Poli Cases1
Poli Cases1
Poli Cases1
POLITICAL LAW REVIEW (1ST MEETING) Framers to make the proper adjustment when
there was a shift from unilateralism to
bicameralism was a plain oversight; 3] that
A. CHAVEZ VS JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL G.R. two representatives from Congress would not
202242 (can congress have 2 members in subvert the intention of the Framers to insulate
JBC)(POWER OF the JBC from political partisanship; and 4] that
AMENDMENT=”PEOPLE”/POWER OF the rationale of the Court in declaring a
PROPOSAL=”CONGRESS”) seven-member composition would provide a
solution should there be a stalemate is not
exactly correct.
From the birth of the Philippines, the duty of
appointing members of the judiciary has been
the prerogative of the executive and legislative WON the first paragraph of Section 8, Article VIII
branch which started from the malolos of the 1987 Constitution allows more than one
constitution and 1935 constitution which vested (1) member of Congress to sit in the JBC; and
the power to appoint the members of the
Judiciary in the President, subject to
confirmation by the Commission on WON each House of Congress is entitled with
Appointments. one (1) vote each is sanctioned by the
This resulted to the framers of the 1987 Section 8. (1) A Judicial and Bar Council is
constitution to create the Judicial and Bar hereby created under the supervision of the
Council(JBC) in order to purge the judiciary of all Supreme Court composed of the Chief Justice as
evils of political pressure and partisan activities ex officio Chairman, the Secretary of Justice,
and a representative of the Congress as ex
officio Members, a representative of the
The JBC only consist of 7 member, but was Integrated Bar, a professor of law, a retired
subsequently altered in 1994 when An eighth Member of the Supreme Court, and a
member was added to the JBC as the two (2) representative of the private sector.(7
representatives from Congress began sitting MEMBERS)(PURPOSE: TO PREVENT A
simultaneously in the JBC, with each having STALEMATE IN VOTING, WHICH IS WHY 2
one-half (1/2) of a vote. PERSONS FROM CONGRESS CANNOT BE
The respondents or congress justified its actions THE LEGISLATIVE BODY SINCE THEY WOULD
on the following grounds: that allowing only HAVE 2 REPRESANTIVES)
one representative from Congress in the JBC
would lead to absurdity considering its
bicameral nature; 2] that the failure of the
influence as the other branches in the exercise so they can become delegates themselves to
of prerogatives evenly bestowed upon the the Convention.
three. Sound reason and principle of equality
among the three branches support this
conclusion. Subsequently, Congress passed a bill, which,
upon approval by the President, on June 17,
1967, became Republic Act No. 4913, providing
The argument that a senator cannot represent a that the amendments to the Constitution
member of the House of Representatives in the proposed in the aforementioned Resolutions No.
JBC and vice-versa is, thus, misplaced. In the JBC, 1 and 3 be submitted, for approval by the
any member of Congress, whether from the people, at the general elections which shall be
Senate or the House of Representatives, is held on November 14, 1967.
constitutionally empowered to represent the
Two cases were filed against this act of
entire Congress.
Congress: One an is original action for
prohibition, with preliminary injunction by
Ramon A. Gonzales, in L-28196, a Filipino citizen,
From this score stems the conclusion that the
a taxpayer, and a voter. He claims to have
lone representative of Congress is entitled to
instituted case L-28196 as a class unit, for and in
one full vote. This pronouncement effectively
behalf of all citizens, taxpayers, and voters
disallows the scheme of splitting the said vote
similarly situated. Another one is by
into half (1/2), between two representatives of
Philippine Constitution Association(PHILCONSA),
Congress. Not only can this unsanctioned
in L-28224, a corporation duly organized and
practice cause disorder in the voting process, it
existing under the laws of the Philippines, and a
is clearly against the essence of what the
civic, non-profit and non-partisan organization
Constitution authorized. After all, basic and
the objective of which is to uphold the rule of
reasonable is the rule that what cannot be
law in the Philippines and to defend its
legally done directly cannot be done indirectly.
Constitution against erosions or onslaughts
To permit or tolerate the splitting of one vote
from whatever source.
into two or more is clearly a constitutional
circumvention that cannot be countenanced by
the Court. Succinctly put, when the Constitution
envisioned one member of Congress sitting in
the JBC, it is sensible to presume that this
representation carries with him one full vote.
WON The Members of Congress, which
approved the proposed amendments are de
facto officers which renders the approval void.
WON The election, in which proposals for organized or constituted on December 30, 1961,
amendment to the Constitution shall be were de jure bodies, and that the Members
submitted for ratification, must be a special thereof were de jure officers. Pursuant to the
election, not a general election theory of petitioners herein, upon expiration of
said period of three years, or late in 1963,
Congress became illegal and its Members, or at
WON the failure to ratify by the people of the least, those of the House of Representatives,
proposed amendments would render it null and became illegal holder of their respective offices,
void. and were de facto officers.
In fact, the main reasons for the existence of
the de facto doctrine is that public interest
Pursuant to Section 1 of Article XV of the demands that acts of persons holding, under
Constitution, amendments to the Constitution color of title, an office created by a valid
may be proposed, either by Congress, or by a statute be, likewise, deemed valid insofar as
convention called by Congress for that purpose. the public — as distinguished from the officer
In either case, the vote of "three-fourths of all in question — is concerned. otherwise, those
the members of the Senate and of the House dealing with officers and employees of the
of Representatives voting separately" is Government would be entitled to demand from
necessary. And, "such amendments shall be them satisfactory proof of their title to the
valid as part of" the "Constitution when positions they hold, before dealing with them,
approved by a majority of the votes cast at an or before recognizing their authority or obeying
election at which the amendments are their commands, even if they should act within
submitted to the people for their ratification." the limits of the authority vested in their
respective offices, positions or employments.
One can imagine this great inconvenience,
In the cases at bar, it is conceded that the R. B. hardships and evils that would result in the
H. Nos. 1 and 3 have been approved by a vote absence of the de facto doctrine.
of three-fourths of all the members of the
Senate and of the House of Representatives
voting separately. This, notwithstanding, it is As a consequence, the title of a de facto officer
ALLEGED that said resolutions are null and void cannot be assailed collaterally. It may not be
because: contested except directly, by quo warranto
proceedings. Neither may the validity of his acts
be questioned upon the ground that he is
FIRST ISSUE: (the approval is valid due to the merely a de facto officer.24 And the reasons are
de facto doctrine) obvious: (1) it would be an indirect inquiry into
the title to the office; and (2) the acts of a de
facto officer, if within the competence of his
office, are valid, insofar as the public is
There can be no question, therefore, that the
Senate and the House of Representatives
office building and in every polling place not believe it has been satisfactorily shown that
later than October 14, 1967," and that said copy Congress has exceeded the limits thereof in
"shall remain posted therein until after the enacting Republic Act No. 4913. Presumably, it
election;" could have done something better to enlighten
the people on the subject-matter thereof. But,
then, no law is perfect. No product of human
(3) that "at least five copies of said endeavor is beyond improvement. Otherwise,
amendment shall be kept in each polling place, no legislation would be constitutional and valid.
to be made available for examination by the Six (6) Members of this Court believe, however,
qualified electors during election day;" said Act and R. B. H. Nos. 1 and 3 violate the
spirit of the Constitution.
(6) that the contested Resolutions "shall be This Court — speaking through one of the
printed in full" on the back of the ballots which leading members of the Constitutional
shall be used on November 14, 1967. Convention and a respected professor of
Constitutional Law, Dr. Jose P. Laurel —
declared that "the judicial department is the
only constitutional organ which can be called
We are not prepared to say that the foregoing
upon to determine the proper allocation of
measures are palpably inadequate to comply
powers between the several departments and
with the constitutional requirement that
among the integral or constituent units
proposals for amendment be "submitted to
the people for their ratification," and that said
measures are manifestly insufficient, from a
constitutional viewpoint, to inform the people
of the amendment sought to be made. the power to AMEND the Constitution or to
propose amendments thereto is not included in
the general grant of legislative powers to
Congress.It is part of the inherent powers of
The system of checks and balances underlying
the people — as the repository of sovereignty
the judicial power to strike down acts of the
in a republican state, such as ours— to make,
Executive or of Congress transcending the
and, hence, to amend their own Fundamental
confines set forth in the fundamental laws is
Law. Congress may PROPOSE amendments to
not in derogation of the principle of separation
the Constitution merely because the same
of powers, pursuant to which each department
explicitly grants such power.12 Hence, when
is supreme within its own sphere. The
exercising the same, it is said that Senators and
determination of the conditions under which
Members of the House of Representatives act,
the proposed amendments shall be submitted
not as members of Congress, but as component
to the people is concededly a matter which
elements of a constituent assembly. When
falls within the legislative sphere. We do not
acting as such, the members of Congress derive SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE V OF THE CONSTITUTION
their authority from the Constitution, unlike SO AS TO LOWER THE VOTING AGE TO 18." On
the people, when performing the same September 30, 1971, the COMELEC "resolved"
function,13 for their authority does not to follow the mandate of the Convention, that it
emanate from the Constitution — they are the will hold the said plebiscite together with the
very source of all powers of government, senatorial elections on November 8, 1971 .
including the Constitution itself .
HELD: (only number 1 is the applied ruling and
last paragraph of number 2/ Yes! the limit is
The 1971 Constitutional Convention came into there can only be 1 election and plebiscite, in
being by virtue of two resolutions of the order for the constitutional amendment to be
Congress approved in its capacity as a valid, this powers is only lodged to the
constituent assembly convened for the purpose congress and not to the constitutional
of calling a convention to propose amendments convention)
to the Constitution. After election of delegates
held on November 10, 1970, the Convention
held its inaugural session on June 1, 1971. In the
The Court holds that there is, and it is the
morning of September 28, 1970, the Convention
condition and limitation that all the
approved Organic Resolution No. 1 which is
amendments to be proposed by the same
Convention must be submitted to the people in
Convention may establish and of which (The Constitutional Convention of 1971 itself
presently he is not given any idea? was born, in a great measure, because of the
pressure brought to bear upon the Congress of
the Philippines by various elements of the
We are certain no one can deny that in order people, the youth in particular, in their incessant
that a plebiscite for the ratification of an search for a peaceful and orderly means of
amendment to the Constitution may be validly bringing about meaningful changes in the
held, it must provide the voter not only structure and bases of the existing social and
sufficient time but ample basis for an governmental institutions, including the
intelligent appraisal of the nature of the provisions of the fundamental law related to the
amendment per se as well as its relation to the well-being and economic security of the
other parts of the Constitution with which it underprivileged classes of our people as well as
has to form a harmonious whole. In the context those concerning the preservation and
of the present state of things, where the protection of our natural resources and the
Convention has hardly started considering the national patrimony, as an alternative to violent
merits of hundreds, if not thousands, of and chaotic ways of achieving such lofty ideals.
proposals to amend the existing Constitution, to In brief, the youth of the Philippines, in general,
present to the people any single proposal or a like the rest of the people, do not want
few of them cannot comply with this confusion and disorder, anarchy and violence;
requirement. We are of the opinion that the what they really want are law and order, peace
present Constitution does not contemplate in and orderliness, even in the pursuit of what they
Section 1 of Article XV a plebiscite or "election" strongly and urgently feel must be done to
wherein the people are in the dark as to frame change the present order of things in this
of reference they can base their judgment on. Republic of ours.)
