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Rules – Andhra Pradesh Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA)

Rules, 2011 – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 66 Dated:24.03.2011.
Read :
Act No. 7 of 1998, published on 16.01.1998

The 73rd amendment to the Constitution of India extended the
provisions of Part-IX of the Constitution to the Scheduled Areas in the State
by enacting the Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled
Areas) Act, 1996 (Act No.40 of 1996) by Government of India; in
consonance with the Act. Govt. of Andhra Pradesh enacted the Andhra
Pradesh Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No. 7 of 1998) duly
amending the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (Act No.13 of 1994).
The Act empowers the Gram Sabhas / Panchayats (GSs./GPs) in Scheduled
Areas to safeguard and preserve the traditions and customs of the people,
their cultural identity, community resources and customary modes of dispute
resolution and ownership of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) etc.
2. Implementation of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj (Amendment)
Act, 1998 which promotes self governance, giving a central role to Gram
Sabhas, is vital to safeguard the interests of the people living in the
Schedule-V areas.
3. Accordingly, the following notification shall be published in an
Extraordinary Issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated. 24.03.2011.

In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section(1) of Section

268 read with Sections 242-A to 242-I under Part VI-A of the Andhra
Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby
makes the following Rules relating to the Andhra Pradesh Panchayats
Extension to Schedule Areas.

:: 2 ::

1. Short title, Extent and Commencement
(i) These Rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Panchayats Extension to
Scheduled Areas (PESA) Rules, 2011.

(ii) They shall extend to all the Scheduled Areas in the State where the
Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 is in force.

(iii) They shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions
(1) In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires;

(i) ‘Act’ means the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 as amended by
the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No.7 of

(ii) ‘Gram Sabha’ means a Gram Sabha which comes into existence under
Rule 4.

(iii) ’Minor water bodies’ means natural water bodies used for fetching
drinking water, construction of check dams and irrigating an extent of
land up to 40 hectares.

(iv) `Scheduled Areas’ means the Scheduled Areas notified under paragraph
6 of the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution of India.

(v) For the purpose of these rules, “ Commissioner” means Commissioner

Tribal Welfare.

(2) The words and expressions used but not defined in these Rules shall
have the meaning assigned to them in the Mines and Minerals (Regulation
and Development) Act, 1957; the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Areas Land
Transfer Regulation, 1959; the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Areas Money
Lenders Regulation,1960;the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Tribes Debt Relief
Regulation,1960; the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce & Live Stock)
Act, 1966; the Andhra Pradesh Forest Act, 1967; the Andhra Pradesh Excise

Contd.. 3.
:: 3 ::

Act, 1968; the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Tribes Debt Relief Regulation,
1970; the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Areas Minor Forest Produce
(Regulation of Trade) Regulation, 1979; the Forest (Conservation) Act,
1980; the Andhra Pradesh Education Act, 1982; the Andhra Pradesh
Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 as amended by the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj
(Amendment) Act, 1998; the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of
Irrigation Systems Act, 1997;and the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional
Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 or any other such
Legislation time being.

3. Declaration of villages in the Scheduled Areas

For the purpose of Section 3 of the Panchayat Raj Act.
(i) Commissioner may request the concerned District Collector to draw up
a list of villages in the scheduled areas in the districts of Srikakulam,
Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari,
Khammam, Warangal, Adilabad and Mahabubnagar

(ii) A village may consist of a habitation/hamlet or groups thereof

comprising of a community or communities managing their affairs in
accordance with their traditions and customs.

(iii) On receipt of such requisition, the District Collector in consultation with

PO, ITDA may prepare a proposal consisting of villages comprised of a
habitation / hamlet or groups thereof.

(iv) The proposal / proposals so prepared shall be submitted to the

Commissioner. The Commissioner on review of the proposal will
declare the villages in scheduled areas in the districts of Srikakulam,
Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari,
Khammam, Warangal, Adilabad and Mahabubnagar.

