S1AP View of LTE Attach & EPS Bearer Setup (2018-0326)

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The document discusses the process of sending an S1 Setup Request message from the eNodeB to the MME during the initial setup and connection establishment process.

The S1 Setup Request message is used to build and send the initial setup request to the MME to establish a connection and move the MME control block state to 'in progress'.

The S1 Setup Request message includes information like the PLMN ID, TAC, eNodeB ID, and other configuration parameters of the cell and eNodeB.



* @details This function is used to build and send the S1 Setup Request to the
* MME.
* Function: wrEmmMmeSetup
* Processing steps:
* - Build and send S1 Setup Request to the MME.
* - Move the MME control block state to WR_MME_IN_PROG.
* - Start the Setup response timer to retransmit the setup request
* incase of reponse is not received with in the time.
* - This function is invoked EMM module when EMM Module ges trigger
* from Management intrerface ie., during cell config/setup.
* @param[in] mmeId: MME Id.
* @return S16
* -# Success : ROK
* -# Failure : RFAILED
PUBLIC S16 wrEmmMmeSetup
WrMmeId mmeId
SztUDatEvnt uDatEvnt;
WrMmeCb *mmeCb;

RLOG0(L_DEBUG, "Building S1 SETUP");

mmeCb = WR_EMM_MME_GET_MME(mmeId);
if(mmeCb == NULLP)
RLOG1(L_ERROR, "Invalid MME ID [%d]", mmeId);

mmeCb->adminState = WR_MME_UNLOCKED;
if (wrEmmMmeBldSetupReq(&(uDatEvnt.pdu)) != ROK)
RLOG0(L_ERROR, "Building S1 SETUP Failed");

uDatEvnt.transId.pres = PRSNT_NODEF;
uDatEvnt.transId.val = 1;
uDatEvnt.peerId.pres = PRSNT_NODEF;
uDatEvnt.peerId.val = mmeCb->peerId;
RLOG1(L_INFO, "Sending S1 SETUP For Peer [%d]", mmeCb->peerId);
/* Send the pdu to the MME */
if((WrIfmS1apSndMgmtMsg(&uDatEvnt)) != ROK)
RLOG0(L_ERROR, "Sending S1 SETUP Failed");
/* update state of the s1 connection */
mmeCb->state = WR_MME_IN_PROG;

#if 0
wrStartTmr((PTR)mmeCb, WR_TMR_MME_SETUP_RSP, wrEmmCb.tmrCfg.s1SetupTmr);


/// Szt_asn.h \ga1.3\src\cm)

#define Sztid_downlinkNASTport 11
#define Sztid_initialUEMsg 12
#define Sztid_uplinkNASTport 13
#define Sztid_Reset 14
#define Sztid_ErrInd 15
#define Sztid_NASNonDlvryInd 16
#define Sztid_S1Setup 17
PUBLIC S16 wrEmmMmeBldSetupReq
S1apPdu **pdu
S1apPdu *setupReqPdu = NULLP;
U16 numComp;
S16 ret;
WrCellCb *cellCb = NULLP;
SztProtIE_Field_S1SetupRqstIEs *ie;
SztSuppTAs_Item *tACItem;
SztInitiatingMsg *initMsg;
U32 taIdx;
U32 idx;
SztCSG_IdLst_Item *csgItem = NULLP;
U32 ieIdx = 0;
WrEmmS1SetpSuppTAs suppTAs;


/* Any cell is representative of eNB for some of its parameters */

cellCb = wrEmmCb.cellCb[0];
RLOG0(L_DEBUG,"Constructing S1 setup message");

RLOG_ARG1(L_DEBUG, DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"eNodeB ID: [%d]",

RLOG3(L_DEBUG,"MCC [%d] [%d] [%d]",cellCb->sib1.plmns[0].plmnId.mcc[0],\
RLOG3(L_DEBUG,"MNC [%d] [%d] [%d]",cellCb->sib1.plmns[0].plmnId.mnc[0],\

RLOG1(L_DEBUG,"TAC : [%d]",cellCb->sib1.tac);
#ifdef SS_DIAG
RLOG_ARG3(L_DEBUG, DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"SIB1 configured Q-RxLevMin[%d]"
" Q-RxLevMin offset[%d] cellBarred[%d]", cellCb->sib1.qRxLevMin,
cellCb->sib1.qRxLevMinOffset, cellCb->sib1.cellBarred);
RLOG_ARG4(L_DEBUG, DBG_CELLID,cellCb->cellId,"SIB2 configured "
"defaultPagingCycle[%d] nB[%d] rootSequenceIndx[%d] prach-ConfigIndex[%d]",
cellCb->sib2.pcchCfg.defaultPagingCycle, cellCb->sib2.pcchCfg.nB,
cellCb->sib2.prachCfg.rootSeqIdx, cellCb->sib2.prachCfg.prachCfgIdx);

/* Initialize memory control point */

ret = cmAllocEvnt(sizeof(S1apPdu), WR_SZ_MEM_SDU_SIZE, &wrCb.mem,
(Ptr *)&setupReqPdu);
if(ret != ROK)
RLOG0(L_FATAL,"Memory allocation failed "
"while constructing S1 setup message");

/*wrFillTkn functions will be referred from sz_utl.c file*/

wrFillTknU8(&(setupReqPdu->pdu.choice), SZT_TRGR_INTI_MSG);
initMsg = &(setupReqPdu->pdu.val.initiatingMsg);
wrFillTknU32(&(initMsg->procedureCode), Sztid_S1Setup);
wrFillTknU32(&(initMsg->criticality), SztCriticalityrejectEnum);

/* Filling mandatory IEs */

if((wrEmmCb.enbType == WR_ENODEB_TYPE_HOME) &&
(cellCb->csgAccessMode == WR_ENB_CLOSED_ACCESS ||
cellCb->csgAccessMode == WR_ENB_HYBRID_ACCESS))
numComp = 5;
numComp = 4;
if ((cmGetMem(setupReqPdu,
numComp * sizeof(SztProtIE_Field_S1SetupRqstIEs),
(Ptr*)&initMsg->value.u.sztS1SetupRqst.protocolIEs.member)) !=ROK)
RLOG0(L_FATAL,"Memory allocation failed for S1 setup req IE's");

/* IE1 - Filling ENB Global Id */

ie = &initMsg->value.u.sztS1SetupRqst.protocolIEs.member[ieIdx];
wrFillTknU8(&(ie->value.u.sztGlobal_ENB_ID.pres), PRSNT_NODEF);
wrEmmMmeSztFillS1eNBId(setupReqPdu, wrEmmCb.enbType,

/* IE2 - Filling ENB Name */

ie = &initMsg->value.u.sztS1SetupRqst.protocolIEs.member[ieIdx];
WR_GET_MEM(setupReqPdu, wrEmmCb.enbNameLen, &(ie->value.u.sztENBname.val));
ie->value.u.sztENBname.len = wrEmmCb.enbNameLen;
if(wrEmmCb.enbNameLen <= WR_EMM_CB_ENB_NAME) /*KW Fix */
wrFillTknStrOSXL(&(ie->value.u.sztENBname), wrEmmCb.enbNameLen,
wrEmmCb.enbName, &(setupReqPdu->memCp));
wrFillTknStrOSXL(&(ie->value.u.sztENBname), WR_EMM_CB_ENB_NAME,
wrEmmCb.enbName, &(setupReqPdu->memCp));

/* IE3 - Filling Supported TAs */

ie = &initMsg->value.u.sztS1SetupRqst.protocolIEs.member[ieIdx];

WR_SET_ZERO(&suppTAs, sizeof(WrEmmS1SetpSuppTAs));
wrFillTknU16(&(ie->value.u.sztSuppTAs.noComp), suppTAs.numTAs);
if ((cmGetMem(setupReqPdu, suppTAs.numTAs * sizeof(SztSuppTAs_Item),
(Ptr*)&(ie->value.u.sztSuppTAs.member))) !=ROK)
RLOG0(L_FATAL,"wrEmmMmeSztBldSetupReq: cmGetMem failed");
for( taIdx = 0; taIdx < suppTAs.numTAs; taIdx++)
tACItem = &ie->value.u.sztSuppTAs.member[taIdx];
wrFillTknU8(&(tACItem->pres), PRSNT_NODEF);
wrEmmMmeSztFillTAC(suppTAs.taInfo[taIdx].tac, setupReqPdu, &tACItem->tAC);
numComp = suppTAs.taInfo[taIdx].numPlmnIds;
/* Allocate memory for broadcast PLMNs */
if((cmGetMem(setupReqPdu, numComp * sizeof(SztPLMNidentity),
(Ptr*)&(tACItem->broadcastPLMNs.member))) !=ROK)
RLOG0(L_FATAL, "Memory allocation failed for PLMN identity");
for(idx = 0; idx < numComp; idx++)
wrEmmMmeSztFillPLMNId(setupReqPdu, &(suppTAs.taInfo[taIdx].plmns[idx]),
RLOG2(L_EVENT, "[S1AP]:Sending S1 SETUP REQUEST [CGI:%d] [Supported TAI:%d]",
wrEmmCb.enbId, cellCb->sib1.tac);

ie = &initMsg->value.u.sztS1SetupRqst.protocolIEs.member[ieIdx];
wrFillTknU8(&(ie->pres), PRSNT_NODEF);
wrFillTknU32(&(ie->id), Sztid_DefaultPagDRX);
wrFillTknU32(&(ie->value.u.sztPagDRX), cellCb->sib2.pcchCfg.defaultPagingCycle);

