Adaptive Microcomputer: Controller Implementation
Adaptive Microcomputer: Controller Implementation
Adaptive Microcomputer: Controller Implementation
1, FEBRUARY 1986
Abstract-A design procedure for an adaptive controller is described A unique feature of this work is the design method used to
and applied to the design of a velocity controller for small dc motors. The define the operating regions of the system. Clustering tech-
basic concept has been to determine a small set of controllers each of niques from pattern recognition theory are combined with
which is capable of maintaining stability and acceptable performance
over a specific region of motor load parameters. Optimal control theory is optimal control theory to determine a set of suitable control-
used to define the control coefficients while cluster analysis and decision lers. A second unique aspect of this work is the technique used
function techniques from pattern recognition theory are used to deter- for real-time determination of the specific region in which the
mine each controller's region of applicability. Simulation results are system is currently operating. Using parameter estimates,
presented to verify performance improvements using the design proce- classification techniques from pattern recognition theory are
dure. The design procedure produces an adaptive controller which is
computationally feasible for implementation in small microcomputer used to map the estimates into the appropriate region, and the
systems. controller previously derived for that region is selected from
Throughout this paper, a large number of symbols will be
used. Table I shows each symbol and its definition.
A NUMBER of practical applications require the control of
small, direct current (dc), permanent, magnet motors. II. DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE SYSTEM
Examples include industrial robots, medical manipulators [1], The dc, permanent magnet motor under consideration in
and electric wheelchairs [21. In many of these applications, this work can be represented as shown in Fig. 1. The
parameter variations occur which result in performance fundamental equations of the system may be written by
degradations or instability of the control algorithms. For examining the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the
example, the dc motors on an electric wheelchair may motor. The development of these equations is well docu-
experience variations in load inertia of 600 percent or more [3] mented in the literature [3], [4] and will not be repeated in this
because of varying weights and positions of passengers and the paper, but the pertinent equations will be stated. The funda-
use of the same motors and controller on physically different mental electrical equation for the motor is given by
wheelchairs. These performance degradations have previously
been accepted because of the complexity associated with di0
performing adaptive control. The processing time required to ea-Raia-La dta-KtNWL0- (1)
implement many adaptive algorithms is prohibitive in applica-
tions such as the electric wheelchair. The mechanical equation is
The purpose of this paper is to describe the design of an
adaptive velocity controller for a permanent magnet, dc KTia = ()L Jeq + LIeq + Teq (2)
motor. The velocity controller has been designed to signifi- where Tq is an equivalent load torque reflected through the
cantly improve performance while minimizing computations. gear box and given by
Therefore, the controller is suitable for implementation in a
small microcomputer system with limited computational capa- TL
bilities. The basic concept behind the techniques developed Teq = + Tf (3)
here is to derive a number of controllers, each of which is
capable of maintaining adequate control for a specific range or and
region of the system parameters. Parameter estimation is then
employed to determine the region of operation at any given Jeq = NN + NJm (4)
time. Once the appropriate region is identified, the corres- JL
ponding controller is selected from memory.
f3eq N-+ Nf3m.
Manuscript received December 13, 1984; revised May 6, 1985. This work
was supported by the National Institute for Handicapped Research under grant If the state variables are selected as
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903.
Xi = (L (6)
IEEE Log Number 8406363. X2 = CE (7)
0278-0046/86/0200-0028$01 .00 1986 IEEE
TABLE I For the purposes of this paper, a discrete-time model is
DEFINITIONS, OF SYMBOLS desired. If the armature voltage is generated via a zero-order
hold (ZOH), it will be piece-wise constant and change only at
A continuous-time system plant matrix the sampling points. This allows a discrete-time model to be
A discrete-time system closed-loop plant matrix developed as
B continuous-time control vector
oeq equivalent motor damping X((n + 1) T) = FX(nT) + Gea(nT) (12)
AL motor load damping
0. motor shaft damping y(n T) = CX(nT) (13)
C continuous-time system output vector
C, augmented system output vector where
D augmented system reference vector F=eeAT (14)
et motor armature voltage
e.. maximum eigenvalue of QL GT
E vector of parameter estimates
G =
(eAT dr)B (15)
F discrete-time system plant matrix
F. augmented system plant matrix C=(1 0) (16)
G discrete-time system control vector
Ga augmented system control vector and y(n'T) is the output shaft velocity of the motor. F and G
i, motor armature current may be determined analytically via the use of Laplace
JN equivalent motor inertia transforms or numerically using series expansions.
