DOI 10.1007/s40620-016-0366-6
Received: 21 July 2016 / Accepted: 18 November 2016 / Published online: 29 November 2016
© The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at
442 J Nephrol (2017) 30:441–447
J Nephrol (2017) 30:441–447 443
functions. For the survival study, the event of interest was Table 1 Characteristics of the study population after propensity
death and the competing event was transplantation. Crude score matching
and adjusted regression models were computed. Adjust- HD, n (%) PD, n (%) p
ment was performed for age-group (<65 vs. ≥65 years),
Total patients 279 132
cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and arterial
Males 194 (70) 90 (68) 0.78
Females 85 (30) 42 (32) 0.78
In order to evaluate the efficiency of the transplant
Cardiovascular disease 126 (45) 56 (42) 0.60
process (i.e. time to placement on the transplant waiting-
Diabetes mellitus 94 (34) 33 (25) 0.08
list, and time-to-transplantation), competing-risks regres-
COPD 44 (16) 20 (15) 0.87
sion models were calculated, considering transplant as
Chronic liver disease 29 (10) 15 (11) 0.77
the event of interest and death as the competing event.
Cancer 41 (15) 19 (14) 0.94
Crude and adjusted by age-group regression models were
Arterial hypertension 234 (84) 105 (80) 0.28
calculated. In the subgroup of patients on the transplant
Age at start of dialysis <65 years 107 (38) 56 (42) 0.43
waiting list (54 HD patients and 49 PD patients) differ-
Age at start of dialysis ≥65 years 172 (62) 76 (58) 0.43
ences in waiting time for placement in the list and in call
Median age at start of dialysis, years 69 [59–78] 69 [54–76] 0.20
time-to-transplantation after placement in the list were
assessed by Mann–Whitney U test. Data were expressed
as median and interquartile range (IQR) for not normally COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, HD hemodialysis, IQR
distributed data, and number and percentage for categori- interquartile range, PD peritoneal dialysis
cal data. Categorical data were compared by the chi-
squared test and continuous data by the Mann–Whitney Survival analysis—death as event of interest
U test.
A p-value less than 0.05 indicated statistical signifi- Death occurred in 102 (37%) HD patients versus 46 (35%)
cance. All analyses were performed with Stata statistical PD patients. As shown in Fig. 1, the cumulative incidence
software, version 13.0 (StataCorp, Texas 77845 USA). of death was slightly but not significantly higher in PD
patients than in HD patients (SHR = 1.09, p = 0.62). The
risk of death in PD patients did not change significantly
(SHR = 1.34, p = 0.10) after adjustment for age-group, car-
Results diovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and arterial hyper-
tension. Adjusted regression model values with covariate
Patient characteristics and clinical data contributions are reported in Table 2. Aging (≥65 years)
and cardiovascular disease increased the SHR of death,
Following screening for exclusion criteria and propensity while arterial hypertension decreased it. Diabetes mellitus
score matching, 279 HD patients and 132 PD patients had no statistically significant effect. However, the con-
were analyzed. The characteristics of the two groups of founders did not significantly modify the risk of death for
patients after the propensity score matching are shown PD patients in comparison to HD patients.
in Table 1. The two groups were uniform for each of the
considered features. The glomerular filtration rate at the Survival analysis—transplantation as event of interest
start of dialysis was between 4.5 and 6 ml/min (Chronic
Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration formula). Transplantation occurred in 42 (32%) PD patients com-
The Kt/V ratio (urea clearance multiplied by treatment pared to 47 (17%) HD patients. As shown in Fig. 2, the
time/urea distribution volume) was maintained in the cumulative incidence of transplant was significantly higher
range of the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initia- in PD patients than HD patients (SHR = 2.34, p < 0.01).
tive (KDOQI) guidelines (>1.2 per session in HD, 2.0 After adjustment for age-group, the SHR increased to 2.57
per week in PD). Regarding HD, 204 of 279 HD patients (Table 3). At multivariate analysis, age ≥65 years signifi-
(73%) were treated by fistulas or grafts, and 75 (27%) cantly decreased the likelihood of receiving a transplant
by tunneled central venous catheter. Regarding PD, 86 (Table 3).
