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Artikel in English
This research aims to develop character education learning model using e-comic in
elementary school. Development theory which used is modification of Plomp and Borg
and Gall development theory with the following steps : (1) Initial research ( literature
study-field study) (2) Design (model design and media design), (3)
realization/construction (assessment design-revised design), (4) test, evaluation, and
revised(improvement of hypothetic products), (5) implementation (pre effectiveness test
and post test)
The research result showed that develop character education learning model consist by 5
fase and examine the learning process effectiveness that showed with the increasing of
student’s character value through observation and student’s achievement value.
In learning metodology there are two aspects that prominent the most,
that are learning model and learning media as a teaching tool (Sudjana, N., &
Rivai, A., 2010: 1). Media is a one of determinat of student learning success.
In learning activity there is process of learning and teaching, that are
transferring information from information source to information receiver
through model and media. With the existance of learning model and media
which interesting and completed by hasanah nationality character, so student
become more easy to receive information in order of reach learning purpose.
According to Schramm (1984:386), some weakness of text books are not
“living”, only present the picture, can’t present sounds, and easily outdated.
Teachers have to develop learning model and media which interesting,
economics, effective, and easily made. As a fasilitator, teacher should be able
to present facilities which enable the easiness of teaching-learning activity.
Based on the research results of Surtino (2013) with the title “The
comic of clamat ; the use of comic as a linguistic mediator” show that with
using comic media can motivate the davelop of mental diagram or logic
which using certain mathematic symbol, motivate to remember certain
formula or to understand certain problem situation better and relation between
data in certain problem. It is suitable with research of Achmad Buchori
(2011) which titled “ Development of Teaching Material of Mathematic
Based FlipBookmaker to Build Student Which Intelligent and Humane, show
that student more enthusiastic in studying if teacher using FlipBookmaker in
learning and it doesn’t make student bored. Reinforced by research result of
Hadi (2008) with title “ Learning of Addition and Substraction Fractions
using Comic at third grades student of Muhammadiyah Elementary School 08
Malang” showed that with using comic can make student feel happy, relax
and not feel tense.
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Initial Research
Realization/ Construction
3.1 Approach and Research Type
This research aims to develop learning model of character
education trough e-comis in elementary school, suitabel eith that purpose
so that the research type which used is modification of development
research (educational research and development), this thing corresponding
with the opinion of Borg and Gall (1983) and Plomp’s R & D model said
that the main purpose of development research is develop effective product
which can used at school. The reffered product is not only as concrete
thing, like text books, quenstions, but including product and prosedure like
model or learning strategy. Trough e-comic media hope that elementary
school studentd can understand what is the meaning of good character, not
boring and interesting.
Corresponding with research type that have been raised before, so that
presence of researcher in the field really indispensable. Therefore,
researcher using qualitative approach. This thing caused presence of
researcher in the filed as main intrumen in data collection, planners,
implementers, the giver of action, a data analyzer, the reporting of results
and accountability in the whole process and the results.
First year COMIC
Picture 4.1 : Modification of Borg and Gall and Plomp Development model
2) Design
Researchers collaborate with one elementary teacher, one elementary, one
cartoonist and one of child psychologists to design a media and educational
character. Researchers itself consists of one chairman educational background
and applied mathematics clump media, educational background of the members
of the media clump mathematics and geometry, then a member of another
educational background in mathematics education clumps. Things are designed
a. The things that need to be present in e-education and their comic character
b. The idea of the mathematical material that accordance with the e-comic
includes background (setting) and what is discussed in the media
c. Application od FlipBookmaker software in e-comic making
d. Scenario of e-comic use in class
3) Realization/ Construction
Based on what has been designed in phases / stages before. Researchers
also together with one elementary teacher, one elementary, one cartoonist and one
of child psychologists develop and implement e-comic character education in
question. Results of development is called PROTOTYPE 1.
4) Test, Evaluation and Revision
The prototype is then validated by 2 validator. That are 1 as person
material expert, he is Prof. Dr. Sunandar, M.Pd. The lecturer of Mathematics
Education University of PGRI Semarang, and 1 person as media experts, he is
Febrian Murti Dewanto, M.Kom. The lecturer of technology Informatics
University PGRI Semarang. Based on the results of this validation, the researchers
improve education-based e-comic characters that have been developed previously.
Results of these improvements is called PROTOTYPE 2. Prototype 2 is then
validated again by the same two people validator to obtain e-comic as well as
models that can be implemented at a later stage. Results of the validation is called
PROTOTYPE 3. Then prototype 3 with improvements by way of implementing
the elementary school students in the next stage.
5) Implementation
Then the third prototype is implemented to elementary school students to
obtain input from the improvement of teacher education-based e-comic characters.
The implementation results were then examined whether it meets the three criteria
that have been determined. if not meet all three criteria have been determined. If
not meet, researchers improve the prototype III into a prototype IV. checked again
based on three criteria, repair, and so on to obtain e-Comik character education
that meets the criteria of a valid, effective and practical.
In design step, researcher make design to develop e-comic of elementary school
mathe matic based character education. Steps of the e-comic making as follows :
"Posconventional" Stages:
In this phase, the results of which have been designed in the form of the
learning model of education through e-comic character in the validation by experts.
The selected experts are experts in learning and media experts. Learning experts will
review the learning model that has been developed is a character education learning
model. The phase learning model of education through e-comic character is as
Phase 1 : Invite students to active learning based on good morality in any problem
solving aided e-comic
Phase 2 : Ability to customize personal interests and others in dealing with
mathematical problems well and consciously assisted e-comic
Phase 3 : In the process of investigation is based on mutual trust between friends in
gathering information on the implementation of the experimental and problem
solving aided e-comic.
Phase 4 : Ability to develop and present the work of mathematics adapted to the
social system in its environment and able to share his duties with
Phase 5 : Ability to analyze and evaluate the process of mathematical problem
solving adapted to the norms prevailing in society-assisted e-comic
Phase 6 : Being able to reflect on the results of his investigations in mathematical
problem solving with moral principles based on logical, consistent and universal
aided e-comic
Media specialists validate E-comic that has been combined with character
education. This learning model is very attractive by elementary school children
because of the media E-comic character education that have been integrated, they can
play and learn.
4.4 Test, Evaluation and Revision
Once implemented validated by experts held revisions are then applied in
the learning process. In the learning process of observation that is integrated with the
characters, among others, the character of cooperation, respect the opinions of others,
active in learning, and self-discipline. After learning some of the meetings conducted
tests to see increased student achievement.
There seems to be an increase in the value of a character before and after the
model implemented. The learning model is a success in the process of planting the
character of formal education. Leo (2011) states the character of education that
focuses on the students' identity development to be smart and having students
character needs to be forced through informal and formal education.