4. Gram Sabha and its functions:

(i) Every village declared in the aforesaid manner shall have a Gram
Sabha comprising of adult members, whose names are included in the
electoral rolls at the village level.

(ii) The Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat shall be the President of the
Gram Sabha. The Gram Sabha shall elect a Vice President and
Secretary as per the procedure prescribed below.
:: 4 ::

(iii) Project Officer of the concerned Integrated Tribal Development

Authority shall depute an officer not below the rank of a Deputy
Thasildar for convening the first Gram Sabha under these rules. The
meeting so convened shall be presided over by the Sarpanch of the
concerned Panchayat. In the absence of Sarpanch Traditional village
elder/ Self-Help Group of the habitation may preside over the Gram

(iv) The quorum for the Gram Sabha meeting shall be not less than 1/3rd
of members of Gram Sabha of whom at least 50% shall be ST

(v) The Gram Sabha shall elect a Vice President and Secretary from
among the members of the village by show of hands. The Vice
President and the Secretary shall be from the Scheduled Tribe and the
tenure shall be 5 years.

(vi) There shall be at least two statutory meetings of Gram Sabha in a

year. However, in addition to statutory meetings, Gram Sabha may
meet as and when necessary at a place and time as decided by the
Gram Sabha.

(vii) An attendance register shall be maintained in which the presiding

Member shall obtain the signatures or thumb impressions, as the case
may be, of all the Members present at the meeting of Gram Sabha.

(viii) At the end of each meeting of Gram Sabha, the presiding Member shall
read the proceedings of the Gram Sabha and get the approval of the
Members. Each item of resolution should be recorded separately and
approval or otherwise of the Gram Sabha shall be obtained. The
Members shall raise their hands in token of their approval.

(ix) Resolutions passed during the meeting of the Gram Sabha shall be
recorded in a register and signatures / thumb impressions as the case
may be of members shall be taken by the Secretary / Vice President of
Gram Sabha.

(x) The Resolutions shall be communicated to the concerned department

of the Government / Agency / Organization by the Secretary of Gram
Sabha within (4) weeks.
:: 5 ::

(xi) The following matters shall be placed before the Gram Sabha for its

(a) village agricultural production plans;

(b) list of the location of the common lands in the villages i.e.
Porambokes etc. vesting in Panchayat and other relevant

(c) list of transfers of ownership of houses and other immovable


(d) A copy of the approved budget estimates of the Gram


(e) A copy of the audit report on the accounts of the Panchayat;

(f) A list of defaulters, who are in arrears of payment of taxes and
fees due to Gram Panchayat;

(g) functioning of fair price shop / D.R. Depot;

(h) functioning of Anganwadis;
(i) functioning of sub centers;
(j) functioning of schools.
(k) functioning of welfare hostels
(l) provision of drinking water
(m) provision of electricity; and
(n) any other development programmes
(xii) The Gram Sabha shall prepare and approve socio economic profile of
each family which shall include human and natural resources of the
village, literacy levels, landless families, woman headed families,
benefits so far secured with the details of their present status, village
problems, prioritization etc by employing Participatory Rural Appraisal

(xiii) The Gram Sabha shall be involved in the identification and

implementation of individual/community development programmes in
the area of habitation.
:: 6 ::

(xiv) The Mandal Praja Parishad may seek the advice of/assistance from
the Multi Disciplinary Teams constituted by the Project Officer,
Integrated Tribal Development Agency concerned or any other
Government Agency in preparation of village development plans and
prioritizing the benefits and schemes.

(xv) The Gram Sabha shall furnish certificate of utilization of funds to the
concerned agency/Government department for the funds released to

5. Acquisition of land in the Scheduled Areas

(1) When the Government considers land acquisition under any Act, the
Government or the concerned authority will submit to the Mandal Praja
Parishad the following written information alongwith the proposal:-

(i) The complete outline of the proposed project including the possible
impact of the project.

(ii) Proposed land acquisition.

(iii) New people likely to settle in the village and possible impact on the
area and society, and

(iv) The proposed participation amount of compensation, job opportunities,

for the people of the village.

