Artículo de Microbiología, Proteínas de Membrana

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Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 325–331


Outer membrane proteins: key players for bacterial adaptation

in host niches
Jun Lin, Shouxiong Huang, Qijing Zhang *
Food Animal Health Research Program, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The Ohio State University, 1680 Madison Avenue,
Wooster, OH 44691, USA


Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Gram-negative bacteria have diverse functions and are directly involved in the interaction with
various environments encountered by pathogenic organisms. Thus, OMPs represent important virulence factors and play essential roles in
bacterial adaptation to host niches, which are usually hostile to invading pathogens. Understanding the structure and functions of bacterial
OMPs will facilitate the design of antimicrobial drugs and vaccines. In this paper, we will present a brief review on OMPs that contribute
to bacterial adaptive responses including iron uptake, antimicrobial peptide resistance, serum resistance, and drug/bile resistance. © 2002
Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Outer membrane proteins; Pathogenesis; Adaptation; Resistance

1. Introduction 2. Iron uptake

The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria primarily Iron is the most abundant transition metal in living
consists of phospholipids, lipopolysaccharide, and a group organisms, with a critical role in many diverse biological
of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) that account for ap- systems. All Gram-negative bacteria have an absolute re-
proximately 50% of the outer membrane mass [1]. OMPs quirement for iron to survive. However, because of the low
include integral membrane proteins as well as lipoproteins solubility of ferric iron and the need to avoid its participa-
that are anchored to the outer membrane via N-terminally tion in generating toxic oxygen-derived free radicals, higher
attached lipid. Characterized by β-barrel structures, integral organisms have evolved mechanisms for lowering the levels
OMPs are essential for maintaining the integrity and selec- of free iron to well below those required for the growth of
tive permeability of bacterial membranes [2]. In addition, Gram-negative bacteria [5,6]. Most iron is located intracel-
OMPs, whose production is often regulated by environmen- lularly in eucaryotic cells as ferritin or as heme-compounds.
tal cues, also play important roles in bacterial pathogenesis This source of iron is normally not available to invading
by enhancing the adaptability of bacterial pathogens to Gram-negative bacteria. The small amount of extracellular
various environments. Several comprehensive reviews on iron that exists in body fluids is bound by high-affinity
the structure and function of outer membranes have been iron-binding proteins, such as transferrin and lactoferrin in
published [1–4]. This review will focus on those OMPs that serum and mucosal secretions [5,6]. Therefore, to obtain
are involved in bacterial adaptive responses to frequently sufficient iron for survival and multiplication, Gram-
encountered conditions upon infecting a host, such as negative bacteria have evolved sophisticated genetic sys-
nutrient starvation (e.g. iron limitation), presence of potent tems for iron uptake. Two major strategies involving iron-
antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the circulating system and regulated OMPs are used by Gram-negative bacteria to
mucosal surfaces, bactericidal activity of complements, assimilate iron in iron-restricted niches: 1) expression of
antibiotic treatments, and presence of detergent-like bile specific outer membrane receptors (e.g. Tbp and Lbp in
salts in intestine. Neisseria, HemR in Yersinia), some of which are TonB-
dependent, to directly bind host transferrin, lactoferrin, or
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-330-263-3747; fax: +1-330-263-3677. hemoprotein followed by the removal of iron from iron-
E-mail address: [email protected] (Q. Zhang). binding protein on the cell surface and internalization of
© 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 2 8 6 - 4 5 7 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 1 5 4 5 - 9
326 J. Lin et al. / Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 325–331

