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Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and

Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) from Five

Power Plants in the United States
Selected Coal Utilization References

By Kelly L. Conrad and Ronald H. Affolter

Pamphlet to accompany
Data Series 635

U.S. Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Department of the Interior
KEN SALAZAR, Secretary

U.S. Geological Survey

Marcia K. McNutt, Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2011

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Suggested citation:

Affolter, R.H., Groves, Steve, Betterton, W.J., Benzel, William, Conrad, K.L., Swanson, S.M., Ruppert L.F., Clough J.G.,
Belkin, H.E., Kolker, Allan, and Hower, J.C., 2011, Geochemical database of feed coal and coal combustion products
(CCPs) from five power plants in the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 635, pamphlet, 19 p.

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Although this report is in the public domain, permission must be secured from the individual copyright owners to
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ISBN 978-1-4113-3268-3
Cover: Photograph of a coal-fired power plant in the northwestern United States. Photograph by Ronald H. Affolter.
Selected Coal Utilization References..........................................................................................................1
Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and
Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) from Five
Power Plants in the United States

By Kelly L. Conrad and Ronald H. Affolter

Selected Coal Utilization References

[Bracketed numbers indicate total page counts. These are provided to aid identification for the work.]

The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a source of information to assist decision makers,
land and resource managers, other Federal and State agencies, the domestic energy industry, foreign
governments, nongovernmental groups, academia, and other scientists making decisions in the face
of rapid energy development in the U.S. This document attempts to encompass the most relevant
literature that will help serve as a foundation on which to appropriately understand the complexities of
coal utilization. Since the early 1970s, the U.S. Geological Survey has been involved in evaluations of
data collected from various coal utilization and power plant-related studies. The publications in this
bibliography cover the last 50+ years and include many past, unique, and current studies involving coal
utilization. Subject material ranges from utilization of coal to disposal of coal combustion products (CCPs)
with topics on new technology and regulations. These references were compiled as a source of associated
material for this Data Series—Geochemical database of feed coal and coal combustion products (CCPs)
from five power plants in the United States: consisting of major-, minor-, and trace- element contents,
proximate and ultimate analyses, forms of sulfur, calorific values, ash fusion temperatures, mineralogy,
petrological data, and selected coal utilization references.

Aaranson, M.L., Krishna, K., Mahr, D., and Nechvatal, T.M., eds., 1990, Fuel strate-
gies—coal supply, dust control, and byproduct utilization: Fact, v. 8, 101 p. [Presented
at the International Joint Power Generation Conference, October 21–25, 1990, Boston,

Abbas, T., Costen, P., and Lockwood, F.C., 1992, The influence of near burner region
aerodynamics on the formation and emission of nitrogen oxides in a pulverized coal-
fired furnace: Combustion and Flame, v. 91, no. 3–4, p. 346–363.

Abbott, M.F., and Austin, L.G., 1985, Studies on slag deposit formation in pulverized-
coal combustors: Fuel, v. 64, p. 832–838.

Abd-Elhady, M.S., Clevers, S.H., Adriaans, T.N.G., Rindt, C.C.M., Wijers, J.G., and van
Steenhoven, A.A., 2007, Influence of sintering on the growth rate of particulate fouling
layers: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 50, p. 196–207.
2   Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and Coal Combustion Products

Abel, W.T., and Fisher, E.P., 1976, Limestone to remove hydrogen sulfide from hot
producer gas: Morgantown, W.V., U.S. Department of Energy, Research and Develop-
ment Administration, 24 p.

Abel, W.T., Rice, R.L., Shang, J.Y., Turek, D.G., and Ayers, W.J., 1981, Combustion of
western coal in a fluidized bed: Morgantown, W.V., U.S. Department of Energy, Mor-
gantown Energy Technology Center, Report DOE/METC/RI-178, 32 p.

Abel, W.T., Zulkoski, M., Brady, G.A., and Eckerd, J.W., 1973, Removal of pyrite from
coal by dry separation methods—Report of investigations: U.S. Bureau of Mines
Research Investigations Report RI-7732, 26 p.

Abel, W.T., Zulkoski, M., and Gauntlett, G.J., 1972, Dry separation of pyrite from coal:
Industrial Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development, v. 11, no. 3, p.

Abrams, Courteny, 2009, America’s biggest polluters: carbon dioxide emissions from
power plants in 2007: Environment Arizona Research and Policy Center, last accessed
28 July 2011, at
2131091e/Americas-Biggest-Polluters.pdf, November, 2009, [53] p.

