(34 of 2001) Rent Act (E)
(34 of 2001) Rent Act (E)
(34 of 2001) Rent Act (E)
Arrangement of Sections
Sections :
1. Short title, extent and commencement
2. Application of the Act
3. Definitions
4. Tenancy agreement to be in writing
5. Inheritability of tenancy
6. Rent payable
7. Standard rent
8. Other charges payable
9. Revision of rent in certain cases
10. Notice of revision of rent
11. Unlawful charges not to be claimed
12. Controller to fix standard rent, etc
13. Fixation of interim rent
14. Limitation for application for fixation of
standard rent etc
27. Protection of tenants against eviction
28. Right to recover immediate possession of
premises to accrue to certain persons
29. Right to recover immediate possession of premises
to accrue to members of the armed forces, etc.,
30. Right to recover immediate possession of
premises to accrue to employee of State or
Central Government
31. Right to recover immediate possession of
premises to accrue to a widow
32. Restriction on sub-letting
33. Notice of creation and termination of sub-tenancy
34. Sub-tenant to be tenant in certain cases
35. Recovery of possession for occupation and
36. Recovery of possession for repairs and re-building
and re-entry
37. Recovery of possession in case of tenancies for
limited period
38. Special provision for recovery of possession in
certain cases
39. Permission to construct additional structures
40. Special provision regarding vacant building sites
41. Vacant possession to landlord
1.Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) This Act
may be called the Karnataka Rent Act, 1999.
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Karnataka.
(3) It shall come into force from such 2[date]2 as the State
Government may, by notification, appoint and different dates
may be appointed for different areas or for different provisions
of this Act.
2. Application of the Act.- (1) Chapters-I to III and
Chapter-V to VIII of this Act shall apply to areas specified in
the First Schedule.
(2) Chapters I, and IV shall apply only to areas specified
in the Second Schedule.
1. Published in the Karnataka Gazette Part IV-A, Extraordinary No. 2129 dated:
27-12-2001. (File No. LAW 45 LGN 1993)
2. Sections 1, 3 and 66 have come into force on 5-12-2001 and the remaining sections have
come into force on 31-12-2001. Vide Notification No. RD 24 BHANIVI 2001 dated 5-12-
4. Tenancy agreement to be in writing.- (1)
Notwithstanding anything contained in section 107 of the Transfer
of Property Act, 1882 (Central Act 4 of 1882), no person shall,
after the commencement of this Act, let or take on rent any
premises except by an agreement in writing.
(2) Where in relation to a tenancy created before the
commencement of this Act no agreement in writing was entered
into the landlord and the tenant shall enter into an agreement in
writing with regard to the tenancy and deposit a copy of thereof
before the prescribed authority.
Provided that where the landlord and the tenant fail to
present jointly a copy of the tenancy agreement under this sub-
section such landlord and tenant shall separately file the
particulars about such tenancy with the prescribed authority in
such form and in such manner and within such time as may be
5. Inheritability of tenancy.- (1) In the event of death of a
tenant, the right of tenancy shall devolve for a period of five years
from the date of his death to his successors in the following order,
(a) spouse;
(b) son or daughter or where there are both son
and daughter both of them;
(c) parents;
(d) daughter-in-law, being the widow of his pre-
deceased son:
(6) The standard rent shall in all cases be fixed for a tenancy
of twelve months:
Provided that where any premises are let or re-let for a
period of less than twelve months, the standard rent for such
tenancy shall bear the same proportion to the annual rent as the
period of tenancy bears of twelve months.
(7) In fixing the standard rent of any premises under this
section, the Controller shall fix the standard rent thereof in an
unfurnished state and may also determine an additional charge
to be payable on account of any fittings or furniture supplied by
the landlord and it shall be lawful for the landlord to recover such
additional charge from the tenant.
(8) In fixing the standard rent or lawful increase or decrease
of rent or determining the other charges payable in respect of
any premises under this section, the Controller shall specify a
date from which the amount, so fixed shall be deemed to have
Provided that, in no case the date so specified shall be
earlier than the date of filing of the application for the increase
or decrease of the standard rent:
Provided further that if the increase is because of
improvement, addition or structural alteration, it shall come into
effect from the date of completion of such improvement, addition
or alteration.
(9) The Controller may, while fixing standard rent or lawful
increase or decrease in rent or other charges payable, order
for payment of the arrears of amount due by the tenant to the
landlord in such number of instalments as he deems proper.
13. Fixation of interim rent.- When an application for fixing
the standard rent or for determining the lawful increase or
17. Deposit of rent and other charges by the tenant.- (1)
Where the landlord does not accept any rent and other charges
tendered by the tenant within the time and the manner referred
to in section 16 or refuses or neglects to deliver a receipt referred
to therein, or where there is a bonafide doubt as to the person
or persons to whom the rent and other charges are payable, the
tenant may deposit such rent and other charges with the
Controller in the prescribed manner.
