Installation Guide SAP NW PI7.1

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Installation Guide

SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 including Enhancement

Package 1 on AIX : Oracle

Including the following:

n SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP (AS ABAP)
n SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java (AS Java)
n SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI)

Target Audience
n Technology consultants
n System administrators

Document version: 1.0 ‒ 12/18/2008
About this Installation Guide

SAP System Installation regularly release the newest database (DB) and
SAP system installations should only be operating-system (OS) versions of SAP products.
performed by SAP Technical Consultants These releases are downward-compatible with
certified for your operating system, your earlier SAP system releases.
database, and the SAP system that you are Note that for already shipped SAP components,
installing we only support the installation for database
versions proposed by the installation
SAP Installation Tool tool. Therefore, you must install an SAP
You must only use the SAP installation tools component or perform a system copy using
according to the instructions and for the a downward-compatible database. That
purposes described in the SAP installation is, you either install the component with
document. Improper use of the SAP installation the old proposed database version or you
tools can damage files and systems already upgrade the old database version to the
installed. downward-compatible new version.

Downward Compatibility of Databases

For downward-compatible releases of DB/OS
platforms for SAP products, SAP plans to

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Document History

Before you start the implementation, make sure you have the latest version of this document. You
can find the latest version at the following location:

The following table provides an overview of the most important document changes.
Version Date Description

1.0 12/18/2008 Initial Version

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1 How to Use This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 SAP Notes for the Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4 Accessing the SAP Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Chapter 2 Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1 Planning Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.1 Standard System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.2 Distributed System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.3 High-Availability System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.4 Additional Application Server Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.5 Standalone Host Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.1 Running the Prerequisite Checker in Standalone Mode (Optional) . . . . 23
2.3.2 Requirements for AIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.3 Requirements for a Standard System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.3.4 Requirements for a Distributed System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Requirements for a Central Services Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Requirements for the Database Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Requirements for the Primary Application Server Instance . . . . . . . 33
2.3.5 Requirements for a High Availability System . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Requirements for a Central Services Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Requirements for an Enqueue Replication Server Instance . . . . . . . 36 Requirements for the Database Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Requirements for the Primary Application Server Instance . . . . . . . 39
2.3.6 Requirements for an Additional Application Server Instance . . . . . . 40
2.3.7 Requirements for a Standalone Host Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.4 Planning User and Access Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.6 SAP System Transport Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.7 Planning the Switchover Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Chapter 3 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

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3.1 Preparation Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2 Creating Operating System Users and Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3.1 SAP Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3.2 Oracle Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.3.3 Host Agent Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.3.4 Setting Up File Systems for a High-Availability System . . . . . . . . . 70
3.3.5 Configuring Network File System for a High-Availability System . . . . . 72
3.4 Specifying Virtual Host Name(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.5 Performing Switchover Preparations for High Availability . . . . . . . . 75
3.6 Installing the Front-End Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.7 Generating the SAP Solution Manager Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.8 Downloading the JCE Policy Zip File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.9 Preparing the Installation DVDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Chapter 4 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.1 Installation Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.2 Exporting and Mounting Global Directories: Distributed and High-Availability
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.3 Exporting and Mounting the Global Transport Directory . . . . . . . . 86
4.4 Running SAPinst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5 SAPinst Installation Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.6 Oracle Database Software Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.6.1 Updating SAP-Specific Files in the Oracle Staging Area . . . . . . . . . 96
4.6.2 Performing Steps for the AIX Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.6.3 Running the Oracle Universal Installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.6.4 Installing the Current Patch Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.6.5 Installing Required Interim Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Chapter 5 Post-Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

5.1 Post-Installation Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.2 Logging On to the Application Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.3 Installing the SAP License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.4 High Availability: Setting Up Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.5 Configuring the Remote Connection to SAP Support . . . . . . . . . 105
5.6 Applying the Latest Kernel and Support Packages . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.7 Performing Initial ABAP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.8 Performing Initial Java Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.9 Configuring User Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.10 Ensuring User Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.11 Installing the SAP Online Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.12 Performing Oracle-Specific Post-Installation Steps . . . . . . . . . . 114

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5.13 Post-Installation Steps for the Diagnostics Agent . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.14 Running the Configuration Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.15 Production Client Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.16 Performing the Client Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.17 Accessing Configuration Documentation in the SAP Solution Manager . . 118
5.18 Post-Installation Steps for the Host Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5.19 Performing a Full Installation Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Chapter 6 Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

6.1 Integration of LDAP Directory Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.2 Creating a User for LDAP Directory Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.3 Installation of Multiple Components in One Database . . . . . . . . . 127
6.4 Checking and Modifying the AIX Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
6.5 Setting up Swap Space for AIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
6.6 Creating AIX Groups and Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.7 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices for AIX . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.8 Mounting a CD / DVD for AIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.9 Exporting and Mounting Directories via NFS for AIX . . . . . . . . . 134
6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.10.1 Using SAPinst GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.10.2 Interrupted Installation with SAPinst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.10.3 Performing a Remote Installation with SAPinst . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.10.4 Starting SAPinst GUI Separately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
6.10.5 Entries in the Services File Created by SAPinst . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.10.6 Troubleshooting with SAPinst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.11 Heterogeneous SAP System Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
6.12.1 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances Using the SAP Management
Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.12.2 Starting and Stopping the SAP System Using Scripts . . . . . . . . . . 149
6.12.3 Starting and Stopping the Diagnostics Agent Using Scripts . . . . . . . 153
6.13 Accessing the SAP Java Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.14 Deleting an SAP System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
6.15 Deleting the Oracle Database Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
6.16 Deleting a Diagnostics Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Chapter A Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

A.1 Online Information from SAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction

This document explains how to install SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 including
Enhancement Package 1. For more information about the technology provided by SAP NetWeaver,
An SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 system including Enhancement Package 1 is an ABAP+Java
(dual-stack) system and comprises the following usage types, which are installed in a single
installation run of SAPinst:
n Application Server ABAP (AS ABAP)
n Application Server Java (AS Java)
n Process Integration (PI)
For more information about the usage types of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration and their
interdependencies, see the document Master Guide ‒ SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 at: Installation .
For more information about the Support Package levels of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1
including Enhancement Package 1, see SAP Note 789220.

You need to consider the following constraints before you start your installation:
n Your operating system platform must be 64-bit.
n The database must be Oracle or higher.

Naming Conventions

n SAP system refers to SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 system including Enhancement Package 1.
n Diagnostics Agent refers to SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent.

1.1 How to Use This Guide

At the beginning of each installation phase ‒ planning, preparation, installation, and post-installation
‒ you can find a list of the steps that you have to perform in that phase, as well as additional
The following installation options are described in this document:
n Standard system (formerly known as central system)
n Distributed system

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1 Introduction
1.2 New Features

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

n High-availability system
End of: HA (UNIX)

n One or more additional application server instance(s) for an existing standard, distributed, or
high-availability system
n Standalone host agent

1.2 New Features

Here you can find the new features in this release.

Make sure that you read the release notes for your SAP system. You can find these at

SAP System Installation

Area Description
SAPinst SAPinst has the following new features:
n The installation option for Adaptive Computing Controller has changed from
Adaptive Computing Controller with <DB> to Application Server Java with <DB> .
n The technical terms used for the instances of an SAP system have changed as follows:
l “Central instance” (CI) is now called “primary application server instance”.
l “Dialog instance” (DI) is now called “additional application server instance”.

The technical terms “Database instance”, “Java central services instance” (SCS), and
“ABAP central services instance” (ASCS) remain unchanged.

n “Central system” ‒ meaning an SAP system running on one single host ‒ is now
called “standard system”.
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)
n You can now install the enqueue replication server (ERS) with SAPinst. There is a
new installation option called Enqueue Replication Server Instance, which is available for
the installation options Distributed System and High-Availability System.
End of: HA (UNIX)

n Host agent
The host agent contains all of the required elements for centrally monitoring
any host with the Alert Monitor or the SAP NetWeaver Administrator. It is
automatically installed during the installation of all SAP NetWeaver components,
except TREX.
The host agent is automatically installed with your SAP system.

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1 Introduction
1.2 New Features

Area Description
You can also install a standalone host agent with SAPinst. There is a new installation
option Host Agent available under Software Life-Cycle Options Additional Preparations .
You only need to install a standalone host agent in the following cases:
l You want to centrally monitor a host that does not have an SAP component.
l You want to perform an upgrade to SAP NetWeaver.
n The locations of all installation DVDs can be entered on one screen.
Software The Software Deployment Manager (SDM) is no longer part of the primary application
Deployment server instance of a Java-only system. Therefore, there is no longer any technical
Manager (SDM) difference between the primary application server instance and the additional
no longer available application server instance of a Java-only system.
in the Application The SAP system directory of both instances is now called J<instance_number>.
Server Java JC<instance_number> no longer exists.
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
Usage type EP Core The usage type Enterprise Portal (EP) is divided into the usage types EP Core (EPC)
(EPC) and Enterprise Portal (EP):
n EP Core (EPC)
This usage type contains the core portal capabilities that were available in the former
usage type EP. This new usage type provides more flexibility when implementing a
portal where the full enterprise portal capabilities, such as knowledge management
and collaboration, are not required. It contains the portal, GP, and UWL.
n Enterprise Portal (EP)
This usage type includes Knowledge management, Collaboration, CAF-Core, Visual
Composer, Web Dynpro extension, and .NET PDK.
Usage type EPC is a prerequisite for usage type EP. If you want to obtain the full
capabilities of the former usage type EP, you need both EP Core and EP.
The configuration of EPC comprises only portal configuration steps.

The standalone implementation of the new usage type EPC without usage type EP is
currently limited to certain ERP scenarios, as described in the SAP ERP Master Guide.
Installation DVDs You start the installation from the Installation Master DVD for your database.
Java Library There is no longer a Java library for Java systems. Everything is now in the kernel.
Therefore, you no longer need APYJ2EELIB and RMVJ2EELIB.
Virtual Machine The VM Container includes a Java Development Kit (JDK) provided and supported by
Container (VM SAP. The VM Container Java VM is fully compliant to the Java Standard Edition 5. It is
Container) installed automatically by SAPinst with the ABAP kernel executables.
SAP Java Virtual You no longer have to download and install a Java Development Kit (JDK) from another
Machine (SAP JVM) software vendor as a prerequisite for the installation with SAPinst.
The SAP JVM is a Java Development Kit (JDK) provided and supported by SAP. The SAP
JVM is fully compliant to the Java Standard Edition 5. It is available on the Installation
Master DVD and is installed automatically by SAPinst when you start the installation.

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1 Introduction
1.2 New Features

Area Description
Visual The Visual Administrator tool is no longer available as a separate tool. It has been
Administrator integrated in SAP NetWeaver Administrator.
tool integrated SAP NetWeaver Administrator offers you most of the functions previously available in
in SAP NetWeaver Visual Administrator, but redesigned for the task-oriented approach of SAP NetWeaver
Administrator Administrator.
For more information about SAP NetWeaver Administrator and SAP NetWeaver
administration tools in general, see the SAP NetWeaver Master Guide and the following: Knowledge Center Administration
SAP Solution An SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent (Diagnostics Agent) is a standalone
Manager Java program that runs on each of the systems managed by SAP Solution Manager
Diagnostics Agent Diagnostics. It gathers information and reports to the SAP Solution Manager system.
For more information about the Diagnostics Agent, see .
The installation of the Diagnostics Agent is now part of the Installation Master DVD.
That is, you can choose between the following options:
n If there is no Diagnostics Agent already installed on this physical or virtual host,
it is installed automatically with every primary application server instance and
additional application server instance.
n You can also install it as a standalone engine, for example if you want a non-SAP
system to be managed by SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics.
The installation of the Diagnostics Agent as a standalone engine is not described in
this installation guide, but in the Diagnostics Agent Setup Guide, which is available at

Operating Systems

Area Description
Support of Operating n The installation of SAP systems is only supported on 64-bit platforms.
Systems n For supported operating system and database releases, see the Product Availability
Matrix at
n For forums, blogs, content, and community related to all of the supported
databases and operating systems, see the Database and Operating Systems area at

Oracle Database

n For this SAP release new functions of the Oracle Database 10g release are used.
For more information about the integration of Oracle 10g in the SAP
environment, see SAP Note 720886.
n For the complete list of new features, see further documentation from Oracle,
New functions in which you can find at:
Oracle Database 10g

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1 Introduction
1.3 SAP Notes for the Installation


Area Description
Checklists for all phases of We have introduced new checklists for all phases of the installation process.
the installation: planning, These checklists are designed to improve the usability of the installation
preparation, installation, guides by:
post-installation n Providing a quick step reference of activities to be done for each phase of
the installation:
1. Planning Checklist [page 13]
2. Preparation Checklist [page 59]
3. Installation Checklist [page 81]
4. Post-Installation Checklist [page 101]
n Guiding you step-by-step through the installation phases. Each step is
linked with the appropriate section for more details about the step.
n Improving navigation within the installation guide. You can access the
checklists also directly from the Table of Contents.

1.3 SAP Notes for the Installation

You must read the following SAP Notes before you start the installation. These SAP Notes contain the
most recent information on the installation, as well as corrections to the installation documentation.
Make sure that you have the up-to-date version of each SAP Note, which you can find at

SAP Notes for the Installation

SAP Note Number Title Description

1004107 Release Restrictions for SAP NetWeaver Customer information about restrictions
PI 7.1 concerning the productive usage of certain
1135704 SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1 Composite Note Composite note that refers you to all central
notes relevant for installation, upgrade,
and operation of SAP NetWeaver Process
Integration 7.1.
1249364 SAP NetWeaver Installation Based on UNIX-specific information about the
Kernel 7.11: UNIX installation for SAP systems based on kernel
7.11 and corrections to this documentation.
1249365 SAP NetWeaver installation based on Oracle-specific information about the SAP
Kernel 7.11: UNIX Oracle system installation and corrections to this
828268 Oracle 10g: New functions Information about new Oracle features
released for the SAP system.

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1 Introduction
1.4 Accessing the SAP Library

SAP Note Number Title Description

98252 Installing two Oracle databases on a host This SAP Note is only required if you plan
to install more than one Oracle database on
the same host.
1234387 Inst. NetWeaver 7.1 EhP1 - Diagnostics Problems discovered after the publication
Agent installation of the installation guide or post-installation
855498 Installation Prerequisite Checker SAP Software on UNIX, Windows and IBM i:
Checking OS Dependencies
73606 Supported Languages and Code Pages Information on possible languages and
language combinations in SAP systems
1067221 Central Note for Heterogeneous Heterogeneous ABAP system landscapes
Installation on different operating systems have been
released for some time. Heterogeneous Java
system landscapes on different operating
systems have now also been released.
However, not every combination of
operating system and database system is
released. This SAP Note and its related SAP
Notes describe the released operating system
and database combinations.
789220 Support Package level for NetWeaver Information about the ABAP Support
Installations/Upgrades Package levels and kernel patch levels
contained in the current SAP NetWeaver

1.4 Accessing the SAP Library

For more information about SAP NetWeaver, access the SAP Library from the SAP Help Portal at
The references to SAP NetWeaver Library documentation in this documentation always refer to the
following entry point on the SAP Help Portal: SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 including Enhancement Package 1
Knowledge Center SAP NetWeaver Process Integration Library (including Enhancement Package 1) English

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2 Planning

2 Planning

2.1 Planning Checklist

This section includes the planning steps for your installation. Detailed information about the steps is
available in the relevant chapter.
You must first:
1. Plan your SAP system landscape according to the Master Guide and the Technical Infrastructure Guide
available for your product.
2. Decide on your installation option [page 14].
Now continue with the section for your chosen installation option below.

Standard, Distributed, or High-Availability System

1. You check the hardware and software requirements [page 21] on every installation host of the system
landscape that you want to install.
2. You plan how to set up user and access management [page 42].
3. You identify basic SAP system parameters [page 42].
4. For the database installation, we recommend that you check the informations available in the SAP
on Oracle Knowledge Center at
5. You decide on the transport host to use [page 54].
6. You decide whether you want to integrate LDAP Directory Services in your SAP system [page 123].
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

7. To install a high-availability system, you read Planning the Switchover Cluster [page 55].
End of: HA (UNIX)

8. Optionally, you decide whether you want to install multiple components in one database (MCOD) [page 127]
9. You can now continue with Preparation [page 59].

Additional Application Server Instance

1. You check the hardware and software requirements [page 21] for every installation host on which you want
to install one or more additional application server instances.
2. You identify basic SAP system parameters [page 42].
3. You can now continue with Preparation [page 59].

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2 Planning
2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide

Host Agent as a Standalone Installation

1. You check the hardware and software requirements [page 21] on the installation host.
You can find the requirements for the Host Agent in section Requirements for a Standalone Host Agent.
2. You identify basic SAP system parameters [page 42].
You can find the parameters in the table Host Agent.
3. You can now continue with Preparation [page 59].

2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide

This section shows the installation options covered by this installation guide. You have to decide what
exactly you want to install because the steps you have to perform vary according to the installation
option you choose.
n Standard system [page 14] (formerly known as central system)
n Distributed system [page 15]
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

n High-availability system [page 16]

End of: HA (UNIX)

n You can install one or more additional application server instance(s) [page 17] to an existing standard,
distributed or high-availability system.
n You can install a standalone host agent [page 20].

2.2.1 Standard System

You can install a standard system on a single host.

In a standard system, all main instances run on a single host:
n Central services instance (SCS)
n Database instance (DB)
n Primary application server instance

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2 Planning
2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide

Figure 1: Standard ABAP+Java System

Optionally you can install one or more additional application server instances. For more information,
see Additional Application Server Instance [page 17].

2.2.2 Distributed System

In a distributed system, every instance can run on a separate host:

n Central services instance (SCS)
n Database instance (DB)
n Primary application server instance

You can also use the SAP transport host or the SAP global host as your primary application
server instance host.
Optionally you can install one or more additional application server instances. For more information,
see Installation of an Additional Application Server Instance [page 17].

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2 Planning
2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide

Figure 2: Distributed ABAP+Java System

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

2.2.3 High-Availability System

In a high-availability system, every instance can run on a separate host:

n ABAP Central Services Instance (ASCS)
n Java Central Services Instance (SCS)
n Database instance
n Primary application server instance
We recommend that you run both the ASCS and the SCS in a switchover cluster infrastructure. Both
the ASCS and the SCS must each have their own Enqueue Replication Server (ERS) instance.
Optionally you can install one to <n> additional application server instances. For more information,
see Installation of an Additional Application Server Instance [page 17].
The following figures show examples for the distribution of the SAP instances in a high-availability

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2 Planning
2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide

Figure 3: High-Availability System

End of: HA (UNIX)

2.2.4 Additional Application Server Instance

You can install one or more additional application server instance(s) for an existing SAP system.
An additional application server instance can run on:
n The host of any instance of the existing SAP system (exceptions see below)
n On a dedicated host

If you want to install additional application server instances running on an operating system other
than the primary application server instance, see Heterogeneous SAP System Installation [page 144]. For
example, you need to do this if your primary application server instance runs on Solaris but the
additional application server instance is to run on Windows.

Additional Application Server Instance for a Standard System

For example, the following figure shows each of the three additional application server instances
that are running:

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2 Planning
2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide

n On the main host of the SAP system, that is on the host on which the primary application server
instance and the database instance run
n On dedicated hosts

Figure 4: Additional Application Server Instance for a Standard System

For more information, see Standard System [page 14].

Additional Application Server Instance for a Distributed System

For example, the following figure shows each of the three additional application server instances
that are running:
n On the main host of the SAP system, that is on the host on which the primary application server
instance and the database instance run
n On dedicated hosts
We do not recommend you to install additional application server instance(s) on the SAP global host.

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2 Planning
2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide

Figure 5: Additional Application Server Instance for a Distributed System

For more information, see Distributed System [page 15].

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

Additional Application Server Instance for a High-Availability System

For example, the following figure shows each of the three additional application server instances
that are running on:
n The host of the primary application server instance
n Dedicated hosts
We do not recommend you to install additional application server instance(s) on the switchover
cluster infrastructure.

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2 Planning
2.2 Installation Options Covered by this Guide

Figure 6: Additional Application Server Instance for a High-Availability System

For more information, see High-Availability System [page 16].

End of: HA (UNIX)

2.2.5 Standalone Host Agent

Using the host agent you can centrally monitor any host with the Alert Monitor or the SAP
NetWeaver Administrator or the Adaptive Computing Controller (ACC). In addition, the host agent
is used by the ACC for starting, stopping, and relocating SAP instances and databases.
For more information on the ACC see
The host agent is automatically installed during the installation of all SAP NetWeaver instances
and components.
You only need to install a standalone host agent in the following cases:
n You want to manage a host that does not have an SAP instance or component.
n You have upgraded your SAP system to SAP NetWeaver 7.1 or higher and want to the instances of
the upgraded system to be managed by the ACC.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Figure 7: Host Agent

The host agents contain the following elements:

n The control program saphostexec
n The SAP NetWeaver Management agent SAPHostControl (sapstartsrv in host mode)
n The sapacosprep executable of the Adaptive Computing Infrastructure
n The operating system collector saposcol

The installed programs are automatically started when the host is booted.
The automatic start is ensured by the startup script sapinit that starts the required executables.

More Information
For more information about the host agent, see the SAP Library [page 12]:
Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS ABAP Monitoring in the
CCMS Infrastructure of the NetWeaver Management Agents

2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

You check that your hosts meet the hardware and software requirements for your operating system
and the SAP instances.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

If your hosts do not fully meet the requirements, you might experience problems when working
with the SAP system.


n Contact your OS vendor for the latest OS patches.

n Make sure that the host name meets the requirements listed in SAP Note 611361.
n Check your keyboard definitions.
n If you want to install a printer on a host other than the central instance host (for example, on a
separate database instance host), make sure that the printer can be accessed under UNIX.

Process Flow

1. Check the Product Availability Matrix at for supported operating

system releases.
2. Check the hardware and software requirements using:
n The Prerequisite Checker:
l Standalone (optional) before the installation process
For more information, see Running the Prerequisite Checker Standalone [page 23].
l Integrated in the installation tool (mandatory) as part of the installation process
For more information, see Running SAPinst [page 87].

For the most recent updates to the Prerequisite Checker, always check SAP Note 855498.

n The hardware and software requirements checklists for:

l AIX [page 24]
l Standard system [page 27]
l Distributed system [page 30]
l High availability system [page 34]
l If you want to install additional application server instances, check the requirements for
an additional application server instance [page 40].
l If you want to install the host agent on a host that does not have an SAP component, check
the requirements for the host agent as a separate installation [page 41].
3. If you are installing a production system, the values provided by the Prerequisite Checker and the
hardware and software requirements checklists are not sufficient. In addition, do the following:
n You use the Quick Sizer tool available at
For more information about the Quick Sizer and available sizing guides, see the Master Guide
‒ SAP NetWeaver 7.0 at <your SAP Release>
Planning .

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

n You contact your hardware vendor, who can analyze the load and calculate suitable hardware
sizing depending on:
l The set of applications to be deployed
l How intensively the applications are to be used
l The number of users

2.3.1 Running the Prerequisite Checker in Standalone Mode


Before installing your SAP system, you can run the Prerequisite Checker in standalone mode to check the
hardware and software requirements for your operating system (OS) and the SAP instances.

We recommend that you use both the Prerequisite Checker and the requirements tables for reference.

When installing your SAP system, SAPinst automatically starts the Prerequisite Checker and checks the
hardware and software requirements in the background.

n You have prepared the Installation Master DVD on the required installation host [page 76].
n You make sure that the required prerequisites are met before starting SAPinst [page 87].

1. You start SAPinst [page 87].
2. On the Welcome screen, choose <SAP System> Software Life-Cycle Options Additional Preparations
Prerequisites Check .
3. Follow the instructions in the SAPinst dialogs and enter the required parameters.

For more information about each parameter, position the cursor on the parameter field and
choose F1 in SAPinst.
When you have finished, the Parameter Summary screen appears summarizing all parameters you have
entered and want to have checked. If you want to make a change, select the relevant parameters
and choose Revise.
4. To start the prerequisites check, choose Next.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

The Prerequisite Checker Results screen displays the results found. If required, you may also check the
results in file prerequisite_checker_results.html, which you find in the installation directory.

We recommend making sure that your system meets all checked prerequisites before starting the
installation. However, you can still start the installation even if your system does not meet all
prerequisites. In this case, make sure that you know what you are doing.

2.3.2 Requirements for AIX

The host machine must meet the requirements listed in the tables below.

The information here is not intended to replace the documentation of the AIX operating system.

You can perform AIX-specific steps as follows:

n Manually by entering AIX commands with the appropriate options
n Using System Management Interface Tool (SMIT), a menu-driven system administration tool
If you have problems with the function keys, you can also use ESC and the corresponding number to
simulate the function key (for example, F4 is equivalent to ESC and 4 ).

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Tape drive High-capacity tape drive with hardware compression is recommended.
You can test the drive /dev/rmt0 with this command:
tar -cvf /dev/<tape_device> <test_file>
The device name is always rmt0 unless more than one tape drive exists.
DVD drive n ISO 9660 compatible
n You can configure multiple CD or DVD drives, but you cannot mount all of them.
For more information, see Mounting a CD / DVD for AIX [page 133].

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Required disks For data security reasons, you need to distribute over at least three disks. We recommend
you to distribute over five disks.
To display available disks, enter this command:
Disks marked none in the 3rd column are unused.
To display free space on a disk, enter this command:
lspv -p <disk_name>
Areas marked free in the 2nd column are unused.
If an advanced disk array is available (for example, RAID), contact your hardware vendor
to make sure that the data security requirements are covered by this technology.
RAM To display RAM size in KB, enter the following command:
lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem

CPU The recommended minimum hardware is either two physical single core processors or
one physical dual core processor.

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

C++ runtime level Check the C++ runtime level with the following commands:
n AIX 6.x:
l #lslpp —L xlC.aix61.rte
The output must be at least
l #lslpp —L xlC.rte
The output must be at least
n AIX 5.x:
l #lslpp —L xlC.aix50.rte
The output must be at least
l #lslpp —L xlC.rte
The output must be at least
Operating system Check the operating system version with this command:
version lslpp -l bos.rte
The output must include the following or a larger version number:

AIX Maintenance AIX Maintenance Level (ML) and Technology Level (TL)
Level (ML) and n AIX 6.1: the output of the command oslevel -s should be at least 6100-00-01.
Technology Level n AIX 5.3: the output of the command oslevel -s should be at least 5300-05-01
(TL) (TL 5 SP 1).
n AIX 5.2: the output of the command oslevel -r should be at least 5200-06 (ML 6).