Abu-Zahra, M.R.M., Schneiders, L.H.J., Niederer, J.P.N., Feron, P.H.M., and Versteeg,
G.F., 2007, CO2 capture from power plants: Part I. A parametric study of the technical
performance based on monoethanolamine: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas
Control, v. 1, no. 1, p. 37–46.

Ackerman, F., Biewald, B., White, D., Woolf, T., and Moomaw, W., 1999, Grandfather-
ing and coal plant emissions: the cost of cleaning up the Clean Air Act: Energy Policy,
v. 27, p. 929–940.

Acuna-Caro, C., Thorwarth, H., Scheffknecht, G.A., 2006, A thermodynamic study on

the effects of individual flue gas components on mercury speciation: Power Plant
Chemistry, no. 8, p. 374–381.

Adamczyk, Z., and Bialecka, B., 2005, Hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites from Polish
coal fly ash: Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, v. 14, no. 6, p. 713–719.

Adams, B., and Senior, C., 2006, Curbing the blue plume: SO3 formation and mitigation:
Power, v. 150, no. 4, p. 39–41.

Adams, D.M.B., 2004, Utilisation of CFBC and IGCC residues: London, United King-
dom, International Energy [IEA] Coal Research, Report IEACCC/93, 38 p.

Adams, D.M.B., and Fernando, R., 1998, Coal-fired power station effluents: London,
United Kingdom, International Energy [IEA] Coal Research, Report IEACCC/10, 63

Adams, D.M.B., and Smith, I.M., 1995, Sulphates, climate and coal: London, United
Kingdom, International Energy Agency [IEA] Coal Research, Report IEAPER/16, 30

Adams, J.L., 2002, Field scale study results for the beneficial use of coal ash as fill mate-
rial in saturated conditions, Varra Coal Ash Burial Project, Weld County, Colorado, in
Vories, K.C. and Throgmorton, Dianne, eds., Proceedings of the Coal Combustion By-
Products and Western Coal Mines: A Technical Interactive Forum, Golden, Colorado:
Alton, Ill., U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and
Enforcement, and Carbondale, Ill., Coal Extraction and Utilization Research Center,
Southern Illinois University, p. 151–154.
Selected Coal Utilization References   3

Adams, J.L., and Warner, J.W., 2002a, A feasibility study for the beneficial use of coal
ash as fill material in water saturated sediments [abs.], in Abstracts of the Coal Com-
bustion By-Products and Western Coal Mines: A Technical Interactive Forum, Golden,
Colorado: Alton, Ill., U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, and Carbondale, Ill., Coal Extraction and Utilization
Research Center, Southern Illinois University, p. 2.

Adams, J.L., and Warner, J.W., 2002b, A feasibility study for the beneficial use of coal
ash as fill material in saturated conditions, in Vories, K.C. and Throgmorton, Dianne,
eds., Proceedings of the Coal Combustion By-Products and Western Coal Mines: A
Technical Interactive Forum, Golden, Colorado: Alton, Ill., U.S. Department of the
Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, and Carbondale,
Ill., Coal Extraction and Utilization Research Center, Southern Illinois University, p.

Adams, L.M., Capp, J.P., and Gillmore, D.W., 1972, Coal mine spoil and refuse bank
reclamation with powerplant fly ash: Journal of Compost Science, v. 13, p. 20–26.

Adams, R.G., Alin, J., Biede, O., Booth, N.J., deMontigny, D., Drew, R., Idem, R.,
Laursen, M., Peralta-Solorio, D., Sanpasertparnich, T., and Trunkfield, A., 2009,
CAPRICE Project—engineering study on the integration of post combustion capture
technology into the power plant gas path and heat cycle: Energy Procedia, v. 1, no. 1,
p. 3801–3808.

Adriano, D.C., Page, A.L., Elseewi, A.A., Chang, A.C., and Straughan, I., 1980, Utiliza-
tion and disposal of fly ash and other coal residues in terrestrial ecosystems: a review:
Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 9, p. 333–344.

Adrović F., Ninković, M., and Todorović, D., 1997a, Natural radioactivity of soil within
the zone of influence of the Kosovian coal power plants: Balkan Physics Letters, Pro-
ceedings Supplement, v. 5, part 3, p. 1813–1816.