/* IE4 - Filling the CSGLst */

if((wrEmmCb.numCells == 1) &&
(cellCb->csgAccessMode == WR_ENB_CLOSED_ACCESS ||
cellCb->csgAccessMode == WR_ENB_HYBRID_ACCESS))
ie = &initMsg->value.u.sztS1SetupRqst.protocolIEs.member[ieIdx];
wrFillTknU8(&(ie->pres), PRSNT_NODEF);
wrFillTknU32(&(ie->id), Sztid_CSG_IdLst);
/* TODO : Handle the case of multiple CSG IDs */
wrFillTknU16(&(ie->value.u.sztCSG_IdLst.noComp), 1);
if((cmGetMem(setupReqPdu, sizeof(SztCSG_IdLst_Item),
(Ptr*)&(ie->value.u.sztCSG_IdLst.member))) !=ROK)
RLOG0(L_FATAL,"Memory allocation failed for IDlst item");
csgItem = &(ie->value.u.sztCSG_IdLst.member[0]);
wrFillTknU8(&(csgItem->pres), cellCb->sib1.csgId.pres);
wrFillTknBStr32(&(csgItem->cSG_Id), WR_S1AP_CSG_ID_LEN, cellCb->sib1.csgId.val);
csgItem->iE_Extns.noComp.pres = NOTPRSNT;

/* IE5 - Filling the PagDRX */

/* Fill in the number of IEs included in the message */
wrFillTknU16(&(initMsg->value.u.sztS1SetupRqst.protocolIEs.noComp), ieIdx);

/* Pass the constructed PDU back to the caller */

*pdu = setupReqPdu;


} /* wrEmmMmeSztBldSetupReq */
////Step 1 Initial UE Message (wireshark log)
s1ap S1 Application Protocol
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-initialUEMessage (12)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 159
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.InitialUEMessage_element InitialUEMessage
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 5
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 5 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 1: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 119
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 118
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 17c0c8102d0b0741020bf61300148001010000000105e060...
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0001 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected (1)