We reject the rationalization that the present
Constitution is a possible frame of reference, for
the simple reason that intervenors themselves Defensor-Santiago v. Commission on Elections,
are stating that the sole purpose of the (GR 127325)(INITIATIVE FOR AMMENDMENT
proposed amendment is to enable the eighteen OF THE CONSTITUTION)
year olds to take part in the election for the
ratification of the Constitution to be drafted by
the Convention. In brief, under the proposed FACTS:
plebiscite, there can be, in the language of
Justice Sanchez, speaking for the six members
of the Court in Gonzales, supra, "no proper
In 1996, Atty. Jesus Delfin a member of the
Movement for People's Initiative, desing to
avail of the system intended to institutionalize
people power; that he and the members of the
the Constitutional Convention of 1971 and the Movement and other volunteers intend to
implementing acts and resolutions of the exercise the power to directly propose
Convention, insofar as they provide for the amendments to the Constitution granted
holding of a plebiscite on November 8, 1971, as under Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution;
well as the resolution of the respondent filed with COMELEC a petition to amend
Comelec complying therewith (RR Resolution Constitution, to lift term limits of elective
No. 695) are hereby declared null and void. officials, by people’s initiative. Delfin wanted
COMELEC to control and supervise said people’s
initiative the signature-gathering all over the
(the constitutional convention came into being country. The proposition is: “Do you approve of
by a call of a joint session of Congress pursuant lifting the term limits of all elective government
to Section I of Article XV of the Constitution) officials, amending for the purpose Sections 4 )
and 7 of Article VI, Section 4 of Article VII, and
Section 8 of Article 8 of Article X of the 1987 Section 2 of Article XVII of the Constitution
Philippine Constitution?” Said Petition for provides:
Initiative will first be submitted to the people,
and after it is signed by at least 12% total
number of registered voters in the country, it Sec. 2. Amendments to this Constitution
will be formally filed with the COMELEC. may likewise be directly proposed by the
people through initiative upon a petition of at
least twelve per centum of the total number of
COMELEC in turn ordered Delfin for publication registered voters, of which every legislative
of the petition. Petitioners Sen. Roco et al district must be represented by at least three
moved for dismissal of the Delfin Petition on per centum of the registered voters therein. No
the ground that it is not the initiatory petition amendment under this section shall be
properly cognizable by the COMELEC. authorized within five years following the
ratification of this Constitution nor oftener than
a. Constitutional provision on people’s
once every five years thereafter.
initiative to amend the Constitution can only
be implemented by law to be passed by
Congress. No such law has been passed.b.
According to the book of Joaquin bernas a
Republic Act No. 6735 provides for 3 systems
member of the 1986 Constitutional Commission,
on initiative but failed to provide any subtitle
on initiative on the Constitution, unlike in the
other modes of initiative. This deliberate
omission indicates matter of people’s initiative
was left to some future law.c. COMELEC has no Without implementing legislation Section 2
power to provide rules and regulations for the cannot operate. Thus, although this mode of
exercise of people’s initiative. Only Congress is amending the Constitution is a mode of
authorized by the Constitution to pass the amendment which bypasses congressional
implementing law.d. People’s initiative is action, in the last analysis it still is dependent
limited to amendments to the Constitution, on congressional action.
not to revision thereof. Extending or lifting of
term limits constitutes a revision.e. Congress
nor any government agency has not yet Bluntly stated, the right of the people to directly
appropriated funds for people’s initiative. propose amendments to the Constitution
through the system of initiative would remain
entombed in the cold niche of the Constitution
ISSUE: until Congress provides for its implementation.
Stated otherwise, while the Constitution has
recognized or granted that right, the people
cannot exercise it if Congress, for whatever
reason, does not provide for its
Sec. 1. Any amendment to, or revision of, recognized and guaranteed. (Emphasis
this Constitution may be proposed: by the supplied).
National Assembly upon a vote of three-fourths
of all its members; by a constitutional
convention; or directly by the people The inclusion of the word "Constitution"
themselves thru initiative. therein was a delayed afterthought. That word
is neither germane nor relevant to said section,
which exclusively relates to initiative and
A new formulation for the concept of initiative referendum on national laws and local laws,
was later on submitted which alleged that “The ordinances, and resolutions. That section is
people may, after five years from the date of silent as to amendments on the Constitution.
the last plebiscite held, directly propose As pointed out earlier, initiative on the
amendments to this Constitution thru initiative Constitution is confined only to proposals to
upon petition of at least ten percent of the AMEND. The people are not accorded the
registered voters.” power to "directly propose, enact, approve, or
reject, in whole or in part, the Constitution"
through the system of initiative. They can only
This completes the blanks appearing in the do so with respect to "laws, ordinances, or
original Committee Report No. 7. resolutions."
The interpellations on Section 2 showed that Second. It is true that Section 3 (Definition of
the details for carrying out Section 2 are left to Terms) of the Act defines initiative on
the legislature. amendments to the Constitution and mentions
it as one of the three systems of initiative, and
that Section 5 (Requirements) restates the
constitutional requirements as to the
Now, is R.A. No. 6735 in full compliance with
percentage of the registered voters who must
the power and duty of Congress to "provide for
submit the proposal. But unlike in the case of
the implementation of the exercise of the
the other systems of initiative, the Act does not
provide for the contents of a petition for
initiative on the Constitution. Section 5,
paragraph (c) requires, among other things,
A careful scrutiny of the Act yields a negative statement of the proposed law sought to be
answer. enacted, approved or rejected, amended or
repealed, as the case may be. It does not
include, as among the contents of the petition,
First. Contrary to the assertion of public the provisions of the Constitution sought to be
respondent COMELEC, Section 2 of the Act does amended, in the case of initiative on the
not suggest an initiative on amendments to the Constitution.The use of the clause "proposed
Constitution. The said section reads: laws sought to be enacted, approved or
rejected, amended or repealed" only
strengthens the conclusion that Section 2,
Sec. 2. Statement and Policy. — The power quoted earlier, excludes initiative on
of the people under a system of initiative and amendments to the Constitution.
referendum to directly propose, enact, approve
or reject, in whole or in part, the Constitution,
laws, ordinances, or resolutions passed by any Third. While the Act provides subtitles for
legislative body upon compliance with the National Initiative and Referendum (Subtitle II)
requirements of this Act is hereby affirmed, and for Local Initiative and Referendum
(Subtitle III), no subtitle is provided for
initiative on the Constitution. This conspicuous There was, therefore, an obvious downgrading
silence as to the latter simply means that the of the more important or the paramount system
main thrust of the Act is initiative and of initiative. RA. No. 6735 thus delivered a
referendum on national and local laws. If humiliating blow to the system of initiative on
Congress intended R.A. No. 6735 to fully amendments to the Constitution by merely
provide for the implementation of the initiative paying it a reluctant lip service.
on amendments to the Constitution, it could
have provided for a subtitle therefor,
considering that in the order of things, the The foregoing brings us to the conclusion that
primacy of interest, or hierarchy of values, the R.A. No. 6735 is incomplete, inadequate, or
right of the people to directly propose wanting in essential terms and conditions
amendments to the Constitution is far more insofar as initiative on amendments to the
important than the initiative on national and Constitution is concerned. Its lacunae on this
local laws. substantive matter are fatal and cannot be
cured by "empowering" the COMELEC "to
promulgate such rules and regulations as may
We cannot accept the argument that the be necessary to carry out the purposes of [the]
initiative on amendments to the Constitution is Act. 58
subsumed under the subtitle on National
Initiative and Referendum because it is national
in scope. Our reading of Subtitle II (National The rule is that what has been delegated,
Initiative and Referendum) and Subtitle III cannot be delegated or as expressed in a Latin
(Local Initiative and Referendum) leaves no maxim: potestas delegata non delegari potest.
room for doubt that the classification is not 59 The recognized exceptions to the rule are as
based on the scope of the initiative involved, follows:
but on its nature and character. It is "national
initiative," if what is proposed to be adopted
or enacted is a national law, or a law which
(1) Delegation of tariff powers to the
only Congress can pass. It is "local initiative" if
President under Section 28(2) of Article VI of
what is proposed to be adopted or enacted is a
the Constitution;
law, ordinance, or resolution which only the
legislative bodies of the governments of the
autonomous regions, provinces, cities,
municipalities, and barangays can pass. (2) Delegation of emergency powers to the
President under Section 23(2) of Article VI of
the Constitution;
above. However, in every case of permissible centum (3%) of its registered voters. The
delegation, there must be a showing that the Lambino Group also claimed that COMELEC
delegation itself is valid. It is valid only if the election registrars had verified the signatures of
law (a) is complete in itself, setting forth the 6.3 million individuals.
therein the policy to be executed, carried out,
or implemented by the delegate; and (b) fixes
a standard — the limits of which are The Lambino Group's initiative petition
sufficiently determinate and determinable — changes the 1987 Constitution by modifying
to which the delegate must conform in the Sections 1-7 of Article VI (Legislative
performance of his functions. 61 A sufficient Department)4 and Sections 1-4 of Article VII
standard is one which defines legislative policy, (Executive Department)5 and by adding Article
marks its limits, maps out its boundaries and XVIII entitled "Transitory Provisions."6 These
specifies the public agency to apply it. It proposed changes will shift the present
indicates the circumstances under which the Bicameral-Presidential system to a
legislative command is to be effected. 62 Unicameral-Parliamentary form of government.
