Writing Process Worksheet (Accompanies Unit 1, Page 11)

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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Writing Process Worksheet

(Accompanies Unit 1, page 11)


Use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.

Rose is an artist. NOT rose is an artist.
She is not a musician. NOT she is not a musician.
I’m Judy Miller. NOT i’m Judy Miller.
Use a period (.) at the end of a sentence.
Paul is a student. NOT Paul is a student
He is not a teacher. NOT He is not a teacher

Write each sentence correctly.
1. i’m a student ________________________________________________
2. she’s from Brussels __________________________________________
3. he’s not Matt Damon __________________________________________
4. they’re from Santiago ___________________________________________
5. i’m Sam Smith _______________________________________________
6. we’re not bankers ____________________________________________

Write affirmative and negative statements about the people in the picture on page 11
in your Student’s Book. Use a capital letter and a period.
For example:
Rose is an artist. She’s not an architect._____________________________________________

Top Notch Fundamentals, Second Edition Unit 1

Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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