 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0xc0c8102d
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 11
 nas_eps.security_header_type 0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security
protected (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.nas_msg_emm_type NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Attach request
 nas_eps.emm.tsc 0... .... = Type of security context flag (TSC): Native security context (for
 nas_eps.emm.nas_key_set_id .000 .... = NAS key set identifier: (0)
 nas_eps.spare_bits .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
 nas_eps.emm.eps_att_type .... .010 = EPS attach type: Combined EPS/IMSI attach (2)
 gsm_a EPS mobile identity
o gsm_a.len Length: 11
o nas_eps.emm.odd_even .... 0... = odd/even indic: 0
o nas_eps.emm.type_of_id .... .110 = Type of identity: GUTI (6)
o e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
o e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
o nas_eps.emm.mme_grp_id MME Group ID: 32769
o nas_eps.emm.mme_code MME Code: 1
o nas_eps.emm.m_tmsi M-TMSI: 0x00000001 //
 gsm_a UE network capability
o gsm_a.len Length: 5
o nas_eps.emm.eea0 1... .... = EEA0: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.128eea1 .1.. .... = 128-EEA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.128eea2 ..1. .... = 128-EEA2: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea3 ...0 .... = 128-EEA3: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea4 .... 0... = EEA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea5 .... .0.. = EEA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea6 .... ..0. = EEA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea7 .... ...0 = EEA7: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia0 0... .... = EIA0: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.128eia1 .1.. .... = 128-EIA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.128eia2 ..1. .... = 128-EIA2: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia3 ...0 .... = 128-EIA3: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia4 .... 0... = EIA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia5 .... .0.. = EIA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia6 .... ..0. = EIA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia7 .... ...0 = EIA7: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea0 1... .... = UEA0: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea1 .1.. .... = UEA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea2 ..0. .... = UEA2: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea3 ...0 .... = UEA3: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea4 .... 0... = UEA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea5 .... .0.. = UEA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea6 .... ..0. = UEA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea7 .... ...0 = UEA7: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.emm_ucs2_supp 0... .... = UCS2 support (UCS2): The UE has a preference
for the default alphabet
o nas_eps.emm.uia1 .1.. .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia2 ..0. .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA2: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia3 ...0 .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA3: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia4 .... 0... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia5 .... .0.. = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia6 .... ..0. = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia7 .... ...0 = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA7: Not Supported
o nas_eps.spare_bits 00.. .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
o nas_eps.emm.h245_ash_cap ..0. .... = H.245-ASH capability: H.245 after SRVCC
handover capability not supported
o nas_eps.emm.acc_csfb_cap ...1 .... = ACC-CSFB capability: eNodeB-based access class
control for CSFB supported
o nas_eps.emm.lpp_cap .... 1... = LPP capability: LTE Positioning Protocol supported
o nas_eps.emm.lcs_cap .... .0.. = LCS capability: Location services notification mechanisms
not supported
o nas_eps.emm.1xsrvcc_cap .... ..0. = 1xSRVCC capability: SRVCC from E-UTRAN to
cdma2000 1x CS not supported
o nas_eps.emm.nf_cap .... ...1 = NF capability: Notification procedure supported
 gsm_a ESM message container
o gsm_a.len Length: 36
o nas_eps.emm.esm_msg_cont ESM message container contents:
 nas_eps.bearer_id 0000 .... = EPS bearer identity: No EPS bearer identity
assigned (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0010 = Protocol discriminator: EPS session
management messages (0x02)
 nas_eps.esm.proc_trans_id Procedure transaction identity: 4
 nas_eps.nas_msg_esm_type NAS EPS session management messages: PDN
connectivity request (0xd0)
 nas_eps.esm_pdn_type 0001 .... = PDN type: IPv4 (1)
 nas_eps.esm_request_type .... 0001 = Request type: initial request (1)
 ESM information transfer flag
 nas_eps 1101 .... = Element ID: 0xd-
 nas_eps.spare_bits .... 000. = Spare bit(s): 0x00
 nas_eps.emm.eit .... ...1 = EIT (ESM information transfer): Security
protected ESM information transfer required
 gsm_a.gm Protocol Configuration Options
 gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x27
 gsm_a.len Length: 29
 gsm_a.gm.sm.link_dir Link direction: MS to network (0)
 gsm_a.gm.sm.ext 1... .... = Extension: True
 gsm_a.gm.sm Configuration Protocol: PPP for use with IP PDP type or IP
PDN type (0)
 gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: Internet Protocol
Control Protocol (0x8021)
 Length: 0x10 (16)
 ipcp PPP IP Control Protocol
 ppp.code Code: Configuration Request (1)
 ppp.identifier Identifier: 0 (0x00)
 ppp.length Length: 16
 Options: (12 bytes), Primary DNS Server IP Address,
Secondary DNS Server IP Address
 ipcp.opt Primary DNS Server IP Address:
 ipcp.opt.type Type: Primary DNS Server IP
Address (129)
 ipcp.opt.length Length: 6
 ipcp.opt.pri_dns_address Primary DNS
Address: (
 ipcp.opt Secondary DNS Server IP Address:
 ipcp.opt.type Type: Secondary DNS
Server IP Address (131)
 ipcp.opt.length Length: 6
 ipcp.opt.sec_dns_address Secondary DNS
Address: (
 gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: DNS Server IPv4
Address Request (0x000d)
 gsm_a.gm.sm Length: 0x00 (0)
 gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: IP address allocation
via NAS signalling (0x000a)
 gsm_a.gm.sm Length: 0x00 (0)
 gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: IPv4 Link MTU Request
 Length: 0x00 (0)
 nas_eps.emm Tracking area identity - Last visited registered TAI
o nas_eps.emm.elem_id Element ID: 0x52
o e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
o e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
o nas_eps.emm.tai_tac Tracking area code(TAC): 0x0001
 gsm_a.gm DRX Parameter
o gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x5c
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.split_pg_cycle_code SPLIT PG CYCLE CODE: 10 (10)
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.cn_spec_drx_cycle_len_coef 0000 .... = CN Specific DRX cycle length
coefficient: CN Specific DRX cycle length coefficient / value not specified by the MS (0)
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.split_on_ccch .... 0... = SPLIT on CCCH: Split pg cycle on CCCH is not
supported by the mobile station
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.non_drx_timer .... .000 = Non-DRX timer: no non-DRX mode after
transfer state (0)
 gsm_a.gm MS Network Capability
o gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x31
o gsm_a.len Length: 3
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.gea1 1... .... = GEA/1: Encryption algorithm available
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.smdch .1.. .... = SM capabilities via dedicated channels:
Mobile station supports mobile terminated point to point SMS via dedicated signalling
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.smgprs ..1. .... = SM capabilities via GPRS channels: Mobile
station supports mobile terminated point to point SMS via GPRS packet data channels
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.ucs2 ...0 .... = UCS2 support: The ME has a preference for the
default alphabet (defined in 3GPP TS 23.038 [8b]) over UCS2
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.ss_scr_ind .... 01.. = SS Screening Indicator: capability of
handling of ellipsis notation and phase 2 error handling (0x01)
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.solsa .... ..0. = SoLSA Capability: The ME does not support
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.rev .... ...1 = Revision level indicator: Used by a mobile station
supporting R99 or later versions of the protocol
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.pfc 1... .... = PFC feature mode: Mobile station does support
BSS packet flow procedures
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.ext_gea_bits .110 000. = Extended GEA bits: 0x30
 gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.gea2 .1.. .... = GEA/2: Encryption algorithm available
 gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.gea3 ..1. .... = GEA/3: Encryption algorithm available
 gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.gea4 ...0 .... = GEA/4: Encryption algorithm not
 gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.gea5 .... 0... = GEA/5: Encryption algorithm not
 gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.gea6 .... .0.. = GEA/6: Encryption algorithm not
 gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.gea7 .... ..0. = GEA/7: Encryption algorithm not
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.lcs .... ...0 = LCS VA capability: LCS value added location
request notification capability not supported
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.ps_irat_iu 0... .... = PS inter-RAT HO from GERAN to UTRAN Iu
mode capability: PS inter-RAT HO to UTRAN Iu mode not supported
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.ps_irat_s1 .0.. .... = PS inter-RAT HO from GERAN to E-UTRAN
S1 mode capability: PS inter-RAT HO to E-UTRAN S1 mode not supported
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.comb_proc ..1. .... = EMM Combined procedures capability:
Mobile station supports EMM combined procedures
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.isr ...1 .... = ISR support: The mobile station supports ISR
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.srvcc_to_geran .... 1... = SRVCC to GERAN/UTRAN capability:
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.epc .... .1.. = EPC capability: EPC supported
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.nf .... ..1. = NF capability: Mobile station supports the
notification procedure
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.net_cap.geran_net_sharing .... ...0 = GERAN network sharing capability:
Mobile station does not support GERAN network sharing
 nas_eps.common Location area identification - Old location area identification
o nas_eps.common.elem_id Element ID: 0x13
o e212 Location Area Identification (LAI) - 310/410/1
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 gsm_a.lac Location Area Code (LAC): 0x0001 (1)
 nas_eps.common Mobile station classmark 2
o nas_eps.common.elem_id Element ID: 0x11
o gsm_a.len Length: 3
o gsm_a.spareb8 0... .... = Spare: 0
o gsm_a.MSC_rev .10. .... = Revision Level: Used by mobile stations supporting R99 or
later versions of the protocol (2)
o gsm_a.ES_IND ...1 .... = ES IND: Controlled Early Classmark Sending option is
implemented in the MS
o gsm_a.A5_1_algorithm_sup .... 0... = A5/1 algorithm supported: encryption algorithm
A5/1 available
o gsm_a.RF_power_capability .... .111 = RF Power Capability: RF Power capability is
irrelevant in this information element (7)
o gsm_a.spareb8 0... .... = Spare: 0
o gsm_a.ps_sup_cap .1.. .... = PS capability (pseudo-synchronization capability): PS
capability present
o gsm_a.SS_screening_indicator ..01 .... = SS Screening Indicator: Capability of handling
of ellipsis notation and phase 2 error handling (1)
o gsm_a.SM_cap .... 1... = SM capability (MT SMS pt to pt capability): Mobile station
supports mobile terminated point to point SMS
o gsm_a.VBS_notification_rec .... .0.. = VBS notification reception: no VBS capability or no
notifications wanted
o gsm_a.VGCS_notification_rec .... ..0. = VGCS notification reception: no VGCS capability
or no notifications wanted
o gsm_a.FC_frequency_cap .... ...0 = FC Frequency Capability: The MS does not support
the E-GSM or R-GSM band
o gsm_a.CM3 1... .... = CM3: The MS supports options that are indicated in classmark 3 IE
o gsm_a.spareb7 .0.. .... = Spare: 0