The Lambino Group prayed that after due
publication of their petition, the COMELEC
Insofar as initiative to propose amendments to should submit the following proposition in a
the Constitution is concerned, R.A. No. 6735 plebiscite for the voters' ratification:
miserably failed to satisfy both requirements in
subordinate legislation. The delegation of the
power to the COMELEC is then invalid. DO YOU APPROVE THE AMENDMENT OF
in signatures in initiatives petition and BICAMERAL-PRESIDENTIAL TO A
limitation of initiative to proposal only of UNICAMERAL-PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM, AND
amendments and does not include revisions) PROVIDING ARTICLE XVIII AS TRANSITORY
The signature sheet merely asks a question the proposed changes to the great majority of
whether the people approve a shift from the the people who signed the signature sheets.
Bicameral-Presidential to the
Unicameral-Parliamentary system of
government. The signature sheet does not Thus, of the 6.3 million signatories, only
show to the people the draft of the proposed 100,000 signatories could have received with
changes before they are asked to sign the certainty one copy each of the petition,
signature sheet. Clearly, the signature sheet is assuming a 100 percent distribution with no
not the "petition" that the framers of the wastage. If Atty. Lambino and company
Constitution envisioned when they formulated attached one copy of the petition to each
the initiative clause in Section 2, Article XVII of signature sheet, only 100,000 signature sheets
the Constitution. could have circulated with the petition. Each
signature sheet contains space for ten
signatures. Assuming ten people signed each of
Now, The Lambino Group cites as authority these 100,000 signature sheets with the
Corpus Juris Secundum, stating that "a signer attached petition, the maximum number of
who did not read the measure attached to a people who saw the petition before they
referendum petition cannot question his signed the signature sheets would not exceed
signature on the ground that he did not 1,000,000.
understand the nature of the act."
During the oral arguments, Atty. Lambino An initiative that gathers signatures from the
expressly admitted that they printed only people without first showing to the people the
100,000 copies of the draft petition they filed full text of the proposed amendments is most
more than six months later with the COMELEC. likely a deception, and can operate as a
Atty. Lambino added that he also asked other gigantic fraud on the people. That is why the
supporters to print additional copies of the draft Constitution requires that an initiative must be
petition but he could not state with certainty "directly proposed by the people x x x in a
how many additional copies the other petition" - meaning that the people must sign
supporters printed. Atty. Lambino could only on a petition that contains the full text of the
assure this Court of the printing of 100,000 proposed amendments. On so vital an issue as
copies because he himself caused the printing amending the nation's fundamental law, the
of these 100,000 copies. writing of the text of the proposed
amendments cannot be hidden from the
people under a general or special power of
This admission binds the Lambino Group and attorney to unnamed, faceless, and unelected
establishes beyond any doubt that the individuals.
Lambino Group failed to show the full text of
The Constitution entrusts to the people the amendments to the Constitution. Where the
power to directly propose amendments to the intent and language of the Constitution clearly
Constitution. This Court trusts the wisdom of withhold from the people the power to
the people even if the members of this Court do propose revisions to the Constitution, the
not personally know the people who sign the people cannot propose revisions even as they
petition. However, this trust emanates from a are empowered to propose amendments.
fundamental assumption: the full text of the
proposed amendment is first shown to the
people before they sign the petition, not after This has been the consistent ruling of state
they have signed the petition. supreme courts in the United States. Thus, in
McFadden v. Jordan,32 the Supreme Court of
California ruled:
In short, the Lambino Group's initiative is void
and unconstitutional because it dismally fails
to comply with the requirement of Section 2, The initiative power reserved by the people by
Article XVII of the Constitution that the amendment to the Constitution x x x applies
initiative must be "directly proposed by the only to the proposing and the adopting or
people through initiative upon a petition." rejecting of 'laws and amendments to the
Constitution' and does not purport to extend
to a constitutional revision. x x x x It is thus
SECOND, The Initiative Violates Section 2, clear that a revision of the Constitution may be
Article XVII of the Constitution Disallowing accomplished only through ratification by the
Revision through Initiatives. people of a revised constitution proposed by a
convention called for that purpose as outlined
Article XVII of the Constitution speaks of three
modes of amending the Constitution. The first
mode is through Congress upon three-fourths Similarly, in this jurisdiction there can be no
vote of all its Members. The second mode is dispute that a people's initiative can only
through a constitutional convention. The third propose amendments to the Constitution since
mode is through a people's initiative. the Constitution itself limits initiatives to
amendments. There can be no deviation from
the constitutionally prescribed modes of
Section 1 of Article XVII, referring to the first revising the Constitution. A popular clamor,
and second modes, applies to "[A]ny even one backed by 6.3 million signatures,
amendment to, or revision of, this cannot justify a deviation from the specific
Constitution." In contrast, Section 2 of Article modes prescribed in the Constitution itself.
XVII, referring to the third mode, applies only
to "[A]mendments to this Constitution." Hence,
there is a deliberate distinction between the As the Supreme Court of Oklahoma ruled in In
two re Initiative Petition No. 364:34
The framers of the Constitution intended, and It is a fundamental principle that a constitution
wrote, a clear distinction between can only be revised or amended in the manner
"amendment" and "revision" of the prescribed by the instrument itself, and that
Constitution. The framers intended, and wrote, any attempt to revise a constitution in a
that only Congress or a constitutional manner other than the one provided in the
convention may propose revisions to the instrument is almost invariably treated as
Constitution. The framers intended, and wrote, extra-constitutional and revolutionary. x x x x
that a people's initiative may propose only "While it is universally conceded that the people
are sovereign and that they have power to The qualitative test inquires into the
adopt a constitution and to change their own qualitative effects of the proposed change in
work at will, they must, in doing so, act in an the constitution. The main inquiry is whether
orderly manner and according to the settled the change will "accomplish such far reaching
principles of constitutional law. And where the changes in the nature of our basic
people, in adopting a constitution, have governmental plan as to amount to a
prescribed the method by which the people revision."37 Whether there is an alteration in
may alter or amend it, an attempt to change the the structure of government is a proper subject
fundamental law in violation of the of inquiry.
self-imposed restrictions, is unconstitutional." x
x x x (Emphasis supplied)
Under both the quantitative and qualitative
tests, the Lambino Group's initiative is a
Courts have long recognized the distinction revision and not merely an amendment.
between an amendment and a revision of a Quantitatively, the Lambino Group's proposed
constitution. One of the earliest cases that changes overhaul two articles - Article VI on
recognized the distinction described the the Legislature and Article VII on the Executive
fundamental difference in this manner: - affecting a total of 105 provisions in the
entire Constitution.40 Qualitatively, the
proposed changes alter substantially the basic
Revision broadly implies a change that alters a plan of government, from presidential to
basic principle in the constitution, like altering parliamentary, and from a bicameral to a
the principle of separation of powers or the unicameral legislature.
system of checks-and-balances. There is also
revision if the change alters the substantial
entirety of the constitution, as when the A change in the structure of government is a
change affects substantial provisions of the revision of the Constitution, as when the three
constitution. On the other hand, amendment great co-equal branches of government in the
broadly refers to a change that adds, reduces, present Constitution are reduced into two. This
or deletes without altering the basic principle alters the separation of powers in the
involved. Revision generally affects several Constitution.
provisions of the constitution, while
amendment generally affects only the specific
provision being amended. This drives home the point that the people's
initiative is not meant for revisions of the
Constitution but only for amendments. A shift
In California where the initiative clause allows from the present Bicameral-Presidential to a
amendments but not revisions to the Unicameral-Parliamentary system requires
constitution just like in our Constitution, courts harmonizing several provisions in many articles
have developed a two-part test: the of the Constitution. Revision of the Constitution
quantitative test and the qualitative test. The through a people's initiative will only result in
quantitative test asks whether the proposed gross absurdities in the Constitution.
change is "so extensive in its provisions as to
change directly the 'substantial entirety' of the
constitution by the deletion or alteration of In sum, there is no doubt whatsoever that the
numerous existing provisions."36 The court Lambino Group's initiative is a revision and not
examines only the number of provisions an amendment. Thus, the present initiative is
affected and does not consider the degree of void and unconstitutional because it violates
the change. Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution
limiting the scope of a people's initiative to
"[A]mendments to this Constitution."
with sufficient definiteness a specific legal right that unless the rights to a balanced and
involved or a specific legal wrong committed, healthful ecology and to health are mandated
and that the complaint is replete with vague as state policies by the Constitution itself,
assumptions and conclusions based on thereby highlighting their continuing
unverified data. A reading of the complaint importance and imposing upon the state a
itself belies these conclusions. solemn obligation to preserve the first and
protect and advance the second, the day
would not be too far when all else would be
The complaint focuses on one specific lost not only for the present generation, but
fundamental legal right — the right to a also for those to come — generations which
balanced and healthful ecology which, for the stand to inherit nothing but parched earth
first time in our nation's constitutional history, incapable of sustaining life.
is solemnly incorporated in the fundamental
law. Section 16, Article II of the 1987
Constitution explicitly provides: The right to a balanced and healthful ecology
carries with it the correlative duty to refrain
from impairing the environment.
Sec. 16. The State shall protect and advance
the right of the people to a balanced and
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm President Corazon C. Aquino promulgated on 10
and harmony of nature. June 1987 E.O. No. 192, 14 Section 4 of which
expressly mandates that the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources "shall be
This right unites with the right to health which is the primary government agency responsible
provided for in the preceding section of the for the conservation, management,
same article: development and proper use of the country's
environment and natural resources, specifically
forest and grazing lands, mineral, resources,
including those in reservation and watershed
Sec. 15. The State shall protect and promote
areas, and lands of the public domain, as well
the right to health of the people and instill
as the licensing and regulation of all natural
health consciousness among them.
resources as may be provided for by law in
order to ensure equitable sharing of the
benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of
While the right to a balanced and healthful the present and future generations of
ecology is to be found under the Declaration of Filipinos."
Principles and State Policies and not under the
Bill of Rights, it does not follow that it is less
important than any of the civil and political
Both E.O. NO. 192 and the Administrative Code
rights enumerated in the latter. Such a right
of 1987 have set the objectives which will serve
belongs to a different category of rights
as the bases for policy formulation, and have
altogether for it concerns nothing less than
defined the powers and functions of the DENR.
self-preservation and self-perpetuation —
aptly and fittingly stressed by the petitioners —
the advancement of which may even be said to
predate all governments and constitutions. As a It may, however, be recalled that even before
matter of fact, these basic rights need not even the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, specific
be written in the Constitution for they are statutes already paid special attention to the
assumed to exist from the inception of "environmental right" of the present and future
humankind. If they are now explicitly generations. On 6 June 1977, P.D. No. 1151
mentioned in the fundamental charter, it is (Philippine Environmental Policy) and P.D. No.
because of the well-founded fear of its framers 1152 (Philippine Environment Code) were
issued. The former "declared a continuing inquiry or review. The second paragraph of
policy of the State (a) to create, develop, section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution states
maintain and improve conditions under which that:
man and nature can thrive in productive and
enjoyable harmony with each other, (b) to
fulfill the social, economic and other Judicial power includes the duty of the courts
requirements of present and future of justice to settle actual controversies
generations of Filipinos, and (c) to insure the involving rights which are legally demandable
attainment of an environmental quality that is and enforceable, and to determine whether or
conducive to a life of dignity and well-being." not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
16 As its goal, it speaks of the "responsibilities amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
of each generation as trustee and guardian of the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
the environment for succeeding generations." Government.
