Cleaning Validation Method Development
Cleaning Validation Method Development
Cleaning Validation Method Development
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
H1-antagonistic action. Its anti-histaminic action is more effective than the other anti-
have been reported for the determination of each one of them alone and for their
and its metabolite in human plasma. These include GC [11, 12], HPLC [13-16]. A
Some methods have been developed for pharmacokinetic studies and they are applied
by HPLC [18].
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
almost all the batches, whose area percentage ranged from 0.05 to 0.1%. A
comprehensive study had been undertaken to isolate and characterize these impurities
by spectroscopic techniques. The impurity profile study has to be carried out for any
final product to identify and characterize all the unknown impurities that are present
characterizing the impurities in the final product is extremely necessary in the wake of
A few validated LC methods for the quantitative determination of Loratadine and its
cGMP requirement that the equipment be cleaned prior to being used for the
is a real concern. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) states that "Equipment and
malfunctions or contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength, quality,
or purity of the drug product beyond the official, or other established requirements"
chemicals [27]. Since the issuance of the US Food and Drug Administration's "Guide
validations have received increasing attention. Various analytical methods have been
used to validate the cleaning operations; which include HPLC–UV [29, 30], ion
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
mobility spectrometry (IMS) [31] total organic carbon (TOC) [32] and HPLC with
To ensure that the sampling techniques chosen meet the established acceptance
The two main sampling techniques available for cleaning validation are rinse and
swab sampling. FDA prefers swab sampling to rinse sampling [34, 35].The residues
To the best of our knowledge no method has been reported for the determination of
The main objective of this paper was thus to develop validated spectrophotometric
and HPLC methods for determining residual levels of Loratadine. Validation has been
done in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of
quantitation (LOQ).
study, a literature review was conducted and the conditions reported in published
articles were used for developing the swab technique as well as trace amount of
Following are the review of published articles from where we started the development
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
HPLC grade methanol was purchased from Merck; Loratadine API obtained from
Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. was used for preparation of standard, samples and for
swab study; Ultra pure water was obtained using Milli-Q® UF-Plus (Millipore)
Preparation of standard
Preparation of sample
0.1 µg/mL; 0.2 µg/mL; 0.5 µg/mL; 1 µg/mL; 5 µg/mL; 10 µg/mL; and 20 µg/mL
methanol accordingly. All dilutions were made using calibrated class A grade
wavelength of 247nm was selected for the quantitation of Loratadine and the
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Methanol was selected for preparation of standard and samples because it was
ultimately to be used as cleaning solvent / rinsing solvent and also it is economic and
between 400nm and 200 nm, to finalize the wavelength for further experiments. It
was observed that maximum absorbance occurred at 247 nm as shown in Figure 2.2.
The applied wavelength and dilution pattern permitted good results for different
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
that in all future experiments the absorbance for Loratadine would be measured at 247
nm. Further experiments to validate the method for detection level, quantification
level, linearity and range, accuracy and precision were then conducted.
The sample preparation (in methanol) and maximum wavelength (247 nm) were
System suitability
in the pharmacopoeia:
Control of wavelength: The wavelength of the deuterium lamp emission lines was
wavelength was checked. Prior to this the wavelength scale using the absorption
Control of absorbance: This test was performed to check the absorbance control for
individual and multi wavelength. The absorbance was checked using Potassium
Potassium dichromate solution was prepared in 100 mL 0.0005 M sulfuric acid. The
absorbance values shall be measured at 235 nm, 257 nm, 313 nm and 350 nm
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Acceptance criteria
Maximum tolerance Maximum tolerance
(As per IP) (As per EP)
235 122.9 – 126.2 122.9-126.2
257 142.8 – 145.7 142.8-146.2
313 47.0-50.3 47.0-50.3
350 104.9-108.2 105.6-109.0
430 15.7 – 16.1 15.7 – 16.1
Limit of stray light: The absorbance of 1.2 % W/V KCl Solution at 198 nm (as per
EP) and 200 nm (as per IP) should be greater than 2.0
Resolution: This test is performed to check the highest resolution between two
V/V Toluene in Hexane solution. The ratio of absorbance at 269 nm to that at 266 nm
A diluted standard Loratadine solution of 0.1 µg/mL; 0.2 µg/mL; 0.5 µg/mL; 1
µg/mL; 5 µg/mL were prepared for verification of detection and quantification level
of the developed method. Each diluted standard solution was measured in triplicate.