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

AIX kernel To run an SAP system on AIX with an Oracle database, you must check and ‒ if
necessary ‒ modify the UNIX operating system kernel.

We recommend that all UNIX kernel modifications be performed by your UNIX
system administrator.

Proceed as follows:
1. Asynchronous I/O: If the database is installed using file systems, the settings for
asynchronous I/O (aio) should be as follows:
maxservers = minservers = 1.2 * number of data files used for the database.

If maxserver is greater than minserver, the surplus asynchronous I/O processes are
charged against the database system rather than root, and have a lower scheduling
priority. Experience shows that all processes become active very quickly and, once
active, the asynchronous I/O servers are never stopped. Therefore it is simpler and
more efficient to set them to the same value at startup.

If you need information about how to set these values, see Checking and Modifying
the AIX Kernel [page 129].
2. The setting for Maximum number of processes allowed per user may need to be increased on
the database server. If you have increased the number of maxservers, then you
should check this setting to make sure that the Maximum number of processes allowed per
user is at least greater than the maximum number of aioservers. This is not an
issue if the values set as recommended above. Actually, it must be greater than the
sum of the maximum number of aioservers plus all of the other processes of the
ora<dbsid> user.

a) As a rule of thumb, set maxprocs to the following:

n Small system: 512
n Medium system: 2048
n Large system: 4096
If you are not sure which value is applicable, choose the higher value.

Setting maxprocs to a higher value than the number of processes that are
actually used does not cause any extra overhead.

b) Set the Maximum number of Processes allowed per user to be greater than maxservers plus
the result from step a.
If you need information about how to set these values, see Checking and Modifying
the AIX Kernel [page 129].
3. Adjust the minperm and maxperm settings according to SAP Note 973227.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

LDAP (Lightweight If you want to use LDAP, you require the following LDAP library:
Directory Access libldap.a
Additional software Make sure that the following additional file sets are installed:
n bos.adt ‒ Base Application Development
n bos.perf ‒ performance and diagnostics tools
n ‒ performance monitoring tools
n bos.perf.libperfstat ‒ Performance Statistics Library
For an overview of the installed file sets, enter the following command:
lslpp –L | more
Install the necessary local code set by adding an additional language environment
as follows:
1. Start the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) with the following command:
smitty mle_add_lang

2. Select the following:

n Cultural Conventions to install:
ISO8859-1 German (Germany) [de_DE]
n Language Translation to install:
ISO8859-1 German [de_DE]
This step installs the required bos.loc and bos.iconv file sets.
3. Additionally, check that all file sets are in a consistent state with this command:
lppchk –v

Other Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Printer Check whether a file can be printed with this command:
lp -d<printer_name> <test_file>
Check the status of your spool and the printers with this command:
lpstat -t

Keyboard You can set the keyboard by typing this command on the directly connected console:
smitty chkbd
You can select your keyboard under Motif by setting a language environment (LANG),
for which a National Language Support (NLS) component is installed. The settings
take effect after reboot.
Network Test the network connection to the database server with this command:
/etc/ping <db_server_name> 100 10

2.3.3 Requirements for a Standard System

If you want to install a standard system ‒ that is, all instances reside on one host ‒ the host must meet
the following requirements:

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

The table below also lists the most relevant requirements for the Oracle database.
You get the full list of hardware and software requirements from the relevant Oracle database
installation guide for your operating system, which you can find at

You can access the complete Oracle documentation as a member of the Oracle Technology Network
(OTN) at:
For more information about joining OTN, see:

If you have access to Oracle Metalink we strongly recommend that you read document 169706.1. This
document provides information about all operating system prerequisites and is regularly updated.

If your database resides on Network Attached Storage (NAS) you need to review and implement the
Oracle NAS guidelines. You need to mount network file systems with specific mount options, which
you can find in the Oracle installation guide.

You can install this SAP system release with at least Oracle 10.2 only.

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Distribution of the We recommend distribution over three disks (RAID5) for data security reasons.
Oracle Database To decide how many hard disks are required for your Oracle database, see the
Database System Configuration guide in SAP Database Guide: Oracle (BC-DB-ORA-DBA) in
the SAP Library [page 12]:
Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations Manual for SAP NetWeaver Administration of
Databases Database Administration for Oracle

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard disk space n Hard disk drives with sufficient space for the SAP system and the database
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
n For the Oracle database instance, you need 20 GB plus space for the SAP data file
For space requirements of the SAP data file systems (sapdata 1 - 4), see the
following file:

The values listed in DBSIZE.XML are only guiding values. Each sapdata<n> file
can grow up to 10 GB maximum.

n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD that
you have to copy to a local hard disk. For more information, see Preparing the
Installation DVDs [page 76].
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 6 GB
Swap Space You need hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap. The required swap space
can be calculated as follows:
n Optimistic strategy:
For the database instance you need:
l 0.75 * RAM, if RAM is greater than 8.0 GB.
l 1 * RAM, if RAM is less than 8.0 GB.
In addition, you need at least 20 GB for the primary application server
instance and at least another 10 GB for the SCS instance and also for every
additional application server instance.
n Defensive strategy:
3 * RAM, at least 20 GB
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual Machine
(VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap Space
for AIX [page 130].

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System If application servers are installed decentralized, Network File System (NFS) must
(NFS) be installed.
Fonts and code pages Make sure that the required fonts and code pages are installed.
National Language Make sure that National Language Support (NLS) and corresponding saplocales
Support (NLS) are installed.
GUI for Oracle Database On the database host, a graphical user interface (GUI), for example X11, is required
Installation for the Oracle database software installation with runInstaller. For more
information, see the documentation of your operating system.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Oracle Interim Patches Check SAP Note 839182 whether you require an interim patch for the Oracle
database installation. In this case, make sure you have the corresponding Perl
version as stated in that SAP Note.
Oracle Kernel Review the Oracle-recommended kernel parameters and shell limits for your
Parameters operating system with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2).
These are only recommendations from Oracle for optimizing the system
performance in production environments. If the recommended settings are not
suitable for your system you must tune the kernel parameters accordingly.
You can get the recommended shell limits and kernel parameters from the
relevant Oracle database installation guide for your operating system, which
you can find at:

2.3.4 Requirements for a Distributed System

The following sections provide information about the hardware and software requirements for a
distributed system, where the following SAP instances can reside on different hosts:
n Central services instance [page 30]
n Database instance [page 31]
n Primary application server instance [page 33]

If you install multiple SAP system instances on one host, you need to add up the requirements. Requirements for a Central Services Instance

The central services instance host must meet the following requirements for the central services

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard disk space n Hard disk drives with sufficient space for the central services instance
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD that you
have to copy to a local hard disk
For more information, see Preparing the Installation DVDs [page 76].
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Minimum RAM 2 GB
Swap Space You need hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap. The required swap space
can be calculated as follows:
n Optimistic strategy:
At least 20 GB for the first SAP Instance to be installed on a server and at least
10 GB for each additional active SAP Instance on that server
n Defensive strategy:
3 * RAM
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual Machine
(VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap Space
for AIX [page 130].

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System Network File System (NFS) must be installed.
(NFS) Requirements for the Database Instance

The database host must meet the following requirements:

The table below lists the most relevant requirements for the Oracle database instance host.
You get the full list of hardware and software requirements from the relevant Oracle database
installation guide for your operating system, which you can find at

You can access the complete Oracle documentation as a member of the Oracle Technology Network
(OTN) at:
For more information about joining OTN, see:

If you have access to Oracle Metalink we strongly recommend that you read document 169706.1. This
document provides information about all operating system prerequisites and is regularly updated.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

If your database resides on Network Attached Storage (NAS) you need to review and implement the
Oracle NAS guidelines. You need to mount network file systems with specific mount options, which
you can find in the Oracle installation guide.

You can install this SAP system release with at least Oracle 10.2 only.

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Distribution of the Oracle We recommend distribution over three disks (RAID5) for data security reasons.
Database To decide how many hard disks are required for your Oracle database, see the
Database System Configuration guide in SAP Database Guide: Oracle (BC-DB-ORA-DBA) in
the SAP Library [page 12]: Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations Manual for SAP
NetWeaver Administration of Databases Database Administration for Oracle .
Hard disk space n 20 GB plus space for the SAP data file systems
For space requirements of the SAP data file systems (sapdata 1 - 4), see SAP
Note 967506 or the following file:

The values listed in DBSIZE.XML are only guiding values. Each sapdata<n>
file can grow up to 10 GB maximum.

For more information about the required disk space per file system, see Setting
Up File Systems [page 63]
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD you have
to copy to a local hard disk.
For more information, see Preparing the Installation DVDs [page 76]
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 3 GB
The default value used by SAPinst is 50 percent of the entire RAM.
Depending on the amount of data involved, the requirements might change.
You can do one of the following to get a more precise sizing definition that
reflects your particular system load:
n Contact a hardware vendor. The vendor analyzes the load and calculates
suitable hardware sizing.
n Contact the person in charge of installation or your Oracle Competence
Swap Space You need hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap. The required swap space
can be calculated as follows:
n 0.75 * RAM, if RAM is greater than 8.0 GB
n 1 * RAM, if RAM is less than 8.0 GB
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual Machine
(VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap Space
for AIX [page 130].

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System (NFS) If application servers are installed decentralized, Network File System (NFS)
must be installed.
Required fonts and code Make sure that the required fonts and code pages are installed.
National Language Support Make sure that National Language Support (NLS) and corresponding
(NLS) saplocales are installed.

GUI for Oracle Database On the database host, a graphical user interface (GUI), for example X11, is
Installation required for the Oracle database software installation with runInstaller. For
more information, see the documentation of your operating system.
Oracle Interim Patches Check SAP Note 839182 whether you require an interim patch for the Oracle
database installation. In this case, make sure you have the corresponding Perl
version as stated in that SAP Note.
Oracle Kernel Parameters Review the Oracle-recommended kernel parameters and shell limits for your
operating system with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2).
These are only recommendations from Oracle for optimizing the system
performance in production environments. If the recommended settings are
not suitable for your system you must tune the kernel parameters accordingly.
You can get the recommended shell limits and kernel parameters from the
relevant Oracle database installation guide for your operating system, which
you can find at: Requirements for the Primary Application Server


The host where the primary application server instance runs must meet the following requirements:

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard disk space n Hard disk drives with sufficient space for the primary application server
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD that
you have to copy to a local hard disk. For more information, see Preparing
the Installation DVDs [page 76].
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 3 GB
Swap Space Hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap:
n Optimistic strategy:
At least 20 GB for the first SAP Instance to be installed on a server and at
least 10 GB for each additional active SAP Instance on that server
n Defensive strategy:
3 * RAM
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual
Machine (VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap
Space for AIX [page 130].

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System If application servers are installed decentralized, Network File System (NFS) must
(NFS) be installed.
Required fonts and code Make sure that the required fonts and code pages are installed.
National Language Make sure that National Language Support (NLS) and corresponding saplocales
Support (NLS) are installed.

2.3.5 Requirements for a High Availability System

The following sections provide information about the hardware and software requirements for
a high-availability system, where the following SAP instances can reside on different hosts or on
a switchover cluster infrastructure:
n Central services instances [page 35]
n Enqueue replication server instances [page 36]
n Database instance [page 37]
n Primary application server instance [page 39]

34/168 PUBLIC 12/18/2008

2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements Requirements for a Central Services Instance

For a high-availability system based on AS ABAP and AS Java both a central services instance for ABAP
(ASCS) and a central services instance for Java (SCS) are required.
For a non-high-availability system based on AS ABAP and AS Java only a central services instance for
Java (SCS) is required.
The central services instance host must meet the following requirements for a central services

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard disk space n Hard disk drives with sufficient space for the central services instance
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD that you
have to copy to a local hard disk
For more information, see Preparing the Installation DVDs [page 76].
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 2 GB
Swap Space You need hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap. The required swap space
can be calculated as follows:
n Optimistic strategy:
At least 20 GB for the first SAP Instance to be installed on a server and at least
10 GB for each additional active SAP Instance on that server
n Defensive strategy:
3 * RAM
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual Machine
(VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap Space
for AIX [page 130].

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System Network File System (NFS) must be installed.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Only valid for: HA (UNIX) Requirements for an Enqueue Replication Server


The host on which an enqueue replication server instance runs must meet the following

The enqueue replication server instance is only required for high-availability systems.
You need one ERS for each Java SCS and one ERS for each ABAP SCS (ASCS) installed in your system.

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard disk space n Hard disk drives with sufficient space for the central services instance
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD that you
have to copy to a local hard disk
For more information, see Preparing the Installation DVDs [page 76].
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 2 GB
Swap Space You need hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap. The required swap space
can be calculated as follows:
n Optimistic strategy:
At least 20 GB for the first SAP Instance to be installed on a server and at least
10 GB for each additional active SAP Instance on that server
n Defensive strategy:
3 * RAM
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual Machine
(VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap Space
for AIX [page 130].

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System Network File System (NFS) must be installed.

End of: HA (UNIX)

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements Requirements for the Database Instance

The database host must meet the following requirements:

The table below lists the most relevant requirements for the Oracle database instance host.
You get the full list of hardware and software requirements from the relevant Oracle database
installation guide for your operating system, which you can find at

You can access the complete Oracle documentation as a member of the Oracle Technology Network
(OTN) at:
For more information about joining OTN, see:

If you have access to Oracle Metalink we strongly recommend that you read document 169706.1. This
document provides information about all operating system prerequisites and is regularly updated.

If your database resides on Network Attached Storage (NAS) you need to review and implement the
Oracle NAS guidelines. You need to mount network file systems with specific mount options, which
you can find in the Oracle installation guide.

You can install this SAP system release with at least Oracle 10.2 only.

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Distribution of the Oracle We recommend distribution over three disks (RAID5) for data security reasons.
Database To decide how many hard disks are required for your Oracle database, see the
Database System Configuration guide in SAP Database Guide: Oracle (BC-DB-ORA-DBA) in
the SAP Library [page 12]: Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations Manual for SAP
NetWeaver Administration of Databases Database Administration for Oracle .

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard disk space n 20 GB plus space for the SAP data file systems
For space requirements of the SAP data file systems (sapdata 1 - 4), see SAP
Note 967506 or the following file:

The values listed in DBSIZE.XML are only guiding values. Each sapdata<n>
file can grow up to 10 GB maximum.

For more information about the required disk space per file system, see Setting
Up File Systems [page 63]
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD you have
to copy to a local hard disk.
For more information, see Preparing the Installation DVDs [page 76]
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 3 GB
The default value used by SAPinst is 50 percent of the entire RAM.
Depending on the amount of data involved, the requirements might change.
You can do one of the following to get a more precise sizing definition that
reflects your particular system load:
n Contact a hardware vendor. The vendor analyzes the load and calculates
suitable hardware sizing.
n Contact the person in charge of installation or your Oracle Competence
Swap Space You need hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap. The required swap space
can be calculated as follows:
n 0.75 * RAM, if RAM is greater than 8.0 GB
n 1 * RAM, if RAM is less than 8.0 GB
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual Machine
(VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap Space
for AIX [page 130].

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System (NFS) If application servers are installed decentralized, Network File System (NFS)
must be installed.
Required fonts and code Make sure that the required fonts and code pages are installed.
National Language Support Make sure that National Language Support (NLS) and corresponding
(NLS) saplocales are installed.

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

GUI for Oracle Database On the database host, a graphical user interface (GUI), for example X11, is
Installation required for the Oracle database software installation with runInstaller. For
more information, see the documentation of your operating system.
Oracle Interim Patches Check SAP Note 839182 whether you require an interim patch for the Oracle
database installation. In this case, make sure you have the corresponding Perl
version as stated in that SAP Note.
Oracle Kernel Parameters Review the Oracle-recommended kernel parameters and shell limits for your
operating system with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2).
These are only recommendations from Oracle for optimizing the system
performance in production environments. If the recommended settings are
not suitable for your system you must tune the kernel parameters accordingly.
You can get the recommended shell limits and kernel parameters from the
relevant Oracle database installation guide for your operating system, which
you can find at: Requirements for the Primary Application Server


The host where the primary application server instance runs must meet the following requirements:

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard disk space n Hard disk drives with sufficient space for the primary application server
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD that
you have to copy to a local hard disk. For more information, see Preparing
the Installation DVDs [page 76].
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 3 GB
Swap Space Hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap:
n Optimistic strategy:
At least 20 GB for the first SAP Instance to be installed on a server and at
least 10 GB for each additional active SAP Instance on that server
n Defensive strategy:
3 * RAM
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual
Machine (VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap
Space for AIX [page 130].

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System If application servers are installed decentralized, Network File System (NFS) must
(NFS) be installed.
Required fonts and code Make sure that the required fonts and code pages are installed.
National Language Make sure that National Language Support (NLS) and corresponding saplocales
Support (NLS) are installed.

2.3.6 Requirements for an Additional Application Server


The additional application server host must meet the following requirements:

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard disk space n Hard disk drives with sufficient space for the additional application server
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD that
you have to copy to a local hard disk. For more information, see Preparing
the Installation DVDs [page 76].
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 3 GB
Swap Space You need hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap. The required swap
space can be calculated as follows:
n Optimistic strategy:
At least 20 GB for the first SAP Instance to be installed on a server and at least
10 GB for each additional active SAP Instance on that server
n Defensive strategy:
3 * RAM
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual Machine
(VM) Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap Space
for AIX [page 130].

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2 Planning
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

SAP kernel Make sure that the SAP kernel of the primary application server instance has at
least the patch level of the SAP kernel on the SAP Kernel DVD that is used for the
installation of the additional application server instance.
We recommend that you apply the most current SAP kernel from

Network File System Network File System (NFS) must be installed.


2.3.7 Requirements for a Standalone Host Agent

If you want to install a standalone host agent, the installation host has to meet the following

Hardware Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Hard Disk Space n Minimum disk space
For information about the required disk space per file system, see Setting Up File
Systems [page 63]
n 4.3 GB of temporary disk space for every required installation DVD that you have
to copy to a local hard disk. For more information, see Preparing the Installation DVDs
[page 76].
n 1.2 GB of temporary disk space for the installation.
Minimum RAM 0.5 GB
Swap space You need hard disk drives with sufficient space for swap. The required swap space can
be calculated as follows:
n Optimistic strategy:
At least 20 GB for the first SAP Instance to be installed on a server and at least 10
GB for each additional active SAP Instance on that server
n Defensive strategy:
3 * RAM
For more information, see SAP Note 1121904.
For more information about the memory requirements of the Virtual Machine (VM)
Container, see SAP Note 1049245.
If you need information about how to set up swap space, see Setting up Swap Space for
AIX [page 130].

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2 Planning
2.4 Planning User and Access Management

Software Requirements

Requirement Values and Activities

Network File System Network File System (NFS) must be installed.

2.4 Planning User and Access Management

You have to plan how you want to configure user and access management for your SAP system
to be installed.
Before you add a newly installed SAP system to your system landscape, you must decide which kind of
user management you want to use:
n Use AS ABAP.
n Use an LDAP directory as the data source for user data.

Proceed as follows:
You install your SAP system as described in this installation guide. During the installation, the SAP
system is automatically configured to use AS ABAP as data source for the User Management Engine
(UME). After the installation has finished, you can still change the user management configuration.
For more information, see Configuring User Management [page 110].

Using an LDAP Directory as the Data Source for User Data

Proceed as follows:
1. You install your SAP system as described in this installation guide.
2. Configure the user management of the newly installed SAP system to use and LDAP directory.
For more information, see Configuring User Management [page 110].

More Information
For more information about configuring the user management of your SAP system to be installed, see
the SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View Security Identity Management .

2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

SAPinst prompts for input parameters during the Define Parameters phase of the installation.
The tables below list the basic system parameters that you need to specify before installing your SAP
system. For all other SAP system parameters, use the F1 help in the SAPinst screens.
You can install your SAP system either in Typical or Custom mode:

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2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

n Typical
If you choose Typical, the installation is performed with default settings. This means that you
only have to respond to a small selection of prompts including at least the following, which are
described in the corresponding tables below:
l SAP system ID and database ID
l Master password
l JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files archive
l SAP system profile directory ‒ only for systems with instances on separate hosts
If you want to change any of the default settings, you can do so on the Parameter Summary screen.
n Custom
If you choose Custom, you are prompted for all parameters. At the end, you can still change any of
these parameters on the Parameter Summary screen.

If you change a parameter with the Revise button on the Parameter Summary screen, the installer takes
you to the screen where you can change the parameter. Depending on the changes, the installer
might guide you through other screens with default parameters that it has so far processed. This
might also happen if you press Back instead of Next on the screen

The tables below list the basic system parameters that you need to determine before installing your
SAP system. For all other SAP system parameters, use the F1 help in the SAPinst dialogs.

JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files Archive

Parameters Description
JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction You need to obtain the Java(TM) Cryptography Extension (JCE)
Policy Files Archive Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for the JDK you are using
beforehand so that SAPinst can install them.
For more information, see Downloading the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction
Policy Files Archive [page 76].

SAP System ID and Database ID

Parameters Description
SAP System ID <SAPSID> The SAP system ID <SAPSID> identifies the entire SAP system.
SAPinst prompts your for the <SAPSID> when you execute the first installation
option to install a new SAP system.
If there are further installation options to be executed, SAPinst prompts you
for the profile directory. For more information, see the description of the
parameter SAP System Profile Directory.

This prompt appears when you install the central services instance, which is the

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2 Planning
2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Parameters Description
first instance to be installed in a distributed system.

Choose your SAP system ID carefully. Renaming is difficult and requires you
to reinstall the SAP system.

Make sure that your SAP system ID:

n Is unique throughout your organization. Do not use an existing <SAPSID>
when installing a new SAP system.
n Consists of exactly three alphanumeric characters
n Contains only uppercase letters
n Has a letter for the first character
n Does not include any of the following, which are reserved IDs:
n If you want to install an additional application server instance, make sure
that no gateway instance with the same SAP System ID (SAPSID) exists in
your SAP system landscape.
Database ID <DBSID> The <DBSID> identifies the database instance. SAPinst prompts you for the
<DBSID> when you are installing the database instance.
The <DBSID> can be the same as the <SAPSID>.

Choose your database ID carefully. Renaming is difficult and requires you
to reinstall the SAP system.

n If you want to install a new database:

Make sure that your database ID:
l Is unique throughout your organization
l Consists of exactly three alphanumeric characters
l Contains only uppercase letters
l Has a letter for the first character
l Does not include any of the following, which are reserved IDs:
n If you want to use an existing database system:
Enter exactly the database ID of the existing database to which you want to
add the system.
System ID of SAP Solution SAPinst sets the system ID of SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent, <DASID>,
Manager Diagnostics Agent to DAA by default.
<DASID> If DAA is already used, SAPinst assigns another default system ID. You can
overwrite the default system ID as required.

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2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Parameters Description

Choose the <DASID> carefully. Renaming is difficult and requires you to
reinstall the Diagnostics Agent.

Make sure that the <DASID>:

n Either does not yet exist on the local installation host or does already exist
but was only used for a Diagnostics Agent installation
n Consists of exactly three alphanumeric characters
n Contains only uppercase letters
n Has a letter for the first character
n Does not include any of the following, which are reserved IDs:

SAP System Profile Directory

Parameters Description
/<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/profile or The installation retrieves the parameters entered earlier from the SAP
/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile system profile directory.
SAPinst prompts you to enter the location of the profile directory
when the installation option that you execute is not the first one
belonging to your SAP system installation. See also the description of
the parameters SAP System ID and Database ID.
/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile is the soft link referring to

If you install an additional application server instance in an existing
SAP system, SAPinst also prompts you for the profile directory of
the existing SAP system.

SAP System Instances, Hosts, and Ports

Parameters Description
Instance Number of the Instance Number:
SAP System Technical identifier that is required for every instance of an SAP system,
consisting of a two-digit number from 00 to 97
The instance number must be unique on a host. That is, if more than one SAP
instance is running on the same host, these instances must be assigned different
The instance number is used to specify the names of the SAP system instance
directories that SAP automatically creates during the installation:

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2 Planning
2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Parameters Description
n The directory of the primary application server instance is called
n The directory of an additional application server instance is called
n The directory of the central services instance is called SCS<Instance_Number>.
n The directory of the ABAP central services instance is called

You install the ABAP central services instance only if you perform a
high-availability installation.

n The directory of the Enqueue Replication Server instance is called


You install an Enqueue Replication Server instance only if you perform a
high-availability installation.

For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].

Instance Number of the Technical identifier for internal processes for the Diagnostics Agent, consisting
Diagnostics Agent of a two-digit number from 00 to 97
The instance number is set automatically to the next free and valid instance
number that has not yet been assigned to the SAP system.
The instance number is used to specify the name of the Diagnostics Agent
instance directory that SAPinst automatically creates during the installation.
The directory of the Diagnostics Agent instance is called SMDA<Instance_Number>.
For more information, see SAP Directories [page 63].
The same restrictions apply as in “Instance Number of the SAP System” (see
Virtual Host Name You can use one or more virtual TCP / IP host names for SAP servers within an
SAP server landscape to order to conceal their physical network identities from
each other. This may be useful when moving SAP servers or complete server
landscapes to other new hardware within a short time frame without having to
carry out a reinstallation or complicated reconfiguration.
If you want to use virtual host names for the installation, you have to specify the
virtual host name [page 74] before you start SAPinst.
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)
If you want to install a high-availability (HA) system [page 16], you need the virtual
host name when you install the ASCS instance and the SCS instance into
a cluster.
End of: HA (UNIX)

n For more information about the use of virtual TCP/IP host names, see SAP
Note 962955.

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2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Parameters Description
n The host name must not exceed 12 characters. For more information about
the allowed host name length and characters, see SAP Note 611361.
Message Server Port
The message server port number must be unique for the SAP system on all hosts.
If there are several message port numbers on one host, all must be unique.

Port Number of the SAP Message Server:

If you do not specify a value, the default port number is used.
ABAP Message Server Port
There is an external message server port and an internal message server port.
The ABAP message server uses both the internal and the external message server
ports. The default profile contains the configuration for both message server
The external message server port uses the parameter rdisp/msserv with default
value 36<nn>, where <nn> is the instance number of the ABAP message server
The internal message server port uses the parameter rdisp/msserv_internal
with default value 39<nn>, where <nn> is the instance number of the ABAP
message server instance.
Java Message Server Port
The Java message server only uses the internal message server port. The SCS
instance profile contains the configuration for the Java message server.
The parameter rdisp/msserv is set to 0, so that the external port is not open.
The internal message server port uses the parameter rdisp/msserv_internal
with default value 39<nn>, where <nn> is the instance number of the SCS
message server instance.
For more information about the parameters used for message server ports, see
SAP Note 821875.