17 The latter statute, on the other hand, gave
flesh to the said policy.
Commenting on this provision in his book,
Philippine Political Law, 22 Mr. Justice Isagani A.
Thus, the right of the petitioners (and all those Cruz, a distinguished member of this Court,
they represent) to a balanced and healthful says:
ecology is as clear as the DENR's duty — under
its mandate and by virtue of its powers and
functions under E.O. No. 192 and the
The first part of the authority represents the
Administrative Code of 1987 — to protect and
traditional concept of judicial power, involving
advance the said right.
the settlement of conflicting rights as
conferred as law. The second part of the
authority represents a broadening of judicial
SECOND ISSUE: (YES! It is a political question, power to enable the courts of justice to review
however the court is not precluded from what was before forbidden territory, to wit,
reviewing such cases, due to the new provision the discretion of the political departments of
vests in the judiciary, and particularly the the government.
Supreme Court, the power to rule upon even
the wisdom of the decisions of the executive
and the legislature and to declare their acts
As worded, the new provision vests in the
invalid for lack or excess of jurisdiction because
judiciary, and particularly the Supreme Court,
tainted with grave abuse of discretion. This
the power to rule upon even the wisdom of the
invokes an expanded jurisdiction which
decisions of the executive and the legislature
includes political questions)
and to declare their acts invalid for lack or
excess of jurisdiction because tainted with
grave abuse of discretion. The catch, of course,
Civil Case No. 90-777 raises a political question. is the meaning of "grave abuse of discretion,"
Policy formulation or determination by the which is a very elastic phrase that can expand
executive or legislative branches of or contract according to the disposition of the
Government is not squarely put in issue. What judiciary.
is principally involved is the enforcement of a
right vis-a-vis policies already formulated and
expressed in legislation. It must, nonetheless,
In Daza vs. Singson, 23 Mr. Justice Cruz, now
be emphasized that the political question
speaking for this Court, noted:
doctrine is no longer, the insurmountable
obstacle to the exercise of judicial power or
the impenetrable shield that protects
executive and legislative actions from judicial In the case now before us, the jurisdictional
objection becomes even less tenable and
decisive. The reason is that, even if we were to . . . Provided, That when the national interest
assume that the issue presented before us was so requires, the President may amend, modify,
political in nature, we would still not be replace or rescind any contract, concession,
precluded from revolving it under the permit, licenses or any other form of privilege
expanded jurisdiction conferred upon us that granted herein . . .
now covers, in proper cases, even the political
question. ARTICLE 8 SECTION 1 OF THE 1987
CONSTITUTION PROVIDES: Needless to say, all licenses may thus be
revoked or rescinded by executive action. It is
not a contract, property or a property right
Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in protested by the due process clause of the
one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as Constitution. In Tan vs. Director of Forestry, 25
may be established by law. Judicial power this Court held:
includes the duty of the courts of justice to
settle actual controversies involving rights
which are legally demandable and enforceable, . . . A timber license is an instrument by which
and to determine whether or not there has the State regulates the utilization and
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to disposition of forest resources to the end that
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any public welfare is promoted. A timber license is
branch or instrumentality of the Government. not a contract within the purview of the due
process clause; it is only a license or privilege,
which can be validly withdrawn whenever
THIRD ISSUE:(NO! There is no impairment of dictated by public interest or public welfare as
contracts since the timber license agreement is in this case.
not a contract but a license which can be
revoked by the executive department if
necessary and the non impairment clause A license is merely a permit or privilege to do
cannot apply in this since the granting of a what otherwise would be unlawful, and is not
license is a privilege under the discretion of the a contract between the authority, federal,
state) state, or municipal, granting it and the person
to whom it is granted; neither is it property or
a property right, nor does it create a vested
We are not persuaded at all; on the contrary, right; nor is it taxation (37 C.J. 168). Thus, this
We are amazed, if not shocked, by such a Court held that the granting of license does not
sweeping pronouncement. In the first place, the create irrevocable rights, neither is it property
respondent Secretary did not, for obvious or property rights (People vs. Ong Tin, 54 O.G.
reasons, even invoke in his motion to dismiss 7576).
the non-impairment clause. If he had done so,
he would have acted with utmost infidelity to
the Government by providing undue and We reiterated this pronouncement in Felipe
unwarranted benefits and advantages to the Ysmael, Jr. & Co., Inc. vs. Deputy Executive
timber license holders because he would have Secretary: 26
forever bound the Government to strictly
respect the said licenses according to their
terms and conditions regardless of changes in
. . . Timber licenses, permits and license
policy and the demands of public interest and
agreements are the principal instruments by
welfare. He was aware that as correctly pointed
which the State regulates the utilization and
out by the petitioners, into every timber license
disposition of forest resources to the end that
must be read Section 20 of the Forestry Reform
public welfare is promoted. And it can hardly be
Code (P.D. No. 705) which provides:
gainsaid that they merely evidence a privilege
granted by the State to qualified entities, and
do not vest in the latter a permanent or the bid of the Malaysian Group, Messrs. Renong
irrevocable right to the particular concession Berhad which respondent GSIS refused to
area and the forest products therein. They may accept. with the apprehension that respondent
be validly amended, modified, replaced or GSIS has disregarded the tender of the
rescinded by the Chief Executive when national matching bid and that the sale of 51% of the
interests so require. Thus, they are not deemed MHC may be hastened by respondent GSIS and
contracts within the purview of the due process consummated with Renong Berhad, petitioner
of law clause [See Sections 3(ee) and 20 of Pres. came to this Court on prohibition and
Decree No. 705, as amended. Also, Tan v. mandamus. On 18 October 1995 the Court
Director of Forestry, G.R. No. L-24548, October issued a temporary restraining order enjoining
27, 1983, 125 SCRA 302]. respondents from perfecting and
consummating the sale to the Malaysian firm.
legislation to regulate and exercise authority there is a right there is a remedy. Ubi jus ibi
over foreign investments within its national remedium.
jurisdiction, as in the third paragraph, then a
fortiori, by the same logic, the second
paragraph can only be self-executing as it does SECOND ISSUE:(MANILA HOTEL IS PART OF THE
not by its language require any legislation in NATIONAL PATRIMONY HENCE FILIPINO FIRST
order to give preference to qualified Filipinos POLICY APPLIES)
in the grant of rights, privileges and
concessions covering the national economy
and patrimony. A constitutional provision may
As regards our national patrimony, a member of
be self-executing in one part and
the 1986 Constitutional Commission 34 explains
non-self-executing in another. 19
into by respondent GSIS, is in fact a transaction law of the land. Those which violate the
of the State and therefore subject to the Constitution lose their reason for being.
constitutional command. 46
Since petitioner has already matched the bid any constitutional provision must adhere to
price tendered by Renong Berhad pursuant to such basic concept. Protection of foreign
the bidding rules, respondent GSIS is left with investments, while laudible, is merely a policy.
no alternative but to award to petitioner the It cannot override the demands of nationalism.
block of shares of MHC and to execute the 50
necessary agreements and documents to effect
the sale in accordance not only with the bidding
guidelines and procedures but with the The Manila Hotel or, for that matter, 51% of the
Constitution as well. The refusal of respondent MHC, is not just any commodity to be sold to
GSIS to execute the corresponding documents the highest bidder solely for the sake of
with petitioner as provided in the bidding rules privatization. We are not talking about an
after the latter has matched the bid of the ordinary piece of property in a commercial
Malaysian firm clearly constitutes grave abuse district. We are talking about a historic relic that
of discretion. has hosted many of the most important events
in the short history of the Philippines as a nation.
We are talking about a hotel where heads of
The Filipino First Policy is a product of states would prefer to be housed as a strong
Philippine nationalism. It is embodied in the manifestation of their desire to cloak the dignity
1987 Constitution not merely to be used as a of the highest state function to their official
guideline for future legislation but primarily to visits to the Philippines. Thus the Manila Hotel
be enforced; so must it be enforced. This Court has played and continues to play a significant
as the ultimate guardian of the Constitution role as an authentic repository of twentieth
will never shun, under any reasonable century Philippine history and culture. In this
circumstance, the duty of upholding the sense, it has become truly a reflection of the
majesty of the Constitution which it is tasked Filipino soul — a place with a history of
to defend. It is worth emphasizing that it is not grandeur; a most historical setting that has
the intention of this Court to impede and played a part in the shaping of a country.
diminish, much less undermine, the influx of
foreign investments. Far from it, the Court
encourages and welcomes more business (The FiIipino First Policy enshrined in the 1987
opportunities but avowedly sanctions the Constitution, i.e., in the grant of rights,
preference for Filipinos whenever such privileges, and concessions covering the
preference is ordained by the Constitution. national economy and patrimony, the State
shall give preference to qualified Filipinos)
during the second round of negotiations in In addition, petitioners contend that RA 9522s
Geneva in 1960 (UNCLOS II) proved futile. Thus, treatment of the KIG as regime of islands not
domestically, RA 3046 remained unchanged for only results in the loss of a large maritime area
nearly five decades, save for legislation passed but also prejudices the livelihood of subsistence
in 1968 (Republic Act No. 5446 [RA 5446]) fishermen.14 To buttress their argument of
correcting typographical errors and reserving territorial diminution, petitioners facially attack
the drawing of baselines around Sabah in North RA 9522 for what it excluded and included its
Borneo. failure to reference either the Treaty of Paris or
Sabah and its use of UNCLOS IIIs framework of
regime of islands to determine the maritime
In March 2009, Congress amended RA 3046 by zones of the KIG and the Scarborough Shoal.
enacting RA 9522, the statute now under
scrutiny. The change was prompted by the need
to make RA 3046 compliant with the terms of Commenting on the petition, respondent
the United Nations Convention on the Law of officials raised threshold issues questioning (1)
the Sea (UNCLOS III),5 which the Philippines the petitions compliance with the case or
ratified on 27 February 1984.6 Among others, controversy requirement for judicial review
UNCLOS III prescribes the water-land ratio, grounded on petitioners alleged lack of locus
length, and contour of baselines of archipelagic standi and (2) the propriety of the writs of
States like the Philippines7 and sets the certiorari and prohibition to assail the
deadline for the filing of application for the constitutionality of RA 9522. On the merits,
extended continental shelf.8 Complying with respondents defended RA 9522 as the countrys
these requirements, RA 9522 shortened one compliance with the terms of UNCLOS III,
baseline, optimized the location of some preserving Philippine territory over the KIG or
basepoints around the Philippine archipelago Scarborough Shoal. Respondents add that RA
and classified adjacent territories, namely, the 9522 does not undermine the countrys security,
Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) and the environment and economic interests or
Scarborough Shoal, as regimes of islands whose relinquish the Philippines claim over Sabah.
islands generate their own applicable maritime
Respondents also question the normative force,
under international law, of petitioners assertion
Petitioners, professors of law, law students and that what Spain ceded to the United States
a legislator, in their respective capacities as under the Treaty of Paris were the islands and
citizens, taxpayers or x x x legislators,9 as the all the waters found within the boundaries of
case may be, assail the constitutionality of RA the rectangular area drawn under the Treaty of
9522 on two principal grounds, namely: (1) RA Paris.
