Statistical Mechanics, Partition Function, Phase Transitions, Secondary Structure Formation

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Biophysics 2018 Lecture 4, January 23

Statistical Mechanics,
Partition function, Phase
Transitions, Secondary
Structure Formation
Magnus Andersson

[email protected]
Recap from lecture 3
• Entropy in the hydrophobic effect
• Hydrophobic effect in protein folding
(hydrophobic collapse, molten globule)
• I.e. entropy critical in protein folding
• Boltzmann distribution
• Phase transitions introduced
• Partitioning of hydrocarbons
• Simple electrostatics
• Foundations of statistical mechanics

• What do we mean by ‘stability’ or ‘instability’?

• The partition function

• Free energy & stable states

• Gradual changes & phase transitions

• Activation barriers & transition kinetics

• Helix and Sheet formation

Statistical Mechanics
Observations in a system

E is conserved
Consider all microstates of this system with energy E
# thermostat microstates Mtherm with the energy (E-ɛ)
Probability of observation is prop. to Mtherm(E-ɛ)
Define: Stherm(E-ɛ) = k*ln [Mtherm(E-ɛ)]
Just a unit constant
⇥ ⇤
Stherm (E ✏) =  ln Mtherm (E ✏)
Now do series expansion; only 1st order✓matters - why?

Stherm (E ✏) = Stherm (E) ✏
dE E
Solve for M

Stherm (E ✏)
M (E ✏) = exp

 ⇢ 
Stherm (E) (dStherm /dE)|E
= exp ⇥ exp ✏
 
Observation of microstates
The probability of observing the small part in this state
is proportional to the number of microstates
corresponding to it

p / M (E ✏) / exp { ✏ [(dS/dE)|E /]}

(dS/dE)|E =
Probabilities of states
probability of being in a state i

exp ( i /kB T )
wi (T ) =
Z(T )
Normalization factor

Z(T ) = exp ( i /kB T )

‘The partition function’
E(T ) = wi ✏i
S(T ) = wi Si

How do we calculate Si?

System distribution over
Consider N systems - how can we distribute them?
w1 w2 w3 wj
1 2 3 j

ni = wi N wi N = N
Question: how many ways can these systems

be distributed over the j states?
= Stirling: n!≈(n/e)n
n1 !n2 !...nj !
n1 +...+nJ n1 nJ
= (N/e) / [(n1 /e) · · · (nJ /e) ]
= (N/n1 ) ...(N/nj )
n1 nj
= (1/w1 ) N w1
...(1/wj ) N wj
⇥ w1 w ⇤N
= 1/(w1 ...wj )
for N systems
w1 wj
= 1/(w1 ...wj ) for 1 system

...and the entropy becomes: X

S = kB ln M = kB wi ln(1/wi )
Free energy
E(T ) = wi ✏i
S = kB ln M = kB wi ln(1/wi )

F (T ) = E(T ) T S(T )
= wj {✏j T [ kB ln wj ]}
If you know Z, you can calculate F exactly!
If you know Z approximately,
you can calculate F approximately!
System instability
System stability
Gradual changes

What does this correspond to? Examples?

Abrupt changes - all or none

ΔT = 4kBT*2 / (E2-E1)
When do things happen?
Free energy barriers

n# ≈ n exp(-∆F #/kBT) Ƭ(n/n#) ≈ Ƭ exp(∆F #/kBT)

t0 1 exp + F /kB T #

Transition rate: k0 1 = 1/t0 1

Can we apply this to
secondary structure?
• Alpha helix formation

• Beta sheet formation

Alpha helices

Hydrogen bonds: i to i+4

0-4, 1-5, 2-6

First hydrogen bond “locks”

residues 1,2,3 in place

Second stabilizes 2,3,4 (etc.)

Alpha helix formation
• Hydrogen bonds: i to i+4
• 0-4, 1-5, 2-6
• First hydrogen bond “locks”

residues 1,2,3 in place

• Second stabilizes 2,3,4 (etc.)

• N residues stabilized by N-2 hydrogen bonds!
Alpha helix free energy
• Free energy of helix vs. “coil” states:
H-bond free energy Entropy loss of fixating one
number of residues
residue in helix

F =F Fcoil = (n 2)fH-bond nT S

= 2fH-bond + n fH-bond TS

Helix initiation Helix elongation

cost cost
F = fINIT + nfEL
Alpha helix free energy
⇥ ⇥
exp ( F /kB T ) = exp fINIT /kB T exp nfEL /kB T
⇥⇤ ⇥⌅n
= exp fINIT /kB T exp fEL /kB T
= sn

s = exp fEL /kB T

= exp fINIT /kB T
⇥ ⇥
= exp fINIT /kB T = exp +2fH /kB T << 1

Equilibrium constant for helix of length n

How does a helix form?

First, consider ice in water - how large is water/ice interface?

n V r3
A r2 n2/3 Surface tension costly!
S = k ln(N)
How does a helix form?
Landau: Phases cannot co-exist in 3D

First order phase transitions means either state can be

stable, but not the mixture

Think ice/water - either freezing or melting

n V r
2 2/3
A r n This does not happen in helix
But a helix-coil transition in a chain is 1D!

