Implications Pathogenesis: Gingival
Implications Pathogenesis: Gingival
Implications Pathogenesis: Gingival
M. John Novak
Department of Periodontics, Dental School, University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284
ABSTRACT: During the past few years, a considerable number of studies have examined different aspects of
the host response in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), including the relationship of specific markers to the active
phases of periodontal disease. Various indicators of the acute inflammatory response (the lysosomal enzymes
P-glucuronidase and collagenase, the cytoplasmic enzyme aspartate aminotransferase, and the arachidonic acid
metabolite PGE2) have been shown to be associated with clinical attachment loss in chronic adult periodontitis
in man and experimental periodontitis in animal models. In contrast, the relationship of indicators of the humoral
immune response in GCF to active periodontal disease is equivocal. Furthermore, a number of indicators of the
cellular immune response have been identified recently in GCF (i.e., Interleukin-lat, IL-1P, tumor necrosis
factor-a), but their relationship to active phases of periodontal disease have not been studied.
The polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) is the cellular hallmark of acute inflammation. Evidence from
the GCF studies suggests that hyperreactivity of these cells plays a critical role in the active phases of some
forms of periodontal disease. Metabolic activation of PMN can be associated with a number of potentially
destructive reactions. The major effector mechanism for tissue destruction that can be specifically identified
with the PMN is the synergistic effect of the release of PMN proteases and the generation of reactive oxygen
metabolites by these cells. Priming of the PMN, where the PMN response is enhanced by agents that do not
initiate the response, may be an important mechanism for PMN activation in the crevicular environment; for
example, cytokines such as IL- 1 p and TNF-a, and lipopolysaccharides released from subgingival Gram-negative
bacteria, can serve this function. The hypothesis proposed here argues that in addition to the severe forms of
periodontal disease that have been associated with qualitative or quantitative PMN defects, tissue destruction
in the periodontum can be observed with hyperreactivity of these cells. These differing conclusions do not create
a dilemma, but may represent opposite ends of a balance that is no longer in equilibrium.
KEY WORDS: gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN), tissue destruction,
periodontal disease.
2. Historical Background and Lehner, 1970). T cell-blastogenesis was ob-
served to increase with the severity of the existing
The study of GCF can be traced back more periodontal disease (Horton et al., 1972; Patters
than 50 years (Bodecker, 1933), but comprehen- et al., 1980). In serum, antibody that is specific
sive examination of fluid production and con- for subgingival microorganisms has been iden-
stituents began in the late 1950s with the studies tified in many laboratories. In general, the titer
of Brill and co-workers (Brill and Krasse, 1958; of antibody is higher in patients with periodontitis
Brill and Bjorn, 1959). Those early studies, and when compared with patients with gingivitis or
subsequent research during the following 20 years normal individuals (for review, see Ebersole,
focused on the mechanisms of GCF production 1990). Mediators of the cellular immune and hu-
and cataloged a large number of constituents that moral immune responses have been identified in
could be detected in the fluid. These studies did GCF. These mediators can provide an indication
not provide evidence that GCF analysis could be of the nature of the immune response at the site
clinically useful as a measure of periodontal dis- of the periodontal lesion.
ease progression (Cimasoni, 1983). This was due
to the absence of a meaningful clinical protocol
to study the relationship between specific GCF 1. Cellular Immune Response in GCF
mediators and disease progression. In the early
1980s clinical studies provided a mechanism for Evaluation of the cellular immune response
studying periodontal disease progression in hu- in GCF was hampered by our ignorance of spe-
mans by assessing the loss of clinical attachment cific mediators that have pathologic significance
on the root surface (Goodson et al., 1981; Haf- and the lack of sensitive techniques to quantitate
fajee et al., 1983). In addition, the earlier de- these mediators in small volumes of fluid. With
velopment of experimental periodontitis animal the identification and description of the cyto-
models offered a test system for evaluating the kines, and development of monoclonal antibod-
progression of periodontal disease (Kennedy and ies to be used for their identification, cellular
Polson, 1973; Schroeder and Lindhe, 1975). Both immune activity in GCF can now be examined.
longitudinal trials as well as cross-sectional stud- The first identification of cytokine activity in GCF
ies in human and animal models have been used was provided by Charon et al. (1982) and Mer-
to evaluate the relationship of various mediators genhagen (1984), who studied interleukin-1 (IL-
in GCF to periodontal disease. 1) activity in GCF. Using bioassays, the con-
centration of IL-1 in GCF increased when gin-
gival inflammation was present. IL-1-like activ-
B. Indicators of Cellular and Humoral ity in GCF enhanced mitogen-induced
Immunity in Gingival Crevicular Fluid blastogenesis by human T lymphocytes, in-
creased IL-2 production by T lymphocytes, and
Both the cellular and humoral immune re- enhanced fibroblast proliferation. These inves-
sponses play important roles in the host response tigators could not identify IL-2 activity in GCF
to subgingival plaque microorganisms. Histo- using a lymphoproliferative bioassay. Recently,
logic and immunofluorescent examination of bi- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA)
opsy material has identified T cells and B have been used to identify both IL-1 and IL-2 in
cells/plasma cells in the gingival connective tis- GCF. Masada et al. (1990) measured IL-1a and
sue, with immunoglobulin-bearing cells predom- IL-1 3 in GCF. The biological specificity of these
inating in established gingivitis or periodontitis assays was achieved with the use of monoclonal
in adults (Longhurst et al., 1977; Mackler et al., antibodies to both molecules, with no cross-reac-
1977, 1978; Seymour and Greenspan, 1979; Sey- tivity to IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, or tumor necrosis fac-
mour and Greaves, 1980). Antigen-induced blas- tor-a (TNF-a). Patients with early onset perio-
togenesis by T cells from patients with perio- dontitis or chronic adult periodontitis were
dontitis was first identified by evaluating studied. The authors did not observe any corre-
leukocytes collected from peripheral blood (Ivanyi lation of IL-1 levels with probing depth or vol-
ume of GCF collected on precut filter
strips. Cox, 1986; Cox and Mendoza, 1987). In a pre-
However, differences in the level of IL-1 were liminary report, these investigators determined
detected in samples from the same patient. The that the IL-2 concentration in GCF from patients
absolute amount of IL-la and IL-1,3 in GCF de- with periodontitis is lower than the IL-2 concen-
creased with periodontal therapy (root planing tration in GCF from normal sites. This finding
and chlorhexidine). Also observed was a statis- was attributed to increased IL-2 receptor density
tically significant correlation between higher at periodontitis sites. While this proposal is in-
amounts of IL- 13 in GCF and more IL- 13 mes- triguing, the increased fluid volume collected from
senger RNA in gingival tissue. This correlation periodontitis sites compared to normal sites makes
was not observed for IL-la. interpretation difficult. We have previously ad-
The correlation of levels of IL-113 in GCF dressed the manner in which GCF constituent
and tissues argues that this mediator is potentially data are reported (Lamster et al., 1985a) and
important in periodontal disease. IL-la and IL- observed that reporting total activity of the me-
113 have similar proinflammatory effects and may diator, as well as concentration, may be useful
be important mediators in the periodontium. These (Lamster et al., 1986).
effects include increased binding of PMN and The presence of the cytokine TNF-a in GCF
monocytes to endothelial cells, increased pro- has also been investigated recently (Rossomando
duction of PGE2 by fibroblasts, induction of lytic et al., 1990). TNF-a is a monocyte-derived cy-
enzymes by lysosome-containing cells, and stim- tokine that potentially could be involved in the
ulation of bone resorption in tissue culture (Di- pathogenesis of the periodontal lesion due to its
narello, 1990). ability to activate PMN, to cause alterations in
One important source of IL-1 in GCF may endothelial cell function, and to induce the pro-
be the macrophage (Masada et al., 1990). Never- duction of collagenase and PGE2 by fibroblasts
theless, as noted by these authors, other cell types (Beutler and Cerami, 1990). Using an ELISA,
may be contributing to the IL-1 pool in GCF. Rossomando and co-workers detected TNF-a in
They suggest gingival epithelial cells, endothelial only 21% of samples. While TNF-a was found
cells, B lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and PMN. The in sites with a variety of clinical findings, the
contribution of the PMN to the IL-1 pool in GCF presence of TNF-a in GCF was not related to
is noteworthy, especially since these cells are the gingival inflammation, plaque, or existing prob-
most numerous leukocytes in the gingival crevice ing depth. In fact, total TNF-a in GCF appeared
(Miller et al., 1984). Recently, production of IL- greater when the tissue was less inflamed. The
lp3 by PMN has been demonstrated (Goh et al., concentration of TNF-a in serum is low, and
1989). While these cells may not produce large when detected in GCF, the higher amounts of
amounts of IL-113 on a per cell basis, the total TNF-a in GCF suggest that this mediator is re-
number of PMN in the crevicular environment leased locally. A longitudinal evaluation of TNF-
may make the PMN an important source of this a in GCF was not part of this study. Furthermore,
mediator in periodontal disease. we have recently described a sensitive ELISA for
Recently, a preliminary report described the the detection of gamma interferon (IFN--y) in GCF
presence of the cytokine IL-6 in GCF (Geivelis (Grbic et al., 1991). Among its other biological
et al., 1990). GCF samples from sites with deeper activities, IFN-y has been demonstrated to inhibit
probing depths contained more IL-6 than samples the bone-resorbing action of IL-1 13 in vitro (Go-
from shallower sites. This cytokine may also play wan and Mundy, 1986). IFN-y, therefore, may
a role in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, play an important regulatory role in inflammatory
since it has similar, but less pronounced, proin- and immune reactions. The relationship of IFN-
flammatory effects as IL-1 (Dinarello 1990). y in GCF to active periodontal disease is cur-
Early reports examining cytokine activity in rently being investigated, but preliminary find-
GCF could not identify IL-2 in the fluid (Mer- ings suggest that active attachment loss is asso-
genhagen, 1984). This may be due to the lack of ciated with a reduction of IFN-y in GCF.
