FFT Tutorial 121102

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The Fast Fourier Transform in Hardware: A

Tutorial Based on an FPGA Implementation

Article · March 2013


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1 author:

George Slade
Orban Microwave Products


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The Fast Fourier Transform in Hardware: A
Tutorial Based on an FPGA Implementation
G. William Slade


In digital signal processing (DSP), the fast fourier transform (FFT) is one of the most fundamental and useful
system building block available to the designer. Whereas the software version of the FFT is readily implemented,
the FFT in hardware (i.e. in digital logic, field programmable gate arrays, etc.) is useful for high-speed real-
time processing, but is somewhat less straightforward in its implementation. The software version is generally
constrained to execute instructions serially (one at a time) and is therefore severely constrained by the processor
instruction throughput. The hardware FFT performs many of its processing tasks in parallel, hence can achieve
order-of-magnitude throughput improvements over software FFTs executed in DSP microprocessors. However
straightforward the FFT algorithm, when implementing the FFT in hardware, one needs to make use of a number
of not-so-obvious tricks to keep the size and speed of the logic on a useful, practical scale. We do not present
this document as an exhaustive study of the hardware fourier transform. On the other hand, we hope thet reader
comes away with an understanding on how to construct a basic, but useful FFT calculator that can be the basis
for deeper study as well as future improvements and optimization.
In this article, we focus on the Cooley-Tukey Radix-2 FFT algorithm [6], which is highly efficient, is the
easiest to implement and is widely used in practice. We review the mathematical basis of the algorithm and its
software implementation before launching into the description of the various system blocks needed to implement
the hardware version of the FFT. We then describe how the FFT is instantiated in a field programmable gate
array (FPGA) and used in a real system. It is hoped that by reading this document, the reader will have a good
grasp on how to implement a hardware FFT of any power-of-two size and can add his own custom improvements
and modifications.


A. The DFT: Discrete Fourier Transform

The DFT is a linear transformation of the vector xn (the time domain signal samples) to the vector Xm (the
set of coefficients of component sinusoids of time domain signal) using
X −1
Xm = xn wnm , (1)

where N is the size of the vectors, w = e2iπ/N are the “roots-of-unity” (twiddle factors), and 0 ≤ m < N . A
brute-force summation requires on the order of N 2 operations to compute. This rapidly becomes intractible as
the number of samples becomes large. A very useful strategy is to recursively split the summation like this:
N/2−1 N/2−1
Xm = xn wnm + wmN/2 xn+N/2 wnm , (2)
n=0 n=0

Author can be reached at [email protected]

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or, like this:

N/2−1 N/2−1
Xm = x2n w2nm + wm x2n+1 w2nm . (3)
n=0 n=0

We see immediately that in both cases, that any DFT can be constructed from the sum of two smaller DFTs.
This implies that we can attack the problem using the “divide and conquer” approach. The summation is applied
recursively to ever-smaller groups of sample data providing us with an algorithm whose computational cost is
proportional to N log2 N ; a substantial savings in effort! As a result, we must work with vector sizes that are
powers-of-two. (In reality, it is not much of a drawback if we “pad” unused samples with zeros.)
We note that there are different ways to partition the summations. We have shown two of the most popular
methods in (2) and (3). The expression in (2) represents the so-called decimation-in-frequency (DIF) split,
whereas (3) is the decimation in time (DIT) split. It is the DIT form of the FFT that we concentrate on in this
It is worth mentioning that other splits and ordering methods exist. The Winograd algorithm, for example,
uses a special ordering to reduce the need for complex multiplications [1], [2]. Other algorithms rely on the
Chinese Remainder Theorem (Prime-factor algorithm [4]). The Cyclic Convolution Method [3] can also handle
prime or nearly prime vector sizes. Yet another elegant trick for carrying out the Fourier transform if the
Chirp-z algorithm [5]. These methods each have their advantages and disadvantages. The mathematical basis
of these alternative methods is often very elegant, but the ordering methods are usually not so obvious to the
beginner wishing to implement a Fourier transform on his/her FPGA demo board. Moreover, it is difficult to
beat the simplicity and speed of the power-of-two divide-and-conquer methods. For this reason, we focus on
the Cooley-Tukey method and refer any interested readers to the papers in the list of references.
Let us consider the DFT acting on a vector of size 8 to illustrate how the algorithm is formed. We write out
the summations for Xm expanding the powers of w in matrix form:
    
X0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x0
    
 X1   1 w w 2 w 3 w4 w5 w6 w7   x1 
    
    
 X2   1 w 2 w 4 w 6 w8 w10 w12 w14   x2 
    
    
 X3   1 w 3 w 6 w 9 w12 w15 w18 w21   x3 
    
 =   (4)
 X4   1 w4 w8 w12 w16 w20 w24 w28   x4 
    
    
 X5   1 w5 w10 w15 w20 w25 w30 w35   x5 
    
    
 X6   1 w6 w12 w18 w24 w30 w36 w42   x6 
    
    
X7 1 w7 w14 w21 w28 w35 w42 w49 x7
Now, let us reorder the matrix according to the DIT split in (3), separating the even and odd index samples,

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viz.:     
X0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x0
    
X1   1 w2 w4 w6 w w3 w5 w7   x2 
    

    
X2   1 w4 w8 w12 w2 w6 w10 w14   x4 
    

    
X3   1 w6 w12 w18 w3 w9 w15 w21   x6 
    

 =   (5)
X4   1 w8 w16 w24 w4 w12 w20 w28   x1 
    

    
X5   1 w10 w20 w30 w5 w15 w25 35 
w  x3 
    

    
X6   1 w12 w24 w36 w6 w18 w30 w42   x5 
    

    
X7 1 w14 w28 w42 w7 w21 w35 w49 x7
Let us do the same reordering confined to each 4x4 block to yield:
    
