Right To Be Heard by Himself and Counsel
Right To Be Heard by Himself and Counsel
Right To Be Heard by Himself and Counsel
What happened while the group was walking was Pacunayen, the other prosecution witness, a neighbor of
testified to by two eyewitnesses, Asuncion, 30, and the Lumague family, who was acquainted with the
Pacunayen, 21, a high school graduate, who, as noted members thereof, testified that at past midnight on July
above, was residing at a house near the shack where the 25, 1977 he was in the balcony of his house overlooking
Lumague family was staying and who claimed to have the lighted street.
been a victim of an assault perpetrated by the members
of the Lumague family in June, 1977. He witnessed the assault on Regalado which was
perpetrated by the four Lumague brothers and their
Asuncion testified that he and Regalado were walking brother-in-law Rodolfo de la Cruz. Pacunayen, who was
together. Gravador was ahead of them. Bautista and at a distance of fifteen meters from the scene of the
Ducha followed Regalado and Asuncion. While walking assault, corroborated the particulars thereof as narrated
on the street in front of the shack occupied by the by Asuncion. Pacunayen's testimony is a confirmation of
Lumague family and Pacunayen's house, Asuncion heard his sworn statement dated August 9, 1977 before the
Ducha shouting that Bautista had been stabbed. When Constabulary investigator of the CIS police intelligence
Asuncion looked behind, he noticed that Ducha and section at Camp Crame (Exh. G).
Bautista were running because they were being pursued
by two persons.
Ducha, who, like Gravador and Bautista, did not testify, against Juanita. Mario came out of the house and
executed sworn statements dated August 1 1 and 22, 197 allegedly saw Juanita prostrate on the street in front of
7 before the Constabulary CIS investigator (Exh. E and their house. Mario reentered the house, got a hoe and
F). Ducha, 25, a high school graduate, narrated how he helped Juanita in resisting his four assailants who were
and Bautista encountered a person who tried to stab holding stones and assaulting Juanita. Mario clubbed on
Bautista. Then, Ducha saw another person beating the head the person holding Juanita. Juanito got a
Regalado with a hoe. At a confrontation, Ducha kitchen knife from the house and repeatedly stabbed the
Identified Mario as the wielder of the hoe Ponciano as person whom Mario had clubbed on the head and who
the one who assaulted Regalado with an adobe stone and was sitting on the ground. The assaulted person fell on
Rolando as the one who boxed Regalado (pp. 79-83, the ground. Mario and Juanito ran away.
Mario in his statement disclosed that the persons staying
Another documentary evidence of the prosecution is the in the house at the Marikit Subdivision were Rodolfo de
hardly legible sworn statement of Mario Lumague taken la Cruz and his wife Hermenegilda (Mario's sister),
by the same Constabulary investigator (Exh. H, pp. 87- Ildefonsa or Perlita Lumague, Reynaldo Lumague, Beth
90, Record). de la Cruz, Lita Lumague (Mario's wife) and Juanito
(No. 32, Exh. H).
The investigator, before interrogating Mario, warned
him that anything that he would say regarding the death Mario said that only he himself and
of Regalado would be used against him in court and that Juanita assaulted Regalado but he
he (Mario) had the rights (1) to remain silent and not to (Mario) was not sure whether he was
answer any question that would be prejudicial to him, (2) the only one who killed Regalado (No.
to have counsel, (3) to be investigated in the presence of 40, Exh. H).
his lawyer and (4) to have counsel de oficio if he could
not afford to hire his own lawyer. The version of the defense is that Juanita Lumague was
the sole assaulted of Regalado. Ponciano, Rolando and
Then, the investigator asked Mario whether after being Mario presented as witnesses their mother Emerenciana
apprised of his constitutional rights he was willing to Morales and Angelita Ramos, Eleno Gomez and Winnie
give a voluntary statement and to sign an Camacho to prove their defense of alibi.
acknowledgment that he understood his constitutional
rights. Mario answered in the affirmative. He then Emerenciana, a sixty-nine year-old widow, testified that
signed the following certification, amounting to a waiver in July, 1977 she resided with the spouses Hermenegilda
of his constitutional rights, which formed part of his Lumague and Rodolfo de la Cruz in the house which
statement: they had been renting for three months in the Marikit
Subdivision. In the evening of July 24, 1977 she went to
Ito ay nagpapatunay na nauunawaan bed at eleven o' clock. She was awakened because of the
kong lahat ang aking mga karapatan na noise caused by some persons who were passing near the
napaliwanag sa akin ng inbestigador house and who were challenging the Ilocanos to a fight.
gaya ng pagbibigay ng salaysay na She came out of the house and saw five men who were
kusang loob, at hindi na rin kukuha ng very noisy.
abogado dahil katotohanan lamang ang
aking sasabihin. (Exh. H-1 p. 87, She advised them to go home because it was already
Record.) very late. They allegedly answered that they did not
observe the curfew and they cursed the President for
Mario's version in his statement is that he and Juanita enforcing it. Emerenciana said that the five men pushed
were in the Havana Pub and Beer Garden from seven to her towards the door of her house and she fell on the
ten o'clock in the evening of July 25 (should be 24), ground. She was allegedly stoned by the five noisy
1977. At around eleven o'clock, when Mario was already individuals. She was hit in the cheek, chest, left foot and
in his residence at the Marikit Subdivision (where he front part of her body. A woman named Marilou
lived with his brothers, mother and brother-in-law) he (Angelita) was also stoned and her foot was injured
heard a shout coming from the street in front of the ("nipilay") (412).
house and the sound of an object hitting the roof
("kalabog") and he saw Juanito going out of the house. Emerenciana admitted that when the incident happened
she, her children and son-in-law were staying in the
Then, later, Beth, the sister of his brother-in-law, house but when asked to clarify her answer she said that
informed Mario that some persons had ganged up her daughter Hermenegilda, son-in-law Rodolfo de la
Cruz and her grandchildren were staying in the house Winnie Camacho, a twenty-three year-old housewife,
(398). She declared that she did not know who killed whose husband is a first cousin of Rolando, testified that
Regalado and that when Regalado was killed her four on July 24 and 25,1977 Rolando was at her house in
sons "were not there" (399), meaning that Rolando, Barrio Ambangonan, Pugo. He planted rice on July 24.
Ponciano and Juanito were in the province, Mario was in The next day he went fishing in the river.
Tondo and Rodolfo was in the house (400-3). When
pressed by counsel de oficio to clarify the whereabouts Decision in the case of Ponciano, Rolando and Mario
of Juanito, Emerenciana answered that Juanita arrived in Lumague.—At the conclusion of Winnie's testimony on
the house when Emerenciana was pushed by the five January 31, 1978, defense counsel Galvan announced
persons (4069). that he would present the accused as witnesses at the
next hearing scheduled on February 24. That hearing
Emerenciana categorically declared that Ponciano never was not held. The case was reset for March 14. No
resided with her in Marikina (410-11). She testified that hearing was held on that date for reasons not shown in
when Juanita was boxed by the men, a fight ensued the record.
between them and Juanita. She admitted that Juanita had
previously been confined in the Madrigal Rehabilitation On that date, the trial court issued an order requiring the
Center for having been involved in a homicide case with prosecution to present its memorandum within ten days
his brother-in-law, Maximino Dacanay. and giving defense counsel Galvan five days within
which to file a reply memorandum. It scheduled on April
Angelita Ramos, 20, a helper of Emerenciana, testified 18 the promulgation of its sentence.
that Pacunayen used to go to Emerenciana's house. In the
afternoon of July 24, 1977, Ponciano was not in the The prosecution in a motion dated March 20, 1978
house in Marikina but was in Bauang, La Union, Mario offered its Exhibits L to S which were marked during the
was in Tondo and Rolando was in Barrio Ambangonan, cross-examination of the defense witnesses. Galvan
Pugo, La Union, but Juanita was in Emerenciana's objectived to Exhibits L, M and N. He did not make not
house in the Marikit Subdivision, Marikina. attached to the motion.
Angelita corroborated Emerenciana's, testimony that at The prosecution filed its memorandum on April 5.
about midnight on July 24 five persons passed by Galvan was furnished with a copy thereof. He did not
Emerenciana's house and challenged the Ilocanos to step submit his reply memorandum. As scheduled, the death
out. Emerenciana came out of the house and told the five sentence against Pnciano, Rolando and Mario was
persons to go home. She was pushed by the five persons "dictated and promulgated in open court" on April 18,
and she fell on the ground. 1978.
At that juncture, Juanita and Pacunayen arrived. The trial court convicted Ponciano, Rolando and Mario
Regalado allegedly boxed Juanita. The five persons Lumague of murder, sentenced each of them to death
threw stones and the witness, Angelita, was hit in the and ordered them to pay solidarily to the heirs of
ankle. Pacunayen assaulted Regalado with a hoe Regalado an indemnity of thirty-two thousand pesos.
Regalado fell on the ground face down. Pacunayen Treachery and abuse of superiority were considered
repeatedly stabbed Regalado (461). qualiffying circumstances. Cruelty was appreciated as a
generic aggravating circumstances. Cruelty was
Because Angelita was not available for cross- appreciated as a generic aggravating circumstances. The
examination, her testimony on direct examination was trial court did not give credence to the alibis of the
stricken out of the record (506). accused.
Eleno Gomez, 50, a farmer, a resident of Barrio The trial court in its decision explained that the defense
Quinavite, Bauang, La Union, and a first cousin of Julian waived its right to present further evidence after it failed
Camacho, who in turn is a first cousin of the Lumague to present such evidence in spite of numerious
brothers, testified that in the evening of July 24, 1977 he postponements and when defense counsel failed to
acted as guard at a dance held on the occasion of a appear in court despite due notice (p. 286, Record).
wedding in Barrio Quinavite and that Ponciano, Rolando
and Mario were present at that dance (475). Juanita and Galvan filed on April 24 a motion for reconsideration.
De la Cruz were not present at that dance. A few He complained that the accused were denied due process
moments later, Gomez testified that Rolando and Mario of law because they were not given a chance to testify in
were not present at the wedding party (489). their behalf. The motion was denied. The trial court in its
order of April 28, 1978 directed the clerk of court to The trial court then ordered the resumption of the
forward the record of the case to this Court. presentation of evidence against Juanita. The medico-
legal officer was cross-examined by Juanito's counsel
Separate trial and decision in Juanito Lumague's case. Asuncion and Elma 1. Regalado testified again. The
— As priorly noted, Juanito was arrested in Barrio prosecution formally offered in evidence against Juanita
ambangonan, on October 10, 1977 when the prosecution the same Exhibits A to K which it had already presented
had finished the presentation of its evidence against his during the trial of Ponciano, Rolando and Mario
brothers Ponciano, Roland and Mario. When arraigned Lumague.
on October 19, Juanito pleaded not guilty. He was given
a separate trial. Juanito's counsel did not present any evidence. On July
5, 1978, the trial court rendered in Juanito's case a
At the hearing on June 28, 1978, when the medico-legol decision similar to its previous decision. It convicted him
officer was testify for the second time in the separate of murder, sentenced him to death and ordered him to
trial for Juanito, Benjamin Santos, Juanito's counsel, pay the same indemnity (p. 281, Record).
interrupted the testimony of the medico-legal and
manifested that Juanito was withdrawing his plea of not Ruling.—In this automatic review of the fear death
guilty and changing it to a plea of guilty. The doctor's sentences, counsel de oficio contends that the trial court
testimony was suspended. Juanita was placed on the erred in not giving the four accused a chance to present
witness stand. He took his oath and was interrogated as other witnesses and to testify in their behalf, in admitting
follows: the extrajudicial confession of Mario Lumague, in giving
credence to the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses
Court to Juanito and in convicting the accused of murder.
Lumague: Do you
confirm and affirm that With respect to Juanita Lumague, who withdrew his plea
you are changing your of not guilty, who was tried separately and whose guilt
plea of not guilty to that was also established by means of the evidence presented
plea of guilty? — A. against him, we find that the counsel's contentions are
Yes, sir. I was not able devoid of merit. Juanito's guilt was proven beyond
to talk. reasonable doubt. His plea of guilty and the evidence
introduced by the prosecution destroyed the presumption
Q. by Court: You were of innocence in his favor.
not able to talk because
you were arrested. ...— There is conclusive evidence that he was the one who
A. No, your Honor. The stabbed Regalado. In doing so, he conspired with the
reason at that time I was other assailants of the victim particularly with the
asking but I was not assailant who treacherously struck Regalado on the back
able to reason out that I with a hoe Even Juanito's mother admitted that he took
was the one who part in the assault (408-9, 413-4). And, of course, the
committed the crime. fact that Juanita was a fugitive from justice for several
months is an indication of his guilt.
Court: Why did you not
tell the lawyer of your The trial court correctly held that the killing was murder
brother that you (are) qualified by treachery and abuse of superiority and
the only one to be aggravated by cruelty. Hence, death is the proper
presented by the penalty. Juanito's plea of guilty is not mitigating because
defense lawyer? — A. I it was made after the prosecution had commenced the
stated so, your Honor. presentation of its evidence.
Court: Did anybody With respect to the other three accused, Ponciano, Mario
intimidate, coerce you and Rolando Lumague, who pleaded not guilty and who
or promise you of (any) were tried ahead of Juanito, there is merit in their
leniency for changing contention that they were denied due process of law
that plea of not guilty to because they were not given a chance to testify in their
that plea of guilty?- behalf and to present additional evidence.
A.No. your Honor.
An accused has the constitutional right "to be heard by ABAD SANTOS, J., concurring:
himself and counsel" and the right "to testify as a witness
in his own behalf ". The denial of such rights is a denial I concur in the result and in doing so I wish to express
of due process, as held in People vs. Santiago, 46 Phil. some thoughts on the case.
734. See People vs. Abuda, L-30009, February 27, 1971,
37 SCRA 789. The Marikina police could not solve the murder of
Antonio A. Regalado. The Philippine Constabulary
Due process of law in a criminal Criminal Investigation petition Service (CIS) had to
prosecution consists of a law creating or intervene despite the fact that the so called friends of the
defining the offense, an impartial deceased, namely: Roberto Asuncion, Gerardo A.
tribunal of competent jurisdiction. Ducha, Lorenzo Gravador and Rogelio Bautista were
accusation in due form. notice and present when the incident occurred. They did come out
opportunity to defend, trial according to immediately to denounce the crime to the police and of
established procedure, and discharge the four only Asuncion testified in court; Ducha,
unless found guilty (16A C.J.S. 617). Gravador and Bautista did not. If a person has friends
like them, who needs enemies?
The constitutional right of the accused to be heard in his
defense is inviolate. "No court of justice under our Ducha's sworn statements (Exhibits E and F) should be
system of government has the power to deprive him of totally disregarded. Since he did not testify and hence
that right." (Abriol vs. Homeres, 84 Phil. 525, 534). could not be cross-examined, they are hearsay. They are
prejudicial to the accused.
Fundamental fairness, which is the essence of due
process, requires that the three accused should be I would urge the trial court when it renders another
allowed to testify on their defenses and to present decision in the case of Ponciano, Mario and Rolando
additional evidence to prove their innocence. Lumague to view their social and economic backgrounds
in a different light. The decision appears to indicate that
WHEREFORE, we affirm the trial court's separate because of their life-styles they have a proclivity to
decision dated July 5, 1978, sentencing Juanito Lumague commit crime. Maybe it is so. But it should be
to death. remembered that they did not choose to be poor and for
their poverty society must assume its share of the blame.
Its prior decision of April 18, 1978, sentencing to death
Ponciano, Mario and Rolando, all surnamed Lumague, ERICTA, J., concurring and dissenting:
is set aside. It is directed to receive the additional
evidence of the said accused, subject to the right of the I do not agree that cruelty has been proven. There were
prosecution to present rebuttal evidence and the right of five assailants and the attack was concerted and almost
the accused to present surrebuttal evidence. The simultaneous. If there were 36 wounds in all, each
evidence already presented subsists and should be taken defendant practically inflicted an average of seven
into account in the rendition of another decision. wounds.
Costs de oficio.
In the case of PP vs. Juan Jumauan ahas Juancho
SO ORDERED. Jumauan, 98 Phil. 1, the lone defendant inflicted upon
the deceased 13 wounds in all But this Court refused to
Teehankee, Barredo, Makasiar, Aquino, Concepcion, appreciate the aggravating circumstance of cruelty,
Jr.,Fernandez, Guerrero, Melencio-Herrera, Plana and because there was no showing that the defendant
Escolin, JJ., concur. "deliberately and inhumanly increased the suffering of
the deceased. "
Fernando, CJ., took no part
The test is whether the accused deliberately and
De Castro, J., I concur with justice Ericta's observation. sadistically augmented the wrong by causing another
wrong not necessary for its commission or inhumanly
increased the victim's suffering or outraged or scoffed at
his person or corpse (People vs. Lacao, 60 SCRA 89).
Separate Opinions
There being no aggravating circumstance, the penalty to appreciate the aggravating circumstance of cruelty,
be imposed upon Juanita Lumague should be reclusion because there was no showing that the defendant
perpetua. "deliberately and inhumanly increased the suffering of
the deceased. "
I concur in the rest of the Decision.
The test is whether the accused deliberately and
De Castro, J., concur. sadistically augmented the wrong by causing another
wrong not necessary for its commission or inhumanly
increased the victim's suffering or outraged or scoffed at
his person or corpse (People vs. Lacao, 60 SCRA 89).
I concur in the result and in doing so I wish to express I concur in the rest of the Decision.
some thoughts on the case.
De Castro, J., concur.
