MCO-07 Dec13

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of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-07

Term-End Examination
December, 2013


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : Answer any five questions.

1. (a) Why is the consideration of time important

in financial decision-making ? Illustrate
your answer. 10, 10
(b) Explain the different approaches used for
valuation of equity shares.

2. Explain the arbitrage - pricing theory. Compare 20

and constrast it with CAPM.

3. (a) Explain capital budgeting and its

importance. 10, 10
(b) A firm is considering an investment
proposal worth Rs 80,000. The CFAIs (cash
flows after tax) are expected to be on
follows. The rate of discount is 10%.
Calculate NPV and find out whether the
project is worthwhile or not.
Year 1 2 3 4 5
15,000 22,000 27,000 29,000 21,000

MCO-07 1 P.T.O.
The PV of Re 1 is 0.909, 0.826, 0.751, 0.683 and
0.620 from year one to five years respectively.

4. (a) Explain the meaning and importance of the

cost of capital. 10, 10
(b) How is the cost of preference shares capital
calculated ? Give example.
5. (a) Explain the benefits and limitations of lease
financing. 10, 10
(b) Discuss the advantages of foreign exchange
6. (a) What is the difference between the primary
and secondary capital market ? 10, 10
(b) What are the recent developments in capital
markets in India ?
7. Selling price per unit Rs. 20 20
Variable cost per unit Rs. 12
Actual sales 200 units
From the above information calculate operating
leverage in each of the following two situations.
(a) When fixed cost is Rs 1,000
(b) When fixed cost is Rs 800
8. (a) Explain the different motives for holding
cash. 10, 10
(b) Discuss the different selective inventory
control techniques.
9. Write explanatory notes on any two of the
following : 10, 10
(a) Goals of financial management
(b) NPV Vs. IRR
(c) Optimal capital structure
(d) Dividend Policy

MCO-07 2
ciliznqg -4 ,--IirichlTH Trrar (M.Com)
q*ii-c4t, 2013
71.1#.311.-07 : fq-9-174 1;14ET

77777 : 3 u2 arrEiwuR- 31w : 100

,sboi w : 70%

1. (a) fl44 fa-ofzff -4 wii t -i1-11.11 c4)

31r-471— t? dqituf ITtff drit ceIRTRI 10, 10
(b) ref t:14 * 4-1-tiich-1 -1- fa-fir 31-Ter1 31l`
auk .--1-r-- R 1
2. 3f-d-t-rniF --1-T:ru figiTuT #1-
41 --r auil Vf-
A7 1 T{T-*- 20
CAPM ' vili 'U2.TT 3I-- TcF1Z -1-1-- I

3. (a) tt 4-at 4-1,T{Tk fir auk Vf- A71 10, 10

(b) Ii --P:191. 80,000T. clic; MT •5177ig -4 TEIIM-1-
arta -wr fqqR t t 1 t tr7q-rq,tr-*7-51-qr
(CFAT) 5icnit i?la TIT-ITT-4T t I Tat 7
10% ti fi-d" *IN 17[ (NPV) 71ff Vf- 47
'd2TE 'qaTT4 err -tiro-IA-1i 1:41--*7 .1,ot dr-cof t zrr
1 2 3 4 5
15,000 22,000 27,000 29,000 21,000

MCO-07 3 P.T.O.
1 T. q-41TF -> cri b+-Rf:
0.909, 0.826, 0.751, 0.683 72TT 0.620

4. (a) tA" t't (1141d 330 72.T11: 1r-4R I

(b) k4-{ t?=1-T itt
s rimi f R -11c1 ail
Q-11d1 *? qrs311 10, 10

5. (a) 1-1d,d1 fa41q 71I-T 211 .4-1-174 'W1 a uk

(b) fqkqil• rar-Hq -q1,31 It .1(11)' ci;l'ariCociT
10, 10
6. (a) srm-ricrT 72,TT fg-dtzr- t4- .t1A1t 4 eV-41 t?

(b) I11RUI4 silA1t 14 t? 10, 10

7. 51 rd 7-*-11 fdWzI 20 T. 20
7eFf trft-q-al (11+Id 12 T.
fd-Fzi 200 .-11
31-71-4aTT9. -T 3741-{ -97 HR-cno-i
trftft-gr-d-zif IA{ =.110-1 4 fluili :
(a) zit 0■ 41c-f t : 1,000 T.
(b) TQTR:ft oind t : 800 T.

8. (a) 1TT§1-4 31-WA T 9Wrr- 10, 10

(b) faf113i tmlIc-4-i-41 dcb9W ci) 0241(sit
W--4 I

9. 14-1 Oti 4 -cr{ tart -f -rw.

10, 10
(a) td-917:1 9,so-q
(b) a417-9- .1-1141
(c) ltt
(d) crr.if7T I

MCO-07 4

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