Master Password

Parameters Description
Master Password Common password for all users that are created during the installation:
n Operating system users (for example <sapsid>adm)

If you did not create the operating system users manually before the
installation, SAPinst creates them with the common master password (see
table Operating System Users). In this case, make sure that the master password
meets the requirements of your operating system and database.

n ABAP users SAP* and DDIC

SAPinst applies the master password to users SAP* and DDIC for SAP system
clients 000 and 001 only, but not to users SAP*, DDIC, and EARLYWATCH in

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2 Planning
2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Parameters Description
SAP system client 066.
Instead, SAPinst always assigns the following passwords to these users in
client 066:
SAP*: 06071992
DDIC: 19920706
See also Ensuring User Security [page 111].

n Java users
(for example J2EE_ADMIN)
n Database users
(for example ora<dbsid>
n Secure Store key phrase
For more information, see table Key Phrase for Secure Store Settings.
Password policy
The master password:
n Must be 8 to 14 characters long
n Must contain at least one letter (a-z, A-Z)
n Must contain at least one digit (0-9)
n Must not contain \ (backslash) and " (double quote)
Depending on the installation option, additional restrictions may apply (for
example, the master password must not contain the name of a Java user created
during the installation).

Operating System Users of the SAP System

Parameters Description
User <sapsid>adm User <sapsid>adm is the system administrator user.
If you did not create user <sapsid>adm manually before the installation, SAPinst
creates it automatically during the installation. SAPinst sets the Master Password
by default, but you can overwrite it either by choosing parameter mode Custom or
by changing it on the parameter summary screen.
Make sure that the user ID and group ID of this operating system user are unique
and the same on each application server instance host.
For more information, see Creating Operating System Users [page 60].

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2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Parameters Description
User sapadm User sapadm is used for central monitoring services.
If you did not create user sapadm manually before the installation, SAPinst
creates it automatically during the installation. SAPinst sets the Master Password
by default, but you can overwrite it either by choosing parameter mode Custom or
by changing it on the parameter summary screen.
Make sure that the user ID and group ID of sapadm are unique and the same on
each application server instance host.
For more information, see Creating Operating System Users [page 60].
User <dasid>adm User <dasid>adm is dedicated to the Diagnostics Agent installation and has the
authorization to manage the agent.
If you did not create user <dasid>adm manually before the installation, SAPinst
creates it automatically on every application server instance host during the
installation. SAPinst sets the Master Password by default, but you can overwrite
it either by choosing parameter mode Custom or by changing it on the parameter
summary screen.
Make sure that the user ID and group ID of <dasid>adm are unique and the same
on each application server instance host.
For more information, see Creating Operating System Users [page 60].

User Management Engine (UME)

Parameter Description
Java Administrator User SAPinst creates this user in the ABAP system.
After the installation, this user is available both in the ABAP and in the Java
SAPinst sets the user name J2EE_ADMIN and the master password by default.
If required, you can choose another user name and password according to
your requirements.
Java Guest User This user is for employees who do not belong to a company or who have
registered as company users and who are waiting for approval. Guest users
belong to the default group Authenticated Users.
SAPinst creates this user in the ABAP system.
After the installation, it is available both in the ABAP and in the Java system
SAPinst sets the user name J2EE_GUEST and the master password by default.
If required, you can choose another user name and password according to
your requirements.
For more information about supported UME data sources and change options,
see SAP Note 718383.
Communication User SAPinst creates this user in the ABAP system.
After the installation, it is available both in the ABAP and in the Java system
This user is used for the communication between the ABAP system and the
Java system.
SAPinst sets the user name SAPJSF and the master password by default.
If required, you can choose another user name and password according to
your requirements.

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2 Planning
2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Parameter Description
For more information about supported UME data sources and change options,
see SAP Note 718383.

Key Phrase for Secure Store Settings

Parameters Description
Key Phrase for Secure This is a random word or phrase that is used to encrypt the secure store.
Store Settings The Java EE engine uses this phrase to generate the key that is used to encrypt
the data.
The uniqueness of the phrase you use contributes to the uniqueness of the
resulting key.

Use a long key phrase that cannot be guessed easily. Use both uppercase and
lowercase letters in the phrase and include special characters.

Connectivity for the Diagnostics Agent to System Landscape Directory (SLD)

Parameters Description
SLD Destination You can choose between the following options:
n Register in existing central SLD
SAPinst only prompts you for the parameters listed below in this table if
you select this option.

We recommend that you select this option.

n No SLD destination
If you select this option:
l You have to configure the SLD destination for the Diagnostics Agent
manually after the installation with SAPinst has finished.
l SAPinst does not prompt you for the parameters listed below in this
SLD HTTP Host The host name of the System Landscape Directory (SLD)
SLD HTTP Port The HTTP port of the Java system where the SLD is installed. The following
naming convention applies:

If the instance number of your Java system is 01, the SLD HTTP Port is 50100.
SLD Data Supplier User and You have to enter the existing SLD Data Supplier User and password of
password the central SLD.

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2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Internet Communication Manager (ICM) User Management

Parameter Description
Password of webadm The administration user webadm is created to use the web administration
interface for Internet Communication Manager (ICM) and Web Dispatcher.
SAPinst sets the master password by default. If required, you can choose another
password. The length of the password must be between 5 and 128 characters.

Host Agent

Parameter Description
Password of sapadm The administration user sapadm is created to use central monitoring services.
If this user does not already exist, SAPinst automatically creates it.
SAPinst prompts you to enter either the password of the existing user or a new
password for the user to be created.

Solution Manager Key

Parameters Description
SAP Solution Manager key To install your SAP system, you need to generate an SAP Solution Manager key [page
75], which the installation requires to continue. For more information, see
SAP Note 805390.

Parameters Relevant for the Directory Structure of the System

Parameters Description
SAP system mount directory The SAP system mount directory /<sapmnt> is the base directory for the
SAP system.
For /<sapmnt> you can use a directory of your choice. If you do not specify
a directory, SAPinst creates a directory named sapmnt by default.
Do not add <SAPSID> as subdirectory because the installer adds this
directory automatically.

If you enter /sapmount for /<sapmnt> and KB1 for <SAPSID> during
the input phase of the installation, the installer creates the directory

For more information, see Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices [page 63].
Oracle database directories n Oracle home
n sapdata home
n Client destination
n sapdata directory

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2 Planning
2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Prepare SAP System for NWDI Integration

Parameters Description
Prepare SAP System for If you select check box Prepare SAP System for NWDI Integration on the screen NWDI
NWDI Integration Landscape, SAPinst copies all SCAs belonging to the software units that you
installed to the global transport directory.
The SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI) has a set of services
that provide central storage and distributed versioning of Java source code, plus
centralized build services and a predefined change management process that
control the flow of software through the landscape. To integrate your SAP
system into the development landscape, NWDI requires all installed software
components to be available in the file system.
For more information, see the SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View
Application Server Java Developing Applications Using Java

Parameters Relevant for the Oracle Database

Parameters Description
Database schema, Password The Java database schema is named SAP<SCHEMAID>DB.
Default name is SAPSR3DB.
The ABAP database schema is named SAP<SCHEMAID>.
Default name is SAPSR3.

Choose a <SCHEMAID> that is different from your <SAPSID>.
It might cause problems when you copy a system where <SCHEMAID> is the
same as <SAPSID>, and the database-specific method used for the copy does
not allow you to rename the database schemas. In certain situations, you
might create a system copy with a new <SAPSID>, but where the database
schema has the old <SAPSID>. This is not a technical problem, but might
confuse the system administrator.
Password of User ora<dbsid> User ora<dbsid> is the database administrator user.
This user is only required on the host on which the database instance runs.
n If you created user ora<dbsid> manually before the installation, SAPinst
prompts you for the existing password of this user.

If you chose parameter mode Typical, SAPinst only prompts you for the
existing password of this user if the password is not the same as the Master
n If you did not create user ora<dbsid> manually before the installation,
SAPinst creates it automatically during the installation. SAPinst then
prompts you to enter and confirm a password for this user. In this case,
SAPinst sets the Master Password by default. You can overwrite it.

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2.5 Basic SAP System Parameters

Parameters Description

If you chose parameter mode Typical, SAPinst does not prompt you for the
existing password of this user but creates this user and assigns the Master
Password automatically.

Make sure that the user ID and group ID of this operating system user are
unique and the same on each application instance host.
For more information, see Creating Operating System Users [page 60].
User ID of User ora<dbsid> If you chose parameter mode Typical and you did not create ora<dbsid>
manually before the installation, SAPinst automatically creates this user with
the appropriate user ID. In this case, SAPinst does not prompt you for the
user ID of ora<dbsid>.
Make sure that the user ID of user ora<dbsid> is unique and the same on
each application instance host.
For more information, see Creating Operating System Users [page 60].
Group IDs of sys, dba and If you chose parameter mode Typical and you did not create ora<dbsid>
oper manually before the installation, SAPinst automatically creates this user.
SAPinst also assigns it to groups sys, dba and oper. In this case, SAPinst does
not prompt you for the user ID of ora<dbsid>.
Make sure that the group IDs of dba and oper are unique and the same on
each application instance host.
For more information, see Creating Operating System Users [page 60].
Database User Oracle User System
Oracle Listener Name, Oracle n If you install the database instance on a host where no other Oracle
Listener Port, Oracle Listener database is installed, you normally do not have to change the default values
Domain for Listener Name and Listener Port.
n If there is already an Oracle database installed on your installation host,
you can either use one listener for both databases or you have to specify an
unused Listener Name and an unused Listener Port for the new listener.
For more information if you use one listener for both databases, see SAP
Note 98252.
n All additional application server instances of an SAP system must use the
same Listener Port than the database instance.
n The default domain in the network configuration files is WORLD.
Tablespaces, Datafiles An Oracle database consists of one or more logical storage units called
tablespaces, which collectively store all of the database’s data.
Each tablespace in an Oracle database consists of one or more files called
datafiles, which are physical structures that conform to the operating system
in which Oracle is running.
MaxDatafileSize is the initial size of the tablespace datafile and its mapping
to the new tablespace layout while importing the external file DBSIZE.XML.
SAPinst prompts you to enter MaxDatafileSize in MB:
n 0: Datafile size defined in DBSIZE.XML is not changed.

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2 Planning
2.6 SAP System Transport Host

Parameters Description
n 2000: Default datafile size.
n 10000: Maximum datafile size.
For more information about space requirements of the SAP datafiles (sapdata
1 - 4), see Requirements for the Database Instance [page 31].

Database Instance RAM The RAM that is required for the database instance installation.
The default value used by SAPinst is 50 percent of the entire RAM.
For more information about minimum RAM, see Requirements for the Database
Instance [page 31].
Login Shell SAPinst only prompts you for this parameter if you use a login shell other
than the recommended C shell (csh).
For more information, see SAP Note 202227.

2.6 SAP System Transport Host

The transport host contains the transport directory used by the SAP transport system to store
transport data and change SAP system information, such as software programs, data dictionary data,
or customization data. If you have several SAP systems, they are usually organized in transport
domains. In most cases, all SAP systems in a transport domain have a common transport directory.
When you install an SAP system, you have to decide which transport host and directory you want
to use for your SAP system:
n Use the transport directory that SAPinst creates during the installation of the SAP system by
default on the global host:
SAPinst by default creates the transport directory on the global host in /usr/sap/trans.
n Use a transport directory located on a host other than the default host:
l You can use an existing transport directory and host in your SAP system landscape.
l You can set up a new transport directory on a different host.
In either case, you must prepare this host for use by the new SAP system. For more information,
see Exporting and Mounting the Global Transport Directory [page 86].

More Information
n Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices [page 63]
n See the SAP Library [page 12]:
Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations Manual General Administration Tasks Software Life Cycle
Management Software Logistics Change and Transport System Change and Transport System ‒ Overview
(BC-CTS) Basics of the Change and Transport System Transport Management System ‒ Concept

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2 Planning
2.7 Planning the Switchover Cluster

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

2.7 Planning the Switchover Cluster

You can reduce unplanned downtime for your SAP system by setting up a switchover cluster. This
setup installs critical software units ‒ known as “single points of failure” (SPOFs) ‒ across multiple
host machines in the cluster. In the event of a failure on the primary node, proprietary switchover
software automatically switches the failed software unit to another hardware node in the cluster.
Manual intervention is not required. Applications accessing the failed software unit might experience
a short delay but can then resume processing as normal.
Switchover clusters also have the advantage that you can deliberately initiate switchover to free
up a particular node for planned system maintenance. Switchover solutions can protect against
hardware failure and operating system failure but not against human error, such as operator errors or
faulty application software. Additional downtime might be caused by upgrading your SAP system or
applying patches to it.
Without a switchover cluster, the SAP system SPOFs ‒ central services instance, the database instance,
and the central file share ‒ are vulnerable to failure because they cannot be replicated. All of these
can only exist once in a normal SAP system.
You can protect software units that are not SPOFs against failure by making them redundant, which
means simply installing multiple instances. For example, you can add additional application server
instances. This complements the switchover solution and is an essential part of building HA into
your SAP system.

We recommend switchover clusters to improve the availability of your SAP system.

A switchover cluster consists of:

n A hardware cluster of two or more physically separate host machines to run multiple copies of the
critical software units, in an SAP system the SPOFs referred to above
n Switchover software to detect failure in a node and switch the affected software unit to the standby
node, where it can continue operating
n A mechanism to enable application software to seamlessly continue working with the switched
software unit ‒ normally this is achieved by virtual addressing (although identity switchover
is also possible)

You must first discuss switchover clusters with your hardware partner because this is a complex
technical area. In particular, you need to choose a proprietary switchover product that works with
your operating system.

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2 Planning
2.7 Planning the Switchover Cluster

We recommend that you read the following documentation before you start:
n Check the informations and the installation guides that are available at
n The enqueue replication server (ERS) is a major contribution to an HA setup and is essential for a
Java system. We strongly recommend you to also use it for an ABAP system. You need one ERS for
each Java SCS and one ERS for each ABAP SCS (ASCS) installed in your system.

The following graphic shows the essential features of a switchover setup:

Figure 8: Switchover Setup

This graphic and the graphics in this section are only examples. You need to discuss your individual
HA setup with your HA partner.
These graphics summarize the overall setup and do not show the exact constellation for an
installation based on one of the available technologies (ABAP, ABAP+Java, or Java).

The following graphic shows an example of a switchover cluster in more detail:

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2 Planning
2.7 Planning the Switchover Cluster

Figure 9: Switchover Cluster

This documentation concentrates on the switchover solution for the central services instance. For
more information about how to protect the Network File System (NFS) software and the database
instance by using switchover software or (for of the database) replicated database servers, contact
your HA partner.
You need to make sure that your hardware is powerful enough and your configuration is robust
enough to handle the increased workload after a switchover. Some reduction in performance might
be acceptable after an emergency. However, it is not acceptable if the system comes to a standstill
because it is overloaded after switchover.
End of: HA (UNIX)

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3 Preparation

3 Preparation

3.1 Preparation Checklist

This section includes the preparation steps that you have to perform for the:
n Standard, distributed, or high-availability system
n Additional application server instance
n Standalone host agent
Detailed information about the steps is available in the relevant section.

Standard, Distributed, or High-Availability System

In a standard system, all mandatory instances are installed on one host. Therefore, if you are
installing a standard system, you can ignore references to other hosts.

1. You make sure that the required operating system users and groups [page 60] are created.
2. You set up file systems or ‒ if required ‒ raw devices [page 63] and make sure that the required disk space is
available for the directories to be created during the installation.
3. If required, you specify the virtual host name [page 74]. Alternatively you can specify the virtual host
name in the command to start SAPinst.
4. If you want to install a high-availability system, you perform switchover preparations [page 75].
5. If you want to share the transport directory trans from another system, export [page 86] this
directory to your installation hosts.
6. You install the SAP frontend software [page 75] on the desktop of the end user.
7. You generate the SAP Solution Manager Key [page 75] for your SAP system.
8. You download the JCE Policy zip file [page 76] on the installation host.
9. You make sure that the required installation media [page 76] are available on each host.
10. If you decided to use a generic LDAP directory, you have to create a user for LDAP directory access
[page 127].
11. You can continue with Installation [page 81].

Additional Application Server Instance

You have to perform the following preparations on the host where you install the additional
application server instance(s):

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3 Preparation
3.2 Creating Operating System Users and Groups

1. You make sure that the required operating system users and groups [page 60] are created.
2. You set up file systems and raw devices [page 63] and make sure that the required disk space is available for
the directories to be created during the installation.
3. If you want to use virtual host names, you have to set the environment variable
SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME [page 74]. Alternatively you can specify the virtual host name in the
command to start SAPinst.
4. If you want to share the transport directory trans from another system, export [page 86] this
directory to your installation hosts.
5. You make sure that the required installation media [page 76] are available.
6. You can continue with Installation [page 81].

Standalone Host Agent

You have to perform the following preparations on the host where you install the host agent
1. You make sure that the required operating system users and groups [page 60] are created.
You can find the operating system user for the Host Agent in the tables User and Groups of the Standalone
Host Agent and Groups and Members of the Standalone Host Agent User.
2. You set up file systems and raw devices [page 63] and make sure that the required disk space is available for
the directories to be created during the installation.
You can find the directories for the Host Agent in section Host Agent Directories
3. You make sure that the required installation media [page 76] are available.
4. You can continue with Installation [page 81].

3.2 Creating Operating System Users and Groups

During the installation, SAPinst checks all required accounts (users, groups) and services on the
local machine. SAPinst checks whether the required users and groups already exist. If not, it creates
new users and groups as necessary.
If you do not want SAPinst to create operating systems users, groups, and services automatically, you
can optionally create them before the installation. This might be the case if you use central user
management such as Network Information System (NIS).
SAPinst checks if the required services are available on the host and creates them if necessary. See the
log messages about the service entries and adapt the network-wide (NIS) entries accordingly.
SAPinst checks the NIS users, groups, and services using NIS commands. However, SAPinst does not
change NIS configurations.

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3 Preparation
3.2 Creating Operating System Users and Groups

For a distributed or a high-availability system, we recommend that you distribute account
information (operating system users and groups) over the network, for example by using Network
Information Service (NIS).

All users must have identical environment settings. If you change the environment delivered by
SAP, such as variables, paths, and so on, we do not assume responsibility.

If you want to use global accounts that are configured on a separate host, you can do this in one
of the following ways:
n You start SAPinst and choose Software Life-Cycle Tasks Additional Preparation Tasks Operating System
Users and Groups . For more information, see Running SAPinst [page 87].
n You create operating system users and groups manually as described in
Creating AIX Groups and Users [page 131]

Operating System Users and Groups

SAPinst chooses available operating system user IDs and group IDs unless you are installing an
additional application server instance. On an additional application server instance you have to enter
the same IDs as on the host of the primary application server instance.

Do not delete any shell initialization scripts in the home directory of the OS users. This applies even
if you do not intend to use the shells that these scripts are for.

If you use NFS-V4 file system, you have to create the ora<dbsid> user on the NFS server. You can do
this either manually or by running Operating System Users and Groups. This user must have the same user
ID as the ora<dbsid> user on the database server.
Otherwise, you get the error message FSL-02098 Could not change owner of ... during the
installation of the database instance.

The user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) of each operating system user and group must be identical for
all servers belonging to the same SAP system.
This does not mean that all users and groups have to be installed on all SAP servers.

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3 Preparation
3.2 Creating Operating System Users and Groups

Users and Groups of the SAP System

User Primary Group Additional Group(s) Comment

root No primary group is assigned sapinst Superuser of the UNIX
by SAPinst. Operating system
<sapsid>adm sapsys oper, dba, sapinst SAP system administrator
<dasid>adm sapsys sapinst Diagnostics Agent
sapadm sapsys sapinst Host Agent administrator
ora<dbsid> dba oper, sapinst Database administrator

User and Groups of the Standalone Host Agent

User Primary Group Additional Group Comment

sapadm sapsys sapinst Host Agent administrator

The user ora<dbsid> is only required on the host where the database instance runs.

If these operating system users already exist, make sure that they are assigned to group sapinst.

If you install a distributed system and you use local operating system user accounts instead of central
user management (for example, NIS), user <sapsid>adm, sapadm, and the database operating system
user must have the same password on all hosts.

Groups and Members of the SAP System Users

Groups Members
sapsys <sapsid>adm, sapadm, <dasid>adm

oper <sapsid>adm, ora<dbsid>

dba <sapsid>adm, ora<dbsid>

sapinst root, <sapsid>adm, ora<dbsid>, sapadm,


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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

Groups and Members of the Standalone Host Agent User

Groups Members
sapsys sapadm

sapinst sapadm

3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

The following section(s) describe the directory structures for the SAP system, how to set up SAP file
systems for the SAP system and, if required, raw devices on operating system level:

The installation of any SAP system does not require a special file system setup or separate partitions.

n SAP Directories [page 63]

n Performing Switchover Preparations for High Availability [page 75]
n Oracle Directories [page 68]
n Host Agent Directories [page 70]
n Setting Up File Systems for High-Availability [page 70]
n Configuring Network File System for High Availability [page 72]

More Information
If you need information about how to set up file systems and raw devices, see Setting Up File Systems and
Raw Devices for AIX [page 132].

3.3.1 SAP Directories

Depending on the installation option you have chosen, SAPinst automatically creates the directories
listed in the following figures and tables. Before running the installation, you have to set up the
required file systems manually. In addition, you have to make sure that the required disk space for the
directories to be installed is available on the relevant hard disks. The figure below assumes that you
have set up one file system for the SAP system mount directory <sapmnt> and one file system for the
/usr/sap directory. However, you have to decide for which directories you want to set up separate file
systems. If you do not set up any file system on your installation host, SAPinst creates all directories in
the root directory /. SAPinst prompts you only for the <sapmnt> directory during the installation.
See also table Parameters Relevant for the File System in Basic SAP System Parameters [page 42].
SAPinst creates the following types of directories:
n Physically shared directories
n Logically shared directories

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

n Local directories ‒ for the SAP system and the Diagnostics Agent
The following figure shows the directory structure of the SAP system:

Figure 10: Directory Structure for an ABAP+Java System

Physically Shared Directories

Physically shared directories reside on the global host and are shared by Network File System (NFS).
SAPinst creates the following directories:
n The directory /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>, which contains SAP kernel and related files, is created on the
first installation host. Normally, the first installation host is the host on which the central services
instance is to run, but you can also choose another host for /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>.
You need to manually share this directory with Network File System (NFS) and ‒ for a distributed
system ‒ mount it from the other installation hosts.
SAPinst creates the following shared directories during the SAP system installation:
l global
Contains globally shared data
l profile
Contains the profiles of all instances
l exe
Contains executable kernel programs

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

exe contains a folder uc and a folder nuc, each with a platform-specific sub folder:
u <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe/uc/<platform> is used in Unicode systems.
Executable kernel programs are replicated from this directory to the exe directories of each
Unicode system instance.
u <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe/nuc/<platform> is used in non-Unicode systems (see below).
Executable kernel programs are replicated from this directory to the exe directories of each
non-Unicode system instance (see below).

n The directory /usr/sap/trans, which is the global transport directory.

If you want to use an existing transport directory, you have to mount it before you install the
application server instance in question. Otherwise SAPinst creates /usr/sap/trans locally.
For more information, see Exporting and Mounting the Global Transport Directory [page 86]
Directory Required Disk Space
<sapmnt>/SAPSID> n Primary application server instance:
2.0 GB
n Central services instance:
1.0 GB
/usr/sap/trans This value heavily depends on the use of your SAP system.
For production systems, we recommended to use as much free space as available (at least
2.0 GB), because the space requirement normally grows dynamically.
For the installation, it is sufficient to use 200 MB for each SAP system instance. You can
enlarge the file system afterwards.

Logically Shared Directories

Logically shared directories reside on the local host(s) with symbolic links to the global host. SAPinst
creates the directory /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS on each host. The subdirectories contain symbolic
links to the corresponding subdirectories of /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID> on the first installation host, as
shown in the figure above.
Whenever a local instance is started, the sapcpe program checks the executables against those in the
logically shared directories and, if necessary, replicates them to the local instance.

Local Directories (SAP System)

SAPinst also creates local directories that reside on the local host(s). The directory /usr/sap/<SAPSID>
contains files for the operation of a local instance as well as symbolic links to the data for one system.
This directory is physically located on each host in the SAP system and contains the following

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices


The subdirectories of /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS have symbolic links to the corresponding
subdirectories of /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>, as shown in the figure above.
n <INSTANCE> for each instance installed on the host
The instance-specific directories have the following names:
l The directory of the primary application server instance is called DVEBMGS<Instance_Number>.
l The directory of an additional application server instance is called D<Instance_Number>.
l The directory of the central services instance is called SCS<Instance_Number>.
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

l The directory of the ABAP central services instance is called ASCS<Instance_Number>.

End of: HA (UNIX)

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

l The directory of the Enqueue Replication Server instance is called ERS<Instance_Number>.

End of: HA (UNIX)

Directory Required Disk Space

/usr/sap/<SAPSID> Primary application server instance or additional application server instance:
4.5 GB

Local Directories (Diagnostics Agent)

The directory /usr/sap/<DASID> contains files for the operation of a local Diagnostics Agent instance
as shown in the following figure.

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

Figure 11: Directory Structure for the Diagnostics Agent

/usr/sap/<DASID> contains the following subdirectories:

l exe
Contains executable kernel programs
l global
Contains globally shared data
l profile
Contains the profiles of the Diagnostics Agent instance
The instance directory of the Diagnostics Agent instance is called SMDA<Instance_Number>. It
contains the instance-specific data of the Diagnostics Agent.
It contains the following subdirectories:
l script
Contains the smdsetup script
l SMDAgent
Contains the Diagnostics Agent software and properties files
l exe
Contains executable kernel programs
l work
Contains log files

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

Directory Required Disk Space

/usr/sap/<DASID>/SMDA<instance_number> 500 MB in total for both directories

More Information
If you need information about how to set up file systems and raw devices, see Setting Up File Systems and
Raw Devices for AIX [page 132].

