Stability Analysis of Periodically Switched Linear Systems Using Floquet Theory
Stability Analysis of Periodically Switched Linear Systems Using Floquet Theory
Stability Analysis of Periodically Switched Linear Systems Using Floquet Theory
Stability of a switched system that consists of a set of linear time invariant subsystems
and a periodic switching rule is investigated. Based on the Floquet theory, necessary and
sufficient conditions are given for exponential stability. It is shown that there exists a slow
switching rule that achieves exponential stability if at least one of these subsystems is
asymptotically stable. It is also shown that there exists a fast switching rule that achieves
exponential stability if the average of these subsystems is asymptotically stable. The results
are illustrated by examples.
1. Introduction
A switched system consists of a set of subsystems and a rule that describes switching
among them. The subsystems may be continuous-time or discrete-time systems and the
switching rule may depend on time or states of individual subsystems.
Switched systems arise when dynamics of systems undergo abrupt changes due to
component failures, parameter changes, switching elements, or switching controllers.
Such systems have been studied extensively in the literature. A recent survey of switched
systems can be found in [4] and various applications of switched systems are discussed
in [5].
In this paper, a special class of switched systems is considered. Specifically, we consider
a periodically switched linear system of the form
A1 x(t),
t0 + lT ≤ t < t1 + lT,
A2 x(t), t1 + lT ≤ t < t2 + lT,
ẋ(t) = .. l = 0,1,2,..., t ≥ t0 ,
. (1.1)
A x(t),
σ tσ −1 + lT ≤ t < tσ + lT,
x t0 = x0 ,
with tσ = t0 + T, where x(t) ∈ Rn and A1 ,A2 ,...,Aσ ∈ Rn×n are (not necessarily different)
constant matrices. Defining
it can be easily seen that each subsystem ẋ(t) = Ak x(t) is active for ∆tk seconds within
each period. Systems of this type can be used to model sampled data control systems,
switch mode power supplies, switched capacitor filters, and switching amplifiers.
The goal of this paper is to investigate stability of periodically switched linear systems
of the above form. The main tool used for this purpose is the Floquet theory [7, 8]. It
should be mentioned that although Floquet theory has been used in the literature to in-
vestigate stability of periodically time varying linear systems, there seems to be no explicit
study of stability of periodically switched linear systems using this theory.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the Floquet theory is reviewed. In
Section 3, the stability theorems are presented. In Section 4, the results are illustrated. In
Section 5, conclusions are given.
2. Floquet theory
Floquet theory transforms a linear periodically time varying system into a linear time
invariant system through a Lyapunov transformation. Hence, the stability of the former
system can be inferred from that of the latter. Below is a brief review of the Floquet theory.
Consider the linear time varying system
ẋ(t) = A(t)x(t), t ≥ t0 ,
x t0 = x0 ,
where x(t) ∈ Rn , the matrix A(t) ∈ Rn×n is piecewise continuous, bounded, and periodic
with period T. Letting Φ(t,t0 ) be the state transition matrix of system (2.1), the Floquet
theorem [7, 8] states that
(a) Φ(t + T,t0 + T) = Φ(t,t0 ),
(b) there exist a nonsingular matrix P(t,t0 ), which satisfies P(t + T,t0 ) = P(t,t0 ), and
a constant matrix Q such that
Φ t,t0 = P t,t0 exp Q t − t0 , (2.2)
ż(t) = Qz(t), t ≥ t0 ,
z t0 = x0 .
Cevat Gökçek 3
R = Φ t0 + T,t0 , (2.5)
Q= log(R). (2.6)
The eigenvalues λk , k = 1,...,n, of the matrix Q are called the characteristic exponents and
the eigenvalues µk , k = 1,...,n, of the matrix R are called the characteristic multipliers.
The characteristic exponents are related to the characteristic multipliers through
µk = exp λk T , k = 1,...,n. (2.7)
Hence, it follows from the Floquet theorem that system (2.1) is exponentially stable if
and only if the matrix Q is Hurwitz, that is, all eigenvalues of Q have negative real parts.
Equivalently, system (2.1) is exponentially stable if and only if the matrix R is Schur, that
is, all eigenvalues of R have magnitudes less than one.