iron into cells; and 2) utilization of TonB-dependent OMPs cidal activity of AMPs. The former strategy is dependent on
(e.g. FhuA and FepA in Escherichia coli, whose three- the production of outer membrane-associated proteases,
dimentional structures have been resolved [2,3]) that bind to which cleave AMPs outside of cells and enable bacteria to
the iron–siderophore complex and promote iron–sidero- evade killing by AMPs. For example, Stumpe et al. [35]
phore across the membrane into cells. Siderophores demonstrated that E. coli outer membrane protease OmpT
(500–1000 Da) are high-affinity iron chelators secreted by hydrolyzes AMP protamine before it enters growing cells of
bacteria and can competitively capture iron from host E. coli. A PhoP-regulated outer membrane protease PgtE of
iron-binding protein or iron-binding compounds. TonB and Salmonella typhimurium also contributes to resistance to
TonB-dependent receptors are key players in iron uptake AMPs [36]. Sequence analysis indicated that PgtE has high
under aerobic conditions. Several excellent reviews have homology to E. coli OmpT (46% aa identity) and Yersinia
described the roles of iron-regulated OMPs in bacterial iron pestis Pla (72% aa identity). The PgtE deletional mutant
uptake [7–11]. showed increased sensitivity to several cationic AMPs that
Since bacteria require iron for their growth and the levels contain OmpT-cleavage site, suggesting that PgtE functions
of free iron in vivo are well below microbial requirements, in a similar manner to E. coli OmpT [36]. Direct evidence is
possession of iron uptake systems and functional iron- still lacking with regards the relationship between Y. pestis
regulated OMPs are essential for bacterial survival and Pla and AMP resistance. However, one study showed that
virulence. There is a considerable body of experimental the subcutaneous LD50 of pla mutant was 4 to 6 logs
studies demonstrating that iron-regulated OMPs are induced greater than that of wild type [37]. Considering the high
under iron-restricted conditions in vivo. These examples sequence similarities between Y. pestis Pla and S. typhimu-
include Vibrio cholerae, Proteus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, rium PgtE, it is likely that protease-mediated resistance to
Pasteurella haemolytica, and Haemophilus influenzae AMP may contribute, at least partially, to the attenuated
[12–16]. Specific antibodies to iron-regulated OMPs of virulence of pla mutant.
Gram-negative bacteria were found in sera of both animals Because AMPs act on bacterial membranes, Gram-
and humans [17–22], further indicating that iron-regulated negative bacteria can also protect themselves from attack by
OMPs are induced during in vivo infection. In addition, AMPs via modification of their cell surface properties to
genetic knockout of iron-regulated OMP genes in Gram- prevent the binding of AMPs to the outer membrane or
negative bacteria resulted in attenuated virulence compared decrease the permeability of the outer membrane [38–40].
with wild-type. For example, inactivation of iron-regulated For example, two-component regulatory systems in S. typh-
OMPs in some Gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomo- imurium including PhoP/PhoQ and PmrA/PmrB, promote
nas aeruginosa [23], Neisseria meningitidis [24], Vibrio AMP resistance by activating transcription of genes that are
species [25,26], Salmonella enterica [27], Haemophilus involved in the modification of lipid A, the bioactive
ducreyi [28], and Burkholderia cepacia [29], resulted in component of LPS [38,39]. The S. typhimurium
reduced virulence in animal or human infection models. PhoP/PhoQ-activated gene pagP, which is essential for
Together, these findings indicate that iron-regulated OMPs addition of palmitate to Salmonella lipid A, encodes an
are important virulence factors. OMP with enzymatic activity involved in lipid A biosyn-
thesis [40,41]. Such lipid A modification changes the
fluidity of the outer membrane and decreases the permeabil-
3. Antimicrobial peptide resistance ity of the outer membrane enhancing the resistance of
S. typhimurium to α-helical cationic AMPs [40]. Whether
Antimicrobial peptides are short, cationic, and bacteri- other Gram-negative bacteria use PagP-like enzymes to
cidal peptides that can be found in many animal species mediate AMP resistance is largely unknown. However,
ranging from insects to mammals (reviewed in [30–34]). As PagP-mediated lipid A palmitoylation is likely a general
a major component of host innate immunity, AMPs can mechanism for Gram-negative bacterial resistance to
directly contact and disrupt the bacterial membrane by a-helical cationic AMP because 1) other Gram-negative
permeating lipid bilayers, and ultimately lead to cell death bacteria, such as E. coli and Yersinia enterocolitica, are
[34]. Approximately 400 AMPs have been reported in shown to regulate the synthesis of palmitoylated lipid A in
insects, plants, animals, and humans [30]. Circulating ph- response to low Mg2+ growth conditions in a manner similar
agocytic leukocytes are the major source of several AMPs to the S. typhimurium PagP-mediated addition of palmitate
including defensins. In addition, epithelial cells of the skin to lipid A [39]; and 2) homologs of PagP are encoded in
and mucosal surfaces also synthesize and release AMPs, E. coli, Yersinia spp., and Bordetella spp. [41] and Le-
which contribute to intrinsic mucosal immunity against gionella pneumophila (Gene bank accession number:
bacterial infections [31]. AAK52070). Synergistic action of multiple resistance strat-
Bacterial pathogens have developed the means to curtail egies can greatly decrease the bactericidal activity of AMPs.
the effect of AMPs. Direct degradation of AMPs and One such example is the study by Guina et al. [36], who
modification of cell surface properties are two major strat- demonstrated that inactivation of both the protease gene
egies used by Gram-negative bacteria to resist the bacteri- (pgtE) and the lipid A modification gene (pagP) in
J. Lin et al. / Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 325–331 327

