAK Brand (Bangladesh) or equivalent origin
specified colour and quality, providing necessary cement and
sand (F.M 1.5) mortar (1:3) base, cutting of tiles in required
size and shapes, laying the tiles on 20 mm thick mortar (1:3)
base, maintaining the joint lines and grades, finally surface
cleaning, curing etc. all works complete in all floors.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
80 Cladding work including supply of Aluminum composite 60.00 M2
NETHERLANDS/MALAYSIA or equivalent) of approved
colour and fabricating, fitting and fixing them with necessary
frames, sub-frames as per approved architectural design
and drawings and shop drawings on walls, columns, beams,
drop walls and wherever directed. The rate shall be inclusive
of all materials, panel trays, frames, hardware, tools, tackles,
gondola, labour for cutting, fabrication, fixing & fitting,
removal of pill off paper, cleaning etc. all complete in all
respect as per details specification provided in
manufacturers technical brochure/catalogue and approved
by the Engineer-in-Charge/Consultant, at all height in all

81 Supply, fitting, fixing of (2'-6") high stainless steel railing for 300.00 RM.
places around any opening in floor slab etc. and wherever
specified made of top and rail with 2½ stainless steel pipe,
1½ vertical support at 125mm C/C and 2 nos. of ¾ horizontal
member in between top hand rest and bottom concrete,
fixing the vertical member with R.C.C floor with
clamps/rowlplugs before finishing, providing stainless steel
bowls of designed size at bottom of all balustrades etc. all
work complete as per approved design, drawing
specification& instruction of Engineer-in-charge/ Consultant.

82 Steel door of any design in Pent House or wherever required 4.00 M2

made of mild steel structural sections including 18 SWG
M.S. sheet shutter, fabricating, welding, fitting, fixing,
painting with 3 coats of synthetic enamel paint (Elite/Berger)
over a coat of anti-corrosive primer including supply and
carriage of all materials, labour, tools, plants, etc. complete
as per drawing, decision and instruction of Engineer-in-
charge /Consultant in all floors.
83 Metal lay-in tile Ceiling in all office space or wherever 75.00 M2
required of approved by consultant foreign origin. The
system's suspension shall consist of 1.25mm galvanized T-
sections interconnected by means of simple insert joint
forming supporting grid for tiles. The minimum distance
between suspension point shall be 1200mm. the laying tiles
shall be 0.5mm thick with perforation, edges beveled and
with non-woven acoustic felt backing. The work shall be
complete in all respect with approved quality material as per
design, drawing, recommendation of the manufacture and
instruction of Engineer-in-charge/ Consultant.

84 Supplying fitting and fixing of Aluminum fixed louver as per

the U.S. Architectural Aluminum Manufacture's Association
(AAMA) standard specification having 1.5mm thick wall
frame, 5mm thick louver section & 2.50mm thick louver outer
section and inner inclined Aluminum louver section fixed with
above mentioned frame and all Aluminum members will be
anodized to Aluminum Bronze/silver color including all
accessories, neoprene, sealant, nuts & bolts etc. complete in
all respect as per drawing and direction of the Engineer-in-

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
a) Bronze Colour/Approved Colour 50.00 M2

85 Supplying fitting approved quality of 190mmx190mm size 100.00 M2

glass brick in lobby wall, DG, ADG, Director Room and other
place as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

86 Column and wall corner guards in basements and parking 106.00 RM

floor at Ground level providing 75x75x6mm M.S. angle
(120mm in height) in each corners from finished floor level
having 3 Nos. fish tail F.I. bars welded to angle of 75m long
anchors made of F.I. bars embedded into the concrete at
corner position as per drawings, all angles molithically to be
cast in concrete by placing them in the corner of members
specified in drawings to protect the corners from unwanted
damages by vehicles etc. all works complete.

87 Construction of R.C.C. boundary wall of height 2.0m above 10.00 RM

G.L. and one meter below G.L. with column 250x250mm
size and tie beam 250x250mm at ground level, 75mm thick
and 375mm thick and 375mm with R.C.C. coping and
125mm (1:4) brick work in between the columns, 12mm thick
cement plaster (1:6) on the both sides of brick surface and
6mm thick cement plaster (1:4) on R.C.C. in all exposed
surface on the both sides of the boundary wall including the
cost of M.S. rod, white washing etc. all complete as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer in charge.

88 Supplying, fitting and fixing of C.T wood strip (62x25x20mm) 100.00 RM

for fixing of aluminium curtain rails as per design and
drawing fitted and fixed in position including supply of
screws, nails, drilling etc. and two coats of French polishing
over a coat of priming etc. all complete and accepted by the

89 Supplying, fitting and fixing vetical Venetian blinds made with 110.00 M2
glass fiber fabrics (foreign made) with supply of all materials
( foreign made) such as Head rail (Aluminium), end cap-set,
rod till, sigger (stopper) runner, spacer (link), Handling cord,
ball chain, link chair, cord-weight weight-plate plastic washer,
glass fiber fabrics, and head cap-set etc. all complete and
accepted by the Enginner.

90 Labour charge for scraping lawn surface up to 38 mm thick 150.00 M2

by spade, picking up all sorts of bricks bats, rubbish by
suitable tools, removing the same by head load or by any
other means and stacking the same to a safe distance
beyond 300 m including supply of tools and plants etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
91 Preparation of ground to make ready for plantation by 150.00 M2
spading the ground in to a depth of 150 mm to 230 mm
beyond 38 mm thick scrapped ground by spade, breaking
earth clods to powder by hammers, picking up all sorts of
rubbish, unwanted grasses by suitable tools, carrying and
spreading the surplus earth into low lying area including
supply of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by
the Engineer.

92 Leveling and dressing of lawn area to proper slope and 150.00 M2

grade by spading the same up to 150 mm including
supplying tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by
the Engineer.

93 Supplying of best and approved quality alluvial loamy silty 50.00 M3

soil including loading, unloading at both ends, properly
stacking at site including supply of tools and plants etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer.

94 Supplying well decomposed cow dung carried by trocks or 10.00 M3

any other means including loading, unloading at both ends,
stacking the same at site including supply of tools and plants
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer .

95 Labour charge for spreading the alluvial loamy silty soil from 10.00 M3
the stacks at site on the lawn surface, leveling, dressing the
same including supply all necessary tools and plants etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer.

96 Supplying lawn grass of approved quality by truck or any 20.00 M2

other means, sorting the grass to proper size, washing the
grass, dibbling the grass 6mm to 50 mm apart, irrigation of
lawn area till the grass grown at least for two months after
plantation, weeding the undesirable grass, mowing the lawn
grass by lawn mower up to two months after plantation,
applying urea fertilizer on the lawn surface @ 1 kg per 9.29
sqm including supply of tools and plants etc. all complete
and accepted-by-rhe Engineer.

97 Labour charge for mixing well decomposed cow dung with 20.00 M3
alluvial loamy silty soil and excavated earth, removing the
excess earth to safe distance including supply of tools and
plants etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

98 Earth work in excavation to make a pit of 600 x 600 x 450 10.00 Each
mm (depth) for plantation, applying cow dung mixing with
loamy silty soil and excavated earth,planting the plants,
tightened with 1800 mm long borrak bamboo post with jute
rope including supply of tools and plants all complete and
accepted by the Engineer.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
99 Spading for preparation of flower beds in pits up to 600 mm 10.00 M2
depth, re-molding, picking up and placinq and removing the
spaded earth to a safe distance, mixing @ 1 cft well
decomposed cow dung with 20% loamy silty soil and 6 cft
excavated soil and fill back the pit including supply of tools
and plants all complete and accepted by the Engineer. .

100 Preparation of hedge beds by excavation of earth up to 300 5.00 M2

mm depth filling up the bed by a mixture of cow dung, loamy
silty soil, cutted earth @ 1 cft cow dung manure per 6 cft of
cutted earth and 20% loamy silty soil including supply of
tools and plant etc. all complete and accepted by the

101 Supplying Fitting and fixing (50mm) x (50mm) x (required 245.00 M2

length) Terracotta suncreen (fixed type) placed horizontally
at 150mm C/C and installed with necessary hardware's as
per manufacture's recommendation / specification. All
hardwares used for installation shall be rustproof and of
aluminium / stainless steel. The product shall similar to AKO
Terracotta of Chaina / TENGDA Terracotta Panels of Chaina.
The work shall be complete in all respect including
preparetion of shop drawing by the supplier of the tiles. The
work shall be executed by trained technician / installer.