JL motor load inertia
Jm motor shaft inertia III. CONTROL STRATEGY
quadratic performance index
There are a number of techniques which may be applied to
JNOR normalized performance measure the control of second-order systems such as the motor
KT motor torque constant considered in this paper. Three examples include a propor-
K, motor velocity constant
L vector of control coefficients tional, integral, and derivative (PID) controller, a state
La motor armature inductance variable controller, and a form of modified PID control. The
N motor gear ratio PID and state variable controllers each possess significant
PL matrix in Liapunov's equation disadvantages. The PID controller has so-called set-point and
Q weighting matrix in quadratic performance index derivative kick problems for step changes in the reference
QL solution of Liapunov's equation
q integral state signal. The state variable controller, on the other hand, may
R weighting factor in quadratic performance index exhibit nonzero steady-state error because of the absence of an
Ra motor armature resistance integral of error term in the controller.
T sampling period The modified PID controller attempts to overcome the
T.q motor equivalent load torque above-mentioned problems by combining the attractive fea-
TL motor load torque
motor frictional torque
tures of both the PID and the state variable controllers. The
Tf modified PID controller, as illustrated in Fig. 2, can be
V Liapunov function for stability analysis
AV Liapunov difference function for stability analysis formulated as an optimal, linear regulator. The use of optimal
x continuous-timae system state vector control theory allows control coefficients to be determined to
X augmented system state vector
xi velocity state variable
produce stability and optimal performance. The basic concepts
acceleration state variable for the modified PID controller are also presented in [5], [6],
y(nT) system output at time nT and [7].
Yd(nT I desired output at time nT To develop the modified PID controller, the state variable
output shaft velocity of the motor
ii representation of the system is first augmented with an integral
of error state such that state variable feedback on the
augmented system will incorporate integral of error action.
a state variable representation of the motor can be formulated The integral state is defined as
X=AX+ Bea (8) q((n + l) T) = q(nT) +y(nT) -yd(nT) (17)
where yd(nT) is the desired output velocity. The augmented
X= (XX2)T (9) state equations are then formed by combining (12), (13), and
(17) to yield
B (o AT (10) Xa((n + 1) T) = FaXa(n T) + Gaea(n T) +
LaJeqJ Dayd(n T) (18)
Ya(n7) = CaXa(nT) (19)
A F -(Raleq +NKvKT) -(RaJeq + La3eq) (11) where
[ LaJeq LaJeq
Xa(n7T) = (X1 X2 q) T (20)
- la
m L
Fa[C °] (21)
loop system and will minimize the quadratic performance
index [5]. Kalman has shown that if the continuous-time
system is completely controllable, the sampled system will
Ga=(GT O)T (22) also be completely controllable if the sampling frequency is
Da=(0 0 )T (23) selected such that the resonant modes of the system are not
multiples of the sampling frequency [8]. Therefore, if the
Ca=(l 0 0). (24) sampling period is selected to guarantee complete controllabil-
ity then the steady-state solution to the optimal control
If the control law is now selected as problem will yield a stable controller. If the continuous system
e,(n T) = - LX(n T) (25) has only real poles, this requirement is always achieved
because there is no oscillatory motion in the response of the
and a quadratic performance index of the form system. If the poles are complex, however, Kalman's theo-
rem, when applied to second-order systems, requires that
JN=Xa(N)P(N)Xa(N) + E [Xa(i)QXa(i) + ei)Reai)]
i=O Im [S(A)]*n"T (29)
where Im [S(A)] is the imaginary component of the complex
is chosen, and the solution to the optimal control problem is conjugate poles, and n is any nonzero integer. One can assure
given by controllability of the system if the sampling rate is selected to
L (k) = [R + G[,P(k + 1) Ga] - 1GTP(k + 1)Fa
satisfy the expression
P(k)=FrP(k + 1)Fa+ Q IIm [S(A)]TImax
< (30)
-L T(k)[R + G[rP(k + 1)Ga]L(k). (28) or
Provided the unaugmented system is completely controlla-
ble, the solution of (27) and (28) will converge to a unique,
steady-state solution which will stabilize the resulting closed- T I SAI a (31)
Im [S(A)] max
where rIm [S(A)]l max is the maximum magnitude that the Theories from the fields of pattern
complex component of the pole could ever assume. Equation systems are used extensively. The process
recognition and control
(31) represents an upper bound on the sampling period under requires three steps.