(2) After getting complete information the concerned Mandal Praja

Parishad will be competent to summon the representatives of the concerned
authorities and the Government to examine them either individually or
collectively. It will be mandatory for all such persons summoned to furnish
point-wise clear and correct information.

(3) The Mandal Praja Parishad after considering all the facts shall make a
recommendation regarding the proposed land acquisition and rehabilitation
plan of persons displaced.

(4) The recommendation of the Mandal Praja Parishad shall be considered

by the Land Acquisition Officer.
:: 7 ::

(5) In case the Land Acquisition Officer is not in agreement with the
recommendations of the Mandal Praja Parishad, he will send the case again
to the Mandal Praja Parishad for consideration.

(6) If after a second consultation, the Land Acquisition Officer passes an

order against the recommendations of the Mandal Praja Parishad, he shall
record the reasons for doing so in writing.

(7) In case of industrial projects, all the Mandal Praja Parishad that are
influenced by such projects shall be consulted.

(8) The progress of rehabilitation plan should be placed before the Mandal
Praja Parishad after every 3 months from the date of notification for land

(9) If in the opinion of the Mandal Praja Parishad, suggested measures are
not followed, the Mandal Praja Parishad may inform the State Government in
writing regarding the same, and it will be mandatory for the State
Government to take appropriate action.

(10) RR Package shall have necessary features as shown below:

(a) Each project affected family of ST category shall be given preference in
allotment of land in the ayacut.

(b) Each tribal PAF shall get additional financial assistance equivalent to
500 days of minimum agriculture wage for loss of customary
rights/usages of forest produce.

(c) Tribal PAFs will be re-settled close to their natural habitat of their
choice, to the extent possible, in a compact block so that they can
retain their ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity.

(d) The tribal families residing in the Project Affected Areas having fishing
rights in the river/pond/dam shall be given fishing rights in the
reservoir area.

(e) The tribal PAFs shall be resettled and rehabilitated within the
Scheduled areas.

Contd.. 8.
:: 8 ::

6. Management of Minor Water bodies in the Scheduled Areas.

(i) The Gram Sabha shall be responsible for planning and management of
minor water bodies for the common benefit of village population where such
water bodies fall within the village.

(ii) Gram Panchayat shall responsible for planning and management of

minor water bodies for the common benefit of the people of Gram
Panchayats concerned, if such bodies benefit people for one or more
villages within the Panchayat.

(iii) The Mandal Parishad shall be responsible for planning and

management of minor water bodies for the common benefit of the people of
the Gram Panchayats concerned.

(iv) The Zilla Parishad shall be responsible for planning and management of
minor water bodies for the common benefit of the people living in the
Mandal Parishads concerned where such water bodies fall within the limits of
2 or more Mandals.

(v) The appropriate body shall be responsible for planning and management
of water bodies for the common benefit of the people living under its limits
where such water bodies fall under the jurisdiction of two or more Zilla

(vi) Planning of minor water body shall also include planning and
construction of a new water body.

(vii) Management of minor water body shall include all works of repair,
restoration for maintenance, fixing of ayacut season by season, levy of
water rate, its collection and utilization.

(viii) The Gram Panchayat, Mandal Parishad, Zilla Parishad, Appropriate

Government, as the case may be, shall collect appropriate water rate and
share it with the Water Users Associations concerned wherever they exist, in
the ratio as mutually decided for taking up developmental activities there

(ix) The Government shall provide requisite amount every year for the
maintenance of minor water bodies. This grant shall be on prorata basis and
be transferred to the appropriate Panchayat account.
:: 9 ::
7. Minor minerals in the Scheduled Areas
Grant of prospecting license or mining lease for minor minerals.

(i) Only individual local members of ST or societies comprising of

exclusively local ST members shall be entitled for grant of prospecting
license or mining lease for minor minerals and grant of concession for
exploitation of minor minerals by auction.

