8474L-000-JSD-2310-001-4-Protective Coatings PDF
8474L-000-JSD-2310-001-4-Protective Coatings PDF
8474L-000-JSD-2310-001-4-Protective Coatings PDF
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1.1 This Job Specification is developed from FEED document 6960-8440-SP-0004 Rev D3.
1.2 This Project Standard outlines the requirements for the protection of the external surfaces of
carbon and low alloy steels (less than 12% Cr) and insulated 300 series stainless steel from
1.3 The protective coating system specified includes surface preparation, paint material selection, paint
application method, inspection requirement and acceptable nominal drie d film thicknesses.
1.4 Plant items covered by this Project Standard include above ground piping, equipment, non-
galvanised structural steelwork, furnace plating, storage tanks and other miscellaneous unprotected
steel items. This Project Standard excludes internal linings, protective coatings applied
specifically for transportation and shipment, and painted markings applied to identify materials of
1.5 This Project Standard does not specify high temperature resistant painting systems for operating
temperatures above 600°C.
1.6 This Project Standard shall be read in conjunction with Licensor and Vietnamese mandatory
standards, codes and regulations that also apply. In the event of any conflict, Contractor shall seek
clarification from PetroVietnam before proceeding.
The following documentation is referenced within the text of this Project Standard:
Unless otherwise noted, the latest edition of the following standards shall apply:
BS 7079 Pt.A1/ISO 8501-1 Specification for rust grades and preparation grades
of uncoated steel substrates after overall removal of
previous coatings
SSPC-SP1 Steel Structures Painting Council Surface
Preparation Specification No.1 – Solvent Cleaning
The following definitions of terms used within this Project Standard shall apply:
Protective coating The complete and total protection including surface preparation
system and intercoat cleaning, primer material, undercoat and top coat
4.1 Equipment surfaces requiring protective coating shall be prepared and primed as a minimum in
Vendors’ shops , ready for paint over-coating, unless identified in Table 2 as being supplied to site
fully painted.
4.2 Shop applied coatings shall be dried and cured sufficiently to permit transport to the construction
site without excessive damage.
4.3 Field applied finishing coatings shall be subject to the requirements of this Project Standard and
shall include repair and touch-up of shop applied coatings.
4.4 Equipment and piping welds shall not be painted until all approved heat treatment, non-destructive
testing, and pressure testing has been completed and approved.
CONTRACTOR shall follow the applicable piping code ASME (ANSI) B31.3, item 345.3.1 in
On the basis and to ensure the required quality control and to avoid corrosion from atmospheric
exposure, CONTRACTOR is allowed to paint the weld in the prefabrication shop/on the ground,
except for piping subject to sensitive leak test. The quality control records including the results of the
subsequent hydrostatic test shall be submitted to OWNER.
At the same time, CONTRACTOR will perform all the necessary non-destructive tests as per
PROJECT SPECIFICATION prior to painting to demonstrate that the pipe weld is in full conformity
In any case, CONTRACTOR, remains fully responsible for the quality of weld and consequences of
painting on the shop/ground.
4.5 Shop and field weld margins subject to field inspection shall have the surface prepared and taped
for a distance of 50mm either side of the weld line in the shop. The protective tape shall be of
sufficient quality to protect the achieved profile from deterioration. Unless coated with a primer
that is safe for welding, previously painted surfaces that require further fabrication shall have all
coatings completely removed from areas about 50mm wide either side of the line of burning or
welding. The remainder of the paint shall be chamfered back for approximately a further 100mm to
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4.6 Contractor shall ensure that all slag, spatter and flux residues are removed from welded areas and
grind out any sharp edges. Prior to painting, the weld and surrounding area shall be prepared by
washing thoroughly with fresh water followed by chipping or blast-cleaning. Preparation shall
include the cleaning of the chamfered paint edges and the removal of any burnt or scorched paint.
4.7 Particular attention shall be paid to the preparation and painting of corners, edges, welds, rivet
heads, small brackets, nuts and interstices. Prior to applying each coat of the coating system, these
positions shall be pre-coated by brush, i.e. 'stripe coated' to ensure specified DFT is achieved.
4.8 Care shall be taken to preserve the friction characteristics of faying surfaces of structural
connections made with high strength friction - grip bolts and guidance given in BS 5493, Clause
25, shall be followed.
4.9 Aluminium paint shall not be applied to any steel or iron surfaces likely to attain a temperature
greater than 100°C in any building where inflammable vapour may be present.
4.10 At the construction site, Contractor shall be responsible for properly handling and storing the
primed and painted items prior to erection to minimise damage to primed and painted surfaces.
4.11 The protective coating system applied by the Vendor to proprietary items such as motors,
compressors, pumps, turbines, instrument panels, valves etc. shall be suitable for the intended
operational and environmental conditions at the site of construction (refer to Section 9). The site
environment shall be classified as severe tropical atmosphere.
4.12 Structural supports such as vessel skirts, legs, saddles etc., shall be painted in accordance with
Table 2, Systems 5(A) or 5(B).
