Hubbard, On Proverbs

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Some of the key takeaways are that the book of Proverbs contains wise sayings and advice about life, with Solomon being the primary author. It also discusses topics like friendships, money, pride/humility, laziness/industriousness, and virtues of women.

Some of the main topics covered in the lessons include introductions to the book of Proverbs, wisdom, foolishness, friendships, money, pride and humility, laziness and industriousness, the tongue, the home, wicked women, and virtuous women.

The word 'proverb' comes from a Latin word meaning 'for words' and refers to wise, concise sayings that reveal truths about life through comparisons. A proverb has qualities of shortness, sense, and salt.

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Book of Proverbs

Lesson 2: The Foolish and the Wise

Lesson 3: Friendships

Lesson 4: Money

Lesson 5: Proverbs Potpourri 1

Lesson 6: Pride/Humility

Lesson 7: Laziness/Industriousness

Lesson 8: The Tongue

Lesson 9: The Home

Lesson 10: The Wicked Woman

Lesson 11: The Virtuous Woman (Proverbs 31:10-31)

Lesson 12: Proverbs Potpourri 2

Supplemental Sources for This Study

"Proverbs" in The Expositor's Bible Commentary (vol. 5) by Allen P. Ross

"Proverbs" in The Bible Knowledge Commentary (OT vol.) by Sid S. Buzzell

"Proverbs: An Introduction and Commentary" in The Tyndale Old Testament

Commentaries by Derek Kidner

"Proverbs" in The Communicator’s Commentary by David A. Hubbard

Proverbs: A Commentary on an Ancient Book of Timeless Advice by Robert L. Alden

“Proverbs” in The NIV Application Commentary by Paul E. Koptak

“Proverbs” in Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms by

Tremper Longman

“Proverbs” in The Bible Exposition Commentary: Old Testament Wisdom and Poetry
by Warren Wiersbe

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Book of Proverbs

The book of Proverbs is found among the Poetic Books of the English Old Testament.1
Of the five Poetic Books, Proverbs is one of three further categorized as books of
Wisdom (Job and Ecclesiastes being the others). According to Wiersbe (p. 387), the
words “wise” and “wisdom” are mentioned some 125 times in the book of Proverbs.

The English word “proverbs” is derived from a compound Latin word that literally
means “for words” (pro = for + verba = words), indicative of the way a proverb
concentrates many words into a few (The New Open Bible). The Hebrew noun
translated “proverb” may have as its root the Hebrew verb meaning “to rule.”
Accordingly, one has defined proverbs as “wise, concise sayings that are to be used in
governing our lives” (Paul Benware, Survey of the Old Testament, p. 156). More likely,
the root is the Hebrew verb meaning “to be like.” Accordingly, another has defined a
proverb as “a statement that seeks to reveal the true nature of one thing by comparing it
to something else” (C. Hassell Bullock, An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic
Books, p. 207). According to Cervantes (cited in Koptak, p. 21), proverbs are “short
sentences drawn from long experience.” According to another, a proverb has three
qualities: shortness, sense, and salt (Koptak, p. 21). A biblical proverb has been defined
as “a concise, memorable saying, usually in poetic form, expressing a generally accepted
observation about life as filtered through biblical revelation” (Robert McCabe, “Old
Testament Poetic Books” class syllabus, p. 78).

Can you recite some famous English proverbs? How about some biblical ones?

The Author of Proverbs

Like the book of Psalms, the book of Proverbs has multiple authors. The primary author
of Proverbs (as David is in Psalms) is Solomon (see 1:1, 10:1, and 25:1). This comes as
no surprise, as Solomon was renowned for his wisdom (see 1 Kings 3:16-28, 4:29-34,
and 10:1-7) and spoke 3,000 proverbs (1 Kings 4:32; cf. Ecclesiastes 12:9).2 Most
believe that Solomon wrote his proverbs during the middle years of his life (Song of
Solomon in his early years, Ecclesiastes in his later years). Two other authors are
specifically named: Agur (see 30:1) and King Lemuel (see 31:1). “The wise” (see 22:17
and 24:23) may be a fourth author. The “virtuous woman” passage (31:10-31) may have
been penned by a fifth, albeit anonymous, author. Assuming all of the above to be
correct, the authorship of Proverbs can be visualized as follows:

The English Old Testament can be subdivided as follows: The Law or Pentateuch (Genesis-
Deuteronomy), History (Joshua-Esther), Poetry (Job-Song of Solomon), and Prophets, both
Major (Isaiah-Daniel) and Minor (Hosea-Malachi).
The book of Proverbs contains less than a thousand of Solomon’s proverbs.

Section Author
1:1 - 22:16; 25:1 – 29:27 Solomon
22:17 – 24:34 “the wise”
30:1-33 Agur
31:1-9 King Lemuel
31:10-31 anonymous

The Primary Recipients of Proverbs

To whom was the book of Proverbs written? Based on 1:4, it appears that the book was
written primarily to young people. “The topics of the book of Proverbs, while
appropriate to the broad spectrum of age, are clearly directed to the young, whose
surging emotions and untried idealism needed to be tempered by experience” (Bullock,
p. 151). More specifically, you will find continual reference to “my son” (see 1:8, 10, 15,
2:1, et. al.). Is Solomon writing to one of his sons (perhaps Rehoboam)? More likely,
Solomon is writing to his students. It is believed that Solomon was the headmaster of a
school of wise men (the “Preacher” of Ecclesiastes 1:1), and it was typical in that day for
a teacher to address a pupil as “son” (Norman Geisler, A Popular Survey of the Old
Testament, p. 206). Hubbard (pp. 26-28) makes the case that Proverbs was written to
young Israeli men being groomed for leadership positions. This would explain the
book’s focus on wicked and virtuous women without a corresponding focus on wicked
and virtuous men.

The Date of Writing

When was the book of Proverbs written? Like Psalms, it was written over an extended
period of time and compiled into one volume at a later date. Since we do not know
anything about either Agur or King Lemuel, the only chronological marker we have to go
by is Solomon, who lived during the 10th century B.C. From 25:1, we know that the
book was compiled no earlier than the reign of Hezekiah, who ruled from 729 to 686

The Purpose for Writing

Why was the book of Proverbs written? The answer to this question is found in the
opening verses of the book. According to 1:2-6, Proverbs was written to impart wisdom.
“The purpose of Proverbs is to make us less often foolish and more often wise, or to
improve our overall performance in life” (Alden, p. 12).

Wisdom is often equated with intelligence (likewise, wisdom’s contrast—foolishness—is

often equated with a lack of intelligence). However, rather than mental ability, wisdom
has more to do with moral ability (likewise, foolishness is more descriptive of moral
deficiency, as opposed to mental deficiency3). Wisdom, therefore, is more ethical than
intellectual. However, wisdom is rooted in knowledge, as the following chart illustrates:

Knowledge Understanding Wisdom

(accumulation of facts) (apprehension of facts) (application of facts)

The Hebrew word for wisdom carries the idea of skill. Wisdom, then, has been defined
as skillful living. Proverbs may be understood as an instruction manual or play book for
life. A proverb is “a moral maxim, a prudent precept, or a sagacious saying. Proverbs
are the holy ‘horse sense’ of the Old Testament” (Geisler, p. 207).

The key verse (often referred to as the “motto”) of the book is 1:7, which declares that
the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (see also Job 28:28, Psalm 111:10,
Proverbs 9:10, and 15:33). “Wisdom is not simply a matter of the intellect—it is viewing
life and self from God’s perspective, which is the only true and valid perspective”
(Benware, p. 156). “The blending of moral qualities with intellectual ones came very
naturally to the writer, since in his eyes the truly wise man was also righteous and the
intelligent one was also godly” (Alden, p. 20). “The Bible’s assessment of a smart person
without God is ‘fool’ (1 Cor. 1:20), and the humblest, least literate, untutored, but pious
person is, in God’s eyes, truly wise. How reversed we usually have it!” (Alden, p. 22).

Interpreting a Proverb
When interpreting Scripture (or any literature), one must take into account the
particular type of literature (or genre) he is seeking to interpret. A common mistake
made by interpreters of proverbs is to consider them to be promises. For example, does
an apple a day always keep the doctor away? Proverbs are generally, but not invariably,
true (one exception, however, would be Proverbs 11:1).4 Consider, for instance, Proverbs
22:6. Assuming the traditional interpretation to be correct, is this verse a guarantee that
children who are well-trained will never rebel? No. While it is generally true that well-
trained children will turn out right, it is not always true. Consider as another example
Proverbs 12:21. Proverbs are principles, not necessarily promises. They are guidelines,
not necessarily guarantees. “Many of the proverbial maxims should be recognized as
guidelines, not absolute observations; they are not iron-clad promises. What is stated is
generally and usually true, but exceptions are occasionally noted” (Buzzell, p. 904).
“The proverbs are general statements and illustrations of timeless truth, which allow for,
but do not condone, exceptions to the rule” (The New Open Bible). Proverbs are
“procedures that we follow, not promises that we claim” (Hubbard, p. 25).

