Mitutoyo - Czujniki Linear Gage - E13007 - 2014 EN

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Sensor Systems


Catalog No. E13007

Linear displacement sensors offer superb durability

and environmental resistance, resistance to suit
production line applications

1. A range of models available

The gage heads described offer five measuring ranges (5, 10, 25, 50 and 100mm) and six resolution
settings (0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001 and 0.00001mm) to enable the choice of gage to be closely
matched to the application requirements. Various output modes are also available, including differential
square-wave, Digimatic code (SPC) and sine wave.
2. Suitable for production line use
The gage heads offer superb durability and environmental resistance, making them ideal for in-line
measurements. Durability is ensured by strong construction and linear ball bearings in the slider unit
(except for models LGS and LGB), which are designed to last up to 10 million vertical spindle strokes
(according to Mitutoyo’s internal tests). Moreover, excellent dust/water protection (IP66) is provided for
effective use in severe in-line environments (model LGF and others). Suitable for in-line use

3. High-density design
The slender design of the standard gages enables installation in confined spaces or where the application
demands close-pitched gaging. Slim-line models with outside diameters of 8mm are also available for
measurements in spaces of 10mm or less. Gages come in two different cable arrangements — vertical
and horizontal — to suit the type of fixture used.
4. Simple mounting
All gages can be mounted by the plain section of the stem using the split-clamp method. Alternatively,
some gages are threaded at the bottom and so can also be installed simply by drilling a hole of the
appropriate size in a fixture and clamping the gage with a plain nut or by using a thrust stem (see page
33). Gages with a stem threaded at the top can be mounted using a thrust stem as an alternative to the
split clamp.
5. A choice of output format Suitable for close-pitched applications
The gage head display units offer a range of output formats to best match the application requirements:
I/O, BCD, RS-232C and Digimatic code (SPC) types are available. The EH/EV counter has an RS link
function to be connected with multiple counters for multi-gage measurement (see page 36).

Measurement principle Output

The gage heads mainly use transmission- through the window in the index scale The gage head processes internally
type photoelectric linear encoders, as varies constantly. At this time, two detected signals and outputs square-wave
shown below. In this type, the light source synchronized sine-wave signals having a signals as shown below. These operating
(LED) and the detector element (photodiode) relative 90-degree phase difference are signals, which are square waves having
face each other with the main scale output. These signals are then amplified a phase difference of 90 degrees, are
and index scale (20μm pitch) positioned and split electrically (with additional equivalent to RS-422A signals, allowing
between them. waveforms inserted) and output as 0.1µm, for the independent use of the gage head.
As the scale moves with respect to the 0.5µm, 1µm or 5µm square-wave signals. However, certain models (LGD and LGS),
detector, the intensity of the light passing do not output square-wave signals but
generate Digimatic code (SPC) output in
Main scale order to identify the measurement position.

20µm Signal pitch

LED Phase-B Phase-PB

Measuring pitch
Index scale Condenser lens


Traceability System to National Standards 4-5

Applications 6-9
Gage Head Overview 10 - 12
Display Unit Overview 13

Gage Heads LGK Slim Type 14

LGF Standard Type 15
LGF with Origin Point Mark 16
LGF 0.1µm Resolution Type 17

LGS Absolute Type 18

LGD Absolute Type 19
LGB Extremely Compact ø9.5mm Stem Type 20
LGB Extremely Compact ø8mm Stem Type 21

LG Long Stroke Type 22

LGM Motor-drive, Long Stroke Type 23
Laser Hologage High-resolution Type 24
Litematic Head and Litematic 25

Signal ID-C Absolute Type 26 - 27

  Output Signal Specifications 28 - 30
Air Drive Unit 31
Gage Head Mounting Fixtures 32 - 33
Optional Accessories 34 - 36

Display Units System Connection and Comparison of Counter Functions 37

EC Counter 39
EG Counter 40 - 41

EB Counter 42 - 45
EH Counter 46 - 50
D-EV Display Unit 50
EV Counter 51 - 56

Optional Accessories 57
Quick Guide to Precision Measurement 58 - 61

Traceability System to National Standards

Traceability System of Length Standard

Traceability of length Traceability of

National Metrology Institute of Japan / National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (NMIJ/AIST)
The atomic clock synchronized to UTC and the optical frequency comb <National (Primary) Standard> Temperature fixed points
<National (Primary)Standard>

Mitutoyo Utsunomiya Measurement Standards Calibration Center (JCSS Accredited Cal. Lab. No.0031)
633nm Iodine Stabilized He-Ne Laser <Secondary Standard>
Temperature fixed point
Mitutoyo Miyazaki Plant Mitutoyo Utsunomiya Measurement JCSS Accredited Cal.Lab. <National (Sub-Primary) Standard>
(JCSS Accredited Cal.Lab. No.0030) Standards Calibration Center Stabilized He-Ne Laser
633nm Stabilized He-Ne Laser (JCSS Accredited Cal. Lab. No.0031) <Laboratory Reference Standard>
<Laboratory Reference Standard> 633nm Stabilized He-Ne Laser
JCSS Accredited Cal.Lab.
Temperature fixed point/
Platinum resistance thermometer
<Secondary Standard>

Mitutoyo Utsunomiya Measurement

Standards Cal. Center
Mitutoyo Utsunomiya Measurement
(JCSS Accredited Cal. Lab. No.0031)
Standards Cal. Center
Standard Gauge Block
(JCSS Accredited Cal. Lab. No.0031)
<Laboratory Reference Standard>
Temperature fixed point
(Triple point of water)/
Platinum resistance thermometer
<Laboratory Reference Standard>
Mitutoyo Hiroshima
Mitutoyo Utsunomiya Measurement Calibration Center
Mitutoyo Techno Service Standards Cal. Center (JCSS Accredited Cal.Lab. No.0109)
Business Division (JCSS Accredited Cal. Lab. No.0031) Standard Gauge Block/
(JCSS Accredited Cal.Lab. Standard Gauge Block/ Micrometer Standard/Step Gage
No.0186) Standard Gauge Micrometer Standard/Step Gage <Laboratory Reference Standard>
Block/Step Gage

Working Standard Laser Length Optical

Step Gage Gauge Block Ring Gage Dial Gage Tester Measuring
Standard Scale Machine Flat/Parallel

Measuring Coordinate Precision Measuring Form Vision Optical

Scale unit Thermometer
Instrument Measuring Machine Sensors Tool Measuring Machine Measuring Machine Measuring Machine

Note: This chart is a simplified representation of Mitutoyo's overall traceability system. Detailed traceability charts are published for each product.
Information as of December 2013.

Iodine Absorption Stabilized He-Ne Laser used Interferometer used for calibrating gauge blocks Interferometer used for calibrating linear scales
for calibrating length standards (Miyazaki Plant) (Metrology Calibration Center)
(Metrology Calibration Center)

Mitutoyo Group Accredited Calibration Laboratories

National metrology
institute Accreditation body Accredited calibration laboratory

APLAC Mitutoyo Miyazaki Plant No.0030 (Length) • Japan

<MRA> AIST :National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Mitutoyo Utsunomiya Measurement Standards Cal. Center No.0031 (Lengh and Temperature) NMIJ :National Metrology Institute of Japan
Mitutoyo Hiroshima Cal. Center No.0109 (Length and Hardness) IAJapan :International Accreditation Japan
NMIJ/ JCSS NITE :National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
AIST IAJapan/NITE Mitutoyo Kawasaki Cal. Center No.0086 (Force) JCSS :Japan Calibration Service System
• Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam
Mitutoyo Techno Service Business Division No.0186 (Length) A*STAR :Agency for Science, Technology and Research
ILAC SAC :Singapore Accreditation Council
<MRA> Mitutoyo Asia Pacific No.LA-1996-0102-C (Length and Hardness) • Malaysia
SIRIM :Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia
Singapore Mitutoyo Asia Pacific (Indonesia office) No.LA-1996-0102-C-1 (Length and Hardness)
DSM :Department of Standards Malaysia
Indonesia • Taiwan
A*STAR SAC Mitutoyo Thailand No.LA-1996-0102-C-2 (Length and Hardness)
NML :National Measurement Laboratory
Mitutoyo Thailand (Cholbli Branch) No.LA-1996-0102-C-2-1 (Length and Hardness) TAF :Taiwan Accreditation Foundation
Mitutoyo Asia Pacific (Ho Chi Minh office) No.LA-1996-0102-C-4 (Length) • India
NPLI :National Physical Laboratory of India
NABL :National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Malaysia SIRIM DSM Mitutoyo Mlaysia No.SAMM152 (Length and Hardness) • China
Taiwan NML TAF Mitutoyo TaiwanNo.0336 (Length and Hardness) NIM :National Institute of Metrology
CNCA :Certification and Accreditation Administration of the people’s Republic of China
India NPLI NABL Mitutoyo South Asia No.C-0349 (Length and Hardness) CNAS :China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assesment
China NIM CNCA Mitutoyo Measurring Instruments (Shanghai) No.CNASL5506 (Length)
CNAS NIST :National Institute of Standards and Technology
A2LA :American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
Mitutoyo America No.0750.01 (Length and Temperature)
USA NIST A2LA • Canada
Mitutoyo America Field Service No.1643.01 (Length and Hardness) NRC-INMS :National Research Council of Canada -Institute for
NRC- CLAS/ National Measurement Standards
INMS SCC Mitutoyo Canada No.2003-05 (Length and Hardness) CLAS/SCC :Calibration Laboratory Assessment Service /Standards Council of Canada
• Mexico
Mexico CENAM EMA Mitutoyo Mexicana No.D-45 (Length) CENAM :Centro Nacional sde Metrología
EMA :Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, a.c.
• UK
EA NPL :National Physical Laboratory
<MRA> UKAS :United Kingdom Accreditation Service
UK NPL UKAS Mitutoyo UK No.0332 (Length and Hardness)
The Netherland
The Netherlands VSL RvA Mitutoyo Netherland No.K 086 (Length) VSL :Van Swinden Laboratorium
RvA :Raad voor Accreditatie
Germany PTB DAkks Mitutoyo Messgeräte No.D-K-15096-01-00 (Length) • Germany
Switzerland METAS SAS Mitutoyo Schweiz No.SCS074 (Length) PTB :Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
DAkkS :Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle
Italy INRIM ACCREDIA Mitutoyo Italiana No.107 (Length) • Seitzerland
METAS :The Swiss Federal Office of Metrology and Accreditation
Sweden SP SWEDAC Mitutoyo Scandinavia No.1794 (Length) SAS :Swiss Accreditation Service

Brazil INMETRO RBC Mitutoyo Sul Americana No.031 (Length and Hardness) Note: The above are domestic and international locations where
Mitutoyo provides ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration services.
Argentina INTI OAA Mitutoyo Algentina No.LC 010 (Length)

Calibration laboratories worldwide

Mitutoyo has built a network for comprehensive support of calibration of precision measuring products in the global market.
To provide calibration services on a global scale, Mitutoyo has calibration laboratories that have received ISO/IEC 17025
certification, an international standard, from accredited organizations in each of the countries in which Mitutoyo operates in
Japan and abroad.


Multipoint measurement of automobile doors Measurement of aircraft fuselage distortion

Gage heads (LGS with EV counter) can be used to perform multi-point Gage heads (LGD with EV counter) can be used to help measure changes
measurements for automobile doors and evaluate errors against the in stress generated in an aircraft fuselage. For the very large workpiece,
specified tolerances. When there are many points to measure, the use of the use of an absolute type gage head is recommended, since the master
the LGS gage provides higher cost-effectiveness. settings then need to be done just once.

Measurement of hydraulic coupling dimensions Multipoint measurement of turbine blades

Gage heads (LGF with EH counter) can be used to measure the outside Gage heads (LGB with EV counter) can be used to perform multi-point
diameters and thicknesses of hydraulic couplings used in mechanical measurements of gas turbine blades.
diggers. The EH counter allows for the calculation of sums and differences
between two gages.

Measuring outside
diameter and thickness

Measurement of camshaft displacement Built-in sensor for inside diameter measurement

Gage heads (LGF with EH counter) can be used to measure camshaft lift. tools
The EH counter is easily installed in the equipment panel. A gage head (LGF with EH counter) can be used to measure inside
Measuring When strong sideways force
displacement would otherwise be exerted on
the gage, as in this application,
take measurements indirectly
using a fixture in order to avoid
subjecting the gage to excessive
loads or wear.

Multipoint measurement of wheel hubs Inspecting rivets

Gage heads (LGF with EH counter) can be used to inspect a wheel hub for A gage head (LGD with EG counter) can be used to inspect the condition of
compliance with runout limits. fixing of a rivet or bolt. Inspection of parts press-fitted is also done in the
same way.

Built-in sensor for machine tools Measurement of sash rail warp
A gage head (LGM with EH counter) can be used to measure a workpiece Gage heads (LGF with EV counter) can be used to measurethe warp of sash
which has been machined on a surface grinder. rails.

Measurement of pipe wall thickness/outside Measurement of elevator drive-rail deflection

diameter A gage head (LGF with EB counter) can be used to measure deflection in the
A gage head (LGF with EH counter) can be used to measure the wall drive rail of an elevator. Measured data can be output from the EB counter
thickness or outside diameter of a pipe. to a personal computer in order to plot the displacement.

Pipe wall thickness

Deflection data
tolerance judgement
Outside diameter
measurement When strong sideways force would
otherwise be exerted on the gage, as in this
Roller to hold workpiece application, take measurements indirectly Plotted deflection
using a fixture in order to avoid subjecting data
Roller to support workpiece
the gage to excessive loads or wear.

Measurement of caulking height Measurement of cylindrical pin displacement

A gage head (LGF with EB counter) can be used to measure the caulking Gage heads (LGB with EH counter) can be used to measure the
height of a crimp contact, etc. displacement of tape-winding capstan pins in cassette recorders. The EH
counter is capable of calculating sums and differences between two gages.
X-direction : Y-direction :
Measuring pin Measuring pin
displacement displacement

Measurement of bridge-support joint Multipoint measurement on parabolic antenna

Gage heads (LGD with EG counter) can be used to measure the Gage heads (LGB with EV counter) can be used to perform multi-point
displacement of a bridge-support joint. Since this measurement is performed measurements on a parabolic antenna surface.
intermittently over a long period of time, use an absolute-type gage head
that requires power only during measurement.



Multipoint measurement of VTR chassis Flatness measurement of tape cassette

Gage heads (LGF with EV counter) can be used to measure VTR components Gage heads (LGK with EV counter) can be used to perform flatness
at several points. measurement on a tape cassette surface.

Measurement of hub runout for floppy disks Contour measurement of CRT panel
The gage head (LGB with EH counter) can be used to measure the runout of Gage heads (LGS with EV counter) can be used to measure the surface
the disk's hub. contour of CRT panels.

the run-out

When strong sideways force would

otherwise be exerted on the gage, as in this
application, take measurements indirectly
using a fixture in order to avoid subjecting
the gage to excessive loads or wear.

Parallelism measurement of copying machine Multipoint measurement on copying machine

parts chassis
Gage heads (LGD with EV counter) can be used to measure the parallelism Gage heads (LGS with EV counter) can be used to perform multi-point
of copying machine parts. measurement on a copying machine chassis. In the case of large workpieces
an absolute type that eliminates the necessity of setting a master workpiece
will be useful.

Run-out measurement of motor shaft Sorting of parts

Gage heads (LGF with EH counter) can be used to measure the radial A gage head (LGF with EB counter) can be used to sort parts by size. The
and axial run-out of motor shafts. The EH counter can display both EB counter can divide the dimension into seven steps and output the signal
measurements simultaneously. for sorting.

When strong sideways force

would otherwise be exerted on
the gage, as in this application,
take measurements indirectly
using a fixture in order to avoid
subjecting the gage to excessive
loads or wear.

Multipoint measurement of LCD panel X-Y stage positioning
Gage heads (LGF with EH counter) can be used to measure distortion of Gage heads (LGF with EH counter) can be used to position a precision stage.
LCD panels.

Height measurement of cell Built-in sensor for material testing machines

A gage head (LGF with EH counter) can be used to measure the height of A gage head (LG with EH counter) can be used to measure the extension of
built-in dry cells. a specimen during a tensile test.


Deformation measurement of bathtub Incorporation into auto-measurement machine

Gage heads (LGD with EV counter) can be used to measure the deformation Gage heads (LGF with EH counter) can be incorporated into the auto-
of bathtubs. An origin setting when first mounting the gage head can measurement unit for outside diameter and/or height measurement.
eliminate the need for subsequent resetting with a standard.

Built-in sensor for tablet forming machine Incorporation into vision measuring machine /
A gage head (LGF with EH counter) can be used to measure the stroke of a microscope
tablet forming machine. A gage head (LGF with EH counter) can be incorporated into a measuring
machine for height measurement.

Gage Head Overview

Laser Hologage Range: 10mm / .4” Laser Hologage Range: 10mm / .4”
• 0.01µm resolution • 0.1µm resolution
• Sine wave output • Square wave out put
• ø15mm plain stem Page 24 • ø15mm plain stem Page 24
Compatible display unit Compatible display unit
EH-102S A low measuring force EG-101P EH-101P EH-102P A low measuring force
model is available model is available

LGB series Range: 5mm / .2” LGB series Range: 5mm / .2”
• 1µm resolution • 0.1 / 1µm resolution
• Square wave out put Page 20 • Square wave output Page 20 Page 21
• ø9.5mm stem • ø9.5 / ø8mm stem
Compatible display unit Compatible display unit
ø9.5mm stem ø8mm stem
EG-101P EB-11P EG-101P EB-11P
With stem
EH-101P EH-102P EH-101P EH-102P clamp nut
EV-16P EV-16P

LGB series Range: 10mm / .4”

• 1µm resolution
• Square wave output Page 20 Page 21 Page 20
• ø9.5 / ø8mm stem
Compatible display unit
EG-101P EB-11P
ø9.5mm stem ø8mm stem ø9.5mm stem ø8mm stem
With stem clamp nut With stem clamp nut
EH-101P EH-102P Page 21
EV-16P High accuracy, low measuring force and sine With pneumatic cylinder
wave output models available

LGK series Range: 10mm / .4”

• 0.1 / 0.5 / 1µm
• Square wave output Page 14 Page 14 Page 14
• ø8mm stem
Compatible display unit
EG-101P EB-11P 0.1µm / 4µinch 0.5µm / .00002” 1µm / .00004”
EH-101P EH-102P

LG series Range: 100mm / 4” LGM series Range: 100mm / 4”

• 0.1 / 1µm resolution • 0.1 / 1µm resolution
• Square wave output • Square wave output
• ø20mm stem • ø20mm stem
• Motor-drive

Page 22 Page 23

Motor-drive unit
Compatible display unit Compatible display unit
EG-101P EB-11P EG-101P EB-11P
EH-101P EH-102P EH-101P EH-102P
EV-16P EV-16P

LGF series Range: 10mm / .4” Range: 25mm / 1” Range: 50mm / 2”
• 0.5 / 1µm resolution
• Square wave output
• ø8mm / ø15mm stem
Compatible display unit
EG-101P EB-11P
EH-101P EH-102P
ø8mm stem
EV-16P ø15mm stem
0.5µm / .00002” 1µm / .00004”

Page 15
0.5µm / .00002” 1µm / .00004” ø15mm stem
Page 15
Page 15

0.5µm / .00002” 1µm / .00004”

LGF series Range: 10mm / .4” Range: 25mm / 1” Range: 50mm / 2”

• 0.5 / 1µm resolution
• Square wave output
• ø8mm / ø15mm stem
• With origin point
Compatible display unit
ø8mm stem
EG-101Z EB-11Z ø15mm stem
EH-102Z EV-16Z 0.5µm / .00002” 1µm / .00004”
Page 16
0.5µm / .00002” 1µm / .00004”
Page 16 ø15mm stem

Page 16
LGF series Range: 10mm / .4” Range: 25mm / 1”
• 0.1µm resolution
• Square wave output 0.5µm / .00002” 1µm / .00004”
• ø8mm / ø15mm stem
Compatible display unit
EG-101P EB-11P ø8mm stem
EH-101P EH-102P ø15mm stem
EV-16P Page 17
Page 17

LGF series Range: 25mm / 1” Range: 50mm / 2”

• 5µm resolution
• Square wave output
• ø15mm stem
Compatible display unit
EG-101P EB-11P
EH-101P EH-102P
Page 15 Page 15

Gage Head Overview

LGD series Range: 10mm / .4” Range: 25mm / 1” Range: 50mm / 2”

• 0.01mm resolution
• Digimatic output
• Absolute linear encoder
• ø8mm / ø15mm stem
Compatible display unit
EC-101D EG-101D
EB-11D EH-102D Page 19
EV-16D ø8mm stem
Page 19

LGS series Range: 12.7mm / .5” ø15mm stem

• 0.01mm resolution
• Digimatic output
• Absolute linear encoder
• ø8mm stem
Compatible display unit Page 19
EC-101D EG-101D
ø15mm stem
EB-11D EH-102D
Page 18

Signal ID-C Range: 12.7mm / .5”

• 0.001mm resolution
• Digimatic output
• Absolute linear encoder
• ø8mm stem
Compatible display unit
EC-101D EG-101D
EB-11D EH-102D
Page 26

System Connections Output Function

0.5 / 1 / 5µm gage head EG-101P
3/5-stage Limit, BCD
LGM 3/5-stage limit, 7ch limit, Serial BCD, Simple analog
EH-102P 3/5-stage limit, RS-232C, Simple BCD, Simple analog
0.1µm gage head
EV-16P Programmable Controller
LGK LG 3/5-stage limit, Segment, Parallel BCD, RS-232C
LGB 3/5-stage limit, BCD
Laser Hologage* EB-11Z
3/5-stage limit, 7ch limit, Serial BCD, Simple analog
*EB-11P and EV-16P are not applicable. EH-102Z
3/5-stage limit, RS-232C, Simple BCD, Simple analog
Gage head with Origin Point Mark 3/5-stage limit, Segment, Parallel BCD, RS-232C
LGF EC-101D Personal computer
3/5-stage limit, Digimatic
Absolute type gage head 3/5-stage limit, BCD
3/5-stage limit, 7ch limit, Serial BCD, Simple analog
3/5-stage limit, RS-232C, Simple BCD, Simple analog
0.01µm gage head 3/5-stage limit, Segment, Parallel BCD, RS-232C
EH-102S Digimatic Mini-processor DP1-VR
Laser Hologage
3/5-stage limit, RS-232C, Simple BCD, Simple analog

Display Unit Overview

EC counter For Digimatic output gage heads

Single function type

Page 39

EG counter For Digimatic output gage heads For square wave output gage For square wave output gage
heads heads with origin point mark
Single function type

Page 40

EG-101D EG-101P EG-101Z

EB counter For Digimatic output gage heads For square wave output gage For square wave output gage
heads heads with origin point mark
Multi-function type

Page 42

EB-11D EB-11P EB-11Z

EH counter For Digimatic output gage heads For square wave output gage For square wave output gage
heads (1-axis / 2-axis) heads with origin point mark
Multi-function type

Page 46

EH-102D EH-101P EH-102Z

For Sine wave output gage heads



EV counter For Digimatic output gage heads For square wave output gage For square wave output gage
heads heads with origin point mark
Multi-function type
for multi-gage system

Page 51

EV-16D EV-16P EV-16Z

Heads LGK Slim Type Connector
Connecting cable
Unit: mm

10mm range, 0.1 / 0.5 / 1µm resolution, Differential square-wave output

• A slim-body model which has succeeded the proven LGF series in terms of vibration- and impact- RM12BPE-6PH
30 20.4
resistance. The sectional area is only a 1/5 compared to that of the LGF-110L model. (HIROSE)
• Provides a resolution of 0.1 / 0.5 / 1μm, whichever is selectable.