of 132 PD patients (65%) adopted automated peritoneal
dialysis, while 46 (35%) practiced continuous ambulatory Time‑to‑transplantation
peritoneal dialysis. More than 90% of the patients were
put on dialysis after a period of pre-dialysis education A greater proportion of PD patients (49/132, 37%) were
and care at the hospital outpatient clinic. on the transplant waiting list than HD patients (54/279,
19%). The median time for placement on the transplant
444 J Nephrol (2017) 30:441–447
Fig. 1 Cumulative incidence function of hemodialysis (HD, continu- the competing event was transplantation. Adjustment was performed
ous line) and peritoneal dialysis (PD, dashed line) patients from 2008 for age-group, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and arterial
to 2014, provided by crude (left) and adjusted (right) competing-risks hypertension
regression models. In the model the event of interest was death and
Table 2 Subdistribution hazard ratios of PD patients compared to waiting list was significantly longer (p < 0.01) in HD [330
HD patients according to the multivariate competing-risks regression days (IQR 222–663)] than PD patients [224 days (IQR
model 178–363)]. The median time to receive the call for trans-
Adjusted competing-risks regression—event of interest death plantation after placement in the waiting list was slightly
SHR (95% CI) p
but not significantly (p = 0.35) longer in HD [216 days (IQR
107–424)] than in PD patients [155 days (IQR 108–322)].
PD compared to HD 1.34 (0.95–1.91) 0.10
Age ≥65 years 4.22 (2.59–6.88) <0.01
Cardiovascular disease 2.08 (1.42–3.04) <0.01 Discussion
Diabetes mellitus 1.17 (0.82–1.65) 0.39
Arterial hypertension 0.46 (0.30–0.71) <0.01 Broadening the evidence using comparative studies of
CI confidence interval, HD hemodialysis, PD peritoneal dialysis,
dialysis outcomes and their impact on ESRD is essential to
SHR subdistribution hazard ratio drive changes in care patterns and to help the nephrology
Fig. 2 Cumulative incidence function of hemodialysis (HD, continu- regression models. In the model the event of interest was transplanta-
ous line) and peritoneal dialysis (PD, dashed line) patients from 2008 tion and the competing event was death. Adjustment was performed
to 2014, provided by crude (left) and adjusted (right) competing-risks for age-group
J Nephrol (2017) 30:441–447 445
Table 3 Subdistribution hazard ratios of PD patients compared to this finding. Indeed, PD patients showed a proportional and
HD patients according to the multivariate competing-risks regression slightly higher incidence of death than HD patients during
the whole treatment course, but without any statistically
Adjusted competing-risks regression—event of interest transplanta- meaningful difference.
tion Aging (≥65 years) and cardiovascular disease increased
SHR (95% CI) p the SHR of death. However, these confounders did not
significantly modify the risk of death in PD patients with
PD compared to HD 2.57 (1.68–3.92) <0.01
respect to HD patients. The issue of aging and cardiovas-
Age ≥65 years 0.06 (0.03–0.12) <0.01
cular disease in PD patients is still debated in the litera-
CI confidence interval, HD hemodialysis, PD peritoneal dialysis, ture [20]. Some studies conducted with different methods
SHR subdistribution hazard ratio reported a higher risk of death in PD patients than HD
patients, which increased with aging and cardiovascular
disease [10, 21, 22]. In contrast, Buemi et al. reported that
community reflect critically on its practices. The present in elderly and cardiac patients, PD was actually preferable,
study aimed to evaluate the effects of an increased use because in comparison with HD it reduced the hemody-
of PD in the Autonomous Province of Trento in terms of namic stress experienced by the patient and the incidence
survival and time to transplantation. This was performed of hypotension [23].
within a framework of outcome assessment to improve Although diabetes is recognized as a confounding vari-
the quality of care and quality of life of patients. In this able able to affect survival in PD versus HD patients, our
study we analyzed data from 279 HD patients and 132 PD study did not result in an increased risk of death for ESRD
patients over a period of 7 years with a minimum follow- patients. A recent systematic review analyzed mortality
up of 9 months. Since the study was an observational ret- outcomes in diabetic patients who underwent HD or PD.
rospective cohort study, the power of the results was poten- The analysis of 25 observational studies led to the conclu-
tially limited. sion that the available evidence was inconsistent, because
It is well known that the comparison of two different survival varied across study designs, follow-up periods, and
treatments under real life conditions (i.e. outside the con- patient subgroups [12].
