SSH How To
SSH How To
SSH How To
1. DOB
2. First \ of Last name
http: //
Once we decided on the base of introducing the desired info, get rezalty.
Offers of people take the person who best fits the needs of: match FIRST / LAST
NAME DOB or (very often will fall exactly the same people, but with a different bit
DOB, DOB this right and it suits us).
I personally have not tried it yet, there is no unsubscribe Robit)
SSH-tunnels it?
When using SSH-open tunnel traffic of any protocol is encrypted at one end of SSH-
compound client and decrypted at the other, SSH-server.
By appointment
Initially VPN and SSH were designed for different purposes, which explains their
pros and cons:
1. VPN is designed to provide secure remote access to corporate network resources.
As soon as the computer connects to the VPN-server, it becomes part of the "local"
network, and therefore can get all its services: shared resources, local VoIP
service, also become possible NetBIOS, UDP, and broadcast requests, single VPN-
policy, etc. Through a VPN in most cases, traffic is sent across the operating
system and applications.
2. the SSH was originally designed for secure remote device management. SSH-
connection - the connection with the "particular device" rather than a "network."
Although the master SSH can do with a lot of cool things.
For security
VPN and SSH are safe enough with the exception that the PPTP. Most of the possible
attacks is reduced to the Man-in-the-middle attack, and the substitution of
certificates or keys, but it is a problem of authentication and user care.
After the purchase of the tunnel you get this kind of text:
the IP; Login TUVdotCOM; the Password.
1 . We put a tick
2. fit Listen Interface - (all tunnels);
3. fits Listen Port - 1080 (for all the tunnels);
Click Login in the bottom of the window and enjoy.
It may pop up a window in which to communicate about infidelity logopassa. Do not
panic, with a 95% confidence I can say that bitvays tunnel connected, and the
password and login requests that zakonnektitsya from / via telnet.
Now we need to execute Proxifiera setting under Bitvise. Make this a must!
Configuring ready!
Just say that plinker choosy in tunnels and tunnel if taken with Ubuntu, iOS, it
will not run it.
So unpack the files from the archive and plinker.exe plink.exe.
Press start and see a black screen with the words, which should end with something
like this:
the Local port forwarding is the dynamic the SOCKS
Next, open the program and trying to drive proxifier as (see Bitvise.).