sensitivity of bioassays. Recently, an ELISA for In summary, the ability to detect and quan-
IL-2 in GCF has been described (Gur-Yosef and titate cytokines in GCF is now possible using
immunoassays. These assays have provided a new lected from the same site was demonstrated (Smith
approach to the study of T-cell and macrophage et al., 1985). In addition to the antibody titer in
function in periodontal disease and ultimately may serum, these data suggested the importance of
aid in the clinical management of patients. None locally produced antibody to the pool of antibody
of the cytokines that have been identified in GCF in GCF. Local production of antibody by cells
have been comprehensively evaluated for their in the periodontium had been suggested in a num-
relationship to the active phase of periodontal ber of earlier studies (Lally et al., 1980; Steubing
disease. Nevertheless, both the presence in GCF et al., 1982).
and the varied biological activities of a number The issue of the relative levels of local (GCF)
of the cytokines (i.e., IL-1 3, IL-2, TNF-a) sug- to systemic (serum) antibody in periodontal dis-
gest that these mediators may play an important ease, and how these titers relate to active disease,
role in human periodontal disease. are important in understanding the pathogenesis
of periodontal disease. Naito et al. (1985) ex-
amined antibody to Gram-negative subgingival
2. Humoral Immune Response in GCF bacteria. For periodontitis patients, IgG antibody
levels to one strain of Bacteroides gingivalis (381)
In general, the presence of an increased serum were higher in GCF than serum. In contrast, the
antibody response to periodontal microorganisms antibody titers to a strain of B. intermedius (24)
is a well-characterized part of the host response and Fusobacterium nucleatum were markedly
in periodontal disease (for review see Ebersole, lower in GCF. Serum antibody titers from healthy
1990). Nevertheless, the specific relationship of controls and three groups of periodontitis patients
this increased antibody titer to the development stratified by disease severity were compared. It
of disease is still a subject of controversy. A is interesting to note that while serum antibody
review of early studies examining the presence was higher in periodontitis patients than healthy
of serum antibody titers in patients with different controls, the serum antibody titers to five of the
periodontal diseases indicated that an increased seven microorganisms were lower in the ad-
titer to the microorganisms associated with dis- vanced periodontitis group compared to the mod-
ease could not always be detected (Genco et al., erate periodontitis group. In a similar study, Tew
1974). Furthermore, with identification of im- et al. (1985) examined serum and GCF antibody
munoglobulins in GCF (Brandtzaeg, 1965; levels in localized juvenile periodontitis and se-
Holmberg and Killander, 1971), the importance vere periodontitis. They found great variability
of the local humoral immune response was in GCF antibody to specific microorganisms, both
recognized. between patients and from different sites within
When considering the small volume of GCF the same patient. This variability was seen pri-
that is present in an undisturbed crevice, intro- marily as different degrees of reduced antibody
duction of sensitive immunoassays (ELISA) for levels in GCF relative to the serum level. How-
the study of antibody in GCF allowed the spec- ever, these reductions in GCF antibody levels
ificity of the response to be analyzed (Ebersole relative to serum tended to disappear when the
et al., 1984). Using ELISA, the relationship of concentration of serum albumin was factored.
specific GCF antibody concentration to the con- With this calculation, the concentration of anti-
centration of the antibody in serum was examined body to B. gingivalis and Actinobacillus acti-
(Ebersole et al., 1985a). The antibody analyzed nomycetemcomitans Y4 in GCF tended to be
in GCF was chosen based on an elevated serum higher than serum. Nevertheless, the sites with
response. It was determined that 9% of GCF sam- elevated levels of antibody to these microorgan-
ples had an antibody titer greater than that seen isms displayed no differences in clinical param-
in serum, while 91% of samples had antibody eters compared to sites in which the GCF anti-
levels equal to or less than that in serum. In a body titers was not elevated. Genco et al. (1985)
related paper, a correlation between the concen- also examined antibody to A. actinomycetem-
tration of specific antibody in GCF and the amount comitans in GCF and serum from patients with
of that antibody in a homogenate of tissue col- various forms of periodontitis. Patients with lo-
calized juvenile periodontitis had high serum an- absolute GCF to serum ratio was 0.15 to 0.27,
tibody titers to A. actinomycetemcomitans, and and only 3% of GCF samples had levels of an-
the titers in GCF generally reflected the serum tibody higher than serum. This ratio was still well
level. Occasionally, markedly elevated levels of below 1.0 if albumin ratios are considered. He
antibody to these organisms were seen in GCF, has concluded that the concentration of antibody
suggesting local production. in GCF is lower than the concentration in serum,
Ebersole et al. (1985b) have evaluated the and this represents local immunoregulatory
correlation of antibody activity in GCF and serum, activity.
and the presence of the microorganisms in the Considering the heterogeneous nature of the
crevice. To determine the nature of this relation- subgingival microflora, and the resultant heter-
ship, they defined a positive correlation as ele- ogeneous nature of the antibody response to those
vated levels of GCF antibody to the microorgan- microorganisms, the data available on the role of
ism and the presence of the microorganisms at antibody in the pathogenesis of periodontal dis-
the site, or levels of antibody equivalent to or ease are difficult to interpret. The emerging con-
less than the serum titer and the absence of the clusion is that in a patient with existing perio-
microorganisms at the local site. For patients with dontal disease a reduction in antibody activity in
advanced destructive periodontitis, agreement was serum and GCF is detrimental. Data from our
seen at 78% of sites. For localized juvenile per- laboratory have provided supporting evidence for
iodontitis patients, agreement was 71% and for the protective role of antibody in periodontal dis-
adult periodontitis agreement at 54% of sites was ease (Lamster et al., 1990). We examined the
observed. A lack of agreement was most fre- relationship of antibody activity in serum to a
quently seen when the microorganisms were panel of putative periodontal pathogens to dif-
present, but elevated local antibody was not. The ferent mediators in GCF, and found that a neg-
development of an antibody response to an in- ative correlation existed between specific IgG an-
fection is a normal and appropriate part of the tibody in serum and lysosomal enzyme activity
immune response to that infection (Ebersole, in the crevice. This study will be reviewed in
1990). While a number of potentially destructive greater detail in the next section.
reactions can occur in association with that an-
tibody (Genco et al., 1974), the literature also
supports the concept that the lack of an appro- C. Indicators of the Acute Inflammatory
priate antibody response in an individual with Response in Gingival Crevicular Fluid
periodontal disease can be detrimental to the in-
dividual. Ranney et al. (1982) evaluated the serum The very earliest investigations of the con-
antibody response in young individuals with ju- stituents of GCF focused on markers of the acute
venile periodontitis or severe periodontitis. Pa- inflammatory response. As noted by Cimasoni
tients with the more limited juvenile periodontitis (1983), 30 years ago Gustafsson and Nilsson
displayed a greater amount of precipitating an- (1961) detected products of the fibrinolytic sys-
tibody to A. actinomycetemcomitans than pa- tem in GCF. Subsequently, numerous studies have
tients with the more generalized severe perio- reported the presence of serum, leukocyte, and
dontitis. This inverse relationship of antibody titer bacteria-derived enzyme activities in the fluid
and attachment loss was confirmed in other stud- (Cimasoni, 1983; Lamster, 1989). During the past
ies by this group (Gunsolley et al., 1987, 1990). few years, lytic enzyme activity in GCF has been
In addition, Rowland et al. (1989) have dem- studied for its role in tissue destruction in the
onstrated that patients in the early stage of acute periodontal environment and as a potential marker
necrotzing ulcerative gingivitis had a lower serum of active periodontal disease. In addition, anal-
antibody to four strains of B. intermedius when ysis of other markers of the acute inflammatory
compared with healthy controls. Recently, Taub- response in GCF have provided an emerging pic-
man (personal communication) examined the re- ture of the changes in GCF chemistry that char-
lationship of antibody concentrations in GCF and acterize the destructive phases of adult
serum. Their large database indicated that the periodontitis.
The presence of complement components in iodontitis models and longitudinal evaluations of
GCF was first reported by Attstr6m et al. (1975). humans with existing chronic adult periodontitis
The activation of the complement cascade has suggest the association of exuberant PMN activ-
the potential for inducing many changes associ- ity with the destructive phase of periodontal
ated with the periodontal lesion, including re- disease.
cruitment of PMN, cellular disruption and lysis, The development of a model system to study
and increased vascular permeability. Niekrash and the conversion of gingivitis to periodontitis offers
Patters (1985a) have described a sensitive crossed- an opportunity to study the clinical, microbiol-
immunoelectrophoresis technique to allow eval- ogical, and biochemical events that characterize
uation of complement components in a volume the progression of periodontal disease. Kennedy
of GCF as small as 0.2 p1l. Patients with chronic and Polson (1973) described a silk ligature-in-
adult periodontitis were examined before and after duced periodontitis model in squirrel monkeys,
root planing and scaling (Niekrash and Patters, while Schroeder and Lindhe (1975) described a
1985b). Therapy significantly decreased conver- similar model in dogs. Analysis of the histologic
sion of C3, but no C4 cleavage products were changes accompanying the conversion of gingiv-
observed in samples before or after therapy. In- itis to periodontitis in the squirrel monkey was
terestingly, the levels of factor B, indicative of described by Heijl et al. (1976). Animals were
the alternate pathway, did not change with ther- sacrificed 1 to 14 d following ligation. They ob-
apy. They concluded that while complement ac- served that periods of tissue destruction were
tivation in GCF could occur by the classical path- characterized by the accumulation of spirochetes
way, alternate pathway, or proteolytic enzymatic and Gram-negative microorganisms in the crev-
activation, the data only supported the latter two ice, ulceration of the crevicular epithelium, and
mechanisms. For cascade the alternate pathway, a shift in the population of cells in the underlying
endotoxin was suggested to be an important ac- connective tissue from plasma cell-rich infiltrate
tivator. Subsequently, these investigators ex- to a predominance of PMN. Schroeder and Lindhe
amined complement cleavage in GCF collected (1980) studied the histologic findings in the dog
from patients with different periodontal condi- model and described similar findings, including
tions (Niekrash and Patters, 1986). Conversion ulceration of the sulcular epithelium and devel-
of C3 was minimal in GCF samples from healthy opment of a PMN-rich infiltrate.