102 Supply, fabrication and erection of SKYLIGHT SYSTEM, 250.00 M2

made of M.S. Joist, stainless steel cross purlins, 20mm thick
glass and necessary hardwares for a pannel size: 50'-0" x
25'-0" (approximately). The system comprises of the
i) 10" Depth M.S Joist in the shape of an arc (as per design)
and having a span of 25'-0" and a pitch of 4'-0"
(approximately). The joists shall be anchored / clamped with
R.C.C upstands with necessary base plates, achorbolts
cleats etc.
ii) Stainless steel pwlins of size 75mm x 150mm x made of
2.5mm thick S.S. sheet and having necessary arangment for
fixing 20mm glass with nortan tape. The purlins shall be
welded or fixed with nut bolt with the main joist and placed
@ 3'-0" C/C (approximate).
iii) The spaces between the purlins shall be filled with 20mm
thick glass (10mm clear laminated with 10mm clear temperd
glass) with norton tape.
The whole system shall be installed with all necessary
hardwares, materials, labour, scafolding etc. Selected
contractor shall be required to prepare shopdrawing for
approval of clint/consultant prior to fabrication of the system.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

A. Civil Works : (Plinth Area = 3828.60 Sqm)

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
103 Supplying fitting fixing 25mm thick 900mm x 300mm x or any 125.00 M2
size HONE finish Granite (Greens or approved equivalent)
fixed on 150mm x 150mm x 100mm size pre cast C.C. block
(made with best quality 1.5:3 cement, coarse sand of F.M 2.2
and 20mm downgraded stone chips in/c steel form work
placed @ 300mm C/C all around each block with over 25mm
thick cement sand (F.M 1.2) mortar (1:2) both the granite
stone to desired size, grinding and finishing the edges,
setting in position in proper level (care should be taken that
no sealant of any other adhesive can be easily sepage
through the joint including supplying all necessary
equipment/materials and finishing the top by pumic stone
and necessary auxiliary materials and water, electricity and
other charges complete in all respect as per drawing,
specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

104 Supplying, fitting and fixing of wooden vertical louver on the 400.00 M2
exterior surfaces with 275mm wide and 25mm thick
approved best quality and seasoned Chittagong teak wook
and fixed with floor and ceiling by 12mm dia M.S round bar
etc complete in all repect including all accessories as per
design drawing, specification and instruction of the

105 Supply & fitting 50mm rock or glass wool padding of 190.00 M2
approved quality accepted by E/C.

106 Engineers site office about 50M2 with 2-room, semi-pucca, L.S L.S
finished floor with electrical facilities, like- light, fan etc.
including furniture, safety helmet, consumables, stationeries

107 Supply & placing of 60mm thick coloured uni-block for 80.00 M2
paving walkway, foot-path, car porch compressive strength
of 49N/mm2 on compacted sand bed of 50mm of stabilized
soil base and filling all the intersection with sand cleaning

Sub-Total (A) =

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
1 Supplying, fitting and fixing European type white glazed
porcelain commode "S" type (Bangladesh/equivalent)
(465mmx 340mmx415mm) wt. 14 Kg. Plastic seat cover
and preparing the base with cement concrete and with wire
net or rods, if necessary, in all floors including making
holes wherever required and mending good the damages
and fitting, fixing complete with all necessary fittings and
connection as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

a) Approved Colour Commode , Size(mm) 465x340x415Wt. 12.00 Each

14Kg. (including approved plastic low down).

b) Supplying, making fitting & fixing Marble Top Toile Cabinet 8.00 M2
fitted with Basin & other toiletries in cluding all accessories
etc complet as per drawing & Director of E/C.

2 Supplying, fitting and fixing Bangladesh pattern long pan 4.00 Each
(570mmx445mmx290mm) (Oriental pan with foot rest and
siphoned) “Bangladesh made” with white vitreous China
and preparing the base of pan with cement concrete and
with wire net or rods, if necessary in all floors including
making holes wherever required and mending good the
damages and supplying 10.00 liters capacity plastic (low
down approved) and fitting fixing the same in position with
C.I. brackets, including supplying of best quality 30mm dia
PVC flush pipe with brass coupling (not exceeding 1.80m
in length), 12mm dia brass stop cock 12mm dia ball cock
and pulling chain etc. all complete as per direction of the

3 Supplying, fitting and fixing white glazed vitreous W/H 10.00 Each
Basin “Bangladesh made” (585mmx460mm x235mm size)
including fitting, fixing the same in position with heavy type
C.I. brackets, 38mm dia G.I. pipe waste water pipe with
brass coupling (Not exceeding 750mm in length) 12mm
plastic connection pipe with brass stop cock, 12mm C.P.
pillar cock, 30mm dia C.P. Basin waste with chain plug
including making holes in walls and floors and fitting with
wooden blocks, screws and mending good the damages
etc. all complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-

4 Supplying, fitting and fixing white glazed vitreous China 6.00 Each
squatting or Flat Urinals (610mmx375mmx85mm)
Bangladesh made with flushing inlet in cement concrete
with cast iron painted body; one gallon automatic flushing
cistern in each group etc. 12mm brass controlling valve
38mm dia G.I. pipe flush pipe with brass coupling 12mm
dia plastic connection pipe including mending good the
damages etc. all complete as per direction of the Engineer-

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
5 Supplying, fitting and fixing European type white glazed 5.00 Each
vitreous bowl Urinals (490mmx385mmx290mm) including
fitting fixing the same imposition after making holes in walls
and floors, providing 38mm dia G.I. pipe waste-water pipe
with brass coupling upto grading below, 12mm dia plastic
connection pipe with 12mm dia brass stop cock including
mending good the damages etc. all complete as per
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

6 Supplying fitting and fixing super quality mirror (Made in 14.00 Each
Japan) 450mmx355mmx5mm size with hard board at the
back with all necessary fittings including making holes in
walls & mending good the damages etc. all complete as
per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

7 Supplying, fitting and fixing super quality concealed bend 14.00 Each
C.P. Towel rail of 600mmx20mm size with C.P. holder
including making holes in walls and mending good the
damages etc. all comple3te as per direction of the

8 Supplying, fitting and fixing super quality 600mmx125mm 14.00 Each

size plate glass shelf of 5mm thickness with fancy C.P.
brackets, screws and mending good the damages etc. all
complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

9 Supplying, fitting and fixing ceramic soap tray with brackets 14.00 Each
in wall including cutting wall and mending good the
damages properly etc. complete in all respect in all floors
as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

10 Supplying, fitting & fixing toilet paper holder (Approved) of 14.00 Each
approved quality fitted in walls with wooden blocks &
screws etc. complete in all respect in all floors as per
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

11 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality shower rose all 4.00 Each
complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

12 Supplying, fitting and fixing 50mm dia PVC ventilation pipe 100.00 RM
with all fittings and specials like plain bends, Tees, cowels
etc. including gasket with cement joints and mending good
the damages etc. all complete as per direction of the

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
13 Supplying, fitting, fixing and laying 125mm dia PVC pipe 90.00 RM
(AZIZ/BRB-D Grade brand) or equivalent pipe over 100mm
thick cement concrete (1:3:6) at base and sides including
single brick flat soling and gasket with cement mortar
joints, cutting and filling trenches upto required depth etc.
all complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

14 Supplying fitting and fixing 100mm dia C.I. traps or P/Trap) 50.00 Each
including making holes in walls and floors and mending
good the damages etc. all complete as per direction of the

15 Supplying, fitting and fixing 125mm dia C.P. grating in traps 50.00 Each
or in drains including making holes in walls and floors and
mending good the damages etc. all complete as per
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

16 Supplying, fitting and fixing G.I. pipe ASIA/NTL brand) or

equivalent with all special fittings, such as bends, elbows,
sockets, reducing sockets, Tee Unions, Jum-nuts etc.
including cutting trenches where necessary and fitting the
same with earth duly rammed and fixing in walls with
holder bats and making hole in floors and walls and
consequent mending good the damages etc. all complete
as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

a) 250mm dia 100.00 RM

b) 200mm dia 150.00 RM

c) 150mm dia 200.00 RM

d) 100mm dia 150.00 RM

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
e) 75mm dia 150.00 RM

f) 50mm dia 300.00 RM

g) 40mm dia 275.00 RM

h) 25mm dia 275.00 RM

i) 20mm dia 200.00 RM

j) 12mm dia 225.00 RM

17 Extra cost for concealing of G.I. pipe work (12mm & 20mm 1000.00 RM
dia) in brick wall by cutting wall, lintel, beam etc. by any
means carefully without damaging the structure & filling the
grooves after laying of pipe with CC (4:2:1) including cost
of scaffolding etc. all complete as per direction of the

18 Supplying ,fitting and fixing best quality and heavy type bib
a) 12mm dia C.P. piller cock. 7.00 Each

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
b) 12mm dia C.P. concealed bib cock. 25.00 Each

19 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality stop cock.