o gsm_a.LCS_VA_cap ..1. .... = LCS VA capability (LCS value added location request
notification capability): LCS value added location request notification capability
o gsm_a.UCS2_treatment ...0 .... = UCS2 treatment: the ME has a preference for the
default alphabet
o gsm_a.SoLSA .... 0... = SoLSA: The ME does not support SoLSA
o gsm_a.CMSP .... .1.. = CMSP: CM Service Prompt: Network initiated MO CM connection
request supported for at least one CM protocol
o gsm_a.A5_3_algorithm_sup .... ..1. = A5/3 algorithm supported: encryption algorithm
A5/3 available
o gsm_a.A5_2_algorithm_sup .... ...0 = A5/2 algorithm supported: encryption algorithm
A5/2 not available
 nas_eps.common Mobile station classmark 3
o nas_eps.common.elem_id Element ID: 0x20
o gsm_a.len Length: 11
o gsm_a.spare_bits 0... .... = Spare bit(s): 0
o gsm_a.multi_bnd_sup_fields .110 .... = Multiband supported field: 6
 gsm_a.classmark3.gsm1800Supported .1.. .... = GSM 1800 Supported: true
 gsm_a.classmark3.egsmSupported ..1. .... = E-GSM or R-GSM Supported: true
 gsm_a.classmark3.pgsmSupported ...0 .... = P-GSM Supported: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.a5_bits .... 0000 = A5 bits: 0x00
 gsm_a.A5_7_algorithm_sup .... 0... = A5/7 algorithm supported: encryption
algorithm A5/7 not available
 gsm_a.A5_6_algorithm_sup .... .0.. = A5/6 algorithm supported: encryption
algorithm A5/6 not available
 gsm_a.A5_5_algorithm_sup .... ..0. = A5/5 algorithm supported: encryption
algorithm A5/5 not available
 gsm_a.A5_4_algorithm_sup .... ...0 = A5/4 algorithm supported: encryption
algorithm A5/4 not available
o gsm_a.classmark3.ass_radio_cap2 0001 .... = Associated Radio Capability 2: 1
o gsm_a.classmark3.ass_radio_cap1 .... 0100 = Associated Radio Capability 1: 4
o gsm_a.classmark3.rsupport 0... .... = R Support: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.multislot_capabilities .0.. .... = HSCSD Multi Slot Capability: false
o gsm_a.UCS2_treatment ..0. .... = UCS2 treatment: the ME has a preference for the
default alphabet
o gsm_a.classmark3.ext_meas_cap ...0 .... = Extended Measurement Capability: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.ms_measurement_capability .... 0... = MS measurement capability:
o gsm_a.classmark3.ms_pos_method_cap_present .... .1.. = MS Positioning Method
Capability present: true
o gsm_a.classmark3.ms_pos_method .... ..00 011. .... = MS Positioning Method: 0x03
 gsm_a.classmark3.ms_assisted_e_otd .... ..0. = MS assisted E-OTD: MS assisted
E-OTD not supported
 gsm_a.classmark3.ms_based_e_otd .... ...0 = MS based E-OTD: MS based E-OTD
not supported
 gsm_a.classmark3.ms_assisted_gps 0... .... = MS assisted GPS: MS assisted GPS
not supported
 gsm_a.classmark3.ms_based_gps .1.. .... = MS based GPS: MS based GPS
 gsm_a.classmark3.ms_conventional_gps ..1. .... = MS Conventional GPS:
Conventional GPS supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.ecsd_multi_slot_capability ...0 .... = ECSD Multi Slot Capability
present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.8_psk_struct_present .... 1... = 8-PSK Struct present: true
o gsm_a.classmark3.8_psk_struct .... .111 0110 .... = 8-PSK Struct: 0x76
 gsm_a.classmark3.modulation_capability .... .1.. = Modulation Capability: 8-PSK
supported for uplink transmission and downlink reception
 gsm_a.classmark3.8_psk_rf_power_capability_1_present .... ..1. = 8-PSK RF
Power Capability 1 present: true
 gsm_a.classmark3.8_psk_rf_power_capability_1 .... ...1 0... .... = 8-PSK RF Power
Capability 1: Power class E2 (0x02)
 gsm_a.classmark3.8_psk_rf_power_capability_2_present .1.. .... = 8-PSK RF
Power Capability 2 present: true
 gsm_a.classmark3.8_psk_rf_power_capability_2 ..10 .... = 8-PSK RF Power
Capability 2: Power class E2 (0x02)
o gsm_a.classmark3.gsm_400_band_info_present .... 0... = GSM 400 Band Information
present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.gsm_850_assoc_radio_cap_present .... .1.. = GSM 850 Associated
Radio Capability present: true
o gsm_a.classmark3.gsm_850_assoc_radio_cap .... ..01 00.. .... = GSM 850 Associated
Radio Capability: 0x04
o gsm_a.classmark3.gsm_1900_assoc_radio_cap_present ..1. .... = GSM 1900 Associated
Radio Capability present: true
o gsm_a.classmark3.gsm_1900_assoc_radio_cap ...0 001. = GSM 1900 Associated Radio
Capability: 0x01
o gsm_a.classmark3.umts_fdd_rat_cap .... ...1 = UMTS FDD Radio Access Technology
Capability: UMTS FDD supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.umts_384_mcps_tdd_rat_cap 0... .... = UMTS 3.84 Mcps TDD Radio
Access Technology Capability: UMTS 3.84 Mcps TDD not supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.cdma_2000_rat_cap .0.. .... = CDMA 2000 Radio Access Technology
Capability: CDMA 2000 not supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.dtm_e_gprs_multi_slot_info_present ..0. .... = DTM E/GPRS Multi
Slot Information present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.single_band_support ...0 .... = Single Band Support: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.gsm_750_assoc_radio_cap_present .... 0... = GSM 750 Associated
Radio Capability present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.umts_128_mcps_tdd_rat_cap .... .0.. = UMTS 1.28 Mcps TDD Radio
Access Technology Capability: UMTS 1.28 Mcps TDD not supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.geran_feature_package_1 .... ..1. = GERAN Feature Package 1:
GERAN feature package 1 supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.ext_dtm_e_gprs_info_present .... ...0 = Extended DTM E/GPRS Multi
Slot Information present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.high_multislot_cap_present 0... .... = High Multislot Capability
present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.geran_iu_mode_support .0.. .... = GERAN Iu Mode Support: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.geran_feature_package_2 ..0. .... = GERAN Feature Package 2:
GERAN feature package 2 not supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.gmsk_multislot_power_prof ...0 0... = GMSK Multislot Power Profile:
o gsm_a.classmark3.8_psk_multislot_power_prof .... .00. = 8-PSK Multislot Power Profile:
o gsm_a.classmark3.gsm_400_band_info_present .... ...0 = T-GSM 400 Band Information
present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.t_gsm_900_assoc_radio_cap_present 0... .... = T-GSM 900
Associated Radio Capability present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.downlink_adv_receiver_perf .01. .... = Downlink Advanced Receiver
Performance: Downlink Advanced Receiver Performance - phase I supported (1)
o gsm_a.classmark3.dtm_enhancements_capability ...0 .... = DTM Enhancements
Capability: The mobile station does not support enhanced DTM CS establishment and
release procedures
o gsm_a.classmark3.dtm_e_gprs_high_mutli_slot_info_present .... 0... = DTM E/GPRS
High Multi Slot Information present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.repeated_acch_cap .... .1.. = Repeated ACCH Capability: The mobile
station supports Repeated SACCH and Repeated Downlink FACCH
o gsm_a.classmark3.gsm_710_assoc_radio_cap_present .... ..0. = GSM 710 Associated
Radio Capability present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.t_gsm_810_assoc_radio_cap_present .... ...0 = T-GSM 810 Associated
Radio Capability present: false
o gsm_a.classmark3.ciphering_mode_setting_cap 0... .... = Ciphering Mode Setting
Capability: The mobile station does not support the Ciphering Mode Setting IE in the
o gsm_a.classmark3.additional_positioning_caps .0.. .... = Additional Positioning
Capabilities: The mobile station does not support additional positioning capabilities
which can be retrieved using RRLP
o gsm_a.classmark3.e_utra_fdd_support ..1. .... = E-UTRA FDD support: E-UTRA FDD
o gsm_a.classmark3.e_utra_tdd_support ...1 .... = E-UTRA TDD support: E-UTRA TDD
o gsm_a.classmark3.e_utra_meas_and_report_support .... 1... = E-UTRA Measurement
and Reporting support: E-UTRAN Neighbour Cell measurements and measurement
reporting while having an RR connection supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.prio_based_resel_support .... .1.. = Priority-based reselection
support: Priority-based cell reselection supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.utra_csg_cells_reporting .... ..0. = UTRA CSG Cells Reporting:
Reporting of UTRAN CSG cells not supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.vamos_level .... ...0 0... .... = VAMOS Level: VAMOS not supported (0)
o gsm_a.classmark3.tighter_cap .01. .... = TIGHTER Capability: TIGHTER supported for
speech and signalling channels only (1)
o gsm_a.classmark3.selective_ciph_down_sacch ...0 .... = Selective Ciphering of Downlink
SACCH: Not supported
o gsm_a.classmark3.cs_to_ps_srvcc_geran_to_utra .... 00.. = CS to PS SRVCC from GERAN
to UTRA: CS to PS SRVCC from GERAN to UMTS FDD and 1.28 Mcps TDD not
supported (0)
o gsm_a.classmark3.cs_to_ps_srvcc_geran_to_eutra .... ..00 = CS to PS SRVCC from
supported (0)
 gsm_a.dtap Supported Codec List - Supported Codecs
o gsm_a.dtap.elem_id Element ID: 0x40
o gsm_a.len Length: 8
o gsm_a.dtap.sysid System Identification (SysID): UMTS (0x04)
o gsm_a.dtap.bitmap_length Bitmap Length: 2
o gsm_a.dtap.codec Codec Bitmap for SysID 1
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.tdma_efr 0... .... = TDMA EFR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.umts_amr_2 .1.. .... = UMTS AMR 2: True
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.umts_amr ..1. .... = UMTS AMR: True
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.hr_amr ...0 .... = HR AMR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.fr_amr .... 0... = FR AMR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.gsm_efr .... .0.. = GSM EFR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.gsm_hr .... ..0. = GSM HR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.gsm_fr .... ...0 = GSM FR: False
 gsm_a.spare_bits 00.. .... = Spare bit(s): 0
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.ohr_amr_wb ..0. .... = OHR AMR-WB: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.ofr_amr_wb ...0 .... = OFR AMR-WB: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.ohr_amr .... 0... = OHR AMR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.umts_amr_wb .... .0.. = UMTS AMR-WB: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.fr_amr_wb .... ..0. = FR AMR-WB: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.pdc_efr .... ...0 = PDC EFR: False
o gsm_a.dtap.sysid System Identification (SysID): GSM (0x00)
o gsm_a.dtap.bitmap_length Bitmap Length: 2
o gsm_a.dtap.codec Codec Bitmap for SysID 2
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.tdma_efr 0... .... = TDMA EFR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.umts_amr_2 .0.. .... = UMTS AMR 2: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.umts_amr ..0. .... = UMTS AMR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.hr_amr ...1 .... = HR AMR: True
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.fr_amr .... 1... = FR AMR: True
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.gsm_efr .... .1.. = GSM EFR: True
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.gsm_hr .... ..1. = GSM HR: True
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.gsm_fr .... ...1 = GSM FR: True
 gsm_a.spare_bits 00.. .... = Spare bit(s): 0
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.ohr_amr_wb ..0. .... = OHR AMR-WB: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.ofr_amr_wb ...0 .... = OFR AMR-WB: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.ohr_amr .... 0... = OHR AMR: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.umts_amr_wb .... .0.. = UMTS AMR-WB: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.fr_amr_wb .... ..0. = FR AMR-WB: False
 gsm_a.dtap.codec.pdc_efr .... ...0 = PDC EFR: False
 gsm_a.gm Voice domain preference and UE's usage setting
o gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x5d
o gsm_a.len Length: 1
o gsm_a.spare_bits 0000 0... = Spare bit(s): 0
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.ue_usage_setting .... .0.. = UE's usage setting: Voice centric
o gsm_a.gm.gmm.voice_domain_pref_for_eutran .... ..11 = Voice domain preference for
E-UTRAN: IMS PS voice preferred, CS Voice as secondary (3)
 GUTI type - Old GUTI type
o nas_eps 1110 .... = Element ID: 0xe-
o nas_eps.spare_bits .... 000. = Spare bit(s): 0x00
o nas_eps.emm.guti_type .... ...0 = GUTI type: Native GUTI
 MS network feature support
o gsm_a 1100 .... = Element ID: 0xc-
o gsm_a.spare_bits .... 000. = Spare bit(s): 0
o gsm_a.ext_periodic_timers .... ...1 = Extended periodic timers: MS supports the
extended periodic timer in this domain

