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STATE WIDE AREA NETWORK: The Government has approved the Scheme for
establishing State Wide Area Networks (SWANs) across the country, in

The Government has approved the Scheme for establishing State Wide Area
Networks (SWANs) across the country, in March, 2005 at a total outlay of Rs.3,334
crore to be expended by the Department under Grant-in-Aid of Rs. 2,005 crore, over
a period of five years. Under this Scheme, technical and financial assistance are
being provided to the States/UTs for establishing SWANs to connect all State/UT
Headquarters up to the Block level via District/ sub-Divisional Headquarters, in a
vertical hierarchical structure with a minimum bandwidth capacity of 2 Mbps per
link. Each of the State / UT can enhance the bandwidth up to 34 Mbps between
SHQ and DHQ and upto 8 Mbps between DHQ and BHQ depending upon the
utilization. Steps have been initiated to integrate all SWANs using the National
Knowledge Network (NKN).

SWAN has become operational in 27 state .


CSC e-Governance Services India Limited is a Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC SPV) incorporated
under the Companies Act, 1956 by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology
(DeitY), Government of India, to monitor the implementation of the Common Service Centres
Scheme (CSCs). It provides a centralized collaborative framework for delivery of services to
citizens through CSCs, besides ensuring systemic viability and sustainability of the scheme.
To develop the CSCs as a dependable, reliable and ubiquitous IT enabled network of Citizen
Service Points connecting local population with the Government departments, business
establishments, banks & insurance companies and educational institutions, with an impact on
primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the country’s economy.
CSC SPV Endeavors to
 Ensure ubiquitous presence of Citizen Service Points in all Geographies, in line with the
vision of ‘Digital India’ and to operationalise CSCs across States/UTs
 Support GOI / States/ UTs to enable delivery of G2C services
 Facilitate integration of e-Governance Services (Central/State MMPs) portals and NIC
driven applications
 Support State Designated Agencies (SDA) in setting up of state CSCportals using requisite
API integration with payment gateway etc.
 Enable delivery of financial and related services such as UIDAI, banks, insurance companies
 Create the framework for enabling monitoring of G2C services
 Create awareness and capacity building for various stakeholders within and outside
 Ensure increased growth in e-transaction at the CSCs
 Promote capacity building of Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) and other stakeholders
Under the Digital India initiative, one CSC is envisaged in every Panchayat. There will be
approximately 250,000 access points for delivery of various G2C services to the citizens across
rural India.

This would be the largest network in the world to be utilised by both government and private
agencies for delivery of various products and services to citizens in rural India.--

3. National Optic fibre network:

The NOFN project was approved by Cabinet in 2011 and deadline to connect all panchayats was
fixed by end of 2013 then deferred to September 2015 by UPA government. The Narendra
Modiled government reexamined project status and set target to complete roll out in 50,000
village panchayats by March 31, 2015, and another 1 lakh by March 2016 and the rest by end of

“The original project report on NOFN…in 2011 estimated a uniform broadband speed of 100
Mbps across all gram panchayats in the country. However, the growing demand for data and the
proliferation of video — for both, utility and entertainment purposes — as also the booming
digital economy point to the need for higher broadband capacities in the country

4. NKN (National Knowledge Network )

The NKN is a state-of-the-art multi-gigabit pan-India network for providing a unified high speed
network backbone for all knowledge related institutions in the country. The purpose of such a
knowledge network goes to the very core of the country's quest for building quality institutions
with requisite research facilities and creating a pool of highly trained professionals. The NKN
will enable scientists, researchers and students from different backgrounds and diverse
geographies to work closely for advancing human development in critical and emerging areas.


As per Section 18 of The Information Technology Act, 2000 provides the required legal sanctity
to the digital signatures based on asymmetric cryptosystems. The digital signatures are now
accepted at par with handwritten signatures and the electronic documents that have been digitally
signed are treated at par with paper documents.

The IT Act provides for the Controller of Certifying Authorities(CCA) to license and regulate the
working of Certifying Authorities. The Certifying Authorities (CAs) issue digital signature
certificates for electronic authentication of users.The Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA)
has been appointed by the Central Government under section 17 of the Act for purposes of the IT
Act. The Office of the CCA came into existence on November 1, 2000. It aims at promoting the
growth of E-Commerce and E- Governance through the wide use of digital signatures.

The Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) has established the Root Certifying Authority
(RCAI) of India under section 18(b) of the IT Act to digitally sign the public keys of Certifying
Authorities (CA) in the country. The RCAI is operated as per the standards laid down under the
Act.The CCA certifies the public keys of CAs using its own private key, which enables users in
the cyberspace to verify that a given certificate is issued by a licensed CA. For this purpose it
operates, the Root Certifying Authority of India(RCAI). The CCA also maintains the Repository
of Digital Certificates, which contains all the certificates issued to the CAs in the country.

Digital signatures are used in banking operations such as RTGS , NEFT etc . Digital sigmatire is
also required in processes like e-Procurement , Share trading , issue of Export-Import license by
Directorate general of foreign trade and filing of company returns with the Ministry of corporate
affairs .


I-CERT is the national nodal agency for responding to computer security incidents .I-CERT
creates awareness on security issues through dissemination of information and operate 24 * 7
incident response help desk . The IT Amendment Act 2008 has designated CERT-IN as the
national agency to perform the following function in area of Cyber security :-

 Collection , analysis and dissemination of information on cyber security

 Forecast and alert of cyber security incident
 Emergency measure for handling cyber security incident
 Coordination of cyber security response activity
 Issue guideline , advisories , vulnerabilirty notes and white paper related to information
security processes and procedures .
 Such other function related to cyber security as may be prescribed .