4.13 All non-insulated portions of insulated equipment, comprising vessel nozzles, man-way covers,
brackets, clips, valves, relief valves, etc., shall be painted in accordance with temperature
conditions involved.
4.14 The selected protective paint systems shall be based on the normal operating temperatures of
pipework or equipment items with the following exceptions:
• Items internally lined where paint systems shall be selected to suit the anticipated outside wall
• Items subjected to pre-commissioning steam out where the paint system employed shall take
into account the designated steam out temperature and shall be suitable for that temperature
• Items affected by requirements of paragraph 4.11
• All predictable, (not emergency and/or upset), temperature for known periods of either
recurring frequency and/or prolonged duration.
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4.15 The following surfaces and items shall not be painted unless specifically instructed otherwise:
• Non-insulated 300 series stainless steel unless located on the jetty
• Hot dipped galvanised steel (unless for colour identification and under insulation), plastic
including plastic coated materials, aluminium and other non-ferrous metals
• Sheeting, slate, brick, tile, glass and similar weather resistant materials
• Insulated carbon steel surfaces in continuous service with operating temperatures below -4ºC or
above 150ºC. This excludes surfaces subject to Personnel Protection considerations
• Any equipment furnished completely primed and finish coated by the Vendor (pumps, motors
and other machinery, instruments, instrument boards etc.)
• Tripping mechanisms of steam turbines, valve stems, movable lineage on equipment, grease
fittings, compressor or pumpshafts or any such surfaces on equipment that are normally
lubricated or have close working tolerances
4.16 The items listed below shall be shielded and protected to prevent damage during surface
preparation and paint material application operations. All openings, including those that are
flanged or threaded shall be sealed to prevent entry of blast abrasive or paint material. After
completion of painting operations all material used for shielding and sealing shall be removed
unless instructed otherwise.
• Nameplates
• Bearings
• Lubrication fittings
• Pressure gauges
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• Motor starters
• Instrument dials
• Vents
• Exposed linkages
• Valve stems
• Air intakes
4.17 Surfaces subject to Personnel Protection shall be fully painted in accordance with temperature
conditions involved.
4.18 The painting requirements of individual pipes shall be identified on Line Classification Lists.
Contractor shall provide details of the method of identifying protective coating systems on the Line
Classification List for PetroVietnam review and approval.
4.19 Contractor shall produce a schedule of finish colours applicable to equipment, piping and structural
steelwork for PetroVietnam review and approval.
5.1.1 Prior to commencement of surface preparation all surface defects likely to be detrimental to the
protective painting system shall be removed. All fins at saw cuts, burrs and sharp edges shall be
similarly removed. Where extensive grinding has been necessary the dressed areas shall be
re-prepared to remove all rust and provide an adequate paint key.
5.1.2 Prior to blast cleaning all grease and oil contamination shall be removed by wiping or scrubbing
the surface with rags or brushes wetted with solvent followed by a wipe down with clean dry
cloths. Alternatively, proprietary emulsifying agents may be used and where this method of
cleaning is employed the surface shall be thoroughly washed with clean water and then dried
before proceeding.
5.1.3 Surface preparation shall achieve the required standards immediately prior to priming.
5.1.4 All blast cleaned surfaces shall be primed before visible re-rusting occurs or within four hours of
the commencement of blasting. If more than the specified time elapses or visible re-rusting occurs
the metal surfaces shall be lightly reblasted and where necessary washed to remove rust blooming
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and accumulation of soluble salts. Spent abrasive shall be completely removed from the prepared
surface by either vacuum cleaning or stiff-brush sweeping.
5.1.5 When additional areas are blasted adjacent to newly primed areas, at least 25 mm of the previously
primed area shall be reblasted, with the abrasive directed away from the coated surface.
5.1.6 Acid washes and other cleaning solutions or solvents including inhibitive washes intended to
prevent rusting shall not be used on metal surfaces after they are blasted.
5.1.8 The abrasive used in installations such as wheel abators or manual blast cubicles in which the
abrasive is recovered and re-used shall be a mixture of chilled iron or steel grit and steel shot able
to produce the required surface profile. The abrasive mixture shall be replenished using new and
worn abrasive so as to produce a consistent profile height and standard of surface cleanliness. The
abrasive mixture shall be kept free of dust (including metallic particles) and debris. Abrasive blast
cleaning employing sand shall not be permitted.
5.1.9 The amplitude of the profile of the blast-cleaned surface shall be 50-75 microns unless otherwise
specified for a particular coating.
5.1.10 For coating systems 1(D) and 6(D), the profile of the blast-cleaned surface shall be 25-50µm
(unless otherwise specified by the paint Manufacturer). Prior to the start of blast cleaning the
blasting representative shall demonstrate to the satisfaction that the selected abrasive will provide
the specified anchor profile and surface cleanliness.
Areas where blast cleaning is not possible shall be cleaned according to SSPC-SP11 to produce an
anchor profile of 25µm. This practice shall be limited to spot areas.
