Latin Tables
Latin Tables
Latin Tables
ad to/towards + accusative
apud near/at the house of + accusative
contra against + accusative
per through + accusative
a/ab from/away from/by + ablative
cum with/together with + ablative
e/ex from/out of + ablative
in into/to + accusative
in/on + ablative
sub up to + accusative
under + ablative
First conjugation verbs
amo amare amaui amatum ‘love’
clamo clamare clamaui clamatum ‘shout, utter a loud noise’
do dare dedi datum ‘give’
fugo fugare fugaui fugatum ‘cause to flee’
habito habitare habitaui habitatum ‘live, dwell’
monstro monstrare monstraui monstratum ‘show’
porto portare portaui portatum ‘carry’
pugno pugnare pugnaui pugnatum ‘fight’
puto putare putaui putatum ‘think’
rogo rogare rogaui rogatum ‘ask’
sto stare steti statum ‘stand’
uoco uocare uocaui uocatum ‘call’
adiuuo adiuuare adiuui adiutum ‘help, assist’
ceno cenare cenaui cenatum ‘dine’
intro intrare intraui intratum ‘enter’
iuuo iuuare iuui iutum ‘help, assist’
laudo laudare laudaui laudatum ‘praise’
neco necare necaui necatum ‘put to death, kill’
orno ornare ornaui ornatum ‘adorn’
paro parare paraui paratum ‘prepare’
uulnero uulnerare uulneraui uulneratum ‘wound’
Second conjugation verbs
habeo habere habui habitum ‘have, own’
iubeo iubere iussi iussum ‘order’
maneo manere mansi mansum ‘remain, stay’
moneo monere monui monitum ‘warn, advise’
sedeo sedere sedi sessum ‘sit, be seated’
uideo uidere uidi uisum ‘see’
deleo delere deleui deletum ‘destroy’
doceo docere docui doctum ‘teach’
mordeo mordere momordi morsum ‘bite’
moueo mouere moui motum ‘move’
obsideo obsidere obsedi obsessum ‘besiege’
pareo parere parui paritum ‘obey’ (see also §5.9)
respondeo respondere respondi responsum ‘reply’
sustineo sustinere sustinui sustentum ‘support, sustain’
teneo tenere tenui tentum ‘hold, keep’
terreo terrere terrui territum ‘frighten, terrify’
timeo timere timui ‘fear, be afraid’
non ‘not’
numquam ‘never’