S. typhimurium resulted in greater AMP sensitivity than that Por1B in N. gonorrhoeae. The N-terminal loop (loop1) of
in mutants containing a single mutation in either gene. Por1A is a specific C4bp binding domain while loop 5 and
loop 7 of Por1B together are required for C4bp binding [53].
Specific inhibition of C4bp binding to serum resistant PorA
4. Serum resistance or PorB strains resulted in complete killing of serum
resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae in 10% of normal human
Animal sera exhibit bactericidal activity primarily sera, further indicating the importance of OMPs in mediat-
through the action of complements. As an important factor ing gonococcal serum resistance.
in protective immunity, complements play a critical role in Many other OMPs are implicated in serum resistance
the resistance against bacterial infections [42]. The comple- despite the fact that the resistance mechanisms are un-
ment system is composed of approximately 20 interacting known. OmpX of E. coli belongs to a group of integral
soluble proteins that are constantly present in the blood and OMPs that not only play important roles in adhesion and
extracellular fluids. After encountering an invading patho- invasion but also promote bacterial resistance to the bacte-
gen, the complement system can be activated through the ricidal activity of complements [54–56]. The OmpX ho-
classical pathway (antibody-dependent) and/or the alterna- mologs in Gram-negative bacteria include Ail of Y. entero-
tive pathway (antibody-independent), which ultimately re- colitica [55], Rck and PagC of S. typhimurium [55], OmpX
sult in the formation of pores in the membrane of the of Enterobacter cloacae [57], and OmpK17 of K. pneumo-
invading bacterial pathogens. Soluble complement proteins niae [58]. The recent elucidation of the crystal structure of
C4bp and factor H, which block the formation of C3 OmpX of E. coli revealed a unique structural feature of
convertase and prevent complement activation, are key OmpX, the protruding β-sheet formed by loop 2 and loop 3
regulators in the classical pathway and the alternative [56]. These structural and functional studies have revealed
pathway, respectively. To evade complement-mediated kill- that the external loops of the proteins in the OmpX family
ing, Gram-negative bacteria have developed multiple strat- are responsible for serum resistance and other virulence
egies to protect themselves from the bactericidal activity properties. In addition, other OMPs, such as OmpA of
(reviewed in references [43–46]). Three major components E. coli [59], TraT and YadA of Y. enterocolitica [60,61], Brk
(OMPs, LPS, and capsule) of Gram-negative bacteria are of Bordetella pertussis [62], and DsrA of H. ducreyi [63],
involved in serum resistance. This section only focuses on were also involved in serum resistance, although the under-
bacterial OMPs that contribute to serum resistance. lying mechanisms responsible for the resistance are still
In general, OMPs of Gram-negative bacteria promote unknown.
bacterial resistance to complement-mediated killing by
preventing the activation of complement cascades and/or
blocking the formation of a lethal membrane attack complex 5. Multi-drug resistance and bile resistance
on the bacterial membrane. A well-characterized mechanism
is the binding of bacterial OMP to the main regulators of the In parallel to the availability of multiple antibiotics for
alternative pathway, factor H and factor H-like protein 1 medical uses, bacterial organisms have evolved a variety of
(FHL-1) [47,48]. Expression of Por1A (a major OMP) in mechanisms for drug resistance (reviewed in references
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is associated with serum resistance [64,65]), which has greatly compromised the effectiveness
and virulence [49]. Mutation of por1A gene resulted in of antibiotic treatments. Although specific mechanisms are
serum sensitivity compared with the parent strain [50]. Ram associated with resistance to individual antibiotics, the
et al. [47] showed that Por1A binds to regulatory factor H multi-drug efflux pumps function as general and intrinsic
via loop 5 and thereafter increases the conversion of C3b to drug resistance systems in Gram-negative bacteria and are
iC3b, leading to decreased killing of N. gonorrhoeae by responsible for bacterial resistance to a variety of harmful
complements. A similar mechanism was also observed in molecules including antibiotics (reviewed in references
another Gram-negative pathogen, Borrelia burgdorferi [48], [66–69]). Bacterial resistance to bile salts, a group of
in which OspE was shown to bind strongly to factor H and bactericidal detergents present in the intestinal tract of
suppress ongoing complement activation. The C-terminal animals, is also attributable to multi-drug efflux pumps.
short consensus repeat domains of OspE were characterized Multi-drug efflux pumps from different species of Gram-
as the specific binding site for factor H [48]. Besides OspE, negative bacteria usually share a common structural theme,
other OMPs of B. burgdorferi including OspA, OspC, or including an inner membrane transporter, a periplasmic
OspD may be also involved in serum resistance, because fusion protein, and an outer membrane channel protein [66].
mutants lacking these OMPs are more susceptible to serum Functioning together, the three components form a multi-
killing than the wild-type strain [51,52]. Since there is no purpose efflux system that allows efflux of a variety of
specific binding of factor H to any of these OMPs [48], substrates across the two membranes directly into the
other unknown mechanisms may account for the serum surrounding medium. As an essential component in the
resistance. Recently, Ram et al. [53] reported the binding of tri-partite efflux pump, the OMP component can interact
C4bp, a key regulator of the classical pathway, to Por1A or with different transporter complexes and exhibits functional
328 J. Lin et al. / Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 325–331