5.1.11 Abrasive material for blast cleaning, consisting solely of steel shot shall not be used. A mixture
consisting of steel shot and at least 25% by weight steel grit is acceptable.
5.1.12 Expendable abrasive used for blast-cleaning shall be free of contaminants such as chlorides and
other soluble salts and shall not contain metallic copper, nor more than 2% by weight of copper
oxide. Expendable abrasives shall not be recycled. Sand shall not be used for blast-cleaning.
5.1.13 Abrasive size shall be selected to best suit the type of priming material and to satisfy the paint
manufacturer’s recommendation, subject to the restriction in paragraphs 5.1.9 and 5.1.10.
5.1.14 Spent blast abrasive shall be completely removed from the prepared surface by either vacuum
cleaning or stiff brush sweeping.
5.1.15 At the commencement of each project sample metal panels shall be prepared to demonstrate ability
to comply with the specified level of cleanliness and, after approval, shall be used as the Project
Standard for the remainder of the project work.
5.1.16 Purity and acceptability of abrasive blast cleaning quality shall be judged on the basis of visual
examination using pictorial standards in accordance with BS 7079 Pt:A1/ISO 8501-1.
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5.1.17 A non-metallic blast abrasive, i.e. aluminium oxide, shall be used when abrading stainless steel
surfaces. Sand shall not be used.
5.2.1 All the provisions for shop surface preparation shall be applicable for field preparation. If the
specified requirements are impractical because of field conditions, Contractor shall submit full
details of revised coating systems suitable for these field conditions for PetroVietnam review and
approval prior to commencing work.
5.2.2 Shop prepared and primed surfaces shall be field repaired after erection of prime d plant.
5.2.3 Over areas considered to be inaccessible after erection shop applied primer repairs, field applied
primers, undercoats and finishing coats shall be applied, dried and cured before construction takes
place. Care shall be taken to allow sufficient drying and curing time before moving, lifting or
erecting newly painted surfaces.
5.2.4 Prior to mechanical preparation and application of priming paint the metal surface and feathered
area of shop coating shall be solvent cleaned and thoroughly washed with clean water to remove
all soluble salts and dried in a manner which will not re-deposit contaminants on to the cleaned
5.2.5 Field surface preparation local to weld areas shall be carried out by vacuum blast method as far as
is practicable within the field construction conditions. Where surface cleaning by abrasion blasting
is prohibited, weld and other small areas shall be prepared by use of power tool cleaning or hand
tool cleaning or a combination of these methods depending on the contour and position of the
surface to be painted and a PetroVietnam approved primer material suitable for the cleaning
method selected.
5.2.6 Surface preparation with power tool or hand tools shall be pursued to achieve a level of cleanliness
in accordance with Grade C, St.3 of BS 7079: Pt. A1/ISO 8501-1.
5.2.7 The cleaning method(s) undertaken shall remove all weld flux, slag, weld heat oxides and weld
metal spatter in addition to all loose mill scale or loose paint if present after welding and testing
has been completed.
5.2.8 The use of grinding discs may be included to achieve the removal of tightly adhering weld splatter,
but great care shall be taken to ensure that surfaces shall not be polished nor left with a detrimental
5.2.9 The final action of preparation prior to the application of priming paint shall be a thorough
washing with clean, potable water (500ppm maximum chloride level) to remove all soluble salts
from the metal surface followed by a method of drying that will not re-deposit contaminants on to
the cleaned surfaces. Other surface preparation methods that meet the paint manufacturer’s
requirements are acceptable, subject to PetroVietnam review and approval.
5.2.10 The initial coat of priming paint shall be carefully applied to ensure a thorough wetting of the
prepared surfaces.
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5.2.11 Shop applied paint shall be feathered back 50mm per coat at field welds etc. to allow the correct
application and build up of required site applied paint coatings.
6.1.1 Surface preparation and painting shall not be undertaken in conditions which are favourable to
surface condensation when temperatures are below 10ºC or the relative humidity is above 85%.
6.1.2 Surface preparation and painting shall not be undertaken when there is the likelihood of a change
in weather conditions within four hours of the application which would result in air temperatures
below those specified or the deposition of moisture upon the surface.
6.1.3 Paint materials shall not be applied over metal surfaces having temperatures less than 3ºC above
the dew point or in excess of 38ºC.
6.1.4 Paint materials shall not be applied to steel when ambient temperatures are expected to fall to 5ºC
before the paint has dried.
6.1.5 Deviation from the limits specified is only permitted when backed up by the paint manufacturer
and submitted for PetroVietnam review and approval.
6.1.6 Paint materials shall not be applied in rain, snow, fog or mist, nor to wet or damp surfaces. Paint
shall not be applied to frosted or ice coated surfaces.
6.1.7 Surface preparation and painting shall not be undertaken outside daylight hours at exterior
6.2.1 Compressed air supply used for blast cleaning shall be free from water and oil. Suitable air filters,
separators and traps shall be provided and installed in the coolest part of the system, they shall be
regularly emptied to prevent carry over of water and oil. Accumulations of oil and moisture shall
be removed from the air receiver by regular purging. Air compressor shall not deliver air at a
temperature in excess of 110°C.