(a) 12mm dia C.P. stop cock (concealed). 25.00 Each

20 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality GM. pit valve.

(a) 100mm dia 3.00 Each

(b) 75mm dia 3.00 Each

(c) 50mm dia 4.00 Each

(d) 40mm dia 4.00 Each

(e) 25mm dia 6.00 Each

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
21 Construction of masonry inspection pits in side 39.00 Each
measurement (600x600mm) with 250mm thick brick work
in cement mortar (1:4) with 100mm thick RCC top slab
(1:2:4) with 1% rein for cement 450mm dia water sealed
C.I. M.H. cover with locking arrangement including
necessary earth work side filling and one brick flat soling
75mm thick (1:3:6) base concrete for making invert
chammel and 12mm thick (1:2) cement plaster with neat
finishing etc. all complete upto a depth of 0.75mm. as per
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

22 Supplying 100mm inside dia best quality uPVC food grade 50.00 RM
pipe having specific gravity 1.35-1.45, water absorption for
24 hrs 0.1%, wall thickness 2.7mm-3.4mm, heat reversion
at 1500c, the change is <5% for 15 minutes & 60 minutes
immersion time for oil bath & air oven respectively,
resistant to acetone, opacity <0.2%, break at elongation,
rigidity, elasticity, tensile stress, bending stress,
compressive stress, impact stress at 230c are>80%,
1.12x10.4kg/cm2, 2600-3000kg/cm2, 45-55mm2,
21kg/cm2, 600-700kg/cm2, 1-2ft. ibs/in and 0.5-1ft. ibs/in
of notch respectively,

hydrostatic pressure for 1hr is 310 psi, proper eclectic,

thermal, flow, chemical resistance fitted and fixed in
position with sockets, bends (National Polymer(NPI)/Aziz/
Zakaria Polymer) or equivalent with all accessories such
as round grating/domed roof grating bands, sockets (Brand
mentioned will be selected by sanctioning

23 Supplying, fitting, fixing and laying best quality uPVC

pressure sewerage pipe (Lira/Aziz/National polymer brand
quality or equivalent) including necessary fitting and joints
with high class solution and at the base and sides filling
with best quality local sand all around the pipe not less
than 25mm upto required depth etc. including cutting and
filling trenches upto required depth, preparing the base
with proper grade, watering ramming, supply and carriage
of all materials, labour, tools, incidentals, etc. complete as
per drawing, specification and direction of the Engineer-in-

(a) 150mm inside diameter 50.00 RM

(b) 200mm inside diameter 100.00 RM

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
24 Supplying, fitting and fixing uPVC rain water down
pipes/soil pipes (Lira/Aziz/National polymer brand or
equivalent) or where necessary with all best quality fittings,
like tees, elbows, bends, sockets, long sweep and
reducers etc. and joining with high class solution, clamping
to wall, making holes and mending good the damages
including supply of all materials, carriage, labour, tools,
incidentals etc. complete as per drawing and direction of
the Engineer-in-charge.

(a) 150mm dia for rain water pipe 100.00 RM

(b) 100mm dia 50.00 RM

25 Supplying, fitting, fixing and laying best quality (Machine

made) RCC soil pipe in any depth over 100mm thick
cement concrete (1:3:6) at base and sides including single
brick flat soling and gasket with cement mortar (1:4) joints,
cutting and filling trenches upto required depth including
excavation of soil preparing the base with proper grade,
watering, ramming, supply ad carriage of all materials,
labour, tools, incidentals, etc. complete as per drawing
specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

(a) 150mm dia meter 370.00 RM

(b) 225mm dia meter 450.00 RM

(c) 300mm dia meter 645.00 RM

26 Supplying, fitting and fixing of CI Manhole Cover (Manco or

equivalent) with locking arrangement with CI rim including
supply and carriage of all materials, labour, tools, incidental
fitting and fixing etc. complete as per drawing and direction
of the Engineer-in-charge.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
(a) 450mm dia 25.00 Each

27 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1.00 Set

centrifugal pump with motor of following capacity:
Pump capacity: 350GPM
Discharge: 550 liter/min.
Head: 85 meter
Efficiency: 65% (minimum)
Speed: 2900 rpm
Operation: Continuous
Suction 62.5mmx50mm
Ambient temperature: 500C (maximum)
Country of origin: USA/UK/Germany/Sweden/Japan or

28 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1.00 Set

centrifugal pump of following capacity:
Type: End suction vertical discharge
Discharge: 50 liter/min.
Head: 30 meter
Efficiency: 50% (minimum)
Speed: 2900 rpm
Operation: Intermittent
Ambient temperature: 500C (maximum)
Country of origin: USA/UK/Germany/Sweden/Japan or

29 Supplying, fitting and fixing of pressure reducing valve of

bronze body globe construction, flanged and type suitable
to maintain a constant pressure, 100Kpa at outlet
irrespective of inlet pressure, varies from 820Kpa to
340Kpa (adjustable). Valve shall be suitable to maintain
outlet specified pressure at flow and also at no flow. Valve
shall be flanged end type complete with compassion
flanges, nut bolt, gasket etc. of approved quality.

(a) 100mm dia 2.00 Each

(b) 75mm dia 2.00 Each

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
(c) 50mm dia 4.00 Each

(d) 25mm dia 2.00 Each

30 Supplying, fitting and fixing non-return valves

(a) 100mm dia 2.00 Each

(b) 75mm dia 1.00 Each

31 Foot valve for ground water reservoir 1.00 Each

32 Float valve for roof tank 1.00 Each

33 Auto level control for roof tank 2.00 Each

34 Flexible joint 2.00 Each

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

B. Sanitary & Water Supply Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
35 Strainer 2.00 Each

36 Globe valve 100mm dia 2.00 Each

Sub- Total =

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
1 Concealed conduit wiring for following point looping at
the switch board with earth terminal including circuit
wiring with IC-2x1.5 sq.mm PVC insulated and sheathed
stranded cable (BYM) & 1.5 sq.mm PVC insulated
green/white coloured ECC wire (BYA) through PVC
conduit of reputed manufacturer of minimum 25 mm dia
& 1.5 mm wall thickness complete with 18 SWG GP
sheet, switch board and pull box with 3mm thick ebonite
sheet cover, 5 amps. piano switch, ceiling rose, fixing
materials etc. as required including mending the
damages good . All electrical contacts shall be of
brass/copper connected through connector or soldering
( no twisting shall be allowed) and cables shall be
manufactured and tested according to relavent
IEC/BDS/BS/VDE standards and as per detailed
specification mentioned in Annexure-A. The work shall
be carried out as per direction/approval/acceptance of
the Engineer.
Cables manufactured by Govt. of Bangladesh owned /
shared Company Ltd (Eastern Cables).

a) Light/ Exhaust or Wall bracket Fan Point 150.00 Point

b) Fan Point 80.00 Point

c) 3-pin 10 Ams Socket point (Outlate) with control switch on 80.00 Point
switch board