individuals (12.6%), followed by gingivitis The dog model was subsequently used to
(39.8%), chronic adult periodontitis (69.0%), evaluate the relationship of collagenolytic en-
rapidly progressive periodontitis (76.6%), and zymes and enzyme inhibitors in GCF to the de-
juvenile periodontitis (90.2%). C4 cleavage was velopment of active disease (Kryshtalskyj et al.,
only observed in juvenile periodontitis samples, 1986). Using a radioactive collagen fibril assay,
suggesting the activation of the classical pathway an increase in active collagenolytic activity in
only in juvenile periodontitis. GCF was observed with the development of at-
Among its other effects, the activation of the tachment loss. Samples with greater amounts of
complement cascade in the periodontal lesion may active collagenase also tended to have lower
be one very important mechanism for recruitment amounts of enzyme inhibitor activity. Conse-
of PMN into the crevicular environment. The quently, these investigators (Kryshtalskyj and
presence of PMN into the crevice is a normal Sodek, 1987) studied the nature of the collagen-
part of the host's response to the accumulation olytic activity in GCF collected from these ani-
of subgingival bacteria, and these cells are the mals. Analysis of the degradation products using
host's first line of defense against the expanding sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel elec-
plaque mass (Garant, 1976). It has long been trophoresis detected the cleavage pattern char-
recognized that qualitative and quantitative acteristic of mammalian, and not bacterial, col-
changes in PMN function are associated with early lagenase. These and other investigators (Larivee
loss of alveolar bone (Miller et al., 1984; Van et al., 1986; Villela et al., 1987a, 1987b; Hak-
Dyke and Hoops, 1990). In contrast, studies of karainen et al., 1988) studied collagenolytic ac-
enzyme activity in GCF from experimental per- tivity in GCF from humans with various forms
of periodontal disease. Using similar assays that umes of crevicular fluid collected (generally 1.0
allow for detection of collagen cleavage prod- 1p1) are then eluted into a larger volume of diluent.
ucts, GCF from healthy, gingivitis, chronic adult Aliquots of the GCF/diluent solution can then be
periodontitis, and localized juvenile periodontitis assayed for different mediators of the host
patients demonstrated the 3/4, /4 collagen frag- response.
ments characteristic of the cleavage pattern of Utilizing the human experimental gingivitis
mammalian collagenase. Degradation by bacte- model, different lysosomal enzymes in GCF were
rial collagenase was either not seen or was ob- evaluated for their relationship to the develop-
served in only small amounts. These investiga- ment of gingival inflammation. In addition to a
tors proposed that the origin of the mammalian measure of gingival inflammation and the volume
collagenase was either PMN, macrophages, fi- of GCF collected, the activity of the ground sub-
broblasts, or epithelial cells. The origin of the stance-degrading enzymes P-glucuronidase (BG)
collagenase in human GCF has been studied sub- and arylsulfatase (AS), and collagenase-like ac-
sequently by Sorsa et al. (1988). The PMN was tivity were assayed using modified spectropho-
the primary source of collagenase in GCF, while tometric procedures (Lamster et al., 1985a,
collagenase activity from gingival explants was 1985b). The collagenase-like activity was as-
derived primarily from fibroblasts. sayed using a dinitrophenyl peptide that mimics
In summary, animal models to study the de- the cleavage site of mammalian collagenase on
velopment of periodontitis have suggested that the collagen molecule. This peptide is also sus-
the active phase of tissue destruction is related ceptible to the actions of other collagen-degrad-
to the development of a PMN infiltrate in the ing enzymes, including various gelatinases (Hak-
crevicular environment. When evaluated con- karainen et al., 1988). In this assay
currently, tissue destruction and increased col- phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride was used to in-
lagenolytic activity in GCF were observed in the hibit substrate hydrolysis by serine proteases, and
dog experimental periodontitis model. The col- aminophenylmercuric acetate was added to a par-
lagenolytic activity in GCF was subsequently allel assay to activate any latent enzyme in order
demonstrated, both in animal and human GCF to determine the percent of collagenase-like ac-
samples, to display the 3/4, /4 cleavage pattern tivity in the active form. The clinical measure of
of mammalian collagenase. The collagenase in tissue inflammation and the volume of GCF in-
human GCF was shown to be derived from PMN. creased steadily during the 4-week trial. The in-
Data from the animal studies provide one line crease in active collagenase-like activity also rose
of evidence that exuberant PMN activity in the steadily during the entire course of the trial. In
crevicular environment is related to the destruc- contrast, the activity of the two ground-sub-
tive phase of periodontal disease. Additional evi- stance-degrading enzymes increased during the
dence is provided by studying the longitudinal first 2 or 3 weeks of the trial, and then remained
relationship of enzyme activity in GCF to the at that level. This plateau in BG and AS activity
development of clinical attachment loss in in GCF may indicate the biochemical stabiliza-
humans. tion of the gingivitis lesion. This preliminary,
To evaluate the relationship of different as- short-term longitudinal trial suggested that dif-
pects of the host response in GCF to the natural ferent host mediators in GCF behaved differently
history of human periodontal disease, a biochem- when followed longitudinally, and perhaps of
ical profile for GCF was introduced (Lamster et greater significance, that analysis of GCF con-
al., 1985a). This collection and processing tech- stituents may provide information about the per-
nique is based on collection of fluid for a stan- iodontal lesion that is otherwise not available.
dardized period of time (30 s). Precut filter paper Subsequently, patients with chronic adult
strips are introduced into the crevice until mild periodontitis were monitored longitudinally to
resistance is felt. The entire mouth can be sur- determine the relationship of clinical attachment
veyed in a reproducible manner as samples are loss to different host mediators in GCF (Lamster
collected from the mesial surfaces of all teeth. et al., 1988). The first analysis of the data ex-
After collection of the samples, the small vol- amined the findings for the relationship of the
lysosomal enzymes BG and AS, and the cyto- sites were selected on the presence of variable
plasmic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) to enzyme activity and similar probing depth (i.e.,
clinical attachment loss in 36 patients monitored all sites were 4 to 6 mm). A total of 54 sites in
for 6 months. The data from that study suggested 13 patients were evaluated. The results indicate
that the enzyme BG in GCF could both identify that BG activity in GCF displayed a significant
clinical attachment loss and predict the occur- positive correlation with spirochetes, Bacteroides
rence of future attachment loss. The mammalian intermedius, lactose-negative, black-pigmented
form of BG is an acid hydrolase that participates Bacteroides, and B. gingivalis, and a significant
in the degradation of the glycosaminoglycan negative correlation with coccoid cells. LDH dis-
component of proteoglycans. Of greater signifi- played a significant positive correlation with lac-
cance in GCF, BG is considered a marker for tose-negative, black-pigmented Bacteroides and
primary granule release from PMN (Taichman et B. gingivalis, and AS displayed a significant po-
al., 1977; Miller and Russel, 1986). The rela- sitive correlation with B. gingivalis. These data
tionship of BG activity in GCF to clinical at- indicated that enzyme activity was elevated, and,
tachment loss was confirmed in an analysis of in the case of BG, PMN activity was elevated,
59 patients monitored for 1 year (Lamster et al., in association with a more prominent microbial
1991). In this study, a persistently elevated level challenge. It is interesting to note, however, that
of BG in GCF could identify patients at risk for the maximum correlation was only in the range
clinical attachment loss 3 to 6 months in the fu- of r = 0.5. This implies that individual variation
ture. This study also reported on the relationship is important to this response.
of the protease inhibitor a-2-macroglobulin (a- In a subsequent study, the relationship of
2-M), IgG and IgM in GCF to clinical attachment different host mediators in GCF to the serum IgG
loss. An increase in a-2-M in GCF was observed antibody titers to putative periodontal pathogens
in patients experiencing disease activity, and this was evaluated (Lamster et al., 1990). The serum
paralleled the increase in BG in GCF. In contrast, IgG antibody titer to a panel of 17 microorgan-
compared to patients who did not experience dis- isms was studied. Patients with elevated levels
ease activity, the amount of IgG in GCF was of IgG in GCF tended to have elevated levels of
somewhat lower in patients experiencing clinical serum IgG antibody to the putative periodontal
attachment loss. The relationship of IgM activity pathogens. This relationship was particularly
in GCF to clinical attachment loss was different strong for IgG in GCF and serum IgG antibody
from that seen for IgG. For example, patients titers to a strain of B. intermedius and Capno-
who were experiencing clinical attachment loss cytophaga ochraceous. A similar but less pro-
displayed higher levels of IgM at the initiation nounced trend was seen for the relationship of
of monitoring and at 3 months following root IgM in GCF to the serum antibody titer. In con-
planing and scaling. No differences between trast, the correlation of BG in GCF to the serum
groups were detected at 2 weeks and 6 months antibody titer was negative. This negative cor-
following therapy. relation was pronounced for three different strains
The identification of BG as a potential marker of A. actinomycetemcomitans, one strain of Ei-
for clinical attachment loss in humans, and the konella corrodens, and Wolinella recta. No re-
implication that PMN may be involved in the lationship was observed between the amount of
pathology of periodontal disease, led to other a-2-M in GCF and the serum IgG antibody titer
studies to examine the relationship of BG in GCF to the periodontal pathogens.
to other aspects of the periodontal lesion. The The findings from this study are intriguing
relationship of the subgingival microflora to BG and suggest that the appearance of an increased
and other enzymes of GCF was studied (Harper serum IgG antibody titer is essentially protective.
et al., 1989). Both darkfield and cultural analysis The absence of this serum antibody response,
of the subgingival microflora, and the activity of which will be reflected in GCF, may predispose
the enzymes BG, AS, and LDH were evaluated to the accumulation of pathogens in the subgin-
in patients with chronic adult periodontitis. To gival plaque. In turn, the accumulation of path-
minimize the effect of probing depth, sampled ogenic microorganisms in the crevice would be
associated with an increased influx of PMN into 2-M. After therapy, only bound a-2-M was de-
the crevicular region (Harper et al., 1989). tected in GCF. Findings from our laboratory agree
Many other PMN lysosomal constituents have with the data reported by Condacci et al. (1982).
been identified in GCF, including myeloperoxi- We observed that a greater amount of immuno-
dase (Smith et al., 1986) and lactoferrin and ly- logically identified a-2-M was present in GCF
sozyme (Friedman et al., 1983). Nevertheless, samples from patients with periodontitis prior to
the relationship of these indicators in GCF to treatment compared with after therapy (Sengupta
active periodontal disease has not been studied. et al., 1989). In addition, as noted earlier, pa-
A preliminary report examining the relationship tients with active periodontitis displayed more
of PMN elastase to clinical attachment loss has total a-2-M in GCF than patients who did not
been published recently (Palcanis et al., 1990). experience disease activity (Lamster et al., 1991).
