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Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings Plan For Malta

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Building Regulation Office
Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure

August 2015


Minister for Transport and Infrastructure 4

Head Building Regulation Office 5

Executive Summary 6

Introduction 8









Minister for Transport and Infrastructure

When in March 2013, the Hon. Our Legal Notice under Clause 10 (1)
Prime Minister endowed me with provides that by 31st December 2020
the responsibility of the portfolio for all new buildings are nearly zero-energy
Transport and Infrastructure, within the buildings and new buildings occupied
latter I had to take up the responsibility and owned by public authorities are
for the building industry. Within this nearly zero-energy buildings by 31st
ambit, a very important element is December 2018.
the Building Regulation Office (BRO)
which was established through an The roadmap has been laid. The
Act of Parliament towards the end of Building Regulation Office produced
2011 but unfortunately not much was this document which will serve
done within its area specifically when as a basis for the widest possible
it comes to Energy Performance of consultation in the Maltese Islands on
Buildings. a theme that is gaining ground all over
Europe and within which Malta too will
In this regard, the Ministry ensured that perform well.
the adequate capacity building exercise
be taken in hand by putting in place an This Ministry thus together with the
organisation structure that can bear Building Regulation Office invites the
results. In tandem, one had to identify public at large to give its feedback.
which subsidiary legislation was in We look forward to hear from all and
place but not functioning or obligations sundry. We are more than ready to
emanating from same which were never listen to one’s concerns and opinions.
given due attention. All efforts were
put in motion to obtain results and to
deliver particularly through what was
required under Legal Notice 376/2012
which transposed the EU Directive
2010/31 on the Energy Performance of

Head, Building Regulation Office

The National Plan to promote Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings outlines the Maltese
strategy and actions necessary for achieving nearly zero-energy buildings after the
end of 2018 for buildings occupied by public authorities and by the end of 2020 for
all buildings respectively.

The Building Regulation Office through the Building Regulation Act was entrusted
to ensure that this National plan be drawn up accordingly. A working committee
made up of various stakeholders contributed towards mapping the way forward
to increase the number of such buildings in the Maltese Islands. In parallel, a close
look at what is happening on the European continent was a must not only to follow
best practise but to identify a professional way ahead which would show that
even though Malta is the smallest Member State within the European Union it was
not ready to leave any stone unturned but to go for what works, is pragmatic and

As an Office, we welcome any contributions towards the strengthening of this

National Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) Plan and in this regard invite
readers to send us an e-mail on [email protected] or call us on 22927134 if one
would want to hold a meeting with us to discuss further or air any
opinions or views.

The objective of the National Nearly Zero-Energy
Buildings (NZEB) Plan is to map a way on how to
increase the number of such buildings in Malta.

As defined in Directive 2010/31, transposed locally by LN 376 of 2012, “nearly

zero-energy building means a building that has a very high energy performance,
as determined in accordance with Schedule I. The nearly zero or very low amount
of energy required shall be covered to a very significant extent by energy from
renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or

Malta has a limited range of renewables which may be of use. The most obvious,
especially for buildings, is solar-based renewables (mostly photo-voltaic and
thermal). However, due to shading and limited access to roofs, this cannot be
applied across the board. On the other hand, scarcity of land militates against
communal PV farms. Due to this scenario, the definitions of NZEB have been
developed with two components: a basic mandatory component which is mostly
due to the building fabric and efficient building services; and a component of solar-
based RES to be applied whenever possible. The two components would reach a
mean figure of 75kWhr/m2yr for dwellings and 220kWh/m2yr for other buildings.

The proportion of energy consumed by buildings is the lowest in Europe, with

consumption for households in 2013 generating 17% of total carbon emissions . This
equate to around half of the EU28 average. Only a portion of the energy consumed
by households is used for space conditioning lighting and hot water, with the larger
proportion relating to plug-in loads.

The plan highlights the low level of Consultations indicate that one of the
forecasted new buildings and re- main barriers identified is the low level
developed sites till 2020. The figures of skills related to energy efficient
are 13,000 for dwellings and 518,500 buildings by the present workforce; it
m2 for market service buildings. A is being proposed that the Roadmap
trajectory in reaching the 2020 and identified in the Build Up Skills project
2018 targets, including the intermediate be implemented.
targets has been proposed.

Some focus has been made on

Government-owned and occupied
buildings. These are normally quite
heavy consumers and it is meant to
launch specific initiatives so that they
can serve as role models for the private

The National Plan to promote Nearly Zero-Energy
Buildings outlines the Maltese strategy and actions
necessary for achieving nearly zero-energy buildings
after the end of 2018 for buildings occupied by public
authorities, and by the end of 2020 for all buildings
respectively. Intermediate targets have also been set as
required by Directive 2010/31/EU

It specifically addresses the consequences of the recast EPBD for new buildings
and the accompanying stricter requirement for energy performance (to be reduce
to nearly zero), and its relation to the methods used to calculate the Energy
Performance of Buildings (Energy Performance Rating of Dwellings in Malta
(EPRDM) and Simplified Building Energy Model for Malta (SBEMmt), which are the
two methodologies established in Malta as per Annex I of Dir 2010/31).

It also covers the policy and measures regarding transformation of existing

buildings that are renovated to become nearly zero-energy buildings.

Article 9 of the recast EPBD states that the National Plan must contain the
following information:

01 A definition of nearly zero-energy buildings, reflecting their national, regional
or local conditions and including a numerical indicator of primary energy use
expressed in kWh/m2 per year.

02 Intermediate targets for improving the energy performance of new buildings,

by 2015, with a view to the goals for nearly zero-energy buildings in 2018 and
2020 respectively.

03 The policy being developed and the measures being adopted, such as
setting targets to promote the transformation of existing buildings renovated
to become nearly zero-energy buildings.

04 Information on the policies and financial or other measures for the promotion
of nearly zero-energy buildings, including details of national requirements
and measures concerning the use of energy from renewable sources in new
buildings and existing buildings undergoing major renovation in the context
of Article 13(4) of Directive 2009/28/EC (on renewable energy) and Articles
6 and 7 of this Directive.

01 THE

Malta has a long history, and buildings may be found
from various periods. However, significant population
growth occurred only from the 17th century onwards.
Buildings from the Knights Hospitalier period (1530-1798)
are not uncommon, in most cases built in an inverted
fashion around a central courtyard. Many of these are in
use by the public authorities as offices, museums, cultural
centres and so on.