X0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x0
    
X1   1 w4 w2 w6 w w5 w3 w7   x4 
    

    
X2   1 w8 w4 w12 w2 w10 w6 w14   x2 
    

    
X3   1 w12 w6 w18 w3 w15 w9 21 
w  x6 
    

 =   (6)
X4   1 w16 w8 w24 w4 w20 w12 w28   x1 
    

    
X5   1 w20 w10 w30 w5 w25 w15 35 
w  x5 
    

    
X6   1 w24 w12 w36 w6 w30 w18 w42  
    
 x3 
    
X7 1 w28 w14 w42 w7 w35 w21 w49 x7
We are now closing in on the point where the FFT “magic” begins to happen. We now invoke the symmetries
in the powers of w, the roots-of-unity. Namely,

wn = wn+N k , N = 8, k = 0, 1, 2, · · · (7)

wn = −wn+N/2 (8)

wN k = 1. (9)

We now rewrite (6) as

    
X0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x0
    
X1   1 −1 w2 −w2 w−w3  
−w w3 x4 
    

    
X2   1 1 −1 −1 w2 w2 −w2 −w2   x2 
    

    
X3   1 −1 −w2 w2 w3 −w3 w −w   x6 
    

 =   (10)
X4   1 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1   x1 
    

    
2 2 3 3 
X5   1 −1 w −w −w w −w w  x5 
    

    
X6   1 1 −1 −1 −w2 −w2 w2 w2  
    
 x3 
    
X7 1 −1 −w2 w2 −w3 w3 −w w x7
After this rearrangement, we notice that we do not need all the powers of w up to 7. We need store only

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Index binary Bit reversed index binary

0 000 0 000
1 001 4 100
2 010 2 010
3 011 6 110
4 100 1 001
5 101 5 101
6 110 3 011
7 111 7 111

those up to 3, because of the sign symmetry of w. Furthermore, the DFT of a two point data set is simply
    
X0 1 1 x0
 =  . (11)
X1 1 −1 x1
Taking a close look at the ordering if the x vector, we notice that if we represent the indices as binary
numbers, they correspond to the bit reversed representation of the original indices. Table I shows how this
works for our 8 sample example.
So, now we know that the DIT algorithm consists of a bit-reversal permutation of the input data indices
followed by a recursive transformation. The recursive sum in (3) can be represented as a sequence of matrix
transformations, viz.:
(X) = [A2 ][A1 ][A0 ][P ](x), (12)

where [P ] is matrix representation of the bit-reversal permutation of the original data vector (x). It is easy to
see that [A0 ] is the first transformation:
 
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 
1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 

 
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 
 

 
0 0 1 −1 0 0 0 0 
 

[A0 ] =   (13)
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 
 

 
0 0 0 0 1 −1 0 0 
 

 
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 
 

 
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −1
If we use the same atomic two-point transform prototype on each two-by-two matrix and apply the necessary

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delay of w2 , we can get the four-by-four transform blocks using [A1 ]:

 
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
 
 0 1 0 w2 0 0 0 0
 

 
 1 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0
 

 
 0 1 0 −w2 0 0 0 0
 

[A1 ] =   (14)
 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
 

 
 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 w2
 

 
 0 0 0 0 1 0 −1 0
 

 
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 −w2
Now, the same technique to the four-by-four blocks to generate the 8 by 8 matrix:
 
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
 
 0 1 0 0 0 w 0 0
 

 
 0 0 1 0 2
0 0 w 0
 

 
 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 w3
 

[A2 ] =  . (15)
 1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0
 

 
 0 1 0 0 0 −w 0 0
 

 
 0 0 1 0 2
0 0 −w 0
 

 
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 −w3
In fact, at any level l (from 0 to 2 in our present case), we can define a 2l+1 × 2l+1 matrix template:
 
[I] [Ω]
[T ]l =   (16)
[I] [−Ω]
l+1 l+1 l+1
where [Ω] = diag(w0 , wN/2 , w2·N/2 , w3·N/2 , · · ·) and [I] is a 2l × 2l identity matrix block. With this
template, we can explicitly generate each level of the transform. Interestingly, this approach demonstrates that
the FFT is nothing more than a special form of matrix factorization.
Each of the partial transforms corresponds to a level with 2N complex multiply-adds. The full transform
requires 2N log2 N multiply-add cycles. The graph in Fig. 1 illustrates the data flow; moving toward each vertex
indicating the fetch-multiply-add-store operations. The graph provides us with a processing template. The input
data must be in bit-reversed order. Output data will appear in natural order. The full transform requires
1) an address generator,
2) a “butterfly” operator to do the complex multiply/add,
3) a memory and
4) roots-of-unity (twiddle factor) generator.
The address generator provides the locations for the fetch and store operations to and from memory. The
butterfly operator is the heart of the FFT. It provides the recursive two-point transforms (the multiply-adds)
that are built up to construct the complete transform. The memory is needed to store the intermediate results
as the transform runs. The twiddle factor generator can be based on a simple look-up table (used here) or, to
save memory, computed on the fly using CORDIC [9].

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x(0) X(0)

x(4) X(1)

x(2) X(2)

x(6) X(3)
−1 −1

x(1) X(4)

x(5) X(5)
−1 w

x(3) X(6)
w2 −1

v(7) X(7)
−1 w2
w3 −1

Fig. 1. Signal flow graph for 8 point FFT.


