2014 AHA NSTEMI Management
2014 AHA NSTEMI Management
2014 AHA NSTEMI Management
Theodore G. Ganiats, MD║; David R. Holmes, Jr, MD, MACC†; Allan S. Jaffe, MD, FACC, FAHA*†;
Hani Jneid, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI†; Rosemary F. Kelly, MD¶;
Michael C. Kontos, MD, FACC, FAHA*†; Glenn N. Levine, MD, FACC, FAHA†;
Philip R. Liebson, MD, FACC, FAHA†; Debabrata Mukherjee, MD, FACC†;
Eric D. Peterson, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA*#; Marc S. Sabatine, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA*†;
Richard W. Smalling, MD, PhD, FACC, FSCAI***; Susan J. Zieman, MD, PhD, FACC†
The writing committee gratefully acknowledges the memory of Dr. Francis M. Fesmire (representative of the American College of Emergency Physicians),
who died during the development of this document but contributed immensely to our understanding of non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes.
*Writing committee members are required to recuse themselves from voting on sections to which their specific relationships with industry and other
entities may apply; see Appendix 1 for recusal information.
†ACC/AHA Representative.
‡ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines Liaison.
§American College of Physicians Representative.
║American Academy of Family Physicians Representative.
¶Society of Thoracic Surgeons Representative.
#ACC/AHA Task Force on Performance Measures Liaison.
**Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Representative.
††Former Task Force member; current member during the writing effort.
Full-text guideline available at: Circulation. http://circ.ahajournals.org/lookup/doi/10.1161/CIR.0000000000000134.
This document was approved by the American Heart Association Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee and the American College of Cardiology
Board of Trustees in August 2014.
The online-only Comprehensive Relationships Data Supplement is available with this article at http://circ.ahajournals.org/lookup/suppl/
The online-only Data Supplement files are available with this article at http://circ.ahajournals.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1161/
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Ganiats TG,
Holmes DR Jr, Jaffe AS, Jneid H, Kelly RF, Kontos MC, Levine GN, Liebson PR, Mukherjee D, Peterson ED, Sabatine MS, Smalling RW, Zieman SJ.
2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: executive summary: a report of the American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2014;130:2354–2394.
This article is copublished in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Copies: This document is available on the World Wide Web sites of the American Heart Association (my.americanheart.org) and the American College of
Cardiology (www.cardiosource.org). A copy of the document is available at http://my.americanheart.org/statements by selecting either the “By Topic” link
or the “By Publication Date” link. To purchase additional reprints, call 843-216-2533 or e-mail [email protected].
Expert peer review of AHA Scientific Statements is conducted by the AHA Office of Science Operations. For more on AHA statements and guidelines
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(Circulation. 2014;130:2354-2394.)
© 2014 by the American Heart Association, Inc., and the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
Circulation is available at http://circ.ahajournals.org DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000133
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2355
Preamble treatment regimens, the reader should confirm the dosage with
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American product insert material and carefully evaluate for contraindi-
Heart Association (AHA) are committed to the prevention and cations and possible drug interactions. Recommendations are
management of cardiovascular diseases through professional limited to treatments, drugs, and devices approved for clinical
education and research for clinicians, providers, and patients. use in the United States.
Since 1980, the ACC and AHA have shared a responsibility to Class of Recommendation and Level of Evidence—Once
translate scientific evidence into clinical practice guidelines recommendations are written, the Class of Recommendation
(CPGs) with recommendations to standardize and improve (COR; ie, the strength the GWC assigns to the recommen-
cardiovascular health. These CPGs, based on systematic dation, which encompasses the anticipated magnitude and
methods to evaluate and classify evidence, provide a corner- judged certainty of benefit in proportion to risk) is assigned
stone of quality cardiovascular care. by the GWC. Concurrently, the Level of Evidence (LOE)
In response to published reports from the Institute of rates the scientific evidence supporting the effect of the
Medicine1,2 and the ACC/AHA’s mandate to evaluate new intervention on the basis on the type, quality, quantity, and
knowledge and maintain relevance at the point of care, the consistency of data from clinical trials and other reports
ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Task Force) (Table 1).4 Unless otherwise stated, recommendations are
began modifying its methodology. This modernization effort presented in order by the COR and then the LOE. Where
is published in the 2012 Methodology Summit Report3 and comparative data exist, preferred strategies take precedence.
2014 perspective article.4 The latter recounts the history of When more than 1 drug, strategy, or therapy exists within
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the collaboration, changes over time, current policies, and the same COR and LOE and there are no comparative data,
planned initiatives to meet the needs of an evolving health- options are listed alphabetically.
care environment. Recommendations on value in proportion Relationships With Industry and Other Entities—The
to resource utilization will be incorporated as high-quality ACC and AHA exclusively sponsor the work of GWCs with-
comparative-effectiveness data become available.5 The rela- out commercial support, and members volunteer their time for
tionships between CPGs and data standards, appropriate use this activity. The Task Force makes every effort to avoid actual,
criteria, and performance measures are addressed elsewhere.4 potential, or perceived conflicts of interest that might arise
Intended Use—CPGs provide recommendations appli- through relationships with industry or other entities (RWI).
cable to patients with or at risk of developing cardiovascu- All GWC members and reviewers are required to fully dis-
lar disease. The focus is on medical practice in the United close current industry relationships or personal interests from
States, but CPGs developed in collaboration with other orga- 12 months before initiation of the writing effort. Management
nizations may have a broader target. Although CPGs may be of RWI involves selecting a balanced GWC and requires that
used to inform regulatory or payer decisions, the intent is to both the chair and a majority of GWC members have no rel-
improve the quality of care and be aligned with the patient’s evant RWI (see Appendix 1 for the definition of relevance).
best interest. GWC members are restricted with regard to writing or voting
Evidence Review—Guideline writing committee (GWC) on sections to which their RWI apply. In addition, for trans-
members are charged with reviewing the literature; weighing parency, GWC members’ comprehensive disclosure informa-
the strength and quality of evidence for or against particular tion is available as an online supplement. Comprehensive
tests, treatments, or procedures; and estimating expected health disclosure information for the Task Force is available as an
outcomes when data exist. In analyzing the data and develop- additional supplement. The Task Force strives to avoid bias
ing CPGs, the GWC uses evidence-based methodologies devel- by selecting experts from a broad array of backgrounds repre-
oped by the Task Force.6 A key component of the ACC/AHA senting different geographic regions, sexes, ethnicities, races,
CPG methodology is the development of recommendations on intellectual perspectives/biases, and scopes of clinical prac-
the basis of all available evidence. Literature searches focus tice. Selected organizations and professional societies with
on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) but also include regis- related interests and expertise are invited to participate as
tries, nonrandomized comparative and descriptive studies, case partners or collaborators.
series, cohort studies, systematic reviews, and expert opinion. Individualizing Care in Patients With Associated
Only selected references are cited in the CPG. To ensure that Conditions and Comorbidities—The ACC and AHA recog-
CPGs remain current, new data are reviewed biannually by the nize the complexity of managing patients with multiple condi-
GWCs and the Task Force to determine if recommendations tions, compared with managing patients with a single disease,
should be updated or modified. In general, a target cycle of 5 and the challenge is compounded when CPGs for evaluation
years is planned for full revisions.1 or treatment of several coexisting illnesses are discordant or
Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy—Recognizing interacting.7 CPGs attempt to define practices that meet the
advances in medical therapy across the spectrum of cardiovas- needs of patients in most, but not all, circumstances and do not
cular diseases, the Task Force designated the term “guideline- replace clinical judgment.
directed medical therapy” (GDMT) to represent recommended Clinical Implementation—Management in accordance
medical therapy as defined mainly by Class I measures, gen- with CPG recommendations is effective only when fol-
erally a combination of lifestyle modification and drug- and lowed; therefore, to enhance their commitment to treatment
device-based therapeutics. As medical science advances, and compliance with lifestyle adjustment, clinicians should
GDMT evolves, and hence GDMT is preferred to “optimal engage the patient to participate in selecting interventions on
medical therapy.” For GDMT and all other recommended drug the basis of the patient’s individual values and preferences,
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2357
A recommendation with Level of Evidence B or C does not imply that the recommendation is weak. Many important clinical questions addressed in the clinical practice
guidelines do not lend themselves to clinical trials. Although randomized trials are unavailable, there may be a very clear clinical consensus that a particular test or
therapy is useful or effective.
*Data available from clinical trials or registries about the usefulness/efficacy in different subpopulations, such as sex, age, history of diabetes mellitus, history of prior
myocardial infarction, history of heart failure, and prior aspirin use.
†For comparative-effectiveness recommendations (Class I and Ma; Level of Evidence A and B only), studies that support the use of comparator verbs should involve
direct comparisons of the treatments or strategies being evaluated.
coronary syndrome, anticoagulant therapy, antihypertensives, coronary syndrome (ACS).10 In selecting the initial approach to
anti-ischemic therapy, antiplatelet therapy, antithrombotic care, the term “ischemia-guided strategy” has replaced the pre-
therapy, beta blockers, biomarkers, calcium channel block- vious descriptor, “initial conservative management,” to more
ers, cardiac rehabilitation, conservative management, dia- clearly convey the physiological rationale of this approach.
betes mellitus, glycoprotein Ilb/IIIa inhibitors, heart failure, The task of the 2014 GWC was to establish a contemporary
invasive strategy, lifestyle modification, myocardial infarction, CPG for the optimal management of patients with NSTE-ACS.
nitrates, non-ST-elevation, P2Y12 receptor inhibitor, percuta- It incorporates both established and new evidence from pub-
neous coronary intervention, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone lished clinical trials, as well as information from basic science
inhibitors, secondary prevention, smoking cessation, statins, and comprehensive review articles. These recommendations
stent, thienopyridines, troponins, unstable angina, and weight were developed to guide the clinician in improving outcomes
management. Additionally, the GWC reviewed documents for patients with NSTE-ACS. Table 2 lists documents deemed
related to NSTE-ACS previously published by the ACC and pertinent to this effort and is intended for use as a resource, thus
AHA. References selected and published in this document are obviating the need to repeat extant CPG recommendations.
representative and not all-inclusive. The GWC abbreviated the discussion sections to include an
explanation of salient information related to the recommenda-
1.2. Organization of the GWC tions. In contrast to textbook declaratory presentations, expla-
The GWC was composed of clinicians, cardiologists, inter- nations were supplemented with evidence tables. The GWC
nists, interventionists, surgeons, emergency medicine special- also provided a brief summary of the relevant recommenda-
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ists, family practitioners, and geriatricians. The GWC included tions and references related to secondary prevention rather
representatives from the ACC and AHA, American Academy than detailed reiteration. Throughout, the goal was to provide
of Family Physicians, American College of Emergency the clinician with concise, evidence-based contemporary rec-
Physicians, American College of Physicians, Society for ommendations and the supporting documentation to encour-
Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society age their application.
of Thoracic Surgeons.
2. Overview of ACS
1.3. Document Review and Approval
ACS has evolved as a useful operational term that refers to
This document was reviewed by 2 official reviewers each
a spectrum of conditions compatible with acute myocardial
nominated by the ACC and AHA; 1 reviewer each from the
ischemia and/or infarction that are usually due to an abrupt
American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of
reduction in coronary blood flow (Figure 1).
Emergency Physicians, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography
and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons; and 37 indi-
vidual content reviewers (including members of the American 3. Initial Evaluation and
Association of Clinical Chemistry, ACC Heart Failure and Management: Recommendations
Transplant Section Leadership Council, ACC Cardiovascular 3.1. Clinical Assessment and Initial Evaluation
Imaging Section Leadership Council, ACC Interventional
Section Leadership Council, ACC Prevention of Cardiovascular Class I
Disease Committee, ACC Surgeons’ Council, Association of
1. Patients with suspected ACS should be risk strati-
International Governors, and Department of Health and Human
fied based on the likelihood of ACS and adverse
Services). Reviewers’ RWI information was distributed to the
outcome(s) to decide on the need for hospitalization
GWC and is published in this document (Appendix 2). and assist in the selection of treatment options.40–42
This document was approved for publication by the gov- (Level of Evidence: B)
erning bodies of the ACC and the AHA and endorsed by
the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Society
3.2. Emergency Department or Outpatient Facility
for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and the
Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
Class I
1.4. Scope of the CPG
1. Patients with suspected ACS and high-risk features
The 2014 NSTE-ACS CPG is a full revision of the 2007
such as continuing chest pain, severe dyspnea, syn-
ACCF/AHA CPG for the management of patients with unsta-
cope/presyncope, or palpitations should be referred
ble angina (UA) and non–ST-elevation myocardial infarc-
immediately to the emergency department (ED) and
tion (NSTEMI) and the 2012 focused update.9 The new title,
transported by emergency medical services when
“Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes,” emphasizes available. (Level of Evidence: C)
the continuum between UA and NSTEMI. At presentation,
patients with UA and NSTEMI can be indistinguishable and
are therefore considered together in this CPG.
Class IIb
In the United States, NSTE-ACS affects >625 000 patients 1. Patients with less severe symptoms may be considered
annually,* or almost three fourths of all patients with acute for referral to the ED, a chest pain unit, or a facility
capable of performing adequate evaluation depend-
*Estimate includes secondary discharge diagnoses. ing on clinical circumstances. (Level of Evidence: C)
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2359
†Minor modifications were made in 2013. For a full explanation of the changes, see http://publications.nice.org.uk/unstable-angina-and-nstemi-cg94/
AATS indicates American Association for Thoracic Surgery; ACC, American College of Cardiology; ADA, American Diabetes Association; AHA, American Heart Association;
CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CPG, clinical practice guideline; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; HRS, Heart Rhythm Society; NHLBI, National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute; NICE, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence; PCNA, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association; SCAI, Society for Cardiovascular
Angiography and Interventions; SIHD, stable ischemic heart disease; STS, Society of Thoracic Surgeons; TOS, The Obesity Society; and WHF, World Heart Federation.
3.3. Prognosis—Early Risk Stratification 2. If the initial ECG is not diagnostic but the patient
See Figure 2 and Table 3 for estimation at presentation of remains symptomatic and there is a high clinical
death and nonfatal cardiac ischemic events. See Table 4 for a suspicion for ACS, serial ECGs (eg, 15- to 30-minute
summary of recommendations from this section. intervals during the first hour) should be performed
to detect ischemic changes. (Level of Evidence: C)
Class I 3. Serial cardiac troponin I or T levels (when a con-
1. In patients with chest pain or other symptoms sug- temporary assay is used) should be obtained at pre-
gestive of ACS, a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) sentation and 3 to 6 hours after symptom onset (see
should be performed and evaluated for ischemic Section 3.4.1, Class I, #3 recommendation if time of
changes within 10 minutes of the patient’s arrival at symptom onset is unclear) in all patients who pres-
an emergency facility.22 (Level of Evidence: C) ent with symptoms consistent with ACS to identify a
2360 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
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Figure 1. Acute Coronary Syndromes. The top half of the figure illustrates the progression of plaque formation and onset and
complications of NSTE-ACS, with management at each stage. The numbered section of an artery depicts the process of atherogenesis
from 1) normal artery to 2) extracellular lipid in the subintima to 3) fibrofatty stage to 4) procoagulant expression and weakening of
the fibrous cap. ACS develops with 5) disruption of the fibrous cap, which is the stimulus for thrombogenesis. 6) Thrombus resorption
may be followed by collagen accumulation and smooth muscle cell growth. Thrombus formation and possible coronary vasospasm
reduce blood flow in the affected coronary artery and cause ischemic chest pain. The bottom half of the figure illustrates the clinical,
pathological, electrocardiographic, and biomarker correlates in ACS and the general approach to management. Flow reduction may
be related to a completely occlusive thrombus (bottom half, right side) or subtotally occlusive thrombus (bottom half, left side). Most
patients with ST-elevation (thick white arrow in bottom panel) develop QwMI, and a few (thin white arrow) develop NQMI. Those
without ST-elevation have either UA or NSTEMI (thick red arrows), a distinction based on cardiac biomarkers. Most patients presenting
with NSTEMI develop NQMI; a few may develop QwMI. The spectrum of clinical presentations including UA, NSTEMI, and STEMI
is referred to as ACS. This NSTE-ACS CPG includes sections on initial management before NSTE-ACS, at the onset of NSTE-ACS,
and during the hospital phase. Secondary prevention and plans for long-term management begin early during the hospital phase.
Patients with noncardiac etiologies make up the largest group presenting to the ED with chest pain (dashed arrow). *Elevated cardiac
biomarker (eg, troponin), Section 3.4. ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; CPG, clinical practice guideline; Dx, diagnosis; ECG,
electrocardiogram; ED, emergency department; Ml, myocardial infarction; NQMI, non–Q-wave myocardial infarction; NSTE-ACS,
non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; NSTEMI, non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction; QwMI, Q-wave myocardial infarction;
STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; and UA, unstable angina. Modified with permission from Libby et al.39
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2361
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Figure 2. Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events Risk Calculator for In-Hospital Mortality for Acute Coronary Syndrome.
2362 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
Table 3. TIMI Risk Score* for NSTE-ACS is nondiagnostic and who are at intermediate/high
risk of ACS.59–61 (Level of Evidence: B)
All-Cause Mortality, New or Recurrent Ml, or Severe
TIMI Risk Recurrent Ischemia Requiring Urgent Revascularization
Score Through 14 d After Randomization, % Class IIb
0–1 4.7 1. Continuous monitoring with 12-lead ECG may be a
2 8.3 reasonable alternative in patients whose initial ECG
3 13.2 is non–diagnostic and who are at intermediate/high
4 19.9 risk of ACS.62,63 (Level of Evidence: B)
5 25.2
2. Measurement of B-type natriuretic peptide or
N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide may be
6–7 40.9
considered to assess risk in patients with suspected
*The TIMI risk score is determined by the sum of the presence of 7 variables at ACS.64–68 (Level of Evidence: B)
admission; 1 point is given for each of the following variables: ≥65 y of age; ≥3 risk
factors for CAD; prior coronary stenosis ≥50%; ST deviation on ECG; ≥2 anginal
events in prior 24 h; use of aspirin in prior 7 d; and elevated cardiac biomarkers. 3.4. Cardiac Biomarkers and the Universal
CAD indicates coronary artery disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; Ml, myo Definition of Myocardial Infarction
cardial infarction; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; and See Table 5 for a summary of recommendations from this
TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction. section.
Modified with permission from Antman et al.40
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Measure serial cardiac troponin I or T at presentation and 3–6 h after symptom onset* in all patients I A 22, 49–51
with symptoms consistent with ACS
Use risk scores to assess prognosis in patients with NSTE-ACS I A 40–42, 52–57
Risk-stratification models can be useful in management IIa B 40–42, 52–58
Obtain supplemental electrocardiographic leads V7 to V9 in patients with initial nondiagnostic IIa B 59–61
ECG at intermediate/high risk for ACS
Continuous monitoring with 12-lead ECG may be a reasonable alternative with initial nondiagnostic IIb B 62, 63
ECG in patients at intermediate/high risk for ACS
BNP or NT–pro-BNP may be considered to assess risk in patients with suspected ACS IIb B 64–68
*See Section 3.4.1, Class I, #3 recommendation if time of symptom onset is unclear.
ACS indicates acute coronary syndromes; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; COR, Class of Recommendation; cTnl, cardiac troponin I; cTnT, cardiac troponin T;
ECG, electrocardiogram; LOE, Level of Evidence; N/A, not available; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; and NT-pro-BNP, N-terminal pro–
B-type natriuretic peptide.
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2363
Table 5. Summary of Recommendations for Cardiac Biomarkers and the Universal Definition of MI
Recommendations COR LOE References
Measure cardiac-specific troponin (troponin I or T) at presentation and 3–6 h after symptom onset I A 22, 43–48, 70–74
in all patients with suspected ACS to identify pattern of values
Obtain additional troponin levels beyond 6 h in patients with initial normal serial troponins with I A 22, 49–51, 75
electrocardiographic changes and/or intermediate/high risk clinical features
Consider time of presentation the time of onset with ambiguous symptom onset for assessing I A 44, 45, 49
troponin values
With contemporary troponin assays, CK-MB and myoglobin are not useful for diagnosis of ACS III: No Benefit A 76–82
Troponin elevations are useful for short- and long-term prognosis I B 48, 50, 83, 84
Remeasurement of troponin value once on d 3 or 4 in patients with MI may be reasonable as an IIb B 82, 83
index of infarct size and dynamics of necrosis
BNP may be reasonable for additional prognostic information IIb B 64, 65, 85–89
ACS indicates acute coronary syndromes; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CK-MB, creatine kinase myocardial isoenzyme; COR, Class of Recommendation; LOE,
Level of Evidence; and Ml, myocardial infarction.
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Class III: No Benefit 3. In patients with possible ACS and a normal ECG,
normal cardiac troponins, and no history of coro-
1. With contemporary troponin assays, creatine kinase nary artery disease (CAD), it is reasonable to initially
myocardial isoenzyme (CK-MB) and myoglobin perform (without serial ECGs and troponins) coro-
are not useful for diagnosis of ACS.76–82 (Level of nary computed tomography angiography to assess
Evidence: A) coronary artery anatomy98–100 (Level of Evidence: A)
3.4.2. Biomarkers: Prognosis or rest myocardial perfusion imaging with a techne-
tium-99m radiopharmaceutical to exclude myocar-
Class I dial ischemia.101,102 (Level of Evidence: B)
4. It is reasonable to give low-risk patients who are
1. The presence and magnitude of troponin elevations
referred for outpatient testing daily aspirin, short-act-
are useful for short- and long-term prognosis.48,50,83,84
(Level of Evidence: B) ing nitroglycerin, and other medication if appropriate
(eg, beta blockers), with instructions about activity
level and clinician follow-up. (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIb
1. It may be reasonable to remeasure troponin once on 4. Early Hospital Care: Recommendations
day 3 or day 4 in patients with a myocardial infarc- See Table 6 for a summary of recommendations from this
tion (Ml) as an index of infarct size and dynamics of section.
necrosis.82,83 (Level of Evidence: B)
2. Use of selected newer biomarkers, especially B-type 4.1. Standard Medical Therapies
natriuretic peptide, may be reasonable to provide
additional prognostic information.64,65,85–89 (Level of 4.1.1. Oxygen
Evidence: B)
Class I
3.5. Discharge From the ED or Chest Pain Unit 1. Supplemental oxygen should be administered to
patients with NSTE-ACS with arterial oxygen satura-
Class IIa
tion less than 90%, respiratory distress, or other high-
1. It is reasonable to observe patients with symptoms risk features of hypoxemia. (Level of Evidence: C)
consistent with ACS without objective evidence 4.1.2. Nitrates
of myocardial ischemia (nonischemic initial ECG
and normal cardiac troponin) in a chest pain unit Class I
or telemetry unit with serial ECGs and cardiac
troponin at 3- to 6-hour intervals.90–94 (Level of 1. Patients with NSTE-ACS with continuing isch-
Evidence: B) emic pain should receive sublingual nitroglycerin
2. It is reasonable for patients with possible ACS who (0.3 mg-0.4 mg) every 5 minutes for up to 3 doses,
have normal serial ECGs and cardiac troponins after which an assessment should be made about the
to have a treadmill ECG93–95 (Level of Evidence: A), need for intravenous nitroglycerin if not contraindi-
stress myocardial perfusion imaging,93 or stress echo- cated.103–105 (Level of Evidence: C)
cardiography96,97 before discharge or within 72 hours 2. Intravenous nitroglycerin is indicated for patients
after discharge. (Level of Evidence: B) with NSTE-ACS for the treatment of persistent
2364 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
Use of sustained-release metoprolol succinate, carvedilol, or bisoprolol is recommended for beta-blocker I C N/A
therapy with concomitant NSTE-ACS, stabilized HF, and reduced systolic function
Re-evaluate to determine subsequent eligibility in patients with initial contraindications to beta blockers I C N/A
It is reasonable to continue beta-blocker therapy in patients with normal LV function with NSTE-ACS IIa C 120, 122
IV beta blockers are potentially harmful when risk factors for shock are present III: Harm B 123
Administer initial therapy with nondihydropyridine CCBs with recurrent ischemia and contraindications I B 124–126
to beta blockers in the absence of LV dysfunction, increased risk for cardiogenic shock, PR interval
>0.24 s, or second- or third-degree atrioventricular block without a cardiac pacemaker
Administer oral nondihydropyridine calcium antagonists with recurrent ischemia after use of beta I C N/A
blocker and nitrates in the absence of contraindications
CCBs are recommended for ischemic symptoms when beta blockers are not successful, I C N/A
are contraindicated, or cause unacceptable side effects*
Long-acting CCBs and nitrates are recommended for patients with coronary artery spasm I C N/A
Immediate-release nifedipine is contraindicated in the absence of a beta blocker III: Harm B 127, 128
Cholesterol management
Initiate or continue high-intensity statin therapy in patients with no contraindications I A 129–133
patients with normal left ventricular (LV) function be started and continued indefinitely in all patients
with NSTE-ACS.120,122 (Level of Evidence: C) with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) less than
0.40 and in those with hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
or stable chronic kidney disease (CKD) (Section 7.6),
Class III: Harm
unless contraindicated.134,135 (Level of Evidence: A)
1. Administration of intravenous beta blockers is poten- 2. Angiotensin receptor blockers are recommended in
tially harmful in patients with NSTE-ACS who have patients with HF or MI with LVEF less than 0.40 who
risk factors for shock.123 (Level of Evidence: B) are ACE inhibitor intolerant.136,137 (Level of Evidence: A)
3. Aldosterone blockade is recommended in post–MI
4.1.5. Calcium Channel Blockers patients who are without significant renal dysfunc-
Class I tion (creatinine >2.5 mg/dL in men or >2.0 mg/dL
in women) or hyperkalemia (K+ >5.0 mEq/L) who
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS, continuing or fre- are receiving therapeutic doses of ACE inhibitor and
quently recurring ischemia, and a contraindication beta blocker and have a LVEF 0.40 or less, diabetes
to beta blockers, a non-dihydropyridine calcium mellitus, or HF.138 (Level of Evidence: A)
channel blocker (CCB) (eg, verapamil or diltiazem)
should be given as initial therapy in the absence of Class IIa
clinically significant LV dysfunction, increased risk
for cardiogenic shock, PR interval greater than 0.24 1. Angiotensin receptor blockers are reasonable in other
second, or second- or third-degree atrioventricular patients with cardiac or other vascular disease who
block without a cardiac pacemaker.124–126 (Level of are ACE inhibitor intolerant.139 (Level of Evidence: B)
Evidence: B)
2. Oral nondihydropyridine calcium antagonists are Class IIb
recommended in patients with NSTE-ACS who have 1. ACE inhibitors may be reasonable in all other
recurrent ischemia in the absence of contraindica- patients with cardiac or other vascular disease.140,141
tions, after appropriate use of beta blockers and (Level of Evidence: B)
nitrates. (Level of Evidence: C)
3. CCBs† are recommended for ischemic symptoms
when beta blockers are not successful, are contrain- 4.3. Initial Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant Therapy in
dicated, or cause unacceptable side effects. (Level of Patients With Definite or Likely NSTE-ACS
Evidence: C) 4.3.1. Initial Oral and Intravenous Antiplatelet Therapy in
4. Long-acting CCBs and nitrates are recommended Patients With Definite or Likely NSTE-ACS Treated With
in patients with coronary artery spasm. (Level of an Initial Invasive or Ischemia-Guided Strategy
Evidence: C) See Table 7 for a summary of recommendations from this section.
Table 7. Summary of Recommendations for Initial Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients With Definite or Likely NSTE-ACS
and PCI
Dosing and Special
Recommendations Considerations COR LOE References
Non–enteric-coated aspirin to all patients promptly after 162 mg–325 mg I A 142–144, 147, 363
Aspirin maintenance dose continued indefinitely 81 mg/d–325 mg/d* I A 142–144
P2Y12 inhibitors
Clopidogrel loading dose followed by daily maintenance 75 mg I B 145
75 mg dose in patients unable to take aspirin
P2Y12 inhibitor, in addition to aspirin, for up to 12 mo for patients 300-mg or 600-mg loading dose, I B 143, 146
treated initially with either an early invasive or initial ischemia- then 75 mg/d
guided strategy:
– Clopidogrel 180-mg loading dose, then 90 mg BID 147, 148
– Ticagrelor*
P2Y12 inhibitor therapy (clopidogrel, prasugrel, or N/A ticagrelor) N/A I B 147, 169–172
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to 325 mg/d) should be continued indefinitely.142–144,147,363 to 12 months to all patients with NSTE-ACS without
(Level of Evidence: A) contraindications who are treated with either an early
2. In patients with NSTE-ACS who are unable to take invasive§ or ischemia-guided strategy. Options include:
aspirin because of hypersensitivity or major gastro- • Clopidogrel: 300-mg or 600-mg loading dose, then
intestinal intolerance, a loading dose of clopidogrel 75 mg daily143,146 (Level of Evidence: B)
followed by a daily maintenance dose should be
administered.145 (Level of Evidence: B)
3. A P2Y12 inhibitor (either clopidogrel or ticagrelor) §See Section in the full-text CPG for prasugrel indications in
in addition to aspirin should be administered for up either an early invasive or ischemia-guided strategy.
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2367
• Ticagrelor||: 180-mg loading dose, then 90 mg anticoagulation according to the specific hospital
twice daily147,148 (Level of Evidence: B) protocol, continued for 48 hours or until PCI is
performed.160–166 (Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIa
Class III: Harm
1. It is reasonable to use ticagrelor in preference to
clopidogrel for P2Y12 treatment in patients with 1. In patients with NSTE-ACS (ie, without
NSTE-ACS who undergo an early invasive or isch- ST-elevation, true posterior Ml, or left bundle-
emia-guided strategy.147,148 (Level of Evidence: B) branch block not known to be old), intravenous
fibrinolytic therapy should not be used.167,168 (Level
Class IIb of Evidence: A)
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS treated with an early 4.4. Ischemia-Guided Strategy Versus Early
invasive strategy and dual antiplatelet therapy Invasive Strategies
(DAPT) with intermediate/high-risk features (eg, See Figure 3 for the management algorithm for ischemia-
positive troponin), a glycoprotein (GP) llb/llla inhibi- guided versus early invasive strategy.
tor may be considered as part of initial antiplatelet
therapy. Preferred options are eptifibatide or tirofi- 4.4.1. Early Invasive and Ischemia-Guided Strategies
ban.41,149,150 (Level of Evidence: B) For definitions of invasive and ischemia-guided strategies, see
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Table 8.
4.3.2. Initial Parenteral Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients
With Definite NSTE-ACS 1. An urgent/immediate invasive strategy (diagnostic
See Table 7 for a summary of recommendations from this angiography with intent to perform revascularization
section. if appropriate based on coronary anatomy) is indi-
cated in patients (men and women¶) with NSTE-ACS
Class I‡ who have refractory angina or hemodynamic or elec-
trical instability (without serious comorbidities or
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS, anticoagulation, in contraindications to such procedures).40,42,173,174 (Level
addition to antiplatelet therapy, is recommended for of Evidence: A)
all patients irrespective of initial treatment strategy. 2. An early invasive strategy (diagnostic angiography
Treatment options include: with intent to perform revascularization if appro-
• Enoxaparin: 1 mg/kg subcutaneous (SC) every 12 priate based on coronary anatomy) is indicated
hours (reduce dose to 1 mg/kg SC once daily in patients in initially stabilized patients with NSTE-ACS
with creatinine clearance [CrCl] <30 mL/min), contin- (without serious comorbidities or contraindica-
ued for the duration of hospitalization or until percu- tions to such procedures) who have an elevated
taneous coronary intervention (PCI) is performed. An risk for clinical events (Table 8).40,42,173–177 (Level of
initial intravenous loading dose of 30 mg has been used Evidence: B)
in selected patients.151–153 (Level of Evidence: A)
• Bivalirudin: 0.10 mg/kg loading dose followed by Class IIa
0.25 mg/kg per hour (only in patients managed
1. It is reasonable to choose an early invasive strategy
with an early invasive strategy), continued until
(within 24 hours of admission) over a delayed inva-
diagnostic angiography or PCI, with only provi-
sive strategy (within 24 to 72 hours) for initially sta-
sional use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor, provided the
bilized high-risk patients with NSTE-ACS. For those
patient is also treated with DAPT.146,147,154,155 (Level
not at high/intermediate risk, a delayed invasive
of Evidence: B)
approach is reasonable.173 (Level of Evidence: B)
• Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg SC daily, continued for the
duration of hospitalization or until PCI is per- Class IIb
formed.156–158 (Level of Evidence: B)
• If PCI is performed while the patient is on 1. In initially stabilized patients, an ischemia-guided
fondaparinux, an additional anticoagulant with strategy may be considered for patients with
anti-IIa activity (either UFH or bivalirudin) should NSTE-ACS (without serious comorbidities or
be administered because of the risk of catheter contraindications to this approach) who have an
thrombosis.157–159 (Level of Evidence: B) elevated risk for clinical events.174,175,177 (Level of
Evidence: B)
• UFH IV: initial loading dose of 60 IU/kg (maximum 2. The decision to implement an ischemia-guided strat-
4000 IU) with initial infusion of 12 IU/kg per hour egy in initially stabilized patients (without serious
(maximum 1000 IU/h) adjusted per activated par- comorbidities or contraindications to this approach)
tial thromboplastin time to maintain therapeutic may be reasonable after considering clinician and
||The recommended maintenance dose of aspirin to be used with
patient preference. (Level of Evidence: C)
ticagrelor is 81 mg daily.144
‡See Section 5.1 for recommendations at the time of PCI. ¶See Section 7.7 for additional information on women.
2368 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
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Figure 3. Algorithm for Management of Patients With Definite or Likely NSTE-ACS*. *See corresponding full-sentence recommendations
and their explanatory footnotes. †In patients who have been treated with fondaparinux (as upfront therapy) who are undergoing PCI, an
additional anticoagulant with anti-IIa activity should be administered at the time of PCI because of the risk of catheter thrombosis. ASA
indicates aspirin; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; cath, catheter; COR, Class of Recommendation; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy;
GPI, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor; LOE, Level of Evidence; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; PCI, percutaneous
coronary intervention; pts, patients; and UFH, unfractionated heparin.
undergo PCI who are not at high risk of bleeding with NSTE-ACS undergoing PCI.154,213–217 (Level of
complications.172,205 (Level of Evidence: B) Evidence: B)
3. In patients with NSTE-ACS and high-risk features 4. An additional dose of 0.3 mg/kg IV enoxaparin
(eg, elevated troponin) treated with UFH and ade- should be administered at the time of PCI to patients
quately pretreated with clopidogrel, it is reasonable with NSTE-ACS who have received fewer than 2
to administer a GP llb/llla inhibitor (abciximab, dou- therapeutic subcutaneous doses (eg, 1 mg/kg SC) or
ble-bolus eptifibatide, or high-bolus dose tirofiban) at received the last subcutaneous enoxaparin dose 8 to
the time of PCI.206–208 (Level of Evidence: B) 12 hours before PCI.152,218–222 (Level of Evidence: B)
4. After PCI, it is reasonable to use 81 mg per day 5. If PCI is performed while the patient is on
of aspirin in preference to higher maintenance fondaparinux, an additional 85 lU/kg of UFH should
doses.170,190,209–212 (Level of Evidence: B) be given intravenously immediately before PCI
5. If the risk of morbidity from bleeding outweighs the because of the risk of catheter thrombosis (60 lU/kg
antici pated benefit of a recommended duration of IV if a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor used with UFH dosing
P2Y12 inhibitor therapy after stent implantation, ear- based on the target-activated clotting time).27,157–159,223
lier discontinuation (eg, <12 months) of P2Y12 inhibi- (Level of Evidence: B)
tor therapy is reasonable.169 (Level of Evidence: C) 6. In patients with NSTE-ACS, anticoagulant therapy
should be discontinued after PCI unless there is a
Class IIb compelling reason to continue such therapy. (Level of
Evidence: C)
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should be discontinued for at least 2 to 4 hours before myocardial ischemia and Ml and should be given ver-
surgery236,237 and abciximab for at least 12 hours bal and written instructions about how and when to
before to limit blood loss and transfusion.238 (Level of seek emergency care for such symptoms.241 (Level of
Evidence: B) Evidence: C)
4. Before hospital discharge, patients who are post–
Class IIb NSTE-ACS and/or designated responsible caregiv-
ers should be provided with easily understood and
1. In patients referred for urgent CABG, it may be culturally sensitive verbal and written instructions
reasonable to perform surgery less than 5 days after about medication type, purpose, dose, frequency, side
clopidogrel or ticagrelor has been discontinued and effects, and duration of use.241 (Level of Evidence: C)
less than 7 days after prasugrel has been discontin- 5. For patients who are post–NSTE-ACS and have ini-
ued. (Level of Evidence: C) tial angina lasting more than 1 minute, nitroglyc-
erin (1 dose sublingual or spray) is recommended if
6. Late Hospital Care, Hospital angina does not subside within 3 to 5 minutes; call
9-1-1 immediately to access emergency medical ser-
Discharge, And Posthospital Discharge
vices.241 (Level of Evidence: C)
Care: Recommendations 6. If the pattern or severity of angina changes, suggest-
6.1. Medical Regimen and Use of Medications at ing worsening myocardial ischemia (eg, pain is more
Discharge frequent or severe or is precipitated by less effort or
occurs at rest), patients should contact their clinician
Class I without delay to assess the need for additional treat-
ment or testing.241 (Level of Evidence: C)
1. Medications required in the hospital to control isch- 7. Before discharge, patients should be educated about
emia should be continued after hospital discharge modification of cardiovascular risk factors.240 (Level
in patients with NSTE-ACS who do not undergo of Evidence: C)
coronary revascularization, patients with incom-
plete or unsuccessful revascularization, and patients
with recurrent symptoms after revascularization. 6.2. Late Hospital and Posthospital Oral
Titration of the doses may be required.239,240 (Level of Antiplatelet Therapy
Evidence: C) Class I
2. All patients who are post–NSTE-ACS should be given
sublingual or spray nitroglycerin with verbal and 1. Aspirin should be continued indefinitely. The mainte-
written instructions for its use.241 (Level of Evidence: C) nance dose should be 81 mg daily in patients treated
3. Before hospital discharge, patients with NSTE-ACS with ticagrelor and 81 mg to 325 mg daily in all other
should be informed about symptoms of worsening patients.142–144 (Level of Evidence: A)
2372 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
2. In addition to aspirin, a P2Y12 inhibitor (either clopi- 2. Proton pump inhibitors should be prescribed in
dogrel or ticagrelor) should be continued for up to patients with NSTE-ACS with a history of gastroin-
12 months in all patients with NSTE-ACS without testinal bleeding who require triple antithrombotic
contraindications who are treated with an ischemia- therapy with a vitamin K antagonist, aspirin, and a
guided strategy. Options include: P2Y12 receptor inhibitor.27,242,243 (Level of Evidence: C)
• C lopidogrel: 75 mg daily143,171 (Level of Evidence:
B) or Class IIa
• Ticagrelor||: 90 mg twice daily147,148 (Level of
1. Proton pump inhibitor use is reasonable in patients
Evidence: B)
with NSTE-ACS without a known history of gastro-
3. In patients receiving a stent (bare-metal stent or intestinal bleeding who require triple antithrombotic
DES) during PCI for NSTE-ACS, P2Y12 inhibitor therapy with a vitamin K antagonist, aspirin, and a
therapy should be given for at least 12 months.169 P2Y12 receptor inhibitor.27,242,243 (Level of Evidence: C)
Options include:
• C lopidogrel: 75 mg daily170,171 (Level of Evidence: Class IIb
B) or 1. Targeting oral anticoagulant therapy to a lower
• Prasugrel#: 10 mg daily172 (Level of Evidence: B) or international J normalized ratio (eg, 2.0 to 2.5) may
• Ticagrelor||: 90 mg twice daily147 (Level of be reasonable in patients with NSTE-ACS man-
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#Patients should receive a loading dose of prasugrel provided that they Class IIb
were not pretreated with another P2Y12 receptor inhibitor.
||The recommended maintenance dose of aspirin to be used with 1. NSAIDs with increasing degrees of relative cyclo-
ticagrelor is 81 mg daily.144 oxygenase-2 selectivity may be considered for pain
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2373
relief only for situations in which intolerable discom- 7. Special Patient Groups: Recommendations
fort persists despite attempts at stepped-care ther- See Table 10 for summary of recommendations for this
apy with acetaminophen, nonacetylated salicylates, section.
tramadol, small doses of narcotics, or nonselective
NSAIDs. In all cases, use of the lowest effective doses
7.1. NSTE-ACS in Older Patients
for the shortest possible time is encouraged.117,118,252,253
(Level of Evidence: C) Class I
Select a revascularization strategy based on the extent of CAD, associated cardiac lesions, I B 15, 173, 175, 177, 178, 289–292
LV dysfunction, and prior revascularization
Recommend early revascularization for cardiogenic shock due to cardiac pump failure I B 291, 293, 294
Recommend medical treatment and decisions for testing and revascularization similar to I A 173, 176, 295
those for patients without DM
Recommend GDMT antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy and early invasive strategy I B 44, 45, 178, 290, 296, 297
because of increased risk with prior CABG
Perioperative NSTE-ACS
Administer GDMT to perioperative patients with limitations imposed by noncardiac surgery I C 298, 299
Direct management at underlying cause of perioperative NSTE-ACS I C 22, 298–306
Estimate CrCl and adjust doses of renally cleared medications according to pharmacokinetic I B 307, 308
Administer adequate hydration to patients undergoing coronary and LV angiography I C N/A
Invasive strategy is reasonable in patients with mild (stage 2) and moderate (stage 3) CKD IIa B 307–310
Manage women with the same pharmacological therapy as that for men for acute care and I B 311–315
secondary prevention, with attention to weight and/or renally calculated doses of antiplatelet
and anticoagulant agents to reduce bleeding risk
Early invasive strategy is recommended in women with NSTE-ACS and high-risk features I A 178, 292, 316, 317
(troponin positive)
Myocardial revascularization is reasonable for pregnant women if ischemia-guided strategy IIa C 318
is ineffective for management of life-threatening complications
Women with low-risk features (Section 3.3.1 in the full-text CPG) should not undergo early III: No Benefit B 178, 316, 317
invasive treatment because of lack of benefit and the possibility of harm
Anemia, bleeding, and transfusion
Evaluate all patients for risk of bleeding I C N/A
Recommend that anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy be weight-based where appropriate I B 276, 319, 320
and adjusted for CKD to decrease the risk of bleeding
There is no benefit of routine blood transfusion in hemodynamically stable patients with III: No Benefit B 321–325
hemoglobin levels >8 g/dL
Cocaine and methamphetamine users
Manage patients with recent cocaine or methamphetamine use similarly to those without I C N/A
cocaine- or methamphetamine-related NSTE-ACS. The exception is in patients with signs of
acute intoxication (eg, euphoria, tachycardia, and hypertension) and beta-blocker use unless
patients are receiving coronary vasodilator therapy
(Continued )
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2375
Recommend HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, cessation of tobacco use, and atherosclerosis I B 336–340
risk factor modification
Recommend coronary angiography (invasive or noninvasive) for episodic chest pain I C N/A
with transient ST-elevation to detect severe CAD
Provocative testing during invasive coronary angiography* may be considered for IIb B 341–344
suspected vasospastic angina when clinical criteria and noninvasive assessment
fail to determine diagnosis
ACS with angiographically normal coronary arteries
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Invasive physiological assessment (coronary flow reserve measurement) may be IIb B 301, 345–348
considered with normal coronary arteries if endothelial dysfunction is suspected
Stress (Takotsubo) cardiomyopathy
Consider stress-induced cardiomyopathy in patients with apparent ACS and I C N/A
nonobstructive CAD
Perform ventriculography, echocardiography, or MRI to confirm or exclude diagnosis I B 349–352
Treat with conventional agents (ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, aspirin, and diuretics) I C N/A
if hemodynamically stable
Administer anticoagulant therapy for LV thrombi I C N/A
It is reasonable to use beta blockers and alpha-adrenergic agents for LV outflow IIa C N/A
tract obstruction
Prophylactic anticoagulation may be considered to prevent LV thrombi IIb C N/A
*Provocative testing during invasive coronary angiography (eg, using ergonovine, acetylcholine, methylergonovine) is relatively safe, especially when performed
in a controlled manner by experienced operators. However, sustained spasm, serious arrhythmias, and even death can also occur but very infrequently. Therefore,
provocative tests should be avoided in patients with significant left main disease, advanced 3-vessel disease, presence of high-grade obstructive lesions, significant
valvular stenosis, significant LV systolic dysfunction, and advanced HF.