The Marikina police could not solve the murder of
Antonio A. Regalado. The Philippine Constabulary G.R. No. L-29015 April 29, 1975
Criminal Investigation petition Service (CIS) had to
intervene despite the fact that the so called friends of the THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-
deceased, namely: Roberto Asuncion, Gerardo A. appellee,
Ducha, Lorenzo Gravador and Rogelio Bautista were vs.
present when the incident occurred. They did come out FELIPE MALUNSING, ET AL., defendants, MANUEL
immediately to denounce the crime to the police and of VILLEGAS, defendant-appellant.
the four only Asuncion testified in court; Ducha,
Gravador and Bautista did not. If a person has friends Office of the Solicitor General Felix V. Makasiar,
like them, who needs enemies? Assistant Solicitor General Isidro C. Borromeo and
Solicitor Dominador L. Quiroz for plaintiff-appellee.
Ducha's sworn statements (Exhibits E and F) should be
totally disregarded. Since he did not testify and hence Pablito Pielago for defendant-appellant.
could not be cross-examined, they are hearsay. They are
prejudicial to the accused.
I would urge the trial court when it renders another FERNANDO, J.:ñé+.£ªwph!1
decision in the case of Ponciano, Mario and Rolando
Lumague to view their social and economic backgrounds It was the failure of the lower court to respect the
in a different light. The decision appears to indicate that constitutional right to counsel,1 so it is alleged, that is the
because of their life-styles they have a proclivity to basis for seeking the reversal of a conviction for murder
commit crime. Maybe it is so. But it should be of appellant Manuel Villegas.2 There is more than ample
remembered that they did not choose to be poor and for support in the records for the charge thus hurled. As
their poverty society must assume its share of the blame. therein shown, Attorney Geronimo Pajarito explicitly
manifested in the opening of the trial that appellant
ERICTA, J., concurring and dissenting: intimated to him that he had his own lawyer.3 There was
an admission that he did appear for him in the
I do not agree that cruelty has been proven. There were preliminary investigation but only because there was no
five assailants and the attack was concerted and almost other counsel.4 Parenthetically, it may be observed that
simultaneous. If there were 36 wounds in all, each while in the original complaint there were two other
defendant practically inflicted an average of seven accused with the same surname as the lawyer, Geremias
wounds. Pajarito and Samuel Pajarito, after such preliminary
investigation, no doubt due to the efforts of this
In the case of PP vs. Juan Jumauan ahas Juancho particular lawyer, possibly a kinsman, they "were both
Jumauan, 98 Phil. 1, the lone defendant inflicted upon discharged for lack of probable cause."5 To resume, the
the deceased 13 wounds in all But this Court refused to lower court at this stage then asked whether the appellant
notified Attorney Pajarito about his change of mind. responsibility. It was unintended, of course, but the
When he answered in the negative, the Court stated: "All result could not rightly be distinguished from pure
right, you have a lawyer who is appearing for you."6 It is travesty. Appellant could then rightfully invoke this
to the credit of such counsel that he had reservations constitutional guarantee. Inasmuch as it is intended to
about the matter, stating that as the accused had assure a just and fair proceeding, he is entitled at the
manifested that he had dispensed with his services, his most to a new trial where he can be duly represented
representation might later on be questioned.7 The court either by a counsel of his choice or by one appointed de
was not sufficiently impressed. Appellant was informed oficio, one who would discharge his task in a much more
that "the Court will give you a lawyer. Atty. Pajarito is diligent and conscientious manner and would not readily
appointed as counsel de oficio for you. We will proceed assume that he need not bother himself unduly with
with the trial."8 After marking it of record that he was familiarizing himself further with all aspects of the case.
appointed as such counsel de oficio, the attorney was For only in such a way may there be an intelligent
asked whether he wanted to confer with appellant. This defense. If the matter be viewed thus, there is no
was the answer: "I think I know the case." 9 The Court unfairness to the state either. It can still see to it that a
then immediately proceeded with the hearing, having the person against whom a probable cause had been found
first witness called.10 In the decision itself, there is this would have to stand trial, but, to repeat, with all the
meaningful admission by the court: "No evidence was constitutional safeguards.
presented for and in behalf of Manuel Villegas."11
2. It would not be amiss to refer to the opinion of Chief
This is how the matter was characterized in the brief of Justice Moran in People v. Holgado,13 where the
appellant: "The prosecution during the trial presented its importance of this right was stressed. Thus: "In criminal
witnesses, and likewise all the defendants, ... except the cases there can be no fair hearing unless the accused be
appellant Manuel Villegas, took the witness stand and given an opportunity to be heard by counsel. The right to
testified for and in their defense. The appellant is a very be heard would be of little avail if it does not include the
old man, ignorant and unlettered; during the entire right to be heard by counsel. Even the most intelligent or
proceedings in the case, the appellant while present did educated man may have no skill in the science of law,
not know what was going on; the trial court never particularly in the rules of procedure, and, without
apprised the appellant of his fundamental right to be counsel, he may be convicted not because he is guilty
assisted by a lawyer; the trial court did not even bother but because he does not know how to establish his
inquiring why the appellant Manuel Villegas did not take innocence. And this can happen more easily to persons
the witness stand, [something out of the ordinary as] all who are ignorant or uneducated. It is for this reason that
defendants, except the appellant, had testified; and the the right to be assisted by counsel is deemed so
trial court went on throughout the proceedings of the important that it has become a constitutional right and it
case without knowing why the appellant did not testify, is so implemented that under our rules of procedure it is
that if the appellant testified what would his testimony not enough for the Court to apprise an accused of his
be like, what would be his demeanor during his right to have an attorney, it is not enough to ask him
testimony, ..."12 Hence, his insistence that no deference whether he desires the aid of an attorney, but it is
was shown to the constitutional right to counsel. We are essential that the court should assign one de oficio for
inclined to agree and we reverse. Considering, however, him if he so desires and he is poor or grant him a
the gravity of the offense charged, instead of an reasonable time to procure an attorney of his
acquittal, there should be a new trial with all the own."14 There are a number of American Supreme Court
safeguards thrown around an accused. decisions to the same effect. In one of them, William v.
Kaiser, Justice Douglas succinctly summed up the matter
1. That would be to vindicate a fundamental safeguard thus: "[The accused] needs the aid of counsel lest he be
which in this case, perhaps from a desire of the lower the victim of overzealous prosecutors, of the law's
court to proceed with the trial and thus ease what could complexity, or of his own ignorance or bewilderment."15
be a congestion in its sala, was inadvertently
disregarded. It is not enough that a counsel de oficio was What is more, it is one of the worthwhile innovations of
appointed, especially so as here, where the accused had the present Constitution that even at the stage of
indicated that he wanted a lawyer of his choice, a custodial interrogation when the police agencies are
decision prompted moreover by the fact that he had lost investigating a man's possible connection with a crime,
confidence in the member of the bar thus designated. he is already entitled to counsel.16 In a true sense, that is
Nor is it to manifest respect for this right if the merely to underscore the historical fact that even under
counsel de oficio thus named, instead of conferring with the organic acts 17 prior to the 1935 Constitution, there
the accused, would just blithely inform the judge that he was an awareness of the importance of the right to
was already fully prepared for his exacting counsel.18 This is not of course to assert that this Court in
the past had invariably accorded it an interpretation Upon his arraignment on 22 October
favorable to the stand of an accused. Thus in United 1997,[3] ARNEL, who was assisted by a
States v. Labial, 19 a 1914 decision, it was held that the counsel de parte, refused to speak. Pursuant to Section
failure of the record to disclose affirmatively that the 1(c) of Rule 116 of the Rules of Court, the trial court
trial judge advised the accused of their right to counsel is entered for him a plea of not guilty in each of the
not sufficient ground for the reversal of a conviction. cases. On the same occasion, the defense waived pre-
When Labial was affirmed in United States v. trial. The cases were then consolidated and jointly tried.
Escalante,20 decided in 1917, Justice Malcolm was
moved to file a vigorous dissent. It suffices to recall his The witnesses initially presented by the prosecution
conformity to the view of Cooley that this is "perhaps were SPO2 Nicanor Avendao, Dr. Nilo Pempengco, Dr.
the privilege most important to the person accused of June Mendoza, and Salud Suillan.
crime.21 It is in that spirit, or something akin to it, that SPO2 Nicanor Avendao testified that upon his
the framers of the 1935 Constitution approached the arrival at the house of ARNEL in Barangay Bubukal,
subject. Of even greater relevance is the fact that the Santa Cruz, Laguna, at about 1:00 p.m. of 29 August
present fundamental law has, as above indicated, 1997, he found the house in disarray. He saw a naked
vitalized still further its worth and significance. woman lying dead on a wooden bed with both hands and
feet tied from behind, as well as a dead child on a
WHEREFORE, the lower court decision of December 4, crib. The dead woman was WENDY, and the dead child
1967 insofar as it found Manuel Villegas guilty of the was ARWIN. Some clothes and a puppy were also
crime of murder is reversed and a new trial ordered burned. Avendao and his team recovered a piece of steel
forthwith for such accused. This decision is immediately near WENDYs face and empty bottles of gin and Royal
executory. No costs. Tru-Orange on top of the cabinet. They took pictures of
the dead bodies and caused the entry of the incident in
the police blotter. He learned later that ARNEL's two
daughters, BERNALYN and ERICA, had been rushed to
RIGHT TO BE INFORMED OF THE NATURE AND the provincial hospital for treatment before he and his
CAUSE OF THE ACCUSATION team arrived at the crime scene.[4]
Dr. Nilo Pempengco, the physician who conducted
an examination of the dead bodies of WENDY and
ARWIN, testified that the cause of their death was
[G.R. Nos. 139225-28. May 29, 2002] cardio-respiratory arrest due to severe traumatic head
injury and multiple contusion hematoma.[5] The injuries
could have been caused by any hard and blunt object like
a piece of metal, piece of wood, or even a hand.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
vs. ARNEL ALCALDE y PASCASIO, accused- Dr. June Mendoza, a physician-surgeon of the
appellant. Laguna Provincial Hospital, testified that he treated
BERNALYN and ERIKA on 29 August 1997. He found
DECISION in BERNALYN multiple contusion hematoma,[6] which
could have been inflicted by a blunt and hard object and
DAVIDE, JR., C.J.: by a rope but which would not have caused immediate
death even if not properly treated.[7] He found in ERIKA
For automatic review[1] is the Consolidated contusions and lacerated and incised wounds,[8] which
Judgment[2] of 30 April 1999 of the Regional Trial would not have caused death even if no immediate
Court, Branch 28, Santa Cruz, Laguna, in Criminal medical attention had been given.[9]
Cases Nos. SC-6651 to SC-6654, convicting accused-
appellant Arnel Alcalde y Pascasio (hereafter ARNEL) Salud Suillan, WENDYs mother, declared that
of two counts of parricide committed against his wife WENDY and ARNEL lived with her at her residence in
WENDY and his 11-month-old son ARWIN and two Banca-Banca, Victoria, Laguna, for nine months after
counts of frustrated parricide committed against his two their marriage and that during their sojourn at her house
daughters BERNALYN and ERICA. she noticed ARNELs uncontrollable jealousy. ARNEL
used drugs, which frequently caused his
On 24 September 1997, the Office of the Provincial tantrums.[10] When asked whether she knew who killed
Prosecutor of Laguna filed before the trial court two WENDY and ARWIN, Salud answered that according to
informations for parricide and two informations for Jose Alcalde, ARNEL was the killer.[11] On cross-
frustrated parricide. examination, she admitted that ARNEL had been
continuously treated at the University of Sto. Tomas
Hospital in Manila from 1993 up to 1997.However, she interlocutory in character and could not, therefore, be the
did not know whether he was treated for a mental subject of a petition for certiorari; and that even
illness.[12] granting that the exception applied, the trial court
committed no capriciousness in issuing the assailed
After the prosecution rested its case and formally order.
offered its exhibits, the defense filed a motion for leave
of court to file a demurrer to evidence,[13] which was The prosecution thereafter presented SPO1 Neptali
granted. On 27 April 1998, the defense, through de la Cruz and Jose Alcalde as additional witnesses.
counsel de parte Atty. Renato B. Vasquez, Sr., filed a
demurrer to evidence[14] based on the following grounds: SPO1 Neptali dela Cruz, testified that at around
1:30 p.m. of 29 August 1997, while he was on duty at
(a) The accused has not been adequately the Police Assistance Center Base, Barangay Bubukal,
informed of the nature and cause of Santa Cruz, Laguna, he received a report of a killing
accusation against him during the incident at the house of ARNEL. He proceeded to the
arraignment; place with SPO2 Edilberto Apuada. There, he saw
ARNEL seated outside the house while being held by
(b) Not an iota of incriminatory evidence, two persons. He and Apuada entered the house and saw
direct or circumstantial, has been adduced the dead bodies of WENDY and ARWIN. He noticed
and presented by the prosecution during the
that ARNEL was motionless and silent when the dead
trial; and bodies were being brought out of their house.[20]
(c) The constitutional presumption of Jose Alcalde, father of ARNEL, testified that at
innocence of the accused has not been
1:30 p.m. of 29 August 1997 he heard the news that
overcome by any evidence or contrary ARNELs house was burning. Along with one Martin, his
presumption. carpenter, Jose proceeded to ARNELs house.Upon
In support thereof, the defense alleged that ARNEL entering the house, he saw ARNEL with raging eyes,
was afflicted with psychosis and could not comprehend, holding a kitchen knife and a hammer. Jose tried to
and that despite his strange behavior characterized by his pacify and convince ARNEL to surrender his weapons to
deafening silence, motionless appearance, and single him. Joses effort proved futile. It was only upon the
direction blank stare the trial court insisted on his intervention of ARNELs two brothers that ARNEL was
arraignment. Thus, ARNEL was not adequately apprised successfully disarmed. Jose left ARNEL to the care of
of the nature and cause of the accusation against his brothers because he had to bring to the hospital the
him. Moreover, no concrete evidence pointing to almost lifeless bodies of BERNALYN and ERIKA.[21]
ARNEL as the culprit was presented by the After the prosecution finally rested its case, the trial
prosecution. Hence, the constitutional presumption of court set on 8 October 1998 the presentation of the
innocence of an accused prevails. evidence for the defense. However, on 7 October 1998,
In its Order of 22 May 1998,[15] the trial court counsel for ARNEL, Atty. Vasquez Sr., informed the
denied the demurrer to evidence and set the dates for the trial court of his inability to communicate with ARNEL
presentation of the evidence for the defense. However, in because of ARNELs out of touch of the world
a Manifestation dated 4 June 1998,[16]Atty. Vasquez behavior. Atty. Vasquez manifested that the defense was
informed the court that the defense opted not to present constrained to submit the case for decision.[22]
evidence for ARNELs defense, as the prosecution failed In its decision of 30 April 1999,[23] the trial court
to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. found that the prosecutions evidence has duly
On 16 July 1998, the prosecution filed its established a succession of circumstantial evidence that
Comment[17] on the manifestation and prayed for the re- leads to the inescapable conclusion that ARNEL
opening of the presentation of prosecutions evidence for committed the crimes charged. It gave due credence to
the purpose of proving that ARNEL was at the scene of the testimony of Jose Alcalde. It found significant the
the crime. In its Order of 21 August 1998,[18] the trial fact that right from the start of the investigation of the
court allowed the prosecution to present additional incident up to the time the cases were submitted for
evidence. The defense questioned the propriety of the decision, no other person was suspected of having
said order before the Court of Appeals in a petition anything to do with the gruesome family massacre. The
for certiorari. trial court added that ARNELs culpability was further
bolstered by his failure to offer any evidence for his
In its resolution of 17 December 1998,[19] the Court defense despite ample opportunity to do so.
of Appeals dismissed the petition for non-compliance
with Section 1, Rule 65, Rules of Court, and for the In determining the appropriate penalty in Criminal
further reason that the order sought to be set aside was Case Nos. SC-6651 and SC-6654 for the killing of
WENDY and ARWIN, the trial court applied Article 246 Furthermore, the defense calls our attention to the
of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Section 5, Medical Certificate[24] issued by Dr. Ramon S. Javier,
R.A. No. 7659, which reads: M.D., FPPA, FPNA, of Sto. Tomas University Hospital,
stating that ARNEL was first brought to his clinic on 3
ART. 246. Parricide. -- Any person who shall kill his December 1993, and was confined at the psychiatric
father, mother, or child, whether legitimate or ward several times for bipolar mood disorder (manic-
illegitimate, or any of his ascendants, or descendants, or depressive psychosis). His last confinement in that
his spouse, shall be guilty of parricide and shall be hospital was from 12 to 24 February 1997, or six months
punished by the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death. before the family massacre. The medical
abstract[25] issued by Dr. Ma. Corazon S. Alvarez, which
Taking into account the two aggravating circumstances was also submitted by the defense, likewise shows the
of treachery and abuse of superior strength, it imposed several hospitalizations of ARNEL while in detention at
the death penalty in both cases. the Bureau of Corrections, Muntinlupa City, and the
finding that ARNEL was suffering from bipolar mood
As for Criminal Cases Nos. SC-6652 and SC-6653, disorder with psychotic features. The defense then prays
the trial court found ARNEL guilty of the crime of for ARNELs acquittal or, in the alternative, the remand
frustrated parricide after considering the severity of the of the case to the lower court for further proceedings and
wounds suffered by his daughters BERNALYN and for the determination of ARNELs mental state.
ERIKA, which clearly showed his intent to kill them.