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Based on above table, detection level was found to be 0.5 µg/mL with %RSD about
7% while quantification level was found to be 1 µg/mL with %RSD about 5%.
To verify the quantification level six preparation of 1µg/mL were prepared and
absorbance was plotted from LOQ level. Loratadine standard solution was used for
µg/mL, 15 µg/mL and 20 µg/mL. Each diluted standard was measured in triplicate.
Range Studies
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Accuracy was studied by comparing the absorbance values of 5, 10, 15 and 20 µg/mL
the range of 95% to 102% and the percent RSD was found to be about 2% as seen
Conc. of
Measurement- Measurement- Measurement- Avg. % %
1 2 3 value RSD Recovery
5 0.178 0.181 0.179 0.179 0.85 96.5
10 0.378 0.371 0.361 0.370 2.31 98.4
15 0.578 0.577 0.564 0.573 1.36 101.2
20 0.786 0.772 0.776 0.778 0.93 102.9
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Measure Measure Measure Avg. Back calc %
of LR %RSD
ment-1 ment-2 ment-3 value (µg/mL) Recovery
5 0.172 0.181 0.179 0.177 2.66 4.772 95.4
10 0.361 0.368 0.353 0.361 2.08 9.518 96.0
15 0.532 0.537 0.564 0.544 3.16 14.430 96.2
20 0.766 0.752 0.736 0.751 2.00 19.877 99.4
HPLC grade methanol, acetonitrile were purchased from Merck; Loratadine API
obtained from Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. was used for preparation of standard,
samples and for swab study; Analytical grade triethyl amine and ortho phosphoric
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
acid were purchased from Merck; Ultra pure water was obtained using Milli-Q® UF-
Preparation of standard
Preparation of sample
0.1 µg/mL; 0.2 µg/mL; 0.5 µg/mL; 1 µg/mL; 5 µg/mL; 10 µg/mL; and 20 µg/mL
methanol accordingly.
Mobile phase
The HPLC analyses were carried out on an Agilent 1100 system, composed of a
Chromatographic condition:
The chromatographic column used was Phenomenex: Jupiter C18 column (4.6mm ID
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
To get the optimum results, mobile phase with a flow rate of 1.0mL/min was used.
The gradient program for mobile phase was optimized using a timed gradient
Initially the solubility of Loratadine was checked in different solvents to simulate the
Methanol was selected for preparation of standard and samples because it was
ultimately to be used as cleaning solvent / rinsing solvent and also it is economic and
In the past many HPLC methods suffered from problems when analysing basic drugs,
such as loratadine, since these compounds strongly interact with polar ends of HPLC
column packing materials, causing severe peak asymmetry and low separation
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
efficiencies. High purity silica backbone and advances in bonding technology have
Consequently, for the initial development a Phenomenex: Jupiter C18 column was
used. This packing was selected because it has one of the lowest hydrophobicity and
silanol activity as seen in commercial catalogues. The pH value of 3.5, in the mobile
phase permitted a low ionization degree and therefore, a higher retention of the
mobile phase and this has proved to be necessary to obtain good peak symmetry in the
present work. The critical point in developing the separation was to get a good
resolution for peak from swab. Gradient elution was established because it is known
Loratadine standard solution 10 µg/mL was prepared in methanol and injected into
The applied chromatographic condition and dilution pattern permitted good results at
System suitability
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
0 10 20 30 40 50 min
A diluted standard Loratadine solution of 0.1 µg/mL; 0.2 µg/mL; 0.5 µg/mL; 1
µg/mL; 2 µg/mL and 5 µg/mL were prepared for verification of detection and
From Table 2.13 it is evident that the detection level is 0.2 µg/mL while
Generally linearity has to be established from the target value +20%. However since
our objective was to develop a robust method for swab samples and to determine trace
levels of Loratadine, LOQ level was chosen for linearity. Loratadine standard solution
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
was used for preparation of different concentrations ranging from 0.5 µg/mL, 1
µg/mL, 2 µg/mL, 5 µg/mL, 10 µg/mL, and 20 µg/mL. Each diluted standard was
injected in triplicate and the observations are tabulated in Table 2.13 and Figure 2.14.