(ii) The Mining Department shall refer all applications received for grant of
prospecting license or mining lease for minor minerals in the Scheduled
Areas to the concerned Gram Panchayat for their consideration.

(iii) The Gram Panchayat shall forward its approval or reject individual or
tribal societies or Tribal Mining Corporation by passing an appropriate
resolution within 4 weeks.

(iv) The decision of the Gram Panchayat shall be binding and final.

8. Powers and functions of Gram Panchayats and Mandal Parishads

(I) Excise:
(a) The Department concerned shall inform its intention to establish a unit
for manufacturing liquor in a village to the Gram Sabha concerned for
its opinion on the production or manufacture of liquor in the said
village. Gram Sabha will convey its opinion in the form of a resolution
within four weeks. Based on the resolution of the Gram Sabha the
department concerned shall act upon about the production /
manufacture of liquor in the village under intimation to Gram Sabha

(b) The Gram Sabha shall be consulted before the grant of any license to
open liquor shop in the village. Gram Sabha will convey its opinion in
the form of resolution within four weeks. The license shall be granted
to local scheduled tribe only.

(c) The Department concerned shall issue a speaking order for granting or
not granting any license to open liquor shop/bar in the village under
intimation to the Gram Sabha concerned. The Gram Sabha resolution
shall be binding and final.

Contd.. 10.
:: 10 ::

(d) The Gram Sabha shall determine the quantity of traditional liquor that
may be brewed/produced by the Scheduled Tribes living in a village for
their consumption but not for sale having regard to the traditions,
customs relating to consumption of local liquor during marriage and
other social and religious ceremonies and their cultural identity.

(II) Ownership and disposal of minor forest produce

(a) Ownership and mode of disposal of minor forest produce shall vest
with the individual members of Gram Sabha subject to monopoly
rights of GCC by Trade Regulation 1979 issued in G.O.Ms.No.20,
SW(F2) Dept., dated 14.2.1983 for procurement of MFP except
Bamboo and Beedi leaf. In respect of Bamboo and Beedi leaf,
management, harvesting and disposal shall be done by the forest
Department who shall undertake harvesting duly following scientific
silvicultural practices as prescribed in the working plans/management
plans for the respective divisions. Forest Department shall pass on the
net revenue from such disposal of the Bamboo and Beedi leaf
harvesting from the area allotted to the Gram Sabha, to the respective
Gram Sabha who may in turn pass it on to individual members of
Gram Sabha.

(b) Any individual collector of minor forest produce in the habitation, in

case of dispute over jurisdiction relating to ownership, access to
collection, use and disposal of such produce traditionally collected by
him / her shall inform the Gram Sabha for settlement.

(c) After verification of such claims on the right of ownership of minor

forest produce of individual collector, the Gram Sabha shall pass a
resolution setting such dispute.

(d) The Gram Sabha shall maintain a register containing the names of
each collector of minor forest produce in the habitation.

(e) The Project Officer of Integrated Tribal Development Authorities

(ITDA) concerned shall review compliance to these rules.

(f) The Project Officer, ITDA shall be made the Chairman of the
committee constituted for the management of Bamboo and Tendu
products in the respective jurisdiction.”

:: 11 ::
(III) Prevention of alienation of lands in the scheduled areas
and restoration of alienated lands of scheduled tribe

(1) The Gram Sabha shall

(a) Prepare a list of landholders containing the details of
extent of land held and names of the Pattadars along with
(b) Verify the veracity of social status claims of all the
Pattadars as to whether Pattadar is a genuine scheduled tribe.

(c) Verify as to whether the lands are purchased in the name

of a tribal woman and enjoyed by a non-tribal.
(d) Visit the field if desired and physically verify as to whether
the lands are cultivated by the tribal or by the non-tribal
taken on lease, mortgage, etc.; and
(e) Approve the list of beneficiaries for assignment of
Government lands.
(f) In all cases mentioned at (a) – (e) above, if Grama Sabha, after
thorough investigation is satisfied that certain occupations are in
violation of the Andhra Pradesh Land Transfer Regulation, 1959
as amended from time to time, Grama Sabha shall pass a
resolution mentioning the details of violation. Competent
authority under the Andhra Pradesh Land Transfer Regulation
1959 as amended from time to time shall initiate consequential

(2) If there are conflicting claims in respect of the possession of lands, the
Gram Sabha shall convene a meeting and call for evidence in support of such
claims from the concerned to pass appropriate resolutions and request to the
competent authority under the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Areas Land
Transfer Regulation, 1959 to initiate consequential action.