 s1ap Item 2: id-TAI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-TAI (67)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.TAI_element TAI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.tAC tAC: 0001

 s1ap Item 3: id-EUTRAN-CGI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-EUTRAN-CGI (100)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 8
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.EUTRAN_CGI_element EUTRAN-CGI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.cell_ID cell-ID: 1a2d0010 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0001 1010 0010 1101 0000 0000
0001 .... decimal value 27447297]

 s1ap Item 4: id-RRC-Establishment-Cause

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-RRC-Establishment-Cause (134)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 1
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.extension_present_bit 0... .... Extension Present Bit: False
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 3
 s1ap.RRC_Establishment_Cause RRC-Establishment-Cause: mo-Signalling (3)

//Step 1 Initial UE Message (TS36.331)


PROCEDURE CODE id-initialUEMessage

InitialUEMessage ::= SEQUENCE {

protocolIEs ProtocolIE-Container {{InitialUEMessage-IEs}},

InitialUEMessage-IEs S1AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {


{ ID id-NAS-PDU CRITICALITY reject TYPE NAS-PDU PRESENCE mandatory}| // 例如 attach request


{ ID id-RRC-Establishment-Cause CRITICALITY ignore TYPE RRC-Establishment-Cause PRESENCE mandatory}|
{ ID id-CellAccessMode CRITICALITY reject TYPE CellAccessMode PRESENCE optional}|
{ ID id-GW-TransportLayerAddress CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TransportLayerAddress PRESENCE optional}|
{ ID id-RelayNode-Indicator CRITICALITY reject TYPE RelayNode-Indicator PRESENCE optional}|
-- Extension for Release 11 to support BBAI --
{ ID id-Tunnel-Information-for-BBF CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TunnelInformation PRESENCE optional}|
{ ID id-SIPTO-L-GW-TransportLayerAddress CRITICALITY ignore TYPE TransportLayerAddress PRESENCE optional}|
{ ID id-MME-Group-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE MME-Group-ID PRESENCE optional}|
{ ID id-UE-Usage-Type CRITICALITY ignore TYPE UE-Usage-Type PRESENCE optional},

// Radisys code
* @brief This function builds the S1AP initial UE message
PUBLIC S16 wrUmmS1apBldInitUePdu

/* List of IEs
* 2. NAS PDU
* 3. TAI
* 5. Establishment Cause
* 6. S-TMSI
*7 Csg Id
* 8. Registered MME
* 9. Cell Access Mode
*10. GUMMEI Type
* */
////Step2 Downlink NAS Transport {AUTHENTICATION REQUEST}
s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-downlinkNASTransport (11)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 56
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.DownlinkNASTransport_element DownlinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 3
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 3 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 37
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 36
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 075200e80526e22caab2fc9a4dda558c612e6a109113c6e1...
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security
protected (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.nas_msg_emm_type NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Authentication
request (0x52)
 nas_eps.emm.spare_half_octet 0000 .... = Spare half octet: 0
 nas_eps.emm.tsc .... 0... = Type of security context flag (TSC): Native security context (for
 nas_eps.emm.nas_key_set_id .... .000 = NAS key set identifier: (0) ASME
 gsm_a.dtap Authentication Parameter RAND - EPS challenge
o gsm_a.dtap.rand RAND value: e80526e22caab2fc9a4dda558c612e6a
 gsm_a Authentication Parameter AUTN (UMTS and EPS authentication challenge) - EPS
o gsm_a.len Length: 16
o gsm_a.dtap.autn AUTN value: 9113c6e1085c9001df93421ca180ebe5
 gsm_a.dtap.autn.sqn_xor_ak SQN xor AK: 9113c6e1085c
 gsm_a.dtap.autn.amf AMF: 9001
 gsm_a.dtap.autn.mac MAC: df93421ca180ebe5

//////Step3 Uplink NAS Transport {AUTHENTICATION RESPONSE}

s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-uplinkNASTransport (13)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 59
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UplinkNASTransport_element UplinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 5
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 5 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 18
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 17
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 17662f85fa0c0753083158e212e3432930
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0001 .... = Security header type: Integrity

protected (1)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS
mobility management messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0x662f85fa
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 12
 nas_eps.security_header_type 0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS
message, not security protected (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS
mobility management messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.nas_msg_emm_type NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type:
Authentication response (0x53)
 gsm_a Authentication response parameter
o gsm_a.len Length: 8
o nas_eps.emm.res RES: 3158e212e3432930

 s1ap Item 3: id-EUTRAN-CGI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-EUTRAN-CGI (100)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 8
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.EUTRAN_CGI_element EUTRAN-CGI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.cell_ID cell-ID: 1a2d0010 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0001 1010 0010
1101 0000 0000 0001 .... decimal value 27447297]

 s1ap Item 4: id-TAI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-TAI (67)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.TAI_element TAI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.tAC tAC: 0001
////// Step 4 Downlink NAS Transport {SECURITY MODE COMMAND}
s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-downlinkNASTransport (11)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 37
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.DownlinkNASTransport_element DownlinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 3
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 3 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 18
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 17
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 377b99f3e300075d010005e060c04070c1
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0011 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected with new
EPS security context (3)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0x7b99f3e3
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 0
 nas_eps.security_header_type 0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security
protected (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.nas_msg_emm_type NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Security mode
command (0x5d)
 nas_eps NAS security algorithms - Selected NAS security algorithms
o nas_eps.spare_bits 0... .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
o nas_eps.emm.toc .000 .... = Type of ciphering algorithm: EPS encryption algorithm
EEA0 (null ciphering algorithm) (0)
o nas_eps.spare_bits .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
o nas_eps.emm.toi .... .001 = Type of integrity protection algorithm: EPS integrity
algorithm 128-EIA1 (1)
 nas_eps.emm.spare_half_octet 0000 .... = Spare half octet: 0
 nas_eps.emm.tsc .... 0... = Type of security context flag (TSC): Native security context (for
 nas_eps.emm.nas_key_set_id .... .000 = NAS key set identifier: (0) ASME
 gsm_a UE security capability - Replayed UE security capabilities
o gsm_a.len Length: 5
o nas_eps.emm.eea0 1... .... = EEA0: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.128eea1 .1.. .... = 128-EEA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.128eea2 ..1. .... = 128-EEA2: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea3 ...0 .... = 128-EEA3: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea4 .... 0... = EEA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea5 .... .0.. = EEA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea6 .... ..0. = EEA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eea7 .... ...0 = EEA7: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia0 0... .... = EIA0: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.128eia1 .1.. .... = 128-EIA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.128eia2 ..1. .... = 128-EIA2: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia3 ...0 .... = 128-EIA3: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia4 .... 0... = EIA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia5 .... .0.. = EIA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia6 .... ..0. = EIA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.eia7 .... ...0 = EIA7: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea0 1... .... = UEA0: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea1 .1.. .... = UEA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea2 ..0. .... = UEA2: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea3 ...0 .... = UEA3: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea4 .... 0... = UEA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea5 .... .0.. = UEA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea6 .... ..0. = UEA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uea7 .... ...0 = UEA7: Not Supported
o nas_eps.spare_bits 0... .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
o nas_eps.emm.uia1 .1.. .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia2 ..0. .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA2: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia3 ...0 .... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA3: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia4 .... 0... = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia5 .... .0.. = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia6 .... ..0. = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.uia7 .... ...0 = UMTS integrity algorithm UIA7: Not Supported
o nas_eps.spare_bits 0... .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
o nas_eps.emm.gea1 .1.. .... = GPRS encryption algorithm GEA1: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.gea2 ..1. .... = GPRS encryption algorithm GEA2: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.gea3 ...1 .... = GPRS encryption algorithm GEA3: Supported
o nas_eps.emm.gea4 .... 0... = GPRS encryption algorithm GEA4: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.gea5 .... .0.. = GPRS encryption algorithm GEA5: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.gea6 .... ..0. = GPRS encryption algorithm GEA6: Not Supported
o nas_eps.emm.gea7 .... ...0 = GPRS encryption algorithm GEA7: Not Supported
 IMEISV request
o nas_eps 1100 .... = Element ID: 0xc-
o nas_eps.spare_bits .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
o nas_eps.emm.imeisv_req .... .001 = IMEISV request: IMEISV requested (1)

/// Step 5 Uplink NAS Transport {SECURITY MODE COMPLETE}

s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-uplinkNASTransport (13)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 61
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UplinkNASTransport_element UplinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 5
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 5 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 20
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 19
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 475edcb58300075e23093345240736324307f2
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0100 .... = Security header type: Integrity

protected and ciphered with new EPS security context (4)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS
mobility management messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0x5edcb583
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 0
 nas_eps.security_header_type 0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS
message, not security protected (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS
mobility management messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.nas_msg_emm_type NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type:
Security mode complete (0x5e)
 nas_eps.common Mobile identity - IMEISV - IMEISV (3544270632334702)
o nas_eps.common.elem_id Element ID: 0x23
o gsm_a.len Length: 9
o gsm_a 0011 .... = Identity Digit 1: 3
o gsm_a.oddevenind .... 0... = Odd/even indication: Even number of identity
o gsm_a.ie.mobileid.type .... .011 = Mobile Identity Type: IMEISV (3)
o gsm_a.imeisv BCD Digits: 3544270632334702
o 1111 .... = Filler

 s1ap Item 3: id-EUTRAN-CGI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-EUTRAN-CGI (100)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 8
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.EUTRAN_CGI_element EUTRAN-CGI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.cell_ID cell-ID: 1a2d0010 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0001 1010 0010
1101 0000 0000 0001 .... decimal value 27447297]

 s1ap Item 4: id-TAI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-TAI (67)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.TAI_element TAI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.tAC tAC: 0001

//// Step 6 : Downlink NAS Transport {ESM INFORMATION REQUEST}
s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-downlinkNASTransport (11)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 29
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.DownlinkNASTransport_element DownlinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 3
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 3 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 10
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 9
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 2795789852010204d9
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0010 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected and

ciphered (2)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0x95789852
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 1
 nas_eps.bearer_id 0000 .... = EPS bearer identity: No EPS bearer identity assigned (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0010 = Protocol discriminator: EPS session management
messages (0x02)
 nas_eps.esm.proc_trans_id Procedure transaction identity: 4
 nas_eps.nas_msg_esm_type NAS EPS session management messages: ESM information
request (0xd9)