6.2.3 Where air-operated equipment is used, the operator's hood or head-gear shall be ventilated by clean
cool air served through a regulator filter, to prevent blast cleaning residues from being inhaled.
6.3.1 Paint material shall be thoroughly mixed immediately prior to application. Mixing shall be by
means of mechanical stirrers, paddle mixers, can vibrators or can shakers.
6.3.2 Constant mechanical agitation shall be maintained in the paint reservoir throughout paint spraying
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6.3.3 Paint component shall be mixed in the proper ratio as supplied by the paint manufacturer in
proportional containers. Mixing of “guessed” quantities is not permitted. Where required, the
paint manufacturer indicated induction time shall be observed. Mixed paint exceeding the pot life
shall not be used.
6.3.4 Thinners shall only be added strictly in accordance with the paint manufacturers instructions.
6.3.5 The type of thinner shall comply with the paint manufacturer’s instructions.
6.3.6 When thinners are permissible, they shall be added during the paint mixing process.
6.4.1 The applied DFT over any square metre shall have average readings that are not less than nominal
with 75% of the readings taken not less than nominal. No readings shall be less than 75% of the
6.4.2 The total dry film thickness for a multicoat system shall not be less than the added total specified
dry film thicknesses.
6.4.3 Inadequate film thickness shall require the further application of an additional complete coat over
the whole area until the dry film thickness is sufficient to meet the specified nominal. Excessive
thick coats shall be removed completely by blast cleaning, and shall be re-coated according to this
Project Standard.
6.4.4 The dry film thickness of each coating applied shall be checked by means of an elcometer or
microtester dry film gauge.
6.4.5 Film thickness measuring shall not include thickness of pre-fabricating primers. In the absence of
pre-fabricating primer film thickness records, 25 microns shall be allowed for pre-fabrication
primers whilst checking further film coat thicknesses.
6.4.6 The dry film thickness of individual coats shall not exceed the manufacturers recommended
maximum thickness and prove detrimental, i.e. wrinkling, mud cracking, general softness etc., to
both the coating and/or the total system.
6.5 Application
6.5.1 Paint materials shall only be applied by the paint manufacturer’s recommended method. Care shall
be taken to select paint materials to suit the intended application method.
6.5.2 Spray guns shall be held perpendicular to the surface being coated at a maximum distance of 300
mm from the surface and no closer than 200 mm to the surface.
6.5.3 Material and air pressure on the spray guns shall be regulated to achieve optimum atomization of
the paint with the lowest possible pressures to avoid spray ricochet from the surface being painted.
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6.5.4 Overlapping horizontal passes shall be made for each spray coat to obtain uniform application.
Particular care shall be exercised to ensure that a uniform, complete wet coat is applied. Semi-dry
spraying results in poor flow-out with excessive pinholing and shall be avoided.
6.5.5 Coats of paint shall be uniformly applied without sags, runs, spots, damage or contamination; such
irregularities shall be removed and the affected area recoated.
6.5.6 Each coat of paint shall be in a proper state of cure or dryness before the application of the
succeeding coat.
6.5.7 Equipment and/or piping shall not be painted until all approved heat treatment, non-destructive
testing, and pressure testing has been completed.
6.5.8 Damage to each coat of paint, whether shop or field applied, shall be repaired by preparing the
affected surface, in accordance with the preparation as specified and as originally carried out,
cleaning and spot priming before succeeding coats of paint are applied. Surface preparation shall
be carried out as stated in paragraphs 5.2.4 and 5.2.5. The extent of repair to the damaged area
shall extend 50mm into sound paintwork. The sound paintwork shall be lightly prepared to etch the
surface. No succeeding coat of paint shall be applied before preceding coat of paint is thoroughly
In case of damages on inorganic zinc coat, repairs shall be done with zinc epoxy primer on
surfaces with operating temperature up to 120°C and with silicone-based coating for higher
6.5.9 Shop primed surfaces contaminated during transport and site storage shall be thoroughly washed
down with fresh clean water and allowed to dry before the application of further paint coatings.
The compatibility between shop primer (zinc epoxy, inorganic zinc, …) and required system
primer shall be checked (technical data sheets). In case of incompatibility between the two
products, the shop primer shall be totally removed.
6.5.10 Coatings which have weathered for more than six months shall be thoroughly inspected prior to
application of further coats to prevent intercoat adhesion problems.
6.5.11 To minimise intercoat contamination, succeeding coats shall be applied with a minimum time lapse
consistent with proper drying time, work and erection schedules.
6.5.12 Interface adhesion problems shall be avoided by following the paint manufacturers’
recommendations and advice on preparation procedures i.e. removal of zinc salts, `mist’ coats, tie
coats, etc. when commencing touch-up and/or overcoating paint work.
6.5.13 Roller application of the first primer coat is not acceptable. Rollers when used, shall be
manufactured from good quality 'carpet pile' or lamb's wool.
