NORM Specification SP 1170 (Version 3)
NORM Specification SP 1170 (Version 3)
NORM Specification SP 1170 (Version 3)
User Note:
The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only
be authorised by the Document Owner or his Delegate through STEP-OUT
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Revision: FINAL
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct-2010
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct-2010
i Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue
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ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.
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i Document Authorisation 3
ii Revision History 4
iii Related Business Processes 4
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents 4
1 Introduction 7
1.1 Purpose 7
1.2 Review and Improvement (SP1170) 7
2 Scope 8
2.1 Definitions 8
2.2 Deliverables 9
2.2.1 Records 9
2.2.2 Reports 9
2.3 Roles and Responsibilities 10
2.3.1 Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC) 10
2.3.2 Corporate Radiation Focal Point (CRFP) 10
2.3.3 Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA) 10
2.3.4 Directors (OND, OSD, UID, UWD & GD) 11
2.3.5 Production Coordinators, Gas Plant Managers and Well Site Supervisors 11
2.3.6 Contract Holders and Company Site Representatives (CSR’s) 11
2.3.7 Contractors 11
2.3.8 HSE Advisors 12
2.3.9 Corporate Environmental Advisors 12
2.3.10 Production Chemistry 12
2.4 Performance Requirements 14
2.4.1 Regulations and Performance Standards 14
2.5 Performance Monitoring 14
2.6 Management of NORM 14
2.6.1 What is defined as NORM Contaminated 14
2.6.2 Permit to Work System (PtW) 15
2.6.3 Sampling for NORM 16
2.6.4 Handling of NORM Contaminated Equipment or Sludge Waste 17
2.6.5 Instrumentation 17
2.6.6 Designing facilities for NORM 19
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3 Exposure Limits20
3.1 Exposure Pathways 20
3.2 Exposure Limits20
3.3 Derived Limits 21
3.4 Inhalation/Ingestion Limits 21
3.5 Monitoring of Personnel 21
4.0 NORM Surveys 21
5.0 Transport of NORM Waste 22
5.1 Transport from Wells 23
5.2 Transport of Contaminated Sludge or Pigging Debris 23
6.0 Training24
6.1 NORM Awareness Training 25
6.2 NORM for Supervisors 25
6.3 NORM Technicians ( NORM Meter User ) 25
6.4 Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) 25
7.0 Controls 26
7.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 26
8.0 Bahja NORM Yard 27
8.1 Decontamination of NORM contaminated Equipment 28
9.0 Disposal 28
10.0 Emergency Procedures 28
11.0 NORM Guidelines 28
12.0 References 28
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1 Introduction
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials, otherwise known as NORM are widely distributed throughout
the earth’s crust and within the reservoirs where oil and gas are produced. These elements include
Uranium and Thorium and their daughter products Radium and Radon which give rise to natural
background radiation.
During the production of oil and gas, PDO has experienced NORM co-precipitating with typical scales e.g.
barium and strontium sulphate. Contaminated scale has been detected on sub-surface equipment e.g.
tubulars, pumps (ESP’s), cables and surface equipment e.g. Xmas trees, valves and flowlines. NORM
contaminated sludge have also accumulated in tanks, vessels and pigging receivers and evaporation
NORM present a potential health risk to PDO and Contractor staff maintaining and servicing production
equipment or handling waste streams as these naturally occurring elements emit gamma photons and
alpha and beta particles which are potentially harmful to health if inhaled or ingested.
NORM wastes contain long-lived radionuclides (Ra-226 half life = 1600 yrs). This has important
implications for disposal and long time periods for which control is necessary.
1.1 Purpose
This specification describes PDO's minimum requirements for managing NORM, which may be
hazardous to health or the environment as a result of PDO’s oil and gas production. NORM will be
handled in PDO on the basis of the Precautionary Principle.
This involves:
Ensuring that no PDO employee, contractors or members of the public are exposed to NORM above
the accepted International and PDO standards.
Minimising PDO employees and contractors exposure to any levels of ionising radiation (ALARP).
Assuming NORM is present (where the potential exists) until proven otherwise.