(1) A region of interest of possible operating conditions is
worst-case conditions. For many systems, larger sampling first established and an optimal controller is derived for
periods could be used, but one can always guarantee controlla- numerous operating points within this
bility and stability if T is selected using (31). region. A sampling
period which guarantees the existence of a stable solution to
For the system represented by (8)-(1 1), the poles are the optimal control problem for all possible load
located at parameters is
selected so that all of the developed controllers use the same
a22 ±[(a22)2+ 4a213 1/2 sampling period.
2 (32) (2) Clustering is then performed on these samples to
determine the minimal set of controllers necessary for satisfac-
where tory performance.
(3) Based on the regions established by the clustering
(Ra3eq + NKUKT) process, decision functions are derived which will ultimately
a2l = -
ler, an optimal, steady-state controller was designed for the systema will always operate. The design phase is begun by
motor of Table II. The simulated response of the system to a using Monte-Carlo experiment as a means of generating a set
of data. The load inertia and load damping values are assumed
square-wave velocity command is shown in Fig. 4. The to be uniformly distributed between their upper and lower
sampling period, load inertia, load damping, and resulting
control coefficients are listed in Fig. 4. The selection of the Q bounds, and values are generated by randomly sampling those
matrix and the R scalar, which appear in the solution to the uniform distributions. The purpose of this process is to
optimal control problem, was performed using the results of generate a set of load values that is representative of all
simulations. Various values of Q and R were selected, and the possible values which might occur during the operation of the
optimal, steady-state controller was designed and simulated. system. Once a pair of load inertia and load damping values is
Using the results of the simulation, values for Q and R were
selected to yield the best responses. It should be noted that the that an optimal, modified PID controller is designed for
Q matrix is a weighting factor on the state trajectory while R is particular operating condition using the technique already
a weighting factor for the control energy used in achieving that presented. The sampling period is selected such that complete
state trajectory. For the designs in this paper, Q was selected load controllability is guaranteed for all of the possible values of
as the identity matrix and R was selected as 0.1. These values inertia and load damping, and the steady-state solution to
were found to yield good performance. the optimal control problem is used. Thus all of the controllers
use the same sampling period. The load
parameters, discrete-
IV. DESIGN OF THE ADAPTIVE CONTROLLER time model, and the optimal control vector are stored for
The concept which will be used to make the system adaptive further processing.
is a form of variable structure control (VSC) [9]. The basic
idea, as illustrated in Fig. 5, is to define several sets of control B. Controller Clustering
coefficients, each of which is applied to the system for a
distinct region of the variable load parameters. As parameters into technique
A is now required for grouping the data elements
vary from one region to another, the system will select new subregions appropriate subregions. The basic idea is to create
of the load parameters and to define one controller
control coefficients from memory such that the appropriate for each
coefficients for a given region are always used. subregion. The controller must be stable and must
The major part of the design process consists of the off-line
perform acceptably throughout its region of applicability.