2 Gang Switch
Providing & fixing 250 volts. 5/6 amps. (minimum)
concealed type following switch / switch socket
manufactured and tested in accordance with relevant
IEC/ VDE/NEMNBS/JIS standards mounted on required
size 18 SWG galvanized plain sheet board of 76.2 mm
(3") depth. All electrical contacts shall be of brass/copper
Gang Switch of MK/MEM/ Legrand/ Schneider/ABB or
equivalent approved by the Engineering-in-Charge

a) 1 Gang switch 60.00 Each

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
b) 2 Gang switch 60.00 Each

c) 3 Gang switch 50.00 Each

d) Gang type Fan Regulator 100.00 Each

e) 2-pin socket on switch board 80.00 Each

3 Wiring and Installation of Individual Switched

Socket/Switch box/AC outlets :
Concealed conduit wiring in wall, column, floor, roof etc.
including supply of all materials from distribution
board/switch board to individual switched socket/switch
box/AC outlets etc. as per wiring details item no.1 above.
The switch box shall be 16 Gauge (1.5mm) & the
outlet/pull box shall be 18 Gauge sheet steel duly
hammer/stove enamel painted. The pull box shall be
covered with 3mm thick ebonite sheet of matching

a) 13A, 3-pin switched socket :

Stainless steel finishing of matching colour similar to
ABB, LEGARD, MK, MEM origin with 2x1Cx2.5mm2 PVC
insulated Cu conductor & Cu ECC.

i) Single Switched Socket 40.00 Each

ii) Double Switched Socket (With Neon) 35.00 Each

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
b) 15A, 3-pin switched socket : 20.00 Each
With 2x1Cx4.0mm2 PVC insulated Cu Conductor & Cu
ECC. The item includes supply of the switched socket.

c) 15A switch box complete with 20A, SP, 230V, MCB (Japan, 20.00 Each
Germany, France, UK and USA make) or equivalent with
2x1Cx4.0mm2 PVC insulated copper conductor and copper

d) 20A switch box complete with 20A, 3 pole, weather proof 10.00 Each
switched socket (Japan, Germany, France, UK and USA made)
or equivalent with 2x1Cx6.0mm2 PVC insulated copper
conductor and copper ECC.

e) 3mm thick ebonite sheet for approved quality 6.00 M2

f) Calling Bell : 10.00 Each

Supply and installation of ceiling calling bell of approved
quality suitable for 230V single phase, 50Hz operation
complete with M.K. or approved equivalent bell switch
and 16 SWG sheet steel outlet box. The work shall be
complete as per specification and direction of the

4 Concealed conduit wiring in wall, column, floor, roof etc.

including supply of all materials and accessories from
distribution board to switch board, A/C outlets or from switch
board to switch board as per wiring details item no. 1.0 above
with following PVC cables of Eastern Cable Ltd. or equivalent.
a) 2x1Cx2.5mm2 BYA + ECC 1000.00 RM

b) 4x1Cx2.5mm2 BYA + ECC 380.00 RM

c) 2x1Cx4.0mm2 BAY + ECC 500.00 RM

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
d) 4x1Cx4.0mm2 BYA + ECC 700.00 RM

e) 2x1Cx6.0mm2 BYA + ECC 400.00 RM

f) 4x1Cx6.0mm2 BYA + ECC 400.00 RM

g) 2x1Cx10.0mm2 BYA + ECC 200.00 RM

5 Isolator, Switch disconnector and MCB/MCCB outlet

for AC, Pumps etc.
Supply and installation of Isolators, switch disconnectors
a) 6A-40A
and MCB SP outlets
MCB for A/C machine, pumps, etc. complete 32.00 Each
with all accessories and as per design, specification and
direction of the Engineer. The Isolators/SDC/MCB shall
be of white or approved colour and of MK, LEGRAND,
ABB, MEM and UK, USA, GERMANY, JAPAN origin or

b) 50A-63A SP MCB 1.00 Each

c) 6A-40A TP MCB 7.00 Each

d) 50A-63A TP MCB 7.00 Each

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
e) 80A-100A TP MCB/MCCB 8.00 Each

f) 120A-250A TP MCCB 8.00 Each

g) 6A-40A SP ISOLATOR/SDC 7.00 Each

h) 50A-63A SP ISOLATOR/SDC 7.00 Each

i) 6A-40A TP ISOLATOR/SDC 7.00 Each

j) 50A-63A TP ISOLATOR/SDC 7.00 Each

k) 120A-250A TP ISOLATOR/SDC 1.00 Each

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
6 Cable Works from LT Panel to Main Distribution
Board, Distribution Board/Sub-distribution Boards:
Supplying, laying including termination of the following
sizes and types of PVC insulated & PVC sheathed single
core, two core or four core stranded copper conductor
and accessories required as per item 1 above
(Eastern /Paradise /Supersign /Poly /BRB Cables) or
equivalent on floor, wall, column, beam, cable tray, cable
trench etc. from LT panel, MDB, bus bar riser, tap of box
to MDB, DB, SDB outlets, fixing etc. as per design,
specification & direction and approval of the Engineer.

a) 4x1Cx6.0mm2 cable + ECC 500.00 RM

b) 4x1Cx10.0mm2 cable + ECC 50.00 RM

c) 4x1Cx16.0mm2 cable + ECC 300.00 RM

d) 4x1Cx25.0mm2 cable + ECC 30.00 RM

e) 4x1Cx35.0mm2 cable + ECC 50.00 RM

f) 4x1Cx50.0mm2 cable + ECC 100.00 RM

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
g) 4x1Cx70.0mm2 cable + ECC 100.00 RM

h) 4x1Cx4.0mm2 cable + ECC 100.00 RM

i) 1C-4x300Sq.mm (NYY) with 150Sq.mm (BYA) ECC wire 100.00 RM

through PVC pipe of minimum inner dia 125mm having
wall thickness of 3mm

j) 1C-4x150Sq.mm (NYY) with 70Sq.mm (BYA) wire 160.00 RM

through PVC pipe of minimum inner dia 75mm having
wall thickness of 3mm

k) 1C-4x185Sq.mm (NYY) with 95Sq.mm (BYA) wire 150.00 RM

through PVC pipe of minimum inner dia 100mm having
wall thickness of 3mm

l) 1C-4x240Sq.mm (NYY) with 120Sq.mm (BYA) wire 165.00 RM

through PVC pipe of minimum inner dia 125mm having
wall thickness of 3mm

7 Providing & laying of the following PVC insulated cable

of (NYY) with PVC insulated green / white coloured ECC
wire (BYA) connecting at both ends, through PVC pipe &
accessories in the following manner.
In kutcha ground by cutting 45.70 cm width x 91.40 cm
depth trench with necessary brick or tile protection and
mending the damages good by refilling trench with
proper compaction.
In pucca floor through PVC pipe by cutting trench of
necessary size and mending the damages good by brick
soling 75 mm (1:2:4) cc work with neat cement finishing

a) 1C-4 x 500sqmm (NYY) cable with 240 sqmm (BYA)

ECC wire through PVC pipe of minimum inner dia 150
mm having wall thickness of 3 mm.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
i) in kutcha ground & pucca floor 200 RM

b) 1C-4 x 400sqmm (NYY) cable with 70 sqmm (NYY) ECC

wire through PVC pipe of minimum inner dia 150 mm
having wall thickness of 3 mm.
i) in kutcha ground & pucca floor 150 RM

c) 1C-4 x 630sqmm (NYY) cable with 300 sqmm (BYA)

ECC wire through PVC pipe of minimum inner dia 175
mm having wall thickness of 3 mm.

i) in kutcha ground & pucca floor 60 RM

8 Earth Continuity Conductor :

Supply and installation of the following sizes BAY Cables
of annealed copper earth continuity conductor (ECC) in
pre installed conduit/cable tray trench/surface including
all accessories, such as connectors, lugs etc. as per
design, specification and direction of the Engineer.

