Recovery of C-Phycocyanin in The Presence of Cells Using Expanded Bed IEC
Recovery of C-Phycocyanin in The Presence of Cells Using Expanded Bed IEC
Recovery of C-Phycocyanin in The Presence of Cells Using Expanded Bed IEC
DOI 10.1007/s10337-011-2059-6
Received: 19 January 2011 / Revised: 29 April 2011 / Accepted: 4 May 2011 / Published online: 21 May 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011
Abstract C-Phycocyanin is a natural blue dye that can be being the main consumers of artificially colored food and
extracted from Spirulina platensis. In this paper, a crude candies. Recently, a growing awareness of the importance
extract of C-phycocyanin in the presence of cells was of natural colors has placed a great demand on the bio-
purified using ion exchange chromatography in an expan- logical sources of natural colors [2].
ded bed. The elution was studied aiming at its optimization Cyanobacteria and algae possess a wide range of colored
using a central composite rotatable design (CCRD), the components including carotenoids, chlorophyll and phy-
independent variables being the pH and elution volume, cobiliproteins [2]. Species of the genera Spirulina are
and the responses purity, concentration, yield and recovery. inexpensive sources of phycobiliproteins [3], and have
An evaluation of the contour curves showed that the best been awarded a GRAS certificate (generally recognized as
conditions for purification were a pH value of 6.5 and safe) that permits their use in food.
elution volume of about 150 mL. A run was carried out C-phycocyanin (C-PC) is a natural blue dye extracted
under these conditions, combining a saline gradient from cyanobacteria such as Spirulina platensis, and has
(0–1 M) with step elution using 0.1 M NaCl. Under these raised interest because of its many commercial applications
conditions, it was possible to obtain C-phycocyanin with a in foods and cosmetics [4]. Recent studies have demon-
purity increment of 4.6-fold compared with the initial strated the hepatoprotective [5], anti-inflammatory [5, 6]
extract working directly with unclarified extract. and antioxidant [6, 7] properties of C-PC. Due to their
limited distribution in nature [8] and high cost of obtaining,
Keywords Expanded bed Ion exchange resultant from the difficulty of purification process [9],
chromatography Purification C-Phycocyanin these pigments are rather expensive and thus obtaining
them as pure compounds is a potentially attractive endea-
vor [8].
Introduction Purity is defined as the ratio of the active substance
to the total quantity of material. For C-phycocyanin, the
Food colors create physiological and psychological A620/A280 ratio is considered to be a good indicator of the
expectations and attitudes that are developed by experi- purity of the preparation, especially when other forms of
ence, tradition, education and the environment [1], children protein contaminants are taken into account [10]. A purity
of 0.7 is considered as food grade, 3.9, as reactive grade,
and greater than 4.0, analytical grade [9, 11].
C. C. Moraes (&)
In the recovery and purification of protein products from
Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade Federal do Pampa,
P.O. Box 07, Bagé, RS 96412-420, Brazil a variety of biological sources, the bio-separation of pro-
e-mail: [email protected] teins is an important unit operation in the food, pharma-
ceutical and biotechnology industries. Freitag and Horváth
J. da Costa Ores J. A. V. Costa S. J. Kalil
[12] consider that ion exchange chromatography is the
Escola de Quı́mica e Alimentos, Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande, P.O. Box 475, Rio Grande, RS 96201-900, Brazil most widely used technology in the preparation of proteins
e-mail: [email protected] on both laboratory and production scales, and the recovery
308 C. C. Moraes et al.
of biological activity is usually excellent. The reasons for sodium phosphate buffer pH 7.5 with an upward flow rate
the success of ion exchange chromatography are its wide obtained using a peristaltic pump, so as to give an expansion
applicability, high resolution power, high capacity and the degree of twice its height (20 cm of bed height). This
general simplicity and controllability of the method. Ion equilibration phase was continued until the bed was stable.