Continually monitoring the NORM levels in PDO operations and maintenance
Incorporating NORM monitoring into the Permit to Work System.
Constantly updating our knowledge of NORM based on international best practices.
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2 Scope
PDO has identified NORM as a health hazard to be managed in its operations, servicing and
maintenance activities.
This specification covers PDO’s practices for:
Identifying NORM Contamination (Monitoring and Sampling)
Handling NORM
Controlling exposures (PPE, time, distance and shielding)
Dose and Derived Limits
Storage and Transport
Decontaminating NORM contaminated equipment and disposal
2.1 Definitions
Alpha particle decay: A high-energy positively charged particle ejected from the nucleus of an unstable
(radioactive) atom, consisting of two protons and two neutrons. E.g. 226Radium is an alpha emitter
decaying to 222Radon.
Background Radiation: The radiation to which an individual is exposed arising from natural sources such
as terrestrial and cosmic radiation. The average background radiation from natural sources in Oman is
1.5 mSv per annum. For measurement purposes, it is defined as the true meter reading of a
contamination monitor in counts per second (cps) when monitored in an area without manmade sources.
Experience in PDO has shown this to typically range from 3 - 6 cps with the Mini 900/44A.
Becquerel (Bq): The System International (SI) unit for measurement of radioactivity
(1 Bq = 1 Nuclear disintegration/sec).
Beta particle decay: The ejection of a high-energy negatively charged atom (electron or positron) from the
nucleus of an unstable atom. E.g. 210Lead is a beta emitter decaying to 210Bismuth.
Dose Limit: The annual incremental effective dose limit to any person from exposure to ionising radiation
including NORM. (Refer Section 3.0)
Gamma Radiation: Electromagnetic radiation termed rays or photons emitted from an unstable nucleus in
the process of decaying. E.g 226Ra emits alpha and gamma rays.
NORM: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials are materials produced by members of the decay
series of naturally occurring Uranium–238 and Thorium-232 or other similar radioactive nuclei.
NORM Contaminated Area: An area around leaking installations (e.g. pumps vessels, flow lines, well
heads) will be classified as a “NORM contaminated Area” when the readings with a Mini Instrument 900
series with a 44A probe, exceeds the background levels by at least 5 counts per second. E.g. Al-Noor
evaporation pond.
NORM Contaminated Equipment: Any equipment exceeding 5 cps above background when monitored
with the Mini 900 monitor with 44A or EP15 probe.
NORM Contaminated Sludge: Any sludge or debris removed from tanks, vessels or pigging activities
recording greater than 5 cps above background with the Mini 900/44A and greater than 1 Bq/g for Ra-226
after laboratory (GSA) analysis.
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NORM Controlled Area: An area or equipment is classified as a NORM Controlled Area when the external
dose rate is ≥ 7.5 µSv/h. e.g. T7401 in Zauliyah
NORM Guidelines: Work instructions specifically written for activities that PDO or its contractors should
follow when NORM is encountered.
NORM Supervised Area: An area is classified as a NORM Supervised Area when the external dose rate ≥
2.5 µSv/h to less than 7.5 µSv/h.
NORM Suspect Materials: Sludge or waste material that exceeds background levels by at least 5 counts
per second when measured with the Mini 900 Instruments shall be treated as NORM Suspect Materials
and undergo Gamma Spectrum Analysis.
Sievert (Sv): The System International (SI) unit for measurement of effective dose. Readings are typically
in microsievert (µSv/hr) or millisievert per hour (mSv/hr).
Thermoluminescent Dose (TLD) Badge: A small badge worn by the worker to measure and record
personal dose whilst working in NORM Controlled Areas e.g. cleaning highly NORM contaminated tanks.
2.2 Deliverables
2.2.1 Records
The following records shall be maintained:
Asset NORM databases (e.g. Facilities, Wells, Sludge farms, Evaporation ponds)
NORM monitoring results e.g. workovers, pigging, facility maintenance
Training records to demonstrate competence (e.g. HSE Passports);
Calibration of NORM meters and meter inventory;
Waste Consignments to the Bahja NORM Yard or other Inspection Yards;
Inspection and audit reports to demonstrate compliance (tracked in FIM).