According to the National Statistics Office, houses built during the British colonial
period (1800-1964) are more common, constituting 39% of current stock. Sanitary
laws of 1887 introduced a system of terraced housing, similar to the British system.
This system was eventually adopted by planning regulations throughout the 20th
century. It is now prevalent in low-rise and medium-rise housing.

Tourism growth in the 1960’s together with rapid economic growth led the
construction industry to embark on sustained construction development. The 70’s
and 80’s saw construction of a large number of separate housing units (62% of
those built), primarily due to affordable sale of development plots to families by
government as a social measure. These housing units are mostly terraced houses
with typical floor areas in the range of 150-250 square metres. Although these
buildings typically have a high thermal mass and have cavity external walls, they
are typically un-insulated.

By the 1990’s construction had TYPE OF DWELLINGS
shifted to more sustainable multi- Terraced house/ Townhouse 53,116
dwelling buildings (65% of total built)
due to limited developable land. Semi-detached house 5,881
The trend towards flatted dwellings Fully-detached house 3,425
increased further with 2,635 out
of 2,973 residential units granted a Maisonette/ Ground floor 44,307
development permit in 2014 being flats tenement
or maisonettes (flatted dwellings with Flat/ Apartment/ 44,275
own private entrance). Penthouse
Semi-detached farmhouse 589
In the early 2000’s the country was
going through a construction boom. Semi-detached farmhouse 731
This was due to the housing sector Suite of rooms forming part 200
being viewed as a secure investment, of a housing unit
with a holiday and retirement foreign
market as a main demand driver the Garage 271
boom coincided with the repatriation Other 183
of Maltese capital from abroad due to
Homeless 2
tax incentives present. According to
the Malta Environment and Planning Total 152,980
Authority, this boom had largely
subsided by 2011, with the number of Source: 2011 Census
development permits of 11,400 units in
2007 going down to 2,700 units in 2013.

This occurred when prospective buyers

realised that house prices may not rise
fast any more, may stabilize and may
even decline, and therefore investing in
real estate might not be a good secure
investment anymore.

Maltese housing has a chronic problem of high vacancy levels. The country is in the
process of addressing this issue; a focus on re-development is gathering more and
more momentum.

In 2011 Malta had 223,848 dwellings, out of which 152,978 (68%) were occupied.
Traditionally in Malta, housing design falls into three broad categories, flats
and maisonettes (representing 59% of the dwelling stock), terraced houses
(representing 35% of the dwelling stock) and semi-detached/detached villas/
bungalows (representing 6% of the dwelling stock). Only 5% of dwellings
were constructed after the introduction of the Technical Guidance: Minimum
Requirement for Energy Performance in Buildings in 2006, while the majority of
dwellings (56%) being constructed between 1971 and 2005. 19% of dwellings were
built prior to 1945 whilst another 19% of dwellings were built between 1946 and


1918 or earlier 15,809 Good state 114,074
1919-1945 13,382 Needs minor repairs 29,319
1946-1960 15,641 Needs moderate repairs 6,826
1961-1970 13,903 Needs serious repairs 2,611
1971-1980 22,754 Dilapidated 148
1981-1990 29,234 Total 152,978
1991-2000 23,399
Source: 2011 Census
2001-2005 10,594
2006 or later 271
Total 8,262

Source: 2011 Census

According to the 2011 census figures,
52% of dwellings are air-conditioned,
but only 1.5% have a central heating
system installed. 11% of dwellings have Construction in Malta is still largely
installed insulation. Whilst in 2011 11% characterised by the use of the locally
of dwellings had solar water heaters, extracted globigerina limestone.
8% of households had benefited for
PV system schemes by 2014. The state Until the introduction of concrete in
of repair of the occupied dwellings is post World War II, constructions were
indicated in the table above. mainly made of load bearing walls of
globigerina limestone, roofed over with
thin stone slabs and waterproofed by
Other relevant data is that there means of a traditional mortar mixture
were a total of 193 licensed hotels made of lime, and ground pottery.
and guest houses in 2013, a total
of 850 manufacturing units in the The wide-use of concrete in the 60’s led
main industrial estates in 2012, seven to reinforced concrete roofs as well as
hospitals in 2013, and 324 schools in to prefabricated pre-stressed roofing
2012. elements and building blocks becoming
the norm.

By the 1980’s the greatest barrier to

development was the scarcity and cost
of building space, which led to thinner
walls and lower ceilings. Given Malta’s
mild climate, energy performance of
buildings was not a major parameter in
the design of buildings, since buildings
were still low energy consumers.

This situation was largely addressed by

the introduction of the Technical Guide
F of elements.

The figures quoted in this section are taken from data of the Malta Environment
and Planning Authority, which is Malta’s sole authority in issuing permits for

The table below shows the number of dwelling permits issued and the number of
units permitted to be built during the period 2003 to 2013.

New Minor Terraced
Dwellings Works Total Apartments Maisonettes Houses Others Total

2003 1,321 517 1,838 4,548 1,085 414 81 6,128

2004 1,378 435 1,813 5,265 966 353 123 6,707
2005 1,852 570 2,422 7,539 1,058 363 121 9,081
2006 2,502 492 2,994 8,961 932 375 141 10,409
2007 2,636 411 3,047 10,252 696 257 138 11,343
2008 1,770 375 2,145 6,184 361 164 127 6,836
2009 1,241 368 1,609 4,616 400 182 100 5,298
2010 1,499 1,020 2,519 3,736 375 227 106 4,444
2011 1,159 832 1,991 3,276 401 191 87 3,955
2012 958 700 1,658 2,489 298 202 75 3,054
2013 1,004 808 1,812 2,062 350 209 84 2,705
2014 1,074 971 2,045 2,221 414 204 98 2,937

It is clearly seen that the boom of 2005-2007 has subsided, with the sector
clearly showing signs of a contraction phase, and possibly in an oversupply
situation. In particular, the number of maisonettes and terraced houses in 2011
show a sharp decline.