I-CERT has taken steps to implement national security assurance framework to create awareness

Cloud computing is dynamic provisioning of IT services like hardware , Software or
Services from a third party over a network .It allows the consumer to use application
without installing them on their own computer .Such application can be accesed from
another computer through internet .

Types of Cloud Computing :-

a) Infrastructure as a Service –organization outsource there equipments to support
operations like memory ,server etc
b) Platform as a Service –It rents out operating system on which applications can run
using virtual servre .
c) Software as a Service – They are made available as and when needed .

ADVANTAGE :-1. Helps in reducing e-waste as system do not need physical update
2. Elasticity –Additional capacity and application can be can be added immediately
3. Company can focus on there core area and IT services can be outsourced .

1. Issue of privacy and data integrity
2. The recent controversy over the US prism programme has exposed the threat of cloud
3. Intellectual property information can be compromised .Pharma and other high tech industries
main high secrecy regarding their research and other scientific data .
4. In case of Buisness Process Outsourcing and Knowledge process outsourcing there is the issue
of confidentiality of Customers data .
5. The personal information and data like personal photos and other records can be hacked .


Supercomputer are mainframe computer that work on parallel processing .There architecture is
optimized for high speed and high processing power .It divides the entire task into small process
and solve it parallely.

India has set up C-DAC ( Centre for development of advanced Computing ) .C-DAC has three
main supercomputing fascility :- 1) National Param Supercomputer Fascility 2)C-DAC
Terrascale supercomputing fascility 3) Biotechnology research and application fascility

Computational Biology :- a) Genome sequence assembly b) Microarray data analysis
c) Structure-based drug discovery d)Protein folding d)Molecular Dynamics
Computational Atmospheric Science a)Mesoscale modeling b) Climate system model
c) Medium range weather forecasting d) Air quality modeling and management
Computational Fluid Dynamics a) Viscous, compressible, unsteady flows b) Laminar
natural convection flows c) Fluid flow and heat transfer for heat exchangers
d)Simulation of fire in high rise buildings
Computational Structural Mechanics a)Stress analysis of fibre reinforced composite
structures b) Fracture mechanics c) Nonlinear stability analysis d) Seismic
vulnerability analysis d) Hazard assessment of civil structures
Big Data Analytics

Big data analytics is the use of advanced analytic techniques against very large, diverse data sets
that include different types such as structured/unstructured and streaming/batch, and different
sizes from terabytes to zettabytes. Big data is a term applied to data sets whose size or type is
beyond the ability of traditional relational databases to capture, manage, and process the data
with low latency. And it has one or more of the following characteristics – high volume, high
velocity, or high variety. Big data comes
from sensors, devices, video/audio, networks, log files, transactional applications, web, and
social media much of it generated in real time and in a very large scale. Big data usually includes
data sets with sizes beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, curate,
manage, and process data within a tolerable elapsed time . Big data is a set of techniques and
technologies that require new forms of integration to uncover large hidden values from large
datasets that are diverse, complex, and of a massive

Analyzing big data allows analysts, researchers, and business users to make better and faster
decisions using data that was previously inaccessible or unusable. Using advanced analytics
techniques such as text analytics, machine learning, predictive analytics, data mining, statistics,
and natural language
processing, businesses can analyze previously untapped data sources independent or together
with their existing enterprise data to gain new insights resulting in significantly better and faster

Analysis of data sets can find new correlations, to "spot business trends, prevent diseases,
combat crime and so on. Scientists, business executives, practitioners of media and advertising
and governments alike regularly meet difficulties with large data sets in
areas including Internet search, finance and business informatics . Scientists encounter
limitations in eScience work, including meteorology , genomics , complex physical simulations
and biological and environmental research .
Big data has increased the demand of information management specialists in that Software AG,
Oracle Corporation, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, EMC, HP and Dell. While Many vendors offer off
the shelf solutions for Big Data, experts recommend the development of inhouse solutions
customtailored to solve the company's problem at hand if the company has sufficient technical
capabilities .

Government -The use and adoption of Big Data within governmental processes is beneficial and
allows efficiencies in terms of cost, productivity, and innovation. That said, this process does not
come without its flaws. Data analysis often requires multiple parts of government (central and
local) to work in collaboration. The Finance Ministry has orderd new Big data analytics software
to find out the those who are avoiding tax .All payment system and gateways will be anlaysed for
this .

Manufacturing:- Big data provides an infrastructure for transparency in manufacturing industry,

which is the ability to unravel uncertainties such as inconsistent component
performance and availability. Predictive manufacturing as an applicable approach toward near
zero downtime and transparency requires vast amount of data and advanced prediction tools for a
systematic .

Healthcare :-Big data analytics has helped healthcare improve by providing personalized
medicine and prescriptive analytics, clinical risk intervention and predictive analytics, waste and
care variability reduction, automated external and internal reporting of patient data, standardized
medical terms and patient registries and fragmented point solutions.

Publishing environments are increasingly tailoring messages (advertisements) and

content (articles) to appeal to consumers that have been exclusively gleaned through various
datamining activities. Targeting of consumers (for advertising by marketers)


National Security Agency of USA Was ruuning this programme for monitoring the internet and
communication system . It allowed the NSA officials to collect data like search history , content
of e-mail ,live chat , file transfferd etc.

Some of the biggest internet companies like Yahoo , Google , Facebook Youtube Apple are
involved in the process. Companies are legally obliged to comply with the request under he US
law .The prism programme allows the intelliegenc agencies direct access to the companies
servers .

Prism programme is the worlds largest surveillance orogramme . It not only analyses the data of
individuals but it also the hacked the mail of Several heads of State like Angela merkel ,Dila

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