Unit: mm
542-158: 0.1µm resolution model 542-157: 0.5µm resolution model 542-156: 1µm resolution model
ø12 ø12 ø12

Connecting cable: 2m Connecting cable: 2m Connecting cable: 2m





Attachment thread for thrust stem Attachment thread for thrust stem Attachment thread for thrust stem
M9.5X0.5 M9.5X0.5 M9.5X0.5


0 0 0
ø8-0.009 ø8-0.009 ø8-0.009


10.6 or longer (stroke)

10.6 or longer (stroke)

10.6 or longer (stroke)

Order No. 542-158 542-157 542-156 Optional Accessories
Measuring range 10mm (.4”) • Air lifter 10: No.02ADE230
Resolution 0.1μm 0.5μm 1μm * Required air pressure: 0.2 to 0.4MPa
Measuring accuracy (20°C) (0.8+L/50) μm (L=mm) (1.5+L/50) μm (L=mm) * Spindle extends when air is supplied
Quantizing error ±1 count • Rubber boot: No.238772 (spare)
Thrust stem set: No.02ADB680
Contact point upwards 0.7N or less Thrust stem: No.02ADB681
Contact point horizontal 0.75N or less Clamp nut: No.02ADB682
Contact point downwards 0.8N or less Spanner Wrench: No.02ADB683
Position detection method Photoelectric linear encode*3 * A thrust stem set is a combination
Response speed*1 400mm/s 1500mm/s of thrust stem and a clamp nut.
90° phase difference, differential square wave (RS-422A equivalent), minimum edge intervals: A special spanner is required for
Output signal tightening. If using multiple gages,
200ns for 0.1μm model, 200ns for 0.5μm model, 400ns for 1μm model
Output signal pitch 0.4μm 2μm 4μm a thrust stem set for each gage and
one special spanner are required.
Mass Approx. 175g
Dust/water resistance*2 Equivalent to IP66 (only gage head)
Contact point ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5), standard contact point No.901312
Stem dia. ø8mm
Bearing type Linear ball bearing*4
Output cable length 2m (directly from casing)
Connector Plug: RM12BPE-6PH (HIROSE), Compatible receptacle: RM12BRD-6S (HIROSE)
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Storage temperature (humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Standard Accessories Wrench for contact point: No.538610
Remarks Gold banded Blue banded Green banded
*1: When the spindle speed exceeds 1500mm/s (400mm/s for 0.1μm model), an alarm signal will be output. Also, if using Mitutoyo counter, an error
message will be displayed. If using counters made by other companies, please inquire separately for the alarm signals. For the models of 0.1μm
resolution, note that over-speed error may occur depending on the impact amount when releasing the contact point freely.
*2: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may not be
applicable depending on the kind of liquid.
*3: Patent registered (Japan, U.S.A., Germany, U.K.)
*4: Patent registered (Japan)

Heads LGF Standard Type Connector

Unit: mm

10 / 25 / 50mm range, 0.5 / 1 / 5µm resolution, Differential square-wave output


• Excellent protection against dust ingress and water splash (IP66) in harsh shop-floor environments.
• Uses linear stroke ball bearings on the spindle movement for resistance to external shock and vibration.
• Thrust Stem with a clamp nut is optional.

Unit: mm
542-171: 0.5µm resolution, 10mm range model 542-172: 0.5µm resolution, 25mm range model 542-173: 0.5µm resolution, 50mm range model
542-161: 1µm resolution, 10mm range model 542-162: 1µm resolution, 25mm range model 542-163: 1µm resolution, 50mm range model
542-612: 5µm resolution, 25mm range model 542-613: 5µm resolution, 50mm range model

ø18 ø18

Connecting cable


2m 20.6 61.7
20.6 61.7 0.6 20 34
15.4 61.5 0.6 20 34
0.6 14.8 34 (screw top
Dimensions with a thrust stem installed

(screw top height)

(screw top height)


Thrust stem

02ADB681 Connecting cable

6 Thrust stem 2m
Dimensions with a thrust stem installed

M9.5×0.5 02ADN371 Connecting


0 Attachment thread 8.6

45.9 5

for thrust stem ø8-0.009


46.9 14

10.6 or longer

ø18 -0.018 ø15 -0.015 Thrust stem

9 18.5

02ADN371 8.6

(13.8) Clamp nut 12.3 M14×0.5
Attachment thread

02ADB682 93.6 6.5


for thrust stem

Dimensions with a thrust stem installed

M9.5×0.5 0

26 or longer

ø18 -0.018


(24.2) Clamp nut Attachment thread
02ADB692 for thrust stem


51.5 or longer
Clamp nut 13.8

Order No. 542-171 542-161 542-172 542-162 542-612 542-173 542-163 542-613 Optional Accessories
Measuring range 10mm (.4”) 25mm (1”) 50mm (2”) • Air drive unit
Resolution 0.5μm 1μm 0.5μm 1μm 5μm 0.5μm 1μm 5μm For 10mm range models: No.02ADE230
Measuring accuracy (20°C) (7.5+L/50) (1.5+L/50) μm (7.5+L/50) For 25mm range models: No.02ADE250
(1.5+L/50) μm
L=arbitrary measuring length (mm) μm μm For 50mm range models: No.02ADE270
Quantizing error ±1 count * Required air pressure: 0.2 to 0.4MPa
Contact point upwards 1.0N or less 4.0N or less 4.9N or less * Spindle extends when air is supplied.
Measuring force Contact point horizontal 1.1N or less 4.3N or less 5.3N or less • Rubber boot (spare)
Contact point 1.2N or less 4.6N or less 5.7N or less For 10mm range models: No.238772
downwards For 25mm range models: No.962504
Position detection method Photoelectric linear encoder*3 For 50mm range models: No.962505
Response speed*1 1500mm/s • Thrust stem set
90° phase difference, differential square wave (RS-422A equivalent), minimum edge For 10mm range models: No.02ADB680
Output intervals: 1000ns for 5μm model, 500ns for 1μm model, 250ns for 0.5μm model
Output square wave pitch 2μm 4μm 2μm 4μm 20μm 2μm 4μm 20μm Thrust stem: No.02ADB681
Mass Approx. 260g Approx. 300g Approx. 400g Clamp nut: No.02ADB682
Dust/water resistance Equivalent to IP66 (only gage head) For 25/50mm range models: No.02ADN370
ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5), standard contact point Thrust stem: No.02ADN371
Contact point Clamp nut: No.02ADB692
Stem dia. ø8mm ø15mm * External dimensions are described in the
Bearing type Linear ball bearing*4 dimensional drawing of the product.
Output cable length 2m (directly from casing) * A thrust stem set is a combination of thrust
Connector Plug: RM12BPE-6PH (HIROSE), Compatible receptacle: RM12BRD-6S (HIROSE) stem and a clamp nut.
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) A special spanner is required for tighten-
Storage temperature (humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) ing. If using multiple gages, a thrust stem
Wrench for contact set for each gage and one special spanner
Standard Accessories Wrench for contact point: No.210187 are required.
point: No.538610
*1: When the spindle speed exceeds 1500mm/s (400mm/s for 0.1μm model), an alarm signal will be output. Also, if using Mitutoyo counter, an • Spanner Wrench
error message will be displayed. If using counters made by other companies, please inquire separately for the alarm signals. For the models For 10mm range models: No.02ADB683
of 0.1μm resolution, note that over-speed error may occur depending on the impact amount when releasing the contact point freely. For 25/50mm range models: No.02ADB693
*2: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may
not be applicable depending on the kind of liquid.
*3: Patent registered (Japan, U.S.A., Germany, U.K.)
*4: Patent registered (Japan)

Heads LGF with Origin Point Mark Connector Unit: mm

10 / 25 / 50mm range, 0.5 / 1µm resolution, Differential square-wave output


• The origin point signal output function enables the measuring system to be reset easily when this gage is
incorporated in a machine tool. This function helps boost productivity by drastically reducing reset time,
since the origin position can be recaptured very easily even when lost due to over-speed errors, etc.

Dimensions 542-176: 0.5µm resolution, 50mm range model

Unit: mm 542-166: 1µm resolution, 50mm range model

542-174: 0.5µm resolution, 10mm range model 542-175: 0.5µm resolution, 25mm range model ø16.7
542-164: 1µm resolution, 10mm range model 542-165: 1µm resolution, 25mm range model

20.6 61.7 34.0
ø16.7 ø16.7 0.6 20 34
(screw top


20.6 61.7
15.4 61.5 0.6 20 34
0.6 14.8 34 (screw top
(screw top height) Connecting

height) cable

Dimensions with a thrust stem installed

Thrust stem 2m
02ADB681 Connecting



6 2m cable Thrust stem
M9.5×0.5 Thrust stem
2m 02ADN371

ø9.5 -0.015 Attachment thread 8.6 8.6

45.9 5

for thrust stem ø8-0.009

9.5 14.5

Dimensions with a thrust stem installed


Dimensions with a thrust stem installed
10.6 or longer



0 0
ø18-0.018 ø15 -0.015 0



9 18.5
(13.8) Clamp nut 12.3 M14×0.5 Clamp nut
02ADB682 Attachment thread 02ADN371



Attachment thread

for thrust stem

M9.5×0.5 M18×1

for thrust stem

26 or longer


51.5 or longer
(24.2) Clamp nut 13.8


(24.2) 13.8

Order No. 542-174 542-164 542-175 542-165 542-176 542-166 Optional Accessories
Measuring range 10mm (.4”) 25mm (1”) 50mm (2”) • Air drive unit
Resolution 0.5μm 1μm 0.5μm 1μm 0.5μm 1μm For 10mm range models: No.02ADE230
Measuring accuracy (20°C) (1.5+L/50)μm (L=arbitrary measuring length (mm)) For 25mm range models: No.02ADE250
Quantizing error ±1 count For 50mm range models: No.02ADE270
Contact point upwards 1.0N or less 4.0N or less 4.9N or less * Required air pressure: 0.2 to 0.4MPa
Contact point horizontal 1.1N or less 4.3N or less 5.3N or less * Spindle extends when air is supplied.
Contact point downwards 1.2N or less 4.6N or less 5.7N or less • Rubber boot (spare)
Position detection method Photoelectric linear encoder* 3
For 10mm range models: No.238772
3mm from contact point tip For 25mm range models: No.962504
Reference mark position 5mm from contact point tip (lowest rest point)
(lowest rest point) For 50mm range models: No.962505
≤0.5μm (at a constant reference point passing speed less than 300mm/s in the same • Thrust stem set
Reference mark repeatability (20°C):
direction) For 10mm range models: No.02ADB680
Response speed*1 1500mm/s Thrust stem: No.02ADB681
90° phase difference, differential square wave (RS-422A equivalent), minimum edge
Output signal Clamp nut: No.02ADB682
intervals: 250ns for 0.5μm model, 500ns for 1μm model
For 25/50mm range models:
Output square wave pitch 2μm 4μm 2μm 4μm 2μm 4μm
Mass Approx. 260g Approx. 300g Approx. 400g No.02ADN370
Dust/water resistance* 2
Equivalent to IP66 (only gage head) Thrust stem: No.02ADN371
ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5), standard contact point Clamp nut: No.02ADB692
Contact point * External dimensions are described in the
Stem dia. ø8mm ø15mm dimensional drawing of the product.
Bearing type Linear ball bearing*4 * Thrust stem set is a combination of thrust
Output cable length 2m (directly extended from the main unit) stem and a clamp nut. A special spanner
Connector Plug: PRC05-P8M (TAJIMI), Compatible receptacle: PRC05-R8F (TAJIMI) is required for tightening. If using multiple
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) gages, a thrust stem set for each gage and
Storage temperature (humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) one special spanner are required.
Standard Accessories Wrench for contact point: No.538610 Wrench for contact point: No.210187 • Spanner Wrench
Remarks w/ origin point mark For 10mm range models: No.02ADB683
*1: When the spindle speed exceeds 1500mm/s, an alarm signal will be output. For use of alarm signals, please inquire separately. For models For 25/50mm range models:
with 50mm stroke, note that over-speed error may occur depending on the impact amount when releasing the contact point freely. No.02ADB693
*2: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may
not be applicable depending on the kind of liquid.
*3: Patent registered (Japan, U.S.A., Germany, U.K.)
*4: Patent registered (Japan)

Heads LGF 0.1µm Resolution Type Connector
Unit: mm

10 / 25mm range, 0.1µm resolution, Differential square-wave output

• Excellent protection against dust ingress and water splash (IP66) in harsh shop-floor environments.

• Uses linear stroke ball bearings on the spindle movement for resistance to external shock and vibration.
• Thrust Stem with clamp nut is optional.

Unit: mm
20.4 30

542-181 542-182

20.6 61.7
20.4 30 0.6 20 34

(screw top

15.4 61.5 Connecting

0.6 14.8 34 2m
(screw top

Thrust stem
Connecting cable
Dimensions with a thrust stem installed


Dimensions with a thrust stem installed



6 ø18 0
ø15 -0.015

Thrust stem

02ADB681 M9.5×0.5

Attachment thread Clamp nut
Attachment thread

ø9.5 -0.015

for thrust stem 02ADB692

ø8 0
for thrust stem



Clamp nut



26 or longer
10.6 or longer


(13.8) 12.3
(24.2) 13.8


Order No. 542-181 542-182 Optional Accessories
Measuring range 10mm (.4") 25mm (1") • Rubber boot (spare)
Resolution 0.1μm For 10mm range models:
Measuring accuracy (20°C) (0.8+L/50) μm (L=arbitrary measuring length (mm)) No.238772
For 25mm range models:
Quantizing error ±1 count
Contact point upwards 1.0N or less 4.0N or less For 50mm range models:
Measuring Contact point horizontal 1.1N or less 4.3N or less No.962505
Contact point downwards 1.2N or less 4.6N or less • Thrust stem set
Position detection method Photoelectric linear encoder*3 For 10mm range models:
Response speed*1 400mm/s No.02ADB680
Thrust stem: No.02ADB681
90° phase difference, differential squarewave (RS-422A equivalent) Clamp nut: No.02ADB682
Output signal
Minimum edge-to-edge interval, 200ns For 25mm range models:
Output signal pitch 0.4μm No.02ADN370
Mass Approx. 310g Approx. 350g Thrust stem: No.02ADN371
Dust/water resistance*2 Equivalent to IP66 (only gage head) Clamp nut: No.02ADB692
Stylus ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5), standard contact point No.901312 * External dimensions are described
in the dimensional drawing of the
Stem dia. ø8 ø15
Bearing type Linear ball bearing*4 * Thrust stem set is a combination
Output cable length 2m (directly extended from the main unit) of thrust stem and a clamp nut.
Connector Plug: RM12BPE-6PH (HIROSE), Compatible receptacle: RM12BRD-6S (HIROSE) A special spanner is required for
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) tightening. If using multiple gages,
Storage temperature(humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) a thrust stem set for each gage and
one special spanner are required.
Standard Accessories Wrench for contact point: No.538610 Wrench for contact point: No.210187
• Wrench
*1: When the spindle speed exceeds 400mm/s, an alarm signal will be output. Also, if using a Mitutoyo counter, an error message will be displayed.
If using counters made by other companies, please consult your local Mitutoyo office. Note that over-speed error may occur depending on the For 10mm range models:
impact amount when releasing the contact point freely. No.02ADB683
*2: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may not For 25mm range models:
be applicable depending on the kind of liquid. No.02ADB693
*3: Patent registered (Japan, U.S.A., Germany, U.K.) • Extension cable (5m): 902434
*4: Patent registered (Japan)
• Extension cable (10m): 902433
• Extension cable (20m): 902432

Heads LGS Absolute Type Connector: LGS
Unit: mm

12.7mm range, 0.01 resolution, Digimatic code (SPC) output


• Employing the ABSOLUTE linear encoder, the LGS always displays the position of the spindle relative to
the current origin, previously set by the user, at power-on. The unlimited response speed of the gage
eliminates over-speed errors.

Unit: mm
Connecting cable: 2m 24.2

35 17.4 6.8



Order No. 575-303 Optional Accessories
Measuring range 12.7mm • Rubber boot: No.238774 (spare)
Resolution 10μm • Air drive unit (metric): No.903594
Measuring accuracy (20°C) 15μm • Air drive unit (inch): No.903598
Quantizing error ±1 count • SPC cable extension adapter:
Measuring Contact point upwards 1.6N or less No.02ADF640
Contact point horizontal 1.8N or less • Extension cable (0.5m):
force Contact point downwards 2N or less No.02ADD950
Position detection method ABSOLUTE electrostatic capacitance type linear encoder • Extension cable (1m): No.936937
Response speed Unlimited (not applicable to scanning measurement) • Extension cable (2m): No.965014
Output Digimatic output
Mass Approx. 190g * When connecting an extension cable,
ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5) an SPC cable extension adapter is
Contact point
Standard contact point No.901312 required.
Stem dia. ø8mm
Bearing type Slide bearing
Dust/water resistance Equivalent to IP66 (only gage head)
Output cable length 2m (directly extended from the main unit)
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Storage temperature(humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
* IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water.
This may not be applicable depending on the kind of liquid.

Order No. 575-313
Measuring range .5"
Resolution .0005"
Measuring accuracy (20°C) .0008"
Quantizing error ±1 count
Measuring Contact point upwards 1.6N or less
Contact point horizontal 1.8N or less
force Contact point downwards 2N or less
Position detection method ABSOLUTE electrostatic capacitance type linear encoder
Response speed Unlimited (not applicable to scanning measurement)
Output Digimatic output
Mass Approx. 190g
ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5)
Contact point
Standard contact point No.901312
Stem dia. ø9.52=3/8" DIA
Bearing type Slide bearing
Dust/water resistance Equivalent to IP66 (only gage head)
Output cable length 2m (directly extended from the main unit)
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Storage temperature(humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
* IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water.
This may not be applicable depending on the kind of liquid.

Heads LGD Absolute Type Connector
Unit: mm

10 / 25 / 50mm range, 0.01mm resolution, Digimatic code (SPC) output


• The use of an Absolute scale in the gage head makes it possible to maintain the user-defined origin
setting even when the power is switched off.
• Special linear ball bearings are used for the spindle guide to ensure a long service life.

8.6 20

Dimensions 8.6 20

Unit: mm 575-328: 50mm range model

8.6 20
20.6 61.7
575-327: 25mm range model 0.6 20 34
575-326: 10mm range model 20.6 61.7 (screw top

0.6 20 34 height)
(screw top

15.4 61.5 height)

0.6 14.8 34
(screw top

Connecting Connecting

Dimensions with a thrust stem installed


Thrust stem Connecting Thrust stem cable

Dimensions with a thrust stem installed


02ADB681 cable 02ADN371 2m 2m

6 2m 8.6

Thrust stem

ø9.5 -0.015
0 Attachment thread 0
45.9 5

for thrust stem ø8-0.009 02ADN371

9.5 14.5


ø15 -0.015 8.6


9 18.5
10.6 or longer



Dimensions with a thrust stem installed

Attachment thread ø15 -0.015



(13.8) Clamp nut 12.3 for thrust stem ø18 -0.018

26 or longer
02ADB682 Clamp nut


M9.5×0.5 02ADB692

Attachment thread

13.8 for thrust stem
Clamp nut M18×1



51.5 or longer

Order No.*1 575-326, 575-326-3/5/7 575-327, 575-327-3/5/7 575-328, 575-328-3/5/7 13.8
Measuring range 10mm 25mm 50mm

Resolution 10μm
Measuring accuracy (20°C) 20μm 30μm
Quantizing error ±1 count
Contact point upwards 1.0N or less 4.0N or less 4.9N or less Optional Accessories
Measuring • Air drive unit
Contact point horizontal 1.1N or less 4.3N or less 5.3N or less
force For 10mm range models:
Contact point downwards 1.2N or less 4.6N or less 5.7N or less
Position detection method ABSOLUTE electrostatic capacitance type linear encoder No.02ADE230
Response speed Unlimited (not applicable to scanning measurement) For 25mm range models:
Output Digimatic output No.02ADE250
External input Reference-setting signal (Absolute reference position*2 can be changed externally.) For 50mm range models:
Mass*3 Approx. 260g Approx. 300g Approx. 400g No.02ADE270
Contact point ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5), standard contact point No.901312 * Required air pressure: 0.2 to 0.4MPa
Stem dia. ø8 ø15 * Spindle extends when air is supplied.
Bearing type Linear ball bearing • Rubber boot (spare)
Dust/water resistance*4 Equivalent to IP66 (only gage head) For 10mm range models:
Output cable length No.238772
2m, 3m, 5m, 7m For 25mm range models:
(directly extended from the main unit)
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) No.962504
Storage temperature(humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) For 50mm range models:
Standard Accessories
Wrench for contact point:
Wrench for contact point: No.210187
No.538610 • Thrust stem set
*1: The last number of the Code No. represents special cable length. (meters) For 10mm range models:
*2: The absolute reference point is near the lowest rest point at shipment. No.02ADB680
*3: Mass including 2m cable.
*4: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may not be applicable depending on Thrust stem: No.02ADB681
the kind of liquid. Clamp nut: No.02ADB682
Inch For 25/50mm range models:
Order No.*1 575-326, 575-326-3/5/7 575-327, 575-327-3/5/7 575-328, 575-328-3/5/7 No.02ADN370
Measuring range .4” 1” 2” Thrust stem: No.02ADN371
Resolution .0005” Clamp nut: No.02ADB692
Measuring accuracy (20°C) .001” .0012” * External dimensions are described
Quantizing error ±1 count in the dimensional drawing of the
Contact point upwards 1.0N or less 4.0N or less 4.9N or less product.
Measuring * Thrust stem set is a combination
Contact point horizontal 1.1N or less 4.3N or less 5.3N or less
force of thrust stem and a clamp nut.
Contact point downwards 1.2N or less 4.6N or less 5.7N or less
Position detection method ABSOLUTE electrostatic capacitance type linear encoder A special spanner is required for
Response speed Unlimited (not applicable to scanning measurement) tightening. If using multiple gages,
Output Digimatic output a thrust stem set for each gage and
External input Reference-setting signal (Absolute reference position*2 can be changed externally.) one special spanner are required.
Mass*3 Approx. 260g Approx. 300g Approx. 400g • Spanner Wrench
Contact point ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5), standard contact point No.901312 For 10mm range models:
Stem dia. ø8 ø15 No.02ADB683
Bearing type Linear ball bearing For 25/50mm range models:
Dust/water resistance*4 Equivalent to IP66 (only gage head) No.02ADB693
Output cable length Digimatic Power Supply Unit:
2m, 3m, 5m, 7m 965275*
(directly extended from the main unit)
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) * To denote your AC line voltage add
Storage temperature(humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation) the following suffixes to the order
Standard Accessories
Wrench for contact point:
Wrench for contact point: No.210187
No. (e.g.: 965275A): A for UL/CSA,
No.538610 D for CEE, E for BS, F for SAA, DC
*1: The last number of the Code No. represents special cable length. (meters) for China, K for KC, No suffix is
*2: The absolute reference point is near the lowest rest point at shipment. required for JIS/100V
*3: Mass including 2m cable.
*4: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may not be applicable depending on
the kind of liquid.