diversity [70,71]. For example, the well-characterized OMP AB–OprM efflux system in P. aeruginosa. Transposon in-
TolC of E. coli can function with at least four distinct sertional mutation of the inner membrane efflux transporter
cytoplasmic membrane transport systems and plays an of the C. jejuni efflux system abolished the production of the
essential role in export of different substrates ranging from transporter protein and its associated outer membrane pro-
structurally unrelated antimicrobials, heavy metals, and tein, leading to a significant increase in susceptibility to
detergents to large toxins [70,71]. The importance of OMP structurally unrelated antibiotics, heavy metals, and bile
in efflux systems and antibiotic resistance is supported by salts (unpublished data in this lab).
the finding that inactivation of the OMP gene in an efflux Bile is produced in the liver, stored in the gallbladder,
system could result in decreased efflux ability and increased and released into the small intestine for digestion of food
susceptibility to a wide range of antibiotics and other and fats. Bile contains groups of detergent-like bile salts
antimicrobials. An isogenic tolC mutant exhibited hypersen- which can kill bacterial cells by destroying the lipid bilayer
sitivity to various hydrophobic inhibitors due to the mal- of the membrane [83]. Many Gram-negative bacteria, espe-
functioning of the AcrAB multi-drug efflux system and its cially those enteric pathogens, are highly resistant to the
inability to exclude antimicrobial agents [72]. Genetic bactericidal activity of bile salts. As reviewed recently by
knockout of tolC homolog gene in Salmonella enteritidis Gunn [84], multiple mechanisms, some of which are regu-
resulted in an avirulent phenotype, suggesting that tolC- lated by two-component regulatory systems, contribute to
related proteins are important for pathogenicity [73]. Dis- bacterial resistance to bile. Here, we will briefly discuss the
ruption of the oprM gene, which encodes an OMP of 50 kDa roles of OMPs in bile resistance.
involved in the MexAB and MexXY efflux systems of The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria plays a
P. aeruginosa [74,75], increased the susceptibility of this key role in bile resistance, which requires the expression
organism to many antibiotics [76–78]. Notably, disruption and function of multiple OMPs. In general, these OMPs
of oprM often resulted in more drug susceptibility than either affect the membrane permeability (e.g. porins) to bile
mexA or mexB mutations [76–78], which further highlights salts, or are involved in the efflux of these antimicrobial
the critical role of the OMP components in efflux systems detergents. Porins are the most abundant OMPs and exist in
and multi-drug resistance. the bacterial outer membrane as stable trimers, which are
Overexpression of efflux-related OMPs can result in highly resistant to bile salts. Different porin molecules form
increased drug resistance. For example, mutation in mexR, various sizes of pores with dissimilar charge properties, and
which encodes a repressor of the mexAB-oprM multi-drug therefore have varied permeability to bile salts. By regulat-
efflux operon of P. aeruginosa, resulted in the overexpres- ing the production of a specific porin, bacteria can modulate
sion of the 50-kDa OprM and increased multidrug resis- their membrane permeability and decrease the sensitivity to
tance in P. aeruginosa [74,75,79]. In addition, overexpres- bile salts. For example, the E. coli outer membrane porins
sion of OprJ, an OMP component in the MexCD efflux OmpF and OmpC were involved in bile resistance, with
system, was also correlated with enhanced multidrug resis- OmpC playing a more significant role than OmpF, possibly
tance in P. aeruginosa [80]. Recently, Ziha-Zarifi et al. [81] due to the smaller pore size of OmpC than that of OmpF
described the in vivo emergence of muti-drug resistant [85]. Similarly, Provenzano and Klose [86] reported that
mutants of P. aeruginosa. Immunoblotting of OMP of 11 ToxR-dependent modulation of the outer membrane porins
bacterial pairs (isolated before and after drug therapy) OmpU and OmpT production is critical for V. cholerae bile
demonstrated the overexpression of OprM in all the post- resistance, with OmpU playing a more significant role than
therapy isolates. Ten out of the 11 post-therapy isolates had OmpT in bile resistance. OmpU, similar to E. coli OmpC
mutations (insertion, deletion, or point mutation) in repres- which has a small pore size, is more cationic selective than
sor gene mexR. These results indicate that mutations in a OmpT and is less permeable to negatively charged bile salts
regulatory gene (such as mexR) can lead to overexpression [86]. However, porins do not block a significant portion of
of the drug efflux systems and increased resistance to bile salts that exist in lipophilic, uncharged forms and can
antibiotics. For the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter directly cross through the outer membrane. Those bile salts
jejuni, a 55-kDa OMP was overexpressed in two mutants entering into bacterial cells are eliminated from the cells by
which were resistant to pefloxacin or cefotaxime [82]. Both another major mechanism involving multi-drug efflux
mutants showed cross-resistance to other structurally unre- pumps.
lated antibiotics and showed a lower intracellular accumu- Efflux of bile salts from the bacterial cytoplasm directly
lation level of antibiotics than the parent strain, indicating out of the cell is a well-characterized mechanism of bile
that this OMP was involved in multi-drug resistance via a resistance, and is mediated by the multi-drug efflux systems
multi-drug efflux system with broad specificity. However, discussed in the previous section. For example, the TolC
detailed analysis of this protein and further identification of (outer membrane channel protein)-dependent AcrAB and
its related efflux system has not been reported since then. EmrAB efflux pumps are important players in excluding
Recently, our lab has characterized a multifunctional efflux bile salts out of E. coli cells [72,85]. The multi-drug efflux
pump in C. jejuni (unpublished data in this lab). This system MtrCD–MtrE mediates resistance of N. gonor-
putative efflux pump shares high homology with the Mex- rhhoeae to structurally diverse hydrophobic agents includ
J. Lin et al. / Microbes and Infection 4 (2002) 325–331 329