2.2.2 Reports
NORM monitoring data (including non-detectable or background results) shall be entered into NORM
Database (e.g. EDM - Well Engineering, NORM Survey Spreadsheets for Facilities, manifolds and pigging
receivers). Comprehensive NORM reports and impact assessments reside with Corporate Environment
(MSE2) or Health (MSE3).
PDO Staff: Any non-compliance with this Specification shall be notified, investigated and reported into
Fountain by the Contract Holder. The Corporate Radiation Focal Point shall be notified.
Contractors: Any non-compliance with this Specification shall be notified, investigated and reported to the
Contract Holder or in the case of Sub-Contractors, the Main Contactor. The Contract Holder shall enter the
investigation findings into Fountain and notify the Corporate Radiation Focal Point.
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2.3.5 Production Coordinators, Gas Plant Managers and Well Site Supervisors
Production Coordinators, Gas Plant Managers and Well Site Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that
PDO operations under their remit implement this Specification. This shall ensure that people who work
under them are not inadvertently exposed to NORM and that contaminated materials are managed
according to the requirements of the Specification. In particular, they shall ensure that:
All maintenance and service activities under their responsibility are monitored for NORM prior to
work commencing and during the activity
When NORM are identified, controls are implemented
All staff who working with NORM are trained to manage the risks
The correct PPE is available and used correctly
Records of contaminated and non contaminated equipment are maintained
Records of NORM waste such as sludge are maintained
2.3.7 Contractors
Contractors are responsible for incorporating this Specification and the relevant NORM Guidelines into
their HSE Management System. They are responsible for:
Providing and maintaining monitoring instruments to detect NORM as per the contract terms and
Conducting NORM measurements during maintenance or servicing activities
Providing TLD badges during tank cleaning, or as required by the CRFP
Collection, labeling and transport of NORM contaminated sludge or equipment to the Bahja NORM
Training staff and sub-contractors who may handle NORM
Provision of NORM specific PPE
Providing and updating records (including monitoring, storage and transport) to the Asset who shall
maintain their own NORM Database.
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Table 1: Performance Monitoring - RASCI Chart
Responsible Accountable Support Consult Inform
Monitoring Activity Production Contract CSR’s Contractors Asset CRFP Production HSE
Coordinators Holders Owners Chemistry Advisors
NORM monitoring
Workovers, Pigging, ODC
Include NORM mgt in general HSE R&A
audits or Conduct specific NORM S Internal Audits & S S S
Operations Well Services
audits. Sub-Contractors
Collection of NORM samples I
Within facilities (EMC) Pigging
NORM readings shall be recorded on the NORM Survey Form (Appendix A) and attached to the PtW.
Previous NORM Surveys shall be used to predict contamination before work commences. Production
Operators will quickly gain experience if frequently maintained (< 3 months) equipment is contaminated or
not and this shall be used to update the Assets NORM database. The process is:
Permit Applicant shall write NORM Survey Form in the space provided under Section 2 –
Certificates Attached to this Permit and attach a blank copy of the NORM Survey Form for
completion on-site.
Within Process Facilities, the Production Supervisor shall refer to previous NORM Survey results
or request the Production Operator to conduct external monitoring using the stations own Mini
900/44A and check for NORM labels on equipment.
Insulated or heavy walled materials may shield NORM during external measurements. Therefore
internal NORM measurements must also be conducted after gas testing by the Permit Holder or
PDO Production Operator
All readings shall be recorded on the NORM Survey Form. If external or internal readings exceed
5 cps above background, the NORM Restricted Area box shall be ticked. The task becomes a
NORM Job ONLY if inhalation or skin contact risks exist.
Within Hydrocarbon Areas, the Permit Holder shall conduct external monitoring and once
accessible internal monitoring. The results shall be recorded on the NORM Survey Form attached
to the PtW. External or internal readings > 5 cps above background indicate NORM.
Confirmed NORM monitoring results shall be added to the Assets own NORM Database.
Contaminated equipment shall be labeled to alert operations and maintenance teams of the
NORM risk for future activities.