The software transform is constructed in a straightforward manner by first doing the permutation of the input
data and then carrying out the butterfly operations.
Most normal CPUs and high level computer languages have no way to directly perform the bit-swapped
reordering of the data, so a fairly cumbersome integer arithmetic sorting trick is used (from [6]) to do the
Require: xn ← data, N ← # data points ⊲ Initialize variables
procedure P ERMUTE(N , x)
for n = 1 → N do ⊲ Step through each data index.
if n > i then
Swap xn ↔ xi ⊲ Use swaps to sort data into bit-reversed address order.
end if
m ← N/2
while m ≥ 2 && i > m do ⊲ Compute the new offset for the swap.
m ← m/2
end while
end for
end procedure
Many digital signal processors simplify the reordering by either having an explicit bit-reversal instruction or

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a bit-reversed addressing mode that is specifically included to facilitate the construction of FFT algorithms. Of
course, a hardware FFT constructed in an FPGA easily permits bit reversed addressing by just reversing the
physical connections of the data address bus lines.
After the input data is properly ordered, the butterfly operations are executed on pairs of data samples,
stepping sequentially through each of the log2 N levels. This is the Danielson-Lanczos algorithm [6]. The
twiddle-factors wm contain half of the N “roots of unity”.
procedure DANIELSON L ANCZOS(x, w, N )
M =1 ⊲ Set first level of “butterflies.”
while N > M do
Istep ← M ≪ 1 ⊲ The “stride” of the butterfly computations.
for m = 1 → M do ⊲ Step through each block of butterflies and do twiddle factor m.
for i = m → N step Istep do
j ←i+M ⊲ Index i = sum “wing”, j = difference “wing.”
Temp ← wm ∗ xj ⊲ The start of the butterfly operation; twiddle factor multiplication.
xj ← xi − Temp ⊲ Difference wing of butterfly
xi ← xi + Temp ⊲ Sum wing of butterfly
end for
end for
M ← Istep ⊲ Onto next level!
end while
end procedure
We test this algorithm by performing the FFT on a square wave signal of magnitude 1 and two full periods,
as shown in Figure 2.
The FFT is carried out on a 32-sample test case using 64-bit double precision and the real and imaginary
components are plotted in Figure 3. Since the input signal is real, the FFT output will have a a real component
that displays even symmetry and the imaginary component will be odd. Since the input signal exhibits nearly
odd symmetry, the imaginary component of the transform will dominate. However, the input signal has a tiny
bit of even symmetry (the sample X0 = 1, which is by definition even), so there will also be a small real
component to the fourier transform. The figure confirms this.

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Signal level



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Sample #
Fig. 2. Input data to 32 point FFT.




Signal level





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Sample #
Fig. 3. 32 point FFT output data. Note that the proper symmetries are present and the coefficients are scaled by 32 in this example (using
Gnu Octave fft function [10]).

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When constructing the FFT in hardware, there are a number of significant differences to consider with respect
to the software FFT. First and foremost is the fact the a hardware FFT can have many processes going on in
parallel, whereas the software FFT (generally) steps through a single instruction at a time. For this reason,
hardware FFT processors can have throughputs orders of magnitudes above those of sequential CPUs. This
parallel activity means careful thought needs to go into pipelining and timing so data is processed in time for
the next stage to receive it. Other differences include the extensive use of integer arithmetic instead of the
usual double precision floating-point and being aware of the often limited resources available for mathematical
functions in FPGA hardware.
In this case study, we implement a 32 point FFT in hardware using 11 bit signed integer input data. Signed
integer arithmatic is used throughout the processor. This is in stark contrast to the use of double precision
floating point arithmetic in the software version of the FFT in the previous section. We choose a 32 point FFT
in order to show clearly the patterns that one would use to generate longer FFTs without having to cope with
long streams of data that would obscure what we wish to show. At the end, we show the results from a larger
working implementation in FPGA (a 1024 point FFT with 12 bit width).
A typical hardware FFT processor might be defined as in Figure 4.

Read Mem Select

Address 1A
Address Address 1B RAM
FFT Done Generation BFU−>Mem Data A
BFU−>Mem Data B
Mem 1 WR

Mem 2 WR
Twiddle 1

Twiddle factor

Twiddle Address 2A 2−port

Address 2B RAM 1

Butterfly BFU−>Mem Data A

Unit BFU−>Mem Data B

Mem−>BFU Data B
Mem−>BFU Data A

Fig. 4. Top level block diagram of hardware FFT processor. Note the system blocks listed previously: address generator, butterfly unit,
memory and twiddle table.

The Address Generation Unit (AGU) controls the generation of addresses for reading and writing the memory
contents to and from the Butterfly Processing Unit (BFU). The AGU also generates signals that control writes
to memory as well as which memory bank is read. The reader will note that two blocks of two-port RAM are
used in this system. All data busses shown represent complex data transfer (double bit widths to accomodate
both real and imaginary values). We read from one RAM block, process through the BFU and write to the
other RAM block. The main reason for this lies in the fact that we have only two read and write ports on the

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FPGA RAM function. The practical need for pipelining the processing operations precludes the possibility of
doing simultaneous writes and reads for each butterfly operation. More will be presented on this later. This
“ping-pong” memory scheme is a simple way to keep track of the processing level of our data and given the
capacity of modern FPGAs, poses few resource problems for FFTs up to 210 − 214 in length. Larger FFTs
(length 220 or more) can always use large external memories, if needed. We need two memory banks to perform
“ping-pong” reads and writes, because of the pipeline delays and the inability to simultaneously read and write
to four different addresses in a single memory bank. The FPGA built in functions usually allow a dual port
RAM with ports shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 5. Synchronous dual port ram as instantiated in FPGA. Only two addresses at a time can be presented to the memory.

The BFU performs a special 2-point FFT on the data pairs specified by the AGU. The atomic operation is
schematically shown in Figure 6. A and B are the inputs from the previous level. A′ and B ′ are the outputs
after performing the butterfly operation.

A Σ A’

B Χ Σ B’

Fig. 6. Description of the BFU operation.