ACE indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCB, calcium
channel blocker; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COR, Class of Recommendation; CPG, clinical practice guideline; CrCl, creatinine clearance; CVD, cardiovascular disease;
DM, diabetes mellitus; GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; GP, glycoprotein; HF, heart failure; lABP, intra-aortic balloon pump; LOE, Level of Evidence; LV,
left ventricular; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; N/A, not available; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; NTG, nitroglycerin; PCI, percutaneous
coronary intervention; and UFH, unfractionated heparin.
7.6. Chronic Kidney Disease hemoglobin levels greater than 8 g/dL is not recom-
mended.321–325 (Level of Evidence: B)
Class I
1. CrCl should be estimated in patients with NSTE- 7.9. Cocaine and Methamphetamine Users
ACS, and doses of renally cleared medications should
Class I
be adjusted according to the pharmacokinetic data
for specific medications.307,308 (Level of Evidence: B) 1. Patients with NSTE-ACS and a recent history of
2. Patients undergoing coronary and LV angiogra- cocaine or methamphetamine use should be treated
phy should receive adequate hydration. (Level of in the same manner as patients without cocaine- or
Evidence: C) methamphetamine-related NSTE-ACS. The only
exception is in patients with signs of acute intoxica-
Class IIa tion (eg, euphoria, tachycardia, and/ or hypertension)
and beta-blocker use, unless patients are receiving
1. An invasive strategy is reasonable in patients with coronary vasodilator therapy. (Level of Evidence: C)
mild (stage 2) and moderate (stage 3) CKD.307–310
(Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIa
7.7. Women 1. Benzodiazepines alone or in combination with nitro-
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Class IIa
7.10. Vasospastic (Prinzmetal) Angina
1. Myocardial revascularization is reasonable in preg-
Class I
nant women with NSTE-ACS if an ischemia-guided
strategy is ineffective for management of life-threat- 1. CCBs alone330–334 or in combination with long-acting
ening complications.318 (Level of Evidence: C) nitrates332,335 are useful to treat and reduce the fre-
quency of vasospastic angina. (Level of Evidence: B)
Class III: No Benefit 2. Treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor,336,337
cessation of tobacco use,338,339 and additional atheroscle-
1. Women with NSTE-ACS and low-risk features rosis risk factor modification339,340 are useful in patients
(see Section 3.3.1 in the full-text CPG) should not with vasospastic angina. (Level of Evidence: B)
undergo early invasive treatment because of the lack 3. Coronary angiography (invasive or noninvasive) is
of benefit178,316,317 and the possibility of harm.178 (Level recommended in patients with episodic chest pain
of Evidence: B) accompanied by transient ST-elevation to rule out
severe obstructive CAD. (Level of Evidence: C)
7.8. Anemia, Bleeding, and Transfusion
Class IIb
Class I
1. Provocative testing during invasive coronary angi-
1. All patients with NSTE-ACS should be evaluated for
ography†† may be considered in patients with sus-
the risk of bleeding. (Level of Evidence: C)
pected vasospastic angina when clinical criteria and
2. Anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy should be
noninvasive testing fail to establish the diagnosis.341–344
weight-based where appropriate and should be
(Level of Evidence: B)
adjusted when necessary for CKD to decrease the
risk of bleeding in patients with NSTE-ACS.276,319,320 ††Provocative testing during invasive coronary angiography (eg, using
(Level of Evidence: B) ergonovine, acetylcholine, methylergonovine) is relatively safe, especially
when performed in a controlled manner by experienced operators.
However, sustained spasm, serious arrhythmias, and even death can also
Class III: No Benefit occur very infrequently. Therefore, provocative testing should be avoided
in patients with significant left main disease, advanced 3-vessel disease,
1. A strategy of routine blood transfusion in hemo- presence of high-grade obstructive lesions, significant valvular stenosis,
dynamically stable patients with NSTE-ACS and significant LV systolic dysfunction, and advanced HF.
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2377
7.11. ACS With Angiographically Normal Coronary CPG,362 many emerging diagnostic and therapeutic strategies
Arteries have posed new challenges. There is general acceptance of
an early invasive strategy for patients with NSTE-ACS in
Class IIb whom significant coronary vascular obstruction has been
1. If coronary angiography reveals normal coronary precisely quantified. Low-risk patients with NSTE-ACS are
arteries and endothelial dysfunction is suspected, documented to benefit substantially from GDMT, but this is
invasive physiological assessment such as coronary often suboptimally used. Advances in noninvasive testing
flow reserve measurement may be considered.301,345–348 have the potential to identify patients with NSTE-ACS who
(Level of Evidence: B) are at intermediate risk and are candidates for invasive ver-
sus medical therapy.
7.12. Stress (Takotsubo) Cardiomyopathy Newer, more potent antiplatelet agents in addition to
anticoagulant therapy are indicated irrespective of initial
Class I treatment strategy. Evidence-based decisions will require
comparative-effectiveness studies of available and novel
1. Stress (Takotsubo) cardiomyopathy should be con-
agents. The paradox of newer and more potent antithrom-
sidered in patients who present with apparent ACS
and nonobstructive CAD at angiography. (Level of botic and anticoagulant drugs that reduce major adverse
Evidence: C) cardiac outcomes but increase bleeding risk occurs with
2. Imaging with ventriculography, echocardiography, or greater frequency in patients with atrial fibrillation. Patients
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magnetic resonance imaging should be performed to with atrial fibrillation who develop NSTE-ACS and receive
confirm or exclude the diagnosis of stress (Takotsubo) a coronary stent are the population at risk from triple antico-
cardiomyopathy.349–352 (Level of Evidence: B) agulant/antiplatelet therapy. This regimen has been reported
3. Patients should be treated with conventional agents to be safely modified by elimination of aspirin, a finding that
(ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, aspirin, and diuret- requires confirmation.
ics) as otherwise indicated if hemodynamically sta- Among the most rapidly evolving areas in NSTE-ACS diag-
ble. (Level of Evidence: C) nosis is the use of cardiac troponin, the preferred biomarker
4. Anticoagulation should be administered in patients of myocardial necrosis. Although a truly high- sensitivity
who develop LV thrombi. (Level of Evidence: C) cardiac troponin is not available in the United States at the
time this CPG was prepared, the sensitivity of contemporary
Class IIa assays continues to increase. This change is accompanied by
higher rates of elevated cardiac troponin unrelated to coro-
1. It is reasonable to use catecholamines for patients
with symptomatic hypotension if outflow tract nary plaque rupture. The diagnostic quandary posed by these
obstruction is not present. (Level of Evidence: C) findings necessitates investigation to elucidate the optimal
2. The use of an intra-aortic balloon pump is reason- utility of this advanced biomarker. A promising approach to
able for patients with refractory shock. (Level of improve the diagnostic accuracy for detecting myocardial
Evidence: C) necrosis is measurement of absolute cardiac troponin change,
3. It is reasonable to use beta blockers and alpha-adren- which may be more accurate than the traditional analysis of
ergic agents in patients with outflow tract obstruc- relative alterations.
tion. (Level of Evidence: C) Special populations are addressed in this CPG, the most
numerous of which are older persons and women. More than
Class IIb half of the mortality in NSTE-ACS occurs in older patients,
and this high-risk cohort will increase as our population
1. Prophylactic anticoagulation may be considered
ages. An unmet need is to more clearly distinguish which
to inhibit the development of LV thrombi. (Level of
older patients are candidates for an ischemia-guided strat-
Evidence: C)
egy compared with an early invasive management strategy.
An appreciable number of patients with NSTE-ACS have
8. Quality of Care and Outcomes for angiographically normal or nonobstructive CAD, a group in
ACS—Use of Performance Measures which women predominate. Their prognosis is not benign
And Registries: Recommendation and the multiple mechanisms of ACS postulated for these
Class IIa patients remain largely speculative. Clinical advances are
predicated on clarification of the pathophysiology of this
1. Participation in a standardized quality-of-care data challenging syndrome.
registry designed to track and measure outcomes, A fundamental aspect of all CPGs is that these carefully
complications, and performance measures can be developed, evidence-based documents cannot encompass all
beneficial in improving the quality of NSTE-ACS clinical circumstances, nor can they replace the judgment of
care.353–361 (Level of Evidence: B) individual physicians in management of each patient. The sci-
ence of medicine is rooted in evidence, and the art of medicine
9. Summary and Evidence Gaps is based on the application of this evidence to the individual
Despite landmark advances in the care of patients with patient. This CPG has adhered to these principles for optimal
NSTE-ACS since the publication of the 2007 UA/NSTEMI management of patients with NSTE-ACS.
2378 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
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Anesthesiologists, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Circulation. 43. Keller T, Zeller T, Ojeda F, et al. Serial changes in highly sensitive troponin I
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novel predictor of prognosis after acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll KEY WORDS: AHA Scientific Statements ◼ acute coronary syndrome
Cardiol. 2008;52:518–22. ◼ angina, unstable ◼ antiplatelet agents ◼ coronary artery bypass graft
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the clinical setting: from mystery to reality. Eur Heart J. 2012;33:2771–82. coronary intervention ◼ troponin
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2387
Appendix 1. Author Relationships With Industry and Other Entities (Relevant)–2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of
Patients With Non-St-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes
Ownership/ Institutional,
Committee Speakers Partnership/ Personal Organizational, Expert Voting Recusals
Member Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research or Other Financial Benefit Witness by Section*
Ezra A. University of None None None None None None None
Amsterdam California (Davis)
(Chair) Medical Center,
Division of
Nanette K. Emory University, • Abbott None None • Abbott† None None All sections
Wenger School of • Amgen • Eli Lilly† except 3.1.1, 3.4,
(Vice Chair) Medicine–Professor • AstraZeneca •G ilead 5.2, 6.3.1, 6.3.2,
of Medicine • Gilead Sciences† 6.3.6, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8,
(Cardiology) Sciences† • Merck and 8.
• Janssen • Pfizer†
• Medtronic
• Merck
Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on February 25, 2017
• Pfizer
Ralph G. University of None • Volcano None None None None None
Brindis California, San
Francisco Department
of Medicine and the
Phillip R. Lee Institute
for Health Policy
of Medicine
Donald E. Atlantic Health–Vice None None None None None None None
Casey, Jr President of Health
and Chief Medical
Theodore G. University of None None None None None None None
Ganiats California, San Diego
School of Medicine–
Executive Director
of Health Services
Research Center
David R. Mayo Clinic– None None None None None None None
Holmes, Jr Consultant,
Allan S. Mayo Clinic, • Abbott None None None None None All sections
Jaffe Cardiovascular • Alere except 3.1,
Division–Professor • Amgen 3.1.1,3.3,
of Medicine • Beckman-, 4.2, 4.3.1,
Coulter 4.3.2, 4.5, 5.1, 5.2,
• Critical 6.2.1, 6.3.1, 6.3.3,
Diagnostics 6.3.6, 7.2.2, 7.5,
• ET Healthcare 7.6, and 8.
• Ortho Clinical
• Radiometer
• Roche‡
• Thermo-Fishert‡
• Trinity
Hani Jneid Baylor College None None None None None None None
of Medicine–The
Michael E. DeBakey
VA Medical Center–
Assistant Professor
of Medicine
(Continued )
2388 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
Appendix 1. Continued
Ownership/ Institutional,
Committee Speakers Partnership/ Personal Organizational, Expert Voting Recusals
Member Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research or Other Financial Benefit Witness by Section*
Glenn N. Baylor College of None None None None None None None
Levine Medicine–Professor
of Medicine;
Director, Cardiac
Care Unit
Philip R. Rush University None None None None None None None
Liebson Medical Center–
Chair of Excellence
in Clinical Cardiology
and Professor
of Medicine and
Preventive Medicine
Debabrata Texas Tech None None None None None None None
Mukherjee University
Health Sciences
Eric D. Duke University • Boehringer None None • Eli Lilly† DCRI has numerous None All sections
Peterson Medical Center– Ingelheim • Johnson & grants and contracts
Fred Cobb, MD, • Genentech Johnson† sponsored by industry
Distinguished • Janssen • Janssen that are relevant to the
Professor of Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals† content of this CPG. Dr.
Medicine; Duke • Johnson & Peterson participated in
Clinical Research Johnson discussions but recused
Institute–Director • Merck himself from writing or
voting, in accordance
with ACC/AHA policy.
See comprehensive RWI
table for a complete list
of companies pertaining
to this organization.
(Continued )
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2389
Appendix 1. Continued
Ownership/ Institutional,
Committee Speakers Partnership/ Personal Organizational, Expert Voting Recusals
Member Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research or Other Financial Benefit Witness by Section*
Marc S. Brigham and • Amgen None None • A bbott • AstraZeneca† None All sections except
Sabatine Women’s Hospital, • AstraZeneca Laboratories† • Daiichi-Sankyo† 3.1.1, 5.2, 6.3.1,
Chairman–TIMI • Bristol-Myers • Amgen† • Gilead† 6.3.2, 7.5, 7.8,
Study Group, Squibb • AstraZeneca† • J ohnson & and 8.
Division of • Merck •B ristol-Myers Johnson†
Cardiovascular • Pfizer Squibb† • BRAHMS†
Medicine; • Sanofi-aventis •C ritical • Proventys†
Harvard Medical Diagnostics† • Siemens†
School–Professor • Daiichi-Sankyo† • Singulex†
of Medicine • Genzyme†
• GlaxoSmithKline†
• Nanosphere†
•R oche
• Sanofi-aventis†
Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on February 25, 2017
• Takeda†
Richard W. University of • Gilead None None • Cordis • Cordis† None All sections except
Smalling Texas, Health • Maquet • E -valve Abbott • E-valve† 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.3,
Science Center at Vascular 3.4, 3.5.1,
Houston–Professor • E dwards, 4.2, 4.3.1,
and Director of Lifesciences 4.3.2, 5.2, 6.2.1,
Interventional • Gilead 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3,
Cardiovascular •M aquet 6.3.6, 7.2.2, 7.5,
Medicine; Datascope 7.8, and 8.
James D. Woods
Distinguished Chair
in Cardiovascular
Susan J. National Institute None None None None None None None
Zieman on Aging/NIH,
Geriatrics Branch,
Division of Geriatrics
and Clinical
Medical Officer
This table represents the relationships of committee members with industry and other entities that were determined to be relevant to this document. These
relationships were reviewed and updated in conjunction with all meetings and/or conference calls of the GWC during the document development process. The table
does not necessarily reflect relationships with industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest represents
ownership of ≥5% of the voting stock or share of the business entity, or ownership of ≥$10 000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds received by
the person from the business entity exceed 5% of the person’s gross income for the previous year. Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for
the purpose of transparency. Relationships in this table are modest unless otherwise noted.
According to the ACC/AHA, a person has a relevant relationship IF: a) the relationship or interest relates to the same or similar subject matter, intellectual property
or asset, topic, or issue addressed in the document; or b) the company/entity (with whom the relationship exists) makes a drug, drug class, or device addressed in the
document, or makes a competing drug or device addressed in the document; or c) the person or a member of the person’s household, has a reasonable potential for
financial, professional or other personal gain or loss as a result of the issues/content addressed in the document.
*Writing members are required to recuse themselves from voting on sections to which their specific relationships with industry and other entities may apply. Section
numbers pertain to those in the full-text CPG.
†Significant relationship.
‡No financial benefit.
ACC indicates American College of Cardiology, AHA, American Heart Association, BMS, Bristol-Myers Squibb; CPG, clinical practice guideline; DCRI, Duke Clinical
Research Institute; NIH, National Institutes of Health; NYU, New York University; RWI, relationships with industry and other entities; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial
Infarction; and VA, Veterans Affairs.
2390 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
Appendix 2. Reviewer Relationships With Industry and Other Entities (Relevant)–2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the
Management of Patients With Non-St-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes
Ownership/ Organizational,
Speakers Partnership/ Personal or Other Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Financial Benefit Witness
Deepak L. Official VA Boston Healthcare • BMS/Pfizer None None • AstraZeneca* • Medscape None
Bhatt Reviewer–AHA System–Professor • DCRI (BMS/ • Bristol-Myers Cardiology
of Medicine, Harvard Pfizer) Squibb* (Advisory
Medical School; Chief • DCRI (Eli Lilly) • Ethicon* Board)†
of Cardiology • Eli Lilly • The Medicines • WebMD
Company (Steering
• Medtronic* Committee)†
• Sanofi-aventis*
• Takeda†
John E. Official Eastern Virginia None None None None None None
Brush, Jr Reviewer–ACC Medical School–
Board of Professor of Medicine,
Trustees Chief of Cardiology
Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on February 25, 2017
E. Magnus Official Duke Medicine– • AstraZeneca • Gilead* None • Daiichi-Sankyo* None None
Ohman Reviewer–ACC/ Professor of Medicine • Bristol-Myers • Janssen • Eli Lilly*
AHA Task Force Squibb Pharmaceuticals • Gilead*
on Practice • Gilead*
Guidelines • Janssen
• The Medicines
• Merck
• Pozen
• Roche
• Sanofi-aventis
John F. Official Dartmouth-Hitchcock None None None None None • Defendant,
Robb Reviewer–ACC Medical Center– adverse
Board of Director, Interventional drug
Governors Cardiology reaction,
and Cardiac 2012
Sarah A. Official Philadelphia College of • Bristol-Myers None None None None • P laintiff,
Spinier Reviewer–AHA Pharmacy, University Squibb clopidogrel,
of the Sciences • Daiichi-Sankyo 2013
in Philadelphia– • Janssen
Professor of Clinical Pharmaceuticals
Pharmacy • Merck
Gorav Organizational University of • Abbott None None None None None
Ailawadi Reviewer–STS Virginia Health • Atricure
and Cardiovascular
Srihari S. Organizational Winthrop University None None None None None None
Naidu Reviewer–SCAI Hospital–Director,
Robert L. Organizational Bladen Medical None None None None None None
Rich, Jr Reviewer–AAFP Associates–Family
Mouaz H. Content King Abdul-Aziz None None None None None None
Al-Mallah Reviewer–ACC Cardiac Center–
Prevention of Associate Professor of
Cardiovascular Medicine
(Continued )
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2391
Appendix 2. Continued
Ownership/ Organizational,
Speakers Partnership/ Personal or Other Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Financial Benefit Witness
John A. Content University of California None None None None None None
Ambrose Reviewer San Francisco Fresno
Department of
of Medicine; Chief of
Cardiology; Program
Director, Cardiology
Giuseppe Content Hospital of University • Bayer* • Merck None None None None
Ambrosio Reviewer-ACC of Perugia School • The Medicines Schering-Plough
Prevention of of Medicine–Medical Company • Pfizer
Cardiovascular Director, Division • Merck
Disease of Cardiology Schering-Plough†
Committee • Sanofi-aventis
Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on February 25, 2017
H. Vernon Content University of Texas– None None None None • Eli Lilly None
Anderson Reviewer Professor of Medicine,
Cardiology Division
Jeffrey L. Content Intermountain Medical • Sanofi-aventis None None • GlaxoSmithKline None None
Anderson Reviewer–ACC/ Center–Associate • Harvard (DSMB)–
AHA Task Force Chief of Cardiology TIMI -48, -51,
on Practice and -54 Studies
Fred S. Content University of • Abbott None None • Abbott* • Abbott None
Apple Reviewer Minnesota School of Diagnostics • Alere/Biosite* Diagnostics-PI†
Medicine, Hennepin • Alere • Biomerieux* • Alere-PI†
County Medical • Beckman Coulter • Ortho-Clinical
Center–Professor, • T2 Biosystems Diagnostics-PI†
Laboratory Medicine • Ortho-Clinical
and Pathology Diagnostics*
• Radiometer*
• Roche
• Siemens*
Emmanouil S. Content UT Southwestern • Bridgepoint None None None • Abbott None
Brilakis Reviewer–ACC Medical School– Medical/Boston Vascular
Interventional Director, Cardiac Scientific* • AstraZeneca
Section Catheterization • Janssen • Cordis*
Leadership Laboratory, VA North Pharmaceuticals • Daiichi-Sankyo*
Council Texas Healthcare • Sanofi-aventis • The Medicines
System Company
• Medtronic*
Matthew J. Content Los Angeles None • AstraZeneca† None • General None • Plaintiff,
Budoff Reviewer–ACC Biomedical Research Electric* cardiac
Cardiovascular Institute–Program treatment,
Imaging Director, Division 2013
Section of Cardiology and
Leadership Professor of Medicine
James A. Content Lehigh Valley None None None None None None
Burke Reviewer–ACC Health Network–
Interventional Interventional
Section Cardiologist
(Continued )
2392 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
Appendix 2. Continued
Ownership/ Organizational,
Speakers Partnership/ Personal or Other Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Financial Benefit Witness
Robert H. Content University of Maryland • BG Medicine None None • The Medicines • AACC None
Christenson Reviewer–AACC School of Medicine– •C ritical Company (President)†
Professor of Pathology; Diagnostics • Roche
Professor of Medical and • Siemens Medical Diagnostics
Research Technology; Diagnostics (University
Director, Rapid of Maryland
Response Laboratory School of
Joaquin E. Content Oregon Health and None None None None •C
atheterization None
Cigarroa Reviewer–ACC Science University– and
Interventional Associate Professor of Cardiovascular
Section Medicine Intervention
Leadership (Editorial
Council Board)†
Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on February 25, 2017
Marco A. Content University Hospital for • Abbott None None • Abbott • Abbott None
Costa Reviewer–ACC Cleveland–Cardiologist Vascular* Vascular* • Cordis
Cardiovascular • Boston • Boston • Medtronic
Imaging Section Scientific Scientific*
Leadership • Medtronic • Cordis*
Council • IDEV
• The Medicines
• Medtronic*
• Micell*
• OrbusNeicht
Prakash C. Content University of California • Amgen • Pfizer None None None None
Deedwania Reviewer–ACC San Francisco–Chief of • Pfizer • Takeda
Prevention of Cardiology Pharmaceuticals
James A. de Content UT Southwestern • Diadexus • AstraZeneca None • A bbott • Daiichi-Sankyo† None
Lemos Reviewer Medical School– • Janssen Diagnostics†
Associate Professor Pharmaceuticals
of Medicine; Director,
Coronary Care Unit and
Cardiology Fellowship
Burl R. Don Content University of California None None None None None None
Reviewer Davis–Professor of
Medicine; Director of
Clinical Nephrology
Lee A. Content University of None None None None None None
Fleisher Reviewer Pennsylvania Department
of Anesthesiology–
Professor of
Mary G. Content Centers for Disease None None None None None None
George Reviewer–HHS Control and Prevention–
Senior Medical Officer,
Division for Heart Disease
and Stroke Prevention
Linda D. Content Morristown Medical None None None None None None
Gillam Reviewer–ACC Center–Professor of
Cardiovascular Cardiology; Vice Chair,
Imaging Section Cardiovascular Medicine
(Continued )
Amsterdam et al 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Executive Summary 2393
Appendix 2. Continued
Ownership/ Organizational,
Speakers Partnership/ Personal or Other Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Financial Benefit Witness
Robert A. Content Emory Clinic–Professor • Medtronic None None None None None
Guyton Reviewer–ACC/ and Chief, Division
AH A Task Force of Cardiothoracic
on Practice Surgery
Joerg Content Mayo Medical School- None None None None None None
Herrmann Reviewer–ACC Internal Medicine and
Interventional Cardiovascular Disease
Judith S. Content New York University • GlaxoSmithKline None None None None None
Hochman Reviewer–ACC/ School of Medicine, • Janssen
AHA Task Force Division of Pharmaceuticals
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on Practice Cardiology–Clinical
Guidelines Chief of Cardiology
Yuling Content Centers for Disease None None None None None None
Hong Reviewer–HHS Control and Prevention–
Associate Director
Lloyd W. Content Rush Medical None None None None None None
Klein Reviewer–ACC College-Professor
Interventional of Medicine
Frederick G. Content Tulane University School None None None None None None
Kushner Reviewer of Medicine–Clinical
Professor of Medicine;
Heart Clinic of
Ehtisham Content University of California, • Abiomed • Eli Lilly* None • Abbott Vascular* None None
Mahmud Reviewer–ACC San Diego–Professor • Cordist • Medtronic • Accumetrics*
Interventional of Medicine/Cardiology, • Eli Lilly* •M erck
Section Chief of Cardiovascular • Gilead Schering-Plough
Leadership Medicine; Director, • Johnson & •B oston
Council Interventional Cardiology Johnson Scientific*
and Cardiovascular • Medtronic • Gilead*
Catheterization • T he Medicines
Laboratory Company
• Sanofi-aventis*
Carlos Content Cardiology Society of None None None • AstraZenecat† None None
Martínez- Reviewer–AIG Mexico–President • Eli Lilly†
Sánchez • Sanofi-aventis†
L. Kristen Content Duke University Medical • Johnson & None None • Amylin None None
Newby Reviewer Center–Associate Johnson • AstraZeneca
Professor of Clinical • Daiichi-Sankyo • Bristol-Myers
Medicine Squibb*
• Eli Lilly
• GlaxoSmithKline
• Merck*
Patrick T. Content Brigham and Women’s None None None None None None
O’Gara Reviewer Hospital–Professor
of Medicine, Harvard
Medical School;
Director, Clinical
(Continued )
2394 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
Appendix 2. Continued
Ownership/ Organizational,
Speakers Partnership/ Personal or Other Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Financial Benefit Witness
Narith Ou Content Mayo Clinic– None None None None None None
Reviewer Pharmacotherapy
Coordinator, Pharmacy
Gurusher S. Content George Washington None None None None None None
Panjrath Reviewer–ACC Medical Faculty
Heart Failure and Associates–Assistant
Transplant Section Professor of Medicine;
Leadership Director of Heart Failure
Council and Mechanical Support
Rajan Content Ochsner Clinic None None None None None None
Patel Reviewer–ACC Foundation–
Cardiovascular Interventional
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The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the
World Wide Web at:
An erratum has been published regarding this article. Please see the attached page for:
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click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about
this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document.
In the article by Amsterdam et al “2014 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Management of Patients With
Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: Executive Summary: A Report of the American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines,” which
published online September 23, 2014, and appeared in the December 23/30, 2014, issue of the
journal (Circulation. 2014;130:2354–2394), several corrections were needed.
1. On the title page, the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions has been
added to the collaborating organizations line. It now reads, “Developed in Collaboration With
the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions and the Society of Thoracic
2. On page 2361, in Figure 2A, the “GRACE Risk Model Nomogram,” the footnote read, “To
convert serum creatine level to micromoles per liter, multiply by 88.4.” It now reads, “To convert
serum creatinine level to micromoles per liter, multiply by 88.4.”
3. On page 2365, in the second column, the Class I, Recommendation 3 paragraph read, “…hyper-
kalemia (K >5.0mEq/L)….” It now reads “…or hyperkalemia (K+ >5.0 mEq/L)….”
4. On page 2365, in the second column, the Class I, Recommendation 1 paragraph, the mainte-
nance dose for aspirin has been changed. Additionally, the references shown below, numbered
147 and 363, have been added to the text. The recommendation read, “…and a maintenance dose
of aspirin (81 mg/d to 162 mg/d) should be continued indefinitely.142–144” It now reads, “…and a
maintenance dose of aspirin (81 mg/d to 325 mg/d) should be continued indefinitely.142–144,147,363”
147. Wallentin L, Becker RC, Budaj A, et al. Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with acute
coronary syndromes. N Engl J Med. 2009;361:1045–57
363. Mehta SR, Tanguay JF, Eikelboom JW, et al. Double-dose versus standard-dose clopidogrel
and high-dose versus low-dose aspirin in individuals undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention for acute coronary syndromes (CURRENT-OASIS 7): a randomized factorial
trial. Lancet. 2010;376:1233–43.
5. On page 2366, in Table 7, the third row “Non–enteric-coated aspirin…”, in the fifth column, the
references read, “(142–144).” They now read, “(142–144, 147, 363)”.
6. On page 2366, in Table 7, the fourth row “Aspirin maintenance dose…,” the second column
“Dosing…,” the text regarding aspirin maintenance dosing has been modified. The table entry
now reads, “81 mg/d-325 mg/d.*” The asterisk inserted after “325 mg/d,” refers to text added to
the Table 7 footnote. The additional text in the footnote reads, “*The recommended maintenance
dose of aspirin to be used with ticagrelor is 81 mg daily.” The references shown below, numbered
147 and 363, were added to the fifth column, “References.”
147. Wallentin L, Becker RC, Budaj A, et al. Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with acute
coronary syndromes. N Engl J Med. 2009;361:1045–57
363. Mehta SR, Tanguay JF, Eikelboom JW, et al. Double-dose versus standard-dose clopidogrel
and high-dose versus low-dose aspirin in individuals undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention for acute coronary syndromes (CURRENT-OASIS 7): a randomized factorial
trial. Lancet. 2010;376:1233–43.
Dosing and Special
Recommendations Considerations COR LOE References
• Aspirin maintenance dose 81 mg/d to 162 mg/d I A (142–144)
continued indefinitely
(Circulation. 2014;130:e431-e432.)
© 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at http://circ.ahajournals.org DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000150
e432 Circulation December 23/30, 2014
Dosing and Special
Recommendations Considerations COR LOE References
• Aspirin maintenance dose 81 mg/d to 325 mg/d* I A (142–144,147,363)
continued indefinitely
7. On page 2366, in Table 7, in the thirteenth row “SC enoxaparin for duration…,” in the second
column “Dosing….,” the second bullet read, “Initial IV loading dose 30 mg.” It now reads,
“Initial 30 mg IV loading dose in selected patients.”
8. On page 2367, in the first column, the Class I, Recommendation 1 paragraph read, “Enoxaparin:
1 mg/kg subcutaneous (SC) every 12 hours (reduce dose to 1 mg/kg SC once daily in patients with
creatinine clearance [CrCl] <30 mL/min), continued for the duration of hospitalization or until PCI
is performed. An initial intravenous loading dose is 30 mg.151–153” It now reads, “Enoxaparin: 1 mg/
kg subcutaneous (SC) every 12 hours (reduce dose to 1 mg/kg SC once daily in patients with cre-
atinine clearance [CrCl] <30 mL/min), continued for the duration of hospitalization or until PCI is
performed. An initial intravenous loading dose of 30 mg has been used in selected patients.151–153”
9. On page 2372, in the first column, the Class IIa, Recommendation 2 paragraph read, “It is rea-
sonable to choose ticagrelor over clopidogrel for maintenance P2Y12 treatment in patients with
NSTE-ACS treated with an early invasive strategy and/or PCI.147,148” It now reads, “It is reason-
able to use ticagrelor in preference to clopidogrel for maintenance P2Y12 treatment in patients
with NSTE-ACS who undergo an early invasive or ischemia-guided strategy.147,148”
These corrections have been made to the print version and to the current online version of the
article, which is available at http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/130/25/2354.
Amsterdam EA, et al.
2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Guideline
© 2014 by the American Heart Association, Inc., and the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
Author Relationships With Industry and Other Entities (Comprehensive)—2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients With Non-
ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes (July 2013)
Committee Employment Consultant Speakers Ownership/ Personal Research Institutional, Expert Witness
Member Bureau Partnership/ Organizational or
Principal Other Financial
Ezra A. University of None None None California CABG American Journal of None
Amsterdam (Chair) California (Davis) Project Cardiology†
Medical Center, Clinical Cardiology†
Division of 2010 School of
Cardiology—Professor Medicine Research
ACTION Registry
Subcommittee -
Research and
Nanette K. Wenger Emory University, Abbott None None Abbott* ACC Extended None
(Vice Chair) School of Medicine— Amgen Eli Lilly* Learning
Professor of Medicine AstraZeneca Gilead Sciences* CCCOA
(Cardiology) Gilead Sciences* Merck Clinical Cardiology
Janssen NHLBI* Review Editor
Pharmaceuticals Pfizer* Society for
Medtronic Women’s Health
Merck Research†
Ralph G. Brindis University of Ivivi Health Volcano Corp. None None ACC-NCDR(Senior None
California, San Sciences Medical Officer,
Francisco— External Affairs)
Department of DAPT trial
Medicine and the (Advisory Board)†
Phillip R. Lee Institute California State
for Health Policy Elective PCI Project
Studies—Clinical (Advisory Board)†
Professor of Medicine C-PORT Elective
FDA Cardiovascular
Device Panel†
State of California
Amsterdam EA, et al.
2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Guideline
© 2014 by the American Heart Association, Inc., and the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
Health Dept:
Group† (DSMB)
State of California
Donald E. Casey, Atlantic Health—Vice None None None None None None
Jr President of Health and
Chief Medical Officer
Theodore G. University of None None None AHRQ None Plaintiff, deep
Ganiats California, San Diego NIH (DSMB) vein
School of Medicine— thrombosis,
Executive Director of 2011
Health Services
Research Center
David R. Holmes, Mayo Clinic— None None None None Atritech† None
Jr Consultant,
Allan S. Jaffe Mayo Clinic, Abbott None None None None None
Cardiovascular Alere
Division—Professor of Amgen
Medicine Beckman-Coulter
ET Healthcare
Ortho Clinical
Thermo Fisher†
Hani Jneid Baylor College of None None None None None None
Michael E. DeBakey
VA Medical Center—
Assistant Professor of
Rosemary F. Kelly University of None None None None None None
Amsterdam EA, et al.
2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Guideline
© 2014 by the American Heart Association, Inc., and the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
of Cardiothoracic
Surgery, Professor of
Michael C. Kontos Virginia Astellas Astellas None Mission Lifeline AHA† Plaintiff,
Commonwealth General Electric AstraZeneca Scientific Committee† Astellas malpractice
University, Pauley Ikaria Society of Chest Pain Eli Lilly† case with
Heart Center—Medical Prevencio Centers† Merck † failure to treat
Director, Coronary Quest Diagnostics NIH† properly, 2012
Intensive Care Unit; Sanofi-aventis Novartis†
Associate Professor,
Internal Medicine
Glenn N. Levine Baylor College of None None None None None None
of Medicine; Director,
Cardiac Care Unit
Philip R. Liebson Rush University None None None None None None
Medical Center—
McMullan-Eybel Chair
of Excellence in
Clinical Cardiology
and Professor of
Medicine and
Preventive Medicine
Debabrata Texas Tech University None None None None None None
Mukherjee Health Sciences
Eric D. Peterson Duke University Boehringer None None Eli Lilly* DCRI‡ None
Medical Center—Fred Ingelheim Johnson & Johnson*
Cobb, MD, Genentech Janssen
Distinguished Janssen Pharmaceuticals*
Professor of Medicine; Pharmaceuticals
Duke Clinical
Research Institute—
Marc S. Sabatine Brigham and Women's Aegerion None None Abbott* AstraZeneca* None
Hospital, Chairman— Amgen Amgen* Athera
TIMI Study Group, AstraZeneca* AstraZeneca* Biotechnologies*
Amsterdam EA, et al.
2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Guideline
© 2014 by the American Heart Association, Inc., and the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
the person’s gross income for the previous year. Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for the purpose of transparency.
Relationships in this table are modest unless otherwise noted. Please refer to http://www.cardiosource.org/Science-And-Quality/Practice-Guidelines-and-Quality-
Standards/Relationships-With-Industry-Policy.aspx for definitions of disclosure categories or additional information about the ACC Disclosure Policy for
Writing Committees.
*Significant relationship.
†No financial benefit.
‡DCRI has numerous grants and contracts sponsored by industry. These include the following: Aastrom Biosciences; Abbott; Abiomed; Acom Cardiovascular; Adolor Corp;
Advanced Cardiovascular Systems; Advanced Stent Technologies; Adynnx; Aijnomoto; Allergan; Amgen; Alnylam Pharma; Alpharma; Amylin Pharmaceuticals; Anadys;
Anesiva; Angel Medical Systems; ANGES MG; Angiomedtrix; APT Nidus Center; ASCA Biopharma; Astellas Pharma; Asklepios; AstraZeneca; Atritech; Attention
Therapeutics; Aventis; Baxter; Bayer; Berlex; BG Medicine; Biogen; Biolex Therapeutics; Biomarker Factory; Biosite; Boehringer Ingelheim Biogen; Boston Scientific; Bristol-
Myers Squibb; BMS Pfizer; Carbomed; CardioDx; CardioKinetix; Cardiovascular Systems; Cardiovax; Celsion Corp; Centocor; Cerexa; Chase Medical; Conatus Pharmaceuticals;
Conor Medsystems; Cortex; Corgentech; CSL Behring; CV Therapeutics; Daiichi Pharmaceuticals; Daiichi-Sankyo; Daiichi-Sankyo/Lilly; Dainippon; Datascope; Dendreon; Dr.