Speaking of fools, Hubbard states: “Their basic lack is not intelligence quotient, educational
opportunity, or positive examples. They are not so much stupid as wicked” (p. 48).
The fundamental reason for this phenomenon is the brevity of a proverb, which brevity
would quickly turn into verbosity if all caveats, disclaimers, etc. were included.
A Few Notable Features of Proverbs
1. Its topical arrangement. “Proverbs is truly a collection of sayings with no
arrangement, outline, order, or progression” (Alden, p. 10). The book of Proverbs
bounces back-and-forth between a number of topics. Consequently, the best way
to study the book is topically, rather than verse-by-verse.

2. Its practicality. Proverbs is arguably the most practical book in all of the Bible.
Bullock (p. 146) says it well: “Many persons who have become overwhelmed by a
theoretical approach to Christianity have been able to get a ‘handle’ on the faith
by reading the book of Proverbs.”

3. Its poetic structure. As mentioned at the start, Proverbs is one of the Poetic
Books in our English Old Testaments. This is because it is written in Hebrew
poetic style (it is for this simple reason that reading Proverbs is a much different
experience than reading the prosaic style of Genesis). The chief characteristic of
Hebrew poetry is its parallelism of thought (unlike English poetry, whose
parallelism is seen in its meter and rhyme), with the two lines of a proverb
relating to one another, whether antithetically/contrast (as in Proverbs 10:1,
14:34, and 15:1), synonymously/comparison (as in Proverbs 11:25), or the like.
Awareness of this fact is a significant help in properly interpreting the Proverbs.

Self Study

In preparation for each lesson, take time to examine the texts in Proverbs that deal with
the topic(s) to be studied. See page 1 for each week’s topic. At the end of the previous
lesson, you will find several texts to examine pertaining to the next topic to be studied.
As you look up a text, write down the truth that text is trying to communicate.

For example, if the topic to be studied is “The Tongue,” one of the texts given might be
15:1—”A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” The truth
this text is trying to communicate could be worded: when in a verbally-volatile
situation, defuse the tension with tender talk. As another example, if the topic to be
studied is “The Home,” one of the texts given might be 10:1—“A wise son maketh a glad
father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.” The truth this text is trying to
communicate could be worded: a wise lad makes his dad glad, but a bad lad makes his
mom sad.

For next time:

Topic—The Fool
Texts—1:7, 1:22, 1:25, 1:29, 1:30, 1:31, 1:32, 3:35, 10:8, 10:10, 10:18, 10:21, 10:23, 11:29, 12:15, 12:16,
12:23, 13:16, 14:7, 14:9, 14:16, 15:2, 15:5, 17:10, 17:12, 18:2, 18:6, 18:7, 20:3, 23:9, 26:11, 28:26, 29:11

Topic—The Wise
Texts—1:5, 9:8, 9:9, 10:8, 10:14, 10:19, 11:2, 11:30, 12:15, 12:16, 12:23, 14:16, 15:7, 15:31, 15:33, 16:14,
17:28, 19:20, 21:11, 22:3, 27:12, 29:11

Lesson 2: The Foolish and the Wise

If the book of Proverbs was a drama, its two main characters would undoubtedly be the
foolish man and the wise man. The entire book is essentially a contrast between the
two.5 For every wise virtue extolled in the book, there is a corresponding foolish vice
(see Appendix A). Keep in mind that folly and wisdom are not so much
intellectual/mental concepts as they are ethical/moral ones (for example, see 1:3b, 2:7-
9, 4:11, and 8:1-8). This lesson is an overview of what the book of Proverbs has to say
about the folly of the foolish and the wisdom of the wise.

 The Foolish

There are actually 5 different types of fools found in the book of Proverbs (3 are
mentioned in 1:22), ranging from the least culpable, the “simple” (KJV) or “naive”
(NASB)6 to the most culpable, the “scorner” (KJV) or “scoffer” (NASB). See Appendix B.
For our purposes, no distinction will be made between them; rather, we will tie all of
them into the broad category of “fool.”

What is a fool like? Below is a summation of his characteristics, as found in the book of

The Fool’s Tongue

A fool is known for the misuse of his tongue.

• boisterous (9:13)
• spreads slander (10:18)
• (contrary to James 1:19) slow to hear and quick to speak (18:13, 29:20)
• perverse in his speech (19:1)
• self-destructive (10:147, 14:3, 18:6-7)

“The samples of behaviour which [Proverbs] holds up to view are all assessed by one
criterion, which could be summed up in the question, ‘Is this wisdom or folly?’” (Kidner, p. 13).
This fool “is the most pardonable type of fool because his foolishness results from lack of
experience. He is not motivated by arrogance or pride, but simply fails to act wisely because of
his limited exposure to the world” (Alden, p. 20). He is ignorant of his ignorance (Wiersbe, p.
Commenting on this verse, Hubbard (p. 218) states: “[T]he foolish mouth is close to
‘destruction’ as though it held a lighted cherry bomb between the lips.”

The Fool’s Response to Wisdom
A fool does not receive wisdom in its various forms well.

• despises wisdom (1:7, 23:9)

• despises instruction (1:7)
• neglects (1:25a), does not accept (1:30) counsel
• doesn’t want (1:25b), doesn’t listen to (13:1), hates (9:8, 12:1, 15:12) reproof/rebuke
• hates knowledge (1:22, 1:29)
• doesn’t delight in understanding (18:2)
• rejects (15:5), doesn’t respond to (17:10, 27:228) discipline
• does not choose to fear the Lord (1:29)

The Fool and His Folks

A fool has a spiteful attitude toward and a detrimental impact upon his parents.

• grieves parents (10:1, 17:21, 25)

• despises mother (15:20)
• destroys father (19:13)

The Fool’s Estimation of Himself

A fool is proud.

• way is right in his own eyes (12:15)

• trusts in his own heart (28:26)
• arrogant, proud, haughty (14:16, 21:24)
• exalts self (30:32)

The Fool’s Attitude Toward Sin

A fool enjoys sin.

• doing wickedness is like sport to him (10:23)

• it is abominable for him to turn away from evil (13:19)
• mocks at sin (14:9)
• enjoys folly (15:21)
• returns to his folly like a dog to its vomit (26:11)

Other Characteristics of a Fool

• quick-tempered/loses temper (12:16, 14:17, 29, 29:11)
• believes everything he hears (14:15)
• lacks foresight (22:3, 27:12)
• quarrelsome/contentious (20:3, 22:10)

Wiersbe (p. 423) sheds light upon this proverb: “Women in the ancient world ground grain in a
bowl (mortar) using a hard tool (pestle) with which they could crack and pulverize the kernels.
The image is clear: no amount of pressure or pain will change a fool and make anything useful
out of him.”
☺ The Wise

There are many different expressions used throughout the book of Proverbs to convey
the concept of wisdom (see the various terms for wisdom under “The Fool’s Response to
Wisdom” above). Wisdom is more valuable than wealth (3:14-15, 8:10-11, 19, 16:16,
20:15) and more powerful than physical strength (21:22, cf. 24:5-6). Wisdom leads to
quantity of life (3:16a, 4:10, 9:11) and quality of life (3:16b-18, 8:18, 21, 24:4). As
Wiersbe (p. 399) puts it: “God wants to add years to our life and life to our years.”

What is a wise person like? Simplistically, he is everything that the fool isn’t and
nothing that the fool is. Below is a summation of the wise man’s outstanding
characteristics, as found in the book of Proverbs:

The Wise Man’s Tongue

A wise man is known for the proper use of his tongue.

• exercises verbal restraint (10:19, 17:27-28)

• tongue brings healing (12:18)

The Wise Man’s Response to Wisdom

A wise man welcomes wisdom, becoming wiser still.

• hears [wisdom] and increases in learning (1:5a, 9:9, 21:11)

• acquires (1:5b), listens to (12:15), receives (13:10) counsel
• loves (9:8), regards (15:5), listens to (15:31-32), responds to (17:10, 19:25)
• receives commands (10:8)
• stores up (10:14), seeks (15:14), acquires (18:15) knowledge
• loves (12:1), accepts (13:1) discipline

The Wise Man and His Folks

A wise man brings joy to his parents. “A wise lad makes his dad glad, but a bad lad
makes his mom sad” (10:1, Estell paraphrase). See also 15:20, 23:15-16, 24, 27:11, 29:3.

The Wise Man’s Estimation of Himself

A wise man is humble (11:2).