text of a randomized clinical trial) is affected by the ‘con- Our results showed that hypertension decreased the
founding by indication’ problem, which needs to be prop- risk of mortality in ESRD patients, but it did not affect
erly addressed. Therefore, we constructed a propensity the survival differences between the two dialytic treat-
score model [16] to match PD and HD patients. The score ments. The explanation for this finding is still controver-
allowed us to analyze the baseline covariates that could sial. Some reports have indicated a paradoxical associa-
potentially affect the choice of dialysis modality and thus to tion between hypertension and mortality in hemodialysis
balance the risk of positive selection of the PD population. patients. According to this, a normal to low blood pressure
After propensity score matching we obtained two large seems associated with poor outcome, whereas high pres-
patient groups, which were homogenous regarding clinical sure potentially confers survival advantages, a phenomenon
characteristics, modality and length of treatment. termed ‘reverse epidemiology’ [24].
The comparative study was performed using competing- Hence, confounders analysis in a real clinical context
risks regression models. Accounting for competing risk showed that major clinical complications did not change
events permits the simultaneous analysis of outcomes and the cumulative incidence of death in the two patient groups
avoids overestimation of cumulative incidences [15]. In our in a meaningful way. Indeed, the two treatment modalities
study, the competing-risks model was applied twice: con- displayed a substantial equivalence, apart from a small non-
sidering death as the event of interest and transplantation significant negative trend in the PD group.
as the competing event, and vice versa. Survival analysis With respect to transplantation, the literature shows that
did not reveal any evidence of difference between PD and PD commonly registers a higher rate of kidney transplanta-
HD in terms of mortality. Consistently, crude and adjusted tion [25]. According to data from the Italian national reg-
regression models for survival revealed no significant dif- isters, this result seems to be due to the younger age of PD
ference in terms of cumulative incidence functions between patients and the higher prevalence of first dialysis experi-
patient groups. ence [26]. In our study, where the number of patients who
Although disputed by a recent analysis [18], the litera- could undergo PD was enlarged and patient age was com-
ture generally reports better survival for PD patients com- parable between the two groups, PD nonetheless had a
pared to HD patients during the first years of treatment reduced time-to-transplantation. Crude and adjusted regres-
[19]. Our study performed on two samples equivalent for sion models for transplantation revealed a significantly
frailty and complex disease characteristics did not confirm lower time-to-transplantation for PD compared to HD.
446 J Nephrol (2017) 30:441–447
According to our analysis, this finding seems mainly Acknowledgements This work was partially funded by the Autono-
attributable to the reduction in the time to be placed on the mous Province of Trento (the Healthcare Research and Implementa-
tion Program at Fondazione Bruno Kessler).
waiting list for PD patients. The tendency to reduce time to
transplantation for PD patients was confirmed by the call Compliance with ethical standards
time to transplant, although the difference in this case was
not significant. This finding could be related to a different Conflict of interest We have read and understood the Journal of
profile of PD patients. Patients who undergo this method Nephrology’s policy on disclosing conflicts of interest and declare that
tend to be more empowered, and to pursue their care plan we have none.
by themselves. Having a strong social support network and Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from all individ-
being functionally able is strongly associated with choosing ual participants included in the study.
PD [27]. This attitude can be translated into a more effi-
cient treatment and a better planning of the examinations Ethical approval All procedures performed in studies involving
necessary for inclusion in the transplantation waiting list. human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of
Moreover, these patients have to manage their own treat- the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964
Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical
ment daily, which can serve as a strong incentive to obtain standards. For this type of study formal consent is not required, since
quick inclusion in the list. Vice versa, the frequent hospi- it is retrospective.
tal admissions required for HD may negatively affect the
planning of the examinations necessary for inclusion in the Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
transplantation waiting list. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://
Although not statistically significant, the HD slower, which permits unrestricted
time in call-to-transplantation could be partially explained use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
by the fact that these patients had a greater tendency to ane- link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
mia and more likely required blood transfusion with greater made.
use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents due to an increase
in panel reactive antibody [28]. The presence of antibodies
generated by frequent transfusions may therefore hinder the
finding of a matching organ for transplantation, prolonging References
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