Doe Standard Safety and Health Program For Doe Construction Projects
Doe Standard Safety and Health Program For Doe Construction Projects
Doe Standard Safety and Health Program For Doe Construction Projects
February 2002
Available to DOE and DOE contractors from ES&H Technical Information Services,
U.S. Department of Energy, (800) 473-4375, fax: (301) 903-9823.
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.5 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. This Department of Energy standard is approved for use by all DOE Components and
their contractors.
4. Throughout this standard, the word "shall" is used to denote actions which must
be performed if the objectives of this standard are to be met. If the provisions in
this standard are made requirements through one of the two ways discussed
above, then the "shall" statements would become requirements. It is not
appropriate to consider that "should" statements would automatically be
converted to "shall" statements as this action would violate the consensus
process used to approve this standard.
1.1 Scope
This standard provides a framework for a construction safety program for use on
DOE construction projects that will comply with the requirements of DOE Order
440.1A, Worker Protection Management for DOE Federal and Contractor Employees,
its accompanying Guide, DOE G 440.1-2, Construction Safety Management Guide For
Use With DOE Order 440.1, and DOE Policy 450.4, Safety Management System
1.2 Purpose
The intent of this standard is to provide an effective methodology for managing the
hazards inherent to construction work in a systematic manner that can be easily
integrated with the management of other technical aspects of a construction project.
It is written in a manner that facilitates its direct incorporation into the specifications
of construction contracts between the DOE and construction contractors or DOE
M&O contractors and their construction subcontractors.
1.3 Applicability
1.4 References
(a) 29 CFR 1926.14, which prescribes that construction safety standards apply to the
construction portions of Federal contracts for mixed performance (e.g., a
contract for both manufacturing and construction services).
(c) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Part 36, which establishes policies and
procedures for federal contracting for construction and architect-engineer
1.5 Definitions
(c) CONSTRUCTION MANAGER is the individual or firm responsible to DOE for the
supervision and administration of a construction project to ensure the
construction contractor's compliance with requirements set forth in the
construction project acquisition documents.
(g) CONSTRUCTION WORKSITE is the area within the geographic limits necessary
to perform the work described in the construction project acquisition documents.
It includes the facility being constructed or renovated along with all necessary
staging and storage areas as well as adjacent areas subject to project hazards. It
does not include offsite offices of design personnel nor the facilities of fabricators
or suppliers.
(h) HOST is the contractor or organization with the primary landlord responsibility at
a DOE sponsored facility.
(i) PROJECT MANAGER is the DOE official responsible for assuring that all
construction project activities are carried out in compliance with Federal, State,
and local regulations, laws and standards for protection of the safety and health
of employees and the public.
2.1 General
The construction contractor shall establish and maintain a program to protect the
safety and health of all persons on the construction worksite to include his or her
employees, employees of other contractors or subcontractors, visitors and the
public. This program also shall protect against damage to property, materials,
supplies, and equipment and prevent unnecessary work interruptions. The objective
of the program is to ensure compliance by the construction contractor and all
worksite subcontractors with the safety and health standards prescribed in the
construction project acquisition documents.
2.2.1 Prior to commencing any work on the project worksite, the construction contractor
shall prepare and have approved by the construction manager a written project
safety and health plan. This plan is the construction contractor’s proposal for
implementing the safety and health requirements prescribed by the construction
project acquisition documents. The plan need not duplicate any preexisting host
safety and health policies or procedures by the contract. The plan shall address
minimally the following:
(d) A list of all anticipated project phases, as well as annotation of those project
phases for which DOE-prescribed safety and health standards (refer to DOE
Order 440.1A) or the construction project acquisition documents require that
protective measures be designed, inspected, implemented or approved by a
Professional Engineer or other qualified person.
(f) Plans for worksite safety and health orientation and continued safety training.
(i) Host safety and health policies or procedures applicable to the project (e.g.,
confined space, lock out/tag out).
(j) Procedures for interfacing with other site contractors on safety and health
(l) General construction hazards and the applicable policies and procedures for
addressing these hazards.
2.2.2 The approved project safety and health plan shall be maintained on the worksite
and shall be made available upon request to the construction manager, project
2.3.2 In no case shall the requirement for or the presence of dedicated project safety
and health personnel relieve the construction superintendent of full and complete
responsibility for compliance with all project safety and health requirements.
2.3.3 The construction superintendent is responsible for ensuring that all project
subcontractors comply with project safety and health requirements. The
construction superintendent is further responsible for coordinating with project
subcontractors and other site contractors those safety and health plan elements
addressing worksite hazards to which employees of other contractors may be
(a) Identify the specific hazards, including the use or presence of any hazardous
chemicals, associated with each activity to be performed as well as the actual
corrective measures planned to control these hazards. Guidance for the
performance of such hazard analyses is provided in an OSHA pamphlet entitled
“Job Hazard Analysis” available online at: In planning controls to
address identified hazards, due consideration shall be given to the hierarchy of
controls (i.e., engineering controls, administrative controls and personal
protective equipment) as described in DOE Order 440.1A.