Reddy’s Laboratories; Eclipse Surgical Technologies; Edwards Lifesciences; Eisai; Endicor; EnteroMedics; Enzon Pharmaceuticals; Eli Lilly; Ethicon; Ev3; Evalve; F2G; Flow
Cardia; Fox Hollow Pharmaceuticals; Fujisawa; Genetech; General Electric; General Electric Co.; General Electric Healthcare; General Electric Medical Systems; Genzyme Corp.;
Genome Canada; Gilead Sciences; GlaxoSmithKline; Guidant Corp.; Heartscape Technologies; Hoffman-LaRoche; Hospira; Idera Pharmaceuticals; Ikaria; Imcor
Pharmaceuticals; Immunex; INFORMD; Inimex; Inspire Pharmaceuticals; Ischemix; Janssen; Johnson and Johnson; Jomed; Juventus Therapeutics; KAI Pharmaceuticals; King
Pharmaceuticals; Kyowa Pharma; Luitpold; Mardil; MedImmune; Medscape; Medtronic Diabetes; Medtronic; Medtronic Vascular; Merck Group; MicroMed Technology;
Millennium Pharmaceuticals; Mitsubishi Tanabe; Momenta; Nabriva; Neuron Pharmaceuticals; NitroMed; NovaCardia Inc; Novartis AG Group; Novartis Pharmaceuticals;
Oncura; Orexigen; Ortho-McNeil-Janssen; OSI Eyetech; OSI Pharmaceuticals; Pfizer; Pharmacyclics; Pharmasset; Pharmos; Phyxius Pharmaceuticals; Pharsight; Pluristen
Therapeutics; Portola Pharmaceuticals; Proventys; Radiant; Regado Biosciences; Rengeneron Pharmaceuticals; Roche Molecular Systems; Roche Group; Roche Diagnostic; Salix
Pharmaceuticals; Sanofi-Pasteur; Sanofi-aventis; Santaris Pharmaceuticals; Schering-Plough; Scios; Siemens; Southwest Oncology Group; Spectranetics; Summit; Sunovion
Pharmaceuticals; TAP Pharmaceutical Products; Tengion; The Medicines Company; Theravance; TherOx; Tethys Bioscience; Theregen; Three Rivers Pharmaceuticals; The
EMMES Corporation; UCB; Valentis; Valleylab; Vertex; Viacor; and Wyeth.
ACC indicates American College of Cardiology; AHA, American Heart Association; AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; CABG, coronary
artery bypass graft; CCCOA, Council on Cardiovascular Care for Older Adults; C-PORT, Cardiovascular Patient Outcomes Research Team; DAPT, dual
antiplatelet therapy; DCRI, Duke Clinical Research Institute; DSMB, data safety monitoring board; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; MI, myocardial
infarction; NCDR, National Cardiovascular Data Registry; NIH, National Institutes of Health; NHLBI, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; OSHPD;
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RCT, randomized controlled trial; STEMI, ST-elevation
myocardial infarction; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; and VA, Veterans Affairs.
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
(Section numbers correspond to the full-text guideline.)
Data Supplement 1. Clinical Assessment and Initial Evaluation (Section 3.1) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Data Supplement 2. Risk Stratification (Section 3.3) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Data Supplement 3. Cardiac Injury Markers and the Universal Definition of AMI (Section 3.4) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Data Supplement 4. Cardiac Troponins (Section 3.4.3)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Data Supplement 5. CK-MB, MB Isoforms and Myoglobin, Compared With Troponins (Section 3.4.4) ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Data Supplement 6. Bedside Testing for Cardiac Biomarkers (Section 3.4.4) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Data Supplement 7. Summary Comparison of Injury Markers (Section 3.4.4) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Data Supplement 8. Discharge from ED or Chest Pain Unit (Section 3.5.1)................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Data Supplement 9. Nitrates (Section ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Data Supplement 10. Analgesic Therapy (Section ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Data Supplement 11. Beta-Adrenergic Blockers (Section 26
Data Supplement 12. Calcium Channel Blockers (Section .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Data Supplement 13. Other Anti-Ischemic Inverventions (Ranolazine) (Section ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Data Supplement 14. Inhibitors of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (Section 4.2) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Data Supplement 15. Oral and Intravenous Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Likely or Definite NSTE-ACS Treated With Initial Invasive or Conservative Strategy (Section 4.3.1) .................................... 37
Data Supplement 16. Combined Oral Anticoagulant Therapy and Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Definite NSTE-ACS (Section 4.3.2) ........................................................................................................ 52
Data Supplement 17. Parenteral Anticoagulant and Fibrinolytic Therapy (Section 4.3.3) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 57
Data Supplement 18. Comparison of Early Invasive and Initial Conservative Strategy (Section 4.4.4) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Data Supplement 19. Comparison of Early Versus Delayed Angiography (Section 80
Data Supplement 20. Risk Stratification Before Discharge for Patients With Conservatively Treated NSTE-ACS (Section 4.5)............................................................................................................................... 81
Data Supplement 21. RCTs and Relevant Meta-Analyses of GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in Trials of Patients With NSTE-ACS Undergoing PCI (Section 5) .......................................................................................... 83
Data Supplement 22. Studies of Culprit Lesion Versus Multivessel (Culprit and Nonculprit) PCI in Patients with NSTE-ACS (Section 5) ............................................................................................................. 83
Data Supplement 23. Risk Reduction Strategies for Secondary Prevention (Sections 6.3.) .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Data Supplement 24. Older Patients (Section 7.1)......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Data Supplement 25. Heart Failure (Section 7.2) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Data Supplement 26. Cardiogenic Shock (Section 7.2.2) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 101
Data Supplement 27. Diabetes Mellitus (Section 7.3) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 103
Data Supplement 28. Post-CABG (Section 7.4) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
Data Supplement 29. Chronic Kidney Disease (Section 7.6) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Data Supplement 30. Women (Section 7.7) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 113
Data Supplement 31. Anemia, Bleeding, and Transfusion-Relationship Between Transfusion and Mortality (Section 7.8) ..................................................................................................................................... 120
Data Supplement 32. Anemia, Bleeding, and Transfusion Studies for Weight-Based and Renally-Adjusted Dosing of Anticoagulants (Section 7.8)............................................................................................. 121
Data Supplement 33. Cocaine and Methamphetamine Users (Section 7.10)............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Additional Data Supplement Tables ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 125
Data Supplement A. Other (Newer) Biomarkers ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125
STEMI) for in- included a subsequent ST-segment deviation, cardiac GRACE data set, and 0.79 in undifferentiated chest pain
hospital mortality cohort of 3,972 pts arrest during presentation, serum the GUSTO-IIb database; OR pts; difficult to calculate;
enrolled in GRACES creatinine level, positive initial for the 8 independent risk original model requires pre-
and 12,142 pts enrolled cardiac enzyme findings, and factors were: age (OR: 1.7 per existing programmed
in GUSTO-IIb trial heart rate 10 y), Killip class (OR: 2.0 per calculator; simplified version
class), SBP (OR: 1.4 per 20 requires print-out of scoring
mmHg decrease), ST- system for each variable with
segment deviation (OR: 2.4), corresponding nomogram
cardiac arrest during
presentation (OR: 4.3), serum
creatinine level (OR: 1.2 per 1
mg/dL [88.4 μmol/L]
increase), positive initial
cardiac enzyme findings (OR:
1.6), and heart rate (OR: 1.3
per 30 beat/min increase)
Chase M et al. Validate TIMI Prospective (N=1,354; Pts with chest Pts <30; cocaine 1º outcome composite of death, Increasing TIMI score N/A The incidence of 30-d 15% of pts did not have
2006 score in ED chest 136 with 1º outcome) pain who had use within 7 d MI, PCI, CABG within 30 d of associated with death, AMI, and cardiac marker
16934646(4) pain pts an ECG initial presentation increased rates of revasc according to measurements; pts with
obtained adverse outcome TIMI score is as STEMI included
follows: TIMI 0, 1.7%
(95% CI: 0.42–2.95);
TIMI 1, 8.2% (95% CI:
5.27–11.04); TIMI 2,
8.6% (95% CI: 5.02–
12.08); TIMI 3, 16.8%
(95% CI: 10.91–
22.62); TIMI 4, 24.6%
(95% CI: 16.38–
32.77); TIMI 5, 37.5%
(95% CI: 21.25–
53.75); and TIMI 6,
33.3% (95% CI: 0–
Lyon R et al. Compare GRACE Retrospective analysis Pts with Pts<20 y Recurrent MI, PCI, or death within GRACE score and N/A GRACE AUC-ROC Retrospective; 240 pts from
2007 and TIMI score in of prospective database undifferentiated 30 d of pt presentation (note: pts TIMI score equivalent 0.80 (95% CI: 0.75– initial database of 1,000
17360096(5) risk stratification (N=760; 123 with 1º chest pain with MI on initial presentation in risk stratification of 0.85). TIMI AUC-ROC excluded; Did not count MI on
of undifferentiated endpoint) excluded from outcome) undifferentiated ED 0.79 (95% CI: 0.74– presentation as adverse event
chest pain pts chest pain pts 0.85)
Hess EP et al. Prospectively Prospective; 117 pts Pts presenting Pts with STE-AMI, 1º outcome defined as MI, PCI, Increasing sens of N/A The modified TIMI risk Only 72% of eligible pts
2010 validate a with 1º endpoint to ED with chest hemodynamic CABG, or cardiac death within 30 modified TIMI score score outperformed enrolled; 4.6% of pts without
20370775(6) modified TIMI risk (N=1,017) pain in whom a instability, cocaine d of initial presentation seen with increasing the original with regard 30-d follow-up
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 4
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
score to risk Tn value was use, terminal illness, score; sens and spec to overall diagnostic
stratify ED chest obtained or pregnancy at potential decision accuracy (area under
pain pts; The thresholds were: the ROC curve=0.83
modification of >0=sens 96.6%, spec vs. 0.79; p=0.030;
TIMI score was 23.7%; >1=sens absolute difference
assigning 5 points 91.5%, spec 54.2%; 0.037; 95% CI: 0.004-
if pt had either and >2=sens 80.3%, 0.071)
elevated Tn or spec 73.4%; sens for
ischemic ECG 30-d ACS for a score
findings of 0, 1, 2 was 1.8%,
2.1%, and 11.2%
Lee B et al. 2011 Compared Prospective data Chest pain Pts in which scores 1º outcome composite of death, The TIMI and N/A The AUC for TIMI was Retrospective nature of
21988945(7) GRACE, collection for TIMI score; pts>30 y who were unable to be MI, PCI, or CABG within 30 d of GRACE score 0.757 (95% CI: 0.728- comparison of TIMI score to
PURSUIT, and retrospective had ECG calculated due to presentation outperformed the 0.785); GRACE, 0.728 GRACE and PURSUIT
TIMI scores in determination of obtained and incomplete data PURSUIT score in (95% CI: 0.701-0.755);
risk stratification PURSUIT and GRACE were enrolled in (e.g., no creatinine risk stratification of and PURSUIT, 0.691
of chest pain pts score (N=4,743; 319 pts previous study obtained) ED chest pain pts (95% CI: 0.662-0.720)
with 1º outcome) utilizing TIMI
score in risk
stratification of
chest pain pts
Sanchis J et al. Develop a risk Retrospective (N=646; Chest pain pts Significant STE or N/A 1º endpoint: 1-y N/A Accuracy of score was Small study size; selection
2005 score for ED pts 6.7% with 1º endpoint) presenting to depression on initial mortality or MI; greater than that of the bias towards more healthy pts
16053956(8) with chest pain ED undergoing ECG; abnormal Tn; point); 4 factors were TIMI risk score for the as study population limited to
evaluation for not admitted to found to be predictive 1º (C-index of 0.78 vs. pts admitted to chest pain
ACS who chest pain unit of 1º endpoint and 0.66; p=0.0002) and 2º unit; chest pain component of
subsequently were assigned (C-index of 0.70 vs. score is not easily calculated
were admitted following score: chest 0.66; p=0.1) endpoints
to chest pain pain score ≥10
unit points: 1 point, ≥2
pain episodes in last
24 h: 1 point; age≥67
y: 1 point; IDDM: 2
points, and prior PCI:
1 point; Pts were
classified in 5
categories of risk (0,
1, 2, 3, 4, >4) with
direct correlation of
increasing rates of 1º
outcome with risk
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 5
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Christenson J et Develop a scoring Prospective cohort with Pts presenting <25, traumatic or 1º outcome MI or definite UA Prediction rule: if pt CI for prediction rule not N/A Prediction rule developed
al. 2006 system for retrospective creation of to ED with chest radiologically had normal initial supplied retrospectively; not supplied,
16387209(9) discharge of pts decision rule (N=769; pain between 7 evident cause of ECG, no Hx CAD, but exceed the threshold of
from the ED that 165 with 1º outcome) am-10 pm h CP, enrolled in age<40 y, and allowed 2% miss rate; 2%
would miss <2% study in previous 30 normal baseline CK- miss rate not standard of care
of ACS d, or had terminal MB<3.0 ng/mL, or no in United States
noncardiac illness increase in CK-MB or
Tn at 2 h; 30-d ACS;
prediction rule 98.8%
sens and 32.5% spec
Backus BE et al. Validation of the Retrospective analysis Pts admitted to STE on initial ECG 1º outcome was a composite of Rates of 1º outcome N/A Hx, ECG, and Tn were Retrospective; weighting of
2010 HEART Score of prospective database “cardiology” ED AMI, PCI, CABG, and death seen with increasing independent predictors the elements of HEART Score
20802272(10) which utilizes (N=880; 158 with 1º within 6 wk of initial presentation score: 0–3: 0.1%; 4– of the combined arbitrarily assigned and not
elements of outcome) 6: 11.6%; 7–10: endpoint (p<0.0001). based on likelihood ratio
patient History, 65.2% Avg HEART score in analysis or regression
ECG, Age, Risk the no endpoint group analysis
factors, and was 3.8±1.9; pts with
Troponin to risk at least 1 endpoint 7.2
stratify ED chest ±1.7 (p±0.0001). C–
pain pts stat 0.897
Fesmire et al. Improve upon the Retrospective analysis Pts presenting STE on initial ECG; 1º outcome was 30-d ACS Increasing HEARTS3 N/A HEARTS3 score Retrospective; utilized older-
2012 HEART score in of prospective database to ED with chest chest pain in the defined as MI, PCI, CABG, life- score was associated outperformed the generation Tn
22626816(11) risk stratification (N=2,148; 315 with 1º pain undergoing presence of TAAR, threatening cardiac complications, with increasing risk of HEART score as
of chest pain pts outcome) evaluation for pts with pulmonary or death within 30 d of initial 30-d ACS; likelihood determined by
by incorporating ACS edema, pts with presentation ratio analysis comparison of areas
sex, serial ECG, chest pain deemed revealed significant under the receiver
and serial Tn; not to require any discrepancies in operating
weighting of cardiac workup weight of the 5 characteristic curve for
elements of (obvious individual elements 30-d ACS (0.901 vs.
scoring nonischemic chest shared by the 0.813; 95% CI
determined by pain and absence of HEART and difference in areas,
likelihood ratio risk factors or pre- HEARTS3 score 0.064–0.110)
analysis existing disease that
would prompt
screening workup)
Hess EP et al. Develop a Retrospective analysis Pts presenting Pts with STE-AMI, 1º outcome defined as MI, PCI, Prediction rule N/A Rule was 100% sens Rule developed
2012 prediction rule for of prospective database to ED with chest hemodynamic CABG, or cardiac death within 30 consisted of the (95% CI: 97.2%– retrospectively; only 82% of
21885156(12) pts at low risk of (N=2,718 pts; 336 with pain in whom instability, cocaine d of initial presentation absence of 5 100.0%) and 20.9% eligible pts enrolled
30-d adverse adverse events) Tn value was use, terminal illness, predictors: ischemic spec (95% CI: 16.9%–
cardiac events obtained or pregnancy ECG changes, Hx of 24.9%) for a cardiac
CAD, pain typical for event within 30 d
ACS, initial or 6-h Tn
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 6
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Granger 2003 Validation in NSTE-ACS 11,389 from registry N/A NSTE-ACS N/A N/A All-cause mortality during N/A p<0.25 into multivariate Only high-risk pts
14581255(3) as training set and then and then testing in hospitalization model
test set in registry with 3,872 from GRACE
validation in RCT and 12,142 from
Eggers 2010 Incremental prognostic Single center trial of NT-proBNP, Possible ACS N/A Biomarkers at All-cause mortality at 6 mo NT-pro BNP not ROC analysis Small, but 92 deaths
20598977(17) value of multiple 453 chest pain pts cystatin presentation additive, cystatin
biomarkers in NSTE- GDF-15 minimally and
ACS GDF-15 helpful
Abu-Assi 2010 Does GRACE score still MASCARA national N/A Confirmed ACS N/A LVEF included In-hospital and 6-mo LVEF did not add N/A Registry data, but
21095268(18) work with modern registry N=5,985 mortality to GRACE score contemporary
management management
Meune 2011 Question as to whether 370 pts from APACE Hs-cTnT and NT- Non-STE-ACS N/A N/A Hospital and 1-y mortality No additive N/A All pts likely had
21444339(19) hs-cTn or NT-proBNP trial with 192 MIs pro added to benefit elevated hs-cTnT
influence prediction GRACE score
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; APACE, Advantageous Predictors of Acute Coronary Syndromes Evaluation trial; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CV, cardiocvascular; ECG, electrocardiograph; ED, emergency department; ESSENCE, Efficacy and Safety of
Subcutaneous Enoxaparin in Non-Q wave Coronary Events; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GDF,growth and differentiation factors; GRACE, Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; GUSTO, Global Utilization of Streptokinase and Tissue Plasminogen
Activator for Occluded Coronary Arteries trial; hs-cTn, high sensitivity cardiac troponin; hs-cTnT, high sensitivity cardiac troponin T; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MASCARA, Manejo del Síndrome Coronario Agudo. Registro Actualizado national registry; MI,
myocardial infarction; N/A, not applicable; NSTE, non-ST-elevation; NSTE-ACS, non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; Pts, patients; NT-pro, N-terminal pro; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide revasc, revascularization; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; STE, ST-elevation; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; Sx, symptom; and TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction.
Data Supplement 3. Cardiac Injury Markers and the Universal Definition of AMI (Section 3.4)
Study Name, Study Aim Study Type/Size Intervention vs. Patient Population Study Endpoints P Values, Study Limitations
Author, Year (N) Comparator (n) Intervention OR: HR: RR: & 95 CI:
Inclusion Exclusion Criteria Primary Endpoint & Secondary Endpoint &
Criteria Results Results
Thygesen 2012 Definition of MI Guideline N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Roger 2006 Prospective Prospective Identification of MI County residents Lower TrT values N/A Identification of MI 538 Clinician Dx mentioned MI 74% increase Participation rate of MIs
16908764(21) Evaluation of new community based using TrT vs. CK- with TrT ≤0.03 MI with TrT; 327 with in only 42% of TrT-based TrT vs. CK (95% CI: was only 80% but similar
criteria for Dx of MI epidemiologic MB and CK ng/mL identifying CK; 427 with CK-MB criteria (diagnosing UA in 69%–79%) 41% inc TrT to median of similar
study compared with MI many) vs. 74% using vs. CK-MB participation studies
WHO and ARIC previous criteria p<0.001 (95% CI: 37%–46%)
Hamm 2000 Classification of UA Reclassification N/A Angina at rest N/A N/A 30-d risk of death N/A N/A N/A
10880424(22) based on Tr levels within 48-h Class 20% in IIIB Tr+, <2% in
IIIB into Tr+ and IIIB Tr +
Kavsak 2006 Impact of new Retrospective TrI vs. CK-MB Dx 2 SPSS CK-MB, N/A 2 specimens AMI prevalence TrI-vs. CK-MB cTnI Exclusion of
16824840(23) classification of MI analysis using CK- based on MONICA TrI ≥20% change CK-MB, TrI MONICA CK-MB 19.4% p<0.001 for increase MI 35.7% (30.1–41.7) nonischemic diseases
MB vs. TnI or AHA definition using 99% TrT drawn at least AHA 19.8%. definition using TnI Relative increase 84% causing Tr elevation
analysis for MI of MI cutoff 6 h apart TnI to 35.7%
defined by 258 pts
with ACS
Eggers 2009 Effects of new Retrospective Evaluation of Stable community Evidence of clinical 1 cTnI Community N/A N/A N/A
19231317(24) UDMI on evaluation of single Tr in stable population. instability Sample; 0.6%
misdiagnosis with stable community population Stable 3-mo post- MI by UDMI
single evaluation of sample (995) and MI pts Stable post-MI; 6.7% MI
Tr post-AMI pts by UDMI
(1380) with
TrI≥99th percentile
Goodman 2006 Diagnostic and Multicenter Use of CK and Tn >18 y with NS comorbity, CK Tn+ levels demonstrate In entire population, Tn+ Hospital fatality rates 34% in GRACE registry
16504627(25) prognostic impact of observational neg 16,797 vs. possible ACS trauma, surgery, CK-MB higher in-hospital and 6- status vs. CK status 6-mo. higher with Tn+ vs. CK+: excluded because of
new UDMI prospective CK-MB and Tn with ECG lack of 1 biomarker Tn mo mortality rates than mortality:1.6 (1.4–1.9) 2.2 (95% CI: 1.6–2.9) use of 1 biomarker only
Registry (GRACE) 10,719 for hospital. abnormal or CAD Follow up for 6 higher CK levels with Tn+/CK-MB-: 2.1
26,267 pts with fatality, 14,063 vs. history. CK, CK- mo (95% CI: 1.4-3.2)
ACS 8,785 for 6-mo MB. Tn.
Eggers 2011 Clinical implications Retrospective UDMI with N/A cTnI <99th cTnI levels Peak cTnl level ≥99th N/A All 160 pts had Analysis of assay could
20869357(26) of relative change in study of 454 pts prespecified cTnI percentile percentile positive significant raised not be validated by hs-Tr
cTnI levels with with ACS within 24 changes from change ≥20% in 160 mortality assay.
chest pain h of admission with ≥20%, 50%, 100% pts. 25 pts had no AMI HR 2.5 (95% CI: 1.7– No review of pts records
5.8-y follow-up by ESC/ACC criteria 3.8) Higher TnI deltas for type I or 2 AMI
were not associated with No long-term risk
higher mortalities assessment
Mills 2012 Evaluation of ACS Retrospective Study groups: cTnI Noncardiac chest cTnI values 1-y outcomes based on Compared with ≥0.050, Tr p<0.001 for 1-y outcome Not a prospective study.
22422871(27) pts by using cTnI cohort study with cTnI <0.012, ACS pain, cTnI subgroups: 0.012–0.049 had a higher of 0,012–0.049 vs. Tn levels of 0.012-0.049
diagnostic threshold 1-y follow-up of 0.012–0.049, and tachyarrhythmia, 0.012–0.049 had higher risk profile, but less likely to <0.012 were considered
and ≤99th percentile 2,092 consecutive ≥0.50 (99th anemia. Severe mortality and re-MI than be investing for AMI “normal” and not
on Dx and risk for pts with suspected percentile) with C Valve HD, HOCM, <0.012 (13% vs. 3%) repeated. Possible
future events ACS of V ≥20% vs. pericarditis, Increase in Dx of MI myocardial ischemia due
previous cocaine use based on new criteria by to noncardiac illness.
diagnostic criteria 47%
TRITON-TIMI 38 Association Prospective cohort Follow-up of Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Cardiogenic shock Tn used Risk of death at 6 mo N/A p<0.001 for death after Association of MI with
Bonaca 2012 between new and analysis of 13,608 recurrent MI vs. no MI or any condition preferentially after follow-up MI: MI at recurrent MI vs. no death not necessarily
22199016(28) recurrent MI using pts with ACS follow-up MI and that was for recurrent follow-up 6.5% vs. 1.3% recurrent MI related to causality.
new UDMI undergoing PCI risk of death at 6 associated with MI and CK-MB and by subtypes p<0.001 for difference Confounders could
classification TRITON-TIMI 38 mo decreased survival for peri-PCI MI with each of 5 subtypes explain relationship.
system and risk of study over 15 mo Standard Cox
death regression may bias
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 9
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
ACC indicates American College of Cardiology; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; AHA, American Heart Association; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; CAD, coronary artery disease; C of V, coefficient of variation; CK,
Creatine Kinase; CK-MB, Creatine kinase-MB; cTnl, Cardiac troponin I; Dx, diagnosis; ECG, electrocardiograph; Elev, elevation; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; GRACE, Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; HD, heart disease; Hs-Tn, high-sensitivity
Troponin; HOCM, Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy; MB, myocardial band; MI, myocardial infarction; MONICA, Multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease; N/A, not applicable; NSTEMI, non-ST segment elevation
myocardial infarction; pt, patient; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; SPSS; STEMI, ST elevation MI; TIMI, thrombolysis in myocardial infarction; Tn, Troponin; Tn+, positive troponin, Tn-, negtative troponin; Tr, Troponin; TRITON, Trial to Assess Improvement in
Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet Inhibition With Prasugrel; TrT, Troponin T; TrI, Troponin I; UA, Unstable angina; UDMI, Universal Definition of MI; and WHO, World Health Organization.
Reichlin 2011 Diagnostic Prospective Absolute value Sx suggesting AMI STEMI, terminal Hs-TnT and cTnI ROC at 2-h higher for ROC absolute cutoff 2 h ROC absolute change Observation cannot
21709058(38) accuracy of multicenter relative changes in kidney failure ultra at admission absolute than relative 0.007 ug/L hs and Hs-TnT quantify clinical
absolute value 836 with ACS cTn and 1 h and 2 h changes 0.020 ug/L for ultra 0.95 (95% CI: 0.92– benefit of results
relative changes in 0.98) vs. relative
cTn change 0.76 (95% CI:
0.70–0.83) p<0.001
Aldous 2012 Early means of hs- Prospective cohort NSTE-ACS with NSTE-ACS STEMI Hs-TnT and Dx of MI on admission Mortality at 1 y Hs TnT 95% CL for MI Blood samples not
22291171(39) TnT vs. 909, and 205 with conventional and hs- <18 y, unable to conservative TnT at at 2 h Hs superior to Dx at 2 h taken beyond 2 h.
conventional cTnT AMI TnT assays follow-up admission, 2 h and Hs-sens 92.2% and conventional Sens (95% CI: 88.1%– Used cTnI as gold
in NSTE-ACS 6-12 h spec of 79.7% Death 5.4 (95% CI: 2.7– 95.0%) spec (95% CI: standard for Dx of MI
10.7) and HF 27.8 (95% 78.6–80.5)
CI: 6.6–116.4)
Mueller 2012 Kinetic changes on Prospective cohort Pts with ACS with hs ACS with 2nd blood STEMI or LBBB Hs-TnT-ACS and Absolute delta vs. +Predicted value of ROC for absolute Relative changes
22134520(40) hs-cTnT in ACS 784 TnT vs. non-ACS with draw within 6-h non-ACS with relative delta absolute change 82.8% change added value for confined to 6 h, not
and non-ACS NSTEMI 165 hs-TnT above 99th Non-ACS with 2 elevated hs-TnT2 ROC-optimized value -predicted 93.0% entire ACS cohort vs. 24 h.
percentile blood draws blood draw within 6 6.9 ng/L was sup to rel relative change. Not all pts received
h change p<0.0001 angiography
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; ASA, aspirin; AUC, area under the curve; CK, Creatine Kinase; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CK-MB, creatine kinase-MB; cTnT, cardiac troponin T; cTn, cardiac troponin; cTnl, cardiac troponin
l; Dx, diagnosis; ED, emergency department; Hs, high sensitivity; hs-cTnI, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I; hs-cTnT, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T; hs-TnT, high-sensitivity troponin T; LBBB, left bundle-branch block; MBCK, MB Isoenzyme of Creatine Kinase; MI,
myocardial infarction; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; N/A, not applicable; NST-ACS, non-ST acute coronary syndrome; NSTE, Non-ST-elevation; NSTEMI, Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; Pts, patients; Px,
prognosis; ROC, Receiver Operating Curves; Sens, sensitivity/sensitivities; Spec, specificity/specificities; Std TnI, standard troponin I; Std cTnT, standard cardiac troponin T; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; Sx, symptom; Tn, troponin; TnT, troponin T; TnI,
troponin I; and UA, unstable angina.
Data Supplement 5. CK-MB, MB Isoforms and Myoglobin, Compared With Troponins (Section 3.4.4)
Study Name, Study Aim Study Type/Size Intervention vs. Patient Population Study Intervention Endpoints P Values, Study Limitations
Author, Year (N) Comparator (n) OR: HR: RR: & 95 CI:
Inclusion Exclusion Primary Endpoint & Secondary Endpoint &
Criteria Criteria Results Results
Apple 1999 Use of triage panel of Multicenter Comparison of Pts in ED with N/A Triage panel Concordance Sens/Spec ROC values Does not address
9931041(41) TrT, CK-MB, and prospective study myoglobin, TnI and ACS biomarkers to for detection or rule-out TnI: 98/100 TnI: 0.97 reinfarction or AMI
myoglobin for AMI 192 CK-MB for sens and evaluate ROC for of MI CK-MB: 95/91 CK-MB: 0.905 presenting after 72 h
detection spec AMI pred TnI >89% Myoglobin: 81/92 Myoglobin: 0.818
CK-MB >81% diff p<0.05
Myoglobin >69%
TACTICS-TIMI 18 CK-MB vs. TnT to Multicenter CK-MB elevated in 1st 24 h of chest N/A Invasive or CV events 30 d/180 d No evidence of OR benefit of invasive Small group
Kleiman 2002 predicted cardiac risk prospective study 826. With CK-MB-, pain conservative strategy Event rates 2× as high interaction between CK- strategy analysis–hypothesis
12354426(42) and benefit in AMI 2,220 TnT elevated in 361 with CK-MB and TrT with CK-MB+ value −. MB elevation and CK-Tr+ generating
invasive strategy for 30-d and 180-d benefit in invasive with strategy on 30-d and 30 d: 0.13 (95% CI:
risk. Tr+, but CK- 180-d endpoints 0.04–0.39)
180 d: 0.29 (95% CI:
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 12
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Aviles 2002 Long term Px Retrospective All CK-MB- and TnI+ Clinical UA N/A Using TrI with normal 2-y all-cause mortality N/A 2-y mortality Tr >0.5 Study did not
12372578(43) in UA with elevated cohort including Class CK and CK-MB for 2- 20% with Tn>0.5 ug/L, vs. <0.5 evaluate serial ECGs
TnI and normal CK- 724 IIIa y risk evaluation 8% with <0.5 ug/L HR 2.59 (95% CI: for dynamic changes
MB and CK 1.66–4.05); p<0.001
Sallach 2004 Sens Prospective Myoglobin and TnI Possible AMI with Incomplete Myoglobin Dx of MI Increase myoglobin of 20 Combination sens Change Myoglobin Relatively small
15464666(4) of myoglobin with multicenter normal TrI (27) biomarker panel with normal TnI ng/mL from 0-90 min change myoglobin+ TnI >20 number of AMIs.
normal TnI in AMI 817 or noncardiac max diagnostic utility with at 90 min 90 min Predetermined
–myoglobin and-TnI at 97.3% Sens: 83.3%, 88.6% values of myoglobin
admission spec: 99.5% – not evaluated
Predicted value for
Eggers 2004 Value of adding Prospective cohort TnI and CK-MB Chest pain >15 STE TnI and Myoglobin TnI highest sens of all TnI 0.07 ug/L cutoff TnI sens 93% spec Relatively small
15459585(44) myoglobin to TnI to 197 min in past 24 h for exclusion of MI markers at all-time pts. sens: 81% at 2-h group.
exclude AMI 30 min=93%, 2 h=98%, CK-MB 79% Relatively long delay
3 h=100% Myoglobin 67% time from pain to
Storrow 2006 Associated among Multicenter Discordant CK-MB/Tn Possible ACS Transfer CK-MB and Tr with OR for AMI vs. Tr-/CK- CK-MB+/CK- CK-MB/Tn+: N/A
17112930(45) discordant Tn, CK, prospective 113 or ECG for evaluation of MB-both positive: 26.6 5.7 (95% CI: 4.4–7.4) 26.6 (95% CI: 18.0–
and CK-MB chest registry includes MB with routine purposes significance. of Tn+ 4.8 CKMN+/CK+ 39.3) Tn+/CK-MB-:
pain evaluation 1,614 normal CK 239 discordant values CK-MB+ 2.2 4.36 (95% CI: 3.6–5.2) 4.8 (95% CI: 3.4–6.8)
Ref: vs. CK-MB- Tn-/CK-MB+:
2.2 (95% CI: 1.7–2.8)
CRUSADE Frequency and Multicenter 22,687 Tn+ High-risk NSTE- N/A CK-MB and Tr during Adjusted OR for hospital In-hospital mortality CK-MB+/Tn+: Used individual labs
Newby 2006 implications of prospective 20,506 CK-MB+ ACS 1st 36 h of ACS to mortality both−: 2.7% 1.53 (95% CI: 1.18– for ULN.
16412853(46) discordant CK-MB 29,357 3,502 both – evaluate discordance CK-MB+/Tn +: 1.53 both+: 5.9% 1.98) No account for timing
and Tn in ACS 2,988 only CK+ CK-MB-/Tn+: 1.15 Only CK-MB+: 3.0% CK-MB-tn+: of positive markers
5,349 only Tn + CK-MB+/Tn- 1.02 Only Tn: 4.5% 1.15 (95% CI: 0.86–
1.54) NS
1.02 (95% CI: 0.75–
1.38) NS
Kavsak 2007 Effect of Tn on Retrospective CK-MB isoforms, Possible ACS N/A CK-MB , myoglobin Clinical sens for AMI: N/A WHO MI def: Insufficient time
17306781(47) myoglobin and CK- cohort myoglobin and Accu and TrI to compare For both myoglobin and sen >90% elapse before
MB isoforms in ACS 228 TnI utility in R/O MI <6 h CK-MB Dec. in ESC/ACC def: remeasuring TnI
assays ESC/ACC Both sen<70%
MI def Using TnI assay
Jaffery 2008 Myoglobin and TnI Retrospective TnI, myoglobin, and Possible ACS N/A TnI, Myoglobin, and +TnI and +Myoglobin, N/A +TnI: Single center. TnI
19061710(9) pred of long-term cohort CK-MB CK-MB at but not +CK-MB 1.7 (95% CI: 1.3–2.3) assay no longer in
mortality in ACS 951 presentation with Pred. 5-y all-cause +Myoglobin: use.
ACS mortality 1.6 (95% CI: 1.2–2.1) No peak levels of
+MB: NS markers recorded
Di Chiara 2010 Pred value of TnI vs. Prospective 55 STEMI and 5 AMI + reperfusion No pacemakers, TnI and CK-MB at Tn at 72 h most accurate N/A TnI: Blood samples every
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 13
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
20588136(10) CK-MB for infarct cohort NSTEMI with CMR within 7 clips, peak admission and estimate of predischarge 0.84 (95% CI: 0.75– 6 h could be too
size with CMR 60 TnI, CK-MB d markers on serially up to 96 h infarct volume 0.91) sparse.
admission from Sx onset CK-MB: Could miss
0.42 (0.19–0.62) biomarker peak
ACTION-GWTG Prognostic value of Retrospective Peak CK-MB and TnI AMI in data Peak values Peak CK-MB and TnI Both peak CK-MB and N/A Peak CK-MB Registry only collects
Registry CK-MB vs. Tn in AMI registry registry with below lab ULN for in-hospital TnI are independently C-statistic 0.831 in-hospital outcomes.
Chin 2012 26,854 biomarkers mortality associated with hospital Peak TnI Participation in
22434769(48) mortality CK-MB >TnI C-statistic 0.824 registry voluntary
Ilva 2005 Novel TnI in early risk Prospective cohort Standard TnI novel TnI Biomarkers at 0 Absence of 1 or Comparison of 3 Positivity of novel TnI MI within 3 h of Novel TnI+ in 27.5%, Use a 1st generation
15667582(12) stratification in ACS 531 myoglobin h, 1-12 h and 24 more biomarkers biomarkers at times assay for AMI in higher presentation: 50% by standard TnI in 17.5%, TnI assay with low
h after admission indicated percent than other novel TnI and only (p<0.010) and analytic limits
biomarkers 11.5% by reference TnI myoglobin+ in 24.1%
assay, (p<0.001) (p=0.067)
44% by myoglobin ROC: novel TnI 0.937,
(p=NS) ref TnI 0.775,
myoglobin 0.762
Volz 20012 Can Tn alone be Retrospective TrT and CK-MB All pts with TrT in Initial CK-MB+ with TnT- to None with Tn- but CK- N/A Rate of true +CK MB No evaluation of CK-
21129891(13) used for initial AMI cohort ED with nonnegative Tn determine value on MB+ with Tn- : MB in pts with
screening with 11,092 correspond CK- AMI screening Judged to have AMI 0% (95% CI: 0–0.04%) intermed or Tn+.
elimination of CK-MB MB No follow-up with -
CK-MB or Tn.
Lim 2011 CK-MB vs. Tn in Dx Prospective cohort TnI and CK-MB PCI and CMR N/A CK-MB and TnI after Only small min of +Tn Percent changes in ROC for detection of Small sample size.
21292125(49) of AMI after PCI 32 imaging baseline PCI to determine Dx had CMR abnormal CK- inflamed markers new MI No evaluation of
and 7 d of AMI MB+ closely approximate corresponded with CK- CK-MB: 0.97 inflammed markers
CMR injury MB, but not TnI levels TnI: 0.985 after 24 for TNF
for CRP and SAA NS, but poor alpha
TnI specific
22% TnI
93% CK-MB
ACC indicates American College of Cardiology; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CK, creatine kinase; CK-MB, creatine kinase MB; CK-Tr+, creatine kinase troponin positive; CMR, cardiovascular magnetic resonance; CRP, C-reactive
protein; CV, cardiovascular; Dx, diagnosis; ECG, electrocardiograph; ED, emergency department; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; MI, myocardial infarction; Myo, myoglobin; N/A, not applicable; NSTE-ACS, Non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome; NS, not
significant; NSTEMI, non-ST segment myocardial infarction; OR, odds ratio; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; Pred, predicted; pts, patients; Px, prognosis; ROC, receiver operator curve; SAA, serum amyloid A protein; Sens, sensitivity/sensitivities; Spec,
specificity/specificities; STEMI, ST segment elevation MI; Tn, troponin; Tn+, positive troponin, Tn-, negtative troponin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; TnI, troponin I; TnT, troponin T; TrT, troponin T; UA, unstable angina; ULN, upper limit normal; and WHO, World Health
Scharnhorst 2011 Sens and spec of Prospective POC evaluation Suspected STE on AD POC Tn values At T2 Sens: 87% N/A Use of 30% 2-h sens and spec of Low number of pts.
21350097(56) bedside Tn cohort Tn, CK-MB, NSTEMI ambulance to T0–T12 h and Spec: 100% Diff T2-T0 myoglobin and CK- No subgroup
compared with CK- 137 myoglobin, for hospital sens/spec +PV: 100% without absolute MB lower than Tn analysis. Broad 95%
MB and myoglobin rapid detection of for MI at 99% −PV: 96% included above Myoglobin: 50/92 CI.
+test cutoff 99th percentile CK-MB: 48/96
37+ ACS: Sens: 100%
7 UA Spec: 87%
ASPECT Validate safety of Multicenter POC evaluation Suspected STE ACS, ADP use of POC Tn, Major CV events ADP class. For 30-d events For 30-d events Low specificity.