Adrović, F., Ninković, M., and Todorović, D., 1997b, Natural radionuclides and radiation
measurements in the vicinity of the Kosovian coal-fired power plants, in Sabol, Jozef,
ed., Proceedings of the IRPA Regional Symposium on Radiation Protection in Neigh-
bouring Countries of Central Europe: Prague, Czech Republic, 8–12 September, 1997:
International Radiation Protection Association, p. 334–336.

Adrović, F., Prokić, M., Ninković, M., and Glišić, R., 2004, Measurements of environ-
mental background radiation at location of coal-fired power plants: Radiation Protec-
tion Dosimetry, v. 112, no. 3, p. 439–442.

Adrović, F., Todorović, D., Ninković, M., and Prokić, M., 1996, Investigation of the
contents of natural radionuclides in coal and ashes from Kosovian power plant, in
International Radiation Protection Association, eds., Proceedings of the International
Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, April 14–19, 1996,
Vienna, Austria, 9th Congress: p. 681–683.

Afanas´eva, O.V., and Mingaleeva, G.R., 2009, Energy efficiency of small coal-fired
power plants as a criterion of their wide applicability: Solid Fuel Chemistry, v. 43, no.
1, p. 55–59.

Affolter, R.H., 1998, The chemical composition of feed coal, fly ash, and bottom ash, in
Breit, G.N., and Finkelman, R.B., eds., Characterization of coal and coal combustion
products from a coal-burning power plant—preliminary report and results of analyses:
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-342, p. 17–43.
4   Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and Coal Combustion Products

Affolter, R.H., 2007, Introduction, project summary, and trace elements, in Ellis, M.S.,
and Affolter, R.H., eds., From Cradle to Grave, The Power of Coal, International Tech-
nical Conference on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems, June 10–15, 2007, Clearwater,
Fla., 32nd Conference: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1160, p. 6–23.

Affolter, R.H., Betterton, W.J., and Olea, R., 2009, Chemical and mineral variation of
coal and coal combustion products from a western power plant utilizing Powder River
Basin coal [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no.
7, p. 333.

Affolter, R.H., Betterton, W.J., Olea, R., Brownfield, M.E., and Ellis, M.S., 2009, Prelim-
inary results of the characterization of coal and coal combustion products (CCPs) from
a western power plant utilizing Powder River Basin coal from the Wyodak-Anderson
Coal Zone, in Coal Technology Association and American Public Power Association,
eds., Coal—world energy security, Proceedings of the International Technical Confer-
ence on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems, May 31–June 4, 2009, Clearwater, Fla., 34th
Conference: Gaithersburg, Md., Coal Technology Association, p. 1178–1189.

Affolter, R.H., Brownfield, M.E., and Breit, G.N., 1997, Temporal variations in the chem-
istry of feed coal, fly ash, and bottom ash from a coal-fired power plant, in University
of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research and U.S. Federal Energy Technology
Center, eds., Pushing the Envelope, Proceedings, 1997 International Ash Utilization
Symposium, October 20–22, 1997, Lexington, Kentucky: Lexington, University of
Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research [CAER], p. 757–764.

Affolter, R.H., Brownfield, M.E., and Cathcart, J.D., 1999, Chemical variation of feed
coal and coal combustion products from an Indiana power plant utilizing low sulfur
Powder River Basin coal, in Schmidt, C.E. and Robl, T.L., Materials for the next mil-
lennium, Proceedings, International Ash Utilization Symposium, October 18–20, 1999,
Lexington, Kentucky. 3rd Symposium: Lexington, University of Kentuky Center for
Applied Energy Research [CAER], 7 p.

Affolter, R.H., Ruppert, L., and Swanson, S.M., 2008, Preliminary results of the U.S.
Geological Survey’s power plant cradle to grave studies: goals for future planning,
in American Society of Mechanical Engineers Power Division, U.S. Dept. of Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory, Coal Technology Association, and Ameri-
can Public Power Association, eds., Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical
Conference on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems, June 1–5, 2008, Clearwater, Florida:
Gaithersburg, Md., Coal Technology Association, p. 818.

Agrawal, M., and Agrawal, S.B., 1989, Phytomonitoring of air pollution around a ther-
mal power plant: Atmospheric Environment, v. 23, no. 4, p. 763–769.

