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The Piano Book


The Piano Book 2007-2008

Larry Fine
Group 1: Highest quality performance pianos Group 2A: Estonia
These pianos are for those who want the best and can Mason & Hamlin
afford it. They utilize the very best materials, and Schimmel (Konzert series)
the manufacturing process emphasizes much hand
labour and refinement of details. Advanced designs are Group 2B: Bechstein (Academy series)
painstakingly executed, putting quality considerations Haessler
far ahead of cost and production output. They are Schimmel (Classic series)
suitable for the most advanced and demanding Schulze Pollmann
professional and artistic uses. Most of the pianos in Seiler
this group are made in the U.S. and Western Europe. Steinberg, Wilh.
Comparison with automobiles: think Rolls-Royce, Walter, Charles R.
Bentley, Mercedes- Benz. Yamaha (“S” series)

Verticals: $14,000 to $34,000 Group 2C: Baldwin (grands)

Grands 5’ to 7’: $40,000 to $90,000 Bohemia
Group 1A: Blüthner Kemble
Bösendorfer Petrof
Fazioli Vogel
Steingraeber & Söhne
Steinway & sons (Hamburg)
Group 3: Better quality consumer-grade pianos
Group 1B: Bechstein,C. (Concert series) These instruments give roughly equal weight to
Förster, August economy and performance. The dominant pianos in
Grotrian / Sauter this group are by Japanese-based companies manu-
facturing in Japan, the U.S., and Indonesia. They are
Group 1C: Kawai, Shigeru mass produced but with few defects, suitable for both
Steinway & sons (New York) home and institutional use. For decades they have been
legendary for their high quality-control standards and
commitment to excellent warranty service. Also in this
Group 2 High- performance pianos group are the higher-level pianos made by Korean-
These instruments are built to a standard favouring based companies in Korea or Indonesia, with more
high-performance design features, materials, and variation in quality, but enhanced by some advanced
workmanship. They are suitable for home, institutio- design features. Comparison with automobiles: think
nal, and some professional and artistic uses. Greater Honda, Toyota, Subaru (Group 3A); upper-level Kia,
hand labour is put into refining touch and tone during Hyundai (Groups 3B and 3C).
manufacture, although perhaps not quite as much
as some in Group 1. Cost considerations, virtually Verticals: $3,500 to $12,000
absent for Group 1 instruments, may affect decisions Grands 5’ to 7’: $9,000 to $34,000
regarding materials and production methods to a
limited extent. For a variety of reasons, these pianos Group 3A: Boston (Kawai with Steinway)
have not received as much critical acclaim as those in Kawai (verticals and RX series grands)
Group 1. Although the difference in quality between Perzina (verticals)
the two groups is small—and for many buyers will Pramberger, J.P. (Samick)
be undetectable—the price difference is substantial, Weber, Albert (Young Chang)
making these pianos a great value for those who can Yamaha (vertical and C series grands)
settle for “almost the best.” Most pianos in this group Young Chang (Platinum Edition)
are made in the U.S. and in Eastern and Western
Europe. Comparison with automobiles: think BMW, Group 3B: Baldwin (verticals)
Saab, Volvo, Audi, Lexus. Essex (Young Chang/Korea with Steinway)
Kawai (GM and GE series grands)
Verticals: $6,000 to $20,000 Knabe, Wm. (Samick)
Grands 5’ to 7’: $18,000 to $50,000 Weber (sovereign series) (Young Chang)
Yamaha (GB and GC grands)
Young Chang (Professional Artist series)
Group 3C: Kohler & Campbell (Millennium series) after a number of years. Pianos in this group are made
(Samick) in China, or in Indonesia by Korean-based companies.
Pramberger,J. (Samick) Comparison with automobiles: think Kia, Hyundai
(and Chinese-made cars).

