Ascites Malignant
Ascites Malignant
Ascites Malignant
Received 10 August 2006; revised 3 November 2006 and 11 December 2006; accepted 15 December 2006
Background: Malignant ascites is a manifestation of end stage events in a variety of cancers and associated with
a poor prognosis. We evaluated the pattern of cancers causing malignant ascites and factors affecting survival.
Patients and methods: Patients coded with the International Classification of Diseases-9 coding system
for malignant ascites over a 2-year period were reviewed. The clinicopathological data and patients’ survival
Conclusion: The identified independent prognostic factors should be used to select patients for multimodality
therapy for adequate palliation.
Key words: cancers, chemotherapy, malignant ascites, paracentesis, prognotic factors, survival
results The median total serum protein and albumin at diagnosis of the
ascites in the 209 patients were 61 (30–78) g/l and 28 (15–43)
There were 209 patients with malignant ascites during this g/l, respectively. There is a significant correlation between the
period with 140 (67%) females and 69 (33%) males. The median presence of liver metastases and low total serum protein
age at diagnosis of the ascites was 67 (30–98) years. The cancer (P = 0.018) but no relationship was found with low serum
types causing the ascites are shown in Figure 1. The proportion albumin (P = 0.390).
of patients developing ascites from each main cancer group The most common treatment offered for the ascites was serial
expressed as a percentage of the total number of patients paracentesis in 112 (53.6%) patients with mean of two (1–7)
registered at the tumour specific multidisciplinary team drainages required. Sixty-three out of 209 (30%) patients had
meetings include 18.3% for gastric cancer, 4.0% for oesophageal the initial drainage of their ascites either at laparoscopy or
cancer, 3.7% for colorectal cancer, 36.7% for ovarian cancer, laparotomy with only 15 out of 63 patients requiring further
3.0% for breast cancer and 21% for pancreaticobiliary cancers. paracentesis. Forty-nine out of 209 (23.4%) patients had no
One hundred and twenty-two (58%) of the patients presented need for a drainage procedure. These patients who had drainage
with symptoms related to the ascites including abdominal at surgery or required no drainage at all during their hospital
swelling (55%), abdominal pain (53%), nausea (37%), anorexia episode had subclinical ascites that were either diagnosed
(36%), vomiting (25%), fatigue (17%), dyspnoea (11%), early radiologically or incidentally found at laparoscopy or
fullness (6%), weight change (5%), ankle swelling (3%) and laparotomy. None of the patients in this series had either
heartburn (1%). The median time interval between the continuous catheter drainage or peritoneovenous shunt
diagnosis of the cancer of origin and that of the ascites was 0.87 placement. Diuretics were used in 70 patients with
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 discussion
Symptomatic malignant ascites is a significant problem in the
Figure 1. Primary cancer types causing malignant ascites. palliative care setting and associated with a progressively
imaging, laparoscopy and immunocytochemical analysis. In our
series, 10 patients had no evidence of metastases on imaging.
Seven out of the 10, however, had malignant or suspicious
1.00 cytology and therefore, probably had peritoneal carcinomatosis
not detected on CT. In another two patients, cytology was not
carried out and in one other the cytology was negative. It may
be that the cytologically negative patient also had peritoneal
carcinomatosis, although Runyon et al. [3] previously showed
that of their total number patients with malignant ascites, 53.3%
had peritoneal carcinomatosis and all of this group had a
0.00 positive cytology indicating a near 100% sensitivity of cytology
Ovarian Breast GIT Other Unknown
cancer cancer cancers cancers primary in patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis.
(52) (33) (81) (26) (17) Twenty-three of our patients are still alive after a minimum
Figure 3. Median survivals in patients with malignant ascites in years by follow-up of 17 months and most of them are in the ovarian
cancer groups. cancer group. Ovarian cancer is usually amenable to debulking
surgery and has a good response to chemotherapy. Our finding
that ascites of ovarian origin has a better median survival than
deteriorating QoL and a poor prognosis. It is, however, believed all other cancer groups agrees with previous studies [4–8].
that with better understanding of the pathophysiology of This also may have been responsible for the better survival
malignant ascites, better diagnostic evaluation and the use of seen in women compared with men. We therefore reinforce the
multimodality therapy, the QoL and survival of these patients conclusion of our previous study [5] that female patients with
may be improved. There are few studies evaluating the natural malignant ascites from cancer of unknown primary should be
history of malignant ascites and the prognostic factors relating aggressively investigated in case they have an underlying ovarian
to survival [4, 6–8] and some authors [6, 7] in different series cancer. Seventy-nine per cent (41 of 52) of our patients with
have demonstrated the predominance of ovarian cancer causing ovarian cancer had chemotherapy which was mainly a
ascites in the patient’s population studied. carbolatin-based regime with a measure of response.
Parsons et al. [5] carried out a 2-year retrospective review We have evaluated various factors that affect survival in
from this centre over a decade ago in which they showed that patients with malignant ascites and our findings are in keeping
ovarian cancer was the commonest cause of ascites with far with the few published articles addressing this issue [5–8].
better prognosis than patients with GI cancers. We wanted to see Patients with GI cancer as well as those with an unknown
whether there had been any changes in relation to pattern of primary have a very poor survival compared with the ovarian or
cancer causing ascites, treatment options, prognostic factors and breast cancer groups. Overall, we noticed that patients in our
survival in the last 10 years. Again, the commonest cancer of series had longer median survival periods in all cancer groups
origin leading to malignant ascites in our series was ovarian than reported 10 years ago. This may be explained by increasing
representing 25% of the total patient population. Of the total use of aggressive multimodality therapy including combination
cancer cases seen by each multidisciplinary team in our chemotherapy (49% received chemotherapy in the current
study compared with 41% in our previous study). Furthermore, Therefore, further studies are required in order to identify those
the success of chemotherapy has improved over the last 10 years patients who will benefit from this therapy. Only one patient
in breast and ovarian cancers. The presence of liver metastases at in this study had i.p. cisplatin therapy and none of the
the time of ascites diagnosis was a significant predictor of poor patients reviewed had intracavitary radiotherapy, matrix
survival both on univariate and multivariate analyses. This metalloproteinases inhibitors or i.p. immunotherapy. There are
finding was similar to that from previous studies [5, 6, 8]. emerging new concepts in the treatment of malignant ascites
Patients with GI cancer were, however, found to be more likely on the basis of better understanding of the pathophysiological
to have liver metastases followed by breast cancer unlike our basis of its formation [14–17]. These new agents include i.p.
previous findings [5] where patients with breast cancer had the administration of a monoclonal antibodies (catumaxumab)
highest proportion of liver metastases a decade ago. Patients against epithelial cell adhesion molecule which has shown
with liver metastases in this study tended to be given diuretics encouraging results in a phase I/II trial [16] and is
on the understanding that their ascites is likely caused by the currently being investigated in a large multicenter randomised
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone pathway. Diuretics have been clinical trial.
shown to be more effective in the presence of liver metastases
[2, 10, 11].
Low levels of serum albumin and total proteins are significant conclusion
factors affecting survival adversely. In fact, low serum albumin is
The overall prognosis of patients with malignant ascites is poor
an independent prognostic factor especially in the nonovarian
and patients are typically in the palliative phase of care when
cancer groups. There are no other studies that have reported