Igs NT 2.6.5
Igs NT 2.6.5
Igs NT 2.6.5
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Mhx file
IG-NT Archives IS-NT Archives
IG-SPTM-2.6.ant IS-SPTM-2.6.ant
IG-SPI-2.6.ant IS-SPI-2.6.ant
IG-MINT-2.6.ant IS-MINT-2.6.ant
IG-COX-2.6.ant IS-COX-2.6.ant
IG-COMBI-2.6.ant IS-COMBI-2.6.ant
IG-MINT-Marine-2.6.ant IS-MINT-Marine-2.6.ant
PDF files Description
IG/IS-NT-SPtM 2.6 Reference Guide Manual for IG/IS-NT Single Parallel to Mains application
IG/IS-NT-SPI 2.6 Reference Guide Manual for IG/IS-NT Single Prime Island application
IG/IS-NT-MINT 2.6 Reference Guide Manual for IG/IS-NT Multiple INTernal application
IG/IS-NT-COX 2.6 Reference Guide Manual for IG/IS-NT in COoperation with an eXternal system
IG/IS-NT-COMBI 2.6 Reference Guide Manual for IG/IS-NT COMBIned application (mode selectable
via binary inputs)
IG/IS-NT 2.6 Application Guide Application guide for IG/IS-NT
IG/IS-NT 2.6 Installation Guide Installation guide for IG/IS-NT
IG/IS-NT Operator Guide 2.6 Operator guide for IG/IS-NT
IG/IS-NT Communication Guide 11-2011 Communication guide for IG/IS-NT
IGS-NT 2.6 Troubleshooting Guide Troubleshooting & How to... guide for IG/IS-NT
See Operator Guide for further information about manuals contents.
• Faults of current and voltage measurement can occur in controller in connection with any ECU.
Occurrence of this fault depends on the configuration of controller. This problem can affect the
Short current and Vectorshift protections. Fault can manifest it self as measurement of not existing
peaks of current or activation of Vectorshift protection without any reason. The bug has been fixed.
om s.r.
• Failures of in history of controller – The wrong records of values in history in IGS-NT-2.6.2. The
bug has been fixed.
New features
• Change of breaker tripped by ROCOF - Breaker that should be tripped due to active ROCOF
protection (ANSI 87) can be selected by setpoint "VectorS CB sel" in mains protect group. Vector
Shift and ROCOF protection cause tripping of the same breaker.
• VAr sharing regulation in multi Island operation – Regulation of VAr sharing has been improved.
• Timers - Some specific settings of timers in controller could cause that timer has been activated
irregular once a year. The bug has been fixed.
• PLC functions
- Some PLC blocks can not be used in configuration of IG-NT controller (all standard
archives IG-xxx-2.6.ant). The message “wrong config” appears in alarm list after loading of
configuration into the controller. The bug has been fixed.
New features
- Main mettering screen of InteliVision 8 has been changed. The RPM gauge has been
replaced by operating values (apparent power, PF, GenV, water temp, fuel level, oil press,
etc.). Supported only in InteliVision v. 2.0 FW.
- Base color of all label text in IV5 has been changed to white.
- Diagram of the site viewing states of the mains voltage, generator voltage and breakers has
been added into the status bar of InteliVision 8.
• Support of screen editor – function of screen editor of InteliVision 5 and InteliVisoin 8 has been
added in GenConfig 2.6. This function is supported in controller since IGS-NT-2.6.
• User defined buttons in Inteli Vision 5 and InteliVisoin 8 – user defined buttons in IV 5 and IV 8
support has been added (definition of user defined buttons can be done via GenConfig 2.6 - screen
editor). Actions: Jump on any screen, definable name of button, set/reset/toggle command for BI.
om s.r.
• Next Over Load Start function in MINT application has been changed. Level for starting of next
gen-set has been decreased to 90% of actual nominal power of all gen-sets on the bus. Start of
next gen-set is delayed for time OverldNextDel. This function prevents overloading of gen-sets in
case that no load reserve start level has not been set.
• ROCOF protection
New setpoints has been added into the Mains Protect group:
• ECU binary values – all binary values read from ECU are reset to “zero” in case that
communication get lost.