Table 2.14 Peak area of Loratadine at different concentrations for Linearity and range
Conc. of
Area of 1st Area of 2nd Area of 3rd Avg.
Replicate Replicate Replicate value
0.5 32.4 32.5 32.1 32.3 0.64
1 56.1 56.2 56.1 56.1 0.10
2 141.4 143.1 143.6 142.7 0.81
5 280.2 286.3 285.7 284.1 1.18
10 572.6 590.5 594.5 585.9 1.99
20 1173.6 1224.9 1215.9 1204.8 2.27
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Accuracy was studied by comparing the area of spiked solutions of 5, 10, and 20
µg/mL of Loratadine in methanol with the area of Loratadine standard in the range of
5, 10, and 10 µg/mL and the data are presented in Tables 2.16 and 2.17. The percent
recovery was found to be in the range of 95% to 102%. The percent RSD was found
to be about 2%.
Area of 1st Area of 2nd Area of 3rd Avg. %
of LR %RSD
Replicate Replicate Replicate value Recovery
5 280 286 286 284 1.18 95.2
10 573 591 595 586 1.99 98.1
20 1174 1225 1216 1205 2.27 100.8
of 0.5 µg/mL Loratadine standard. Single injection was measured. The percent RSD
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Area of
Measurement no.
1 27.5
2 27
3 27.2
4 27
5 27.4
6 27.1
Avg. Value 27.22
%RSD 0.84
of giving faster analysis as compared with HPLC method. Since these methods are
rapid and simple, they may be successfully applied to quality control analyses during
cleaning validation activity as well as routine cleaning program to avoid any cross
contamination or mix-ups.
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
health risk to the public. Cleaning validation program ensures absence of residues of
reaction byproducts and degradants from the previous process/product. The most
appropriate cleaning procedure has to be developed for the equipment to minimize the
cross contamination and there is also necessity to develop and validate the sampling
and chosen analytical methods for the compound(s) being cleaned for rinse sampling
Develop a cleaning validation protocol for the product to be cleaned and the
acceptability of the cleaning procedure for the equipment and the product.
contamination levels actually present on the cleaned equipment. Such methods are
made directly or indirectly from the surface of interest. The FDA has outlined general
methods of both types. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but in general
terms, direct surface sampling is generally more acceptable but on routine basis it is
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
collected from the last rinse cycle of the cleaning process is analysed for the
compound of interest and the residual limit is back-calculated according to the volume
of solution and the contact area. There are generally two assumptions inherent in this
method. The first is that the target residue is efficiently extracted into the rinsing
solution. The second is that all parts of the contaminated surfaces are cleaned equally.
The main reservations expressed by the FDA and other regulatory bodies about rinse
sampling relate to these assumptions. Since the surface residues are not measured
directly, the analyst cannot be sure that unacceptably high levels of residues have not
been left in some areas of the equipment. For example, a very poor solvent will result
in low contamination of the final rinse even if large amounts of residues have been
left on the surface. There is an additional risk of system failure, where an (otherwise)
entirely adequate procedure is incorrectly applied. This could mean that a dirty reactor
is declared clean and used for some time before the malfunction is detected.
Even with these concerns, rinse sampling does have a number of advantages when
implemented correctly and with adequate safety measures. One fairly significant
advantage is the ease of collecting a part of the final rinse solution drained from the
equipment. Another is that it allows evaluation of residues from all parts of the
surface irrespective of the difficulty of reaching them with a swab. This makes rinse
During cleaning validation program, rinse sample can be directly analysed by above
methods and there is no need to develop specific preparation for rinse sample.