Using a sensitive automated probe, sites expe- In contrast to these findings, Skaleric et al. (1986)
riencing clinical attachment loss were observed performed a cross-sectional analysis of the re-
to also display significantly higher levels of PMN lationship of a-2-M in GCF to existing perio-
elastase when compared with sites that did not dontal pathology. They determined that the con-
experience disease activity. These data confirm centration of total a-2-M in GCF was lower in
the finding that large accumulations of PMN in sites with more inflammation, more bone loss,
the gingival crevice are associated with a loss of and greater probing depth. These findings agree
clinical attachment along the root surface. with the data from the dog experimental perio-
The studies examining changes in GCF dontitis model (Kryshtalskyj et al., 1986; Krysh-
chemistry during experimental periodontitis in talskyj and Sodek, 1987), where reduced func-
dogs (Kryshtalskyj et al., 1986; Kryshtalskyj and tional inhibitor activity was associated with
Sodek, 1987), and changes in host mediators in elevated collagenolytic activity in GCF from dogs
GCF associated with attachment loss in humans experiencing active disease.
(Lamster et al., 1991), suggest the importance While differences exist between studies ex-
of protease-inhibitor activity in crevicular fluid. amining a-2-M activity in GCF, these discrep-
oa-1-antitrypsin (a-l-A) and a-2-M are the two ancies are likely due to the clinical protocols (i.e.,
major protease inhibitors in serum (Sandholm, longitudinal vs. cross-sectional studies) and the
1986), and both have been examined in GCF. methods of assaying protease inhibitor activity
The relationship of oa-1-A in GCF to serum was (immunologic identification vs. functional anal-
evaluated by Asman et al. (1981). Using the a- ysis). Nevertheless, the importance of protease-
1-A/transferrin ratio, the concentration of a- -A inhibitor activity in GCF will be considered later
was higher in GCF than in serum. While no dif- in this review when pathologic mechanisms are
ferences were detected between inflamed and discussed.
healthy sites from patients with different degrees Other approaches have been utilized to study
of periodontal disease, it was suggested that pa- the biochemical events associated with the pro-
tients with periodontal disease had less xa--A in gression of periodontitis. Chambers et al. (1984)
GCF than healthy patients. The presence of a- used the dog experimental periodontitis model to
2-M in GCF has been studied more intensely. study the relationship of the cytoplasmic enzyme
This protease inhibitor was first identified in GCF aspartate aminotransferase (AST) to clinical at-
in 1960 (Brill and Bronnestam, 1960). Condacci tachment loss. This cytoplasmic enzyme is used
et al. (1982) detected an elevation in the con- as a marker of cell death, as seen, for example,
centration of total a-2-M in GCF during the de- following myocardial infarction. In their report,
velopment of experimental gingivitis in human Chambers et al. (1984) demonstrated that the
volunteers. Furthermore, the concentration of to- AST concentration in GCF was 10 to 100 times
tal a-2-M in GCF from periodontitis patients was higher in GCF when compared with serum. At-
higher before treatment than after treatment. Us- tachment loss was observed to begin after liga-
ing crossed immuno-electrophoresis, fluid col- tion, and approximately one half of the total at-
lected from periodontitis patients before treat- tachment loss was realized during the first 2 weeks
ment displayed peaks of both free and bound a- following ligation. A pronounced peak in AST
concentration in GCF was observed at the 2-week relationship between the concentration of PGE2
GCF collection, indicating that this measure of in GCF and clinical attachment loss (Offenbacher
cell death was observed soon after the initial burst et al., 1986). Collecting and analyzing GCF from
of tissue destruction. Subsequently, the relation- all mesiobuccal sites, a whole-mouth PGE2 con-
ship of AST in GCF to both tissue inflammation centration was determined. Patients were moni-
and clinical attachment loss in humans was as- tored every 3 months until one site in the mouth
sessed (Persson et al., 1990a, 1990b). Using the displayed a significant amount of clinical attach-
human experimental gingivitis protocol, a statis- ment loss. Patients who experienced disease ac-
tically significant relationship existed between tivity displayed significantly higher mean con-
AST in GCF and clinical measures of tissue in- centrations of PGE2 compared to patients who
flammation and sulcular bleeding (Persson et al., did not demonstrate active disease. Elevated lev-
1990a). When studying the relationship of AST els of PGE2 in GCF occurred 6 months prior to
in GCF to clinical attachment loss at individual the detection of disease activity. In addition, ex-
sites, they determined that elevated AST levels amination of the site displaying attachment loss
either preceded or occurred at the time of detec- revealed that the PGE2 concentration at the active
tion of disease activity. Unfortunately, these in- site was elevated approximately fivefold at the
vestigators did not suggest the source of the en- visit when disease activity was detected. The con-
zyme in GCF. Their data indicate, however, that centration of PGE2 in GCF collected from the
this enzyme is derived locally, and that eryth- active sites decreased dramatically 1 month after
rocytes do not make a major contribution to the root planing and scaling.
AST pool in GCF. Likely sources include the The relationship of elevated PGE2 concen-
PMN and epithelial cells. tration in GCF to clinical attachment loss pro-
A series of reports examining prostaglandin vides yet another indication of an association be-
E2 (PGE2) in GCF also offer information about tween an exuberant acute inflammatory response
the nature of the destructive lesion in human per- in the crevicular environment and the destructive
iodontal disease. The first identification of PGE2 phases of periodontal disease. The cellular hall-
in gingival tissue exudates was by Goodson et mark of the inflammatory response is the PMN.
al. (1974). They observed levels of PGE2 of 10-6 Mechanisms associated with the PMN that may
to 10-7 M. At these concentrations PGE2 can account for tissue destruction include (1) release
inhibit collagen synthesis and induce bone re- of lysosomal constituents to degrade both the fi-
sorption in in vitro models. Offenbacher et al. brillar components and ground substance of the
(1981) described a method for detection of PGE2 connective tissue; (2) the proinflammatory ef-
in GCF. Their radioimmunoassay was sensitive fects of certain products of the arachidonic acid
to 4 pg of PGE2. This preliminary report dem- cascade, most notably PGE2; and (3) other mech-
onstrated that the concentration of PGE2 in GCF anisms not as extensively examined in the crev-
from periodontitis patients was approximately five icular environment, including release of cyto-
times greater than that seen in samples from pa- kines such as IL-liP, and generation of reactive
tients with gingivitis. The sources of PGE2 in oxygen metabolites, such as hypochlorous acid
GCF were suggested to be epithelial cells, en- (HOCI), superoxide anion (02-), and hydrogen
dothelial cells, and fibroblasts, and perhaps of peroxide (H202).
greater significance, PMN and macrophages. It The first part of this review has presented
was later demonstrated that the concentration of evidence to implicate the PMN in the destructive
PGE2 in GCF correlates with the concentration phases of periodontal disease. While a number
of PGE2 in the adjacent tissues was related to of mechanisms associated with tissue destruction
existing attachment loss and was approximately were described, some of the mediators that could
three times higher in GCF samples from patients account for this destruction would not be specific
with juvenile periodontitis compared to adult per- to an exuberant response by PMN to the subgin-
iodontitis (Offenbacher et al., 1984). Subse- gival microbial plaque. Current biomedical re-
quently, these investigators studied patients with search into the pathogenesis of tissue destruction
adult periodontitis to determine the longitudinal associated with a PMN-dominated inflammatory
response suggests that this destruction may be inflammatory periodontal disease, one of the most
due to the synergistic effect of PMN protease common chronic disorders affecting adults, is in-
activity and the generation of reactive oxygen itiated by the presence of specific bacteria on the
metabolites. This is probably the major effector teeth and gingival tissues (L6e et al., 1965).
mechanism for tissue destruction that can be spe- Moreover, we have recently begun to understand
cifically identified with the PMN. The next sec- the important role of the PMN in defending the
tion of this article will focus on the physiological oral tissues against microbial invasion (Van Dyke
and biochemical mechanisms of PMN-mediated et al., 1985). In health, an intricate balance exists
tissue destruction. Attention will be directed to between the host, its protective inflammatory and
mechanisms of tissue destruction associated with immune systems, and the colonizing microor-
the release of proteases and oxygen metabolites ganisms of the oral cavity, many of which gain
that may be implicated in the pathogenesis of their nutritional requirements from their host. The
periodontal disease. The hypothesis that will be integument lining the gingival crevice is pro-
developed suggests that periodontal tissue de- tected by a constant efflux of phagocytic cells
struction may, in some instances, be associated and soluble antimicrobial factors flowing from
with an enhanced PMN response. the subepithelial vascular plexus into the gingival
crevice. However, as was described by Metch-
nikoff exactly 100 years ago when studying the
II. THE PHYSIOLOGY AND effects of inserting a rose thorn into a starfish
BIOCHEMISTRY OF THE HUMAN larva, any penetration of the integument by bac-
NEUTROPHIL AND ITS POTENTIAL teria or their products leads to an inflammatory
ROLE IN TISSUE DESTRUCTION IN response characterized by the accumulation of a
PERIODONTAL DISEASE large number of leukocytes at the point of in-
vasion. Since then, many of the physiological
A. Introduction and biochemical mechanisms by which PMN mi-
grate to sites of infection, the mechanisms by
The importance of the PMN in the inflam- which they ingest and kill invading bacteria, and
matory response and the subsequent protection the amplification system for the inflammatory
of the host against microbial invasion has been response have been identified. However, as
appreciated for over 100 years. In the early 20th Weissmann has expressed so succinctly, "one
century, Metchnikoff, in his studies of phago- might perhaps wonder why, since PMNs have
cytes and their role in the inflammation, con- probably been evolving for several hundred mil-
cluded, "The diapedesis of the white corpus- lion years at least, they do not operate more 'ef-
cles . . . is one of the principal means of defense ficiently'. Granted that they are necessary parts
possessed by an animal. As soon as the infective of the body's defenses, but why, in defending
agents have penetrated into the body, a whole the body, must they at times damage the very
army of white corpuscles proceeds towards the tissues they are defending" (Weissmann 1978).
menaced spots, there entering into a struggle with In reference to periodontal disease, it has become
the micro-organisms. The leukocytes, having ar- apparent that, in some individuals, the normal
rived at the spot where the intruders are found, protective response of PMNs to the accumulation
seize them . . . and within their bodies subject of microbial plaque adjacent to the gingival tis-
them to intracellular digestion" (Metchnikoff sues has the ability, under certain conditions, to
1905, cited in Weissmann, 1988). cause extensive destruction of the periodontium.