• IS-NT, IG-NT HW and SW mismatch – application get not running in case of loading FW for IS-NT
into IG-NT HW and vice versa. Controller stays in Init mode.
IG/IS-NT V2.6.5 – New features / ©ComAp – August 2012 / IGS-NT-2.6.5-New Features.pdf
om s.r.
• Setpoint changes
- AirGate Server (Comms settings group) - Setpoint has been renamed on AirGate. Default
value has been changed on ENABLED.
- IP addr mode (Comms settings group) - Default value of setpoint has been changed on
- AirGate IP (Comms settings group) – Default value has been set on airgate.comap.cz.
- 2Inom del (Gener protect group) – Range of setpoint has been changed to 600 s.
- Max+CylDifPmin, Max-CylDifPmin, Max+CylDifPnom, Max-CylDifPnom (Engine protect
Group – Range of setpoints has been limited for positive values (setpoints mean absolute
value of deviation).
• New LBO PeakShaveAct – the logical binary output is active when the gen-set is running due to
Peak Shaving (dependence on parameters PeakLevelStart, PeakLevelStop, PeakAutS/S del in
ProcessControl group, available in SPtM and COMBI application only).
• New Values – GL16, GL32 binary values has been added to the values of controller. Active bit
within the value means that corresponding controller has closed its GCB.
- GL16, GL32 binary values. Active bit within the value means that corresponding controller
has closed its GCB.
- TotRunPact P value: Sum of active power of all gen-sets within the group that are
connected to the bus.
- TotRunPact Q value: Sum of reactive power of all gen-sets within the group that are
connected to the bus.
• Writing of shared setpoints – Shared setpoints of single controller (no other controller
communicating on CAN2) can be rewritten by GenConfig (GenConfig 2.6). Shared setpoints can not
be rewritten in case, that any other controller is connected on CAN2.
om s.r.
• PLC functions
- Number of logical PLC blocks of IS-NT archive controller (all hardware variations) has been
increased. PLC logic can contain up to 200 AND/OR blocks and up to 200 XOR/RS blocks.
- Number of available PLC blocks of standard IG-NT archive has been increased on number
of PLC blocks of IG-NT-mCHP except PLC blocks Regulators.
- mCHP archives are not included in IGS-NT-2.6 at all. IGS-NT-2.6 FW is backwards
compatible with mCHP dongle (IG-NT with mCHP dongle still supports PLC blocks
Regulators). mCHP dongle is not available no longer.
Table of PLC blocks available for IGS-NT controllers (changes are in bold)
IG/IS-NT V2.6.5 – New features / ©ComAp – August 2012 / IGS-NT-2.6.5-New Features.pdf
om s.r.
• Setpoint change announcement – Controller did not announce change of setpoint to terminal that
was the setpoint changed from (it caused problems in case that this setpoint was source for
ForceValue of another setpoint). Problem has been fixed.
• Password entering from the IG-Display and IS-Display caused that the controller was locked after
the first attempt for 15 minutes (after the further incorrect attempt for 30, 60, 120, 240 minutes). It
was due to the FW of those terminals. Problem was caused by a bug in IS-Display and IG-Display.
Problem has been fixed in IS-Display-1.7 and IG-Display-1.7. “Break through password protection”
function has been changed (see chapter paragraph “Changes of function Break through password
protection“ in new features in this document).
• Hidden timer in Test on Load – after MCB opening in Test on Load was counted a hidden timer
(Mains ret del) at the background. In case that ToL was interrupted during this timer countdown
controller was waiting till the end of this countdown. No timer was viewed in status bar. Repaired:
Generator goes to synchronization immediately , when Test on Load is interrupted if the mains is
• Pressing of GCB (close) button in TEST mode could cause temporary disconnection of the load
when setpoint Island ENABLE = NO. The problem has been fixed.
• If mains fail occur during the time when controller was in TEST mode, the MCB has not been closed
after return of the mains (after Mians ret del). The problem has been fixed.
• Loading/Unloading of gen-set in manual mode (multi island operation) – pressing GCB open cause
soft unloading of the gen-set. After pressing start button is the gen-set loaded again. This function
did not work on IS-NT-BB controller with IS-Display. The fault has been fixed.
om s.r.