Than 2011 predefine 2 h prospective Tn, CK-MB, ACS Noncoronary CK-MB, and myoglobin at 30 d 9.8% low risk. TIMI + ECG ADP Sens: 99.3% Atypical Sx not
21435709(57) protocol (ADP) for observation study Myoglobin chest pain with 30-d follow-up ADP Major adverse Sens: 98.1% (95% CI: 07.9–99.8) included
ACS 3,582 3260 ADP+ Sens 99.3% event in only Spec: 14.6% Spec: 11% (10–12.2)
270 ADP– 0.9% -PV: 98.3% −PV: 99.1% (97.3–
3,582 30-d follow- 99.8)
GUSTO-IV Comparison of POC Prospective 2 POC vs. 2 All pts in ED N/A Tn assays with 99th 99th percentile N/A Central lab 99th percentile No attempts to relate
Venge 2010 vs. laboratory cohort central laboratory with Tn assays percentile URL cutoffs cutoffs: identified more POC 1 vs. central lab results to Dx of MI,
21095269 (58) assays of Tn 1,069 assays central lab who died of CV 1: 20% vs. 39% only outcome
cTnI cutoffs identified disease up to 3 POC 2 vs. central predictions
more pts with mo: lab:
high cTnI and 88% vs. 50% 2:27% vs. 74%
predicted higher 1: 81% vs. 54% p<0.001 for each
% deaths 2
[RATPAC] Variation in Multicenter POC vs. central Suspected, but Proven MI by POC or std care with Difference in N/A The cost per pt OR varied from 0.12 1° outcome based
Bradburn 2012 outcomes and costs prospective lab assays at 6 not proven ECG, high-risk CK-MB, myoglobin, proportion of pts varied from (95% CI: 0.01–1.03) upon 1° effectiveness
21617159(10) in different hospitals analysis hospitals AMI at 6 ACS, known and Tn biomarkers successfully £214.49 <control to 11.07 (05% CI: outcome rather than
using POC 2,243 hospitals. CAD, serious discharged. POC group to 6.23–19.66) with economic measures.
noncoronary led to higher £646.57 more significant Response rate was
pathology, proportion in 4, expensive with heterogeneity only 70% so possible
recurrent chest lower in 1 and weak evidence between hospitals responder bias
pain equivocal in 1. of heterogeneity
among centers
[RATPAC] Cost effectiveness of Multicenter Std care 1,118 Suspected, but Proven MI by POC or std care with POC associated N/A Probability of std Mean costs per pt 1° outcome based on
Fitzgerald 2011 POC biomaker prospective POC 1,125 not proven ECG, high-risk CK-MB, myoglobin, with higher ED care being $1,987.14 with POC 1° effectiveness
21569168(59) assay analysis AMI at 6 ACS, known and Tn biomarkers costs, coronary dominant 0.888 vs. $1,568.64 with outcome rather than
2,243 hospitals CAD, serious care costs, and POC dominant std care p=0.056 economic measures.
noncoronary cardiac 0.004 Response rate 70%
pathology, intervention so possible responder
recurrent chest costs, but lower bias.
pain general pts costs
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 16
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
1º indicates primary; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ADP, adenosine diphosphate; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CAD, coronary artery disease; CK-MB, creatine kinase MB; cTnI, cardiac troponin I; CV, cardiovascular; Dx, diagnosis; ECG, electrocardiograph; ED,
emergency department; IV, intravenous; Lab, laboratory; LBBB, left bundle-branch block; MI, myocardial infarction; Myo, myoglobin; NSTE ACS, non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome; NSTEMI, Non-ST-elevation MI; POC, point of care; pts, patients; +PV, positive
predictive value; -PV, negative predictive value; Sens, sensitivities; Spec, specificities; Std, standard; STE, ST-elevation; STE ACS, ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; STEMI, ST-elevation MI; Sx, symptom; TIMI, thrombolysis in MI; TnI, Troponin I; TnT, troponin
T; TrI, troponin I; TROPT, Troponin T rapid test; TrT, troponin T; and UA, unstable angina.
Beygui 2010 for risk in NSTE-ACS prospective trial biomarkers: planned randomization Ischemia/HF at 2 mo improved model for BNP :3.2 (95% CI: 2.0–5.0) Only 2-mo follow-up
20723640(65) Post hoc CRP, IL-6, MPO, PL- corresponding IL-6 corresponding with ischemia, 3 biomarkers + Aldo: 1.57 (95% CI: 1.1–2.6) Select group of pts.
analysis 22, MMP-9, IMA, interval, CHF, Ischemia BNP, for HF improved MMP-9: 0.64 (95% CI: 0.46– No indication of severity
440 sCD40L, BNP, hypotension, aldosterone MMP-9 for performance models for 0.88) of HF.
aldosterone, cTnI low creatinine HF HF
Manhenke 2011 Elucidating complex Multicenter 37 biomarkers AMI Not Stated Biomarkers 2 sets of biomarkers Natriuretic peptides Of 5 sets of biomarkers only Limited number pts
22197217 (66) interactions between prospective trial complicated by median 3 d after corresponded with risk among others provided 2 sets showed significant Relatively small number
circulated biomarkers 236 HF AMI Dx for death and combined significant contribution to prediction events. Blood Time frame 1
following AMI death/reinfarction risk assessment d–10 d post- MI
Bhardwaj 2011 Assess role of 5 Prospective Evaluated: Possible ACS Multiple Biomarkers at Compared with cTnT, +PV Sens and –PV: Small sample size
21835288(67) biomarkers in Dx in cohort BNP, IMA, H-FABP, including presentation diagnostic information cTnT: 65% BNP: 73%, 90% Incomplete biomarker
ACS 318 hs-TnI, FFAu vs. cTnT ESRD, increased with BNP, hs-TnI: 50% Hs-TnI: 57%, 89% Data. Dichotamous
thrombolytic FFAu, hs-TnI, but not FFAu: 40% FFAu: 75%, 92% cutpoints rather than
agents, IMA and H-FABP BNP: 28% (Highest) multiple cutpoints
noncardiac IMA: 17% Increased C-statistic for
chest pain H-FABP: 26% cTnT :
BNP 0.09
Hs-TnI 0.13
FFAu 0.15
All p≤0.001
MERLIN-TIMI Incremental Multicenter cTI Possible STE-ACS Biomarkers at Including all biomarkers Addition of biomarkers to Addition of biomarkers to LV function incomplete.
Scirica 2011 prognostic value of prospective BNP ACS ESRD presentation only BNP and cTnI reference for CV reference for CV Death: No serial evaluations of
21183500(68) multiple biomarkers 4,352 CRP CV Shock associated with 12-mo death/HF: cTnI: 0.805 biomarkers, not
in NSTE-ACS MPO Short life CV death cTnI: 0.776 BNP: 0.809 generalizable to overall
expectancy Only TnI with BNP: 0.790Ref: 0.749 p<0.001 population.
reinfarction Ref: 0.784
CAPTURE Predictive value of 7 Multicenter Hs-CRP Possible Ischemia >48 h Biomarkers after 4-y MI/death TnT: 1.8 (95% CI: 1.2– Admission levels of +TnT: Not adjudicated data for MI
Oemrawsingh Biomarkers in NSTE- prospective MPO NSTE-ACS from last episode of A multimarker 2.6) HR 1.8 Dx
2011 ACS 1,090 sCD40L enrollment angina model of TnT, IL-10, IL10: 1.7 (95% CI: 1.1– +IL-10:HR: 1.7 No info on long-term
21558475(69) IL-10 MPO, and PIGF 2.6) +PIGF:HR: 1.9 medications
TnT predicted 4-y rates: PIGF: 1.9 (95% CI: 1.3– +Myoglobin:HR: 1.5
PIGF 6.0% (all normal) 35.8% 2.8) Significant prediction for
PAPP-A (3+ abnormal) CRP: 1.0 NS outcomes in multivariate
sCD40L: 1.2 NS analysis
MPO :1.5 (95% CI: 1.1–
PAPP-A: 1.1 NS
FAST II Predictive of MI with Retrospective Hs-TnT + NSTEMI STEMI Biomarkers at Hs-TnT greater No increase in C-statistic C-statistics Retrospective, small
FASTER I Eggers multiple biomarkers cohort h-FABP (retrospective enrollment accuracy in Dx of AMI for hs-TnT by combining Hs-Tnt: 0.84 sample, from 2 different
2011 Combines with hs- 360 copeptin Classification) than H-FABP and with H-FABP 0.85 or H-FABP: 0.80 studies.
22456003(70) TnT copeptin copeptin 0.84 p=0.04 No serial biomarkers
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 18
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Copeptin: 0.62
Meune 2012 Multimarker Retrospective cTnT- ACS with Detectable Biomarkers At mean follow-up 668 Sens/spec for death/MI ROC AUC for death/MI: Subgroup analysis
22507551(71) evaluation in multi-institution 15 biomarkers undetectable cTnT >6 h from d for death/MI hs-TnT, (%) Hs-TnT: 0.73 (95% CI: 0.6– Relatively low cardiac
suspected AMI with 325 with Including CK-MB and cTnT at 0 h enrollment MR-Pro ADM and PDF- Hs-TnT: 43,86 0.8) events in follow-up
undetectable cTn undetectable MPO and 6 h. ESRD 15 showed increased MR-Pro ADM: 43,76 MR-Pro ADM: 0.71 (95% CI:
levels cTnT risk GDF-15: 95,55 0.6–0.8)
GDF-15: 0.78 (95% CI:
Schaub 2012 Markers of plaque Prospective Multimarkers: Possible ACS ESRD Biomarkers at Diagnostic accuracy for AUC for combination with ROC (AUC): Biomarkers linked to factors
22057876(72) instability use in AMI multicenter Hs-cTnT presentation all non-TnT biomarkers hs-TnT: MPO: 0.63 related to morbidity:
Dx and risk 398 cTnT was low using ROC MPO: 0.95 MRP8/14: 0.65 potentially confusing.
MPO AUC MRP-8/14: 0.95 PAPP-A: 0.62 No info on avoiding adverse
PAPP-A PAPP-A: 0.95 CRP: 0.59 outcomes
CRP CRP: 0.95 cTnT: 0.88
MRP 8/14 (NS change) hs-TnT: 0.96
Weber 2008 Prognosis. value of Retrospective BNP vs. TnT Cohorts PCI within 6 Biomarkers at Among TnT-pts ROC Mortality rate TnT+ vs. Kaplian-Meier Retrospective study. No
18355657(73) BNP with normal TnT multicenter different, 1 mo, or C and entry analysis yielded an TnT-: analysis of risk for death by serial measurements
in ACS 2,614 higher risk for reperfusion optimal cutoff of BNP Registry 1: BNP: Registry 1:
From 2 center (1,131) and the cancer, that was able to 8.2 vs. 3.8% Log-rank: 19.01
registries other lower risk autoimmune discriminate pts at p=0.009 p<0.001
1,131 and (1,483) inflammatory higher risk for death at Registry 2: Adjusted HR: 9.56 (95% CI:
1,483 analyzed disease 6 mo 8.6 vs. 2.8% 2.42–37.7)
separately p=0.009 p=0.001
Registry 2:
Log rank: 23.16
HR: 5.02 (95% CI: 2.04–
Wiviott 2004 Gender and Multicenter Multiple biomarker Women with No criteria for Biomarkers at Women more likely had Women with +Tn were Women more likely to have Cutpoints rather than
14769678(74) biomarkers in ACS prospective trial analysis ACS with PCI entry: TnT elevated CRP and BNP. more likely to have elevated hs-CRP continuum.
off 1,865 pts in Men vs. women criteria for PCI. TnI Men more likely had recurrent 6-mo MI 1.49 (95% CI: 1.16-1.92) and N/A to atypical chest pain.
TACTICS-TIMI Randomized to CK-MB elevated CK-MB and Tn whether TnI or TnT elevated BNP 1.33 (95% CI: Not designed to answer
18, 34% were invasive vs. CRP 1.02-1.75) pathophysiological
women conservative BNP questions
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; AUC, area under the curve; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; CRP, C- reactive protein; cTn, cardiac troponin; cTnI, cardiac troponin
I; cTnT, cardiac troponin T; CCU, cardiac care unit; CV, cardiovascular; Dx, diagnosis; ESRD, end stage renal disease; FFAu, unbound free fatty acids; GDF-15, growth differentiation factor-15; GP-BB, glycogen phosphorylase-BB; GRF, growth hormone releasing
factor; H-FABP, heart type fatty acid binding protein; HF, heart failure; Hs, high sensitivity; Hs-CRP, high sensitivity C-reactive protein; Hs-TnI, high sensitivity troponin I; Hs-cTnt, high sensitivity cardiac troponin T; Hx, history; IL, interleukin; IL-1 RA, interleukin-1
receptor antagonist; IMA, ischemia-modified albumin; LV, left ventricle; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MACE, major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events; MI, myocardial infarction; MMP-9, matrix metalloproteinase- 9; MPO, myeloperoxidase; MRP 8/14,
myeloid related protein 8/14; MR-pro-ADM, midregional pro-adrenomedullin; N/A, not applicable; NS, not significant; NST-ACS, non-ST- segment acute coronary syndrome; NSTE-ACS, Non-ST-Segment-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome; OPUS-TIMI, orbofiban in
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 19
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
patients with unstable coronary syndromes; PAD, Peripheral Artery Disease; PAPP-A, pregnancy- associated plasma protein-A; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PIGF, placenta growth factor; PL-22, sectretory type II phospholipase-22; pts, patients; PV,
predictive value; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; ROC, receiver operating curve; RR, relative risk; sCD40L, soluble CD40; Sens, sensitivities; sIAM, solube intercellular adhesion molecule-1; sIRA, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule- 1; Spec, specificities; STEMI, ST-
elevation myocardial infarction; TACTICS, Thrombolysis and Counterpulsation to Improve Cardiogenic Shock Survival; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; Tn, troponin; TnI, troponin I; TnT, troponin T; and UA, unstable angina.
30 d
Udelson, 2002 Does addition Prospective 2,475 1,215 N/A Suspected Hx of MI, non- Rest SPECT Usual ED MPI: Admission No adverse MPI: See 1º/ 2° endpoint May not be
12460092(78) of rest MPI Multicenter acute ischemia Dx ECG Tc 99m strategy in rate <UC (RR: effects of MPI ↓unnecessary columns generalizable to
improve ED (n=7) RCT (CP or sestamibi, each 0.87; 95% CI: except radiation admission rate small hospitals;
triage of low- equivalent) results to ED institution's 0.81-0.93; and longer time to 42% (10% performed during
risk CP pts to present within for use in ED p<0.001) to discharge absolute ↓); daytime. LOS
admission or ≤3 h, clinical from ED in RR: 0.84; 95% MPI>UC (5.3 vs.
D/C from ED nonischemic decision- negative scan CI: 0.77–0.92; 4.7 h; p<0.001)
ECG, ≥30 y making pts. p<0.001. 30-d
cardiac event
rate was
related to MPI
data; p<0.001
Trippi, 1997 Evaluate utility Prospective, 173 139 N/A ROMI, negative No Hx CAD, DSE by nurse N/A 3-mo follow-up: 54.7% Sx with 72.0% pts See 1º/2° endpoints No control group.
9283518(79) of DSE single- screened, markers, NL screened for & NPV for ACS DSE: test D/C'd directly Method not
telemedicine center, DSE 139 ECG, No Hx exclusions by sonographer 98.5%, PPV terminated for from ED in generalizable,
triage of low- by nurse and eligible CVD. Initially: nurse (not Card present; 51.5%. PVCs=6.3%; phase 4. DSE highly
risk pts with sonographer and pts obs'v'd 12 h; specified) (LV later cardiol Agreement CP, nausea, report to ED in developed/speciali
CP in ED received later. neg DSE: wall motion available by TeleEcho/conv SOB common 2.5 h from zed personnel
DSE (24 direct D/C from abnormal = phone, ED ential Echo Sx request. ED
no DSE ED exclusion) MDs present. kappa 0.78; MDs adm
d/t LV DSE 95% CI: 0.65– some pts
wall telemetry to 0.90 despite neg
motion Card, Dx to DSE.
abnormal ED. Follow-up
) confirm, ECG
Bholasingh, Study Prospective 377 of 377 N/A ≥18 y, non-Dx Arrhythmias, DSE after 12- N/A 6-mo follow-up: All DSE Revasc: Pos See 1°/2° endpoints No control group.
2003 prognostic single- 557 ECG, present HF, severe h observation, 1º endpoints: completed DSE 3/26 pts, Pts discharged DSE not performed
12598071(80) value of DSE center, eligible within 6 h of CP, HTN, serious 6.9% (26/377) Neg DSE 4% within 24 h of Neg DSE d/t poor window in
in low-risk CP blinded. ED pts neg cTt. noncard pts had Pos (1 death), Pos admission; 7/351 pts ~5X 5.7% pts.
pts MDs blinded received disease DSE DSE 30.8% (1 follow-up 100%; greater in neg
to DSE DSE. No death); OR 19.9% protocol DSE
results. DSE: 119 10.7; 95% CI: terminated d't
ACS, 34 4.0–28.8; ECG changes,
other p<0.0001) CP, arrhythmia,
serious severe HTN,
Dis., 24 hypotension.
rest LV
ROMICAT, Utility of Observation 368 368 N/A CP, neg initial Hx CAD: stent CCTA before N/A Pts without 1 ACS in No MACE at 6 See 1° endpoint Single center, wkd
Hoffman, 2009 CCTA in al cohort Tn, nonischemic or CABG, renal admission, CAD: NPV for absence of + mo in pts who column h, underrepresent
19406338(81) acute CP pts study ECG discharge results not ACS at 6 CCTA showing did not have of elderly d/t
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 21
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
(blinded) disclosed, sig mo=98% (95% coronary plaque ACS at index exclusion of CAD,
stenosis: CI: 98%–100%; visit. ~40 min renal dis. May not
>50% PPV=35% total time for be generalizable to
(95% CI: 24%– scan & smaller hospitals,
48%) interpret radiation
Litt, 2012 CCTA vs UC Prospective 1370, 2:1 908 462 ≥30 y, Noncard sx, NL CTA was 1st Traditional No MI/death at No MI or death CTA: higher See 1º/2° endpoint All exclusions to
22449295(82) to assess low- multictr (n=5) ratio to nonischemic angio within 1 test in CTA care 6 mo in pts with at 60 d in the rate of D/C columns CCTA not noted,
risk CP pts in RT CTA and ECG, TIMI 0-2 y, contraind to group. In neg CTA 640 pts with neg from ED: 50% young study group
ED traditional CTA, CrCl <60 traditional (<50% CTA vs. 23%, 95% (age 50 y),
care care pts stenosis): 0% CI 21-32; radiation
clinicians (95% CI 0- shorter LOS:
decided 1st 0.57) (100%) 18 h vs. 25 h,
tests p<0.001;
higher ID of
CAD: 9.0 % vs.
3.5%, 95% CI
ROMICAT II, CCTA vs UC Prospective 1000 501 499 CP, 40-74 y, CAD, ischemic CTA Traditional LOS: CCTA 23 28-d follow-up: Direct D/C from See 1º and 2° Wkd, daytime,
Hoffman, 2012 to assess low- multictr (9) NSR ECG, +Tn, Cr care h vs. UC 31 h no missed ACS; ED: CTA 47% endpoint columns radiation. May not
22830462(83) risk CP pts in RCT >1.5, instability, (p<0.001) no difference in vs. 12%, be generalizable to
ED allergy to MACE at 28 d p<0.001; no smaller hospitals
contrast, BMI difference in
>40, asthma downstream
1°indicates primary; 2°, secondary; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; BBB, bundle branch block; BMI, body-mass index; BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CCTA, coronary computed tomographic angiography; CTA,
computed tomographic angiography; CHF, congestive heart failure; CK, creatine kinase; CP, chest pain; CPU, chest pain unit; Cr, creatinine; CrCl, creatinine clearance; CTA, computed tomography angiography; CVA, cardiovascular accident; CVD, cardiovascular
disease; D/C, discharge; diff, difference; DSE, dobutamine stress echocardiography; Dx, diagnosis; ECG, echocardiograph; ED, emergency department; pts, patients; ETT, exercise treadmill testing; HF, heart failure; HR, hazard ratio; HTN, hypertension; Hx, history;
ITT, intention to treat; LOS, length of stay; MACE, major adverse cardiac events; MI, myocardial infarction; MPI, myocardial perfusion imaging; NPV, net present value; NSR, normal sinus rhythm; PPV, positive predictive value; PVC, premature ventricular contractions;
R/O, rule out; RCT, randomized controlled trial; ROMI, rule out myocardial infarction; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; and UA, unstable angina.
19903682 antecedent (GRACE) chronic pts) accompanied by clinical admission associated with associated with independent or duration of
(84) nitrate nitrates on at least 1: ECG presentation were a shift away significantly lower predictor of antecedent Rx
therapy admission complete with excluded, as from STEMI in levels of peak CK- NSTE-ACS:
affords ischemia, serial were pts in whom favor of NSTE- MB and Tn (OR: 1.36; 95%
protection increases in initial Dx of ACS ACS. (p<0.0001 for all) CI: 1.26–1.46;
toward acute cardiac markers, was not Chronic nitrate (in both STEMI p<0.0001)
ischemic documented CAD confirmed at use remained and NSTEMI)
events discharge independent
predictor of
(OR: 1.36; 95%
CI: 1.26–1.46;
Mahmarian, Investigate Multicenter 291 214 77 Pts surviving a A- Exclusion criteria: Intermittent PC 1º endpoint: Cardiac event The beneficial Both ESVI and No associated
1998 the long-term RCT QMI severe CHF, NTG patch Change in ESVI rates were not effects seen EDVI were clinical or survival
9610531 (6 mo) persistent therapy was significantly significantly primarily in pts with significantly advantage
(85) efficacy of hypotension, initiated reduced with 0.4 different baseline LVEF reduced with associated with
NTG patches sustained VT, or within 1 wk mg/h NTG between PC ≤40% (delta ESVI, 0.4 mg/h NTG the beneficial
on LV high-degree AVB, after AMI patches and active -31 mL/m2; delta patches (-11.4 remodeling
remodeling in UA, significant and treatment EDVI, -33 mL/m2; mL/m2 and - effects. Gated
pts surviving noncardiac continued for groups both p<0.05) and 11.6 mL/m2, radionuclide
a AMI illness, or either a 6 mo only at the 0.4 p<0.03) angiography used
requirement for or (0.4, 0.8, mg/h dose to assess
known and 1.6 changes in LVEF
intolerances mg/h) and cardiac
volumes –no
TTE, and as such
unable to address
other aspects of
LV remodeling.
Higher NTG
doses prevented
LV remodeling to
a lesser degree
(NTG tolerance
may be limiting
efficacy at the
higher doses).
ISIS-4, Examine the RCT 58,050 29,018 28,539 Within 24 h of Sx Contraindications 1 mo of oral PC NS difference in Greater effect No effect on any 5-wk mortality: Hypotension
1995 effect of oral onset of at the clinician’s controlled- 5-wk mortality early after subgroup studied (mononitrate 17.4% vs. 14.4%,
7661937 controlled- suspected AMI discretion (e.g., release (mononitrate vs. starting (age, sex, previous vs. PC) p<0.0005
(86) release with no clear conditions mononitrate PC): treatment MI, ECG on 7.34% vs. (mononitrate vs.
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 23
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
mononitrate indications for, or associated with a (30 mg initial 7.34% vs. (deaths on d presentation, HF at 7.54%, p=NS PC)
on early contraindications high risk of dose titrated 7.54%; p=NS 0–1: 514 entry, early after 50%-60% had
mortality (4 to, any 1 of the adverse effects, up to 60 mg [1.77%] Sx onset, etc) open label nitrate
wk) study treatments such as qd) mononitrate vs. No difference in therapy.
cardiogenic 628 [2.16%] 12-mo mortality Contraindications
shock, persistent PC; p<0.001). were specified
severe not by the
hypotension, protocol, but by
evidence of the responsible
severe fluid clinician
depletion, etc.)
Or conditions
associated with
only a small
likelihood of
worthwhile benefit
GISSI-3, Assess the Multicenter 19,394 N/A N/A AMI pts within 24 N/A Nitrates (IV PC (open No effect of Systematic The trend toward 6-wk mortality: No excess of
1994 effects of RCT h of Sx onset and for the 1st 24 label) nitrate on 6-wk combined reduction in GTN vs. PC: unfavorable
7910229 lisinopril and no clear h, then mortality: OR: administration cardiac events with OR: 0.94; 95% clinically-relevant
(87) transdermal indications for or transdermal 0.94 (95% CI: of lisinopril and nitrate therapy CI: 0.84–1.05 events in the
glyceryl against the study GTN 10 mg 0.84–1.05) GTN produced reached statistical Combined treated groups
trinitrate treatments daily) No effect of significant significance outcome: GTN was reported. 2D
alone and nitrates on the reductions in among the elderly vs. PC: echo data were
their combined overall and women. OR: 0.94; 95% available only for
combination outcome mortality (OR: Significant CI: 0.87–1.02 14,209 pts (73%)
on 6-wk measure of 0.83; 95% CI: reductions in 6-wk 50%–60% had
mortality and mortality and 0.70–0.97) and mortality and open label nitrate
LVEF after severe in the combined outcome therapy.
AMI ventricular combined with lisinopril.
dysfunction. endpoint (OR:
0.85; 95% CI:
Yusuf, 1988 Examine the Meta- 2,000 N/A N/A AMI pts– Exclusions of Nitrate PC 35% reduction The greatest Both NTG and NS reduction Publication bias
2896919 effect of IV analysis inclusions of individual trials (SD 10) in the reduction in nitroprusside after the 1st wk Baseline risk
(88) nitrates on (10 RCTs) individual trials odds of death mortality reduced mortality, of follow-up heterogeneity
mortality in (2p<0.001; 95% occurred the reduction being Different
AMI CI of predominantly NS greater with definitions of
approximately during the 1st NTG than with clinical endpoints
0.166-0.50) wk of follow-up nitroprusside across the
various studies
1º indicates primary; 2D, two-dimensional; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; A-QMI, acute Q-myocardial infarction; AVB, auriculoventricular block; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; CK-MB, creatine kinase-
MB; CV, cardiovascular; Dx, diagnosis; ECG, electrocardiogram; EDVI, end-diastolic volume index; ESVI, end-systolic volume index; GTN, glyceryl trinitrate; GRACE, Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; HF, heart failure; IV, intravenous; LV, left ventricular;
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 24
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; NS, nonsignificant; NTG, intermittent transdermal nitroglycerin; NSTE-ACS, non-STE-elevation acute myocardial infarction; PC, placebo; pts, patients; qd, daily; RCT, randomized controlled trial; Rx,
prescription; SD, standard deviation; STEMI, non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction; Sx, symptoms; Tn, troponin; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; UA, unstable angina; and VT, ventricular tachycardia.
Only a minority of
pts were treated
with IVN
Meine, Compare Observational 57,039 17,003 40,036 (70%) Pts presenting Pts who were Morphine No morphine Higher adjusted Increased Relative to those In-hospital Nonrandomized,
2005 outcomes in registry, (30%) with NSTE- transferred within 24 h at risk of in- adjusted OR of receiving NTG, death: morphine retrospective,
15976786 pts who GRACE ACS at 443 out to another of presentation hospital death in in-hospital death pts treated with vs. no morphine: observational
(91) received hospitals institution presentation pts treated with in all subgroups morphine had a adjusted (OR: data
IVM vs. across the US were morphine (including pts with higher adjusted 1.48; 95% CI: Only a minority of
those who from 01/2003– excluded, compared with CHF, ST OR of death: 1.33-1.64) pts were treated
did not 06/2003 because data no morphine depression, <75 1.50; 95% CI: Using propensity with IVM
receive IVM Pts included in could not be (OR: 1.48; 95% y, positive 1.26-1.78 score matching,
the CRUSADE collected CI: 1.33-1.64) biomarkers, morphine use
initiative have nonhypotensive was associated
ischemic Sx at pts) with increased
rest within 24 h Also, increased in-hospital
prior to adjusted OR of mortality (OR:
presentation in-hospital 1.41; 95% CI:
and high-risk adverse 1.26-1.57)
features outcomes
including ST- (death/MI; CHF;
segment postadmission
depression, MI; cardiac
transient ST- shock)
and/or positive
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; ADHF, acute decompensated heart failure; CCU, cardiac care unit; CHF, congestive heart failure; CRUSADE, Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Outcomes With Early Implementation
of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines; diff, differences; GRACE, Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; HF, heart failure; IVM, intravenous morphine; IVN, intravenous narcotics; MI, myocardial infarction; NSTE-ACS, non-
ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; NTG, intermittent transdermal nitroglycerin; pts, patients; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; Sx, symptoms; and US, United States.
1991 therapy 1,434 720 vs. HR <55; SBP <100 was started radionuclide groups. In low- (2.7% vs. 5.1%; delayed p=0.22 with immediate than BB
1671346 Deferred group conservative mm Hg; pulmonary followed by oral ventriculography. risk group there p=0.02) at 6 d in NS diff invasive or vs. delayed BB administration may
(92) 714 strategy. edema; advanced 1st metoprolol or LVEF 50.5% at were 7 deaths in the immediate conservatives strategy treatment. More have affected
Susceptible to degree or higher oral metoprolol discharge was 6 wk in deferred group and less in EF comparisons intracranial results.
BB therapy. heart block; asthma beginning on d 6 virtually the same in group vs. none in recurrent chest hemorrhage in
or COPD. both groups immediate group pain (18.8% vs. the delayed
24.2%; p<0.02) group
Ryden, Occurrence of Prospective Metoprolol Sx suggestive Contraindications for Metoprolol IV Significant No increase in BB did not VF: 6 in BB group, 17 in NS adverse Use of a beta-1-
1983 ventricular multicenter 698 of AMI beta-blockade; need than po or PC ventricular significant heart influence PVCs or PC group events with BB blocker precludes
6828092 tachyarrhythm 2,395 PC for beta-blockade’s with admission tachyarrhythmias: block with BB short bursts of VT (0.9% vs. 2.4%) vs. PC assessment with
(93) ias in 697 “administrative to CCU More cases of VF in in 1st 24 h. 3-mo p<0.01 other type BB. No
suspected considerations.” the PC group mortality lower in Requirement for indication of
AMI with BB. BB group (5.7% vs. lidocaine less in BB whether deferred
8.9%) p<0.03 group 16 vs. 38 BB would have
p<0.01 affected results.
Al Reesi, Effect of BB Meta-analysis BB vs. PC or RCT of MI with No information on 6- Beta-1 or 6-wk mortality: N/A Subgroup analysis 6-wk mortality N/A Publication bias as
2008 use within 72 18 studies 74 no control BB vs. PC wk mortality. nonselective BB Adding a BB had no that excluded high- Reduction BB vs. with all meta-
19019272 h of MI on 6- 643 group within 72 h of Treatment started or PC within 72 effect compared risk pts showed control: 0.95 (95% CI: analyses. No
(94) wk mortality 1966–2007 Roughly 50% AMI after 72 h. Non- h of MI. Follow- with control mortality benefit of 0.90–1.01) NS evaluation of other
vs. PC each English speakers up for 6 wk BB: 0.93 [0.88– With high quality outcomes or
0.99] studies only: 0.96 (95% adverse events.
CI: 0.91–1.02) NS Mixed beta-1 and
nonselective BB.
Janosi, BB effects in Multi-institute 950 metoprolol MI >0.28 d AMI or UA <28 d Metoprolol or PC BB reduced total Withdrawal of BB Reduced CV death, Total mortality Death from Only 68% of post-
2003 post-MI with prospective 976 PC before. Contraindicated to for 1 y. mortality by 40%, vs. PC NS. MI by 45%, SCD by p=0.0004, MACE worsening HF MI pts ideal
14564329 CHF trial BB. combined MACE by 50% p<0.0001 educed 49% vs. candidates for BB
(95) 1,926 31%. PC
Hjalmarson Meta-analysis >55 RCT of Over 38,000 AMI Contraindicate to BB, BB vs. PC Total deaths 13% Lipophilic BBs N/A Total mortality N/A N/A
1997 of early BB over 73,000 BB sever HF, heart reduction. prevent vs. p<0.0001
9375948 trials in MI pts Over 35,000 block. Short-term SCD fibrillation after SCD reduction
(96) PC 34% reduction. MI <0.0001
Emery, Use of early Registry of 96 5,422 early BB NSTEMI STEMI Early BB therapy BB therapy showed N/A Hospital Mortality Hospital mortality 0.58 N/A Observational
2006 BBs in hospital pts 1,684 None Ccontraindications to or none lower hospital Killip II/III (95% CI: 0.42–0.81) No adjustment for
17161045 NSTEMI admitted for BB therapy beginning <24 h mortality 6-mo 0.39 (95% CI: 6-mo mortality 0.75 confounders. No
(97) ACS Transfer pts with Hx mortality also lower 0.23–0.68) (95% CI: 0.56–0.997) indication of dose
retrospective of CHF or brand
7,106 Cardiac arrest on
Freemantle BBs in short- Meta - 82 randomized BB in MI in PC N/A BB/PC or Short-term: small N/A N/A Short-term risk for Usually Multiple BB
, 1999 term Rx in MI regression trials or alternative alternative Rx and NS reduction of death bradycardia or brands, varied
10381708 and in longer analysis of Short-term: Rx in controlled begun at any risk for death 0.96 (95% CI: 0.85– hypotension follow-up, diff
(98) term trials with 29,260 trials stage of AMI Long-term: 0.98) times of initiation
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 27
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Kontos, Registry of NCDR 291 hospitals BB within 24 h Contraindications to BB only: early Very early BB use Evidence of NS diff between Early vs. late use Cardiogenic Oral or IV?
2011 BB use in ACTION- 2007–2008 of ACS BB vs. late use increased increased early or late use in cardiogenic shock: shock with use No infomation on
21570515 ACS GWTG 21 822 BB Missing data cardiogenic shock cardiogenic death alone 1.54 (95% CI: 1.26– of BB in ED type of BB or dose.
(105) registry and death or shock shock with early 1.88); p<0.001 No information on
34,661 pts use (<24 h) of BB Death or shock: arrhythmias.
with NSTEMI 1.23 (95 % CI: 1.08–
21 822 1.40); p=0.0016
1º indicates primary; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ACE, angiotensin- converting enzyme; ACEI, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ACTION, Acute Coronary Treatment and Intervention Outcomes Network Registry; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; AT, atrial
tachycardia; BB, beta blocker; CCU, cardiac care unit; CHF, congestive heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CV, cardiovascular; diff, difference; ECG, electrocardiograph; ED, emergency department; EF, ejection fraction; GWTG, Get With the
Guidelines; HF, heart failure; Hx, history; IV, intravenous; LBBB, left bundle-branch block; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MACE, major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events; MI, myocardial infarction; NCDR- National Cardiovascular
Data Registry; NCDR ACTION-GWTG, National Cardiovascular Data Registry Acute Coronary Treatment and Intervention Outcomes Network Registry- Get With the Guidelines; NS, no/t significant; NSTE, non-ST-elevation; NSTEMI, non-ST-elevation MI; PC, PC; PCI,
percutaneous coronary intervention; pt, patient; PVCs, premature ventricular contractions; RCT, randomized controlled trial; Rt-PA, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator; Rx, prescription; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SCD, sudden cardiac death; std, standard;
STEMI, ST-elevation MI; UA, unstable angina; VF, ventricular fibrillation; and VT, ventricular tachycardia.
Smith, 1998 Long-term Retrospective 247 Diltiazem BB At discharge MI or stroke Monotherap Monotherap Deaths in 51 mo N/A Adjusted: for Deaths: CCB Compliance issues.
9809940 outcome cohort 188 59 with UA Dx during y CCB for 1- y BB for 1-7 No diff between CCB vs. BB No infomation on
(113) BB + CCB in hospitalization 7y y BB and CCB NS increase in 1.1 (95% CI: follow-up treatment.
UA CAD 0.49-2.4) Relatively small
rehospitalization/ number of BB users
1.4 (95% CI:
Pepine, Safety of CCB Meta-analysis 4,000 Verapamil PC Randomized No randomization Verapamil PC Outcomes with Data too No diff verapamil Combined No evidence of
1998 in CV disease 14 person y studies of or control group CCBs after MI: limited for pts vs. PC in angina death/reinfarcti harm with CCB in
9755379 randomized verapamil vs. PC with pts on: angina.
(114) parallel group and PC from No diff in deaths hypertension 0.82 (95% CI:
studies AMI Decreased No evidence 0.70–0.97);
nonfatal for increased p=0.016
MI harm with Death: 0.93
Decreased verapamil (95% CI: 0.78–
death/reinfarction 1.1)
0.79 (95% CI:
DAVIT 6 mo and 12 Multicenter 3,498 Verapamil PC roughly AMI HF, AV block, Verapamil PC for 6 mo NS diff in 6-mo or Higher number 6-mo 6-mo mortality: Dosage of
Danish mo mortality prospective roughly 50% 50% severely 120 tid for 6 12-mo mortality of AV block in reinfarctions: 12.8% verapamil caused
study, 1984 after AMI with study disabling mo rate verapamil verapamil verapamil 7% verapamil significantly
6383832 verapamil diseases, vs. PC group not PC 8.3 % 13.9% PC increased AV block
(115) treatment with associated with NS NS in 1st wk
BB or CCB increased 12-mo More HF in
mortality. NS mortality: verapamil group
decreased in 15.2% p<0.005
vs. fibrillation in verapamil
verapamil 16/4% PC
group. NS
DAVIT II 18 mo Multicenter 1,775 Verapamil PC AMI HF, AV block, Verapamil PC for same Long-term Significant diff In pts without HF 18-mo Minor discrepancies
Danish mortality rates prospective 878 897 severely 360 mg qd period treatment with in reasons for in CCU mortality: between resulting
study, 1990 and major CV trial disabling from 2nd wk verapamil permanently 18-mo mortality: verapamil vs. confidence limits
2220572 events with diseases, of AMI and decreased major stopping verapamil vs. PC PC: and p values from
(116) verapamil treatment with up to 18 mo CV events verapamil vs. 7.7% vs. 11.8% 11.1% vs. the Tarone-Ware
after AMI BB or CCB without PC: p=0.02 13.8%; p=0.11 tests occurred
significant effect 2nd or 3rd 0.64 (95% CI: 0.80 (95% CI: because HR are
on mortality degree AV 0.44–0.94) 0.61–1.05) based on
block , sinus Major CV event Major CV proportional
bradycardia, rates: events: hazards
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 31
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
(118) antiarrhythmic multinational within 48 h of persistent STE, with fewer lower incidence with ranolazine p<0.001) meet its 1º
actions of RCT ischemic Sx successful episodes of VT of sudden (3.1% vs. 4.3%; SVT (44.7% vs. endpoint
ranolazine after (between Oct revasc before ≥8 beats (5.3% cardiac death in p=0. 01) 55.0%; p<0.001), (exploratory)
ACS 2004–Feb randomization, vs. 8.3%; pts treated with New-onset AF
2007) clinically p<0.001), SVT ranolazine over (1.7% vs. 2.4%;
Eligibility significant (44.7% vs. the entire study p=0.08)
criteria: ≥18 hepatic disease, 55.0%; period)
y; Sx of ESRD requiring p<0.001), or
myocardial dialysis, new-onset AF
ischemia; at treatment with (1.7% vs.
least 1 agents known to 2.4%; p=0.08)
moderate- prolong the QT (Continuous
high-risk interval, ECG ECG [Holter]
indicator abnormal levels recording was
interfering with performed for
Holter the 1st 7 d after
interpretation, randomization)
life expectancy
<12 mo
Morrow, 2007 Determine the Multinational 6,560 3,279 3,281 Pts with Cardiogenic Ranolazine PC 1º efficacy No diff in total No diff in the 1º efficacy Given the
17456819 efficacy and RCT NSTE-ACS shock, (initiated IV endpoint mortality with major 2º endpoint endpoint statistically NS
(119) safety of within 48 h of persistent STE, followed by (composite of ranolazine vs. (CV death/MI/ (ranolazine vs. result for the 1º
ranolazine ischemic Sx successful oral CV PC (HR: 0.99; severe recurrent PC): endpoint, all
during long- (between Oct revasc before ranolazine death/MI/recurr 95% CI: 0.80– ischemia), or in HR: 0.92; 95% additional efficacy
term treatment 2004 and Feb randomization, extended- ent ischemia): 1.22) the composite of CI: 0.83–1.02 analyses,
of pts with 2007) clinically release 1000 21.8% in the No diff in QTc CV death/MI. although
NSTE-ACS Eligibility significant mg 2× daily) ranolazine prolongation Ranolazine was prespecified,
criteria: ≥18 hepatic disease, group vs. requiring dose associated with should be
y; Sx of ESRD requiring 23.5%, p=0.11 reduction: 0.9% reduced recurrent considered as de
myocardial dialysis, Follow-up was in pts receiving ischemia: 13.9% facto exploratory
ischemia; at treatment with a median of ranolazine vs. vs.16.1%; HR: 915 and 736 pts
least 1 mod- agents known to 350 d 0.3% in PC, p 0.87; 95% CI: discontinued the
high-risk prolong the QT NS 0.76–0.99; study Rx in the
indicator interval, ECG No difference in p=0.03). ranolazine and
abnls interfering symptomatic PC arms,
with Holter arrhythmias respectively.
interpretation, (ranolazine:
life expectancy 3.0% vs. PC:
<12 mo 3.1%; p=0.84)
1º indicates primary; 2º, secondary; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; AF, atrial fibrillation; CV, cardiovascular; diff, difference; ECG, electrocardiograph; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; Hx, history; IV, intravenous; MI, myocardial infarction; NS, no/t significant; NSTE,
non-ST-elevation; NSTE-ACS, non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; pts, patients; RCT, randomized controlled trial; revasc, revascularization; Rx, prescription; SA, stable angina; STE, ST-elevation; Sx, symptoms; SVT, sustained ventricular tachycardia; and VT,
ventricular tachycardia.