The following data relating to applications for new non-residential buildings

between 1999 and 2005 provides an indication of the main non-residential building
typologies and indicates that the main category is manufacturing, offices, retail and


Warehousing, Hotels Restaurants
Agriculture Manufacturing retail & offices & tourism and Bars Social Parking Total
2003 242 26 181 15 24 91 134 713
2004 261 31 192 8 25 49 105 671
2005 293 33 217 16 25 43 103 730
2006 267 38 169 9 26 30 84 623
2007 325 27 185 8 14 30 60 649
2008 182 29 137 6 14 8 66 442
2009 160 31 123 6 20 23 47 410
2010 293 55 231 10 46 118 79 832
2011 192 33 256 4 47 74 49 655
2012 169 33 247 17 32 87 58 643
2013 123 33 266 15 49 43 47 576

Commercial, social and other sectors This will support the realisation of
seem to be more resilient than the specific targets, e.g. achieving the
residential sector. Overall reduction desired Building Energy Rating (BER) in
in total applications for the period the most efficient manner.
2003 to 2013 is 137. Warehousing,
retail and offices actually increased The procurement procedures for
during the period and restaurants/bars consultants, including architectural
increased as well, perhaps reflecting the and engineering design services,
expanding tourism industry. should include both qualitative and
quantitative assessment criteria
and demonstration of consultants’
1.3.3 environmental design experience and/or
BUILDINGS OCCUPIED BY qualifications. The assessment criteria
will be proportionate to the nature, size
and complexity of the project.
The approach for buildings other than
All buildings will be designed and
dwellings in the public sector will be the
constructed to comply with all Parts of
same as that for all buildings other than
the Building Regulations.
dwellings as described above. Public
sector buildings will lead by example
In addition, public bodies are required
by achieving their defined nearly zero
to fulfil an exemplary role (in the
energy standard two years in advance
context of Directive 2009/28/EC on the
of the private sector. The NZEB
promotion of the use of energy from
standard will be developed in advance
renewable sources) when constructing
of 2018 in order for the public sector to
or renovating public buildings.
adopt it.
Reusing existing buildings is, subject to
Effective energy efficient design
positive environmental outcomes, given
strategies are already incorporated in
priority over new-build construction.
all public sector projects at the early
Available best practice will be utilised in
design stage, so that energy efficiency
respect of refurbishment projects
and other environmental measures
are incorporated into the project from
inception. Passive design strategies are
incorporated and prioritised in all new
building projects and, where practical,
in existing building projects.

In addition, the Restoration Directorate of the Ministry of Justice, Culture and
Local Government has developed best practice in relation to: treatment of historic
buildings, retrofitting of services and recommended strategic approaches. The
traditionally constructed solid masonry walled buildings which comprise a majority
of the country’s historic building stock require specialist attention and advice to
avoid damage in the attainment of particular Building Energy Ratings not only to
their architectural and historical interest, but also to their fabric. However, their
energy performance can be enhanced in many simple, cost effective ways and
the upgrading and reuse of such buildings by public bodies will be considered in
tandem with new construction.

Green procurement provides a framework that allows the Maltese public sector
to play a consistent and exemplary role across its entire procurement profile. This
will be an important element in driving the energy efficiency agenda in the wider
context of climate change and energy policy.

In the context of schools, the national Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools has
been at the forefront of design with respect to sustainable energy efficiency in
school buildings. The primary school in Pembroke in 2009 was a new build project
designed as the first energy self-sufficient school in Malta, relying solely on solar
and wind energy produced on site for electricity and hot water. The lessons
learned from the design and construction of this school are being implemented in
other new schools and refurbishment projects carried out by the Foundation for
Tomorrow’s Schools.

The figures quoted in this section are taken from data of the Malta Environment
and Planning Authority, which is Malta’s sole authority in issuing permits for

The Maltese archipelago, with its two inhabited islands, Malta and Gozo, is situated
in the Mediterranean Sea at 35 50 N and 14 30 E. The climate is mild, with wet cool
winters and dry hot summers, and with diurnal thermal excursions being tempered by
the surrounding sea. The Koppen-Geiger Classification for the Maltese islands is Csa
and the climate is similar to that of adjacent regions such as Sicily and coastal Tunisia.

This climate has largely contributed to Maltese buildings being low consumers
when compared to other European countries. The final household energy
consumption per person was around a third of the EU 27 in 2007 . A portion of this
energy is used for appliances, cooking and other plug-in loads, that have energy
consumption which is not directly related to the design of a building.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
12.2 12.4 13.4 15.5 19.1 23.0 25.9 26.3 24.1 20.7 17.0 13.8

The only energy grid in Malta is for the supply of electrical energy and this
accounts for approximately 80% of the energy supply to Maltese dwellings. A
system for the national distribution of LPG in cylinders is used for the supply of gas
for heating and cooking.

Maltese dwellings are in the vast majority Energy use calculations according to
of cases built in stone and concrete the National Calculation Methodology
masonry, with cast in-situ concrete slabs. for the current building stock and the
The high thermal mass of the buildings buildings currently being built have
helps in mitigating the effects of high and energy consumption figures higher than
low temperature peaks, however night actual usage. Samples studies (BRO,
cooling during summer is not possible dwellings, 2013) have shown that the
since night temperatures remain at average delivered energy demand for
23-24ºC during July and August. Given Space conditioning, hot water, lighting and
the southern Mediterranean position of ventilation in a typical existing buildings is
Malta, space conditioning energy demand 59kWh/m2yr. The respective value for
in dwellings is characterised by both a the delivered energy demand in typical
heating load and a cooling load. Statistics new dwellings is 28kWh/m2yr. This
show that 58% of occupied dwellings are energy demand is higher than the actual
fitted with air-conditioning equipment, measured energy use.
while less than 2% have a central heating
system. Cost-optimal studies: New Dwellings.

The dwellings tend to be heated and Studies to determine the Cost-optimal

cooled intermittently with the occupants levels for new buildings have shown that
conditioning the parts being utilised only. where the installation of solar based
renewable sources is possible, these
Small portable heaters are used for this prove to be cost-effective. The energy
purpose with typical energy carriers being contribution for these renewable sources
LPG and direct electricity. The occupants depends on the area of roof available and
use adaptive methods to achieve comfort height of building.
levels such as higher clothing levels. Due
to this behavioural pattern energy use The urban typology consists of terracing,
is consequently low with recent studies where buildings lie adjacent to each other.
indicating a daily delivered consumption Varying building heights together with sloping
of 11kWh per household for all uses. This landscapes severely reduces or eliminates the
behavioural pattern has only been partly solar potential for many buildings. Ownership
reflected in the National Calculation law defines ownership of land as anything
Methodology for dwellings. In the latter above or under a parcel of land, making
full comfort levels were assumed albeit for third party rights to the availability of sun
specific time periods and floor areas. inadmissible.