Let us step through the transformation process, describing the action of the various hardware functions.
Memory 1 (the top block) is loaded with the data samples to be transformed (in bit-reversed address order) and
the Start signal is triggered. The F F T Done signal goes low and the AGU starts cycling through the Memory

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1 addresses and the twiddle factor addresses as the BFU processing pipeline begins to fill. After a number of
clock cycles, data begins to appear at the output of the BFU. The AGU begins to generate write cycles to
Memory 2 (the bottom block) and the processed data is written to Memory 2. When the AGU reaches the end
of the data buffer, the read address counter stops while the write address counter continues until the BFU pipeline
has completely flushed out. Once the output data is completely written, the “level counter” increments and the
read address counter and twiddle factor address counter begins to increment in an appropriately permuted order
that depends on the level counter value. With this, the whole process repeats until the level counter indicates
that we have completed the full transform. When this happens, the F F T Done signal is asserted, the BFU
pipeline is flushed and the whole FFT processor goes into a wait state. The results of the transform can now
be read out and new data samples can be written into the memory. The Start line is triggered and the next
batch of data is transformed.

A. The butterfly processor

The BFU is a straightforward implementation of the mathematical operation seen in Figure 6. Its block
diagram is seen in Figure 7

Complex adder
1−clock latency
Delay pipeline: 4 clock cycles
2x[15..0] + Σ 2x[15..0]

Complex multiplier
4−clock latency +

B 2x[31..0] B’
2x[15..0] X 2x[30..15] 2x[15..0]

Complex adder
2x[15..0] 1−clock latency
(twiddle factor)

Fig. 7. Block diagram of the hardware implementation of the BFU. Note the timing latencies that are present in the practical implementation
that the conceptual version does not include. Output data appears 5 clock cycles after data is presented on the input busses.

In the practical implementation of the BFU, we need to include the effects of finite time latencies needed to
perform the multiplications and additions. The A arm contains no multiplication and needs a four clock delay
to align the data at the adders to properly generate the A′ and B ′ sums. Notice that although we use 11 bit
signed real and imaginary data on the input, the BFU input and output data consist of two data busses (real and
imaginary) that are 16 bits wide. The BFU needs 5 extra bits to accommodate “bit growth” that occurs as
the FFT processor cycles through the butterfly levels! This is critical to preserving precision, since we are
doing all computations using signed integer arithmetic. At the end of the FFT, we can always prune the lowest
order bits to reduce the bit width on the output. (An alternative method would be to perform bit truncation and
rounding after each FFT level, but the loss of precision is slightly worse than accomodating growth with extra
bits and a bit of extra latency can be expected as well.)

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Note also that the multiplication of 16 bit numbers produces 32 bit products. Signed integer multiplication
also has the interesting property of producing redundant sign bits in the product ([7] as long as we are not
multiplying two maximum magnitude negative numbers). Hence, we route bits [30..15] from the multiplier to
the adders, in effect performing a left-shift on the data bits, otherwise the magnitude will not be correct.
Making the full FFT system work requires properly accounting for the inherent pipeline latency of the BFU.
Pipelining is an indispensible tool that permits high speed digital processing at the cost of adding latency to
the output. By breaking up complicated tasks (like complex multiplication) into smaller chunks, we avoid the
problem of uneven delays in combinatorial logic potentially spoiling the data. All data is guaranteed to be
present on the output after a well defined number of clock cycles regardless of the input conditions.

B. Review of integer number system

All high level microprocessors found in personal computers have built in floating point processing units
that greatly facilitate arithmetic operations on 32 and 64 bit wide floating point numbers. This simplifies the
implementation of fast numerical methods, rescaling is automatice and the data is in a “human friendly” form
(scientific notation). When implementing fast digital signal processing algorithms in hardware, floating point
numbers have several disadvantages.
• Large word width occupies many memory cells.
• Arithmetic operations on floating point numbers are much more complex than on fixed point or integer
numbers. Many logic cells are required.
• Speed and or latency is degraded because of extra complexity.
• Since digitized signals have fixed word width, floating point offers no processing advantage other than
being easy for humans to recognize.
In this paper, we use 16-bit fixed point signed fractional arithmetic. Numbers are represented as

x = s.d14 d13 d12 d11 d10 d9 d8 d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0 (17)

where s is the sign bit and d represents the mantissa bits for each power of 2 using the usual 2s complement
signed number system.
Unlike the usual floating point system, there is no rescaling that takes place after performing an operation.
Adding two 16 bit numbers produces a 17 bit result, whereas multiplication of two 16 bit numbers yields a 32
bit result. The designer must take care that overflows or underflows do not occur during processing. This means
that word widths must be appropriately chosen and scaling (rounding, word truncation) must be appropriately
used to keep numbers within the required limits so that numerical significance is maximized.

C. The address generation unit

This is the most challenging part of the FFT processor. We need to generate addresses for the reading and
writing of data RAM, retrieve twiddle factors and generate write signals for the data RAM. Furthermore, we
need to keep track of which butterfly we are executing as well as which FFT level we are working on. Let us
start with the sweep through the butterfly operations.

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A classic short early paper on hardware FFT implementation [8] shows us an elegant strategy for generating
the addresses of the pairs of data points for the butterfly operation. A straightforward stepping through the
butterfly pairs is hinted at by the software FFT. They go as such:

Iteration level i ↓ Butterfly address pairs j −→

Level 0: {0, 1} {2, 3} {4, 5} {6, 7} {8, 9} · · ·

Level 1: {0, 2} {1, 3} {4, 6} {5, 7} {8, 10} · · ·

Level 2: {0, 4} {1, 5} {2, 6} {3, 7} {8, 12} · · ·

Level 3: {0, 8} {1, 9} {2, 10} {3, 11} {4, 12} · · ·


for implementing a radix-2 DIT FFT.