Commentary on Group 3: Verticals: $2,500 to $7,000

Group 3A consists of most pianos made by the Grands 5’ to 7’: $6,000 to $19,000
Japanese-based companies Yamaha and Kawai and
the highest-level Korean-made pianos of Young Chang Group 4A: Brodmann
and Samick. The latter are built to advanced designs, Heintzman
and when expertly prepared by a technician, can play May Berlin
as well as some pianos in the higher categories. Perzina (grands)
However, their quality is more variable and most Steinberg, Gerh. (Perzina)
dealers do only enough make-ready to make them
acceptable. Also in this category are Perzina verticals, Group 4B: Everett (grands) (Dongbei)
the only pianos made in China thus far to make it Hallet, Davis (grands) (Dongbei)
out of Group 4. They have excellent tone and action, Nordiska (grands) (Dongbei)
and have been out in the field without problems long Story & Clark (grands) (Dongbei)
enough for me to feel comfortable recommending Weinbach (grands) (Dongbei/Petrof)
Group 4C: Bergmann (Young Chang)
Group 3B consists of the smaller Kawai and Yamaha Essex (Pearl River or Young Chang/
grand models with simpler case construction and China with Steinway)
features, mid-level Korean-made models from Young Hailun
Chang, and mid- to upper-level pianos from Samick Kohler & Campbell (except Millennium
(Wm.Knabe) made in either Korea or Indonesia. I’ve series) (Samick)
also put U.S.-made Baldwin verticals in this category Miller, Henry F. (Pearl River)
though, to be honest, Baldwin has been keeping a Palatino (AXL)
low profile of late, and feedback about the verticals in Pearl River
sparse. Remington (Samick)
Ritmüller (Pearl River)
Group 3C are mid-level Samick pianos made in Samick
Korea or Indonesia (Kohler & Campbell Millennium) Steigerman (Premium series) (Hailun)
and upper-level pianos entirely from Indonesia Weber (Legend series) (Young Chang)
(J.Pramberger). The same comment made about
Korean pianos in group 3A also apply to the Korean Group 4D: Cable, Hobart M. (Sejung)
and Indonesia pianos in Groups 3B and 3C. Cristofori (Sejung)
Everett (verticals) (Dongbei)
The Piano Book 2007-2008, Larry Fine, American Falcone (Sejung)
Gulbransen (Sejung)
Hallet, Davis (verticals) (Dongbei)
Group 4: Medium quality consumer-grade pianos Hamilton (Sejung/Baldwin)
Most of the instruments are somewhat more oriented Hardman, Peck (Beijing)
toward economy than performance. In general, Quality Meister, Otto (Beijing)
control is not as perfect as many in Group 3, so the Nordiska (verticals) (Dongbei)
pianos may need a little more attention by the dealer Steck, Geo. (Sejung)
both before and after the sale. For some upper-level Steigerman (Beijing)
Chinese brands, the quality control and features might Story & Clark (verticals) (Dongbei)
normally make the piano a candidate for a higher-level Suzuki (Artfield)
group, but their track record is short, so as a precauti- Vivace (Sejung)
on, I am leaving them in this group for the time being. Wurlitzer (Sejung/Baldwin)
These pianos are suitable at least for average home Wyman (Beijing)
and lighter institutional use, and sometimes more.
Students with smaller models of some of these brands
may wish to upgrade to a larger or better instrument
Commentary on group 4: Trends
Many of the Group 4 piano brands are new or rapidly Pianos made in China continue to improve and make
improving. I have tried as best I can to estimate their inroads into the North American market. By some
relative quality positions, preferring to err slightly on estimates, more than one-quarter of all pianos sold
the low side rather than overstate their quality. I expect in the U.S. in 2003 were made in China. As recently
the future will bring many changes to this list. 2001, most pianos from China, though technically
acceptable, were not musically desirable. Over the
Group 4A consists of the best Chinese pianos. Some past couple of years, however, the musical qualities
of these actually have the performance characteristics have taken a big leap forward. Though nearly all
of higher-grade instruments and, like Perzina verticals makes have improved, and most are acceptable, the
in Group 3A, may eventually migrate upward on this best vertical pianos are those from the Yantai-Perzina
chard as their track record and reputation warrant. The factory, sold here under Perzina, and Gerh.Steinberg
pianos in this subgroup are distinguished from those labels;…………
in lower subgroups by superiority in a combination
of design, materials, and execution. Most use a large The Piano Book 2007-2008, Larry Fine, American
amount of parts and material imported from Europe
or North America. They also excel in the oversight
given them by the sponsoring company. Schimmel, for In addition, the Perzina verticals have several interes-
example, reportedly rejects a substantial percentage of ting features rarely found in other pianos, including a
the May Berlin pianos is receives as not meeting the ‘’floating’’ soundboard that is unattached to the back
company’s rigid standards, and returns them to their at certain points for freer vibration, and a reverse, or
origin. It then prepares the remainder of the pianos concave, soundboard crown. (there may be something
to even higher standards before sending them on to to this, as Perzina verticals are the best sounding
dealers. My contact generally gave cautious praise to verticals from China. The bass being particularly
these brands, recognizing that they provide tremen- notable.)
dous value for the money, but were not yet ready to
abandon better-known, established, more expensive The Piano Book 2007-2008, Larry Fine, American
brands from other parts of the world in favour of them.

Group 4C consists of the large, middle ground of

Chinese pianos—those from the Young Chang, Pearl
River, Hailun, and AXL factories—and the lower-level
pianos from the Samick factory in Indonesia. These
pianos are not likely to win awards for anything in
particular, but with proper dealer make-ready and
some follow-up home service, they should be fine for
casual home use and sometimes more.

Group 4D pianos are a little less advanced in design or

execution than those in higher categories. The smaller
sizes of grands and verticals in particular are for those
buyers for whom low price or furniture are the most
important considerations. With thorough dealer prep,
good after-sale service, and realistic expectations,
these brands can be successfully purchased by buyers
with simpler needs.

The Piano Book 2007-2008, Larry Fine, American

Inductorstraat 32
3903 KB Veenendaal

T: + 31 318 52 77 48
F: + 31 318 52 27 96
E: [email protected]

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