6.5.14 When paints are applied by brushing, brushes shall be of a style and quality that will permit proper
application of the material. Brushing shall be done so that a smooth coat as nearly uniform in
thickness as possible, is obtained. There shall be no deep "detrimental" brush marks.
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7.1 General
7.1.1 Certificates of release, confirming that successful completion of all appropriate tests and safety
checks have been carried out to the released working areas, shall be obtained before the
commencement of painting work.
7.1.2 All provisions of this Project Standard shall apply to both shop and field painting.
7.1.3 All paint application shall be carried out in a neat, thorough and workmanlike manner.
7.1.4 All cracks or crevices between structural components shall be filled with paint, if practicable.
Cracks and crevices that are impracticable to fill with paint shall be filled with epoxy putty or an
alternative material, subject to PetroVietnam review and approval.
7.1.5 Contractor shall ensure that wet paint is protected against damage.
7.1.6 All shipping tags, wires, strings and other means of temporary or shipping identification on
surfaces to be painted shall be removed only after checking with and receiving authorisation from
7.1.7 Contractor shall be responsible for protection aga inst damage to abutting property, vehicles,
pedestrians and other portions of the structure, due to the painting operations.
7.1.8 Contractor shall ensure that all items in paragraph 4.16 are protected from paint splatter.
7.1.9 The workin g environment shall be maintained clean and neat during the paint application work.
7.1.10 Paints, thinners, solvents and rags, waste etc., soiled with these materials shall be kept in tightly
closed containers whilst on the job site and not in use.
7.1.11 PetroVietnam shall have the right to stop the application of paint when in its opinion, conditions
may result in damage to the applied coatings.
7.1.12 Contractor shall provide a temporary shelter for storage and mixing of paint materials. Storage
conditions, i.e. temperatures, ventilation, etc. shall meet the paint manufacturer’s requirements.
7.1.13 During both application and drying, adequate ventilation shall be provided if the work area is
7.2.1 Contractor shall be acquainted with safety and security requirements for equipment and materials
for use on the project and, at all times, have available Safety Data Sheets for the coatings and
ancillary products in use or stored at each site outside the Contractors premises.
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7.2.2 Contractor shall observe and carry out all work in strict compliance with plant, local and national
Health and Safety rules and shall obtain all necessary permits from the applicable authorities.
7.2.3 Contractor shall be responsible for earthing all its mechanical equipment to prevent build-up of
static electricity.
7.2.4 The quantity of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), in grammes per litre/pounds per gallon, shall
be in compliance with the legal local, national and international values.
7.2.5 In general, all solvents are toxic. Skin contact and inhalation sha ll be avoided.
7.2.6 All blasting equipment shall be fitted with dead man control to start and stop the flow of abrasive.
7.3.1 PetroVietnam reserves the right to inspect all phases of shop and field cleaning, painting and
galvanising operatio ns to ensure that the Contractor is accurately following the recommendations
and requirements of this Project Standard and the paint manufacturer's instructions. This inspection
shall not be used as a substitute for adequate Contractor supervision and inspection nor the
Contractor’s own quality assurance and quality control systems and procedures.
7.3.2 Contractor shall keep an accurate daily record of air temperatures and humidity conditions and the
times of commencement and cessation of all phases of the cleaning, surface preparation and
painting operations. The readings shall be registered at the start of work and at 3 hour time
intervals till full curing of the last coat or repair-re-touch. These records which shall be certified
accurate by the paint applicators painting supervisor shall be available for inspection by
PetroVietnam at all times.
7.3.3 Contractor shall ensure that the compressed air used for blast cleaning is free from oil or water in
order to prevent contamination of coating material and surface bein g prepared for coating. This test
shall be performed acc. to the ASTM D 4285.
7.3.4 Surface preparation shall be checked using pictorial standards in accordance with BS 7079
Pt.A1/ISO 8501-1. Surface profile shall be compared visually with a surface roughness
comparator or by replica tape in accordance with NACE Standard RP0287, at least four times per
day, for each grade of preparation performed, and after each replenishment of abrasive.
The presence of oil and grease may be visually checked by rubbing a clean white cloth on steel
surface to detect oil and grease or by sprinkling water on the steel surface.
The presence of dust before paint application shall be checked according to ISO 8502 Part 3.
Testing for chloride and soluble salt concentrations and the pH level shall be done using a Bresle
Sampler according to ISO 8502-6. The chloride and soluble salt concentrations shall be less than
30 µg/cm² and the pH shall be neutral (between 6 and 8). When these levels are exceeded, the
surfaces shall be either steam cleaned or high-pressure water washed before abrasive blasting. The
cleaned surface shall be re-tested to verify that the contaminant levels are within the acceptable
7.3.5 Measurement of thickness of individual paint coatings and the total system shall be in accordance
with the procedures of SSPC-PA2. Acceptable DFT shall be in accordance with Section 6.4.
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7.3.6 Wet film thickness shall be measured at the start of application of each coat to ensure the correct
dry film thickness is achieved.