9522 reduces Philippine maritime territory, and
logically, the reach of the Philippine states
sovereign power, in violation of Article 1 of the ISSUE:
1987 Constitution,10 embodying the terms of
the Treaty of Paris11 and ancillary treaties,12
and (2) RA 9522 opens the countrys waters
WON Petitioner possess locus standi.
landward of the baselines to maritime passage
by all vessels and aircrafts, undermining
Philippine sovereignty and national security,
contravening the countrys nuclear-free policy, WON RA 9522 is unconstitutional
and damaging marine resources, in violation of
relevant constitutional provisions.13
FIRST ISSUE: (THEY HAVE LOCUS STANDI) 48 of UNCLOS III on archipelagic States like ours
could not be any clearer:
allowed by international law to claim them as innocent and sea lanes passages, exposing the
our own. Philippine internal waters to nuclear and
maritime pollution hazards. The Court
emphasized that the Philippines exercises
This is called contested islands outside our sovereignty over the body of water lying
configuration. We see that our archipelago is landward of the baselines, including the air
defined by the orange line which [we] call[] space over it and the submarine areas
archipelagic baseline. Ngayon, tingnan ninyo underneath, regardless whether internal or
ang maliit na circle doon sa itaas, that is archipelagic waters. However, sovereignty will
Scarborough Shoal, itong malaking circle sa not bar the Philippines to comply with its
ibaba, that is Kalayaan Group or the Spratlys. obligation in maintaining freedom of
Malayo na sila sa ating archipelago kaya kung navigation and the generally accepted
ilihis pa natin ang dating archipelagic baselines principles of international law. It can be either
para lamang masama itong dalawang circles, passed by legislator as a municipal law or in
hindi na sila magkalapit at baka hindi na the absence thereof, it is deemed incorporated
tatanggapin ng United Nations because of the in the Philippines law since the right of
rule that it should follow the natural innocent passage is a customary international
configuration of the archipelago. law, thus automatically incorporated thereto.
Hence, far from surrendering the Philippines This does not mean that the states are placed
claim over the KIG and the Scarborough Shoal, in a lesser footing; it just signifies concession of
Congress decision to classify the KIG and the archipelagic states in exchange for their right
Scarborough Shoal as Regime[s] of Islands to claim all waters inside the baseline. In fact,
under the Republic of the Philippines the demarcation of the baselines enables the
consistent with Article 12136 of UNCLOS III Philippines to delimit its exclusive economic
manifests the Philippine States responsible zone, reserving solely to the Philippines the
observance of its pacta sunt servanda exploitation of all living and non-living
obligation under UNCLOS III. Under Article 121 resources within such zone. Such a maritime
of UNCLOS III, any naturally formed area of delineation binds the international community
land, surrounded by water, which is above since the delineation is in strict observance of
water at high tide, such as portions of the KIG, UNCLOS III. If the maritime delineation is
qualifies under the category of regime of contrary to UNCLOS III, the international
islands, whose islands generate their own community will of course reject it and will
applicable maritime zones refuse to be bound by it.
THIRD, the new base line introduced by RA The Court expressed that it is within the
9522 is without prejudice with delineation of Congress who has the prerogative to
the baselines of the territorial sea around the determine the passing of a law and not the
territory of Sabah, situated in North Borneo, Court. Moreover, such enactment was
over which the Republic of the Philippines has necessary in order to comply with the UNCLOS
acquired dominion and sovereignty. III; otherwise, it shall backfire on the
Philippines for its territory shall be open to
seafaring powers to freely enter and exploit
the resources in the waters and submarine
LASTLY, the UNCLOS III and RA 9522 are not
areas around our archipelago and it will
incompatible with the Constitution’s delineation
weaken the country’s case in any international
of internal waters. Petitioners contend that RA
dispute over Philippine maritime space.
9522 transformed the internal waters of the
Philippines to archipelagic waters hence
subjecting these waters to the right of
The enactment of UNCLOS III compliant On January 2, 1942, the Imperial Japanese
baselines law for the Philippine archipelago and Forces occupied the City of Manila, and on the
adjacent areas, as embodied in RA 9522, allows next day their Commander in Chief proclaimed
an internationally-recognized delimitation of "the Military Administration under law over the
the breadth of the Philippines’ maritime zones districts occupied by the Army." In said
and continental shelf. RA 9522 is therefore a proclamation, it was also provided that "so far
most vital step on the part of the Philippines in as the Military Administration permits, all the
safeguarding its maritime zones, consistent laws now in force in the Commonwealth, as well
with the Constitution and our national interest. as executive and judicial institutions, shall
continue to be effective for the time being as in
the past," and "all public officials shall remain in
CO KIM CHAM VS EUSEBIO VALDEZ TAN KEH their present posts and carry on faithfully their
AND ARSENIO P. DIZON duties as before."
On October 14, 1943, the so-called Republic of courts at the time the Philippines were
the Philippines was inaugurated, but no reoccupied and liberated by the United States
substantial change was effected thereby in the and Filipino forces, and the Commonwealth of
organization and jurisdiction of the different the Philippines were reestablished in the
courts that functioned during the Philippine Islands.
Executive Commission, and in the laws they
administered and enforced.
WON the said judicial acts and proceedings It is a legal truism in political and international
have not been invalidated by said proclamation, law that all acts and proceedings of the
whether the present courts of the legislative, executive, and judicial departments
Commonwealth, which were the same court of a de facto government are good and valid.
existing prior to, and continued during, the The question to be determined is whether or
Japanese military occupation of the Philippines, not the governments established in these
may continue those proceedings pending in said Islands under the names of the Philippine
Executive Commission and Republic of the supported more or less directly by military
Philippines during the Japanese military force.
occupation or regime were de facto
governments. If they were, the judicial acts and
proceedings of those governments remain good The powers and duties of de facto governments
and valid even after the liberation or of this description are regulated in Section III of
reoccupation of the Philippines by the American the Hague Conventions of 1907, which is a
and Filipino forces. revision of the provisions of the Hague
Conventions of 1899 on the same subject of
said Section III provides "the authority of the
There are several kinds of de facto governments. legislative power having actually passed into the
The first, or government de facto in a proper hands of the occupant, the latter shall take
legal sense, is that government that gets steps in his power to reestablish and insure, as
possession and control of, or usurps, by force or far as possible, public order and safety, while
by the voice of the majority, the rightful legal respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the
governments and maintains itself against the laws in force in the country."
will of the latter The second is that which is
established and maintained by military forces
who invade and occupy a territory of the enemy The doctrine upon this subject is thus summed
in the course of war, and which is denominated up by Halleck, in his work on International Law
a government of paramount force And the third (Vol. 2, p. 444): "The right of one belligerent to
is that established as an independent occupy and govern the territory of the enemy
government by the inhabitants of a country who while in its military possession, is one of the
rise in insurrection against the parent state of incidents of war, and flows directly from the
such as the government of the Southern right to conquer. We, therefore, do not look to
Confederacy in revolt not concerned in the the Constitution or political institutions of the
present case with the first kind, but only with conqueror, for authority to establish a
the second and third kinds of de facto government for the territory of the enemy in his
governments. possession, during its military occupation, nor
for the rules by which the powers of such
government are regulated and limited. Such
the Supreme Court of the United States, in the authority and such rules are derived directly
case of Thorington vs. Smith (8 Wall., 1), said: from the laws war, as established by the usage
"But there is another description of government, of the of the world, and confirmed by the
called also by publicists a government de facto, writings of publicists and decisions of courts —
but which might, perhaps, be more aptly in fine, from the law of nations. . . . The
denominated a government of paramount force. municipal laws of a conquered territory, or the
Its distinguishing characteristics are (1), that its laws which regulate private rights, continue in
existence is maintained by active military power force during military occupation, excepts so far
with the territories, and against the rightful as they are suspended or changed by the acts of
authority of an established and lawful conqueror. . . . He, nevertheless, has all the
government; and (2), that while it exists it powers of a de facto government, and can at his
necessarily be obeyed in civil matters by private pleasure either change the existing laws or
citizens who, by acts of obedience rendered in make new ones."
submission to such force, do not become
responsible, or wrongdoers, for those acts,
though not warranted by the laws of the rightful And applying the principles for the exercise of
government. Actual governments of this sort military authority in an occupied territory,
are established over districts differing greatly in which were later embodied in the said Hague
extent and conditions. They are usually Conventions, President McKinley, in his
administered directly by military authority, but executive order to the Secretary of War of May
they may be administered, also, civil authority,
19,1898, relating to the occupation of the Philippine Executive Commission was a civil
Philippines by United States forces, said in part: and not a military government and was run by
"Though the powers of the military occupant Filipinos and not by Japanese nationals, is of
are absolute and supreme, and immediately no consequence.