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 33
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
AIREX Cumulative Multi- 603 in Ramipril PC AMI with Clinical Ramipril PC for 15 15-mo mortality N/A N/A 15-mo mortality: Mortality benefit only
Hall, 1997 Mortality 3 y institute initial 302 301 evidence of instability, beginning 2- mo, then 3-y reduced with 16.9% ACEI in 1st 24 mo after study
9167457 after end of prospective- AIRE trial HF contraindication 9 d after follow-up ACEI and 3-y 22.6% PC ended. Possibly
(124) AIRE trial of of 15 mo to ACEI, HF of admission follow-up 27% (95% CI: 11–40); because more
MI with HF valvular or and up to 15 mortality also p=0.002 severally ill PC pts
congenital HD, mo with 3-y reduced 3-y post-AIRE died before 24 mo
need for open follow-up mortality: leaving a relatively
label ACEI. poststudy 27.5% ACEI healthy post-PC
38.9% PC population.
36% (95% CI: 15–52);
Reduction with ACEI.
Squire, 2010 Benefit of Observation 1,725 ACEI in all Various ACS in Resident pts ACEI or NT-pro-BNP MACE: only in ACEI treatment. Death or HF: Decreased MACE in Observational only.
20478862 BNP in use al cohort or ARB in levels of CCU outside health ARB median values by top quartile of Had survival reduced risk in top quartile of BNP: Possible residual
(125) of ACEI in study some cases BNP 44% NSTE- authority area. 528 d follow- quartiles BNP was ACEI benefit only in top quartile of HR: 0.613 (0.46,0.82); confounding of
ACS retrospective ACS up. associated with pts without BNP: 0.498 p=0.001 variables.
reduction of diabetes mellitus (0.31, 0.80); Demographic diff in
MACE. NS or hypertension. p=0.004 BNP. Single center,
benefit in other NS reduction of but 2 hospitals.
BNP quartiles death in top
BNP quartile.
Pfeffer, 2003 Effect of Multicenter 14,703 Valsartan 3-way AMI 0.5–10 Low BP ACE, ARB 3-way Total mortality: Valsartan: Noninferiority Total mortality: Significant adverse
14610160 ACEI and prospective 4,909 comparison d Creatinine >2.5 or comparison NS diff among 3 hypotension, of valsartan vs. valsartan vs. captopril events: hypotension,
(126) ARB trial Captopril HF and/or combination groups renal captopril for 1.00 (97.5% CI: 0.90– renal causes,
combination 4,909 LVEF Median 24.7 abnormalities death 1.11) hyperkalemia, cough,
in AMI with Both <0.35 by mo more common. Combined vs. rash, dysgeusia,
HF/LV 4,885 echo or Captopril: captopril angioedema.
Dysfunction <0.40 by cough, rash, 0.98 (97.5% CI: 0.89– Significant greater
RN dysgeusia more 1.09) adverse events with
common. combination vs.
valsartan alone.
9.0% vs. 5.8% for
discontinuation of
Pitt, 2003 Effect of Multicenter 6,632 Eplerenone PC 3-14 d after K+ sparing Eplerenone PC Total and CV BP increase less Reduction in Total deaths: Low rate of D/C of EP
12668699 eplerenone prospective 3,319 3,313 AMI diuretics use; mean follow- death in eplerenone sudden death 0.85 (95% CI: 0.75– for adverse events. No
(127) in AMI with trial LVEF Creatinine >2.5 up 16 mo Total deaths and than PC 0.79 (95% CI: 0.96); p=0.008 gynecomastia.
LV ≤0.40 K+>5 meq/L CV deaths increase in 0.64–0.97); CV deaths: However, increased
dysfunction CHF on decreased by creatinine p=0.03 0.83 (95% CI: 0.72– incidence of serious
ACEI, BB, eplerenone vs. EP>PC; 0.94); p=0.005 hyperkalemia
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 35
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
after MI changes deterioration, Lisinopril higher with ACEI stroke did not death plus decreased. Concern about slightly
and no bilateral renal reduced differ LV dysfunction: increased creatinine
contraindic artery stenosis, mortality and 0.90 (0.84-0.98) and hypotension with
ations to other life combined ACEI
study med threatening outcome
ISIS-4, 1995 Effect of Multicenter 58,050 Captopril PC In CCU Hypotension, Captopril 50 PC 5-wk mortality Rates of Somewhat 5-wk mortality:7.19% Possible contending
7661937(86) ACEI on 5- prospec trial 29,028 29,022 within 24 h cardiogenic mg bid for lower with ACE hypotension fewer deaths ACI vs. 7.69% PC effects of magnesium
wk mortality of chest shock, fluid 28 d inhibitor increased with 1st 2 d of 2p=0.02 and nitrates in regard
after AMI pain depletion ACEI, renal treatment with to results
dysfunction ACEI vs. PC
No excess of
deaths with
lower BPs on
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; ACEI, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; AIRE Trial, Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy Trial; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; AV,block, atrioventricular block; BB, beta blocker; bid,
twice a day; BNP, B-type Natriuretic Peptide; BP, blood pressure; CCU, cardiac care unit; CHF, congestive heart failure; CV, cardiovascular; diff, diference(s); D/C, discharge; ECG, electrocardiograph; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; EP, eplerenone; HD,
heart disease; HF, heart failure; IV, intravenous; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MACE, major adverse cardiac events; MI, myocardial infarction; MMP-2, matrix metalloproteinase-2; MMP-9, matrix metalloproteinase-9; MRI, magnetic
resonance imaging; NS, no(t) significance; NSTE, non-ST-elevation; NSTE-ACS, non-ST-elevation-acute coronary syndrome; NT-pro-BNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; PC, placebo; pts, patients; RN, radionuclide; and TTE, transthoracic echocardiography.
Data Supplement 15. Oral and Intravenous Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Likely or Definite NSTE-ACS Treated With Initial Invasive or Conservative Strategy (Section 4.3.1)
Study Study Aim Study Type / Intervention Patient Population Study Endpoints P Values, Adverse Events Study
Name, Size (N) vs. Intervention OR: HR: RR: & Limitations
Author, Comparator 95 CI:
Year (n)
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Primary Endpoint & Safety Secondary
Results Endpoint & Endpoint & Results
Baigent Low-dose ASA Meta-analysis ASA vs. no 1º or 2º prevention 1º prevention trials ASA or no ASA Serious vascular events Major bleeds 2º prevention trials p=0.0001 N/A N/A
2009 is of definite N=95,000 pts at ASA trials eligible only if excluded individuals (MI, stroke, or vascular 0.10% vs. ASA allocation
19482214 and substantial low avg risk they involved with any Hx of death) 0.07% per y; yielded greater
(132) net benefit for randomized occlusive disease at 0.51% vs 0.57% p<0.0001 absolute reduction in
people who comparison of ASA entry serious vascular
already have vs. no ASA (with no events (6.7% vs.
occlusive other antiplatelet 8.2% per y;
vascular drug in either group). p<0.0001) with NS
disease. increase in
Assessed the haemorrhagic stroke
benefits and but reductions of
risks in 1º about a 1/5 in total
prevention. stroke (2.08% vs.
2.54% per y;
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 37
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
p=0.002) and in
coronary events
(4.3% vs 5.3% per y;
CURE Compare Randomized, Clopidogrel Pts were eligible for Contraindications to Clopidogrel (300 Death from CV causes, Pts with 1st1º outcome or p<0.001 Clopidogrel was N/A
Yusuf efficacy and double-blind, PC vs. PC in study if they had antithrombotic or mg immed nonfatal MI, or stroke major refractory ischemia RR: 0.80 not associated with
2001 safety of the trial N=12,562 addition to been hospitalized antiplatelet therapy, followed by 75 9.3% vs 11.4% bleeding 16.5% vs 18.8% RR: CI: 0.72–0.90 excess rate of any
11519503 early and long- pts ASA within 24 h after high risk for bleeding mg od) vs. PC in 3.7% vs. 0.86; CI: 0.79–0.94; other type of
(133) term use of onset of Sx and no or severe HF, taking addition to ASA 2.7%; p<0.001 adverse event that
clopidogrel plus STE oral anticoagulants, p=0.001 Percentage of pts necessitated
ASA with those had undergone RR: 1.38 with in-hospital discontinuation of
of ASA alone in coronary revasc in refractory or severe study drug
pts with ACS the previous 3 mo or ischemia, HF, and
and no STE received IV GP revasc procedures
IIb/IIIa receptor were significantly
inhibitors in the lower with
previous 3 d clopidogrel.
PLATO Prespecified Observed Reasons for N/A N/A 2 independently Large number of N//A Pts taking low-dose N/A N/A N/A
Mahaffey subgroup regional the interaction performed subgroup analyses maintenance ASA,
2011 analysis interaction were explored analyses performed and result ticagrelor associated
21709065 showed driven by independently identified numerically favoring with better outcomes
(134) significant interaction of by 2 statistical statistical clopidogrel in at least 1 compared with
interaction randomized groups. interaction with of the 4 prespecified clopidogrel, with
between treatment with ASA regions could occur statistical superiority
treatment and 78% of NA pts in maintenance with 32% probability. in the rest of the
region US compared dose as possible More pts in US (53.6%) world and similar
(p=0.045), with with ROW pts explanation for than in the rest of the outcomes in US
less effect of (p=0.01 vs. regional world (1.7%) took cohort.
ticagrelor in NA p=0.045 for difference. median ASA dose ≥300
than in ROW. interaction using Lowest risk of CV mg qd. Of 37 baseline
Exploratory NA). Analyses death, MI or and postrandomization
analyses focus on stroke with factors explored, only
performed to comparison of ticagrelor ASA dose explained
identify US and ROW, compared with substantial fraction of
potential with Canadian clopidogrel is the regional interaction.
explanations for pts included in associated with
observed ROW group. low-maintenance
region-by- dose of
treatment concomitant ASA
Gremmel Investigate age Prospective Clopidogrel Pts on dual Known LD of 300 mg ADP-inducible platelet N/A N/A p=0.003 for LTA N/A Lack of clinical
2010 dependency of observational and age antiplatelet therapy acetylsalicylic acid or (n=116; 60.7%) reactivity increased and p<0.001 for outcome data,
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 38
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
19818001 clopidogrel study after angioplasty and clopidogrel or 600 mg (n=50; linearly with age after the VerifyNow the relatively
(135) mediated N=191 pts stenting for CVD intolerance (allergic 26.2%) of adjustment for CV risk P2Y12 assay small number of
platelet reactions and clopidogrel prior factors, type of patients on
inhibition gastrointestinal intervention intervention, chronic
bleeding), therapy followed by 75 medication, CRP and clopidogrel
with VKA (warfarin, mg of clopidogrel renal function [using therapy and pts
phenprocoumon and od LTA 0.36% of maximal were not
acenocoumarol), Pts received daily aggregation per y, 95% studied again
treatment with acetylsalicylic CI: 0.08–0.64%; under
ticlopidine, acid therapy (100 p=0.013; using the maintenance
dipyridamol or mg qd). VerifyNow P2Y12 assay therapy with
NSAID, a family or 3.2 clopidogrel.
personal Hx of P2Y12 reaction units
bleeding disorders, (PRU) per y, 95% CI:
malignant 1.98–4.41 PRU;
paraproteinemias, p<0.001. ADP-inducible
myeloproliferative platelet reactivity
disorders or significantly higher in
heparininduced pts 75 y or older
thrombocytopenia, compared with younger
severe hepatic pts (p=0.003 for LTA
failure, known and p<0.001 for
qualitative defects in VerifyNow P2Y12
thrombocyte assay). High on-
function, a major treatment residual ADP-
surgical procedure inducible platelet
within 1 wk before reactivity significantly
enrollment, a platelet more common among
count <100, 000 or pts 75 y or older
>450, 000 lL-1 and (p=0.02 for LTA and
hematocrit <30%. p<0.001 for VerifyNow
P2Y12 assay).
CAPRIE Assess Randomized N=9577 Ischaemic stroke Severe cerebral Clopidogrel (75 Pts treated with There were N/A p=0.043 Reported adverse N/A
1996 potential benefit N=19,185 pts clopidogrel (including retinal deficit likely lead to mg od) clopidogrel had annual no major RR reduction of experiences in the
8918275 of clopidogrel (75 mg od) origin and lacunar pts being bedridden ASA (325 mg od) 5.32% risk of ischaemic differences in 8.7% in favor of clopidogrel and
(136) compared with plus PC infarction); MI; or demented; stroke, MI, or vascular terms of clopidogrel ASA groups judged
ASA in n=9,566 ASA Atherosclerotic PAD Carotid death compared with safety Cl: 0.3–16.5 to be severe
reducing risk of (325 mg od) endarterectomy after 5.83% with ASA. included rash
ischaemic plus PC qualifying stroke; Significant (p=0.043) (0.26% vs. 0.10%),
stroke, MI, or Qualifying stroke relative-risk reduction of diarrhoea (0.23%
vascular death induced by carotid 8.7% in favor of vs. 0.11%), upper
in pts with endarterectomy or clopidogrel (95% Cl: gastrointestinal
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 39
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
and rarely to
anaphylaxis. Most pts
with acetylsalicylic acid
sensitivity are able to
undergo desensitization
therapy safely and
successfully except in
cases of chronic
idiopathic urticaria.
Experience with
acetylsalicylic acid
desensitization in pts
with CAD very limited.
TRITON – Compare N=13,608 pts Prasugrel Pts with UA NSTEMI, Increased risk of Prasugrel or Death from CV causes, Major Stent thrombosis p<0.001 More pts treated N/A
TIMI 38 regimens of with ACS with n=6813 TIMI risk score ≥3, bleeding, anemia, clopidogrel nonfatal MI, or nonfatal bleeding- and composite of HR: 0.81 with prasugrel
Wiviott prasugrel and scheduled PCI (60 mg LD either ST-segment thrombocytopenia, a stroke TIMI major death from CV CI: 0.73 - 0.90 2.5% vs. 1.4%
2007 clopidogrel and 10 mg qd deviation of 1 mm or Hx of pathologic 12.1% clopidogrel vs bleeding not causes, nonfatal MI, clopidogrel;
17982182 maintenance more or elevated intracranial findings, 9.9% prasugrel related to nonfatal stroke, or p<0.001
(138) dose) or levels of a cardiac or use of any rates of MI CABG, non- rehospitalization due discontinued the
Clopidogrel biomarker of thienopyridine within 9.7% clopidogrel vs. CABG to a cardiac ischemic study drug owing to
n=6795 (300 necrosis. Pts with 5 d before 7.4% prasugrel; related TIMI event. adverse events
mg LD and 75 STEMI could be enrollment. p<0.001) life Rate of MI with related to
mg qd enrolled within 12 h urgent target-vessel threatening subsequent death hemorrhage; rate
maintenance after onset of Sx if 1º revasc 3.7% vs. 2.5%; bleeding, and from CV causes of serious adverse
dose), for 6- PCI was planned or p<0.001 TIMI major or 0.7% vs. 0.4% HR: events not related
15 mo within 14 d after stent thrombosis minor 0.58; CI:0.36 - 0.93; to hemorrhage was
receiving medical 2.4% vs. 1.1%; p<0.001 bleeding p=0.02 similar 22.5% vs
treatment for STEMI 2.4% 22.8%
prasugrel vs. p=0.52
HR: 1.32;
95% CI:
rate of life-
1.4% vs.
0.9%; p=0.01
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 41
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
1.1% vs.
HR: 1.25;
fatal bleeding
0.4% vs.
PLATO Determine N=18,624 pts Ticagrelor Hospitalized for ACS Any contraindication Ticagrelor or Composite of death Major MI alone p<0.001 Discontinuation of Geographic
Wallentin whether with ACS with or n=9333 (180 with or without STE; against the use of clopidogrel from vascular causes, bleeding 5.8% vs. 6.9%, HR: 0.84 the study drug due differences
2009 ticagrelor is without STE mg LD, 90 mg with an onset of Sx clopidogrel, MI, or stroke 9.8% of 11.6% vs p=0.005 CI: 0.77-0.92 to adverse events between
19717846 superior to bid thereafter) during the previous fibrinolytic therapy pts receiving ticagrelor 11.2%, Death from vascular 7.4% ticagrelor vs populations of
(139) clopidogrel for or clopidogrel 24 h. Pts who had within 24 h before vs 11.7% clopidogrel p=0.43 causes 6.0% clopidogrel pts or practice
the prevention (n=9291) ACS NSTE at least 2 randomization, a (HR: 0.84; 95% CI: ticagrelor 4.0% vs. 5.1%, p<0.001 patterns
of vascular (300-600 mg of the following 3 need for oral 0.77–0.92; p<0.001). was p=0.001 Dyspnea 13.8% vs. influenced the
events and LD, 75 mg criteria had to be anticoagulation associated Stroke alone 1.5% 7.8%; effects of the
death in broad daily met: ST changes on therapy, an with a higher vs. 1.3%, p=0.22 Higher incidence of randomized
population of thereafter) ECG indicating increased risk of rate of major The rate of death ventricular pauses treatments
pts presenting ischemia; positive bradycardia, and bleeding not from any cause in 1 wk but not at
with ACS. test of biomarker, concomitant therapy related to 4.5% vs. 5.9%, 30 d in ticagrelor
indicating myocardial with a strong CABG 4.5% p<0.001 group than
necrosis; one of cytochrome P-450 vs. 3.8%, clopidogrel group
several risk factors 3A inhibitor or p=0.03),
(age≥60 y; previous inducer including
MI or CABG; CAD more
with stenosis of instances of
≥50% in at least 2 fatal
vessels; previous intracranial
ischemic stroke, TIA, bleeding and
carotid stenosis of at fewer of fatal
least 50% or cerebral bleeding of
revasc; DM; PAD; other types
chronic renal
dysfunction, defined
as a creatinine
clearance of <60
ml/min per 1.73 m2
of body surface area
with STE the
following 2 inclusion
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 42
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
criteria had to be
met: persistent STE
of at least 0.1 mV in
at least 2 contiguous
leads or a new left
bundle-branch block,
and the intention to
perform 1º PCI.
Mehta Clopidogrel and N=25,086 pts Pts randomly ≥18 yand presented Increased risk of 2×2 factorial Time to CV death, MI, Major Composite of death p=0.30 N/A Nominally
2010 ASA are widely assigned to with a NSTE, ACS or bleeding or active design. Pts were or stroke whichever bleeding from CV causes, MI, HR=0.94 significant
20818903 used for pts double-dose STE MI. Either ECG bleeding and known randomly occurred 1st, up to 30 d. occurred in stroke, or recurrent CI=0.83–1.06 reduction in 1º
(140) with ACS and clopidogrel changes compatible allergy to clopidogrel assigned in Primary outcome 2.5% of pts in ischemia; the outcome was
those received 600 with ischemia or or ASA double blind occurred in 4.2% of pts double-dose individual associated with
undergoing mg LD elevated levels of fashion to assigned to double- group and components of 1º use of higher-
PCI. However, followed by cardiac biomarkers; double-dose dose clopidogrel 2.0% in outcome; death from dose clopidogrel
evidence-based 150 mg od d coronary regimen of compared with 4.4% standard- any cause; Definite in subgroup of
guidelines for 2-7. Pts angiographic clopidogrel or assigned to standard- dose group or probable stent 17,263 study
dosing have not assigned to assessment, with standard-dose dose clopidogrel HR: 1.24; thrombosis. Double- participants who
been standard- plan to perform PCI regimen. In the HR: 0.94, 95% 95% CI: dose clopidogrel underwent PCI
established for dose as early as possible 2nd component of CI: 0.83-1.06 1.05–1.46; associated with after
either agent. clopidogrel but no later than 72 h factorial design p=0.30 p=0.01 significant reduction randomization
received 300 after randomization pts were NS difference between NS difference in 2º outcome of (69%). Test for
mg LD before randomly higher-dose and lower- between stent thrombosis interaction
angiography assigned in open dose ASA respect to 1º higher-dose among the 17,263 between pts
followed by label fashion to outcome and lower- pts who underwent who underwent
75 mg od higher-dose ASA 4.2% vs. 4.4% dose ASA PCI (1.6% vs. 2.3%; PCI and those
days 2-7. D 8- or lower-dose HR: 0.97: 95% CI: 0.86- with respect HR: 0.68; 95% CI: who did not
30 both ASA. –1.09; p=0.61 to major 0.55–0.85; p=0.001). undergo PCI
double-dose bleeding (p=0.03) did not
and standard- (2.3% vs. meet
dose groups 2.3%; HR: prespecified
received 75 0.99; 95% CI: threshold of
mg of 0.84-1.17; p<0.01 for
clopidogrel p=0.90). subgroup
od. Pts interactions. 13
randomly prespecified
assigned to subgroup
lower-dose analyses were
ASA received performed for
75-100 mg the clopidogrel
daily on d 2- dose
30. Those comparison; this
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 43
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
rates of at time of
severe planning trial
bleeding or strongly
nonhemorrha endorsed use of
gic serious GP IIb/IIIa
adverse inhibitors during
events. PCI
ACUITY Assess Randomized n=2561 Pts undergoing PCI Included - STE AMI Heparin 30-d endpoints of N/A N/A Composite N/A Randomization
subgroup anticoagulation N=7789 pts heparin after angiography, or shock; bleeding (unfractionated or composite ischemia ischemia occurred before
analysis with the direct (unfractionate new ST-segment diathesis or major enoxaparin) plus (death, MI, or p=0.16; angiography,
Stone thrombin d or depression; raised bleeding episode GP IIb/IIIa unplanned revasc for major bleeding study drugs
2007 inhibitor enoxaparin) TnI, TnT, or CK-MB within 2 wk; inhibitors, ischemia), major p=0.32; were
17368152 bivalirudin plus GP isozyme; known thrombocytopenia; bivalirudin plus bleeding, and net net clinical administered at
(146) during PCI in IIb/IIIa CAD; or all 4 other CrCl <30 mL/min GP IIb/IIIa clinical outcomes outcomes p=0.1 median of 4 h
individuals with inhibitors UA risk criteria defi inhibitors, or (composite ischemia or before PCI. PCI
moderate- and n=2609 ned by TIMI study bivalirudin alone major bleeding) subgroup
high-risk ACS bivalirudin group Bivalirudin plus GP represents
plus GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors vs. subset of 56%
IIb/IIIa heparin plus GP IIb/IIIa of all pts
inhibitors inhibitors - composite enrolled in
n=2619 ischemia 9% vs. 8%; ACUITY, and
bivalirudin major bleeding 8% vs. randomization
alone 7%; net clinical was not
outcomes 15% vs. 13% stratified by
™ indicated to maintenance
(ticagrelor) reduce rate of dose of ASA,
tablets thrombotic CV coadminister
AstraZene events in pts ed with
(147) NSTEMI or should not
STEMI exceed 100
risk of
efficacy with
(ticagrelor) in
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 47
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
with ASA
100 mg
GUSTO Investigate long Randomized n=2590 Pts with ACS without N/A Abciximab for 24- Death (of any cause) or N/A N/A 24-hour N/A N/A
IV-ACS term effects of N=7800 pts abciximab for persistent STE h (0.25 mg/kg MI within 30 d abciximab HR:
Ottervange GP IIb/IIIa 24 h including NSTEMI bolus followed by Follow-up data obtained 1.1; 95% CI:
r inhibitor n=2612 and UA. < 21 y and 0.125 up to 1 y for 7746 pts 0.86–1.29), and
2003 abciximab in abciximab for should have had 1≥ mcg/kg/min (99.3%). Overall 1-y 48-h abciximab
12551868 pts with ACS 48 h episodes of angina infusion up to mortality rate 8.3% (649 HR: 1.2; 95%
(148) without STE n=2598 PC lasting at least 5 min max of 10 pts). 1-y mortality was CI: 0.95–1.41
who were not within 24 h before mcg/min for 24 7.8% PC, 8.2% in the
scheduled for admission. Either h), followed by 24-h abciximab, and
coronary abnormal cardiac 24-h PC infusion; 9.0% in 48-h abciximab
intervention TnT or TnI test or at abciximab for 48
least 0.5 mm of h (same bolus
transient or and infusion for
persistent ST- total duration of
segment depression. 48 h); matching
PC (bolus and
48-h infusion)
PCI-CURE Find out Randomized clopidogrel N/A N/A Clopidogrel vs. Composite of CV death, At follow-up, N/A p=0.03 N/A N/A
Mehta whether in N=2658 pts (n=1313) or PC MI, or urgent target- there was NS RR: 0.70
2001 addition to ASA PC (n=1345) vessel revasc within 30 difference in 95% CI: 0.50–
11520521 pretreatment d of PCI. major 0.97
(149) with clopidogrel 4.5% vs. 6.4% bleeding
followed by Long-term between
long-term administration of groups
therapy after clopidogrel after PCI p=0.64
PCI is superior associated with a lower
to strategy of rate of CV death, MI, or
no pretreatment any revasc (p=0.03),
and short-term and of CV death or MI
therapy for only (p=0.047). Overall
4 wk after PCI (including events before
and after PCI) there
was 31% reduction CV
death or MI (p=0.002).
Less use of GP IIb/IIIa
inhibitor in clopidogrel
group (p=0.001)
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 48
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Petersen Systematically Systematic N/A All 6 RCTs N/A N/A Enoxaparin is more NS difference N/A 10.1% vs 11.0% N/A Systematic
2004 evaluate end overview comparing effective than UFH in found in OR: 0.91 overviews do
18056526 points of all- N=21946 pts enoxaparin and UFH preventing combined blood CI: 0.83–0.99 not replace
(150) cause death ESSENCE, A to in NSTE ACS were endpoint of death or MI transfusion RCTs but
and nonfatal Z, and selected for analysis NS difference found in (OR: 1.01; provide
MI, transfusion, SYNERGY, TIMI death at 30 d for 95% CI: important
and major 11B, ACUTE II, enoxaparin vs UFH 0.89-1.14) or insights through
bleeding and INTERACT (3.0% vs. 3.0%; OR: major analyses of
observed in the Performed using 1.00; 95% CI: 0.85- bleeding totality of data.
6 randomized a random- 1.17). (OR: 1.04; Trial
controlled trials effects empirical Statistically significant 95% CI: populations are
comparing Bayes model reduction in combined 0.83–1.30) 7 not identical
enoxaparin and endpoint of death or d after with respect to
UFH in nonfatal MI at 30 d randomizatio baseline
treatment of observed for n characteristics,
ACS enoxaparin vs. UFH in duration of
overall trial populations study treatment,
(10.1% vs 11.0%; OR: time to revasc,
0.91; 95% CI: 0.83- or use of
0.99). concomitant
Statistically significant medical
reduction in combined therapies in
endpoint of death or MI management of
at 30 d observed for UA/NSTEMI
enoxaparin in ACS.
populations receiving Imprecision
no prerandomization exists in
antithrombin therapy frequency of
(8.0% vs 9.4%; OR: events as
0.81; 95% CI: 0.70– protocols for
0.94). data collection
and definitions
of efficacy and
safety events
varied among
studies. Not
having the
individual pt
data from all
trials precluded
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 49
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
PRINCIPL Compare Randomized, Prasugrel ≥18 y and scheduled Planned PCI for Prasugrel 1º endpoint of LD phase N/A Pts with PCI entered p<0.0001 N/A LTA requires
E-TIMI 44 prasugrel with double-blind, 2- compared to undergo cardiac immediate treatment compared with (prasugrel 60 mg vs. the maintenance CI: 38.0–48.4 very precise
Wiviott higher than phase crossover with high- catheterization with of MI, any high-dose clopidogrel 600 mg) dose phase, a 28-d sample
2007 currently study dose planned PCI for thienopyridine within clopidogrel was IPA with 20 crossover conditions and
18056526 approved 300- N=201 subjects clopidogrel in angina and at least 5 d, GP IIb/IIIa mumol/L ADP at 6 h comparison of processing.
(150) mg LD and 75- pts one of the following: inhibitor within 7 d or IPA at 6 h significantly prasugrel 10 mg/d Significant
mg/d MD of coronary planned use (bailout higher in subjects vs. clopidogrel 150 proportion of
clopidogrel angiography within was permitted), high receiving prasugrel mg qd with a 1º samples did not
14 d with at least 1 risk of bleeding, (mean±SD; endpoint of IPA after meet
lesion amenable to thrombocytopenia, 74.8±13.0%) compared 14 d of either drug. prespecified
PCI, a functional or anemia. with clopidogrel IPA with 20 mumol/L conditions and
study within 8 wk (31.8±21.1%; ADP was higher in were excluded
with objective p<0.0001). subjects receiving from analyses.
findings of ischemia, prasugrel Absence of a
or prior PCI or CABG (61.3±17.8%) washout period
surgery compared with between MD
clopidogrel treatments also
(46.1±21.3%; could be
p<0.0001). Results considered
were consistent limiting.
across all key 2º
endpoints; significant
differences emerged
by 30 min and
persisted across all
time points
TRILOGY Evaluate Double-blind, ASA ACS consisting of UA Hx of TIA or stroke, Prasugrel or Death from CV causes, Rates of Prespecified P=0.21 Higher frequency N/A
ACS whether ASA randomized trial prasugrel (10 or MI without STE. PCI or CABG within clopidogrel. MI, or stroke among pts severe and analysis of multiple Prasugrel of HF in clopidogrel
Roe plus prasugrel N=7243 pts <75 mg daily) vs. Pts were eligible if the previous 30-d, Prasugrel (10 mg <75 y occurred in intracranial recurrent ischemic group, group
2012 is superior to y clopidogrel selected for final renal failure daily) adjusted to 13.9% of prasugrel bleeding events (all HR: 0.91
22920930 ASA plus N=2083 pts >75 (75 mg qd). treatment strategy of requiring dialysis, (5 mg qd) pts group and 16.0% of the similar in 2 components of 1º 95% CI: 0.79–
(151) clopidogrel for y Low dose 5 medical management and concomitant >75 y. clopidogrel group (HR groups in all endpoint) suggested 1.05
long term mg of without revasc within treatment with an Clopidogrel (75 prasugrel group: 0.91; age groups. lower risk for
therapy in pts prasugrel 10 d after index oral anticoagulant mg/d) 95% CI: 0.79–1.05; NS between prasugrel among pts
with UA or MI versus 75 mg event. Pts required to p=0.21). group <75 y (HR: 0.85;
without STE of clopidogrel have at least one of differences in 95% CI: 0.72–1.00;
who were <75 y four risk criteria: an frequency of p=0.04).
age ≥60 y, presence nonhemorrha
of DM, previous MI, gic serious
or previous revasc adverse
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 50
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Data Supplement 16. Combined Oral Anticoagulant Therapy and Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Definite NSTE-ACS (Section 4.3.2)
Study Study Aim Study Type/ Intervention vs. Patient Population Study Intervention Endpoints P Values, Adverse Study
Name, Size (n) Comparator (n) OR: HR: RR: & Events Limitations
Author, 95 CI:
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Primary Endpoint Safety Endpoint Secondary
& Results & Results Endpoint & Results
CURE Compare the Randomized Clopidogrel vs. Pts were eligible Contraindications to Clopidogrel Death from CV Pts with major 1º outcome or p<0.001 Clopidogrel not N/A
Yusuf 2001 efficacy and , double- PC in addition to for the study antithrombotic or (300 mg causes, nonfatal MI, bleeding 3.7% vs. refractory ischemia RR: 0.80 associated with
(133) safety of early blind, PC- ASA hospitalized within antiplatelet therapy, immediately or stroke 2.7% p=0.001 16.5% vs. 18.8% 95% CI: 0.72 — excess rate of
11519503 and long-term controlled 24 h after the high risk for followed by 75 mg RR: 1.38 RR: 0.86; 0.90 any other type
use of clopidogrel trial onset of Sx and bleeding or severe once daily) vs. PC 9.3% vs. 11.4% 95% CI: 0.79–0.94; of adverse
plus ASA with 12,562 pts did not have STE HF, taking OACs, in addition to ASA p<0.001 event that
those of ASA had undergone % of pts with in- necessitated
alone in pts with coronary revasc in hospital refractory or discontinuation
ACS and no STE the previous 3 mo severe ischemia, HF, of study drug
or had received IV and revasc
GP IIb/IIIa receptor procedures were also
inhibitors in the significantly lower
previous 3 d with clopidogrel
ASPECT-2 Investigate Randomized LDASA n=336, Men or non- Established LDASA, high 1st occurrence of MI, Major bleeding N/A ASA vs. N/A N/A
van Es whether ASA or N=999 pts Coumadin-high pregnant women indications for intensity OAC, or stroke, or death 1% ASA, 1% on coumadin HR:
2002 OACs is more intensity OAC admitted with treatment with OAC, combined LDASA 9% vs. 5% vs. 5% OAC 0.55; 95% CI:
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 52
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
(155) effective in the n=325, AMIMI or UA within contraindications for and moderate ASA vs. coumadin (HR: 1·03; 95% 0.30-1.00;
12126819 long term after combined preceding 8 wk the study drug, intensity OAC HR: 0.55; 95% CI: 0·21-5·08; p=0.0479
ACS, and LDASA and planned revasc CI=0.30-1,00; p=1.0), and 2% ASA vs.
whether the coumadin- procedure, serious p=0.0479 on combination combined HR:
combination of moderate comorbidity, ASA vs. combined therapy HR: 2.35; 0.50; 95% CI:
ASA and OAC intensity OAC increased risk of HR=: 0.50; CI: 0.27- 95% CI: 0.61- 0.27-0.92;
offers greater n=332 bleeding, abnormal 0.92; p=0.03 9.10; p=0.2 p=0.03
benefit than either blood platelets or
of these agents erythrocytes,
alone, without anemia, Hx of
excessive risk of stroke, and inability
bleeding to adhere to the
Karjalainen Determine the Retrospectiv IAC group; All consecutive pts N/A IAC vs. UAC Major bleeding, N/A N/A N/A Major bleeding, Inherent
2008 safety and e analysis UAC group on warfarin therapy access-site stroke, access- limitations of a
(156) efficacy of various n=523 pts referred for PCI in complications, and site retrospective
18346963 periprocedural 4 centers with a MACE (death, MI, complications study including
antithromboticstra main policy to IAC target vessel individual risk-
tegies in pts on before PCI and in revasc, and stent based decision
long-term OAC 3 centers with a thrombosis) making in the
with warfarin long experience on Major bleeding treatment
undergoing PCI UAC during PCI 5.0% vs. 1.2%, choices;
to assess the p=0.02 and after outcome
safety of the adjusting for assessment
simplistic UAC propensity score was not
strategy OR: 3.9; 95% CI: blinded;
1.0-15.3; p=0.05) sample size
Access-site may not be
complications sufficient to
11.3% vs. 5.0%, cover small,
p=0.01 but clinically
After adjusting for significant diff
propensity score in bleeding and
OR: 2.8; 95% CI: thrombotic
1.3-6.1; p=0.008 complications
BAAS Study the N=530 pts ASA plus Pts who were N/A ASA (300 mg LD; Thrombotic events - Bleeding N/A N/A N/A N/A
ten Berg intensity and the coumarins prospectively then 100 mg qd) death, MI, target complications -
2001 duration of AC as randomized to the and coumarins lesion revasc, and hemorrhagic
(157) predictors of use of coumarins (acenocoumarol or thrombotic stroke stroke, major
11319192 thrombotic and as part of the Sintrom at 6 mg on 17 early thrombotic extracranial
bleeding events BAAS study 1 d, 4 mg on 2 d, 2 events (3.2%), 7 bleeding, and
mg on 3 d and after early bleeding false aneurysm
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 53
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
bleeding; the
exact length of
triple treatment
in BMS and
DES groups
Lip 2010 Not a study but a N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(160) summary report
20447945 Full consensus
reviews published
evidence and
statement on
‘best practice’
therapy guideline
for management
of antithrombotic
therapy in AF pts
WARSS Investigate Multicenter, Warfarin (dose Pts were 30-85 y, Baseline INR above Warfarin (dose Combined recurrent Major N/A p=0.25 HR:1.13 N/A N/A
Mohr 2001 whether warfarin, double-blind, adjusted INR of considered normal range (>1.4), adjusted INR 1.4- ischemic stroke or hemorrhage 95% CI: 0.92-
(161) which is effective randomized 1.4-2.8) acceptable stroke that was due 2.8) vs. ASA (325 death from any 2.22 per 100 pt-y 1.38
11794192 and superior to n=1,103 candidates for to procedure or mg qd) cause within 2 y vs. 1.49 per 100
ASA in the vs. ASA (325 warfarin therapy, attributed to high- Death or recurrent pt-y
prevention of mg qd) n=1,103 had ischemic grade carotid ischemic stroke
cardiogenic stroke within stenosis which 17.8% vs. 16.0%
embolism, would previous 30 d, and surgery was p=0.25; HR: 1.13;
also prove had scores of ≥3 planned, or stroke 95% CI: 0.92-1.38
superior in the on GOS associated with an
prevention of inferred
recurrent cardioembolic
ischemic stroke in source
pts with a prior
ischemic stroke
CARS N/A Commentary Fixed low-dose N/A N/A Fixed low-dose Reinfarction, stroke, N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Peverill warfarin (1-3 warfarin (1-3 mg) or CV death.
1997 mg) combined combined ASA (80 Provides no
(162) ASA (80 mg) mg) reduction in
15687136 reinfarction beyond
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 55
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
infarction; N/A, not applicable; NSTE, non-ST-segment elevation; OAC, oral anticoagulant(s); OR, odds ratio; PC, placebo; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PTCA, percutaneous coronary angioplasty; pt, patient; revasc, revascularization; RR, relative risk;
STE, ST-segment elevation; SRAT, stent-related antithrombotic treatment; Sx, symptoms; TVF, target vessel failure; UA, unstable angina; and UAC, uninterrupted anticoagulation.
Data Supplement 17. Parenteral Anticoagulant and Fibrinolytic Therapy (Section 4.3.3)
Study Study Aim Study Type / Intervention vs. Patient Population Study Endpoints P Values, Adverse Study
Name, Size (N) Comparator (n) Intervention OR: HR: RR: & Events Limitations
Author, 95 CI:
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Primary Endpoint & Safety Secondary
Results Endpoint & Endpoint &
Results Results
PLATO Prespecified Observed Reasons for N/A N/A Regional Cox regression N/A Both Cox N/A N/A N/A
Mahaffey subgroup regional interaction interaction could analyses performed to regression with
2011 analysis interaction explored arise from quantify how much of median
(134) showed driven by independently by chance alone. regional interaction maintenance dose
21709065 significant interaction of 2 statistical Results of 2 could be explained by and landmark
interaction randomized groups. independently pt characteristics and techniques showed
between treatment with performed concomitant pts taking low-dose
treatment and 78% of North analyses treatments, including maintenance ASA,
region American pts identified ASA maintenance ticagrelor
(p=0.045), in US underlying therapy. Landmark associated with
with less effect compared with statistical Cox regressions at 8 better outcomes
of ticagrelor in the ROW pts interaction with timepoints evaluated compared with
North America (p=0.01 vs. ASA association of clopidogrel with
than in rest of p=0.045 maintenance selected factors, statistical
world. interaction dose as possible including ASA dose, superiority in ROW
Additional using NA), explanation for with outcomes by and similar
exploratory analyses focus regional treatment. Systematic outcomes in US
analyses on comparison difference. errors in trial conduct cohort.
performed to of US and rest Lowest risk of CV ruled out. Given large
identify of world with death, MI, or number of subgroup
potential Canadian pts stroke with analyses performed
explanations included in the ticagrelor and that result
for observed rest of world compared with numerically favoring
region by group. clopidogrel clopidogrel in at least
treatment associated with 1 of 4 prespecified
interaction. low maintenance regions could occur
dose of with 32% probability,
concomitant chance alone cannot
ASA. be ruled out. More pts
in US (53.6%) than
rest of world (1.7%)
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 57
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Mehta Clopidogrel 25,086 pts Pts randomly ≥18 y and presented Increased risk of 2×2 factorial Time to CV death, MI, Major bleeding Composite of death p=0.30 N/A Nominally
2010 and ASA assigned to with NSTE ACS or bleeding or active design pts or stroke, whichever occurred in from CV causes, HR: 0.94 significant
(140) widely used double-dose STEMI. ECG changes bleeding and known randomly occurred 1st, up to 30 2.5% of pts in MI, stroke, or CI: 0.83–1.06 reduction in 1º
20818903 for pts with clopidogrel compatible with allergy to clopidogrel assigned in d. Primary outcome double dose recurrent ischemia; outcome
ACS and received LD of ischemia or elevated or ASA double-blind occurred in 4.2% of group and in individual associated with
those 600 mg 1 d levels of cardiac fashion to pts assigned to 2.0% in components of 1º use of higher-
undergoing followed by 150 biomarkers; coronary double-dose double dose standard-dose outcome; death dose clopidogrel
PCI. mg od on 2-7 d. angiographic regimen of clopidogrel as group (HR, from any cause; in subgroup of
Evidence- Pts assigned to assessment, with plan to clopidogrel or to compared with 4.4% 1.24; 95% CI: Definite or probable 17,263 study
based standard-dose perform PCI early as standard-dose assigned to standard- 1.05–1.46; stent thrombosis. participants who
guideline for clopidogrel possible but no later regimen. 2nd dose clopidogrel (HR: p=0.01). Double-dose underwent PCI
dosing not received 300 mg than 72 h after component of 0.94; 95% CI: 0.83– No significant clopidogrel after
been LD 1 d before randomization factorial design, 1.06; p=0.30). difference associated with randomization
established for angiography pts were No significant between significant (69%). Test for
either agent. followed by 75 randomly difference between higher-dose reduction in 2º interaction
mg od 2-7 d. 8- assigned in open higher-dose and and lower- outcome of stent between pts who
30 d both label fashion to lower-dose ASA with dose ASA with thrombosis among underwent PCI
double-dose and higher-dose ASA respect to 1º outcome respect to the 17,263 pts who and those who
standard-dose or lower-dose (4.2% vs. 4.4%; HR: major bleeding underwent PCI did not undergo
groups received ASA. 0.97; 95% CI: 0.86– (2.3% vs. (1.6% vs. 2.3%; PCI (p=0.03) did
75 mg of 1.09; p=0.61) 2.3%; HR: HR: 0.68; 95% CI: not meet
clopidogrel od. 0.99; 95% CI: 0.55–0.85; prespecified
Pts randomly 0.84–1.17; p=0.001). threshold of
assigned to p=0.90). p≤0.01 for
lower-dose ASA subgroup
received 75 to interactions since
100 mg daily 2-7 13 prespecified
d and those subgroup
randomly analyses were
assigned to performed for
higher-dose ASA clopidogrel dose
received 300- comparison,
325 mg daily on result could have
d 2-30. been due to play
of chance.