(3) The Gram Sabha shall also convene a meeting on receipt of any
complaint on alienation of land in favour of a non-tribal or suomotu pass
appropriate resolution and shall forward the same to the competent
authority to take necessary action to restore the land to the scheduled tribe

:: 12 ::

(4) Any person aggrieved by the resolution of Gram Sabha may within a
period of sixty days from the date of resolution, file a petition to the
competent authority under the A.P. Scheduled Areas Land Transfer
Regulation, 1959.

(5) The competent authority under the A.P. Scheduled Areas Land
Transfer Regulation, 1959 may either allow or reject or refer the petition to
the Gram Sabha concerned for reconsideration.

(6) After receipt of such reference, the Gram Sabha shall meet within a
period of thirty days, hear the petition, pass resolution on that reference and
forward the same to the competent authority under the A.P. Scheduled
Areas Land Transfer Regulation, 1959.

(7) The competent authority under the A.P. Scheduled Areas Land
Transfer Regulation, 1959 shall consider the resolution of Gram Sabha and
pass appropriate order, either accepting or rejecting the petition.

(8) The competent authority under the A.P. Schedule Areas Land Transfer
Regulation, 1959 shall invariably implead the Gram Sabha concerned for
their considered opinion in every case of land alienation involved tribal and
non-tribal. The Gram Sabha concerned shall be impleaded and the opinion
of the Gram Sabha shall be duly examined.

(9) The competent authority under the A.P. Scheduled Areas Land
Transfer Regulation, 1959 shall furnish the copies of judgments to the Gram
Sabhas concerned in every case.

(10) While restoring possession of land to tribal, the competent authority

shall obtain the signature of a member of Gram Sabha to that extent.

(IV) Management of Village Markets/Shandies/Santhas/Angadis

or by whatever name called

(1) The Gram Panchayat concerned shall be the Market Committee to

manage village markets (by whatever name called) in Scheduled Areas.

(2) The Gram Panchayats of the villages situated in Scheduled Areas

where weekly markets (by whatever name called) shall discharge the
following functions as market committees in Scheduled Areas.

Contd.. 13.
:: 13 ::
(a) Licenses should be given only to local Scheduled Tribes.
(b) maintain and manage the market yards;
(c) regulate the opening, closing and suspending of transactions in a
market yard;
(d) Supervise the conduct of market functionaries;
(e) enforce the conditions of license;
(f) regulate the making, execution and enforcement or cancellation
of agreements of sales, the weighment, delivery, payment and
all other matters relating to the marketing of agricultural
produce, NTFP Produce, live stock or products of live stock and
all matters ancillary thereto.

Disposal of minor forest produce include local level

processing value addition, transportation in forest area through
head load, bicycle and hand carts for use of such produce for
sale by the gatherers or the communities for livelihood.

(g) Provide necessary facilities for the marketing of agricultural

produce, NTFP Produce, live stock or products of live stock in the
market area;

(h) provide for the settlement of all disputes between the seller and
the buyer and others arising out of any kind of transaction
connected with the marketing of a notified agricultural produce,
NTFP Produce, live stock or products of live stock and other
products and all matters ancillary thereto;

(i) Collect, maintain and disseminate information in respect of :-

( i ) sale prices and movement of notified agricultural produce, live

stock or products of live stock; and any other product and
( ii ) production, processing and storage of notified commodities;

(j) Take all possible steps to prevent adulteration and to promote

grading standardization.