The Wise Man’s Attitude Toward Sin

A wise man fears the Lord (1:7, 9:10, 15:33), and the fear of the Lord is incompatible
with evil (3:7, 16:6).

Other Characteristics of a Wise Man

• slow to anger/doesn’t lose his temper (12:16, 14:29, 17:27, 19:11, 29:11)
• possesses foresight (22:3, 27:12)
• maintains good associations (2:20, 13:20)/avoids bad ones (2:12-19, 7:5, 23:20-21)

Self Study
In preparation for the next study, take time to examine the texts below on Friendships.
As you look up a text, record the truth that text is trying to communicate.

Texts—1:10-15, 3:32, 13:20, 14:7, 14:20, 16:19, 17:4, 17:17, 18:24, 19:4, 19:6-7, 20:19, 22:24-25, 23:20-
21, 24:21-22, 27:6, 27:17, 28:7, 28:10, 29:24, 29:25

Lesson 3: Friendships

The previous lesson examined the vices that characterize the fool and the corresponding
virtues that characterize the wise. One trait that distinguishes the fool from the wise is
the associations each maintains. A well-known English proverb is “birds of a feather
flock together.” The book of Proverbs puts it this way: “He that walketh with wise men
shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (13:20). Since we become
whom we befriend, it behooves us to wisely choose with whom we will and will not

The Foundational Friendship

“[The LORD] is intimate with the upright”

Proverbs 3:32b (NASB)

Salvation is a friendship (John 17:3). God is the believer’s Friend (John 15:14), the
believer God’s friend (James 2:23; cf. 2 Chronicles 20:7 and Isaiah 41:8). If it is true
that the quality of one’s vertical relationship with God determines the quality of one’s
horizontal relationships with men, then one’s friendship with God must be preeminent.
Ask yourself . . .

Am I a Friend of God?

1. Do I spend time with God (Bible intake & prayer)?

2. Do I stick up for God (David in 1 Samuel 17)?
3. Do I stick with God (Proverbs 17:17b and 18:24b)?
4. Do I love and long for God (Proverbs 17:17a, Psalm 42:1-2,
63:1, and John 15:13)?
5. Do I obey God (John 14:15 and 15:14)?

Do you value your relationship with God above all other relationships, including your
relationship with your family (Matthew 10:34-37, Luke 14:26) and your relationship
with your peers (Proverbs 29:25)? Remember, in all things He must have the
preeminence (Colossians 1:18). Are you a friend of God or a friend of the world (James
4:4; cf. 1 John 2:15)?

The Blessing of a Good Friend

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise.”

Proverbs 13:20a

Friends are a good thing (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12), provided they are the right kind of friends
(Psalm 119:63, Proverbs 2:20). Perhaps the most outstanding example of human
friendship in Scripture is the friendship of David & Jonathan (1 Samuel 18:1, 3, 20:17,
41, 2 Samuel 1:26). The book of Proverbs extols the virtue of friendship in several texts,
painting the following portrait of a good friend:

A Good Friend . . .

1. is humble (16:19).
2. loves at all times, even tough times (17:17, 18:24b, 27:10).9
3. will set you straight (27:5-6).
4. brings out the best in you (27:17).

Don’t forget: The point is not just having the right kind of friends, but also being the
right kind of friend.

The Curse of a Bad Friend

“but a companion of fools shall be destroyed”

Proverbs 13:20b

Benjamin Franklin once said: “He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas.”
Paul said it this way: “Bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33, NASB).
The book of Proverbs is full of warnings about associating with/befriending the wrong
kind of people (1:10, 15, 2:12-13, 16, 4:14-15, 5:8, 6:24, 7:5, 14:7, 24:1-2, 29:3b).10 How
ironic that the man who penned so many of these warnings would later fail to heed his
own advice (1 Kings 11:1-11)! The Proverbial portrait of the bad friend looks something
like this:
“Foul-weather friends are the only ones worth having” (Hubbard, p. 264). David bemoans
the “fair-weather friend” in Psalm 41:9 and 55:12-14.
It is interesting to note that virtually all of these texts (or their surrounding contexts) not
only warn about associating with the wrong crowd, but also give the reason(s) why, an
instructive point for parents of teens.
A Bad Friend . . .

1. entices you to join him in evil (1:10-15).

2. will harm you, rather than help you (13:20b).
3. is proud (16:19).
4. gossips about you (20:19).
5. is tempestuous (22:24-25).
6. is rebellious (24:21-22, NIV).

Simply put, the wise make good friends, the foolish bad friends (see the previous lesson
for the characteristics of each).

Befriending the Unbeliever: Relational Evangelism

In light of the warnings in Proverbs against associating with/befriending

the wicked, a potential dilemma surfaces for the believer in regards to
relational evangelism: How does one build a redemptive relationship
with an unbeliever (remember, Jesus was a friend of sinners, Luke 7:34),
while staying true to the principles presented in this lesson? Admittedly,
the believer must perform a biblical “balancing act” in order to fulfill
both obligations. Caution is in order. Speaking of the unbeliever,
Hubbard states: “Be careful . . . such persons are hot to handle . . . . We
need to evaluate ourselves for any negative impact they may have on us . .
. . For our own good we may have to limit our contacts and shun their
company completely (p. 54). If you can help such a one, fine! But . . . the
risks of being influenced are considerable” (p. 288). The key is the
purpose of the relationship. A redemptive relationship (a relationship
whose purpose is evangelism) is permissible, so long as such a
relationship does not have an adverse effect upon the believer. A
recreational relationship (a relationship whose purpose is fellowship),
however, is off limits (2 Corinthians 6:1411).

Among other things, this verse is testimony to the fact that compromise so often takes place
in the context of a relationship (friendship, association, dating relationship, etc.); thus, the need
to be very careful about whom you befriend/associate with/date, etc.).

Self Study
In preparation for next lesson, take time to examine the texts below on Money. As you
look up a text, record the truth that text is trying to communicate.

Texts—3:9-10, 3:27-28, 6:1-5, 10:2, 10:22, 11:4, 11:15, 11:24-26, 11:28, 13:11, 15:16,
15:17, 15:27, 16:8, 16:19, 17:1, 17:18, 17:23, 19:22, 22:1, 22:2, 22:7, 22:9, 22:26-27,
23:4-5, 28:6, 28:11, 28:16, 28:27, 30:8-9

Lesson 4: Money

“A fool and his money are soon parted.” “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Money is a
common theme in proverbial literature. Not surprisingly, the book of Proverbs has a lot
to say about it. “The subject of wealth . . . rises to prominence in almost every chapter of
Proverbs” (Hubbard, p. 431).

Financial Footings/Monetary Moorings

The book of Proverbs gives the following foundational financial principles:

Foundational Financial Principles in Proverbs

1. Money comes from God (10:22a). He is to be the Master of your money,

the Prince of your pocketbook, the God of your gold, the King of your cash,
and the Ruler of your riches.
2. Glorify God with your money (3:9-1012).
3. The rich and the poor are on equal footing before God (22:2).
4. Avoid poverty, but don’t seek affluence (30:8-9).

Notice how God centered all 4 of the above principles are.

A fifth foundational financial principle in Proverbs is . . .

Among other things, verse 9 teaches that our giving to our local church should be based
upon our gross, rather than our net income. Verse 10 should be understood in light of the
theocratic economy (tangible, temporal, physical blessing for obedience to the covenant, cursing
for disobedience). This does not, however, preclude applying it principally to the New
Testament believer (see Luke 6:38 and 2 Corinthians 9:6). The Lord honors those who honor
Him with “their” finances. He may choose to do so tangibly or intangibly, temporally or
eternally, physically or spiritually.

5. Money is not the most important thing in life.

wisdom > wealth (3:13-15, 8:10-11, 19, 16:16, 20:15)13

righteousness > riches (11:4, 16:8)
love > being loaded (15:17)
meekness > money (16:19)
tranquility > treasure (17:1)
truthfulness > treasure (19:22)
reputation > riches (22:1)
character > cash (28:6)
a good wife > great wealth (31:10)

“The real measure of our wealth is how much we’d be worth if we lost all
our money” (John Henry Jowett, cited in Wiersbe, p. 431).

More Monetary Mandates in Proverbs

☺ Be generous (3:27-28, 11:24a, 25, 26b, 22:9, 28:27a). See also Philippians
 Don’t be stingy (11:24b, 26a, 28:27b). See also James 2:15-16 and 1 John 3:17.
☺ Accumulate wealth through hard work (13:11b). See also Ephesians 4:28.
 Don’t accumulate wealth improperly (1:11-13 and 19, 10:2a, 13:11a, 20:17,
21:6, 22:16, 28:8).
 Don’t treat others based upon their economic status (14:20-21). See also
James 2:1-13.
 Don’t receive bribes (15:27b, 17:23, 29:4). Don’t give them, either.
 Avoid borrowing, if possible (22:7). See Appendix C. See also Psalm 37:21a.
 Don’t trust in wealth (11:28a, 23:515, 27:24a). See also 1 Timothy 6:17.