3.3.2 Oracle Directories

Unicode systems require additional hardware resources. You can find more information about
Unicode SAP systems on SAP Service Marketplace at

For the Oracle database, the following directories are required:

Directories Description Required Disk Space
/oracle Oracle base directory 50 MB for Oracle software
/oracle/client Directory for Oracle client software. 100 MB
The subdirectory
is created by SAPinst during the
/oracle/stage/102_64 Installation and upgrade directory for 5.5 GB
database software (staging area).
This directory is also used for Oracle

Do not delete this directory after the
/oracle/<DBSID> Home directory of user ora<dbsid>. 100 MB for files of user ora<dbsid> (for
example, log files)
We recommend that /oracle/<DBSID>
does not reside in the root directory.
It must reside in a file system with
support for large files.

For more information about how to

create file systems larger than 2 GB on
your operating system, see

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

Directories Description Required Disk Space

Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices for
AIX [page 132].
Therefore, either create
/oracle/<DBSID> as a separate file
system with support for large files
or create /oracle as file system with
support for large files and create
/oracle/<DBSID> as a directory in

/oracle/<DBSID>/102_64 Home directory for Oracle instance n Database instance: 4.0 GB

<DBSID> n All other instances: 200 MB
(<ORACLE_HOME>). Make sure that this file system has
<ORACLE_HOME> must reside on a local permissions 777.
disk. It cannot be a softlink.
/oracle/<DBSID>/origlogA Original set A of redo logs 200 MB
/oracle/<DBSID>/origlogB Original set B of redo logs 200 MB
/oracle/<DBSID>/mirrlogA Mirrored set A of redo logs 200 MB
/oracle/<DBSID>/mirrlogB Mirrored set B of redo logs 200 MB
/oracle/<DBSID>/oraarch New standard backup file system For the installation, the archive
for Oracle offline redo logs. Use directory /oracle/<DBSID>/ oraarch
a separate disk for the file system requires at least 400 MB of free disk
/oracle/<DBSID>/oraarch. space. For the operation of your
The file system SAP system, we recommend that the
/oracle/<SAPSID>/saparch still re- archive directory provides enough
mains but now only contains brbackup space for archives between two backups.
log files. /oracle/<SAPSID>/saparch is In a production system, between 300
automatically created by SAPinst. MB and 1 GB data is archived daily.
/oracle/<DBSID>/sapreorg Working directory for database 1.5 GB
/oracle/<DBSID>/sapdata1 SAP data For space requirements of the SAP
data file systems required for the
/oracle/<DBSID>/sapdata2 SAP data
installation, see the following file:
/oracle/<DBSID>/sapdata3 SAP data <Export_DVD>/EXP1/DB/ORA/DBSIZE.XML.
See also SAP Note 967506
/oracle/<DBSID>/sapdata4 SAP data
Pre-Installation File requirements
of Oracle sapdata file systems

More Information
If you need information about how to set up file systems and raw devices, see Setting Up File Systems and
Raw Devices for AIX [page 132].

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

3.3.3 Host Agent Directories

For the host agent, the following directories are required:

Directories Description Required Disk Space
/usr/sap/hostctrl Contains the following directories: 70 MB
n exe
Contains the profile
n work
Working directory of the host

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

3.3.4 Setting Up File Systems for a High-Availability System

When you prepare a high-availability (HA) installation with switchover software, you need to set up
your file systems as described here. For more information, consult your HA partner.

You have already installed the hardware ‒ that is, hosts, disks, and network ‒ and decided how
to distribute the database, SAP instances, and (if required) Network File System (NFS) server over
the cluster nodes (that is, over the host machines). For more information, see Planning the Switchover
Cluster [page 55].

1. Create the file systems or raw partitions for the central services instance on shared disks. For more
information, see Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices [page 63].

The directories /sapmnt/<SAPSID> and /usr/sap/trans have to be mounted from a Network File
System (NFS). However, /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTTYPE><NR>, which should be part of a cluster,
has to be a directory of the application server instance that is always mounted on the cluster node
currently running the instance (not with NFS).
Therefore, if the host running the primary application server instance is not the NFS server
host, you might have to mount the file systems for /sapmnt/<SAPSID> and /usr/sap/trans on
different physical disks from the file system for /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTTYPE><NR>.

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

Make sure that the mount points under /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/ are permanent. Otherwise
automatic start of the instance services does not work when you reboot the system.

2. Use the following approach for the file system for the /usr/sap/<SAPSID> directory:
The /usr/sap/<SAPSID> directory contains at least two subdirectories:
n SYS, which contains links to the central directory /sapmnt/<SAPSID>
n <INSTTYPE><NR> ‒ where the name is defined by the type of services and the application server
number, SCS<NR> and ASCS<NR> ‒ which contains data for the ABAP central services instance
and for the Java central services instance.
Only the latter directory needs to be migrated with the application server instance during the
switchover. Since the SYS subdirectory contains only links that do not require any space, you
can create it locally on each cluster node. Other local instances can also reside locally, such
as an Enqueue Replication Server instance in /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/ERS<NR>, which should not
be affected by a switchover.
Therefore, instead of /usr/sap/<SAPSID>, create a file system for
/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTTYPE><NR> with the usual <> substitutions.
The instance-specific directory name for the central services instance is normally SCS<NR> and
ASCS<NR>. Migrating only these directories avoids mount conflicts when switching over to a node
on which another application server instance is already running. The (A)SCS<NR> directories can
join the /usr/sap/<SAPSID> tree instead of mounting on top of it.

This approach becomes increasingly important when you want to cluster the central services
instances with other local instances running on the cluster hosts outside the control of the
switchover software. This applies to the Enqueue Replication Server (ERS) and additional ABAP
or Java application server instances. The result is a more efficient use of resources. You must use
this approach for integrated installations of the application server with ABAP and Java stacks.

3. You assign the local file systems to mount points.

4. You assign the shared file systems to mount points in appropriate failover groups.

The graphic below shows an example of the file systems and disks in an HA setup
Note that this is only an example. For more information on a setup that meets your needs, consult
your HA partner.

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

Figure 12:

End of: HA (UNIX)

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

3.3.5 Configuring Network File System for a High-Availability


If required, you configure Network File System (NFS), which is a system-wide Single Point-of-Failure
(SPOF), for a high-availability (HA) installation with switchover software. For more information,
consult your HA partner.
We regard NFS as an extension to the operating system. The switchover product protects NFS and
makes it transparently available to the SAP system in switchover situations.
You need to decide:
n How to protect NFS
n Which switchover cluster nodes NFS is to run on
The NFS configuration might depend on your database system. The directories need to be available
for the SAP system before and after a switchover.

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3 Preparation
3.3 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices

Make sure that the mount points under /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/ are permanent. Otherwise automatic
start of the instance services does not work when you reboot the system.

1. Check the NFS directories, several of which need to be shared between all instances of a system.
These directories are:
n /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/profile
Contains the different profiles to simplify maintenance
n /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/global
Contains log files of batch jobs and central SysLog
n /usr/sap/trans
Contains data and log files for objects transported between different SAP systems (for example,
development ‒ integration). This transport directory ought to be accessible by at least one AS
instance of each system, but preferably by all.
n /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe
Contains the kernel executables. These executables ought to be accessible on all AS instances
locally without having to use NFS. The best solution is to store them locally on all AS instance
2. Since you can protect NFS by a switchover product, it makes sense to install it on a cluster node.
The requirements of your database system might dictate how NFS has to be set up. If required,
you can configure the NFS server on the cluster node of the clustered application server instance
or the DB.
In both cases the NFS clients use the virtual IP address to mount NFS. If the second node is used as
an additional SAP instance during normal operation (for example, as an additional application
server instance), it also needs to mount the directories listed above from the primary node.
When exporting the directories with their original names, you might encounter the problem of
a “busy NFS mount” on the standby node. You can use the following workaround to solve this
a) On the primary server, mount the disks containing the directories:
b) The primary server creates soft links to the directories with the original SAP names:
/usr/sap/trans —> /export/usr/sap/trans
/<sapmnt>/<SAPSID> —> /export/<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>
Alternatively the primary server can also mount the directories:
/export/usr/sap/trans —> /usr/sap/trans
/export/<sapmnt>/SID —> /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>
c) The primary server exports:

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3 Preparation
3.4 Specifying Virtual Host Name(s)

d) The standby NFS mounts:
from virt.IP:/export/usr/sap/trans to /usr/sap/trans
from virt.IP:/export/<sapmnt>/<SAPSID> to /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>
If the primary node goes down and a switchover occurs, the following happens:
n These directories on the standby node become busy:
n The standby node mounts disks to:
n The standby node configures the virtual IP address virt.IP
n The standby node exports:
n These directories on the standby node are accessible again:

End of: HA (UNIX)

3.4 Specifying Virtual Host Name(s)

You can use one or more virtual TCP / IP host names for SAP servers within an SAP server landscape
to conceal their physical network identities from each other. This can be useful when quickly moving
SAP servers or complete server landscapes to alternative hardware without having to reinstall
or reconfigure.
Only valid for: HA (UNIX);HA (z/OS)

Virtual host names are also required for a high-availability installation. For more information, see
Performing Switchover Preparations for High Availability [page 75].
End of: HA (UNIX);HA (z/OS)

If you want to use a virtual host name, you have to set the environment variable
SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME to specify the required virtual host name before you start SAPinst.
If you do not set this environment variable now, you can specify an equivalent parameter for the
virtual host name when you run SAPinst (see Running SAPinst [page 87]).

Proceed as described in SAP Note 962955.

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3 Preparation
3.6 Installing the Front-End Software

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

3.5 Performing Switchover Preparations for High Availability

Do the following to prepare the switchover cluster:

1. Make sure that the virtual host name [page 74] can be correctly resolved in your Domain Name
System (DNS) setup.
2. Assign the virtual IP addresses and host names for the SCS and ASCS instances, and (if required)
NFS to appropriate failover groups.

For more information on virtual addresses and virtual host names and how to assign resources to
failover groups, ask your HA partner.

End of: HA (UNIX)

3.6 Installing the Front-End Software

For the installation, make sure that the front-end software is installed on at least one computer in
your system environment.
With the SAP Front-End installation software NW SAPSetup you can optimize the deployment of SAP
GUI to numerous clients. You can easily tailor installation packages to match your requirements,
distribute patches, and set up automatic update processes for your clients.

You require at least SAP Front-End release 7.10.

For more information about installing the SAP Front-End software, see the SAP Front End Installation
Guide at: <your product> Installation

3.7 Generating the SAP Solution Manager Key

You need to generate the Solution Manager key because the installation tool prompts for it during
the installation. Without this key, the installation process cannot continue. For more information

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3 Preparation
3.8 Downloading the JCE Policy Zip File

about SAP Solution Manager and its role within your system landscape, see the Master Guide of
your SAP application.

1. If SAP Solution Manager is not yet available in your system landscape, proceed as follows:
a) Order SAP Solution Manager as described in SAP Note 628901.
b) Install SAP Solution Manager as described in the documentation Installation Guide ‒ SAP Solution
Manager <release> on <OS>: <Database>, which is available at: SAP Components SAP Solution Manager Release 7.0
2. Generate the SAP Solution Manager key as described in SAP Note 811923.

The SAP Solution Manager system displays the key for which you are prompted during the
installation of your SAP system.

3.8 Downloading the JCE Policy Zip File

The SAP Java Virtual Machine (SAP JVM) is not delivered with Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
jurisdiction policy files. The delivery of these is subject to import restrictions in some countries. The
JCE jurisdiction policy files must be available beforehand so that SAPinst can install them.

Download the JCE jurisdiction policy files as described in SAP Note 1240081.

3.9 Preparing the Installation DVDs

This section describes how to prepare the installation DVDs, which are available as follows:
n You normally obtain the installation DVDs as part of the installation package.
n You can also download the installation DVDs from SAP Service Marketplace, as described at
the end of this section.

1. Identify the required DVDs for your installation [page 14] as listed below.
Keep them separate from the remaining DVDs as this helps you to avoid mixing up DVDs during
the installation.

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3 Preparation
3.9 Preparing the Installation DVDs

n The media names listed in the following table are abbreviated.
You can find the full names of all media shipped with SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1 in the appropriate
Media List (Media List ‒ SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 including Enhancement Package 1) on SAP
Service Marketplace at: Installation
n You can find the Software Component Archives (SCAs) for the installation of SAP NetWeaver
usage types on the NetWeaver Java DVD.

SAP Instance Installation Required DVDs

HA only: n Installation Master DVD
Central services instance for ABAP (ASCS) n Kernel DVD
n RDBMS Client DVD
Central services instance (SCS) n Installation Master DVD
n NetWeaver Java DVD
n Kernel DVD
n RDBMS Client DVD
Database instance n Installation Master DVD
n Kernel DVD
n RDBMS Patch DVD (if available)
n Export DVD

For an MCOD system you require the RDBMS Client DVD
instead of the RDBMS DVD and the RDBMS Patch DVD (if
HA only: n Installation Master DVD
Enqueue Replication Server n Kernel DVD
Primary application server instance n Installation Master DVD
n NetWeaver Java DVD
n Kernel DVD
n RDBMS Client DVD
Additional application server instance n Installation Master DVD
n NetWeaver Java DVD
n Kernel DVD
n RDBMS Client DVD
Host Agent (Standalone) n Installation Master DVD
n Kernel DVD

2. Make the required installation media available on each installation host.

If you need information about how to mount DVDs, see Mounting a CD / DVD for AIX [page 133].

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3 Preparation
3.9 Preparing the Installation DVDs

Depending on your installation type, one or more instances can reside on the same host. You
need to keep this in mind when you make the required installation media available on each
installation host.
For a standard system, you need to make all required installation media available on the single
installation host.
Use one of the following methods to make DVDs available:
n Before the installation, copy DVDs manually to local hard disks.
n During the installation, use the SAPinst Media Browser dialog and copy the entire DVDs to
the path you entered in the Copy To column.

n Mount the DVDs locally. We do not recommend you to use Network File System (NFS),
because reading from DVDs mounted with NFS might fail.
n If you copy the DVDs to disk, make sure that the paths to the destination location of the copied
DVDs do not contain any blanks.
n If you perform a local installation and there is only one DVD drive available on your
installation host, you must copy at least the Installation Master DVD to the local file system.

Downloading Installation DVDs from SAP Service Marketplace

You normally obtain the installation DVDs as part of the installation package from SAP.
However, you can also download installation DVDs from SAP Service Marketplace at: Download Installations and Upgrades Entry by Application Group
<SAP solution> <SAP product> <SAP release> Installation and Upgrade <operating system>
<database> .

If you download installation DVDs, note that the DVDs might be split into several files. In this case,
you have to reassemble the required files after the download.

To extract the downloaded SAR files make sure that you use the latest SAPCAR version, which you
can find on SAP Service Marketplace at You need at least SAPCAR
700 or SAPCAR 640 with patch level 4 or higher because older versions of SAPCAR can no longer
unpack current SAR files. For more information, see SAP Note 212876.

1. Create a download directory on the host where you want to run SAPinst.
2. Identify all download objects that belong to one installation DVD according to one or both of the

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3 Preparation
3.9 Preparing the Installation DVDs

n Material number
All download objects that are part of an installation DVD have the same material number and
an individual sequence number:

n Title
All objects that are part of an installation DVD have the same title, such as
<solution><DVD_name><OS> or <database>RDBMS<OS> for RDBMS DVDs.
3. Download the objects to the download directory.
4. Extract the individual download objects using SAPCAR, starting with the lowest sequence number
‒ for example 51031387_1, then 51031387_2, and so on.
During the download SAPCAR sets up the structure of the installation DVD.

SAPCAR asks if you want to replace existing files, for example LABELIDX.ASC. Always accept
with Yes.

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4 Installation

4 Installation

4.1 Installation Checklist

This section includes the installation steps that you have to perform for the:
n Standard, distributed, or high-availability system
n Additional application server instance
n Standalone host agent
Detailed information about the steps is available in the relevant chapter.

Standard System

1. You install the SAP system with SAPinst [page 87].

In a standard system all mandatory instances are installed on one host in one installation run.

Do not install the Oracle database software in advance. During the installation of the database
instance, SAPinst stops the installation and prompts you to install the Oracle database software.
This action is not required if you install an SAP system in an existing database (MCOD) [page 127].

2. You continue with Post-Installation [page 101].

Distributed System

1. If you want to share the transport directory trans from another system, you have to mount [page 86]
it from this system. Otherwise we recommend that you share the trans directory that is created
during the installation of the primary application server instance.
2. On the SAP global host, you do the following:
a) You run SAPinst [page 87] to prepare the SAP global host.
You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the central services instance.
b) You export global directories [page 85] in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> to the database and primary
application server instance host.
3. On the database instance host, you do the following:

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4 Installation
4.1 Installation Checklist

a) You mount the global directories [page 85] in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> that you exported from the SAP
global host and ‒ optionally ‒ the trans directory that you exported [page 86] from the SAP
transport host.
b) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the database instance.

Do not install the Oracle database software in advance. During the installation of the database
instance, SAPinst stops the installation and prompts you to install the Oracle database software.
This action is not required if you install an SAP system in an existing database (MCOD) [page 127].

4. On the primary application server instance host, you do the following:

a) You mount the global directories [page 85] in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> that you exported from the SAP
global host.
b) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the primary application server instance.
c) If you want to use the shared transport directory trans from another system, you also mount
[page 86] this directory.
5. If required, you can now install one to n additional application server instance(s) [page 17].
6. You continue with Post-Installation [page 101].

High-Availability System

1. If you want to share the transport directory trans from another system, you have to mount [page 86]
it from this system. Otherwise we recommend that you share the trans directory that is created
during the installation of the primary application server instance (see below).
2. You set up the switchover cluster infrastructure as follows:
a) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the ABAP central services instance (ASCS) and the Java Central
Services Instance (SCS) using the virtual host name [page 74] on the primary cluster node, host A.
b) You prepare the standby cluster node, host B, making sure that it meets the hardware and software
requirements [page 21] and it has all the necessary file systems [page 70], mount points, and (if
required) Network File System (NFS).
c) You set up the user environment on the standby node, host B.
n You make sure that you use the same user and group IDs as on the primary node.
n You create the home directories of users and copy all files from the home directory of
the primary node.
For more information about the required operating system users and groups, see Creating
Operating System Users [page 60].
d) You configure the switchover software and test that switchover functions correctly to all
standby nodes in the cluster.
e) You perform the switchover to a node where you want to install the enqueue replication
server (ERS).
f) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the enqueue replication server (ERS).

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4 Installation
4.1 Installation Checklist

g) You repeat the previous two steps for all nodes in the cluster.
3. You export global directories [page 85] in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> to the database host and to the primary
application server instance host.
4. On the database instance host, you do the following:
a) You make available the global directories in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> from the switchover cluster
infrastructure and ‒ optionally ‒ from the SAP transport host.
b) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the database instance on the database instance host.

Do not install the Oracle database software in advance. During the installation of the database
instance, SAPinst stops the installation and prompts you to install the Oracle database software.
This action is not required if you install an SAP system in an existing database (MCOD) [page 127].

5. On the primary application server instance host, you do the following:

In a high-availability installation, the primary application server instance does not need to be
part of the cluster because it is no longer a single point of failure (SPOF). The SPOF is now in the
central services instances (SCS and ASCS), which are protected by the cluster.

a) You mount the global directories [page 85] in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> that you exported from the
switchover cluster infrastructure.
b) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the primary application server instance.
c) If you want to use the shared transport directory trans from another system, you also mount
[page 86] this directory (see above).
6. We recommend you to install additional application server (AS) instances with SAPinst to create
The AS instances are not a SPOF. Therefore, you do not need to include these instances in the
7. You continue with Post-Installation [page 101].

Additional Application Server Instance

Installation Steps for Additional Application Server Instance(s) for a Standard System

1. On the main host on which your SAP system runs, you export global directories in
<sapmnt>/<SAPSID> to the database and primary application server instance host.
2. On every additional application server instance host, you do the following:
a) You mount the global directories [page 85] in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> that you exported from the SAP
global host.
b) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the additional application server instance.

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4 Installation
4.1 Installation Checklist

3. You continue with Post-Installation [page 101].

Installation Steps for an Application Server Instance for a Distributed System

1. If you want to share the transport directory trans from another system, you have to mount [page 86]
it from this system. Otherwise we recommend that you share the trans directory that is created
during the installation of the primary application server instance.
2. On the SAP global host, you export global directories in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> to the database
and primary application server instance host.
3. On every additional application server instance host, you do the following:
a) You mount the global directories [page 85] in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> that you exported from the SAP
global host.
b) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the additional application server instance.
c) If you want to use the shared transport directory trans from another system, also mount [page
86] this directory.
4. You continue with Post-Installation [page 101].

Installation Steps for an Additional Application Server Instance for a High-Availability System

1. If you want to share the transport directory trans from another system, you have to mount [page 86]
it from this system. Otherwise we recommend that you share the trans directory that is created
during the installation of the primary application server instance.
2. On the primary node, host A, of the switchover cluster infrastructure, you export global
directories in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> to every additional application server instance host.
3. On every additional application server instance host, you do the following:
a) You mount the global directories [page 85] in <sapmnt>/<SAPSID> that you exported from the SAP
global host.
b) You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the additional application server instance.
c) If you want to use the shared transport directory trans from another system, you also mount
[page 86] this directory.
4. You continue with Post-Installation [page 101].

Standalone Host Agent

1. You run SAPinst [page 87] to install the Host Agent.

2. You continue with Post-Installation [page 101].

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4 Installation
4.2 Exporting and Mounting Global Directories: Distributed and High-Availability Systems

4.2 Exporting and Mounting Global Directories: Distributed

and High-Availability Systems

If you install a database or an additional application server instance on a host other than the SAP
Global host, you must mount global directories from the SAP Global host.

If you want to install the executables locally instead of sharing them, do not mount the exe directory
with Network File System (NFS). Instead, create <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe as a local directory (not
a link) with a minimum of 1.5 GB free space.

1. Log on to the SAP Global host as user root and export the following directories with root access to
the host where you want to install the new instance:
Make sure that the user root of the host where you want to install the new instance can access the
exported directories.

Make sure that the global transport directory is mounted on every host where you want to install
an SAP instance. For more information, see Exporting and Mounting the Global Transport Directory [page
86]. Otherwise, the installation fails.

2. Log on to the host of the new instance that you want to install as user root.
3. Create the following mount points and mount them from the SAP Global host:

Make sure that the mount points under /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/ are permanent. Otherwise
automatic start of the instance services does not work when you reboot the system.

More Information
If you need information about how to export and mount directories, see Exporting and Mounting
Directories via NFS for AIX [page 134].

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4 Installation
4.3 Exporting and Mounting the Global Transport Directory

4.3 Exporting and Mounting the Global Transport Directory

In your SAP system landscape, a global transport directory for all SAP systems is required.
The global transport directory is used by the Change and Transport System (CTS). The CTS helps
you to organize development projects, and then transport the changes between the SAP systems in
your system landscape. For more information, see the SAP Library [page 12] at Administrator’s Guide
Technical Operations Manual for SAP NetWeaver General Administration Tasks Software Life Cycle Management
Software Logistics Change and Transport System Change and Transport System ‒ Overview
n If the global transport directory already exists, make sure that it is exported on the global transport
directory host and mount it on the SAP instance installation host.
n If the global transport directory does not exist, proceed as follows:
l Create the transport directory (either on the host where the primary application server
instance is running or on a file server).
l Export it on the global transport directory host.
l If you did not create the transport directory on your SAP instance installation host, mount it

Exporting the Transport Directory

1. Log on as user root to the host where the global transport directory /usr/sap/trans resides.
2. Make sure that /usr/sap/trans belongs to the group sapsys and to the user root.
3. If not already done, export the directory using Network File System (NFS).

Mounting the Transport Directory

If the transport directory resides on your local SAP instance installation host, you do not need to
mount it.
1. Log on as user root to the host of the primary or additional application server instance, where
/usr/sap/trans is to be mounted.
2. Create the mount point /usr/sap/trans.
3. Mount /usr/sap/trans using Network File System (NFS) from the exporting host.

More Information
Mounting Directories via NFS for AIX [page 134]

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4 Installation
4.4 Running SAPinst

4.4 Running SAPinst

This procedure tells you how to install an SAP system with SAPinst. SAPinst includes a SAPinst GUI
and a GUI server, which both use Java.
This section describes an installation where SAPinst, SAPinst GUI, and the GUI server are running
on the same host. When you start SAPinst, SAPinst GUI and the GUI server also start. SAPinst GUI
connects via a secure SSL connection to the GUI server and the GUI server connects to SAPinst.
If you need to see the installation on a remote display, we recommend you perform a remote installation with
SAPinst [page 139], where SAPinst GUI is running on a separate host from SAPinst and the GUI server.
Alternatively you can use an X server for Microsoft Windows or other remote desktop tools for remote
access to SAPinst GUI on Windows workstations. For more information, see SAP Note 1170809.

Important Information About SAPinst

n SAPinst creates the installation directory sapinst_instdir directly below the temporary
directory. SAPinst finds the temporary directory by checking the value of the TEMP, TMP, or
TMPDIR environment variable. If no value is set for these variables, SAPinst uses /tmp as default
installation directory.
If you want to use an alternative installation directory, set the environment variable TEMP, TMP,
or TMPDIR to the required directory before you start SAPinst.
Shell Used Command
Bourne shell (sh) TEMP=<directory>
export TEMP

C shell (csh) setenv TEMP <directory>

Korn shell (ksh) export TEMP=<directory>

Make sure that the installation directory is not mounted with NFS, or there might be problems
when the Java Virtual Machine is started.

We recommend that you keep all installation directories until the system is completely and
correctly installed.

n SAPinst creates a subdirectory for each installation option called

n The SAPinst self-extractor extracts the SAPinst executables to the temporary directory. These
executables are deleted again after SAPinst has stopped running.
Directories called sapinst_exe.xxxxxx.xxxx sometimes remain in the temporary directory.
You can safely delete them.

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4 Installation
4.4 Running SAPinst

The temporary directory also contains the SAPinst self-extractor log file dev_selfex.out, which
might be useful if an error occurs.