7.3.7 The responsibility for the total cleaning, painting and galvanising operations remain entirely with
the Contractor who shall fully guarantee material and workmanship for the entire protective
system. Inspection, approval or comments by PetroVietnam shall not relieve the Contractor of this
7.3.8 The first and succeeding field coats shall not be applied before the cleaned surface, or the
preceding applied coats have been inspected and approved. Any damaged or defective coatings
shall be repaired as specified and approved before preceding with any additional coats.
7.3.9 For each coat, the curing shall be checked by assessing the solvent resistance.
Test shall be performed according to ASTM D5402 for organic coatings or according to ASTM
D4752 for inorganic zinc (zinc silicate) primers.
7.3.10 The coating shall be examined for adhesion between coats and for adhesion of the first coat to the
substrate by tape test according to ISO 2409 or ASTM D3359.
An adhesion pull-off test shall be carried out at any location where there is evidence of any sort of
failure in any coating including, but not limited to lifting of coats or loss of adhesion between
layers in coating system.
The adhesion pull-off test result shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 4624 or ASTM
Coating whose adhesion pull test result is less than 30 kg/cm2 (3 MPa) shall be considered to have
failed, except on silicon based coatings.
8.1 Requirements
8.1.1 Galvanised items shall be coated using the hot dipped process in accordance with the latest
revision of ASTM A 123 / 153.
8.1.2 Articles to be galvanised shall be completely fabricated prior to the application of the hot dip
galvanising process.
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8.1.3 Items shall not be hot dipped before surface preparation has been carried out in a full and correct
8.1.4 Surfaces shall be free of old paint, oil, grease, weld, slag deposits and laminations; and rolling
fabrication defects eliminated prior to hot dipping.
8.1.5 Coating minimum thicknesses shall comply with ASTM A 123 Table 1.
8.2 Repairs
8.2.1 All loose or damaged coating shall be removed by means of power driven or hand-held wire
brushes to leave a feathered edge on the existing coating. At welds, the cleaning method shall
remove all weld flux, spatter, slag and heat tint.
8.2.2 Following removal of all unwanted surface deposits, the repair area and surrounding areas shall be
washed with a suitable organic solvent in accordance with SSPC-SP1 and then bristle brush
washed with clean water.
8.2.3 When thoroughly dry, a minimum of two coats of two-pack zinc-rich epoxy paint shall be applied
by brush to provide a zinc coating of at least equal thickness to the galvanised layer in accordance
with § 6.2.3 of ASTM A 123.
8.2.4 The primer shall have a minimum of 80% metallic zinc in the dry film and all materials shall be
applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. The primer shall overlap
sound coating by at least 20mm and the DFT of primer shall not be less than 60 microns at any
9.1 General
9.1.1 On standard production equipment (i.e. motors, pumps, compressors, instruments, transformers
and enclosures for switchgear) coated with Vendor’s complete protective coating system,
Contractor shall ensure that the Vendor standard coating system is capable of providing protection
from corrosion within the anticipated conditions of transportation, service life, operating
temperatures and site without coating break-down. Details of the Vendor’s standard protective
coating system shall be forwarded to PetroVietnam for review and approval prior to
commencement of painting.
9.1.2 Where Vendor’s standard finish is used, information of the protective system shall be advised to
PetroVietnam in sufficient detail for review and to enable coating repair, touch-up or over coating
to be carried out without incompatibility problems arising.
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9.1.3 Vendors providing only part coating system as their normal standard shall follow the requirements
of this Project Standard for surface preparation and priming and identify to PetroVietnam the
material of use, together with details of the material manufacturer(s).
9.1.4 Non-itemized valves shall be supplied prime coated in accordance with the requirements of Table
2, Systems 6(A) or 6 (B).
Itemized valves and valves inside a Vendor package shall be supplied totally coated according to
the requirements of Table 2.
10.1 General
10.1.1 Coating materials shall be obtained from approved paint manufacturers using the full generic
description given in Table 1.
10.1.2 All material shall be supplied in the paint manufacturer's original cans, durably and legibly marked
with the description of the contents. This shall include the specification number, the colour
reference number, the method of application for which it is intended, the batch number, date of
manufacture and the paint manufacturer's name, initials, or recognised trademark. No intermixing
of different brands or types of paints will be permitted.
10.1.3 Contractor shall supply data sheets for each type of paint which shall include the recommended
minimum and maximum overcoating periods for the dry film thickness specified in this Project
10.1.4 The different coats of a same protective coating system shall be from the same paint manufacturer
to ensure compatibility unless otherwise approved by PetroVietnam.
10.1.5 All coating materials used shall conform to the following requirements. In meeting the
composition clauses, the paint Contractor shall provide evidence of compliance and shall produce
premium quality paint with the full performance required by this Project Standard.
• Zinc rich primers shall be based on two pack epoxy media and shall contain a minimum of 80%
metallic zinc by weight in the dry film.