operate upon the political condition of the
inhabitants, the municipal laws of the
conquered territory, such as affect private rights SECOND ISSUE:
of person and property and provide for the
punishment of crime, are considered as
continuing in force, so far as they are
NEGATIVE. The phrase “processes of any other
compatible with the new order of things, until
government” is broad and may refer not only
they are suspended or superseded by the
to the judicial processes, but also to
occupying belligerent; and in practice they are
administrative or legislative, as well as
not usually abrogated, but are allowed to
constitutional, processes of the Republic of the
remain in force and to be administered by the
Philippines or other governmental agencies
ordinary tribunals, substantially as they were
established in the Islands during the Japanese
before the occupation. This enlightened
practice is, so far as possible, to be adhered to
on the present occasion. The judges and the
other officials connected with the
administration of justice may, if they accept the [I]t should be presumed that it was not, and
authority of the United States, continue to could not have been, the intention of General
administer the ordinary law of the land as Douglas MacArthur, in using the phrase
between man and man under the supervision of “processes of any other government” in said
the American Commander in Chief." proclamation, to refer to judicial processes, in
violation of said principles of international law.,
it should be presumed that it was not, and
could not have been, the intention of General
In view of the foregoing, it is evident that the
Douglas MacArthur, in using the phrase
Philippine Executive Commission, which was
"processes of any other government" in said
organized by Order No. 1, issued on January 23,
proclamation, to refer to judicial processes, in
1942, by the Commander of the Japanese
violation of said principles of international law.
forces, was a civil government established by
The only reasonable construction of the said
the military forces of occupation and therefore
phrase is that it refers to governmental
a de facto government of the second kind. It
processes other than judicial processes of court
was not different from the government
proceedings, for according to a well-known
established by the British in Castine, Maine, or
rule of statutory construction, set forth in 25 R.
by the United States in Tampico, Mexico. As
C. L., p. 1028, "a statute ought never to be
Halleck says, "The government established
construed to violate the law of nations if any
over an enemy's territory during the military
other possible construction remains."
occupation may exercise all the powers given
by the laws of war to the conqueror over the
conquered, and is subject to all restrictions
which that code imposes. It is of little [T]he legislative power of a commander in
consequence whether such government be chief of military forces who liberates or
called a military or civil government. Its reoccupies his own territory which has been
character is the same and the source of its occupied by an enemy, during the military and
authority the same. In either case it is a before the restoration of the civil regime, is as
government imposed by the laws of war, and broad as that of the commander in chief of the
so far it concerns the inhabitants of such military forces of invasion and occupation, it is
territory or the rest of the world, those laws to be presumed that General Douglas
alone determine the legality or illegality of its MacArthur, who was acting as an agent or a
acts." (Vol. 2, p. 466.) The fact that the representative of the Government and the
President of the United States, constitutional of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. Said
commander in chief of the United States Army, Executive order abolished the Court of Appeals,
did not intend to act against the principles of and provided "that all case which have
the law of nations asserted by the Supreme heretofore been duly appealed to the Court of
Court of the United States from the early Appeals shall be transmitted to the Supreme
period of its existence, applied by the Court final decision." This provision impliedly
Presidents of the United States, and later recognizes that the judgments and proceedings
embodied in the Hague Conventions of 1907. of the courts during the Japanese military
as above indicated. It is not to be presumed that occupation have not been invalidated by the
General Douglas MacArthur, who enjoined in proclamation of General MacArthur of October
the same proclamation of October 23, 1944, 23, because the said Order does not say or
"upon the loyal citizens of the Philippines full refer to cases which have been duly appealed
respect and obedience to the Constitution of to said court prior to the Japanese occupation,
the Commonwealth of the Philippines," should but to cases which had therefore, that is, up to
not only reverse the international policy and March 10, 1945, been duly appealed to the
practice of his own government, but also Court of Appeals; and it is to be presumed that
disregard in the same breath the provisions of almost all, if not all, appealed cases pending in
section 3, Article II, of our Constitution, which the Court of Appeals prior to the Japanese
provides that "The Philippines renounces war as military occupation of Manila on January 2,
an instrument of national policy, and adopts the 1942, had been disposed of by the latter
generally accepted principles of international before the restoration of the Commonwealth
law as part of the law of the Nation." Government in 1945; while almost all, if not all,
appealed cases pending on March 10, 1945, in
the Court of Appeals were from judgments
The mere conception or thought of possibility rendered by the Court of First Instance during
that the titular sovereign or his representatives the Japanese regime.
who reoccupies a territory occupied by an
enemy, may set aside or annul all the judicial
acts or proceedings of the tribunals which the The respondent judge quotes a portion of
belligerent occupant had the right and duty to Wheaton's International Law which say:
establish in order to insure public order and "Moreover when it is said that an occupier's
safety during military occupation, would be acts are valid and under international law
sufficient to paralyze the social life of the should not be abrogated by the subsequent
country or occupied territory, for it would have conqueror, it must be remembered that no
to be expected that litigants would not crucial instances exist to show that if his acts
willingly submit their litigation to courts whose should be reversed, any international wrong
judgements or decisions may afterwards be would be committed. What does happen is
annulled, and criminals would not be deterred that most matters are allowed to stand by the
from committing crimes or offenses in the restored government, but the matter can
expectancy that they may escaped the penalty hardly be put further than this." (Wheaton,
if judgments rendered against them may be International Law, War, 7th English edition of
afterwards set aside. 1944, p. 245.) And from this quotion the
respondent judge "draws the conclusion that
whether the acts of the occupant should be
That the proclamation has not invalidated all considered valid or not, is a question that is up
the judgements and proceedings of the courts to the restored government to decide; that
of justice during the Japanese regime, is there is no rule of international law that denies
impliedly confirmed by Executive Order No. 37, to the restored government to decide; that
which has the force of law, issued by the there is no rule of international law that denies
President of the Philippines on March 10, 1945, to the restored government the right of
by virtue of the emergency legislative power exercise its discretion on the matter, imposing
vested in him by the Constitution and the laws upon it in its stead the obligation of
recognizing and enforcing the acts of the same. Although the question whether the
overthrown government." President or commanding officer of the United
States Army has violated restraints imposed by
the constitution and laws of his country is
There is doubt that the subsequent conqueror obviously of a domestic nature, yet, in
has the right to abrogate most of the acts of the construing and applying limitations imposed on
occupier, such as the laws, regulations and the executive authority, the Supreme Court of
processes other than judicial of the government the United States, in the case of Ochoa, vs.
established by the belligerent occupant. But in Hernandez (230 U.S., 139), has declared that
view of the fact that the proclamation uses the they "arise from general rules of international
words "processes of any other government" law and from fundamental principles known
and not "judicial processes" prisely, it is not wherever the American flag flies."
necessary to determine whether or not
General Douglas MacArthur had power to
annul and set aside all judgments and It is, therefore, evident that the proclamation
proceedings of the courts during the Japanese of General MacArthur of October 23, 1944,
occupation. The question to be determined is which declared that "all laws, regulations and
whether or not it was his intention, as processes of any other government in the
representative of the President of the United Philippines than that of the said
States, to avoid or nullify them. If the Commonwealth are null and void without legal
proclamation had, expressly or by necessary effect in areas of the Philippines free of enemy
implication, declared null and void the judicial occupation and control," has not invalidated
processes of any other government, it would be the judicial acts and proceedings, which are
necessary for this court to decide in the present not a political complexion, of the courts of
case whether or not General Douglas justice in the Philippines that were continued
MacArthur had authority to declare them null by the Philippine Executive Commission and
and void. But the proclamation did not so the Republic of the Philippines during the
provide, undoubtedly because the author Japanese military occupation, and that said
thereof was fully aware of the limitations of his judicial acts and proceedings were good and
powers as Commander in Chief of Military valid before and now good and valid after the
Forces of liberation or subsequent conqueror. reoccupation of liberation of the Philippines by
the American and Filipino forces.
municipal laws) are not usually abrogated but vigore" unless and until repealed by legislative
are allowed to remain in force and to be acts. A proclamation that said laws and courts
administered by the ordinary tribunals are expressly continued is not necessary in
substantially as they were before the order that they may continue in force. Such
occupation. This enlightened practice is, so far proclamation, if made, is but a declaration of
as possible, to be adhered to on the present the intention of respecting and not repealing
occasion.” those laws. Therefore, even assuming that
Japan had legally acquired sovereignty over
these Islands, which she had afterwards
From a theoretical point of view it may be said transferred to the so-called Republic of the
that the conqueror is armed with the right to Philippines, and that the laws and the courts of
substitute his arbitrary will for all preexisting these Islands had become the courts of Japan,
forms of government, legislative, executive as the said courts of the laws creating and
and judicial. From the stand-point of actual conferring jurisdiction upon them have
practice such arbitrary will is restrained by the continued in force until now, it necessarily
provision of the law of nations which compels follows that the same courts may continue
the conqueror to continue local laws and exercising the same jurisdiction over cases
institution so far as military necessity will pending therein before the restoration of the
permit. Commonwealth Government, unless and until
they are abolished or the laws creating and
conferring jurisdiction upon them are repealed
by the said government. As a consequence,
it is a legal maxim, that excepting that of a
enabling laws or acts providing that proceedings
political nature, "Law once established
pending in one court be continued by or
continues until changed by the some
transferred to another court, are not required
competent legislative power. It is not change
by the mere change of government or
merely by change of sovereignty." (Joseph H.
sovereignty. They are necessary only in case the
Beale, Cases on Conflict of Laws, III, Summary
former courts are abolished or their jurisdiction
Section 9, citing Commonwealth vs. Chapman,
so change that they can no longer continue
13 Met., 68.) As the same author says, in his
taking cognizance of the cases and proceedings
Treatise on the Conflict on Laws (Cambridge,
commenced therein, in order that the new
1916, Section 131): "There can no break or
courts or the courts having jurisdiction over said
interregnum in law. From the time the law
cases may continue the proceedings.
comes into existence with the first-felt
corporateness of a primitive people it must last
until the final disappearance of human society.