If SAPinst cannot find a temporary directory, the installation terminates with the error FCO-00058.

n During the installation, the default ports 21200, 21212, and 4239 are used for communication
between SAPinst, GUI server, SAPinst GUI, and HTTP server, as follows:
l SAPinst uses port 21200 to communicate with the GUI server.
l The GUI server uses port 21212 to communicate with SAPinst GUI.
l 4239 is the port of the HTTP server, which is part of the GUI server.
You get an error message if one of these ports is already in use by another service. In this case, you
must execute sapinst using the following parameters:
n To get a list of all available SAPinst properties, start SAPinst as described above with the option -p:
./sapinst -p.
n If required, you can terminate SAPinst and the SAPinst self-extractor by pressing Ctrl + C .

n Make sure that you have logged on to your host as user root.

Make sure that the root user has not set any environment variables for a different SAP system or
n Make sure that your operating system does not delete the contents of the temporary directory
/tmp or the contents of the directories to which the variables TEMP, TMP, or TMPDIR point, for
example by using a crontab entry.
Make sure that the temporary directory has the permissions 777.
n Make sure that you have at least 300 MB of free space in the installation directory for each
installation option. In addition, you need 300 MB free space for the SAPinst executables. If you
cannot provide 300 MB free space in the temporary directory, you can set one of the environment
variables TEMP, TMP, or TMPDIR to another directory with 300 MB free space for the SAPinst
You can set values for the TEMP, TMP, or TMPDIR environment variable to an alternative installation
directory as described above in section Important Information About SAPinst.
n Make sure that your DISPLAY environment variable is set to <host_name>:0.0, where <host_name>
is the host on which you want to display the SAPinst GUI.
You can set values for the DISPLAY environment variables as follows:

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4 Installation
4.4 Running SAPinst

Shell Used Command

Bourne shell (sh) DISPLAY=<host_name>:0.0
export DISPLAY

C shell (csh) setenv DISPLAY <host_name>:0.0

Korn shell (ksh) export DISPLAY=<host_name>:0.0

n Make sure that you have checked the following values for user root:
l In csh, execute limit
Output Properties
cputime unlimited

filesize unlimited

datasize 2097148 KB

stacksize 8192 KB

coredumpsize unlimited

descriptors 8192

memorysize unlimited

l In sh or ksh execute ulimit -a

Output Properties
time(seconds) unlimited

file(blocks) unlimited

data(kbytes) 2097148

stack(kbytes) 8192

coredump(blocks) unlimited

nofiles(descriptors) 8192

memory(KBytes) unlimited

If your parameter settings differ from the settings above, change these values accordingly.

If you have to change the value for descriptors to 8192, proceed as follows:
l In csh execute:
limit descriptors 8192
l In sh or ksh execute:
ulimit -n 8192

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4 Installation
4.4 Running SAPinst

n Make sure that you have defined the most important SAP system parameters as described in Basic
SAP System Parameters [page 42] before you start the installation.
n Check that your installation host(s) meets the requirements for the installation option(s) that you
want to install. For more information, see Running the Prerequisite Checker [page 23].
n If you are installing a second or subsequent SAP system in an existing database, make sure that
the database is up and running before starting the installation.
For more information, see Installation of Multiple Components in One Database [page 127].
n If you want to install an additional application server instance (AAS) to an existing SAP system,
make sure that:
l There is exactly one entry in the /usr/sap/sapservices file for each SAP instance installed on
this host. Be sure to check that the entry refers to the correct profile.
l There are no profile backup files with an underscore “_” in their profile name. If so, you must
replace the “_” with a “.”.

Rename /usr/sap/S14/SYS/profile/S14_DVEBMGS20_zsi-aix693p2_D20081204 to

1. Mount the Installation Master DVD.
Mount the DVDs locally. We do not recommend that you use Network File System (NFS),
because reading from DVDs mounted with NFS might fail.
If you need information about how to mount DVDs, see Mounting a CD / DVD for AIX [page 133].
2. Start SAPinst from the Installation Master DVD by entering the following commands:
cd <mountpoint_of_Installation Master_DVD>/DATA_UNITS/<product>_IM_<OS>_<DB>

For example, if the mount point of the SAP Installation Master DVD is sapcd2, the operating system
is LINUX_X86_64, and the database is Oracle, the commands are as follows:
cd /sapcd2/DATA_UNITS/NW711_0_IM_LINUX_X86_64_ORA

If you want to use a virtual host name and you have not already set the environment variable
SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME [page 74] to specify the virtual host name, start SAPinst as follows:
./sapinst SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME=<virtual host name>

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4 Installation
4.4 Running SAPinst

n Make sure that the installation directory is not mounted with NFS, or there might be problems
when the Java Virtual Machine is started.
n Make sure that your current working directory is not an IM_<OS>_<DB> directory belonging to
another operating system.
For example, if your operating system is HP-UX PARISC and your database is Oracle, the
following commands are incorrect and cause an error:
$ cd /sapcd2/DATA_UNITS/<product>_IM_HPUX_IA64_ORA
$ /sapcd2/DATA_UNITS/<product>_IM_HPUX_PARISC_ORA/sapinst
The following commands are correct:
$ cd /sapcd2/DATA_UNITS/<product>_IM_HPUX_PARISC_ORA
$ /sapcd2/DATA_UNITS/<product>_IM_HPUX_PARISC_ORA/sapinst

3. In the Welcome screen, choose the required SAPinst installation option under the node SAP EHP1
for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 Installation Options SAP Systems with <your database> .
For more information about available installation options, see SAPinst Installation Options [page 92].
4. Follow the instructions in the SAPinst screens and enter the required parameters.

To find more information on each parameter during the input phase of the installation, position
the cursor on the required parameter and press F1 .

After you have entered all requested input parameters, SAPinst displays the Parameter Summary
screen. This screen shows both the parameters that you entered and those that SAPinst set by
default. If required, you can revise the parameters before starting the installation.
5. To start the installation, choose Start.
SAPinst starts the installation and displays the progress of the installation. When the installation
has successfully completed, SAPinst shows the dialog Execution of <Option_Name> has been completed

n During the installation of the Oracle database instance, SAPinst stops the installation and
prompts you to install the Oracle database software [page 96].
This action is not required if you install an SAP system in an existing database (MCOD) [page 127].
After you have finished the installation of the Oracle database, you continue the database
instance installation by choosing OK in the SAPinst GUI of the database instance installation.
n Check SAP Note 841728 for known installation problems with Oracle 10g.

6. If required, delete directories with the name sapinst_exe.xxxxxx.xxxx after SAPinst has finished.
Sometimes these remain in the temporary directory.

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4 Installation
4.5 SAPinst Installation Options

If there are errors with SAPinst self-extractor, you can find the self-extractor log file
dev_selfex.out in the temporary directory.

We recommend that you keep all installation directories until you are sure that the system is
completely and correctly installed.

7. We recommend that you delete all files in the directory <user_home>/.sdtgui/.

8. If you have copied installation DVDs to your hard disk, you can delete these files when the
installation has successfully completed.

More Information
n Using SAPinst GUI [page 136]
n Interrupted Installation with SAPinst [page 137]
n Performing a Remote Installation with SAPinst [page 139]
n Starting SAPinst GUI Separately [page 140].
n Entries in the Services File Created by SAPinst [page 143]
n Troubleshooting with SAPinst [page 143]

4.5 SAPinst Installation Options

This section provides information about the following in SAPinst:

n Installation Options
n Software Life-Cycle Options


n Choose the required installation options from the tree structure exactly in the order they appear
for each system variant.
n If you want to use global accounts, which are configured on separate hosts, you must run the
installation option Operating System Users and Groups before you start the installation of the SAP
system (see table Software Life-Cycle Options below).
n If required, install an additional application server instance for a standard system (all instances on
one host) or distributed system by choosing <SAP System> Software Life-Cycle Options Additional
Application Server Instance Additional Application Server Instance .

Installation Options
You choose SAP Systems with <your database> to install a SAP system with usage types or software units.

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4 Installation
4.5 SAPinst Installation Options

You can install the following system variants:

n Standard System

Installation Options for a Standard System

Installation Option Remarks

Standard System Installs a complete SAP system including the following instances on one host:
l Central services instance (SCS)
l Database instance
l Primary application server instance
You can install a standard system in the following modes:
l Typical Mode
If you choose Typical, the installation is performed with default settings. As a
result, you have to respond to only a small selection of prompts. If you want to
change any of the default settings, you can do so on the Parameter Summary screen.
l Custom Mode
If you choose Custom, you are prompted for all parameters. At the end, you can
still change any of these parameters on the Parameter Summary screen.

If you change a parameter with the Revise button on the Parameter Summary screen, the
installer takes you to the screen where you can change the parameter. Depending
on the changes, the installer might guide you through other screens containing
default parameters that it has already processed. This might also happen if you
press Back instead of Next on the screen

You require at least usage type AS Java or AS ABAP. You can choose the usage types
or software units on the next screen.

n Distributed System

Installation Options for a Distributed System

Installation Options Remarks

Central Services Instance Installs a central services instance (SCS) and prepares the SAP global host
(SCS) Mandatory step in installing a distributed SAP system with usage types or
software units based on AS ABAP and AS Java

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4 Installation
4.5 SAPinst Installation Options

Installation Options Remarks

Database Instance Installs a database instance
Mandatory step in installing a distributed SAP system
You must have finished the Central Services Instance (SCS) installation before
you can choose this installation option.
Primary Application Server Installs a primary application server instance and enables additional
Instance software units
Mandatory step in installing a distributed SAP system on several hosts
You must have finished the database instance installation.

Only valid for: HA (MSCS);HA (UNIX);HA (z/OS)

n High-Availability System

Installation Options for a High Availability System

Installation Options Remarks

Central Services Instance Installs a central services instance for ABAP (ASCS) and prepares the SAP
for ABAP (ASCS) global host
Central Services Instance Installs a central services instance (SCS)
Database Instance Installs a database instance
Enqueue Replication Installs an enqueue replication server, which contains a replica of the lock
Server Instance table (replication server)

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)
Make sure that you have configured the ASCS instance and the SCS instance
for the switchover cluster before starting this installation option.
End of: HA (UNIX)

Only valid for: non-HA

Make sure that you have configured the SCS instance for the switchover
cluster before starting this installation option.
End of: non-HA

Primary Application Installs a primary application server instance and enables additional usage
Server Instance types or software units
Additional Application Installs an additional application server instance
Server Instance

End of: HA (MSCS);HA (UNIX);HA (z/OS)

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4 Installation
4.5 SAPinst Installation Options

Software Life-Cycle Options

You use the options located in this folder to perform the following tasks or to install the following
Installation Option Remarks
Additional Preparations n Host Agent
Choose Additional Preparations Host Agent Host Agent to install the host
agent with the profiles SAPSystem=99 and SAPSystemName=SAP.
The host agent contains all of the required elements for centrally monitoring
any host.
Normally you do not need to install a standalone host agent, because it
is automatically installed during the installation of all SAP NetWeaver
components, except TREX.
You only need to install a standalone host agent when:
l You want to centrally monitor a host that does not have an SAP
l You want to perform an upgrade to SAP NetWeaver.
For more information, see Standalone Host Agent [page 20].
n Operating system users and groups
Lets you use global accounts that are configured on a separate host

Perform this SAPinst option before you start the installation of your SAP

n Prerequisites check
Choose Additional Preparations Prerequisites Check if you want to check your
hardware and software requirements before you start the installation.
Otherwise, SAPinst automatically checks the hardware and software
requirements during the installation with the Prerequisite Checker. If any
changes are necessary to the SAP system or operating system settings, SAPinst
automatically prompts you. For more information, see Running the Prerequisites
Checker in Standalone Mode [page 23].
LDAP Registration LDAP Support
Sets up LDAP support for an application server instance.
Choose this option once per SAP system and after you have:
1. Configured the Active Directory on a Windows host by choosing LDAP
Registration Active Directory Configuration
You have to configure the directory server only once. Afterwards all SAP
systems that should register in this directory server can use this setup.

The option Active Directory Configuration is only available for Windows.

2. Installed an application server instance

For more information about LDAP and Active Directory, see Integration of LDAP
Directory Services [page 123].

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4 Installation
4.6 Oracle Database Software Installation

Installation Option Remarks

Additional Application Choose Additional Application Server Instances Additional Application Server Instance
Server Instances to install one or more additional application server instance(s) in an already
installed SAP system, if required.
System Copy Choose this option to perform a system copy.
For more information, see the system copy guide for your SAP system at: <SAP system> Installation .
Uninstall Choose this option to uninstall your SAP system, standalone engines, or optional
standalone units.
For more information, see Deleting an SAP System [page 155].

4.6 Oracle Database Software Installation

SAPinst prompts you to install the Oracle database.
Proceed as follows to install the Oracle database software:

Process Flow

1. You update SAP-specific files in the Oracle stage area [page 96].
2. You perform steps for the AIX operating system [page 97]
3. You run the Oracle Universal Installer [page 97]
4. You install the current patch set [page 99]
5. You install required interim patches [page 100]

4.6.1 Updating SAP-Specific Files in the Oracle Staging Area

SAPinst extracts the Oracle RDBMS software to the staging area, usually
The SAP folder located in /oracle/stage/102_64/database contains SAP-specific scripts as well
as the response files.
Before starting the Oracle software installation, you need to update this SAP folder so that the newest
versions of the scripts or response files are used.

1. Rename the original SAP folder by performing one of the following:
n mv /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1/SAP
n mv /oracle/stage/102_64/database/SAP

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4 Installation
4.6 Oracle Database Software Installation

2. Download the file attached to SAP Note 819830 and copy it to a temporary
location such as /tmp.
3. Extract the zip file by performing one of the following:
n cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database
unzip /tmp/
n cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1
unzip /tmp/
You should now see the directory SAP extracted with the updated version of SAP-specific files.

4.6.2 Performing Steps for the AIX Operating System

To install the Oracle database software on the AIX operating system, you need to run the
script to adapt the AIX kernel and also execute a command as the root user.

If several Oracle instances run on one computer, you must shut these down before adapting the

1. Run the script as follows:
a) Log on to the system with user ora<dbsid> if you are not already logged on.
b) Change to the directory /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1/rootpre using the following
cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1/rootpre
c) Make sure that the user root is assigned the environment of ora<dbsid>:
su root
d) Call the script
e) Log off with the user root:
2. Remove any currently unused modules in kernel and library memory by entering the following
command as user root:
# /usr/sbin/slibclean

4.6.3 Running the Oracle Universal Installer

To install the Oracle database software you run the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).

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4 Installation
4.6 Oracle Database Software Installation

1. Log on as user ora<dbsid>.
Since you are already logged on as user root, you can switch to user ora<dbsid> by entering the
following command:
su – ora<dbsid>.
2. If you install Oracle database software with Release or 10.2.0.x on a new operating system or
a new operating system version, the Oracle Universal Installer might not yet recognize or support
this operating system. Follow the instructions in SAP Note 980426.
3. Make sure that the DISPLAY environment variable is set to <host_name>:0.0, where <host_name>
is the host on which you want to display the GUI of the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
Shell Used Command
Bourne shell (sh) DISPLAY=<host_name>:0.0
export DISPLAY

C shell (csh) setenv DISPLAY <host_name>:0.0

Korn shell (ksh) export DISPLAY=<host_name>:0.0

4. Start the OUI with the user ora<dbsid> by entering one of the following:
n cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1/SAP
n cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/SAP
You see a message that a response file is being generated. It might take several minutes before you
see the OUI screen.
5. Respond to the OUI as follows:
Prompt or Condition Action
When you run the OUI for the first time on this host, Accept the OUI proposal and continue by choosing
a dialog box, Specify File Locations Destination..., appears. Next.
This dialog box proposes the inventory location as
/oracle/oraInventory and the installation group
as dba.
Available Product Components Confirm the default selections by choosing Next.
Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks For items that are flagged as warnings or failed,
This phase checks if all necessary requirements for review the cause for the warning or failure on screen
installing and running the database have been met. and fix the problem if possible.
Alternatively you can verify the items manually
and confirm them by clicking the checkbox. You
can find details about each check by clicking on the
relevant item.

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4 Installation
4.6 Oracle Database Software Installation

Prompt or Condition Action

Summary page Check the information on this page and then start
the installation.
When the Install step has completed, a dialog box Execute the file $ORACLE_HOME/ with the user
appears. root, and confirm the dialog box by choosing OK.
If this is the first time that the Oracle software
has been installed on this host, the OUI
also asks you to execute a second script,
/oracle/oraInventory/, as the root
user. Execute this script as well.
Continue by choosing Next.

6. At the end of the installation, in case there are any Configuration Assistants that have been started
automatically (for example, Oracle Net) choose Cancel and terminate the Net Config Assistant.
You can ignore messages that some of the config assistants failed to complete successfully.
The Installer finishes, reporting that the Oracle installation was successful. It also informs
you about the services that it started. You can find the port numbers for these services in the
$ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini file.
7. To exit the OUI, choose Exit and confirm the dialog box that appears.

You can now access the Oracle 10.2 online documentation, which was installed during
the last step. You can find the entry point to the Oracle online documentation at

4.6.4 Installing the Current Patch Set

After the Oracle database software installation, you need to install the current Oracle Database
10g Release 2 (10.2) patch set.

n For more information on the latest patch set available for Oracle 10.2 see SAP Note 871735.
n For more information about how to install the patch set, see the patch set README file.

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4 Installation
4.6 Oracle Database Software Installation

Do not perform any of the post-installation steps mentioned in the patch set README file. The
post-installation steps are to be performed only on an existing Oracle 10.2 database.
At this stage you have only installed the Oracle 10.2 software. The database itself is still not Oracle
10.2. Therefore, make sure that you do not perform the post-installation steps mentioned in
the README file.
n You only have to install the latest (that is, the current) patch set.

1. Log on at the operating system level with the ora<dbsid> user.
2. Install the patch set as described on the patch set README file.

4.6.5 Installing Required Interim Patches

After the Oracle database software installation, you need to install required interim patches, using the
Oracle tool OPatch. You need these interim patches in addition to the current patch set.

n Make sure you have already installed the current patch set [page 99].
n Check SAP Note 871096 to find the list of required patches to be installed.
n Check SAP Note 839182 for instructions on how to use OPatch.

1. Log on at the operating system level as the ora<dbsid> user.
2. Install the patches, following the instructions in SAP Note 839182.

You can apply the patches in any order.
We recommend that you first copy the patches to a directory called ora_patches in $ORACLE_HOME.

3. After all the patches have been successfully applied, you can query the status with the following
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
This command lists all the patches that have been applied to the software installation.

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5 Post-Installation

5 Post-Installation

5.1 Post-Installation Checklist

This section includes the post-installation steps that you have to perform for the:
n Standard, distributed, or high-availability system
n Additional application server instance
n Standalone host agent
Detailed information about the steps is available in the relevant chapter.

Standard, Distributed, or High-Availability System

In a standard system, all mandatory instances are installed on one host. Therefore, if you are
installing a standard system, you can ignore references to other hosts.

1. If required, you perform a full installation backup [page 119] immediately after the installation has finished.
2. You check whether you can log on to the SAP system [page 102].

In a distributed or high-availability system you check whether you can log on to every instance of
the SAP system that you installed.

3. You install the SAP license [page 104].

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

4. You set up the licenses for high availability [page 104].

End of: HA (UNIX)

5. You configure the remote connection to SAP support [page 105].

6. You apply the latest kernel and Support Packages [page 105].
7. You perform initial ABAP configuration tasks [page 106].
8. You perform initial Java configuration tasks [page 109].
9. You configure user management [page 110].
10. You ensure user security [page 111].
11. You install the SAP Online Documentation [page 114].
12. On the database instance host, you perform Oracle-specific post-installation steps [page 114].

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5 Post-Installation
5.2 Logging On to the Application Server

13. If you want or need to implement the E2E Root Cause Analysis scenario, you have to perform
post-installation steps for the Diagnostics Agent [page 114] for the application server instances (primary
application server instance and additional application server instance(s)).
14. You decide on your production client [page 116].
15. If required, you perform the client copy [page 117].
16. You perform a full installation backup [page 119].

Additional Application Server Instance

1. If required, you perform a full installation backup [page 119] immediately after the installation has finished.
2. You check whether you can log on to the additional application server instance [page 102].
3. You configure user management [page 110].
4. You ensure user security [page 111].
5. You perform a full installation backup [page 119].
6. If you want or need to implement the E2E Root Cause Analysis scenario, you have to perform
post-installation steps for the Diagnostics Agent [page 114] for the additional application server instance.

Standalone Host Agent

You perform the post-installation steps for the Host Agent [page 119].

5.2 Logging On to the Application Server

You need to check that you can log on to the application server using the following standard users:

ABAP Users

User User Name Client

SAP system user SAP* 000, 001, 066
DDIC 000, 001

Java User

User User Name Storage: ABAP System

Administrator J2EE_ADMIN (default) or the name you gave this user during the
installation process.

n The SAP system is up and running.
n You have already installed a front end.

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5 Post-Installation
5.2 Logging On to the Application Server

Logging On to the ABAP Application Server

1. Start SAP Logon on the host where you have installed the front end as follows:
n SAP GUI for Windows:
Choose Start All Programs SAP Front End SAP Logon .
n SAP GUI for Java:
Choose Start All Programs SAP Clients SAP GUI for Java<Release> .

You can alternatively enter the command guilogon in the SAP GUI installation directory
to start SAP GUI for Java.

The SAP Logon appears.

2. Create a logon entry for the newly installed system in the SAP Logon.
For more information about creating new logon entries, press F1 .
3. When you have created the entry, log on as user SAP* or DDIC.

Logging On to the Java Application Server

You access AS Java with a URL using a Web browser from your client machines. To log on to the Java
application server, proceed as follows:
1. Start a Web browser and enter the following URL:
http://<hostname_of_Java EE_Engine_Server>:5<Instance_Number>00

You must always enter a two-digit number for <Instance_Number>. For example, do not enter 1
but instead enter 01.

If you installed the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java on host saphost06 and the instance
number of your SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java is 04, enter the following URL:

The start page of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java appears in the Web browser.
2. Log on by pressing the icon of any of the provided applications, for example the SAP NetWeaver

To deactivate AS Java, proceed as follows:
1. Call transaction RZ11.
2. In the instance profile of every installed SAP instance, set parameter rdisp/j2ee_start from 1
to 0.

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5 Post-Installation
5.3 Installing the SAP License

5.3 Installing the SAP License

You must install a permanent SAP license. When you install your SAP system, a temporary license
is automatically installed. This temporary license allows you to use the system for only four weeks
from the date of installation.

Before the temporary license expires, you must apply for a permanent license key from SAP.
We recommend that you apply for a permanent license key as soon as possible after installing your

Install the SAP license as described in theSAP library [page 12] at
Administrator’s Guide Configuration of SAP NetWeaver General Configuration Tasks License Configuration

More Information
For more information about SAP license keys and how to obtain them, see SAP Service Marketplace at

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

5.4 High Availability: Setting Up Licenses

Every SAP system needs a central license, which is determined by the environment of the message
server. Since SAP’s high-availability (HA) solution stipulates two or more cluster nodes (host
machines) where the message server is enabled to run, you have to order as many license keys [page 104]
as you have cluster nodes.
When we receive confirmation from your vendor that you are implementing a switchover
environment, we provide the required license keys for your system, one key for each machine.
SAP has implemented a license mechanism for transparent and easy use with switchover solutions
and clustered environments. Your customer key is calculated on the basis of local information on the
message server host. This is the host machine where the ABAP central services instance (ASCS) runs.
There is no license problem when only the database is switched over.

The SAP system is up and running.

1. Make sure that the ABAP central services instance (ASCS) on the primary host, node A, is running.

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5 Post-Installation
5.5 Configuring the Remote Connection to SAP Support

2. To find the hardware ID of the primary host, log on to any application server instance of the
SAP system and call transaction SLICENSE.
3. Perform a switchover of the ABAP central services instance (ASCS) to another node in the cluster
and repeat the previous step.
Repeat this for all remaining nodes in the cluster.
4. To obtain the two license keys, enter the hardware IDs for the primary and backup hosts at:
5. To import the files containing the two licenses, log on to any application server instance of the
SAP system and call transaction SLICENSE.
6. Perform a switchover of the ABAP central services instance (ASCS) to another node in the cluster
and repeat the previous step.
Repeat this for all remaining nodes in the cluster.

The license is no longer a problem during switchover. This means you do not need to call saplicense
in your switchover scripts.
End of: HA (UNIX)

5.5 Configuring the Remote Connection to SAP Support

SAP offers its customers access to support and a number of remote services such as the EarlyWatch
Service or the GoingLive Service. Therefore, you have to set up a remote network connection to SAP.
For more information, see SAP Service Marketplace at

5.6 Applying the Latest Kernel and Support Packages

You use this procedure to apply the latest kernel and Support Packages for your SAP system from SAP
Service Marketplace.

Make sure that you read the release notes for your SAP system before you apply Support Packages.
The release notes might include information about steps you have to perform after you have applied
the Support Packages. For more information, see

Download and apply the latest Kernel and Support Packages as described in the Support Package
Stack Guide ‒ SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 including Enhancement Package 1 ‒ SPS<current number> at

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5 Post-Installation
5.7 Performing Initial ABAP Configuration

5.7 Performing Initial ABAP Configuration

When you have installed your SAP ABAP system, you have to perform the following initial
configuration steps:
n Perform a consistency check
n Configure the transport management system
n Perform basic operations
n Configure the number of work processes
n Configure kernel parameters
n Install languages and performing language transport
n Configure the integrated Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
n Make your newly installed SAP system known to your SAP Solution Manager
n Maintain your company address for initial users
n Configure business applications
For more information, see the appropriate sections below.

You have logged on to the ABAP application server as described in Logging On to the Application Server
[page 102].