(2) The deposit shall be accompanied by an application by
the tenant containing the following particulars, namely:-
(a) the premises for which the rent and other charges
deposited with a description sufficient for identifying
the premises;
(b) the period for which the rent and other charges are
(c) the name and address of the landlord or the person
or persons claiming to be entitled to such rent and
other charges;
(d) the reasons and circumstances for which the
application for depositing the rent is made;
(e) such other particulars as may be prescribed.
(3) On deposit of the rent and other charges being made,
the Controller shall send, in the prescribed manner, a copy of
the application to the landlord or persons claiming to be entitled
to the rent and other charges with an endorsement of the date of
the deposit.
(4) If an application is made for the withdrawal of any deposit
of rent and other charges, the Controller shall, if satisfied that
the applicant is the person entitled to receive the rent and other
charges deposited, order the amount of the rent and other
charges to be paid to him in the manner prescribed:
Provided that no order for payment of any deposit of rent
and other charges shall be made by the Controller under this
sub-section without giving all persons named by the tenant in
his application under sub-section (2) as claiming to be entitled to
payment of such rent and other charges an opportunity of being
heard and such order shall be without prejudice to the rights of
such persons to receive such rent and other charges being
decided by a court of competent jurisdiction.
20. Registration of Middlemen or Estate Agents.- (1)
Every Middleman or Estate Agent by whatever name called who
is engaged in brokerage of houses shall register his name with
the Controller of the area in which he is so engaged in such
manner and within such period and on payment of such fee, as
may be prescribed.
(2) A middleman or Estate Agent shall be entitled for
commission at such rate as may be prescribed.
(3) Every Middleman or Estate Agent shall renew his
registration within such time and on payment of such fee as may
be prescribed.
21. Middlemen or Estate Agents to file information and
returns.- (1) Every middleman or Estate Agent carrying on
business in any area from prior to the date of application of this
chapter to that area, shall within thirty days from the date of
application of this part submit to the Controller, a statement in
the prescribed form showing his name, place of business and
area of activity.
(2) Every Middleman or Estate Agent shall within ten days
from the last day of each quarter of every calender year file return
in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed, to the
Controller giving details of every transaction handled by him
during the quarter, and the brokerage or commission received
by him in each case.
22. Limitation of liability of middleman.- No Middleman or
Estate Agent shall be liable to pay to his principal in respect of
any premises any sum by way of rental charges which exceeds
the amount which he is entitled to receive under this Act, from
the tenant or tenants of the premises.
23. Appointment of Controllers.- (1) The State Government
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint as many
Controllers as it thinks fit, and define the local limits within which,
each Controller shall exercise the powers conferred or perform
the duties imposed on Controllers by or under this Act.
(2) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a
(i) in any area referred to in Part A of the First Schedule
unless he has for at least five years held office as
Assistant Commissioner;
(ii) in any area referred to in Part B of the First Schedule
unless he has for atleast five years held office as a
Senior Tahsildar; and
(iii) in any other area unless he has for atleast three
years held office as a Tahsildar, in the Revenue
Service of the State.
24. Powers of Controller.- (1) The Controller shall have the
same powers as are vested in a Civil Court under the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act 5 of 1908), in respect of the
following matters, namely:-
(a) proof of facts by affidavit;
(b) summoning and enforcing attendance of any
person and examining him on oath;
(c) discovery and production of documents;
(d) issuing commission for local inspection and for
the examination of witnesses.
27. Protection of tenants against eviction.- (1)
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other
law or contract, no order or decree for the recovery of possession
of any premises shall be made by the Court, District Judge or
High Court in favour of the landlord against a tenant, save as
provided in sub-section (2).