Therefore although solar renewable sources have been explored in the cost-optimal
studies, these have not been considered as the final cost-optimal levels. Such studies
have also shown that insulation of the building fabric has limited effects on the energy
demand. Insulation of the roof had positive effects both in summer and winter, while the
benefits reaped from glazing and wall insulation is limited to the heating period. With
further insulation and improvement of the building fabric, the already short heating
season is reduced further and therefore the benefits tend not to make financial sense.
Improving the efficiency of the air-conditioning systems such as using inverter type
heat pumps has been shown to be cost-optimal, invariably across all cases. Analysis of
the cost-optimality report for residential buildings in Malta has shown that the cost-optimal level
lies around 85kWh/m2yr. The cost-optimal reference buildings have been found to have an
improved building envelope, energy efficient lighting and improved space conditioning efficiency.


Building Gap between
according Cost-optimal current req. &
to Current level without cost opt. level
minimum Solar Renewable without solar
Reference requirements* sources renew.
building (kWh/m2yr) (kWh/m2yr) (kWh/m2yr) Difference %
Detached Villa 94 68 26 28
Semi- 84 64 20 24
Detached Villa
Terraced 82 63 19 23
Top floor 97 102 -5 -5
Ground floor 127 115 12 9
Top floor flat 125 92 33 26
Mid-floor flat 117 84 33 28
Average 103.7 84.2 19.7 19

The gap between current minimum A recent report for actual building energy
requirements and the cost-optimal levels use shows that around 23% of buildings
was found to be around 20kWh/m2yr. Solar used by public authorities and exceeding
renewable sources were not included for the 250m2 have a measured primary energy
purpose of calculating the gap since not all consumption exceeding 369kWh/
buildings have the ability to integrate these m2yr. The major energy carrier for this
technologies. For comparison purposes, is electricity since space conditioning is
existing building stock built prior to the carried invariably by electrical heat pumps.
introduction of the first minimum energy High energy users in the non-dwellings
requirements in 2007 has an average sector tend to have short heating seasons
primary energy demand of 199kWh/m2yr. If and long-cooling seasons due to inherently
renovated according to the current minimum high internal heat gains.
requirements this demand will go down to
110kWh/m2yr. These studies have therefore Studies for Cost-optimal levels have shown
shown that existing dwelling typologies have that there is a gap between current minimum
a higher calculated energy demand than new requirements and cost-optimal levels. For office
building typologies given the same building building typologies built according to current
envelope characteristics. minimum requirements, the mean primary
energy demand was found to be around
357kWh/m2yr. Solar renewable sources were
1.4.4 shown to have a significant effect on results.
NON-DWELLINGS Since as described previously not all buildings
have the ability to introduce such sources,
In the local context, the construction these were not considered for the purposes
of non-dwellings on a large scale took of estimating the gap. Excluding both Solar
off relatively late. The Maltese economy Thermal and Photovoltaic systems the cost-
started diversifying from an agricultural optimal level was found to be around 290kWh/
and military base into a mixed economy m2yr, with a gap of 19% when compared to
from around the late 1960s. The majority of current minimum requirements.
buildings used for non-residential purposes
are therefore not very old. An exception Insulating buildings further was found to have
to this are offices used by the government, little effect on the cooling load. Given the high
where buildings built by the Knights of internal loads inherent in Offices, and indeed
Malta in the 16th to 18th Century provide the in most non-residential buildings, the energy
backbone for the building stock used by related measures available for reducing the
the central government. These have been energy use are therefore mostly limited to
shown to be energy efficient and are not improving building systems rather than the
subject to the same energy regulations. building envelope.

Cost-optimal Gap between
level without current req. &
Current Photovoltaic cost opt. w/o PV
Reference Requirements systems systems
building (kWh/m2yr) (kWh/m2yr) kWh/m2yr Gap %
Detached 372.9 269.8 103.2 28%
Office <250m2
Detached 279.8 215.7 64.1 23%
Office 250m2–
1500 m2
Detached 338.65 199.1 139.6 41%
Terraced 419.8 305.7 114.1 27%
Office <250m2
Terraced 378.1 290.9 87.2 23%
Office 250m2
– 1500 m2
Terraced 352.1 280.2 71.9 20%
Mixed Use 382.1 288.6 93.4 24%
Office <250m2
Mixed Use 367.4 203.5 163.8 45%
Office 250m2
– 1500 m2
Mixed Use 318.1 248.3 69.7 22%
Average 356.5 255.7 100.7 28%


Energy generation is currently undergoing radical transformation in Malta, with a

new power station in 2012, an electrical interconnector which started operation
in March 2015. A new power generation unit is currently under construction. This
will further improve the overall generation efficiency and will operate on natural
gas, thus reducing carbon emission intensity considerably. This major overhaul
of Malta’s generation capacity led to a reduction in energy tariffs. Such radical
changes have increased and will continue to increase efficiency is expected to
increase reducing generation costs and putting downside pressure on energy rates.
Since reduced energy tariffs apply an upward effect on cost-optimal levels, the gap
between current minimum requirements and cost-optimal levels will be partially

In all studies carried to date, energy demand values for buildings built according to
current minimum requirements are based on the use of relatively inefficient heat
pumps, having a coefficient of performance ratio between 3.0 and 3.2 as per Legal
Notice 27/2003, Schedule VIII Table 1.1. The efficiency of heat pumps traded and
installed within the European Union is controlled according to separate directives,
UE206/2012 and UE626/2011. Thus any heat pumps in new buildings will have
minimum seasonal coefficients of performance of 3.8/4.6 for heating/cooling.
Space conditioning is therefore expected to be reduced further, having an effect on
cost-optimal levels and mitigating the existing gap.

UP TO 2020

The figures quoted in this section are taken from the
Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development
being discussed in the Parliamentary Committee for the
Environment compiled by the Malta Environment and
Planning Authority. In the 2002 Housing Topic Paper
it was estimated that Malta would need an additional
43,000 housing units for the period 2000 to 2020.

Out of these, 13,000 units are expected to be built during period 2014 to 2020.
Based on figures for years 2002 to 2012, 6,240 will be built on vacant land whilst
the remainder, 6,760 will be re-developing already occupied land

Hence, assuming a constant rate of development, evenly distributed, the projected

new build (on vacant land) and re-development is as follows:


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
New Build 890 890 890 890 890 890 900 6,240
Re-Development 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 6,760
Total 1,830 1,830 1,830 1,830 1,830 1,830 1,840 13,000

The Strategic Plan for the Environment
and Development compiled by the
Malta Environment and Planning
Authority, indicates that 518,500 m2
of floor-space would be required for
market services, based on the number
of jobs to be created in this sector.
This indicates that development in
warehousing, retail and offices is likely
to continue to increase and might need
additional space allocation.

