MT Reviewer
MT Reviewer
MT Reviewer
Major type of learning process Acquisition – initial learning stage; neutral stimuli
Discovered by Russian psychologist Ivan become conditioned stimuli that create conditioned
Petrovich Pavlov in 1900s responses
Discovery came by accident while Stimulus Generalization – when a new stimulus that
conducting experiment on his dog, Circa in resembles a conditioned stimulus elicits the
1905 conditioned response
Devote his entire life discovering underlying Stimulus Discrimination – tendency of a subject to
principles of classical conditioning respond differently to two or more similar stimuli
Won the Nobel Prize for his contribution in Extinction – process of a behavior response being
the field of psychology unlearned; conditioned stimulus is no longer paired
Form of associative learning which deals with with the unconditioned stimulus
learning of a new behavior by associating various Spontaneous Recovery – re-emergence of the
stimuli learned response after the obvious extinction
Deals with the concept of pairing two or more
stimulus and then relating the output response
with different stimuli Learning theory developed by Edward Thorndike in
First documented experiment of classical 1900s
conditioning theory on humans was done by JB Posits that learning is the process of forming
Watson and Rayner in 1920; associations or bonds, which he defined as “the
The experiment was initiated on Little Albert, connection of a certain act with a certain situation
who was 9 months old at the time; and resultant pleasure”
Watson and Rayner concluded that the learning
process was in fact possible on humans. Three laws emanated from this theory
Accidental classical conditioning is what often Law of Readiness
causes fear and phobias in an organism.
series of responses can be bound together to fulfill
some goal which will result in annoyance if
obstructed or blocked
also called as “Law of Action Tendency” – learning
takes place when an action tendency is aroused
through preparatory adjustment
*Readiness – preparation of action
Law of Exercise
Three stages of Classical Conditioning
Connections become strengthened with practice and
Stage 1: Before Conditioning weakened when the practice is stopped
Methods of Changing Habits: Kohlar kept a monkey named Sultan, hungry for time,
and then shut him in a large cage. He hung bananas from
1. Threshold the ceiling and kept a box on the floor of the cage, fast
Introduce a weak stimulus then increase it but keep beneath. The monkey could not reach the banana.
it below threshold value that will produce an Another Box was put in a corner of the cage.
unwanted response But sultan could not get the idea of placing one box on
2. Fatigue the other and thus reaching the banana. Ultimately,
Kohlar gave demonstration of putting one box on the
Performing an act until it is no longer enjoyable. other. Sultan could now learn the whole situation. He
used his intelligence and insight to put the two boxes one
3. Incompatible Response
upon the other, stand on these and then reach the
The stimuli for the undesired response are presented bananas.
along with other stimuli that produce a response
In another experiment Kohler kept two stick in the cage.
incompatible with the undesired response.
One end of the shorter sticks could not be fitted in the
Punishment - it works not because of the pain
one end of the longer sticks, so as to make them longer.
experienced but because it changes the way he/she
The monkey did not get the idea of forming the two sticks
responds to a stimuli. Punishment is effective when
through trial and error. When Kohlar gave a hint through
it results in a new response to the same stimuli
putting his finger in the whole of the bigger stick, the
Drives - maintaining stimuli that keep the organism
monkey viewed the whole situation and performed the
active until a goal is reached
right task through understanding the insight.
Intentions - responses that are conditioned to
maintaining stimuli are called intentions. Essentials of Learning