December 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom
December 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom
December 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom
December Calendar
The Circle of Giving Guardian Friend
Mrs. Marylin Klickstein
of Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Kahn
Ms. Louise Levingston Dr. Joseph Beck & Ms. Zita Samuels
Mr. Barry Lyons & Ms. Amy Grossman Gitta Lerner-Kahn & Adi Kahn
Ohabei Shalom Mr. Joel Sklar & Ms. Adrienne Shishko Jonathan & Lauren Schloss
Jonatha Kaufman & Barbara Howard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Churwin
Len Davidson & Laurie Katzman Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shepro
Mr. & Mrs. David Chused
Sustainer Kevin Cole
Pillar Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Zich Mrs. Gertrude Goldberg
Mrs. Jane Morningstar Mr. Daniel Schleifstein Mr. Stanley J. Keizer
Mrs. Shirley Spero Mr. Samuel Aaronson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Mogavero
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Ravech Mr. Howard Koor & Ms. Ellen Mosner
Benefactor David Rogovin & Susan Liberman Mrs. Corinne Gilbert
Dr. Daniel & Dr. Eva Deykin Ms. R. K. Schwartz A. Meterparel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Epstein Mr. Ben Adler The Rubinoff Family
Martin Shore & Shari Lisann Mr. and Mrs. Marc Casper Joe Kriesberg & Dina Brownstein
Dr. & Ms Martin Newman Kathy Jonas
Patron Mr. David A. Seldin & Ms. Cathryn A. Stein Hilda Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Harris Dr. Mark Zeidel & Dr. Susan Freedman
David Kanter Lois Nathan
Mr. Gideon Argov & Ms. Laurie Davidson Larry & Denise Green
Mr. Michael Weintraub & Ms. Diane Rosen Jeffrey Macklis & Carol Levin
President’s Message
that congregations have
Leonard M. Davidson addressed. The response of the
One of the benefits of being a congregational president presidents has been supportive,
is the access that you have to other congregational helpful, and based upon
presidents throughout the United States, Canada and wisdom and experience. The
even Puerto Rico through a presidential listserve. This Judaic traditions are frequently
email exchange allows for presidents to share ideas, ask invoked as a way of helping to
questions, get advice and receive the benefit from the solve these problems.
collective wisdom of presidents from a large variety of
congregations. It also gives you a bit of perspective on It is important that we discuss
what other congregations must address. and debate, and that we continue to challenge and be
challenged. The listserve reflects the freedom that we
The number of issues that congregations face is enjoy, including the freedom to disagree. As Hanukkah
sometimes quite impressive, sometimes quite depressing. approaches, we are reminded of how Jews have
Some of the issues are philosophical and theological, historically fought the notion of the state as the religion;
political and policy-related, other discussions involve the that we have long opposed the imposition of the beliefs
mundane and are more focused on personnel or financial of others upon us, which means that we similarly
problems. The questions and problems reflect a Judaism protect the rights of others and the freedom that we
that promotes discussion and thought, disagreement and enjoy. The fight waged by the Maccabees is one well
agreement, traditional approaches as well as non- worth remembering and celebrating. Happy Hanukkah !
traditional. There have been some fairly thorny issues
• There is no correct way to pray. Our tradition gives us
Thoughts On Prayer tools which many have and do find helpful in achieving
Cantor Randall Schloss
moments of true prayer: fixed prayer texts, choreography, a
Rabbi Eugene Borowitz, Ed.D, the sacred language and music, among others. However one
Sigmund Falk Distinguished Professor does not achieve meaningful prayer by merely following
of Hebrew Union College-Jewish these traditions. Find what is most effective for you and go
Institute of Religion, is a leader in the with it. For Dr. Borowitz, standing is a key element. For
field of Jewish Theology. He is best each of us there may be other simple aspects of a prayer
known for his exploration of the experience that help us to connect to God. For many,
covenant between God and the people music is an effective catalyst to prayer. Sing along. Listen.
Israel. Below, however, he reveals his own rocky start to a Feel.
prayerful life, reassuring us that most paths to God begin in
humble ways. • Persistence pays off. Don’t come to a service or
attempt to pray at home and quickly decide that it doesn’t
do it for you. Learn our traditions, texts and music. A
When as a young rabbinic student I set out to pray to God on
certain level of comfort with the keva (fixed aspects) of
my own, I had to fight my inclination to ease into some
Jewish prayer can help nurture the true kavanah for which
comfortable abstraction or busyness. I just had to stand there
Dr. Borowitz strives.