ACUITY Assess Randomized n=2561 Pts undergoing PCI after Included - STE AMI Heparin 30-d endpoints of N/A N/A Composite N/A Randomization
subgroup anticoagulatio n=7789 pts Heparin angiography, ST or shock; bleeding (unfractionated or composite ischemia ischemia occurred before
analysis n with direct (unfractionated depression; raised TnI, diathesis or major enoxaparin) plus (death, MI, or p=0.16; major angiography,
Stone thrombin or enoxaparin) TnT, or CK-MB isozyme; bleeding episode GP IIb/IIIa unplanned revasc for bleeding study drugs were
2007 inhibitor plus GP IIb/IIIa known CAD; or all 4 within 2 wk; inhibitors, ischemia), major p=0.32; net administered at
(146) bivalirudin inhibitors other UA risk criteria as thrombocytopenia; bivalirudin plus bleeding, and net clinical median of 4 h
17368152 during PCI in n=2609 defined by TIMI study CrCl <30 mL/min GP IIb/IIIa clinical outcomes outcomes p=0.1 before PCI. PCI
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 59
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
TIMI 11B Test benefits Randomized UFH n=1957 vs. Pts with UA/NQMI Planned revasc UFH >3 d Composite of all- Major Individual elements 8d Stroke (1.0% N/A
Antman of strategy of N=3910 pts enoxaparin ischemic discomfort of within 24 h, treatable followed by cause mortality, hemorrhage, of 1º endpoint and p=0.048 vs. 1.2%), TIA
1999 extended n=1953 >5 min duration at rest; cause of angina, subcutaneous recurrent MI, or urgent bleed in composite of death OR=0.83 (0.3% vs.
(168) course of Hx of CAD (abnormal evolving Q-wave MI, PC injections or revasc at 8 d 14.5% retroperitoneal or nonfatal MI 95% CI: 0.69- 0.3%), or
10517729 uninterrupted coronary angiogram, Hx of CABG surgery enoxaparin (30 vs. 12.4% OR: 0.83; , intracranial, 1.00 at 43 d thrombocytop
antithrombotic prior MI, CABG surgery, within 2 mo or PTCA mg IV bolus 95% CI: 0.69–1.00; or intraocular p=.048 enia (2.1%
therapy with or PTCA), ST deviation, within 6 mo, followed by p=0.048 at 43 d location; OR= 0.85 vs. 1.9%)
enoxaparin or elevated serum treatment with injections of 1.0 19.7% vs. 17.3% hemoglobin 95% CI= 0.72–
compared with cardiac markers continuous infusion mg/kg every 12 OR: 0.85; 95% CI: drop of >3 1.00
standard of UFH for >24 h h) 0.72–1.00; p=0.048 g/dL;
treatment with before enrollment, Outpatient phase requirement of
UFH for Hx of heparin- (injections every transfusion of
prevention of associated 12 h of 40 mg pts >2 U blood 72
death and thrombocytopenia <65 kg, 60 mg h no difference
cardiac with or without >65 kg)
ischemic thrombosis, and
events in pts contraindications to
with UA/NQMI anticoagulation
OASIS-5 Study reports Double-blind, n=1,414 Pts with UA or NSTEMI; Contraindication to Fondaparinux or Rates of major Catheter N/A p<0.00001 N/A Randomized
trial Mehta prospectively randomized subcutaneous at least 2 of following low molecular weight enoxaparin total bleeding and efficacy thrombus HR: 0.46 treatments may
2007 planned 20,078 pts fondaparinux criteria: age >60 y, heparin, of 12,715 pts by evaluating more common have influenced
(169) analysis of pts 2.5 mg od or positive cardiac hemorrhagic stroke underwent heart composite of death, in pts receiving which pts
17964037 with ACS who n=1,420 biomarkers, or ECG within last 12 mo, catheterization MI, or stroke at 9, 30, fondaparinux underwent PCI.
underwent subcutaneous changes compatible with indication for during the initial 180 d (0.9%) than Types of pts
early PCI in enoxaparin 1 ischemia. anticoagulation other hospitalization, Fondaparinux vs. enoxaparin undergoing PCI
the OASIS-5 mg/kg bid than ACS, revasc and 6,238 pts enoxaparin reduced alone (0.4%), and number and
trial procedure already underwent PCI. major bleeding by but largely timing of PCI
performed for >0.5 (2.4% vs. 5.1%; prevented by procedures
qualifying event, and HR: 0.46, p<0.00001) using UFH at similar in 2
severe renal at 9 d with similar the time of PCI randomized
insufficiency rates of ischemic without treatment groups.
events resulting in increase in Number of pts
superior net clinical bleeding who received
benefit (death, MI, open-label UFH
stroke, major before PCI in
bleeding: 8.2% vs. OASIS-5 trial
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 62
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
acss initially enrollment within 48 h of requiring urgent UFH, 85 U/kg (60 4.7% vs. 5.8% 0.7% vs. 1.7% vessel revasc bleeding from use
treated with most recent Sx; planned coronary U/kg with GpIIb- OR: 0.80; 95% CI: ; within 30 d of low-dose UFH.
fondaparinux coronary angiography, angiography due to IIIa inhibitors), 0.54–1.19; p=0.27 OR: 0.40; 95% 4.5% vs. 2.9%; Based on
with PCI if indicated, refractory or adjusted CI: 0.16–0.97; OR: 1.58; 95% CI: observed 5.8%
within 72 h; at least 2 of recurrent angina by blinded ACT p=0.04) 0.98–2.53; p=0.06 event rate of 1º
following criteria: >60 y, associated with endpoint, a
TnT or TnI or CK-MB dynamic ST sample size of
above upper limit of changes, HF, life- 11, 542 pts
normal; ECG changes threatening needed to have
compatible with arrhythmias, 80% power to
ischemia hemodynamic detect 20% RR
instability; treatment reduction
with other injectable
hemorrhagic stroke
within 12 mo;
indication for
anticoagulation other
than acss; women
breastfeeding, or of
potential not using
contraception; life
expectancy <6 mo;
agent; revasc
procedure for
qualifying event
already performed;
creatinine clearance
< 20 mL/min.
Grosser Determine N=400 Group 1 (n=40) Healthy, nonsmoking N/A Single oral dose Pharmacological N/A Pseudoresistance, N/A N/A N/A
2013 commonality received regular, volunteers (aged 18–55 of 325-mg resistance to ASA is reflecting delayed
(172) of immediate y) immediate rare; study failed to and reduced drug
23212718 mechanisticall release ASA release ASA or identify single case of absorption,
y consistent, response was enteric coated true drug resistance. complicates enteric
stable, and assessed 8 h ASA Variable absorption coated but not
specific after dosing. caused high immediate release
phenotype of Group 2 (n=210) frequency of apparent ASA
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 64
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
trials to assess include ASA-treated pts comparison heparin p=0.0001) Long-term and need for term therapy who
effect of UFH randomly assigned to vs. ASA, heparin Short term LMWH vs LMWH revasc. did not continue
and LMWH on UFH or LMWH or to PC plus ASA vs. UFH (OR: 0.88; 95% OR=2·26, therapy long term
death, MI, and or untreated control combined CI: 0.69–1.12; 95% CI=1.63– may have
major antiplatelet therapy, p=0·34). Long-term 3.14, reduced power of
bleeding. or heparin vs. non- LMWH (up to 3 mo) p<0.0001 studies to detect
ASA control; vs PC or untreated significant
nonrandomized control (OR: 0·98; difference. Pts
comparison 95% CI: 0.81–1.17; who did not
reported; dose- p=0·80 receive long-term
ranging uncontrolled LMWH were
study; pts alternately those at highest
allocated to LMWH risk for recurrent
or UFH therapy; lack events.
of clarity as to
whether study was
ACG/ HA 2008
AHA Expert
report Consensus
Bhatt Document on
2008 Reducing the
(158) Gastrointestin
19017521 al Risks of
Therapy and
Karjalainen Determine Retrospective IAC and UAC All consecutive pts on N/A IAC vs. UAC Major bleeding, N/A N/A N/A Major Inherent
2008 safety and analysis group warfarin therapy referred access-site bleeding, limitations of
(156) efficacy of n=523 pts for PCI in four centers complications, and stroke, retrospective
18346963 various with a main policy to IAC major adverse cardiac access-site study including
periprocedural before PCI and in three events (death, MI, complications individual risk-
antithrombotic centers with a long target vessel revasc, based decision
strategies in experience on UAC and stent thrombosis) making in
pts on long- during PCI. Major bleeding 5.0% treatment
term OAC with vs. 1.2%, p=0.02 and choices; outcome
warfarin after adjusting for assessment not
undergoing propensity score blinded; sample
PCI. Assess (OR:3.9, 95% CI: 1.0– size may not be
safety of 15.3, p=0.05) sufficient to cover
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 69
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
treatment in congestive HF requiring surgery) in previous in the PC group, respectively for 150 mg. dabigatran
pts with recent treatment or LVEF 40%, mo, Hx of severe p<0.001 for linear (p<0.001). groups
STEMI or PAD, moderate renal bleeding, trend. 96 1º outcome
NSTEMI at insufficiency (CrCl ≥30– gastrointestinal events, compared
high risk of 60 mL/min), or no haemorrhage with in with PC a dose
new ischaemic revasc for the index past y, dependent increase
CV events. event. gastroduodenal ulcer with dabigatran, HR
in previous 30 d, 1.77 (95% CI: 0.70–
fibrinolytic agents 4.50) for 50 mg;
within 48 h of study HR=2.17 (95% CI:
entry, uncontrolled 0.88–5.31) for 75 mg;
hypertension, HR=3.92 (95% CI:
haemoglobin ,10 1.72–8.95) for 110
g/dL or platelet mg; and HR=4.27
count ,100 × 109/L, (95% CI: 1.86–9.81)
normal coronary for 150 mg.
arteries at Compared with PC,
angiogram for index D-dimer
event, congestive concentrations
HF New York Heart reduced in all
Association Class dabigatran dose
IV, and severe renal groups by average of
impairment (CrCl ,30 37 and 45% at wk 1
mL/min). and 4, respectively
Uchino Systematically Meta-analysis N/A Searched PubMed, N/A Fixed-effects M- Dabigatran was N/A N/A p=.03 N/A Dominant effect
2012 evaluated risk Seven trials Scopus, and Web of H used to significantly ORM-H, 1.33 of RE-LY trial on
(178) of MI or ACS were selected Science for randomized evaluate the associated with higher CI=1.03-1.71 results of meta-
22231617 with use of N=30,514 controlled trials of effect of risk of MI or ACS than analysis. Other 6
dabigatran. dabigatran that reported dabigatran on MI seen with agents used trials had cohort
on MI or ACS as 2º or ACS. in control group sizes of 515-3451
outcomes. Expressed (dabigatran, 237 of 20 with durations of
associations as 000 [1.19%] vs. ≤6mo. In RE-LY,
OR and 95% CIs. control, 83 of 10 514 18,113
[0.79%]; ORM-H, 1.33; participants
95% CI: 1.03-1.71; monitored for
p=.03). median of 2 y.
Owing to sample
size and duration
of study, RE-LY
comprised 59% of
the cohort and
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 71
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
74% of the
Alexander Determine Randomized, n=3705 ACS (MI, NSTEMI, N/A Apixaban 5 mg CV death, MI, or Major bleeding N/A P=0.51 N/A N/A
2011 whether in double-blind, apixaban, 5 mg STEMI, or UA) within bid PC, in ischemic stroke according to HR=0.95
(179) high-risk pts PC-controlled bid vs. n=3687 previous 7 d, Sx of MI addition to Median follow-up of TIMI definition CI=0.80-1.11
21780946 with ACS N=7392 PC lasting 10 mo or more standard 241 d occurred in
benefit of with pt at rest plus either antiplatelet 7.5% pts assigned to 1.3% pts who
apixaban in elevated levels of therapy apixaban received
reducing cardiac biomarkers or 7.9% assigned to PC apixaban and
ischemic dynamic ST-segment HR=0.95; 95% CI: in 0.5% pts
events depression or elevation 0.80-1.11; p=0.51 who received
outweigh of ≥0.1 mV. 2 or more of PC
increased risk the following high-risk HR=2.59; CI,
of bleeding. characteristics: age ≥65 1.50-4.46;
y, DM, MI within p=0.001.
previous 5 y, Greater
cerebrovascular number of
disease, peripheral intracranial
vascular disease, clinical and fatal
HF or LVEF of <40% in bleeding
association with index events
event, impaired renal occurred with
function with calculated apixaban than
creatinine clearance <60 PC.
ml/min and no revasc
after index event.
Mega N/A Double-blind, bidbid doses of Within 7 d after hospital N/A bid doses of Composite of death Compared bid 2.5-mg dose of p=0.008 Rates of N/A
2012 PC-controlled either 2.5 mg or admission for ACS. either 2.5 mg or 5 from CV causes, MI, with PC, rivaroxaban HR=0.84 adverse
(180) trial 5 mg of Condition of pts needed mg of or stroke. rivaroxaban reduced rates of CI=0.74-0.96 events that
22077192 N=15,526 pts rivaroxaban or to be stabilized before rivaroxaban or Rivaroxaban increased death from CV were not
PC enrollment with initial PC compared with PC, rates of major causes (2.7% vs. related to
management strategies 8.9% and 10.7% (HR bleeding not 4.1%, p=0.002) and bleeding
(e.g., revasc) completed in rivaroxaban group, related to from any cause similar in
0.84; 95% CI: 0.74- CABG (2.1% (2.9% vs. 4.5%, rivaroxaban
0.96; p=0.008), vs. 0.6%, p=0.002), and PC
significant p<0.001) and groups
improvement for both intracranial
bid 2.5-mg dose hemorrhage
(9.1% vs. 10.7%, (0.6% vs.
p=0.02) and bid 5 mg 0.2%,
dose (8.8% vs. p=0.009),
10.7%, p=0.03). without
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 72
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
increase in
fatal bleeding
(0.3% vs.
0.2%, p=0.66)
or other
events. bid
2.5-mg dose
resulted in
fewer fatal
events than
bid 5-mg dose
(0.1% vs.
0.4%, p=0.04).
Warkentin Report Single patient N/A N/A N/A N/A Pts developed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2012 timeline of case massive postoperative
(181) bleeding, bleeding resulting
22383791 hemostatic from elective cardiac
parameters, surgery performed
and with therapeutic
dabigatran dabigatran levels.
plasma levels This illustrates
(by HPLC) in importance of
response to adjusting the number
emergency of d off dabigatran
management before surgery
with rFVIIa according to current
and renal function.
Eerenberg Evaluated Randomized, Rivaroxaban 20 Twelve healthy male N/A Rivaroxaban 20 Rivaroxaban induced N/A N/A N/A No major or Small size of
2011 potential of double-blind, mg bid (n=6) or subjects mg bid (n=6) or significant clinically study population
(182) PCC to PC-controlled dabigatran 150 dabigatran 150 prolongation of relevant accounting for
21900088 reverse N=12 mg bid(n=6) mg bid. (n=6) for prothrombin time bleeding variation in
anticoagulant 2.5 d followed by (15.8+1.3 vs. complications results of a few
effect of either single 12.3+0.7 s at occurred coagulation tests.
rivaroxaban bolus 50 IU/kg baseline; p<0.001) during No
and PCC or similar that was immediately treatment, no measurements
dabigatran volume of saline. and completely serious performed
After washout reversed by PCC adverse between 6-24 h
period procedure (12.8+1.0; events. after infusion of
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 73
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Data Supplement 18. Comparison of Early Invasive and Initial Conservative Strategy (Section 4.4.4)
Study Study Aim Study Type / Intervention Patient Population Study Intervention Study Endpoints P Values, Study Limitations
Name, Size (n) vs. Comparator OR: HR: RR: & & Adverse Events
Author, Comparator 95 CI:
Year (n)
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Primary Safety Secondary
Endpoint & Endpoint & Endpoint &
Results Results Results
TIMI IIIB, To determine RCT 1,473 Intervention: Chest discomfort at Pts were excluded if The protocol called for Pts randomized Death, None Analyses for 1º endpoint Significant
1994 the effects of 740; rest caused by they had a treatable pts assigned to the early to the early postrandomization differences and occurred in crossover with
8149520 an early Comparator: ischemia that lasted cause of UA, had invasive strategy to conservative MI, or an interactions in the 16.2% of the 64% in the
(176) invasive 733 >5 min but <6 h. The experienced a MI have cardiac strategy were to unsatisfactory results of invasive pts randomized conservative arm
strategy on discomfort must within the preceding catheterization, LVA, have ETT performed at vs. conservative to the early undergoing
clinical have occurred within 21 d, had undergone and coronary angiography the time of the 6- strategies for death invasive angiography by 42
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 74
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
outcome 24 h of enrollment coronary arteriography 18-48 h carried out only wk visit or MI were carried strategy vs. d
and accompanied by arteriography within after randomization after failure of out on several 18.1% of those
objective evidence 30 d, PTCA within 6 initial therapy prespecified assigned to the
of ischemic HD, i.e., mo, CABG at any subgroups early
either new or time, or if, at conservative
presumably new enrollment, they strategy (p=NS)
ECG evidence of were in pulmonary
ischemia in at least edema, had a
2 contiguous leads systolic arterial
or documented CAD pressure >180
mmHg or a diastolic
pressure >100
mmHg, a
contraindication to
thrombolytic therapy
or heparin. LBBB, a
coexistent severe
illness, were a
woman of child-
bearing potential, or
were receiving OAC.
MATE, 1998 To determine RCT 201 Intervention: Pts 18 y and older Exclusion criteria Subjects randomized to Subjects Composite None 2º endpoints The composite High crossover
Mccullogh et if early 201; who presented to were Sx lasting for triage angiography were randomized to endpoint of all including LOS and endpoint of all rate (60%). No
al, revasc Comparator: the ED with an acute more than 24 h or an taken as soon as the conservative recurrent ischemic hospital costs recurrent long-term benefit
(183) favorably 90 chest pain syndrome absolute indication possible directly to the arm were events or death ischemic events in cardiac
9741499 affects consistent with AMI or contraindication to catheterization admitted to a or death outcomes
clinical cardiac laboratory from the ED. monitored bed occurred in 14 compared with
outcomes in catheterization All triage angiography and received (13%) and 31 conservative
pts with pts underwent continued (34%), yielding medical therapy
suspected catheterization within 24 medical therapy a 45% risk with revasc
AMI h of arrival to the and noninvasive reduction (95% prompted by
hospital evaluation CI 27-59%, recurrent ischemia
encouraged by p=0.0002)
the protocol
VANQWISH, To compare RCT 920 Intervention: Eligible pts had to Pts were excluded if Pts assigned to the Pts assigned to Death or nonfatal Major Overall mortality A total of 152 1º The trial was
Boden et al an invasive 462; have evolving AMI, a they had serious early invasive strategy the early MI procedural endpoint events conducted before
1998 with a Comparator: level of (CK-MB coexisting underwent coronary conservative complications occurred in the coronary stents or
(184) conservative 458 isoenzymes that was conditions, ischemic angiography as the strategy after invasive- platelet GP IIb/IIIa
9632444 strategy in more than 1.5× the complications that initial diagnostic test underwent RNV coronary strategy group, receptor
pts with ULN for the hospital, placed them at very soon after to assess LV angiography as did 139 antagonists were
acute NQMI and no new high risk while in the randomization. function as the or myocardial cardiac events widely available
abnormal Q waves CCU (persistent or Thereafter, the initial noninvasive revasc in the
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 75
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
(or R waves) on recurrent ischemia at management guidelines test; this was conservative-
serial rest despite intensive of the TIMI IIIB for followed before strategy group
electrocardiograms medical therapy or revasc were followed discharge by a (p=0.35) during
severe HF that Sx-limited an average of
persisted despite treadmill exercise 23 mo of follow-
treatment with IV test with thallium up
diuretics, scintigraphy
vasodilators, or both
FRISC II, To compare Prospective, Intervention: Pts were eligible for Exclusion criteria The direct invasive Non-invasive Composite Bleeding Total death, MI, Sx There was a Revasc window of
1999 an early randomized, 1,222; inclusion if they had were raised risk of treatments were treatment endpoint of death of angina, need for significant 7 d longer than
(185) invasive with multicenter trial Comparator: Sx of ischaemia that bleeding episodes, coronary angiography included coronary and MI after 6 mo late coronary 22.0% relative actual
10475181 a non- 2,457 1,235 were increasing or anaemia, or within a few d of pts with refractory angiography and and 2.7% contemporary
invasive occurring at rest, or indication for or enrollment, aiming for or recurrent Sx, revasc, bleeding absolute practice
treatment that warranted the treatment in the past revasc within 7 d of the despite max episodes, and decrease in
strategy in suspicion of AMI, 24 h with start of open-label medical stroke death and MI in
UCAD with the last episode thrombolysis, treatment treatment, or the invasive
within 48 h angioplasty in the severe ischaemia compared with
past 6 mo, being on on a Sx-limited the non-
a waiting list for exercise test invasive group
coronary revasc, before discharge after 6-mo RR:
other acute or 0.78 (95% CI:
severe CD, renal or 0.62–0.98),
hepatic insufficiency, p=0.031
known clinically
osteoporosis, other
severe illness,
hypersensitivity to
randomized drugs,
difficulties with
cooperation or
participation in this
or another clinical
TACTICS - To compare Prospective, Intervention: Pts ≥18 y if they had Persistent STE, 2º Pts assigned to the Pts assigned to Combined Bleeding Death, death or MI, At 6 mo, the Study excluded pts
TIMI 18, an early randomized, 1,114 vs. had an episode of angina, a Hx of PCI early invasive strategy the early incidence of fatal or nonfatal MI, rate of the 1º with severe
Cannon et al invasive multicenter trial Comparator: angina (with an or CAB grafting were to undergo conservative death, nonfatal reshospitaliztion endpoint was comorbid
2001 strategy to a 2,220 1,106 accelerating pattern within the preceding coronary angiography strategy were MI, and for MI 15.9% with use conditions or other
(186) more or prolonged [>20 6 mo, factors between 4 h and 48 h treated medically rehospitalization of the early serious systemic
11419424 conservative min] or recurrent associated with an after randomization and and, if their for an ACS at 6 invasive illness
approach episodes at rest or increased risk of revasc when condition was mo strategy and
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 76
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
with minimal effort) bleeding, LBBB or appropriate on the basis stable, underwent 19.4% with use
within the preceding paced rhythm, of coronary anatomical an exercise- of the
24 h, were severe CHF or findings tolerance test conservative
candidates for cardiogenic shock, (83% of such strategy (OR:
coronary revasc, serious systemic tests included 0.78; 95% CI:
and had at least 1 of disease, a serum nuclear perfusion 0.62–0.97;
the following: a new creatinine level of imaging or p=0.025).
finding of ST- <2.5 mg/dL (221 echocardiography
segment depression μmol/L), or current performed
of at least 0.05 mV, participation in according to the
transient (<20 min) another study of an protocol of the
STE of at least 0.1 investigational drug institution) before
mV, or T-wave or device being discharged
inversion of at least
0.3 mV in at least 2
leads; elevated
levels of cardiac
markers; or coronary
disease, as
documented by a Hx
of catheterization,
revasc, or M
VINO, To compare RCT 131 Intervention: Rest ischaemic Unstable post- 1st d Conservative Composite of None Length of the initial The primary Small sample size,
Spacek et al 1st d 64 vs. chest pain, lasting infarction angina angiography/angioplasty treatment death or nonfatal hospitalization and endpoint interventions were
2002 angiography/ Comparator: <20 min, within the pectoris resistant to treatment strategy strategy RMI 6 mo after the number of (death/ done in only one
(120) angioplasty 67 last 24 h before maximal guidelines were guidelines were the randomization subsequent reinfarction) at high volume
11792138 vs. early randomization; ECG pharmacotherapy; characterized by a characterized by hospitalizations for 6 mo occurred tertiary center
conservative evidence of AMI cardiogenic shock; coronary angiogram as initial medical UAP in 6.2% vs.
therapy of without STE (ST- acute LBBB or soon as possible after treatment with 22.3%
evolving MI segment RBBB or STE 2 mm randomization followed coronary (p<0.001). 6 mo
without depressions in 2 leads; QMI or IV by immediate coronary angiography and mortality in the
persistent minimally 0.1 mm in thrombolysis >1 mo; angioplasty of the culprit subsequent 1st d
STE at least 2 contiguous coronary angioplasty coronary lesion + stent revasc only in the angiography/
leads and/or or bypass surgery >6 implantation whenever presence of angioplasty
negative T waves or mo; any concomitant suitable recurrent group was 3.1%
documented old disease which may myocardial vs. 13.4% in the
LBBB/RBBB; CK- have possible ischaemia conservative
MB higher than 1.5× influence on 1-y Px; group (p<0·03).
X ULN and/or lack of pt
positive TnI assay cooperation
RITA -2, Fox To compare RCT 1,810 Intervention: Pts were eligible for All those with Pts assigned to the Pts assigned to The coprimary Bleeding Death, MI, At 4 mo, 86 Primary endpoint
et al, 2002 interventional 895 vs. inclusion if they had probable evolving interventional treatment the conservative trial endpoints refractory angina (9.6%) of 895 driven by reduction
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 77
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
(187) strategy and Comparator: suspected cardiac MI, including those strategy were managed strategy were were: a combined as individual pts in the of refractory
12241831 conservative 915 chest pain at rest for whom reperfusion with optimum managed with rate of death, endpoints intervention angina with no
strategy in and had therapy was antianginal and antianginal and nonfatal MI, or group had died difference in hard
pts with documented indicated, were antiplatelet treatment antithrombotic refractory angina or had a MI or clinical endpoints
unstable evidence of CAD ineligible. Those in (as for the conservative medication at 4 mo; and a refractory
CAD with at least 1 of the whom new group), and enoxaparin combined rate of angina,
following: evidence pathological Q 1 mg/kg subcutaneously death or nonfatal compared with
of ischaemia on waves developed, or 2× for 2-8 d. The MI at 1 y 133 (14.5%) of
ECG (ST-segment those with CK or CK- protocol specified that 915 pts in the
depression, transient MB concentrations coronary arteriography conservative
STE, LBBB 2× the ULN before should be done as soon group (RR:
[documented randomization, were as possible after 0.66; 95% CI:
previously], or T- excluded. Also randomization and 0.51–0.85;
wave inversion); excluded were those ideally within 72 h p=0.001).
pathological Q with MI within the
waves suggesting previous mo, PCI in
previous MI; or the preceding 12 mo,
arteriographically or CABG at any
proven CAD on a time.
previous arteriogram
ICTUS, de To compare RCT 1,200 Intervention: Eligible pts had to Exclusion criteria Pts assigned to the Pts assigned to The primary Bleeding Percentage of pts The estimated Revasc rates were
Winter et al, an early 604 vs. have all 3 of the were an age >18 y or early invasive strategy the selectively endpoint was a free from anginal cumulative rate high in the 2
2005 invasive Comparator: following: Sx of <80 y, STEMI in the were scheduled to invasive strategy composite of Sx of the primary groups in our study
(188) strategy to a 596 ischemia that were past 48 h, an undergo angiography were treated death, RMI, or endpoint was (76% in the early-
16162880 selectively increasing or indication for primary within 24-48 h after medically. These rehospitalization 22.7% in the invasive-strategy
invasive occurred at rest, with PCI or fibrinolytic randomization and PCI pts were for angina within 1 group assigned group and 40% in
strategy for the last episode therapy, when appropriate on the scheduled to y after to early invasive the selectively-
pts who have occurring no more hemodynamic basis of the coronary undergo randomization management invasive-strategy
ACS without than 24 h before instability or overt anatomy angiography and and 21.2% in group during the
STE and with randomization; an CHF, the use of oral subsequent the group initial
an elevated elevated cTnT level anticoagulant drugs revasconly if they assigned to hospitalization,
cTnT level (≥0.03 μg/L); and in the past 7 d, had refractory selectively and 79% and 54%,
either ischemic fibrinolytic treatment angina despite invasive respectively, within
changes as within the past 96 h, optimal medical management 1 y after
assessed by ECG PCI within the past treatment, (RR: 1.07; 95% randomization
(defined as ST- 14 d, a hemodynamic or CI: 0.87-1.33;
segment depression contraindication to rhythmic p=0.33).
or transient STE treatment with PCI or instability, or
exceeding 0.05 mV, GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors, clinically
or T-wave inversion recent trauma or risk significant
of ≥0.2 mV in 2 of bleeding, ischemia on the
contiguous leads) or hypertension despite predischarge
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 78
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Data Supplement 19. Comparison of Early Versus Delayed Angiography (Section
Study Name, Study Aim Study Intervention Patient Population Study Study Comparator Endpoints P Values, Study
Author, Year Type/ vs. Comparator Intervention OR: HR: RR: & 95 Limitations &
Size (N) (n) CI: Adverse Events
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Primary Safety Endpoint Secondary
Endpoint & & Results Endpoint &
Results Results
ISAR-COOL, To test the RCT Intervention: Pts with AP at rest or Pts with evidence of With the early With the prolonged Composite Bleeding, Death, nonfatal 1º endpoint was Small sample
Neumann et al hypothesis that 410 207 vs. with minimal large MI, including intervention antithrombotic 30-d thrombocytopenia MI reached in 11.6% size
2003 prolonged Comparator: exertion, with the last STE of at least 1 mV strategy pretreatment incidence of (3 deaths, 21
14506118 antithrombotic 203 episode occurring in 2 or more investigators strategy, large nonfatal infarctions) of the
(190) pretreatment ≥24 h before study contiguous leads or performed investigators MI or death group receiving
improves the entry elevation of the coronary continued from any prolonged
outcome of catalytic activity of angiography as pretreatment for at cause antithrombotic
catheter creatine kinase and its soon as possible, least 3 d, to a max of pretreatment and in
intervention in MB isoenzyme to ≤3× at least within 6 5 d, after which all 5.9% (no deaths,
pts with acute the ULN; those with h, during which pts underwent 12 infarctions) of
unstable hemodynamic time coronary the group receiving
coronary instability; those with antithrombotic angiography early intervention
syndromes contraindications to pretreatment was (RR: 1.96; 95% CI:
compared with study medication; or instituted 1.01–3.82; p=0.04)
early intervention those unable to
provide written
informed consent for
TIMACS, To study efficacy RCT Intervention: Presentation to a Pt who is not a Among pts who Pts who were Composite of Bleeding 1st occurrence At 6 mo, 1º The trial may
Mehta et al, of an early 3,031 1,593 vs. hospital with UA or suitable candidate for were randomly assigned to the death, MI, or of the outcome (death, have been
2009 invasive strategy Comparator: MI without STE revasc assigned to the delayed-intervention stroke at 6 mo composite of new MI, or stroke) relatively
(191) (within 24 h of 1,438 within 24 h after early-intervention group underwent death, MI, or occurred in 9.6% of underpowered.
19458363 presentation) onset of Sx and if 2 group, coronary coronary refractory pts in the early- Heterogeneity
compared with of the following 3 angiography was angiography after a ischemia and intervention group, was observed in
delayed invasive criteria for increased to be performed min delay of 36 h the composite as compared with the 1º endpoint,
strategy (anytime risk are present: age as rapidly as after randomization of death, MI, 11.3% in the with pts in the
36 h after ≥60 y, cardiac possible and stroke, delayed- highest tertile
presentation) biomarkers above within 24 h after refractory intervention group experiencing a
ULN, or results on randomization ischemia, or (HR: 0.85; 95% CI: sizeable risk
ECG compatible with repeat 0.68-1.06; p=0.15) reduction and
ischemia (i.e., ST- intervention at 6 suggesting a
segment depression mo potential
≥1 mm or transient advantage of
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 80
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Data Supplement 20. Risk Stratification Before Discharge for Patients With Conservatively Treated NSTE-ACS (Section 4.5)
Study Name, Study Aim Study Intervention Patient Population Study Study Endpoints P Values, Study Limitations &
Author, Year Type/ Size vs. Intervention Comparator OR: HR: RR: & 95 CI: Adverse Events
(n) Comparator
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Primary Safety Secondary
Criteria Endpoint & Endpoint Endpoint &
Results & Results Results
DANAMI, To test the Post hoc N/A In the DANAMI-2 N/A N/A N/A 1º endpoint was a N/A N/A ST-depression was predictive of Post hoc analysis.
Valeur et al prognostic subgroup study, pts with composite of the clinical outcome (RR: 1.57 Exercise capacity was
2004 importance of analysis of STEMI were death and re- [1.00- 2.48]; p<0.05) in a strong prognostic
(193) predischarge a RCT randomized to 1º infarction multivariable analysis, there was predictor of death and
15618067 maximal Sx- 1,164 angioplasty (PCI) or a significant association re-infarction
limited ET fibrinolysis between ST-depression and irrespective of
following AMI in outcome in the fibrinolysis group treatment strategy,
the era of (RR: 1.95 [1.11- 3.44]; p<0.05), whereas the prognostic
aggressive but not in the 1º PCI group (RR: significance of ST-
reperfusion 1.06 [0.47-2.36]; p=NS). depression seems to be
However, the p-value for strongest in the
interaction was 0.15. fibrinolysis-treated pts.
INSPIRE, To test whether Cohort N/A The study cohort N/A Event rates were Pt risk and Composite of N/A N/A Total cardiac events/death and Investigators did not
Mahmarian et gated ADSPECT study consisted of 728 assessed within subsequent death, MI, or reinfarction significantly track the percentage of
al 2006 could accurately 728 pts stabilized pts 18 y of prospectively therapeutic stroke at 6 mo increased within each INSPIRE eligible pts who were
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 81
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
(194) define risk and age who had either defined INSPIRE decision risk group from low (5.4%, enrolled in the INSPIRE
17174181 thereby guide QAMI or NQAMI and risk groups based making were 1.8%), to intermediate (14%, trial so there may be
therapeutic were prospectively on the prospectively 9.2%), to high (18.6%, 11.6%) selection bias. The
decision making enrolled adenosine- defined by (p<0.01). Event rates at 1 y perfusion results
in stable induced LV specific were lowest in pts with the significantly improved
survivors of AMI perfusion defect ADSPECT smallest perfusion defects but risk stratification
size, extent of variables. Pts progressively increased when beyond that provided
ischemia, and EF with a small defect size exceeded 20% by clinical and EF
(<20%) (p<0.0001). variables. The low-risk
ischemic PDS INSPIRE group,
were classified comprising 1/3 all
as low risk and enrolled pts, had a
most had a shorter hospital stay
LVEF of 35% with lower associated
(96%) and an costs compared with
ischemic PDS the higher-risk groups
of <10% (p<0.001).
COSTAMI -II, To compare in a RCT Intervention: 262 pts from 6 Exclusion Pharmacological Maximum Sx 1º endpoint was N/A 2º endpoints No complication occurred during Early pharmacological
Decidari et al prospective, 262 132; participating centers criteria were stress limited exercise cost effectiveness were either stress echocardiography stress
randomized, Comparator: with a recent age >75 y, echocardiography ECG of the diagnostic composite of or exercise ECG. At 1-y follow- echocardiography and
(195) multicenter trial 130 uncomplicated MI serious strategies. The 2º death, MI, or up there were 26 events (1 conventional
15657220 the relative merits were randomly arrhythmias endpoint was urgent death, 5 nonfatal reinfarctions, predischarge Sx limited
of predischarge assigned to early (d (VF, SVT, or quality of life revasc at 1- 20 pts with UA requiring exercise ECG have
exercise ECG 3-5) fixed 2nd or 3rd evaluation. Pts mo follow-up hospitalization) in pts randomly similar clinical outcome
and early pharmacological degree AV were seen at 1 assigned to early stress and costs after
pharmacological stress blocks), LBBB, and 6 mo and 1 y echocardiography and 18 uncomplicated
stress echocardiography pericarditis, after discharge. events (2 reinfarctions, 16 UA infarction. Early stress
echocardiography (n=132) or insufficient Cardiac events, requiring hospitalization) in the echocardiography may
concerning risk conventional acoustic use of resources, group randomly assigned to be considered a valid
stratification and predischarge (d 7-9) window, and costing, and exercise ECG (NS). The alternative even for pts
costs of treating maximum Sx limited poor short-term quality of life were negative predictive value was with interpretable
pts with exercise ECG (n Px because of recorded. 92% for stress baseline ECG who can
uncomplicated =130) concomitant echocardiography and 88% for exercise.
AMI disease exercise ECG (NS). Total costs
of the two strategies were
similar (NS).
1º indicates primary; 2º, secondary; ADSPECT, adenosine Tc-99m sestamibi single-photon emission computed tomography; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; AV, atrioventricular; DANAMI-2, Danish Multicenter Study of Acute Myocardial Infarction 2; ECG,
electrocardiograph; EF, ejection fraction; ET, exercise test; INSPIRE, Investigating New Standards for Prophylaxis in Reduction of Exacerbations; LBBB, left bundle branch block; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NS, non/t significant; NQAMI,
non-Q-wave myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PDS, perfusion defect size; pts, patients; Px, prognosis; QAMI, Q-wave myocardial infarction; RCT, randomized controlled trial; revasc, revascularization; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial
infarction; SVT, sustained ventricular tachycardia; Sx, symptom (s); UA, unstable angina; and VF, ventricular fibrillation.
Data Supplement 21. RCTs and Relevant Meta-Analyses of GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in Trials of Patients With NSTE-ACS Undergoing PCI (Section 5)
Trial Study Drug / Population Primary Endpoint Results Statistics Comments
Elective (stable) and urgent (ACS) patients enrolled (without routine clopidogrel pretreatment)
EPILOG Abciximab vs. PC 2,792 pts with stable ischemia or Death, MI or UTVR at 30 d 5.2% vs. 11.7% 95% CI: (0.30-0.60); p<0.001 N/A
(196) UA HR: 0.43
ACS/high risk (without routine clopidogrel pretreatment)
CAPTURE Abciximab 1,265 pts with “refractory UA” Death, MI or UTVR at 30 d 11.3% vs. 15.9% p=0.012 Significant reduction in MI rate both before and during PCI with
(197) (administered for 18-24 undergoing PCI 18-24 h after abciximab therapy. No diff in 6-mo composite endpoint
10341274 h before PCI) vs. PC diagnostic catheterization
EPIC Abciximab vs. PC Pts at high risk for abrupt vessel Death, MI, UTVR, IABP, or Bolus only: 11.4% p=0.009 overall; N/A
(198) closure unplanned stent placement Bolus + infusion: 8.3% p=0.008 for bolus + infusion vs.