Note that the matrix Q defined above is not necessarily real. If it turns out to be com-
plex, then a real Q can be obtained from
1 1
Q= log Φ t0 + 2T,t0 = log R2 . (2.8)
2T 2T
This follows from the fact that A(t) is also periodic with period 2T.
3. Stability results
Consider the periodically switched linear system discussed above. Application of Floquet
theory to this system yields the following result.
Theorem 3.1. System (1.1) is exponentially stable if and only if the matrix
R= exp Ak ∆tk = exp Aσ ∆tσ exp Aσ −1 ∆tσ −1 · · · exp A1 ∆t1 (3.1)
is Schur. Equivalently, system (1.1) is exponentially stable if and only if the matrix
Q = log exp Ak ∆tk (3.2)
T k=1
is Hurwitz.
4 Stability analysis of periodically switched systems
tk−1 + lT ≤ t < tk + lT,
pk (t) = l = 0,1,2,.... (3.3)
0, otherwise,
ẋ(t) = A(t)x(t), t ≥ t0 ,
x t0 = x0 .
Clearly, A(t) is piecewise continuous, bounded, and periodic with period T. Thus, the
hypothesis of the Floquet theorem is satisfied.
For t0 ≤ t < t1 , ẋ(t) = A1 x(t) so that x(t) = exp[A1 (t − t0 )]x(t0 ) = exp[A1 (t − t0 )]x0 .
Similarly, for t1 ≤ t < t2 , ẋ(t) = A2 x(t) so that
x(t) = exp A2 t − t1 x t1
= exp A2 t − t1 exp A1 t1 − t0 x0 (3.6)
= exp A2 t − t1 exp A1 ∆t1 x0 .
Q= Ak ∆tk (3.10)
T k=1
is Hurwitz. If, in addition, ∆t1 = ∆t2 = · · · = ∆tσ = T/σ, then system (1.1) is exponentially
stable if and only if the matrix
Q= Ak (3.11)
σ k=1
is Hurwitz.
Proof. Since Ak and Al are commutative for all k = 1,...,σ and l = 1,...,σ, it follows from
(3.1) that
R = exp Ak ∆tk . (3.12)
Thus, the matrix Q in (3.2) becomes as in (3.10). If, in addition, ∆tk = T/σ for k = 1,...,σ,
then the matrix Q becomes as in (3.11). This completes the proof.
Given the subsystem matrices A1 ,A2 ,...,Aσ and the activation durations ∆t1 ,∆t2 ,...,
∆tσ for these subsystems, the matrices Q and R defined above can be easily calculated.
Hence, checking whether a given system is stable or not is relatively straightforward.
However, the results of Theorem 3.1, except those of Corollary 3.2, are not very useful
for designing periodically switched systems. This is because, for a given set of matrices
A1 ,A2 ,... ,Aσ , it is not easy to determine the activation durations ∆t1 ,∆t2 ,...,∆tσ such
that R is Schur or Q is Hurwitz. Below, two extreme cases, slow and fast switching, are
considered. In each case, it is shown that exponential stability can be achieved under a
very mild assumption.
Theorem 3.3. Consider system (1.1) and assume that at least one of A1 ,A2 ,...,Aσ is Hur-
witz. Then, there exist a sufficiently large T > 0 and activation durations ∆t1 ,∆t2 ,... ,∆tσ
such that system (1.1) is exponentially stable.
Proof. For each k = 1,...,σ, let the eigenvalues of the matrix Ak be λk1 ,λk2 ,...,λkn and
αk = max Re λki . (3.13)
6 Stability analysis of periodically switched systems
Then, for each k = 1,...,σ, there exists a polynomial βk (∆tk ) such that
exp Ak ∆tk ≤ βk ∆tk exp αk ∆tk . (3.14)
Since by assumption at least one of A1 ,A2 ,...,Aσ is Hurwitz, at least one of α1 ,α2 ,...,ασ is
negative. Hence, there exist a sufficiently large T and activation durations ∆t1 ,∆t2 ,... ,∆tσ
such that [β1 (∆t1 )β2 (∆t2 ) · · · βσ (∆tσ )]exp(α1 ∆t1 + α2 ∆t2 + · · · + ασ ∆tσ ) < 1. This selec-
tion of T and ∆t1 ,∆t2 ,...,∆tσ implies that
lim Rr = 0, (3.17)
r →∞
which means that R is Schur. Hence, by Theorem 3.1, the system is exponentially stable.