(it seemed too casual to pray sitting down) and talk as
naturally as I could to God all the while not taking (skeptical) Prayer and the goals of prayer change. The connection and
note of what was going on. Memory suggests that I stood meaning we seek will differ day-to-day and year-to-year.
facing the east wall of my dormitory room, feeling Prayer can be joyous, reassuring, disturbing, deep, fun,
embarrassed and silly, fearful that someone would come comforting, thought provoking, and often many of these
barging in and find me praying, of all things. It was far more things at the same time.
unsettling than learning to dance as an adolescent. But I
persisted, “reading” one or another of the Union Prayer Book Rabbi Borowitz astutely points out, “so began a lifetime’s
daily services until the strangeness gave way to a familiarity spiritual struggle.” Meaningful spirituality is not easy to
and I could reach for kavanah (or mindfulness). It was not come by. Don’t assume that others know how to pray
easy. I regularly shifted my attention from God to thinking “better than you.” Learn to accept that prayer is and will
about the meaning of a phrase in the text or some task I really continue to be a struggle. It is not like riding a bike.
had to, ought to, do. So began a lifetime's spiritual struggle. Despite feelings of great success at times, we often feel as if
we have forgotten how to pray. Yet if we continue to
If praying in a meaningful way can be a difficult achievement commit to this lifetime struggle, we may get many
for one of the greatest Jewish theologians of his generation, opportunities to feel its joy and satisfaction.
where does that leave the rest of us? Here are a few thoughts
to consider:
Reservations are a MUST for dinner, by calling Craig at What better place to find your Hanukkah presents than in our
617-738-8316 by Friday, December 8, 2007. Polly Epstein Gift Shop. Come in and you will find a plethora
of beautiful menorahs, candles, dreydels, and cards along
The Brotherhood warmly thanks the many congregants with any other lovely and unusual holiday needs.
who have delivered or sent in their stamped Butcherie
register tape receipts to us. Please keep them coming! The Polly Epstein Gift Shop is open every Sunday from 9:15
a.m. to 12:15 p.m. during Ansin Religious School hours, or
call Amy Hozid for an appointment 617-566-1939. The
Thank you!
Sisterhood wishes everyone a Happy Hanukkah .
Translator January 25-27, 2008
Mondays Thursdays
First night: “Big Gift Night” (parents give to children)
Second night: “Parent Night” (children give to parents)
Third night: “Grandparent Night” (children give to grandparents)
Fourth night: “Poem Night” (everyone recites an original poem)
Fifth night: “Small Gift Night” (parents give to children)
Sixth night: “Gift of Self Night” (non-monetary gift from each person to another or to the entire family)
Seventh night: “Giving night” (everyone gives to a charity of his/her choosing, with the children’s gifts matched by the parents)
Eighth night: “Word night” (a game in which each person tries to stump the others with difficult words)
December Funds
General Fund Minyan Fund In Memory Of
Joseph A. Bachour Judith Halper Samuel Halper
Sue & Ellen Stahl Elaine Z. Stern Dorothy R. Zakon
Stuart & Sally Gold Corinne E. Gilbert Philmore Gilbert
Lila Sesholtz Edwin & Mary Rosen Nathan Rosen
For Health & Well Being Stephen & Roberta Paris Jessie Paris
Robert & Helen Sawyer Matthew Sawyer Victor & Joy Darish Ida Darish
Stephen Ardizzoni Elliot Comenitz Barbara Comenitz
In Honor Of Frank & Lillian Zabarsky Kalman Finer
Donald & Bobbie Brooks Michael Weintraub & Diane Ann Ruth Lipman Rose Jacobson
Rosen’s 25th Wedding Donald & Florence Hootstein Stephen M. Hootstein
Anniversary Diane Schertzer Hyman Smith
Spencer & Betsy Gould Pauline Shapiro Carl R. Ostroff S. Eunice Gosian