If these projections are spread out

evenly over the 7 year period to end in
2020, then the number of floor space
required would be as shown below.


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
New Build + 74,070 74,070 74,070 74,070 74,070 74,070 74,070 518,500


Since 2006, the Energy Performance Standards for
residential and other buildings have been the basis for
policies on energy conservation in buildings. Building
regulations impose minimum requirements on the
energy performance of buildings, promulgated through
the Technical Guidance: Minimum Energy Performance
Requirements – Doc F 2006.

The Document F adopts an element-based approach, with limits being set for the
minimum performance of building elements such as roofs and external walls. It also
sets limits on the percentage of glazed areas according to orientation; this reduces
the solar overheating. There are no overall building performance figures set.

The following table gives an overview of the main standards set.

The current minimum requirements are presently being revised as an outcome of

the studies to establish cost-optimal energy performance levels in accordance with
Article 5 of the recast EPBD.

Building element Standard Source
External Wall Maximum U = 1.57 Document F Table F.1
Exposed floors Maximum U = 1.57 Document F Table F1
+diagram F1
Floor to ground Maximum U = 1.97 Document F Table F1
+diagram F1
Roof Maximum U = 0.59 Document F Table F1
Windows Maximum U = 5.8 for a Document F Table F.2
maximum 20% area of the
exposed walls
Roof lights Maximum U = 5.8 for a Document F Table F.2
maximum 10% area of the roof
Glazed area to Maximum allowable area of Document F Table F.4
prevent solar openings
overheating North 25%, South 20%, NE 17%,
E/SE/SW/NW 12%, West 9%
Horizontal 7%
Heating Reverse cycle air-to-air heat Current minimum SCOP is 3.4
pump with C.O.P. of 3.2 according to EU 206/2012 and
3.8 from the 1st January 2014
Cooling Reverse cycle air-to-air heat Current minimum SEER is 3.8
pump with C.O.P. of 3.0 according to EU 206/2102 and
4.6 from the 1st January 2014
Domestic Hot Electric storage water heater Typical water heating for local
Water with 100% efficiency and 85% housing
storage efficiency
Lighting 100% Energy Efficient Lighting Tungsten incandescent
Limits on Lighting Controls lighting no longer available
following EU 244/2009.
Doc F, Table F.6


“Nearly zero-energy building means a building that has a very high energy
performance, as determined in accordance with Schedule I of LN376 of 2012.
The nearly zero or very low amount of energy required shall be covered to a
very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from
renewable sources produced on-site or nearby.”

The NZEB Plan must include “the detailed application in practice of the Authority
regarding the definition of nearly zero-energy buildings, reflecting the national
conditions, and including a numerical indicator of primary energy use expressed in
kWh/m2 per year. Primary energy factors used for the determination of the primary
energy use may be based on national yearly average values and may take into
account relevant European standards.”


Nearly zero-energy buildings have to be defined in accordance with the mild

local climate, local building standards and the national energy infrastructure,
whilst keeping in mind future developments. At this stage it is practical to include
2 definitions: one for dwellings’ units and the other for non-dwellings. These
definitions are being drawn up with the following caveats:

01 The Technical Guidance: Minimum Energy Performance Requirements for

Buildings shall still follow a largely elemental/component approach, coupled
with an overall performance figure.

02 The definitions refer to minimum energy performance levels, which can be

reached by all buildings in Malta. This non-discriminatory approach between
buildings having solar potential and those without is essential since it is not
perceived that the issue of solar rights be solved in the near future. This will
also avoid the situation where planning permissions may have to be denied
due solely to lack of solar potential.

03 Performance beyond the minimum is possible but it will be on a voluntary
basis, tied to a system of incentives.

04 As related issues get clearer and more defined, the definition may be
reviewed in the next update to the NEEAP.

The following are for a formal definition.

A ‘nearly zero-energy building’ is a building with a very high energy performance.

The nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a
very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from
renewable sources produced on-site. The ‘energy performance of a building’ is the
calculated amount of energy needed to meet the energy demand associated with
a typical use of the building, which includes, inter alia, energy used for heating,
cooling, ventilation, hot water and lighting. The energy performance of a building
is defined by a numeric indicator of primary energy use, based on primary energy
factors per energy carrier as defined in the national calculation methodology,
which are based on national annual weighted averages and specific values for on-
site production.
The energy performance of nearly zero-energy buildings will be such that the
primary energy balance will not exceed 220 kWh/m2yr, except for dwellings which
shall have a higher energy performance. The primary energy balance requirement
for dwellings shall be set according to building typology such that the renewable
energy potential according to dwelling typology is taken into consideration.
The mean primary energy demand requirement for dwellings shall be 75 kWh/
m2yr. Energy demands shall be calculated in accordance with the approved
methodology and according to the following explanatory notes.

01 1. The metric for measurement is 04 When the building employs
the primary energy demand of a device that is capable of
the building over a period of one transferring heat from natural
year, using a numerical indicator surroundings from a lower to a
for primary energy use measured higher temperature, such as a
in kWh/m2yr. The primary energy heat pump, the renewable portion
factors used for the determination is the difference between the
of primary energy use are based primary non-renewable energy
on the national yearly average used to condition the space
values as defined in the national and the calculated primary
calculation methodology. energy used if the default device
as indicated in the national
02 The energy demands to be calculation methodology is
included in the calculation are employed.
space heating, space cooling,
domestic hot water, ventilation, 05 When a device which uses fuel
and lighting. This calculation is to from a renewable source is used
be carried out on the basis of the for heating, cooling, ventilation,
national methodology which is lighting or domestic hot water,
currently differentiated between the renewable portion will refer
dwellings (EPRDM) and non- to the difference between the
residential buildings (iSBEMmt). non-renewable primary energy
used by that device and the
03 Identical weighting factors for calculated primary energy which
energy demand and energy would be used by the default
generation are used. In other device indicated in the national
words the primary energy calculation methodology.
weighting factors for electricity
generated on site, for example, 06 The reference area for calculation
are the same weighting factors is the internal net floor area
used for electricity from the grid. as defined by the respective
This policy is subject to review methodologies, EPRDM for
over time. Weighting factors are dwellings and iSBEMmt for non-
neither dependent on the time of residential buildings.
day nor seasonal.