a) 1x1Cx2.5mm2 cable 300.00 RM

b) 1x1Cx4.0mm2 cable 40.00 RM

c) 1x1Cx6.0mm2 cable 20.00 RM

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
d) 1x1Cx10.0mm2 cable 20.00 RM

e) 1x1Cx16.0mm2 cable 20.00 RM

f) 1x1Cx25.0mm2 cable 42.00 RM

g) 1x1Cx35.0mm2 cable 42.00 RM

h) 1x1Cx50.0mm2 cable 40.00 RM

i) 1x1Cx70.0mm2 cable 8.00 RM

9 Cable Tray/Cable ladder :

Supply (at site) of G.I. or hot dip galvanized cable tray or
cable ladder and cable trunking to be fixed on wall,
hanged with roof or wall, roof or supported on any
structure as per design, specification, standard and
direction. The item includes cable ladder, cable tray, tee,
elbow, expansion unit, tray, ladder, trunking support
system etc. all accessories complete.

a) Cable tray/cable ladder [GI. or Hot dip Galvanized,

Steel thickness 1.5mm min.] Angle
i) 200mmx75mm 105.00 RM

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
ii) 300mmx75mm 100.00 RM

10 Conduit Works:
Supply & installation of concealed/surface/underground
water grade PVC pipe (Lira, Aiz brand) or equivalent GI
pipe (National Tubes) including pull box and accessories
of the following size as per design, specification and
direction of the Engineer :

a) 25mm inner dia PVC pipe 3000.00 RM

b) 50mm inner dia PVC pipe 100.00 RM

c) 75mm inner dia GI pipe 40.00 RM

d) 25mm inner dia GI pipe 25.00 RM

e) 50mm inner dia GI pipe 5.00 RM


Earth Electrode + Earth lead and Earth pit :
Supply and sinking of G.I. pipe earth electrode (20m
long, 38mm dia), providing and fixing brass clamp with
brass nuts and bolts for connecting earth lead with the
earth rod and making earth inspection pit, complete in all
respect, as per design, specification & direction of the

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
Providing & fixing 250V, 50 Hz, grade following
concealed type sub distribution board made of 18 SWG
MS sheet complete with hinged type door, builtin type
locking arrangement, one no 60 A capacity bus bar with
required no of holes thereon + B150 fixed on insulators
at both ends, copper blocks for neutral and earth
terminal, SPMCBs having minimun breaking capacity 6-
KA with thermal over current and instantaneous
electromagnetic short ckt. release, necessary
arrangement for fixing of MCBs by keeping its knobs out
on the top cover of the board in / c stove enamel / grey
hammer painting of board etc.
with SPMCBs of SIEMENS / Germany / USA / MEM
( England / Dorman smith (England) / AEG (Germany) or

a) in coming : 1 x 32A SP MCB & 1 Set

Out going : 4 x 10/15 amps SPMCB


Providing & fixing 415V, 50 Hz, 3-phase , grade following
concealed type distribution board made of 18 SWG MS
sheet complete with hinged type door, builtin type locking
arrangement, one no 100 A/ 50A or requirement capacity
bus bar with required no of holes thereon + B150 fixed
on insulators at both ends, copper blocks for neutral and
earth terminal, TPMCCBs having minimun breaking
capacity 16KA with thermal over current and
instantaneous electromagnetic short ckt. release,
necessary arrangement for fixing of MCBs by keeping its
knobs out on the top cover of the board in / c stove
enamel / grey hammer painting of board etc.

a) in coming : 1 x 63A TP MCCB & 4 Sets

Out going : 21 x 10/15 amps SPMCB

b) in coming : 1 x 63A TP MCCB &

Out going : 2 x 25 amps TPMCCB
6 x 10 amps SPMCB
12 Set

c) in coming : 1 x 32A TP MCCB & 4 Sets

Out going : 8 x 10 amps SPMCB

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
d) in coming : 1 x 32A TP MCCB & 4 Sets
Out going : 1 x 10 amps SPMCB

e) in coming : 1 x 10A TP MCB & 2 Sets

Out going : 6 x 6 amps SPMCB


Main Distribution wiring :
Supply and installation of telephone distribution multicore
cable (one conductor min 0.6mm dia) from MDF/IDF at
1st floor of the building through GI conduit, cable ladder,
along electrical riser/duct in building upto Telephone
Distribution Board (TDB) in each floor as shown in
design & direction of the Engineer. The item includes
supply of all materials and accessories required for
wiring (except cable ladder).

a) 10 Pair telephone cable 50.00 RM

b) 15 Pair telephone cable 70.00 RM

c) 20 Pair telephone cable 20.00 RM

15 Telephone Distribution Board (TDB) :

Supply and installation of telephone distribution board
(TDB) in all floors as per design, specification and
direction of the Engineer. The item includes supply of all
materials and accessories, chasing wall, floor etc. and
mending good the damages.

a) TDB Size : 500mmx450mmx250mm 1.00 Each

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
b) TDB Size : 450mmx350mmx250mm 4.00 Each

16 Telephone Point/port wiring from TDB :

Telephone outlet, point or port wiring from TDB to
telephone or outlet (Telephone socket), including
telephone outlet, G.I. pipe & ECC as per design,
specification and direction of the Engineer.

a) Single port by minimum two pair cable 300.00 RM

b) Twin port by minimum four pair cable 200.00 RM

Fluorescent Light Fitting:
Supply and installation of fluorescent light fittings of the
following types complete with lamps, chokes, starters,
holders, frame, shed, power factor improvement
capacitor to raise the pf to 0.9 & all other accessories as
per specification, standard and approval of the Engineer.
The luminaries shall be similar to siemens, ABB,

a) 1x40w/36w, 4'-0" tube, wall mounted fluorescent light 25.00 Each

fitting (Type-TA)

b) 4x2x20w,Fluorescent tube Light. Approve Quality. 100.00 Each

c) 2x40w/36w, 4'-0" fluorescent light with Mirror optic louver 30.00 Each
& provision shall be made in such a way that the fittings
may be used as recessed type in future ceiling fixed or
hanged (Type-FL)

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
d) Security light : 15.00 Each
Asymmetrical flood light with 1x600w high pressure
sodium light (Type-SL)

18 Incandescent Light Fighting :

Supply and installation of Incandescent light fittings of
the following types complete with lamp, brass bracket
/pendant & reflector as applicable, brass holder etc.
Similar to Siemens, Thorn, Philips, Crescent, Shwash
brand or equivalent.

a) 1x100w, wall bracket light fittings with transparent globe 50.00 Each

b) 1x100w, wall bracket light fittings with globe type diffuser 10.00 Each
for indirect lighting (Type-C)

c) 1x150w, recessed down light fittings with PAR 38 lamp 70.00 Each

d) 1x100w, saucer type covered ceiling mounted 16.00 Each

incandescent lightings (Type-H)

e) Chandelier light fittings (Type-CH) 3.00 Each

f) Gate light white post top globe luminair /70w high 4.00 Each
pressure sodium lamp, dia 400mm (min.) (Type-GL)

19 FAN:
Supply and installation of A/C capacitor ceiling fan
completed with fan blade, suspension rod, canopy, nuts
& bolt etc. similar to GEC deluxe or equivalent.

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
a) 56" sweep (GEC deluxe) or equivalent. 80.00 Each

20 Exhaust Fan 16.00 Each

Supply and installation of exhaust fan complete with
blade, wall cover, etc. /steel frame, louver shutter etc. of
GEC Deluxe or equivalent (16").

21 Providing & fixing 230V., 50Hz., Single phase, 10-40 1.00 Each
Ampere electric energy meter (KWH meter) steel body
with glass cover on prepared board (HOSAF /PADMA
/HAY /SOLAR /Meghna /Bemco /Jamuna /Prime meter or
equivalent by PDB /DESA): 300/Rev /KWH.

22 Supply & installation of 4x18W ceiling recessed mounted 10.00 Set

fluorescent light fixture of type ARM/14/GML /MRCB of
DAVIS /CRESCENT/ Energypac or equivalent complete
with mirror reflector, 2x36W fluorescent lamps, foreign
ballasts, starters, capacitors and all other necessary
materials as per drawing, specifications and direction of
the Engineer-in-charge.

