Dynamic Balancing

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Dynamic Balancing

When man invented the wheel, he very quickly learned that if it wasn’t
completely round and if it didn’t rotate evenly about it’s central axis,
thenhe had a problem!The wheel would vibrate, causing damage to
itself and it’s supportmechanism and in severe cases, be unusable.
As the task ofmanufacturing a replacement was so huge and
timeconsuming, a methodhad to be found to minimize the
problem.Research showed that the wheeland its shaft had to be in a
state of balance, i.e. the mass had to be evenlydistributed about the
rotating centerline so that the resultant vibration was
at a minimum. This had to be achieved during the
manufacturingprocess(and perhaps just as importantly, as wear
occurred) so that maximumservice life could be achieved from the
system.Modern man still suffers from the same problem – only now
the problem isamplified. As machines get bigger and go faster, the
effect of theunbalance is much more severe.A level of unbalance that
is acceptable at a low speed is completelyunacceptable at a higher
speed. This is because the unbalance conditionproduces centrifugal
force, which increases as the speed increases. Infact, the force
formula (Ref.1, page 1-6) shows that the force caused by
unbalance increases by the square of the speed. If the speed is
doubled,the force quadruples; if the speed is tripled the force
increases by a factorof nine! It is the force that causes vibration of the
bearings andsurrounding structure. Prolonged exposure to the
vibration results indamage and increased downtime of the machine.
Vibration can also betransmitted to adjacent machinery, affecting
their accuracy orperformance.Identifying and correcting the mass
distribution and thus minimizing the force and resultant vibration is
the technique known as dynamic balancing.
The International Standards Organization defines unbalance as:
That condition which exists in a rotor when vibratory force or motion
is imparted to its bearings as a result of centrifugal forces. (Ref.2)
A more popular definition is:The uneven distribution of mass about a
rotor’s rotating centerline.The key phrase being “rotating centerline”
as opposed to “geometriccenterline”. The rotating centerline being
defined as the axis about whichthe rotor would rotate if not
constrained by its bearings. (Also called thePrinciple Inertia Axis or
PIA). The geometric centerline being the physicalcenterline of the
rotor. When the two centerlines are coincident, then therotor will be in
a state of balance. When they are apart, the rotor will
beunbalanced.Principal Inertia AxisCGGeometric CenterlineDifferent
types of unbalance can be defined by the relationship betweenthe
two centerlines. These include:
Static Unbalance – where the PIA is displaced parallel to the
Couple Unbalance – where the PIA intersects the geometric
centerline atthe center of gravity. (CG)
Dynamic Unbalance – where the PIA and the geometric
centerlinedo notcoincide or touch.
The most common of these is dynamic unbalance.
Manufacturing - Causes
Many causes are listed as contributing to an unbalance condition,
including material problems such as density, porosity, voids and
blowholes. Fabrication problems such as misshapen castings,
eccentricmachining and poor assembly. Distortion problems such as
rotationalstresses, aerodynamics and temperature changes. Even
inherent rotordesign criteria that cannot be avoided. Many of these
occur duringmanufacture, others during the operational life of the
machine. Whilstsome corrections for eccentricity can be counteracted
by balancing, it is acompromise. Dynamic balancing should not be a
substitute for poormachining or other compromise manufacturing
practices.In the manufacturing process, if proper care is taken to
ensure thatcastings are sound and machining is concentric, then it
follows that thetwo axis will coincide and the assembled rotor will be
in a state of balance.
Assembly - Causes
As previously stated, there are many reasons why unbalance occurs
whena rotor is being fabricated. Principle among these is a stack up
oftolerances. When a well-balanced shaft and a well-balanced rotor
areunited, the necessary assembly tolerances can permit radial
displacement, which will produce an out of balance condition.
Theadditionof keys and keyways adds to the problem. Although an
ISO standard doesexist for Shaft and Fitment Key Conventions
(Ref.3), in practice, differentmanufacturers follow their own
procedures. Some use a full key, some ahalf key, and some no key at
all. Thus, when a unit is assembled and thepermanent key is added,
unbalance will often be the result. The modernbalancing tolerances
specified by ISO, API, ANSI and others make itimperative that the
conventions listed in the ISO standard be followed.Failure to do sowill
mean that the low-level balance tolerances specified in these
standards will be impossible to achieve.
Installed Machines - Causes
When a rotor has been in service for some time, various other factors
cancontribute to the balance condition. These include corrosion,
wear,distortion, and deposit build up. Deposits can also break off
unevenly,which can lead to severe unbalance. This particularly
applies to fans,blowers, compressors and other rotating devices
handling processvariables. Routine inspection and cleaning can
minimize the effect, buteventually the machines will have to be
removed from service forbalancing.
Large unbalances will of course require large weight corrections
andunless care is taken, this can have a detrimental
effecttheintegrityofthe rotor. Concentrating a weight adjustment
(whether adding or takingaway) at a given point can weaken the
rotor. For example paper rolls arefabricated from tubing and
largeadditions or removal of weight can effectthe strength of the walls
of the roll. This may cause it to deflect whenspinning at operating
speed and thus induce harmful vibrations on thebearings and paper
machine frame.
Other Causes
Another cause of unbalance that is not readily apparent, is the
differencebetween types of rotors.There are two distinct types - rigid
and flexible.If a rotor is operating within 70% - 75% of its critical
speed (the speed atwhich resonance occurs, i.e. its natural
frequency) it can be considered tobe a flexible rotor. If it is operating
