Chronic Kidney Disease: Uremia Syndrome
Chronic Kidney Disease: Uremia Syndrome
Chronic Kidney Disease: Uremia Syndrome
- Albuminuria
o 24-h collection of urine as “gold standard”
o Albumin-to-creatinine ratio in morning urine more practical
>17mg albumin per 1g creatinine (males)
>25mg albumin per 1g creatinine (females)
o Microalbuminuria = kalau jmlh albumin tidak bisa dideteksi urinary dipstick
Pathof :
1. Hemodynamic hypothesis
- Karena CKD, jumlah nephron fungsional akan berkurang, sisa nephron akan hyperfiltration dan
glomerular capillary hypertension sebagai kompensasi
- Awal2 hal tersebut untuk maintain GFR, tapi lama2 maladaptive karena pressure yg tinggi
menyebabkan pressure-induced capillary stretch akan membuat injury di glomerulus
- Histopathology : glomerular and tubular hypertrophy focal glomerular sclerosis, tubular atrophy,
interstitial fibrosis
- Glomerular hyperfiltration sangat penting di diabetic nephropathy
o Karena kondisi hyperglycemia induce hyperfiltration -> aktivasi RAAS juga
o RAAS further increase glomerular capillary pressure by Angiotensin II
2. Abnormal permeability to macromolecules
- Renal injury dan RAAS menyebabkan proteinuria karena increased glomerular permeability
- Selain membesarkan pore size, RAAS juga mengganggu expression dari nephrin (transmembrane
protein di antara celan podocyte).
o Normalnya nephrin menjaga slit integrity untuk mencegah protein lewat, tapi kalau nephrin
berkurang, integritas terganggu dan protein bisa lewat
- Protein di tubule bersifat toxic, menyebabkan injury, tubulointerstitial inflammation, scarring
o Karena overload dari lysosome (organelle dengan digestive enzyme), cytokine expression,
dan ECM production
3. Growth Factor Hypothesis
- Selain increased capillary pressure and stretch leads to scarring, ada pengaruh lain seperti proinflammatory
+ profibrotic effect of Angiotensin II and aldosterone
- Pada basien diabetic nephropathy, ada pengaruh AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-products / glycoprotein,dll)
yang bisa cause renal injury
a. AGEs interfere with ECM proteins (collagen, elastinin, laminin) alteration in structure (fibrosis) and
function (hydrophobic, charge, elasticity)
b. AGE-RAGE interaction: AGE induce injury through cascade of receptor-dependent (RAGE) event ->
transformation of tubular cell into myofibroblast, leading to tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis
c. Receptor-independent reaction that lead to intracellular ROS -> proinflammatory (TNF-a, MCP-1, NF-kB)
and profibrotic (TGF-B, PDGF)
d. AGEs accumulation cause endothelial dysfunction, increased thrombogenicity and atherosclerotic ->
subsequent end-organ hypoperfusion
- Another mechanism: Increased ammoniagenesis in remaining nephron
o Promotes complement cascade -> enhance injury to tubulointerstitium
o Related to actions of excess aldosterone and endothelin-1 akibat acid retention
o Makanya, dietary alkali therapy may preserve GFR and delay CKD progression
- Mengandalkan solute diffusion from circulation to dialysate across semipermeable membrane, yang
dipengaruhi faktor seperti magnitude of concentration gradient, membrane surface area, mass transfer
coefficient of membrane (porosity and thickness, size of solute, condition of flow)
- Selain diffuse, waste bisa move melalui ultrafiltration atau convective clearance (solute mengikuti air)
- Hemodialysis terdiri dari Dialyzer, dialysate, and blood delivery system
a. Dialyzer
- Bundles of capillary tubes in which blood circulates while dialysate travels outside of bundle
- Membrane material: cellulose, substituted cellulose, cellulosynthetic, synthetic
- Sekarang lebih sering synthetic, karena more biocompatible (ability of membrane to activate complement
o Ada free hydroxyl group di cellulose, sedangkan di synthetic tidak
- Sekarang lebih banyak disposable dialyzers yang digunakan dibandingkan reuse karena costs
- In centers with reuse, only dialyzer unit is reprocessed
o Sequential rinsing of blood and dialysate with water, chemical cleaning with reverse ultrafiltration,
disinfection, testing of patency
o Agents: Formaldehyde, Bleach, glutaraldehyde
b. Dialysate: water for dialysate used for filtration, softening, deionization, reverse osmosis
c. Blood Delivery System: Negative hydrostatic pressure on dialysate side to achieve fluid removal or
Goals of Dialysis
- Removing both low (urea) and high (creatinine) molecular weight molecules
- Pump heparinized blood through dialyzer while dialysate flow counter-current
o Efficiency tergantung blood+dialysate flow and dialyzer characteristics
- Majority of ESRD patient given 9-12 h dialysis each week, divided into three sessions
Complications during Hemodialysis
Peritoneal Dialysis
- 1.5-3L dextrose solution infused into peritoneal cavity through catheter, dwelled for 2-4h
- Absorption of solutes and water across peritoneal membrane into circulation and via lymph
- Rate of transport tergantung infection (peritonitis), drugs, physical factors (position, exercise)
- Complications: peritonitis, catheter-associated infection, weight gain, residual uremia
- Broad spectrum antibiotics administered to prevent infection
1. Decreased production vs RBC Loss (increased destruction or bleeding) -> Reticulocyte/immature RBC count
2. RBC Size: Macro/micro/Normocytic (RBC indices)
3. Hemoglobin content: hypochromic (iron deficiency, thalassemia) vs normochromic (hemolytic anemia) (RBC
4. Shape: Normal or abnormal (Peripheral blood smear)
Anemia of CKD
- Anemia is an early, common complication of CKD
o Anemia commonly occurs when GFR reaches 30-40ml/min, tapi bisa di 60ml/min juga
o Mild anemia: Hb level < 12g/dL
o Normochromic normocytic RBCs
o Anemia workup recommended for Stage 3-4 CKD patients, with Hb being recommended parameter
because Hct has wider variation and instability of samples
o No optimal target Hb levels, in fact can be harmful
- Decreased RBC production, survival, and blood loss all contribute to anemia
- Primary cause: low erythropoietin production by diseased kidney
o Makanya RBC count improve following exogenous erythropoietin therapy/Erythropoietin-stimulating
Agent (ESA)
- Secondary cause: iron deficiency
o Bisa karena occult GI bleeding, blood loss from phlebotomies, decreased iron absorption, dietary
restriction, iron usage by exogenous erythropoietin
- Acute and chronic inflammation (including infection) can also cause anemia
o Increased cytokines -> reduce erythropoietin production, decrease marrow response to
erythropoietin (reduce ESA response), and increase production of hepcidin, which sequesters iron in
- Other secondary cause: hypothyroidism, severe HyperPTH, folate and B12 deficiency, hemoglobinopathy,
shortened RBC survival
- Diagnosis of Iron deficiency
o Biasanya pasien CKD ada functional iron deficiency, dimana serum ferritin normal tapi TSAT <20%
karena inadequate iron incorporation for erythropoiesis
o Serum ferritin <100ng/mL usually diagnostic for iron deficiency, equal or less than 30ng/mL = severe
iron deficiency, tapi ferritin bisa naik due to inflammatory process, jadinya not reliable
o TSAT/Transferrin Saturation: reflects amount of available iron necessary for erythropoiesis Formula:
(serum iron/TIBC/total iron binding capacity)*100
<20% indicate functional iron deficiency
Target TSAT: 30-50%
Effect of Anemia Correction in CKD Patient