It turns out that by reordering the butterfly pairs, as such:

Iteration level i ↓ Butterfly address pairs j −→

Level 0: {0, 1} {2, 3} {4, 5} {6, 7} {8, 9} · · ·

Level 1: {0, 2} {4, 6} {8, 10} {12, 14} {16, 18} · · ·

Level 2: {0, 4} {8, 12} {16, 20} {24, 28} {1, 3} · · ·

Level 3: {0, 8} {1, 9} {2, 10} {3, 11} {4, 12} · · ·


produces a simple function between the pair indices i, j and the pair addresses {m, n} and does not change
the final result. It is a simple process to verify that each address pair is given in terms of the indices by

m = Rotate5 (2j, i) (18)

n = Rotate5 (2j + 1, i) (19)

where RotateN (x, y) indicates a circular left shift of N bit word x by y bits.
The twiddle factor addresses are found by masking out the N − 1 − i least significant bits of j. For the
length 32 FFT, the twiddle factor table is given Table II.
We can get an idea of how the FFT processor works by implementing the AGU and BFU as a C program
snippet using integer arithmetic.
On entering this program, the arrays Datar and Datai contain the real and imaginary parts of the samples
in bit-reversed order. The arrays T wr and T wi contain the lookup table of twiddle factors. Since this code is
run on a personal computer, the integer bit size is 32 bits (instead of the 16 bits we use in our example). This
causes no problems because we just limit our input data to the 11 bit size and use the required sign extension
on the bits we choose to ignore.
The outer f or loop steps through the levels i and the second f or loop steps through each butterfly index pair
within the level. Lines 6-9 generate the addresses by first using a left-shift to perform an integer multiply-by-2

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Address k cos(2πk/32) cos(2πk/32) sin(2πk/32) sin(2πk/32)

float 16-bit integer float 16-bit integer
0 1.0000e+00 0x7fff 0 0
1 9.8079e-01 0x7d89 1.9509e-01 0x1859
2 9.2388e-01 0x7641 3.8268e-01 0x30fb
3 8.3147e-01 0x6a6d 5.5557e-01 0x471c
4 7.0711e-01 0x5a82 7.0711e-01 0x5a82
5 5.5557e-01 0x471c 8.3147e-01 0x6a6d
6 3.8268e-01 0x30fb 9.2388e-01 0x7641
7 1.9509e-01 0x18f9 9.8079e-01 0x7d89
8 0 0x0 1.0e+00 0x7fff
9 -1.9509e-01 0xe707 9.8079e-01 0x7d89
10 -3.8268e-01 0xcf05 9.2388e-01 0x7641
11 -5.5557e-01 0xb8e4 8.3147e-01 0x6a6d
12 -7.0711e-01 0xa57e 7.0711e-01 0x5a82
13 -8.3147e-01 0x9593 5.5557e-01 0x471c
14 -9.2388e-01 0x89bf 3.8268e-01 0x30fb
15 -9.8079e-01 0x8277 1.9509e-01 0x1859

to produce the first index. We then add ‘1’ to the first index result to get the second. To generate the actual
data addresses, we need to perform a circular shift. There is no C instruction for doing circular shifts explicitly,
so we need to invent a way to do this. Lines 8 and 9 use a combination of left and right logical shifts to
simulate the rotate operation over the 5 bit address. We then apply a masking operation to zero out bits [31:5]
in the integer word (otherwise we will generate segmentation faults). The variables ja and jb now contain the
addresses of the A and B butterfly values.
The twiddle factor address is computed using a right shift and masking operation on the j index as outlined
by [8]. This data is then used to perform the butterfly operation on the integer data set. Let us take a look at the
sequencing of the data addresses and the twiddle factor addresses generated with this code. We have verified
the method and Table IV gives us the address sequences that we expect from our hardware generator.
The full address generator unit (AGU) is shown in Figure 8.
Triggering the Start F F T line sets the synchronous SR latch (third flip-flop from the bottom left) and
asserts the ClearHold signal to reset all storage elements to a predictable “0” state for two clock cycles. After
two clock cycles ClearHold goes low and the address counter (top left blue block) begins to count at the
system clock rate. The output of the address counter is hard-wired to give the shift-left-by-1 so we have the
multiply-by-2 for the even indices and multiply-by-2 plus 1 for the odd ones. These values are fed through the
rotate-left blocks (where the amount of the rotate is determined by the level counter, now at zero). The red
clock delay blocks are needed to synchronize the data passing through the arms where no pipelined arithmetic
operation is needed; i.e., so all addresses are lined up properly to send to the data RAM blocks.
The twiddle factor look-up table address is computed directly from the memory counter output. The value

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1 f o r ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i ++) / / L e v e l o f FFT

2 {
3 f o r ( j = 0 ; j < 1 6 ; j ++) / / B u t t e r f l y index
4 {
5 / ∗ G e n e r a t e a d d r e s s e s f o r d a t a and t w i d d l e s . ∗ /
6 j a = j << 1 ; / / M u l t i p l y by 2 u s i n g l e f t shift .
7 jb = ja + 1;
8 j a = ( ( j a << i ) | ( j a >> ( 5 − i ) ) ) & 0 x 1 f ; / / A d d r e s s A ; 5 b i t c i r c u l a r l e f t shift
9 j b = ( ( j b << i ) | ( j b >> ( 5 − i ) ) ) & 0 x 1 f ; / / A d d r e s s B ; i m p l e m e n t e d u s i n g C s t a t e m e n t s
11 TwAddr = ( ( 0 x f f f f f f f 0 >> i ) & 0 x f ) & j ; / / T w i d d l e a d d r e s s e s
13 / ∗ Do t h e b u t t e r f l y o p e r a t i o n on t h e d a t a . ∗ /
14 t e m p r = ( ( D a t a r [ j b ] ∗ Tw r [ TwAddr ] ) / 3 2 7 6 8 ) / / D i v i d e by 32768 ( 2 ˆ 1 5 )
15 − ( ( D a t a i [ j b ] ∗ Tw i [ TwAddr ] ) / 3 2 7 6 8 ) ; / / d o e s a 16− b i t r i g h t a r i t h m e t i c s h i f t
16 t e m p i = ( ( D a t a r [ j b ] ∗ Tw i [ TwAddr ] ) / 3 2 7 6 8 ) / / on t h e p r o d u c t
17 + ( ( D a t a i [ j b ] ∗ Tw r [ TwAddr ] ) / 3 2 7 6 8 ) ; / / data .
18 Data r [ jb ] = Data r [ ja ] − temp r ;
19 Data i [ jb ] = Data i [ ja ] − temp i ;
20 D a t a r [ j a ] += t e m p r ;
21 D a t a i [ j a ] += t e m p i ;
22 }
23 }