The Process Facility Mini 900/44A meter shall be checked to verify it is in calibration and in good
working condition by the Operator (Station) or Contractor (field).
Take External NORM Measurement
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Production Chemistry labs and labeled; Radioactive Sample Excepted Package – Limited Quantity of
Material UN-2910. DO NOT use plastic sample bags as they are not sealable.
There is no HSE risk provided the bottle is sealed and securely packed during transport. The NORM
Analysis Request Form (Appendix C) must be fully completed and provided with the sample. When
completing the Form, include the maximum cps of the total sludge, not the reading from the sample bottle.
Laboratory samples shall be sent using the Hot-Shot Transported method from the interior production
chemistry laboratory to MAF laboratory. Maintenance Supervisors of tanks shall plan for interim storage of
sludge until the analysis results are finalised to determine the correct disposal technique (Refer 2.6.1).
However, previous results have shown that highly contaminated sludge (> 100 cps) will exceed 1 Bq/g for
Ra-226 and can be immediately taken to the Bahja NORM Yard.
Once the analysis report from SQU is received the results shall be included in the NORM Generation
Form (Appendix B) attached to the waste consignment note.
Samples of hard scales from tubulars and spools are not collected as it is generally accepted that fixed
hard scales above 5 cps will exceed 1 Bq/g for Ra-226 and do not require further analysis. In addition, it is
very difficult to collect 100 grams of scale from tubulars and ESP’s needed for the laboratory analysis.
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Eating, drinking and smoking shall be prohibited in the cordoned off area
All personnel must wash with water before they leave the cordoned off area
All personnel working with NORM must be monitored with the Mini 900 Meter with the 44A probe
before leaving the area (after washing)
All NORM contaminated equipment must be enclosed to prevent dislodged scale or sludge from
becoming airborne (polyethylene wrapped, end capped, drummed)
All equipment which is externally contaminated or open ended must be wrapped in polyethylene
sheeting and labeled as contaminated
Contaminated sludge or pigging debris shall be placed into sealable drums before leaving the site or
if large quantities of sludge, stored in skip bins and covered with plastic for safe transport to Bahja.
Detailed work instructions for handling NORM contaminated materials when pigging, tank or separator
cleaning, well re-entry, sampling and sludge farming are covered in specific NORM Guidelines listed
under Section 11.
2.6.5 Instrumentation
Each PDO production and gathering station shall have a Mini 900 Meter with 44A probe assigned for use
during maintenance activities. Gas facilities (GD) shall in addition have an Intrinsically Safe Tracerco T201
for internal monitoring of Pb-210 and other daughter isotopes of radon gas.
All meters shall be calibrated annually by a competent laboratory, include a certificate and fixed label with
the calibration details. PDO meters damaged or due for calibration shall be provided to the local
Production Chemistry Laboratory with the completed NORM Meter Calibration and Repair Form
(Appendix D). All PDO meters shall be recorded in SAP under the Asset Register.
Contractors involved with disconnecting flowlines from wellheads and maintenance of facilities (pigging
and off plot) outside of production stations, that do not require a PDO Operator/Supervisor to attend, shall
provide their own calibrated Mini 900/44A meter. They shall have sufficient meters to perform the work
given crew locations and calibrations/repairs.
Well Service contractors involved with workovers or servicing of producing wells shall have their own set
of calibrated Mini 900 with 44A probe and Mini 900 with EP15 probe (or equivalent meters approved by
the PDO CRFP). Each hoist shall have dedicated meters and sufficient spare meters to cater for
calibration or damages.
Contractors cleaning highly contaminated (> 100 cps) tanks and vessels shall be provided with an
Intrinsically Safe dose rate meter to measure their daily dose or shall wear personal TLD Badges.
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The following radiological instruments are required for use by PDO and Contractors:
Mini 900 series with 44A Probe. Detects gamma & high energy beta
radiation in CPS. Fast response meter used to monitor equipment
externally to detect the presence of contamination e.g. tanks, vessels.