Once created, it persists until a change take In RE Garcia Bosque:(Nationality Issue in order
place, and when changed it continues in such to practice law)
changed condition until the next change, and so
forever. Conquest or colonization is impotent to
bring law to an end; in spite of change of FACTS:
constitution, the law continues unchanged until
the new sovereign by legislative acts creates a
change." The cession of the Philippine Archipelago having
been agreed upon by the parties to the treaty of
Paris of December 10, 1898, the compulsory
As courts are creatures of statutes and their subjection of the subjects of the ceding power
existence defends upon that of the laws which to the new sovereign followed as a logical
create and confer upon them their jurisdiction, consequence. The status of these subjects was
it is evident that such laws, not being a political not uniform, as in addition to the natives there
nature, are not abrogated by a change of were others who were merely residents but
sovereignty, and continue in force "ex proprio who, equally with the natives, had interests and
rights inherent in the nationality of the territory. raised as to whether Spanish subjects resident
With respect to these the special agreement therein constitute an intermediate class
contained in article 9 was established, by virtue between other foreign residents and the native
of which it was agreed to accord them the right of the country in whose behalf some specially
of electing to leave the country, thus freeing favorable conditions have been stipulated.
themselves of subjection to the new sovereign, Upon this point no proposition was made, even
or to continue to reside in the territory, in which incidentally, nor was any reference made to it in
case the expiration of the term of eighteen the discussions which preceded the treaty of
months without their making an express Paris. The American Commissioners, referring
declaration of intention to retain their Spanish to Spanish subjects, natives of Spain, simply
nationality resulted in the loss of the latter, such said: "Such persons have the fullest right to
persons thereby becoming subjects of the new dispose of their property and remove from the
sovereign in the same manner as the natives of territory or remain therein to continue to be
these Islands. The period of eighteen months Spanish subjects or elect the nationality of the
began to run from the date of the exchange of new territory." (Memorandum annexed to
the ratifications of the treaty — that is to say, Protocol No. 22.) "They shall also have the
from April 11, 1899, and expired on the right to carry on their industry, commerce, and
corresponding day of October, 1900. The profession, being subject in respect thereof to
petitioner absented himself from these Islands such laws as are applicable to other
on May 30, 1899, and remained absent foreigners." (Art. 9 of the treaty of Paris.) The
therefrom during the whole period. It was in laws applicable to other foreigners were, prior
January, 1901, that he returned to these Islands. to that treaty, the Law of Foreigners for the
Ultramarine Provinces of July 4, 1870, and
article 27 of the Civil Code. The first of these
ISSUE: laws in its thirty-ninth article authorized all
foreigners to engage in any kind of industry in
the Spanish ultramarine provinces subject to
the laws prevailing therein, and to practice any
WON Petitioner lost his spanish nationality by
profession for which the laws did not require a
reason of his residence in the territory after the
diploma of proficiency granted by the Spanish
11th of October, 1900, and his failure to make
authorities. No one can doubt that the legal
declaration of his intention to preserve it within
profession is one of those for the practice of
the period agreed upon by the high contracting
which the law required a diploma of
parties to the treaty of Paris, and to have
proficiency granted by the Spanish authorities.
adopted the nationality of the native subjects
The second law cited provides that foreigners in
under the presumption arising from the
Spain shall enjoy the rights which the civil laws
conditions expressed.
accord to Spaniards, subject to the provisions of
article 2 of the constitution of the State. Article
2 of the constitution of 1876 establishes the
HELD:(NO! He did not lost his Spanish same restriction or limitation as the law of
nationality) foreigners. Hence if other foreigners could not
then engage in the practice of law, and by the
express prohibition of the Code of Civil
He can only acquire it through voluntary Procedure in force can not do so at the present
renunciation of his present nationality by time, neither can Spanish subjects do so, they
seeking to become naturalized in these being in every respect upon the same footing
Islands; . as other foreigners.
The status of the petitioner with respect to the If, then, the petitioner upon his departure from
new sovereignty of the territory having been these Islands on May 30, 1899, did not take
defined, it remains to determine the question with him the nationality or the native
inhabitants impressed by the treaty of Paris, Our opinion finds corroboration in the rule
which had been in force from the 11th of April indicated in Roa vs. Collector of Customs (23
of the same year; if he departed as a Spaniard Phil., 315, 324, 325), which is now a legal
and continued to be a Spaniard, by taking the provision embodied in paragraph 7, article 1, of
first course left open by the right of option Commonwealth Act No. 63, to the effect that a
stipulated in the treaty of Paris, without being Filipino woman does not lose her citizenship by
affected by the presumptive nationality of the marrying a foreigner belonging to a nation the
territory arising from the fact of residence and laws of which do not allow her to acquire the
the lapse of the time fixed; if he had not husband's nationality. Were it not for this rule,
elected to adopt this nationality of the if a Filipino woman loses her nationality simply
territory by express declaration within the by marrying a foreigner, even without acquiring
same period; if after the expiration of that the foreigner's citizenship, then she would
period it is expressly provided that the right of become destitute of nationality. And evidently
option shall no longer be available, and that the purpose of the said rule is to prevent such
the only course is naturalization, as to which condition of statelessness in a Filipino woman
subject upon equal footing with other foreign married to an alien, a policy that is perfectly
residents he can not practice the legal applicable in the present case.
profession under the law either prior or
subsequent to the treaty of Paris, it is evident
that this court can not regard the petitioner as We hold, therefore, that appellant Gloria
possessed of the qualifications alleged. Baldello , is a Filipino citizen, and accordingly
her petition for Philippine citizenship is
The new petition presented by him for
admission to the bar of these Islands must
therefore be denied, and it is so ordered. ISSUE:
Filipino woman does not lose her citizenship by On 21 October 1941, a motion for
marrying a foreigner belonging to a nation the reconsideration was filed in both cases by the
laws of which do not allow her to acquire the Solicitor General. The latter contends that even
husband's nationality. Were it not for this rule, if the petitioner in the first case and the
if a Filipino woman loses her nationality simply applicant in the second were born in the
by marrying a foreigner, even without acquiring Philippines, of a Chines father and a Filipino
the foreigner's citizenship, then she would mother, lawfully married, still they are not
become destitute of nationality. And evidently citizens of the Philippines under and pursuant to
the purpose of the said rule is to prevent such the laws in force at the time of their birth, and
condition of statelessness in a Filipino woman prays that both decisions be set aside and the
married to an alien, a policy that is perfectly judgments appealed from be reversed. This
applicable in the present case. motion for reconsideration was pending in this
Court when the Pacific was broke out. During
the battle for liberation, the records of both
We hold, therefore, that appellant Gloria cases were destroyed. Upon petition of the
Baldello , is a Filipino citizen, and accordingly Assistant Solicitor General, Mr. Roberto A.
her petition for Philippine citizenship is Gianzon, therecords were reconstituted in
unnecessary. accordance with the provisionsof Act. No. 3110.
The record of the first case, G.R. No. 47616,was
declared reconstituted on 5 June, and of the
second case, G.R. No. 47623, on 28 June 1946.
Upon these reconstituted records, we now
proceed to dispose of the motion for
On 15 October 1941, a decision was
promulgated in thecase of Tan Chong vs.
Secretary of Labor, G.R. No. 47616,whereby this
WON the doctrine of jus soli applies in this case
Court affirmed the judgment of the Court of
First Instance of Manila, which hAd granted the
writ of habeas corpus applied for by tan Chong,
on the ground that he, being a native of the HELD:(NO! THE PRINCIPLE OF JUS SOLI DOES
Philippines, of a Chinese father and a Filipino NOT APPLY)
mother, is a citizen of the Philippines.
knowledge and pride of the country's past; date of hearing, he had been residing in the
belief in the greatness and security of its Philippines. He is married to a Filipino woman
institutions, in the loftiness of its ideals, and in and has three children by her. He speaks the
the ability of the country's government to local dialect and the Spanish and English
protect him, his children, and his earthly languages.
possessions against perils from within and from
without; and his readiness to defend the
country against such perils, are some of the Considering that the common law principle or
important elements that would make a person rule of jus soli obtaining in England and in the
living in a country its citizen. Citizenship is a United States, as embodied in the Fourteenth
political status. The citizen must be proud of his Amendment to the Constitution of the United
citizenship. He should treasure and cherish it. In States, has never been entended to this
the language of Mr. Chief Justice Fuller, "the jurisdiction (section 1, Act of 1 July 1902; sec. 5,
question of citizenship in a nation is of the most Actof 29 August 1916); considering that the law
vital importance. It is a precious heritage, as in force and applicable to the petitioner and the
well as an inestimable acquisition." (U.S. vs. applicant in the two cases at the time of their
Wong Kim Ark, supra.) Citizenship, the main birth is sec. 4 of the Philippine Bill (Act of 1 July
integrate element of which is allegiance, must 1902), as amended by Act of 23 March 1912,
not be taken lightly. Dual allegiance must be which provides that only those "inhabitants of
discouraged and prevented. But the application the Philippine Islands continuing to reside
of the principle of jus soli to persons born in this therein who were Spanish subjects on the 11th
country of alien parentage would encourage day of April, 1899, and then resided in said
dual allegiance which in the long run would be Islands, and their children born subsequent
detrimental to both countries of which such thereto, shall be deemed and held to be
persons might claim to be citizens. citizens of the Philippine Islands," we are of
the opinion and so hold that the petitioner in
the first case and the applicant in the second
The pinciple of stare decisis does not mean case, who were born of alien parentage, were
blind adherence to precedents. The doctrines or not and are not, under saidsection, citizens of
rule laid down, which has been followed for the Philippine Islands.
years, no matter how sound it may be, if found
to be contrary to law, must be abandoned. The
principleof stare decisis does not and should not Needless to say, this decision is not intended
apply when there is conflict between the or designed to deprive, as it cannot divest, of
precedent and the law. The duty of this Court is their Filipino citizenship, those who had been
to forsake and abandon any doctrine or rule declared to be Filipino citizens, or upon whom
found to be in violation of the law in force. such citizenship had been conferred, by the
courts because of the doctrine or principle of
res adjudicata.
It appears that the petitioner in the first case
was born in San Pablo, Laguna, in July 1915, of
a Chinese father and a Filipino mother, lawfully Accordingly, the decision of this Court in the
married, left for China in 1925, and returned to first case confirming the lower court's judgment
the Philippines on 25 January1940. The is set aside;
applicant in the second case was born in Jolo,
Sulu, on 8 May 1900, of a Chinese father and a
Filipino mother. It does not appear whether
they were legally married, so in the absence of
proof to the contrary they are presumed to be COMMENT ON CITIZENSHIP
lawfully married. From the date of his birth up
to 16 November 1938, the date of filing of his
application for naturalization, and up to the
Petitioner victorino Fornier filed before the the earliest understanding of citizenship was
COMELEC a petition to disqualify FPJ and that given by Aristotle, who, sometime in 384
cancel his certificate of candidacy by claiming to 322 B.C., described the "citizen" to refer to a
that FPJ is not a natural-born Filipino citizen, man who shared in the administration of
his parents were foreigners: his mother, Bessie justice and in the holding of an office.[6]
Kelley Poe, was an American, and his father, Aristotle saw its significance if only to
Allan Poe, was a Spanish national, being the determine the constituency of the "State,"
son of Lorenzo Pou, a Spanish subject. which he described as being composed of such
persons who would be adequate in number to
achieve a self-sufficient existence.[7] The
The COMELEC dismissed the petition for lack of concept grew to include one who would both
merit. govern and be governed, for which
qualifications like autonomy, judgment and
loyalty could be expected. Citizenship was seen
to deal with rights and entitlements, on the one regime of the 1935 Constitution. Through its
hand, and with concomitant obligations, on the history, four modes of acquiring citizenship -
other.[8] In its ideal setting, a citizen was active naturalization, jus soli, res judicata and jus
in public life and fundamentally willing to sanguinis[28] had been in vogue. Only two, i.e.,
submit his private interests to the general jus soli and jus sanguinis, could qualify a
interest of society. person to being a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines. Jus soli, per Roa vs. Collector of
Customs[29] (1912), did not last long. With the
The concept of citizenship had undergone adoption of the 1935 Constitution and the
changes over the centuries. In the 18th century, reversal of Roa in Tan Chong vs. Secretary of
the concept was limited, by and large, to civil Labor[30] (1947), jus sanguinis or blood
citizenship, which established the rights relationship would now become the primary
necessary for individual freedom, such as rights basis of citizenship by birth.