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Depending upon the concentration and number of washing, final rinse sample can be
Direct surface sampling can be carried out in a number of ways, but the most common
and widely accepted is swabbing. This involves wiping a predetermined area of the
equipment with a swab that has been moistened with a solvent determined by the
contaminating compound. Usually the surface is wiped with one side of the swab
using a certain number of strokes, then the swap is flipped and the surface is wiped at
Sideways Downwards
This process can be extended, for example by repeating the process at diagonal
angles. Generally, the swabbing proceeds from less contaminated to more highly
collected on the swab. The swab head is then immersed in a set amount of “recovery
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
maximize the recovery, two types of swabs were studied–Himedia (having circle
head) and Texwipe (having flat head) as shown in the following figures
Swab – 1 Swab – 2
analytical techniques and the amount of contamination on the swabbed surface is back
Amongst the advantages of the swabbing method is the fact that insoluble or slightly
soluble residues on the surface are more readily removed by physical “rubbing” than
is the case in (for example) rinsing. It also permits direct sampling from accessible,
but hard-to-clean locations (although it can also be at a disadvantage for locations that
are especially hard to clean or difficult to access). Generally, small sampling areas are
used to determine residual limits, which are then extrapolated to estimate the level of
contamination over the entire contact surface. This can lead to problems in large-scale
manufacturing facility) where the residues are not uniformly spread across all contact
surfaces. Issues that need to be considered when using the swabbing technique
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
include the physical properties of the swabs, recovery levels and operator procedures.
The swab material must not damage the surface or leave fibres behind; but most
importantly it must not leach compounds that can interfere with the analytical
procedures. One potentially significant interference that can lead to problems of the
last type is the glue used to attach the swabbing head to the handle. To preclude this
Recovery levels are determined by the solubility of the compound in the swabbing
solvent, the wiping procedure and the physical nature of the surface. Ideally, they
should be as close as possible to 100%, but greater than 70% is considered reasonable
and as low as 50% is sometimes obtained. Lower values are generally considered
recovery, studies must be carried out to determine appropriate factors to correct the
calculations for the actual residual limit. There are two major reasons for imperfect
recovery. Firstly, not all of the contamination on a surface may be collected by the
swabbing process; secondly, not all of the contamination on the swab may be passed
to the recovery solution. The first of these can be influenced by the type of surface
and its roughness, as well as the type of swab and the solvent. A second swab can be
used to improve recovery, with the results from both swabs being combined. The
residues and toxicity. A common secondary solvent used after water is ethanol, since Experimental
To simulate the manufacturing equipment, SS-316 plate (5.08 x 5.08 cm2 area) was
cut from the SS – 316 sheet and used for all recovery studies.
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
Recovery studies were performed on SS-316 plate (5.08 x 5.08 cm2 area) by applying
µg/mL) of Loratadine by using syringe and drying the plate in air. The plate was
shown in figure 2.6. The swab was then transferred to a beaker and sonicated with 3
flask and made up to the mark with methanol. Recovered sample was analysed with
SS-316 plate (5.08 x 5.08 cm2) with the help of a syringe and drying the plate in air.
The plate was then swabbed with methanol vertically and horizontally using a swab
Two different brands (Himedia and Texwipe) of swabs were used to optimize the
The swab was then placed in a beaker and sonicated with methanol. The
developed methods
Texwipe swab is more suitable than Himedia swab because surface area of Texwipe
swab is more than Himedia circular swab, easy to handle and practically simple also
One additional peak was observed during HPLC analysis and was identified to be due
to swab in both the brands. Typical chromatograms are shown in figure 2.8 and 2.9.
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
0 10 20 30 40 50 min
Peak elutes
2 due to swab
0 10 20 30 40 50 min
There was no interference of this additional peak as it was observed at about 22 min.
while Loratadine elutes at about 19 min. Additional peak was identified and it was
due to swab used during execution. It was observed that recovery is better in Texwipe
swab as compared with Himedia swab, thus suggesting that Texwipe swab is more
suitable than Himedia swab. The recovery was found to be about 70%.
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
The percent RSD was found to be less than 2% and percentage recovery was found to
Swab recovery study was successfully developed and found satisfactory results. The
any other specific method. Since developed and validated method is rapid and
Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
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Chapter 2 – Cleaning Validation
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