Agrawal, M., and Singh, J., 2000, Impact of coal power plant emission on the foliar
elemental concentrations in plants in a low rainfall tropical region: Environmental
Monitoring and Assessment, v. 60, p. 261–282.

Agrawal, M., Singh, J., Jha, A.K., and Singh, J.S., 1993, Coal-based environmental prob-
lems in a low-rainfall tropical region, in Keefer, R.F., and Sajwan, K.S., eds., Trace
elements in coal and coal combustion residues: Boca Raton, Fla., Lewis Publishers, p.

Ahlberg, M., Berghem, L., Nordberg, G., Persson, S.A., Rudling, L., and Steen, B., 1983,
Chemical and biological characterization of emissions from coal and oil fired power
plants: Environmental Health Perspectives, v. 47, p. 85–102.

Aho, M., Paakkinen, K., Pirkonen, P., and Hupa, M., 1995, The effects of pressure,
oxygen partial pressure and temperature on the formation of N2O, NO, and NO2 from
pulverized coal: Combustion and Flame, v. 102, p. 387–400.
Selected Coal Utilization References   5

Aho, M., Rantanen, J., Hernberg, R., and Häyrinen, V., 1995, Factors influencing the
vaporisation of sodium and potassium in pressurized coal combustion, in Carvalho,
M.G., ed., Proceedings of the International Conference on Combustion Technologies
for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, Portugal, July 3–6, 1995, 3rd Conference: Lisbon,
Portugal, Instituto de Combustão, v. 2, p. 1–5.

Aho, M., Rantanen, J., and Linna, V., 1989, N2O, NO, and NO2 emissions in pulverized
fuel combustion between 730 and 950°C, in Korhonen, M., ed., Proceedings of the
Symposium on Low-grade Fuels, June 12–16, 1989, Helsinki, Finland: Espoo, Fin-
land, Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus, Symposium series 108, v. 2., p. 175–186.

Aho, M., Vainikka, P., Taipale, R., and Yrjas, P., 2008, Effective new chemicals to pre-
vent Cl-originated superheater corrosion in power plants: Fuel, v. 87, p. 647–654.

Aikin, T.L.H., Cashion, J.D., and Ottreya, A.L., 1984, Mössbauer analysis of iron phases
in brown coal ash and fireside deposits: Fuel, v. 63, no. 9, p. 1269–1275.

Aineto, M., Acosta, A., Rincón, J.M., and Romero, M., 2006, Thermal expansion of slag
and fly ash from coal gasification in IGCC power plant: Fuel, v. 85, p. 2352–2358.

Ainsworth, C.C., and Rai, D., 1987, Chemical characterization of fossil fuel combustion
wastes: Batelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories Report published as Electric Power
Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. EA-5321, 148 p.

Air Pollution Work Sub-group, 1972, Air Pollution Aspects: United States. Research
Triangle Park, N.C., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], Office of Research
and Monitoring, Office of Air Programs, 54 p.

Air Pollution Work Sub-group, 1972, Appendix A, Southwest Energy Study, air pollu-
tion aspects of Southwest Energy Study, southwest power plant air pollutant emissions:
Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air
and Water Programs, Office of Air Programs, Stationary Source Pollution Control
Programs, Applied Technology Division, Air Quality Management Branch, National
Source Inventory Section, 89 p.

Air Pollution Work Sub-group, 1972, Appendix B, Southwest Energy Study, air pollution
aspects of Southwest Energy Study, selected information of pollution aspects of mer-
cury emissions from Four Corners Power Plant: Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Monitoring, 12 p.

Air Pollution Work Sub-group, 1972, Appendix C, Southwest Energy Study, air pollution
aspects of Southwest Energy Study, rules and regulations for southwest power plants:
Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air
and Water Programs, Office of Air Programs, Stationary Source Pollution Control
Programs, Standards Development and Implementation Division, Plans Management
Branch, 14 p.

Air Pollution Work Sub-group, 1972, Appendix D, Southwest Energy Study, air pollution
aspects of Southwest Energy Study, conventional air pollution control alternatives for
power plants: Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Air and Water Programs, Office of Air Programs, Stationary Source Pollution
Control Programs, Standards Development and Implementation Division, Performance
Standards Branch, 57 p.