Heads LGB Extremely Compact ø9.5mm Stem Type Connector*
Connecting cable
Unit: mm

5 / 10mm range, 0.1 / 1µm resolution, Differential square-wave output*

*Sine-wave output: 542-421
• Extremely compact design. RM12BPE-6PH
30 20.4
• The small photoelectric linear encoder assures high precision over the entire stroke range. (HIROSE)
• The ball bearings* used in the spindle unit ensure superb durability. *Patent registered (Japan) *Differential square-wave output model

Unit: mm

542-246: L-shape model, 0.1µm model 542-262 542-270: Air-lifter model 542-421: Sine-wave output model
542-244: L-shape model, 1µm model 542-262H: High accuracy model
542-264: Low measuring force model
Compatible air hose (ID: 2.5) 30 20.4 Connecting cable (2m)

Connecting cable (2m) Connecting cable (2m) Cable (2m)

ø9 ø7.9


Knurl Knurl







ø9.5 -0.009

ø9.5-0.009 ø9.5-0.009





Clamp nut ø14
4.9 (thread)

30 20.4

4.9 (thread)

4.9 (thread)
30 20.4 No.200365 30 20.4 Clamp nut (HIROSE)

Dsub 15-pin
(HIROSE) No.200365 RM12BPE-6PH
(HIROSE) L=11.5 to 13.0 RM12BPE-6PH Clamp nut Clamp nut
RM12BPE-6PH L = 11.5 to 13.0 No.200365
L=11.5 to 13.0 No.200365
L = 11.5 to 13.0

Order No. 542-246 Optional Accessories
Measuring range 5mm(.2") • Rubber boot (spare)
Resolution 0.1μm For 5mm range models: No.238773
Measuring accuracy (20°C) 0.8μm For 10mm range models: No.238772
• Extension cable (5m): 902434
Contact point upwards Approx. 0.55 or less
Measuring Contact point horizontal • Extension cable (10m): 902433
Approx. 0.6N or less • Extension cable (20m): 902432
Contact point downwards Approx. 0.65 or less
Output signal 90° phase difference, differential square wave (RS-422A equivalent)
Position detection method Photoelectric linear encoder
Response speed 380mm/s
Mass 160g
Dust/water resistance* Equivalent to IP54 (only gage head)
Contact point Carbide ball (M2.5x0.45) Steel ball (4-48UNF)
Stem dia. ø9.5mm
Bearing type Linear ball bearing
Output cable length 2m
Connector Plug: RM12BPE-6PH (HIROSE), Compatible receptacle: RM12BRD-6S (HIROSE)
Operating temperature (humidity) range 10 to 30°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Standard Accessories Wrench for contact point: No.538610 Wrench for contact point: No.538610, Stem bushing
*1: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and
water. This may not be applicable depending on the kind of liquid.

Low measuring Air-driven Sine-wave output
Type L-shaped Straight
force contact point*1 type
Order No. 542-244 542-262 542-262H 542-264 542-270*2 542-421
Measuring range 5mm (.2”) 10mm (.4”)
Resolution 1μm *3
Measuring accuracy (20°C) 2μm 1μm 2μm
Maximum response speed 900mm/s
Contact point Approx. 0.55N or Approx. 0.5N or
Approx. 0.7N or less Approx. 0.7N or less
upwards less less
Measuring Contact point Approx. 0.6N or Approx. 0.75N or less Approx. 0.55N or Approx. 0.75N or less
force horizontal less less
Contact point Approx. 0.65N or Approx. 0.6N or
Approx. 0.8N or less Approx. 0.8N or less
downwards less less
Protection Level* 4
Mass 160g 170g 170g 180g
*1: Required air pressure: 0.3 to 0.4MPa
*2: Spindle extends when air is supplied.
*3: Depends on the settings of the connected counter.
*4: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may not be
applicable depending on the kind of liquid.

Heads LGB Extremely Compact ø8mm Stem Type Connector*
Connecting cable
Unit: mm

5 / 10mm range, 1µm resolution, Differential square-wave output*

*Sine-wave output: 542-401
• Extremely compact design. Available with an outside diameter as small as 8mm. RM12BPE-6PH
30 20.4
• The small photoelectric linear encoder assures high precision over the entire stroke range. (HIROSE)
• The ball bearings* used in the spindle unit ensure superb durability. *Patent registered (Japan) *Differential square-wave output model

Unit: mm
542-204: L-shape model 542-222H: High accuracy model 542-230: Air-lifter model
542-224: Low measuring force model 4.9
9.2 9.6

Connecting cable (2m) Connecting cable (2m)
Cable (2m) Compatible air hose
ø9 (ID: 2.5)







ø8 -0.009 0


30 20.4 30 20.4 34.9

30 20.4


7.3 RM12BPE-6PH

542-401: Sine-wave output model 542-223: Air-lifter model

30 20.4
Compatible air hose
Cable (2m) (ID: 2.5)
cable (2m)






Dsub 15-pin
30 20.4

9.2 14.3 5 10

Low measur- Air-driven contact point *1 Sine-wave output Optional Accessories
Type L-shaped Straight ing force type • Rubber boot (spare)
Order No. 542-204 542-222 542-222H 542-224 542-230*2 542-223*3 542-401 For 5mm range models: No.238773
Measuring range 5mm (.2”) 10mm (.4”) For 10mm range models:
Resolution 1μm *4 No.238772
Measuring accuracy (20°C) 2μm 1μm 2μm • Extension cable (5m): 902434
Quantizing error ±1 count • Extension cable (10m): 902433
Contact point Approx. 0.55N Approx. 0.7N or less Approx. 0.5N • Extension cable (20m): 902432
Approx. 0.4N or less
upwards or less or less
Measuring Contact point Approx. 0.6N Approx.
Approx. 0.75N or less 0.55N or less Approx. 0.45N or less
force* 4
horizontal or less
Contact point Approx. 0.65N Approx. 0.6N
Approx. 0.8N or less Approx. 0.5N or less
downwards or less or less
Protection Level Equivalent to IP54 (only gage head)
Mass 145g 150g 165g 160g
*1: Required air pressure: 0.3 to 0.4MPa
*2: Spindle extends when air is supplied.
*3: Spindle retracts when air is supplied.
*4: Depends on the settings of the connected counter.

Heads LG Long Stroke Type Connector
Unit: mm

100mm range, 0.1 / 1µm resolution, Differential square-wave output


• There are three types including the standard model, low measuring force model, and rubber boot model
(“made to order” basis) available.
• The resolution of each model can be selected to be 0.1µm or 1µm.

Unit: mm 542-314: 0.1µm resolution, rubber boot model
542-312: 0.1µm resolution model 542-334: 1µm resolution, rubber boot model
542-316: 0.1µm resolution, low measuring force model
542-332: 1µm resolution model

11PRH/12PRH (Compatible counter

542-336: 1µm resolution, low measuring force model 49 33

depends on the gage)
49 33

2-ø4.5, ø9 depth 4 243.5

2-ø4.5, ø9 depth 5


Connecting cable 2m 36 7 34
6 50 Lifting lever attachment

Connecting Cable 2m

13 34

36 7
50 Lifting lever

Rubber boot
Stroke 102 or longer


Stroke 102 or longer

20 17
20 17 Optional Accessories
• Rubber boot: 02ADA004
(for rubber boot type)
Type Standard spar type Low measuring force Rubber boot type Standard spar type Low measuring force Rubber boot type
Order No. 542-312* 542-316* 542-314* 542-332* 542-336* 542-334*
Measuring range 100mm (.4”)
Resolution 0.1μm 1μm
Measuring accuracy (20°C) (2+L/100)μm≤2.5μm L=arbitrary measuring length (mm) (2+L/100)μm≤2.5μm L=arbitrary measuring length (mm)
Quantizing error ±1 count
Contact point Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
downwards 8.0N or less 3.0N or less 8.0N or less 8.0N or less 3.0N or less 8.0N or less
Measuring Contact point Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
— —
force horizontal 6.5N or less 6.5N or less 6.5N or less 6.5N or less
Contact point Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
— —
upwards 5.0N or less 5.0N or less 5.0N or less 5.0N or less
Position detection method Photoelectric linear encoder
Response speed*1 (max.
Approx. 400mm/s Approx. 800mm/s
electrical response speed)
Output signal 90° phase difference, differential squarewave (RS-422A equivalent)
Spindle drive Helical extension spring
Spindle guide Bearing guide
Stem diameter ø20
Contact point ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5) Standard contact point No.901312
Shock resistance 60g (in-house testing)
Cable length Approx. 2m (directly extended from the gage unit)
Spindle sealing method Scraper type Rubber boot type Scraper type Rubber boot type
Dust/water resistance*2 Equivalent to IP54 Equivalent to IP66 Equivalent to IP54 Equivalent to IP66
Operating temperature 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
(humidity) range
Storage temperature –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
(humidity) range
Input/output connector For calculation: RM12BPE-6PH (HIROSE) Compatible receptacle: RM12BRD-6S (HIROSE)
Mass (including cables) Approx. 750g Approx. 780g Approx. 750g Approx. 780g
Wrench for contact point: No.210187
Hexagon socket head cap screw, M4×0.7×35, 2 pcs. (for gage fixing)
Standard Accessories Round flat washer, nominal 4, 2 pcs. (for gage fixing)
Lifting lever: No.137693
Fixing holder: 02ADG181 (for fixing lifting lever)
Remarks Standard Low Measuring force w/ rubber boot Standard Low Measuring force w/ rubber boot
*1: Note that over-speed error may occur depending on the indentation amount when releasing the contact point freely after indentation.
*2: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may not be applicable depending on the kind of liquid. (Only
gage head)
* To denote your AC power cable add the following suffixes to the order No.: A for UL/CSA, D for CEE, E for BS, C and No suffix are required for PSE.

Heads LGM Motor-drive, Long Stroke Type Connector
Unit: mm

100mm range, 0.1 / 1µm resolution, Differential square-wave output


• There are three types including the standard model, low measuring force model, and rubber boot model
(“made to order” basis) available.
• The resolution of each model can be selected to be 0.1µm or 1µm.

Dimensions 542-315: 0.1µm resolution, rubber boot model Motor drive unit
542-335: 1µm resolution, rubber boot model No.02ADG400
Unit: mm
(standard accessory for LGM series
542-313: 0.1µm resolution model main unit)
542-333: 1µm resolution model

(Applicable counter depends on the gage)


49 33


• A unit to move the spindle of the LGM

series forward and backward.

2-ø4.5, ø9 depth 4
Measuring force
Can be set with the rotary switch of the
2-ø4.5, 9 depth 5

main unit (to one of the combinations of H/L

and a number between 0 and 9) depending
on the mounting position.
External dimensions
Output cable 2m
Drive unit cable 2m

36 7 34 90 (W)×175 (D)×74 (H)mm (rubber boot


50 excluded)

External input signal

Drive unit cable 2m

13 ø20 -0.013
Output cable 2m

34 Spindle retract

36 7
50 Spindle extend

ø20 -0.013
External output signal

Spindle stop signal at upper limit

Rubber boot

ø6 Mass

Stroke 102 or longer

Stroke 102 or longer

Approx. 700g
Power supply
100 - 240V AC

17 20 17 Optional Accessories
• Rubber boot: 02ADA004
(for rubber boot type)
Type Standard spar type Rubber boot type Standard spar type Rubber boot type
Order No. 542-313* 542-315* 542-333* 542-335*
Measuring range 100mm (.4”)
Resolution 0.1μm 1μm
(2+L/100) μm ≤ 2.5μm (2.5+L/100) μm ≤ 3μm
Measuring accuracy (20°C) L=arbitrary measuring length (mm) L=arbitrary measuring length (mm)
Quantizing error ±1 count
Contact point downwards H4 (9.5N) L9 (6.0N) H4 (9.5N) L9 (6.0N)
Measuring Contact point horizontal L7 (6.5N) — L7 (6.5N) —
Contact point upwards L3 (3.0N) L4 (4.5N) L3 (3.0N) L4 (4.5N)
Position detection method Reflection type photoelectric linear encoder
Response speed*1 Approx. 400mm/s Approx. 800mm/s
(max. electrical response speed)
Output signal 90° phase difference, differential squarewave (RS-422A equivalent)
Spindle drive Motor drive
Spindle guide Bearing guide
Stem diameter ø20
Contact point ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5) Standard contact point: No.901312
Shock resistance 60g (in-house testing)
Cable length Approx. 2m (directly extended from the gage unit)
Spindle sealing method Scraper type Rubber boot type Scraper type Rubber boot type
Dust/water resistance*2 Equivalent to IP54 Equivalent to IP66 Equivalent to IP54 Equivalent to IP66
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Storage temperature (humidity) range –10 to 60°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Gage (counter output) Connector for counter: RM12BPE-6PH (HIROSE) Compatible receptacle: RM12BRD-6S (HIROSE)
Input/ Gage (I/O for driving) Gage side plug: HR10A-7P-6P (HIROSE) Receptacle on motor drive unit: HR10A-7R-6S (HIROSE)
connector Motor drive unit Receptacle on motor drive unit: HR10A-10R-10S (HIROSE)
(for external control) Motor drive unit plug: HR10A-10P-10P (HIROSE)
Mass (including cables) Approx. 940g Approx. 970g Approx. 940g Approx. 970g
Wrench for contact point: No.210187
Hexagon socket head cap screw, M4×0.7×35, 2 pcs. (for gage fixing)
Standard Accessories Round flat washer, nominal 4, 2 pcs. (for gage fixing)
Motor drive unit: No.02ADG400
Remarks Motor-driven Type
*1: The speed and measuring force are adjustable on the motor drive unit. Note that the rubber boot type cannot be used in the horizontal position.
*2: IP Code is a standard which classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water. This may not be applicable depending on the kind of liquid.
* To denote your AC power cable add the following suffixes to the order No.: A for UL/CSA, D for CEE, E for BS, C and No suffix are required for PSE.

Heads Laser Hologage High-resolution Type
10mm range, 0.1 / 0.01µm resolution, Sine-wave output

• Excellent measuring stability — the design is also highly resistant to the unfavorable effects of
environmental conditions such as air movement and atmospheric pressure changes. Connector for
• High-precision linear ball bearings are used in the guide for extremely smooth movement and exceptional durability. lifting cable

The Mitutoyo Laser Hologage is a high-end digital gaging system that employs diffracted laser beam interference to make highly accurate

and repeatable measurements. It features ultra-fine-pitch diffraction gratings on the scale.

10 (Measuring range)
ø15h6 -0.011

Unit: mm
542-925: 0.01µm model with display unit
542-711-1: 0.1µm model 542-926: 0.01µm and low measuring force model SR5 carbide point
542-712-1: 0.1µm and low measuring force model with display unit 40
45.4 Connecting cable: 2m Display Unit
45.4 Connecting cable: 2m 144

20.4 30 Connector for

Connector for
lifting cable lifting cable





ø15h6 -0.011
10 (Measuring range)

10 (Measuring range)

ø15h6 -0.011

18 SR1.5 carbide point 10 SR5 carbide point

40 20
Cable: 2m 10 11.2 137

Display Unit

Order No. 542-711-1 542-712-1 Optional Accessories

Measuring range 10mm (.4") • Laser Hologage stand: No.971750

Resolution 0.1μm • Stem fixture for fixing to top sur-

Measuring accuracy (20°C) 0.2μm face: No.971751
Repeatability (2) 0.02μm • Stem fixture for fixing to bottom

Retrace error 0.05μm surface: No.971752

Contact point upwards Approx. 0.35N or less 156.7
Approx. 0.1N
Measuring 148.2 • Spindle lifting cable: No.971753
Contact point horizontal Approx. 0.45N or less — • Rubber boot: No.238772 (spare)
Contact point downwards Approx. 0.55N or less —
Output signal 0.25μm, pitch 90°, 2-phase square wave Laser Beam Safety Precautions
Position detection method Laser hologram length measuring sensor
This system uses a low-power invisible laser
Response speed 250mm/s beam (780nm) which corresponds to a
Mass 200g (cables excluded)
11.2 137 CLASS 1 (invisible radiation) of IEC60825-1
Dust/water resistance — for measurement. The CLASS 1 laser warning
Stylus ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45) x 5), standard contact point No.901312 label as shown below is attached to the main
Stem dia. ø15mm
Bearing type Linear ball bearing
Output cable length 2m
Connector Plug: RM12BPE-6PH (HIROSE), Compatible receptacle: RM12BRD-6S (HIROSE)
Operating temperature (humidity) range 10 to 30°C (RH 30 to 70%, no condensation)
–10 to 50°C (RH 30 to 70%, no condensation)
Storage temperature(humidity) range The temperature and humidity range for storage after unpacking is as same as that of operation.
Standard Accessories Wrench for contact point: No.538610

Code No. 542-925* 542-927* 542-926* 542-928*
Configuration Set of 1-axis Gage Head and Display Unit
Set of 2-axis Gage Head and Display Unit Set of 1-axis Gage Head and Display Unit Set of 2-axis Gage Head and Display Unit
Measuring range 10mm
Measuring accuracy (20°C) 0.1μm*1
Repeatability (2 ) 0.02μm
Retrace error 0.05μm
Contact point upwards Approx. 0.35N or less Approx. 0.1N
Contact point horizontal Approx. 0.45N or less —
Contact point downwards Approx. 0.55N or less —
Stylus ø3mm carbide-tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5), standard contact point No.120058
Output cable length 2m
Display range ±999.99999mm
Minimum reading 0.01μm
Operating temperature (humidity) range 10 to 30°C (RH 30 to 70%, no condensation)
Storage temperature (humidity) range –10 to 50°C (RH 30 to 70%, no condensation) The temperature and humidity range for storage after unpacking is the same as that for operation.
Wrench for contact point: No.538610, AC adapter:No.02ADN460
Standard Accessories AC cable (Japan): No.02ZAA000*, AC cable (USA): No.02ZAA010*, AC cable (EU): No.02ZAA020*
AC cable (Britain): No.02ZAA030*, AC cable (China): No.02ZAA040*, AC cable (Korea): No.02ZAA050*
Mass (Gage Head + Display Unit) 1400g
*1: Indication accuracy applies when used with counters.
* To denote your AC power cable add the following suffixes to the order No.: A for UL/CSA, D for CEE, DC for CCC, E for BS, K for KC, C and No suffix are required for PSE.

Heads Litematic Head and Litematic
High resolution and low measuring force

Super Litematic Dimensions Optional Accessories

Unit: mm (318-217)
• Foot switch: No.937179T
• I/O output connector (with cover): No.02ADB440
(for external control)
• SPC cable (1mm): No.936937*3
Cable length, 2m • SPC cable (2m): No.965014*3
• Recommended spare contact point*6: Heavier
than the standard contact point (1.1g)*4, longer

ø26 than the length between the standard contact

ø60 point fixing surface to the tip (5mm)*5, (fixing
screw: M2.5×0.45×5).

*3: Refer to page G-32 for details of the RS link.
202 286 42 186.4 50.2
*4: Measuring force rises with increased mass.
*5: Measuring range decreases with extended length.
Litematic 103.2 *6: For applications that require a flat measuring
contact point, contact your local Mitutoyo sales
Optional Accessories
Measuring table ø100
(318-221, 318-222, 318-223, 318-
226, 318-227, 318-228)
Stylus 56
Clamp screw Display
for measuring Operation switch
• Foot switch: No.937179T
table • Dedicated stand: No.957460*4
• SPC cable (1mm): No.936937*5
• SPC cable (2m): No.965014*5
202 300
• VL weight part: No.02AZE375*6
• Recommended spare contact point:
Shell type
Carbide-tipped spherical contact point, ø7.5
Litematic Head 85 150
Carbide-tipped spherical contact point, ø10.5
Carbide-tipped needle contact point, ø0.45
*4: Only VL-50S is available.

Scale unit
Connecting cable 2m *5: Refer to page G-32 for details of the RS link.
*6: Not applicable to VL-50-100-B, VL-50S-100-B.
ø32 Display unit


80.2 Laser Beam Safety Precautions

29 80 14.8 This system uses a low-power invisible laser beam
(780nm) which corresponds to a CLASS 1 (invisible
radiation) of IEC60825-1 for measurement. The

CLASS 1 laser warning label as shown below is
4-M4×0.7 depth 10 attached to the main unit.
186.4 50.2

Order No. 318-217* 318-221*
318-222* 318-223* 318-226* 318-227* 318-228*
Model name Super Litematic Litematic Litematic Head
Measuring range 0 to 50mm (0-2")
Resolution 0.01/0.1/1.0μm (.0000005"/.000005"/.00005")
Display unit 8 digits/14mm (.6") character height (without signs)
Detection method Laser Holoscale Reflection type linear encoder
Stroke 51.5mm (.2") (when using a standard contact point)
Indication accuracy 0.15μm/0-35mm, 0.25μm/35-50mm (0.5+L/100)μm L=arbitrary measuring length (mm)
Accuracy guaranteed
temperature*2 20 ± 0.5°C 20 ± 1°C
Repeatability*1 =0.02μm =0.05μm
Measuring force*1 0.01N (balance system) 0.01N 0.15N*3 1N*3 0.01N 0.15N*3 1N*3
Approx. 1mm/s (.04"/s) / 2mm/s
Feed Measurement (.08"/s) / 3mm/s (.12"/s) Approx. 2mm/s (.08"/s) or 4mm/s (.16"/s) (changeable by parameter)
speed (changeable by parameter)
Fast feed Approx. 5mm/s Approx. 8mm/s (.3"/s)
Standard contact point SR5 carbide-tipped spherical contact point No.120058 ø3mm carbide tipped (fixing screw: M2.5 (P=0.45)×5) No.901312
Measuring table ø26 (ceramic, grooved, removable) ø100 (ceramic, grooved, removable) —
Input Foot switch input (when optional foot switch is used) External Control
Output Digimatic output/RS-232C output (changeable by parameter)
Power supply 85 - 264V AC (depends on AC adapter)
Rating Power
Max. 12 W (12V, 1A)
AC adapter: No.357651, Power cable/grounding wire: No.02ZAA000,
AC cable (Japan): No.02ZAA000*, AC cable (USA): No.02ZAA010*, AC cable (EU): No.02ZAA020*
Standard Accessories AC cable (Britain): No.02ZAA030*, AC cable (China): No.02ZAA040*, AC cable (Korea): No.02ZAA050*
Hex wrench (2 pcs, for fixing contact point and for removing fixing bracket)
*1: Normal measurement using standard contact point.
*2: Under less temperature change, and hot or cold direct air flow should be avoided.
*3: 0.15N, 1N types are factory-installed option.
Note: To denote your AC power cable add the following suffixes to the order No.: A for UL/CSA, D for CEE, DC for CCC, E for BS, F for SAA, K for KC, C and No suffix are required for PSE.