Performing a Consistency Check

We recommend that you check the consistency of the newly installed SAP ABAP system. When
logging on to the system for the first time, you need to trigger a consistency check manually. The
function is then called automatically whenever you start the system or an application server.
The following checks are performed:
n Completeness of installation
n Version compatibility between the SAP release and the operating system
The initial consistency check determines whether:
l The release number in the SAP kernel matches the release number defined in the database
l The character set specified in the SAP kernel matches the character set specified in the database
l Critical structure definitions that are defined in both the data dictionary and the SAP kernel
are identical. The structures checked by this function include SYST, T100, TSTC, TDCT and
n Accessibility of the message server
n Availability of all work process types
n Information about the enqueue server and the update service

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5 Post-Installation
5.7 Performing Initial ABAP Configuration

Enter transaction code SICK (SAP Initial Consistency Check) or choose:
Tools Administration Administration Installation Check
For more information, see the SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP
Administration Tools for AS ABAP Tools for Monitoring the System Consistency Check

Configuring the Transport Management System

You have to perform some steps to be able to use the Transport Management System.
1. Perform post-installation steps for the transport organizer:
a) Call transaction SE06.
b) Select Standard Installation.
c) Choose Perform Post-Installation Actions.
2. Call transaction STMS in the ABAP system to configure the domain controller in the Transport
Management System (TMS).
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

3. In TPPARAM, set <SAPSID>/dbhost to the virtual host name of the DB instance.

This lets you use the transport system for the normal maintenance of ABAP programs, but still
allows transparent operation in the event of a switchover in your high-availability system.
End of: HA (UNIX)

For more information, see the SAP Library [page 12]at Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP
Administration Tools for AS ABAP Change and Transport System

Performing Basic Operations

1. Go to the SAP Library [page 12].
2. Choose the relevant section to perform the following operations:
Operation Section in SAP Documentation
Configuring the system log Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS
ABAP Tools for Monitoring the System System log Configuring the System Log
Checking system profiles ‒ Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS
transaction RZ10 ABAP Configuration in the CCMS Profiles .
Setting up operation modes ‒ Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS
transaction RZ04 ABAP Configuration in the CCMS Operation Modes
Setting up logon groups ‒ Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS
transaction SMLG ABAP Configuration in the CCMS Logon Load Balancing SAP Logon
Setting up administrators Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS
ABAP Background Processing Authorizations for Background Processing

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5 Post-Installation
5.7 Performing Initial ABAP Configuration

Operation Section in SAP Documentation

Scheduling background jobs Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for
AS ABAP Background Processing
Configuring output Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS
management ABAP SAP Printing Guide

Checking the Configured Number of Work Processes

SAPinst installs ABAP systems with a minimum number of work processes. This is only an initial
configuration so that you can start working after the installation. It is not detailed enough for a
production system because the optimal number of each type of work process depends on the system
resources and on the number of users working in each ABAP system application.
For more information about how many work processes to configure and how to set the number, see
SAP Notes 39412 and 9942.

Configuring Kernel Parameters

To configure your kernel parameters, follow the recommendations in SAP Notes 146289 and 835474.

Installing Languages and Performing Language Transport

After a new installation you must check and activate the language settings as follows:
1. Go to transaction I18N:
I18N Menu I18N Customizing I18N System Configuration
2. Follow the instructions here:
n Online documentation in the I18N System Configuration menu.
n SAP Note 73606 and attached documentation Unicodesystems.pdf
n SAP Note 42305
For information about the language transport, see the SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View
Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS ABAP Change and Transport System Language Transport

Using and Configuring the SAP ITS Integrated in ICM

The SAP Internet Transaction Server (SAP ITS) is integrated in the SAP NetWeaver Application Server
ABAP (AS ABAP) as an Internet Communication Framework (ICF) service, which you can access,
like other services, with the Internet Communication Manager (ICM). With the SAP ITS integrated
in AS ABAP, the Web browser now communicates directly with the SAP system. Furthermore, all
SAP ITS-related sources, such as service files, HTML templates, or MIME files, are now stored in
the database of the system.
The SAP ITS supports the following functions:
n Internet Application Component (IAC) runtime or Web Transaction technology

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5 Post-Installation
5.8 Performing Initial Java Configuration

To configure the SAP ITS, perform the procedure described in SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented
View Application Server ABAP Presentation Development on AS ABAP Web UI Technology SAP ITS in
SAP NetWeaver Application Server

Making your Newly Installed SAP System Known to your SAP Solution
Make your newly installed SAP system known to your SAP Solution Manager as described in the SAP
Library at SAP Solution Manager SAP Solution Manager 7.0 <current SP>
SAP Solution Manager Basic Settings Solution Manager System Landscape Create Systems

Maintaining Your Company Address for Initial Users

Maintain your company address in your ABAP system using transaction SU01.
For more information, see the SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View Application Server
ABAP Miscellaneous Services of AS ABAP Business Services Business Address Services (BC-SRV-ADR)
Addresses in User Administration Maintenance of Address Data Assignment of a Company Address

Configuring Business Applications

Prepare the SAP system for using business applications, which includes customizing the ABAP system
and the business components, as described in SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View Application
Server ABAP Miscellaneous Services of AS ABAP Basis Services Customizing

5.8 Performing Initial Java Configuration

When you have installed your SAP Java system, you have to perform the following initial
configuration steps:
n Create a second administrator user.
n Check and configure the necessary communication ports.
n Check the Java Virtual Machine (Java VM) settings.
For more information, see the appropriate sections below.

Creating Another Administrator User

To prevent locking the administrator in case you change its password and forget to update the entry
secure storage, we also recommend you create a second administrator user after installing a system
based on AS Java.
Create another administrator user and assign the appropriate group and role as described in the SAP
Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View Security Identity Management Identity Management of the
Application Server Java Administration of Users and Roles Managing Users, Groups, and Roles

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5 Post-Installation
5.9 Configuring User Management

Checking and Configuring the Necessary Communication Ports

When you install a Java instance or create an additional server process, AS Java assigns default values
to the communication ports. If some of these ports are being used by another program, you have to
manually assign a different value to the relevant port. If necessary, you can change the assigned join
port of a server process, on which the server process listens for connections (for example, when the
port assigned to the cluster element is already in use by another program).
n For more information about Java ports, see the SAP Library [page 12] at Administrator’s Guide
Configuration of SAP NetWeaver AS Java (Application Server Java) Administration Administration Tools
SAP Management Console SAP Management Console Viewing and Configuring the Communication Ports
n You can check and configure communication ports using the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
or the Config Tool:
l For more information about how to start and handle the SAP NetWeaver Administrator,
see the SAP Library [page 12] at Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations for SAP NetWeaver
Administration of SAP NetWeaver Systems AS Java (Application Server Java) Administration
Administration Tools SAP NetWeaver Administrator
l For more information about how to start and handle the Config Tool, see the SAP Library [page
12] at Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations for SAP NetWeaver Administration of SAP NetWeaver
Systems AS Java (Application Server Java) Administration Administration Tools Config Tool

Checking the Java VM Memory Settings

You check the Java VM Memory Settings as described in SAP Note 723909.

More Information
You can find more information that might be relevant for running your Java system in the Java
manuals [page 154].

5.9 Configuring User Management

During the installation, the UME of your SAP system was configured to use AS ABAP as data source
(see table User Management Engine in Basic SAP System Parameters [page 42]). However, you can still change
the data source of the UME to a directory service.
For more information about changing the data source after installation and about related restrictions,
see the SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View Security Identity Management Identity Management
of the Application Server Java Configuring Identity Management UME Data Sources

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5 Post-Installation
5.10 Ensuring User Security

5.10 Ensuring User Security

You need to ensure the security of the users that SAPinst created during the installation. The tables
below at the end of this section list the following users:
n Operating system users
n SAP system users
n Users for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI)
During the installation, SAPinst by default assigned the master password to all users created during
the installation unless you specified other passwords.
If you change user passwords, be aware that SAP system users might exist in multiple SAP system
clients (for example, if a user was copied as part of the client copy). Therefore, you need to change the
passwords in all the relevant SAP system clients.

In all cases, the user ID and password are encoded only when transported across the network.
Therefore, we recommend using encryption at the network layer, either by using the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) protocol for HTTP connections, or Secure Network Communications (SNC) for the SAP
protocols dialog and RFC.
For more information, see the SAP Library [page 12]:
Function-Oriented View Security Network and Transport Layer Security

Make sure that you perform this procedure before the newly installed SAP system goes into

During the installation, SAPinst assigns the master password to all users that were created during
the installation.
If you change user passwords, be aware that SAP system users might exist in multiple SAP system
clients (for example, if a user was copied as part of the client copy). Therefore, you need to change the
passwords in all the relevant SAP system clients.

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5 Post-Installation
5.10 Ensuring User Security

SAPinst applies the master password to users SAP* and DDIC only for SAP system clients 000 and 001,
but not to users SAP*, DDIC, and EARLYWATCH in client 066.
Instead, SAPinst always assigns the following passwords to these users in client 066:
SAP*: 06071992
DDIC: 19920706
See also Master Password in Basic SAP System Parameters [page 42].

For the users listed below, take the precautions described in the relevant SAP security guide, which
you can find on SAP Service Marketplace at

Operating System Users

After the installation, operating system users for SAP system, database, and host agent are available as
listed in the following table:

Operating System and Database Users

User User Name Comment

Operating system user <sapsid>adm SAP system administrator
<dasid>adm Administrator for the Diagnostics Agent
ora<dbsid> Oracle database administrator (that is,
the owner of the database files)
Oracle database user SAP<SCHEMA_ID> Oracle database owner (that is, the
owner of the database tables)

Host Agent User

User User Name Comment

Operating system user sapadm SAP system administrator
You do not need to change the
password of this user after the
This user is for administration
purposes only.

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5 Post-Installation
5.10 Ensuring User Security

SAP System Users

After the installation, ABAP and Java system users are available. The following table shows these users
together with recommendations on how you can ensure the security of these users;

SAP System Users

User User Name Comment

SAP system user SAP* User exists in at least SAP system clients
000, 001, and 066.
DDIC User exists in at least SAP system clients
000 and 001.
EARLYWATCH User exists in at least SAP system client
Administrator The name that you gave this user This user exists in at least clients 000
during the installation or the default and 001 of the ABAP system and in the
name J2EE_ADMIN User Management Engine (UME) of
the Java system. It has administrative
permissions for user management.
This user’s password is stored in secure
storage. Therefore, whenever you
change the administrator’s password,
you must also change the password in
secure storage.

We recommend that you use strong
password and auditing policies for this
Guest The name that you gave this user This user exists in at least clients 000 and
during the installation or the default 001 of the ABAP system and in the User
name J2EE_GUEST Management Engine (UME) of the Java
system. It is used for anonymous access.
Communication user for The name that you gave this user This user exists in at least clients 000
Application Server Java during the installation or the default and 001 of the ABAP system and in the
name SAPJSF. User Management Engine (UME) of
the Java system. It is used for a remote
function call (RFC) between the ABAP
system and the Java system.

More Information
n SAP Library [page 12] Identity Management Identity Management of the Application Server ABAP User
and Role Administration of AS ABAP
n SAP Library [page 12] Security Identity Management Identity Management of the Application Server
Java .

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5 Post-Installation
5.11 Installing the SAP Online Documentation

5.11 Installing the SAP Online Documentation

SAP currently provides an HTML-based solution for the online documentation, including the
Application Help, Glossary, Implementation Guide (IMG), and Release Notes. You can display the
documentation with a Java-compatible Web browser on all front-end platforms supported by SAP.
You can always find the up-to-date SAP online documentation at the SAP Library [page 12].

Install the SAP online documentation in your SAP system as described in the README.TXT file
contained in the root directory of the online documentation DVD, delivered as part of the installation

5.12 Performing Oracle-Specific Post-Installation Steps

You have to perform the following Oracle-specific post-installation steps:

Security Setup for the Oracle Listener

If the Oracle security setup defined by the standard installation is not restrictive enough for your
purposes, see SAP Note 186119 to configure the Oracle listener to accept only connections from
specific hosts.

Checking the Recommended Oracle Database Parameters

When installing the Oracle database, a standard database parameter set is used. To take into account
the size and configuration of your SAP system, and to enable new Oracle features, check and apply the
parameter settings as described in SAP Note 830576.

Configuring the Oracle Database

You have to configure your Oracle database before you start operating it with the SAP system.
For more information, see the SAP Library [page 12] at Administrator’s Guide Configuration of SAP
NetWeaver Configuration of Databases Database Configuration for Oracle
For more information about Oracle database administration, see the SAP Library [page 12] at
Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations for SAP NetWeaver Administration of Databases Database
Administration for Oracle

5.13 Post-Installation Steps for the Diagnostics Agent

To implement the E2E Root Cause Analysis scenario, you have to configure the Diagnostics Agent.

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5 Post-Installation
5.14 Running the Configuration Wizard

You have installed an application server instance.

Plan the implementation of the Diagnostics Agent for SAP Solution Manager as described in the Root
Cause Analysis Installation and Upgrade Guide, which you can find at
Only valid for: Application Server (AS);BI Java;Development Infrastructure (DI);Enterprise Portal (EP);Mobile;Process Integration (PI)

5.14 Running the Configuration Wizard

This section provides information about how to run the Configuration Wizard for the SAP NetWeaver
usage types.

You can run the configuration wizard only once and only directly after installing and patching
your SAP system.
You cannot use the configuration wizard after:
n Upgrade
n Enabling additional usage types
In these cases, you need to manually perform the corresponding configuration steps.
This does not apply to connectivity configuration templates. You can run them several times
and after all use cases.
For more information about how to access the configuration documentation, see Accessing
Configuration Documentation in the SAP Solution Manager [page 118].
You can also find information about the automated configuration steps, connectivity configuration
templates and the Configuration Wizard itself at SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 Library English SAP NetWeaver
Process Integration Library Administrator’s Guide Configuration of SAP NetWeaver Configuration Wizard .

You must have applied the latest kernel and all ABAP and Java Support Packages to your system. For
more information, see Applying the Latest Kernel and Support Packages [page 105].

You can find the latest LMTOOLS patch at Support Packages and
Patches Search for Support Packages and Patches . Search for LMTOOLS*P. Download and save the sca
file. Apply the patch using the SDM.

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5 Post-Installation
5.15 Production Client Considerations

1. After SAPinst has finished, open the SAP NetWeaver Administrator by entering the following URL
in a browser: http://<host>:<http_port>/nwa.
2. Log on as user j2ee_admin.
3. In the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, choose Configuration Management Scenarios Configuration
Wizard .
4. Select the task NetWeaver Initial Setup in the list and choose Start.

The task NetWeaver Initial Setup contains all basic configuration steps for your installed system. You
do not need to run any additional configuration tasks.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

6. After the configuration wizard has finished successfully, restart your SAP system.

More Information
n For more information about the Configuration Wizard and the configuration documentation, see
the configuration structure of your implementation project in SAP Solution Manager.
n SAP Note 1107808 Collective Note: Configuration Wizard 7.1
End of: Application Server (AS);BI Java;Development Infrastructure (DI);Enterprise Portal (EP);Mobile;Process Integration (PI)

5.15 Production Client Considerations

A client is a self-contained unit in an SAP system with separate master records and its own set of
tables. During the installation, AS Java was configured against client 001 by default. However, in many
cases your production client must be a copy of SAP reference client 000. This section describes how
you can use a client other than the default client 001 as your production client.
You can choose one of the following methods to change the default production client:
n You install an SAP system based on AS ABAP and AS Java (dual-stack system) and then reconnect
AS Java to the ABAP server.
n You install an SAP system based on AS ABAP and AS Java (dual-stack system) and then do not
reconnect AS Java.
Only valid for: Process Integration (PI)

If you want to change the default production client for usage type PI, see SAP Note 1115280.

End of: Process Integration (PI)

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5 Post-Installation
5.16 Performing the Client Copy

1. You install the ABAP+Java system as described in this documentation.
2. You perform the client copy [page 117] using SAP reference client 000 as source client.
3. If you need the Java users in your ABAP production client, you have to manually configure the
connection of the Java part to the ABAP part. To do this, reconnect the Java part to the production
client as described in the SAP Library [page 12] at Function-Oriented View Security Identity
Management Identity Management of the Application Server Java Configuring Identity Management UME
Data Sources User Management of Application Server ABAP as Data Source Changing the ABAP Client for
the UME After a Client Copy
For more information about Java users, see Ensuring User Security [page 111].

5.16 Performing the Client Copy

SAPinst creates three ABAP clients during the installation, client 000, client 001, and client 066.
During the installation, AS Java was configured against client 001 by default. If you want to use client
001 as the production client, you do not have to perform the client copy.
However, in many cases your production client must be a copy of the SAP reference client 000. For
more information and for exceptions, see Production Client Considerations [page 116]
Only valid for: Process Integration (PI)

If you want to change the default production client for an SAP system with Process Integration
(PI), see SAP Note 1115280.

End of: Process Integration (PI)

1. Maintain the new client with transaction SCC4.
2. Activate kernel user SAP*:
a) Set the profile parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar to 0.
b) Restart the application server.
3. Log on to the new client with kernel user SAP* and password PASS.
4. Copy the client with transaction SCCL and profile SAP_CUST.
5. Check the log files with transaction SCC3.
6. Create the required users. These users must have at least the authorizations required for user
administration and system administration. Create a user SAP* with all required authorizations
for this user. If you want to have other users for system administration, you can also create user
SAP* without authorizations.

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5 Post-Installation
5.17 Accessing Configuration Documentation in the SAP Solution Manager

7. Deactivate kernel user SAP*:

a) Reset login/no_automatic_user_sapstar to 1.
b) Restart the application server.

More Information
For more information about the client copy and about how to perform it, see the SAP Library [page
12] at Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS ABAP Change and
Transport System BC ‒ Client Copy and Transport

5.17 Accessing Configuration Documentation in the SAP

Solution Manager

To access configuration documentation in the SAP Solution Manager, you have to connect your
newly-installed SAP system to the SAP Solution Manager.

n Make sure that SAP Solution Manager is available in your system landscape. If required, install SAP
Solution Manager as described in the documentation Installation Guide ‒ SAP Solution Manager 7.0 on
<OS>: <Database>.
n You have connected your SAP system to the SAP Solution Manager as described in the
documentation CONFIGURATION GUIDE ‒ SAP Solution Manager 7.0 as of SP<current SP level>.
The installation guides and the configuration guide for SAP Solution Manager 7.0 are available at SAP Components SAP Solution Manager Release 7.0 .

1. Log on to your SAP Solution Manager system.
2. To be able to access configuration documentation, create a project as follows:
a) Create your project with transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN for project administration.
b) Connect your SAP system to the SAP Solution Manager with transaction SMSY for the SAP
Solution Manager system landscape.
c) Create a project structure and add the required scenarios for your SAP system to your project
structure with the Business Blueprint transaction SOLAR01,
d) Add your SAP system configuration structures to your project structure with the configuration
transaction SOLAR02.
For more information about creating projects, assigning scenarios to projects, and creating
configuration structures, see the SAP Library at SAP Solutions SAP
Solution Manager SAP Solution Manager 4.0 <current SP> SAP Solution Manager Implementing and
Upgrading SAP Solutions Projects Project Administration Create/Change Project

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5 Post-Installation
5.18 Post-Installation Steps for the Host Agent

3. Go to the project structure folder <project name> using transaction SOLAR02.

4. Access configuration documentation for SAP NetWeaver.

You can now configure your SAP system according to the configuration documentation in SAP
Solution Manager.

5.18 Post-Installation Steps for the Host Agent

You have to perform the following steps on each host where the host agent is installed. This applies
whether the host agent is installed on a host within the SAP system or standalone on another host.

1. You check whether the installed services are available as follows:
a) Log on as user sapadm.
b) Check whether the following services are available:
n The control program saphostexec
n The operating system collector saposcol
n The SAP NetWeaver Management agent SAPHostControl (sapstartsrv in host mode)

When the host is booted, the startup script sapinit automatically starts the required
2. You configure the host agent according to your requirements.

More Information
For more information, see the SAP Library [page 12]:
Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS ABAP Monitoring in the
CCMS Infrastructure of the SAP NetWeaver Management Agents

5.19 Performing a Full Installation Backup

You must perform a full offline backup after the configuration of your SAP system. If required,
you can also perform a full offline backup after the installation (recommended). In addition, we
recommend you to regularly back up your database.

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5 Post-Installation
5.19 Performing a Full Installation Backup

Make sure that you fully back up your database so that you can recover it later if necessary.

You need to back up the following directories and files:

n All SAP-specific directories:
l /usr/sap/<SAPSID>
l /usr/sap/trans
l <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>
l Home directory of the user <sapsid>adm
n All database-specific directories
n The root file system
This saves the structure of the system and all configuration files, such as file system size, logical
volume manager configuration, and database configuration data.

This list is only valid for a standard installation.

n If required, you have completed client maintenance, such as the client copy [page 117].
n You have logged on [page 102] as user <sapsid>adm and stopped the SAP system and database [page 144].

This procedure works on all hardware platforms. For more information about operating
system-specific backup procedures, see your operating system documentation.

Backing Up the Installation

1. Log on as user root.
2. Manually create a compressed tar archive that contains all installed files:
n Saving to tape:
tar —cf — <file_system> | compress —c > <tape_device>
n Saving to the file system:
tar —cf — <file_system> | compress —c > ARCHIVENAME.tar.Z

Restoring Your Backup

If required, you can restore the data that you previously backed up.

Check for modifications in the existing parameter files before you overwrite them when restoring
the backup.

1. Log on as user root.

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5 Post-Installation
5.19 Performing a Full Installation Backup

2. Go to the location in your file system where you want to restore the backup image.
3. Restore the data with the following commands:
n From tape:
cat <tape_device> | compress —cd | tar —xf —
n From the file system:
cat ARCHIVENAME.tar.Z | compress —cd | tar —xf —

Performing a Full Database Backup

1. Configure your third-party backup tool, if used.
2. Perform a full database backup (preferably offline).
If you use BR*TOOLS for the backup, refer to BR*Tools for Oracle DBA in the documentation SAP
Database Guide: Oracle (BC-DB-ORA-DBA), available in the SAP Library [page 12] at Administrator’s
Guide Technical Operations for SAP NetWeaver Administration of Databases Database Administration
for Oracle

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This page is intentionally left blank.
6 Additional Information

6 Additional Information

Here you can find additional information about the installation of your SAP system.
There is also information about how to delete an SAP system.
n Integration of LDAP Directory Services [page 123].
n Installing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD) [page 127]
n Creating a User for LDAP Directory Access [page 127].
n Checking and Modifying the AIX Kernel [page 129]
n Setting up Swap Space for AIX [page 130]
n Creating AIX Groups and Users [page 131]
n Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices for AIX [page 132]
n Mounting a CD / DVD for AIX [page 133].
n Exporting and Mounting Directories via NFS for AIX [page 134]
n Additional Information About SAPinst [page 136]
n Heterogeneous SAP System Installation [page 144]
n Starting and Stopping the SAP System [page 144]
n Accessing the Java manuals [page 154].
n Deleting an SAP System [page 155]
n Deleting the Oracle Database Software [page 159]
n Deleting a Diagnostics Agent [page 159]

6.1 Integration of LDAP Directory Services

This section explains the benefits of using the SAP system with the Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) directory and gives an overview of the configuration steps required to use an SAP
system with the directory.
LDAP defines a standard protocol for accessing directory services, which is supported by various
directory products such as Microsoft Active Directory, and OpenLDAP slapd. Using directory services
enables important information in a corporate network to be stored centrally on a server. The
advantage of storing information centrally for the entire network is that you only have to maintain
data once, which avoids redundancy and inconsistency.
If an LDAP directory is available in your corporate network, you can configure the SAP system to use
this feature. For example, a correctly configured SAP system can read information from the directory
and also store information there.

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6 Additional Information
6.1 Integration of LDAP Directory Services

The SAP system can interact with the Active Directory using the LDAP protocol, which defines:
n The communication protocol between the SAP system and the directory
n How data in the directory is structured, accessed, or modified
If a directory other than the Active Directory also supports the LDAP protocol, the SAP system can
take advantage of the information stored there. For example, if there is an LDAP directory on a UNIX
or Windows server, you can configure the SAP system to use the information available there. In the
following text, directories other than the Active Directory that implement the LDAP protocol are
called generic LDAP directories.

This section does not provide information about the use of LDAP directories with the LDAP
Connector. For more information about using and configuring the LDAP Connector for an ABAP
system, see the SAP Library [page 12]:
Function-Oriented View Security Identity Management Identity Management of the Application Server
ABAP Configuration of Identity Management Directory Services LDAP Connector

You can only configure the SAP system for Active Directory services or other LDAP directories if
these are already available on the network. As of Windows 2000 or higher, the Active Directory
is automatically available on all domain controllers. A generic LDAP directory is an additional
component that you must install separately on a UNIX or Windows server.

In the SAP environment, you can exploit the information stored in an Active Directory or generic
LDAP directory by using:
n SAP Logon
n The SAP Microsoft Management Console (SAP MMC)
n The SAP Management Console (SAP MC)
For more information about the automatic registration of SAP components in LDAP directories and
the benefits of using it in SAP Logon and SAP MMC, see the documentation SAP System Information
in Directory Services at: Microsoft Windows Server
For more information about the SAP MC and about how to configure it to access LDAP Directories,
see the documentation SAP Management Console in the SAP Library [page 12]:
Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations for SAP NetWeaver Administration of SAP NetWeaver Systems AS
Java (Application Server Java) Administration Administration Tools SAP Management Console

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6 Additional Information
6.1 Integration of LDAP Directory Services

SAP Logon
Instead of using a fixed list of systems and message servers, you can configure SAP Logon in the
sapmsg.ini configuration file to find SAP systems and their message servers from the directory. If
you configure SAP logon to use the LDAP directory, it queries the directory each time Server or Group
selection is chosen to fetch up-to-date information on available SAP systems.
To use LDAP operation mode, make sure that the sapmsg.ini file contains the following:
Distinguish the following cases:
n If you use an Active Directory, you must set LDAPoptions=“DirType=NT5ADS”. For more
information, see the SAP system profile parameter ldap/options.
n You must specify the directory servers (for example, LDAPserver=pcintel6 p24709) if either of
the following is true:
l The client is not located in the same domain forest as the Active Directory
l The operating system does not have a directory service client (Windows NT and Windows 9X
without installed dsclient).
For more information, see the SAP system profile parameter ldap/servers.
n For other directory services, you can use LDAPnode to specify the distinguished name of the SAP
root node. For more information, see the SAP system profile parameter ldap/saproot.

The SAP MMC is a graphical user interface (GUI) for administering and monitoring SAP systems from
a central location. It is automatically set up when you install an SAP system on Windows. If the SAP
system has been prepared correctly, the SAP MMC presents and analyzes system information that
it gathers from various sources, including the Active Directory.
Integrating the Active Directory as a source of information has advantages for the SAP MMC. It can
read system information straight from the directory that automatically registers changes to the
system landscape. As a result, up-to-date information about all SAP application servers, their status,
and parameter settings is always available in the SAP MMC.
If you need to administer distributed systems, we especially recommend that you use the SAP MMC
together with Active Directory services. You can keep track of significant events in all of the systems
from a single SAP MMC interface. You do not need to manually register changes in the system
configuration. Instead, such changes are automatically updated in the directory and subsequently
reflected in the SAP MMC.
If your SAP system is part of a heterogeneous SAP system landscape that comprises systems or
instances both on Unix and Windows operating systems, you can also use the SAP MMC for operating
and monitoring the instances running on Unix.