Wisdom does, however, lead to wealth (3:16, 8:18, 21, 24:4; cf. Solomon in 1 Kings 3:11-
13, as well as Matthew 6:33). The book of Proverbs, as the rest of Scripture, does not disparage
wealth per se. The problem is not having wealth, but wealth having you. Are you using the
wealth God has given you wisely? What are you doing with your money and what is your
money doing to you?
The significance of this verse in relation to generosity is that God promised to meet the
material needs of the Philippian believers in light of their generosity toward Paul in fulfillment of
the mission (4:10-18).
Money does talk—it says “bye-bye.”

 Don’t strive to be rich (23:4a, 28:20b, 22). See also 1 Timothy 6:9-10.
 Be very wary of co-signing (6:1-5, 17:18, 20:16, 22:26-27, 27:13).

Appendix C: “The Debt Trap”

Here’s what overspending your income by $80 a month (and putting it on your charge
card and not paying off any of the debt) will add to your total indebtedness in 5 years
at 18% annual interest:

Year Debt Addition Interest Total Debt

1 $960 $173 $1,133
2 $960 $377 $2,470
3 $960 $617 $4,047
4 $960 $901 $5,908
5 $960 $1,236 $8,104

Here’s what it will cost to repay that debt in the next 5 years at $203.17 a month.

Year Interest Total Debt

6 $1,350 $6,912
7 $1,142 $5,616
8 $894 $4,072
9 $582 $2,216
10 $222 0

Interest first 5 years = $3,304

Interest last 5 years = $4,190
Total interest = $7,494
Total principal = $4,800

Lesson 5: Proverbs Potpourri 1


Wisdom is the theme of Proverbs (for more on this, see under “The Purpose for
Writing” in Lesson 1). According to 1:7, 9:10, and 15:33, only a saved person is
truly knowledgeable, understanding, and wise. “[Wisdom] is viewing life and self
from God’s perspective, which is the only true and valid perspective” (Paul
Benware, Survey of the Old Testament, p. 156). There are two (and only two)
kinds of wisdom—worldly wisdom/man’s wisdom (see 1 Corinthians 1:20 and 2:5-
6; cf. James 3:15) and divine wisdom (see 1 Corinthians 1:24 and 2:7; cf. James
3:17). At the moment of salvation, God imparts true wisdom (see Proverbs 2:6 and
2 Timothy 3:15), radically altering one’s mind set, allowing him to grasp for the
very first time ultimate REALity.


This passage (based on the KJV’s translation of it) is often claimed as a promise
(remember, however, that proverbs are not promises per se) for divine direction.
However, this is debatable (not the truth of divine direction, but whether Proverbs
3:5-6 is directly teaching such a truth; i.e., this is a translational and/or
interpretational issue/debate, not a truth one). The principle being taught in these
verses is this: those who follow God’s way, rather than their own, can expect to
experience smooth or successful paths in life (He will make one’s path straight—so
NASB and NIV). Cf. Proverbs 11:5. See also Appendix D. While this verse may
not directly teach divine direction, the principle it does teach certainly applies to
divine direction, as God will direct those who lean wholly on Him (through
obedience to His will as revealed in His Word) into such paths.


To the Jew, “heart” stood for the immaterial component of man’s nature,
particularly his mind. To “keep” one’s heart means to guard it. Do not allow
ungodly thoughts to invade and thereby conquer/captivate your heart. Guard your
ear and eye gates in particular. Be extremely wary of the medium of mass media
(TV, radio, magazines, movies, videos, DVDs, Internet, etc.)!


The x, x+1 formula is used in Proverbs in 6:16-19, 30:15b-16, 18-19, 21-23, 24-28,
and 29-31. It is used to emphasize the final item on the list. For example, God
hates16 all of the things listed in 6:16-19, but He especially hates the last one on the
list: one who sows seeds of strife among brothers.

PROVERBS 6:30-31

This is a passage that gives situational ethicists a fit. According to this passage, a
man who steals food is liable to punishment, even if his motive is relatively benign
(to satisfy his hunger). Lawful ends cannot be satisfied through unlawful
means/the end does not justify the means/”it is never right to do wrong in order to
get a chance to do right” (Bob Jones, Sr.).


Several verses in Proverbs extol the virtue of covering up sin (10:12, 17:9).
However, 28:13 portrays it as a vice. Which is it? 28:13 is talking about seeking to
conceal personal sin (from God and from others who have a right to know),
something which should never be done. 10:12 and 17:9 are talking about
concealing the sin of others, something which should be done (within biblical
parameters), as opposed to “digging it up” (16:27). Hubbard (pp. 261-262) puts it
this way: “Like a stubborn dog, hatred digs up every possible bone of contention,
worries it with relish, parades it around in its snarling snout, and drops it messily
on the carpet where it causes nothing but consternation. Love, on the other hand,
like a prudent squirrel, hides the morsels of scandal in a secret place where the
light of exposure never reaches.” Koptak (p. 293) likens this covering to a bandage
that covers a physical wound. If you become privy to the sin of another, the loving
thing to do is to not disseminate the details of it any further, except to those who
have a right to know (those part of the problem and/or part of the solution, i.e.,
those whom God has given the responsibility to deal with it, such as parents,
pastors, the police, etc.).

Commenting on 6:16, Longman (p. 174) writes: “Needless to say, this is very strong
language. It is hard to imagine a more definitive way to express God’s displeasure than with
these two sayings.”

Several verses in Proverbs extol the virtue of a “just” balance/ weight/scale or

measure and bemoan the vice of a “false” one (11:1, 16:11, 20:10, 23; cf.
Leviticus 19:35-36 and Deuteronomy 25:13-16). An unscrupulous merchant
could cheat a customer (or vice versa) by “tipping the scales” in his favor. If the
standard weight (usually a stone) placed on one side of the scale was more or
less than standard, either the merchant or the customer would be cheated. The
same could be done with a measuring basket which held more or less than the


There is some question as to the proper translation of this verse. The

Septuagint (an ancient translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek)
translates the second half as antithetical to the first half: “he who takes away
lives is violent.” Most translations, however, translate it synonymously. At
issue: Is this verse directly dealing with witnessing/personal evangelism?
(please note: what we are discussing here is a translational and/or
interpretational issue, not a truth one, as leading people to Christ is certainly a
wise thing) Most commentators don’t think so (Israel didn’t have a missionary
mandate). For example, Buzzell (p. 930) states: “Wins souls in verse 30 does
not mean soul-winning or evangelism. Since ‘win’ is literally ‘attract or take,’
the idea may be that a righteous person attracts others to wisdom.” The first
half of the verse may be interpreted to mean that a righteous person has a life-
giving influence on others, while the second half may be interpreted (somewhat
synonymously with the first half) to mean that a wise person influences others
to be wise. This truth, that the godly influence others for good, can certainly be
applied to witnessing/personal evangelism.


If this verse is a promise, rather than a general principle, Job’s friends were
right! However, proverbs are not promises per se. Job was an exception to the
general rule.


According to Proverbs 15:8a and 21:27a, the sacrifice of a wicked person is

abominable to God. According to 21:27b, it is especially so if offered with evil
intent. The reason why even the most noble of acts (or the most seemingly
innocent—see 21:4) of an unbeliever is repulsive to God (see also Isaiah 64:6) is
because it is not done with the right motive, to glorify God (see Romans 14:23).17

Self Study
In preparation for next lesson, take time to examine the texts below on
Pride/Humility. As you look up a text, record the truth that text is trying to

Texts—6:16-17, 8:13, 11:2, 15:25, 15:33, 16:5, 16:18, 18:12, 21:4, 22:4, 25:6-7,
26:12, 27:2, 28:25, 29:23, 30:13, 30:32

The Westminster Confession of Faith (chapter 16, section 7) states in this regard: “Works
done by unregenerate men, although for the matter of them they may be things which God
commands; and of good use both to themselves and others: yet, because they proceed not from
an heart purified by faith; nor are done in a right manner, according to the Word; nor to a right
end, the glory of God, they are therefore sinful, and cannot please God, or make a man meet to
receive grace from God.”
Lesson 6: Pride/Humility

The goal of the book of Proverbs is to make one wise (see 1:2-6). The only way such a
goal can be attained is if the reader is willing to receive wisdom (compare “The Fool’s
Response to Wisdom” with “The Wise Man’s Response to Wisdom” in Lesson 2).18 The
number one prerequisite of teachability is humility. Not surprisingly, the book of
Proverbs makes pride/humility one of its major themes.