The recognition by van Leeuwenhoek some The following sections review the origin and life
300 years ago that the oral cavity was colonized history of the PMN, the physiology and bio-
extensively by a variety of microorganisms (or chemistry of activation of these important host
"animalcules") led to the beginnings of modem- defense cells, and how changes in the normal
day microbiology and an understanding of the physiologic and biochemical responses may re-
importance of anaerobic bacteria in human oral sult in tissue destruction. The biologic basis for
infections. It has taken 300 years to clarify that a new hypothesis will be presented that suggests
that the tissue destruction associated with inflam- cyte, metamyelocyte, band cell, and, finally, the
matory periodontal disease may, in some in- mature PMN. All differentiation, proliferation,
stances, be due to the PMN hypereactivity, and and maturation phases of the PMN life cycle oc-
not necessarily to PMN hyporeactivity, as pre- cur in the bone marrow, with the subsequent re-
viously suggested (Van Dyke and Hoops, 1990). lease of the mature PMN into the circulation.
Proliferation, consisting of approximately five
mitoses over 5 d, results in the stem cell maturing
B. The Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte through the myeloblast, promyelocyte, and mye-
locyte stages. At the myelocyte stage the cell is
1. Origin and Life History no longer capable of mitosis and so becomes an
"end cell", entering a large storage pool of cells
The life of the PMN is spent in three major that undergo further differentiation over a period
compartments of the body: the bone marrow, of the next 5 d (Cronkite and Vincent, 1969;
where it begins life; the circulatory blood system, Athens, 1970). This differentiating pool is made
in which it travels around the body; and its final up of metamyelocytes, band cells, and the mature
location and destiny, the tissues of the body. segmented PMN. The differentiation from the
PMNs are produced in the bone marrow and re- stem cell to the band cell takes approximately 2
leased at a rate of 80 to 160 x 107 cells/kg body weeks (Bainton et al., 1971), following which
weight/d. This means that approximately 1011 the mature cells are released into the circulation.
PMNs are released each day from the marrow of Studies of neutrophil disappearance from the cir-
a 70-kg individual (Cartwright et al., 1964; Dan- culation yield a half-life of approximately 6.7 h.
cey et al., 1976). The bone marrow comprises The circulating pool makes up approximately 50%
approximately 4.5% of total adult body weight. of the blood PMN, as determined by counting,
About 55% of the bone marrow is dedicated to with the other 50% on the blood vessel walls to
the production of PMN, which, during their life form the so-called marginating pool (Athens et
in the marrow, pass through three major com- al., 1961). The mature PMN lasts about 1 to 2
partments of differentiation. They begin life as d in the tissues (Peters et al., 1985).
a pluripotent stem cell, which forms the center
of a self-maintaining hemopoietic clone. This
clone has the potential for self-renewal, as well 2. The Morphologic Stages of PMN
as for the generation of multiple hemopoietic cel- Maturation and Differentiation
lular lineages. The pluripotent stem cell is ca-
pable of producing erythroid, granulocytic, mon- The myeloblast constitutes about 1% of mar-
ocytic, thrombocytic, or mixed colonies. The row cells, is 15 to 20 ,xm in diameter, and is
pluripotent stem cell has been termed the colony never seen in the peripheral blood of healthy sub-
forming unit-spleen (CFU-S), since the first assay jects. It is a relatively undifferentiated cell, with
system of Till and McCulloch (1961) demon- a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, prominent
strated that single stem cells from mouse bone pale blue nucleoli, and, occasionally, some im-
marrow, when injected into irradiated mice, mature peroxidase positive azurophil, or pri-
formed hemopoietic colonies in the spleen. One mary, granules. The promyelocyte is character-
of the progenitor cells, derived from the stem ized by the accumulation of peroxidase-positive
cell, gives rise to colonies containing granulo- azurophil granules. The peroxidase is located
cytes and monocytes. This progenitor cell is throughout the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the
termed the granulocyte-macrophage colony Golgi complex, and small transport vesicles, in-
forming unit (CFU-GM), and it subsequently dif- dicating the synthetic nature of peroxidase for-
ferentiates into the CFU-G and CFU-M to pro- mation and later storage in the granules. Cessa-
duce granulocytes and monocytes. The produc- tion in the production of peroxidase positive
tion by the CFU-G of the myeloblast initiates the granules marks the end of the promyelocyte stage,
granulocyte differentiation pathway, with sub- and the myelocyte stage is marked by production
sequent formation of the promyelocyte, myelo- of the peroxidase-negative specific, or second-
ary, granules. The specific granules are formed cussed the intracellular role of "cytases" in the
by the Golgi, and during the myelocyte stage phagocytosis and intracellular digestion of mi-
approximately three divisions occur, with azur- croorganisms. He concluded that these "cy-
ophil and specific granules being divided equally tases" were not released from the cell, except
between daughter cells (Cronkite and Vincent, following cell death. In contrast, in 1900 Paul
1969). In contrast to the peroxidase-positive na- Ehrlich concluded that PMN granules were se-
ture of the azurophil granules, the specific gran- cretory products that the cell released to the ex-
ules are negative for peroxidase but positive for ternal environment (Hirsch and Hirsch, 1980).
alkaline phosphatase. Proliferation ceases at the Support for the intracellular role of granules dur-
myelocyte stage, and differentiation into the ma- ing phagocytosis was provided by the studies of
ture PMN continues with development of the me- granule fusion with phagocytic vacuoles during
tamyelocyte. At this stage, the cell assumes the ingestion of microorganisms (Hirsch and Cohn,
uniformly pink cytoplasm of the mature PMN, 1960; Cohn and Hirsch, 1960; Hirsch, 1962). It
and the nucleus begins its segmentation process also became evident that granule products could
by becoming bean shaped or indented. The band be released into the extracellular environment
cell is the next stage. Band cells are similar to during phagocytosis by the incomplete closure of
mature PMN, but do not have fully segmented the phagocytic vesicle during ingestion. This was
nuclei. This cell is found in the peripheral blood termed regurgitation while feeding (Weissmann
of healthy subjects at about 3 to 5% of the dif- et al., 1972). A second phenomenon, termed
ferential count, but this number increases during frustrated phagocytosis, was reserved for the ex-
infection. The mature PMN is characterized by tracellular release of granule products due to the
a segmented nucleus of two to five lobes that are inability of PMN to ingest opsonized particles
joined by thin strands of chromatin. The mature that were too big or too plentiful (Henson, 1971a;
PMN has numerous granules, of which 80 to 90% Henson, 1971b). It was proposed that the extra-
are secondary granules and 10 to 20% are primary cellular release of granule contents led to path-
granules. This preponderance of secondary gran- ologic tissue changes during PMN-dominated in-
ules is due to the fact that primary granule for- flammation (Weissmann et al., 1972; Goldstein,
mation ends at the promyelocyte stage, and their 1976; Weissmann et al., 1973; Henson, 1972).
numbers are subsequently diluted by cell division Considerable evidence has been accumulated from
during the myelocyte stage when secondary gran- in vitro studies of bacterial-PMN interactions and
ules are formed. from in vivo studies of crevicular fluid contents
during active phases of periodontal destruction
to support a role for the extracellular release of
3. PMN Granules granule contents in the pathogenesis of perio-
dontal disease. This concept is discussed further
Morphologic heterogeneity among PMN in Section D.
granules has been recognized for some time and In 1900, Ehrlich had noted that migrating
is characteristic of these cells (Bainton et al., PMNs lost their granules during emigration from
1971). As noted, primary and secondary granules tissues and concluded that this reflected the "ex-
appear at different stages of PMN development trusion" of granules by the cell (Hirsch and
(Bainton et al., 1971; Bainton and Farquhar, Hirsch, 1980). Leffel and Spitznagel observed
1968), are cytochemically distinct due to differ- that during phagocytosis, secondary granules were
ences in their content (Bainton et al., 1971; Bain- directed to the periphery of the cell, while pri-
ton and Farquhar, 1968), have different sites of mary granules fused with the phagocytic vacuole
origin at the Golgi (Bainton and Farquhar, 1966), (Leffell and Spitznagel, 1974; Leffell and Spitz-
and differ in their degranulation kinetics during nagel, 1975). In vivo support for this observation
phagocytosis (Bainton, 1973). In the late 19th did not come until the study of Wright and Gallin
century, leukocyte biologists were divided in their (1979), who examined PMNs and exudates from
opinions on the function of PMN granules. When sterile skin lesions and postsurgical wound ab-
describing phagocytosis, Metchnikoff(1905) dis- scesses. Constituents of secondary granules ap-
peared in the exudates, and PMN from these le- ever, the tertiary granules and the replenishsomes
sions were depleted of their secondary granules share many characteristics with respect to the
when compared with peripheral blood PMN. transport of adhesion molecules Mo 1 and C3bi
There was little or no depletion in primary gran- to the cell surfaces, and, although they appear
ules, as determined by ultrastructural analysis and distinct from the secondary granules, their
granule separation by ultracentrifugation on su- uniqueness can only be determined following ad-
crose density gradients. These in vivo studies sup- ditional study.