07 Where a building consists of multiple units of the same use and the energy
use intensity is calculated for each unit in line with the national calculation
methodology, the building as a whole may be deemed to fulfil nearly-zero
energy requirements if the weighted mean primary energy intensity for the
whole building does not exceed the primary energy use for that building

08 The balance period for calculation is one year.

09 The comfort standards are defined by the respective methodologies EPRDM

and iSBEMmt. Whilst these requirements do not specify an explicit specific
value for the fraction of renewable energy, where there is potential for the
use of solar renewable sources, data from the cost-optimal analysis indicate
that alternative energy can typically contribute 25-50% for dwellings and up
to 20% for non-residential buildings energy requirements.

10 The energy balance is calculated on the basis of imported and exported

energy. There is no provision for the export of heat energy, which is not in
use in Malta, but only electrical energy.

11 In accordance with longstanding policies for the conservation of rainwater

at source, where such water is stored and re-used on site, a renewable
portion shall apply which is equal to the primary energy used to supply the
equivalent volume of water to the end-use location, as defined in the national
calculation methodology.

12 There is no requirement in the definition for load matching and grid

interaction, although this will be reconsidered when the definition is revised.

13 The values indicated in point 9 are guidelines for the fraction of renewable
energy but are not definitive requirements. Should requirements be
introduced when this definition is revised it could be necessary to distinguish
between renewable heat energy (from heat pumps and solar thermal) and
renewable electrical energy.

14 No requirements in addition to those prescribed by the national minimum
requirements for energy apply with regards to particular building elements,
such that the stricter requirements for nearly zero-energy buildings may be
achieved through the adoption of any such design as deemed appropriate
and effective by the building designer.

15 The definition does not include any form of weighting influenced with the
intention of favouring specific technical solutions.

16 Where a building is not fitted with a fixed device for heating or cooling in
specific areas or in its entirety, heating and cooling requirements for that
area or the building as a whole, as the case may be, may be omitted from the
calculation of primary energy use.

The definition may be expanded to take into consideration the following elements:

A A performance part and a prescriptive part on energy needs and energy

use. Energy needs for heating, cooling, and hot water, and energy use
for lighting and ventilation are based only on physical variables and the
choice of thermal comfort set points and define the performance part. The
prescriptive approach defines the minimum requirement for components
such as the U-values for windows and walls, glazing parameters, air
tightness, etc.

Domestic hot water use is dependent on occupant density in a building

unit and specific values are more difficult to establish than for heating
and cooling. With the reduced space heating and space cooling needs of
nearly zero-energy housing, domestic hot water use becomes a significant
component of the total home energy use, equalling or even exceeding the
heating and cooling energy demand. In non-residential buildings the lighting
load is equally significant and careful design of the envelope and the layout
can maximise availability of daylight.

B In the long term the yearly primary energy balance might be developed to
show monthly time intervals. The primary energy weighting factors take into
account different sources’ actual input to the grid.

C Requirements for nearly Zero Energy Residential Buildings may be

differentiated according to building category such that it is possible to take
into account the differing capabilities of the building to achieve very low-
energy levels. In this regard, the lack of roof access for flatted dwellings
is taken into account and different requirements are applied than those
pertaining to Terraced houses, semi-detached buildings and fully detached


Semi- Fully
Flatted Terraced detached detached Mean Energy
Building Category Dwellings Houses Housing Housing Requirement
nZEB Overall 115kWh/ 75kWh/ 55kWh/ 55kWh/ 75kWh/
energy demand m2yr m2yr m2yr m2yr m2yr
Renewable yes yes yes yes


Peak radiation occurs in summer and reaches a maximum
of almost 8 kWh/m2/day, while in winter it drops to
a minimum of 2.5 kWh/m2/day. This data compares
favourably with other sites around the Mediterranean
region and southern Europe (Palz 1984, Yousif 2005).

The table below shows that for more than 62 % of the year Malta enjoys an
abundance of sunshine, while only 11 days (3%) may be considered as very cloudy


Sky Description Range (Clearness Index) Occurrence (%)

Cloudy G/H0 <0.2 2.9

Partly Cloudy 0.2<G/H0>0.6 34.5
Clear 0.6<G/H0<0.75 61.9
Very Clear G/H0>0.75 0.7

Source: 2011 Census

PRACTICAL PERFORMANCE First of all, not all residential units have the
legal access to install such systems on the
IN MALTA OF SOLAR roof; many units being built today have
PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEMS access to roof but not ownership.

Data for typical stationary grid- Secondly, there are no solar rights in Malta,
connected PV array, inclined at 30° with the traditional property right prevailing.
to the horizontal and facing the true Hence there is no guarantee that no shadows
geographic South indicate an annual will be cast from neighbouring buildings.
production of approximately 1500kWhr/ In the prevalent high density terraced
kWp over the lifespan of the PV panel. townscapes shading by neighbouring
This figure is attainable only if there are buildings occurs often.
no shading problems.
Thirdly, roofs in Malta are used for other
purposes, including the drying of clothes.
This is a very energy efficient measure
05.3 since it reduces the use of electric tumble
POTENTIAL OF SOLAR RES ON dryers. Satellite dishes, water storage tanks
and television antennas are also installed on

It is essential to take into consideration the

The fact that Malta enjoys an
aesthetics of buildings, particularly in Urban
abundance of sunshine and mild
Conservation Areas and other specific
temperatures, coupled with other
areas. Moreover, legislation stipulates that
factors such as the existence of flat
retrofits should be placed away from
roofs as the standard way of building
façades and the existence of 1 metre-high
and the recent trend of increased power
perimeter walls at roof level would further
consumption in summer due to air
reduce the area available for solar RES.
conditioning, all favour the application of
solar RES on a wide scale.

However, one must be aware of many

limitations which preclude the installation
of such equipment on all buildings.

Regarding communal and/or nearby
systems, the only feasible option is
felt to be photovoltaic farms. However
this also has its limitations within the
context of Malta’s specificities.

In view of Malta’s Commitments with

regards to renewable energy sources
and its limitations, PV installations
are expected to increase to around
295GWh by 2020, requiring 2.7km2 of
land. This is considered as a substantial
expanse when compared to Malta’s 317
km2 total area, with 33% developed
and 41% arable land, among other uses.
Industrial estates, quarries, disused
landfills and car parks are being
earmarked as suitable sites for ground
mounted PVs. Once full potential of
the identified sites is exhausted to
meet 2020 targets, it is unlikely that
further deployment of ground based PV
systems would be sustainable.


The following outlines the key activities critical to
maintaining and advancing progress towards achieving
nearly zero-energy status for Malta’s buildings.