What is Pride?

In Romans 12:3, Paul writes: “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man
that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to
think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” Pride is a
mindset (“think”) that makes one think more highly (or lowly—a false humility19) about
self than he should. The middle letter of pride is “I.” A proud person has an “I” problem
(cf. Satan in Isaiah 14:13-14, as well as Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:30). The corrective
is to think soberly, or soundly, about self, i.e., to view self from God’s perspective as
revealed in His Word. Galatians 6:3 states: “For if a man think himself to be something,
when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.” In and of ourselves, we are nothing20; God is
everything (1 Corinthians 3:5-7). The only reason we are anything is because of God’s
grace (1 Corinthians 15:8-10, Ephesians 3:8, et. al.). Because of God, we are something.
Let us put ourselves in our proper place and God in His proper place; let us keep things
in their proper perspective; let us give credit to Whom credit is due (1 Corinthians 4:7).21
Pride is not acknowledgment of ability, but failure to acknowledge the proper source of
ability (for an All-Star athlete to say, “I’m really not all that good at baseball, basketball,
etc.” would be laughable).

“It is a commonplace that the wise know what they do not know” (Koptak, p. 67).
“Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong. Self-pity is the voice of pride in
the heart of the weak” (John Piper). Humility is not seen in self-flagellation, but in self-
forgetfulness. “Humility is unconscious self-forgetfulness” (W. H. Griffith-Thomas).
Remember, it’s impossible to be proud of your humility.
“Many years ago the great Bible teacher William R. Newell was concluding a conference
in China for China Inland Mission, and as he left he said to the mission’s leader, ‘Oh, do pray for
me that I shall be nothing!’ The director responded with a twinkle in his eye, ‘Newell, you are
nothing! Take it by faith!’” (R. Kent Hughes, Acts: The Church Afire, p. 27).
“No man can bear witness to Christ and to himself at the same time” (James Denney, cited
in Wiersbe, p. 462). “For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your
servants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Corinthians 4:5). “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John
Primary Principles on Pride in Proverbs

1. God hates pride (6:16-17, 8:13, 16:5a). God will not share His glory with another
(Isaiah 42:8 and 48:11).

2. God judges pride severely (15:25a, 16:5b, 18, 18:12a). For a vivid Old Testament
example of this truth, see Nebuchadnezzar & Belshazzar in Daniel 4 & 5 (see
especially 4:17, 25-26, 30-32, 35, 37, and 5:20-23). For a vivid New Testament
example, see Herod in Acts 12:21-23.

3. Pride leads to dishonor (11:2a, 29:23a); humility leads to honor (15:33b, 18:12b,
22:4, 29:23b). The way up is down. See also Matthew 23:12//Luke 14:11, 18:14,
James 4:10, and 1 Peter 5:6. Humiliation leads to exaltation. See Philippians

Other Principles on Pride in Proverbs

• Don’t be wise (3:7, 26:12, 28:11), right (12:15, 21:2), or pure (30:12) in your own
eyes. Don’t trust in your own heart (28:26; cf. Jeremiah 17:9), but trust in the
Lord with all your heart (3:5).
• Humility and wisdom go hand-in-hand (11:2), as does pride and folly (14:16).
• Associate with humble people, not proud people (16:19).
• Pride produces strife (13:10, 28:25). Conversely, humility produces unity (see
Philippians 2:2-4).
• Don’t “toot your own horn” (27:2; cf. Matthew 6:2). Avoid self-advancement
(25:6-7; cf. Luke 14:7-11) and self-exaltation (12:9, 25:27b, 30:32).
• How you respond to praise is a litmus test of your humility or lack thereof
• Humbly acknowledge your dependence on God (27:1). See also James 4:15-16.

Self Study
In preparation for next lesson, take time to examine the texts below on
Laziness/Industriousness. As you look up a text, record the truth that text is trying
to communicate.

Texts—6:6-11, 10:4-5, 26, 12:11, 24, 27, 13:4, 14:23, 15:19, 16:26, 18:9, 19:15, 24, 20:4,
13, 21:25, 22:13, 24:30-34, 26:13-16, 28:19

Lesson 7: Laziness/Industriousness

“I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours” (Jerome K. Jerome).
Unfortunately, work is not a spectator sport. Actually, work is a good thing (the “Protestant
work ethic”). Contrary to what some think, work is not part of the Curse; rather, arduous work
is (see Genesis 2:15 and 3:17-19).22 Industriousness, however, does not come naturally. All of
us are lazy by (sin) nature. The book of Proverbs recognizes this fact and seeks to change it.

Meet Mr. “Lazy Bones”

The book of Proverbs speaks of the lazy man at least 17 times23 (Wiersbe, p. 426), calling him
by many different names: “sluggard” (6:6 and 10:26), “slothful” (12:24), and “idle”24 (19:15).
According to Proverbs:

• A lazy man sleeps too much (6:9-10, 10:5b, 24:33, 26:1425).

• A lazy man is irritating (10:26).
• A lazy man talks about working instead of working (14:23).
• A lazy man makes excuses to get out of working (20:4a, 22:13, 26:13).
• A lazy man is senseless (24:3026). It truly is “crazy to be lazy”!
• A lazy man is oblivious to his condition (26:16).
• A lazy man follows “empty pursuits” instead of working (28:19; cf. 12:11b).

Before the Fall, work was a “natural inclination”; after the Fall, it became a “deliberate
intention” (Hubbard, p. 416).
“The quantity of proverbs on laziness and hard work is surprising” (Longman, p. 561).
“The busy man is troubled with but one devil; the idle man by a thousand” (Spanish
proverb). “The devil tempts all other men, but idle men tempt the devil” (Turkish proverb). “An
idle brain is the devil’s workshop” (English proverb).
As this verse illustrates, there is a vast difference between “waking up” and “getting up.” Is
the “snooze” button on your alarm clock worn from overuse?
Commenting on this verse, Hubbard (p. 383) states: “The parallel between ‘[slothful]’ and
‘[void of understanding]’ makes clear that the laziness in view was not the result of a weak back
but a hollow brain.”

A Lesson from the Ant

Proverbs 6:6-8 exhorts the sluggard (and, by extension, us) to observe (for the purpose of
imitating) the industry of the ant. Two lessons can be learned from the ant. First, be a self-
starter (v. 7). The ant doesn’t need to have someone “standing over” it to keep it busy. Being
a self-starter involves “overcoming initial inertia.” In our natural state, we rarely, if ever, feel
like working (fortunately, we have lots of extrinsic motivation—hunger, paycheck, etc.). It is at
this point that we must say “no” to our feelings, engage our will, and get going.27 Second,
“make hay while the sun shines,” i.e., work hard while the window of opportunity is open,
so that when it closes, you will not be left destitute (v. 8; see also 10:5a).

Other Lessons

• Laziness leads to poverty and hunger (6:1128, 10:4a, 12:27a, 13:4a, 14:23b, 19:15b, 24,
20:4b, 24:34, 26:15) industriousness to plenty (10:4b, 12:11a, 13:4b, 14:23a, 28:19a).
• The industrious will rule over the lazy (12:24).
• Hunger breeds industriousness (16:26). See also 2 Thessalonians 3:10.

A Final Lesson

In 24:30-34, “the wise” (the author of this section of the book—see Lesson 1) tells of passing by
the property of a lazy man (v. 30) and noticing its run-down condition (v. 31). His next words
are instructive: “Then I saw, and considered it well; I looked upon it, and received instruction”
(v. 32). The book of Proverbs has given us a picture of the lazy man. As we have gazed upon it,
may we too receive instruction. It’s crazy to be lazy (v. 30)!

Self Study

In preparation for next week’s lesson, take time to examine the texts below on The Tongue.
As you look up a text, record the truth that text is trying to communicate.

Topic—The Tongue
Texts—4:24, 6:16-17, 19, 8:13, 10:18, 19, 20, 31, 32, 11:9, 11, 13, 12:13, 18, 19, 22, 25, 13:3, 15:1, 4, 23, 28,
16:24, 27, 28, 17:9, 27, 28, 18:2, 7, 8, 13, 21, 19:5, 9, 20:19, 25, 21:23, 25:11, 15, 26:20, 22, 28, 29:5, 20

For example, one of the best cures for depression is work.
According to Hubbard (p. 100), the Hebrew noun in this verse translated “armed man”
could also be translated “beggar.”

Lesson 8: The Tongue

According to Proverbs 4:23, 10:20, 16:23, and 17:20, as well as Matthew 12:34b, what you say
is indicative of who you are. If you are wise, your tongue will be virtuous. If you are foolish,
your tongue will be vicious (characterized by vice). There is “no clearer test for distinguishing
the wise from the fool than the litmus of speech” (Hubbard, p. 215).

