A Hara Vidhi Scientific

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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Deepa Sharma1, Pawan Kumar Vishwakarma2
Lecturer, Deptt. Of Rog Nidan & Vikriti Vigyan, Major S.D. Singh Ayurvedic Medical
College, Fatehgarh, Farukkhabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Lecturer, Deptt. Of Balrog, Govt. Ayurvedic College, Atarra, Banda, Uttar Pradesh, India

Adequate nutrition is the basic need for healthy life but without knowing proper dieta-
ry guidelines one cannot gain optimum benefit from the food consumed. There are many
guidelines related to diet and its contents in modern aspect but the Ayurvedic approach has its
unique importance. Acharya Charak has given ahara vidhi vidhan (dietary guidelines) which
can prevent many diseases arising merely due to faulty dietary habits. Scientific explanation
for each factor is explained.
Key words: ahara vidhi vidhan, diet, dietary guidelines, dietary rules

Nowadays there is increased preva- microbes. On taking cold food more ener-
lence of life style disorders in which faulty gy will be use for digestion which may
dietary habits play an important role. lead lethargy. So, warm food should be
Acharya Charak mentions food as prana or consumed.
life of living beings if taken properly but if Snigdhamashniyat (Diet should include
taken in a faulty manner may cause death.1 fat) Fat improves the taste of diet, increas-
In present era, due to change in lifestyle, es agni so food easily digested, pacifies
man is giving least importance to his diet vata due to snigdha guna, enhances body
and dietary rules. If Ayurvedic dietary growth, provides strength to senses, im-
guidelines are followed, many diseases can proves strength and also improves com-
be prevented arising merely due to faulty plexion and glow of the body. Fat provides
dietary habits. a concentrate source of energy and essen-
SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION OF tial fatty acids are needed for growth and
AHARA VIDHI VIDHAN development, building of nerve cells and
Acharya Charak has given ahara vidhi brain. Fat is essential for absorption of Vit.
vidhan2 (dietary guidelines) for which A, D, E and K. These vitamins are well
scientific explanation is explained in fol- known to increase immunity, are good for
lowing points. skin and eyes, Vit. E is an antioxidant, Vit.
Ushnamashniyat (consuming warm D is important for Calcium absorption
food) Warm food tastes good and doesn’t which provides strength to bones. HDL is
pacify Jatharagni. Food is easily digested important as it reduces risk of heart dis-
as food has to come to body temperature ease. Consuming fatty acids can boost me-
for digestion.3 Vata and kapha are pacified tabolism. Dietary fat helps in breakdown
on taking warm food. Heating also kills
Deepa Sharma & Pawan Kumar Vishwakarma: Scientific Explanation Of Charak’s Ahara –Vidhi Vidhan (Dietary Guidelines)

of existing fat by activation of PRAR-alfa viruddhaveerya ahara such as impotency,

and fat burning pathways through liver.4 blindness, raktavikar, grahani, amavisha,
Ruksha ahara may cause obstruction in hypersensitivity, kustha (skin disorders),
srotas. Ghrita is best vata-pitta shamak shotha, fever, etc and may even cause
and tail is best vata-kapha sahamak5 so if death.7
diet contains both then it pacifies tridosh. Ishtadeshe ishtasarvopkarnam chash-
Achayra Charak mentions ksheergritab- niyat (Meal taken at proper place and
hyaso rasaynanam.5 Monounsaturated fat- with proper instruments)
ty acids help in stabilizing blood sugar Meal should be taken in proper place and
level. Omega -3 fatty acid create a greater with proper utensils so that hygiene is
sense of fullness for longer periods so that maintained and no stress arises during
stomach doesn’t want food again, prevent- meal. In stressful condition, cortisol level
ing obesity, it also boosts serotonin level increases.
in brain helping improvement in mood In a study conducted on 59 healthy wom-
and motivation. It also stimulates muscle en, they were exposed to both a stress ses-
protein synthesis in older adults. sion and a control session on different
Matravatashniyat ( Balanced Diet ) days, stress increases cortisol level, so they
According to Ayurveda matra (amount) is consumed more calories on stress day than
of two type one is sarvagraha (whole on control day. More sweet food was con-
amount) another parigrah (amount of in- sumed. Increase in negative mood in re-
dividual ingredient) so the diet must con- sponse to stress lead to greater food con-
sist of variety of food items in proper sumption.8
amount from different groups so that it Naatidrutamashniyat (Not eating too
contains all micro and macro nutrients. fast)
Balanced diet does not disturb Doshik sta- Too fast eating can produce various prob-
tus of body, enhances longevity, gets di- lems. If food particle goes in respiratory
gested and passes out without any prob- tract it can cause choking or other respira-
lem, Amount of the diet should be accord- tory tract infections or problems like
ing to agni and bala of the body.6 GERD. If food is taken in proper speed,
Jeerneashniyat (Meal taken after diges- enzymatic juices mix properly so food gets
tion of previous meal) easily digested. Brain takes about 20 mi-
Next meal should be taken after digestion nutes to recognize that stomach is full, so
of previous meal. This prevents adhyashan eating with optimum speed prevents over
which leads to ama formation, which is the eating. In a study on 30 young women of
root cause of majority of diseases. On tak- normal weight ate same lunch on two sep-
ing meal in ajeernavastha, grahanidosh arate occasions. Ist time they ate as quickly
and vitiation of all doshas occurs. So the as possible and 2nd time slowly. When they
diet should be taken after digestion of pre- ate quickly, consumed 646 calories in nine
vious diet as Charak says kaalbhojnam minutes and were less satisfied and felt
arogyakaranam.5 hungry as compared to when they eat
Veeryaviruddhamashniyat slowly consumed only 579 calories in 29
It is essential to take veerya-aviruddha minutes with more satisfaction and full-
ahar to prevent problems arising due to ness.9 Eating slowly can decrease food