Index j Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

i ja jb ja jb ja jb ja jb ja jb
0 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 8 0 16
1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 1 17
2 4 5 8 10 16 20 1 9 2 18
3 6 7 12 14 24 28 17 25 3 19
4 8 9 16 18 1 5 2 10 4 20
5 10 11 20 22 9 13 18 26 5 21
6 12 13 24 26 17 21 3 11 6 22
7 14 15 28 30 25 29 19 27 7 23
8 16 17 1 3 2 6 4 12 8 24
9 18 19 5 7 10 14 20 28 9 25
10 20 21 9 11 18 22 5 13 10 26
11 22 23 13 15 26 30 21 29 11 27
12 24 25 17 19 3 7 6 14 12 28
13 26 27 21 23 11 15 22 30 13 29
14 28 29 25 27 19 23 7 15 14 30
15 30 31 29 31 27 31 23 31 15 31

March 21, 2013 DRAFT


is the logical AND of the 4-bit counter output and the twiddle mask generator. (The twiddle mask generator is
a right-shift register that fills up with “1”s as the level counter is incremented.)
When the address counter overflows at 15, it triggers a delayed increment of the level counter and sets the
hold-counter trigger flip-flop. This holds the address counter in a cleared state until the hold counter times out.
The purpose of this is to allow the BFU and RAM write pipelines to flush out before we go to the next level in
the FFT. In this way we prevent data reads on the next level before all data from the previous level is properly
written to data RAM.
When both the address counter and the level counter overflow, we know we have finished the FFT and we
can stop. The F F T Done line is asserted and the processing stops. At this point we can read in new data and
read out the FFT data. We then retrigger the Start F F T line and the whole process repeats itself.
Simulations (to be presented in detail later) verify the address pattern is correct.

D. The data memory structure

In order to do anything useful, we need to be able to store the data we wish to transform and hold the
intermediate values as we step through the FFT levels. To do this we design a random access memory block.
In reality, there are four blocks, as seen in Figure 9.
Perhaps it is easiest to step through the various input and output variables as a list.
• Inputs:
LoadDataW rite
This signal, when pulled high, enables writing of new data to the memory as well as reading out
the results of the previously executed transform.
Bank0W riteEN
Enable writes to Bank 0 memory block. Note that reads are always possible from any memory
Bank1W riteEN
Enable writes to Bank 1 memory block.
Data real in[15..0]
Real part of input data. Data is 16 bits wide.
Data imag in[15..0]
Real part of input data.
This signal to the address MUXs switches between ReadAddr[4..0] and W riteAddr[15..0] inputs.
Select line that controls source of data reads to be fed to the BFU. Memory blocks toggle back-
and-forth between levels and this line is needed to allow the toggling to take place.
When memory is filled with new data, the data is written to the addresses given on these 5 lines.
Data at the addresses presented on these lines is also output on H real and Hi mag.

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Addresses for data reads of G and H.
W riteAddr[4..0]
Addresses for data writes. Must be appropriately delayed for proper data alignment.
Real part of data to be written to A data block (from BFU-¿Mem).
Imaginary part of data to be written to A block.
Y r[15..0]
Real part of data to be written to B block.
Y i[15..0]
Imaginary part of data to be written to B block.
• Outputs:
G real
A block real output to BFU.
G imag
A block imaginary output.
H real
B block real output.
H imag
B block imaginary output.
Note that the total latency of the memory system is 4 clock cycles from the time that addresses/data are
presented on the inputs until the data appears on the outputs. This structure is completely scalable by changing
the address and data widths (and memory sizes) as required.
The top level system block diagram is visible in Figure 10.
Starting from the left of the figure, the twiddle factor ROM contains the look-up table of real and imaginary
values of the required “roots of unity” that are passed to the BFU. The AGU, as described earlier, generates
all twiddle factor and data memory addresses in the proper sequence and indicates when the outputs of the
BFU are written to memory. Some delay blocks are needed to ensure that memory reads and writes occur at
the correct time. We also see a block indicating the bit reversal operation on the data address input (when new
data is written to data RAM, it is always stored in bit-reversed order). The two flip-flops at the top right control
the memory bank select. The left flip flop is a delay/edge detector, whereas the right flip-flop is toggles the
memory bank on each memory write assertion. We will have a closer look at this action in the next section.

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March 21, 2013

clocked by a global system clock. Connections are left out to improve clarity in the diagram.
Fig. 8.
Block diagram of the hardware implementation of the AGU. Note that all flip-flops, counters, shift registers are synchronously bit 0 = 0
4 bit index 5 bit Rotate Left
Single clock
counter delay by S
[4..1] [4..0] [4..0] MemA_Address [4..0]
ClearHold clk out[3:0] din dout din [4:0] dout [4:0]
C clr cout clk S
clr clk

Add 1 to din

C latency = 1
5 bit Rotate Left

Σ dout
din [4:0]
by S
MemB_Address [4..0]
[4..0] clk S
clr clk
C 1 clr

1 latency = 1

3 bit level counter [4..1] AddressCounter

Single clock

(modulo−5) [2..0] delay
D P Q clk out[2:0] din dout 4−bit twiddle mask gen
clr cout clk (4 bit right shift) TwiddleAddress [3..0]
clk clr
s_in dout[3:0]

input = 1

C clk
clr 4−bit AND


4−bit write hold P

counter S Q
clk out[3:0] clk
clr cout R C 1

Memory Write
clk clk
1 1
FFT Done

Start FFT S P Q
D P Q D P Q 1
clk clk 1
C C 1
clk clk clk clk
C C 1 C C

March 21, 2013

of signals.
Fig. 9. Memory block diagram. Note the division into two banks of “real” and “imaginary” storage with multiplexers that control routing