(k) levy, recover and receive fees, subscriptions and other sums of
money to which the Panchayat is entitled;
Contd.. 14.
:: 14 ::

(l) Employ necessary number of officers and servants for efficient

implementation of for above rules in Scheduled Areas.

(m) Conduct the auction of notified agricultural produce, live stock or

products of live stock above rules in accordance with the rules.

(n) Ensure correct weighment of notified commodities;

(o) Regulate the entry of persons and the vehicular traffic into the
market yard;

(p) Prosecute persons violating the rules as per the rules of the
concerned Department.

(q) Institute or defend any suit, action, proceeding, application or

arbitration and compromise such suit, action, proceeding,
application or arbitration; and

(r) Provide facilities, such as provision of adequate space for direct

sales by a producer and assist a producer by preparing invoices
and bills on his behalf when he sell his produce to a trader without
employing a commission agent.

(s) Implement the directions given by the Government from time to

time in the establishment and development of markets.

(V) Exercising control over money lending to the Scheduled


No Money Lending License shall be granted to Private Money Lending

Agencies in Scheduled Areas.

(VI) Exercising control over institutions and functionaries in all

social sectors

(i) Education
(a) The Mandal Parishad shall be the authority to call for the administratsive
reports of all the Educational Institutions through the respective Gram
Contd.. 15.
:: 15 ::

(b) The Mandal Parishad shall approve the budget for all the Educational
Institutions in its jurisdiction by 31st May i.e before commencement of
the academic year.

(c) The Mandal Parishad shall monitor attendance and regularity of all the
teachers working in all the Educational Institutions in its jurisdiction and
shall report to the competent authority for disciplinary action whenever
they are found to be absent or indulging in irregular practices. The
competent authority shall take action under intimation to the Mandal
Parishad or Gram Panchayat, as the case may be.

(ii) Management of Welfare Hostels

(a) The Mandal Parishad shall monitor the matters pertaining to diet, repairs
and over all day to day management of the welfare hostels in its

(b) The Mandal Parishad shall call for the administrative reports from all the
hostel welfare officers in its jurisdiction twice in an academic year.

(c) The Mandal Parishad shall be the recommendatory authority as far as

admission of the students into the welfare hostels are concerned.

(d) The Mandal Parishad shall recommend suitable action against the hostel
welfare officers and the other staff whenever they are found to be
absent or indulging in irregular practices to disciplinary authority
concerned. The disciplinary authority concerned shall take action under
intimation to the Mandal Parishad or Gram Panchayat, as the case may

(iii) Health
The Panchayat Raj Institution shall support, guide and review the hospitals
where institute in their respective jurisdiction with Special focus on:

(a) Review and monitor the National Health Programme under Rural
Health mission and all other programmes.

(b) Review the supply of medicines and its utilization.

Contd.. 16.
:: 16 ::

(c) Review and monitor the health extension activities in rural


(d) Review and monitor the steps taken to prevent outbreak of

(e) Review and monitor maintenance, up keep of surroundings and
construction of Medical and Health Institutions.

(f) Right from Village level to District level the Panchayat Raj
Institutions will own the functioning of Primary Health Centers
in their Jurisdiction ie. Gram Panchayat at Village level, Mandal
Praja Parishad at Mandal level and Zilla Parishad at District
(g) Panchayat Raj Institutions will take ownership of activities such as
safe water, Hygiene and sanitation of the villages.

(h) Whenever Panchayat Raj Institutions make suggestions for

improvement, the Hospital authorities concerned will be
responsible to send an Action taken report to the Panchayat
Raj Institutions concerned. ANMs, Primary Health Centre
Doctors and District Medical and health Officer at Gram
Panchayat, Mandal and District level respectively will attend
the general body meetings of Panchayat Raj Institutions

(i) Whenever Primary Health Centre Medical Officer or ANM or

District Medical and Health Officer make suggestions for
improvement in Hygiene, sanitation and safe water or any
matter pertaining to health, the Officers of Panchayat Raj
Institutions concern will immediately respond and send an
action taken report to the Medical officer or District Medical
and Health Officer concerned.