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6 Additional Information
6.1 Integration of LDAP Directory Services

The SAP MC is a graphical user interface (GUI) for administering and monitoring SAP systems from
a central location. The SAP MC is automatically set up when you install an SAP system on any
platform. If the SAP system has been prepared correctly, the SAP MC presents and analyzes system
information that it gathers from various sources, including a generic LDAP Directory.
Integrating a generic LDAP Directory as a source of information has advantages for the SAP MC. It
can read system information straight from the directory that automatically registers changes to the
system landscape. As a result, up-to-date information about all SAP application servers, their status,
and parameter settings is always available in the SAP MC.

Configuration Tasks for LDAP Directories

This section describes the configuration tasks you have to perform for the Active Directory or other
(generic) LDAP directories.

Configuration Tasks for Active Directory

To enable an SAP system to use the features offered by the Active Directory, you must configure the
Active Directory so that it can store SAP system data.
To prepare the directory, you use SAPinst to automatically:
n Extend the Active Directory schema to include the SAP-specific data types
n Create the domain accounts required to enable the SAP system to access and modify the Active
Directory. These are the group SAP_LDAP and the user sapldap.
n Create the root container where information related to SAP is stored
n Control access to the container for SAP data by giving members of the SAP_LDAP group permission
to read and write to the directory
You do this by running SAPinst on the Windows server on which you want to use Active Directory
Services and choosing <SAP System> Software Life-Cycle Options LDAP Registration Active Directory
Configuration . For more information about running SAPinst on Windows, see documentation
Installation Guide — <your product> on Windows: <Database>.

You have to perform the directory server configuration only once. Then all SAP systems that need
to register in this directory server can use this setup.

Configuration Tasks for Generic LDAP Directories

To configure other LDAP directories, refer to the documentation of your directory vendor.

Enabling the SAP System LDAP Registration

Once you have correctly configured your directory server, you can enable the LDAP registration of
the SAP system by setting some profile parameters in the default profile.
To do this, run SAPinst [page 87] once for your system and choose:

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6 Additional Information
6.2 Creating a User for LDAP Directory Access

<SAP System> Software Life-Cycle Options LDAP Registration LDAP Support

If you use a directory server other than Microsoft Active Directory and/or non-Windows application
servers, you have to store the directory user and password information by using ldappasswd
pf=<any_instance_profile>. The information is encrypted for storage in DIR_GLOBAL and is
therefore valid for all application servers. After restarting all application servers and start services,
the system is registered in your directory server. The registration protocols of the components are
dev_ldap*. The registration is updated every time a component starts.

6.2 Creating a User for LDAP Directory Access

If you use LDAP directory services, you have to set up a user with a password on the host where the
SAP system is running. This permits the SAP system to access and modify the LDAP directory.
For more information, see section Setting Up the Active Directory Services in the Windows installation
guide for your SAP system solution and database.

During the SAP instance installation you chose to configure the SAP system to integrate LDAP services.

1. Log on as user <sapsid>adm.
2. Enter:
ldappasswd pf=<path_and_name_of_instance_profile>
3. Enter the required data.

The following is an example of an entry to create an LDAP Directory User:

6.3 Installation of Multiple Components in One Database

You can install multiple SAP systems in a single database. This is called Multiple Components
in One Database (MCOD).
MCOD is available with all SAP components. This technology is available on all the major databases
for the SAP system, in line with our commitment to deliver platform-independent solutions.
Using this technology is as easy as installing a separate component. No extra effort is required because
the MCOD installation is fully integrated into the standard installation procedure. MCOD is not an
additional installation option. Instead, it is an option of the database instance installation.
There are two MCOD scenarios:

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6 Additional Information
6.3 Installation of Multiple Components in One Database

n The installation of an SAP system in a new database

n The installation of an additional SAP system in an existing database

n For about MCOD and its availability on different platforms, see
n Since SAP does not support mixed solutions with MCOD, your SAP system must contain Unicode
SAP instances only.
n Improved sizing required
You can calculate the CPU usage for an MCOD database by adding up the CPU usage for each
individual SAP system. You can do the same for memory resources and disk space.
You can size multiple components in one database by sizing each individual component using the
Quick Sizer tool and then adding the requirements together. For more information about the
Quick Sizer, see

n Reduced administration effort
n Consistent system landscape for backup, system copy, administration, and recovery
n Increased security and reduced database failure for multiple SAP systems due to monitoring and
administration of only one database
n Independent upgrade
In an MCOD landscape, you can upgrade a single component independently from the other
components running in the same database, assuming that the upgraded component runs on
the same database version. However, if you need to restore a backup, be aware that all other
components are also affected.

Special MCOD considerations and differences from the standard procedure are listed where relevant
in the installation documentation.

n We strongly recommend that you test MCOD in a test or development system. We recommend
that you run MCOD systems in the same context. We do not recommend that you mix test,
development, and production systems in the same MCOD.
n In the event of database failure, all SAP systems running on the single database are affected.
n Automated support in an MCOD landscape for the following administrative tasks depends on
your operating system and database:
l Copying a single component from an MCOD landscape to another database at database level.
l De-installing a single component from an MCOD landscape requires some additional steps.
You can use a remote connection to SAP support to request help with these tasks. For more
information, see

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6 Additional Information
6.4 Checking and Modifying the AIX Kernel

n When you use stopsap in an MCOD system with two primary application server instances, only
one primary application server instance is stopped. Therefore, you must first stop the other SAP
system with stopsap R3 to make sure that the database is also stopped.
n You cannot install a Unicode SAP system with a non-Unicode SAP system in one database.
n For the second SAP system, you must use the same DBSID as for the first SAP system.
n If you install a system into an existing database (MCOD), the SYSTEM tablespace must contain
at least 400 MB of free space. If there is not enough space left, increase the size of this tablespace
n If you decide to turn off archive log mode during the database load phase of the installation, you
need to plan downtime for all MCOD systems sharing the database.

6.4 Checking and Modifying the AIX Kernel

To run an SAP system on AIX with an Oracle database, you must check and ‒ if necessary ‒ modify
the UNIX operating system kernel.

We recommend that all UNIX kernel modifications be performed by your UNIX system

1. Asynchronous I/O: If the database is installed using file systems, the settings for asynchronous I/O
(aio) should be as follows:
maxservers = minservers = 1.2 * number of data files used for the database.
Set these values as follows:
a) Enter:
smitty aio or
smit aio
b) Select Change / Show Characteristics of Asynchronous I/O.
c) Enter the appropriate numbers for MINIMUM and MAXIMUM number of servers.

If maxserver is greater than minserver, the surplus asynchronous I/O processes are charged
against the database system rather than root, and have a lower scheduling priority. Experience
shows that all processes become active very quickly and, once active, the asynchronous I/O
servers are never stopped. Therefore it is simpler and more efficient to set them to the same
value at startup.

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6 Additional Information
6.5 Setting up Swap Space for AIX

2. The setting for Maximum number of processes allowed per user may need to be increased on the database
server. If you have increased the number of maxservers, then you should check this setting to
make sure that the Maximum number of processes allowed per user is at least greater than the maximum
number of aioservers. This is not an issue if the values set as recommended above. Actually,
it must be greater than the sum of the maximum number of aioservers plus all of the other
processes of the ora<dbsid> user.
a) As a rule of thumb, set maxprocs to the following:
n Small system: 512
n Medium system: 2048
n Large system: 4096
If you are not sure which value is applicable, choose the higher value.

Setting maxprocs to a higher value than the number of processes that are actually used
does not cause any extra overhead.

b) Set the Maximum number of Processes allowed per user to be greater than maxservers plus the result
from step a.:
A) Enter:
smitty or
B) Select System Environments.
C) Select Change / Show Characteristics of Operating System.
D) Enter the appropriate number for Maximum number of processes allowed per user, and choose Enter.
3. Adjust the minperm and maxperm settings according to SAP Note 973227.

6.5 Setting up Swap Space for AIX

1. Check the allocated swap space:

a) To start the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT), enter the following command:
b) Perform one of the following steps:
n Choose Physical & Logical Storage Logical Volume Manager Paging Space List All Paging Spaces
n Enter this command:
lsps —a
2. Check if there is sufficient swap space: 3 to 4 * RAM is recommended, at least 20 GB.
3. If required, add another paging space using smitty:
a) Choose Physical & Logical Storage Logical Volume Manager Paging Space Add Another Paging Space
A list of volume group names is displayed.

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6.6 Creating AIX Groups and Users

b) Select a volume group.

c) Enter the size of paging space in logical partitions.
d) Set Start using this paging space NOW ? to YES.
e) Set Use this paging space each time the system is RESTARTED to YES.
f) To exit smitty, choose F10 .
g) To check the results, follow the procedure described above in step 1.

6.6 Creating AIX Groups and Users

Creating AIX Groups and Users

To create AIX groups and users, use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) :
1. Create groups as follows:
a) Enter the command smitty.
b) Choose Security and Users Groups Add a group .
c) Enter a group name ‒ for example, sapsys ‒ and set administration group to true.
d) Press F3 until the Security & Users menu appears.
2. To create users, proceed as follows:
a) Enter a user name, for example <sapsid>adm.
b) Enter all required values.
3. Set the initial password using the following command:
passwd <user>

passwd <sapsid>adm

Checking Created Users

As user root check all existing users as follows:
1. Enter the command smitty.
2. Choose Security & Users Users Change/Show Characteristics of a User .
3. To get a list of users, choose F4 .
4. For user root and each created user <user> perform the following steps:
a) Select <user>.
b) Change field Soft CPU time to -1 (this is the default value).
c) Change field Soft CORE file size to 2097151 (this is the default value).
d) Change field Soft FILE size to 4194302.

If you are using large file enabled file systems, set the field Soft FILE size to -1 (unlimited).

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6.7 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices for AIX

e) Change field Soft DATA segment to -1.

f) Change field Soft STACK size to -1.
You must make sure that the system-wide default HARD values are not explicitly defined to be
lower than the values given above. Check the file /etc/security/limits under the default:
stanza. If they are not explicitly set, then the values are as shown in the table at the top of the file.

Checking the Operating System

1. Enter the command smitty.
2. Choose System Environments Change/Show Characteristics of Operating System .
3. Change Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user to 500.
4. To exit SMIT, choose F10 .

More Information
For more information about the users and groups that are created either by SAPinst or manually, see
Creating Operating System Users [page 60].

6.7 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices for AIX

Setting up File Systems

If you want to create file systems larger than 2 GB, see SAP Note 129439.
Note that large files can lead to performance degradation due to access synchronization over the
nodes. For performance reasons, smaller files are recommended for very active data.

1. Create one logical volume for each file system listed in the appropriate SAP profile:
a) Using SMIT, choose Physical & Logical Storage Logical Volume Manager Logical Volumes Add a
Logical Volume .
b) Enter a volume group name, for example, sapr3vg.
c) Enter a logical volume name, for example, lvsap01.
d) Enter the number of logical partitions.
e) Press F3 until the Physical & Logical Storage menu appears.
2. Create the file systems.
a) Using SMIT, choose Physical & Logical Storage File Systems Add/Change/Show/Delete File Systems
Journaled File Systems Add a Journaled File System on a previously defined Logical Volume Add a Standard
Journaled File System .
If you want to use large enabled file systems for files larger than 2 GB, you have to choose Add a
Large File Enabled Journaled File System instead of Add a Standard Journaled File System.

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6.8 Mounting a CD / DVD for AIX

If you want to use JFS2 file systems, you have to choose Enhanced Journaled File System instead
of Journaled File System.
b) To get a list of logical volumes, choose F4 .
c) Select one logical volume.

Select the logical volume with the desired size.
d) Enter mount point as given in the file system list files.


e) Set mount automatically to yes.

f) To exit smitty, choose F10 .

Setting up Raw Devices

1. Create volume group.
2. Create logical volume:
a) Enter the command smitty.
b) Choose Physical & Logical Storage Logical Volume Manager Logical Volumes Add a Logical Volume .
c) Enter volume group name.
d) Enter logical volume name (for example: lvsap02).
e) Enter the number of logical partitions.
f) Set the logical volume TYPE to r3data and press ENTER.
g) To exit SMIT, choose F10 .

The logical volume can be accessed through /dev/r<name of raw log.vol>.

A logical volume called lvsap02 points to the device name /dev/rlvsap02.
3. Accessing raw devices:
It is not necessary to create a link to access the volume.

6.8 Mounting a CD / DVD for AIX

You can use this procedure to mount a CD or DVD.

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6.9 Exporting and Mounting Directories via NFS for AIX

<medium-mountdir> refers to either <cd-mountdir> or <dvd-mountdir>.

1. Log on as user root.
2. Add a CD / DVD file system.
a) Enter the command smitty.
b) Choose Physical & Logical Storage File Systems Add / Change / Show / Delete File Systems CDROM
File Systems Add a CDROM File System .
c) To get a list of device names, choose F4 .
Select a device name.
d) Enter the mount point <medium-mountdir>.

<medium-mountdir> is /sapcd

e) Choose ENTER .
f) To exit smitty, choose F10 .
3. Mount the CD / DVD as follows:

Alternatively, you can mount the CD / DVD manually with the following command:
mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /sapcd.

a) Enter the command smitty.

b) Choose Physical & Logical Storage File Systems Mount a File System .
c) Place the cursor on File System Name and choose F4 .
d) Select the CD / DVD device /dev/cd0.
e) Place the cursor on field Directory over which to mount and choose F4 .
f) Select /sapcd.
g) Place the cursor on field Type of File System and choose F4 .
h) Select cdrfs.
i) Change Mount as Read Only system to YES
j) Choose ENTER .
k) To exit smitty, choose F10 .

6.9 Exporting and Mounting Directories via NFS for AIX

There are two ways of mounting directories via NFS:

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6.9 Exporting and Mounting Directories via NFS for AIX

n Manually
n Using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT)

To mount directories via NFS from the host where the directory to be mounted resides:
1. Log on as user root.
2. To start NFS services at the host where the directory to be mounted resides, use SMIT as follows:
a) Enter the command smitty.
b) Choose Communications Applications and Services NFS Network File System (NFS) Configure NFS
on this System Start NFS .
c) In the line Start NFS now, on system restart or both, enter: both.
d) Choose ENTER .
3. Export the directory (for example <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe) with read or read-write access for
the host where the additional instance runs:
a) Enter the command smitty.
b) Choose Communications Applications and Services NFS Network File System (NFS) Add a Directory
to Exports List .
c) Enter the path of the directory that you want to export (for example, <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe).
d) Choose export mode (use read-write or read-only as required by SAP). In the line HOSTS allowed
root access, enter the name of the host where the additional instance runs. For security reasons,
make sure that this root access is disabled after the installation.
e) In the line Export directory now, system restart or both, enter: both
f) Choose ENTER .
4. Create the mount point at the host where the additional instance runs:
/usr/bin/mkdir <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe
5. Mount the directory on the host where the additional instance runs.
a) Enter the command smitty.
b) Choose Communications Applications and Services NFS Network File System (NFS) Add a File
System for Mounting .
c) Enter the path name of the mount point.
d) Enter the path name of the remote directory (the directory of the primary application server
e) Enter the host where the remote directory resides.
f) Set Mount now, add entry to /etc/filesystems or both to both.
g) Set /etc/filesystems entry will mount the directory on system RESTART to yes.
h) Change Mount file system soft or hard to soft and press ENTER.
6. If you exported the directory with read-write access, check if the host where the additional instance
is to run has write access to directory <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe by using the following commands:
cd <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe
touch test (create a file called test)

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6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

ls -l test (check if file test is created)

rm test (remove the file test)

6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

The following sections provide additional information about SAPinst:
n Using SAPinst GUI [page 136]
n Interrupted Installation with SAPinst [page 137]
n Performing a Remote Installation with SAPinst [page 139]
n Starting SAPinst GUI Separately [page 140].
n Entries in the Services File Created by SAPinst [page 143]
n Troubleshooting with SAPinst [page 143]

6.10.1 Using SAPinst GUI

The following table shows the most important functions that are available in SAPinst GUI:

SAPinst GUI Functions

Input Type Label Description

Function key F1 Displays detailed information about each input
Menu option File Exit Stops the SAPinst GUI, but SAPinst and the GUI
server continue running

If you need to log off during the installation from
the host where you control the installation with
SAPinst GUI, the installation continues while you
are logged off. You can later reconnect to the same
SAPinst installation from the same or another host.
For more information, see Starting SAPinst GUI
Separately [page 140].
Menu option SAPinst Log Browser Displays the Log Viewer dialog
This dialog enables you to access the following log
files directly:
n Installation log (sapinst_dev.log)
n Log files from the SAPinst GUI server
These log files might help you during
troubleshooting with SAPinst (see Troubleshooting with
SAPinst [page 143]).

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6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

Input Type Label Description

Menu option SAPinst Cancel Cancels the installation with the following options:
n Stop
Stops the installation (SAPinst GUI, SAPinst, and
the GUI server) without further changing the
installation files
You can restart and continue the installation
later from this point.
n Continue
Continues the installation
Message button Retry Performs the installation step again (if an error has
Message button Stop Stops the installation without further changing the
installation files
You can continue the installation later from this
Message button Continue Continues with the option you chose previously

6.10.2 Interrupted Installation with SAPinst

The SAP system installation might be interrupted for one of the following reasons:
n An error occurred during the Define Parameters or Execute phase:
SAPinst does not abort the installation in error situations. If an error occurs, the installation pauses
and a dialog box appears. The dialog box contains a short description of the choices listed in the
table below as well as a path to a log file that contains detailed information about the error.
n You interrupted the installation by choosing Cancel in the SAPinst menu.
The following table describes the options in the dialog box:
Option Definition
Retry SAPinst retries the installation from the point of failure without repeating
any of the previous steps.
This is possible because SAPinst records the installation progress in the
keydb.xml file.
We recommend that you view the entries in the log files, try to solve the
problem, and then choose Retry.
If the same or a different error occurs, SAPinst displays the same dialog
box again.
Stop SAPinst stops the installation, closing the dialog box, the SAPinst GUI, and
the GUI server.
SAPinst records the installation progress in the keydb.xml file. Therefore,
you can continue the installation from the point of failure without
repeating any of the previous steps. See the procedure below.

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6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

Option Definition
Continue SAPinst continues the installation from the current point.
View Log Access installation log files.

You can also terminate SAPinst by choosing Ctrl + C . However, we do not recommend that you
use Ctrl + C , because this kills the process immediately.

This procedure describes the steps to restart an installation, which you stopped by choosing Stop, or
to continue an interrupted installation after an error situation.
1. Log on to your local UNIX host as user root.

Make sure that the root user has not set any environment variables for a different SAP system or
2. Mount your Installation Master DVD.

Mount the DVD locally. We do not recommend using Network File System (NFS).

3. Enter the following commands:

cd <mountpoint_of_Installation Master_DVD>/DATA_UNITS/IM_<OS>_<DB>

For example, if the mount point of the Installation Master DVD is sapcd2, the operating system is
LINUX_X86_64 and the database is Oracle, the commands are as follows:
cd /sapcd2/DATA_UNITS/IM_LINUX_X86_64_ORA

4. From the tree structure in the Welcome screen, select the installation option that you want to
continue and choose Next.

If there is only 1 component to install, the Welcome screen does not appear.

The What Do You Want to Do? screen appears.

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6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

5. In the What Do You Want to Do? screen, decide between the following alternatives and confirm
with OK:
Alternative Behavior
Run a New Option SAPinst does not continue the interrupted installation option.
Instead, it moves the content of the old installation directory and all
installation-specific files to a backup directory. Afterwards, you can no
longer continue the old installation option.
For the backup directory, the following naming convention is used:


Continue with the Old Option SAPinst continues the interrupted installation from the point of failure.

6.10.3 Performing a Remote Installation with SAPinst

You use this procedure to install your SAP system on a remote host. In this case, SAPinst and the
GUI server run on the remote host, and SAPinst GUI runs on the local host. The local host is the
host from which you control the installation with SAPinst GUI.
Alternatively you can use an X server for Microsoft Windows or other remote desktop tools such
as VNC Viewer or NX Server / NX Client ‒ offered by various vendors or open source ‒ for remote
access to SAPinst GUI on Windows workstations. We recommend you to use the Hummingbird
Exceed X Server, which we use to validate installations with SAPinst. For more information, see
SAP Note 1170809.

The behavior of SAPinst has changed compared to previous versions. SAP no longer delivers any JCE
policy archives within the SAP JVM. You have to download the required JCE policy zip file from SAP
on the remote host. For more information, see SAP Note 1238121.

n The remote host meets the prerequisites for starting SAPinst [page 87].
n Both computers are in the same network and can ping each other.
To test this:
1. Log on to your remote host and enter the command ping <local host>.
2. Log on to the local host and enter the command ping <remote host>.

1. Log on to your remote host as user root.

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6 Additional Information
6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

Make sure that the root user has not set any environment variables for a different SAP system or
2. Mount the Installation Master DVD.
3. Set the environment variable JCE_POLICY_ZIP to the location of the downloaded policy zip archive
as follows:
Shell Used Command
Bourne shell (sh) JCE_POLICY_ZIP=<policy zip archive>

C shell (csh) setenv JCE_POLICY_ZIP <policy zip archive>

Korn shell (ksh) export JCE_POLICY_ZIP=<policy zip archive>

4. Enter the following commands:

cd <mountpoint_of_Installation_Master_DVD>/<product>_IM_<OS>_<DB>
./sapinst -nogui
For more information, see Running SAPinst [page 87].
SAPinst now starts and waits for the connection to the SAPinst GUI. You see the following at
the command prompt:
guiengine: no GUI connected; waiting for a connection on host <host_name>, port
<port_number> to continue with the installation.
5. Start SAPinst GUI on your local host as described in Starting SAPinst GUI Separately [page 140].

6.10.4 Starting SAPinst GUI Separately

You use this procedure to start SAPinst GUI separately. You might need to start SAPinst GUI
separately in the following cases:
n You have logged off from SAPinst.
If you logged off during the installation and you later want to reconnect to the installation while it
is still running, you can start SAPinst GUI separately.
n You want to perform a remote installation (see Performing a Remote Installation [page 139]).
If SAPinst GUI runs on a different host from SAPinst and the GUI server, you have to start SAPinst
GUI separately.

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6 Additional Information
6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

The behavior of SAPinst has changed compared to previous versions. SAP no longer delivers any JCE
policy archives within the SAP JVM. You have to download the required JCE policy zip file from SAP
on the local host. For more information, see SAP Note 1238121.

Starting SAPinst GUI on Windows

1. Log on as a member of the local administrators group.
2. Download the JCE policy zip file from SAP as described in SAP Note 1240081.
3. Set the environment variable JCE_POLICY_ZIP to the location of the downloaded policy zip archive
by entering the following command:
set JCE_POLICY_ZIP=<policy zip archive>
4. Insert the SAP Installation Master DVD into your DVD drive.
5. Change to the directory of the sapinst executables:
<DVD drive>:\DATA_UNITS\<product>_IM_WINDOWS_<platform>_<DB>

If you want to start SAPinst GUI on a Windows 32-bit operating system, change to the following

6. Start SAPinst GUI by double-clicking sapinstgui.exe

SAPinst GUI starts and tries to connect to the GUI server and SAPinst, using the local host
as default.
If SAPinst and the GUI server are running on another host, SAPinst GUI cannot connect and the
SAP Installation GUI Connection dialog appears.
In this case, enter the name of the host on which SAPinst is running and choose Log on.
The first dialog of the installation appears and you can perform the remote installation from
your local host.

Optionally you can start sapinstgui.exe with the following parameters:
n host=<host name>, where <host name> is the host name of the installation host
n port=<nr>, where <nr> is the port number for the connection to the GUI server
n -accessible enables accessibility mode
./sapinstgui.exe host=lsi1209 port=3000 -accessible

Starting SAPinst GUI on UNIX

1. Log on as user root.

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6 Additional Information
6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

Make sure that the user root has not set any environment variables for a different SAP system or
2. Download the JCE policy zip file from SAP as described in SAP Note 1240081.
3. Set the environment variable JCE_POLICY_ZIP to the location of the downloaded policy zip archive
as follows:
Shell Used Command
Bourne shell (sh) JCE_POLICY_ZIP=<policy zip archive>

C shell (csh) setenv JCE_POLICY_ZIP <policy zip archive>

Korn shell (ksh) export JCE_POLICY_ZIP=<policy zip archive>

4. Mount the Installation Master DVD.

Mount the DVD locally. We do not recommend that you use Network File System (NFS).

5. Change to the directory of the sapinst executables:


If you want to start SAPinst GUI on a Linux 32‒bit operating system, change to the following

6. Start SAPinst GUI by entering the command:

SAPinst GUI starts and tries to connect to the GUI server and SAPinst, using the local host
as default.
If SAPinst and the GUI server are running on another host, SAPinst GUI cannot connect and the
SAP Installation GUI Connection dialog appears.
In this case, enter the name of the host on which SAPinst is running and choose Log on.
The first dialog of the installation appears and you can perform the remote installation from
your local host.

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6.10 Additional Information About SAPinst

Optionally you can start sapinstgui with the following parameters:
n host=<host name>, where <host name> is the host name of the installation host
n port=<nr>, where <nr> is the port number for the connection to the GUI server
n - accessible enables accessibility mode
./sapinstgui host=lsi1209 port=3000 -accessible

6.10.5 Entries in the Services File Created by SAPinst

After the installation has finished successfully, SAPinst has created the following entries in
sapdpXX = 32XX/tcp
sapdpXXs = 47XX/tcp
sapgwXX = 33XX/tcp
sapgwXXs = 48XX/tcp
sapms<SAPSID> = 36NN/tcp (unless you specified another value during the installation)


n XX is the instance number. There is a port created for each instance number, regardless of which
instance number you specified during the installation.
NN is the number of the instance in which the message server runs. In a central or distributed
system, this is the primary application server instance (DVEBMGS<nn>), in a high-availability
system, this is the ABAP central services instance (ASCS<nn>).
For more information about instance numbers, see the table SAP System Instances, Hosts, and Ports in
Basic SAP System Parameters [page 45].
n If there is more than one entry for the same port number, this is not an error.