exchange can be carried out in a fixed (generally for small- A 145 mL portion of unclarified C-phycocyanin extract
scale operations) or expanded bed. diluted 10 times (cell concentration of 24 mg mL-1) at pH
Adsorption in an expanded bed allows the elimination of 7.5 was then loaded onto the column, maintaining the
clarification step, and also produces concentrated and expansion degree. The extract volume was based on the
partially purified product ready for the next purification adsorption capacity of adsorbent (data not shown) in order
step [13], making the process attractive for large-scale use. to correspond to 10% of this capacity. After applying the
The use of controlled density adsorbents allows for the whole sample volume, the column was washed with 10 bed
production of a stable bed, each particle maintaining a volumes of starting buffer at the elution pH value to remove
discreet position in the bed with a limited circular move- the remaining cells and non-adsorbed proteins. After
ment [14]. washing in the expanded mode, the upward flow was
Despite the great advantages offered for the use of stopped and the bed was allowed to settle in the column.
expanded bed, there are a few reports about the purification The adaptor was then moved down to the surface of the
of C-phycocyanin using an expanded bed, and the opti- settled bed and the C-phycocyanin recovered using a linear
mization of this process still needs to be developed. To 0–1 M NaCl gradient in 0.025 M sodium phosphate buffer
date, there are no papers reporting the C-phycocyanin using the elution volume and pH values determined by the
purification using broth not clarified. central composite rotatable design (Table 1). The elution
No papers were found reporting the use of EBA to purify volumes were calculated to obtain 3–17 bed volumes.
phycobiliproteins in the presence of cells. Thus, the aim of Fractions of 10 mL were collected during all steps of
this paper was to purify the crude extract, not clarified purification process for the evaluation of their C-phycocy-
C-phycocyanin, from S. platensis using ion exchange anin concentrations (Eq. 1) and extract purities (Eq. 2),
chromatography in EBA, studying the elution step with an according to Bennet and Bogorad [17].
aim to maximize the process yield and recovery without ½A620 0:474 ðA652 Þ
diluting the product. C-PC (mg mL1 Þ ¼ ð1Þ
EP ¼ A620 =A280 ð2Þ
Experimental The eluted fractions showing purity greater than 0.7
were used to calculate the recovery (Eq. 3) and yield
Chromatography Media and Column (Eq. 4).
ðC PC volume collectedÞ
A Streamline 25 expanded bed column was used with a %Recovery ¼ 100
Initial C-PC initial volume
column size of 100 cm 9 2.5 cm I.D., total bed volume
V t = 50 mL, and Streamline QXL adsorbent, all from GE P
HealthcareTM. C PC volume collected
Yield (mg g1 Þ ¼ ð4Þ
amount of biomass used
Biomass and C-Phycocyanin Extraction
Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD)
The cyanobacterium S. platensis LEB 52 culture [15] was
grown in outdoor 450 L capacity photo-bioreactors, using
The effects of pH and elution volume were studied using a
Zarrouk’s synthetic medium diluted to 20%. The biomass
CCRD (22 plus axial and central points) with three replicates
was dried at 40 °C and then frozen at -18 °C. Mechanical
at the central point giving a total of 11 trials, the responses
rupture was carried out by grinding in a ball mill. The biomass
being the purity, C-phycocyanin concentration, recovery and
was added to the extractor solvent in the proportion of 24 g of
yield. Table 1 gives the values of the coded and real levels
biomass: 100 mL of solvent, according to Moraes et al. [16].
used in the central composite rotatable design.
C-Phycocyanin Purification
Results and Discussion
A StreamlineTM 25 column containing 50 mL of Streamline
QXL ion exchange resin (10 cm of bed height) was used in To have an optimized purification step is necessary to give
all experiments. The column was equilibrated with 0.025 M attention to some key parameters like the feeding of the
Recovery of C-Phycocyanin Using Expanded Bed IEC 309
extract (volume, concentration, flow rate), adsorption
conditions (pH and resin-type) and conditions of desorp-
tion/elution. The conditions of feeding and absorption were
studied and optimized previously (data not shown).