When performing maintenance or well servicing, this meter must be
used. Care must taken in H/C areas and confined spaces as it is
Mini 900 Series Monitor with EP15 probe – Detects alpha and low
energy beta radiation in CPS. Can be used to monitor for external
contamination of joints or ESP’s and to detect Pb-210 and decay
products produced in the internals of gas production facilities and gas
lift wells.
Dose Rate Meter - Used to measure the effective dose rate (uSv/h).
Used by workers cleaning highly NORM contaminated tanks and
Intrinsically Safe meters such as the Tracerco T202 or Graetz X 5CEx
are acceptable)
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Monitoring results shall be recorded on the NORM Survey Form (Appendix A) and entered into the
Assets own NORM database.
A comprehensive video has been developed demonstrating monitoring techniques for using the
Mini 900 Monitor with the 44A probe and the Mini 900 with EP15 Probe. These are available from
the PDO NORM Webpage and from the NORM Manual. - For PDO Staff and - For Contractors
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1. Depending on the chemistry of the formation water, radium can be dissolved from the sand and be
held in solution in the formation water. The solubility of radium increases as temperature and
pressure increases and pH decreases. The common presence of H 2S and CO2 dissolved in the
formation water assists with lowering the pH.
2. Radon can emanate from the sand into the oil, water or gas – radon is soluble in hydrocarbons and
less so in water;
Radium (Ra-226, Ra-228 and Ra-224) predominately follows the water stream; as the pressures and
temperatures are reduced, the solubility of radium is reduced and it precipitates out onto process
equipment. Typically, precipitates accompany non-NORM scales produced with the oil and gas.
Radon follows the gas streams; as it undergoes radioactive decay its solid decay products, typically
filter or impact out at choke points and other process circumstances that interrupt or disturb the flow,
such as bends in piping, piping 'T' pieces, control valves, strainers, pumps and impellers. When
designing facilities, consideration shall be given to the impact of NORM formation as fixed scales
attached to equipment requiring expensive decontamination or waste streams that may leave
environmental legacy sites. e.g. evaporation ponds.
Water flooding projects have previously mixed incompatible water containing elevated sulphates with
production water containing barium. This has lead to barium sulphate scaling in PDO. Where barium
scales form, there is potential for radium isotopes to co-precipitate creating a NORM risk in sub-surface
and surface equipment. Projects involved with water flooding, washing of oil to remove salt and gas-lift
(radon), shall involve production chemistry to predict Radium-226, Radon-222 and Lead-210 deposition
and aim to reduce the potential of NORM contamination.
PDO also has experience with NORM contaminated evaporation ponds. The Al-Noor produced water
contains approximately 320 Bq/l of Ra-226. As the water has evaporated, the pond has accumulated
tones of NORM contaminated waste. Projects shall justify the need for large scale evaporation ponds
and demonstrate that the project will not leave an environmental legacy site.
Sludge accumulation in tanks, vessels or evaporation ponds may generate a radiation field exceeding
the recommended dose limits if workers enter into these areas to perform work. It is essential that tank
bunding or containment has access for vehicles such as vacuum trucks and large waste skip bins.
Tanks shall be designed to enable ease of removing sludge, have large D-doors for access and utilise
vacuum tankers and screw pumps to mechanically extract the sludge, reducing worker time inside tanks
and radiation exposures.
Within gas wells and facilities, radon gas from the reservoir may be carried in the gas stream. When
Radon-222 decays, short-lived decay products are generated which plate out as very thin films (Lead-
210) on the internal walls of pipes and vessels. Radon is known to concentrate in the propane and
ethane circuits owing to its similar boiling point. NORM contaminated equipment conveying gas should
be anticipated and monitored. Ethane used as a fuel may contaminate equipment and should be
included in monitoring programs.
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3 Exposure Limits
External exposures occur when the radiation source is outside the body. Gamma radiation has the
greatest effect on external exposures because of its high penetrating power. Doses from external
exposure depend on factors such as the duration of the exposure, proximity to the source, the
radionuclide concentration and the presence of shielding material.