Lying vs. Truth Telling

God hates lying (6:16-19 and 12:22a). Consequently, He judges it severely (19:5 and 9). So,
don’t lie (4:24 and 30:8a). A subset of lying mentioned in Proverbs is flattery (2:16, 7:21,
26:28b, and 29:5), “saying to a person’s face what you would never say behind his or her back”
(R. Kent Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man, p. 133). A flatterer is one who pats you on the
back only to locate a soft spot in which to stick a knife (Wiersbe, p. 444). Though God hates
lying, He delights in truth telling (12:22b). A wise man is a truthful man (8:6-9).

Gossiping vs. Concealing

A talebearer (11:13a, 20:19a, and 26:20)/whisperer (16:28b)/backbiter (25:23) is a fool

(10:18b); therefore, stay away from such a person (20:19b). “Gossip involves saying behind a
person’s back what you would never say to his or her face” (R. Kent Hughes, Disciplines of a
Godly Man, p. 133). A gossip “reveals secrets” (11:13a and 20:19a)/”repeats a matter” (17:9b),
bringing about “strife” (16:28a and 26:20)/”an angry countenance” (25:23), resulting in the
separation of even the most intimate of friends (16:28b and 17:9b). Rather than foolishly
sharing potentially-damaging information about another person with someone who does not
have a right to know, the wise man “conceals” the information (11:13b and 17:9a). Note: Just as
it “takes two to tango,” so it takes two to gossip. Don’t listen to gossip. If you do, you are a
“wicked doer” (17:4a).

Boisterous vs. Verbal Restraint

A real test of wisdom is not so much what you do say, but what you don’t say. Rather than
being “loud” (7:11)/”clamorous” (9:13), we should be “slow to speak” (James 1:19). A wise man
“refrains his lips” (10:19b)/“spares his words” (17:27a)/“holds his peace” (17:28a)/”shuts his
lips” (17:28b) because he knows that “in the multitude of words there wanteth not sin” (10:19a,
KJV)/”when there are many words, transgression is unavoidable” (10:19a, NASB). Because the
wise man, with the Lord’s help (Psalm 141:3; cf. James 3:8), “keeps [or guards] his mouth”
(13:3a and 21:23a), he “keeps [or preserves] his life” (13:3a) and “keeps [or guards] his soul
from troubles” (21:23b). The fool, on the other hand, “opens wide his lips” and, as a result,
“shall have destruction” (13:3b). “If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy
tongue” (Quarles). “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they
want to say something” (source unknown). A closed mouth gathers no foot. “Blessed is the
man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence to the fact” (George
Eliot). “One of my school teachers used to say, ‘Empty barrels make the most noise,’ and she
was right. Too often … those who talk the most have the least to say” (Wiersbe, pp. 445-446).
“See” your words before you say them; weigh them before you say them (15:28, NIV);
“contemplate before you communicate” (Charles Wood); “taste” your words before you say
them because you may end up eating them.

Constructive vs. Destructive

Proverbs 18:21 says that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” “Never underestimate
the power of words. For every word in Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, 125 people died in World
War II” (Wiersbe, p. 439). Our speech should build others up (10:11a, 12:18b, 25b, 15:4a, and
16:24, as well as Ephesians 4:29 and Colossians 4:6a), not tear them down (10:11b, 11:9a,
12:18a, 15:4b, 26:28, and 29:5). “The Royal British Navy has a regulation which reads, ‘No
officer shall speak discouragingly to another officer in the discharge of his duties’” (Wiersbe, p.
443). The English proverb, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt
me” is simply not true.

Self Study
In preparation for next lesson, take time to examine the texts below on The Home. As you
look up a text, record the truth that text is trying to communicate.

Topic—The Home
Texts—1:8, 3:11-12, 4:3-4, 6:20, 10:1, 12:4, 13:1, 24, 15:20, 17:6, 21, 25, 18:22, 19:13, 14, 18,
20:7, 22:6, 15, 23:13-14, 22, 24-25, 28:7, 29:3, 15, 17, 30:17

Lesson 9: The Home

“A wise lad makes his dad glad, but a bad lad makes his mom sad” (10:1, Estell paraphrase).
See also 15:20a, 17:21, 25, 23:24-25, 28:7, and 29:3a. A good wife is a “crown,” a bad wife a
curse (12:4). As these verses show, the home can be a burden or it can be a blessing. The key is
the character of each family member. According to the book of Proverbs, if each family
member is wise, the home should be a happy, harmonious place.

The Wise Child

According to Proverbs, a wise child does two things . . .

1. He accepts parental instruction in its various forms (1:8, 6:20, 13:1, 15:5, 23:22a). This
is the obedience of Ephesians 6:1.
2. He respects his or her parents (15:20b, 19:26, 20:20, 23:22b, 30:1129, 1730). This is the
honor of Ephesians 6:2.

The Wise Wife

We will deal with the wise wife and mother more extensively in a future lesson (“The Virtuous
Woman,” 31:10-31). Wives are a good thing (18:22), especially if they are wise (19:14b). The
book of Proverbs cautions wives about being contentious (19:13b, 21:9, 19, 25:24, 27:15).
Solomon likely had lots of firsthand experience with this (cf. 1 Kings 11:3)!

The Wise Father

In Proverbs, the wise father is characterized by two corresponding traits31. First, the wise
father verbally instructs his children (speaking). This can be inferred from the references
regarding parental instruction above (see first point under “The Wise Child”). Though this can
include formal instruction (the Greek model), Solomon probably has in mind informal

Among others things, this verse shows that the mere absence of vice (“curses”) is not
enough. There must also be the presence of virtue (“bless”). See also Psalm 109:17.
Commenting on this verse, Wiersbe (p. 460) writes: “The child who looks at his or her parents
with contempt and disrespect will one day be treated like an unburied corpse, and to be left unburied
was a great reproach in Israel.”
Though these traits are also true of the wise mother (see, for example, 1:8 and 6:20), fathers
are primarily responsible for the verbal and physical instruction of children (cf. Ephesians 6:4).

instruction (the Jewish model). See Deuteronomy 6:6-9. This would include both “doctrine”32
and “instruction in righteousness” and “reproof” and “correction” (2 Timothy 3:16). To be truly
wise, such teaching must be God-/Christ-centered (9:10; cf. Colossians 2:8, as well as under
“wisdom” in Lesson 5). Verbal reproof is proof that a father truly loves his child (3:11-12).
Second, the wise father physically instructs his children (spanking). Corporal discipline is not
an option; it is an obligation. Physical reproof is proof that a father truly loves his child
(13:24). Corporal discipline is necessary because sin has a death grip on children (22:1533,
19:18b34, 23:13-14). “Lax parenting is a virtual death sentence” (Hubbard, p. 305). Failure to
physically discipline a child brings grief (29:15), but doing so brings delight (29:1735).

Self Study
In preparation for next lesson, take time to examine the texts below on The Wicked
Woman. As you look up a text, record the truth that text is trying to communicate.

Topic—The Wicked Woman

Texts—2:16-19, 5:3-6, 8-11, 6:24-29, 7:5-27, 9:13-18, 22:14, 23:27-28, 29:3b

“The education of children for God is the most important business done on earth. . . . every
parent especially ought to feel, every hour of the day, that next to making his own calling and
election sure, this is the end for which he is kept alive by God—this is his task on earth” (Robert
Dabney). The Puritans considered the home to be a “seminary.”
The Hebrew verb translated “bound” in this verse is the same verb used in Joshua 2:18 and
21 to describe the tying of the cord of scarlet thread in Rahab’s window.
The Hebrew literally reads: “the causing of his death” (Hubbard, p. 305).
Commenting on this verse, Hubbard states: “The pain, patience, and persistence of raising
children will bring the highest possible payoff” (p. 453).

Lesson 10: The Wicked Woman
No study of the book of Proverbs would be complete without giving due consideration to a
topic that is as prevalent in the book as any other, the wicked woman.36 As in our day, one of
the harsh realities of the day in which Solomon lived was the threat of unscrupulous women
(unscrupulous men were equally a threat—see, for example, 2:12-15; however, since Solomon
was writing to young men, the wicked woman was his greater concern). Solomon’s words of
warning are no less relevant (perhaps even more so) today than they were then: be wary of
wicked women! Wise is the man who heeds his advice.