ported earlier in vitro observations that selective It is evident that the early morphologic ob-
release of secondary granule constituents could servations of Leffel and Spitznagel (Leffell and
be induced with soluble stimuli, such as phorbol Spitznagel, 1974; Leffell and Spitznagel, 1975)
myristate acetate (Goldstein et al., 1975; White appear to be supported by the later studies dem-
and Estensen, 1974; Wright et al., 1977), the onstrating sequential degranulation of secondary,
lectin concanavalin A (Con A; Hoffstein et al., tertiary, and replenishsome granules to the ex-
1976), and with certain concentrations of the di- tracellular environment. These granules appear
valent cation ionophore A23187 (Wright et al., to make up the "secretory" component of the
1977). This cumulative evidence led to the con- PMN. This secretory activity leads to the release
clusion that the PMN acts as both a phagocyte of antimicrobial agents, such as lysozyme and
and as a secretory cell that can release granule lactoferrin (Wright, 1982), as well as replenish-
constituents to modify its surroundings. Conse- ing of membrane receptors, enzymes, and cy-
quently, the PMN has been termed a secretory tochromes essential for mobilization of the PMN
organ of inflammation and host defense (Weiss- to the site of infection and prolonged activation.
mann et al., 1973, Wright 1982). The expression of surface receptors in the human
With increasing knowledge of the role of the PMN is crucial for normal physiologic function.
PMN as a secretory organ, investigators have Abnormalities of receptor expression have been
paid considerable attention to the heterogeneity defined in PMN from individuals with leukocyte
of the granule population and its influence on adhesion deficiency syndrome and localized ju-
PMN function in health and disease (Boxer and venile periodontitis, where altered PMN function
Smolen, 1988). Table 1, taken from a recent has been associated with advanced, early onset,
review by Boxer and Smolen (1988), provides periodontal destruction (reviewed in Todd and
our current understanding of granule heteroge- Freyer, 1988; Van Dyke and Hoops, 1990).
neity and content. In addition to the original gran- Much of our current understanding of granule
ules described during differentiation (primary and function has been gained by studying PMN from
secondary granules), two other types of granules patients with genetic granule abnormalities. These
have been identified on the basis of density cen- disorders of altered PMN function are often as-
trifugation and enzyme activity. The tertiary sociated with recurrent or prolonged infection.
granule has a density below that of the secondary The deficiencies described to date appear to be
granule and contains the enzyme gelatinase (De- inherited as autosomal recessive traits. Five pa-
wald et al., 1982). Its secretion may be associ- tients with a secondary granule deficiency have
ated with increased membrane expression of the been identified (Gallin, 1985), and, although no
adhesion glycoprotein Mo 1, suggesting that re- individuals with an absence of primary granules
lease of tertiary granule constituents at the cell have been described, myeloperoxidase (MPO)
membrane, and the renewal of the membrane that deficiency is observed in approximately 1 in 2000
occurs during granule fusion and release, is in- individuals (Nauseef, 1988).
volved in PMN attachment and migration (Pe- Secondary granule deficiency is associated
trequin et al., 1987; Todd et al., 1984). A fourth with recurrent infections of the skin, upper res-
granule, termed the replenishsome, has been piratory tract, middle ear, and lung. This disorder
characterized recently (Borregaard et al., 1987) is associated with abnormal PMN chemotaxis in
and also may serve to replenish the cell mem- vivo and in vitro, and abnormal killing by PMN
brane with essential receptors and modulators re- (Gallin et al., 1982). These observations may be
quired for appropriate cellular function. How- due to the fact that there is a defect in the up-
PMN Granule Constituents
Primary Secondary
(azurophilic) (specific) Tertiary
granules granules granules Replenishsomes
Myeloperoxidase Lysozyme Gelatinase C3bi receptors
Lysozyme Collagenase Cytochrome b
Elastase Lactoferrin Alkaline phosphatase
Cathepsin G Vitamin B,2 binding protein
Proteinases Cytochrome b /
N-Acetyl glucuronidase Histaminase
Cathepsin B Complement activator
Cathepsin D Monocyte chemoattractant
B glucuronidase Plasminogen activator
B glycerophosphate Protein kinase C Inhibitor
Mannosidase FMLP receptors
Defensins C3bi receptors
Antibacterial cationic
C5a inactivating factor
Adapted from Boxer, L. A. and Smolen, J. E., Hematol./Oncol. North Am., 2(1), 101, 1988. With permission.
regulation of chemotactic receptors (such as N- plification of the respiratory burst may also be
formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine: FMLP), affected by lactoferrin depletion, since lactoferrin
and for the adhesion glycoproteins (such as C3bi), has been demonstrated to enhance the generation
in activated cells (Gallin et al., 1982). In addi- of hydroxyl radicals (Ambruso and Johnson,
tion, approximately two thirds of the lysozyme 1981).
recovered from PMN is contained in the second- MPO-deficient PMN show delayed killing of
ary granules, and levels of this enzyme in plasma internalized bacteria, an absence of killing of
and urine have been related to the rate of PMN Candida species, and a prolonged respiratory burst
turnover in the body. Similarly, the iron-binding (Nauseef, 1988). The inability of the PMN to
protein lactoferrin, which in its unsaturated form form the MPO-H202-halide complex that is bac-
may restrict microbial growth by competing for tericidal to many bacteria will delay bacterial kill-
available iron, is located in the secondary gran- ing. However, other bactericidal components of
ules. The deficiency in circulating lysozyme and PMN, such as defensins contained in the primary
lactoferrin may decrease the host's bactericidal granules and the hydroxyl radical, can exert bac-
and bacteriostatic activity at mucosal surfaces tericidal activity.
(Wright, 1982). It is also possible that, in ad-
dition to defective PMN function observed in
these individuals, there is an inability to amplify 4. The Biochemistry and Physiology of
the inflammatory response. This is due to the fact PMN Activation
that secondary granules have been shown to con-
tain a constituent that can generate the major PMN released from the bone marrow into the
chemotactic component of complement, C5a, circulation display minimal metabolic activity and
from C5 (Wright and Gallin, 1977). In addition, are considered "resting" cells. With initiation of
lactoferrin can affect amplification of the PMN an inflammatory response following the local re-
response by inhibiting the release of granulocyte- lease of vasoactive substances, vascular changes
macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) result in reduction in velocity of blood passing
from monocytes (Broxmeyer et al., 1980). Am- through the vessels, subsequent margination of
PMN, and attachment of these cells to the en- linked to binding of the stimulus through a de-
dothelial cells lining the blood vessels. The con- fined activation pathway. Multiple secondary
tact between the cell surface of the PMN and the messengers are involved in the transduction of
endothelial cell is mediated by a series of adhe- the stimulatory signal from the cell surface to the
sion glycoproteins expressed on the PMN cell relevant cellular effector mechanisms, and many
surface. This group of closely related glycopro- of these are common to several activation path-
teins, known as the CD11/CD18 glycoprotein ways, either working independently or in con-
family, are responsible for mediating PMN adhe- cert. The chemotactic response is initiated by
sion to cellular and particulate surfaces, as well binding of FMLP to the receptor, and it appears
as between PMN during aggregation of these cells that subsequent responses are affected through
(Todd and Freyer, 1988). The three glycoproteins the action of guanine triphosphate (GTP) binding
are heterodimers with a common beta subunit, proteins whose activity is inhibitable by pertussis
CD18, and variable alpha subunits. They are toxin. Treatment of PMN with pertussis toxin
CD1 la/CD18 (previously LFA-1), CD1 lb/CD18 results in the adenine diphosphate ribosylation of
(previously Mo 1), and CD1 c/CD 18 (previously the alpha subunit of the 41,000 Da GTP-depen-
gp 150, 95), all of which have been characterized dent regulatory component (G1) responsible for
in patients demonstrating leukocyte adhesion de- inhibition of adenylate cyclase (Matsumoto et al.,
ficiency syndrome (Todd and Freyer, 1988). Mol 1986; Okajima and Ui, 1984). Inhibition by per-
functions as CR3, the PMN receptor for the com- tussis toxin has implicated this particular G pro-
plement component C3bi. As such, this glyco- tein as an early second messenger in the chem-
protein mediates PMN binding to C3bi opsonized otactic peptide-stimulated activation of PMN.
particles (Todd and Freyer, 1988) and to a CR3 Pertussis toxin treatment has been shown to in-
binding site (ICAM-1) on human endothelial cells hibit FMLP-induced elevation in intracellular
(Smith et al., 1988). It has been demonstrated calcium (Goldman et al., 1985), superoxide an-
that this initial adhesion results in degranulation ion production (Lad et al., 1985a; Okamura et
of secondary and tertiary granule products (Wright al., 1985), lysosomal enzyme release (Goldman
and Gallin, 1979), which are also necessary for et al., 1985; Lad et al., 1985a), aggregation
upregulating the adhesion molecules (Petrequin (Krause et al., 1985; Lad et al., 1985b), chem-
et al., 1987; Todd et al., 1984). The movement otaxis (Goldman et al., 1985; Krause et al., 1985),
of PMN from the point of adhesion on the en- cytoskeletal changes (Becker et al., 1985), and
dothelial cell through the blood vessel wall and protein phosphorylation (Volpe et al., 1985).