Providing & laying of the following sizes additional LT
PVC insulated sheathed & armoured cable (NYFGbY) /
HT (11 KV ) PVC insulated, sheathed, screened &
armoured cable ( NYSEYFGbY) / HT ( 11 KV) armoured
XLPE cable in prepaed trench.

80.00 RM

a) in kutcha ground / Pucca Road


Providing & fixing the Garden light fitting of following
manufacturers (as per picture No 7.4) consisting of
hexagonla conical shaped aluminium body of min. dia
(top of shade) 305mm, (min, total height of fitting
615mm), mounting base duly painted with DUCO
hammer / wrinkle paint, frosted glass cover, brass holder,
earth terminal, necessary wiring with 2x0.4 sq.mm
stranded PVC insulated flexible FR cable & suitable for
mounting on 38.1mm. dia G.I post, complete (except
lam) of following model & as per sample accepted /
approved by the Engineer

Asha cat No. ACSGL-2948(NET) or 5.00 Each

Crescent cat No. CG-49 (N) (Socket System) or
Gloria cat No. GGL-160 or
Shwash cat No. SCGL-15(N) or equivalent approved by
the Engineering-in-Charge.

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
25 Providing & fixing the Stepped Bollard light fitting of 5.00 Each
following manufacturers (as per picture No 7.7) having
minimum total height 940mm & dia 293mm, consisting
of cast aluminium body, mounted on 50.8 mm (2") dia
G.I pipe with base duly painted with DUCO
hammer/wrinkle paint, acrylic luminous cover, brass
holder, earth terminal, necessary wiring with 2 x 0.4
sq.mm stranded PVC insulated flexible FR cable &
suitable to be fitted on prepared C.C base ,complete
(except lamp) of following model & as per sample
approved by the Engineer.

Crescent cat No. CGL-48 or

Gloria cat No. GBL-260 or
Shwash cat No. SCBL-10 or Asha catNo. ACSBL-2958
Anyasha cat No. ACBL-10 or equivalent product.

26 Providing & fixing the Gate light fitting of following

manufacturers (as per picture No. 7.13) having
minimum height 450 mm & dia 260 mm (middle of
shade), consisting of cast aluminium top with cast
aluminium base, Vertical support with BPI sheet frame
duly painted with DUCO paint, design glass, brass
holder, earth terminal, necessary wiring with 2 x 0.4
sq.mm stranded PVC insulated flexible FR cable etc.
complete (except lamp) of following model & as per
sample approved by the Engineer.

(a) Asha cat No. ACSGL-901 or 2.00 Each

Crescent cat No. CG-78 or
Gloria cat No. GGL-171(B) or equivalent approved by
the Engineering-in-Charge.


Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the
Central Unit with Digital Display (Integrated Controller &
Power Supply).
The Central unit shall have the following technical
Control up to 50 (fifty) conference units.
More control units can be linked for controlling
more than 100 conference units (Max. 950 units) without
changing this unit.
Microprocessor based control with Alpha numeric LCD
Main switch with power ON LED.
Loud speaker power: >2W.
Frequency response:
- Mic. in to line out: 35 Hz – 19 KHz.
- Mic. in to LS out: 100 Hz – 13 KHz
- Line in to LS out: 130 Hz-- 13 KHz
S/N ratio: > 68 dB A
THD < 0, 1%
Volume control for Conference units’ loudspeaker.
Facility to set the 6 No. of Delegate unit a time.
Fully automatic system.
Equipped with an amplifier for the units loudspeaker.
Line output for recording of audio mixer.
Auto test function built-in with LED indicator for checking
the unit.

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C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
Cassette recorder, Cordless P.A. Systems interface
Provision for adding S.I.S. system.
Suitable for use in tropical country like Bangladesh.
Complete with required accessories and in conformity to
specified codes & specification of international standards
& CE/UL/CSA certified.
Model & Sample to be approved by the competent
28 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 4.00 Each
the Central Unit with Digital Display (Integrated
Controller & Power Supply).

The Central unit shall have the following technical

Control up to 100 ( hundred) conference units.
Microprocessor based control with Alpha numeric LCD
Main switch with power ON LED.
Loud speaker power: > 60 Watt/50 V max.
Frequency response :
- Mic. in to line out: 35 Hz – 19 KHz.
- Mic. in to LS out: 100 Hz – 13 KHz
- Line in to LS out: 130 Hz-- 13 KHz
S/N ratio: > 68 dB A
THD < 0, 1%
Volume control for Conference units loudspeaker.
Facility to set the 6 No. of Delegate unit a time.
Fully automatic system.
Equipped with an amplifier for the units loudspeaker.
Line output for recording of audio mixer.
Auto test function built-in with LED indicator for checking
the unit.
Cassette recorder, Cordless P.A. Systems interface
Provision for adding S.I.S. system.
Suitable for use in tropical country like Bangladesh.
Complete with required accessories and in conformity to
specified codes & specification of international standards
& CE/UL/CSA certified.
Model & Sample to be approved by the competent
29 Supply, fitting & fixing XENON BULBS Energy+ 40.00 Each

MEP/Electro/ Suntech/ GE/ or Equivalent approved by

the Engineering in Charge.

90 watt Xenon Metal EC bulb

30 Exterior Narrow Beam LED Floodlight with Integral 500.00 Each

Driver, 20W Cree LED Lamp, CRI 80, 10 Degree beam
angle, Fixture color: Cast Aluminium, Dimension: 222mm
x 120mm D, Color Temperature: 6000K, Lumen Output:


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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

C. Internal & External Electrification Works

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
Supply, Installation, Testing & commissioning of split type
Air-cooler comprising condensing and evaporating units
having following cooling capacity based on indoor
temperature 27º-30ºC DB / 19.5º-22ºC WB and outdoor
(i). Type : Compact weather proof outdoor type condensing
(ii). Compressor : Hermitically sealed Reciprocating / Rotary
(iii). Refrigerant : Internationaly accepted & recommended

(viii). Others Features :

(i). Well balanced in all respect having interlock with the
fan coil unit.
(ii). Compressor dully equiped with vibration isolator,
thermostatic & overload controls, magnetic contactors and
all other s


Features : (i). Direct expansion system fan coil unit with
well balanced direct driven centrifugal type fan.
(ii). Fancy & adjustable air circulating louver grill,
removeable & washable type f
Any brand manufactured or assembled in
USA/EUcountries /Japan/Taiwan/Korea /Thailand/Malaysia
approved/accepted by the Engineer in accordance with
fulfillment of the above specifications and having relevent
certificates as mentioned.

1.1 Capacity : 17000 - 18000 BTU/HR

a) Wall mounted 4.00 Each

1.2 Capacity : 22500 - 24000 BTU/HR

a) Wall mounted 10.00 Each

Sub-Total =

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
Supply & installation of addressable type Fire
Alarm Master Panel constructed with heavy
gauged sheet steel painted with red colour as
fire code approved . The Control and indicating
panel shall be wall mounted type with front panel
displays and controls. The Single loop of the Fire
Alarm Panel shall be capable to handle complete
network and shall have a capacity not less than
159 Detector + 159

Module points. The panel shall have 640

Character LCD Display indicator for fire, fault
indicator, power supply unit, alarm silence,
manual evacuation. The panel shall be complete
with battery with trickle charger. Battery shall be
suitable to provide required power to operate
alarm bell, strobe light, detectors panel and
other control accessories for at last 30 min.
Power supply shall be 230v/single phase / 50Hz.

2 LCD Repeater Panel 1.00 Nos.

Supply & installation of LCD repeater panel
suitable to indicate location of fire as recorded in
the main panel at a remote location. Alarm
Ackknowledge and System Reset will be possible
from the panel. Power supply shall be 24 V.D.C.


Supply & installation of addressable type
Ionization Smoke Detector of two wire system
suitable to mount wall or ceiling and shall be
complete with detector base and all mountings.
Wall mounted smoke detectors shall be at a
height of 7' from the floor level. The unit shall
be capable of rapid detection of visible and
invisible smoke and shall have two chambers to
eliminate false alarms and shall have latching
LED. Power supply shall be 24V DC. Unit shall
be complete with mounting base & EOL resistor
and shall be suitable for 2 - wire installation.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
Supply & installation of addressable type
Photoelectric Smoke Detector of two wire system
suitable to mount wall or ceiling and shall be
complete with detector base and all mountings.
Wall mounted smoke detectors shall be at a
height of 7' from the floor level . The unit shall
be capable of rapid detection of visible and
invisible smoke and shall have two chambers to
eliminate false alarms and shall have latching
LED. Power supply shall be 24V DC. Unit shall
be complete with mounting base & EOL resistor
and shall be suitable for 2 - wire installation.