In the Brief for the Appellee, the Office of the
In the Appellants Brief, the defense, through a new Solicitor General (OSG) maintains that under Section
counsel, Atty. Eduardo A. Cagandahan, states that the 11, paragraph (a), Rule 116 of the Rules of Criminal
trial court committed the following errors: Procedure, suspension of arraignment on the ground that
1. in proceeding with the case against the accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental
accused who had not been duly informed of condition, which effectively renders him unable to fully
the nature and cause of accusation against understand the charge against him and to plead
him during the arraignment or trial. intelligently thereto, may be granted upon motion by the
party. In these cases neither accused nor his counsel de
2. when it failed to have the accused medically parte asked for the suspension of the arraignment on that
examined to ascertain whether he was in ground. Such failure was tantamount to an admission
possession of his mental faculties when he that ARNEL was not suffering from any mental disorder
allegedly committed the acts imputed to or to a waiver of the right to move for suspension of
him, or that he was suffering from mental arraignment. Besides, for the defense of insanity to
aberration at the time the crime was prosper, it must be proved that the accused was insane at
committed, and when he entered the plea the very moment when the crime was committed. The
and during the trial on the merits despite the trial court was not duty-bound to initiate the
observation of the court a quo, as contained determination of ARNELs alleged mental incapacity.
in the order dated August 21, 1998.
Finally, the OSG agrees with the trial court that the
In support thereof, the defense assails the validity of chain of circumstances in these cases proved beyond
ARNELs arraignment, and asserts that with ARNELs reasonable doubt that ARNEL committed the crimes
questionable mental state he could not have understood charged. It, however, submits that ARNEL should be
the proceedings. It then cites the trial courts Order dated meted the penalty of reclusion perpetua only, instead of
21 August 1998, wherein the trial court made its own death, in Criminal Cases Nos. SC-6651 and SC-6654
observation regarding ARNELs strange behavior at the because the aggravating circumstances of treachery and
time of arraignment. The Order reads in part: abuse of superior strength cannot be appreciated against
ARNEL. It agreed with the trial court insofar as
Finally, it is worthwhile to recall that when the accused Criminal Cases Nos. SC-6652 and SC-6653 are
was arraigned in all the four cases, the Court was concerned.
constrained to enter for him a PLEA OF NOT GUILTY
After a painstaking scrutiny of the records of these
in all said cases as the accused acted strangely in a
cases, we rule for ARNEL.
manner as if he [was] out of touch with the world and
would not utter any word. But since the defense opted We cannot subscribe to the claim of the OSG that
not to present any evidence, no defense whatsoever the failure of ARNELs counsel de parte to ask for the
could be entertained for the accused. suspension of his arraignment on the ground that
ARNEL was suffering from an unsound mental health
amounted to a waiver of such right. It must be recalled
that ARNELs arraignment was on 22 October 1997. At arraignment and the mental examination of the accused
the time, what was applicable was Section 12(a) of Rule should it appear that he is of unsound mind.
116 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure, which
reads: In these cases, the trial court should have
ascertained ARNELs mental state instead of proceeding
with his arraignment and its subsequent proceedings.
SEC. 12. Suspension of arraignment. The arraignment
The following were enough for the trial court to take
shall be suspended, if at the time thereof:
seriously the issue of whether ARNEL was in full
possession of his mental faculties at the time of the
(a) The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound arraignment and trial:
mental condition which effectively renders him unable to
fully understand the charge against him and to plead (a) At his arraignment, the trial court observed
intelligently thereto. In such case, the court shall order that ARNEL acted strangely in a manner as
his mental examination and, if necessary, his if he [was] out of touch with the world and
confinement for such purpose. would not utter any word.[29]
(b) In its Motion and Waiver of Presence [of
Nowhere in that Section was it required that a the Accused] During the Trial,[30] the
motion by the accused be filed for the suspension of defense expressed its apprehension that
arraignment. Hence, the absence of such motion could ARNEL might explode into another
not be considered a waiver of the right to a suspension of violence while in transit to attend his trial
arraignment. True, Section 11(a) of the Revised Rules of or while in the courtroom.
Criminal Procedure, which was invoked by the OSG,
requires a motion by the proper party, thus: (c) ARNELs continued strange behavior
characterized by his deafening silence,
SEC. 11. Suspension of arraignment. -- Upon motion by motionless behavior and blank stares was
the proper party, the arraignment shall be suspended in raised as an issue by the defense in its
the following cases: demurrer to evidence.[31]
(d) The persistent out of touch with the world
(a) The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound behavior of ARNEL, which prevented his
mental condition which effectively renders him unable to counsel from effectively communicating
fully understand the charge against him and to plead with him for his defense was pointed out in
intelligently thereto. In such case, the court shall order the Manifestation and Motion submitted by
his mental examination and, if necessary, his the defense.[32]
confinement for such purpose. [Emphasis supplied].
(e) ARNELs questionable mental state was
This new requirement of motion by the proper party reiterated by the defense in its
could not be applied to these cases because the Revised memorandum.[33]
Rules of Criminal Procedure, which prescribes such The physical and outward manifestations of
requirement, took effect only on 1 December 2000. ARNEL at the time of his arraignment, which were
Besides, a waiver must be knowingly and brought to the attention of the trial court, indicated
intelligently made by the person possessing such substantial demonstration of a mental disorder that
right.[26] Unfortunately, ARNEL was apparently deprived rendered ARNEL unfit to be arraigned or tried in the
of such mental faculties. Thus, no waiver, impliedly or four criminal cases at bar. The trial court failed to
expressly, could have been made by ARNEL at the time exercise utmost circumspection in assuming that
of his arraignment by reason of his mental condition.[27] ARNEL was in full possession of his mental faculties
and understood the proceedings against him.
Settled is the rule that when a judge is informed or
discovers that an accused is apparently in a present The constitutional right to be informed of the nature
condition of insanity or imbecility, it is within his and cause of the accusation against him under the Bill of
discretion to investigate the matter. If it be found that by Rights[34] carries with it the correlative obligation to
reason of such affliction the accused could not, with the effectively convey to the accused the information to
aid of counsel, make a proper defense, it is the duty of enable him to effectively prepare for his defense.[35] At
the court to suspend the proceedings and commit the the bottom is the issue of fair trial. While not every
accused to a proper place of detention until his faculties aberration of the mind or exhibition of mental deficiency
are recovered.[28] Moreover, the aforementioned Section on the part of the accused is sufficient to justify
12(a) of Rule 116 mandates the suspension of the suspension of the proceedings, the trial court must be
fully satisfied that the accused would have a fair trial
with the assistance the law secures or gives.[36] Under the WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF ALL THE
circumstances in these cases, the trial court gravely FOREGOING, the Consolidated Judgment of the
failed in this regard. Regional Trial Court, Branch 28, Santa Cruz, Laguna, in
Criminal Cases Nos. SC-6651 to SC-6654 promulgated
While at first glance, the remarkable enthusiasm by on 30 April 1999 is hereby SET ASIDE. These cases are
which the trial court adjudicated these cases should earn ordered REMANDED to the trial court for further and
emulation, it however cannot be countenanced appropriate proceedings in accordance with the
considering its disregard of the constitutional rights
foregoing observations.
of ARNEL. Courts should be mindful of their
responsibility to see to it that the paramount interests of Costs de oficio.
justice are not sacrificed for the sake of speed and
efficiency.[37] SO ORDERED.
Accused-appellant Giovan Bernardino, on the other APPELLANTS IN CRIMINAL CASE No.
hand, assigns the following errors: 12600-R TO PAY THE PRIVATE
FINDING GIOVAN BERNARDINO The defense contends that there was no valid
GUILTY AS A CO-CONSPIRATOR IN arraignment since they were not furnished a copy of the
THE CRIME OF RAPE BECAUSE complaint or information. Moreover, the complaint or
THERE WAS NO CARNAL information was not read in a dialect or language known
KNOWLEDGE BETWEEN BRYAN DY to them. While they waived their right to enter a plea,
AND PRIVATE COMPLAINANT. they claim that they never waived their right to be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation xxxxxxxxx
against them.
It is also important to stress that to nullify the
Concededly, the right to be informed of the nature
proceedings had before the court a quo would set a
and cause of the accusation may not be waived. Indeed,
dangerous precedent. For, all that an accused would do is
the defense may waive their right to enter a plea and let
to refuse to be arraigned and then proceed to trial, and if
the court enter a plea of not guilty in their
found guilty would just invoke the absence of
behalf. However, it becomes altogether a different matter
arraignment to set aside the proceedings had in the trial
if the accused themselves refuse to be informed of the
court. Such practice would run counter to the purpose
nature and cause of the accusation against them.The
and spirit of our rules of procedure which is: to help
defense can not hold hostage the court by their refusal to
achieve an orderly and speedy disposition of cases.[10]
the reading of the complaint or information.
The reason proffered by accused-appellants for their Nonetheless, accused-appellants were substantially
refusal to be arraigned, i.e., that to do so would informed of the nature and cause of the accusation
supposedly constitute a waiver of their right to appeal against them when their counsel received a copy of the
the resolutions of the prosecutor to the Secretary of Prosecutors resolution maintaining the charge for rape
Justice,[8] appears to be specious. Evidently, accused- and acts of lasciviousness.[11] The failure to read the
appellants only wanted the trial court to suspend the complaint or information in a language or dialect known
arraignment to enable them to exhaust their remedy of to them was essentially a procedural infirmity that was
appeal to the Secretary of Justice. However, accused- eventually non-prejudicial to accused-appellants. Not
appellants had no valid ground to move that their only did they receive a copy of the information, they
arraignment be held in abeyance, considering that at that likewise participated in the trial, cross-examined the
time they had not filed a petition for review of the complainant and her witnesses and presented their own
prosecutors resolution before the Department of witnesses to debunk and deny the charges against
Justice. In Solar Team Entertainment, Inc. v. How,[9] this them. The conduct of the defense, particularly their
Court has held that: participation in the trial, clearly indicates that they were
fully aware of the nature and cause of the accusations
Procedurally speaking, after the filing of an information, against them.
the court is in complete control of the case and any
Interestingly, after the arraignment, the defense
disposition therein is subject to its sound discretion. The
never brought up the supposed invalidity or defect
decision to suspend arraignment to await the resolution
thereof. Rather, accused-appellants and their counsel
of an appeal with the Secretary of Justice is an exercise
vigorously and fully participated in the trial of the case.
of such discretion.
Accused-appellants are clearly estopped to question
xxxxxxxxx the alleged invalidity of or infirmity in their
arraignment. By actively participating in the trial of the
It bears stressing that the court is however, not bound to case, they have effectively waived whatever procedural
adopt the resolution of the Secretary of Justice since the error there was in their arraignment. In short, whatever
court is mandated to independently evaluate or assess the was the defect in their arraignment was substantially
merits of the case, and may either agree or disagree with cured by their own omission and subsequent actions.
the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice. Reliance
Accused-appellants next submit that the crime of
alone on the resolution of the Secretary of Justice would
acts of lasciviousness should have been absorbed by the
be an abdication of the trial courts duty and jurisdiction
crime of rape.
to determine prima facie case.
The Office of the Solicitor General disagreed
As the Solicitor General correctly observed, thus: arguing, thus:
x x x [A]ssuming, arguendo, that appellants were not While it may be true that in certain cases, the crime of
validly arraigned, such defect, if any, was waived when acts of lasciviousness may be considered absorbed by
appellants, without objection, proceeded to trial as if the crime of rape, in the instant case, it cannot be so
they have been duly arraigned (22 C.J.S. 626). Any because the two crimes were committed by two different
irregularity in an arraignment, such as failure to deliver a persons acting in conspiracy. Such being the case, there
copy of the indictment, or to read the same to accused, or is no occasion for the application of the procedural rule
delivering the same to the attorney of the accused, that one crime whose elements are identical with another
instead of to the accused himself, is waived by failure to crime is absorbed by the more serious crime. There
object thereto in the trial court (Ibid., p. 628). being conspiracy, what is applicable is the rule that the
crime committed by one conspirator is added to the or the use of a tampon. She added that erythema could
crime committed by his co-conspirator and vice- not be caused solely by sex. The presence of erythema,
versa. This is so because in conspiracy, the act of one is however, cannot give a definitive conclusion as to its
considered as the act of the other co-conspirator. In the cause. She also found complainants hymen to be intact
case under consideration, while appellant Bernardino has and that there was no laceration, bleeding or
committed the crime of acts of lasciviousness, his co- spermatozoa.
conspirator appellant Bryan Dy, committed the crime of
Dr. Solis, on the other hand, submits that erythema
rape. They are, therefore, liable for both offenses in view
of the presence of conspiracy. or reddening could not have been caused by intercourse
as said act would have produced not only irritation on
the vaginal wall but also irritation, swelling and
Appellants, in insisting that the crime of acts of
reddening of complainants outer genital area. He added
lasciviousness should have been absorbed by the crime
that coitus is a blind act and would have caused irritation
of rape, misappreciated the application of Section 5,
to the labia majora, labia minora and hymen in addition
Rule 120 (when an offense includes or is included in
to the vaginal wall, suggesting that erythema on the
another) of the Rules on Criminal Procedure and the
vaginal wall was more consistent with scratching or the
principle of conspiracy.[12]
insertion of a foreign object such as a tampon.
The position of the Solicitor General is well- Accused-appellant Dys contention fails to
taken. As will be shown hereunder, both accused- persuade. The medical opinions he cites do not totally
appellants acted in conspiracy, especially in their act of rule out penetration or contact of penis with the
offering the girls alcoholic drinks at the Songs Jazz Bar vagina. In fact, Dr. Torres could not give a definitive
and in administering drugs in their cola drinks. Under conclusion that the reddening of the vaginal walls was
the principle of conspiracy, the act of one is the act of not caused by sexual intercourse. Even if we were to
all. Consequently, Bryan should also be held criminally follow Dr. Solis line of reasoning, he was not likewise
liable for the acts of lasciviousness committed by categorical in stating that the reddening of the vaginal
Giovan on Gina, made possible by his convenient walls was not caused by penetration by a penis. Rather,
absence in the room. Corollarily, Giovan should be held he stated that such reddening was more consistent with
equally guilty for the rape committed by Bryan. scratching or the use of a tampon.[15]
Accused-appellants dispute the factual findings of Further, lack of lacerated wounds does not negate
rape made by the trial court, arguing that: (1) that there sexual intercourse. A freshly broken hymen is not an
was no carnal knowledge; (2) complainant was not essential element of rape. Even the fact that the hymen
deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; and (3) of the victim was still intact does not negate rape. As
there was no force or intimidation. explained by Dr. Maximo Reyes, medico-legal officer of
the NBI, there are hymens that may admit without
In rape cases, courts are guided by the following necessarily producing laceration and there are hymens
principles: (1) to accuse a man of rape is easy, but to that may admit injuries that will produce such
disprove it is difficult though the accused may be laceration.[16]
innocent; (2) considering that in the nature of things,
only two persons are usually involved in the crime of Even the presence or absence of spermatozoa is
rape, the testimony of the complainant should be immaterial in the prosecution of a rape case. It is well
scrutinized with great caution; and (3) the evidence for settled that penetration of the womans vagina, however
the prosecution must stand or fall on its own merit and slight, and not ejaculation, constitutes rape. The Court
not be allowed to draw strength from the weakness of rejects the argument that the absence of sperm in the
the evidence for the defense.[13] vaginal area is a good defense in a rape case.[17]
Accused-appellant Dy insists there was no carnal For rape to be consummated, full penetration is not
knowledge between him and complainant. He avers that necessary. Penile invasion necessarily entails contact
the only intimate contact between them consisted merely with the labia. It suffices that there is proof of the
of Mobleys kissing him, holding his penis and eventually entrance of the male organ with the labia of the
sucking it, and of him in turn kissing her and placing his pudendum of the female organ. Penetration of the penis
fingers in her vagina.[14] He claims that Dr. Torres and by entry into the lips of the vagina, even without rupture
Dr. Solis findings as well as complainants journal or laceration of the hymen, is enough to justify a
confirmed his testimony. Dr. Torres, in particular, conviction for rape. To repeat, the rupture of the hymen
testified that complainants cervix merely showed or laceration of any part of the womans genitalia is not
reddening and irritation indicating positive erythema at indispensable to a conviction for rape.[18]
the lateral aspect of the vaginal wall. Said erythema
could have been caused by coitus, infection, scratching,
Accused-appellant Dy also insists that complainant hours. The trial court correctly appreciated the clinical
could not have been drugged, relying on the opinion of and academic assessment of the potency and effect of
his expert witnesses, namely, Dr. San Pedro and Dr. ativan which, according to Dr. Hernandez, is a
Solis. The reasoning that complainant could not have benzodiazepine or a sedative-hypnotic drug. More
been drugged as there was no drug test taken is at least specifically, the trial court found that:
speculative and at most non sequitur. The trial court
found that: Gina experienced patchy amnesia, i.e., she could
remember some of the events happening to her and in
The proven reaction of Gina and Helen to the cola drinks front of her but forget the others, like her inability to
given them by the accused unmistakably indicates that recall that she went back to their room and even
they were indeed drugged. Dr. Francisco Hernandez, the bathed. She also had disorientation and confusion
prosecution expert witness, opined that the sedative- because she did not know why she went to the boys
hypnotic drug known as ativan or lorazepam could room and why she was naked. Disorientation and
probably be the one used. As explained by him, ativan is confusion, in turn, produce hypnotic effect, making the
a dose-related drug. A dosage of from 0.5 milligram to 4 one drugged easily suggestible, easily manipulated and
milligrams could produce in a person of average built or easily taken advantaged of. Gina likewise had visual
with a weight of 130 pounds anxiolytic effect, visual hallucination since she had the sensation that it was as if
hallucination, amnesia, confusion, disorientation, gait her head was detached from her body. She could resist
unsteadiness and sedation. At a 4-milligram dosage, the but she had no means of resisting because ativan is a
imbiber would experience sedation and excessive muscle relaxant and all her muscles were flaccid or lax.