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Deepa Sharma & Pawan Kumar Vishwakarma: Scientific Explanation Of Charak’s Ahara –Vidhi Vidhan (Dietary Guidelines)

consumption preventing over eating, better creased during puberty, adolescence, preg-
absorption of nutrients, better appetite reg- nancy and lactation. Diet of sick people
ulation and better satiety.10 should be according to disease.
Naativilambitamashniyat (Not eating too
If food is taken too slowly, it is not proper- Viewing the above points it can be con-
ly digested as enzymatic secretions do not clude that ahara should be taken according
mix properly with the food leading to im- to ahara vidhi vidhan (dietary guidelines)
proper digestion, one doesn’t gets satis- which are truly scientific as mentioned by
fied, eats more and food gets cold. our Acharyas. Many diseases can be pre-
Ajalpanahasan tanmanabhunjeet (Eating vented arising merely due to faulty dietary
without talking or laughing, Mindful habits. Healthier eating habits may help
eating) lower risk for type-2 diabetes, heart dis-
No talking or laughing during meal but it ease, stroke, cancer, infertility and many
should be taken with full concentration. other health problems.
Achayra charak says that the even pathya-
ahar taken in proper amount does not get REFERENCES
digested, due to chinta (worry), 1. Charak Chikitsa 24/60, Charaka Sam-
shok(sorrow), bhaya (fear), krodh (anger), hita with “Ayurvedeepika” commen-
dukh (sadness) and in improper bedding tary by Chakrapanidutta, Edi. By Vd.
and sleep.11 There are chances to ingest Acharya, Chaukhambha Samskrit
unjustified food items by mistake. Indriyas Sansthana, Varanasi, 2001
also intake food through senses, so food 2. Charak Viman 1/24, Charaka Samhita
must be of good rupa, rasa, gandha and with “Ayurvedeepika” commentary by
sparsh. We can only sense these when we Chakrapanidutta, Edi. By Vd. Acharya,
concentrate on food while eating. Children Chaukhambha Samskrit Sansthana,
and adults too these days eat while running Varanasi, 2001
to school, tuition or office resulting in no 3. Chemistry the molecular nature of mat-
relaxation, poor digestion or nutrition, ter and change, Martin Silber-
poor performance and finally depression berg;2008,
counts. Watching television while eating, www.livestrong.com/article/467655-
accounts for more food consumption as no cold food -digestion
attention is paid on food. 4. www.livestrong.com/article/557726-
Atmanamabhisamikshya bhunjeet sa- eat-fat-to-burn-fat/
myak ( Eating after analyzing one’s 5. Charak Sutra 25/40, Charaka Samhita
needs ) with “Ayurvedeepika” commentary by
Diet should be taken according to satmya, Chakrapanidutta, Edi. By Vd. Acharya,
prakruti, agni and bala. It should be taken Chaukhambha Samskrit Sansthana,
according to self energy and nutrient re- Varanasi, 2001
quirement as in case of pregnancy, child, 6. Charak Sutra 5/3, Charaka Samhita
laborer, intellectual, old people or sick with “Ayurvedeepika” commentary by
people. Old have small appetite but need Chakrapanidutta, Edi. By Vd. Acharya,
nutritious food. Energy requirement in-

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Deepa Sharma & Pawan Kumar Vishwakarma: Scientific Explanation Of Charak’s Ahara –Vidhi Vidhan (Dietary Guidelines)

Chaukhambha Samskrit Sansthana,

Varanasi, 2001
7. Charak Sutra 26/102-103, Charaka
Samhita with “Ayurvedeepika” com-
mentary by Chakrapanidutta, Edi. By
Vd. Acharya, Chaukhambha Samskrit
Sansthana, Varanasi, 2001
8. Psychoneuroendocrinology, January
2001, Vol 26(1): 37-49,
9. J Am Diet Assoc.2008
10. http;//article.mercola.com/sites/articles/
11. Charak Viman 2/9, Charaka Samhita
with “Ayurvedeepika” commentary by
Chakrapanidutta, Edi. By Vd. Acharya,
Chaukhambha Samskrit Sansthana,
Varanasi, 2001

Dr. Deepa Sharma
Lecturer, Deptt. Of Rog Nidan & Vikriti
Vigyan, Major S.D. Singh Ayurvedic
Medical College, Fatehgarh, Farukkhabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Email: sha.dpa@gmail.com

Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None Declared

969 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 3; March- 2015

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