Heads Signal ID-C Absolute Type
12.7mm range, 0.001mm resolution

FEATURES Dimensions
• Employing the ABSOLUTE linear encoder, the Unit: mm
Signal ID-C always displays the true spindle
position from the currently set origin at power 543-280
on. Also, unlimited response speed eliminates ISO/JIS type
over-speed errors. 20 28.5 20
• With the max./min. value holding function, ø10.5 4m, ø5mm,
Core wire AWG/24
the signal ID-C can output the GO/±NG 10.6
judgment result against the peak values set.
The judgment is carried out by calculation,

within the gage, on the measurement data 5
obtained. This provides high reliability with no
concerns about deterioration of contact points


as for electromechanical systems.

• The signal can be output to an external device, ø6.5

such as a sequencer, through the open-

collector output.

0 Note 1: Dimensions of the inch (ANSI/

AGD Type) dial indicator partly
• The GO/±NG judgment result is also indicated

differ from those of the metric
by a green/red LED and "<, O, >" symbols on (ISO/JIS Type) indicator.
Note 2: Inch (ANSI/AGD Type) dial
the LCD.

M2.5×0.45 indicator is provided with
a stem of 3/8" dia. and
#4-48UNF thread mount for

the contact point.

Order No. 543-280 543-280B 543-281 543-281B 543-282 543-282B 543-283 543-283B
Measuring range 12.7mm 5”
Resolution 0.001mm .00005” / 0.001mm .0005” / 0.01mm
Accuracy (20°C)*1 0.003mm .00012”
Measuring force 2.0N or less
Position-detection method Capacitance-type absolute linear encoder*3
Response speed Infinite (scanning measurement is not available.)
Output signal NPN open collector
External input Remote control (hold-preset, preset-recall, zero-set)
Mass 175g
Dust/water protection*2 IP54
Contact point (mounting threads) SR1.5mm carbide (M2.5X0.45mm) SR1.5mm carbide or steel (#4-48unf)
Stem size ø8mm ø9.5mm
Type of back Lug Flat Lug Flat Lug Flat Lug Flat
Connecting cable length 4m
Operating environment 0°C to 40°C (20%RH to 80%RH, without condensation)
125317: Rubber boot (spare)
Optional accessories 902011: Spindle lifting lever for mm model, 902794: Spindle lifting lever for inch/mm model, 540774: Spindle lifting cable
*1: Excluding quantizing error of ±1 count.
*2: IP level is the standard of protection against the ingress of solids/foreign matter and water. This may not be applicable for liquids other than water.
*3: Patent registered (Japan, U.S.A., Germany, U.K., Switzerland, Sweden, China)

Tolerance judgment output signals I/O Specifications

Wire – NG OK + NG Error condition alert Wire Signal I/O Description
Orange (– NG) Low High High High Black – V (GND) — Power supply return
Green (OK) High Low High High Red + V (GND) I Power supply (12 - 24VDC)
Brown (+ NG) High High Low High Orange – NG O Tolerance judgment result output: The
Green OK O signal wire corresponding to a judgment
LED Red Green Red Red (blinking) result is set to the 'Low' level.
Brown + NG O
LCD < O > “x.xxE” indication
Yellow PRESET_RECALL ZERO IExternal input terminal: If the relevant
terminal is set to the Low level, its signal
Blue HOLD_RESET Ibecomes true.
Shield FG — Connected to GND

Digimatic Connection Example
Indicator Display unit External device

Signal Output Type

Counter / processor
OK/NG output
Single function type
Standard Type EC-101D

BCD output

Signal ID-C Single function type

EG-101D Controller

Digimatic Tolerance judgment output

output (3/5 steps, 3 kinds)
Calculation Type

ID-C ID-U ID-S Multi-gage system

Digimatic Tolerance judgment output /
output Segment output / BCD output Digimatic
EV-16D Mini-processor
Compact Type
DP1-VR (264-504)

Calculation ID-C
RS Link
Max. 10 Display unit
counter units
Digimatic (Max. 60 D-EV
output channels)
Peak Hold Type

Refer to the leaflet

ID-N ID-B Six input counter for more details.

output Tolerance

Peak hold ID-C

Multi-function type Single function type
Tolerance judgment Input tool
EB-11D result output

Digimatic output

Multi-function type
EH-102D Digimatic output

USB output /
RS-232C RS-232C
Keyboard output



Digimatic preset Input tool RS-232C

USB output / Keyboard output Personal computer

With an Input tool connected to the keyboard

connector on a personal computer, measurement
data from a measuring tool can be loaded directly
into a spreadsheet such as Excel or Lotus 1-2-3.

Heads Output Signal Specifications

Differential square-wave
0.1µm LGB 0.1µm LGK/LGF 0.5µm LGK/LGF 1µm LG/LGB/LGF 5µm LGF
Output signal 90° phase difference, differential square wave (RS-422A equivalent) 1) Pin assignment
Signal pitch 0.4µm 2µm 4µm 20µm RM12BPE-6PH
Pin No. Assignment
Minimum edge interval 250nsec. 200nsec. 250nsec. 500nsec. 1000nsec. (HIROSE)
1 +5V
Output signal level +5V (4.8 to 5.2V, 80mA) øA, øA, øB, øB: TTL output, line driver output, AM26LS31 or equivalent 1
2 øA
Plug type RM12BPE-6PH (HIROSE)
2 6 3 øB
Compatible socket RM12BRD-6S (HIROSE)
4 øA
Recommended receiver Differential input, line receiver, AM26LS32 or equivalent
Gage connecting cable length 2 m; directly connected to the gage 3 5 6 øB
Maximum extension cable length 20m (extension cables of 5, 10 and 20m in length are available)
Alarm output*1 A special signal (see the chart below) is output when an alarm condition occurs 4
*: Power supply (120mA) to a sensor (gage head)
Power supply +5V (120mA), power supply ripple voltage 200mV p-p max. Power supply ripple voltage: 200mVp-p or less
*1: With an LGF gage, a seventh signal line may be provided to output the error alarm. (Factory option).

2) Recommended processing circuit for received waveform 3) Timing chart (normal)

RM12BRD-6S +5V øA
K2 10k øA
K4 51 +5V 10k 100p øB
26LS32 equivalent
K3 10k UP PULSE øB
33pF B
K6 51 10k 100p : Resolutions vary depending on the gage.
This time constant controls
K5 GND UP/DOWN pulse length. 4) Timing chart (occurrence of gage alarm)

A øA
B øA

: Phase-B will be the half of normal output.

Differential square-wave with Origin Point Mark

0.5µm reading 1µm reading
PRC05-P8M 1) Pin assignment
Output signal 90° phase difference, differential square wave (RS-422A equivalent) (TAJIMI) Pin No. Signal
Signal pitch 2µm 4µm
7 1 1 +5V
Minimum edge interval 250nsec. 500nsec.
8 2 GND
Output signal level +5V (4.8 to 5.2V, 120mA) øA, øA, øB, øB, øZ: TTL, line driver, AM26LS31 or equivalent
6 2 3 øA
Plug type PRC05-P8M (TAJIMI)
4 øA
Compatible socket PRC05-R8F (TAJIMI)
5 øB
Recommended receiver Differential input, line receiver, AM26LS32 or equivalent 5 3
6 øB
Gage connecting cable length 2 m; directly connected to the gage 4 7 øZ
Maximum extension cable length 20m (extension cables of 5, 10 and 20m in length are available) *: Power supply to a gage head
Supply voltage: 5V (4.8-5.2V) 8 øB
Alarm output A special signal (see the chart below) is output when an alarm detection occurs
Ripple voltage: 200mVp-p or less
Power supply +5V (120mA), power supply ripple voltage 200mV p-p max. Current consumption: 120mA

2) Recommended processing circuit for received waveform 3) Timing chart (normal)

LGF output circuit Recommended receiving circuit

øA, øB øA
øA, øB 51
+5V 26LS32 øB
+5V 4.7k equivalent
47k øZ
øZ 200 1.8k
+5V GND Xz Xz
+5V 470pF 470pF Xz
Xz: Repeatability of origin point position (edge reproducibility) =±0.5µm
(at a scale travel speed less than 300mm/sec in the same direction)
Xz: Pulse width of origin point signals = Approx. 40 to 60µm (reference)

Differential square-wave
Data output timing: 1µm resolution LGB and 1µm / 0.5µm Data output timing: 0.1µm resolution LGB / LGF and 1µm / 0.1µm
resolution LGF resolution LG / LGM
The gages listed above use the following three output signal modes. The gages listed above use the following two output signal modes.
Reception circuitry can be designed that includes an error detecting process Reception circuitry can be designed that includes an error detecting process
making use of these mode patterns: making use of these mode patterns:
1) Real-time pulse output (Phase-A wave advances when the 1) Real-time pulse output (Phase-A wave advances when the
spindle is retracted.) spindle is retracted.)
Phase A Phase A

Phase B Phase B
Tr (min.) 5µm / 1µm / 0.5µm (resolution) Tr (min.) 1µm / 0.5µm / 0.1µm (resolution)

1. Output condition: Spindle speed ≤ 250mm/s* 2

1. Output condition: Spindle speed ≤ Gage response speed*3
2. Minimum edge-to-edge interval = Tr 2. Minimum edge-to-edge interval = Tr
3. Output delay time*1: Max. 1µs 3. Output delay time*1: Max. 2.5µs

2) Burst mode output (Phase-A wave advances when the spindle 2) Error output
is retracted.)
When the spindle speed reaches the limit of real-time pulse output, Phase A
the gage head switches its signal output to burst mode. These pulse
Phase B
bursts are 2-phase square wave signals that are forcibly created from Te (min.)
the internal clock with a minimum edge-to-edge interval smaller than
the normal real-time pulse output. The bursts will not always be output 1. Output condition: Gage heads will identify an error under the following
to exactly reflect the actual spindle motion and the delay in signals also conditions and produce an output as described above.
becomes larger, but the counting values will still be valid provided this • Gage response speed*3 < Spindle speed
• At a disturbance such as interference, vibration, etc.
output form continues. 2. Minimum width of output pulses = Te

Phase A
Minimum edge-to-edge interval / pulse width under each condition
Phase B
Tb (min.) 5µm / 1µm / 0.5µm (resolution) Model Resolution Tr (real-time output) Tb (burst output) Te (error output)
1. Output condition: 250mm/s*2 < Spindle speed ≤ Gage response speed*3 LGB
1µs 0.5µs 0.2µs
2. Minimum edge-to-edge interval = Tb LGF
3. Output delay time*1: • At one-way displacement = Max. 5µs LGK 0.4µs — 0.4µs
• At two-way displacement (including the reverse LG / LGM 0.2µs — 0.2µs
direction) = Max. 10µs LGF 1µs 0.2µs 0.2µs
LGK 0.2µs — 0.2µs
3) Error output LGB
The pulse generation circuit may sometimes overstep its response limit, LGF
0.1µm 0.2µs — 0.2µs
if the output wave is subject to extreme disturbance due to vibration LGK
or impact on the gage head, or if the spindle moves faster than the LG / LGM
output limit of burst mode. However, at this timing, as the gage head [NOTE]
> Since any output during an error condition cannot be used as the attribute data, it is necessary to detect the
automatically switches its output signal from burst mode to error mode, error condition at the reception circuitry side.
in addition to synchronizing Phase A and Phase B of the 2-phase square > It is recommended to design user circuitry based on an IC chip that is capable of counting at 5Mcps (equivalent
to square wave of 1.25MHz) or greater.
wave signals, the user can make use of this facility for error detection.
*1 : Output delay time: Time until the counting pulse catches up to the spindle position.
Phase A
*2 : The actual limit of real-time pulse output will be depreciated to this value. This
is because actual detection signals unavoidably contain acceleration components
Phase B in association with the spindle motion as well as error components from a little
Te (min.) noise included in the signal itself. As a result, some burst pulses at a speed
below the ideal conditions (i.e. ideal signal form at constant speed) may be
1. Output condition: LGB will identify an error under the following conditions generated.
and produce its output in one of the modes described above. *3 : Gage respond speed: Refer to the specifications section in the User’s Manual.
• Gage response speed*3 < Spindle moving speed
• At a disturbance such as interference, vibration, etc.
2. Minimum pulse width of output pulses = Te

Heads Output Signal Specifications

Digimatic code
1. Pin assignments and signals 3. Data format
1 9 9 1
Compatible socket: d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13
Sumitomo 3M : V Low-Proheader
2 10 10 2 Model: 7610-5002XX or equivalent
Gage plug External device ALL "F" Measured value
socket Sign (+: 0, -: 8)
Decimal point (0-5) e.g.0 000000.
1 00000.0
Pin No. Signal I/O Description 5 00.0000
1 GND — Signal ground
Unit (mm: 0, inch: 1)
2 DATA Output Measurement data-output terminal
3 CK Output Synchronized clock-output terminal • Data is output as 13-digit (52-bit) based on 4 bits = 1 digit.
4*1 N.C. — Not used • Data is output in order from d1 to d13. Each digit is output in the order of LSB to
5 REQ Input Input for data transmission request from external device MSB.
• Measurement data is output in the order of MSD to LSD.
6* 1
ORIG Input Input for absolute-origin setting signal • The sign, measurement data, decimal position and unit are output in BCD based on
7*1 N.C. — Not used positive logic (0=L, 1=H).
8*1 N.C. — Not used
9*1 +5V — Power supply (+5V ±10%)*2
10*1 GND(F.G.) — Frame ground 4. Timing chart
*1 : LGD, LGS uses a unique specification.
All others use the common Digimatic output specification (10-pin, square). t5 t6 t7
*2 : Current consumption of LGD,LGS: Idd=20mA max.
2. I/O electrical specifications t1 t2 t3 t4
• Output terminal format: CK, DATA
N-channel open drain ORIG
Maximum output current: 400µA max. (when Vol=0.4V) Absolute origin setting active

Output withstand voltage: -0.3V to 7V t10 Completed

• Input terminal format: REQ, ORIG
Pull-up CMOS input
Internal power supply voltage: Vdd= 1.35 to 1.65V Standard (for reference) LGD LGS
Pull-up resistance: R1= 10 to 100KΩ Symbol min. max. Symbol min. max. Symbol min. max.
”H” level input voltage: VIH= .1V min.: *t1 0µs 2sec *t1 30µs 95ms *t1 160µs 85ms
“L” level input voltage: VIL= 0.3V max. t2 15µs — t2 15µs — t2 150µs 180µs
t3 100µs — t3 100µs — t3 150µs 180µs
Recommended receiving circuit
t4 100µs — t4 100µs — t4 300µs 330µs
t5 0µs — t5 0µs — t5 0µs —
LGD side Recommended external I/F
*t6 — — *t6 — 100µs *t6 — 100µs
• CK,D ATA Vcc
For Vcc=5V system *t7 — — *t7 100µs — *t7 100µs —
R1 R1, R2=22KΩ±10%
*t8 — — *t8 — 30ms *t8 — —
R2 C 74HC14, etc.
Symbol min. max.
• REQ,ORIG *t10 1.5s —
Vdd Tr=NPN open-collector or N-channel open drain (2SC2855, etc.)
*t11 — 4s
"L" level output voltage VOL=0.2Vmax. (IOL=10mA, etc.)
R1 "H" level leak current: IIK=2µAmax. (at VOH=5.5V) Note 1: The specifications indicated by an asterisk (*) are applicable only to LGD, LGS. All other
input Digimatic output specifications are common to all models.
Note 2: Read data only when CK is at the “L” level.
Note: Since the power supply voltages are different between the gage side and the Note 3: Do not input REQ signal (fixed at “H”) while the absolute origin is being set (during t11).
external device side, be sure to use an open collector or open drain circuit. Note 4: If t5, t6 and t7 are satisfied and REQ is continuously input, an output is obtained from
Do not use CMOS output or the like. LGD, LGS at intervals of approximately 95ms.
Note 5: Start inputting ORIG and REQ after two or three seconds have elapsed (the estimated
time required for internal circuit/sensor to stabilize) following power-on.

Heads Air Drive Unit
• Advances or retracts the spindle of a gage head by using a pneumatic cylinder.
• Spindle advance speed can be adjusted by using the speed controller of the drive unit.
• Automatic measurement is possible by using a solenoid valve.

For LGS: 903594 (mm), 903598 (inch) For 10mm LGD / LGF / LGK: 02ADE230
Unit: mm
Speed controller With LGD-B/LGF-B series attached
Air supply hose
Air cylinder with built-in magnet
SMC-made CDJ2 series
(Tube ID: 10mm)
SMC-made band-mount type
auto-switch is available.


E.g.: D-C73 (SMC)
Hex-socket head bolt M5x25
Washer 18

(10.5) 10 or more (stroke)

15 (cylinder stroke)


Extension rod 31

 6 ON 42

LG clamp bolt


19 6.5 (with hex-socket head M4xn)
37 13
Air supply OFF state Air supply ON state

For 25mm LGD / LGF: 02ADE250 For 50mm LGD / LGF: 02ADE270
Unit: mm
Unit: mm

With an LGD-B/LGF-B series attached

With an LGD-B/LGF-B series attached

Speed controller Speed controller

Air supply hose

Air supply hose
SMC-made band-mount type
auto-switch is available. SMC-made band-mount

E.g.: D-C73 (SMC) type auto-switch is available.


E.g.: D-C73 (SMC)

Air cylinder with built-in magnet (183.1)
SMC-made CDJ2 series Air cylinder with

(Tube ID: 16mm) built-in magnet

[Accessories] SMC-made CDJ2 series
Hex-socket head bolt M5x25 20 (Tube ID: 16mm)
Washer ø6

12.5 14


Hex-socket head bolt M5x25

6.3 LG clamp bolt Washer
OFF 31 (with hex-socket
) ø6

head M5x12

Guide (accessory) 42

LG clamp bolt

12.5 14


Plain washer (accessory)

30 (stroke)

O-ring (accessory)
(with hex-socket
head M5x12 )


66 31
21 11
25 or more


55 (stroke)

46 18 Guide (accessory)

Air supply OFF state Air supply ON state Plain washer (accessory)
O-ring (accessory)


21 11
46 18
50 or more


Air supply OFF state Air supply ON state

Order No. 903594 903598 02ADE230 02ADE250 02ADE270
Stroke 10mm .4” 10mm 25mm 50mm
Compatible gage head LGS LGD, LGF
Air supply 0.49MPa 0.2 to 0.4MPa
Mass 60g 150g 250g 300g

Heads Gage Head Mounting Fixtures

Gage heads are mounted on a fixture or stand using the precision-machined Example of plain-stem mounting
cylindrical stem. Stems can be any one of several standard diameters and The recommended clamping torque is 0.4 to 0.5Nm (LGB-0105L: 0.2 to
are either just plain or with a fixing thread at one end or the other. 0.3Nm). Overly tightening the stem will prevent smooth movement of the
All gages can be mounted using the split-clamp method which is suitable spindle.
for a range of applications, especially where small axial adjustments may
be required. However, care is needed to avoid over-tightening the clamp, Example 1 16 15(9) Unit: mm
which could interfere with the spindle movement. Split-clamp method
16 15(9)
A (4.5)
Those stems with a thread at the spindle end can also be mounted just A (4.5)

by using a nut to clamp them into a hole in a fixture. They can also use a


`thrust stem' (see page 33) that is clamped into a larger hole in a fixture

and into which the gage is screwed. Stems with a thread at the body end
M4x0.7 A' A-A' section
can also use this method of mounting. M4x0.7 A'
ø8H7 +0.015
A-A' section ø4.5, ø7.5 depth 4.4
ø8H7 +0.015
ø4.5, ø7.5 depth 4.4

20 15 (9)
Example 2 20 10 15 (9)
7.5 Unit: mm
1 10
Setscrew method 1 A 7.5(4.5)
A (4.5)
ø10H7 0


Slit set at 90 degrees
2 Slittoset at 90 degrees
Split-clamp setscrew

2 to setscrew

Nut mounting mounting
A-A' section A'
A-A' section A' M4x0.7

Split-clamp mounting fixtures

ø8H7 +0.015
ø8H7 +0.015


15 (9)
• To mount a gage head with an 8mm diameter stem, use a 9.5mm 1
1 15 (9)

diameter stem bushing.

Unit: mm

546288 546343
ø9.5x15 ø9.5x8.5
M M B B Nut-clamp mounting fixtures
B B E E • A gage head with a 9.5mm diameter stem threaded at the bottom can be
C C installed without additional parts or machining.

2-L 2-L
Unit: mm




F F J J 2-I 2-I

2-K 2-K



Part No. 303560 303569 Part No. 303560 303569




2-I 2-I

A ø9.5 ø9.5 A ø9.5 ø9.5 H G H G

B 9 B 14.5 B 9 14.5
M K 20B C C E I E I H H E E
C 15
15 20
D K K20 30I I CDB E
C G20B B 30
E 2-L23 35 M E M C23 K G K 35
Part No. 303568 Part No. 303572


F 5 2-L 7 F 5 7

A ø9.5 A ø9.5



G 11 16 G 11 16 B B C C C C



2-L 2-L

B E11.5 B 11.5



H 8 H G 12 H 8 12 2-K 2-K


F 2-I

H G J C B20 C 40

2-I B
I C 1.5 E I 3.25 FI 1.5 J 3.25 B B


2-J 2-JE I

C D 30 D 50
J 32.5 42.5 J H 32.5G H G 42.5



F F E E E 2-K 35 EH 6.5

K 4.5 H 7.25 2-K G H G


D F D 2-G 7 F FE L E 18 L

L ø3.4 ø4.5 2-G F



M M3x0.5 M3x0.5 G 16 G 15


2-I 2-I

H H G12 H G H 20
K B I B C B C I C E 1.75I E I H I H E ø4.5 E
M K J 40
K ø4.5


2-L B B







2-J 2-K 2-K



2-J H G





Part No. 303560 303569 Part No. 303560 303569 2-G 2-G F F E L E L
A ø9.5 ø9.5 A ø9.5 ø9.5
B 9 14.5 B 9 14.5
C 15 20 C 15 20
Part No. 303570 Part No. 303572
D 20 30 D 20 30 A ø9.5 A ø9.5
E 23 35 E 23 35 B 11.5 B 11.5
F 5 7 F 5 7 C 60 C 40
G 11 16 G 11 16 D 5.5 D 50
H 8 12 H 8 12 E 40 E 6.5
I 1.5 3.25 I 1.5 3.25 F 18
F 20
J 32.5 42.5 J 32.5 42.5
G ø4.5 G 15
K 4.5 7.25 K 4.5 7.25
H 20
L ø3.4 ø4.5
M M3x0.5 M3x0.5 I ø4.5

Mounting with a thrust stem
A thrust stem is available as an option for the LGF, LGK, LGE and LGD gage
heads. Installing a thrust stem on the stem allows direct mounting, simply
by drilling a hole in a section of suitable thickness on the fixture. Thrust Stem for
10mm LGD / LGF / LGK

For 10mm LGD / LGF / LGK: 02ADB680 For 25mm LGD / LGF: 02ADN370 For 50mm LGD / LGF: 02ADN370
Unit: mm Unit: mm Unit: mm

Thrust stem 02ADN371

Thrust stem 02ADN371
Thrust stem 02ADB681







ø9.5 -0.015 Clamp nut

02ADB692 Clamp nut



Clamp nut 02ADB692





* A mounting section with a thickness of 6 through 10.5mm * A mounting section with a thickness of 10 through 12mm * A mounting section with a thickness of 10 through 12mm
is suitable. is suitable. is suitable.