8121459 at 30 d PC: 12.8% PC
RESTORE Tirofiban (std dose) vs. 2,139 pts with ACS undergoing Death, NFMI, UTVR, or 10.3% vs. 12.2% p=0.160 Composite endpoint was statistically lower at 2 and 7 d follow-up
(199) PC PTCA or DCA stent placement at 30 d (but not at the 30-d 1º endpoint)
ACS/high risk or mixed study population (with routine clopidogrel pretreatment)
ISAR-REACT 2 Abciximab vs. PC 2,022 “high-risk” ACS pts Death, MI or UTVR at 30 d 8.9% vs. 11.9% p=0.03 RR: 0.71 in +Tn pts; RR: 0.99 in -Tn pts
(142) undergoing PCI RR: 0.75 95% CI: 0.58–0.97
ADVANCE Tirofiban (high-dose) 202 pts undergoing elective or Death, NFMI, UTVR or 20% vs. 35% p=0.01 Pts pretreated with either ticlopidine or clopidogrel
(200) vs. PC urgent PCI (1/3 with stable angina; bailout GPI therapy at HR: 0.51 95% CI: 0.29–0.88 Death/MI/TVR at 6-mo lower (HR: 0.57; 95% CI: 0.99-0.33;
15234398 1/2 with ACS) median of 185 d p=0.48)
Pannu GP IIb/IIIa vs. PC 5,303 pts undergoing PCI Death, MI or TVR OR: 0.84 95% CI: 0.58–1.22; N/A
Meta-analysis p=0.35
1º indicates primary; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; DCA, directional coronary atherectomy; diff, difference; GP, glycoprotein; GPI, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors; IABP, intraaortic balloon pump; MI, myocardial infarction; NFMI, nonfatal myocardial infarction; PC,
placebo; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PTCA, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; pts, patients; RR, relative risk; std, standard; Tn, troponin; +Tn, positive troponin; -Tn, negative troponin; TVR, target vessel revascularization; UA, unstable
angina; and UTVR, urgent target vessel revascularization.
Data Supplement 22. Studies of Culprit Lesion Versus Multivessel (Culprit and Nonculprit) PCI in Patients with NSTE-ACS (Section 5)
Study Aim of Study Type of Study Study Size Patient Primary Endpoint Outcome
Brener SJ, 2008 To compare outcomes of culprit Post hoc database 105,866 pts NCDR database Multiple endpoints Procedural success: 91% culprit PCI vs. 88% multivessel PCI (p<0.001)
(202) only PCI to multivessel PCI in analysis analyzed In-hospital mortality: 1.3% culprit PCI vs. 1.2% multivessel PCI (p=0.09; adjusted OR: 1.11; 95% CI:
18082505 NSTE-ACS pts 0.97–1.27)
Shishehbor MH, 2007 Examination of the safety and Post hoc database 1,240 pts NSTE-ACS pts in Death, MI or TVR Multivessel PCI associated with lower death/MI/TVR rate; adjusted HR: 0.80 (95% CI: 0.64–0.99;
(203) efficacy of nonculprit multivessel analysis institutional Median follow-up 2.3 y p=0.04); propensity matched analysis HR: 0.67 (95% CI: 0.51–0.88; p=0.004)
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 83
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
17320742 PCI with culprit-only PCI in pts database Lower revasc rate with multivessel PCI drove endpoint differences
Zapata GO, 2009 To investigate MACE at 1-y Post hoc database 609 pts NSTE-ACS pts in MACE at 1 y MACE lower with multivessel PCI than culprit vessel PCI (9.45% vs.16.34%; p=0.02; no OR given)
(204) follow-up in pts with NSTE-ACS analysis institutional Revasc lower with multivessel PCI than culprit vessel PCI (7.46 vs. 13.86%; p=0.04; no OR given)
19515083 and multivessel CAD who database No diff in death or death/MI between groups
underwent either culprit vessel
PCI or multivessel PCI
Palmer ND, 2004 Compare short and medium- Retrospective 151 pts NSTE-ACS pts Multiple endpoints Compared to multivessel PCI, culprit lesion only PCI resulted in:
(205) term outcomes of complete database review treated at a tertiary analyzed More pts with residual angina (22.8% vs. 9.9%; p=0.041; no OR given)
15152143 revasc PCI vs. culprit revasc in with additional pt care institute More pts required further PCI (17.5% vs. 7.0%; p=0.045; no OR given)
NSTE-ACS pts follow-up Trend towards more readmissions for UA
Greater use of long-term antianginal medications (52.6% vs. 38.0%; p=0.043; no OR given)
Brener, 2002 To compare 30-d and 6-m Post hoc trial 427 pts NSTE-ACS pts in In-hospital and 6-mo NS diff between the 3 groups at either 30-d or 6-mo follow-up for any of the endpoints: death; MI; and
(206) outcome in NSTE-ACS pts analysis TACTICS-TIMI 18 MACE MACE
12231091 undergoing PCI with (1) 1 VD
and culprit PCI; (2) multivessel
disease and culprit PCI; and (3)
multivessel disease and
multivessel PCI
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; CAD, coronary artery disease; diff, difference(s); MACE, major adverse coronary events; MI, myocardial infarction; NCDR, National Cardiovascular Data Registry; NS, no(t) significance; NSTE, non-ST-elevation; NSTE-ACS,
non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; pts, patients; revasc, revascularization; TACTICS, Treat Angina with Tirofiban and Determine Cost of Therapy with an Invasive or Conservative Strategy; TACTICS-TIMI, Treat
Angina with Tirofiban and Determine Cost of Therapy with an Invasive or Conservative Strategy-Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; UA, unstable angina; VD, vascular disease; and TVR, target vessel revascularization.
Data Supplement 23. Risk Reduction Strategies for Secondary Prevention (Sections 6.3.)
Study Aim of study Study Study Study Study Patient Population Study Study Endpoints P Values, Study Limitations &
Name, Type Size Intervent Comparat Intervention Comparator OR: HR: RR & Adverse Events
Author, (n) ion or Group 95% CI:
Year Group (n)
Inclusion Exclusion Criteria Primary Safety Secondary
Criteria Endpoint Endpoint Endpoint and
(efficacy) and Results
and Results Results
6.3.1 Physical activity
Munk, 2009 To evaluate high RCT 40 20 20 Had PCI with History of MI or High- Usual care, Restenosis was N/A Peak oxygen Unknown Limitations: small sample
(207) intensity interval implantation CABG, significant intensity no exercise smaller in the uptake increased size and large interquartile
19853690 training on in- of a stent valvular heart interval intervention treatment group by 16.8% (T) and ranges; heterogeneity of
stent restenosis disease, >80 y, training (0.10 mm) 7.8% (C) (p<0.01). stents implanted.
following PCI for inability to give program compared to the Flowmediated There were no serious
stable or UA informed consent, control group dilation improved training-related adverse
inability to (0.39) p-value by 5.2% (T) and - events.
participate in (0.01) 0.1% (C) (p=0.01).
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 84
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Imasa, To determine the RCT 240 116 124 UA or Hemodynamic 1 mg folic PC Re-hospitalization N/A N/A RR (95% CI), p Limitations: small sample
2009 effect of folic acid NSTEMI in instability, liver acid, and composite of value all-cause size; compliance rate=60%;
(211) supplementation previous 2 disease, renal 400mcg B12, death, nonfatal mortality 1.18 adverse events in
19515873 on prevention of wk disease, <18 y, 10 mg B6 ACS, and re- (0.68- 2.04), 0.54 treatment group: skin
ACS pregnant, daily hospitalization Nonfatal ACS irritation, dyspnea,
Hemoglobin <10 were significantly 1.28 (0.64-2.54), dizziness
g/dL, high-output increased in the 0.5
failure, inability to treatment group Re-hospitalization
provide adequate 5.11 (1.14-23.0),
self-care, 0.016
malignancy or any Composite
terminal illness, and endpoint 1.20
geographic location (1.00-1.44), 0.04
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; APC, Adenoma Prevention with Celecoxib trial; APPROVe, Adenomatous Polyp Prevention on Vioxx trial; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CV, cardiovascular; Dx, diagnosis; ID, identification; MI, myocardial infarction; N/A,
not applicable; NSTEMI, non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PCP, primary care physician; Pts, patients; RCT, randomized controlled trials; and UA, unstable angina.
Gale 2012 Assess Mixed- N=616 N/A N/A ACS pts in Missing data or N/A N/A Compared to N/A Too Inpatient Diverse sample of
(213) difference in effects 011 ACS National Audit follow-up younger NSTE- numerous to mortality from hospital in United
22009446 risk factors, regression pts: age registry with ACS pts, older list include 2003-2010 Kingdom but less in
presentation analysis <55 outcomes pts had sig effect of age across all age Wales- not all pts
, using data y=23%;55 linked to higher in-pt on presenting groups entered into MINAP.
managemen from MINAP - national mortality rates, symptoms, including pts Approx. 4% missing
t and registry in 64y=20%; database. Pts longer rates of comorbidities, ≥85 y age: data.
outcomes United 65-74 included if met stay and were use of GDMT, OR, 95% CI:
across age Kingdom. y=40%; ACS definition prescribed less PCI, 2004: 0.94,
groups and Comparison 75-84 on admission GDMT (med outcome, and 0.88–1.01;
trends over across older y=39%; (diagnosis was and procedures) trends over 2010: 0.52,
7 y in MI pts age groups ≥85 adjudicated but despite same or time. 0.44–0.61;
in United and over 7 y y=29% did not exclude better efficacy 75–84 y age:
Kingdom pt if not ACS). vs. young. 2004: 0.98,
These age 0.93–1.03;
discrepancies 2010: 0.52,
have decreased 0.45–0.60,
over time. and pts ,55 y
age: 2004:
0.94, 0.79–
1.13; 2010:
0.64, 0.44–
Devlin 2008 Determine Retrospectiv N=18466 Data In-hospital GRACE registry Pts with non-CV Pts who Medical In NSTE-ACS N/A Elderly and Revasc vs. Although study
(214) whether e multiple NSTE- assessed by and 6-mo pts meeting causes for the underwent therapy types pts, revasc vs. very elderly no revasc 6- reports benefit of
18387940 increasing logistic ACS pts use of GDMT outcomes criteria for clinical revasc during were medical therapy pts less likely mo MACE early invasive
age impacts regression (27% 70- and early compared for NSTE-ACS who presentation initial specifically sig lowered 6- than younger <70 yo therapy, pts who
in-hosp and analyses on 80 y invasive age group had data during such as trauma, hospitalizatio recorded for mo MACE pts to receive OR=0.69, underwent
6-mo NSTE-ACS ‘elderly’;1 treatment and by hospitalization surgery, or n classified comparison. (stroke, death, GDMT 95% CI 0.56– PCI/CABG during
outcome of pts in 6% >80 y (cath with intervention and 6 mo after aortic aneurism, under revasc Age and MI) and 6-mo 0.86; 70-80 y admission were
revasc GRACE very approp discharge. were excluded. included high- intervention mortality. Older OR=0.60, included including
therapy in registry by elderly’) revasc) by 3 (STEMI data risk pts with strategy were NSTE-ACS pts 95% CI 0.47– those who underwent
high-risk age groups age groups also reported dynamic ECG compared. were sig less 0.76; >80 y revasc >24 h after
NSTE-ACS but omitted changes or likely to undergo OR=0.72,95 admission and high-
pts here) recurrent revasc (and % CI,0.54– risk pts were also
ischemia- GDMT) than 0.95 included (including
regardless of younger pts. Revasc vs. dynamic ST changes,
timing of no revasc 6- recurrent ischemia)
revasc mo mortality:
strategy <70 y
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 87
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
95% CI 0.37–
0.72; 70-80
%CI 0.26–
0.54; >80 y
CI 0.49–0.95
Damman 2012 To assess Meta- N=5467 Early Selective Pts enrolled in Those with Routine Initial medical Routine invasive In-hosp The benefits Routine Trials had different
(215) the impact analyses of NSTE- Invasive: invasive (EC): FRISC II, missing data for invasive treatment strategy sig bleeding rates were smaller Invasive vs. time windows for
21930723 of early FRISC II, ACS pts <65 y=1383 <65 y =1424 ICTUS and specific strategy with card reduced 5-y sig higher in for women Selective routine invasive
invasive vs. ICTUS and (51.3% 65-75 y=901 65-75 y=920 RITA-3 with analyses defined as angio and MACE older pts: <65 than for men Invasive on 5- strategy (up to 7 d in
early RITA-3 <65 y, ≥75 y=437 ≥75 y=402 follow-up data card cath revasc only if (death/MI) in 65- y=1.7%; 65-74 but sample y death/MI: FRISC II) and other
conservative studies 33.3% were included. within 24-48 h refractory 74 and ≥75 y y=2.2%; ≥75 size small <65 y (HR between trial
stragety on 65-74 y, in ICTUS trial, angina but not in those y=6.1% (esp ≥75) 1.11, 95% CI heterogeneity exists
long term 15.3% within 72 h in despite OMT, <65 y. (p<0.001 for underpowere 0.90 to 1.38),
outcomes (5 ≥75 y) RITA-3 trial hemodynamic trend). d for gender 65-74 y (HR
y) in older and within 7 d instability or Bleeding rates and age 0.72, 95% CI
NSTE-ACS with positive higher in each analyses 0.58-0.90);
pts subsequent stress age group with ≥75 y (HR
revasc when (ICTUS and Routine 0.71, 95% CI
appropriate. FRISC II) invasive vs. 0.55-0.91)
strategy but all
Bach 2004 To assess Prespecified N=2220 Early Early Pts with NSTE- Persistent STE; Coronary Pt received Among pts ≥75 Major bleeding Sig reduction NSTE-ACS TACTICS-TIMI 18
(216) impact of subgroup NSTE- Invasive: Conservative: ACS eligible for 2º angina; PCI angiography ASA 325 mg, y, Early Invasive rates higher in 30-d pts ≥75 y excluded pts with
15289215 age and analyses by ACS pts: <65 y=623 <65 y=635 card or CABG within 4-48 h after UFH and vs. Initial with Early outcomes of Early Invasive multiple co-
early age strata of <65 ≥65 y=491 ≥65 y=471 cath/revasc previous 6 mo; randomizatio tirofiban, Conservative Invasive vs. MI, death/MI, vs. Initial morbidities and
invasive vs. TACTICS y=1258 contain to AP n and have treated strategy Initial ACS Rehosp Conservative marked renal
initial TIMI 18, a ≥65 and GP meds. revasc when medically conferred an Conservative and MACE 6-mo dysfunction (included
conservative RCT y=962 Stroke/TIA; appropriate and, if stable, absolute strategy in pts for NSTE- outcomes: older pts with mild
strategy on evaluating LBBB or paced All pts underwent reduction ≥75y (16.6% ACS pts ≥75 Death/MI: renal dysfunction by
outcomes in Early rhythm, CHF or received ASA ETT before (10.8% vs. vs. 6.5%; y (none were RR=0.61 CrCl). Underpowered
NSTE-ACS Invasive vs. cardiogenic 325 mg, UFH discharge. 21.6%; p=0.016) p=0.009); Sig sig for pts (0.41–0.92) for many
pts Initial shock; clinically and tirofiban. Card angio in and relative higher minor <65 y) MI: 0.49 comparisons in older
Conservativ important pts w failure reduction of bleeding rates (0.29–0.81) pts. Additional age
e strategy in systemic of OMT or 56% in death or and trasfusions Death: group beyond single
NSTE-ACS disease; SCr stress- MI at 6 mo. w Early RR=0.88 65-y stratification
pts >2.5 mg/dL) induced RR=0.61 in Invasive vs. (0.51–1.53) were not prespecified
ischemia death/MI at 6 Initial ACS Rehosp: and done post hoc
mo for Early Conservative RR=0.75
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 88
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
bleeding rate,
mortality and
length of stay
vs. those given
rec dose.
Lincoff 2003 Determine RCT, N=6010 Bival+GPI- UFH+GPI=30 Pts ≥21 y PCI performed Bivalrudin UFH 65 U/kg Provisional GPI In Hosp major 30 d 30 d Included elective PCI
(223) efficacy of double-blind 2999 11 undergo PCI as reperfusion 0.75 mg/kg bolus+ GPI given to 7.2% bleeding rates death/MI/reva death/MI/reva – NSTE-ACS pts
12588269 bivalrudin trial in pt with approved therapy for AMI, bolus + 1.75 (abciximab or Bil pts. sig lower in sc: no diff in sc/in-hosp approx. 42% each
+GPI vs. undergoing device poorly controlled mg/kg/hr inf eptifibitide) Noninferiority Biv+GPI vs. MACE major arm + 30% positive
GPI+UFH urgent or Htn, unprotected during PCI Pts received statistically UFH+GPI BiV+GPI vs. bleeding:no stress test; 13% ≥75
for PCI on elective PCI- LM, PCI w/I past with ASA and achieved in 30 d (2.4% v 4.1%, UFH+GPI diff in MACE y
periproc prespecified mo., risk for provisional thienopyridine endpoint: p<0.001) (OR=0.90, in BiV+GPI v
ischemia for non- bleeding, serum GPI for ≥ 30 d MI/death/ p=0.4) UFH+GPI
and inferiority Cr >4 mg/dL, Pts received post PCI revasc/ in-hosp (OR=0.92,
bleeding prior heparin tx. ASA and major bleeding p=0.32).
thienopyridine between
for ≥ 30 d BiV+GPI vs.
Lopes RD, Evaluate Pre- Of 13,819 Of the pts in Of the pts in NSTE-ACS pts Pts excluded for Bivalrudin Bivalrudin+ Mortality and Major bleeding Older pts had Number N/A
2009 impact of specified ACUITY each age each age at moderate or any of following: alone GPI- composite increased in more comorb, needed to
(224) age on analysis of pts, 3,655 group (prev group (4th high risk for STEMI, recent All pts- ASA+ randomized ischemic each age were more treat with
19298914 antithrombot 30-d and 1-y (26.4%) column), 1/3 column), 1/3 adverse clinical bleeding, CrCl mtn (2×2 factorial) outcomes at 30 group often female, bivalirudin
ic strategy outcomes in were <55 were were outcomes at 30 <30 mg/mL, Clopidogrel to upstream d and 1 y were regardless. weighed less, alone to avoid
and 4 age y, 3,940 randomized randomized d. All pts thrombocytopeni post PCI × 1 or cath lab not statistically Major bleeding and had more 1 major
outcomes in groups, (28.5%) to receive to receive underwent cath a, shock, recent y GPI admin different in pts rates were hypertension, bleeding
moderate overall and were 55- bival alone Hep+GPI w/I 72 h of use of Clopidogrel Heparin +GPI randomized to higher in PCI prior cerebral event was
and high- among 64 y, admission abciximab, load per randomized bivalirudin alone pts in the age vascular lower in pts
risk NSTE- those 3,783 warfarin, invest (2×2 factorial) or randomized groups: 3.4%, disease, renal ≥75 y (23
ACS pts undergoing (27.4%) fondaparinux, to upstream to heparin with 5.1%, 5.5%, insufficiency overall and
PCI were 65- bival, LMWH, or cath lab GP IIb/IIIa and 11.8%, for (creatinine 16 for PCI-
74 y, and fibrinolytics GPI admin inhibitors across ages <55, 55- clearance treated pts)
2,441 All pts- ASA+ all age 64, 65-74, and ≤50 mL/min), than in any
(17.7%) mtn categories. ≥75 y, and prior other age
were ≥75 Clopidogrelpo respectively. CABG group.
y. st PCI × 1-y Rates were
Clopidogrel signif lower in
load per those treated w
invest Bivalrudin
alone in each
age group
Lemesle G,. Analyze Single N=2766 N=1,207 N=1,559 Consecutive pts None Bivalrudin UFH (dose Overall in- After In-hospital Bival vs. UFH Non-randomized
2009 impact of center (43.6%) (56.4%).recei ≥80 y at single (dose not not reported) hospital propensity major reduced 6-m observational study.
(225) replacing retrospectiv received ved UFH center who reported) at at operator’s bleeding and 6- score bleeding mortality Doses not reported.
19360860 heparin with e bivalrudin underwent operator’s discretion. mo mortality matching, bival assoc with 6- HR=0.6, 95% Differences in
bivalirudin in observation PCI/stent from discretion. GPI given at rates were 4.6% sign reduced mo mortality CI=0.4–0.9, baseline
octogenaria al analyses 2000-2007 GPI given at operator’s and 11.8%, periproc HR=2.5, p=0.01) In- characteristics-
ns of operator’s discretion. respectively. bleeding vs. 95%CI=1.6– hosp bleeding propensity analyses
undergoing consecutive discretion. ACT target Bival vs. UFH UFH 3.9, p<0.001) Bival vs. used.
PCI on post- pts ≥80 y ACT target >250 s reduced 6 mo (HR=0.38, UFH: HR=
procedure who >250 s All pts mort (8.8% vs. 95% CI=0.22– 0.41, (95%
hemorrhage underwent All pts received ASA 13.4%, 0.65, p=0.001). CI=0.23–
and 6-mo PCI received ASA 325 mg, p=0.003). Bival Bival vs. hep 0.73,
mortality. 325 mg, clopidogrel was assoc with reduced 6 mo p=0.003) by
clopidogrel ≥300 mg load sig less in-hosp MACE (10.1% MRL anal.
≥300 mg load then 75 mg bleeding rate vs. 20.2%, and by
then 75 mg qd mtn (2.2% vs. 6.8%, p<0.001) multivar COX
qd mtn advised for 1 p< 0.001).) (HR=0.6,
advised for 1 y 95% CI= 0.4–
y 0.9, p=0.01)
Summaria F, To Retrospectiv N=84 pts All pts were N/A Consecutive pt None Bivalrudin N/A Transradial N/A N/A N/A Pilot feasibility study
2012 explorefeasi e analyses (22 male; treated with >70 y with ACS bolus dose of approach in very elderly cohort.
(226) bility and of data from 52 pts bivalrudin and treated with EI 0.75 mg/kg successful in Single center, no
22476002 safety of consecutive >80 y) via tranradial strategy using immediately 100%, manual comparison group.
PCI via ACS pts >70 STEMI=5 approach tranradial followed by thrombus aspir
transradial y with Early 3, approach and continuous in 52% of
approach Invasive NSTEMI= bivalrudin as AT infusion of NSTEMI pts.
and strategy via 31 regimen. 1.75 mg/kg/h. Transfusions=0,
intraprocedu transradial All pts sign bleeding
ral approach received ASA events=1 (GI
bivalirudin in with 300 mg, bleed), in-pt
>70 y MI pts bivalrudin as clopidogrel mort=0,30 d
AT. 600 mg, UFH MACE=5 (6%, 1
bolus and death, 2 MI, 2
infusion in TLR)
emer dept –
stopped 6 h
prior to PCI
McKellar SH, To assess pt Systematic N=66 35 CABG 32 PCI Studies which Studies that CABG PCI with last 30-d mort CABG 3 y survival Greater Univariate Clinical trials
2008 characteristi review and studies studies studies included reported without enrollment vs. PCI (7.2% v CABG 78% number of analysis comparing PCI vs.
(227) cs, meta- (65,376 baseline combined CABG additional 1997 5.4%). 1-y (74%−82%) v reintervention showed that CABG enrolled
18825133 procedural analyses of pts, 56% characteristic and valve procedure survival: PCI 78% s post PCI vs. CABG, male younger pts of lower
success, 66 studies of male) and outcomes operations or (i.e. valve CABG=86% (68%−87%), 5 CABG. gender, risk with less
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 92
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
complication coronary in ≥80 y studies where replacement), (83%−88%) vs. y survival multivessel comorbidities, 65 of
s and revasc in undergoing baseline clinical last enrolled PCI 87% CABG 68% disease, and 66 studies
outcomes of ≥80 y revasculariztion data or 1996 (84%−91%) (62%−73%) v abnormal observational, Older
≥80 y who (subgroup (PCI vs. CABG) outcomes were PCI 62% LVEF studies w/o DES
undergo PCI anal by with 30-d not reported (46%−77%), predicted 30-
vs. CABG revasc type) survival separately were d mortality.
(English lang) excluded. Being treated
status, and
having DM
The only
predictor of
survival at 1 y
was CABG
(p=0.005); a
more recent
date of
and diabetes
Kimura T, Assess Retrospecitv N=9,877 CABG=1,708 PCI=3,712 Consecutive pts Pts undergoing N/A N/A ≥75 y of age: 3- Stroke rate ≥75 y: Adj 75 y of age: Nonrandomized
2008 long-term e analyses enrolled, ≥75 y, (21%) ≥75 y (27%) undergoing 1st concomitant y survival higher in 4 y HR for death 3-y survival observational study.
(228) outcomes of 5420 ≥80 y (6%) ≥80 y (12%) PCI or CABG valvular, left adjusted for follow-up in PCI vs. adjusted for Meta-analyses
18824755 between multicenter (PCI: and excluding ventricular, or baseline char CABG vs PCI CABG baseline char performed in BMS
PCI vs. registry 3712, those pts with major vascular favored CABG prespecifieds favored era, non-urgent
CABG in (CREDO- CABG: AMI within wk operation were (HR for death ubgroups: CABG HR for cases only
younger and Kyoto) of 1708) had before index excluded from PCI vs. CABG DM HR= 1.85 death PCI vs.
older pts consecutive multivess procedure. the current HR=1.23 (0.99- (1.1–3.12) CABG
(≥75 y) pts el disease analysis. Pts 1.53, p=0.06), p=0.02 HR=1.23
undergoing without with disease of but not for All-cause [0.99-1.53,
1st PCI or left main the left main younger pts death cum p=0.06], but
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 93
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
ST-elevation myocardial infarction; OA, osteoarthritis; OMT, optimal medical therapy; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PET, positron emission tomography; PPV, positive predictive value; pts, patients; PVD, peripheral vascular disease; RITA, Randomized Trial
of a Conservative Treatment Strategy Versus an Interventional Treatment Strategy in Patients with Unstable Angina; RBC, red blood count; revasc, revascularization; RR, relative risk; Rx, prescription; SCr, serum creatinine; Sx, symptom(s); TACTICS, Treat Angina
With Tirofiban and Determine Cost of Therapy With an Invasive or Conservative Strategy; TIA, transient ischemic attack, TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; UFH, unfractionated heparin; U.S., United States; and VIGOUR, Virtual Coordinating Center for Global
Collaborative Cardiovascular Research.
14581255 model in pts observation GUSTO-IIb hospital simplified model was developed in in pts with utilizing pts from
with al study trial mortality; excellent with C- patients with diagnosed ACS GRACE (n=11,389;
diagnosed utilizing pts Regression statistics of 0.83 in diagnosed ACS (including pts with 509 deaths);
ACS from model identified the derived (including STEMI) for in- validation set
(including pts GRACE the following 8 database, 0.84 in the STEMI pts) and hospital mortality included a
with STEMI) (n=11,389; independent risk confirmation GRACE was not subsequent cohort
for in-hospital 509 factors:accounte data set, and 0.79 in designed to be of 3,972 pts enrolled
mortality deaths); d age, Killip the GUSTO-IIb applied in GRACES and
validation class, SBP, ST- database; OR for the indiscriminately 12,142 pts enrolled
set segment 8 independent risk to in GUSTO-IIb trial
included a deviation, factors were: age ( undifferentiated
subsequent cardiac arrest OR: 1.7 per 10 y), chest pain pts;
cohort of during Killip class (OR: 2.0 difficult to
3,972 pts presentation, per class), SBP (OR: calculate;
enrolled in serum creatinine 1.4 per 20 mmHg original model
GRACES level, positive decrease), ST- requires pre-
and 12,142 initial cardiac segment deviation existing
pts enrolled enzyme (OR: 2.4), cardiac programmed
in GUSTO- findings, and arrest during calculator;
IIb trial heart rate presentation (OR: simplified
4.3), serum version requires
creatinine level (OR: print-out of
1.2 per 1 mg/dL scoring system
[88.4 μmol/L] for each variable
increase), positive with
initial cardiac corresponding
enzyme findings nomogram
(OR: 1.6), and heart
rate (OR: 1.3 per 30
beat/min increase)
Pollack 2006 Validation in Convenien N/A Chest Sx and New STE N/A Death/MI/revasc N/A In-hospital Graded relationship N/A Used parts of Validation in an Convenience
(13) an ED ce sample ECG over 30 d and 14-d between score and score to define ED population sample N=3,326
16365321 population N=3,326 obtained events events management with chest pain without new STE
with chest without
pain new STE
Go 2011 Attempt to Single N/A Ischemic Sx STEMI N/A CV death, MI, N/A N/A Renal dysfunction N/A Small and only Attempt to add Single center N=798
(14) add creatinine center within 48 h urgent revasc or increased risk but 9% with eGFR, creatinine to TIMI
21691204 to TIMI risk N=798 Sx and elevated not enough to add 30 risk score
score biomarkers variable to system
Huynh 2009 Across all Multicenter N/A NSTE, ACS N/A N/A 6-mo death and N/A N/A 2 mm ST deviation N/A All high-risk pts Across all ACS Multicenter RCT with
(15) ACS RCT with and STEMI MI increased risk and spectrum N=1,491 from
19960136 spectrum N=1,491 risk was less angiographic arm
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 96
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
at least 0.3
mV in at least
2 leads;
levels of
markers; or
disease, as
by Hx of cath,
revasc, or M
de Winter 2005 To compare RCT 1,200 Interventi Eligible pts Exclusion Pts assigned Pts assigned to 1º Bleeding Percentage of pts Estimated Revasc rates To compare an RCT 1,200
(188) an early on: 604 have all 3 of criteria were to early the selectively endpoint free from anginal Sx cumulative were high in the early invasive
16162880 invasive vs. the following: an age >18 y invasive invasive was rate of 1º 2 groups in our strategy to a
strategy to a Compara Sx of or <80 y, strategy were strategy were composite endpoint study (76% in selectively
selectively tor: 596 ischemia that STEMI in past scheduled to treated of death, was 22.7% the early- invasive strategy
invasive were 48 h, undergo medically. Pts RMI, or in the invasive- for pts who have
strategy for increasing or indication for angiography were scheduled rehospitali group strategy group ACS without STE
pts who have occurred at 1º PCI or within 24-48 to undergo zation for assigned and 40% in the and with an
ACS without rest, with the fibrinolytic h after angiography angina to early selectively- elevated cTnT
STE and with last episode therapy, randomizatio and subsequent within 1 y invasive invasive- level
an elevated occurring no hemodynamic n and PCI revasc only if after manageme strategy group
cTnT level more than 24 instability or when they had randomizat nt and during the initial
h before overt CHF, appropriate refractory ion 21.2% in hospitalization,
randomizatio the use of oral on the basis angina despite the group and 79% and
n; elevated anticoagulant of the optimal medical assigned 54%,
cTnT level drugs in past coronary treatment, to respectively,
(≥0.03 μg/L); 7 d, fibrinolytic anatomy hemodynamic or selectively within 1 y after
and either treatment rhythmic invasive randomization
ischemic within past 96 instability, or manageme
changes as h, PCI within clinically nt (RR:
assessed by the past 14 d, significant 1.07; [0.87-
ECG (defined contraindicatio ischemia on the 1.33];
as ST- n to treatment predischarge p=0.33).
segment with PCI or exercise test.
depression or GP IIb/IIIa
transient STE inhibitors,
exceeding recent trauma
0.05 mV, or or risk of
T-wave bleeding,
inversion of hypertension
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 98
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
≥0.2 mV in 2 despite
contiguous treatment (i.e.,
leads) or systolic
documented pressure >180
Hx of CAD as mmHg or
evidenced by diastolic
previous MI, pressure >100
findings on mmHg),
previous weight <120
coronary kg, or inability
angiography, to give
or a positive informed
exercise test consent
Fox KA 2002. To compare RCT 1,810 Interventi Pts eligible All those with Pts assigned Pts assigned to Coprimary Bleeding Death, MI, refractory At 4 mo, 1º endpoint To compare RCT 1,810
(187) interventional on: 895 for inclusion if probable to the conservative endpoints angina as individual 86 (9.6%) driven by interventional
12241831 strategy and vs. they had evolving MI, interventional strategy were were: a endpoints of 895 pts reduction of strategy and
conservative Compara suspected including treatment managed with combined in refractory conservative
strategy in pts tor: 915 cardiac chest those for strategy were antianginal and rate of interventio angina with no strategy in pts
with unstable pain at rest whom managed antithrombotic death, n group difference in with unstable
CAD and had reperfusion with optimum medication nonfatal had died or hard clinical CAD
documented therapy was antianginal MI, or had a MI or endpoints
evidence of indicated, and refractory refractory
CAD with at were antiplatelet angina at 4 angina,
least 1 of the ineligible. treatment (as mo; and a compared
following: Those in for the combined with 133
evidence of whom new conservative rate of (14.5%) of
ischaemia on pathological Q group), and death or 915 pts in
ECG (ST- waves enoxaparin 1 nonfatal MI the
segment developed, or mg/kg at 1 y conservativ
depression, those with CK subcutaneou e group
transient or CK-MB sly 2× for 2-8 (RR: 0.66,
STE, LBBB concentration d. Protocol [0.51-0.85],
[documented s 2× the ULN specified that p=0.001).
previously], before coronary
or T-wave randomization arteriography
inversion); , were should be
pathological excluded. done as soon
Q waves Also excluded as possible
suggesting were those after
previous MI; with MI within randomizatio
or the previous n and ideally
arteriographic mo, PCI in the within 72 h
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 99
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
shock 2º to
Bhatt 2004 Determine Registry- 17,926 8,037 (44%) N/A NSTEMI pts N/A N/A N/A Use of early invasive N/A N/A N/A Predictors of early
(231) use and observation with underwent presenting to management within invasive
15523070 predictors of al study NSTEMI early cardiac 248 US 48 h of presentation management: lower-
early invasive trial 8,037 cath <48 h hospitals with Predictors of early risk pts with lack of
management (44.8%) cardiac cath invasive prior or current CHF,
strategies in underwe facilities and management renal insufficiency,
high-risk pts nt early PCI or CABG In-hospital mortality positive biomarkers
with NSTEMI cardiac availability Pts treated with
cath <48 early invasive
h strategy had lower
in-hospital mortality
2.5% vs 3.7%,
1º indicates primary; 2º indicates primary; ACS, acute coronary syndromes; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CHF, congestive heart failure; CAB, coronary artery bypass; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery
disease; CI, confidence interval; CK-MB, creatine kinase MB; cTnT, cardiac troponin T; CV, cardiovascular; ECG, electrocardiography; ED, emergency department; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GDF, growth differentiation factor; GP, glycoprotein; GRACE;
Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; GUSTO, Global Utilization of Streptokinase and Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Occluded Coronary Arteries trial; HF, heart failure; Hx, history; LBBB, left bundle-branch block; MI, myocardial infarction; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-
elevation acute coronary syndrome; NSTE, non–ST-elevation; NSTEMI, non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction; NT-pro, N-terminal pro; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PURSUIT, Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in Unstable Angina: Receptor Suppression Using
Integrilin Therapy; Pt, patient; Px, prognosis; QMI, q-wave myocardial infarction; RBBB, right bundle-branch block; RCT, randomized clinical trial; RMI, recognized myocardial infarction; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; RR, relative risk; SBP, systolic blood
pressure; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; Sx, symptom; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction trial; TnI, troponin I; ULN, upper limit normal; US, United States.
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 101
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Jacobs A. et Determine the Registry 881 152 pts with 729 pts with Cardiogen Excluded pts NSTEMI + STEMI + In-hospital Compared with shock pts who Pts with cardiogenic No hemodynamic or LV
al, 2000 outcomes of Sub- NSTEMI STEMI and ic shock with missing cardiogenic cardiogenic mortality similar in had STEMI, pts with NSTEMI shock and NSTEMI function data
(232) pts with study of and cardiogenic due to LV ECG + shock shock the 2 groups were older and more likely to have a higher-risk Registry data – subject to
10985710 cardiogenic the cardiogenic shock failure cardiogenic (62.5% for have comorbid disease, prior profile than shock confounding
shock SHOCK shock shock due to NSTEMI vs. infarctions and MVD pts with ST-segment
complicating trial mechanical 60.4% STEMI). Left circumflex artery was the elevation, but similar
NSTEMI complications, After adjustment, culprit vessel in 34.6% of non- in-hospital mortality.
tamponade, STEMI did not ST-elevation vs. 13.4% of ST-
cardiac independently elevation MI pts (p<5 0.001)
catheter predict in-hospital Similar LVEF in-hospital, and
laboratory mortality (OR: similar revascularization
complication, 1.30; 95% CI:
isolated RV 0.83-2.02;
dysfunction, p=0.252)
severe valvular
heart disease
Holmes DR Assess the Pre- 12, 084 (of 200 pts 173 pts Pts who Pts who had NSTEMI STEMI Lower OR of Pts without ST-segment Pts without STE GUSTO-IIb is a
et al., 1999 incidence and specified those 4,092 developed developed developed shock on (incidence/ (incidence/ developing elevation were older, more developed shock thrombolytic trial
(233) outcomes of sub-study or 34% had cardiogenic cardiogenic shock presentation outcome of outcome of cardiogenic shock frequently had DM and 3- much later than (excluded pts ineligible for
10562262 cardiogenic from the NSTEMI) shock (out shock (out of after (n=58) + 11 pts cardiogenic cardiogenic in NSTEMI vessel disease, but had less those with STEMI thrombolytics)
shock GUSTO- of 7,986 4,087 STEMI enrollment with missing shock) shock) compared with TIMI grade 0 flow at suggesting a Subgroup analysis
developing IIb trial NSTEMI pts) in GUSTO data STEMI angiography window of Different baseline risk
among pts with pts) 4.2% GUSTO Also excluded Incidence: 4.2% Shock developed significantly opportunity to
and without 2.5% eligibility pts with STEMI vs. 2.5% (OR: later among pts without ST- prevent shock
ST-segment criteria: who were not 0.58; 95% CI: segment elevation Shock pts without
elevation chest pain candidates for 0.47-0.72; No STE was significant STE had more high-
of thrombolytic p<0.001) predictor of 30-d mortality risk clinical
myocardia therapy High 30-d (p=0.048) characteristics, more
l ischemia mortality in both: extensive CAD, and
within 12 h 63% among pts more frequent
+ STE or with STEMI with recurrent ischemia
ST- shock vs. 73% in and MI before the
depressio NSTEMI with development of
n, or shock (p NS) shock
persistent Regardless of the
T-wave initial ECG findings,
inversion Shock was
associated with a
marked increase in
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 102
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
1º indicates primary; CAD, coronary artery disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; ECG, electrocardiogram; GUSTO, Global Use of Strategies To Open Occluded Coronary Arteries; LV, left ventricular; LVEF; left ventricular ejection fraction; MVD, multi-vessel disease; NS,
nonsignificant; NSTEMI, non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction; OR, odds ratio; Pts, patients; RV, right ventricular; SHOCK, Should We Emergently Revascularize Occluded Coronaries for Cardiogenic Shock; STE, ST-elevation; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial
infarction; and TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction.