Grant Number of Grants Years

Installation of PV systems (6 13,292 2006-2013

Different grants on initial cost)
2012 Roof insulation / double 1,236 2006,2009, 2012
Solar water heater/collectors 8,761 2006,2009,2010,2011-present

Other incentives including RES incentives

- Grant for energy efficient appliances (40,571 grants issued)

- Free distribution of energy efficient lamps to all households (2008-2009)
- Feed-in tariffs for PV systems in Domestic buildings (ongoing)
- Feed-in tariffs for PV systems in non-Domestic buildings (ongoing)
- Grant for second class water system (energy saving from RO plant)

The Building Regulation Document F (2006) already marks an important step

on the road to nearly zero-energy and places Malta firmly in position to continue
developing energy efficiency standards for new residential and non-residential
buildings. This was the first step to achieve the 2020 performance levels and it is
being developed further so as to introduce a nearly zero-energy building standard
into legislation between 2015 and 2018.

DETAILS OF PRESENT AND Capital Grants of Solar water heaters
have been in place since 2008 and are
PREVIOUS GRANTS still available to any owner wishing to
apply. In 2012 more than 16,000 Solar
A scheme for wind energy systems
water heaters had been installed (NSO,
was launched in 2006, but is no longer
2013). The schemes available were as
available. This consisted of a capital
grant for the installation of wind
- Solar Water Heaters 2008 (€460
capital grant)
A scheme regarding CFL’s (Compact
- Solar Water Heaters 2009 (€460
Fluorescent Lamps) was launched
capital grant)
in 2009 together with an extensive
- Solar Water Heaters 2010 (€460
publicity campaign. This consisted in
capital grant)
the of distribution of 3-10 free CFL’s to
- Solar Water Heaters, Solar Collectors
ERDF 2011-present (€400 capital
grant; €560 means tested)
A Roof thermal Insulation scheme was
first issued in 2008 and is still available.
Photovoltaic Panels: 50% grant on
This consists of a capital grant of 15% up
capital cost up to a maximum of €2500.
to a maximum of €233 per residential
A feed in tariff applied of €0.25/kWh
unit for the installation of roof insulation
for a period of 6 year. In lieu of capital
Double glazing scheme was issued in
grants feed in tariffs ranging from
2008 and is still available. This consists
€0.155-0.18/kWh apply for a period of
of a capital grant of 15% up to a
20 years.
maximum of €233 for every residential
unit for the installation of roof insulation
- Solar Photovoltaic Systems 2008
- Solar Photovoltaic Systems 2009
Energy Efficient Domestic Appliances
- Photovoltaic Systems 2010 Call1
grant was issued in 2006 and is
(50% capital grant up to a max of
no longer available. This targeted
€3000, FIT €0.25/kWh)
the replacement of old inefficient
- Photovoltaic Systems 2010 Call2
appliances and consisted of a capital
(50% capital grant up to a max of
grant for the purchase of A class
€3000, FIT €0.25/kWh)
domestic appliances.
- Photovoltaic panels 2011 (50%
capital grant up to a max of €3000,
FIT €0.25/kWh)

Soft loans are available from all leading ENERGY EFFICIENCY SUPPORT
local banks. These consist of unsecured
loans with low interest rates. The This measure is intended to give
following are conditions of a typical support to Maltese households in order
loan: €50,000 max loan value, 3.85% to help them implement measures and
interest rate, €20 processing fee, 8 year applicable systems which would lead
repayment period. to a reduction in the energy use at
home. Every family will be given the
Local Banks Offering loans: opportunity to have an energy audit, on
a voluntary basis. The household would
- APS Bank Ltd: EcoPlus – Finance for then be given advice on how to reduce
Renewable Energy Sources consumption. This measure will lead to
- Banif Bank (Malta) plc : Green an increase in energy efficiency at home
Energy Loan and to a reduction in energy use and
- Bank of Valletta plc: BOV Eco CO2 emissions. In addition, it would also
Personal Loan lead to lower energy expenditure.
- HSBC Bank Malta plc: Green Loan


An incentive scheme will be adopted
to help people upgrade their residence
CHEAPER AND GREENER ENERGY to one which is more energy efficient.
This measure emanates from the
One of the Government’s key priorities National Energy Efficiency Action Plan
is to provide cheaper and greener and is in line with Directive 2012/27/EU.
energy for all households. This will be This measure will lead to a reduction
achieved through the implementation of in the domestic energy use which
the following measures: subsequently reduces the amount of
CO2 emissions.

This initiative is a pilot project, proposed
to take place at the Siġġiewi Primary The Government is allocating money
School where the current equipment will on a three-year programme for the
be replaced with a more modern, energy maintenance and upgrading of schools.
efficient one. This will include amongst Furthermore, Government is also
others insulation and smart lighting. allocating money for the building of five
Government has allocated funds for this new schools. It is expected that these
proposed EU co-financed project. The schools will be designed to high level of
implementation of this measure will increase energy efficiency, as detailed above, by
the energy efficiency of the classrooms, the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools.
leading to a significant reduction in CO2
emissions generated. Furthermore, students
attending the Siġġiewi primary school 06.4
will benefit from a more comfortable and
suitable learning environment. GREEN PROCUREMENT AND
BUDGET DOCUMENT 2014 The Government has taken a lead role
in procuring of services and goods
Studies for the National Energy generated and delivered in an energy
Efficiency Action Plan - This measure efficient way. This is expected to generate
will deal in particular with studies on a market for energy efficient products and
energy efficiency that shall be used in services. The supply of such products and
the compilation of the National Energy services may then be readily taken up in
Efficiency Action Plan. These studies the private sector.
will also be beneficial when transposing
the Energy Efficiency Directive and the
implementation of the specific obligations
therein. Government has allocated funds
for this proposed EU co-financed project.
A sound energy efficiency plan based
on studies and evidence will lead to a
reduction in energy consumption and
expenditure. It will also contribute to the
reduction of CO2 emissions.


The following were the main barriers identified during feedback sessions with some
of the stakeholders.

01 Low level of skills of workforce, with very limited knowledge of energy

efficiency related matters.

02 Lack of space for installation of RES

03 Lack of Solar Rights

04 Construction industry based on small and micro-enterprises, emanating from

size of industry and insularity.


Malta is in the process of updating current minimum requirements. These
requirements will be finalised in the near future and are expected to be into
force for a few years prior to the requirements for nearly zero energy buildings
become mandatory. Results from the cost-optimality studies indicate that
these requirements will have additional requirements to the current minimum
requirements but will not require nearly zero energy levels. Therefore such
requirements will act as qualitative intermediate targets towards the post 2020
nearly-zero energy scenario.