With the use of a thrust stem and clamp nut, a With the use of a thrust stem and clamp nut, a With the use of a thrust stem and clamp nut, a
gage fixture can be arranged simply by drilling gage fixture can be arranged simply by drilling gage fixture can be arranged simply by drilling
a 9.5mm dia. hole. A gage can be secured an 18mm dia. hole. A gage can be secured an 18mm dia. hole. A gage can be secured
firmly with ease with this arrangement. firmly with ease with this arrangement. firmly with ease with this arrangement.
In attaching a thrust stem, be sure to fix In attaching a thrust stem, be sure to fix In attaching a thrust stem, be sure to fix
the stem first with a dedicated wrench the stem first with a dedicated wrench the stem first with a dedicated wrench
(02ADB683). An excessive force applied (02ADB693). An excessive force applied (02ADB693). An excessive force applied
between the gage main body and stem may between the gage main body and stem may between the gage main body and stem may
cause damage to the gage. cause damage to a gage. cause damage to a gage.
Both the dedicated wrench (02ADB683) and Both the dedicated wrench (02ADB693) and Both the dedicated wrench (02ADB693) and
M9.5x0.5 threaded section are for mounting M14x0.5 threaded section are for mounting M14x0.5 threaded section are for mounting
a thrust stem. Do not use them for other a thrust stem. Do not use them for other a thrust stem. Do not use them for other
purpose than mounting a thrust stem. purpose than mounting a thrust stem. purpose than mounting a thrust stem.

Set order No.* 02ADB680 02ADN370
Compatible gage 10mm LGD / LGF / LGK 25 / 50mm LGD / LGF
Thrust stem 02ADB681 02ADN371
Part No. Clamp Nut 02ADB682 02ADN372
Wrench 02ADB683 02ADB693
Gage mounting hole diameter (nominal) ø9.5mm ø18mm
Recommended plate thickness (mounting section) 6 to 10.5mm 10 to 12mm
*: A thrust stem set is comprised of a thrust stem and clamp nut. A dedicated wrench is required for tightening.

Heads Optional Accessories

Spare rubber boot Output divider for multiple gage heads

Display unit

Linear gage separator

Connecting cable Display unit

238772 Gage head (optional)

Protects the spindle bearing of a gage head from dust. Enables the output from one gage head to be sent to multiple destinations.

Order No. Compatible Gage head Order No. No. of output channels Description
238773 5mm LGB 959458 2ch “made to order” basis
238772 10mm LGB / LGD / LGF / LGK / Laser Hologage 958454 3ch “made to order” basis
962504 25mm LGD / LGE / LGF 971790 4ch “made to order” basis
962505 50mm LGD / LGE / LGF * For LG, LGB, LGF, and LGK models.
(Excluding the LGB of sine-wave output, LGF with Origin Point Mark, Laser Hologages, LGS and LGD models)
02ADA004 LG / LGM
238774 LGS

Extension signal cable Extension signal cable for gage head with Origin
Point Mark

Order No. Cable length Order No. Cable length
902434 5m 02ADF260 5m
902433 10m 02ADF280 10m
902432 20m 02ADF300 20m

The distance between a gage head* and display unit can be extended up • A signal cable from the head to the receiver circuitry can be extended.
to 20m by using these cables (max. 3 cables). • Maximum number of connectable cables is limited to 3, and the
*Not available for LGF with Origin Point Mark, LGS, LGD models, and Laser Hologage. maximum total extension length is limited to 20m.

Digimatic cable extension adapter: 02ADF640

36 Tie-lap
(standard accessory)


20.3 Cable extension


This adapter can be used when the LGS or LGD gage head is to be
connected to a display unit where the provided cable length is not sufficient
for this connection.
Do not joint more than one piece of this product together for use.

Measuring stand Release with damper: 971753
Useful for long-stroke LG / LGM models. Spindle-lift release for the Laser Hologage. A sudden drop of the spindle is
prevented by the return-speed adjustment knob.
Granite comparator stand Unit: mm


Order No. 215-156
Mass: 50g Return-speed adjustment knob
Base material Granite
Base size W300 x D250 x H95
Base flatness 3.5µm
Fine adjustment Square thread
Digimatic power supply unit
Stem size ø20, ø8 This is used to power the gage head (LGD or LGS model) when it is connected
to an external device, except for a display unit (e.g. MUX-10F, DP1-VR).

Comparator stand
Order No. 965275
Compatible LGD, LGS model
gage head
SPECIFICATIONS Function External zero-set,
data output,
Order No. 215-505 Dimensions W60 x D40 x H20
Base material Hardened steel
Base size W150 x D150 x H64
Base flatness 2µm
Fine adjustment Square thread
Stem size ø20, ø8

Measuring stand for Laser Hologage

Order No.: 971750 Mounting holder A, B
Unit: mm
300 Useful when the Laser Hologage is mounted on an alternate fixture rather
than the regular measuring stand. 
ø2-5.5 through-hole Unit: mm
Mounting ø9.5 w/countersinking depth of 5.5

reference surface 25
15±0.2 2-M5X0.8,

LGH-110 : 0 to 139mm


Mounting reference depth10

LGH-1010 : 0 to 137mm

ø50 M4X0.76 hex-socket head bolt
C2 M4X0.76 hex-socket head bolt C2
Gage mounting (for clamping the gage) Gage mounting (for clamping the gage)
34 to 175 Max. measuring range

direction direction
ø15H7 for

gage mounting


Holder mounting ø15H7 Holder mounting ø15H7


surface (Gage mounting hole ID) surface (Gage mounting hole ID)

Holder A (for mounting on the upper surface) Holder B (for mounting on the lower surface)

Mass: 23kg

Heads Optional Accessories

Interchangeable contact points

• With all gage heads, the mounting-thread specification for the • After replacing a contact point, it should be tightened firmly so that it will
interchangeable contact points is M2.5x0.45x5mm, except for the inch not loosen during usage. (Recommended tightening torque=5N-cm)
versions of the LGS gages (575-311 and 575-312) which conform to the • Ruby and carbide contact points show the best resistance to abrasion.
UNF thread specification (#4-48 UNF).
Unit: mm
ø3mm Ball Points Ball Points 60° Conical Points Needle Points
L 7.3 L
L l


SR1.5 A SøD
5 SR0.4
L Material Order No. A D Order No. A A
901312 M2.5x0.45 1 21AAA349 M2.5x0.45 l L Order No. A
901454 #4-48UNF 1.5 21AAA350 M2.5x0.45 11 15 101121 M2.5x0.45
Steel 900030 M2.5x0.45 1.8 101122 M2.5x0.45 L Order No. A
7.3 21 25 21AAA255 M2.5x0.45
901994 M2.5x0.45 2.5 21AAA351 M2.5x0.45 10 101120 M2.5x0.45
Plastic 31 35 21AAA256 M2.5x0.45
902018 #4-48UNF 4 21AAA352 M2.5x0.45 12.7 101190 #4-48UNF
Ruby 120047 M2.5x0.45
Carbide 120049 M2.5x0.45
Shell Type Points 90° Conical Points Needle Points (Carbide)
Ruby 120051 M2.5x0.45
l 7
Carbide 137391 M2.5x0.45 L L
Ruby 137392 M2.5x0.45

Carbide 120053 M2.5x0.45


Ruby 120055 M2.5x0.45

l D Order No. A
L SR2.5 (.16")
A A 3 0.45 120066 M2.5x0.45
( ): For inch type 3 1 120065 M2.5x0.45
L Order No. A L Order No. A 5 0.45 21AAA329 M2.5x0.45
SR1.5 3.97 101184 #4-48UNF 5 101385 M2.5x0.45 5 1 21AAA330 M2.5x0.45
5 101386 M2.5x0.45 7.14 101191 #4-48UNF 5 1.5 21AAA335 M2.5x0.45
L Material Order No. A
10 101118 M2.5x0.45 8 1 21AAA331 M2.5x0.45
Carbide 902119 M2.5x0.45
8.3* 12.7 101185 #4-48UNF 8 2 127257 M2.5x0.45
Steel 900986 M2.5x0.45
15 137393 M2.5x0.45 90° Conical Points (Carbide) 10 1 21AAA332 M2.5x0.45
* For waterproof dial indicators. 10 1.5 21AAA336 M2.5x0.45
19.05 101186 #4-48UNF
9 13 1.5 120064 M2.5x0.45
Flat Points* 20
M2.5x0.45 18 2 21AAA257 M2.5x0.45
8 25.4 101187 #4-48UNF 20 1 21AAA333 M2.5x0.45

20 1.5 21AAA337 M2.5x0.45

28 2 21AAA258 M2.5x0.45

Spherical Points 40 1 21AAA334 M2.5x0.45
40 1.5 21AAA338 M2.5x0.45
Order No. A
40 2 21AAA339 M2.5x0.45
120057 M2.5x0.45
Order No. A

131365 M2.5x0.45
133017 #4-48UNF A 8 Blade Points (Carbide)
SR 10


2.5 A

D L SR Order No. A

10 5 7 101119 M2.5x0.45

12.7 3.18 7 101205 #4-48UNF


A 9.53 2.38 9 101204 #4-48UNF


D L Order No. A 0.5

10 10 101117 M2.5x0.45
12.7 9.53 101188 #4-48UNF Spherical Points (Carbide) Order No. A
T W Order No. A
L 0.4 2 120061 M2.5x0.45
9.53 9.53 101189 #4-48UNF 120068 M2.5x0.45
1.7 0.6 2 120062 M2.5x0.45
1 4 120063 M2.5x0.45
Flat Points (Carbide)* Extension Rods

S A Knife Edge Point (Carbide)


D L SR Order No. A
5.2 5 5 120058 M2.5x0.45 L 5


7.5 10 7 120059 M2.5x0.45

A 10.5 10 10 120060 M2.5x0.45 L Order No. L Order No.
10 303611 55 21AAA259G
Order No. A
120056 M2.5x0.45 Roller Points 15
15 A

A Order No. A
L 25 21AAA259B 70 21AAA259J
30 303613 75 21AAA259L 120067 M2.5x0.45
35 21AAA259C 80 21AAA259M

40 21AAA259D 90 304147
45 21AAA259E 100 303614
1.7 A ø10 50 21AAA259F
D d L Order No. A Order No. A
5.2 4.3 5 120041 M2.5x0.45 *Note: If the perpendicularity with the stem or parallelism with the reference surface is required
901954 M2.5x0.45
7 6.5 10 120042 M2.5x0.45 when using Flat Points, it is necessary to use a custom-made indicator/contact-point
901991 #4-48UNF
10.5 9.5 10 120043 M2.5x0.45 assembly. Consult Mitutoyo for advice.

Units System Connections and Comparison of
Counter Functions

Output Function
0.5 / 1 / 5µm gage head EG-101P
3/5-stage Limit, BCD
LGM 3/5-stage limit, 7ch limit, Serial BCD, Simple analog
EH-102P 3/5-stage limit, RS-232C, Simple BCD, Simple analog
0.1µm gage head
EV-16P Programmable Controller
LGK LG 3/5-stage limit, Segment, Parallel BCD, RS-232C
LGB 3/5-stage limit, BCD
Laser Hologage* EB-11Z
3/5-stage limit, 7ch limit, Serial BCD, Simple analog
*EB-11P and EV-16P are not applicable. EH-102Z
3/5-stage limit, RS-232C, Simple BCD, Simple analog
Gage head with Origin Point Mark 3/5-stage limit, Segment, Parallel BCD, RS-232C
LGF EC-101D Personal computer
3/5-stage limit, Digimatic
Absolute type gage head 3/5-stage limit, BCD
3/5-stage limit, 7ch limit, Serial BCD, Simple analog
3/5-stage limit, RS-232C, Simple BCD, Simple analog
0.01µm gage head 3/5-stage limit, Segment, Parallel BCD, RS-232C
EH-102S Digimatic Mini-processor DP1-VR
Laser Hologage
3/5-stage limit, RS-232C, Simple BCD, Simple analog
EC Counter EG Counter EB Counter EH Counter EV Counter
Display unit
EC-101D EG-101P EG-101Z EG-101D EB-11P EB-11Z EB-11D EH-101P EH-102P EH-1002Z EH-102S EH-102D EV-16P EV-16D EV-16Z
Applicable gages
0.01µm Laser Hologage √
0.1µm Laser Hologage √ √ √
0.1µm LG / LGM √ √ √ √ √*1
0.1µm LGK / LGB / LGF √ √ √ √ √*1
0.5µm LGK / LGF √ √ √ √ √
0.5µm LGF with Origin Point Mark √ √ √ √
1µm LGF with Origin Point Mark √ √ √ √
1µm LG / LGM √ √ √ √ √
1µm LGK / LGB / LGF √ √ √ √ √
5µm LGF √ √ √ √ √
0.01mm LGD / LGS √ √ √ √ √
Number of connectable gages 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 6 6
Display √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ *1 *1 *1
Zero set √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ *1 *1 *1
Presetting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ *1 *1 *1
Direction switch √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
GO/NG indication √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
GO/NG output √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5-stage tolerance display/output √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3-stage tolerance display/output √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
mm/inch switch √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
ABS gage zero set √ √ √ √ √ √
ABS/INC gage changeover √ √ √ √ √ √
Peak (max / min) hold √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Run out (TIR) measurement √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Double count √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Sum / difference calculation √ √ √ √ √
Lower digit blank-out √ √ √ √ √
External zero set *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
External preset √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
External hold √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
External tolerance set (when a PC is used) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
External tolerance memory siwtch (when I/O is used) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
External peak-hold cancel √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Inter-axial calculation function √ √ √
Power-supply voltage error √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Overspeed error √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Overflow error √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Gage error √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Tolerance setting error √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Communication error √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Parallel BCD output √ √ √ √ √ √
Serial BCD output √ √ √
Simple BCD output √ √ √ √ √
Simple analog output √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Tolerance judgment output *3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Limit output √ √ √
Segment output √ √ √
RS-232C output *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 √ √ √
Digimatic output *5 √ √ √ *4 *4 *4 *4 *4
USB output for SESORPAK √ √ √ √ √
RS link *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 √ √ √
RS link (maximum number of gages) 6 12 12 12 12 60 60 60
*1: When an optional D-EV is connected. *2: Enabled by setting “0” via external presetting. *3: Switchable between the Digimatic output. *4: Switchable between the RS-232C output. *5: Switchable between the tolerance judgment output.

Real-time measurement data indication / monitoring program

This software facilitates the loading of measurement data from the EH / EV counter
or Litematic USB connection is possible with EH counter, too into user’s personal

• Maximum 60 channels of measuring points can be processed.
• Arithmetical calculation and maximum width calculation using the measurement data.
• Export of measurement data into MS-Excel.
• Various graphic functions (numeric value display, meter display, bar-graph display,
overall judgment display)
• Frequency of data loading: Max. 9999 times (60ch) to 60000 times (6CH)

Measurement screen
Real-time measurement data display
Measures the tilt of a pin in three directions to determine
its reference position and inclination. With the real-time
measurement data display, workpieces can be set up while



A1 B2

Meter screen
Ongoing measurement data feedback monitoring
Monitors ongoing feedback of press work in progress. This allows
confirmation of time series data.

Chart screen

02NGB010 02NGB020
Order No. (Software only) (Software plus I/O cable)
Display type: Counter, bar graph, meter, chart (capable of simultaneous display)
Display function Tolerance judgment result: Color display (green/red)
Connectable gages: max. 60 gages
Calculation items: Sum, difference, total, average, maximum, minimum, range (maximum–minimum), calculation with a constant
Calculation functions Connectable gages: Max. 30 calculation functions (between two gages)
GO/NG judgment (by specifying gages to be used for total tolerance judgment)
Total tolerance judgment GO/NG signal output with optional I/O cable
Trigger function: by means of key, timer or external TRG (with optional I/O cable)
Input function Data input frequency: Max. 9999 times (with 60 gages connected) to 60000 times (with 6 gages connected)
Output function Direct output to EXCEL spreadsheet, CSV file output (compatible with MeasureLink)
Connectable items Various Mitutoyo counters (those compatible with RS Link)
Recommendation: PC/AT compatible machine, CPU: Pentium4 2GHz or higher, Memory: 256MB or more
System Environments Disk: 100MB or more, OS: Windows XP,7(32 bit)
Currently supported languages: English, German, French, Spanish
User’s manual: English

Units EC Counter
DIN size (96 x 48mm) assembly-type display unit
• Employs the DIN size (96x48mm) and mount-on-panel configuration, which greatly facilitates incorporation into a system.
• Can either produce tolerance judgment output or Digimatic output.

Order No. 542-007*
Model No. EC-101D
0.01mm (±9999.99) / .0005" (±99.9995") / .001" (±999.999")
Resolution 0.001mm (±9999.999) / .00005" (±9.99995") / .0001" (±99.999")
[automatic setting by gage]
Display Sign plus 6 digits (Green LED)
Tolerance judgment display LED display (3 steps: Amber, Green, Red)
External Tolerance –NG, OK, +NG (open-collector)
output judgment output
type) Data output Digimatic output
Control input External PRESET, external HOLD
Power supply voltage Supplied AC adapter, or 9 - 12V DC
Rating 4.8W (max. 400mA)
Power consumption
Dimensions Ensure at least 1A is available per unit.
Unit: mm Operation/storage temperature range Operation: 0 - 40°C / Storage: –10 to 50°C
External dimensions 96 (W) × 48 (H) × 84.6 (D) mm
Standard Accessories AC adapter: No.06AEG302JA
Applicable head LGD, LGS, ID, SD
Applicable input Digimatic code (SPC)
Number of gage inputs 1

Mass 220g
* To denote your AC power cable add the following suffixes to the order No.: A for UL/CSA, D for
CEE, DC for CCC, E for BS, K for KC, C and No suffix are required for PSE.
96 6.6 67 (8)
Optional Accessories
• Connecting cable for digimatic mini-processor:
No.936937 (1m), No.965014 (2m)

• DC plug PJ-2: No.214938

• I/O cable (2m): No.C162-155

91.4 Relay circuitry

Supply voltage: Max. 24V
Output current: Max. 10mA
Output saturation voltage: Max. 0.7V TD62583 Output
Input / output specifications 0.01µF Protection
1) Compatible plug 2. Input circuit (PSET, HOLD)

MIL type connector FAS-10-17 (YAMAICHI), XG4M-1030-T (OMRON) Input is valid when the line is “L”. * Protection diode rating 60V/100mA minimum

2) Pin assignment OUT Input current: Imax=1mA +5V Example circuit at external
9 1 Input voltage: H=4 to 24V, 5KΩ user equipment: Design so as
5KΩ to make use of the
open-collector output or relay
0.01µF output.

10 2

Pin No. I/O Description Function Optional I/O cable color

1 COM Connected to the internal GND Light brown/black
4) Timing chart
2 O +NG Tolerance output: The relevant Light brown/red 1. Tolerance judgment output
3 O GO output terminal falls to L. Yellow/black Upper tolerance limit
4 O -NG At an error display [+NG=-NG=L] Yellow/red Lower tolerance limit
5 I HOLD HOLD input Bright green/black
Counting data *100ms
6 I P.SET PRESET input (to cancel the error) Bright green/red
– NG *100ms
Other than the above listed shall be unconnected.
* Output from each pin in the Digimatic output mode may differ from those which are described in the table above. + NG
* One end of the I/O cable (2m, optional) consists of separate wires for connection as appropriate. The cable’s F.G *Varies depending on the gage.
wire (with solderless terminal, green) should be connected to the grounding terminal of the main unit.
2. External preset/HOLD
3) I/O circuit PSET

1. Output circuit (-NG, GO, +NG) *Input is active

Min. 10ms Min. 10ms
when L1="H", 0="L".
Transistor is “ON” when the open-collector output is “L”.
Relay circuitry
Counter 5) Optional I/O cable (2m)
Supply voltage: Max. 24V
Output current: Max. 10mA
Output saturation voltage: Max. 0.7V TD62583 Output
0.01µF Protection
COM diode*

* Protection diode rating 60V/100mA minimum

Input current: Imax=1mA +5V Example circuit at external
Input voltage: H=4 to 24V, 5KΩ user equipment: Design so as
5KΩ to make use of the
open-collector output or relay
0.01µF output. 39
Units EG Counter
DIN size (96 x 48mm) assembly-type display unit
• Possible to produce 3-step/5-step x 3 kinds of tolerance output and BCD output.
• Smoothing function can reduce fluctuation of display digits.
• Employs the DIN size (96x48mm) and mount-on-panel configuration, which greatly facilitates incorporation into a system.

542-015 542-017 542-016

For differential square-wave output gage For differential square-wave output gage For Digimatic code output gage head
head head with Origin Point Mark
Order No. 542-015 542-017 542-016
Model No. EG-101P EG-101Z EG-101D
Quantizing error ±1 count
Maximum input frequency 1.25MHz, response speed depends on gage specification. —
0.01mm (±9999.99mm) / .0005" (±99.9995") / .001" (±999.999") 0.01mm (±9999.99mm) / .0005" (±99.9995") /
0.005mm (±9999.995mm) / .00005" (±9.99995") / .0001" (±99.999") .001" (±999.999")
Resolution 0.001mm (±999.999mm) / .00005" (±9.99995") / .0001"(±99.999") 0.001mm (±999.999mm) / .00005"
0.0005mm (±99.9995mm) / .000005" (±.999995") / .00001" (±9.99999") (±9.99995") /.0001" (±99.999")
0.0001mm (±99.9999mm) / .000005" (±.999995") /.00001" (±9.99999") [Automatic setting by gage]
Display Sign plus 6 digits (Green LED)
Tolerance judgment display LED display (3 steps: Amber, Green, Red/ 5 steps: Amber, Amber flashing, Green, Red flashing, Red)
Tolerance judgment output L1 to L5 (Open-collector / Switchover between L1 to L5 and BCD output with parameter)
Control output Normal operation signal (NOM): open-collector
BCD output Open-collector / Switchover between 6-digit (positive/negative-true logic) and tolerance judgment output with parameter
Control input Presetting, display hold, peak value clear, tolerance judgment BANK switch
Power supply voltage 12 - 24V DC
Power consumption 6W or less (500mA max.) Ensure at least 1A is available per unit.
Operating temperature range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Storage temperature range –10 to 50°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
External dimensions 96 (W) × 48 (H) × 156 (D) mm
LGE, LGF, LGK, LGB, LGM, LG, LGH (LGH110 excluded)
Applicable gage head Models with reference point mark, sine wave LGF with reference point mark LGD, LGS, ID, SD
output type are excluded.
Applicable input Differential square-wave Differential square-wave with origin point mark Digimatic code (SPC)
Number of gage inputs 1
Mass Approx. 400g

Unit: mm Optional Accessories
91.4 91.4 91.4 • I/O output connector (with cover):
• AC adapter: No.02ADN460


• AC cable (Japan): 02ZAA000*

• AC cable (USA): 02ZAA010*


• AC cable (EU): 02ZAA020*


• AC cable (Britain): 02ZAA030*

• AC cable (China): 02ZAA040*
• AC cable (Korea): 02ZAA050*
• Terminal connecting cable:




* Required when using AC adapter.