below that speed it is considered rigid.A rigid rotor can be balanced at
the two end planes and will stay inbalance when in service. A flexible
rotor will require multi-plane balancing.If a rotor is balanced on a low
speed balancing machine assuming it isrigid and then in service
becomes flexible, then unbalance and thus high
vibration, will be the result.Typical machines, which fit this category,
include steam and gas turbines,multistage centrifugal pumps,
compressors and paper rolls. In the paperindustry particularly, use of
roll balancing methods that were satisfactorywhen paper machines
were running at low speed, are now inadequate. Asolder machines
speed up and new high-speed machines are installed,precision roll
balancing is mandatory. Failure to do so will result in rolldeflections
which can effect product quality and even cause structuraldamage.
deflection or whip over its operating speed range is a multi-plane
When unbalance has been identified and quantified, the correction is
straightforward. Weight has to be either added or removed from the
rotating element. The ultimate aim being to reduce the uneven mass
distribution so that the centrifugal forces and hence the vibrations
induced in the supporting structures are at an acceptable level.
Field Balancing
Many rotors can often be balanced in place, running at their own
operatingspeed, with minimum disassembly. To balance in place, of
course, a basicrequirement is that the rotor has to be accessible to
make corrections.Machines such as fans and blowers are good
candidates. Totally enclosedmotor armatures and pump impellers are
not.The technique of balancing in place is referred to as Field
Balancing and itoffers some distinct advantages including:
• Balancing is performed on the complete assembled machine
and compensates for the assembly tolerances discussed earlier.
• Costly and time-consuming disassembly to remove the rotor to
a balancing machine is eliminated.
• The effects of temperature, pressure, distortion and other
environmental influences can be incorporated.
• The resultant vibration can be the tolerance applied to the rotor,
rather than the published balance tolerances normally used in a
balancing machine. This is particularly advantageous if the
supporting structure is close to a resonance. The unbalance in
the rotor may have to be adjusted to abnormally fine levels to
minimize the resultant resonant structural vibration.
Modern instruments such as vibration analyzers, data collectors and
portable balancers provide accurate information to assist in the
balancingprocess. The vibration level measured at the rotating speed
frequency isused as an indicator of the amount of unbalance. The
location isdetermined by measuring the phase. Phase, (the relative
motion of onepart of a machine to another) is measured by means of
a stroboscopiclight or by an indicator in the instrument, triggered by a
photocell.It is imperative that the vibration measured is a result of the
unbalanceand not some other exiting force. Only a detailed,
thorough, analysis canidentify where the vibration measured is
coming from. Many sources ofvibration can occur at the rotating
speed frequency.
Factory Balancing
As part of the manufacturing process, most rotors are routinely
balancedin a balancing machine. A simple definition of such a
machine is:A device that holds and spins the rotor while you balance
it.Balancing machines can be divided into two different types:
Production Machines
As their name implies, these are used in the manufacture of rotating
elements. They can be highly automated for high-speed production,
oftendesigned around one part, with automatic drills or mills to
remove weightor welding units to add weight. Or, they can be more
general-purposemachines for low volume production, which are
easily adjusted to take avariety of parts.In some, the part is mounted
horizontally like the example shown below,whilst in others the part is
mounted vertically to simplify loading andunloading. The
instrumentation is normally built in to the balancingmachine.
Maintenance Machines
These machines on the other hand are designed to balance rotors
aftermaintenance overhauls. They are normally horizontal types with
attachments and tooling designed for easy set up and
adjustment.Theymust accommodate a wide weight range for
versatility and be able tohandle a wide variety of shapes and sizes of
rotors. Instrumentation canbe either dedicated or separate. The same
instrument that is used for fieldbalancing can also be used in the
balancing machine.Maintenance type balancing machines are a
necessity in repair depotssuch as motor rewind shops, pump
overhaul facilities and turbine repairworkshops. All industrial
rotorsthat have been overhauled should includea balance check as
the last task before re-assembly.Large capacity maintenance type
machine ForTurbine balancing
There are many documented “good consequences” and
benefitsassociated with a well balanced, smooth running
these are:
• Minimize vibration
Unbalance is still the major source of machine vibration.
• Minimize noise
Airborne noise is often directly attributable to mechanical
• Minimize structural stress
The forces produced by unbalance have to be absorbed by
surrounding structure.
• Minimize operator fatigue and annoyance
Exposure to high levels of vibration and noise affects
• Increase machine life
The time between outages can be extended if the machine is
running smoothly.
• Increase bearing life
Bearings bear the brunt of the unbalance forces.
• Increase product quality
Minimum vibration, especially on machine tools, produces
• Increase personnel safety
Dangers associated with machine failure are minimized.
• Increase productivity
Machines running smoothly have more “uptime” availability
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Everything that rotates needs to be in a state of balance to ensure
smoothrunning when in operation.Precision balancing is essential to
the manufacture of rotating equipmentand to the repair and
renovation of installed machines. As machinespeeds increase, the
effects of unbalance become more detrimental.Modern technology
allows for accurate balancing to be performed both inthe field and in
the workshop.Increased time between outages and availability for
production is the prime benefit.

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