Air Pollution Work Sub-group, 1972, Appendix E, Southwest Energy Study, air pol-
lution aspects of Southwest Energy Study, unconventional methods of air pollution
control for power plants: Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Air and Water Programs, Office of Air Programs, Stationary Source
Pollution Control Programs, Control Systems Division, Office of Engineering Analy-
sis, Technical Analysis and Evaluation Section, 66 p.
6   Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and Coal Combustion Products

Air Pollution Work Sub-group, 1972, Appendix F, Southwest Energy Study, air pollu-
tion aspects of Southwest Energy Study, selected information on air pollution effects
on visibility: Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Research and Monitoring, National Environmental Research, Division of
Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Branch, 11 p.

Air Pollution Work Sub-group, 1972, Appendix G, Southwest Energy Study, air pollution
aspects of Southwest Energy Study, meteorological estimates of air pollution concen-
trations and effects on meteorological range due to Navajo and Kaiparowits Generating
Stations, Arizona–Utah: Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Research and Monitoring, National Environmental Research, Divi-
sion of Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Branch, 19 p.

Air and Waste Management Association, 2003, Controlling mercury emissions from
coal-fired power plants: Pittsburgh, Pa., Air and Waste Management Association, 1
vol., variously paged.

Airey, D., 1982, Contributions from coal and industrial materials to mercury in air, rain-
water, and snow: The Science of The Total Environment, v. 25, p. 19–40.

Ake, T., Erickson, C., Medeiros, Hutcheson, L., Barger, M., and Rutherford, S., 2003,
Limestone injection for protection of SCR catalyst, in Air and Waste Management
Association, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Electric Power Research Institute,
and U.S. National Energy Technology Laboratory, eds., Proceedings of the Department
of Energy-Electric Power Research Institute-Air and Waste Management Association,
Combined Power Plant Air Pollutant Control “Mega” Symposium, May 19–22, 2003,
Washington, D.C.: Riley Power Inc., Worchester, Mass., 10 p.

Akers, D., and Arnold, B., 1998, Assessment of coal cleaning for trace element control:
Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-111852, 110

Akers, D., and Dospoy, R., 1994, Role of coal cleaning in control of air toxics: Fuel
Processsing Technology, v. 29, no. 1-3, p. 73–86.

Akers, D.J., 1993, Coal cleaning: a trace element control option, in Chow, W., and others,
eds., Managing Hazardous Air Pollutants: State of the Art: Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-101890, Boca Raton, Fla., Lewis Publishers, p.

Akers, D.J., and Harrison, C.D., 1995, Precombustion control options for air toxics:
American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints, v. 40, no. 4, p.
823-827, last accessed June 2010 at,

Akers, D.J., Norton, G.A., Buttermore, W.H., and Markuszewski, R., 1989, Trace ele-
ments in coal and coal wastes: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute
[EPRI] Report no. GS-6575, 1 volume, variously paged.

Alarie, Y.C., Krumm, A.A., Busye, W.M., Ulrich, C.E., and Kantz, R.J., 1975, Long-term
exposure to sulphur dioxide, sulfuric acid mist, fly ash, and their mixtures: results
of studies in monkeys and guinea pigs: Archives of Environmental Health, v. 30, p.

Alastuey, A., Querol, X., Chaves, A., Ruiz, C.R., Carratala, A., and López-Soler, A.,
1999, Bulk deposition in a rural area located around a large coal-fired power station,
northeast Spain: Environmental Pollution, v. 106, p. 359–367.
Selected Coal Utilization References   7

Albert, A.P., Evan, J.G., Andrew, K., Richard, A.H., William, J.O., and Henry, W.P.A.,
2006, A kinetic approach to the catalytic oxidation of mercury in flue gas: Energy and
Fuels, v. 20, p. 1941–1945.

Alie, C., Douglas, P.L., and Davison, J., 2009, On the operability of power plants with
CO2 capture and storage: Energy Procedia, v. 1, no. 1, p. 1521–1526.

Aljundi, I.H., 2009, Energy and exergy analysis of a steam power plant in Jordan:
Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 29, no. 3, p. 324–328.

Allen, R.P., and Battista, R.A., 1991, Charateristics of an advanced gas turbine with
coal-derived fuel gases: American Society of Mechanical Engineers [ASME], October
6–10, 1991, San Diego, California, ASME-Paper 91-JPGC-GT-5, 5 p.

Allimann-Lecourt, C., Bailey, T.H., and Cox, M., 2002, Purification of combustion fly
ashes using the SERVO process: Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,
v. 77, no. 3, p. 260–266.

