Jozette Roberts Unit Plan On Matrices Portfolio
Jozette Roberts Unit Plan On Matrices Portfolio
Jozette Roberts Unit Plan On Matrices Portfolio
Class: Form 4
Duration: 2 weeks (8sessions)
Unit Objectives: At the end of this unit, students will
1) Explain basic concepts associated with matrices (order of a matrix, row matrix, column matrix, square
matrix, equal matrices)
2) Solve problems involving matrix operations
3) Evaluate the determinant of a ‘2 x 2’ matrix
4) Define the multiplicative inverse of a non-singular square matrix
5) Obtain the inverse of a non-singular ‘2 x 2’ matrix
6) Use matrices to solve simple problems in Arithmetic and Algebra.
7) Gain cooperative and communication skills through group work and games
8) Learn time management skills using timed practice sessions
9) Identify the usefulness of matrices through real life applications
Pre-knowledge: addition, subtraction, multiplication of real numbers, indices, solving equations, solving
simultaneous equations
Lesson 1: (The Concept of a matrix)
Session Objectives: At the end of this session/lesson, students will
1) Define a matrix
2) Define the order of a matrix
3) Determine the order of a matrix
4) Define row matrix, column matrix and square matrix
5) Cooperate on crossword based on matrix definitions
6) Identify the usefulness of matrices for organizing data for taking inventory and science experiments
Lesson resources: textbooks, whiteboard marker, smartboard, crossword
Teaching strategy: questioning, use of media, guided instruction, demonstration
Student activity: including group work, individual practice, small group discussion, seat work
Assessment: formative assessment from textbooks or worksheets
Continuous assessment: A Complete Course in Mathematics Vol2 pg 1012 ex 20a