sleepiness (See Exhibit G). The onset of the action of the
drug is within 15 to 45 minutes from the time it is Quite significantly, Dr. San Pedro, one of the defense
ingested; it peaks after 2 hours; and the action will last expert witnesses, stated that ativan could also cause
for 6 to 8 hours. Ginas feeling that she was falling in and out of
consciousness during the incident in
The effects of ativan manifested themselves in Gina and question.Significantly, too, Dr. San Pedro further
Helen but they were more profound in Helen because testified that Ginas behavior could be consistent with her
she drank all the cola drink spiked with drug and she is taking alcoholic drinks and ativan on the same
slimmer than the 165-pound Gina who did not finish her occasion. Dr. Solis, the other defense expert witness,
cola drink because when she felt something gritty that also gave the view that imbibing alcohol together with
stuck into her teeth, she spat back into her cup the cola in ativan would produce potentiation or increase the
her mouth and dumped out the rest of her drink. pharmacologic effect of the drug.[20]
Accused-appellant Dy can not take comfort in the Accused-appellant Dy asserts that: (a) the
fact that Gina failed to undergo a drug test. In People v. combination of drugs and alcohol normally produces a
Villanos,[19] the issue of whether the laced softdrink potentiating effect in that the subject can either fall into a
should have been presented in evidence to prove that coma or do the opposite which is to act aggressively and
complainant felt dizzy and unconscious after drinking with extreme hostility, and (b) the effects described by
the same was resolved thus: complainant and Helen Tennican are more
consistent with alcohol use rather than the effect of
True, there was no test conducted to determine the drugs.These assertions are not in accord with the trial
presence of any sedative or drug in the drinks given to courts findings of fact, and when combined with the
the victims which caused them to lose momentary adverbs normally and more consistent, are not definitive.
control of their faculties. But this is of little consequence
Even so, the trial court did not err in its assessment
as the same is not an indispensable element in a
of the credibility of Dr. Hernandezs testimony. The fact
prosecution for rape. Under the circumstances, it suffices
that Dr. Hernandez has not been accredited as an expert
that the victim was found to have been unconscious at
by the Dangerous Drugs Board does not necessarily
the time the offender had carnal knowledge of her.
mean that he is not an expert on the effects of drugs, as
accused-appellant Dy would like this Court to
Accused-appellant Dys submission that the ativan is believe. Accreditation by the Board is not an essential
an anxiety-reducing drug and not a sedative which element of expertise. More properly, expertise pertains
would not normally produce sleep unless taken in to knowledge and experience as well as relevant
massive quantities is belied by the undisputed fact that exposure to a particular field of discipline. It appears that
Gina slept for approximately thirteen hours while Helen Dr. Hernandez has met these latter requisites.
slept for almost eighteen hours. Gina testified that she
normally sleeps from seven and a half hours to eight
Since complainant was drugged, she was effectively the washroom who accepted the boys invitation to their
deprived of reason if not effectively rendered table and Helen then followed suit;
(c) Upon learning that the girls were coming up to
Under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as
Baguio City, the boys intimated that they, too, were
amended by RA No. 7659, rape is committed by having
coming up as they had planned two weeks earlier and
carnal knowledge of a woman who is unconscious. In
offered the girls a ride with them. The boys pretension
such a case, the fact of sexual assault and the identity of
could not be true otherwise Bryan, who came from
the assailant can be established from the events
Manila, would have prepared at least a jacket and some
preceding or following the victims loss of
clothes for their well-planned Baguio trip; instead, they
consciousness.[21] Here, complainant was not totally
had to go first to a residential area in Angeles City where
unconscious but was physically helpless to resist or
Bryan borrowed a jacket (two according to Helen) before
effectively communicate her refusal to the lewd desires
driving to Baguio City;
of accused-appellants. She was aware of the fact of
sexual assault and the identity of her assailants despite
her patchy amnesia, disorientation and xxxxxxxxx
confusion. In People v. Lintag,[22] this Court held that:
(e) At the Songs Jazz Bar, Bryan and Giovan kept on
[I]f the ability to resist is taken away by administering offering and giving Gina and Helen alcoholic drinks;
drugs, even though the woman may be conscious, sexual
intercourse with her is rape. (Citation omitted) If the (f) As they left, Giovan suggested that he was thirsty and
womans will is affected by the anesthetic so that the wanted cola drink;
connection is had without her consent, though she may
be more or less conscious, the act will be rape. (Citation (g) Notably, Helen declined any further cola drink since
omitted) she had already drunk enough water at the Songs;
In this regard, the trial court observed: (h) But Bryan and Giovan, who went to buy the drinks at
Kowloon Restaurant, saw to it that the two plastic cups
Gina has positively and steadfastly and unrelentingly of Sprite carried by Bryan be given to Gina and
claimed that after the effects of the drug had taken on her Helen. They were the drugged cola drinks;
and she lay down on the beds put together in the boys
room, Giovan lay alongside her and forcibly kissed her (i) As heretofore stated, they detoured through Club John
with his tongue inside her mouth, kissed her breasts and Hay to let Gina and Helen drink their drug-laced Sprite
inserted his index and middle fingers into her vagina and have the drug take its initial effect;
followed by Bryan having sexual intercourse with her
and just to prevent Bryan from penetrating her further, (j) When Giovan was satiating his lust on Gina, Bryan
she did oral sex on him.[23] was not around to let Giovan freely do what he
wanted. When Bryans turn came, Giovan also left.
Conspiracy exists when two or more persons come
to an agreement concerning the commission of a felony Accused-appellant Bernardinos contention that he
and decide to commit it. The agreement may be deduced could not have been a co-conspirator in the crime of rape
from the manner in which the offense was committed. It because Bryan Dy lacked the requisite dolo or criminal
must be shown that all participants performed specific intent to commit said intentional felony is
acts with such closeness and coordination as to indicate a unmeritorious. Complainant was found to have been
common purpose or design to commit the felony.[24] drugged. The obvious implication of drugging
complainant was to render her unconscious or at least
Accused-appellants joint participation in the crime unable to resist the malicious and sexual designs of
of rape is clear from the trial courts findings as follows: accused-appellants on the former. By doing so, accused-
appellants ensured that complainant would be in no
(a) Bryan and Giovan were both at the Angeles Flying position to resist or to effectively say no. The fact of
Club when Bryan spotted Gina and Helen; drugging complainant betrays both accused-appellants
intent to sexually assault complainant or engage in
(b) The two boys and their driver sat at a table next to sexual intercourse with her.
the girls and immediately Bryan and later on Giovan
struck up a conversation with the girls, initially with In addition, accused-appellant Dy submits that he
Helen whom they invited to their table which she would not have acted the way he did had he committed
declined, and then with Gina after the latter came out of the crime of rape. His argument is non sequitur. While
an accused-appellants post-incident behavior is never on the stand while testifying, which opportunity is
proof of guilt, neither is it of innocence. denied to the appellate courts. Only the trial judge can
observe the furtive glance, blush of conscious shame,
By the same token, accused-appellant submits that hesitation, flippant or sneering tone, calmness, sigh, or
complainants acts and statements, which are allegedly the scant or full realization of an oath all of which are
part of the res gestae, indicate that she had not been useful aids for an accurate determination of a witness
raped or molested.This contention is, likewise, honesty and sincerity. The trial courts findings are
unmeritorious. The behavior and reaction of every
accorded finality, unless there appears in the record
person cannot be predicted with accuracy. It is an some fact or circumstance of weight which the lower
accepted maxim that different people react differently to court may have overlooked, misunderstood or
a given situation or type of situation and there is no misappreciated and which, if properly considered, would
standard form of behavioral response when one is alter the results of the case.[29] Unless certain facts of
confronted with a strange or startling experience. Not substance and value were overlooked which, if
every rape victim can be expected to act conformably to considered, might affect the result of the case, its
the usual expectations of every one. Some may shout; assessment must be respected for it had the opportunity
some may faint; and some may be shocked into to observe the conduct and demeanor of the witnesses
insensibility, while others may openly welcome the
while testifying and detect if they are lying.[30]
intrusion.[25] Behavioral psychology teaches us that
people react to similar situations dissimilarly. There is This Court does not agree that the trial court
no standard form of behavior when one is confronted by overlooked or misappreciated any fact of substance or
a shocking incident. The workings of the human mind value. In assessing the credibility of complainant, the
when placed under emotional stress are trial court commented thus:
unpredictable. This Court indeed has not laid down any
rule on how a rape victim should behave immediately The Court had observed her demeanor when she was
after she has been abused. This experience is relative and testifying and she was direct, spontaneous and
may be dealt with in any way by the victim depending straightforward, even crying in narrating the sensitive
on the circumstances, but her credibility should not be details of her horrible experience; she had also
tainted by any modicum of doubt.[26] demonstrated much care and concern about her
obligation to tell the truth and nothing but the truth under
Accused-appellant Dy also avers that the credibility
the oath which she had taken before sitting on the
of complainant and her other witnesses was
witness chair.[31]
impeached. In effect, accused-appellants question the
trial courts assessment of complainants credibility.
The victims act of crying during her testimony
Credible witness and credible testimony are the two bolsters the credibility of the rape charge with the verity
essential elements for the determination of the weight of born out of human nature and experience.[32]
a particular testimony. This principle could not ring any
truer where the prosecution relies mainly on the Besides, no woman would concoct a story of
testimony of the complainant, corroborated by the defloration, allow examination of her private parts and
medico-legal findings of a physician. Be that as it may, subject herself to public trial or ridicule if she has not, in
the accused may be convicted on the basis of the lone, truth, been a victim of rape and impelled to seek justice
uncorroborated testimony of the rape victim, provided for the wrong done to her. It is settled jurisprudence that
that her testimony is clear, convincing and otherwise when a woman says that she has been raped, she says in
consistent with human nature.[27] effect all that is necessary to show that rape was indeed
committed.[33] A woman would think twice before she
Needless to say, this is a matter best assigned to the concocts a story of rape unless she is motivated by a
trial court which had the first-hand opportunity to hear patent desire to seek justice for the wrong committed
the testimonies of the witnesses and observe their against her.[34]
demeanor, conduct, and attitude during cross-
examination. Such matters cannot be gathered from a No decent woman in her right mind would tell a tale
mere reading of the transcripts of stenographic that could sully her reputation and bring undue
notes. Hence, the trial courts findings carry great weight embarrassment and shame to herself and expose her
and substance.[28] family to all sorts of public aspersions if it is not the
truth.[35] If her story had only been contrived, she would
In any case, well-settled is the rule that the findings not have been so composed and consistent throughout
of facts and assessment of credibility of witnesses is a her entire testimony in the face of intense and lengthy
matter best left to the trial court because of its unique interrogation.[36] Indeed, if an accused had really nothing
position of having observed that elusive and to do with the crime, it is against the natural order of
incommunicable evidence of the witnesses deportment events and human nature and against the presumption of
good faith that the prosecution witness would falsely of prision mayor in any of its periods, i.e., from 6 years
testify against the former.[37] and 1 day to 12 years.
In this case, accused-appellants could not even Considering the foregoing, accused-appellant Dy is
come up with a credible motive for complainant to hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of 8 years
charge them with rape. At any rate, ill motive is never an of prision mayor, as minimum up to 14 years and 8
essential element of a crime.It becomes inconsequential months of reclusion temporal, as maximum.
in a case where there are affirmative, nay, categorical
As regards accused-appellant Bernardino, he is not
declarations towards the accused-appellants
accountability for the felony.[38] entitled to the privileged mitigating circumstance of
minority considering that at the time of the commission
It is doctrinally settled that the lone testimony of a of the crime, he was already nineteen years
rape victim, by itself, is sufficient to convict if old.[41] Hence, as to him, the proper imposable penalty
credible. Equally settled is the principle that when a is reclusion perpetua, an indivisible penalty. Under
woman declares that she has been raped, she says in Article 63, first paragraph, of the Revised Penal Code,
effect all that is necessary to mean that she has been this penalty shall be imposed regardless of the
raped, and where her testimony passes the test of attendance of the mitigating circumstance of voluntary
credibility, the accused can be convicted on the basis surrender.
thereof.This is because from the nature of the crime, the
only evidence that can be offered to establish the guilt of The trial court erred in sentencing accused-
the accused is the complainants testimony.[39] appellant Bernardino to an indeterminate penalty. Since
the penalty of reclusion perpetua is imposed on him,
Accused-appellant Bernardino assails the trial accused-appellant Bernardino can not enjoy the benefit
courts failure to credit him with the mitigating of the Indeterminate Sentence Law.[42]
circumstance of minority. There is no merit to this
contention. Accused-appellant Bernardino was already Accused-appellant Bernardinos act of kissing Ginas
nineteen when the crime was committed. Moreover, in breasts and inserting his finger into her vagina
constituted acts of lasciviousness.[43] The penalty for this
the case of People v. Abad,[40] which accused-appellant
Bernardino cites, the circumstances and immaturity of felony, under Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code,
accused in said case did not allow him the freedom of is prision correccional. The penalty to be imposed on
initiative and action which should be expected of a accused-appellant Dy, after appreciating the privileged
person who is aware of the full consequences and mitigating circumstance of minority and the generic
mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender,
responsibility for his acts. Accused-appellant Bernardino
was not under similar circumstances and neither was is arresto mayor in its minimum period. Inasmuch as the
there any clinical basis to show he was immature. Indeterminate Sentence Law is not applicable,[44] the trial
court correctly imposed on him the straight penalty of
Under the second paragraph of Article 335 of the two months of arresto mayor.
Revised Penal Code, rape is punished by reclusion
On the other hand, the penalty to be imposed on
perpetua. Although Section 17 of R.A. No. 7659 fixed
the duration of reclusion perpetua from 20 years and 1 accused-appellant Bernardino, considering the generic
day to 40 years, the penalty has remained indivisible. mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender,
is prision correccional in its minimum period. The trial
At the time of the commission of the crime, court, therefore, correctly imposed on him the
accused-appellant Dy was 17 years old, hence a indeterminate penalty of two months of arresto mayor,
minor. Under Article 68 of the Revised Penal Code, as minimum, to two years and four months of prision
when the offender is a minor under 18 years, the penalty correccional, as maximum.
next lower to that prescribed by law shall be imposed,
but always in the proper period. Finally, in the matter of the damages awarded by
the trial court, this Court reduces the award of moral
Minority being a privileged mitigating damages from P500,000.00 to P50,000.00 in line with
circumstance, the proper imposable penalty in this case prevailing jurisprudence.Moral damages are not awarded
for accused-appellant Dy is reclusion temporal, which to punish the accused but to compensate for the mental
ranges from 12 years and 1 day to 20 years. Appreciating anguish, serious anxiety, and moral shock suffered by
the ordinary generic mitigating circumstance of the victim or his family as the proximate result of the
voluntary surrender in favor of Dy, the imposable wrongful act. The award is not meant to enrich the
penalty should be within minimum period of reclusion victim at the expense of the accused.[45]
temporal, i.e.,12 years and 1 day to 14 years and 8
months. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the Likewise, the award of P12,195.00 or the equivalent
minimum term of the penalty should be within the range of US$450.00 as actual damages is deleted for lack of
factual basis. To seek recovery of actual damages, it is alibi. Thus, for failure of the prosecution to allege in the
necessary to prove the actual amount of loss with a information and prove during trial the correct dates of
reasonable degree of certainty, premised upon competent the rapes allegedly committed against the victim, Elvie
proof and on the best evidence obtainable by the injured Basco, the accused will be let off the hook on due
party.[46] process considerations.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the On March 27, 1996, two informations were filed
Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Baguio City, against the accused Valdesancho.
Branch 5, in Criminal Case No. 12600-R, finding
accused-appellant BRYAN FERDINAND DY y LA In Criminal Case No. S-1964, the information
guilty of Rape, and sentencing accused-appellant Bryan
Dy to suffer an indeterminate penalty of eight years "That on or about August 15, 1994 at Sitio Mahabang
of prision mayor, as minimum, up to fourteen years and Parang, Barangay Nanguma, Municipality of Mabitac,
eight months of reclusion temporal, as maximum, is Province of Laguna and within the jurisdiction of this
AFFIRMED. The said decision, insofar as accused- Honorable Court, the above-named accused with lewd
appellant Giovan Bernardinos penalty is concerned, is designs and by means of force and violence, did then and
MODIFIED in that he is sentenced to suffer the penalty there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously have sexual
of reclusion perpetua. intercourse with one Elvie B. Basco, 15 years old, single
(,) against her will and consent and to her damage and
The decision of the trial court in Criminal Case No. prejudice.
12601-R, finding accused-appellants guilty of Acts of
Lasciviousness and sentencing accused-appellant Dy to CONTRARY TO LAW."[2]
suffer the straight penalty of two months of arresto
mayor, and accused-appellant Bernardino to suffer the In Criminal Case No. S-1965, the information
indeterminate penalty of two months of arresto reads, viz:
mayor, as minimum, to two years and four months
of prision correccional, as maximum, is AFFIRMED. "That on or about the evening of August 16, 1994 at
Accused-appellants Dy and Bernardino are further Sitio Mahabang Parang, Barangay Nanguma,
ORDERED, jointly and severally, to pay complainant, Municipality of Mabitac, Province of Laguna and within
Gina Marie Mobley, the amounts of P50,000.00 as civil the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
indemnity, P50,000.00 as moral damages and named accused with lewd designs and by means of force
P100,000.00 as attorneys fees, and to pay the costs of the and violence, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and
suit. The award of P12,195.00 or US$450.00 as actual feloniously have sexual intercourse with one Elvie B.
damages is DELETED. Basco, 15 years of age, single (,) against her will and
consent and to her damage and prejudice.