Supply & installation of addressable type Thermal
Detector of two wire system suitable to mount
wall or ceiling and shall be complete with
detector base and all mountings. Wall mounted
smoke detectors shall be at a height of 7' from
the floor level . The unit shall be capable of
detecting the change in temperature and shall
6 have latching LED.
MANUAL supply shall be 24V
STATION 5.00 Nos.
DC. Unit& shall
Supply be complete
installation of surfacewith mounted
mounting base
& EOL Pull
Manual resistor and each
Station, shall be
above for 2 - level
floor wire
and shall be metal construction , easy to operate
and should be addressable.


Supply & installation of Remote Response
Indicator with Red LED. White colour, and word
"FIRE"Imprinted in RED on the body.

8 SOUNDER 10.00 Nos.

Supply & installation of Electronic Sounder with
multi sound options. Should be red colour.
Operating voltage should be 24V. The device
should be Addressable Type and logical

9 STROBE 5.00 Nos.

Supply & installation of Electronic Strobes with
flash light options. Operating voltage should be
24V. The device should be Addressable Type and
logical programmable

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
10 BEAM DETECTOR 1.00 Nos.
Supply & installation of Beam Detector with
Transmitter, Receiver and 4 wire Addressable
Monitor Module. Alarm and fault state signal
should be generated.Protection range minimum
300 ft. Can Operate at 24 V DC.


Supply & installation of Intelligent Addressable
Fault Isolator Base to be located after every 20
addressable devices for Isolation of Faults in the
Fire Circuits.

12 Cable 150.00 Mtr.

Supply & installation of 2 Core 18 AWG twisted
Shielded Cable

13 Conduit & Wireways 300.00 Mtr.

Supply & installation of MS Coundits 20mm Dia
Thickness with installation accessories

Section-I Sub-Total Tk. =

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
Section - II : Fire Suppression System (Hydrant System)
Supply of Electrically driven Pump for Fire Fighting
system use shall be complete with mounting,
coupled motor etc. completed. The Pump shall be
minimum 60% efficient . Impeller speed shall not
be more than 2900 rpm. Power supply shall be
400 V/3 phase/50/Hz. The pump shall have a
capacity to handle 500 US GPM of water against
a head of 300 ft of water. Pump shall be operated
on pressure signal from pressure switch.
Checking, carrying and instillation of motor driven
fire pump shall be as per drawing and direction.
Foundation works shall be done by for other
contractor to the pumps shall be with proper size
adapter, Water, electrical and control wiring shall
be done as per recommendation and drawing.
Pump assembly shall be properly aligned, Baser
shall be provided with drain. Country of origin
shall be USA /UK /GERMANY
/AUSTRALIA/ITALY or equivalent.

Supply of Pipe accessories such as gate valves,
globe valves, check valves, strainer, expansion
joint etc. Pipe accessories shall be suitable to
with stand a pressure of 250 psig. Valves of 80mm
dia and above shall be of iron body, flanged end
type complete with companion flanges, gaskets,
nuts bolts etc. and valves less than 80mm dia shall
be bronze body thread end type. Installation of
pipe accessories such as gate valves, check
valves, strainer, expansion joint etc.shall be as per
drawing and direction. Proper size of flanges with

nut-bolt shall be used .Valve installation shall be

leak proof type . Each pipe accessories shall be
provided with support , bracket or hanger so that
there is no land on pipe work . Handle

Proper size of flanges with gasket, nut-bolt shall

be used. Valve installation shall be leak proof
type. Each pipe accessories shall be provided with
support, bracket or hanger so that there is no land
on pipe work. Handle of the valves shall be
positioned in such a way that operation shall be
easy . Valve pit for service valve for under ground
pipe installation shall be done as per direction.
Valve pit shall be provided with cover and drainage
system .Country of origin of pipe shall be
SINGAPORE or equivalent.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
2.1 Gate Valves
Gate valve shall be over operated type , anti
corrosive cast iron body . Valve upto 50mm dia
shall be threaded end type and valve 65mm dia
and above shall be flanged end type complete with
companion flanges, nut-bolt, gasket etc.

a) 150 mm dia 5.00 Nos

b) 40mm dia 1.00 No

2.2 Non Return Valves 1.00

Check valves shall be re-grindable seat, screwed
cap, lift type disc (vertical line),integral seal and
flanges end type.

a) 150 mm dia 1.00 Nos.

b) 40 mm dia 1.00 No.


Flexible joint shall be suitable to absorb shock and
system hammering and to reduce vibration
transmission. Flexible joint shall be molded
neoprene or butyl and suitable to withstand a
temperature of 65°C . Flexible joint shall be
spherical in shape.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
a) 150 mm dia 1.00 Nos.

b) 40 mm dia 1.00 Nos.

2.4 Vent Valve 1.00 Nos.

Automatic vent valve shall be free floating type
having test cock, 20mm threaded outlets to accept
drain line and thread Intl connection. Vent valve
shall 20 mm size .

2.5 Foot Valve

Foot valve shall be of self sated lift type complete
with all accessories.

a) 200 mm dia 1.00 No.

Strainer shall be bronze body, screwed cover, Y-
pattern body, stainless screen, flanged end type.
a) 150 mm dia 2.00 Nos.

b) 40 mm dia 1.00 No.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
2.7 Pressure Switch 1.00 Nos.
Supply of pressure switch to operate jockey and
fire main pump automatically shall be fire rated
type.When pressure in the system will come down
below predetermined level due to system ,leak
switch shall automatically switch on the jockey
pump .If possible pressure is further down due to
opening of any of the hydrant, the switch shall start
the main fire pump on duty . Power supply shall be
220 V. Pressure switch shall be 15 NB.

3.1 Pressure Gauge 2.00 Nos.
Pressure gauge for water pipe line shall be of dial
type of 100 mm dia suitable to read 0 to 10 kg
Pressure gauge shall be complete with pet
cock,preassure snobber,nipple etc.Country of
origin shall be USA /UK /HOLLAND
/GERMANY /FRANCE /ITALY or equivalent.

Supply of 50 mm dia fire hydrant complete with
nozzle, 30 meter hose pipe of dia 50 mm with
couplings, 50 mm dia landing valve, hand control

nozzle etc.Installation of 50mm dia fire hydrant 20.00 Set

complete with all imported items shall be as per
drawing and direction. Casing shall be fabricated
locally with 18 BWG sheet steel painted with epoxy
paint red colour or imported. Panel shall be with
front glass with hinged door. Box with all
accessories shall be clamped on wall. Country of
origin shall be SINGAPORE/ JAPAN /USA
/UK /HOLLAND or equivalent.

4.2 65 MM DIA HYDRANT PIPE 16.00 Nos

Supply of 65mm dia hydrant complete with all
accessories, fittings 65mm nozzle, 30 meter hose
pipe etc. Installation of 65mm dia hydrant complete
with all imported items. Country of origin shall be

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
Supply of Black Steel Pipe of Schedule 40(s)
complete with bends, tees, elbows, reducers,
sockets, union etc.as per requirement, drawings
and direction. Pipe work shall be complete with
pipe hangers, vibration isolator brackets,supports
etc.at an interval of 3m. All pipe fittings otherwise
specified shall be threaded /welded end type.
Cutting of pipe thread and sealing the thread with
proper type of sealing compound shall be done
leak proof . Pipe work along with fittings shall be
suitable to withstand a test pressure of 150 PSI .
All pipe including M/S materials required for pipe
installation work shall be painted with two coats of
red oxide primmer after proper cleaning. Country
of origin shall be USA/ UK/ JAPAN/
AUSTRALIA/ KOREA or equivalent.

a) 250 mm dia 40.00 Rm

b) 200 mm dia 100.00 Rm

d) 100 mm dia 20.00 Rm

e) 65 mm dia 25.00 Rm

f) 50 mm dia 15.00 Rm

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
g) 40 mm dia 10.00 Rm


Supply of electrical power panel constructed with
16 BWG sheet steel painted with two coats of
epoxy paint over a coat of prime.The panel shall
be double hinged door type only knob of the main
MCCB extended beyond front skin.The panel shall
house MCCB/MCB for all equipment, auto manual
switchs, fuses, star delta (DOL)starters, relays,
bus-bar, insulator, ammeter for all equipment, main
volt meter, indicating light, earthing block
etc.complete as per drawing/chart and direction.
MCB/MCCB, metering devices shall be of USA/
UK/ GERMANY/ FRANCE origin or equivalent.