This theorem basically states that making the activation durations of the asymptot-
ically stable subsystems sufficiently large compared to those of unstable ones results in
an overall exponentially stable switched system. It should be pointed out that using Lya-
punov theory, similar results have been obtained in the literature for general switched
systems [2, 6].
Theorem 3.4. Consider system (1.1) and assume that A1 η1 + A2 η2 + · · · + Aσ ησ is Hurwitz
for η1 ≥ 0, η2 ≥ 0,..., ησ ≥ 0 such that η1 + η2 + · · · + ησ = 1. Then, there exist a sufficiently
small T > 0 and activation durations ∆t1 ,∆t2 ,...,∆tσ such that system (1.1) is exponentially
Proof. Let ∆t1 = η1 T, ∆t2 = η2 T,..., ∆tσ = ησ T. Then, for a sufficiently small T, the matrix
Q= log exp Aσ ∆tσ exp Aσ −1 ∆tσ −1 · · · exp A1 ∆t1 (3.18)
can be written as
Q= log I + A1 ∆t1 + A2 ∆t2 + · · · + Aσ ∆tσ + O T 2
T (3.19)
= A1 η1 + A2 η2 + · · · + Aσ ησ + O T 2 ,
Cevat Gökçek 7
O T2
lim = 0. (3.20)
T →0 T
4. Examples
Two examples are given below to illustrate the salient futures of the developed results.
Since the purpose is to show the usefulness of the developed theory, the chosen examples
are fairly simple.
The first example considers the case where all subsystems of a switched system are
asymptotically stable and demonstrates applications of Theorems 3.1 and 3.3. It also illus-
trates that for some switching rule, the switched system can be unstable even if all of its
subsystems are asymptotically stable.
Example 4.1. Consider system (1.1) with σ = 2 and
−2 −5 −6 1
A1 = , A2 = . (4.1)
1 0 −25 0
Assume that ∆t1 = ∆t2 = T/2. The eigenvalues of A1 are −1 ± j2 and the eigenvalues of
A2 are −3 ± j4. Note that although both A1 and A2 are Hurwitz, A1 + A2 is not Hurwitz.
Thus, it follows from Theorem 3.3 that for sufficiently large T, the system is exponentially
stable. The magnitudes of the eigenvalues of R as functions of T are plotted by the dashed
and dashdot curves on Figure 4.1. From this figure, it follows that this system is unstable
when T = 1 whereas it is exponentially stable when T = 2. A possible trajectory for each
case is shown on Figure 4.2.
The second example, on the other hand, considers the case where all subsystems of a
switched system are unstable and demonstrates applications of Theorems 3.1 and 3.4. It
also illustrates that for some switching rule, the switched system can be stable even if all
of its subsystems are unstable.
Example 4.2. Consider system (1.1) with σ = 2 and
2 −5 −3.5 2
A1 = , A2 = . (4.2)
1 0 1 0
8 Stability analysis of periodically switched systems
|µ1,2 (T)|
0 1 2 3 4
0 0.4
−50 0 50 100 150 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
x1 x1
(a) (b)
Assume that ∆t1 = ∆t2 = T/2. The eigenvalues of A1 are 1 ± j2 and the eigenvalues of A2
are 0.5, −4. Note that although neither A1 nor A2 is Hurwitz, A1 + A2 is Hurwitz. Thus, it
follows from Theorem 3.4 that for sufficiently small T, the system is exponentially stable.
The magnitudes of the eigenvalues of R as functions of T are plotted by the dashed and
dashdot curves on Figure 4.3. From this figure, it follows that this system is exponentially
stable when T = 1, whereas it is unstable when T = 2. A possible trajectory for each case
is shown on Figure 4.4.
Cevat Gökçek 9
|µ1,2 (T)|
0 1 2 3 4
−1 −1000
−5 −2.5 0 2.5 5 −2000 0 2000 4000 6000
x1 x1
(a) (b)
5. Conclusions
In this paper, stability of periodically switched linear systems is considered. Using the
Floquet theory, necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for exponential stability.
It is shown that there exists a slow switching rule that achieves exponential stability if at
least one of the subsystems is asymptotically stable. It is also shown that there exists a fast
switching rule that achieves exponential stability if the average of the subsystems is stable.
10 Stability analysis of periodically switched systems
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Cevat Gökçek: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
MI 48824, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
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