Memory bank 0

DataA0_r[15..0] real data
LoadDataAddr[4..0] Xr[15..0]

16 bit

Yr[15..0] DataB_r[15..0] G_real[15..0]
WriteGAddr[4..0] Delay 1

imaginary data
16 bit 0

Data_imag_in[15..0] RWAddrEN H_real[15..0]

Xi[15..0] DataB_i[15..0]

DataB_r[15..0] real data

Delay RWAddrEN 32word
LoadDataAddr[4..0] LoadEnable 16 bit


AddrA1[4..0] RAM G_imag[15..0]
ReadHAddr[4..0] imaginary data
AddrB1[4..0] 32word 0
16 bit

WriteHAddr[4..0] H_imag[15..0]
Delay DataB_i[15..0]

Bank1WriteEN BankReadSelect
Delay Memory bank 1 (0 = bank 0, 1 = bank 1)
All MUXs are synchronous and Memory is synchronized to the system clock.
suffer a 1−clock latency. Output suffers a 2 clock latency. If MUX latencies

are included, memory block, from input to output,

suffers a 4−clock delay.

March 21, 2013

memory. System clock is implied.

Fig. 10.
Full system block diagram showing the added pipeline delays needed to properly synchronize data flows into the BFU and data
Delay = 8 clocks

Delay = 7 clocks C

Memory Write
Delay = 9 clocks WriteGAddr[4..0]

Delay = 9 clocks WriteHAddr[4..0]


Twiddle MemB_Address
factor Tw_addr[3..0]
ReadGAddr[4..0] Data
ReadHAddr[4..0] Memory
blocks MemBankReadSelect

Delay = 1 clock Xi_del[15..0]
Xr[15..0] G_real[15..0]
BFU Xi[15..0] G_imag[15..0]
Tw_imag Yr[15..0] H_real[15..0]
Yi[15..0] H_imag[15..0]

Twiddle factor
values Output result
of butterfly
operation BitReversal


Data input to




In order to demonstrate the correctness of the hardware implementation, we use the input data set shown
in Figure 2. The floating point data set is converted to a fixed point integer representation where 1.0 → 1023
(or 0x3ff in 16 bit representation) and -1 → -1023 (0xfc01 in 16 bit two’s complement hexidecimal notation).
Thus we get the waveforms in Figure 11

Fig. 11. Waveforms showing sequence of input data.

The signal labeled DataAddr is aligned with the data signals RealData and ImagData. The signals
Bank0Addr and Bank1Addr are the bitswapped and non-bitswapped addresses that appear at the input to the
memory blocks. Notice the 1-clock delay with respect to the input addresses. This delay is the latency of the
input address multiplexer.
The imaginary component of the input data is set to zero; only the real component is non zero, as in the
initial example.
The next figure shows how the FFT is initiated once the all the input data is entered. We first trigger the
CLR input to ensure that the AGU is in a cleared state (although it generally already will be waiting because
any spurious running state will time out quickly on power-up or by an initial triggering of a general system
clear just after start up). We then trigger the StartT ransf orm line, as seen in Figure 12.
The memory read process starts 9 clock cycles after the start trigger is issued. This is the amount of time
needed for the address pipeline to fill.
Once the read process starts, we need to wait until the data pipeline fills before we start writing to memory.
Hence the delay in the memory addresses and write enable signal in Figure 13
Bank 1 write is active indicating that the reads are taking place from Bank 0, being processed by the BFU
and are being written to Bank 1. This continues until all 16 pairs are written to Bank 1. The Bank 1 write
enable M emBankW r1 goes low and writes are disabled until the next write cycle is initiated for the next

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Fig. 12. Illustration of the transform initiation sequence.

Fig. 13. Illustration of the first level of computations for the FFT.

The second level of FFT computations starts with the read addresses following the correct modified progres-
sion {0, 2}, {4, 6}, {8, a}, · · ·, seen in Figure 14.
Notice the positioning of the data (output data from the BFU) with respect to the write addresses and the
write-enable signal. We see that the timing is correct. Also, we see the “ping-pong” memory addressing in
action. We are now reading data from Bank 1 and writing to Bank 0.
This pattern repeats until we reach the last level (level 5). When the read address counter times out, F F T Done
goes high indicated that the computation is complete and the BFU pipeline is permitted to flush out (writing
the final results to memory. Figure 15 shows the final results as they are written to memory, listed in Table V
in fixed point and compared to the floating point result. The comparison with the data generated using floating

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Fig. 14. Illustration of the second level of computations for the FFT.

point arithmetic in Octave shows a good preservation of precision in the fixed point results.

Fig. 15. Final data as it is written to Bank 1 is present in the bottom four waveforms. This data is reproduced ans compared to Octave
FFT result in V.