//// Step 7: Uplink NAS Transport {ESM INFORMATION RESPONSE}

s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-uplinkNASTransport (13)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 65
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UplinkNASTransport_element UplinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 5
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 5 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 24
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 23
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 27788398fa010204da280c0b6e787467656e70686f6e65
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0010 .... = Security header type: Integrity

protected and ciphered (2)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS
mobility management messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0x788398fa
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 1
 nas_eps.bearer_id 0000 .... = EPS bearer identity: No EPS bearer identity
assigned (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0010 = Protocol discriminator: EPS session
management messages (0x02)
 nas_eps.esm.proc_trans_id Procedure transaction identity: 4
 nas_eps.nas_msg_esm_type NAS EPS session management messages: ESM
information response (0xda)
 gsm_a.gm Access Point Name
o gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x28
o gsm_a.len Length: 12
o gsm_a.gm.sm.apn APN: nxtgenphone
 s1ap Item 3: id-EUTRAN-CGI
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-EUTRAN-CGI (100)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 8
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.EUTRAN_CGI_element EUTRAN-CGI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.cell_ID cell-ID: 1a2d0010 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0001 1010 0010
1101 0000 0000 0001 .... decimal value 27447297]

 s1ap Item 4: id-TAI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-TAI (67)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.TAI_element TAI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.tAC tAC: 0001

s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-InitialContextSetup (9)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 186
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.InitialContextSetupRequest_element InitialContextSetupRequest
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 6
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 6 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-uEaggregateMaximumBitrate
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-uEaggregateMaximumBitrate (66)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 10
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UEAggregateMaximumBitrate_element UEAggregateMaximumBitrate

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL: 100000000
 s1ap.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUL uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUL: 50000000

 s1ap Item 3: id-E-RABToBeSetupListCtxtSUReq

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-E-RABToBeSetupListCtxtSUReq (24)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 108
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 1
 s1ap.E_RABToBeSetupListCtxtSUReq E-RABToBeSetupListCtxtSUReq: 1 item

 s1ap Item 0: id-E-RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq

o s1ap.ProtocolIE_SingleContainer_element ProtocolIE-SingleContainer
 s1ap.id id: id-E-RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq (52)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 103
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.E_RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq_element E-RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.optional_field_bit .1.. .... Optional Field Bit: True (nAS-PDU is present)
 per.optional_field_bit ..0. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT
 per.extension_present_bit ...0 .... Extension Present Bit: False
 s1ap.e_RAB_ID e-RAB-ID: 5
 s1ap.e_RABlevelQoSParameters_element e-RABlevelQoSParameters
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False
(gbrQosInformation is NOT present)
 per.optional_field_bit ..0. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions
is NOT present)
 s1ap.qCI qCI: 9
 s1ap.allocationRetentionPriority_element allocationRetentionPriori
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False
(iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.priorityLevel priorityLevel: no-priority (15)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.pre_emptionCapability pre-emptionCapability:
shall-not-trigger-pre-emption (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.pre_emptionVulnerability pre-emptionVulnerability:
not-pre-emptable (0)
 per.extension_present_bit 0... .... Extension Present Bit: False
 per.bit_string_length Bit String Length: 32
 s1ap.transportLayerAddress transportLayerAddress: 7f000164 [bit length 32,
0111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0001 0110 0100 decimal value 2130706788]
 s1ap.transportLayerAddressIPv4 transportLayerAddress(IPv4): (
 s1ap.gTP_TEID gTP-TEID: 7e10b568
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 88
 s1ap.nAS_PDU nAS-PDU:
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU
 nas_eps.security_header_type 0010 .... = Security header type:
Integrity protected and ciphered (2)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator:
EPS mobility management messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0x756d9fd7
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 2
 nas_eps.security_header_type 0000 .... = Security header type:
Plain NAS message, not security protected (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator:
EPS mobility management messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.nas_msg_emm_type NAS EPS Mobility Management
Message Type: Attach accept (0x42)
 nas_eps.emm.spare_half_octet 0000 .... = Spare half octet: 0
 nas_eps.spare_bits .... 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
 nas_eps.emm.EPS_attach_result .... .010 = Attach result: Combined
EPS/IMSI attach (2)
 GPRS Timer - T3412 value
 gsm_a.gm.gmm GPRS Timer: timer is deactivated
 gsm_a.gm.gmm.gprs_timer_unit 111. .... = Unit:
value indicates that the timer is deactivated (7)
 gsm_a.gm.gmm.gprs_timer_value ...0 0000 =
Timer value: 0
 gsm_a Tracking area identity list - TAI list
 gsm_a.len Length: 6
 nas_eps.spare_bits 0... .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
 nas_eps.emm.tai_tol .00. .... = Type of list: list of TACs
belonging to one PLMN, with non-consecutive TAC values
 nas_eps.emm.tai_n_elem ...0 0000 = Number of elements:
0 [+1 = 1 element(s)]
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of
America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless
 nas_eps.emm.tai_tac Tracking area code(TAC): 0x0001
 gsm_a ESM message container
 gsm_a.len Length: 40
 nas_eps.emm.esm_msg_cont ESM message container
 nas_eps.bearer_id 0101 .... = EPS bearer identity:
EPS bearer identity value 5 (5)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0010 =
Protocol discriminator: EPS session management
messages (0x02)
 nas_eps.esm.proc_trans_id Procedure transaction
identity: 4
 nas_eps.nas_msg_esm_type NAS EPS session
management messages: Activate default EPS
bearer context request (0xc1)
 gsm_a EPS quality of service
 gsm_a.len Length: 1
 nas_eps.emm.qci Quality of Service Class
Identifier (QCI): QCI 9 (9)
 gsm_a Access Point Name
 gsm_a.len Length: 12
 gsm_a.gm.sm.apn APN: nxtgenphone
 gsm_a PDN address
 gsm_a.len Length: 5
 nas_eps.spare_bits 0000 0... = Spare
bit(s): 0x00
 nas_eps.esm_pdn_type PDN type: IPv4
 nas_eps.esm.pdn_ipv4 PDN IPv4: (
 gsm_a.gm Protocol Configuration Options
 gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x27
 gsm_a.len Length: 14
 gsm_a.gm.sm.link_dir Link direction:
Network to MS (1)
 gsm_a.gm.sm.ext 1... .... = Extension:
 gsm_a.gm.sm Configuration Protocol:
PPP for use with IP PDP type or IP PDN
type (0)
 gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or
Container ID: Internet Protocol Control
Protocol (0x8021)

 Length: 0x0a (10)

 ipcp PPP IP Control Protocol
o ppp.code Code:
Configuration Nak (3)
o ppp.identifier Identifier:
0 (0x00)
o ppp.length Length: 10
o Options: (6 bytes),
Primary DNS Server IP
 ipcp.opt Prima
ry DNS Server
IP Address:
 ipcp.
pe Ty
r IP
 ipcp.
h: 6
 ipcp.
ress P

 nas_eps.emm EPS mobile identity - GUTI

 nas_eps.emm.elem_id Element ID: 0x50
 gsm_a.len Length: 11
 nas_eps.emm.odd_even .... 0... = odd/even indic: 0
 nas_eps.emm.type_of_id .... .110 = Type of identity: GUTI
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of
America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless
 nas_eps.emm.mme_grp_id MME Group ID: 32769
 nas_eps.emm.mme_code MME Code: 1
 nas_eps.emm.m_tmsi M-TMSI: 0x00000001
 nas_eps.common Location area identification
 nas_eps.common.elem_id Element ID: 0x13
 e212 Location Area Identification (LAI) - 310/410/1
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United
States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular
Wireless (410)
 gsm_a.lac Location Area Code (LAC): 0x0001 (1)
 nas_eps.common Mobile identity - MS identity - TMSI/P-TMSI
 nas_eps.common.elem_id Element ID: 0x23
 gsm_a.len Length: 5
 gsm_a.unused 0000 .... = Unused: 0x00
 gsm_a.oddevenind .... 0... = Odd/even indication: Even
number of identity digits
 gsm_a.ie.mobileid.type .... .100 = Mobile Identity Type:
 gsm_a.tmsi TMSI/P-TMSI: 0x00000001
 nas_eps.emm EPS network feature support
 nas_eps.emm.elem_id Element ID: 0x64
 gsm_a.len Length: 1
 nas_eps.spare_bits 00.. .... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
 nas_eps.emm.esr_ps ..0. .... = ESRPS: network does not
support use of EXTENDED SERVICE REQUEST to request for
packet services
 nas_eps.emm.cs_lcs ...0 0... = CS-LCS: no information
about support of location services via CS domain is
available (0)
 nas_eps.emm.epc_lcs .... .0.. = EPC-LCS: location services
via EPC not supported
 nas_eps.emm.emc_bs .... ..0. = EMC BS: emergency bearer
services in S1 mode not supported
 nas_eps.emm.ims_vops .... ...1 = IMS VoPS: IMS voice over
PS session in S1 mode supported

 s1ap Item 4: id-UESecurityCapabilities

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-UESecurityCapabilities (107)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 5
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UESecurityCapabilities_element UESecurityCapabilities