Interface helix/coil does not depend on n

How does a helix form?

ice/water: n molecules in ice, N in water

energy cost * n2/3 & entropy: k ln N
helix/coil: n residues in helix out of N in total
fINIT - kT ln (N-n) i.e. opposite to water/ice!
Helix/coil mixing
• Or: What helix length corresponds to the

transition mid-point? fEL = fH T S = 0

• Assuming helix can start/end anywhere,

there are N2/2 positions

 S = k ln V k ln N 2 = 2k ln N
Fhelix ⇥ fINIT 2kT ln N
• At transition midpoint we have ΔF=0 & N=n0

n0 = exp fINIT /2kT = 1/
Rate of Formation
Experimentally: Helices form in ~0.1μs!

(20-30 residue segments)

One residue < 5 ns...

What is the 

limiting step?

• Rate of formation at position 1:

⇥ elongation

INIT0 = ⇥ exp fINIT /kT = ⇥ /

• Rate of formation anywhere (n0≈1/√σ):

tINIT = ⇥ /
• Propagation to all residues: tn0 = ⇥ /

• Half time spent on initiation, half elongation!

Helix summary

Very fast formation

Both initiation & elongation matters

Low free energy barriers, ~1kcal/mol

Characteristic lengths 20-30 residues

Beta strands & sheets
How is this different

from helices?
Interaction patterns?
Where are side

chains pointing?
Can you think of

differences for the

Beta sheet formation

• Experimentally: Can take hours to weeks!

• But sometimes just a millisecond. Why?

• Is it initiation- or elongation-limited?

• Beta sheet formation appears to be a typical

first-order phase transition!
Beta sheet formation

Beta sheet energies
• fβ: Free energy of residue inside a single beta hairpin,
relative to the random coil

• Δfβ: Extra edge free energy

• Total free energy at edge is fβ+ Δfβ

• U: Free energy of bend/coil per residue

• Since sheets can form we must have

Δfβ>0 & U>0!

Two Scenarios:
• fβ+ Δfβ<0: A single long beta hairpin

will be more stable than coil. Only a single turn
required for formation

• fβ+ Δfβ>0: A single hairpin is less stable than coil.

Needs association with other residues into a beta
sheet. Activation barrier is the formation of a sheet
Minimum strand length
• Consider the case when single hairpins

are not stable.

 F = U + 2N (f + f )
Turn All residues face an edge
• Association with a new strand maintains edge, and gives
us N new internal resides:

F = Nf
• Formation of next turn: F” = U
• Minimum strand length: Nmin = U/( f )
Beta transition state
• Find the highest-free-energy intermediate:

Single hairpin with a following turn
F # = U + 2Nmin (f + f ) + U = 2(U f )/( f )

The book goes into some

detail to prove that this
is the lowest possible
transition state energy!
Why is that important?
Beta formation rates
• Initiation at a given point:

tINIT0 exp +F /kT #

• Initiation somewhere: tINIT0 /N

• Initiation is entirely time-limiting

• Total formation time: t exp F /kT /N

• And remember that we had:

F # = U + 2Nmin (f + f ) + U = 2(U f )/( f )
Beta formation rates
• Rate depends on β-structure stability:

t ⇥ exp [A/( f )]
• Exponential dependence 

on residue beta stability 

explains wide range of 

formation times 

observed in experiments!
Beta sheet summary
Unstable sheets are extremely slow

to form (hours to weeks)

Stable sheets can form in milliseconds

Significant free energy barrier

Beta sheet folding is a first-order

phase transition
Helices vs. sheets
Local h-bonds
Gradual (but fast) growth
Low initiation barrier
Non-local h-bonds
Collective interactions; all-or-nothing
High initiation barrier - very slow formation
Misfolding - Prions

Misfolded form (right)

is protease resistant
The in vivo state is only the
second best here - but the
free energy barrier to the
lowest is very high!
Study questions
1. Understand E, H, S, F, G - what do they represent?
2. What is the partition function?
3. Explain stability vs. instability.
4. What characterises a phase transition?
5. How is free energy barriers related to reaction rates?
6. What is the hydrogen bond pattern in the most common helix?
7. What free energy components do you think (a) favor (b) disfavor helix folding?
8. What free energy components do you think (a) favor (b) disfavor sheet folding?
9. Why do you get a helix dipole?
10. What is helix capping?
11. Why is sheet formation a phase transition while helix formation is not?
12. Why is the range of formation rates for sheets large while it is not so for helices?
13. Explain the difference between macrostates and microstates!
14. Based on what you now know, how would you explain entropy?
Hand-in tasks 1 & 2
• Hand-in task 1

- Enthalpy & Entropy

- Boltzmann distribution

• Hand-in task 2

- Secondary structural stability and formation

(Lecture 4 slides & Finkelstein p. 103-114)

• All information & programs on Bilda

• Deadline Hand-in task 1: Feb 15

• Deadline Hand-in task 1: March 2

Covered material and
suggested reading

• Nordlund 

- Chapter 14 (but better described in Finkelstein)

• Finkelstein

- Chapter 7,8,9
For lecture 5
• Looking at real proteins
• Complex assemblies from simple

α-helix/β-sheet building blocks
• Supersecondary structure & “motifs”
• Fibrous proteins
• Globular proteins
• α-helix, β-sheet proteins
• Mixed structures

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