• Epoxy based paints, i.e. zinc rich epoxy, shall contain 40% minimum weight content of epoxy.
• Zinc silicate primer shall be based on inorganic or ethyl silicate media and shall contain not less
than 85% metallic zinc by weight in the dry film.
• Two-pack epoxy finishing paints shall be based on polyamide cured two-pack epoxy media and
shall be pigmented with titanium dioxide and/or light fast coloured pigments to provide the
necessary opacity, film build and weather resistance.
• Micaceous iron oxide pigmented paint shall contain a minimum of 50% natural laminar
micaceous iron oxide by weight in the dry film.
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• Mordant solution (T-wash) shall comprise a phosphoric solution incorporating copper salts in a
solvent/water solution.
It is expected that the strictly same products shall be available from the Paint Manufacturer at
different locations of painting and the formulation shall be identical to the worldwide formulation.
The selected Paint Manufacturer shall be required to supply from worldwide center the necessary
analytical data for each of their products (binder, infrared fingerprinting, ash content, mass solid,
specific gravity, etc…). The Company / Contractor reserves the right at any time to take random
samples of paint being used during coating activities in any location and get them tested at
independent laboratory to confirm that the supplied paint materials to site are consistent with the
proposed product.
10.2.1 Storage of paint materials at the site of usage shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and the
storage planning shall take into account the geographical and meteorological conditions and make
provisions for any abnormality such as temperatures.
10.2.2 Contractor shall advise the coating manufacturer of the intended storage conditions and
recommendations received in reply from the manufacturer shall be included in storage
10.2.3 Records of paint material batch numbers together with dates of receipts of each batch shall be kept
by the paint material applicator so that a sequence of storage can be arranged to ensure material is
issued from store in the same sequence as received at painting venue. PetroVietnam reserves the
right to inspect these records and check the issuing organisation at any time.
10.2.4 Storage shall take into account, and make provision for, governing local safety regulations,
adequate fire prevention equipment and its ma intenance and the elimination of ignition risks (e.g.
no smoking, use of flame proof equipment etc.).
10.2.5 Purposeful spillage shall be prohibited, but sufficient inert absorbing material shall always be
available for the immediate cleaning up of accidental spillage. The use of rags and wood dust for
cleaning up of inflammable materials is not permitted.
10.2.6 The disposal of waste and empty containers shall be subject to regulations laid down by Contractor
before the commencement of material deliveries. Empty and/or partially empty containers shall be
collected and disposed of in accordance with the regulations.
10.2.7 Paint materials are potentially harmful to operatives and it shall be necessary to maintain a high
standard of personnel hygiene. Contractor shall advise PetroVietnam of details of precautions
being taken to protect all working personnel in the vicinity of paint storage and handling.
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11.1 Contractor shall ensure that detailed procedures and quality plans are submitted in accordance with
Project Standard 6960-8440-SP-0007, covering all painting activities and shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:
• Safe storage and handling of materials, safe disposal of unwanted coatings and expended
abrasive, etc.
• Protective coating system to be used, together with current manufacturer’s data sheet
• Initial preparation of welds (including dressing) and margins, removal of contamination and
residues (e.g. adhesive tape)
• Blast-cleaning method, abrasive and equipment including removal of oil and condensed water
from the air stream, abrasive and replenishment
• Blast-cleaning standard and surface profile, including measurement methods, and dust removal
• Repair of damage to initial coatings including method of removal and testing of repairs
• Inspection procedures to cover the requirements of paragraph 7.3, make and model of
instruments, their calibration methods and frequency
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FP-101 Two pack, self curing, Zinc Silicate Coating 75 Minus 5 – 400
(Ethyl Silicate based)
UC-201 Two pack Micaceous Iron Oxide Pigmented 125 Minus 5 - 120
Notes: 1. Coating manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the number of coats to achieve the specified individual dry film
thickness shall be followed.
2. The dry film thickness of individual coats shall not exceed the manufacturer’s recommended maximum thickness and
shall not prove detrimental to both coating and/or system
1. Non-insulated Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Towers, Drums, Exchangers, etc.
(A) Operating temp. 120°C and below Sa 2½ FP102 UC201 TC301 250
(including steam out conditions) By Shop 75 mic. 125 mic. 50 mic.
By Shop By Shop By Shop
2. Insulated Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Towers, Drums, Exchangers, etc.
(C) Uninsulated portions of n i sulated items, For Temperatures up to 120°C coat per System 1(A).
i.e. nozzles, flanges, brackets, clips, etc. For Temperatures greater than 120°C coat per System 1(B), 1(C), or 1(D) dependent on the operating
4. Insulated 300 Series Stainless Steel Towers, Drums, Exchangers, etc. Piping
(A) Operating temp. 150°C and below Sweep blasting TC304 TC304 300
(including steam out) (3) 150 mic. 150 mic.
By Shop By Shop By Shop
6. Non-insulated Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Piping and Fittings (1)
8474L 000
By Shop
(B) Operating temp. 121°C to 200°C Sa2½ FP101 TC302 TC302 155
By Shop 75 mic. 40 mic. 40 mic.