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 per.extension_present_bit ..0. .... Extension Present Bit: False
 s1ap.encryptionAlgorithms encryptionAlgorithms: c000 [bit length 16, 1100 0000 0000 0000 decimal value
 per.extension_present_bit ...0 .... Extension Present Bit: False
 s1ap.integrityProtectionAlgorithms integrityProtectionAlgorithms: c000 [bit length 16, 1100 0000 0000 0000
decimal value 49152]
 s1ap Item 5: id-SecurityKey
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-SecurityKey (73)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 32
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.SecurityKey SecurityKey: 061787a33046218e9a58bb029aeff40d6e2ea1a1fe4f09af... [bit length 256]

 //////Step 9: UECapabilityInfoIndication
 s1ap S1 Application Protocol

o per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

o per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
o s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
 s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-UECapabilityInfoIndication (22)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 386
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UECapabilityInfoIndication_element UECapabilityInfoIndication
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 3
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 3 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value

 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211

 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value


 s1ap Item 2: id-UERadioCapability

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-UERadioCapability (74)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 366
 s1ap.value_element value

 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 364

 s1ap.UERadioCapability UERadioCapability:
o lte-rrc.UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation_element UERadioAccessCapabilityInform
 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 lte-rrc.criticalExtensions criticalExtensions: c1 (0)
 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0

///Step 10: Initial Context Setup Response [E-RAB Setup List Res]
s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 1
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: successfulOutcome (1)
o s1ap.successfulOutcome_element successfulOutcome
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-InitialContextSetup (9)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 34
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.InitialContextSetupResponse_element InitialContextSetupResponse
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 3
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 3 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-E-RABSetupListCtxtSURes
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-E-RABSetupListCtxtSURes (51)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 15
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 1
 s1ap.E_RABSetupListCtxtSURes E-RABSetupListCtxtSURes: 1 item

 s1ap Item 0: id-E-RABSetupItemCtxtSURes

o s1ap.ProtocolIE_SingleContainer_element ProtocolIE-SingleContainer
 s1ap.id id: id-E-RABSetupItemCtxtSURes (50)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 10
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.E_RABSetupItemCtxtSURes_element E-RABSetupItemCtxtSURes
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False
(iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 per.extension_present_bit ..0. .... Extension Present Bit: False
 s1ap.e_RAB_ID e-RAB-ID: 5
 per.extension_present_bit .... ...0 Extension Present Bit: False
 per.bit_string_length Bit String Length: 32
 s1ap.transportLayerAddress transportLayerAddress: 7f000101
[bit length 32, 0111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001
decimal value 2130706689]
 s1ap.transportLayerAddressIPv4 transportLayerAddress(
IPv4): (
 s1ap.gTP_TEID gTP-TEID: 6f84e480

s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-uplinkNASTransport (13)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 55
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UplinkNASTransport_element UplinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 5
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 5 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 14
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 13
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 27412e302e02074300035200c2
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0010 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected and

ciphered (2)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0x412e302e
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 2
 nas_eps.security_header_type 0000 .... = Security header type: Plain NAS message, not security
protected (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.nas_msg_emm_type NAS EPS Mobility Management Message Type: Attach complete
 gsm_a ESM message container
o gsm_a.len Length: 3
o nas_eps.emm.esm_msg_cont ESM message container contents: 5200c2
 nas_eps.bearer_id 0101 .... = EPS bearer identity: EPS bearer identity value 5 (5)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0010 = Protocol discriminator: EPS session
management messages (0x02)
 nas_eps.esm.proc_trans_id Procedure transaction identity: 0
 nas_eps.nas_msg_esm_type NAS EPS session management messages: Activate
default EPS bearer context accept (0xc2)

 s1ap Item 3: id-EUTRAN-CGI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-EUTRAN-CGI (100)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 8
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.EUTRAN_CGI_element EUTRAN-CGI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.cell_ID cell-ID: 1a2d0010 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0001 1010 0010 1101 0000 0000
0001 .... decimal value 27447297]
 s1ap Item 4: id-TAI
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-TAI (67)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.TAI_element TAI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.tAC tAC: 0001
///// Step 12: Uplink NAS Transport {PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST}
s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-uplinkNASTransport (13)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 98
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UplinkNASTransport_element UplinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 5
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 5 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 57
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 56
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 27d0f44064030205d031280403696d732726808021100100...
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0010 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected and

ciphered (2)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0xd0f44064
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 3
 nas_eps.bearer_id 0000 .... = EPS bearer identity: No EPS bearer identity assigned (0)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0010 = Protocol discriminator: EPS session management
messages (0x02)
 nas_eps.esm.proc_trans_id Procedure transaction identity: 5
 nas_eps.nas_msg_esm_type NAS EPS session management messages: PDN connectivity
request (0xd0)
 nas_eps.esm_pdn_type 0011 .... = PDN type: IPv4v6 (3)
 nas_eps.esm_request_type .... 0001 = Request type: initial request (1)
 gsm_a.gm Access Point Name
o gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x28
o gsm_a.len Length: 4
o gsm_a.gm.sm.apn APN: ims
 gsm_a.gm Protocol Configuration Options
o gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x27
o gsm_a.len Length: 38
o gsm_a.gm.sm.link_dir Link direction: MS to network (0)
o gsm_a.gm.sm.ext 1... .... = Extension: True
o gsm_a.gm.sm Configuration Protocol: PPP for use with IP PDP type or IP PDN type (0)
o gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: Internet Protocol Control Protocol
 Length: 0x10 (16)
 ipcp PPP IP Control Protocol
 ppp.code Code: Configuration Request (1)
 ppp.identifier Identifier: 0 (0x00)
 ppp.length Length: 16
 Options: (12 bytes), Primary DNS Server IP Address, Secondary DNS
Server IP Address
 ipcp.opt Primary DNS Server IP Address:
 ipcp.opt.type Type: Primary DNS Server IP Address (129)
 ipcp.opt.length Length: 6
 ipcp.opt.pri_dns_address Primary DNS Address:
 ipcp.opt Secondary DNS Server IP Address:
 ipcp.opt.type Type: Secondary DNS Server IP Address
 ipcp.opt.length Length: 6
 ipcp.opt.sec_dns_address Secondary DNS Address: (
o gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: DNS Server IPv4 Address Request
 gsm_a.gm.sm Length: 0x00 (0)
o gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: DNS Server IPv6 Address Request
 gsm_a.gm.sm Length: 0x00 (0)
o gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: P-CSCF IPv6 Address Request
 gsm_a.gm.sm Length: 0x00 (0)
o gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: P-CSCF IPv4 Address Request (0x000c)
 gsm_a.gm.sm Length: 0x00 (0)
o gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: IP address allocation via NAS
signalling (0x000a)
 gsm_a.gm.sm Length: 0x00 (0)
o gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID: IPv4 Link MTU Request (0x0010)
 Length: 0x00 (0)

 s1ap Item 3: id-EUTRAN-CGI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-EUTRAN-CGI (100)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 8
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.EUTRAN_CGI_element EUTRAN-CGI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.cell_ID cell-ID: 1a2d0010 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0001 1010 0010 1101 0000 0000
0001 .... decimal value 27447297]

 s1ap Item 4: id-TAI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-TAI (67)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.TAI_element TAI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.tAC tAC: 0001

s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-E-RABSetup (5)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 111
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.E_RABSetupRequest_element E-RABSetupRequest
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 3
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 3 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-E-RABToBeSetupListBearerSUReq
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-E-RABToBeSetupListBearerSUReq (16)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 92
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 1
 s1ap.E_RABToBeSetupListBearerSUReq E-RABToBeSetupListBearerSUReq: 1 item