In Appreciation Of David P. Pearlman Ida Pearlman
Chip Shore & Shari Lisann An Aliyah on the High Holidays Judith L. Palefsky Sylvia Rideman
In Memory Of Louis Burke Belle Burke
R. K. (Shelly) Schwartz Samuel Klain Audrey Goldberg Lena F. Rosenberg
Phyllis Sisson Joseph Silin & Dorothy Silin Bruce A. Beal & Robert L. Beal Morris Rothstein
Dottie Berman Harold M. Shoher Harvey & Rhonda Solomon Chana Leah Solomon
Scott & Shelley Shuster Frances Sherman Liebman Sidney & Jerry Gordon Gertrude Gordon
Frances R. Proia Sidney & Janet Small Phyllis Sisson Joseph Silin & Dorothy Silin
Elliot & Nancy Nelson Ida Brooks
ARS Fund In Appreciation Of Ida Nemchenok Hannah Sima Kirzon
Laura Jacobs The Ansin Religious School Louis Burke Charles Burke
Fund for Life Long Learning In Memory Of Kathy A. Killick Maori Killick
Spencer & Betsy Gould Dorothy Braunstein Roberta Radkay Richard M. Levine
Joy Darish Celia Fisher
Project for Our Future In Appreciation Of Esther P. Gorfine Gussie G. Gorfine
Lillian H. Garber David Kanter
Rabbi Alpert Discretionary Fund In Honor Of
Minyan Fund In Memory Of The Goddard House Appreciation for High Holiday
William & Betsy Micucci Belle Hacker Services
Nathan R. Levine Isador Levine Florence Hootstein Rabbi Alpert
Diane Schertzer Harry Schertzer Ed & Margie Kahn Sitting on the bimah for the
Osa Kamp Chas Von Bargen High Holiday Services
Shirley H. Eisenberg Eugene R. Eisenberg
Phyllis Nussman Ruth Tirk Cantor Schloss Discretionary Fund In Honor Of
Robert & Martha Rubin Jesse A. Rubin The Goddard House Appreciation for High Holiday
Willard S. Kahn Sol Kahn Services
Joshua Shmikler Gilbert Shmikler Ben Adler Mike Weintraub’s & Diane
Rosen’s 25th Anniversary
Sidney & Jerry Gordon Nathaniel Gordon
Howard J. Freedman Herbert P. Freedman Shirley Spero Cantor’s Installation
Louise Livingston
Howard Koor & Ellen Mosner Edith Pransky
Paul Mosner Prayer Book Fund
Dolly Koffman Leonard S. Koffman The Seiger Family
Dolly Koffman Celia B. Foster
Harold & Sylvia Koritz Karen Koritz Estock Family Table In Memory Of
Alan Litchman & Laura Trust Richard Jacob Litchman Beth Braunstein Frances Sherman Liebman
Mike & Paula Cohen Solomon Gerson Nadine Braunstein Frances Sherman Liebman
Haim & Nissim Cohen
Robert J. Morrison & Wendy Halpern Elaine Frank Halpern Pulpit Flowers Fund In Honor Of
Morrison Alfred Irving Halpern Lois R. W. Nathan Spencer & Betsy Gould’s 25th
Arlene Goldberg Hoxie & Faye Evelyn Goldberg Wedding Anniversary
Goldberg Silva Judith Halper Samuel Halper
Gerald & Toby Penn David Melnick In Memory Of
Bernard & Phyllis Kliman Lillian Rice Louise Livingston Robert M. Goldman
Edward M. Bloom & Ellen O. Harder Abraham Bloom Adult Education Fund In Honor Of
Mark & Melinda Brecher Esther Brecher Zita M. Samuels & Joe Beck Spencer & Betsy Gould’s 25th
Louise Livingston Martha Livingston Wedding Anniversary
In Memory Of
Louise Livingston Samuel Herbert Livingston
Traffic Alert!
Last month there was an accident involving a car and one
of our students on Marshal Street during Religious
School pickup. Thankfully the child was not seriously
injured .
Shari A. Churwin Education Director Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Kate Mikesh Director of Informal Education
Amanda Singer Education Programs Coordinator Ohabei Shalom is the area’s only Reform synagogue
Dottie Berman Social Action Coordinator providing daily prayer for those in need of solace or a
Karen Landman Executive Assistant to the Clergy quiet moment of introspection.
Alan Shepro Office Manager / Bookkeeper
Marilyn Klickstein Receptionist Each Daily Worship leader commits to
Kim Singer B’nei Mitzvah Educator one 20-minute weekly service. To become
David Sparr Music Director a leader, please call the synagogue office
Tidings is a monthly publication of Temple Ohabei Shalom (617)277-6610.
1187 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446