96 96 96


96 96 96


542-015 542-017 542-016

Input / output specifications
1) Compatible plug: 02ADB440 (with cover)
2) Pin assignment 18 1
4) Timing chart

1. Power ON Power
Min. 2 (4) sec
36 19 characteristics HOLD Min. 10ms

1. In tolerance judgment mode NORMAL Max. 10ms

Max. 2 (4) sec
Pin No. I/O Description Function I/O
1, 2 COM Connected to the internal GND *( ) represents EG-D.
3 O L1
4 O L2 Tolerance output: The relevant output terminal
Upper tolerance limit
5 O L3 falls to L.
6 O L4 At an error display [L1=L5=L] 2. Tolerance output Lower tolerance limit
7 O L5 Max. 10ms
Counting data
10 O NOM Normal output -NG Max. 10ms
27 I SET1 BANK, Peak mode setting: Enter the setting value with SET. +NG
Determines *EG-D Counter depends on the gage.
the mode and bank to be used with MODE and BANK,
28 I SET2 respectively.
Determining the change of peak value: Combined operation 3. External preset/ P.SET
with SET Peak clear Min. 10ms Min. 10ms
34 I HOLD HOLD input BCD data
35 I PSET At normal measurement: Preset Max. 10ms

At peak value measurement: Peak clear

Determining the change of BANK: Combined operation
36 I BANK 4. Peak mode/BANK SET 1, 2
with SET
NC Other than the above listed shall be unconnected. specification MODE·BANK

Min. 5ms Min. 10ms Min. 10ms

2. In BCD output mode
Pin No. I/O Description Pin No. I/O Description Pin No. I/O Description Max. 10ms
1 COM 13 O 4X102 25 O 4X105 *Input is active when L1="H", 0="L"
2 COM 14 O 8X102 26 O 8X105
3 O 1X100 15 O 1X103 27 I SET1
4 O 2X100 16 O 2X103 28 I SET2 5. HOLD timing Min. 10ms Min. 10ms
5 O 4X100 17 O 4X103 29 I MODE
BCD data*1
6 O 8X100 18 O 8X103 30 — NC Max. 10ms
7 O 1X101 19 O 1X104 31 O SIGN Error cancellation Waiting for origin point to be detected*2
8 O 2X101 20 O 2X104 32 O NOM *1:With the serial BCD unit in the command mode (Pin No. 35 = 0)
*2: (Only for EG-Z) Resetting of origin point (Pin No. 42 = 1)
9 O 4X101 21 O 4X104 33 O READY
10 O 8X101 22 O 8X104 34 I HOLD
11 O 1X102 23 O 1X105 35 I PSET Min. 5/10/20/40ms*1
12 O 2X102 24 O 2X105 36 I INH
6. Interval mode
The data will be continuously READY
Min. 2/10/20/40ms*1
* Pin Nos. 3 to 26, and 31 can be logically inverted via the corresponding parameter. BCD data
* SIGN: Represents the sign of counting value as either “H” for positive value or “L” for negative value. output according to the
* READY: It will be “L” during the output data determination. internal timing of the counter. *1: Depends on the setting of parameter No. 23.
* INH: During input operation each output from Pin No. 3 to 26, and 31 will be “H”.
* External output terminal is valid at “L”.
* NOM, HOLD, and PSET function in the same way as in the tolerance judgment mode.
* External input uses negative true logic as “L” corresponding to “Valid”. 7. Command mode HOLD
The data will be output Data latch period: Max. 10µs (10ms at peak measurement)
3) I/O circuit with both the HOLD Max. 10ms (200ms when smoothing is ON)

1. Output circuit (NOM, L1 to L5) and READY lines being READY

synchronized. BCD data
Transistor is “ON” when the open-collector output is “L”.
Relay circuitry
Supply voltage: Max. 24V
Output current: Max. 10mA
8 INH input Min. 10ms
Output saturation voltage: Max. 0.7V Output Relay circuitry
BCD data output is OFF HOLD
Supply voltage: Max. 24V Protection
Output current: Max. 10mA diode* during the input of INH. BCD data
TD62583 COM
Output saturation voltage: Max. 0.7V Output
0.01µF Protection Max. 10ms Max.10ms
* Protection diode rating 60V/100mA minimum
COM diode*
+5V Example circuit at external
* Protection diode rating 60V/100mA minimum
2. Input circuit (SET,
Input current: Imax=1mA
Input voltage: H=4 to PSET, HOLD)
user equipment: Design so as
to make use of the
Counter open-collector output or relay
Input current: Imax=1mA 0.01µF+5V output. circuit at external
Input voltage: H=4 to 24V, user equipment: Design so as
5KΩ 5KΩ to make use of the
open-collector output or relay
0.01µF output.

Units EB Counter
DIN size (96 x 48mm) assembly-type display unit
• Possible to produce 3-step/5-step x 7 kinds of tolerance output and limit value output independently for each of 7 channels.
• Provided with serial BCD output capability, which makes the connection to a programmable controller or personal computer, etc., possible with
the minimum cabling requirement.
• Possible to perform dynamic measurement with the simplified analog output.

542-092-2 542-094-2 542-093-2

For differential square-wave output For differential square-wave output For Digimatic code output gage head
gage head gage head with Origin Point Mark

Optional Accessories
• I/O output connector (with cover):
• AC adapter: No.02ADN460
Tolerance judgment result output • AC cable (Japan): 02ZAA000*
Serial BCD output Program Controler • AC cable (USA): 02ZAA010*
Analog output
• AC cable (EU): 02ZAA020*
• AC cable (Britain): 02ZAA030*
LGF with • AC cable (China): 02ZAA040*
Origin Point Mark Serial BCD output • AC cable (Korea): 02ZAA050*
EB-11Z Analog output • Terminal connecting cable:
Personal computer
* Required when using AC adapter.
LGD • External switch box
Digimatic output
LGS The tolerance values or preset values can
EB-11D be easily input.
External switch box Digimatic Mini-processor
DP1-VR (264-504) No.02ADF180 (with 2m cable)

Order No. 542-092-2 542-094-2 542-093-2
Model No. EB-11P EB-11Z EB-11D
Quantizing error ±1 count
Maximum input frequency 1.25MHz (2-phase square wave), response speed depends on gage specification. Response speed depends on gage specification.
0.01mm (±9999.99mm) / .0005" (±99.9995") 0.01mm (±9999.99mm) / .0005" (±99.9995")
0.005mm (±9999.995mm) / .00005" (±9.99995") 0.005mm (±9999.995mm) / .00005" (±9.99995")
Resolution 0.001mm (±999.999mm) / .00005" (±9.99995") 0.001mm (±999.999mm) / .00005" (±9.99995")
0.0005mm (±99.9995mm) / .000005" (±.999995") 0.0005mm (±99.9995mm) / .000005" (±.999995")
0.0001mm (±99.9999mm) / .000005" (±.999995") 0.0001mm (±99.9999 mm) / .000005" (±.999995")
Display Sign plus 6 digits (Green LED)
Tolerance judgment display LED display (3 steps: Amber, Green, Red / 5 steps: Amber, Amber flashing, Green, Red flashing, Red)
Tolerance judgment output L1 to L5, open-collector
Input/ Control output Normal operation signal (NOM), open-collector
Control input Presetting, display hold, peak value clear, tolerance judgment BANK switch, open-collector or no-voltage contact signal (with/without contact point)
Serial BCD Bit serial format, open-collector
Analog output 2.5V+Counting value× Voltage resolution (25mV/2.5mV): Full-scale 0 to 5V
Interface • Connecting to the external switch box (No.02ADF180) makes it easy to enter tolerance limits and preset values.
Digimatic input/ Note) This function is not available when the gage is connected to DP-1VR, Digimatic Mini-Processor.
output • It can only be connected to DP-1VR Digimatic Mini-Processor (No.264-504).
• Number of tolerance steps can be expanded by assembling EB-D counters.
Power supply voltage 12 - 24V DC
Power consumption 6W or less (50mA max.) Ensure at least 1A is available per unit.
Operating temperature range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)/ –10 to 50°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation
External dimensions 96(W)×48(H)×156(D)mm
Applicable gage head Models with reference point mark, sine wave output type LGF with reference point mark LGS, LGD, LGD-M
are excluded.
Applicable input Differential square-wave Differential square-wave with origin point mark Digimatic code (SPC)
Number of gage inputs 1
Mass Approx. 400g Approx. 400g Approx. 400g

Unit: mm 91.4
91.4 91.4







96 96 96
96 96 96

542-092-2 542-094-2 542-093-2


Powerful tolerance judgment function

1) Keeps up to seven 3-step/5-step tolerance limits in memory. • Indicator display/output where 5 steps of tolerance limit are set
It is possible to switch these tolerance limits with an appropriate button
operation or external signal. LIMIT indicator and
GO/NG indicator I/O output
• Stop position adjustment Measured value < S1 Amber ON L1
Adjust the stop position depending on the workpiece type. For this S1 ≤ measured value ≤ S2 Amber flash L2
control use the tolerance judgment signals. S2 ≤ measured value ≤ S3 Green ON L3
S3 ≤ measured value ≤ S4 Red flash L4
S4 ≤ measured value Red ON L5

2) Possible to selectively keep two of the limit values for 7 channels.

It is possible to switch these tolerance limits with an appropriate button
operation or external signal.
• Sorting workpieces by value
It is possible to sort workpieces according to user-defined value

• Indicator display/output where 3 steps of tolerance limit are set

LIMIT indicator and
GO/NG indicator CH2
I/O output
Measured value < S1 Amber ON L1 CH3
S1 ≤ measured value ≤ S4 Green ON L3
S4 ≤ measured value Red ON L5


Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4 CH7


Stop BANK 7
Deceleration 1
Deceleration 2 Overrun BANK 2

Units EB Counter
DIN size (96 x 48mm) assembly-type display unit

Input / output specifications Simple Analog Output

1) Suitable plug: 02ADB440 (with cover) Output waveforms can be monitored with an analog recorder
2) Pin assignment connected.
18 1 1) Output specifications
5.0V Output voltage= 2 .5V + (counter value)x(voltage resolution
Socket: 10236-52A2 25mV/2.5mV)
(3M) equivalent
Range: 0-5V
36 19 2.5V
Response speed : 10Hz (updating at 5ms)
Pin No. Description I/O Function Accuracy : ±5% (0-5V)
1 COM — Common terminal for input/output circuit (to be connected ±0.5% (2.5V±200mA, after offset adjustment)
–1999 0 1999
2 COM — to the internal GND) Accuracy is rated at 5V level
3 L1 OUT Load resistance : 300KΩ or more
4 L2 OUT
5 L3 OUT Tolerance judgment result output
6 L4 OUT • At an error 2) Measuring range
AL1, AL5= Output of “L”
7 L5 OUT AL2, AL3, AL4 = Output of “H” SET Parameter Measuring range (mm) / Resolution (mm)
8 L6 OUT 3 2 1 No.30 10µm gage 5µm gage 1µm gage 0.5µm gage 0.1µm gage
9 L7 OUT 0 0 0 0 ±0.99 / ±0.095 / ±0.099 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0099 / 25mV
0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0005 0.0001
10 NOM OUT Outputs “L” where counting is possible.
0 0 1 1 ±9.99 / ±0.995 / ±0.999 / ±0.0995 / ±0.099 / 2.5mV
11 - 20 N.C. — Unconnected terminal 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0005 0.0001
21 BCD_CK OUT 0 1 0 2 ±99.90 / ±9.950 / ±9.990 / ±0.9950 / ±0.9990 / 2.5mV
22 BCD_ST OUT Serial BCD output 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001
23 BCD_DT OUT 0 1 1 3 ±999.00 / ±99.500 / ±99.900 / ±9.9500 / ±9.9900 / 2.5mV
1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01
24 ANALG OUT 1 0 0 4 ±9990.00 / ±995.000 / ±999.000 / ±99.500 / ±99.900 / 2.5mV
Analog output
25 ANGND OUT 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
26 AREG IN Analog range changeover: Enter in combination with SET
27 SET1 IN BANK: Sets the PSET tolerance to the specified bank.
28 SET2 IN MODE: NOM, MAX, MIN, TIR settings 3) Example of connection to external equipment
29 SET3 IN AREG: Analog range specification This is a connection example to an external programmable controller.
30 MODE IN Peak changeover: Enter in combination with SET.
Model PLC (DC supply specification)
31 N.C. — Unconnected terminal Counter OMRON CQM1 Mitsubishi FX
32 BANK IN BANK changeover: Enter in combination with SET.
33 N.C. — Unconnected terminal +V +24 +
• The display value is held during input. +24V
• Data output proceeds while the serial BCD interface is used. -V -
34 HOLD IN • When an error has occurred, the error will be cleared at the
rise of this signal. COM (unconnected)
• Perform presetting. Output of LNIT, etc. IN IN
• Peak clear: When entered during the peak mode, it serves
as peak clear.
36 N.C. — Unconnected terminal +DC

Input of PSET, etc. OUT Y


3) I/O circuit
1. Output circuit
Transistor is “ON” when the open-collector output is “L”. 4) Sample program for collecting serial BCD outputs
Counter External equipment
Supply voltage: Max. 24V Example circuit
For OMRON CQM1 (to connect one unit of counter)
Output current: Max. 10mA
Output saturation voltage: Max. 0.7V LD NOT 0000 P0: Detecting if CK = “H”.
5KΩ AND 0002
TD62583 equivalent Output CLC (41) P2(DATA) = L CY clear
LD NOT 0000 P0: Detecting if CK = “H”.
74HC14 AND NOT 0002
COM STC (40) P2(DATA) = H CY clear
LD NOT 0000 P0: Detecting the rise of CK.
@ROL (27) DM0350 Left-rotate shift with carry
@ROL (27) DM0351 Right-rotate shift with carry
2. Input circuit (SET, MODE, BANK, PSET, HOLD) LD NOT 0001 P1: Detecting if STB = H
Counter External equipment
@MOV (21) DM0350 DM0360 Transfers the result.
+5V Example circuit
Use any no-voltage @MOV (21) DM0351 DM0361 Transfers the result.
output such as
open-collector output
5KΩ or relay output.


Input current: IMAX 1mA

Input voltage: H=4 to 24V Output saturation voltage:
L=Max. 1V Max. 0.7V or less

6) Timing chart
1. Power ON characteristics External switch box (optional)
Min. 2 (4) sec Makes it easy to enter tolerance settings
and preset values.
02ADF180 (with a 2m cable)
Power supply
Min. 35ms


Max. 35ms

Min. 2 (4) sec

I/O output

*( ) respresents EB-D.

2. Tolerance judgment result output period

Upper tolerance limit

Lower tolerance limit

Counting data

Max. 10ms

-NG Max. 10ms


3. External preset/Peak clear


Min. 5µs Min. 5µs


Max. 10µs

4. Peak mode/BANK specification

SET1, 2, 3


Min. 5ms Min. 10ms Min. 10ms


Max. 10ms

5. HOLD timing

Min. 10ms Min. 10ms

Serial BCD* 1
Max. 10ms
Error cancellation
Waiting for origin point
*1: With the serial BCD unit in the command mode (PNo.35=0) to be detected*2
*2: (Only for EV-Z) Resetting of origin point (PNo.42=1)

Units EH Counter
DIN size (144 x 72mm) assembly-type display unit
• Multi-functional counter with functions of zero-set, preset, and tolerance judgment
• Equipped with an RS-232C interface as standard. This allows data transfer to a personal computer, etc.
• A multi-point measuring system can easily be built up with the built-in networking function (RS link). (Max. 12 points)

542-075 542-071 542-073

For differential square-wave output gage head For differential square-wave output gage For differential square-wave output gage
(single axis) heads (2 axes) heads with Origin Point Mark (2 axes)

542-074 542-072

For differential sine-wave output gage heads For Digimatic code output gage heads (2 axes)
(2 axes)
Order No. 542-075* 542-071* 542-073* 542-074* 542-072*
Model No. EH-101P EH-102P EH-102Z EH-102S EH-102D
Number of axes to be displayed 1 axis 2 axes
Quantizing error ±1 count
Maximum input frequency 2.5MHz (2-phase square wave) 1MHz (2-phase sine wave) ­—
0.01mm (±9999.99mm) / .0005" (±99.9995")
0.001mm (±999.999mm) / .00005" (±9.99995")
Resolution 0.0001mm (±99.9999mm) / .000005" (±.999995") [Parameter set] Automatic setting by gage
­— 0.01 / 0.001μm
Display Sign plus 8 digits (Green LED)
Tolerance judgment display LED display (3 steps: Amber, Green, Red/ 5 steps: Amber, Amber flashing, Green, Red flashing, Red)
RS-232C/USB/parameter selection via digimatic (only DP-1VR, digimatic mini-processor can be connected)
(USB used only with SENSORPAK.)
Interface Selection by parameter from 3-step, 5-step, or digit BCD
Total tolerance judgment output (when tolerance function is enabled)
Analog output (1V-4V)
Control output Normal operation signal (NOM): open-collector
output Display BANK switching, peak mode, presetting, display hold, hold per axis:
Control input open-collector or no-voltage contact signal (with/without contact point)
Power supply voltage Supplied AC adapter, or 12 - 24V DC
Power consumption 8.4W (max. 700mA) Ensure at least 1A is available per unit.
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
Storage temperature(humidity) range –10 to 50°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
External dimensions 144 (W) ×72 (H) ×156.7 (D) mm
AC adapter: No.02ADN460 /
AC adpter / AC cable AC cable: No.02ZAA000, AC cable (Japan): No.02ZAA000*, AC cable (USA): No.02ZAA010*, AC cable (EU): No.02ZAA020*,
AC cable (Britain): No.02ZAA030*, AC cable (China): No.02ZAA040*, AC cable (Korea): No.02ZAA050*
LGE, LGF, LGK, LGB, LGM, LG, LGH (LGH-110 excluded) LGF with reference point mark LGBscalesine wave output / Linear
Applicable gage head LGD, LGS, ID, SD
Models with reference point mark, sine wave output type are excluded. sine wave output
Applicable input Differential square-wave Differential sine-wave Digimatic code output
Number of gage inputs 1 2
Mass Approx. 760g Approx. 800g Approx. 800g Approx. 900g Approx. 800g
* To denote your AC power cable add the following suffixes to the order No.: A for UL/CSA, D for CEE, DC for CCC, E for BS, K for KC, C and No suffix are required for PSE.
For those models of the Order No. with Suffix "1", AC adapter is not attached as a standard accessory.

Dimensions 156.7
Optional Accessories
Unit: mm 144 137 Indicates AC 138 cover): No.02ADB440
• I/O output connector (with 138
adapter • RS Link connecting cable (0.5m): No.02ADD950
installation RS LINK Code No. ******* RS LINK

• RS Link / SPC connecting cable (1m): 936937

Model *******
Serial No. ****** INPUT
IN OUT Kawasaki, Japan

• RS Link / SPC connecting cable (2m): 965014

Code No.
Serial No.


MADE IN JAPAN Kawasaki, Japan


DC12-24V DC12-24V
700mA 700mA
(Approx 10°)


148.2 11.2 137 138 138 138
137 Indicates AC 138 138
137 Indicates
adapter AC 138 138 RS LINK B INPUT A RS LINK

installation RS LINK Code No.

Serial No. ******
IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT Code No. *******
RS LINK Code No. ******* RS LINK B A Model *******
Model MADE IN*******
Code No. ******* Code No. ******* Serial No. ******
IN OUT Kawasaki,******
Serial No. Japan
IN OUT INPUT Model ******* Model *******
Serial No. ****** Serial No. ****** B
B A MADE IN JAPAN Kawasaki, Japan


MADE IN JAPAN Code No. *******
IN OUT Kawasaki, Japan
Serial No. IN*******
****** OUT MADE IN JAPAN Kawasaki, Japan MADE IN JAPAN Kawasaki, Japan

68 68

68 68
Code No. ******* RS-232C RS-232C RS-232C
ModelIN JAPAN*******Kawasaki, Japan
Serial No. ******
I/O MADE IN JAPAN Kawasaki, Japan
I/O I/O DC12-24V DC12-24V DC
700mA 700mA
DC12-24V DC12-24V
700mA 700mA

DC12-24V DC12-24V
700mA 700mA

542-075 542-071
137 138 138 138 138
137 138 138 138
IN OUT IN OUT A IN OUT Code No. *******
IN OUT Model *******
Code No. ******* Code No. ******* Serial No. ******
Serial No. IN******* Code No. OUT
****** Model
Serial No. IN*******
****** OUT B IN OUT Code No. *******
ModelIN JAPAN*******Kawasaki, Japan
68 68

68 68

68 68
Serial No. 000001 B
Code No. ******* Code No. ******* Serial No. ******

ModelIN JAPAN*******Kawasaki, Japan

MADE ModelIN JAPAN*******Kawasaki, Japan
Serial No. ****** MADE IN JAPAN Serial No. ****** B
RS-232C DC IN RS-232C DC IN RS-232C MADE IN JAPAN Kawasaki, Japan DC IN
Kawasaki, Japan
MADE IN JAPAN Kawasaki, Japan
2 1 I/O I/O I/O
3 4

DC12-24V DC12-24V DC12-24V

700mA DC12-24V 700mA 700mA
DC12-24V DC12-24V DC12-24V
700mA 700mA 700mA

542-073 542-074 542-072

1. Zero-set 5. Preset 11. Direction switch
Sets the displayed value to 0 at any position Presets the display at any value. Counting Selects the counting direction of (+) or
of the spindle. begins at the preset value. (-), whichever is convenient with a given
direction of spindle movement.

0.000 0.000 Reference
1.234 123.456

2. Tolerance judgment indication/output 6. Segment output

Sets two (or four) desired tolerances for The function used to divide the specified 12. Inch/mm switch
three (or five) stages. Judgment results can range into 21 equal segments and output Selects mm or inch as the unit of display,
be output to an external device. where the measured value falls among the and enables the automatic conversion of
Upper-limit Lower-limit 23 segments, including the segments before displayed values according to the selected
tolerance tolerance and after the divided segments. unit.
Limit1 Limit2 Limit3 Limit4 7. BCD output 13. ABS gage zero set
judgement –NG GO1 GO2 GO3 +NG The displayed value can be output as one of Sets the absolute origin of an LGD gage
I/O signal to a sequence, etc. from the counter side. Once set, the
absolute origin will be maintained even
3. Peak hold/TIR measurement 8. Double count during a power failure or when the counter
Allows switching to the measurement mode Displays a value twice the actual count is disconnected.
for maximum value, minimum value, and value. Allows the direct reading of diameter
run out value (maximum - minimum), in for cylindrical objects. 14. Sum/difference calculation
addition to the normal measurement mode. Enables measurement of thickness or step
the displacement height using two gages.
of radius
as that
of diameter.