to the site of infection is a chemotactic response. Although stimulus-response coupling has
Chemotaxis refers to the directed locomotion been described most extensively for the chemo-
of cells along a concentration gradient of a chem- tactic peptide FMLP, multiple pathways of ac-
otactic factor or chemotaxin. Numerous chem- tivation appear to exist in PMN, and the re-
otactic factors have been identified (Wilkinson, sponses initiated in the PMN are characteristic
1982), but the most potent appear to be the fifth of the stimulus used (McPhail et al., 1984). The
component of complement (C5a), the synthetic chemotactic stimuli FMLP, C5a, and LtB4 are
bacterial peptide FMLP, and leukotriene B4 able to initiate chemotaxis, but at physiologic
(LtB4), a lipoxygenase product of arachidonic concentrations are poor activators of the microb-
acid (Weissmann et al., 1973). The response of icidal respiratory burst. However, nonchemotac-
PMN to chemotactic stimuli has been extensively tic stimuli, such as Con A, the opsonic third
studied using FMLP. The FMLP receptor is an component of complement C3b, and the Fc frag-
integral membrane protein with a molecular ment of antibody, are able to activate the mi-
weight of 50 to 70,000 Da (Niedel et al., 1980) crobicidal respiratory burst when bound to spe-
and with approximately 6 x 104 receptors per cific PMN receptors. Increases in the intracellular
cell (Niedel et al., 1979). Binding of the ligand pools of "free" calcium by the mobilization of
FMLP to the receptor initiates a process termed calcium from intracellular pools or from extra-
stimulus-response coupling, in which the re- cellular sources is important in the organization
sponses of the cell are directly and temporally of the cytoskeleton (Sklar et al., 1985). This
event is required for the activation of the calcium- mutated to H202 either spontaneously or by su-
dependent protein kinase C, which catalyzes the peroxide dismutase (Root and Metcalf, 1977).
phosphorylation of a number of proteins at serine The reactions are
and threonine residues. Approximately 90% of
the protein kinase C activity is cytosolic in resting 202 + NADPH--202 + NADP+ + H+
PMN (Wolfson et al., 1985). Stimulation by ac-
tivators of the respiratory burst, such as the phor- 202 + 2H+ -
02 + H202
bol esters (Wolfson et al., 1985; Gennaro et al.,
1986), or chemoattractants such as FMLP at ap-
propriate concentrations (Pike et al., 1986), re- C. Oxygen Metabolites and Tissue
sult in the redistribution of protein kinase C to Destruction
the plasma membrane.
The mobilization of the cytosolic protein ki- The electron transport chain that comprises
nase C to the membrane or particulate fraction the NADPH oxidase in human PMN utilizes ox-
of the cell has been associated with the activation ygen as the terminal electron acceptor. The ac-
of a membrane-bound NADPH oxidase (Wolfson ceptance of electrons and subsequent reduction
et al., 1985; Gennaro et al., 1986). This acti- of oxygen initiates the production of a series of
vation occurs following stimulation of PMN by highly reactive oxidants. In PMN, the NADPH
agents known to activate the "respiratory burst", oxidase is located within the plasma membrane
so named because of the sharp increase in oxygen and is activated following stimulation of the cell.
uptake that takes place upon stimulation of the The flow of electrons is from the cytosolic side
cells (Baldridge and Gerard, 1933). Although of the membrane, where NADPH is oxidized to
stimulation results in an increase in oxygen up- NADP, to the external surface of the PMN, where
take (Sbarra and Karnovsky, 1959), the oxygen the one electron reduction of oxygen results in
is not essential for phagocytosis, nor is there an the production of 02- on the outer surface of the
increase in mitochondrial respiration. It was ob- PMN cell membrane (McCord and Fridovich,
served that almost all of the oxygen was con- 1978). Oxygen, by the acceptance of four elec-
verted to H202 by activated PMN (Iyer et al., trons, can be reduced to water. However, highly
1961). PMN stimulation also results in an in- reactive, partially reduced intermediates can be
crease in glucose oxidation, through the activity formed from 02-. Superoxide is rapidly con-
of the hexose monophosphate shunt, using NADP verted to H202, either by spontaneous dismuta-
as an electron acceptor (Sbarra and Karnovsky, tion of two molecules of 02- (202- + 2H + -
1959). The availability of NADP is the rate-lim- H202 + 02) or through a reaction that is cata-
iting step in glucose oxidation. This step is reg- lyzed by superoxide dismutase. It has been pro-
ulated by both the speed at which NADPH can posed that the highly reactive oxidant hydroxyl
be oxidized to NADP by the NADPH oxidase radical (OH) can be formed from the iron-cat-
(Beck, 1958) and by the regeneration of NADP alyzed interaction of H202 and 02- by the Haber-
from NADPH as part of the glutathione-peroxi- Weiss reaction.
dase-glutathione reductase system that protects The effects of oxygen metabolites on the cel-
PMN from internal oxidative damage by inter- lular and extracellular components of human tis-
nally generated H202 (Reed 1969). Activation of sues has received considerable attention due to
the hexose monophosphate shunt is therefore the extensive tissue destruction that accompanies
closely linked to the oxidation of NADPH by the a PMN-dominated inflammatory infiltrate (Hal-
NADPH oxidase. Studies have demonstrated that liwell, 1988). Superoxide and H202 are the pri-
PMN produce large quantities of superoxide an- mary oxygen metabolites formed during the PMN
ion (02-) by the one-electron reduction of oxy- respiratory burst, but neither of these molecules
gen (Babior et al., 1973; Drath and Karnovsky, is as reactive an oxidant as OH-, which may be
1975; Weening et al., 1975). Furthermore, all of formed from these species in the presence of metal
the oxygen taken up during the respiratory burst ions. In vitro studies have demonstrated that the
is converted to O2-, with 80% of this being dis- release of these reactive oxygen species may alter
proteins in such a way as to make them more level of protein kinase c (Parente et al., 1989).
susceptible to proteolysis (Davies, 1987a). This The studies in the squirrel monkey model clearly
may occur through a modification of the primary, demonstrated that a reduction in number and
secondary, and tertiary structure of proteins function of PMN, brought about by an inhibition
(Davies et al., 1987a; Davies and Delsignore, of oxygen radical production, could result in de-
1987; Davies et al., 1987b). Reactive oxygen creased periodontal tissue destruction. The extent
species also modify cell viability by affecting of the decrease in destruction of the periodontal
breaks in DNA, decreasing mitochondrial activ- tissues is clearly demonstrated in Figure 1. Fol-
ity, decreasing the activity of intracellular en- lowing 2 weeks of ligature placement, little to
zymes, and peroxidation of membrane lipids no destruction of the supporting alveolar bone is
(Cochrane et al., 1988). The release of 02- into observed around the ligated teeth of the gold-
extracellular fluids has also been shown to acti- treated animals when compared with the exten-
vate a latent chemotactic factor that acts to rap- sive loss of alveolar support in the non-gold-
idly recruit more PMN to the site of infection receiving animals. Similar differences were ob-
(Petrone et al., 1980). served for the levels of connective tissue attach-
The rapid dismutation of 02- at neutral pH ment in these animals. An analysis of the cellular
results in the production of large quantities of content of the periodontal tissues revealed a dra-
H202. Hydrogen peroxide does not have the bi- matic decrease in the numbers of PMN present
ological reactivity of the oxygen radicals, 02- (Polson et al., 1984). Since protein kinase c ac-
and OH-. However, in combination with MPO tivity is essential for chemotaxis and respiratory
released from the PMN primary granules, and a burst activity, it is possible that GST not only
halide ion (usually chloride) present in plasma, diminished oxygen radical production, but also
the powerful oxidant HOCI is formed (Klebanoff, the chemotaxis of PMN to the site of infection.
1988). This oxidant forms the basis for com- It has been postulated previously that diminished
mercial bleach and attacks a wide range of bio- chemotaxis of PMN to a site of infection may
logical substrates. The MPO-H202-halide system predipose the host to less protection and greater
kills bacteria, inactivates bacterial toxins, and tissue destruction. Although this is certainly true
kills tumor cells and numerous other host cells in leukocyte adhesion deficiency and other ge-
(Klebanoff, 1988). The MPO system is also re- netic or induced disorders of PMN function that
sponsible for the inactivation of chemotactic pep- lead to a near absence of PMN at infected sites
tides, causing a localization of the PMN at the (reviewed by Van Dyke and Hopps, 1990), these
site of primary granule release. In addition to the conditions are also characterized by generalized
direct toxicity of the MPO system on host cells, life-threatening infections that are not observed
HOC1 has a profound indirect potentiating effect in most patients with periodontitis. Support for
on the local destruction of extracellular tissues the proinflammatory and tissue destructive role
by proteolytic enzymes (Weiss, 1989). Studies of PMN has been accumulated from several ear-
into the role of reactive oxygen species in the lier animal studies (for review see Taichman et
pathogenesis of periodontal destruction have not al., 1984). What is not clearly understood, at this
been performed. However, indirect evidence has time, are the conditions necessary to change a
been gained from experimental models of per- protective PMN response into a destructive one
iodontitis using drugs known to affect the pro- that initiates pathophysiologic changes.
duction of oxygen radicals by human PMN. Us- The extensive array of proteolytic enzymes
ing the squirrel monkey model of experimental neatly packaged within the primary and second-
periodontitis, it has been demonstrated that the ary PMN granules are potential mediators of tis-
systemic administration of gold sodium thioma- sue destruction if released into the extracellular
late (GST) dramatically decreases the extent of environment. However, to prevent unwanted de-
periodontal destruction during ligature-induced struction of host tissues, plasma and extracellular
periodontitis (Novak et al., 1984). GST is a po- fluids contain high levels of proteinase inhibitors,
tent antiinflammatory drug known to inhibit ox- such as a,-proteinase inhibitor, a-2-M, and se-
ygen radical production by human PMN at the cretory leukoproteinase inhibitor (Travis and Sal-
FIGURE 1. The effect of systemic gold salts on ligature-induced periodontitis in the squirrel monkey. Buccal view
of the defleshed maxilla following 2 weeks of ligature placement. (A) Extensive destruction of the alveolar bone in
animals not receiving systemic gold salts. The 3-0 silk ligatures are located at the cementoenamel junction, and
30 to 50% of the supporting alveolar bone has been destroyed. Arrows mark the level of crestal alveolar bone. (B)
No bone destruction was observed in the animals that received gold salts prior to and during the induction of
experimental periodontitis. The crestal alveolar bone is seen at its normal location, approximately 1 mm apical to
the cementoenamel junction.
vesen, 1983; Weiss, 1989). Recent studies have D. Extracellular Release of Oxygen
demonstrated that the oxygen metabolites de- Metabolites and Proteases
scribed above, especially the MPO system, are
able to locally inactivate proteinase inhibitors
(Weiss, 1989; Janoff, 1985). In the event that As we have described previously, the pro-
PMN primary granule contents should be re- duction of superoxide radical is the result of ac-
leased into the extracellular environment in com- tivation of the NADPH oxidase, with the reduced
bination with activation of the respiratory burst, oxygen product being formed on the outer surface
it is clear that extensive localized tissue destruc- of the PMN plasma membrane. During phago-
tion can occur through an inactivation of the host's cytosis of particulate material, such as bacteria,
protease inhibitors. In addition to the inactivation the external surface of the PMN plasma mem-
of the inhibitors, it has been demonstrated that brane becomes the internal surface of the phag-
oxygen metabolites, including hypochlorous acid ocytic vesicle. Under these conditions, super-
(HOCl) generated by the MPO system and OH-, oxide is released into the phagosome, where it
activate PMN collagenase and gelatinase, which can interact with granule contents, such as MPO,
are normally released in an inactive form (Weiss, to effect bacterial killing (Weissmann, 1978).
