Edtpa Lesson Plan

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edTPA Lesson Plan

Name Nicholas Giordano (Mr. G)

Lesson #, Lesson Title Lesson number 1 of 3
“Determining and supporting an author’s main idea”
Date and Day of the Week
Grade Level and Class 6th Grade, Class 602, ELA
Period and Length Period 1, Length 45 mins
Materials Needed “WIN” graphic organizers, “Prove It” graphic organizers, Short story
“The Corpse Flower” Anchor Chart, PowerPoint, Short Story “The
Goodness of Fruits. Smart board, Elmo Projector, White board
Standards and Objectives
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a
summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own

Learning Objectives:
1. Students will be able to define central idea using their WIN graphic organizers.
2. Students will be able to identify three supporting details of a passage and use their Prove it graphic
3. Students will be able to identify the central idea using evidence that is used to support their claim

Central Focus: Students will be able to identify an author’s central idea and cite supporting evidence to prove
their claim. In addition, at the end of the unit, students will be able to create their own paragraphs including a
central idea and three supporting details on the topic/hobby of their choice.

Academic Language Demands:

Students will define, identify, analyze, and evaluate in this lesson. In order for students to be intellectually
engaged in this lesson, they must be able to identify and analyze the supporting details that can determine the
central idea. Students must also be able to analyze and evaluate a passage and provide explanations in
regards to how it may or may not support their central idea. The content specific vocabulary that students will
need to know in order to support their understanding of the learning objectives is ‘Determine, Central Idea,
Analyze, Development, Relationship, and Supporting Ideas”. Students must also use close reading strategies
and skills to analyze informational texts to determine an author’s most important message. During the lesson,
students will need to use their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in order for them to stay engaged
in lesson. They will listen to whole class instruction and information that is discussed by their peers during
partner work. They will also have to use their speaking skills to answer questions and explain their thoughts
and ideas with the teacher and the class.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that Support Student Needs

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Time Action Rationale

Learning Target: I can determine the central idea of a text The purpose of this
and cite supporting details to support my claim by reading a instruction is to define what
5 mins short text. central idea is and to
Do now: Define central idea.
introduce students to the
Going further: Can you think of prior strategies that can
help you find the central idea. lesson. It’s also to test
Say: At this point in our term, we’ve gone over “getting the students’ prior knowledge and
gist”. to introduce what they will be
Ask: Using your prior knowledge, try to define what the term require to know at the end of
central idea. the learning segment.
Have students share their prior knowledge and answer to
their do now question.
Hang graphic organizer in front of the room and fill in the
definition left blank.

Go over the first two PowerPoint slides

First slide defines what a central idea is.
Say: We as readers are usually tasked with trying to
understand what an author is trying to tell us. The author The purpose of this part of the
may tell us many things but when it comes to the main point lesson is to introduce and
or message of a certain topic, “We refer to it as the central discuss the definition of an
idea”. This is the most important part of an author writing “Central Idea”. Also, to review
that we should take with us once we finish reading. We can
key vocabulary that will aid
determine a central idea by using some key strategies.
Ask: For volunteers to read off the smart board the students in conceptual
strategies knowledge of the lesson. By
10 mins 1. Examine the title and any blurbs included before the body breaking down a short text
of the text into the “WIN” and “Prove it”
2. Pay close attention to the opening and closing strategies, students will be
paragraphs able to systematically
3. What is the topic?
construct their central ideas
4. Why has the author written about the topic (purpose—
inform, entertain, persuade)? with evidence to support it.
5. What point or points has the author made about the Students will also gain a
topic? stronger understanding of
Ask: When we read “The Lighting Thief”, can you ever think how to approach finding the
of a particular part where the author was trying to get us to authors main point of a piece
form a central Idea? of writing.

(Give them a moment to think)

Have them share and provide an example of Mrs. Dodd’s in
chapter 2.
Go to slide 2 Key vocabulary.
-Instruct students to write down each vocabulary word and
its definition in their notebook as we go over each one
-Read each vocabulary word aloud. Use skits of scenarios
with cooperating teachers to model the definitions. Use the

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words in sentences for deeper understanding. Have
students explain what these words mean.

Hand out “prove it” and “win” graphic organizer.
Hand out the short text “The Goodness of Fruits”
Model on the Elmo projector the process of finding the
central idea using their materials.
Instruct students to fill in their own organizer as you fill in
your own (Whatever I do you do) The purpose of this part of the
Say: Lets practice finding the central idea using the lesson is to introduce
paragraph called “The Goodness of Fruits”. (Have the students to the 3-box “WIN
handout show up on the Elmo projector for the class to see. “graphic organizer and the 4-
Next read aloud the paragraph and have them follow. box “Prove it” graphic
Ask: What’s the central idea of this paragraph?
organizer that will be used in
Say: Let’s take a look at our WIN strategy to write our
order to identify and prove
12 min central idea.
that different aspects of the
Go through each letter modeling the graphic organizer on
central idea. The purpose is
the Elmo projector and instruct the class to fill in their own
to also model the process for
as I fill in mine.
identifying the key elements
Say: “W” is the who or what the article was about.
of the central idea.
“I” is important information found in the text
“N” small number of words we need to summarize our
central idea
Go through each step thoroughly to model effective
strategies for analyzing, developing, and determining the
central idea. (All key vocabulary words)
Say: Next once we determine central idea it’s time to switch
to our “Prove It” chart to make sure the details from the text
support this new central idea we created.
model how to cite three supportive details and fill out the
graphic organizer.

Teacher observations that are made during the introduction Learning Objective
work to identify if students are able to identify and analyze
Informal the central idea and supporting details. 1,2


Students will be given the short story “The corpse Flower”. The purpose of this part of the
lesson is to have students
Say: Now each of you are going to be given a copy of the work amongst their peers to
“Corpse Flower. You’re going to have 5 minutes to read allow students to collaborate
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carefully through the passage. Make sure to annotate and with their partner to evaluate
underline important details in the passage. Once time is up, passage and find supporting
13 mins you’re going to turn and talk with your partner and come up details that can be used to
with your own WIN and Prove it charts to find the central support their central idea

Say: Remember to start with your WIN strategy and then

move into the Prove it strategy
After 5 mins: Elicit and discuss student responses
Ask: what or who the story was about?
What was some important information?
What was a groups central idea?
Ask: What were some supporting details you found during
your reading?
Write down answers on the white board

Informal Teacher observations that are made during the partner work Learning Objective
Assessment to identify if students are able to identify and analyze the
central idea and supporting details of the corpse flower. 1,2,3
Students verbal responses during the lesson when asked
questions about the corpse flower.

Say: Take out a post-it to answer the exit ticket. The purpose of this part of the
Exit ticket: How can an author create clear central idea for lesson is to assess student’s
their readers? mastery and understating of
5 mins the components of a central
idea and what is required in
order for the central idea to
be clear for the readers.

Formal I will collect each student’s response to the exit ticket to see Learning Objective
if they understand that the strength of the author’s 3 or more
Assessment supporting details makes a clear central idea for their 1,2,3

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