Al-Otoom, A.Y., Elliott, L.K., Wall, T.F., and Moghtaderi, B., 2000, Measurement of the
sintering kinetics of coal ash: Energy and Fuels, v. 14, no. 5, p. 994–1001.

Alpert, S.B., 1991, Clean coal technology and advanced coal-based power plants:
Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, v. 16, p. 1–23.

Altman, R., 2006, Update of particulate control guidelines; a state-of-the-art report for
utility wet electrostatic precipitators: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Insti-
tute [EPRI] Report 1009775, 64 p.

Altmann, W., 1984, Prediction of tendency of slagging and fouling of European lignite
by new statistical and experimental methods: Fuel, v. 29, no. 4, p. 262–269.

Alva, A.K., Bilski, J.J., Sajwan, K.S., and van Clief, D., 1999, Leaching of metals from
soils amended with fly ash and organic byproducts, in Sajwan, K.S., Alva, A.K., and
Keefer, R.F., eds., Biogeochemistry of trace elements in coal and coal combustion
byproducts: New York, N.Y., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, p. 193–206.

Alva, A.K., Paramasivam, S., Prakash, O., Sajwan, K.S., Ornes, W.H., and van Clief,
D., 1999, Effects of fly ash and sewage sludge amendments on transport of metals in
different soils, in Sajwan, K.S., Alva, A.K., and Keefer, R.F., eds., Biogeochemistry
of trace elements in coal and coal combustion byproducts: New York, N.Y., Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers, p. 207–222.

Alva, A.K., Zhu, B., Hostler, H.K., and Obreza, T.A., 1999, Citrus tree growth and fruit
production response to flue-gas desulfurization gypsum amendment in sandy soils, in
Sajwan, K.S., Alva, A.K., and Keefer, R.F., eds., Biogeochemistry of trace elements
in coal and coal combustion byproducts: New York, N.Y., Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, p. 293–308.

Alvarez, M.C., and Garzon, L., 1989, Assessment of radiological emissions from Spanish
coal power plants: radioactive releases and associated risks: Health Physics, v. 57, p.

Alvarez, M.C., Dopico, M.T., and Amengual, P.A., 1994, A study of the correlation
between ash content and natural radionuclide content in hard coals from northern
Spain: Journal of Coal Quality, v. 13, no. 2, p. 40–43.

Aly, A.I.M., Abdel-Aal, M.M., Ahmed, M.A., and Sabek, M.G., 1994, Radiation doses
resulting from a proposed coal-fired power plant in the Suez Canal area: Energy, v. 19,
no. 1, p. 55–61.
8   Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and Coal Combustion Products

Amadeo, N., Bajano, H., Comas, J., Daverio, J.P., Laborde, M.A., Poggi, J.A., and
Gómez, D.R., 2005, Assessment of CO2 capture and storage from thermal power
plants in Argentina: Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, v. 7, p. 243–251.

American Coal Ash Association [ACAA], 2003, Fly ash facts for highway engineers:
Aurora, Colorado, American Coal Ash Association Report FHWA-IF-03-019, 73 p.

American Society of Testing and Materials [ASTM], 1998a, Standard test method for
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shohocken, Pa., American Society of Testing and Materials [ASTM], p. 262-266.

American Society of Testing and Materials [ASTM], 1998b, Standard test method for
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American Society of Testing and Materials [ASTM], 1998c, Standard test methods for
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proved 1997): West Conshohocken, Pa., American Society of Testing and Materials
[ASTM], p. 312-315.

American Society of Testing and Materials [ASTM], 1998d, Standard test method for
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Amrhein, J., Donnelly, B., Sjostrom, S., Baldrey, K., 2004, Predicting mercury sorbent
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58   Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and Coal Combustion Products

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Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 11 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105616, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 14 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105619, variously paged.
Selected Coal Utilization References   59

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toring project: Site 15 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105620, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 18 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105622, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 19 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105623, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 22 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105626, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 101 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105627, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 102 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105628, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Volume 1: Sites 103–105 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric
Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105629-V1, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 111 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105631, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 112 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105632, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES field chemical emissions moni-
toring project: Site 115 emissions Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105635, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, PISCES water characterization field
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[EPRI] Report no. TR-108890-V1, [138] p.

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rejects at coal-fired power plants: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute
[EPRI] Report no. TR-108994, 254 p.

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Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-111024, [474] p.

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Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-112433-V1, 112 p.