Profile of the Wicked Woman37

The book of Proverbs refers to the wicked woman as “strange”38 (2:16, 5:20, 6:24b), “evil”
(6:24a), an “adulteress” (6:26b), and “foolish” (9:13). According to Proverbs:

• The wicked woman is a flatterer (2:16, 6:24, 7:5, 21). Her speech is sweet and smooth
(5:3). See her flattery in action in 7:15.
• The wicked woman is unfaithful (2:17). See her unfaithfulness in action in 7:19.
• The wicked woman is a predator (6:26b, 7:12b, 23:28a). She is the aggressor.
• The wicked woman dresses the part (7:10b). One’s character may be reflected in one’s
• The wicked woman is cunning (7:10b).
• The wicked woman is boisterous (7:11a, 9:13a). She is verbally aggressive, rather than
verbally reticent (1 Peter 3:4).
• The wicked woman is rebellious (7:11a).
• The wicked woman is out of place (7:11b), contra 1 Timothy 5:14 and Titus 2:5.
• The wicked woman is foolish (9:13), just like those who are ensnared by her (9:16).39
• The wicked woman is destructive (2:18-19, 5:4-5, 9-11, 6:26a, 7:22-23, 26-27, 9:18,
22:14, 23:27, 29:3b). She destroys lives and families. The pleasure she offers (9:17)

Longman (p. 576) states that the avoidance of immoral women “if judged by sheer quantity of
teaching, is the most important point that the book makes to the young men who are the explicit
To say that a wicked woman is x, y, and z does not necessarily imply that the woman who
does x, y, or z is a wicked woman in the highly pejorative sense in which we are using it here.
Likely due to the wicked character typical of the women from the nations surrounding
Israel, the designation “stranger” or “foreigner” took on immoral connotations.
“There is something about sexual immorality that anesthetizes our judgment” (Hubbard, p.
114). “Dietrich Bonhoeffer made the observation that when lust takes control, ‘At this moment
God … loses all reality …. Satan does not fill us with hatred of God, but with forgetfulness of
God’” (R. Kent Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man, p. 27).

pales in comparison to the pain she inflicts (9:18). She is a one-way dead-end street.

The Folly of Adultery (6:27-29, 32-35)

This is a passage that every man should commit to

memory and meditate upon/mull over on a regular
basis. Adultery is like playing with fire. If you play with
fire, you will get burnt (vs. 27-29). A controlled fire is
one thing, while one out of control is quite another.
Adultery is senseless (v. 32a). Adultery is destructive (v.
32b). Adultery leaves lasting “scars” (v. 33). Adultery
can put one’s life in jeopardy (vs. 34-35).

Protection from the Wicked Woman

Proverbs, being the practical book that it is, gives men several pointers (some explicit, others implicit)
for protecting themselves against the allure and advances of the wicked woman, such as:

• Stay as far away from the wicked woman as possible (5:8, 7:8, 25). See also Romans 13:14 and
James 1:14. Don’t get close enough to get caught in her web.40
• Heed the warnings of Scripture (5:12-13, 6:20-23, 7:1-4, 24). Notice the context of these verses.
Listen to wisdom’s voice.
• Have a healthy physical relationship with your wife (5:15-1941). See also 1 Corinthians 7:5.
• Never let your guard down. The wicked woman is a smooth talker (5:3), cunning (7:10b), and on
the prowl (6:26b, 7:12b, 23:28a). Don’t fall for her “sweet nothings” (2:16, 7:5, 15, 21). Be on
heightened alert at night (7:9) and when away from your spouse (7:19).
• Remember that Someone is watching (5:21). Notice the context of this verse.
• Don’t fixate on her physical appearance (6:25). See also Job 31:1.
• Flee, if need be (2 Timothy 2:22). Be like Joseph in Genesis 39:7-12, not like the man in
Proverbs 7.

Self Study
In preparation for next lesson, on The Virtuous Woman, please read Proverbs 31:10-31.

“During more than forty years of ministry, I’ve listened to many sad stories from people who
have indulged in sexual sin and suffered greatly; in almost every instance, the people deliberately put
themselves into the place of temptation and danger … We can’t help being tempted, but we can certainly
help tempting ourselves” (Wiersbe, pp. 411-412).
Commenting on this passage, Wiersbe (p. 408) states: “Solomon compares enjoying married
love to drinking pure water from a fresh well, but committing sexual sin is like drinking polluted water
from the gutter or sewer.” Think also of a river staying within its banks vs. one overflowing its banks.
Lesson 11: The Virtuous Woman
Proverbs 31:10-31
Arguably, the most well known and beloved part of the book of Proverbs is its final 22 verses,
an anonymously-written poem on the “virtuous woman” (as the KJV calls her). This poem is a
fitting conclusion to the book of Proverbs in that the virtuous woman is the embodiment of the
virtues the writers of Proverbs have been extolling (compare v. 10b with 8:11a).42 The poem is
also a refreshing conclusion to the book, especially in light of the unpleasant, but necessary
focus on the wicked woman earlier in the book (see chapters 5-7, as well as Lesson 10 on the
“Wicked Woman”). A unique feature of this poem is its acrostic structure. The first word in
each of the 22 verses begins with a successive consonant of the Hebrew alphabet.43 To what
degree is the virtuous woman to be imitated? Longman (p. 540) quips: “Indeed, the qualities
and abilities of this woman make one wonder whether the proper answer to the opening
question, ‘A noble woman, who can find?’ is ‘No one, because she doesn’t exist.” Kidner (p.
184) cautions: “This lady’s standard is not implied to be within the reach of all, for it
presupposes unusual gifts and material resources.” These things (talents and treasures) aside,
the Proverbs 31 woman is a model for all of us44, whose character (the NIV calls her “a wife of
noble character”) we would do well to imitate. Notice several things about this woman:

• She is “virtuous” (KJV) or “excellent” (v. 10a, NASB), a cut above. She excels in
character (see also verse 29). The same Hebrew adjective is used in reference to Ruth in
Ruth 3:11.45 See also Proverbs 12:4a. This Hebrew adjective literally refers to physical
strength (cf. Ecclesiastes 10:10). In reference to this woman, it is used metaphorically to
indicate her strength of character (see v. 25).
• She is a gem, rare and valuable (v. 10), a precious treasure from the Lord (19:14). A
good wife is more valuable than great wealth.
Hubbard (p. 486) writes: “The sages, wise men that they were, found no better way to
conclude their canon of wisdom than with . . . the striking portrait of an excellent woman.”
A similar phenomenon is found in Psalm 119 and Lamentations 1-4. “The acrostic poem
connotes completeness by emphasizing that this woman’s qualities go from A through Z, from
beginning to end, she is a most excellent woman. The point is that her virtuous character has been
thoroughly presented” (Robert McCabe, Old Testament Poetic Books class notes, p. 82). Wiersbe
(p. 433) suggests that the acrostic form was used to aid in memorizing the passage.
It has been previously noted that 1) the book of Proverbs was written primarily to young men
and that, 2) accordingly, much is written about wicked women, while little is said about wicked men and
that 3) this phenomenon should not be construed to imply that men are not as wicked as women. By the
same token, because the book says much about the virtuous woman, but little about the virtuous man, it
should not be inferred that women are more virtuous than men. While the virtuous man does not get a
lot of ink in Proverbs, he does show up elsewhere in Scripture (see especially Psalm 112, which,
interestingly, like Proverbs 31:10-31, is also in the form of an acrostic).
Interestingly, in the Hebrew Old Testament canon, the book of Ruth comes directly after the
book of Proverbs.

• She is trustworthy (v. 11a), especially with the checkbook (v. 11b). Her character and
competence inspires her husband’s complete confidence.
• She is an asset (cf. 12:4a), rather than a liability (cf. 12:4b), to her husband (v. 12). She
makes her hubby happy. She brings him notoriety (v. 2346). Behind every great man is
a great woman!
• She is “handy.” She makes clothing (vs. 1347 and 19), for herself (v. 2248), for her
household (v. 21), and for profit (v. 24). She cooks for her household (v. 15), going to
great lengths in the process (vs. 14 & 15a).
• She is industrious. She gets up early (v. 15) and stays up late (v. 18b). Her work is not
just a duty, but a delight (v. 13b). She works hard (v. 1749). She is not lazy (v. 27b).
• She is entrepreneurial (vs. 16 & 24).
• She is compassionate (v. 2050; see also Deuteronomy 15:11). She doesn’t just feel sorry
for the less fortunate (pity), but takes action to relieve their plight (compassion).
Though some may be all heart and no hands, she is not.
• She is well prepared for the future (vs. 2151 and 25b).
• Her speech is sweet (v. 26).
• She is praiseworthy (vs. 28-31), both at home (vs. 28-29) and abroad (v. 31). Her
“influence spreads far beyond her home, though it is centered there” (Kidner, p. 50).
• She is inwardly beautiful (v. 30). Cf. 1 Peter 3:3-5. By way of contrast, see 11:22.