Maximum Annual effective dose 10 mSv (MECA) Stop all exposure to ionising sources
received from occupational exposure and undertake investigation. Report
as a radiological worker (MECA) to Regulator
Annual effective dose received from Employer undertakes internal
occupational exposure as a investigation (auditable by PDO,
5 mSv
radiological worker Contractor or Regulator)
Classified radiological worker is Employer to provide TLD badges
someone who may receive an annual and advise physician during annual
2 mSv
effective dose exceeding this limit medical
PDO staff and members of the Public 1 mSv ALARP demonstration
or Non Classified workers
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4 NORM Surveys
The Asset is responsible for conducting and recording the results of NORM Surveys of equipment
within their production stations, manifolds, flowlines and sludge farms. Production stations and
manifolds shall have a comprehensive survey performed as a minimum every four years or when
undergoing a major shutdown given the internal surface access.
External surveys shall be conducted using the Mini 900 meter with the 44A probe. The major
limitation of external radiation monitoring is shielding and when it comes to gas-related NORM for
equipment that has been off-line for several hours. Equipment that has conveyed only wet or dry gas
may emit radiation that cannot penetrate the steel walls. When such equipment is open, an
alpha/beta detector such as the Mini 900/EP15 or Tracerco T201 must be used to detect the
presence of internal contamination.
Results of previous NORM Surveys are available from the Corporate Health Webpage: Click on the
relevant link below and refer to NORM Surveys 2003, 2006, 2010. - For PDO Staff and
Contractors are requested to access the NORM database from their respective Contract Holder or
Company Site representative.
All monitoring shall be conducted by a competent meter user who has undertaken the NORM
Technician training (See Section 6.0) or a qualified radiation protection supervisor.
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As heavy wall pipe or vessels will shield radiation during external surveys, within the stations the
Production Operator or a trained designate shall perform internal NORM measurements using the
Mini 900/44A meter and record the result on the NORM Survey Form (Appendix A). This results
shall be used to update the Asset NORM database by Operations or an Asset Focal Point.
Sludge removed from tanks planned for treatment in the local Waste Treatment Facility shall be
monitored by the yard operator using the Mini 900/44A probe. Sludge farms shall be routinely
monitored by the yard operator to verify NORM hot spots exceeding 5-cps above background are
identified and mixed with clean fill to background levels using enclosed air-conditioned earthmoving
NORM contaminated production equipment and wells shall be labeled and records maintained to
alert PDO and Contractors of the NORM risk.
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at the drivers’ position once the equipment or waste is loaded to confirm no external radiation risk
The PDO Integrated Estate Service Sub-Contractors for the North and South are Ministry (MECA)
approved to transport NORM contaminated equipment and sludge wastes to Bahja however there
may be occasions where a more appropriate transport provider may be required and some flexibility
is practicable.
6 Training
PDO and Contractors performing service or maintenance activities shall ensure staff attend the
relevant compulsory NORM training.
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Production Operations (Oil and Gas), Well Servicing contractors, EMC/ODC Contractors including
Static and Rotating maintenance teams shall ensure their workers and contractors are adequately
trained to perform their scope of work prior to commencement work. SP1157 – HSE Training
Specification, stipulates that NORM training is compulsory which means the Target population must
successfully complete compulsory courses (C) before commencing work in a particular job position
(e.g. individuals will not be allowed entry to a NORM contaminated tank until successful completion
of the relevant NORM courses)
PDO provides different levels of training depending on the degree of involvement with NORM and
the individual’s job and areas of responsibility. SP1157 (Revision 7.0) details the training
requirements for NORM which is outlined in Table 3. Contract Holders shall ensure NORM is
included in their contractors training matrix.
Table 3: (Reference Table 3 SP1157 Revision 7.0)
NORM LXA702 PDO and contractor C 2 hours Not Applicable HSE Induction, HSE
Awareness Tools & Skills
LXE702 personnel routinely or
(Supervisory staff) or
LXH702 frequently working on Dealing with Hazards
NORM sites. & Risks (other staff).