Table 1 Coded levels and real values (in parenthesis) for a CCRD, yield, recovery and C-phycocyanin concentration (C-PC), including the experimental and predictive results
among the main responses that increased after optimizing
the elution [18]. The variable pH is directly linked to
purity, since the net negative charge of the protein varies
The Streamline column is designed for use in expan-
ded bed adsorption, where the bed is expanded by the
upward liquid flow when feeding crude extract, without the
(mg g-1)
(R2 = 0.86) for recovery and 3.01 (R2 = 0.91) for C-PC
concentration, indicating a significant and predictive
3:39X1 X2 ð5Þ
Recovery ð%Þ ¼ 69:84 6:64X1 4:44X12 6:08X1 X2
C-PC ðmg mL Þ ¼ 0:95 þ 0:06X1 0:04X12 0:50X2
-1 (5.5)
1 (7.5)
-1 (5.5)
1 (7.5)
-1.41 (5.1)
1.41 (7.9)
0 (6.5)
0 (6.5)
0 (6.5)
0 (6.5)
0 (6.5)
þ 0:25X22 ð7Þ
310 C. C. Moraes et al.
Fig. 1 Response surfaces and contour diagrams for the yield, recovery and C-PC concentration as a function of pH and elution volume
Recovery of C-Phycocyanin Using Expanded Bed IEC 311
C-PC (mg/mL) e EP
3.0 0.6
2.5 0.5
2.0 0.4
1.5 0.3
1.0 0.2
0.5 0.1
the concentration was more affected by the variables the run 7. To confirm these results, the experimental data
studied than the yield and recovery. were validated by carrying out three further assays of run 7
Table 1 and Fig. 1 show that the highest values for yield and comparing the results. The results obtained in these
and recovery were obtained at pH values around 5.1 and three assays presented a percent deviation below 6% for all
the largest elution volume (850 mL). On the other hand, the responses evaluated (purity, concentration, yield and
the C-PC concentration was reduced to 80% when the recovery). Figure 2 shows the chromatogram of one of
volume was increased, independent of the pH. However, it these assays, and it shows that 10 of the 15 fractions col-
is possible to avoid these losses in concentration if the lected during elution presented values for purity above 0.7,
elution is performed at pH 6.5, because at this pH the losses corresponding to 67% of recovery, the value expected for
in yield and recovery, as compared to the optimum con- ion exchange.
ditions, were only about 13%. When the product to be Niu et al. [20] reported that with the use of an expanded
purified is added to foods as an additive, it is important to bed, many of the concentration and partial isolation steps
get the concentration as high as possible to avoid the and procedures, such as precipitation in ammonium sulfate
addition of large amounts to the food product. In this case, and gel-filtration used in conventional chromatographic
it was possible to work at pH 6.5 and an elution volume of purification protocols, are eliminated. A typical cycle of the
150 mL, or combine the process with an ultrafiltration step isolation process by EBA chromatography including
and work under conditions that permitted the highest equilibration (30 min) ? loading (30 min) ? washing
recovery. (60 min) ? elution (30 min), only took 2.5–3.5 h.
The models obtained agreed with the results observed in Bermejo et al. [21] studied the purification of a crude
the CCRD, since Table 1 presents values for relative extract of C-phycocyanin without cells using expanded bed
deviation of below 10% for the yield and recovery. For ion exchange chromatography, and obtained a C-PC extract
concentration, the relative deviation was high (25%) at the three times purer than the initial extract, with a recovery of
lower pH values, but at the other pH values the relative 68–80%. Niu et al. [20] used hydrophobic interaction in an
deviation remained below 10%. Thus, it was considered expanded bed to purify a crude extract of C-phycocyanin
that the model did not fit the experimental data for the without cells, and obtained a C-phycocyanin extract that
C-PC concentration at pH values between 5.1 and 5.5, but was four times purer with a recovery of 35% and yield of
in the pH range considered as optimum, the experimental 31 mg g-1. In the present paper, if the fraction collected
data fitted the model well. were just more purified, a product with an increment of
In the present study, C-phycocyanin was obtained with a four times in purity and a recovery of about 50% would be
value for purity of 1.62 (an increase of 3.2 times compared obtained.
with the initial extract), for concentration of 2.35 mg Although the results obtained were in agreement with
mL-1, yield of 40 mg g-1 and recovery of about 67%, in those found in the literature, Moraes and Kalil [18]
312 C. C. Moraes et al.
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