"On September 2, 1998, witness Conchita According to the trial court, testimony coming from an
Donato was conducting a remedial class in innocent child like the victim was credible and sufficient
Reading to her Grade I and II students. While to convict appellant of rape, more so because the
they were reading the word ‘tagtuyot’ or testimony was supported by medical findings.
‘saluyot,’ one of her students Jocelyn Meneses
told her that Anna was sexually abused by The lower court thus brushed aside the claim of
‘Manong Larry.’ appellant that he was falsely accused. It held that,
whatever feud may have existed between the mother of
"She then ordered the students to leave the room the rape victim and the accused, no woman in her right
and asked Jocelyn and Anna to stay behind. She mind would unnecessarily expose her minor daughter to
confronted Anna and asked her the truth. Anna the humiliation and stigma of a public trial. Citing
covered her face with her two hands, cried, and Section 3(b)(1) of RA No. 7610,9 it added that the sexual
said yes. The teachers had a conference, after abuse of the victim prejudiced her development.
which they decided to report the matter to the
parents of Anna. Hence, this appeal.10
The Information in this case alleged that the crime was In this case, the victim was a young girl of seven years
committed "sometime in March 1998" which, according when she came forward to declare that appellant had
to private complainant, was more or less at the closing of raped her. At age nine, she narrated to the court the
the school year.14 Being reasonably definite and certain, violation of her person in this manner:
this approximation sufficiently meets the requirement of
the law. After all, Section 6 of Rule 11015 of the Rules of "PROS. GUARDIANO [to Anna]:
Court merely requires that the information must state,
among others, the approximate time of the commission Q Do you remember an incident that happened
of the offense. [i]n March, 1998 in relation [to] the accused?
Q How did he sexually abuse you? Q After that, did your organ bleed?
Q After he made you [lie] down, what did he do To be sure, the victim’s testimony was not flawless or
after that? perfect in all aspects. We must remember, however, that
it was the narration of a minor who barely understood
A He sexually abused me, Sir. sex and sexuality.24 Hence, in assessing her testimony, it
would not be fair to apply the standards used for
Q And did he put out his penis? adults.25 Indeed, she fully understood the defilement of
her person, even if she was at a loss for the right words
A Yes, Sir. with which to describe the horrid details. It was for this
reason that the prosecutor had to ask leading questions,
Q Did he place his penis touching your sex which are allowed under Section 10 of Rule 132 of the
organ? Rules of Court.26
A Yes, Sir. Furthermore, the account given by the victim, stating the
essential fact that appellant had carnal knowledge of her,
refers to details that are not in any way affected or
Q And did you feel any pressure when his penis
obscured by the supposed contradictions -- whether or
touched your sex organ?
not she bled after the rape or how soon she informed her
mother of the incident.27 What further buttressed the
A Yes, Sir. story of private complainant were Dr. Gapultos’ medical
findings28 that there were old lacerations in her hymen.
Q And that feels very painful? Although not indispensable to a rape conviction,29 such
findings were credible physical evidence of forcible
A Yes, Sir. defloration, among others.30
Q And that pain you felt is at the [opening] of Similarly corroborative of the girl’s tale of woe was
your sex organ? Conchita Donato’s unrebutted testimony. It disclosed
that appellant’s sister, Lorena, had admitted to having
A Yes, Sir. seen the incident in much the same detail as the victim
had declared. The pertinent portion of Lorena’s
Q And it is very painful everytime there was testimony during cross-examination is reproduced
pressure in the opening of your sex organ? below:
"ATTY. JOAQUIN: Finally, it is a general rule that appellate courts will not
interfere with the judgment of trial courts on the
Q When you heard of this conversation, did you credibility of witnesses, unless there appears on record
ask what she mean[t] by the word ‘yot.’? some facts or circumstances of weight and influence that
have been overlooked, misapprehended or
A Yes, Sir. I asked her if she understands the misinterpreted.32 This deference to the trial court’s
word ‘yot.’ [T]he child Jocelyn Meneses said appreciation of the facts and of the credibility of
that ‘niyotyot’ ni Mang Larry ni Anna Lorraine’ witnesses is consistent with the principle that when the
and I asked Anna Lorraine if it is true that she testimony of a witness meets the test of credibility, that
was sexually abused by Larry and she cried and alone is sufficient to convict the accused.33 Thus, when a
answered yes, Sir. guileless girl of seven credibly declares that she has been
raped, she has said all that is necessary to prove the
Q But you did not ask x x x further questions? ravishment of her honor.34
A No more, Sir, because the child cried. The gravamen of statutory rape is carnal knowledge of a
woman below twelve years of age.35 In this case, the
Q So, she did not exactly tell what happened to prosecution duly established that appellant had sexual
her and what Larry did to her because she was intercourse with private complainant; and that the latter,
already crying? as shown by her birth certificate,36 was under twelve
years old at the time.
A No, Sir[,] we again interviewed the child
while we were at the Guidance Center with my On the other hand, of little probative value is the alibi of
co-teachers and she said yes and I even asked appellant that he was in the house of his parents at the
how the incident happened and Lorena told me time of the rape. In rape cases, while denial and alibi are
that both were inside the room and they were legitimate defenses, bare assertions thereof cannot
naked and Larry was on top of Anna Lorraine, overcome the categorical testimony of the victim.37 In
Sir. particular, the defense of alibi is weak if wanting in
material corroboration,38 as in this case.
Q Are we made to understand Madam Witness
that you also interviewed the sister[,] Lorena? Also unpersuasive is the contention of appellant that the
charge against him was precipitated by a long-standing
feud between his family and that of private complainant.
A Yes, Sir.
He himself belied this allegation during his cross-
examination, from which we quote:
Q Who between the two (2) were naked as
narrated to you by Lorena?
"PROS. GUARDIANO [to Cachapero]:
A ‘Labus da’ they were naked, she told us, Sir.
Q Mr. Witness, how far is your house [from] the
house of the private complainant?
Q And that was only the exact narration given
by Lorena?
A From my seat to the Municipal building, Sir
(estimated at 150 meters).
A Yes, Sir[,] and that Larry was on top of Anna
Q And you are aware that Anna [Laurence]
Toledo and your younger sister and brother are
Q Did Lorena see the private organ[s] of those friends, is that correct?
naked persons?
A No, Sir.
A I did not ask about that, Sir.
Q And there was a quarrel between your mother
Q And you did not also ask whether the private and the mother of the complainant, as you said
organ of Larry Cachapero was inserted into the earlier?
private organ of Anna Lorraine?
A Yes, Sir.
A I did not, Sir."31 (Italics supplied)
Q And you said [that] they quarreled [with] carpenter and a Barangay Tanod, was a neighbor of
each other even before this crime, is that Ponciano.
On May 13, 1995, a Saturday, at about 7:00 p.m.,
Rufo was seated near his house and resting before
A Not yet, Sir.
retiring for the evening. Momentarily, Rufo saw
Roberto, with Beverly perched on his right shoulder,
Q So they quarrel[ed] after this incident, is that walking towards the direction of the poblacion. Robertos
correct? left hand was holding the right hand of Mary Donoso, a
nine-year old playmate of Beverly. The trio were in
A Yes, Sir. animated conversation on their way towards the
Q Because you are accused of rape by the
private complainant who is the daughter of that After the lapse of an hour or so, Edita noticed that
mother whom your mother quarreled with, is Beverly had not yet returned to their house. She went out
that correct? of the house to look for her daughter. Rufo told Edita
that earlier he saw Beverly perched on the shoulder of
A Yes, Sir."39 (Italics supplied) Roberto on their way towards the direction of the
poblacion. Thereafter, Roberto sauntered by. However,
Beverly was no longer with him. Puzzled, Edita inquired
Award of Exemplary Damages Improper
from Roberto where Beverly was. Instead of responding,
Roberto fled. Edita was flustered. Rufo, who witnessed
The trial court’s award of ₱25,000 for exemplary the incident, advised Edita to report the incident to the
damages should be deleted. Such damages may be given police authorities. Edita rushed back home and woke up
only when one or more aggravating circumstances are Ponciano. She told her husband that Beverly had been
alleged in the information and proved during the taken by Roberto and that Beverly had not yet returned
trial.40 In the present case, there are no such home. The couple rushed from their house and reported
circumstances. the incident to the police authorities. With the help of
their neighbors and police officers Manuel Toribio and
WHEREFORE, the appeal is DENIED and the assailed Dodong Espino, the couple looked for Beverly but failed
Decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Camiling, to locate her. They resumed their search the next day,
Tarlac, AFFIRMED. The award of exemplary damages May 14, 1995, and, at 3:00 p.m., they found Beverly
is DELETED. Costs against appellant. sprawled in a grassy portion below a copra kiln about
120 meters away from the house of the Onato couple and
SO ORDERED. about 15 meters from the nearest house. Beverly was
already dead. Pictures of Beverly were taken where her
body was found.[2] Ponciano and the policemen then
looked for Dr. Renato Ortiz, the Municipal Health
[G.R. No. 131804. February 26, 2003] Officer, to conduct an autopsy on the cadaver of Beverly
but the doctor was in Calbayog City. Lorenzo Bernabe,
the Municipal Sanitary Inspector who had been trained
by the District Hospital to perform autopsies in the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, absence of the Municipal District Officer, performed the
vs. ROBERTO OSTIA @ ROBERT, accused- autopsy on the cadaver of Beverly. Bernabe drew a
appellant. sketch depicting the human body indicating the number
and locations of the injuries sustained by
DECISION Beverly.[3] Bernabe then prepared the autopsy report.
CALLEJO, SR., J.: Dr. Renato Ortiz validated the report of Bernabe
and signed a Medico-Legal Necropsy Report on May 24,
The Spouses Ponciano Onato and Edita Onato 1995 showing the injuries sustained by Beverly and the
resided with their four-year old daughter,[1] Beverly cause of her death:
Onato, in Sitio Mactang, Barangay Ilo, Sto. Nio,
Samar. Ponciano was a fisherman and a farmer but was FINDINGS
employed by Tito Soria in his buy-and-sell of fish
business. Roberto Ostia, a co-worker of Ponciano, 1. Wound, lacerated, 3.5 cm. long, running
resided in the poblacion of Sto. Nio. Rufo Legaspi, a downward from posterior vaginal wall to
the anus.
2. Wound, lacerated, 2 cm. long, running During the arraignment of Roberto on January 30,
upward from the vagina to mons pubis. 1996, he, through his counsel de oficio, manifested to the
court that he was willing to plead guilty to the lesser
3. Contusion, purplish in color, 5.0 cm. in offense of murder.However, the public prosecutor
diameter lateral side of lumbar area, left, prayed for a continuance so that he could consult the
below the costal margin. provincial prosecutor and the father of the victim,
4. Presence of blood clots, left ear. Ponciano, on the offer of Roberto.
The arraignment of Roberto was reset to February
USE OF DEATH: 29, 1996, on which date, he, through his counsel de
oficio, moved that a reinvestigation be conducted by the
Cardio-Respiratory Arrest public prosecutor. The motion was granted by the trial
court.[10] However, despite notice from the office of the
2ndary to severe hemorrhage[4] public prosecutor, Roberto failed to adduce
controverting evidence. On motion of the prosecution,
According to Dr. Ortiz, the lacerated wounds the arraignment of Roberto was set on August 9,
sustained by Beverly from the posterior wall of her 1996. When arraigned on said date, Roberto, with the
vagina to her anus and from her vagina to the mons assistance of his counsel de oficio, entered a plea of Not
pubis were caused by a blunt instrument shoved Guilty to the charge of rape with homicide.[11]
violently into her vagina.[5] Such an instrument could be
a penis. The doctor also signed the Certificate of Death Trial ensued. The prosecution presented Dr. Renato
of Beverly.[6] Ortiz as its first witness. Before the trial resumed on
February 24, 1997, the counsel de oficio of Roberto
Earlier on May 18, 1995, a criminal complaint for manifested that the latter was intending to plead guilty to
rape with homicide was filed by Ponciano against murder and prayed for the deferment of the trial. The
Roberto with the Municipal Circuit Trial Court[7] and public prosecutor manifested to the court that he had no
after the requisite preliminary investigation, an objection to Robertos pleading guilty to murder as he did
Information charging Roberto with Rape with Homicide not have sufficient evidence to prove that the latter raped
was filed on December 7, 1995 with Branch 32 of the Beverly but that he had sufficient evidence to prove that
Regional Trial Court of Calbayog City which reads: he killed her.
During the trial set on May 6, 1997, Roberto,
That on or about the 13th day of May, 1995, at about
through counsel, moved that he be allowed to withdraw
7:00 oclock in the evening, at Sitio Mactang, Barangay
his plea of not guilty to rape with homicide and to enter
Ilo, Municipality of Sto. Nio, Province of Samar,
a plea of guilty to murder.Ponciano, the father of
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
Beverly, and the public prosecutor agreed to Robertos
Court, the above-named accused, with lewd design, by
pleading guilty to murder. On May 19, 1997, Roberto,
means of force and intimidation, did then and there
per Certificate of Re-arraignment signed by the Branch
wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously have carnal
Clerk of Court,[12] was re-arraigned for the lesser offense
knowledge against a minor four (4) years old girl,
of murder and pleaded guilty thereto.[13] The court then
BEVERLY ONATO, without the latters consent and
informed Roberto that the penalty for murder
against her will, and thereafter, with deliberate intent to
was reclusion perpetua to death, two indivisible
kill, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and
penalties, and that the court may impose the death
feloniously inflict upon the said Beverly Onato fatal
penalty on him depending on the circumstances found by
wounds on the different parts of her body, which caused
the trial court.
her untimely death.
When trial resumed on May 22, 1997, for the
CONTRARY TO LAW.[8] prosecution to continue presenting its evidence, Roberto
took the witness stand to answer more questions from
On the date set for his arraignment, Roberto the court. He testified that he killed Beverly by smashing
appeared without counsel. The court issued an order a piece of rock bigger than the size of his fist, about
appointing Atty. Artemio Apostol as counsel de oficio of seven inches in diameter, on her head and chest and on
Roberto.[9] Said counsel prayed for the resetting of the the other parts of her body because, in the meantime, he
arraignment to January 30, 1996 to enable him to secure lost control of himself. He further stated that he was not
a copy of the necropsy report and study the case forced or coerced in so testifying before the court. He
intelligently. The court granted the motion. admitted that he caused the death of the victim.
During the trial on May 26, 1997, the prosecution
formally offered its documentary evidence. The court
admitted all the prosecutions documentary evidence THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN RULING THAT
without any objection from Roberto. The latter did not EVIDENT PREMEDITATION QUALIFIED THE
anymore adduce any testimonial and documentary KILLING TO MURDER.
evidence in his behalf and on said date, the court issued
an order declaring that the case was submitted for its III
On August 25, 1997, the trial court rendered ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT ACCUSED-
judgment[15] finding Roberto guilty beyond reasonable APPELLANT COMMITTED THE CRIME MURDER
doubt of murder with the qualifying circumstance of (SIC) THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN IMPOSING THE
evident premeditation and with the generic aggravating SUPREME PENALTY OF DEATH UPON HIM.[17]
circumstances of (a) abuse of confidence considering
that Roberto and Ponciano were co-workers, (b) On the first assignment of error, accused-appellant
nighttime considering that Beverly was killed in the avers that the trial court failed to comply with its
evening and (c) despoblado considering that the nearest mandatory duties when he pleaded guilty to murder, a
house to the situs criminis was fourteen meters. The capital offense, the imposable penalty for which
decretal portion of the decision reads: is reclusion perpetua to death. More specifically, the
trial court allegedly failed to comply with Section 3,
WHEREFORE, the Court, accepting the plea of guilt of Rule 116 of the Rules of Court when it failed to conduct
the accused ROBERTO OSTIA alias ROBERT to the a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full
crime of Murder, and likewise considering that the comprehension of accused-appellant of the consequences
evidence has sufficiently proved that the crime has been of his plea of guilty to murder and to inquire from him if
committed, finds and declares the said accused guilty of he wished to adduce evidence on his behalf and allow
Murder beyond reasonable doubt[s], as principal, and him to do so if he wished. Accused-appellant contends
considering three aggravating circumstances which are that his plea of guilty to murder was improvidently made
not offset by any mitigating circumstances, hereby and prays that his arraignment for murder and all
sentences the accused to suffer the penalty of DEATH, proceedings as well as the decision of the trial court
to be carried out in accordance with law, and to pay the convicting him of said crime and imposing on him the
costs. supreme penalty of death be nullified. He further prays
for the remand of the case to the trial court for
appropriate proceedings. For its part, the Office of the
Likewise, the Court hereby condemns the accused to
Solicitor General asserts that as gleaned from the
indemnify the heirs of the victim Beverly Onato in the
decision of the trial court, it complied with fealty with
amount of P50,000.00.
the mandatory requirements of Section 3, Rule 116 of
the 1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure, as amended. The
Let the entire records of the case, together with the OSG quotes the following portion of the trial courts
stenographic transcripts and exhibits be forwarded to the decision:
honorable Supreme Court for automatic review of this
x x x On May 19, 1997, the accused was re-arraigned
upon the information. He was assisted by his counsel
SO ORDERED.[16] and the information was read and translated to him in the
waray dialect which he claims he understands and
The case was brought to the Court on automatic speaks. After thus reading and translating the
appeal the death penalty having been imposed on information to him in the waray dialect, the accused
Roberto by the trial court. entered a plea of guilt to murder.
