Essay On The Short Story

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Braxton Simon

April 17, 2018

ENG2270 - Kilpatrick

Essay on the Short Story

Viktor Pelevin, a Russian fiction writer, procures special voice through word choice and

diction, while also contemplating larger issues of controversy. Among the many works Pelevin

has produced, he is renowned for short stories. Much of his work is in circulation and he

continues to produce.

Since Viktor Pelevin is a Russian fiction writer, most of his work has to undergo

translation to reach much of his audience. As with all translation, some words lose meaning

whereas others gain meaning. The difference between English and Russian is a wide gap. A

quick example of the language gap would be in the word ‘thoughtfully’. Viktor Pelevin uses

‘thoughtfully’ to show how Darwin stares into the darkness in “The Origin of Species”. The

Russian word for ‘thoughtfully’ is ‘glubokomyslenno’; which, when translated, can either be

‘thoughtfully’ or ‘abstrusely’ (Google). The difference is ‘thoughtfully’ means to be occupied in

thought contemplatively, meditatively, or reflectively; ‘abstrusely’ means hard to understand,

recondite, esoteric, or hidden (“abstrusely”; “thoughtfully”). The point being, was whether

Pelevin meant for Darwin to stare into the darkness in a reflective manner, or in a manner where

he didn’t understand, which is a pretty big difference in a story about a man wrestling primates

while contemplating evolution.


Since the language gap exists, the trust must be placed in the translator to make an

accurate and careful translation. Trusting that, it is inferred that the word choice in the English

versions reflect accurately the desired result Pelevin creates.

Going back to “The Origin of Species”, Pelevin procures a special voice through diction.

To highlight a sophisticated mind, one that is literally wrestling over the theory of evolution,

Pelevin results to alliterations. “Tossing to the side the long flaps of his frockcoat..” is one such

example. The alliterations sophistication. They procure the voice as one being intelligent and one

that fits for plot of the story. One that reflects the character of Charles Darwin. Another example,

“Holding his powerful skull in his hands, he slipped into a long reverie.” In this case, the

alliteration is slight showing thought to each word that proceeds; but also emitting a soft rhythm.

The H’s hitting like a soft heartbeat.

A special voice sounds in “The Life and Adventure of Shed XII”. This voice, instead of

the sophistication that had to be portrayed in a story about Darwin, is along the lines of a

innocent bystander, even childish. Fitting for a shed that shortly became sentient. Instead of

sliding alliterations, Pelevin uses simple sentences. The word choice can be complex, yet

portrayed in a simple way. “Actually, there were two other sheds quite close, to his left, but he

tried not to think about them.” Along with, “Every drop of brine in their barrels declared that

number XII’s existence in the universe was entirely unnecessary; that, at least, that was how he

interpreted the vibrations radiating from their consciousness of the world.” The word choice in

these 2 sentences gives a childish/innocent voice to the story of a Shed that just wants to be a


Pelevin utilizes themes in short stories to contemplate larger issues of controversy.

In“The Origin of Species”, Pelevin themes evolution. His character is none other than Charles

Darwin. His plot is of Darwin fighting for life in the bowels of a ship, in a literal ‘survival of the

fittest’. The dramatic question of survival and even of understanding all points to the theme of

evolution. Pelevin sets ups all the minor details to secure this: “..his strained neck ached -- but

Darwin was happy. He a was a few steps closer to the truth..” Even the diction, which has been

discussed previously, all the alliterations and word choice, build up to evolution. Even the voice,

crafted to sophistication, does so. A highlight of Pelevin’s themes are to touch on topics of

controversy. The most common religion in Russia is Russian Orthodox. A special theme created

for a specific audience in a particular way.

Another theme which Pelevin creates and that contemplates controversial issues is the

theme in “The Life and Adventure of Shed XII”: Conformity. The story takes off biblically,

hinting back to the conformity of the Greek Orthodox church in Russia. Then proceeds to share

how a Shed became sentient, yet he wasn’t the only one. Though special in his own way, the

shed is formed to conform to the tasks and thinking of the other sheds, which he dreads. This plot

of the Sheds fight for independence radiates the theme. Hitting the major issue controversial

issue of social conformity with this theme. Pelevin uses the dramatic question of the Shed’s

happiness to reflect back on the theme. Along with the plot where the Shed would rather choose

death. An interesting theme for a specific audience.

Pelevin knows that short stories reach a broader audience than longer stories, they can be

political and achieve a change without stating personal opinions or discuss topics of controversy

without actually doing so.


Personally, I align with Pelevin in the impact stories can have. Call it cliche, but the pen

is mightier than the sword. I think words have the power to hit people where swords and bullets

can't, and that to me is power. I think short stories are even more powerful than longer pieces of

work as well. The attention span of common folk is adhered to and a message is delivered,

whereas only a select audience may get through a novel. Like Pelevin, a target audience is

always crucial to every story and the purpose behind it--critical.

In conclusion, Victor Pelevin is a great author, one that his particular immediate audience

needs. He voice is sauve through his word choice and diction. His themes are thought out and

carefully selected to contemplate larger issues of controversy.


"abstrusely". ​ Unabridged​. Random House, Inc. 20 Apr. 2018. <​>.

Google Translate, Google,

"thoughtfully". ​ Unabridged​. Random House, Inc. 20 Apr. 2018.

< ​​>.

Pelevin, Viktor. The Blue Lantern and Other Stories. Harbord, 1998.

Pelevin, Viktor. “The Origin of Species.” The Short Story Project, Michele A Berdy, 9 Oct.


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