to property, personal liberty and justice.[9] Its
meaning expanded during the 19th century to
include political citizenship, which encompassed Documentary evidence adduced by petitioner
the right to participate in the exercise of would tend to indicate that the earliest
political power.[10] The 20th century saw the established direct ascendant of FPJ was his
next stage of the development of social paternal grandfather Lorenzo Pou, married to
citizenship, which laid emphasis on the right of Marta Reyes, the father of Allan F. Poe. While
the citizen to economic well-being and social the record of birth of Lorenzo Pou had not
security.[11] The idea of citizenship has gained been presented in evidence, his death
expression in the modern welfare state as it so certificate, however, identified him to be a
developed in Western Europe. An ongoing and Filipino, a resident of San Carlos, Pangasinan,
final stage of development, in keeping with the and 84 years old at the time of his death on 11
rapidly shrinking global village, might well be September 1954. The certificate of birth of the
the internationalization of citizenship father of FPJ, Allan F. Poe, showed that he was
born on 17 May 1915 to an Espaol father,
Lorenzo Pou, and a mestiza Espaol mother,
Section 2, Article VII, of the 1987 Constitution Marta Reyes. Introduced by petitioner was an
expresses: uncertified copy of a supposed certificate of
the alleged marriage of Allan F. Poe and Paulita
Gomez on 05 July 1936. The marriage
certificate of Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley
"No person may be elected President unless he
reflected the date of their marriage to be on 16
is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a
September 1940. In the same certificate, Allan
registered voter, able to read and write, at
F. Poe was stated to be twenty-five years old,
least forty years of age on the day of the
unmarried, and a Filipino citizen, and Bessie
election, and a resident of the Philippines for
Kelley to be twenty-two years old, unmarried,
at least ten years immediately preceding such
and an American citizen. The birth certificate
of FPJ, would disclose that he was born on 20
August 1939 to Allan F. Poe, a Filipino,
twenty-four years old, married to Bessie Kelly,
The term "natural-born citizens," is defined to an American citizen, twenty-one years old and
include "those who are citizens of the married.
Philippines from birth without having to
perform any act to acquire or perfect their
Philippine citizenship."[27]
The death certificate of Lorenzo Pou would
indicate that he died on 11 September 1954, at
the age of 84 years, in San Carlos, Pangasinan. It
The date, month and year of birth of FPJ could thus be assumed that Lorenzo Pou was
appeared to be 20 August 1939 during the born sometime in the year 1870 when the
Philippines was still a colony of Spain. Petitioner citizen of the Philippines regardless of whether
would argue that Lorenzo Pou was not in the or not he is legitimate or illegitimate.
Philippines during the crucial period of from
1898 to 1902 considering that there was no
existing record about such fact in the Records BENGSON VS HRET AND CRUZ
Management and Archives Office. Petitioner,
however, likewise failed to show that Lorenzo
Pou was at any other place during the same
period. In his death certificate, the residence of
Lorenzo Pou was stated to be San Carlos,
Pangasinan. In the absence of any evidence to
the contrary, it should be sound to conclude, or The citizenship of respondent Cruz is at issue in
at least to presume, that the place of residence this case, in view of the constitutional
of a person at the time of his death was also his requirement that “no person shall be a
residence before death. It would be extremely Member of the House of Representatives
doubtful if the Records Management and unless he is a natural-born citizen.”
Archives Office would have had complete
records of all residents of the Philippines from
1898 to 1902. Cruz was a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines. He was born in Tarlac in 1960 of
Filipino parents. In 1985, however, Cruz enlisted
***Natural-born citizens are those who are in the US Marine Corps and without the
citizens of the Philippines from birth without consent of the Republic of the Philippines, took
having to perform any act to acquire or perfect an oath of allegiance to the USA. As a
their Philippine citizenship. Based on the Consequence, he lost his Filipino citizenship for
evidence presented which the Supreme under CA No. 63 [(An Act Providing for the
consider as viable is the fact that the death Ways in Which Philippine Citizenship May Be
certificate of Lorenzo Poe, father of Allan Poe, Lost or Reacquired (1936)] section 1(4), a
who in turn was the father of private Filipino citizen may lose his citizenship by,
respondent Fernando Poe, Jr. indicates that he among other, “rendering service to or accepting
died on September 11, 1954 at the age of 84 commission in the armed forces of a foreign
years, in San Carlos, Pangasinan. Evidently, in country.”
such death certificate, the residence of Lorenzo
Poe was stated to be San Carlos, Pangansinan.
In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, Whatever doubt that remained regarding his
it should be sound to conclude, or at least to loss of Philippine citizenship was erased by his
presume, that the place of residence of a naturalization as a U.S. citizen in 1990, in
person at the time of his death was also his connection with his service in the U.S. Marine
residence before death. Considering that the Corps.
allegations of petitioners are not substantiated
with proof and since Lorenzo Poe may have
been benefited from the “en masse In 1994, Cruz reacquired his Philippine
Filipinization” that the Philippine Bill had citizenship through repatriation under RA 2630
effected in 1902, there is no doubt that Allan [(An Act Providing for Reacquisition of
Poe father of private respondent Fernando Poe, Philippine Citizenship by Persons Who Lost
Jr. was a Filipino citizen. And, since the latter Such Citizenship by Rendering Service To, or
was born on August 20, 1939, governed under Accepting Commission In, the Armed Forces of
1935 Constitution, which constitution the United States (1960)]. He ran for and was
considers as citizens of the Philippines those elected as the Representative of the 2nd District
whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines, of Pangasinan in the 1998 elections. He won
Fernando Poe, Jr. was in fact a natural-born over petitioner Bengson who was then running
for reelection.
Subsequently, petitioner filed a case for Quo 2. services in the armed forces of the allied
Warranto Ad Cautelam with respondent HRET forces in World War II;
claiming that Cruz was not qualified to become
3. service in the Armed Forces of the United
a member of the HOR since he is not a
States at any other time,
natural-born citizen as required under Article
VI, section 6 of the Constitution. 4. marriage of a Filipino woman to an alien; and
HRET rendered its decision dismissing the 5. political economic necessity
petition for quo warranto and declaring Cruz
the duly elected Representative in the said
Repatriation results in the recovery of the
original nationality This means that a
naturalized Filipino who lost his citizenship will
ISSUE: be restored to his prior status as a naturalized
Filipino citizen. On the other hand, if he was
originally a natural-born citizen before he lost
WON Cruz, a natural-born Filipino who became his Philippine citizenship, he will be restored to
an American citizen, can still be considered a his former status as a natural-born Filipino.
natural-born Filipino upon his reacquisition of
Philippine citizenship.
R.A. No. 2630 provides:
(1) a statement of election under oath; (2) an allegiance suffices, its execution was not within
oath of allegiance to the Constitution and a reasonable time after respondent attained
Government of the Philippines; and (3) the age of majority and was not registered
registration of the statement of election and of with the nearest civil registry as required under
the oath with the nearest civil registry.[23] Section 1 of C.A. No. 625. The phrase
reasonable time has been interpreted to mean
Furthermore, no election of Philippine
that the election should be made generally
citizenship shall be accepted for registration
within three (3) years from reaching the age of
under C.A. No. 625 unless the party exercising
majority.[27] Moreover, there was no
the right of election has complied with the
satisfactory explanation proffered by
requirements of the Alien Registration Act of
respondent for the delay and the failure to
1950. In other words, he should first be
register with the nearest local civil registry.
required to register as an alien.[24] Pertinently,
the person electing Philippine citizenship is Based on the foregoing circumstances,
required to file a petition with the Commission respondent clearly failed to comply with the
of Immigration and Deportation (now Bureau procedural requirements for a valid and
of Immigration) for the cancellation of his alien effective election of Philippine citizenship.
certificate of registration based on his Respondent cannot assert that the exercise of
aforesaid election of Philippine citizenship and suffrage and the participation in election
said Office will initially decide, based on the exercises constitutes a positive act of election
evidence presented the validity or invalidity of of Philippine citizenship since the law
said election.[25] Afterwards, the same is specifically lays down the requirements for
elevated to the Ministry (now Department) of acquisition of citizenship by election. The mere
Justice for final determination and review.[26] exercise of suffrage, continuous and
uninterrupted stay in the Philippines, and
It should be stressed that there is no specific
other similar acts showing exercise of
statutory or procedural rule which authorizes
Philippine citizenship cannot take the place of
the direct filing of a petition for declaration of
election of Philippine citizenship. Hence,
election of Philippine citizenship before the
respondent cannot now be allowed to seek the
courts. The special proceeding provided under
intervention of the court to confer upon her
Section 2, Rule 108 of the Rules of Court on
Philippine citizenship when clearly she has
Cancellation or Correction of Entries in the Civil
failed to validly elect Philippine citizenship. As
Registry, merely allows any interested party to
we held in Ching,[28] the prescribed procedure
file an action for cancellation or correction of
in electing Philippine citizenship is certainly not
entry in the civil registry, i.e., election, loss and
a tedious and painstaking process. All that is
recovery of citizenship, which is not the relief
required of the elector is to execute an
prayed for by the respondent.
affidavit of election of Philippine citizenship
Be that as it may, even if we set aside this and, thereafter, file the same with the nearest
procedural infirmity, still the trial courts civil registry. Having failed to comply with the
conclusion that respondent duly elected foregoing requirements, respondents petition
Philippine citizenship is erroneous since the before the trial court must be denied.
records undisputably show that respondent
failed to comply with the legal requirements
for a valid election. Specifically, respondent had
not executed a sworn statement of her election
of Philippine citizenship. The only documentary
evidence submitted by respondent in support
of her claim of alleged election was her oath of
allegiance, executed 12 years after she reached
the age of majority, which was unregistered.
As aptly pointed out by the petitioner, even
assuming arguendo that respondents oath of