MIN 9. I/O output 1.234
TIR (run-out) = Maximum - minimum
For input/output of external control signals
4. Digimatic output and tolerance judgment result to/from the 15. Communication via RS-232C interface
Data can be output to various printers and PLCs or other external devices. RS-232C allows communication with a
statistical processing devices, such as DP- personal computer. It allows not only the
1VR and MUX-10LF, using Digimatic code reading of measured values but also data
10. External control transmission to the counter and remote
(SPC) output. Zero set, preset and display hold can be operations, such as when changing various
controlled from the I/O terminals. settings.

Units EH Counter
DIN size (144 x 72mm) assembly-type display unit

BCD Output RS Link* Function

Simultaneously outputs at channels [A] and [B] in groups of 4 bits. It is possible to connect a maximum of 10 counter units together to carry a
1) Timing chart maximum of 20 channels of multi-point measurement at a time.
For this connection use a dedicated RS link cable; 02ADD950 (0.5m),
2ms 5ms 5ms 5ms BCD output timing 936937 (1m) or 965014 (2m) (The maximum total length of RS link cables
SET1 permitted for the entire system is 10m.)
* Patent registered (Japan, U.S.), Patent pending (E.U.)

RS-232C Communication Functions
Makes it possible not only to log measured values but also make various
MAX remote settings including the zero-setting of a counter, etc.
2ms MIN10msx8=80ms
Command format Corresponding output Function
Outputs the [Displayed value] through
GA**CRLF G#**, +01234.567CRLF RS-232C.
2) Data format CN**CRLF CH**CRLF Switches the display to the [Current
LSD (Least significant digit)  MSD (Most significant digit) Switches the display to the [Maximum
CX**CRLF CH**CRLF value].
D1 D2 D3 D4 D8 Switches the display to the [Minimum
A/B_bit0 1 x 100 1 x 100 1 x 107 value].
A/B_bit1 2 x 100 1 x 100 2 x 107 Switches the display to the [TIR
A/B_bit2 4 x 100 1 x 100 4 x 107 (runout)].
A/B_bit3 8 x 100 1 x 100 8 x 107 CR**CRLF CH**CRLF Zeroset
A/B_bit4 SIGN BANK PEAK1 PEAK2 CL**CRLF CH**CRLF Clears the peak value.
CP**, +01234567CRLF CH**CRLF Inputs the preset value.
+: H PEAK1 PEAK2 CD**, +01234567CRLF CH**CRLF Inputs tolerance value S1.
-: L NOM L L CE**, +01234567CRLF CH**CRLF Inputs tolerance value S2.
MAX H L CF**, +01234567CRLF CH**CRLF Inputs tolerance value S3.
BANK1: L MIN L H CG**, +01234567CRLF CH**CRLF Inputs tolerance value S4.
CS**CRLF CH**CRLF Cancels the error.
Data output example CK**CRLF CH**,$CRLF ($=0 or 1) Checks the HOLD status.
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 **: denotes a gage channel number between 01 and 99 ("00" means all channels).
Bits 0-3 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 #: denotes the type of data [N: Current value, X: Maximum value, M: Minimum value, W: TIR (runout).
–12345601 CRLF: CR (carriage return), LF (line feed).
Note 1: For presetting and tolerance limit setting, enter each value consisting of a sign and 8 digits of numeric
* Negative logic output is possible for SIGN, BANK, PEAK, DATA (PNo.21=1). value without a decimal point.
Note 2: Perform the tolerance limit setting in the order of CD and CG for the case of 3-step tolerance judgment,
and in the order of CD, CE, CF, and CG for the case of 5-step tolerance judgment.
Note 3: The RS communication function will be suspended during key operation (e.g. setting parameters, preset
Simple analog output values, or tolerance limits). It automatically resumes the command and data output operation when the
gage is recovered to such a condition that the counting is possible.
Monitoring of output waveforms is possible with an analog recorder connected. Note 4: For canceling the counting-standby state, use CS00CRLF (specification of all channels).

1) Output specification
Output voltage= 2 .5V + [counter value]x[voltage resolution] Digimatic Code Output Specifications
Range: 1.0-4.0V Possible to externally output the measured data and connect with a DP-1VR
Response speed : 10Hz (updating at 5ms) Digimatic Mini-Processor.
Accuracy : ±1% (0.5-4.5V) 1) Socket to be used
1.0V Accuracy is rated at 4V level
Load resistance : 300KΩ or more 9 1
–1999 0 1999

10 2
2) Measuring range
2) Data output format: A total of 13 digits will be output as follows.
Parameter Measuring range (mm) / Resolution (mm) Each digit is represented by a 4-bit binary, and will be output beginning
No.30 10µm gage 5µm gage 1µm gage with the LSB (least significant bit) of the least significant digit in the order
0 ±19.99(0.01) ±1.999(0.001) ±0.1999(0.0001) of 20 - 21 - 22 - 23.
1 ±199.90(0.01) ±19.990(0.01) ±1.9990(0.001)
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13
2 ±1999.00(0.1) ±199.900(0.1) ±19.9900(0.01)

ALL "F" Measured value

Sign (+: 0, -: 8) Decimal point (0-5) e.g. 0 000000.
1 00000.0
5 00.0000

Unit (mm: 0, inch: 1)

Input / output specifications 6) Timing chart
1) Suitable plug: 02ADB440 (with cover) 1. Power ON characteristics
Min. 2s
2) Pin assignment
18 1
Power supply
Min. 30ms
36 19
Socket: 10236-52A2 (3M) equivalent
Max. 30ms
Pin No. Description I/O Function
Note : With the RS link established the reference counter will
1 COM — Common terminal for input/output circuit (to be connected be the one that was powered on last.
2 COM — to the internal GND)
3 AL1 OUT A-axis tolerance judgment result output pin
> Only the pin that is involved in the judgment will output
2. Tolerance judgment result output period
5 AL3 OUT > At an error Upper tolerance limit
6 AL4 OUT AL1, AL5 = Output of “L”
7 AL5 OUT AL2, AL3, AL4 = Output of “H” Lower tolerance limit
8 N.C. IN Unconnected terminal
Max. 30ms
9 N.C. IN Unconnected terminal
Outputs “L” where counting is possible.
10 NOM OUT “H” will be output when an error occurs on either of A
and B axes. L1 Max. 30ms
11 BL1 OUT B-axis tolerance judgment result output pin
12 BL2 OUT > Only the pin that is involved in the judgment will output L3
13 BL3 OUT > At an error
14 BL4 OUT BL1, BL5 = Output of “L” BL2, BL3, BL4 = Output of “H” L5
15 BL5 OUT normally outputs “H”.
16 - 33 N.C. IN Unconnected terminal
> The display value is held during input. 3. External preset (PA, PB) input
34 HOLD OUT > When an error has occurred, the error will be cleared by
this signal. MIN. 30ms MIN. 30ms
> Perform presetting. PA, PB
35 PA OUT > Peak clear: Entering a PA signal during input of HOLD
signal in the peak mode serves as peak clear.
36 PB IN Presetting or peak clear on B-axis Note : Excluding the period during key input, RS-232C communication or Digimatic processing.

4. Peak clear input

3) I/O circuit (After inputting HOLD, or simultaneous input with the preset value)
1. Output circuit Min. 30ms Min. 30ms
NOM, AL1 to AL5, BL1 to BL5 Transistor is “ON” to drive the line to HOLD
“L” (open-collector output).
Counter External equipment Data latch period: Max. 10µs (±20ms)*1
Supply voltage: Max. 24V +5V Example circuit
Output current: Max. 10mA Error clear
Output saturation voltage: Max. 0.7V
PA, PB Max. 40ms of data OUT*2

TD62583 equivalent Output

74HC14 Min. 30ms Min. 0ms
COM *1: ( ) represents the case either in the peak mode or in such the mode that an input of HOLD
triggers RS-232C output.
*2: Case in such the mode that input of HOLD triggers RS-232C output.
*3: The PRESET indicator will be flashing during the input operation of HOLD.

2. Input circuit (SET, MODE, BANK, PSET, HOLD) 5. RS-232C command input and response output
PA, PB (only with 542-062), HOLD Input is valid when the line is “L”. Command
Counter External equipment
+5V Example circuit
Use any no-voltage Response output
output such as LF
open-collector output
5KΩ or relay output.

0.01µF Max. 20ms* Min. 10ms

Note : Excluding the period during key input, RS-232C communication or Digimatic processing.
Input current: IMAX 1mA
Input voltage: H=4 to 24V Output saturation voltage:
L=Max. 1V Max. 0.7V or less

Units EH Counter Display
Units D-EV Display Unit
DIN size (144 x 72mm) assembly-type display unit External display unit for EV counter

RS-232C specifications FEATURES

1) Compatible plug: • Display unit for the EV counter.
D-sub9 pin (female), inch thread specification • Using this display allows various settings for the EV counter to be made
2) Pin assignment without the need for a personal computer or other equipment.
• Able to display each axis measurement value and GO/NG judgment result,
1 5
total GO/NG judgment result for all axes, setting details, and errors.
• DIN compatible compact panel-mounting - cutout dimensions 45 x92+ 0.8
+ 0.8

• The required power supply is DC +12 to +24V, 200mA at the terminal

6 9 block.(AC adaptor 02ADN460 is available.)
Pin No. Description I/O Function
2 RXD IN Receive data Optional Accessories
3 TXD OUT Send data • SPC cable (0.5m): No.02ADD950*1
4 DTR OUT Data terminal ready • SPC cable (1mm): No.936937*1
• SPC cable (2m): No.965014*1
5 GND — Ground • AC adapter: No.02ADN460
6 DSR IN Data set ready • AC cable (Japan): 02ZAA000*2
7 RTS OUT Request to send • AC cable (USA): 02ZAA010*2
• AC cable (EU): 02ZAA020*2
8 CTS IN Clear to send • AC cable (Britain): 02ZAA030*2
1, 9 N.C. — Connection impossible • AC cable (China): 02ZAA040*2
• AC cable (Korea): 02ZAA050*2

• Terminal connecting cable: 02ADD930*2

3) Communication specifications (conforming to EIA RS-232C) *1: Required when connecting with EV-16P/D/Z.
*2: Required when using AC adapter.
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)
Home position Use a cross-type cable.
Communication method Half-duplex, teletype protocol
Data transfer rate 4800, 9600, 19200bps SPECIFICATIONS
Start bit: 1 Order No. 02ADD400
Data bits: (7, 8) ASCII, upper-case characters
Bit configuration Model No. D-EV
Number of parity bits: None, even, odd
Number of stop bits: 2 Number of connections 1 EV counter per unit
Setting the communication Set via parameters. Number of digits Sign plus 6 digits (8 digits internal to EV counter)
conditions Channel display (also for judgment result display): 3 (3-color LED)
Measurement mode display (current data, maximum value,
LED display minimum value, runout): 2
Status display: 1 (2 colors)
Operation switches 4
Function of operation Channel switching, measurement mode switching (current
data, maximum value, minimum value, runout), parameter
switch setting, presetting, tolerance setting
Input/output RS Link connectors: 1 each for IN, OUT
Error message Overspeed, gage error etc.
Power supply Terminal block (M3 screw), 12 - 24V DC, 200mA
Operating temperature 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
(humidity) range
Storage temperatur
–10 to 50°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)
(humidity) range
External dimensions 96(W)×48(H)×84.6(D)mm

Dimensions Unit: mm

96 6.6 67 (11)


Units EV Counter
DIN size (144 x 72mm) assembly-type unit for multi-gage systems
• Able to connect up to 10 EV counters to one personal computer using the RS link function to facilitate the configuration of a multi-point
measurement system comprising a maximum of 60 gages.
• A range of output modes to choose from; I/O output for tolerance judgment and segment output, BCD data output and RS-232 output are available.

For differential square-wave output gage For differential square-wave output gage For Digimatic code output gage heads (6 axes)
heads (6 axes) heads with Origin Point Mark (6 axes)
542-063 542-067 542-064

Unit: mm

Optional Accessories
• ID-EV External display unit: No.02ADD400


• SPC cable (0.5m): No.02ADD950

5 4
LOAD 8 7 MODE 6 3 SEL. 2 1 DATA

• SPC cable (1m): No.936937


• SPC cable (2m): No.965014



• AC adapter: No.02ADN460
RS-232C +V -V

Code No.***-***
Code No.***-***
Model EV-16P
• AC cable (Japan): 02ZAA000*
• AC cable (USA): 02ZAA010*

4 136 4 5 161 5 • AC cable (EU): 02ZAA020*


144 • AC cable (Britain): 02ZAA030*

16 139 16 • AC cable (China): 02ZAA040*
• AC cable (Korea): 02ZAA050*
• Terminal connecting cable: No.02ADD930*
* Required when using AC adapter.


12 6.5

4 136 4 5 161 5

144 16 139 16

Connecting bracket (4 pcs., standard accessories) M4×8, pan head screw (8 pcs., standard accessories)

5 4
Err. LOAD 8 7 MODE 6 3 SEL. 2 1 DATA


RS-232C +V -V

Code No.***-*** Model EV-16D


Serial No. ****** DC12-24V


4 136 4 5 161 5
144 16 139 16
Fixing foot (4 pcs., standard accessories)

Units EV Counter
DIN size (144 x 72mm) assembly-type unit for multi-gage systems

Order No. 542-063 542-067 542-064
Model No. EV-16P EV-16Z EV-16D
Number of input channels 6
1.25MHz (2-phase square wave), response 1.25MHz (2-phase square wave), response Response speed depends on gage
Maximum input frequency speed depends on gage specification. speed depends on gage specification. specification.
Max. counting speed: 5MHz Max. counting speed: 5MHz
Quantizing error ±1 count
10µm (±999999.99mm) / .0005" (±9999.9995")
10µm (±999999.99mm) / .0005" (±9999.9995") 5µm (±999999.995mm) / .00005" (±999.99995")
5µm (±999999.995mm) / .00005" (±999.99995")
Resolution 0.5µm (±9999.9995mm) / .000005" (±.99.999995")*1 1µm (±99999.999mm) / .00005" (±999.99995") Depends on gage specification.
0.5µm (±9999.9995mm) / .000005" (±.99.999995")
[Parameter set] [Parameter set]
LED display 8 digits for parameter display (displays settings), 1 for error display
Error message Overspeed, gage error etc.
External display Dedicated external display unit D-EV (optional) can be connected.
Number of input switches 4
Function of input switches Measurement mode switching, parameter setting
Tolerance judgment output 1 to 6 channels (L1, L2, L3), open-collector
BCD output Parallel BCD output (positive/negative-true logic), open-collector
Segment output Function to set on only the terminals corresponding to the counting values, open-collector
Control output Normal operation signal (NOM), open-collector
Output channel designation (segment, in the BCD mode), presetting, peak value clear, range changeover (at segment output),
Control input holding counting value
open-collector or no-voltage contact signal (with/without contact point)
Measurement data output and control input
RS-232C EIA RS-232C-compatible
Use cross cables for home position, DTE (terminal definition).
Max. connecting unit: 10 (6 when using EF counter)
RS link Connecting cable length: Max. 10m (sum of link cable length)
Data transfer time: 1sec./60ch (when transmission rate is 19200bps)
Power supply voltage 12 - 24V DC, terminal block (M3 screw)
8.4W or less (700mA max.)
Power consumption Ensure at least 1A is available per unit.
Operating temperature (humidity) range 0 to 40°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)

Storage temperature (humidity) range –10 to 50°C (RH 20 to 80%, no condensation)

External dimensions 144 (W) × 72 (H) ×139 (D) mm
Mass Approx. 910g Approx. 910g Approx. 830g
Standard Accessories Fixing foot (4), connecting bracket (4), fixing screw M4×12 (8)
Applicable input Differential square-wave Digimatic code (SPC)
Applicable gage head Models with reference point mark, sine LGF with reference point mark LGD, LGS
wave output type are excluded.
*1: Available when using D-EV.
*2: D-EV is required when selecting 0.1μm resolution.

System configuration


Tolerance judgment result output

BCD output
Segment output
RS-232C output

Program Controller

Gage head

RS-232C output

Personal computer

Gage head

Internal block diagram

Internal counters Gage selector
High-speed mode
measurement mode
It is possible to assign gage signals
Gage A selector one-to-one or one-to-many to
Origin•Tolerance• Sum
CEL1 Peak of CEL-derived the internal counters through
measurement results parameter settings. This allows the
user to set more than one origin
Gage B
Origin•Tolerance• Mean point and/or tolerance limit on one
CEL2 Peak of CEL-derived gage head.
measurement results
Internal counters
Gage C
Origin•Tolerance• Maximum Using the 6 internal counters (CEL1-
Output format
CEL3 Peak
of CEL-derived
CEL6) it is possible to perform origin
CEL specification
Peak mode change setting, peak measurement, and
RS-232C Zeroset
Gage D Peak clear tolerance limit setting.
Origin•Tolerance• Minimum Tolerance value input
CEL4 Peak of CEL-derived Calculation function
measurement results
Each of the internal counters is
Can be used simultaneously.
Gage E assigned a unique calculation
Origin•Tolerance• Minimum function so that various kinds of
CEL5 Peak I/O output
of CEL-derived
results Tolerance judgment output calculation can be made between
Tolerance, Segment output the internal counters specified with
segment, BCD output
Gage F
BCD CEL specification the parameters.
Origin•Tolerance• judgment
CEL6 Peak
on calculation Output function
The output format can be selected
Gage selector Internal counter Calculation function from among RS-232C, BCD,
tolerance judgment result and
segment output. The objective CEL
of the output can be selected with
an appropriate RS-232C command
or SET signal.

Units EV Counter
DIN size (144 x 72mm) assembly-type unit for multi-gage systems

RS Link* function *Patent registered (Japan, U.S.),

Patent pending (E.U.)
When used with an EH counter, up to 6 counter units can be connected.
It is possible to connect a maximum of 10 counter units together to carry a
maximum of 60 channels of multi-point measurement at a time.
For this connection use the dedicated RS link cable; 02ADD950 (0.5m),
936937 (1m) or 965014 (2m) (The maximum total length of RS link cables
permitted for the entire system is 10m.)
Unit 1 Unit 2


RS-232C connector RS-232C connector

External display unit 1 External display unit 2
Personal computer

Gage No. 01 06 07 12

RS-232C Communication Functions RS-232C specifications

Makes it possible not only to log measured values but also make various 1) Compatible plug:
remote settings including the zero-setting of a counter, etc. D-sub 9-pin (female), inch thread specification
Command format Corresponding output Function
2) Pin assignment
1 5
G#**, +01234.567CRLF Outputs the [Displayed value] through
Switches the display to the [Current
CN**CRLF CH**CRLF value].
Switches the display to the [Maximum 6 9
CX**CRLF CH**CRLF value].
Switches the display to the [Minimum Pin No. Description I/O Contents (application)
CM**CRLF CH**CRLF 2 RXD IN Receive data
Switches the display to the [TIR 3 TXD OUT Send data
CW**CRLF CH**CRLF (runout)]. 4 DTR OUT Data terminal ready
CR**CRLF CH**CRLF Zeroset 5 GND — Ground
CL**CRLF CH**CRLF Clears the peak value. 6 DSR IN Data set ready
Inputs the preset value and performs 7 RTS OUT Request to send
CP**, +01234567CRLF CH**CRLF presetting.
8 CTS IN Clear to send
CD**, +01234567CRLF CH**CRLF Inputs tolerance value.
1, 9 N.C. — Connection impossible
CG**, +01234567CRLF CH**CRLF Inputs tolerance value.
CS**CRLF CH**CRLF Cancels the error.
CK**CRLF CH**, $CRLF ($=0 or 1) Confirms the HOLD state.
CT**CRLF CH**,+01234.567CRLF Outputs the [Displayed value] through 3) Communication specifications (conforming to EIA RS-232C)
**: denotes a gage channel number between 01 and 99 (“00” means all channels). DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)
#: denotes the type of data [N: Current value, X: Maximum value, M: Minimum value, W: TIR (runout). Home position
CRLF: CR (carriage return), LF (line feed).
Use a cross-type cable.
Note 1: For presetting and tolerance limit setting, enter each value consisting of a sign and 8 digits of numeric Communication method Half-duplex, teletype protocol
value without a decimal point.
Note 2: Perform the tolerance limit setting in the order of CD and CG for the case of 3-step tolerance judgment, Data transfer rate 4800, 9600, 19200bps
and in the order of CD, CE, CF, and CG for the case of 5-step tolerance judgment. Start bit: 1
Note 3: The RS communication function will be suspended during key operation (e.g. setting parameters, preset
values, or tolerance limits). It automatically resumes the command and data output operation when the Data bits: (7, 8) ASCII, upper-case characters
Bit configuration
gage is recovered to such a condition that the counting is possible. Number of parity bits: None, even, odd
Note 4: For canceling the counting-standby state, use CS00CRLF (specification of all channels). Number of stop bits: 2
Setting the communication Set via parameters.