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Index HW FFT (fixed-point) HW FFT (equiv. float) FFT (Octave-float)

real imag real imag real imag
0 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
1 0x0800 0x511b 6.25 × 10−2 6.34 × 10−1 6.25 × 10−2 6.35 × 10−1
2 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
3 0x07fd 0x1a54 6.24 × 10−2 2.05 × 10−1 6.25 × 10−2 2.06 × 10−1
4 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
5 0x07fc 0x0ef2 6.24 × 10−2 1.17 × 10−1 6.25 × 10−2 1.17 × 10−1
6 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
7 0x07fc 0x09bc 6.24 × 10−2 7.60 × 10−2 6.25 × 10−2 7.61 × 10−2
8 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
9 0x07fd 0x068e 6.24 × 10−2 5.12 × 10−2 6.25 × 10−2 5.13 × 10−2
10 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
11 0x07fc 0x0445 6.24 × 10−2 3.34 × 10−2 6.25 × 10−2 3.34 × 10−2
12 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
13 0x07fd 0x026d 6.24 × 10−2 1.90 × 10−2 6.25 × 10−2 1.90 × 10−2
14 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
15 0x07fd 0x00c9 6.24 × 10−2 6.13 × 10−3 6.25 × 10−2 6.16 × 10−3
16 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
17 0x07fe 0xff37 6.24 × 10−2 −6.13 × 10−3 6.25 × 10−2 −6.16 × 10−3
18 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
19 0x07fd 0xfd94 6.24 × 10−2 −1.90 × 10−2 6.25 × 10−2 −1.90 × 10−2
20 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
21 0x07fe 0xfbbc 6.24 × 10−2 −3.33 × 10−2 6.25 × 10−2 −3.34 × 10−2
22 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
23 0x07fe 0xf972 6.24 × 10−2 −5.12 × 10−2 6.25 × 10−2 −5.13 × 10−2
24 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
25 0x07fd 0xf644 6.24 × 10−2 −7.60 × 10−2 6.25 × 10−2 −7.61 × 10−2
26 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
27 0x07fe 0xf10f 6.24 × 10−2 −1.17 × 10−1 6.25 × 10−2 −1.17 × 10−1
28 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
29 0x0801 0xe5a9 6.25 × 10−2 −2.06 × 10−1 6.25 × 10−2 −2.06 × 10−1
30 0x0 0x0 0 0 0 0
31 0x0805 0xaee5 6.26 × 10−2 −6.34 × 10−1 6.25 × 10−2 −6.35 × 10−1


As is the case with many technical and scientific problems, it is often a good strategy to start off with first
principles and build up the edifice on a good foundation of understanding. Consistent with this philosophy,
we review the basics of the FFT starting from the DFT as a linear transformation of a vector containing a set
of sample data. From there, we show how exploiting the symmetries of the DFT linear transform produces
the FFT. It is then a short step to assemble a floating-point algorithm (like you might run on a PC). We then

March 21, 2013 DRAFT


develop a fixed point (integer) algorithm to demonstrate the address generation method and to illustrate the
awareness one needs for scaling of the FFT result.
The construction of the FFT in hardware starts off from the same theoretical base as the software transform, but
requires a significantly different approach to its implementation. In most cases, the software transform is designed
to run on a microprocessor that typically steps through a set of instructions one by one. The processing is
organized in a serial fashion and is readily described using standard programming languages. The hardware FFT,
in contrast, is usually designed to perform its component tasks with at least some degree of parallelism. This leads
to a significantly different method of algorithm construction with respect to a microprocessor implementation.
In this document, we describe the construction of the Cooley-Tukey Decimation-In-Time algorithm for
implementation in an FPGA (See Figure 16). A high degree of parallelism is built into the transform such
that arithmetic processing, memory fetches and writes occur simultaneously, thereby speeding up throughput
and reducing processing latency over less parallelized versions. We do this by breaking all the operations up
into small “chunks” that each perform one small task in a clock cycle and pass the result onto the next stage
and retrieving the result of the previous stage. This “assembly line” or “pipelining” philosophy is indispensible
to processing data at high speed. Throughput can be orders of magnitude above that of serial instruction

Fig. 16. Example FPGA platform for implementing FFT. Besides the large FPGA chip in the middle, there are two high speed ADCs
and a pair of high speed DACs for easy data conversion.

Despite all the simulations that we presented in the preceding section, there is no substitute for compiling
the design and loading it onto a real FPGA for testing. This we did for an expanded FFT (1024 points, 12
bit data). Using a 1221 Hz 3.0V peak-to-peak square wave generated by a signal generator, we performed a
50ksample/second digitization. 1221Hz is approximately 25 × 50000/1024, hence will generate distinct peaks
at frequency points (bins) 25, 75, 125, 175, etc., i.e. the odd harmonics. This is beautifully illustrated in the

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results generated by our FPGA FFT in Figure 17.


Amplitude (normalized to 1.5V)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Frequency (kHz)

Fig. 17. 1221 Hz square wave spectrum generated by FPGA FFT of digitized signal. The main peak is at 1221Hz (the 20th bin) and the
harmonics roll off as 1/n, at the odd harmonic positions 3663, 6105, 8547,· · · Hz.

The specifications of the system used to generate this plot are enumerated below
• FPGA type: Cyclone II EP2C20
• Sample rate: 50ksps
• Number of points: 1024 (10 levels)
• Signal amplitude: 1.5V (3V p-p full scale)
• Signal frequency: 1221Hz (= 20 times 5000 / 1024, so signal appears periodic at boundaries)
• Analog to digital word: 12 bit, signed two’s complement
• FFT memory width 24 bit (22-bits needed to fully accomodate bit growth)
• System clock rate: 50 MHz
• Conversion speed: approx 100us for 1024 point complex transform and 50MHz clock rate.
A hardware FFT opens up a whole range of possibilities for real-time signal processing. Aside from spectral
estimation of real-time signals, complicated filtering tasks can be made as simple as “drawing the frequency
response.” Block convolution and correlation is greatly simplified (and speeded up) with respect to multiply-
and-shift type algorithms. Tasks like carrier acquisition and OFDM modulation/demodulation can be carried
out with ease. I leave it up to the reader to dream up other applications for this design.


[1] S. Winograd, “On computing the discrete Fourier transform,” Math. Comp., 32, pp. 175-199, 1978.
[2] S. Winograd, “On the multiplicative complexity of the discrete Fourier transform,” Adv. Math., 32, pp. 83-117, 1979.
[3] N. Brenner and C. M. Rader, “A new principle for fast Fourier transformation,” IEEE Acoustics Speech and Sig. Proc., no. 24, vol.
3, pp. 264-266.

March 21, 2013 DRAFT


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March 21, 2013 DRAFT

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