 s1ap Item 0: id-E-RABToBeSetupItemBearerSUReq

o s1ap.ProtocolIE_SingleContainer_element ProtocolIE-SingleContainer
 s1ap.id id: id-E-RABToBeSetupItemBearerSUReq (17)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 87
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.E_RABToBeSetupItemBearerSUReq_element E-RABToBeSetupIte
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False
(iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 per.extension_present_bit ..0. .... Extension Present Bit: False
 s1ap.e_RAB_ID e-RAB-ID: 6
 s1ap.e_RABlevelQoSParameters_element e-RABlevelQoSParam
 per.extension_bit .... ...0 Extension Bit: False
 per.optional_field_bit 0... .... Optional Field Bit: False
(gbrQosInformation is NOT present)
 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False
(iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.qCI qCI: 5
 s1ap.allocationRetentionPriority_element allocationRete
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit:
False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.priorityLevel priorityLevel: highest (1)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.pre_emptionCapability pre-emptionCapabili
ty: shall-not-trigger-pre-emption (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.pre_emptionVulnerability pre-emptionVuln
erability: not-pre-emptable (0)
 per.extension_present_bit 0... .... Extension Present Bit: False
 per.bit_string_length Bit String Length: 32
 s1ap.transportLayerAddress transportLayerAddress: 7f000164
[bit length 32, 0111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0001 0110 0100
decimal value 2130706788]
 s1ap.transportLayerAddressIPv4 transportLayerAddress(
IPv4): (
 s1ap.gTP_TEID gTP-TEID: 7e10b569
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 72
 s1ap.nAS_PDU nAS-PDU:
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU
 nas_eps.security_header_type 0010 .... = Security header
type: Integrity protected and ciphered (2)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol
discriminator: EPS mobility management messages
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code:
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 3
 nas_eps.bearer_id 0110 .... = EPS bearer identity: EPS
bearer identity value 6 (6)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0010 = Protocol
discriminator: EPS session management messages (0x02)
 nas_eps.esm.proc_trans_id Procedure transaction
identity: 5
 nas_eps.nas_msg_esm_type NAS EPS session
management messages: Activate default EPS bearer
context request (0xc1)
 gsm_a EPS quality of service
 gsm_a.len Length: 1
 nas_eps.emm.qci Quality of Service Class
Identifier (QCI): QCI 5 (5)
 gsm_a Access Point Name
 gsm_a.len Length: 4
 gsm_a.gm.sm.apn APN: ims
 gsm_a PDN address
 gsm_a.len Length: 13
 nas_eps.spare_bits 0000 0... = Spare bit(s): 0x00
 nas_eps.esm_pdn_type PDN type: IPv4v6 (3)
 nas_eps.esm.pdn_ipv6_if_id PDN IPv6 if id:
 nas_eps.esm.pdn_ipv4 PDN IPv4:
 gsm_a.gm Protocol Configuration Options
 gsm_a.gm.elem_id Element ID: 0x27
 gsm_a.len Length: 40
 gsm_a.gm.sm.link_dir Link direction: Network to
MS (1)
 gsm_a.gm.sm.ext 1... .... = Extension: True
 gsm_a.gm.sm Configuration Protocol: PPP for
use with IP PDP type or IP PDN type (0)
 gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID:
Internet Protocol Control Protocol (0x8021)
 Length: 0x0a (10)
 ipcp PPP IP Control Protocol
 ppp.code Code: Configuration
Nak (3)
 ppp.identifier Identifier: 0 (0x00)
 ppp.length Length: 10
 Options: (6 bytes), Primary DNS
Server IP Address

 ipcp.opt Primary DNS

Server IP Address:
o ipcp.opt.type Type:
Primary DNS Server
IP Address (129)
o ipcp.opt.length Len
gth: 6
o ipcp.opt.pri_dns_a
ddress Primary
DNS Address:

 gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID:

P-CSCF IPv4 Address (0x000c)
 Length: 0x04 (4)
 gsm_a.gm.sm IPv4:
 gsm_a.gm.sm.pco_pid Protocol or Container ID:
P-CSCF IPv6 Address (0x0001)

 Length: 0x10 (16)
 IPv6: fd01::183
/// Step 14: E-RAB Setup Response

s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 1
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: successfulOutcome (1)
o s1ap.successfulOutcome_element successfulOutcome
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-E-RABSetup (5)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 34
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.E_RABSetupResponse_element E-RABSetupResponse
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 3
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 3 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-E-RABSetupListBearerSURes
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-E-RABSetupListBearerSURes (28)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 15
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 1
 s1ap.E_RABSetupListBearerSURes E-RABSetupListBearerSURes: 1 item

 s1ap Item 0: id-E-RABSetupItemBearerSURes

o s1ap.ProtocolIE_SingleContainer_element ProtocolIE-SingleContainer
 s1ap.id id: id-E-RABSetupItemBearerSURes (39)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 10
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.E_RABSetupItemBearerSURes_element E-RABSetupItemBearerSU
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False
(iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 per.extension_present_bit ..0. .... Extension Present Bit: False
 s1ap.e_RAB_ID e-RAB-ID: 6
 per.extension_present_bit .... ...0 Extension Present Bit: False
 per.bit_string_length Bit String Length: 32
 s1ap.transportLayerAddress transportLayerAddress: 7f000101
[bit length 32, 0111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0001
decimal value 2130706689]
 s1ap.transportLayerAddressIPv4 transportLayerAddress(
IPv4): (
 s1ap.gTP_TEID gTP-TEID: 6f84e481


s1ap S1 Application Protocol

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
 s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
o s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-uplinkNASTransport (13)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 51
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.UplinkNASTransport_element UplinkNASTransport
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 5
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 5 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-MME-UE-S1AP-ID (0)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.MME_UE_S1AP_ID MME-UE-S1AP-ID: 211
 s1ap Item 1: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap Item 2: id-NAS-PDU
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 10
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 9
 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: 273df71ae5046200c2
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU

 nas_eps.security_header_type 0010 .... = Security header type: Integrity protected and

ciphered (2)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility management
messages (0x07)
 nas_eps.msg_auth_code Message authentication code: 0x3df71ae5
 nas_eps.seq_no Sequence number: 4
 nas_eps.bearer_id 0110 .... = EPS bearer identity: EPS bearer identity value 6 (6)
 gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0010 = Protocol discriminator: EPS session management
messages (0x02)
 nas_eps.esm.proc_trans_id Procedure transaction identity: 0
 nas_eps.nas_msg_esm_type NAS EPS session management messages: Activate default EPS
bearer context accept (0xc2)

 s1ap Item 3: id-EUTRAN-CGI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-EUTRAN-CGI (100)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 8
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.EUTRAN_CGI_element EUTRAN-CGI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.cell_ID cell-ID: 1a2d0010 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0001 1010 0010 1101 0000 0000
0001 .... decimal value 27447297]

 s1ap Item 4: id-TAI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-TAI (67)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.TAI_element TAI

 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False

 per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
 s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
 e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
 e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
 s1ap.tAC tAC: 0001
/////Step 16:Initial UE Message {SERVICE REQUEST}

 s1ap S1 Application Protocol

o per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
o per.choice_index Choice Index: 0
o s1ap.S1AP_PDU S1AP-PDU: initiatingMessage (0)
 s1ap.initiatingMessage_element initiatingMessage
 s1ap.procedureCode procedureCode: id-initialUEMessage (12)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 55
 s1ap.value_element value
 s1ap.InitialUEMessage_element InitialUEMessage
 per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
 per.sequence_of_length Sequence-Of Length: 6
 s1ap.protocolIEs protocolIEs: 6 items
 s1ap Item 0: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID
 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-eNB-UE-S1AP-ID (8)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 2
 s1ap.value_element value


 s1ap Item 1: id-NAS-PDU

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-NAS-PDU (26)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 5
 s1ap.value_element value

 per.octet_string_length Octet String Length: 4

 s1ap.NAS_PDU NAS-PDU: c7055ac8
 nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU
o nas_eps.security_header_type 1100 .... = Security header type: Security header for the
SERVICE REQUEST message (12)
o gsm_a.L3_protocol_discriminator .... 0111 = Protocol discriminator: EPS mobility
management messages (0x07)
o nas_eps.emm KSI and sequence number
 nas_eps.emm.nas_key_set_id 000. .... = NAS key set identifier: (0)
 nas_eps.seq_no_short ...0 0101 = Sequence number (short): 5
o nas_eps.emm Short MAC - Message authentication code (short)
 nas_eps.emm.short_mac Message authentication code (short): 0x5ac8

 s1ap Item 2: id-TAI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-TAI (67)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value

 s1ap.TAI_element TAI
o per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
o per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
o s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
o e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
o e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
o s1ap.tAC tAC: 0001

 s1ap Item 3: id-EUTRAN-CGI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-EUTRAN-CGI (100)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 8
 s1ap.value_element value

 s1ap.EUTRAN_CGI_element EUTRAN-CGI
o per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
o per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
o s1ap.pLMNidentity pLMNidentity: 134001
o e212.mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC): United States of America (310)
o e212.mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC): Cingular Wireless (410)
o s1ap.cell_ID cell-ID: 1a2d0010 [bit length 28, 4 LSB pad bits, 0001 1010 0010 1101 0000
0000 0001 .... decimal value 27447297]

 s1ap Item 4: id-RRC-Establishment-Cause

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-RRC-Establishment-Cause (134)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 1
 s1ap.criticality criticality: ignore (1)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 1
 s1ap.value_element value
 per.extension_present_bit 0... .... Extension Present Bit: False
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 4
 s1ap.RRC_Establishment_Cause RRC-Establishment-Cause: mo-Data (4)

 s1ap Item 5: id-S-TMSI

 s1ap.ProtocolIE_Field_element ProtocolIE-Field
 s1ap.id id: id-S-TMSI (96)
 per.enum_index Enumerated Index: 0
 s1ap.criticality criticality: reject (0)
 per.open_type_length Open Type Length: 6
 s1ap.value_element value

 s1ap.S_TMSI_element S-TMSI
o per.extension_bit 0... .... Extension Bit: False
o per.optional_field_bit .0.. .... Optional Field Bit: False (iE-Extensions is NOT present)
o s1ap.mMEC mMEC: 01
o s1ap.m_TMSI m-TMSI: 00000001

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