By Shop By Shop
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System Code Specific Item Surface Full System Undercoat Finishing Coats Nominal DFT For
Preparation Primer Total System
7. Insulated Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Piping and Fittings (1)
(C) Uninsulated portions of insulated Coat per System 6(A), 6(B), 6(C) and 6(D), dependent on the operating temperature
piping, i.e. flanges, shoes, etc.
(A) All operating temperature. All items Sa2½ FP101 Site coated per the requirements of either -
except socket weld items 2½” NB By Item 75 mic. system 6(A), 6(B), 6(C), 6(D) or 7(A)
and below. Manufacturer By Item
(B) All operating temperatures. Socket Supplied by item manufacturer with temporary storage coating only.
weld items Sa2½” NB and below. Site coated per the requirements of either System 6(A), 6(B), 6(C), 6(D) or 7(A)
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By Shop By Shop
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SYSTEM Specific Item Surface Full System Undercoat Finishing Coats Nominal DFT For
CODE Preparation Primer Total System
11. Handrails, Ladders, Ladder Cages, Gratings, Floor Plate and Light Standards and Fittings.
(A) All areas Hot dipped galvanised coating to ASTM A 123/153 Per ASTM 123
12. Instruments and Electrical Equipment, Electrical Distribution and Control Boards, Boxes, Covers, Fittings, Switchgear, Transformers, etc.
(A) All areas Manufacturer’s standard Coatings and Finish (refer to Section 9) which shall be suitable for the
expected operating temperatures and the site environment (Severe industrial/marine atmosphere).
System shall be subject to review and approval by PetroVietnam
13. Mechanical Equipment Motors, Turbines, Compressors, Pumps, Mixers, Itemized valves, etc.
(A) All operating Temps. Manufacturer’s standard Coatings and Finish (see Section 9) which shall be suitable for the expected
operating temperatures and the site environment (Severe industrial/marine atmosphere). System shall
be subject to review and approval by PetroVietnam
(A) Shell Plates Fixed and Floating Roof Sa2½ FP102 UC201 TC301 250
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15. Galvanised Surfaces (when specified for colour coding or under insulation), operating temperature 120° C and below.
Or Field or Field
By Shop By Shop
Or Field or Field
System Code Specific Item Surface Full System Undercoat Finishing Coats Nominal DFT For
Preparation Primer Total System
16. Jetty
(B) Structural steel in splash zone. Sa2½ FP104 TC308 TC308 850 mic.
50 mic. 400 mic. 400 mic.
(C) Structural steel above Splash Sa2½ FP102 UC201 TC301 250 mic.
zone. 75 mic. 125 mic. 50 mic.
(D) Non-insulated Carbon Steel Systems 1(A), 1(B), 1(C) and 1(D)
surfaces above splash zone, i.e.
(E) Insulated Carbon Steel above Systems 2(A), 2(B) and 2(C)
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Splash zone.
Notes: 1. All primer, undercoat and finish coats shall be touched-up using the same material as that which is damaged except for Zinc silicate primer. The
required touch up shall be done after primer application with intermediate paint (with a different color than the intermediate coat).
2. When specified to be painted for colour coding the shop or field preparation of galvanised steel piping surfaces shall be as follows:
• Remove all corrosion products by hand wire brushing and thoroughly decrease
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• Chemically etch the cleaned zinc surface with an approved mordant solution (T-wash)
• The etched surface shall uniformly darken to confirm etching has taken place
• Rinse with clean water
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3. Stainless steel surfaces to be coated shall be etched or degreased and blast cleaned with a non metallic and chloride-free abrasive.
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Main steel structure grey 7000
Individual pipe supports (trunnions, T’s, etc) grey 7000
Equipment structure and supports grey 7000
Ladder cages, handrails yellow 1003
Vessels, columns, reactors, fired heaters, exchangers
- up to 120°C agate grey 7038
- above 120°C white aluminium 9006
Tanks, spheres, etc pure white 9010
Stack white aluminium 9006
Machinery; such as pumps; compressors, turbines agate grey 7038
Other machinery Vendor’s standard (1)
Firefighting piping and equipment red 3020
Safety equipment as safety showers, eye wash showers, green / white 6024 / 9010
safety shower cabins
Pipes, columns, supports and metallic parts of equipment yellow / black 1003 / 9005
represented a hazard or obstructions in walkway areas
Guards for rotating or moving components orange 2004
Boxes containing breathing apparatus, respirators, masks green 6024
and other safety equipment
Field Instruments Vendor’s standard (1)
Control panels, cabinets Vendor’s standard (1)
Distribution boards green 6024
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Conduit, container and boxes, electrical motors agate grey 7038
Static machines : transformers, resistors, etc agate grey 7038
Fuse boxes, motor switches and electric cable metallic joints agate grey 7038
Electrical panels, switchboards Vendor’s standard (1)
Note (1): Details of the Vendor standard protective coating system shall be forwarded to
COMPANY for review and approval prior to commencement of painting works.