1989; Saari et al., 1990). It is therefore clear that Activation of the respiratory burst, in response
the extracellular release of oxygen radicals, com- to opsonized or unopsonized particulates, is pre-
bined with the release of proteolytic enzymes, ceded by a lag time of several minutes following
may be responsible for the initiation of tissue ligand-receptor binding. During this time, inter-
destruction. Situations leading to an exacerbation nalization of the bound particulate material con-
of respiratory burst activity, enhancement of PMN tinues and may be complete before significant
infiltration, and proteolytic enzyme release would NADPH oxidase activity is evident. Previous
be expected to result in enhanced tissue destruc- studies have demonstrated that some loss of con-
tion. It has been proposed that pathophysiologic tents from the phagocytic vesicle can be mea-
changes may occur that can lead to periodontal sured prior to its closure and this has been termed
destruction if these events occur within the per- regurgitation while feeding (Weissmann et al.,
iodontal tissues instead of in the gingival crevice 1972). However, significant superoxide produc-
(Taichman et al., 1984). tion can be measured extracellularly by pretreat-
ment of PMN with the fungal metabolite cyto- and are discharged into the phagosome during
chalasin B, which prevents the closure of the phagocytosis. During frustrated phagocytosis,
phagocytic vesicle by disruption of cytoskeletal both primary and secondary granule contents are
components (Hartwig and Stossel, 1976). During released into the extracellular space and can be
the ingestion process, primary granules fuse with recovered in gingival fluid.
the phagocytic vesicle. The phagocytic vesicle The PMN contains a wide variety of enzymes
then contains a battery of proteolytic enzymes, packaged in granules that differ morphologically,
which can cause tissue destruction, and MPO, histochemically, developmentally, and in their
which can combine with H202 and a halide to granule content (Table 1). There is considerable
produce HOCI. Should conditions exist that pre- evidence that the secretion of granule contents is
vent the closure of the phagocyte vesicle, the a regulated phenomenon (Boxer and Smolen,
otherwise contained battery of proteases and 1988; Henson et al., 1988). Primary granules
powerful oxidants are released to effect their function intracellularly, being released into the
damage on extracellular tissues. Such conditions phagocytic vesicle following ingestion of partic-
have been demonstrated in vitro and appear to ulate material. The secondary and tertiary gran-
exist in vivo. Conditions under which PMN en- ules, and the so-called replenishsomes, are re-
counter immobilized immune complexes or im- leased extracellularly and are important in
munoglobulin aggregates (Henson et al., 1988), replenishing membrane receptors, enhancing the
where PMN are presented with either an over- respiratory burst, amplifying the PMN response,
whelming exposure to particulate stimuli (i.e., and regulating granulopoiesis (Boxer and Smo-
the bacteria in the gingival crevice) or an un- len, 1988). These secretory granules also contain
phagocytosable surface, have resulted in the ex- large quantities of collagenase and gelatinase,
tracellular release of oxygen metabolites and pro- both of which are released in an inactive form
teolytic enzymes (Weissmann, 1978). This but which can be activated locally by oxygen
process has been termed frustrated phagocytosis metabolites. Therefore, it is clear that the extra-
(Henson et al., 1988) and results in the degra- cellular release of lysosomal enzymes, combined
dation of extracellular tissues. with the activation of the respiratory burst, has
The phagocytosis by PMN of bacteria col- the potential to lead to extensive, localized tissue
onizing the gingival crevice does not appear to destruction. When attempting to use granule con-
be the primary mechanism for controlling the tents as a marker of active tissue destruction,
accumulation of microorganisms in the crevice several factors must be taken into consideration.
or their dissemination into the gingival tissues. The distinct difference between primary granules
It has been observed that the continuous efflux and the other granule types is that the former are
of PMN from the subepithelial vascular plexus normally retained intracellularly. Secondary
into the gingival crevice acts to form a biological granules (that contain collagenase) are "secre-
barrier between bacteria and the crevicular epi- tory" granules. This means that they are released
thelium (Novak et al., 1984). Since numerous extracellularly upon activation of the cells. This
studies have demonstrated that potential perio- usually occurs during chemotaxis from the vas-
dontal pathogens are able to activate human PMN cular compartment to the tissue compartment and,
and to initiate the release of oxygen radicals and therefore, will occur naturally during the normal
granule contents (Passo et al., 1982; Taichman physiologic response of PMN to inflammatory
et al., 1984; Mangan et al., 1989), it appears stimuli. The quantity of collagenase retrievable
that frustrated phagocytosis occurs within the at sites of inflammation may be directly propor-
crevice. This extracellular release of microbicidal tional to the numbers of PMN present and not
agents may be the primary mechanism for con- their metabolic state. It is therefore not surprising
trolling the subgingival microflora. The high lev- that the level of collagenase activity in crevicular
els of PMN granule contents isolated from gin- fluid fluctuates with the level of tissue inflam-
gival crevicular fluid support this hypothesis. mation (Kowashi et al., 1979) but is not predic-
Primary granule enzymes, such as beta glucu- tive of active alveolar bone loss in humans (Bir-
ronidase, are normally retained within the PMN kedal-Hansen et al., 1989). In contrast, the
presence in GCF of markers for the release of to biological surfaces (Nathan, 1987). When used
PMN primary granules signifies the extracellular as priming agents at substimulatory concentra-
release of a battery of proteolytic, tissue-destruc- tions, recombinant cytokines, such as granulo-
tive enzymes. Combined with the concomitant cyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, IL-
release of oxygen radicals capable of activating 11 , and TNF-a, have been shown to dramatically
the extracellular pool of inactive collagenase and enhance the oxidative burst of PMN in response
gelatinase, a potent armamentarium of tissue-de- to secondary stimulation (Steinbeck and Roth,
grading weapons is unleashed. As noted previ- 1989). In contrast, TNF-a and the interferons
ously, markers of primary granule release in GCF, gamma and alpha inhibit chemotaxis. In the case
such as P-glucuronidase (Lamster, 1989) and of TNF-(a, the inhibition of PMN chemotaxis in
elastase (Palcanis et al., 1990), have been as- response to FMLP appears to be due to a change
sociated with active loss of attachment along the in the affinity, but not the number, of FMLP
root surface. receptors present on the cell surface (Atkinson et
al., 1988).
The significance of these reactions may be
E. PMN "Priming" and its Potential Role apparent when considering the acute "bursts" of
in Periodontal Tissue Destruction inflammation observed during infection with
Gram-negative organisms (Movat et al., 1987).
The physiologic evaluation of PMN from the Gram-negative organisms contain LPS in their
peripheral blood of patients with acute bacterial outer membranes, and this may be released dur-
infection and bacteremia revealed that the cells ing infection. It has been demonstrated that LPS
were hyperactive when compared with PMN of elicits TNF production (Beutler et al., 1985). The
healthy controls (McCall et al., 1973; Simms et priming of PMN by LPS and TNF results in an
al., 1989; Barbous et al., 1980). It was realized enhanced oxidative burst and enhanced degran-
that components of Gram-negative bacterial cell ulation (Steinbeck and Roth, 1989; Henson et al.,
walls, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), are able 1988). Since priming by these stimuli also results
to enhance the oxidative burst of human PMN in in an inhibition of PMN chemotaxis, it is clear
response to secondary stimulation without them- that tissue-destructive proteases and products of
selves initiating any measurable activity of the oxidative metabolism may be released within the
NADPH oxidase (Kaku et al., 1983; Guthrie et tissues or microvasculature, resulting in exten-
al., 1984; Forehand et al., 1989). This obser- sive tissue damage, microvascular injury, and
vation could be repeated using synthetic ana- enhanced vasopermeability (Movat et al., 1987).
logues of a bacterial product, the N-formylated For these reasons, an enhancement of the PMN
oligopeptides (Schiffman et al., 1975) at con- oxidative metabolic burst and associated degran-
centrations that are chemotactic for PMN but did ulation of tissue-destructive proteases, combined
not activate the respiratory burst (Van Epps and with a chemotactic immobilization of the PMN
Garcia, 1980; English et al., 1981; Bender et al., within the tissues, have been implicated in the
1983; Dewald and Baggiolini, 1985). The en- tissue injury associated with inflammation (Hen-
hanced response of PMN to stimulation, induced son and Johnston, 1987; Weiss, 1989; Malech
by their prior exposure to agents that do not, in and Gallin, 1987).
themselves, initiate the response, has been termed Since Gram-negative microorganisms pre-
priming. Although initially observed for FMLP dominate in the subgingival environment, and
and LPS, PMN priming has since been demon- bacteremia and endotoxemia are commonly ob-
strated using a variety of PMN stimuli at substi- served even during normal oral hygiene proce-
mulatory concentrations (McPhail et al., 1984), dures, it is distinctly possible that priming of
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