Supply of single/multi core PVC insulated PVC
sheathed electrical cable cable of copper
conductor of following size as per drawing &
direction . The work shall as per complete with
water and PVC conduit , required ECC ,conduit
bends , junction box ,pull box etc. complete as per
direction and standard . Cutting of walls floor , roof
good the damages shall be as per direction . The
Owner shall supply required power pump house .
Cable Shall be Eastern/ Paradise or equivalent.


After proper installation and the system shall be
tested, commissioned and balanced as per
direction and recommendation. Pipe work shall be
tested at a test pressure of 200 for 24hr with no
leak. After proper testing, commissioning and
balancing the system shall run for seven days upto
the satisfaction of the Owner.


Detail fabrication drawing shall be prepared as per
approved layout drawing. Modification drawing
shall be prepared as per site
condition.Construction work shall be done as per
approved working drawings . Compilation of all the
document such As built drawing, testing,
commissioning & balancing report, operation and
maintenance manuals etc. shall be done as per

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
10 Supply and Installation of ABC Dry powder 10.00 Nos
extinguisher of 4.5 Kg.

11 Supply and Installation of Foam type 5.00 Nos

extinguisher of 9 liters.

12 FIRE DOOR 5.00 Nos

Supply of 900 mmx x 2100 mm single panel fire
door of 2 hours protection at emergency scape.
Door to be constructed with 16 BWG sheet
double panel construction having expanded
polystyrene inside and shall be complete with
panic lock and handle.


Supply of pressure reducing valve ( 40 mm ) for
use with black steel pipe . The valve shall be with
gaskit , bolts and shall be suitable to reduce
presser from 150 Psig. To 100 Psig.


After complete installation, testing commissioning
and balancing the system the contractor shall have
to provide training program to the representatives
of the Client. Fire drill shall be performed before
handing over the system to the Owner. Fire drill
shall be performed at least once in a month for
months defect liability period.

15 NOZZLE (Internal) : 3.00 Set

Type: Adjustable spray / jet
Material : Copper alloy/Gun metal
40mm dia Nozzle

16 NOZZLE (External) : 4.00 Set

Type: Adjustable spray / jet
Material : Copper alloy/Gun metal
65mm dia Nozzle

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
17 Sight Glass: 6.00 Nos.
Import and Supply of Sight glass shall be installed
on release by pass line to see the water flow.


Import, Supply and Installation of foreign made
locally availabe following dia meter having the
features mentioned below and as per following
specification and Technical Specification of Tender

a) Import and Supply of 40 mm dia 80.00 M

b) Import and Supply of 32 mm dia 80.00 M

c) Import and Supply of 25 mm dia 200.00 M

d) Import and Supply of 20 mm dia 30.00 M

Section - II : Sub-Total Tk. =

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

D. Fire-Fighting System

Section- I : Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
Total (D) - (I+II) Total Tk. =

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
1 Supply, making, fitting & fixing best quality conference 20.00 Nos.
table of size L=3800 Х W=1200ХH – 750mm made of
best quality partex brand complete (Design &
Specification, Model must be submit along with
Tender and approved by the owner).

2 Supply, making, fitting & fixing best quality wooden

chair with aram including foam material at back & seat
with canvas fabrics, made teakwood (design, catalog
must be approved by the owner), French Polish etc.

a) Back & seat cover with fabrics 180.00 Nos.

b) Back & seat cover with best quality foreign rexim etc. 150.00 Nos.

3 Supply, fitting, fixing of office sofa 3-seater of model 10.00 Set

with central table etc complete of model STS-0043.

4 a) Supplying, fitting, fixing best quality soil karai, wooden 200.00 Nos.
chair with aram including 25mm thick foam material at
back & seat covered with foreign rexin French polish
etc complete (design & catalog must be submitted)

b) Visitor Chair Model: VI-0394 100.00 Nos.

5 Supplying, fitting, fixing best quality sail karai wooden 50.00 Nos.
aram less chair, french polish etc complete (design,
model must be submitted for approval).

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
6 Supply, fitting & fixing of Sr. Executive Table with side 6.00 Nos.
rack (size L=1800 Х W=1200 Х H=750mm) Design,
Model, Catalog with Specification must be submitted
for approval.

7 Supply, fitting & fixing of secretariat wooden table 4.00 Nos.

made of teak wood with side rack including 5mm thick
glass top side 2-nos. drawer with locking
arrangement, french polish etc. complete in all
respect (Size: L=1400 Х W=1800 Х H=750mm)
Design model catalog must be submitted for approval.

8 Supply, fitting & fixing of half secretariat wooden table 20.00 Nos.
made of teak wood with 5mm glass top side 2-nos
drawer with locking arrangement, french polish etc
complete. Size: L=1400Х W=800Х H=750mm Design
catalog, must be submitted for approval.

9 Supply, fitting, fixing wooden table of teakwood with 2- 10.00 Nos.

side drawer french plish etc complete (L= 1200 Х
W=750 ХH=750mm). Design, model & catalog must
be submitted for approval.

10 a) Supply, fitting, fixing side rack of Model = RSD-31 20.00 Nos.

(Size: L=1050 Х W=430 Х H=700m)

b) Side rack of Model = RSD-32 (Size: L=1050 Х 15.00 Nos.

W=430 Х H=700m)

c) Side rack of Model = RSD-11 (Size: L=900 Х W=400 8.00 Nos.

Х H=750m)

11 Supply, fitting, fixing wooden table of teakwood with 2- 20.00 Nos.

side drawer french plish etc complete (L= 1200 Х
W=750 ХH=750mm). Design, model & catalog must
be submitted for approval.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
12 Supply, fitting, fixing steel metal almirah, model ALO- 30.00 Nos.

13 a) Supplying, fitting & fixing steel file cabinet, model 20.00 Nos.
FCA-0109. Size: L=477Х W=620Х H=1060mm.

b) File cabinet wooden with 4-drawer model: FCA-0204 20.00 Nos.

14 Supplying fitting & fixing steel locker, Model = PLO- 2.00 Nos.
0146 (Size: L-500ХW-500ХH-750mm.)

15 Supply, fitting, fixing wooden foot rest of sail karai, 15.00 Nos.
Size: 750mmХ300mm including etc. complete.

16 Supply, fitting & fixing reception table of TRC-0001 1.00 Nos.

17 Supply, fitting, fixing work station of Model, AFL-PRT- 15.00 Nos.

101 / AFL-TBT-101/AFL-KBT-101/Equivalent.

18 Supply, fitting, fixing of computer chair of model 0023 10.00 Nos.

(rexence) etc. complete.

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Construction of 2-Storied DPE Head Quarters Building of 15-Storied Foundation + 2- Basement at Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

Sl. Description of Works Qnty. Unit Quoted Rate in Taka Quoted Amount
No. (Both in figure & words) in Taka
19 Supplying, fitting & fixing 3-seater waiting chair. 6.00 Nos.

20 Supply, fitting & fixing of computer table Model: TCM- 10.00 Nos.

21 Supply, fitting & fixing of computer chair Model Co- 6.00 Nos.
0031 (Rexene)

22 a) Supply, fitting & fixing steel file rack of Model-ISR-102, 8.00 Nos.
Size: 1200 Х 460 Х 1800.

b) Model-ISR-101, Size: 2550 Х 600 Х 2400. 8.00 Nos.

Sub Total =

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