6.10.6 Troubleshooting with SAPinst

This section tells you how to proceed when errors occur during the installation with SAPinst.
If an error occurs, SAPinst:
n Stops the installation
n Displays a dialog informing you about the error

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6 Additional Information
6.11 Heterogeneous SAP System Installation

1. To view the log file, choose View Logs.
2. If an error occurs during the dialog or processing phase, do one of the following:
n Try to solve the problem.
n Abort the installation with Exit.
For more information, see Interrupted Installation with SAPinst [page 137].
n Continue the installation by choosing Retry.
3. Check the log and trace files of the GUI server and SAPinst GUI in the directory
<user_home>/.sdtgui/ for errors.
n If GUI server or SAPinst GUI do not start, check the file sdtstart.err in the current
<user_home> directory.
n If SAPinst GUI aborts during the installation without an error message, restart SAPinst GUI as
described in Starting SAPinst GUI Separately [page 140].
n If you use an X Server for Microsoft Windows or other remote desktop tools for the Remote
Access of SAPinst GUI on Windows Workstations and you experience display problems such
as missing repaints or refreshes, contact your X Server vendor. The vendor can give you
information about whether this X Server supports Java Swing-based GUIs and also tell you
about further requirements and restrictions. See also SAP Note 1170809.

6.11 Heterogeneous SAP System Installation

This section provides information on the installation of an SAP system in a heterogeneous system
landscape. “Heterogeneous system landscape” means that application servers run on different
operating systems.

See SAP Note 1067221 for information on
n supported combinations of operating systems and database systems,
n how to install an application server on Windows in a heterogeneous (UNIX) SAP system
n heterogeneous SAP system landscapes with different UNIX operating systems.

6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

You can start and stop SAP system instances and the Diagnostics Agent by using the SAP Management Console (SAP
MC) [page 145].
Apart from using the SAP Management Console (SAP MC) you can also use scripts to:
n Start or stop SAP system instances [page 149]

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6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

n Start or stop the Diagnostics Agent [page 153].

6.12.1 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances Using

the SAP Management Console

You can start and stop all SAP system and Diagnostics Agent instances using the SAP Management
Console (MC) except the database instance. You have to start and stop the database instance as
described in Starting and Stopping the SAP System Using startsap and stopsap [page 149].

If your newly installed SAP system is part of a heterogeneous SAP system landscape comprising
systems or instances on Windows platforms, you can also start and stop it from a Windows system
or instance using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
For more information about handling the MMC, see the SAP Library [page 12]:
Function-Oriented View Application Server ABAP Administration Tools for AS ABAP Monitoring in the
CCMS SAP Microsoft Management Console: Windows

n Make sure that the host on which you start SAP MC meets the following requirements:
l Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 is installed.
l The browser supports Java.
l The browser’s Java plug-in is installed and activated.
n You have logged on to the host as user <sapsid>adm.

Starting the Web-Based SAP Management Console

1. Start a Web browser and enter the following URL:

If the instance number is 53and the host name is saphost06, you enter the following URL:

This starts the SAP MC Java applet.

If your browser displays a security warning message, choose the option that indicates that you
trust the applet.

2. Choose Start.

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6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

The SAP Management Console appears.

When you start the SAP MC for the first time for a newly installed SAP system, you have to
register your system as described in Registering Systems and Instances below. After you have done
this, the instances installed on the host you have connected to are already present in the SAP
Management Console when you next start the SAP MC.

By default, the instances installed on the host you have connected to are already present in the
SAP Management Console.
If you want to change the configuration to display systems and instances on other hosts, see
Registering Systems and Instances below.

Starting and Stopping Systems and Instances

Starting an SAP System or Instance

1. In the navigation pane, open the tree structure and navigate to the system node that you want to
2. Select the system or instance and then, from the context menu, choose Start.
3. In the Start SAP System(s) dialog box, choose the required options.
4. Choose OK. The SAP MC starts the specified system or system instances.

The system might prompt you for the SAP system administrator credentials. To complete the
operation, you must have administration permissions. Log in as user <sapsid>adm.

Starting Instances Separately

If you need to start the instances of an SAP system separately, for example when you want to start a
distributed or a high-availability system, proceed in the following sequence:
1. Start the database instance.
2. Start the central services instance SCS<Instance_Number>.
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

If your system is a high-availability system, you first start the ABAP central services
instance ASCS<Instance_Number> and then you start the Java central services instance
End of: HA (UNIX)

3. Start the primary application server instance DVEBMGS<Instance_Number>.

4. Start additional application server instance(s) D<Instance_Number> if there are any.

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6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

Stopping an SAP System or Instance

1. Select the system or instance you want to stop and choose Stop from the context menu.
2. In the Stop SAP System(s) dialog box, choose the required options.
3. Choose OK. The SAP MC stops the specified system or system instances.

The system might prompt you for the SAP system administrator credentials. To complete the
operation, you must have administration permissions. Log in as user <sapsid>adm.

Similarly, you can start, stop or restart all SAP systems and individual instances registered in the

Stopping Instances Separately

If you need to stop the instances of an SAP system separately, for example when you want to start a
distributed or a high-availability system, proceed in the following sequence:
1. Stop additional application server instance(s) D<Instance_Number> if there are any.
2. Stop the primary application server instance DVEBMGS<Instance_Number>.
3. Stop the central services instance SCS<Instance_Number>.
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

If your system is a high-availability system, you first stop the Java central services
instance SCS<Instance_Number> and then you stop the ABAP central services instance
End of: HA (UNIX)

4. Stop the database instance.

Registering Systems and Instances in the SAP Management Console

You can extend the list of systems and instances displayed in the SAP MC, so that you can monitor and
administer all systems and instances from a single console. You can configure the SAP MC startup
view to display the set of systems and instances you want to manage.

The SAP MC is started.

Registering SAP Systems

1. In the SAP MC, choose File New .

2. In the New System dialog box, enter the required data.

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6 Additional Information
6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

If you have already registered systems in the SAP MC, they are stored in the history. To open the
System’s History dialog box, choose the browsing button next to the Instance Nr. field. Select an
instance of the system that you want to add and choose OK.

3. Choose Finish.

Registering Individual Instances

1. In the SAP MC, choose File New .

2. In the New System dialog box, enter the required data and deselect Always show all SAP Instances.
3. The SAP MC displays the SAP system node, the instance node and the relevant database node in
a tree view in the navigation pane.

To view all instances of the respective SAP system, select the relevant system node and choose
Add Application Server from the context menu.

Configuring the SAP MC View

n You can choose the instances that the SAP MC displays automatically on startup:
1. In the Settings dialog box, select History.
2. In the right-hand side pane, choose the instance you want the SAP MC to display on startup.
3. Choose the << button.
4. Choose Apply and then choose OK.
Similarly, you can remove instances from the startup configuration.
n You can save the current configuration in a file:
1. Choose File Save Landscape .
2. In the Save dialog box, enter the required data.
3. Choose Save.
n You can load a configuration from a file:
1. Choose File Load Landscape .
2. In the Open dialog box, select the configuration you want to load.
3. Choose Open.

More Information
For more information about how to handle the SAP MC, see the SAP Library [page 12] at:
Administrator’s Guide Technical Operations for SAP NetWeaver Administration of SAP NetWeaver Systems
Application Server Java (AS Java) Administration Administration Tools SAP Management Console

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6 Additional Information
6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

6.12.2 Starting and Stopping the SAP System Using Scripts

You can start and stop SAP system instances by running the startsap and stopsap scripts.

n You have checked the default profile /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/profile/DEFAULT.PFL for parameter
login/system client and set the value to the correct productive system client. For example, the
entry must be login/system_client = 001 if your productive client is 001.
n You have logged on to the SAP system hosts as user <sapsid>adm.
n For more information about how to start or stop database-specific tools, see the database-specific
information in this documentation and the documentation from the database manufacturer.
n If you want to use startsap or stopsap (for example, in a script) and require the fully qualified
name of these SAP scripts, create a link to startsap or stopsap in the home directory of the
corresponding user.

If there are multiple SAP instances on one host ‒ for example, a primary application server
instance and an additional application server instance ‒ you must add an extra parameter to
the scripts:
startsap <instanceID>
stopsap <instanceID>
For example, enter:
startsap DVEBMGS00

The instance name (<InstanceName>) of the primary application server instance
is DVEBMGS<Instance_Number>, the instance name of the central services instance is
SCS<Instance_Number>, and the instance name of an additional application server instance is

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

The instance name of the ABAP central services instance is ASCS<Instance_Number>.

End of: HA (UNIX)

Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

n In a high-availability system, you must use the failover cluster software of your hardware vendor
to start or stop all instances that are running on the switchover cluster.
You can only use startsap and stopsap scripts for instances that are not running on the
switchover cluster.
End of: HA (UNIX)

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6 Additional Information
6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances


Starting SAP System Instances

n To start all instances on the standard system host, enter the following command:
This checks if the database is already running. If not, it starts the database first.

You can start the database instance and SAP system instances separately by entering the following
startsap DB
startsap R3 <InstanceName of central services instance>
startsap R3 <InstanceName of primary application server instance>
startsap R3 <InstanceName of additional application server instance>
Make sure that you always start the database first because otherwise the other instances cannot

You can also use the parameter J2EE, which is a synonym for the parameter R3.
For ABAP+Java systems, you can enter either the command startsap R3 or startsap J2EE to
start the SAP instance comprising both ABAP and Java.

n In a distributed system, proceed as follows:

1. On the host running the database instance, enter:
2. On the host running the central services instance, enter:
3. On the host running the primary application server instance, enter:
4. For additional application server instance(s), enter the following on the relevant host:
startsap R3 <InstanceName of additional application server instance>

Make sure that all remaining SAP system instances are up and running before you start or restart
additional application server instances.

n In a high-availability system, proceed as follows:

In the following example, only the central services instance is running on the switchover cluster.

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6 Additional Information
6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

1. On the database host, enter:

2. On the switchover cluster infrastructure, use the failover cluster software to start the central
services instance.
3. On the host of the primary application server instance, enter:
4. For additional application server instance(s), enter the following on the relevant host:
startsap R3 <InstanceName of additional application server instance>

Make sure that all remaining SAP system instances are up and running before you start or restart
additional application server instances.

n For an additional application server instance, enter the following on the relevant host:
startsap R3 <InstanceName of additional application server instance>

Make sure that all remaining SAP system instances are up and running before you start or restart
additional application server instances.

Stopping SAP System Instances

When you use stopsap in a Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD) system with two
primary application server instances, only one primary application server instance and the database
are shut down. Therefore, you must first stop the other SAP system with stopsap R3 or make
sure that it has already been stopped.
For more information about MCOD, see Installation of Multiple Components in one Database [page 127].

n If you have a standard system, enter the following to stop all instances on the standard system
This stops the primary application server instance, central services instance, and database.

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6 Additional Information
6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

You can stop the database and SAP system instances separately by entering the following
stopsap R3 <InstanceName of additional application server instance>
stopsap R3 <InstanceName of primary application server instance>
stopsap R3 <InstanceName of central services instance>
stopsap DB
Make sure that you always stop the primary application server instance first and the central
services instance second because otherwise the database cannot be stopped.

You can also use the parameter J2EE, which is a synonym for the parameter R3.
For ABAP+Java systems, you can enter either the command stopsap R3 or stopsap J2EE to stop
the SAP instance comprising both ABAP and Java.

n In a distributed system, proceed as follows:

1. On the host(s) running the additional application server instance(s), enter the following
stopsap <InstanceName of additional application server instance>
2. On the host running the primary application server instance, enter:
3. On the host running the central services instance, enter:
4. On the host running the database instance, enter:
n In a high‒availability system, proceed as follows:

In the following example, only the central services instance is running on the switchover cluster.

1. On the host(s) running the additional application server instance(s), enter the following
stopsap <InstanceName of additional application server instance>
2. On the host running the primary application server instance, enter:
3. On the switchover cluster infrastructure, use the failover cluster software to start the central
services instance.
4. On the host running the database instance, enter:
n For an additional application server instance, enter the following on the relevant host:

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6 Additional Information
6.12 Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances

stopsap R3 <InstanceName of additional application server instance>

Make sure that all remaining SAP system instances are up and running before you start or restart
additional application server instances.

Make sure that no SAP system instance is running before you enter stopdb on a standalone database
server. No automatic check is made.

6.12.3 Starting and Stopping the Diagnostics Agent Using


You can start and stop the Diagnostics Agent by running the startsap and stopsap scripts.

You can only start or stop the Diagnostics Agent separately. It is not started or stopped automatically
with the SAP system.

You can also use the SAP Management Console (SAP MC) to start or stop the Diagnostics Agent (see
Starting and Stopping SAP System Instances Using the SAP Management Console [page 145]).

You have logged on to the central instance or dialog host as user <dasid>adm.


Starting a Diagnostics Agent

To start a Diagnostics Agent, enter this command:
startsap <DASID> <Instance_Number>

startsap DAA 98

If there is only one Diagnostics Agent instance on the host, you do not have to specify the <DASID>.

Stopping a Diagnostics Agent

To stop a Diagnostics Agent, enter this command:

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6 Additional Information
6.13 Accessing the SAP Java Documentation

stopsap <DASID> <Instance_Number>

stopsap DAA 98

If there is only one Diagnostics Agent instance on the host, you do not have to specify the <DASID>.

6.13 Accessing the SAP Java Documentation

Here you can find information in the SAP Library about the configuration of Application Server
Java (AS Java) and about SAP Java technology.

1. Choose the following in the SAP library [page 12]:
Function-Oriented View
2. Check the following documentation for information relevant to running your Java system:
Manual Contents
Application Server Java AS This documentation provides an overview of the architecture of the
Java (Application Server Java) Application Server Java (AS Java). It contains information on:
Technical System Landscape n Java cluster architecture
Architecture of AS Java n Application Server Java (AS Java) system architecture
n Zero Administration (technical configuration within AS Java)
Application Server Java AS This documentation describes how to administer the SAP system,
Java (Application Server Java) focusing on AS Java. It contains information on:
Administration Administration n Administration Tools
Tools l SAP Management Console
The SAP Management Console (SAP MC) provides a common
framework for centralized system management. It lets you
monitor and perform basic administration tasks on the SAP
system centrally, thus simplifying system administration.
l SAP NetWeaver Administrator
SAP NetWeaver Administrator is a Web-based tool for
administration and monitoring that offers a single entry point to
configure, administer, and monitor your SAP NetWeaver system,
its components, and the applications running on it.
l Config Tool
The Config Tool provides offline configuration of the SAP
NetWeaver Application Server Java (AS Java) instances. It lets you
modify the properties of all services, managers, and applications.
In addition, it enables you to manage log configurations offline,
add filters, and edit the JVM parameters.
l Administration Using Telnet

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6 Additional Information
6.14 Deleting an SAP System

Manual Contents
n SAP Java Virtual Machine (SAP JVM)
n The Startup Framework for AS Java
n Administration Functions for Information Lifecycle Management
Application Server Java AS Java Identity Management of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) Java
(Application Server Java) Identity enables you to manage users and roles for access to applications of the AS
Management of the Application Server Java and the data, which the applications require. The user management
Java engine (UME) provides identity management as a service of the AS Java.
This documentation contains information on:
n User Management Engine
n Authorization Concept of the AS Java
n Configuring Identity Management
n Administration of Users and Roles
Process Integration This documentation contains information on the key capabilities of SAP
NetWeaver Process Integration.
SAP High Availability This documentation contains information on:
n Cluster and Load Balancing (AS-Java)
n Single points of failure for SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Security System Security This documentation contains information on additional system security
functions for AS Java.

6.14 Deleting an SAP System

This section describes how to delete a single instance, a standalone engine or a complete SAP system
with the Uninstall option of SAPinst.

We strongly recommend that you delete an SAP system with SAPinst. However, you can also delete
an SAP system manually. For more information, see SAP Note1259982.


n You cannot delete an SAP system remotely.

n If you delete network-wide users, groups or service entries in an environment with Network
Information System (NIS), other SAP installations might also be affected. Make sure that the
users, groups, and service entries to be deleted are no longer required.

n You have installed your SAP system with standard SAP tools according to the installation
n You are logged on as user root.

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6 Additional Information
6.14 Deleting an SAP System

n If the saposcol process on the host where you are working has been started from the SAP system
that you want to delete, stop the process using the command saposcol -k.
If there are other SAP systems on the host, log on as user <sapsid>adm of the other SAP system and
start saposcol from there using the command saposcol -l.

1. Start SAPinst as described in Running SAPinst [page 87].
2. On the Welcome screen, choose:
NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 Software Life-Cycle Options Uninstall Uninstall ‒ SAP systems or
single instances .

With this SAPinst option you do not delete the database software.

3. Follow the instructions in the SAPinst screens.

For more information about the input parameters, place the cursor on the relevant field and
press F1 in SAPinst.

SAPinst first asks you which SAP instances you want to delete. Make sure that you delete the SAP
instances in the order as described hereinafter.

SAPinst only stops local instances automatically. Before you delete the database instance of a
distributed system make sure that you stop all remaining instances. You must stop the instance
with the message server only after having entered all SAPinst parameters for the deletion of
the database instance.
n If you want to delete a standard system (all instances reside on the same host), you can do this
in one SAPinst run.
Use the following options to delete the database instance or specific schemas.
a) Delete the SAP system.
Use the following options to delete the database instance or specific schemas.
Options Remarks
Remove Whole Database Select this option if you want to delete the database instance,
(Without Database Software) including all database schemas, all tablespaces and their
corresponding data files. The database software is not deleted.

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6 Additional Information
6.14 Deleting an SAP System

Options Remarks
Remove Selected Schemas Select this option only if you want to delete specific database
and Tablespaces Only schemas and tablespaces.
The database instance and the database software is not deleted.

Before deleting any database schema, make sure that:
l You have performed a recent offline database backup.
l You have stopped or deleted all SAP instances belonging to
this database schema.
l If you have installed a Java system, you have stopped the AS
Java with transaction SMICM.
l You only delete the tablespaces that belong to the selected
The Java schema SAP<SAPSID>DB default belongs to the database
tablespace PSAP<SAPSID<DB. All other SAP tablespaces belong to the
ABAP schema SAP <SAPSID> or SAPR3.
Keep Database Select this option if you only want to delete the previously selected
SAP instance(s). With this option, you do not delete the database
instance, database content or the database software.

b) Delete the Oracle database software with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) as described in
Deleting the Oracle Database Software [page 159].
n If you want to delete a distributed or high-availability system, you have to run SAPinst to
delete the required instances locally on each of the hosts belonging to the SAP system in the
following sequence:
a) Additional application server instance(s), if there are any
b) Database instance

SAPinst only stops local instances automatically. Before you delete the database instance
of a distributed system make sure that you stop all remaining instances. You must stop
the instance with the message server only after having entered all SAPinst parameters
for the deletion of the database instance.

With this SAPinst option you do not delete the database software.

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6 Additional Information
6.14 Deleting an SAP System

Options Remarks
Remove Whole Database Select this option if you want to delete the database instance,
(Without Database Software) including all database schemas, all tablespaces and their
corresponding data files. The database software is not deleted.
Remove Selected Schemas Select this option only if you want to delete specific database
and Tablespaces Only schemas and tablespaces.
The database instance and the database software is not deleted.

Before deleting any database schema, make sure that:
l You have performed a recent offline database backup.
l You have stopped or deleted all SAP instances belonging to
this database schema.
l If you have installed a Java system, you have stopped the AS
Java with transaction SMICM.
l You only delete the tablespaces that belong to the selected
The Java schema SAP<SAPSID>DB default belongs to the database
tablespace PSAP<SAPSID<DB. All other SAP tablespaces belong to the
ABAP schema SAP <SAPSID> or SAPR3.
Keep Database Select this option if you only want to delete the previously selected
SAP instance(s). With this option, you do not delete the database
instance, database content or the database software.

c) Primary application server instance

d) Central services instance
Only valid for: HA (UNIX)

e) ABAP central services instance

End of: HA (UNIX)

To delete system directories mounted from an NFS server, make sure that you run SAPinst
on the NFS server.
4. Delete the Oracle database software with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) as described in
Deleting the Oracle Database Software [page 159].
5. If required, you can delete the directory /usr/sap/trans and its content manually.
SAPinst does not delete /usr/sap/trans because it might be shared.
6. If you created the directories /usr/sap/<SAPSID> and /<sapmnt>/<SAPSID> as mount points, but
not as directories on the local file system, you have to remove them manually.

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6 Additional Information
6.15 Deleting the Oracle Database Software

6.15 Deleting the Oracle Database Software

You have to delete the Oracle database software to complete the deletion of the Oracle database
Here you find information how to delete the Oracle database software with the Oracle Universal
Installer (OUI).

This section only applies if you have deleted your SAP system using the Uninstall option of SAPinst.
We recommend that you delete a database instance with SAPinst and then remove the database
software manually. However, you can also delete the complete database instance manually. For more
information, see SAP Note1260050.

1. Start the OUI with the user ora<dbsid> by entering the following:
cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1/SAP
You see a message that a response file is being generated. It might take several minutes before you
see the OUI screen.
2. Select the product that you want to uninstall: <DBSID>_102_64.
3. Mark the Oracle 10G database within the selected product.
4. Choose Remove.
5. Confirm your selection with Yes.

The RUNINSTALLER removes the database software.

6.16 Deleting a Diagnostics Agent

This procedure tells you how to uninstall a Diagnostics Agent using SAPinst.

You must delete a Diagnostics Agent instance only using SAPinst, otherwise you might have
problems with further installations on this host.

You are logged on as user root.

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6 Additional Information
6.16 Deleting a Diagnostics Agent

Do not use the user <dasid>adm to delete the Diagnostics Agent.

1. Start SAPinst as described in Running SAPinst [page 87].
2. On the Welcome screen, choose:
<Your SAP product> Software Life-Cycle Options Uninstall Uninstall ‒ SAP Systems or Single Instances
3. On the screen General SAP System Parameters, enter the location of the profile directory of the
Diagnostics Agent that you want to uninstall:
4. Follow the instructions in the SAPinst input dialogs.

For more information about the input parameters, place the cursor on the relevant field and
press F1 in SAPinst.

160/168 PUBLIC 12/18/2008

A Appendix

A Appendix

A.1 Online Information from SAP

More information is available online as follows.


Description Internet Address Title

Master Guide for SAP Master Guide - SAP NetWeaver
NetWeaver Process Installation Process Integration 7.1
Integration 7.1
Technical Infrastructure Technical Infrastructure Guide
Guide for SAP NetWeaver Installation - SAP NetWeaver Process
Process Integration 7.1 Integration 7.1
Master Guide SAP SAP Master Guide ‒ SAP Solution
Solution Manager 7.0 Components SAP Solution Manager Release 7.0 Manager 7.0 as of <current
System Copy for SAP <your System Copy for SAP Systems
NetWeaver PI 7.1 incl. product> Installation Based on SAP NetWeaver 7.1
EHP1 Including Enhancement Package 1
ABAP+Java ‒ SAP NetWeaver
Process Integration 7.1 including
Enhancement Package 1
Support Package Stack Support Package Stack Guide
Guide for SAP NetWeaver Installation ‒ SAP NetWeaver Process
Process Integration 7.1 Integration 7.1 Including
Including Enhancement Enhancement Package 1 —
Package 1 SPS<current number>

General Quick Links

Description Internet Address

SAP Help Portal

SAP NetWeaver 7.1 PI Installation

SAP NetWeaver 7.1 PI Upgrade

12/18/2008 PUBLIC 161/168

A Appendix
A.1 Online Information from SAP

Description Internet Address

SAP NetWeaver 7.1 PI Support
Package Stack Guide
SAP NetWeaver Library in SAP
Help Portal
SAP Notes

Released platforms and operating

Product Availability Matrix (PAM)

Release notes

Unicode SAP systems and their

System sizing (Quick Sizer tool)

SAP NetWeaver capabilities

Life-cycle management for SAP

Landscape design for SAP
Application management for SAP
Software logistics for SAP
SAP NetWeaver operations

Security for SAP NetWeaver

Information on SAP Support

Package Stacks
SAP Solution Manager

Maintenance Optimizer

162/168 PUBLIC 12/18/2008

Typographic Conventions

Example Description

<Example> Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words or characters with appropriate
entries to make entries in the system, for example, “Enter your <User Name>”.
Example Arrows separating the parts of a navigation path, for example, menu options
Example Emphasized words or expressions
Example Words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the
documentation Textual cross-references to an internet address
/example Quicklinks added to the internet address of a homepage to enable quick access to
specific content on the Web
123456 Hyperlink to an SAP Note, for example, SAP Note 123456
Example n Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field labels, screen titles,
pushbutton labels, menu names, and menu options.
n Cross-references to other documentation or published works
Example n Output on the screen following a user action, for example, messages
n Source code or syntax quoted directly from a program
n File and directory names and their paths, names of variables and parameters, and
names of installation, upgrade, and database tools
EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,
transaction codes, database table names, and key concepts of a programming language
when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE
EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard

12/18/2008 PUBLIC 163/168

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164/168 PUBLIC 12/18/2008

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As the STLport is transferred to the Customer on a loan basis and free of charge, SAP cannot guarantee that the
STLport is error-free, without material defects or suitable for a specific application under third-party rights.
Technical data, sales brochures, advertising text and quality descriptions produced by SAP do not indicate any
assurance of particular attributes.
d) Limited Liability
A) Irrespective of the legal reasons, SAP shall only be liable for damage, including unauthorized operation, if this (i)
can be compensated under the Product Liability Act or (ii) if caused due to gross negligence or intent by SAP or
(iii) if based on the failure of a guaranteed attribute.
B) If SAP is liable for gross negligence or intent caused by employees who are neither agents or managerial
employees of SAP, the total liability for such damage and a maximum limit on the scope of any such damage shall
depend on the extent to which its occurrence ought to have anticipated by SAP when concluding the contract,
due to the circumstances known to it at that point in time representing a typical transfer of the software.
C) In the case of Art. 4.2 above, SAP shall not be liable for indirect damage, consequential damage caused by a
defect or lost profit.
D) SAP and the Customer agree that the typical foreseeable extent of damage shall under no circumstances exceed
EUR 5,000.
E) The Customer shall take adequate measures for the protection of data and programs, in particular by making
backup copies at the minimum intervals recommended by SAP. SAP shall not be liable for the loss of data and
its recovery, notwithstanding the other limitations of the present Art. 4 if this loss could have been avoided by
observing this obligation.
F) The exclusion or the limitation of claims in accordance with the present Art. 4 includes claims against employees
or agents of SAP.
3. Adobe Document Services

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Incorporated in the United States and / or other countries. For information on Third Party software delivered with
Adobe document services and Adobe LiveCycle Designer, see SAP Note 854621.

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