Table 1
Major mechanisms of OMP-mediated bacterial adaptive responses to host environment
Adaptive responses Mechanisms Examples of OMPs References
Iron uptake Expression of OMPs to directly bind host transferrin, lactoferrin, or hemoprotein Tbp, Lbp, HemR [7,9,10]
Synthesis of high-affinity iron–siderophores and expression of OMPs to bind the FhuA, FepA [8,11]
siderophore complexes
Antimicrobial peptide Direct degradation of antimicrobial peptides through production of outer membrane OmpT, PgtE [35,36]
resistance associated proteases
Modification of bacterial surface through production of OMPs with enzymatic PagP [40,41]
Serum resistance Prevent the activation of complement cascades by binding to factor H or C4bp, Por1A, Por1B OspE [47,48,53]
down-regulators of complement activation
Unknown OmpX [54–56]
Multidrug resistance Key roles in multi-drug efflux systems TolC, OprM [72,74,75]
Bile resistance Modulate membrane permeability by regulating the productions of specific porins OmpC, OmpU [85,86]
Key roles in multi-drug efflux systems TolC [72,85]

ing bile salts [87]. Insertional inactivation of the inner Acknowledgements

membrane efflux transporter gene mtrD rendered gonococci
hypersusceptible to bile salt cholic acid. Inactivation of a Work in our laboratory was supported by a grant from the
putative multi-drug resistance pump from V. cholerae also Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program of
resulted in increased susceptibility to bile salt deoxycholate OARDC at the Ohio State University. We would like to
when compared with the parent strain [88]. We have thank Srinand Sreevatsan, Linda Michel, and Orhan Sahin
recently demonstrated that a multi-drug efflux pump in for helpful critiques of this manuscript.
C. jejuni contributes greatly to bile resistance. A transposon
mutant with the inactivated efflux system resulted in a more
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