The “gates” (cf. Ruth 4:1) was the political and judicial center of the ancient city, analogous
to today’s courthouse.
“Wool” was the raw material used to make warm clothing for winter, “flax” to make cool
clothing for summer (Hubbard, p. 480).
The fact that her clothing was “silk and purple” (cf. Esther 8:15 and the rich man in Luke
16:19), as well as the fact that she had servants (v. 15), indicates that her family was well off.
Purple dye was very expensive, requiring 8,000 mollusks to produce one gram (Hubbard, p.
483). In light of New Testament verses such as 1 Timothy 2:9, the virtuous woman’s wealthy
wardrobe is not necessarily normative for today.
Girding the loins “means to get ready to fight or work hard by wrapping the tunic tightly
around the torso so it won’t interfere with bodily movement” (Hubbard, p. 481).
Koptak (p. 676) points out an interesting contrast between verses 19 and 20: “The woman’s
hand ‘holds the distaff,’ but she also ‘extends’ her hands to the poor (31:19a, 20b). Her palms take hold
of the spindle and open themselves to the needy (31:19b, 20a). The wordplay creates a contrast between
the hands that close on her tools of production but open to share of her rewards with the poor.”
“Scarlet” in verse 21 is more likely “double.” Both Hebrew words have the same
consonants. Contextually, “double” fits much better. “The bright color would not guarantee
warmth; the double thickness would” (Hubbard, p. 482).

Lesson 12: Proverbs Potpourri 2


One of the dominant themes throughout the book of Proverbs is the need to
be teachable. Time and time again, we are exhorted to hear/listen to (1:5, 8,
33, 2:2a, 4:1a, 10, 20b, 5:1b, 7, 13, 7:24a, 8:6, 32-34, 12:15, 13:1, 15:31, 32,
19:20, 22:17a, 23:12b, 19), receive (2:1, 4:10, 10:8, 19:20), apply our hearts to
(2:2b, 22:17b, 23:12a), and give our attention to (4:1b, 20a, 5:1a, 7:24b)


Another common theme in Proverbs is the fact that God hates sin (see, for
example, the vice list in 6:16-19). Sin is abominable to God. Sins that receive
God’s censure in the book of Proverbs include pride (6:17, 8:13, 16:5), lying
(6:17, 19, 12:22), murder (6:17), spreading strife among brothers (6:19),
dishonesty (11:1, 20:10, 23), and injustice (17:15). See also 3:32 (“the
devious,” NASB), 6:18a (a heart that devises wicked plans), 6:18b (feet that
run rapidly to evil), 8:7 (wickedness), 8:13 (“the evil way” and “the perverted
mouth,” NASB), 11:20 (“the perverse in heart,” NASB), 15:8 & 21:27 (the
sacrifice of the wicked), 15:9 (the way of the wicked), and 15:26 (the thoughts
of the wicked). Because God hates sin, we should too (see 8:13, Psalm 97:10,
Amos 5:15, and Romans 12:9).


Yet another common theme in Proverbs is the self-destructive nature of sin.

Sin destroys the sinner. See 1:18-19, 32, 5:22, 6:32, 8:36, 11:3, 5-6, 17, 19,
12:13, 13:6, 15:27, 17:13, 18:7, 19:3, 23:29-35, and 29:6. The wicked literally
dig their own graves (26:27 and 28:10)!


Man’s best-laid plans are ultimately at God’s mercy. The book of Proverbs
teaches this truth in 16:1, 9, 19:21, and 21:31 (cf. 27:1). See also James 4:13-
17. These verses are not prohibiting proper planning (see Luke 14:28-32),
but “atheistic” planning, planning as if God is not part of the equation.


On the surface, this verse seems be impugning God’s character, implying He

created some men for the purpose of destroying them. However, the
Scriptures clearly teach that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked
(Ezekiel 18:23 and 33:11) and that He is not willing that any should perish (2
Peter 3:9). How, then, is this verse to be understood? First of all, according
to Ross (p. 1003), the Hebrew verb translated “made” may be defined as “to
work out, bring about, accomplish” (so NIV). Secondly, instead of the
Hebrew word translated “himself,” the actual word may be the Hebrew word
meaning “answer.” Thus, the point of the verse may be that God sees to it
that everyone receives what he has coming to him. As Ross (p. 1003) states:
“The point is that God ensures that everyone’s actions and their
consequences correspond . . . . In God’s order there is just retribution for
every act, for every act includes its answer or consequence.” Hubbard (p.
235) takes the same approach to this verse.


Both 16:33 and 18:18 make mention of the “lot.” The lot was a stone or clay
object with a “yes” and “no” side (Hubbard, p. 237) used on occasion
(Proverbs itself stresses counsel over casting lots—see 11:14, 15:22, and 24:6)
in Bible days to determine God’s will in a matter (see, for example, Acts 1:23-
26). Is the lot (or the “fleece”) for today? No. God is no longer giving special
revelation. Though an argument from silence, it is interesting to note that
there is no mention of the lot in the New Testament Epistles. In order to
determine God’s will today, our only recourse is Scripture.


This verse is often viewed as an exhortation to friendliness. However, it may be

just the opposite, warning about the danger of having too many friends (so
NASB and NIV). The Hebrew of the first half of the verse is “very cryptic”
(Kidner, p. 131). Consequently, there is debate regarding its proper translation
and, therefore, interpretation. Some believe the verse should begin “a man of,”
others “there are,” the Hebrew words being very similar. There is also debate
as to what the verb is, whether the verb for “ruin” (so NASB and NIV) or the
verb for “be friendly” (so KJV and NKJV). Another possibility is that the verb
is the former, but doesn’t mean “ruin,” but “chatter.” Assuming the NASB/NIV
to be correct, the point of the verse seems to be that the most important thing
in friendship is quality, not quantity. As Hubbard (p. 265) states: “Superficial
friendships cannot be counted on and should be avoided, since what we really
need are not more casual acquaintances who have no stake in our welfare but a
few, perhaps only one, true friend to stand by us through thick and thin.” The
second half of the verse seems to confirm this interpretation, being parallel
with the first half of the verse in keeping with the parallelism characteristic of
Hebrew poetry.


There are several possible interpretations of this verse. The key issue is one’s
understanding of “the way he should go.” The traditional interpretation views
it as the way of wisdom extolled throughout the book of Proverbs. If so, one
must remember that this is “an accurate principle,” not “an absolute promise”
(Hubbard, p. 304). Interestingly, the Hebrew verb translated “train” is hanak,
which means to “initiate” or “dedicate,” from which the Jews get “Hanukkah,”
the name of their feast celebrating the rededication of the Temple after its
defilement by Antiochus Epiphanes in 167 B.C. (Hubbard, p. 304).
Consequently, some translate the verb as “start.” A more recent understanding
of “the way he should go” is the child’s individual aptitudes, such as vocation,
personality, capabilities, interests, etc., the aptitude for sin and self-will
excepted (see 14:12).


Both 22:28 and 23:10 warn against moving the “ancient landmark,” a
prohibition against dishonesty, the ancient landmark being a stone that served
as the boundary marker between adjacent properties (see Deuteronomy 19:14,
27:17). “How easily one’s property might shrink over the course of hundreds of
years, especially if a dishonest neighbor was inclined to nudge boundary
markers in his favor” (Alden, p. 167).


One of the most unusual idioms in all of the Bible is found in 25:22 (Paul
quotes it in Romans 12:20). By treating an enemy favorably you will “heap
coals of fire upon his head.” Several explanations have been given for this
idiom. The most common is that it is metaphorical for the searing shame, the
pangs of conscience the enemy feels when treated so well by one he has treated
so poorly (so Kidner, Alden, and Ross). Hubbard (p. 402) offers a second
possibility: giving a parched person water (25:21), relieving the fever of thirst,
is like raking (another possible rendering of the Hebrew verb) burning coals
from his head. Buzzell (p. 961) offers a few other explanations: supplying an
enemy whose fire has run out with a pan of live coals to carry home on his head
to restart his fire OR based on an Egyptian ritual in which the penitent would
carry a pan of burning coals on his head, showing kindness to one’s enemy will
cause him to repent of his enmity.


Based on the KJV’s “vision” and “perish,” this verse is often misinterpreted as a
plea for having a vision for missions or the like. However, “vision” refers to
revelation (so NIV), vision being one of the forms special revelation took in the
Old Testament (see 1 Samuel 3:1). The Hebrew verb translated “perish” by the
KJV is better translated “unrestrained” (so NASB & NIV; in Numbers 5:18, it
describes the letting down of the hair; in Exodus 32:25, it describes the loosing
of moral restraint). God’s Word is a restraining influence in a sinful society.
“The nation that ignores God’s Word can expect spiritual and political anarchy”
(Alden, p. 202).


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