Accused-appellant Roberto assails the decision of
the trial court with the following assignments of error: The Public Prosecutor, Hon. Feliciano Aguilar, gave his
consent to this plea of guilt of the accused to murder,
I manifesting again to the Court that he has no direct
evidence to establish rape. The complainant, Ponciano
THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN Onato who is the father of the victim Beverly Onato,
CONVICTING ACCUSED-APPELLANT OF THE after conferring with the Public Prosecutor, also gave his
CRIME OF MURDER DESPITE HIS IMPROVIDENT consent to this plea of the accused to the lesser offense
PLEA OF GUILTY. of murder. The Court conducted searching and
clarificatory questions to the accused to determine
II whether the latter understood his plea of guilt as well as
realized the consequences thereof. He was informed by
the Court that as a result of his plea of guilt, he admitted offense, the court shall conduct a searching inquiry into
all the facts alleged in the information which were the voluntariness and full comprehension of the
already read and translated to him in the waray dialect consequences of his plea and require the prosecution to
during the re-arraignment; that the Court will no longer prove his guilt and the precise degree of culpability. The
conduct any trial but would just impose upon him the accused may also present evidence in his behalf.
penalty that is proper under the law; that the penalty
provided for murder, a heinous crime under Article 248 The rule applies only where the accused pleads
of the Revised Penal Code as amended by Republic Act guilty to a capital offense charged in the Information or
No. 7659 is Reclusion Perpetua to death, and that either complaint or amended Information or complaint. Section
of these two indivisible penalties may be imposed upon 4 of Rule 114 of the said rules defines a capital offense
him depending upon the circumstances which may as that which under the law existing at the time of its
ultimately be appreciated by the Court (see TSN dated commission may be punished with death. Irrefragably,
May 19, 1997, pages 1-3; 4-5). murder punishable by reclusion perpetua to death is a
capital offense because, with the presence of aggravating
He was asked whether he was earnest and sincere in his circumstances absent any mitigating circumstance, the
plea of guilt to murder, and he answered the Court in the death penalty may be imposed conformably with Article
affirmative. Furthermore, the Court asked him whether 63 of the Revised Penal Code. Under the Information,
he was threatened, forced, coerced by anybody or accused-appellant was charged with murder qualified by
somebody suggested to him to plea guilty to murder but treachery. Although the Information does not
he answered that he was not, and that his plea was all his specifically allege treachery as a qualifying circumstance
own free will and volition. (see TSN dated May 22, in the commission of the crime, however, the
1997, pages 1-4). Information alleges that the victim Beverly was four
years old at the time of the killing. Such allegation is
The accused was asked by the Court how he killed the sufficient compliance with Section 6, Rule 110 of the
victim and he stated that he used a piece of rock about Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure, as amended. Case
the size of his fist which was measured to have an law has it that killing a child by an adult constitutes
approximate diameter of four inches and elongated in treachery even if the mode of attack by the assailant is
shape about seven inches long which he smashed on the not proved by the prosecution because a child of tender
victim, whereby he hit the victim on the chest, on the years could not be expected to put up a defense and
head, as well as other parts of her body. hence, at the mercy of his or her assailant.[19]
When an accused enters a plea of guilty to a capital
Although after conducting searching and clarificatory offense, the trial court is mandated to do the following:
questions as anteriorly already mentioned, the Court was
without doubts that the accused was not improvident in
x x x (1) conduct a searching inquiry into the
his plea of guilt to murder and that he realized the
voluntariness of the plea and the accuseds full
consequences thereof, consistent with the rules and
comprehension of the consequences thereof; (2) require
considering the fact that the crime of murder to which
the prosecution to present evidence to prove the guilt of
the accused pleaded guilty is a capital offense, the Court
the accused and the precise degree of his culpability;
required the prosecution to present its evidence. Aside
and (3) ask the accused if he desires to present evidence
from the testimony of Dr. Renato M. Ortiz, M.D., the
in his behalf and allow him to do so if he desires. x x
prosecution presented Ponciano Onato, the father of the
victim, and Rufo Legape who is a Barangay Kagawd
(sic) of Brgy. Ilo, Sto. Nino, Samar.
The procedure in said rule is mandatory and a judge
who fails to observe with fealty the said rule commits
(pp. 2-5, Decision)
grave abuse of discretion.[21] This Court had cautioned
trial judges to proceed with meticulous care whenever
Appellants claimed absence of an inquiry by the trial the imposable penalty for the crime charged is death:
court as to his interest to present evidence is of no
x x x The execution of a death sentence is irrevocable
and experience has shown that innocent persons have, at
This Court agrees with accused-appellant. Section times, pleaded guilty. In capital offenses, the essence of
3, Rule 116 of the Rules of Court cited by accused- judicial review is anchored on the principle that while
appellant reads: society allows violent retribution for heinous crimes
committed against it, it always must make certain that
SEC. 3. Plea of guilty to capital offense, reception of the blood of the innocent is not spilled, or that the guilty
evidence. When the accused pleads guilty to a capital
are not made to suffer more than their just measure of in the commission thereof; and inform him of the
punishment and retribution. The prudent course to imposable penalty and his civil liabilities for the crime
follow is to take testimony not only to satisfy the trial for which he would plead guilty to.
judge but also to aid the Supreme Court in determining
whether the accused understood the significance and In this case, the Information was merely read and
consequences of his plea. This is to preclude any room translated to accused-appellant in the waray dialect
for reasonable doubt in the mind of the trial court, or this which he understood. The trial court informed accused-
appellant that by pleading guilty, he admitted all the
Court on review, as to the possibility that there might
have been some misunderstanding by the accused of the facts alleged in the Information and that the court would
nature of the charge to which he pleaded guilty, and to no longer conduct any trial but that it would impose on
ascertain the circumstances attendant to the commission him the proper penalty for the crime of murder under
of the crime which justify or require the exercise of a Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, a heinous crime
greater or lesser degree of severity in the imposition of under Republic Act 7659 punishable by two indivisible
the prescribed penalties.[22] penalties, namely, reclusion perpetua to death and that
either of said penalties may be imposed on him
depending upon the circumstances which may ultimately
This Court likewise outlined the duties of the trial
be appreciated by the court. When asked by the trial
court in conducting searching questions, thus:
court if he pleaded guilty on his own volition, and if
nobody forced, threatened or coerced him into admitting
x x x What is essential is that the judge should, first of having killed Beverly, accused-appellant answered that
all, consider the age, personality, educational he admitted having killed Beverly on his own free will.
background, socio-economic status and other personal
circumstances of the accused confessing his guilt.The This Court is convinced that the trial court failed to
trial judge should determine whether the accused had comply with its duties under Section 3, Rule 116 of the
been coerced or placed under a state of duress either by Rules of Court. It bears stressing that accused-appellant
actual threats of physical harm coming from malevolent did not even know how to read and write. In fact, he
or avenging quarters, or by mistaken impressions given, merely affixed his thumbmark on the Waiver of Right to
wittingly or unwittingly, by authorities or parties; a Preliminary Investigation.[24] The trial court failed to
whether the accused had the assistance of competent explain to accused-appellant (a) the nature of murder and
counsel during the custodial and preliminary the elements thereof; (b) that killing Beverly, a four-year
investigations; and whether he understood the charges old girl, constituted treachery, a qualifying circumstance;
against him. The court should inquire if the accused accused-appellant being unlettered could not be
knows the crime with which he is charged and explain to presumed to understand the requisites of treachery, a
him the elements of the crime and the corresponding highly technical legal term;[25] (c) the nature and effect of
penalty therefor. The court may require the accused to a qualifying aggravating circumstance in the killing of
fully narrate the incident that spawned the charges Beverly and its effect on the penalty that may be
against him, or make him reenact the manner in which imposed on him; (d) what heinous crimes are and the
he perpetrated the crime, or cause him to furnish and meaning and import of indivisible penalties; (e) the
explain missing details of significance about his personal specific circumstances which may be considered by the
circumstances, about the commission of the crime and court in the imposition of reclusion perpetua or death
events during the custodial and preliminary penalty; (f) whether his plea of guilty after the
investigation. In doing so, all questions posed by the prosecution had commenced presenting its evidence may
judge to the accused should be in a language known and still be considered by the trial court as a mitigating
understood by the latter. Still, the inquiry need not stop circumstance;[26] (g) the nature of civil liabilities that he
with the accused. The court may also propound may be ordered to pay and the amounts thereof. The trial
questions to accuseds counsel to determine whether or court even failed to probe into the reasons for accused-
not said counsel had conferred with, and completely appellants change of plea from not guilty of rape with
explained to accused the meaning of a plea and its homicide to guilty of murder and for his failure to
consequences. x x x[23] adduce evidence during the reinvestigation of the case
despite having been granted the right to do so by the trial
The trial court is also required to probe thoroughly court. The trial court did not even bother inquiring from
into the reasons as well as the facts and circumstances accused-appellant whether he sought the advice of his
for the change of plea of the accused and his counsel before pleading guilty to murder and whether he
comprehension of his plea; explain to him the elements wanted to adduce evidence in his behalf to prove any
of the crime for which he is charged as well as the nature mitigating circumstances in the commission of the crime
and effect of qualifying circumstances, generic to warrant the imposition of the lesser penalty
aggravating circumstances and mitigating circumstances of reclusion perpetua.[27]
Notwithstanding the improvident plea of guilty of premeditation was not alleged in the Information. An
accused-appellant, this Court finds it unnecessary to accused cannot be convicted of murder where a qualified
remand the case to the trial court. This is so because circumstance is not alleged in the Information, otherwise
independent of accused-appellants plea of guilty and his the accused would be deprived of his right to be
testimony admitting liability for Beverlys death, the informed of the nature of the offense with which he is
evidence adduced by the prosecution, albeit charged. In People v. Gallarde,[29] we held that:
circumstantial, established the guilt of accused-appellant
for murder beyond reasonable doubt. As this Court held x x x In rape with homicide, in order to be convicted of
in People v. Jabien: murder in case the evidence fails to support the charge of
rape, the qualifying circumstance must be sufficiently
To be sure, accused-appellant did not only give an alleged and proved. Otherwise, it would be a denial of
informed plea of guilt. His guilt was proved by the the right of the accused to be informed of the nature of
evidence presented by the prosecution. In People vs. the offense with which he is charged. It is fundamental
Derilo we held: that every element of the offense must be alleged in the
complaint or information.The main purpose of requiring
While it may be argued that appellant entered an the various elements of a crime to be set out in an
improvident plea of guilty when re-arraigned, we find no information is to enable the accused to suitably prepare
need, however, to remand the case to the lower court for his defense. He is presumed to have no independent
further reception of evidence. As a rule, this Court has knowledge of the facts that constitute the offense.
set aside convictions based on pleas of guilty in capital
offenses because of improvidence thereof and when such In the absence then in the information of an allegation of
plea is the sole basis of the condemnatory any qualifying circumstance, GALLARDE cannot be
judgment. However, where the trial court receives convicted of murder. An accused cannot be convicted of
evidence to determine precisely whether or not the an offense higher than that with which he is charged in
accused has erred in admitting his guilt, the manner on the complaint or information under which he is tried. It
which the plea of guilty is made (improvidently or not) matters not how conclusive and convincing the evidence
loses legal significance, for the simple reason that the of guilt may be, but an accused cannot be convicted of
conviction is based on evidence proving the commission any offense, unless it is charged in the complaint or
by the accused of the offense charged. information for which he is tried, or is necessarily
included in that which is charged. He has a right to be
Thus, even without considering the plea of guilty of informed of the nature of the offense with which he is
appellant, he may still be convicted if there is adequate charged before he is put on trial. To convict an accused
evidence on record on which to predicate his of a higher offense than that charged in the complaint or
conviction. As already observed, the prosecution had information under which he is tried would be an
already rested when appellant decided to change his unauthorized denial of that right.
plea. The prosecution then had all the opportunity to
verify the material allegations in the information . . . Moreover, evident premeditation was not proved by
(Italics supplied). the prosecution. There is no evidence to prove when
accused-appellant decided to kill Beverly and that he
In People vs. Tahop we also ruled that even if [the] clung to his determination to kill her and a sufficient
accused[s] x x x plea was improvidently made, if the lapse of time between his determination and the actual
evidence presented thereafter by the prosecution is killing of Beverly.[30]
sufficient to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt, the
On the third assignment of error, the trial court
courts verdict of guilt based solely on the hard evidence
likewise erred in appreciating nighttime, despoblado and
presented can be sustained. At this point then, the
abuse of confidence as generic aggravating
improvidence of the plea of guilt is irrelevant.[28]
circumstances in the commission of the crime. The
prosecution failed to prove that accused-appellant
On the second assignment of error, the trial court purposely sought or took advantage of nighttime in
convicted accused-appellant of murder on its finding that killing Beverly.[31] There is no evidence that accused-
the killing of Beverly was qualified by evident appellant sought or took advantage of the solitude of
premeditation. While we agree with the ruling of the trial the situs criminis in committing the crime.[32] Abuse of
court that accused-appellant is guilty of murder, confidence could not be appreciated as generic
however, the appropriate qualifying circumstance in the aggravating circumstance because the prosecution failed
commission of the crime is treachery, not evident to prove that (a) accused-appellant enjoyed the trust and
premeditation. Treachery was alleged in the Information confidence of Beverly or her parents; (b) and that even if
and duly proved. On the other hand, evident accused-appellant enjoyed said confidence, he took
advantage of said trust or confidence to kill court can indefinitely suspend the arraignment of the
Beverly.[33] The barefaced fact that the accused-appellant accused until the petition for review with the Secretary
and Ponciano were co-workers does not constitute of Justice (SOJ) has been resolved.
evidence that the latter reposed trust and confidence in
accused-appellant. In the absence of any generic The facts of this case are not disputed.
aggravating or mitigating circumstances in the On May 28, 1999, the City Prosecutor of Paraaque
commission of the crime, the accused-appellant is meted filed an Information[1] for estafa against Ma. Fe Barreiro
the penalty of reclusion perpetua conformably with (private respondent) based on the complaint[2] filed by
Article 63 of the Revised Penal Code. Solar Team Entertainment, Inc. (petitioner). The case
The trial court ordered accused-appellant to pay to was docketed as Criminal Case No. 99-536 entitled
the heirs of the victim the amount of P50,000.00 by way People of the Philippines vs. Ma. Fe F. Barreiro before
of civil indemnity. However, the trial court failed to the Regional Trial Court of Paraaque City, Branch 257,
order accused-appellant to pay the amount of P50,000.00 presided by public respondent Judge Rolando G. How.
by way of moral damages.[34] The decision of the trial Before the scheduled arraignment of private
court shall be modified accordingly. respondent on August 5, 1999 could take place,
IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the respondent court issued an Order[3]dated June 29, 1999,
resetting the arraignment of private respondent on
decision of the Regional Trial Court of Calbayog City,
Branch 32 is hereby AFFIRMED WITH September 2, 1999 on the ground that private respondent
MODIFICATION. Accused-appellant is found guilty of had filed an appeal with the Department of Justice
(DOJ).[4] Private respondent manifested in the same
murder defined in Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code
as amended by Republic Act 7659 and there being no Order that she would submit a certification from the DOJ
modifying circumstances in the commission of the crime granting due course to her appeal on or before the second
is hereby meted the penalty of reclusion perpetua. He is scheduled arraignment.[5] On September 24, 1999,
also ordered to pay the heirs of the victim Beverly Onato respondent court issued an Order[6] denying petitioners
motion for reconsideration of the order that previously
the amount of P50,000.00 by way of civil indemnity and
the amount of P50,000.00 by way of moral damages. reset the arraignment of private respondent. Said order
further rescheduled the arraignment of private
Costs de oficio. respondent to November 18, 1999.
SO ORDERED. On November 10, 1999, private respondent filed
another Motion to Defer Arraignment.[7] On November
15, 1999, before the scheduled date of the arraignment of
private respondent and before the date set for the hearing
RIGHT TO HAVE A SPEEDY, IMPARTIAL AND of private respondents Motion to Defer Arraignment,
PUBLIC TRIAL respondent court issued an Order[8] further deferring the
arraignment of private respondent until such time that
the appeal with the said office (SOJ) is
resolved.[9] Petitioners motion for reconsideration of the
order was denied by respondent court on November 22,
[G.R. No. 140863. August 22, 2000] 1999.[10]
Petitioner bewails the fact that six months have
elapsed since private respondent appeared or submitted
SOLAR TEAM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. and herself to the jurisdiction of respondent court and up to
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioners, now she still has to be arraigned.[11] Respondent court
vs. HON. ROLANDO HOW, in his capacity as allegedly violated due process when it issued the
Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court assailed order before petitioner received a copy of the
Branch 257 of Paraaque and MA. FE F. Motion to Defer Arraignment of private respondent and
BARREIRO, respondents. before the hearing for the same motion could be
conducted.[12] Petitioner points out that despite the order
DECISION of respondent court dated September 26, 1999 which
stated that the arraignment of private respondent on
GONZAGA-REYES, J.: November 18, 1999 is intransferable, respondent court,
in utter disregard of its own order, issued the now
The question raised in this instant petition assailed order indefinitely suspending the arraignment of
for certiorari and mandamus is whether or not the trial private respondent.[13]
Petitioner is convinced that the twin orders further subordinates in criminal cases despite an information
delaying the arraignment of private respondent and already having been filed in court.[21]
denying the motion for reconsideration of petitioner
violate Section 7, of the Speedy Trial Act of 1998 (RA The nature of the Justice Secretarys power of
8493) and Section 12, Rule 116 of the Revised Rules on control over prosecutors was explained in Ledesma vs.