Of first importance is the stability of the system. Here,
derivation of the sets of control coefficients for the VSC. Liapunov's theory is used as a means of
investigating the
c0 0.90
0 0.70
(17 0.60 f
0.50 +
9) 0.40
0.20 f
E 0.10
0.00 _
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00
(0 1)1/2
Fig. 3. Sampling period restrictions for controllability.
a) 15.00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
Time in Seconds
Fig. 4. Example of optimal controller response.
stability of the closed-loop, augmented system given by which results in a A V function given by
Xa((n + 1) T) =AcXa(n 7) + DaYd(nT) (36) A V= _X[(nT)PLX(n 7T) (39)
where where
A Liapunov function is selected as loop system will be asymptotically stable if a symmetric and
positive definite QL can be found for any given symmetric,
V=XX(nT)QLX,(nT) (38) positive definite PL. Kalman has shown that Liapunov's
Dampi ng
Foot-Pounds - 0.4
select the appropriate controller from memory and apply it to finding the separating boundary between all pairs of adjacent
the system such that both stability and performance are classes. Once these boundaries are determined, each region
maintained. If the load parameters can be estimated, the can be uniquely identified.
process of region identification can be viewed as a pattern For the design example of the previous section, the decision
classification problem where the two dimensional feature functions were determined using the MSE approach and are
vector consisting of the load parameters is mapped into a listed in Table III. Fig. 8 illustrates the decision boundaries.
corresponding region. For this particular set of data, 6.1 percent of the samples were
The structure of the regions given in Fig. 7 suggests the incorrectly classified by the determined decision boundaries.
possibility of using linear decision functions as separating Of the incorrectly classified samples, all were checked to
boundaries and performing classification based on those linear guarantee their stability using the controller with which they
decision functions. While the regions are not strictly, linearly were associated, and all misclassified samples were indeed
separable, the errors will occur close to the boundaries. The stable.
design process verifies that any misclassified samples are
stable and achieve acceptable performance using the controller
with which they have been associated. V. SYSTEM PARAMETER ESTIMATION
To determine the separating boundaries, the mean squared
error (MSE) approach has been selected [151, The solution to To use the developed decision functions, the motor's load
the MSE problem is well known [15] and will not be repeated characteristics must be estimated. The properties of a dc
here. Only the unique aspects of this application of the MSE motor, as presented in (1) and (2), suggest a relatively simple
approach will be discussed. form of parameter estimation. If X4, tJL, and ia are measured,
The problem at hand requires the generation of multiple the quantities Jq, and Teq may be estimated using a
decision boundaries because the regions cannot be completely recursive least squares approach. Teq is required to correctly
separated by single boundaries. Therefore, the problem cannot estimate Jeq and 3eq, but is not needed to select the appropriate
be considered identically as a multiclass pattern classification controller.
problem. Two decision boundaries are required to completely The recursive, least squares solution is given by [16]
separate a given region from its neighbors. The problem can,
however, be considered as a sequential, two-class problem by E(k + 1) = E(k) + K(k)[KTi0(k + 1 )-M(k + 1)E(k)] (45)
Load 0.5
Damping in
Time in Seconds
Fig. 9. Performance of the adaptive controller on an initially unstable
5. 0
Time in Seconds
Fig. 10. Performance of the adaptive controller for small changes in inertia
and damping.
The performance of the system is illustrated in Figs. 9 and The first half-cycle of the square-wave is used to identify the
10. Fig. 9 illustrates the performance of the system when the system and, at the l-s time interval, the correct region is
load parameters have varied significantly enough from the identified using the derived decision functions. The correct
design conditions to cause instability. The controller used in controller is then selected from memory.
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for zero load inertia and zero load damping. The actual previous figure. It shows the response of the adaptive
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