NORM LXA703, PDO & Contractor C 2 hours Not Applicable HSE Induction
Technician LXE703, personnel required to use NORM Awareness or
(Meter user) LXH703 NORM Supervisor
Radiation survey and
monitoring equipment at
actual or potential NORM
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undergone the Radiation Protection Supervisor course may deliver the standard NORM awareness
presentation with approval from the Corporate Adviser, HSE Training & Competency (HLD8). This is
a basic introduction to NORM and has a competency assessment.
7 Controls
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Non-fixed wastes such as sludge or pigging wastes are stored in HDPE lined pits or in sealed steel
Depending on the quantity of sludge being removed from the tank, it may be transported in sealed
steel 44 gallon drums, vacuum trucked, waste skip bins or tipper truck. It is recommended that large
volumes be transported in vacuum trucks or tippers and stored in the lined pits. Arrangements for a
brackish water tanker at Bahja to flush clean tippers or waste skip bins should be considered by the
PDO Maintenance Supervisor. It is recommended that small volumes (e.g. < 10 drums) be collected
and transported in drums and placed into the designated drum area. Drums are available for use.
Within the yard, internally contaminated tubulars of similar diameter shall be segregated and neatly
stacked separately from externally contaminated joints. Similar items such as valves, spools, Xmas
trees etc shall be stored together for ease of inspection and quantifying. The NORM Yard
Management Contractor shall keep records of all deliveries including the Waste Consignment Notes
and attached NORM Generation Forms. Quarterly inventory reports shall be provided to the PDO
CSR - Bahja Business Service Support (OSO81B). The Yard Contractor shall only utilise NORM
trained personnel who can assess if equipment is correctly wrapped, labeled, monitor for NORM and
wear the correct PPE.
Prior to transport of contaminated waste, the Waste Originator shall contact the Bahja Business
Service Support on 243-88709 or the NORM Yard Contractor to advise of the load type and quantity
to enable preparation of offloading equipment and avoid delays.
The NORM yard Management Contractor shall keep a stockpile of NORM labels and heavy duty
plastic to replace plastic that has degraded. The Contractor is responsible for all housekeeping and
ensuring contaminated sludge is neatly tipped into the sludge pits. The Yard Management Contractor
shall provide lifting equipment to offload waste streams from PDO activities in accordance with the
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Revision: FINAL
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct-2010
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Revision: FINAL
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct-2010
9 Disposal
PDO’s waste streams with less than 1 Bq/g for Ra-226 are below the IAEA limit for classifying
NORM waste. There are no radiological precautions for their treatment and disposal and they can
be landfarmed or mixed with other oily waste.
Waste exceeding 1 Bq/g for Ra-226 are currently stored in the Bahja NORM Yard. This consists
large volumes of sludge in pits and a fenced area
sludge in drums (both cemented and loose)
highly active scale in drums
contaminated PPE in drums
contaminated filters in drums
Feasible disposal solutions for PDO’s NORM contaminated waste streams have been identified
and extensively reviewed. PDO has selected engineered landfills as the preferred disposal option
for its NORM waste.
Waste exceeding 1 Bq/g requires a radiological risk assessment prior to disposal to ensure the
risk to workers’ health, the public and the environment are not compromised. A radiological risk
assessment shall include estimates of the dose contributions from potential exposure pathways
such as; dust inhalation, radon inhalation, direct external exposure and the effects of
contamination of surface water, ground water and the food chain taking into consideration
different types of future land use. Assessments should take into consideration natural background
levels around the affected area.
The design and location of the engineered landfill must be approved by the Ministry of
Environment and Climate Affairs and meet any additional requirements as stipulated in the
environmental permit.
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct-2010
10 Emergency Procedures
An emergency situation is defined as an unplanned, potentially harmful exposure to NORM.
Recovery measures shall be implemented in the event of an emergency situation.
The most likely emergency scenarios within PDO operations are:
1. Lost or unaccounted equipment (e.g. tubulars, ESP’s)
2. Road Traffic Accidents involving the transportation of NORM
In most cases, because of the relatively low radionuclide concentrations involving NORM materials,
cleanup of contaminated areas is straightforward. In the case of a road traffic accident involving a
vehicle transporting NORM contaminated materials, the first priority is to attend to the driver. The
accident can be alerted to the LECC by calling 2438 5555.