or such other relatives as are ordinarily living with the tenant and
are dependent upon him;
(e) that the premises or any part thereof have become unsafe
or unfit for human habitation and are required by the landlord for
carrying out repairs or re-construction which cannot be carried
out without the premises being vacated:
Provided that no order for the recovery of possession
under this clause, or clauses (g), (h) or (i) shall be made unless
the Court is satisfied that the plans and estimates of such repairs
or re-construction, as the case may be, have been properly
prepared and that the landlord has the necessary means to carry
out the said repairs or re-construction:
Provided further that if the landlord proposes to change
the use of the premises after re-construction, then, he shall so
specify in his application for recovery of possession and, after
such re-construction, the landlord shall, if it is otherwise
permissible under law, utilize the built up area equal to the
previous area for the original use to the extent required for the
purpose of sub-section (1) of section 35 and the rest for any
other use;
(f) that the premises or any part thereof are required by the
landlord for the purpose of immediate demolition ordered by the
Government or any local authority or the premises are required
by the landlord to carry out any building work at the instance
of the Government or a local authority in pursuance of any
improvement scheme or development scheme and that such
building work cannot be carried out without the premises being
(g) that the premises or any part thereof are required by the
landlord for carrying out any repairs which cannot be carried out
without the premises being vacated;
(h) that the premises are required by the landlord for the
purpose of building or re-building or make thereto any substantial
addition or alteration including construction on the terrace of the
premises or on the appurtenant land and that such building or
re-building or addition or alteration cannot be carried out without
the premises being vacated;
(i) that the premises consist of not more than two floors and
the same are required by the landlord for the purpose of
immediate demolition with a view to re-build the same:
Provided that where the building of which such premises
possession in respect of which has been recovered under clause
(e), clause (f), clause (g) or clause (h) forms a part has been re-
built to an extent of less than seventy-five per cent, a tenant so
dispossessed shall have a right to re-entry at the new terms of
tenancy in the premises in the re-built building equivalent in area
to the original premises for which he was a tenant;
(j) that the tenant, his spouse or a dependent son or daughter
ordinarily living with him has whether before or after the
commencement of this Act, built or acquired vacant possession
of or been allotted a residence or as the case may be a
commerical premises :
Provided that the Court may in appropriate cases allow
the tenant to vacate the premises within such period as he may
permit but not exceeding one year from the date of passing of
the order of eviction;
(k) that the premises were let to the tenant for use as a
residence by reason of his being in the service or employment of
the landlord, and that the tenant has ceased, whether before or
after the commencement of this Act, to be in such service or
the date of his retirement and the premises let out by him, his
spouse or his dependent son or daughter are required by him
for his own use after his retirement, he may, at any time within a
period of one year before the date of his retirement, apply to the
Court for recovering immediate possession of such premises.
(3) Where the landlord, his spouse or his dependent son or
daughter referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) has let
out more than one premises, it shall be open to him, his spouse
or his dependent son or daughter, as the case may be to make
an application under that sub-section in respect of only one of
the premises chosen by him.
31. Right to recover immediate possession of premises
to accrue to a widow.- (1) Where the landlord is,-
(a) a widow and the premises let out by her, or by her
(b) a handicapped person and the premises let out by
(c) a person who is of the age of sixty-five years or more
and the premises let out by him,
is required for use by her or him or for her or his family or for
any one for ordinarily living with her or him for use, she or he
may apply to the Court for recovery of immediate possession
of such premises.
(2) Where the landlord referred to in sub-section (1) has let
out more than one premises, it shall be open to him to make an
application under that sub-section in respect of any one residential
and one non-residential premises each chosen by him.
Explanation-I.- For the purposes of this section,
handicapped person shall mean a person who is as if being an
building or re-building, as the case may be, and the date before
which the landlord shall deliver the possession of the said
(2) If the tenant delivers possession on or before the date
specified in the order, the landlord shall, on the completion of
the work of repairs or building or re-building, place the tenant
in occupation of the premises or part thereof before the date
specified in sub-section (1) or such extended date as may be
specified by the Court by an order.
(3) If, after the tenant has delivered possession on or
before the date specified in the order, the landlord fails to
commence the work of repairs or re-building within one month
of the specified date or fails to complete the work in a
reasonable time or having completed the work, fails to place
the tenant in occupation of the premises in accordance with sub-
section (2), the Court may, on an application made to him in
this behalf by the tenant within such time as may be prescribed,
order the landlord to place the tenant in occupation of the
premises or part thereof or to pay to the tenant such
compensation being an amount not less than three times of the
standard rent of that premises as the Court thinks fit.
37. Recovery of possession in case of tenancies for
limited period.- (1) Where a landlord does not require the whole
or any part of any premises for a particular period, and the
landlord, after obtaining the permission of the Court in the
prescribed manner, let the whole of the premises or part thereof
for such period as may be agreed to in writing between the
landlord and the tenant and the tenant does not, on the expiry of
the said period, vacate such premises, then, notwithstanding
anything contained in section 27 or in any other law, the Court
may, on an application made to it in this behalf by the landlord
(2) The District Judge may at any time call for and examine
any order passed or proceeding taken by the Court of Civil Judge
(Junior Division) referred to in item (iii) of clause (c) of section 3
for the purpose of such order or proceeding and may pass such
order in reference thereto as he thinks fit.
(3) The costs incidental to all proceedings before the High
Court or the District Judge shall be in the discretion of the High
Court or the District Judge as the case may be.
47. Landlords duty to keep the premises in good
repair.- (1) Subject to any contract in writing to the contrary every
landlord shall be bound to keep the premises in good and
tenantable repairs in relation to matters falling under Part A of
Schedule V.