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
New Build 890 890 890 890 890 890 900 6,240
0 10 20 30 60 80 100
No of NZEB 0 89 178 267 534 712 900 2,680

Re-development 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 6,760

% 0 10 20 30 60 80 100
No of NZEB 0 94 188 282 564 752 940 2,820


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
New build + 74,070 74,070 74,070 74,070 74,070 74,070 74,070 518,500
renovation m2
% 0 10 20 30 60 80 100
7,407 14,814 22,221 44,442 59,256 74,070 222,210

Quantitative targets are being adopted to increase the number of nearly-zero
energy buildings in the period prior to 2020. The levels for such targets are being
set out in the tables above. Initiatives such as financial incentives, promotional
campaigns and research projects are envisaged to assist in the progression
towards the achievement of these targets.


Action Description Lead Entity

Promotion of This measure aims to promote the uptake of solar MEH/MRA

uptake of RES water heaters and roof insulation and double
and energy glazing by issuing financial grants to households
efficiency to encourage the purchase of new solar water
measures in the heaters (maximum € 400 per system installed) and
Domestic sector. the purchase of roof insulation and double glazing
(maximum € 1000 per dwelling). This measure has
been ongoing over the period 2006-2015 and will
be continued in the future, with a particular target
towards those measures that enable buildings to
reach NZEB levels.
Helpline Manning of a help line (web based plus telephone) BRO
to assist general public and professionals in sector
regarding matter concerning energy certification.
Information Information centre, mainly on-line, for the exchange BICC
Centre of information concerning green products and

Action Description Lead Entity

Technical Setting up of a unit, within the Office of the MTI

capacity building permanent secretary, Ministry for Transport
in refurbishment and Infrastructure, to assist in the technical
techniques implementation of refurbishment projects for
public-owned buildings.
Build up skills Implementation of initiatives identified in Build Up BICC
Skills Roadmap
EPC assessors Continue training/updating Assessors in energy BRO
training performance certification
Inspectors for Continue training/updating Assessors in energy BRO
heating and performance certification
cooling systems
Skill cards Introduction of skill cards related to energy BICC
efficiency for employees


Action Description Lead Entity

Solar RES for Policy to facilitate the legal requirements in order Housing
Social Housing to facilitate the installation of RES on the common Authority
areas of social housing
Green Economy This will be developed in the period prior to the MSDEC
Action Plan completion of the shift towards nearly zero energy
National This is particularly crucial to coordinate MSDEC
Environment improvements between environmental policy for
Policy buildings and that for other environmental aspects

Action Description Lead Entity

Public Buildings Issuing of specifications for Refurbishment to BRO

NZEB standard: Through the highest public
service authorities, directions will be issued setting
the minimum requirements to be met by public
buildings undergoing major renovations. This will
effectively serve as Minimum Requirements and will
enable the Public Sector to assume its leading role.
RES Installation Developing and introducing local codes regarding BRO
the predisposition of buildings to accept RES (solar
water heaters and PV) installations.
These include:

Method to utilise weight of roof slab to hold down

arrays of PV rather than having unnecessary ballast
loaded on roof.

Circulating plumbing system specifications in order

to avoid loss of water due long length of pipes
Integration of RES in the building envelope
Updating of Planning Guidelines to lessen impact of
RES on environment especially in ODZs and UCAs
without hindering the installation of RES.

Continue to monitor possibility of large RES farms

in Malta

Continue development of Minimum requirements

for Malta Buildings as technologies develop

Public Buildings Al least 5% of all projects will be to NZEB standard. MFIN/MEH/


Action Description Lead Entity

Furthermore Malta plans to compile an inventory of central BRB/

government buildings as required by Directive SEWCU/GPD
2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency.
NZEB standards Development of specifications for government BRO
for public authorities for the construction, renovation and
buildings renting of building owned/occupied by public
Guidelines for the The Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools has over FTS/BRO
building of NZEB the past years built a number of schools with
Schools performance optimisation for energy efficiency. It
is planned to develop and issue a set of Guidelines
based on these experiences.

Action Description Lead Entity

Research and Action Plan for R&D MEDE/MCST

Research Research in local building methods, funded through BRO
EU programmes and/or national funding.

Areas such as:

Improvement of thermal insulation of present

building elements.

Utilisation of sea water and/or shallow ground

water for part space conditioning purposes.

Absorption type air-conditioning using solar

thermal processes

Demonstration The implementation of demonstration projects BICC

Projects which bridge the gap between research and
market application
Innovation On-going market research on building products to BICC
Market research raise awareness about innovative solutions

Action Description Lead Entity

NZEB Fund Fund to provide capital for the refurbishment/new MFIN/MTI

built for NZEB, excluding govt-owned buildings.
Feed in Tariffs for National funds up to €5million Ministry for
PVs not supported Energy and
through other Health
ERDF Scheme for An application is launched with Malta Enterprise MEIB/ME
the purchasing for funds to be secured specifically for this purpose
of PV panels for
New Scheme Schemes will be launched similar to those on MEH/MRA
for PV Panel existing buildings, but with a particular emphasis to
Installations in reach NZEB levels
ERDF funded Applications under the 3rd call of the ERDF R&D MEIB
grant schemes Grant Scheme and the 4th Call of the ERDF
Start-Up Grant Scheme, ERDF International
Competitiveness Scheme, and the ERDF Innovation
Actions Grant Scheme have been processed
during 2012 and resulted in an allocation of over
€4.5 million in aid. In the coming weeks ME will be
issuing a new scheme supporting investments in
photovoltaic panels. The budget for this scheme is
envisaged to be in the region of €4 million.

Action Description Lead Entity

JEREMIE Financial Commercial banks have been invited to participate MEAIM/MEIB

Engineering in this initiative
Promotion of This measure aims to promote the uptake of solar MEH/MRA
uptake of RES water heaters and roof insulation and double
and energy glazing by issuing financial grants to households to
efficiency encourage the purchase of new solar water heaters
measures in the (maximum €400 per system installed) and the
domestic sector purchase of roof insulation and double glazing.


- Malta Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Association

- Ministry of Energy and Health
- Heritage Malta
- Institute of Buildings and Construction Engineering MCAST
- Airmalta
- Ministry for Gozo
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity
- Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure
- Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto.

Building Regulation Office
First Floor, Project House
Francesco Buonamici Street
Floriana FRN 1700

Telephone 00356 22927 134

email [email protected]


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