Criminal Procedure. Court of Appeals [22] in this wise:
Petitioner further submits that this instant petition Decisions or resolutions of prosecutors are subject to
raises a pure question of law of first impression[14] since appeal to the secretary of justice who, under the Revised
it involves the application and interpretation of a law of Administrative Code,[23] exercises the power of direct
very recent vintage, namely Republic Act No. 8493, control and supervision over said prosecutors; and who
otherwise known as the Speedy Trial Act of may thus affirm, nullify, reverse or modify their rulings.
1998.[15] Petitioner mainly relies on Section 7 of said law
that states that: Section 39, Chapter 8, Book IV in relation to Section[s]
5, 8, and 9, Chapter 2, Title III of the Code gives the
Section 7. Time Limit Between Filing of Information secretary of justice supervision and control over the
and Arraignment and Between Arraignment and Trial. Office of the Chief Prosecutor and the Provincial and
The arraignment of an accused shall be held within thirty City Prosecution Offices. The scope of his power of
(30) days from the filing of the information, or from the supervision and control is delineated in Section 38,
date the accused has appeared before the justice, judge or paragraph 1, Chapter 7, Book IV of the Code:
court in which the charge is pending, whichever date last
occurs. xxx (1) Supervision and Control. Supervision and control
shall include authority to act directly whenever a specific
By issuing the assailed order, respondent court function is entrusted by law or regulation to a
allegedly committed grave abuse of discretion subordinate; direct the performance of duty; restrain the
amounting to lack/excess of jurisdiction.[16] Hence, this commission of acts; review, approve, reverse or modify
petition for certiorari and mandamus to nullify and set acts and decisions of subordinate officials or units; x x x
aside the order of respondent court dated November 15, x.
Petitioner limits the issues to the following: Supplementing the aforequoted provisions are Section 3
of R.A. 3783 and Section 37 of Act 4007, which read:
Section 3. x x x x
ARRAIGN THE PRIVATE RESPONDENT DESPITE The Chief State Prosecutor, the Assistant Chief State
THE LAPSE OF THE TIME LIMIT OF THIRTY (30) Prosecutors, the Senior State Prosecutors, and the State
DAYS MANDATORILY IMPOSED BY SECTION 7, Prosecutors shall x x x perform such other duties as may
OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8493, OTHERWISE be assigned to them by the Secretary of Justice in the
KNOWN AS THE SPEEDY TRIAL ACT OF 1998; interest of public service.
Section 37. The provisions of the existing law to the
RESPONDENT COURT ERRED IN DEFYING contrary notwithstanding, whenever a specific power,
SECTION 12, RULE 116, OF THE REVISED RULES authority, duty, function, or activity is entrusted to a
ON CRIMINAL PROCEDURE.[17] chief of bureau, office, division or service, the same shall
be understood as also conferred upon the proper
The instant petition is devoid of merit. Department Head who shall have authority to act
directly in pursuance thereof, or to review, modify, or
The power of the Secretary of Justice to review
revoke any decision or action of said chief of bureau,
resolutions of his subordinates even after the information
office, division or service.
has already been filed in court is well settled. In Marcelo
vs. Court of Appeals,[18] reiterated in Roberts vs. Court of
Appeals,[19] we clarified that nothing in Crespo vs. Supervision and control of a department head over his
Mogul[20] forecloses the power or authority of the subordinates have been defined in administrative law as
Secretary of Justice to review resolutions of his follows:
In administrative law, supervision means overseeing or assess the merits of the case, and may either agree or
the power or authority of an officer to see that disagree with the recommendation of the Secretary of
subordinate officers perform their duties. If the latter fail Justice.[34] Reliance alone on the resolution of the
or neglect to fulfill them, the former may take such Secretary of Justice would be an abdication of the trial
action or step as prescribed by law to make them courts duty and jurisdiction to determine prima
perform such duties. Control, on the other hand, means facie case.[35]
the power of an officer to alter or modify or nullify or set
Petitioner insists that in view of the passage of the
aside what a subordinate officer had done in the
performance of his duties and to substitute the judgment Speedy Trial Act of 1998, the review authority of the
of the former for that of the latter. Secretary of Justice after an information has been
already filed in court may possibly transgress the right of
a party to a speedy disposition of his case, in light of the
Review as an act of supervision and control by the
mandatory tenor of the Speedy Trial Act of 1998
justice secretary over the fiscals and prosecutors finds
requiring that the accused must be arraigned within
basis in the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
thirty (30) days from the filing of an information against
remedies which holds that mistakes, abuses or
him. Petitioner then impresses upon this Court that there
negligence committed in the initial steps of an
is a need to reconcile the review authority of the
administrative activity or by an administrative agency
Secretary of Justice and the Speedy Trial Act of 1998,
should be corrected by higher administrative authorities,
and submits that the Secretary of Justice must review the
and not directly by courts. As a rule, only after
appeal and rule thereon within a period of thirty (30)
administrative remedies are exhausted may judicial
days from the date the information was filed or from the
recourse be allowed.[24]
date the accused appeared in court (surrendered or
arrested)[36] if only to give meaning to the Speedy Trial
Procedurally speaking, after the filing of the Act.
information, the court is in complete control of the case
and any disposition therein is subject to its sound We are not persuaded. The authority of the
discretion.[25] The decision to suspend arraignment to Secretary of Justice to review resolutions of his
await the resolution of an appeal with the Secretary of subordinates even after an information has already been
Justice is an exercise of such discretion. Consistent with filed in court does not present an irreconcilable conflict
our ruling in Marcelo,[26] we have since then held in a with the thirty-day period prescribed by Section 7 of the
number of cases that a court can defer to the authority of Speedy Trial Act.
the prosecution arm to resolve, once and for all, the issue
Contrary to the urgings of petitioner, Section 7 of
of whether or not sufficient ground existed to file the
the Speedy Trial Act of 1998 prescribing the thirty-day
information.[27]This is in line with our general
period for the arraignment of the accused is not
pronouncement in Crespo[28] that courts cannot interfere
absolute. In fact, Section 10 of the same law enumerates
with the prosecutors discretion over criminal
periods of delay that shall be excluded in computing the
prosecution.[29] Thus, public respondent did not act with
time within which trial must commence. The pertinent
grave abuse of discretion when it suspended the
portion thereof provides that:
arraignment of private respondent to await the resolution
of her petition for review with the Secretary of Justice.
SEC. 10. Exclusions. - The following periods of delay
In several cases, we have emphatically cautioned shall be excluded in computing the time within which
judges to refrain from arraigning the accused trial must commence:
precipitately to avoid a miscarriage of
justice.[30] In Dimatulac vs. Villon,[31] the judge in that xxx
case hastily arraigned the accused despite the pending
appeal of the accused with the DOJ and notwithstanding (f) Any period of delay resulting from a
the existence of circumstances indicating the probability continuance granted by any justice or
of miscarriage of justice. Said judge was reminded that judge motu propio or on motion of the accused or
he should have heeded our statement in Marcelo[32] that his/her counsel or at the request of the public
prudence, if not wisdom, or at least respect for the prosecutor, if the justice or judge granted such
authority of the prosecution agency, dictated that he continuance on the basis of his/her findings that the
(respondent judge therein) should have waited for the ends of justice served by taking such action
resolution of the appeal then pending with the DOJ.[33] outweigh the best interest of the public and the
It bears stressing that the court is however not defendant in a speedy trial. No such period of delay
bound to adopt the resolution of the Secretary of Justice resulting from a continuance granted by the court in
since the court is mandated to independently evaluate or accordance with this subparagraph shall be
excludable under this section unless the court sets complainant in the criminal case, cannot deprive private
forth, in the record of the case, either orally or in respondent, accused therein, of her right to avail of a
writing, its reasons for finding that the ends of remedy afforded to an accused in a criminal case. The
justice served by the granting of such continuance immediate arraignment of private respondent would
outweigh the best interests of the public and the have then proscribed her right as accused to appeal the
accused in a speedy trial. resolution of the prosecutor to the Secretary of Justice
since Section 4 of DOJ Order No. 223 of June 30, 1993
Accordingly, the view espoused by petitioner that forestalls an appeal to the Secretary of Justice if the
the thirty-day period prescribed by Section 7 of the accused/appellant has already been arraigned.[41] Hence,
Speedy Trial Act must be strictly observed so as not to in this case, the order suspending the arraignment of
violate its right to a speedy trial finds no support in the private respondent merely allowed private respondent to
law itself. The exceptions provided in the Speedy Trial exhaust the administrative remedies available to her as
Act of 1998 reflect the fundamentally recognized accused in the criminal case before the court could
principle that the concept of speedy trial is a relative proceed to a full-blown trial. Conversely, in case the
term and must necessarily be a flexible concept.[37] In resolution is for the dismissal of the information, the
fact, in implementing the Speedy Trial Act of 1998, this offended party in the criminal case, herein petitioner, can
Court issued SC Circular No. 38-98, Section 2 of which appeal the adverse resolution to the Secretary of
provides that: Justice.[42] In Marcelo vs. Court of Appeals, this Court
aptly pointed out that:
Section 2. Time Limit for Arraignment and Pre-trial. The
arraignment, and the pre-trial if the accused pleads not the trial court in a criminal case which takes
guilty to the crime charged, shall be held within thirty cognizance of an accuseds motion for review of the
(30) days from the date the court acquires jurisdiction resolution of the investigating prosecutor or for
over the person of the accused. The period of the reinvestigation and defers the arraignment until
pendency of a motion to quash, or for a bill of resolution of the said motion must act on the
particulars, or other causes justifying suspension of resolution reversing the investigating prosecutors
arraignment shall be excluded. (Emphasis ours) finding or on a motion to dismiss based
thereon only upon proof that such resolution is
As stated earlier, prudence and wisdom dictate that already final in that no appeal was taken therefrom
the court should hold in abeyance the proceedings while to the Department of Justice.[43] (Emphasis ours)
the Secretary of Justice resolves the petition for review
questioning the resolution of the prosecutor. The delay in The fact that public respondent issued the assailed
such a case is justified because the determination of order suspending the arraignment of private respondent
whether the delay is unreasonable, thus amounting to a before the Motion to Defer Arraignment of private
transgression of the right to a speedy trial, cannot be respondent could be heard is not tantamount to grave
simply reduced to a mathematical process. Hence, the abuse of discretion. It was well within the power of
length of delay is not the lone criterion to be considered, public respondent to grant the continuance since Section
several factors must be taken into account in determining 10 (f) of the Speedy Trial Act of 1998 clearly confers
whether or not the constitutional right to a speedy trial this authority.
has been violated. The factors to consider and balance
Public respondent substantially complied with the
are the duration of the delay, reason thereof, assertion of
requirement of Section 10 (f) of the Speedy Trial Act
the right or failure to assert it and the prejudice caused
when it stated its reasons for the deferment and eventual
by such delay.[38]
suspension of the arraignment of private respondent in
The importance of the review authority of the its orders dated September 24, 1999[44] and November
Secretary of Justice cannot be overemphasized; as earlier 22, 1999[45]. In said orders, public respondent reasoned
pointed out, it is based on the doctrine of exhaustion of that the suspension of the arraignment of private
administrative remedies that holds that mistakes, abuses respondent was to give the opportunity to the accused to
or negligence committed in the initial steps of an exhaust the procedural remedies available,[46] to allow
administrative activity or by an administrative agency the Secretary of Justice to review the resolution of the
should be corrected by higher administrative authorities, City Prosecutor[47]so as not to deprive the former of his
and not directly by courts.[39] power to review the action of the latter by a precipitate
trial of the case,[48] and based on the discretionary power
We are not unmindful of the principle that while the of the trial judge to grant or deny the motion to suspend
right to a speedy trial secures rights to the defendant, it the arraignment of the accused pending determination of
does not preclude the rights of public her petition for review at the Department of
justice.[40] However, in this case, petitioner as private Justice.[49] Despite the absence of a law or regulation
prescribing the period within which the Secretary of arraignment shall be limited to the cases enumerated
Justice must dispose of an appeal, the presumption still therein. Moreover, jurisprudence has clearly established
holds true that in the regular performance of his that the suspension of arraignment is not strictly limited
functions, the Secretary of Justice will decide the appeal to the two situations contemplated in said
in the soonest possible time. Recently, the Department of provision.[53] In fine, no grave abuse of discretion
Justice issued Memorandum Order No. 12 dated July 3, attended the issuance of the assailed order suspending
2000 mandating that the period for the disposition of the arraignment of private respondent until her petition
appeals/petitions for review shall be 75 days.[50] In view for review with the Secretary of Justice is resolved.
of this memorandum, the indefinite suspension of
proceedings in the trial court because of a pending WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for lack
petition for review with the Secretary of Justice is now of merit.
unlikely to happen. SO ORDERED.
Section 16 of Rule 110 of the Rules of Court does RODOLFO G. VALENCIA, G.R. No. 165996
entitle the offended party to intervene in the criminal Petitioner,
case if he has not waived the civil action or expressly Present:
reserved his right to institute it separately from the Davide, Jr., C.J. (Chairman),
criminal action. However, the prosecution of the - versus - Quisumbing,
criminal case through the private prosecutor is still under Ynares-Santiago,
the direction and control of the public prosecutor[51]and C
such intervention must be with the permission of the a
public prosecutor.[52] In this case, based on the power of r
control and supervision of the Secretary of Justice over p
public prosecutors, the pendency of the appeal of private i
respondent with the Secretary of Justice should have o
impelled the public prosecutor to move for the ,
suspension of the arraignment of private
respondent. Considering that private respondent had a
already informed the court of her appeal with the n
Secretary of Justice and had moved for the suspension of d
her arraignment, the public prosecutor should have A
desisted from opposing the abeyance of further zcuna, J
proceedings. J.
Lastly, petitioners argument that the suspension of THE SANDIGANBAYAN,
the arraignment in this case was in violation of Section Respondent. Promulgated:
12, Rule 116 of the Revised Rules on Criminal
Procedure is likewise not tenable. Section 12, Rule 116 October 17, 2005
of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure provides x ------------------------------------------------------------------
that: ---------------------- x
directed the counsels to submit a Joint Stipulation of It is fair to assume that he would
have just continued to sleep on his right
Facts, which was presented on March 24,
a situation amounting to laches had the
2003.[41] Considering the difficulty of obtaining a respondent judge not taken the initiative
of determining the non-completion of
quorum in the Sandiganbayan due to the retirement of the records and of ordering the remedy
the Justices, the presentation of the prosecutions precisely so he could dispose of the
case. The matter could have taken a
evidence scheduled on May 19 & 20 and July 8 & 9, different dimension if during all those
ten years between 1979 when accused
2003, were moved to September 8 & 9[42] and November filed his memorandum and 1989 when
10 & 11, 2003. On the latter dates, however, the the case was re-raffled, the accused
showed signs of asserting his right
prosecution witnesses failed to appear, prompting the which was granted him in 1987 when
Special Prosecutor to manifest his intention to rest the the new constitution took effect, or at
least made some overt act (like a motion
case on January 12, 2004. for early disposition or a motion to
compel the stenographer to transcribe
notes) that he was not waiving it. As it
All this time, however, petitioner never invoked is, his silence would have to be
interpreted as a waiver of such right.
his right to speedy trial. In Guerrero v. CA,[43] it was
In Dela Pea v. Sandiganbayan,[44] the Court
held that failure to seasonably raise the right to speedy
denied a petition seeking to quash the Information
trial precludes the accused from relying thereon as a
holding that the silence of the accused amounted to
ground to dismiss the case. He is deemed to have slept
laches. In the said case, the investigatory process was set
on his rights by not asserting the right to speedy
in motion on August 14, 1992 and the Information was
disposition at the earliest possible opportunity. The
filed on May 6, 1997. After the arraignment was set
Court explained its ruling in this wise:
sometime in December 1999, the accused filed a motion
In the case before us, the to quash on December 21, 1999, based on the violation
petitioner merely sat and waited after the of his right to due process and prompt disposition of
case was submitted for resolution in
cases. In sustaining the Sandiganbayans denial of the The rule as consistently applied in this
motion to quash, the Court ratiocinated that: jurisdiction is that objections to the sluggish disposition
of the case must be positively invoked by the accused
Moreover, it is worthy to note
that it was only on 21 December 1999, and a demand therefor must be openly made. The Court
after the case was set for arraignment, ruled in Corpuz v. Sandiganbayan,[46] that dismissal of a
that petitioners raised the issue of the
delay in the conduct of the preliminary case is not justified simply because the prosecutor had
investigation. As stated by them in their gone to sleep at the switch while the defendant and his
Motion to Quash/Dismiss, [o]ther than
the counter-affidavits, [they] did counsel rested in silence. The accused must not be
nothing. Also, in their petition, they
averred: Aside from the motion for rewarded by the dismissal of the case and the State and
extension of time to file counter- society punished by the neglect of the prosecutor unless
affidavits, petitioners in the present case
did not file nor send any letter-queries the accused himself calls the attention of the court on the
addressed to the Office of the
Ombudsman for Mindanao which
conducted the preliminary investigation.