Explanation.- Good and tenantable repairs under this
section and under section 49 shall mean such repairs as shall
keep the premises in the same condition in which it was let out,
except for the normal wear and tear.
(2) Where any repairs in relation to a matter falling under
Part A of Schedule V without which the premises are not habitable
or useable except with undue inconvenience are to be made
and the landlord neglects or fails to make them within a period of
three months after notice in writing, the tenant may apply to the
Controller for permission to make such repairs himself and may
submit to the Controller an estimate of the cost of such repairs,
and, the Controller, may, after giving the landlord an opportunity
50. Jurisdiction of Civil Courts barred in respect of certain
matters.- (1) Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act,
no Civil Court shall entertain any suit or proceeding in so far as it
relates to the fixation of standard rent in relation to any premises
to which this Act applies or to any other matter which the
Controller is empowered by or under this Act to decide, and no
injunction in respect of any action taken or to be taken by the
Controller under this Act shall be granted by any Civil Court or
other authority.
hundred rupees for each day of continuing default till the returns
are filed ;
(iv) If any tenant sub-lets, assigns or otherwise parts with
the possession of, the whole or part of any premises in
contravention of the provisions of clause (b) of sub-section (2) of
section 27 he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to
five thousand rupees, or double the rent received by the tenant
for subletting for every month till such time the cause of complaint
ceases, whichever is more or with imprisonment for a term upto
one month, or with both ;
(v) If any landlord makes a false statement in his affidavit
under item (i) of explanation I to clause (r) of sub-section (2) of
section 27, he shall on conviction be punishable with fine which
may extend to five thousand rupees, or double the rent receivable
for a period of three months in case it has been relet, whichever
is more, or with imprisonment for a term upto one month or with
both ;
(vi) If any landlord claims or receives the payment of any
sum as premium or pugree or other consideration in contravention
of sub-section (2) of section 32, he shall on conviction be
punishable with fine upto three thousand rupees or with simple
imprisonment for a term upto one month or with both ;
(vii) If any landlord relets the whole or any part of any premises
in contravention of sub-section (1) of section 35, he shall on
conviction be punishable with fine which may extend to five
thousand rupees, or double the rent the landlord receives after
re-letting whichever is more, or imprisonment which may extend
upto one month or with both.
Explanation.- For the purpose of this clause and clause
(iv) in cases where it is difficult to prove the rent which the landlord
[See section 2 (1)]
Areas to which Chapters I to III and V to VIII apply.
Areas within the limits of Cities constituted under the
Karnataka Municipal Corporation Act 1976 and within a radius
of three kilometres from the limit of the said cities.
Areas within the limits of the City Municipal Councils
constituted under Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964.
Second Schedule
[See section 2 (2)]
Areas to which Chapters I and IV apply.
Areas within the limits of Cities constituted under the
Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 and within a radius
of three kilometres from the limits of the said cities.
Third Schedule
(See sections 6 and 7)
The rent enhanceable under clause (a) of sub-section
(1) of section 6 or sub-section (1) of section 7, as the case may
be, shall be calculated at the rates shown in column (2) of Table
I given below, compounding on an yearly basis, with reference
to the date of agreement in the case of rent agreed to between
the landlord and the tenant, and the date of commencement of
Date of agreement/ Rate of annual
commencement of construction enhancement of rent
1 2
1. Upto 31st December, 1949 Two per cent
2. On and from 1st January 1950 Four per cent
to 31st December, 1960.
3. On and from 1st January 1961 Six per cent
to 31st December, 1970.
4. On and from 1st January, 1971 Eight per cent
to 31st December, 1994.
5. On and from 1st January, 1995 Seventy-five per
onwards cent of annual
inflation rate based on
whole sale price Index.
premises of maximum permitted
(built up area) enhancement of rent
1 2
1. upto 50 square metres Twenty five per cent
2. more than 50-square metres Fifty per cent
but upto 90-square metres.
3. more than 90-square metres Seventy five per cent
but upto 160-square metres.
4. more than 160-square metres Hundred per cent
(See section 8)
1. Air conditioner
2. Electrical heater.
3. Water cooler.
4. Geyser
5. Refrigerator.
6. Cooking range.
7. Furniture
8. Garden meant to be used by the tenant exclusively.
9. Playground meant to be used by the tenant exclusively.
10. Sun-brokers.
11. Usufructs, if any, enjoyed by the tenant.
(See section 47 and 48)
A. Structural repairs to be got done by the landlord.
1. Structural repairs, except those necessitated by damage
caused by the tenant.
2. Whitewashing of walls and painting of doors and windows
once in three years.
3. Changing and plumbing pipes when necessary.
4. Internal and external wiring and related maintenance .