(j) The Mandal Parishad shall approve the budget of all Primary
Health Centers and sub centers in its jurisdiction.

(k) The Mandal Parishad shall call for the administrative reports of
all Primary Health Centers and sub centers within a month
from the commencement of the financial year.
Contd.. 17.
:: 17 ::

(iv) Women and Child Welfare

(a) The Gram Sabha shall approve the budget for Anganwadi centers.

(b) The Mandal Parishad shall call for the administrative reports from the
Project Officer, ICDS in its jurisdiction within a month from the
commencement of the financial year.

(c) The Gram Panchayat shall be the appointing and disciplinary authority for
all the Anganwadi workers i.e. helpers and workers.

(V) Control over local plans and resources for such plans
including tribal sub plans:

(a) The State Government shall communicate district wise TSP

allocations to the District Collectors and in turn the District
Collector will communicate the Mandal-wise allocations to the
Mandal Parishad both in physical and financial terms within a
month from the commencement of the financial year.

(b) The Mandal Parishad Development Officer shall communicate

TSP allocations to the Gram Panchayats both in physical and
financial terms within a month from the commencement of
the financial year.

(c) The Mandal Parishad and Gram Panchayat shall review the
progress of implementation of TSP across all the Departments
in their jurisdiction once in a month.

(d) The Mandal Parishad and Gram Panchayat shall submit the
administrative report on the implementation of TSP through the
District Collector concerned.
9. Power of Appeal, Revision and Review:

(i) Any person/body aggrieved by the resolution passed by the Gram

Sabha may file an appeal before the Commissioner within sixty days from
the passing of such resolution by the Gram Sabha. The Commissioner may
then call for and examine the decision as to its correctness or legality and
may pass such order/direction to the concerned as deemed fit and proper in
the best interest of the tribals.
Contd.. 18.
:: 18 ::

(ii) Any person/body aggrieved by the direction/order of the

Commissioner, may file a revision petition before the Government within 90
days from the date of passing of such order /direction.

(iii) Government shall be the competent authority to review and to issue

suitable directions to the concerned as deemed fit and proper in the best
interest of tribals.



The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase
Chanchal Guda, Hyderabad ( with a request to send 5000 copies of Gazette
The Social Welfare (TW) Department
The Environment, Forests, Science & Technology Department
The Revenue (LA/Excise) Department
The Irrigation and Command Area Development Department
The Industries & Commerce (Mines) Department
The Agriculture & Co-operation (Agrl. Mktg.) Department
The Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Department
The Home Department
The Backward Classes Welfare Department
The School Education Department
The Department for Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens (ICDS)
The Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department
The Commissioner of Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, A.P., Hyderabad.
The Commissioner, Tribal Welfare
The Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests, Aranya Bhavan, Saifabad, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner, Social Welfare Department.
The Commissioner, Survey Settlements & Land Acquisition, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner of Excise, Hyderabad
The Commissioner, Resettlement & Rehabilitation, Hyderabad
The Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation), Errum Manzil, Hyderabad
The Director of Mines & Geology, Hyderabad
The Commissioner & Director of Marketing, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner of Backward Classes Welfare, Hyderabad
Contd.. 19.
:: 19 ::

The Director, School Education, Hyderabad.

The Commissioner, Women Development and Child Welfare, Hyderabad.
The Director of Public Health & Family Welfare, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner, A.P. Vaidya Vidhana Parishad, Hyderabad.
The Director, Animal Husbandry, Hyderabad.
The Director, AP Tribes Advisory Committee, Hyderabad
The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Girijan Co-operative Corporation
Ltd., Visakhapatnam
All the District Collectors
All the Chief Executive Officers, Zilla parishads in State
All the District Panchayat Officers in the State
The P.S. to Spl. Secy. to Hon’ble C.M.
The P.S. to Hon’ble Minister (PR)
The P.S. to Prl. Secy (PR)
The Scrutiny Cell of Law Department.



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