Lp-Template 3

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Lesson Plan

Conductor: Christian Martinez Ensemble: University Band Date Taught: 4/3/18

Approximate Time Length: 18 minutes

Lesson Objective Go over different styles and instructions given in the piece and run different
ways to follow them.
Assessment/Criteria Students will partake in an activity to demonstrate knowledge of style
Materials Battle Pavane

Setting AFC

Est. Lesson Activities


5-7 Run the piece two times tell them to play what they see, once correctly with cues and style
changes and once with incorrect conducting and no emotion. Ask class what the difference
was and connect it to them giving expression like we did the first time.
5-7 Test with students what our styles will sound like “sustained”, etc.

Have woodwind and brass primaries listen to secondaries and give feedback
Same with Brass if time.

5-7 Have students follow what you are doing on the podium, show articulations and have them
express their parts in what they think it should sound like with emotion. Do sections with
and without expression so we can hear the difference.

Go over what to work on for next time.

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