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 103
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
FRISC II Compare Multicente 2,457 Early invasive Study Inclusion: N/A N/A N/A 6-mo composite N/A Angina at 6 N/A Early invasive
(185) early invasive r RCT of pts, strategy N=1,222 comparator UA, NSTEMI of death or MI mo strategy
10475181 with a 2,457 pts 21.4% group: Pts with DM– 9.4% in invasive In pts with preferred in most
noninvasive diabeti noninvasive 21.4% of vs. 12.1% in DM invasive pts with unstable
treatment c strategy n=1,235 total but not noninvasive strategy CAD who have
strategy in analyzed group (RR: 0.78, improved signs of
unstable CAD separately 95% CI: 0.62– anginal Sx – ischemia or have
0.98, p=0.031) 24% for NSTEMI
Decrease in MI invasive vs. Benefit is
alone 7.8% in 41% for greatest in pts at
invasive vs. noninvasive higher risk at
10.1% in RR: 0.59 entry
conservative (0.41–0.84)
group (RR: 0.77
95% CI: 0.60–
0.99; p=0.045)
decrease in death
1.9% vs. 2.5%
(HR: 0.65, 95%
CI: 0.39–1.09;
Norhammar Evaluate Randomiz 299 pts 299 pts with DM 2,158 patients UA, NSTEMI N/A N/A N/A 1º composite of N/A N/A N/A An invasive
2004 influence of ed clinical with without DM Pts with DM death or MI. strategy
(234) DM in trial diabete defined as ITT. improved
14975468 outcome of s treated with DM remained a outcomes for
unstable CAD mellitus diet, oral strong both patients
and agents, or independent with and without
2,158 insulin predictor of death DM with
without Pts with DM and MI in unstable CAD
Rando were at multivariable DM is an
mizatio higher analyses independent risk
n to baseline risk Invasive strategy factor for dearth
early – more prior reduced and MI in both
invasiv MI, CHF, composite of invasive and
e or a PAD, HBP, death or MI in pts noninvasive
noninv more 3VD with DM from groups
asive 29.9% to 20.6%
strateg (OR 0.61; CI
y 0.36–1.04,
Invasive strategy
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 104
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
composite of
death or MI in
without DM from
12.0% to 8.9%
(OR 0.72; CI
Farkouh Compare Multicente 1,900 Aggressive medical CABG, n=947 Pts with DM LMCA lesions N/A N/A Composite of N/A MACE at 30 N/A For pts with DM
2012 strategy of r pts therapy plus DES, with excluded death from any d and 12 mo and severe CAD
(235) aggressive randomiz n=953 angiographic Minimum follow- cause, nonfatal undergoing
23121323 medical ed clinical ally up 2 y MI or nonfatal revascularization
therapy and trial confirmed stroke , CABG was
DES vs. MVD of ≥2 Composite 5-y associated with
CABG for pts major rate 26.6% in PCI significant
with DM and epicardial vs. 18.7% in reduction in
multivessel vessels CABG; p=0.005 death and MI,
CAD 5-y rate death but with a
from any cause significant
16.3% vs. 10.9%; increase in
p=0.049 PCI vs. stroke compared
5-y rate MI 13.0 Limitations:
vs. 6.0%;p<0.001 Trial not blinded
PCI vs. CABG Some
Rate stroke prespecified
increased with subgroups had
CABG 5.2% - very low
CABG vs. 2.4% prevalence
PCI; p=0.03
No subgroup
analysis of pts
with ACS
1º indicates primary; 2º, secondary; 3VD, three-vessel disease; ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; DES, drug-eluting stents; DM, diabetes mellitus; HBP, high
blood pressure; Hx, history; ITT, intention to treat; LBBB, left bundle-branch block; LMCA, left main coronary artery disease; MACE, major adverse cardiac events; MI, myocardial infarction; MVD, multi-vessel disease; N/A, not applicable; NSTEMI, non-ST-elevation
myocardial infarction; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; Pts, patients; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RR, relative risk; Sx, symptom(s); UA, unstable angina.
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 105
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2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
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2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Solomon 1994 Evaluate effect RCT 78 n=28, 45% n=25 78 pts with chronic N/A An increase in baseline N/A N/A N/A Hydration with 0.45% saline
7969280 (239) of saline, saline alone for 1) 45% saline renal insufficiency serum Cr of ≥0.5 provides better protection
mannitol on 12 h before and plus mannitol undergoing mgm/dL within 48 h of against CIN than hydration
renal function in 12 h after n=25 coronary angiography plus either mannitol or
pts undergoing 2) 45% saline angiography 11% with saline furosemide
coronary plus furosemide Serum Cr measure 28% with saline + Limitations:
angiography prior to and 48 h mannitol Small sample size
after angiography 40% with saline +
Charytan Evaluate Collaborative 5 randomized Early invasive Conservative Total 1,453 pts with N/A 1-y mortality N/A In-hospital N/A Routine coronary
2009 effectiveness of meta- studies of strategy of strategy of CKD in 5 RCT Invasive strategy death, MI, angiography should be
19423566 an early analysis of 1,453 pts with routine coronary selective stages 3a, 3b, and associated with: death/MI, 1-y considered for pts with CKD
(240) invasive RCT CKD angiography coronary 4-5 Nonsignificant reduction MI, who are admitted with
strategy or angiography GFR calculated in all-cause mortality rehospitalizati NSTEMI
conservative using modification RR: 0.76; 95% CI: on, combined Limitations:
strategy in pts of diet in renal 0.49–1.17; p=0.21 death/MI Publication bias
with CKD disease Nonfatal MI RR: 0.78; Small number trials
admitted with Serum Cr measure 95% CI: 0.52–1.16; Small number of stage 4-5
UA/NSTEMI prior to and 48 h p=0.22 CKD
after angiography Death or nonfatal MI
RR: 0.79; 95% CI:
0.53–1.18; p=0.24
Significant reduction in
rehospitalization RR:
0.76; 95% CI: 0.66–
0.87; p<0.0001
Szummer Evaluate Nationwide 23,262 Pts Patients not 23,262 consecutive N/A After adjustment overall N/A N/A N/A Early invasive therapy is
2009 influence of registry consecutive revascularized revascularized pts ≤80 y with 1-y mortality was 36% associated with greater 1-y
19704097 renal function NSTEMI pts within 14 d of within 14 d of NSTEMI lower (HR: 0.64; 95% survival in pts with NSTEMI
(241) on effects of ≤80 y old admission, admission, Subdivision in 5 CI: 0.56–0.73; p<0.001) and mild-moderate renal
early treated from N=12,030 n=11,232 groups with invasive strategy insufficiency. Benefit
revascularizatio 2003-2006 eGFR ≥90 Magnitude of survival declines with lower renal
n in NSTEMI n=6,064 difference similar in function.
eGFR 60-89 normal to moderate Limitations:
n=11,509 renal function groups Registry study
eGFR 30-59 Lower mortality Selection bias
n=4,839 observed with invasive Arbitrary cut point 14 d
eGFR 15-29 therapy declined with Pts ≤80 y
n=572 lower renal function
eGFR <15/dialysis No difference in
N=278 mortality in pts with
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 112
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
21059426 analysis, pts who
(242) were older,
women, had Hx of
CHF failure, and
increased CrCr
levels on
presentation were
less likely to be
enrolled in clinical
Akhter N, To assess Retrospecti N=199,690 All pts None Men and women Not fitting N/A N/A Women presented N/A Too Too numerous to Limited extrapolation
Milford-Beland clinical and ve case- pts, 55,691 underwent with NSTE-ACS predefined more often with numerous list – all subjects are
S, Roe MT, et angiographic control of women PCI (index) who underwent NSTE-ACS NSTE-ACS than to list registry NSTE-ACS
al. Gender characteristics, registry presented PCI in ACC- definition or not men (82% vs. pts
differences procedural and data with NSTE- NCDR Registry undergoing PCI 77% of men,
among treatment UA vs. 1/104-3/30/06; <0.0001). Women
patients with patterns, and 101,961 index PCI only with NSTE-ACS
acute in-hospital men had more
coronary outcomes comorbidities, but
syndromes between men fewer high-risk
undergoing and women angiographic
percutaneous features than
coronary men. Women
intervention in were less likely to
the American receive ASA, GPI,
College of and less often
Cardiology- discharged on
National ASA or statin. In-
Cardiovascula hospital mortality,
r Data was similar for
Registry women and men
(ACC-NCDR). (OR: 0.97, p=0.5).
Am Heart J. Women had
2009;157:141- higher rates of
8. cardiogenic
19081410 shock, CHF, any
(243) bleeding (7.6 vs.
3.6%, p<0.01),
and any vascular
complications, but
subacute stent
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 114
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
thrombosis rates
were less in
women compared
to men (0.43% vs.
0.57%, p=0003).
Blomkalns AL, To examine Retrospecti N=35,875 None None 35,875 pts with Pts excluded N/A N/a Women were N/A Too Too numerous to Limited
Chen AY, differences of ve case- pts (41% NSTE-ACS from this older (median age numerous list generalizability from
Hochman JS, gender in control of women) (14,552 women) analysis 73 vs. 65 y) and to list registry data
et al. Gender treatment and registry at 391 U.S. included those more often had
disparities in outcomes data hospitals who were DM and HTN.
the Dx and among pts with participating in transferred to Women were less
treatment of NSTE ACS the CRUSADE another likely to receive
non-ST- initiative hospital, (3,210 acute heparin,
segment between March men and 1,827 ACE-I, and GPI
elevation 31, 2000, and women), and and ASA, ACE-I,
acute December 31, pts with and statins at
coronary 2002 missing gender discharge. Men
syndromes: status (n=66) underwent more
large-scale angiography/
observations revere then
from the women, but
CRUSADE among pts with
National significant CAD,
Quality PCI was
Improvement performed
Initiative. J Am similarly in men
Coll Cardiol. and women. NS
2005;45:832- gender difference
7. was seen in
adjusted rates of
15766815 in-hospital death,
(244) reinfarction, HF,
and stroke. RBC
transfusion rates
were higher in
women (OR: 1.17;
CI: 1.09-1.25)
Lansky AJ, To examine Retrospecti 4,157 Overall Overall men Men and women Missing AT Strategy: 1) Men vs. No gender In women: Same as 1º 30-d composite Although
Mehran R, gender impact ve analysis women with women =4, =9,662 enrolled in data/follow-up GPI + women ± difference in 30 d bivalirudin endpoint ischemia: prespecificed gender
Cristea E, et on of ACUITY NSTE-ACS 157 GPI + ACUITY trial, heparin PCI – composite alone findings at women=7%, analysis, study was
al. Impact of antithrombotic trial (31% of GPI + heparin randomized to Bivalirudin + bleeding, ischemia; women significantly 1 y and ± men=8% p=NS; underpowered to
gender and therapy for (prespecifie total heparin (UFH or open-label AT GPI net significantly less PCI 30-d bleeding: detect difference so
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 115
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
antithrombin ischemia vs. d but not enrolled) (UFH or enoxaparin) treatment Bivalirudin ischemia, higher 30-d bleeding women=8% vs. regression analysis
strategy on bleeding in pts powered) enoxaparin) vs. Intervention: and overall bleeding; net than GPI + men=3%; performed to
early and late with NSTE- n=1,354 bivalirudin + PCI clinical clinical outcome heparin p<0.0001; 30-d net account for baseline
clinical ACS in women vs. GPI vs. Non-PCI benefit at 30 d worse in (5% vs. clinical outcome difference
outcomes in ACUITY trial bivalirudin + bivalirudin 30-d women due to 10%, women=13% vs.
patients with GPI=1,386 2) AT bleeding p<0.0001) men=10%;
non-ST- women vs. PCI=3,838 strategy on with no p<0.0001
elevation bivalirudin men outcome in difference
acute =1,417 No women ± in
coronary women PCI=5,824 PCI at 30 d composite
syndromes PCI=1,190 men ischemia
(from the women (7% vs.
ACUITY trial). No PCI 6%); no
Am J Cardiol. =2,967 difference
2009;103:119 women in
6-203. bivalirudin
+ GPI and
19406258 GPI +
(245) herparin
Alexander KP, To examine Retrospecti N=32,601 Use of GPI- Rate of All enrolled Contraindicated Those Those For GPI Rx: Rate Despite NS Excess GPI N/A N/A
Chen AY, gender impact ve analysis total; GPI dose was dosing, CRUSADE pts to GPI; those treated with treated with of bleeding difference dose
Newby LK, et on GPI use, of Rx=18,436 evaluated excessive Jan.-Dec. 2004 without GPI vs. not; GPI vs. not; significantly in serum associated
al. Sex dose, bleeding CRUSADE (6,084 based on dosing, complete data women vs. women vs. higher in women Cr, women with
differences in in pts with registry women, pts’ CrCl bleeding and including GPI men men vs. men (15.7% had mean increased
major bleeding NSTE-ACS in 12,352 outcome dose, CrCl, vs. 7.3%; CrCl bleeding.
with CRUSADE men) were follow-up p<0.0001); significantly Women
glycoprotein compared by For those NOT lower (20 (OR: 1.72;
IIb/IIIa gender GPI Rx’d: women mg/min) vs. 95% CI:
inhibitors: had significantly men; 1.30-2.28)
results from higher bleeding excess GPI Men (OR:
the CRUSADE rates than men dose given 1.27; 95%
initiative. (8.5 vs. 5.4%; to women CI: 0.97-
Circulation. p<0.0001) significantly 1.66)
2006;114:138 more than GPI
0-7. men (46.4 bleeding
vs. 17.2%; attributed
16982940 p<0.0001) risk=25%
(246) women,
4.4% men;
Excess GPI
dose for
women vs.
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 116
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
(95% CI:
Bhatt DL, Roe Determine use Registry- 17,926 with 8,037 (44%) N/A Pts with N/A N/A N/A Use of early N/A Female sex Registry data Predictors of early
MT, Peterson and predictors observation NSTEMI in underwent NSTEMI invasive as predictor estimating “real invasive
ED, et al. of early al study trial CRUSADE early cardiac presenting to management of early world” practice’ management: lower-
Utilization of invasive (women cath <48 h 248 UShospitals within 48 h of invasive with usual risk pts with lack of
early invasive management =7,353) with cardiac cath presentation; OR: 0.86 limitations of prior or current CHF,
management strategies in facilities and PCI predictors of early (95% CI: generalizability renal insufficiency,
strategies for high-risk pts 8,037 or CABG invasive 0.80-0.92); positive biomarkers
high-risk with NSTEMI (44.8%) availability management; in-
patients with underwent hospital mortality Pts treated with early
non-ST- early Propensity invasive strategy
segment cardiac matched analyses had lower in-hospital
elevation cath <48 h revealed OR: 0.8 mortality 2.5% vs.
acute (women significantly favors 3.7%; p<0.001
coronary =2,842) early invasive
syndromes: over selective
results from invasive in women
O'Donoghue To compare Meta- Data Women: Men: Pts with NSTE- Pts with N/A N/A Women had lower N/A In men: MACE early Results persisted for
M, Boden WE, the effects of analysis of combined Early Early ACS in 8 RCTs missing MACE with early early invasive vs. initial 12-m follow-up.
Braunwald E, an invasive vs. RCTs from8 trials invasive invasive: evaluate early biomarker data invasive vs. initial invasive vs. conservative: Heterogeneity
et al. Early conservative (1970- (3,075 =1,571 3,641 invasive vs. excluded from conservative as initial Women: OR: 0.81 between trials; trials
invasive vs strategy in 4/2008) women and selective high-risk did men without conservativ (95% CI: 0.65- not individually
conservative women and with 7,075 men). Initial Initial invasive (if analyses significant gender e for 1.01) powered for sex-
treatment men with NSTE gender- conservative conservative recurrent Sx) or interaction. MACE. Men: OR: 0.73 specific analyses
strategies in ACS specific =1,581 : 3,619 positive stress Biomarker- Biomarker (95% CI: 0.550.98)
women and analyses test after initial positive women. positive:
men with pharmacological Early invasive vs. OR: 0.56)
unstable test initial conservative (95% CI:
angina and for death/MI/ACS 0.46-0.67)
non-ST- (OR: 0.67; 95% Biomarker
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 117
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Data Supplement 31. Anemia, Bleeding, and Transfusion-Relationship Between Transfusion and Mortality (Section 7.8)
Study Aim of Study Type of Study Study Size Patient Population Primary Endpoint Outcome Comments
Alexander KP 2008 To describe the association between Post hoc registry analysis 44,242 CRUSADE registry of Numerous endpoints. Most Adjusted OR: Transfusion only beneficial at HCT
18513518 (253) transfusion nadir HCT and outcome NSTE-ACS pts relevant: adjusted OR for HCT ≤24%: 0.67 (0.45-1.02) ≤24%
mortality with transfusion for HCT 24.1%-27%: 1.01 (0.79-1.30)
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 120
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Data Supplement 32. Anemia, Bleeding, and Transfusion Studies for Weight-Based and Renally-Adjusted Dosing of Anticoagulants (Section 7.8)
Study Aim of Study Type of Study Study Size Patient Population Primary Endpoint Outcome
Alexander 2005 Investigation of relationship between Exploratory registry 3,354 NSTE-ACS pts in Major clinical outcomes and Adjusted OR for major bleeding with excess dosing (vs. no excess
16380591 (258) UFH, LMWH and GPI excess dosing and analysis CRUSADE registry bleeding dosing):
major outcomes UFH: OR: 1.08 (0.94 — 1.26)
LMWH: OR: 1.39 (1.11 — 1.74)
GPI: OR: 1.36 (1.10 — 1.68)
Melloni 2008 Exploratory analysis of CRUSADE Post hoc analysis of 31,445 NSTE-ACS pts in Excess dosing percent; Dosing of UFH above recommended weight-based dosing
18657648 (259) registry examining relation between UFH registry CRUSADE registry factors associated with associated with increased major bleeding
dosing and bleeding excess dosing; major bleeding Excess bolus OR: 1.03 (1.00 — 1.06)
Excess infusion dosing OR: 1.16 (1.05 — 1.28)
LaPointe 2007 Exploratory analysis of CRUSADE Post hoc analysis of 10,687 NSTE-ACS pts in Inappropriate dosing percent; Excess dosing associated significantly associated with increased
17646609 (260) registry examining relation between registry CRUSADE registry major bleeding and death risk of major bleeding (adjusted OR: 1.43; CI: 1.18 — 1.75)
enoxaparin dosing and bleeding
Taylor LA 2012 Chart review assessing incidence of Chart review 199 Pts undergoing PCI Incidence and extent of Eptifibatide:
22170973 (261) bleeding in CKD pts with incorrectly bleeding (TIMI or GUSTO) Incorrectly dosed in 64%
dosed bivalirudin or GPI Incorrectly dosed pts experienced more overall bleeding (64% vs.
35%; p=0.04), numerically more TIMI major bleeding (19% vs. 5%;
no p value given), and a greater extent of bleeding (p=0.03 for TIMI
bleeding and p=0.009 for GUSTO bleeding)
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 121
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Incorrectly dosed in 28%
Bleeding rates (incorrect vs. correct) 37% vs. 21% (p=0.055)
Extent of bleeding greater with incorrect bleeding (p=0.013 for
GUSTO bleeding; p=0.058 for TIMI bleeding)
Becker 2002 Pharmacokinetic/dynamic study of Pharmacokinetic/pharm TIMI 11A study of ACS pts Relationship of pt factors and Pts with creatinine clearance <40 mL/min had sig higher trough and
12040334 (262) enoxaparin and anti-Xa activity and acodynamic substudy anti-Xa levels peak anti-Xa levels (numerous statistically significant p values for
factors that affect anti-Xa levels multiple comparisons)
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CRUSADE, Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Outcomes with Early Implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines Registry; GPI, glycoprotein; GUSTO,
Global Utilization of Streptokinase and Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Occluded Coronary Arteries; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; N/A, not applicable; NSTE-ACS, non-ST-elevation-acute coronary syndrome; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; Pts,
patients; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; and UFH, unfractionated heparin.
Potentiation of To determine Prospective; Intracoronary Pts referred HTN, recent Quantitative Heart rate, arterial N/A None Decrease in N/A Small n; not
cocaine-induced whether beta- N=30 propranolol for coronary MI angiography BP, coronary sinus coronary blood flow randomized; intranasal
vasoconstriction by blockade (n=15) arteriogram performed before blood flow, epicardial (p<0.05); increase cocaine during
beta-blockade augments vs. saline for chest pain and 15 min after left coronary arterial in coronary vascular catheterization does
Lange RA et al. cocaine-induced (n=15) intranasal saline or dimensions; resistance (p<0.05) not apply to real world
1990 coronary cocaine; repeat Intracoronary pts presenting with
1971166 (263) vasoconstriction measurements propranolol caused cocaine induced chest
obtained following no change in BP or pain; intracoronary
intracoronary heart rate, but propranolol does not
propranolol decreased coronary pertain to intravenous
sinus blood flow and BB
increased coronary
vascular resistance
BB associated with Determine if rates Retrospective BB treatment Admitted pts Cardiac N/A In-hospital MI after N/A In-hospital mortality; Incidence MI in BB N/A Included pts without
reduced risk of MI of MI increased N=348 (60 vs. no BB with positive markers not BB use; lower trend for lower vs. no BB 6.1% vs. ACS Sx (56% with
after cocaine use with BB treatment with recent treatment urine drug obtained; pt incidence of MI after mortality in pts 26.0% (95% CI: chest pain);
Dattilo PB et al. after recent cocaine use) screen for on oral BB administration of BB receiving BB 10.3% — 30.0%); retrospective; did not
2008 cocaine use cocaine who Mortality 1.7% take into consideration
17583376 (264) received BB vs.4.5% (95% CI: - time of cocaine use;
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 122
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 124
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Alexander Risk of Multicenter 7,392 Apixaban PC Median 6 d Planned PCI, Apixaban PC MACE: Trial stopped Bleeding MACE: Only high-risk pts.
2011 events with prospective 3705 3687 after ACS ASA allergy, 5 mg bid ASA NS difference because of Apixaban vs. Apixaban vs. PC. No pts undergoing
(179) Apixaban in trial with Significant HTN Median between apixaban major PC 0.95 (0.80- 1.11) revascularization.
21780946 ACS significant Bleeding follow-up and PC bleeding with 1.3% vs. p=0.051
risk factors: diathesis 241 d ASA apixaban 0.5%
prior MI, DM, Recent stroke 2.59
HF Pericardial (1.5,4.46)
effusion p=0.001
RUBY-1 Safety and Multicenter 1,258 Darexaban PC ACS <7 d Bleeding One of 6 PC Bleeding Safety was Sl Increase Pooled bleeding Limited power for
Steg 2011 tolerability of prospective Multiregimen 319 from event diathesis regimens 26 wk numerically higher primary in efficacy rate for efficacy.
(285) darexaban trial 939 Planned PCI Darexaban in all darexaban outcome outcomes darexaban: Only relevant with
21878434 5 mg bid Recent stroke 26-wk follow- arms than PC. Darexaban 2.275 (1.13- 4.60) dual platelet
10 mg qd Renal or hepatic up Dose response 5.6% p=0.022 treatment
15 mg bid Insufficiency effect PC Dose response:
30 mg qd Allergy to study 4.4% 6.2,6.2,9.3%
30 mg bid drug Sig for 30 bid
60 mg qd p=0.002
ATLAS CV outcomes Multicenter 15,526 Rivaroxaban PC ACS <7 d Low platelet 1 of 2 PC MACE Increased Decreased Primary endpoint Increased major
ACS-2 with prospective 2.5 mg bid (5,176) from event count rivaroxaban Mean 13mo Rivaroxaban major total 8.9% vs. 10.7% bleeding unrelated
TIMI-51Mega Rivaroxaban trial (5,174) Low hematocrit regimens follow-up lower than PC bleeding mortality 0.84 (0.74, 0.96) to CABG
2012 in ACS Rivaroxaban Renal Mean 13 mo 2.1% vs, 0.6% 9.2% vs. 9=0.008 Large missing data
(180) 5 mg bid dysfunction follow-up p<0.01 11.0% 2.5 mg dose
(5,176) Recent GI bleed HR:0.84 CV death
22077192 Hx of (0.74- 2.7% vs. 4.1%
intracranial 0.95)p=0.00 p=0.002
bleed 6 Total mortality:
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 128
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
nter y 50% 50% Increased BMI Apo A1 well in (1.11,1.60) the entire study group
trial Male sex discriminatin Male 1.33
HTN g future (1.07,1.65)
DM cases Age 1.13
Apo B Harrell c (1.04,1.23)
BUN index=0.679 Apo B 1.19
BUN 1.10
BMI 1.09
A to Z indicates Aggrastat to Zocor; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; Apo A, Apolipoprotein A; Apo B, Apolipoprotein B; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BMI, body mass index; BUN, blood urea
nitrogen test; CAD, coronary artery disease; CV, cardiovascular; DM, diabetes mellitus; Dx, diagnosis; GP, glycoprotein; GWTG, Get With the Guidelines; HDL–C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; HR, hazard ratio; HTN, hypertension; LDL–C, low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol; LLT, lipid lowering therapy; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events; N/A, not available; PC, placebo; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PROVE-IT, Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy; Pts, patients; PVD, peripheral
vascular disease; Revasc, revascularization; Rx, prescription; Sig, significant; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; and ULN, upper limit of normal.
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 132
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Messerli 2006 Low Multictr 22576 BP reduction Outcome Stable pts MI within 3 mo Verapamil Atenolol All-cause death Lowest DBP Primary outcome 2º analysis, limited to
(296) BP with Ad hoc Sustained with CAD and Class IV or Purpose was and total MI outcome Nadir for 18% vs. 9% hypertensive pts with
16785477 adverse analysis Rel. and V CHF to evaluate 2.7 y/pts 120-140 MI: 70-90 SBP 110 vs. 120- stable CAD.
events in verapamil or hypertension BP with J-shaped curve systolic mmHg 130
CAD atenolol outcomes, Nadir at 119/84 70-90 Nadir for stroke 32% vs. 8%
not compare diastolic 70-90 mmHg DBP 60 vs. 80-90
agents No p values
PROVE-IT TIMI BP control Multicente 4162 BP level Outcome ACS within Not stated Pravastatin Atorvastati Composite MACE Significant CAD Risk for 1º Ad hoc analysis limited
22 and r reached MACE 10 d 40 mg n SBP followed a J- increased risk death,nonfatal outcome to pts studies for lipid
Bangalore 2010 adverse prospectiv Randomly Purpose was 80 mg or U-shaped for outcomes MI or revasc increased 4.9 fold evaluation. Not
(297) events in e study assigned to to evaluate curve As SBP Similar J- or U- with SBP<100 vs. adjusted for many
21060068 ACS Ad hoc Pravastatin BP with Risk Nadir: decrease shaped curve. 130-140 mmHg confounders nor
analysis or outcome, not 136 mmHg below 110 For SBP/DBP 136 mmHg had dosages of
atorvastatin to compare systolic systol. X2=37,<0.0001 lowest event rate antihypertensive
agents 85 mmHg or 70 diastolic X2=47,<0.0001 by Cox model on agents received.
diastolic respectively a continuous Cannot determine
HR 49% vs. 13% scale whether SBP, DBP, or
SBP<100 vs. 130- X2 =49, p<0.0001 mean BP is main risk
HR 46% vs. 15%
DBP<60 vs. 80-
Cooper-DeHoff Effect of Observati 6400 Tight BP Usual BP Stable CAD Not stated Tight BP Usual BP Composite MACE Extended Mortality: Tight vs. usual Post hoc analysis. No
2010 tight BP onal control control and control control Usual control analysis 11.0% vs. control randomization for
(298) control in substudy BP 130/85 hypertension Verapami/tra vs. uncontrolled follow-up 10.2% MACE different BP groups.
20606150 CAD and of with diabetes ndolapril 12.8% vs. 19.8% indicated Tight vs. Usual Usual control: Data only applied to
INVEST diabetes multicente 16,893 Tight vs. usual increased risk 1.20 (0.99-1.45) 1.11(0.93-1.32)= CAD pts with diabetes.
r clinical patient/y of Control : with tight BP p=0.06 24
trial follow-up NS diff. control Extended
12.6% vs. 12.7% follow-up
1.15 (1.01-1.32)
1º indicated primary; 2º, secondary; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; BP, blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; CV, cardiovascular; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; IVUS, intravascular ultrasound; LVEF, left ventricular ejection
fraction; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events; PC, placebo; Pts, patients; Px, prognosis; and SBP, systolic blood pressure.
mortalit study mortality. higher FBS. NSTEMI: 2.34) reflect “true” glucose
y 6 mo sig higher Stroke level 4.66 vs. FBS≥300: levels. Because of glucose
with FBS above unrelated to 7.14I% 2.93 (1.33 — infusions, some FBS levels
125 glucose level. UA: 6.33) might not have been truly
mg/dL vs. <100 2.56 vs.2.28 But not 200 — fasting levels.
mg/sL 299:
1.08 (0.60 —
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; AG, admission glucose; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; bid, twice daily; CV, cardiovascular; DM, diabetes mellitus; FBG, fasting blood glucose; FBS, fasting blood sugar; FG, fasting glucose; GI, gastrointestinal; GP,
glycoprotein; HbA1c, Hemoglobin A1c; NS, nonsignificant; NSTEMI, non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction; PC, placebo; Sig, significant; Sx, symptom; and UA, unstable angina.
up Headache Bupropion
12.8% vs. PC
Tonstad 2006 Effect of Multice 1,210 Varencline PC 18-75 y. Unstable 12-wk open PC Continued Major adverse N/A Abstinence vs. Generally healthy group.
(305) varenicline nter 603 607 10 cigarettes/ disease, label vs. if abstinence Effects: PC No depression. CO may
16820548 on smoking Prospe d + smoking depression, stopped Wk 13-24 Varenclin Wk 13-24 not evaluate complete
cessation ctive cessation COPD, CV smoking Varenicline vs. Nasopharyngi 2.48 (1.95- check on self-report of
Study Ation after 12 disease within 6 Randomized PC tis 3.16)<0.001 nonsmoking. Those lost to
wk of mo, for 40 wk 70.5% vs. 49.6% 4.8% Wk 13-52 follow-up differed between
varenicline uncontrolled Wk 13- 52 Headache 1.34 groups.
HTN, smoking 43.6% vs. 36.9% 2.8% (1.06,1.69)=0.02
cessation aid Psych
Rigoitti 2006 Bupropion in Multice 248 Bupropion PC Smoked >1 Not willing to Smoking Same Abstinence and Noncardiac CV mortality Abstinence vs. 1/3 lost at 1 y. Study not
(306) smokers with nter 124 124 Cigarette in stop counseling smoking CV events 3 m serious 1y PC powered to detect less
17145253 ACS Prospe previous mo Smoking. Risk to 12-wk counseling and 1 y adverse Bupropion 3 mo: 37.1% vs. than a 1.8-fold increase in
ctive CAD of seizure, sig. postdischarg PC Borderline Sig events: NS vs. PC 26.8% cessation rates with
Study admissions HTN, heavy e Bupropion abstinence at 3 3 mo: 1.31 0% vs. 2% 1.61 bupropion.
alcohol use, SR mo only. (0.62,2.77) CV events 1 (0.94,2.76)=0.08 Many eligible declined to
depression, liver 1-y follow-up NS diff in 1 y: 1.34 y: 1 y: 25.0% vs. enroll.
or renal outcome (0.64,2.84) 26% vs. 21.3% Reluctance to be
disease, illegal events 18% 1.23 (0.68,2.23) randomized to PC.
drug use 1.56 NS
PREMIER Predictors of Retros 639 342 smokers 297 AMI Transfer to Smoking Same but 6-mo post MI: Not evaluated Hospital Smoking Limited insights on
Registry smoking pective at 6 m Nonsmokers Smoker >18 hospital >24 h behavior by stopped 46% had stopped smoking cessation with smoking cessation
Dawood 2008 cessation from at 6 mo y age from AMI self-report smoking at 6 Odds greater for cessation rehab: programs available at
(307) after AMI registry Did not speak During mo those receiving counseling 1.80 (1.17-2.75) different hospitals.
18852396 English or hospital and discharge did not Treated at Loss to follow-up.
Spanish. Could 6 mo in pt recommendations predict smoking Self-reporting assessment
not consent smoking for cardiac rehab cessation: cessation facility: without biochemical
cessation or smoking 0.80 1.71 (1.03=2,83) evaluation.
program cessation facility (0.51,1.25) Unmeasured confounding.
Continued Depressive
smoking pts during MI
less likely to
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 136
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
0.57 (0.36-
Mohuiddin Intensive Prospe 209 Intensive Usual care 30-75 y Alcohol or illicit 30-min Same At each follow-up Over 2-y 2-y all-cause 2-y abstinence: Small sample size-lacking
2007 smoking ctive intervention 100 Daily drug use counseling counseling interval, point period more in mortality: 33% intensive vs. multivariate analysis to
(308) cessation random 109 smokers Unfamiliar with before before prevalence and UC group 2.8% 9% UC adjust for other factors on
17296646 intervention ized 2 y follow-up 2-y follow-up >5 y in CCU English discharge. discharge continued Hospitalized intensive vs. p<0.0001 outcome.
in acute CV cohort with AMI or Intensive only. abstinence RR 12.0% UC Pharmacotherapy at no
disease heart failure counseling greater in the reduction:44% RR cost.
for 3 mo + intensive (16,63)=0.007 reduction: Question of whether
pharmacothe treatment group 77% (27, results would have been
rapy in 75% 93%) achieved if smokers
p=0.014 purchased their own
Smith 2009 Hospital Multi- 275 Intensive Minimal 18 or older Pregnant Minimal Minimal 1-y abstinence Not evaluated Abstinence 1-y abstinence Pharmacotherapy used by
(309) smoking institut smoking intervention Smoked in Medically intervention intervention self-reported lower in self-reported: 34% of pts in both groups.
19546455 cessation in e cessation 139 previous mo unstable + 45-60 min 2 pamphlets 62% intensive GP those using 2.0 (95% CI: 1.2- Slightly less than ½
CAD with Prospe intervention AMI or Lived in an bedside No smoking vs. 46% minimal pharmacoth 3.1) smokers did not want to
long-term ctive 136 CABG institution counseling message by GP erapy Confirmed: quit or refused to
effects Study admission No English 7 telephone physician Confirmed: 54% p<0.01 2.0 (CI: 1.3-3.6) participate.
Psychiatric counseling intensive GP vs. Abstinence Exclusion of pts with
disorder sessions 35% minimal higher in substance abuse or
Substance after group CABG vs. MI psychiatric comorbidities,
abuse discharge pts many of whom are
p<0.05 smokers, limits
generalizability of results.
Rigotti 2008 Hospital Meta- 6,252 Intensive Usual care or Hospitalized Trials not Intensive Usual care Smoking Not evaluated Adding NRT Smoking Benefit of adding
(310) smoking analysi (using intervention control and current recruiting on intervention with minimal cessation rates 6- produced a cessation 6-12 bupropion limited to 1
18852395 cessation s of 33 number counseling counseling smokers basis of with or smoking 12 mo decreased trend toward mo with study. Counseling
intervention trials s 2,673 2,935 smoking, Hx, without counseling with smoking efficacy vs. counseling: intervention not delivered
with 6-mo in Hospitalization pharmacothe counseling. counseling 1.65 (CI: 1.44- by staff responsible for
follow-up Figure Pharmacothe No with psychiatric rapy No benefit with alone: 1.90) patient care. Only
1 and rapy pharmacother disorder, or less 1.47 (CI: 1/2studies used sustained
2) 332 apy substance postdischarge 0.92- 2.35) abstinence to assess
312 abuse contact. outcome, the rest point
Colivicchi Smoking Prospe 813 12-mo Predictors of Previous Major Several in- Predictors of Age and female Resumption Age and Cardiac rehab Sig diff in age and CV risk
2011 relapse rate ctive relapse relapse smokers who concurrent hospital relapse sex were of smoking resumption: and abstinence: factors in cohort.
(311) after quitting cohort 813 stopped after illness, counseling predictors of predicted 1-y 1.034 0.74 (CI: 0.51- Questions about sens of
21741609 following study (of 1,294 not ACS depression, sessions. relapse. mortality: (1.03,1.04) 0.91)=0.02 troponin assay for Dx of
ACS relapsing) following alcohol and 12-mo Pts in cardiac 3.1 (CI: 1.3- p=0.001 DM and AMI
hospital drug abuse, follow-up rehab and pts 5.7) p=0.004 Female: abstinence:
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 137
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
discharge renal, lung, liver with DM more 1.23 0.79 (CI: 0.68-
disease, stroke, likely to remain (1.09,1.42) 0.94)=0.03
malignancy abstinent
Planer 2011 Efficacy of 2 149 Bupropion PC Smokers Prior use of Bupropion PC Same Abstinence rates Bupropion Adverse 3-mo abstinence: Recruitment stopped early
(303) bupropion in center 74 75 hospitalized bupropion in 150 mg bid abstinence at 3 mo, 6 mo and safe. NS diff effects Bupropion vs. after interim analysis
21403011 smoking prospe for ACS past y or NRT in for 2 mo evaluation 1 y were not vs. PC in: attributed to PC: limiting sample size.
cessation ctive Smoking >10 past 6 mo 1-y increased by death, any treatment 45% b 44% Self-reports of quitting, no
after AMI study cigarettes/d Prior head abstinence bupropion hospitalization
was a p=0.99 biochemical confirmation.
Intention to trauma, evaluation s, MI, ACS, negative 6 mo. Abstinence: High self-reports of quitting
quit smoking depression, Chest pain predictor of Bupopion vs. PC: in PC group.
bulimia liver or smoking 37% vs. 42% Dizziness more common
kidney disease, cessation: p=0.61 than PC 14% vs. 1.4%
pregnancy 0.23 (95% 1-y abstinence: p=0.005
CI: 0.07- 31% vs. 33%
0.78) p=0.86
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; bid, twice daily; CAD, coronary artery disease; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CCU, coronary care unit; CO, COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CV, cardiovascular; Diff,
difference(s); DM, diabetes mellitus; GP, glycoprotein; HTN, hypertension; Hx, history; MI, myocardial infarction; N/A, not available; NRT, nicotine replacement therapy; NS, nonsignificant; PC, placebo; Pt, patient; RR, relative risk; Sens, sensitivity; Sig, significance;
SR, sustained release; UA, unstable angina; and UC, usual care.
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 138
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
Chow 2010 Adhere Multice 18,809 Adherence to Nonadeheren UA, NSTEMI Contraindication Survey at 30, No diet, CV events at 6 Side effects Decreased Risk of CV events No active study
(313) nce to nter diet, ce to Age 60+ y to LMW heparib, 90, 180 d on exercise, mo decreased not addressed independent Exercise vs. no intervention program. Self-
20124123 behavi Observ exercise, individual recent 3 lifestyle No smoking with exercise risk of 0.69 report of outcomes.
oral ational smoking components hemorrhagic values cessation onlyand diet + stroke/MI/de (0.54,0.89)]=.003 No details of actual diet
recom substu cessation stroke adherence exercise and ex- ath 7 and exercise quantification.
mendat dy AC for other smoker vs. All 3 with Exercise/diet vs. Adherers/nonadherers
ion in than ACS, high persistent smoker diet/exercise no categorized only at 30-d
CV risk creatinine Death with 0.46 (0.38- 0.57) follow-up.
ex-smoker <0001
vs. Ex-smoker vs.
continued smoker
smoker 0.68 (0.51-
Gadde 2011 Efficac Multice 2,448 Phenteramin PC Age: 18-70 BP >160/100 Phenteramin PC for same Proportion of pts Adverse >10% weight 5% weight loss: Endpoint assessment not
(314) y and nter e/Topiramate 979 BMI: 27-45 FBS >13.32 e/ period achieving at least effects vs. PC loss Low-dose Qnexa available for 31% of
21481449 safety prospe 7.5mg/46mg Or diabetes mmol/L Topiramate 5% weight loss: 10% or more Low-dose OR: 6.3 (4.9-8.0) sample.
of ctive 488 2 or more CV TG >4.52 1 of 2 Low-dose Qnexa: with sig dif: Qnexa p<0.0001 Restriction of upper limit to
Qnexa trial P/T 15/92mg risk factors mmol/L dosages for 62% Dry mouth 37% High-dose Qnexa BMI: 45. Lack of ethnic
Phase 981 Type 1 diabetes 56 wk High-dose 21% p<0.0001 OR: 9.0 (7.3- diversity (86% white), few
3 or Type 2 Qnexa:70% Paresthesia High-dose 11.1) men (30%). No active
managed with PC: 21% 21% Qnexa p<0.0001 comparator group such as
antidiabetic Constipation 48% orlistat or lorcaserin
drugs except for 17% p<0.0001
metformin Dysgeusia PC
10% 7%
Cognitive (sig
Attention dist
Garvey 2012 Long- Multice 676 Phenteramin PC See above See above See above PC for same Percentages Change in Percentage >5% weight loss Discontinuation rates
(315) term nter Out of e/Topiramate 227 agreed to 52-wk period achieving >5%, percentages changes in Low dose: 79.3% similar to 1st 56-wk period
22158731 efficacy prospe original 7.5mg/46mg extension extension >10%, >15% and Adverse BP, lipid, DM High dose: 75.2% above. Higher rate lost to
and ctive 2,448 173 >20% weight loss effects were meds: PC: 30.0% follow-up in the 15/92 arm.
safety trial P/T15/92mg in 108-wk period, 0-56 vs. 56- p<0.0001 Impact of Rx of
of Extensi 295 in all 4 categories, 108 High-dose Q >10% weight loss dyslipidemia and HTN on
Qnexa on of Qnexa low and High-dose Q BP: -9.8% Low dose: 53.9 secondary cardiometabolic
previou high dose >PC constipation Lipid: +4.7% High dose: 50.3% variables. Type of adverse
s trial 21% to 4% DM: 0% PC: 11.5% events similar to 1st 56-wk
(4) Paresthesia p<0.0001 period but incidence rates
21% to 2.4% Low-dose Q >15% weight loss lower.
Dry mouth BP: -3.9% Low dose: 31.9%
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 139
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
© American Heart Association, Inc and American College of Cardiology Foundation 140
2014 NSTE-ACS Guideline Data Supplements
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