They slept on their right a situation We see no reason to deviate from the
amounting to laches. The matter could jurisprudential holdings and treat the instant case
have taken a different dimension if
differently. Petitioner never contested the prosecutorial
during all those four years, they showed
signs of asserting their right to a speedy proceedings nor timely challenged the pendency of the
disposition of their cases or at least case after arraignment. It was only in the Motion for
made some overt acts, like filing a
Reconsideration of the June 14, 2004 order denying the
motion for early resolution, to show that
they were not waiving that right. Their demurrer to evidence and setting the case for reception
silence may, therefore be interpreted as of additional evidence for the prosecution, that petitioner
a waiver of such right. As aptly stated
insisted on his right to speedy trial. Under Section 9,
in Alvizo, the petitioner therein was
insensitive to the implications and Rule 119 of the Rules of Court, failure of the accused to
contingencies of the projected criminal move for dismissal prior to trial constitutes a waiver of
prosecution posed against him by not
taking any step whatsoever to accelerate his right to speedy trial. His failure therefore to timely
the disposition of the matter, which question the delay in the disposition of the case
inaction conduces to the perception that amounted to an implied acceptance of such delay and a
the supervening delay seems to have
been without his objection, [and] hence waiver of the right to question the same. Like any other
impliedly with his acquiescence. right conferred by the Constitution or statute, except
when otherwise expressly so provided, the speedy trial
right may be waived when not positively asserted. Thus,
The foregoing doctrines were reiterated in Bernat v.
if there was a delay in the disposition of the case,
Sandiganbayan,[45] where the claim of denial of the right
petitioner is not entirely without blame.[47]
to a speedy disposition of his criminal case was brushed
aside by the Court considering that the accused waited
Then too, while petitioner is free to acknowledge
eight years before complaining of the delay in the
or reject the Joint Stipulation of Facts, the trial court
disposal of his case.
cannot be said to have abused its discretion in ordering
petitioner to sign the same considering that said
stipulation was not yet formally offered by the
prosecution. At that stage, said document cannot yet be avide,
considered officially an evidence for the prosecution. Jr., C.J.
The refusal therefore of petitioner to affix his signature man),
- versus - Quisumbing,
in the said stipulation or in the Pre-trial Order
embodying the same is sufficient justification for the C
trial court to recall the latter and in the exercise of its r
sound discretion, set the case for presentation of the p
prosecutions evidence. o
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. The June
14, 2004 Order of respondent Sandiganbayan in
Criminal Case No. 25160 which denied petitioners This is a special civil action for certiorari under
motion for leave to file demurrer to evidence and set the Rule 65 of the Rules of Court seeking to nullify the
case for presentation of evidence for the prosecution; as September 13, 2004 Resolution[1] of the Sandiganbayan
well its July 28, 2004 Resolution denying petitioners denying petitioners motion to dismiss and its January 11,
motion for reconsideration are AFFIRMED. 2005 Resolution[2] denying the motion for
In the light of the above guiding principles, we We find no reason to deviate from the findings
must inquire whether in the present case there was and conclusions of the respondent court. A careful
unreasonable delay in the conduct of the arraignment examination of the records would show that the
which resulted in violation of the right to speedy trial of postponements were caused by numerous pending
the petitioners. It must be recalled that in the application motions or petitions. The delays caused by the filing and
of the constitutional guaranty of the right to speedy trial, resolution of these motions and petitions cannot be
particular regard must also be taken of the facts and categorized as vexatious, capricious or oppressive. After
circumstances peculiar to each case. all, it is the judicious and deliberate determination of all
the pending incidents of a case, with a genuine respect
for the rights of all parties and the requirements of
In justifying the denial of petitioners motion to
procedural due process, that should be the primordial
dismiss, the Sandiganbayan reasoned that although the
scheduled arraignments were postponed several times, consideration in the full resolution of a case, more than
they were however postponed for valid reasons. The the mere convenience of the parties or of the courts, so
that justice and fairness would be served thereby.
respondent court cited a number of justifiable causes of
postponements, thus:[7]
There being no oppressive delay in the
[O]ne of the postponements was proceedings, and no postponements unjustifiably sought,
due to the request of one of the accused
to reset the arraignment since the we concur with the conclusion reached by the
counsel of record is not available on the Sandiganbayan that petitioners right to speedy trial had
scheduled date. To proceed with the
arraignment despite the noted absence of not been violated. Hence, the dismissal of petitioners
one of the counsels would result in
inequity on one of the accused-movants motion to dismiss must be upheld.
co-defendants. Another postponement,
as pointed out by the accused-movants,
was the time given by the Court to allow WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. The
the prosecutor to file an opposition to Resolution of the Sandiganbayan dated September 13,
Brizuelas Bill of Particulars. The
comment made by accused-movants is 2004 denying petitioners motion to dismiss and its
discriminatory and unjust. They claim
that the delay caused by the filing of a Resolution dated January 11, 2005 denying the motion
motion for bill of particulars by a co- for reconsideration, are AFFIRMED.
accused should not be attributable to
them as they did not join the same, and
consequently such is a violation of their
right to speedy trial. They have
forgotten that they themselves had
caused a long delay in this case by filing
A.M. No. 01-4-03-SC September 13, 2001 the motion for reconsideration of the Secretary of
OF THE TRIAL IN THE SANDIGANBAYAN OF THE In lieu of live TV and radio coverage of the trial, the
PLUNDER CASES AGAINST FORMER PRESIDENT Court, by the vote of eight (8) Justices,2 has resolved to
JOSEPH E. ESTRADA order the audio-visual recording of the trial.
SECRETARY OF JUSTICE HERNANDO PEREZ, What follows is the opinion of the majority.lawphil.net
PILIPINAS, CESAR SARINO, RENATO Considering the significance of the trial before the
CAYETANO, and ATTY. RICARDO Sandiganbayan of former President Estrada and the
ROMULO, petitioners, importance of preserving the records thereof, the Court
vs. believes that there should be an audio-visual recording
JOSEPH E. ESTRADA and INTEGRATED BAR OF of the proceedings. The recordings will not be for live or
THE PHILIPPINES,oppositors. real time broadcast but for documentary purposes. Only
later will they be available for public showing, after the
RESOLUTION Sandiganbayan shall have promulgated its decision in
every case to which the recording pertains. The master
MENDOZA, J.: film shall be deposited in the National Museum and the
Records Management and Archives Office for historical
This is a motion for reconsideration of the decision preservation and exhibition pursuant to law.4
denying petitioners' request for permission to televise
and broadcast live the trial of former President Estrada For the purpose of recording the proceedings, cameras
before the Sandiganbayan. The motion was filed by the will be inconspicuously installed in the courtroom and
Secretary of Justice, as one of the petitioners, who the movement of TV crews will be regulated, consistent
argues that there is really no conflict between the right of with the dignity and solemnity of the proceedings. The
the people to public information and the freedom of the trial shall be recorded in its entirety, except such
press, on the one hand, and, on the other, the right of the portions thereof as the Sandiganbayan may decide
accused to a fair trial; that if there is a clash between should not be held public pursuant to Rule 119, §21 of
these rights, it must be resolved in favor of the right of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. No comment
the people and the press because the people, as the shall be included in the documentary except annotations
repository of sovereignty, are entitled to information; which may be necessary to explain certain scenes which
and that live media coverage is a safeguard against are depicted. The audio-visual recordings shall be made
attempts by any party to use the courts as instruments for under the supervision and control of the Sandiganbayan
the pursuit of selfish interests. or its Division as the case may be.
On the other hand, former President Joseph E. Estrada There are several reasons for such televised
reiterates his objection to the live TV and radio coverage recording.1awphil.net First, the hearings are of historic
of his trial on the ground that its allowance will violate significance. They are an affirmation of our commitment
the sub judice rule and that, based on his experience with to the rule that "the King is under no man, but he is
the impeachment trial, live media coverage will only under God and the law." (Quod Rex non debet esse sub
pave the way for so-called "expert commentary" which homine, sed sub Deo et Lege.) Second, the Estrada cases
can trigger massive demonstrations aimed at pressuring involve matters of vital concern to our people who have
the Sandiganbayan to render a decision one way or the a fundamental right to know how their government is
other. Mr. Estrada contends that the right of the people conducted. This right can be enhanced by audio visual
to information may be served through other means less presentation. Third, audio-visual presentation is essential
distracting, degrading, and prejudicial than live TV and for the education and civic training of the people.
radio coverage.1âwphi1.nêt
Above all, there is the need to keep audio-visual records
The Court has considered the arguments of the parties on of the hearings for documentary purposes. The
this important issue and, after due deliberation, finds no recordings will be useful in preserving the essence of the
reason to alter or in any way modify its decision proceedings in a way that the cold print cannot quite do
prohibiting live or real time broadcast by radio or because it cannot capture the sights and sounds of
television of the trial of the former president. By a vote events. They will be primarily for the use of appellate
of nine (9) to six (6) of its members,1 the Court denies courts in the event a review of the proceedings, rulings,
or decisions of the Sandiganbayan is sought or becomes
necessary. The accuracy of the transcripts of In fairness let me refer to an American
stenographic notes taken during the trial can be checked experience many of my lay friends found
by reference to the tapes. similarly moving. An educational television
network filmed a trial in Denver of a Black
On the other hand, by delaying the release of the tapes Panther leader on charges of resisting arrest, and
for broadcast, concerns that those taking part in the broadcast the document in full, in four
proceedings will be playing to the cameras and will thus installments, several months after the case was
be distracted from the proper performance of their roles - concluded -- concluded incidentally, with a
- whether as counsel, witnesses, court personnel, or verdict of acquittal.
judges -- will be allayed. The possibility that parallel
trials before the bar of justice and the bar of public No one could witness the trial without a feeling
opinion may jeopardize, or even prevent, the just of profound respect for the painstaking way in
determination of the cases can be minimized. The which the truth was searched for, for the ways
possibility that judgment will be rendered by the popular whereby law copes with uncertainties and
tribunal before the court of justice can render its own ambiguities through presumptions and burden of
will be avoided. proof, and the sense of gravity with which judge
and jury carried out their responsibilities.
At the same time, concerns about the regularity and
fairness of the trial -- which, it may be assumed, is the I agree in general with the exclusion of
concern of those opposed to, as much as of those in television from the courtroom, for the familiar
favor of, televised trials - will be addressed since the good reasons. And yet the use of television at a
tapes will not be released for public showing until after trial for documentary purposes, not for the
the decision of the cases by the Sandiganbayan. By broadcast of live news, and with the safeguards
delaying the release of the tapes, much of the problem of completeness and consent, is an educational
posed by real time TV and radio broadcast will be experiment that I would be prepared to welcome.
avoided. Properly safeguarded and with suitable
commentary, the depiction of an actual trial is an
Thus, many important purposes for preserving the record agency of enlightenment that could have few
of the trial can be served by audio-visual recordings equals in its impact on the public understanding.
without impairing the right of the accused to a fair trial.
Understanding of our legal process, so rarely
Nor is the right of privacy of the accused a bar to the provided by our educational system, is now a
production of such documentary. In Ayer Productions desperate need.7
Pty. Ltd. V. Capulong,5 this Court set aside a lower
court's injunction restraining the filming of "Four Day Professor Freund's observation is as valid today as when
Revolution," a documentary film depicting, among other it was made thirty years ago. It is perceptive for its
things, the role of then Minister of National Defense recognition of the serious risks posed to the fair
Juan Ponce Enrile in the 1986 EDSA people power. This administration of justice by live TV and radio
Court held: "A limited intrusion into a person's privacy broadcasts, especially when emotions are running high
has long been regarded as permissible where that person on the issues stirred by a case, while at the same time
is a public figure and the information sought to be acknowledging the necessity of keeping audio-visual
elicited from him or to be published about him constitute recordings of the proceedings of celebrated cases, for
matters of a public character."6 public information and exhibition, after passions have
No one can prevent the making of a movie based on the
trial. But, at least, if a documentary record is made of the WHEREFORE, an audio-visual recording of the trial of
proceedings, any movie that may later be produced can former President Estrada before the Sandiganbayan is
be checked for its accuracy against such documentary hereby ordered to be made, for the account of the
and any attempt to distort the truth can thus be averted. Sandiganbayan, under the following conditions: (a) the
trial shall be recorded in its entirety, excepting such
Indeed, a somewhat similar proposal for documentary portions thereof as the Sandiganbayan may determine
recording of celebrated cases or causes célèbres was should not be held public under Rule 119, §21 of the
made was made way back in 1971 by Paul Freund of the Rules of Criminal Procedure; (b) cameras shall be
Harvard Law School. As he explained: installed inconspicuously inside the courtroom and the
movement of TV crews shall be regulated consistent
with the dignity and solemnity of the proceedings; (c)
the audio-visual recordings shall be made for
PANGANIBAN, and QUISUMBING, vote to grant a reconsideration.
documentary purposes only and shall be made without
comment except such annotations of scenes depicted
therein as may be necessary to explain them; (d) the live 2 CHIEF JUSTICE DAVIDE, JR. and JUSTICES BELLOSILLO, MELO, PUNO,
broadcast of the recordings before the Sandiganbayan MENDOZA, PANGANIBAN, QUISUMBING, and GONZAGA-REYES.
Davide, Jr., C.J., Melo, Puno, Panganiban, and DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 13-A, dated May, 9, 1985, of the Department of Education
Gonzaga-Reyes, JJ., concur. Culture and Sports provides:
Bellosillo, J. I am for full live coverage hence I maintain Rule 7. Transfer of Records to Archives. -
my original view; nonetheless. I concur.
7.5 Preservation of Archival Records.
Kapunan, J. I maintain my original view prohibiting live
T.V. and radio coverage and concur with the separate 7.5.1 Archival records shall be stored under one roof and authorize their accessibility to
opinion of Justice Vitug. the public, subject to certain security and safety measures to preserve the integrity of the
Quisumbing, J. Although earlier I respectfully Dissented
as I favor live TV coverage, I now concur in the result. 7.5.2 It shall be the responsibility of the Archives Division to protect archival documents
in its custody and undertake corrective measures to rehabilitate weakened or brittled
Pardo, J. I concur with the denial of the motion for documents in accordance with modern techniques.
reconsideration only. The conditions are inadequate. I
join J. Vitug's opinion. 5 160 SCRA 861 (1988). Cf. Lagunzad v. Soto Vda. De Gonzales, 92 SCRA 476 (1979),
involving the novelized film on the life of Mioses Padilla, a majoralty candidate of
Buena, J. I concur with the Separate Opinion of Justice Magallon, Negros Occidental, who was murdered for political reasons at the instance of
Vitug. then Governor Rafael Lacson.
Footnote Due Process is timeless. It is a precious fundamental right that secures and protects, under
a rule of law, the life, and liberty of a person from the oppression of power. A cherished
1 Nine (9) members of the Court, namely, JUSTICES VITUG, KAPUNAN, MENDOZA,
fixture in our bill of rights, its encompassing guarantee will not be diminished by
advances in science and technology. I fail to perceive it to be otherwise.
SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, vote to deny reconsideration, while six (6), namely, CHIEF
Precisely, in its 29th June 2001 decision, the Court did not consider it propitous to allow
live television and radio coverage of the trial in order to help ensure a just and fair trial.
The Court felt it judicious to insulate not only the Sandiganbayan but also the trial
participants, the lawyers and witnesses, from being unduly influenced by possible adverse
effects that such a coverage could bring. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of
the above ruling and countered that, if one must be pitted against the other, the right to
public information of grave national interest should be held more paramount than the
right of the accused to a "fair and public trial," the former being appurtenant to the
sovereign and latter being merely a privilege bestowed to an individual.
I am not ready to accept such a notion. I see it as being an implicit retreat, unwisely, from
an age-old struggle of the individual against the tyranny of the sovereign.1 The right of
the public to information, in any event, is not here really being sacrified. The right to
know can very well be achieved via other media coverage; the windows of information
through which the public might observe and learn are not closed.
In addressing the present motion for reconsideration, colleagues on the Court opine that
there should be an audio-visual recording of the proceedings for documentary purposes
because, first, the hearings are of historic significance, second, the Estrada cases involve
matters of vital concern to our people who have a fundamental right to know how their
government works; third, the audio-visual presentation is essential for education and civil
training of the people; and fourth, such recording can be used by appellate courts in the
event that the review of the proceedings, ruling, or decisions of the Sandiganbayan is
sought or becomes necessary.lawphil.net2
The proposition has novel features, regrettably, I still find it hard to believe that the
presence of the cameras inside the courtroom will not have an untoward impact on the
court proceedings. No empirical data has been shown to suggest otherwise. To the
contrary, experience attests to the intimidating effect of cameras and electronic devices in
courtrooms on the litigants, witnesses and jurors.3 In addition, the natural reticence of
witnesses at the stand can even easily be exacerbated by placing them on camera in
contravention of normal experience.4 The demeanor of the witnesses can also have an
abstruse effect on the ability of the judge to accurately assess the credibility of such
witnesses.5 The presence of cameras, for whatever reason, may not adequately address
the dangers mentioned in the Court's decision of 29 June 2001. There are just too many
Most importantly, it does not seem right to single out and make a spectacle of the cases
against Mr. Estrada. Dignity is a precious part of personability innate in ever human
being, and there can be no cogent excuse for impinging it even to the slightest degree. It
is not the problem of privacy that can cause concern more than the erosion of reality that
cameras tend to cast.
In the petition, albeit entitled an administrative matter, the only issue raised is whether
the case of a former President pending before the Sandiganbayan can be covered by live
television and radio broadcast. The matter now being sought to be addressed by my
esteemed colleagues is not even an issue. If it has to be considered at all, the rule must be
of general application and promulgated after a thorough study and deliberation, certainly
far more than what have been said and done in this case. Hearings, where expert opinion
is sought and given, should prove to be helpful and of value.1âwphi1.nêt
WHEREFORE, I concur but only in the denial with finality of the motion for