Jsa Nitrogen Purging PDF

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Ref No.:

Rev No.:
Nitrogen Purging
Page: 1 of 2

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Approved by: Date:

Step Description of Task Control Measures/

Hazard Responsible
No. Step Preventive Measures

1. Planning  Lack of  Conduct a TBT to inform the workers of the tag & lock
Communication  Plan the work involving personnel responsible for
 Non-compliance preparation (such as isolation, depressurization,
draining, venting, flushing) of the equipment / system
 Energized Equipment to be purged.

 Pressurized Fluid  Ensure the equipment / system to be purged is

positively isolated from all sources of energy
 Nitrogen Cylinders / (hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical etc.)
 Use proper locks & tags for isolation
 Flammable & / or
Toxic Atmosphere  Ensure the equipment / system is depressurized &
content is drained safely.
 Unauthorized Work
 Arrange the adequate Nitrogen Cylinders / Unit
considering the volume to be purged.

 Ensure the deployment of Nitrogen unit inside the

plant does not create any hazard for the facility.

 Ensure the confined space is flushed, purged and

thoroughly ventilated as required.

Ref No.:

Rev No.:
Nitrogen Purging
Page: 2 of 2

Step Description of Task Control Measures/

Hazard Responsible
No. Step Preventive Measures

 Obtain the required permits from the permit issuer.

2. Purging  Improper / Defective  Ensure the tools (such as N2 Unit, Pump, Hose,
Tools Coupling & Pressure Gauges etc) to be used are free
 Rupture of Nitrogen from defect.
Supply Hoses &  Ensure the N2 supply hoses and couplings are rated for
Couplings the required service and pressure.
 Cold Burn  Stay away from the pressurized N2 hose & coupling to
 Excess or Less avoid cold burn in case of leak.
Nitrogen Supply  Barricade the area & post warning notice.
 Unsafe Disposal of  Calculate the amount of N2 required for the volume to
Purged Fluid be purged.
 Lack of Oxygen  Keep a close watch on the N2 supply flow meter.
 Ensure the disposal of purged volume to a safe
location such as flare or vent.
 Do not enter a vessel / tank / pipeline which is purged
with N2.

3. Windup &  Scattered Material  Ensure proper wind up & housekeeping at worksite.
 The accessories (tools, hoses, couplings) must be
disconnected and stored properly.

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