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Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TE-113653, [24] p.
60   Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and Coal Combustion Products

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West Virginia: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no.
TR-114188, 151 p.

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Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TE-114430, [62] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, Achieving NOx compliance at least cost:
A guideline for selecting the optimum combination of NOx controls for coal-fired boil-
ers: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-111262
[146] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, SCICHEM: A new generation plume-
in-grid model: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no.
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Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-113643, [102] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 1999, Investigation of ammonia adsorption

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Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-113777, [150] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2000, Proceedings: EPRI/EPA 1995 Joint
Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, vol. 4: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric
Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. TR-105978-V4, [204] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2000, Retrofit NOx controls for coal-fired util-
ity boilers - 2000 update: Palo Alto, Calif.., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI]
Report no. 1000448, [258] p.

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tion: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1000522,
[76] p.

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A model to assess potential human health and ecological risks from power plant and
industrial facility releases to rivers: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute
[EPRI] Report no. 1000733, [698] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2000, PISCES water characterization field
study: Site F Report: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI]
Report no. TR-114966, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2001, Estimation methodology for and elemen-
tal mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power
Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1001327, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2001, Fireside corrosion in pulverized-coal-

fired boilers – effect of coal chlorine and combustion parameters: Palo Alto, Calif.,
Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1001350, [208] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2001, Effects of coal quality on power plant
management – ash problems, management and solutions: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric
Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1001402, variously paged.
Selected Coal Utilization References   61

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2001, Addendum to the user’s guide for RIVR-
ISK version 5.0 – a model to assess potential human health and ecological risks from
power plant and industrial facility releases to rivers: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power
Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1001428, [29] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2001, Alternative by-products from flue gas
desulfurization Systems – utilization of clean coal by-products from SO2 control
processes: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no.
1004611, [55] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2001, Occurrence and fate of mercury in coal
ash and flue gas desulfurization sludge: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1005212, [96] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2002, Release of mercury during curing of
concrete containing fly ash and mercury sorbent material: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric
Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1004697, [60] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2002, Mercury releases from coal fly ash: Palo
Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1005259, [30] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2002, Productivity improvement handbook for
fossil steam power plants (2nd ed.): Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Insti-
tute [EPRI] Report no. 1006368, variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2002, Integrated emissions control–process

review – multi-pollutant control technology descriptions and performance: Palo Alto,
Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1006876, [41] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2002, The evaluation of mercury emissions and
control options for Ontario Power Generation Nanticoke Station: Palo Alto, Calif.,
Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1007256, [104] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, Effects of mercury controls on removal
and emissions of trace elements and acid gas species: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power
Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1004264, [60] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, Mercury emissions from concrete
containing fly ash and mercury-loaded powdered activated carbon: Palo Alto, Calif.,
Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1004402, [76] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, Updated cost and performance estimates
for clean coal technologies including CO2 capture – 2003, updated economics of fossil
fuel power technologies including an assessment of CO2 capture – 2003: Palo Alto,
Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1004482, 180 p., variously

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, Technical status, operating experience,
risk and market assessment of clean coal technologies: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric
Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1004879, [158] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, A framework for assessing the cost-
effectiveness of electric power sector mercury control policies: Palo Alto, Calif.,
Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1005224, [71] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, Review, testing, and evaluation of
SCICHEM (Second-Order Integrated Puff Model with chemistry) and CMAQ-APT
(Community Multiscale Air Quality Model – advanced plume treatment): Palo Alto,
Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1005241, [175] p.
62   Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and Coal Combustion Products

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, Characterizing variation in mercury

emissions from coal-fired power plants: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research
Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1005401, [90] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, Potential for methylmercury formation
in coal combustion by-product management settings: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power
Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1005506, 52 p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2003, Characterizing coal-fired power plant
mercury emissions variability at low concentrations: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power
Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1009150, 1 vol., variously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2004, Health effects for boron and borates:
Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no. 1005502, vari-
ously paged.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2004, Evaluation of stringent emission control
options for pulverized coal plants: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute
[EPRI] Report no. 1008262, [180] p.

Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2004, Mercury measurements characterizing

the impact of SCR on mercury: Site S8—PRB/ bituminous coal-fired power plant
with an ESP: Palo Alto, Calif., Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Report no.
1009866, variously paged.

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262   Geochemical Database of Feed Coal and Coal Combustion Products

Zygarlicke, C.J., and Pavlish, J.H., 1996, The fate and control of mercury emissions from
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