Bridgin The Gap
Bridgin The Gap
Bridgin The Gap
IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 | Bridging the Gap
Insurance Earnings are a Consequence category is a critical element of accounting IFRS 9 introduces a
of both Liability and Asset Movement for financial instruments by insurance
situation where by
companies as it will facilitate improved
With IFRS 17 making significant changes to performance reporting for certain satisfying both criteria,
the valuation of liabilities of insurers, IFRS business models by removing volatility in
insurers can use the
9 has made changes to the valuation and profit and loss (P&L), particularly where
income recognition of assets. The effect insurers hold debt instruments. measurement options
of IFRS 9 can be split into three categories,
of amortised cost or
namely: However, while insurers do use simple
1. Classification and measurement (C&M) debt instruments in order to match their fair value through other
2. Impairment liabilities, their asset strategy is often more
comprehensive income
3. Hedge accounting complex, involving the use of derivatives,
for example, in order to diversify credit (FVOCI).
The impact on insurers differ, depending exposure and manage interest-rate risk.
on the products sold and assets held to IFRS 9 adds a layer of complexity by looking
back the liabilities of these products. at the business purpose of the investment
for each of the product types. With the
Classification and Measurement contractual cash-flow test and business
Although the C&M requirements and model assessment being introduced to
conclusions under IFRS 9 may not be reach the amortised cost classification,
significantly different from those under the possible difficulty in satisfying the
the current Financial Instrument Standard criteria for complex instruments is likely to
(IAS 39), the process of reaching these result in more financial instruments being
conclusions, information required and classified in the residual category of Fair
prescribed method of reporting are quite Value through Profit and Loss (FVTPL) than
different. under IAS 39.
The C&M categories have been redefined IFRS 17 allows an election for the effect of
in IFRS 9 and consideration is being changes in discount rate to be recognised
given to whether the entity’s business through P&L or through OCI. Because
model is evaluated as one held to of this, insurers must be cognisant of
collect contractual cash flows, one how their balance sheet management
where the intention is to hold to collect strategies, and the accounting treatment
and sell or one where the intention is under IFRS 9 of the asset used for these
just sales. This assessment, combined strategies, will impact the presentation
with the assessment of the contractual of their statement of comprehensive
cash flow characteristics, will impact income. Choices will impact the volatility
the measurement option available to of their income statements and net asset
insurers. IFRS 9 introduces a situation positions.
where by satisfying both criteria, insurers
can use the measurement options of
amortised cost or fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVOCI).
IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 | Bridging the Gap
The following diagrams show the impact of the different treatment of changes in assets
and liabilities resulting from interest rate movements on the P&L, OCI and Balance Sheet of
Value of
liability (-)
Value of
liability (-)
Value of
liability (-)
IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 | Bridging the Gap
Value of
liability (-)
Value of
liability (-)
Value of
liability (-)
IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 | Bridging the Gap
Operating model
Timelines &
Impairment dates of IFRS 9 (1 January 2018) and IFRS 17 at FVTPL under IAS 39 and liabilities that
If assets are recognised at amortised (1 January 2021) arise because the insurer issues or fulfils
cost, there is a need to understand the obligations arising from the liabilities listed
new requirements because the revised Several insurance companies raised previously.
impairment calculations are complex and this issue with the IASB, citing key
require forward-looking information that concerns: Each approach has its own potential
might not currently be readily available. • Explaining the impact of IFRS 9 on shortcomings.
Most companies’ existing systems will be performance prior to the adoption of • The overlay approach results in
unable to track the necessary information the new measurement requirements additional administrative effort. It
while their general ledgers are unlikely to for insurance liabilities could prove requires that insurers perform a
be set up to produce this information on challenging for some insurers parallel run of IFRS 9 and IAS 39 during
an appropriately granular level. As there • Temporary increases in accounting the period between the effective dates
is also a large amount of management mismatches and other sources of to identify the financial instruments
estimation involved, service organisations volatility in profit and loss which meet the criteria and the amount
like investment custodians won’t be able to • Confusion for users of financial that will be shifted from P&L to OCI.
assist with the type of data involved. statements • Some opponents to the temporary
There are also similar data requirements • More cost and effort for both exemption argued that allowing
under IFRS 17, and combining projects that preparers and users of financial insurers to defer implementation of
review and change accounting systems statements in adopting two major IFRS 9 may lead to both the asset and
for both IFRS 9 and IFRS 17 must be standards at different time periods the liability sides of the balance sheet
considered. being accounted for under diverse
In December 2015, an exposure draft and arbitrary accounting policies as
Hedge Accounting for an amendment to IFRS 9 was insurers would be able to choose which
Fortunately, the one area of IFRS 9 that issued in which the IASB proposed to standard to apply – IAS 39 or IFRS 9.
is not expected to significantly impact introduce two options to manage the
insurers is the hedging aspect, provided different effective dates:
insurers consider the new requirements 1. The overlay approach: which would
for their existing and new economic permit entities that issue contracts
hedging programmes. The macro-hedging within the scope of IFRS 17 to reclassify,
proposals (which are yet to be finalised) from P&L to OCI, some of the income
might be of more interest to insurers. or expenses arising from designated
The IASB has retained the existing macro financial assets.
hedge accounting requirements applicable 2. Temporary exemption (deferral
under the previous standard so adopters approach): This temporary exemption
of IFRS 9 may, as an accounting policy is targeted at entities that are most
choice, continue to apply the macro fair affected by the different effective
value hedge accounting model for interest dates because their activities are
rate risk as stated in IAS 39. predominantly connected with insurance
and they have not applied IFRS 9
Different Implementation Dates previously. Insurers wanting to elect this
The effective dates of IFRS 9 and IFRS 17 option must pass what is being referred
were planned to be the same. However, to as the “predominance test”.
prior delays in the finalisation of IFRS
17 have meant that this would not have The predominance test is focused around
been possible. As the Standard was being the proportion of insurance liabilities in
drafted, the IASB committed to provide proportion to the entity’s total liabilities.
approximately three years to adopt the Liabilities connected with insurance
new Standard after its publication. They comprise liabilities arising from contracts
have kept this commitment and there will within the scope of IFRS 17, non-derivative
be a three year gap between the effective investment contract liabilities measured
IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 | Bridging the Gap
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private
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