(b) Include drawings and/or other documentation for all protective measures for
which the construction project acquisition documents or applicable safety and
health standards prescribe preparation by a Professional Engineer or other
qualified person.
(c) List all equipment to be used for which applicable standards require periodic or
preoperational inspections.
Hazard Analysis
PROJECT PHASE:_____________________
ANALYZED BY/DATE:_______________________ APPROVED BY/DATE:______________________
Identify each principal List the hazards associated with each List specific controls for each
activity for the project principal activity. potential hazard (engineering
phase in sequence. controls, administrative controls
or personal protective equipment).
List equipment requiring List specific jobsite inspection requirements to List worker training
preoperational or include identity and qualifications of competent requirements, including hazard
periodic inspections. person(s) or other qualified personnel communication.
performing inspections.
Figure 1
2.5 Employee Training
The construction contractor shall ensure that each employee entering the worksite
has, through experience, training and, where required, certification, the skills and
knowledge necessary to safely perform his or her assigned tasks. This training shall
include an initial worksite safety and health orientation, phase specific training
addressing foreseen hazards and control measures associated with each phase of
work upon which the employee is active, and continued safety and health "tool box"
training. All training should be conducted by qualified personnel and should be
communicated in a language understood by all employees. Each employee shall receive an initial safety and health orientation prior to
performing any work on the project worksite. The orientation shall include a
detailed review of the contents of the approved project safety and health plan,
including provisions for subsequent employee access to the plan. Construction contractors with a continual onsite presence or with multiple projects
utilizing the same work force may provide the orientation prior to commencing
work on the employee's first onsite project and on a periodic basis, as determined
locally, thereafter. Orientation on items that vary from project to project shall be
provided for each project.
Prior to commencing any phase of work, the construction contractor shall review the
approved hazard analysis for that phase with all employees on the affected work crew
and provide training to ensure that all employees understand the potential hazards
and the required protective measures. A copy of each phase's hazard analysis shall
be annotated with the name, signature, and date of attendance of all workers who
have attended this training. The construction contractor shall provide advance notice
to the construction manager for all phase specific training sessions. Further phase
specific training sessions shall be conducted for new employees on the work crew,
under changing site conditions, or at the discretion of the construction manager to
reinforce project safety and health requirements.
The construction contractor shall conduct informal "tool box" safety and health
training sessions at least weekly for all employees on the worksite. Depending on the
size and nature of the project, this may be accomplished in single or multiple
sessions and may address different topics for different work crews. The construction
contractor shall notify the construction manager of the time and location of all
scheduled "tool box" training sessions. Outlines of all "tool box" training sessions
shall be prepared by the construction contractor and annotated with the date, time,
and names of all employees in attendance.
The construction contractor shall ensure that records of all required training are
maintained and made available, upon request, to the construction manager, project
manager and other DOE personnel with assigned oversight responsibilities.
2.6.1 During periods of active construction, the construction contractor shall ensure that
competent persons conduct frequent and regular inspections of their respective
areas of the worksite to identify and correct hazards and instances of
noncompliance with project safety and health requirements and approved hazard
analyses. The superintendent and other project supervisory staff shall also include
safety as part of their routine review of project operations.
2.6.2 The construction contractor shall take immediate corrective action to eliminate or
control all identified hazards. Newly identified hazards shall be appropriately
addressed in revised hazard analyses. In cases where immediate corrective action
is not possible or responsibility for abatement falls outside the scope of the
project, the construction contractor shall:
(a) Immediately ensure all affected employees are aware of the hazard and its
location and removed from harm’s way. This may require partial or complete
suspension of construction operations.
(b) Immediately post warning signs at the location of the hazard describing the
nature of the hazard.
(c) Verbally notify the construction manager immediately of the location and
description of the hazard. This notification shall be followed up in writing.
(e) Where responsibility for abatement falls outside the project scope, the
construction contractor shall also immediately notify the authority responsible
for safety and health management in the affected facility.
2.6.3 All identified hazards and their respective corrective actions shall be documented
in project inspection reports. The responsibility and timetable for abating hazards
that were not immediately corrected shall also be similarly documented. Follow-
up inspections to ensure subsequent abatement of such hazards should be
likewise documented.
The construction contractor shall comply with reporting, recordkeeping, and accident
investigation requirements prescribed in the construction project acquisition
documents or applicable DOE Orders.
National Laboratories