Road Traffic accidents involving tubulars or contaminated equipment pose no health risk as the
contaminated scale is contained within the tubulars and cannot be readily released. If loose sludge
material has been released from a damaged drum(s) or waste skip bin, the vehicle can be
approached from upwind. Provided the material is not inhaled or physically handled the risk to
rescue crews is minimal. Rescue crews should wear a P3 dust mask to reduce the inhalation risk
based on the extent of the spill and rescue requirements.
Once the driver has been rescued and taken upwind, the site should be barricaded with tape. Spilt
material shall be collected by shoveling and sweeping the waste into sealable drums or waste skip
bins depending on the volume. Clean-up crews shall wear the appropriate NORM PPE including
disposable coveralls, gloves and a P3 dust mask (Refer Section 7.0). The clean-up crew shall use a
Mini 900/44A meter to check for contamination on the surface of equipment and affected areas.
Access to contaminated areas by members of the public should be restricted until the hazard has
been reduced to an acceptable level.
For incidents involving the loss or theft of NORM contaminated equipment, the incident shall be
brought to the attention of the Contract Holder who shall commence an investigation and alert the
R.O.P. (theft only). Contaminated equipment is labeled when removed from service. Anyone finding
or attempting to remove contaminated equipment will be alerted of the radiation risk. If NORM
contaminated equipment is identified amongst non contaminated equipment, it shall be segregated,
checked for details, opening shall be enclosed with heavy duty plastic if necessary and the item(s)
shall be transported to the Bahja NORM Yard in accordance with transport requirements (Section
Contract Holders and Production Coordinators shall ensure that emergency provisions and recovery
measures are available. This shall include the provision of specific protective equipment e.g. RPE,
disposable coveralls, sealable drums, handling equipment and warning signs, labels or barricading.
The Contract Holder and CRFP within MSE3 shall be informed immediately in the event of an
uncontrolled incident to estimate exposures and assist with a planned response.
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct-2010
11 NORM Guidelines
01 Derived Limits
09 Decontamination of Personnel
19 Dose Assessment
21 Decontamination of equipment
23 NORM Training
25 Radiological HSE Precautions for Cleanout of Wells using Coil Tubing Units
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct-2010
12 References
1. Radioactive Substances Local Rules and Source Register Shell U.K. Exploration
and Production 2000
2. NORM Management Guidelines Al-Furat Petroleum Company, Syria 1998
3. Canadian Guidelines for the Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive
Materials (NORM). Canadian NORM Working Group of the Federal Provincial
Territorial Radiation Protection Committee 2000
4. Ionising Radiation Safety Guide. Shell Safety and Health Committee 1993
13.0 Appendices
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Revision: DRAFT
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Dec-5
Disposable coveralls provided & worn (e.g. Sperian Mutex 2 or Tyvek) Area cordoned off with warning tape
Half-face Disposable Respirator Type FFP3 (3M8835 or equivalent) Washing & Decontamination facilities provided for workers
Gloves - Rubber for wet oil conditions or Leather for handling metal objects Hands & boots to be monitored prior to leaving cordoned area
Full face respirator with FFP3 filter (On advice from CRFP) Transport arrangements required and available to Bahja NORM yard
Air supplied respiratory equipment for inside Tanks or Separators Contamination check of area required after completing work
If Dose Rate > 7.5 uSv/hour or 500 cps Contact CRFP prior to work TLD Badges provided for cleaning NORM contaminated tanks
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Dec-5
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Revision: DRAFT
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct -10
Contractor Details:
Equipment (tick) Description:
Sludge (tick)
Pigging waste (tick)
Estimated volume (m3): Total quantity of equipment:
List equipment on next page
Signature: Date:
Note: Attach this Form to the Waste Consignment Note (Ref: SP 1009) if transporting NORM
contaminated sludge or pigging debris.
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct -10
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct -10
Note: For statistical significance > 100 grams of scale/sludge or 1000 mL for water samples are required.
Samples shall be a representative mixture of the sludge or waste
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Revision: DRAFT
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct -10
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Revision: DRAFT
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: Oct -10
The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.