Input / output specifications
1) Compatible plug: 02ADB440 (with cover)
2) Pin assignment
18 1

36 19
Socket: 10236-52A2 (3M) equivalent

Output functions
Select either “Tolerance judgment result output”, “Segment output”, or
“BCD output” depending on the application needs.
Tolerance judgment result output Segment output BCD output
Pin No. Description Function I/O Description Function I/O Description Function I/O
1 COM Common terminal for I/O circuit — COM Common terminal for I/O circuit (to — COM Common terminal for I/O circuit (to —
2 COM (to be connected to the internal GND) — COM be connected to the internal GND) — COM be connected to the internal GND) —
3 CEL1_-NG O -OVER - over-range O 1X100 O
CEL1_GO Tolerance judgment result output
4 O -L10 O 2X100 O
pin (1CH)
5 CEL1_+NG O -L9 O 4X100 O
6 CEL1_NOM Outputs “L” where counting is possible. O -L8 O 8X100 O
7 CEL2_-NG O -L7 O 1X101 O
CEL2_GO Tolerance judgment result output
8 O -L6 O 2X101 O
pin (2CH)
9 CEL2_+NG O -L5 O 4X101 O
10 CEL2_-NOM Outputs “L” where counting is possible. O -L4 O 8X101 O
11 CEL3_-NG O -L3 O 1X102 O
CEL3_-GO Tolerance judgment result output
12 O -L2 O 2X102 O
pin (3CH)
13 CEL3_+NG O -L1 O 4X102 O
14 CEL3_NOM Outputs “L” where counting is possible. O L0 With the specified channel ranges, O 8X102 BCD output will be made through O
make output from ±10 divisions.
15 CEL4_-NG O +L1 O 1X103 the specified channel. O
CEL4_GO Tolerance judgment result output
16 O +L2 O 2X103 O
pin (4CH)
17 CEL4_+NG O +L3 O 4X103 O
18 CEL4_NOM Outputs “L” where counting is possible. O +L4 O 8X103 O
19 CEL5_-NG O +L5 O 1X104 O
CEL5_GO Tolerance judgment result output
20 O +L6 O 2X104 O
pin (5CH)
21 CEL5_+NG O +L7 O 4X104 O
22 CEL5_NOM Outputs “L” where counting is possible. O +L8 O 8X104 O
23 CEL6_-NG O +L9 O 1X105 O
CEL6_GO Tolerance judgment result output
24 O +L10 O 2X105 O
pin (6CH)
25 CEL6_+NG O +OVER + over-range O 4X105 O
26 CEL6_NOM Outputs “L” where counting is possible. O NOM (ANG) Outputs “L” where counting is possible. O 8X105 O
EXTEND Output “L” while the RS command is O EXTEND Output “L” while the RS command SIGN Sign of the counting value
27 O O
processed. is processed. (+=”H”, -=”L”)
28 READY Data confirmation signal O READY Data confirmation signal O READY Data confirmation signal O
29 START First CEL identification signal O START First CEL identification signal O START First CEL identification signal O
30 NORMAL Normal signal O NORMAL Normal signal O NORMAL Normal signal O
31 P.SET Preset I P.SET Preset I P.SET Preset I
32 OUTCEL Set the objective CEL of output. I OUTCEL Set the objective CEL of output. I OUTCEL Set the objective CEL of output. I
CEL specification data or segment CEL specification data or segment SET1 CEL specification data or segment
33 SET1 I SET1 I I
range data range data range data
CEL specification data or segment CEL specification data or segment SET2 CEL specification data or segment
34 SET2 I SET2 I I
range data range data range data
CEL specification data or segment CEL specification data or segment SET3 CEL specification data or segment
35 SET3 I SET3 I I
range data range data range data
36 HOLD Hold/Peak clear I HOLD Hold/Peak clear I HOLD Hold/Peak clear I

Units EV Counter
DIN size (144 x 72mm) assembly-type unit for multi-gage systems

3) I/O circuit
1. Output circuit: 2. Input circuit :
Tolerance judgment result output, NOM, segment output, etc. P.SET, HOLD, SET, etc. Input is valid when the line is “L”.
Transistor is “ON” to drive the line to “L” (open-collector output).
Counter External equipment Counter External equipment
Supply voltage: Max. 24V +5V Example circuit Example circuit
Output current: Max. 10mA +5V
Output saturation voltage: Max. 0.7V Use any no-voltage
output such as
5KΩ open-collector output
5KΩ or relay output.
TD62583 equivalent Output 5KΩ

0.01µF 0.01µF
COM Input current: IMAX 1mA
Input voltage: H=4 to 24V Output saturation voltage:
L=Max. 1V Max. 0.7V or less

4) Timing chart
1. Power ON characteristics b. Command mode (Individual CEL output) 4. External presetting
Where the RS link is established, the reference Individual CEL data output (specified with Takes the current value of CEL (which has been
counter shall be the one that was powered last. SET1 through SET3) can be performed while specified with SET1 through SET3) as the preset
the HOLD and READY lines are synchronously value.
Power Min. 2 sec (Min. 3.5 sec) ( ): EV-16D SET 1, 2, 3
supply Min. 15ms
Min. 70ms
Min. 35ms
NORMAL Data latch period: 10s (10ms at peak measurement) Only for EV-16P.
Max. 35ms Min. 10ms Min. 10ms Min. 15ms
Max. 40ms
Max. 2 sec (Max. 3.5 sec) (Max. 15ms) 12ms•15ms ( ): At an output under DATA
I/O [Max. 80ms] (1.6ms•2ms) high-speed mode
output Max. 40ms
[ ]: At an output under
calculation mode
READY If presetting is executed, the peak value up
2. Tolerance judgment result output period Tolerance judgment, segment, BCD data until then will be cleared. (Max=Min=Current
All CELs will not output simultaneously. value, TIR=0)
Note: When it is required to operate in the high-speed mode or
Upper tolerance limit All-CEL output mode, always use equipment whose input
response time is 1ms or less.
5. Specification of objective CEL of output/
Lower tolerance limit Specification of calculation method
Max. 35ms c. Interval mode (All-CEL output) Assigns the CEL that has been specified with
(Max. 10ms)
[Max 90ms] All-CEL data (specified with SET1 through SET3) SET1 through SET3 to the data output CEL.
will be sequentially output according to the SET 1, 2, 3
Max. 35ms
(Max. 10ms) counter’s internal timing.
( ) : At an output under high-speed mode [Max 90ms] OUTCEL
Only from the specified CEL (excluding 30ms•35ms
the case of All-CEL output) START
+NG Min. 10ms Min. 10ms Min. 15ms
[ ] : At an output under calculation mode
5ms•6ms DATA
Note: The output period in the case of ED-V counter depends
1.6ms•2ms Max. 40ms
on the gage unit being connected.
Input with SET3 through SET1 during
3. Data output Tolerance judgment, segment, BCD data
segment output. This usually operates as the
There are two data output methods; Command CEL1 CEL2 CEL3 CEL4 CEL5 CEL6 range specification data. (This acts as CEL
mode and Interval mode. Either of them can Note: When it is required to operate in the high-speed mode or specification when OUTCEL is input.)
be set via the I/O output mode parameters. All-CEL output mode, always use equipment whose input • NORMAL, High-speed mode: Specification
response time is 1ms or less.
of the output CEL
• Differential calculation mode: Specification
d. Interval mode (Individual CEL output of the calculation method
a. Command mode (All-CEL output)
Individual CEL data (specified with SET1
All-CEL data output (specified with SET1 through SET3) will be sequentially output
through SET3) while the HOLD and READY lines 6. Peak clear
according to the counter’s internal timing. Clears the peak value.
are synchronously controlled.
30ms•35ms (5ms)
Min. 15ms SET 1, 2, 3
Min. 70ms
12ms•15ms (1.6ms•2ms) ( ): At an output under
HOLD high-speed mode
Data latch period: 10s (10ms at peak measurement) Only for EV-16P. READY
START Min. 15ms
Min. 10ms
Tolerance judgment, segment, BCD data
HOLD Min. 10ms
Max. 40ms 5ms•6ms
1.6ms•2ms Max. 40ms
Note: The data update time in the case of 542-064 depends
READY on the type of gage being connected. In addition, the DATA
Tolerance judgment, segment, BCD data same data may be output over multiple cycles. Note: Peak clear takes effect only in the peak mode.
(In the case of a current value, this has the same effect
CEL1 CEL2 CEL3 CEL4 CEL5 CEL6 as a presetting operation.)
Note: During HOLD input the UNIT LED (D-EV) will be flashing.

Units Optional Accessories

Input / output connector Connector compatibility

This plug fits the I/O output The connectors listed below are compatible with the specific models of counter
socket on EF/EV counters. Refer shown for measurement, data output, and external control purposes.
to the corresponding technical
Counter Connector
explanations (page 40 and 41) for Counter Order No. Description Order No.
pin assignments.
EC-101D 542-007 GO/NG judgment output C162-155
EG-101P 542-015 BCD output, GO/NG judgment output
EG-101Z 542-017 BCD output, GO/NG judgment output
EG-101D 542-016 BCD output, GO/NG judgment output
AC adaptor / AC cable EB-11P 542-092-2 GO/NG judgment output, serial BCD
output, simple analog output 02ADB440
542-094-2 GO/NG judgment output, serial BCD
EB-11Z output, simple analog output
EB-11D 542-093-2 GO/NG judgment output, serial BCD
output, simple analog output
Remote input, GO/NG judgment output 02ADB440
EH-101P 542-075
RS-232C output —
Remote input, GO/NG judgment output 02ADB440
EH-102P 542-071
RS-232C output —
Connected to the power supply terminal Remote input, GO/NG judgment output 02ADB440
EH-102Z 542-073
RS-232C output —
Order No. Description Remote input, GO/NG judgment output 02ADB440
02ADN460 AC adaptor EH-102S 542-074
RS-232C output —
02ZAA000 (Japan) Remote input, GO/NG judgment output 02ADB440
02ZAA010 (USA) EH-102D 542-072
RS-232C output —
02ZAA020 (EU) AC cable Remote input, GO/NG judgment output
02ZAA030 (Britain) 02ADB440
02ZAA040 (China) EV-16P 542-063 Segment output, BCD output
02ZAA050 (Korea) RS-232C output —
02ADD930 Terminal connecting cable Remote input, GO/NG judgment output 02ADB440
EV-16D 542-064 Segment output, BCD output
RS-232C output —
Remote input, GO/NG judgment output 02ADB440
EV-16Z 542-067 Segment output, BCD output
RS Link / SPC connecting cable RS-232C output —

• Used to output the measured data from EC / EB / EH counters to

Digimatic mini-processor DP-1VR.
• Used to interconnect EH/EV counters comprising an RS link. Same as the
cable used for Digimatic code (SPC) output.
Order No. Cable length
02ADD950 0.5m
936937 1m
965014 2m

Quick Guide to Precision Measurement

Precision measuring terms

Nut and split-clamp stem mounting Zero set
Gage heads are mounted on a fixture or stand using the precision-machined The action of setting the measurement display to zero at the current
cylindrical stem. Stems can be any one of several standard diameters and position of the spindle before making a measurement, which will then
are either just plain or with a fixing thread at one end or the other. be made relative to zero. This function is used when making an absolute
All gages can be mounted using the split-clamp method which is suitable measurement relative to a reference surface, or when making a comparison
for a range of applications, especially where small axial adjustments may measurement relative to a master gage (or workpiece), although in the
be required. However, care is needed to avoid over-tightening the clamp, latter case a calculation is necessary to add the size of the master to the
which could interfere with the spindle movement. displayed value to get the true measurement value.
Those stems with a thread at the spindle end can also be mounted just
by using a nut to clamp them into a hole in a fixture. They can also use a
`thrust stem' (see page 33) that is clamped into a larger hole in a fixture 0.000
0.000 0.000
and into which the gage is screwed. Stems with a thread at the body end
can also use this method of mounting. Preset
The action of setting the measurement display to a non-zero value at
the current position of the spindle before making a measurement, which
will then be made relative to this `preset' value. This function is useful in
comparison measurement because it can be used to eliminate the need
for calculation, which otherwise would be necessary, to get the true
Nut mounting Split-clamp mounting measurement value if the display was merely zeroed before measurement.

Comparison measurement
When a measurement is required that is beyond the measuring range of 1.234 123.456
a particular gage head, so that an ‘absolute’ measurement is impossible,
a calibrated master gage (e.g. gage blocks) or master workpiece can be Communication via RS-232C interface
used to subtract the greater part of the distance involved so that the head RS-232C allows communication with a personal computer. It allows not
only has to measure the difference between the workpiece and the master. only the reading of measured values but also data transmission to the
This ‘comparing’ of the size of a workpiece with that of a master gives counter and remote operations, such as when changing various settings.
rise to the term ‘comparison measurement’. (See page 59 for a detailed
description.) Direction switch
Selects the counting direction of (+) or (-), whichever is convenient with a
Measuring force given direction of spindle movement.
A force is produced when a workpiece is brought into contact with the tip
of a linear gage head and forces the spindle to retract against the action +/–
of the return spring. This is known as the measuring force and is specified surface
in newtons (symbol N). As this force is spring-generated it increases with
spindle retraction.
Peak hold/TIR measurement
IP Codes Allows switching to the measurement mode for maximum value, minimum
IP54 value, and run out value (maximum - minimum), in addition to the normal
Code digit Type of protection Degree of protection measurement mode.
Protected against Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but dust that
5 does penetrate must not interfere with satisfactory
dust MAX
operation of the apparatus or impair safety
Protected against Water splashed against the enclosure from any direction
splashing water shall have no harmful effects
TIR (run-out) = Maximum - minimum

IP66 Tolerance judgment indication/output

Code digit Type Protection guarantee Sets two (or four) desired tolerances for three (or five) stages. Judgment
6 Dust-proof No ingress of dust allowed results can be output to an external device.
Upper-limit Lower-limit
Protected against Water projected in powerful jets against the enclosure tolerance tolerance
6 powerful water 3step
from any direction shall have no harmful effects (GO/±NG) –NG GO +NG
Limit1 Limit2 Limit3 Limit4
5step –NG GO1 GO2 GO3 +NG

BCD output
The displayed value can be output in Binary Coded Decimal format.
Digimatic output
Data can be output to various printers and statistical processing devices, such
as DP-1VR and MUX-10LF, using the Digimatic code (SPC) output format.

Comparison measurements
The offset register
The following is a description of the interactions that occur between Origin The purpose of the offset register is to supply a value to be added to the display so
that it indicates the correct measurement value. When a preset value (the master
Point Mark detection, the Internal Counter, the Display and the Offset gage dimension) is entered into the system the current internal counter value is
Register while setting up and making a comparison measurement with a subtracted from this value and the result is stored in the offset register. From then
onward this resultant value is added to the internal counter to provide the display
linear gage head. value, which then indicates the correct dimension relative to the datum surface.

The preset value is shown on the display at the time of input

To the timing when the spindle passes over the originpoint,
(6) the counter begins counting from the offset value.

Offset register value (invisible)

Internal counter value (invisible)

Display value (visible) (13)

(3) (8) (12)

Limit of spindle retraction

(2) (11)
Origin point
mark position

3mm 12mm -3mm

Limit of spindle extension

8mm 5mm
Reference surface

(1) (9) (10)


Power ON
Note) The example linear gage used in the above explanation is LGF-0510 (110) ZL. This linear gage has its origin point marked at a position approximately 3mm from the
limit of the spindle extension. In the case of 25/50mm-stroke types the origin point mark is positioned approximately 5mm from the spindle extension limit.

1. Turn the display unit connected to the gage head to ON. (The offset register is set to zero at this stage.)
2. Displace the gage head spindle approximately more than 3mm from the spindle extension limit position to
make it pass over the origin point mark.
3. The display unit will automatically read the origin point and zero-set itself.
4. Bring the gage head contact point into contact with the master gage as shown.
5. The display unit indicates the displacement from the origin point position. (Offset register still contains zero.)
6. Input the preset value (the calibrated size of the master gage, 12.000).
7. Remove the master gage so that the spindle extends to its limit.
8. The display unit displays position of the contact point relative to the datum surface (-3.000 + 8.000 = 5.000)
9. Turn OFF the display unit.
10. Turn ON the display unit.
11. Displace the gage head spindle approximately more than 3mm from the spindle extension limit position to
make it pass over the origin point mark.
12. The display unit will automatically read the origin point and the displayed value will effectively start from the
stored offset register value (0.000 + 8.000 = 8.000).
13. The contact tip can now be brought into contact with the workpiece to make the measurement and the
display will indicate the workpiece size (4.025 + 8.000 = 12.025).

Quick Guide to Precision Measurement

Before using the gage head Gage head mounting precautions

About exporting The illustrations below highlight the mounting precautions that should
• Mitutoyo products are subject to Appended Table 1 of the Export be observed when a gage head or counter is used.
Trade Control Ordinance. In order to export relevant products, an All models of gage head
application may be required for an export license. • Mount the gage on a fixture or stand by using its stem only.
Avoid installing the gage in locations where: • Be careful not to over-tighten the stem. Doing so may cause problems
• The gage will be exposed to direct sunlight, or where the ambient in gage operation.
temperature may drop below 0°C or exceed 40°C. • Never fasten the gage by placing the tip of a screw directly against the
• The relative humidity may drop below 20%RH or exceed 80%RH, or stem.
where a sudden change in temperature may cause condensation. • Never fasten the gage by any section other than its stem.
• The gage would be subject to corrosive gas, or where combustible • Mount the gage in such a way that its stem is in line with the direction
materials are placed nearby. of measurement required. If installed at an angle to this direction,
• The gage is subject to air containing significant amounts of dust, salt or measurement errors will occur.
iron powder. • Be careful not to exert force on the gage via the cables. Exercise due
• The gage is subject to direct vibration or shock. care especially when using an additional extension cable.
• The gage may come in contact with splashed water, oil or chemicals.
(The gage system components are not designed for protection against
water, oil or chemical attack, except for the gage unit.) Examples of the plain-stem mount
• Electronic noise is likely to affect the gage. • The recommended clamping torque is 0.4 to 0.5Nm. Over-tightening the
Conformance to EC Directive (89/336/EEC) stem clamp will prevent smooth movement of the spindle. Ensure the
spindle can move freely after clamping.
All Linear Gage series (gage head and display unit) conform to
EN55011:1992, EN50082-2:1995, EN61000-4-2, ENV50140, 16 15(9)
ENV50204, ENV50141 and EN61000-4-4. Example 1 A (4.5) Unit: mm
Preventing electrical interference

• Bundling the sensor cable with high-voltage lines or power lines 15

may cause the gage to malfunction. The sensor cable run should be
completely separate. M4x0.7 A' A-A' section
ø8H7 +0.015 ø4.5, ø7.5 depth 4.4
Power supply to the display unit 0

• If a generic switching regulator is used, provide grounding via the Example 2 20 15 (9)
Unit: mm
10 7.5
frame’s ground terminal or ground terminal of the power supply. 1
A (4.5)
• If a malfunction occurs due to superimposed noise on the power-supply 2 ø10h7 +0.015

line, use a DC-regulated power supply that incorporates an isolation


About grounding A-A' section A'

ø8h7 +0.0115

1 M4x0.7

• Avoid sharing the frame ground (F.G.) terminal of this unit with

Slit set at 90 degrees 15 (9)

the high-power line grounding but separately connect it to Class 3 to setscrew
Grounding. 2

Handling precautions
• This product is a precision measuring instrument. Avoid dropping or
otherwise subjecting it to impact. LGK, LGF and LGD models
• The spindle of the gage head is connected to the body via a spring.
Be careful not to pull the spindle in the extending direction or rotate it The use of a thrust stem allows a gage head to
with force. Doing so may cause permanent distortion and damage to be mounted securely and easily just by drilling
the spring. a ø9.5mm hole (or ø18mm for ø15mm stems)
• The gage is shipped with a standard contact point (901312 or 900032 in a plate approximately 10mm thick (see page
for the inch version of the LGS) installed on the spindle. This contact 33). A dedicated (optional) wrench is available
point can be replaced with a different type that best suits the shape of that fits the wrench-seat at the top of the stem
workpiece. (See page 36.) for holding the gage while the clamping nut is
When installing or removing a contact point, place the wrench provided tightened with a spanner. Ensure that no force
on the catch in order to keep the spindle from rotating. Then grip the or torque is applied to the cable during this
contact point with pliers to install or remove it. operation, otherwise damage may be caused.
When gripping the contact point with pliers, insert a piece of felt or
other soft packing between the jaws and the point to protect it from

LGB model Insert a gage in the mounting hole Replacement of contact point
(recommendation: ø9.5_H6) and fix it with the All models of gage head
clamp nut supplied. For this gage, be sure to
hold the knurled section at the middle of the
gage body by hand and tighten the clamp nut
with the special wrench supplied. Ensure that no
force or torque is applied to the cable during this
operation, otherwise damage may be caused.
Optional mounting brackets are available. • Engage the key wrench (supplied) with the wrench-seat to prevent the
Incidentally, when fabricating a mounting bracket, spindle from rotating, grip the contact point with a pair of pliers, then
it is recommended that dimension `B' (shown on loosen or tighten it as necessary.
page 32) is 11.5mm. When gripping a contact point with a pair of pliers, insert a piece of felt
Gage heads have been widely introduced and accepted in various fields of industries. When or other soft packing between the jaws and the point to protect it from
it comes to the matter of mounting gage heads onto equipment, however, the problem damage.
encountered is a higher cost involved in fabricating mounting brackets. In order to avoid waste of • Torque exerted via the spindle on the internal mechanism of a gage
this kind, Mitutoyo offers mounting brackets (material: cast iron, FC45, nickel plated) that have can cause damage to the gage. To avoid this problem, ensure that the
been fabricated with varieties of mounting methods taken into consideration in view of design
and machining. (See page 32.) spindle is firmly held with a key wrench before loosening/tightening the
contact point.
Air drive model • Contact points are interchangeable according to the required
• Service air pressure: 0.3 to 0.4MPa specification of the customer.
• Lubricating oil: Turbine oil class 1 (ISO VG32)
• Caution: Holding the air cylinder section while mounting gage will
exert force on section A, causing a gage failure. For the same reason it is
Display unit mounting precautions
essential not to apply force to section A when connecting an air hose to EC, EG, EB and EV counters
the gage head.
Example of air piping Regulator (Three-piece set)
Only the optional I/O output
A Provided with power supply terminal.
Input power of 12 to 24VDC (1A or more).
connector No.02ADB440 is available
from Mitutoyo. This is because the
number of pins and length of cable
varies with application requirements
Lubricator Air filter
and accordingly wiring is better left
Laser Hologage
for customer’s arrangement.
A Laser Hologage can be mounted by inserting its stem in the mounting
hole of a dedicated stand or other equipment.
This counter is dedicated to panel-mount application and is not suited for
direct bench-mount application. Choose an EH counter for bench-mount or
 Recommended mounting hole diameter in fixture: 15mm +0.024
–0.006 carry-on application.
Stem Screw Stem Screw
About dust / water protection
All gage heads, excluding the LGH and 100mm gage heads, are
protected to IP66 or IP54 (DIN40050/IEC529 standards).
Metal insert to protect stem • The preamplifiers and counters are not designed to provide dust or
Fixture Fixture from damage water protection. Install them in places where they will not come into
• The mounting hole shall be machined parallel with the direction of direct contact with water or oil.
measurement. Cosine-effect measurement error will occur if the gage is • When an extension cable is used, seal the preamplifier connection and
misaligned with this direction. connectors completely, making sure no portion is left exposed.
• Excessive force in tightening the stem will affect smooth spindle • If the cable cover is damaged, water or other liquids may enter the
motion and should be avoided. gage due to the capillary effect, causing gage failure. If the cable cover
• In applications where a Laser Hologage is subject to movement, ensure becomes damaged it should be repaired or replaced immediately.
that the mounting is designed to avoid the cable being dragged when • Handle the gage with due caution to make sure that the rubber boots
in motion. will not be damaged by scuffing, etc. If the rubber boots are damaged,
• Precautions for measurement: the gage can no longer be protected from dust or water. When
- To help ensure accuracy, allow 30 minutes warm-up time for the system after damage is found, repair or replace the boots immediately.
powering ON. • The rubber material used for the boots and seals does not provide
- Allow sufficient time for temperature stabilization for both the gage and complete protection against coolants and chemicals, which are
workpieces to be measured. becoming increasingly complex in composition. If rubber parts are
- Thoroughly clean the contact point and all surfaces to be measured before found to have deteriorated significantly, contact your nearest Mitutoyo
measurement to avoid accuracy degradation due to dust or grease. office.
- Be aware of possible overspeed errors if the contact point is allowed to • The gage must not be disassembled, since it will break the seals of
drop significantly from surface to surface on the workpiece. Appropriate various components. Never attempt to disassemble the gage. Doing
measuring procedures should always be used with due consideration for the so will prevent the gage from functioning to its original specifications.
part features.

Low-cost type — LGS 1012P
A slim-body model — LGK series

213 1403 10 A (PA) HS, Printed in Japan

Export permission by the Japanese government may
be required for exporting our products according to
the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law. Please
consult our sales office near you before you export
our products or you offer technical information to a

Assembly type display unit — EG counter

Multi-gage system — EV counter

Mitutoyo Corporation
20-1, Sakado 1-Chome,
Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi,
Kanagawa 213-8533, Japan
T +81 (0) 44 813-8230
F +81 (0) 44 813-8231
Note: All information regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimensional and performance data contained in this pamphlet, as well as other
technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs, dimensions and weights.
The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. Only quotations submitted by ourselves
may be regarded as definitive.

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